Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'New J. Chem.' volume of publication is 24

COD ID: 7051231
CIF file Formula: - C42 H70 B K N4 O3 -
Comments: Chisholm, Malcolm H.; Iyer, Suri S.; Streib, William E. Chiral C2 and C1 symmetric (cyclooctane-1,5-diyl)bis(2-pyrazolyl)borate complexes of potassium and thallium. Preparation, structures and solution behavior New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 393-398
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 2125.8
Cell parameters: 11.064; 18.385; 11.155; 90; 110.465; 90;  

COD ID: 7051232
CIF file Formula: - C46 H80 B K N4 O4 -
Comments: Chisholm, Malcolm H.; Iyer, Suri S.; Streib, William E. Chiral C2 and C1 symmetric (cyclooctane-1,5-diyl)bis(2-pyrazolyl)borate complexes of potassium and thallium. Preparation, structures and solution behavior New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 393-398
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 4489.6
Cell parameters: 19.4597; 21.273; 10.8452; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051233
CIF file Formula: - C42 H68 B K N4 O3 -
Comments: Chisholm, Malcolm H.; Iyer, Suri S.; Streib, William E. Chiral C2 and C1 symmetric (cyclooctane-1,5-diyl)bis(2-pyrazolyl)borate complexes of potassium and thallium. Preparation, structures and solution behavior New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 393-398
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2046.9
Cell parameters: 12.445; 17.492; 11.194; 93.05; 115.304; 69.3;  

COD ID: 7051234
CIF file Formula: - C30 H44 B N4 Tl -
Comments: Chisholm, Malcolm H.; Iyer, Suri S.; Streib, William E. Chiral C2 and C1 symmetric (cyclooctane-1,5-diyl)bis(2-pyrazolyl)borate complexes of potassium and thallium. Preparation, structures and solution behavior New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 393-398
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 5674.1
Cell parameters: 13.662; 33.992; 13.985; 90; 119.107; 90;  

COD ID: 7051235
CIF file Formula: - C22 H28 Cl N3 O10 -
Comments: Kiviniemi, Sari; Nissinen, Maija; Lämsä, Markku T.; Jalonen, Jorma; Rissanen, Kari; Pursiainen, Jouni Complexation of planar, organic, five-membered cations with crown ethers New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 47-52
Space group: C 1 c 1
Cell volume: 2366.6
Cell parameters: 17.7939; 14.3421; 11.9338; 90; 129.008; 90;  

COD ID: 7051236
CIF file Formula: - C23 H28 Cl N O10 S -
Comments: Kiviniemi, Sari; Nissinen, Maija; Lämsä, Markku T.; Jalonen, Jorma; Rissanen, Kari; Pursiainen, Jouni Complexation of planar, organic, five-membered cations with crown ethers New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 47-52
Space group: C 1 c 1
Cell volume: 2417
Cell parameters: 17.84; 14.251; 12.3267; 90; 129.535; 90;  

COD ID: 7051237
CIF file Formula: - C19 H29 Cl N2 O10 -
Comments: Kiviniemi, Sari; Nissinen, Maija; Lämsä, Markku T.; Jalonen, Jorma; Rissanen, Kari; Pursiainen, Jouni Complexation of planar, organic, five-membered cations with crown ethers New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 47-52
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 4557.17
Cell parameters: 9.799; 37.641; 12.3724; 90; 93.016; 90;  

COD ID: 7051238
CIF file Formula: - C18 H34 Cl2 N4 O14 -
Comments: Kiviniemi, Sari; Nissinen, Maija; Lämsä, Markku T.; Jalonen, Jorma; Rissanen, Kari; Pursiainen, Jouni Complexation of planar, organic, five-membered cations with crown ethers New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 47-52
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2744.97
Cell parameters: 15.8297; 10.8577; 16.0071; 90; 93.859; 90;  

COD ID: 7051239
CIF file Formula: - C25 H33 Cl N2 O11 -
Comments: Kiviniemi, Sari; Nissinen, Maija; Lämsä, Markku T.; Jalonen, Jorma; Rissanen, Kari; Pursiainen, Jouni Complexation of planar, organic, five-membered cations with crown ethers New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 47-52
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 2750.9
Cell parameters: 8.392; 12.611; 25.993; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051240
CIF file Formula: - C85.5 H126.5 Cl N4.5 O12 -
Comments: Schmidt, Christian; Paulus, Erich F.; Böhmer, Volker; Vogt, Walter Selective derivatisation of resorcarenes. Part 5. Acylation of tetrabenzoxazine derivatives New Journal of Chemistry 24(3) (2000) 123
Space group: P 4/n c c :2
Cell volume: 8255.27
Cell parameters: 22.0361; 22.0361; 17.0005; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051241
CIF file Formula: - C18 H43 Cl N2 P2 Ru -
Comments: Coalter, III, Joseph N.; Bollinger, John C.; Huffman, John C.; Werner‒Zwanziger, Ulrike; Caulton, Kenneth G.; Davidson, Ernest R.; Gérard, Hélène; Clot, Eric; Eisenstein, Odile Coordinated carbenes from electron-rich olefins on RuHCl(PPr3i)2 New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 9-26
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1182.5
Cell parameters: 7.9985; 8.9047; 16.614; 90; 92.18; 90;  

COD ID: 7051242
CIF file Formula: - C24 H52 Cl N O P2 Ru -
Comments: Coalter, III, Joseph N.; Bollinger, John C.; Huffman, John C.; Werner‒Zwanziger, Ulrike; Caulton, Kenneth G.; Davidson, Ernest R.; Gérard, Hélène; Clot, Eric; Eisenstein, Odile Coordinated carbenes from electron-rich olefins on RuHCl(PPr3i)2 New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 9-26
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 2921.6
Cell parameters: 16.124; 11.289; 16.313; 90; 100.297; 90;  

COD ID: 7051243
CIF file Formula: - C38 H33.5 N6 Ni O4.75 S2 -
Comments: Bermejo, Manuel R.; Sousa, Antonio; Fondo, Matilde; Helliwell, Madeleine Rearrangement and co-ordination of 1-[(4-methylphenyl)- sulfonamido]-2-[1-(2-pyridylmethylidene)amino]benzene New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 33
Space group: R -3 :H
Cell volume: 16448
Cell parameters: 27.512; 27.5123; 25.092; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 7051244
CIF file Formula: - C27 H26 Cl2 N2 O P2 Pd -
Comments: Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Wainwright, Matthew; Derek Woollins, J. Phosphino-urea chemistry: preparation and structure of chelate and P‒N bond cleavage complexes New Journal of Chemistry 24(2) (2000) 69
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2716.9
Cell parameters: 9.9076; 14.6999; 19.0506; 90; 101.7; 90;  

COD ID: 7051245
CIF file Formula: - C18 H23 Cl5 N2 O P Pt S2 -
Comments: Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Wainwright, Matthew; Derek Woollins, J. Phosphino-urea chemistry: preparation and structure of chelate and P‒N bond cleavage complexes New Journal of Chemistry 24(2) (2000) 69
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1377.76
Cell parameters: 11.4044; 11.5628; 11.9275; 69.23; 71.929; 74.871;  

COD ID: 7051246
CIF file Formula: - C56 H58 Cl4 N4 O5 P4 Pd2 -
Comments: Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Wainwright, Matthew; Derek Woollins, J. Phosphino-urea chemistry: preparation and structure of chelate and P‒N bond cleavage complexes New Journal of Chemistry 24(2) (2000) 69
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 3007.91
Cell parameters: 11.6946; 15.4866; 18.5407; 76.184; 71.834; 72.806;  

COD ID: 7051247
CIF file Formula: - C10 H8 O2 -
Comments: Laxmi Madhavi, N. N.; Bilton, Clair; Howard, Judith A. K.; Allen, Frank H.; Nangia, Ashwini; Desiraju, Gautam R. Seeking structural repetitivity in systems with interaction interference: crystal engineering in the gem-alkynol family New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 1
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 813.54
Cell parameters: 8.8316; 5.9003; 15.6123; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051248
CIF file Formula: - C18 H12 O2 -
Comments: Laxmi Madhavi, N. N.; Bilton, Clair; Howard, Judith A. K.; Allen, Frank H.; Nangia, Ashwini; Desiraju, Gautam R. Seeking structural repetitivity in systems with interaction interference: crystal engineering in the gem-alkynol family New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 1
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 682.3
Cell parameters: 8.7684; 8.9558; 10.315; 113.78; 102.06; 102.59;  

COD ID: 7051249
CIF file Formula: - C14 H10 O2 -
Comments: Laxmi Madhavi, N. N.; Bilton, Clair; Howard, Judith A. K.; Allen, Frank H.; Nangia, Ashwini; Desiraju, Gautam R. Seeking structural repetitivity in systems with interaction interference: crystal engineering in the gem-alkynol family New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 1
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2263.28
Cell parameters: 10.8247; 22.6384; 10.4783; 90; 118.185; 90;  

COD ID: 7051250
CIF file Formula: - C86 H105 B Na O13 -
Comments: Wickens, Joanna; Dryfe, Robert A. W.; Mair, Francis S.; Pritchard, Robin G.; Hayes, Roy; Arrigan, Damien W. M. Calixarene-facilitated transfer of alkali metal ions across the polarised liquid‒liquid interface New Journal of Chemistry 24(3) (2000) 149
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 7794.1
Cell parameters: 16.5; 28.983; 17.292; 90; 109.52; 90;  

COD ID: 7051251
CIF file Formula: - Cl8 Gd6 H72 O73 -
Comments: Zhang, Da-Shun; Ma, Bao-Qing; Jin, Tian-Zhu; Gao, Song; Yan, Chun-Hua; Mak, Thomas C. W. Oxo-centered regular octahedral lanthanide clusters New Journal of Chemistry 24(2) (2000) 61
Space group: P 4/m n c
Cell volume: 3064.5
Cell parameters: 14.274; 14.214; 15.104; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051252
CIF file Formula: - Cl8 H72 Nd6 O73 -
Comments: Zhang, Da-Shun; Ma, Bao-Qing; Jin, Tian-Zhu; Gao, Song; Yan, Chun-Hua; Mak, Thomas C. W. Oxo-centered regular octahedral lanthanide clusters New Journal of Chemistry 24(2) (2000) 61
Space group: P 4/m n c
Cell volume: 3212.3
Cell parameters: 14.5147; 14.5079; 15.2546; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051253
CIF file Formula: - C43 H35 Cl4 N O3 P2 Pd -
Comments: Susana M. O. Quintal; Helena I. S. Nogueira; Vitor Félix; Michael G. B. Drew Coordination modes of 3-hydroxypicolinic acid: synthesis and crystal structures of palladium(II), platinum(II) and rhenium(V) complexes New J. Chem. 24(7) (2000) 511-517
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 4174
Cell parameters: 18.628; 11.548; 19.43; 90; 93.1; 90;  

COD ID: 7051254
CIF file Formula: - C43 H35 Cl4 N O3 P2 Pt -
Comments: Susana M. O. Quintal; Helena I. S. Nogueira; Vitor Félix; Michael G. B. Drew Coordination modes of 3-hydroxypicolinic acid: synthesis and crystal structures of palladium(II), platinum(II) and rhenium(V) complexes New J. Chem. 24(7) (2000) 511-517
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2065
Cell parameters: 11.002; 12.641; 16.825; 112.24; 93.52; 104.51;  

COD ID: 7051255
CIF file Formula: - C24 H19 I2 N O4 P Re -
Comments: Susana M. O. Quintal; Helena I. S. Nogueira; Vitor Félix; Michael G. B. Drew Coordination modes of 3-hydroxypicolinic acid: synthesis and crystal structures of palladium(II), platinum(II) and rhenium(V) complexes New J. Chem. 24(7) (2000) 511-517
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2564
Cell parameters: 8.116; 15.241; 21.061; 90; 100.17; 90;  

COD ID: 7051256
CIF file Formula: - C12 H10 N2 -
Comments: Thalladi, Venkat R.; Smolka, Tanja; Gehrke, Annette; Boese, Roland; Sustmann, Reiner Role of weak hydrogen bonds in the crystal structures of phenazine, 5,10-dihydrophenazine and their 1:1 and 3:1 molecular complexes New Journal of Chemistry 24(3) (2000) 143
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 1781
Cell parameters: 10.7727; 7.5924; 21.775; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051257
CIF file Formula: - C24 H18 N4 -
Comments: Thalladi, Venkat R.; Smolka, Tanja; Gehrke, Annette; Boese, Roland; Sustmann, Reiner Role of weak hydrogen bonds in the crystal structures of phenazine, 5,10-dihydrophenazine and their 1:1 and 3:1 molecular complexes New Journal of Chemistry 24(3) (2000) 143
Space group: I 1 2/a 1
Cell volume: 903.61
Cell parameters: 11.6466; 6.2335; 12.5573; 90; 97.612; 90;  

COD ID: 7051258
CIF file Formula: - C48 H34 N8 -
Comments: Thalladi, Venkat R.; Smolka, Tanja; Gehrke, Annette; Boese, Roland; Sustmann, Reiner Role of weak hydrogen bonds in the crystal structures of phenazine, 5,10-dihydrophenazine and their 1:1 and 3:1 molecular complexes New Journal of Chemistry 24(3) (2000) 143
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 908.7
Cell parameters: 9.0262; 9.6761; 11.2416; 72.522; 80.196; 77.597;  

COD ID: 7051259
CIF file Formula: - C44 H40 F6 N P3 Ru -
Comments: H. Brunner; C. Valério; M. Zabel Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 123: new chiral half-sandwich ruthenium complexes, in which the arene ligand is tethered to a PN ligand New J. Chem. 24(5) (2000) 275-279
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 4440.4
Cell parameters: 10.8328; 24.56; 17.0067; 90; 101.074; 90;  

COD ID: 7051260
CIF file Formula: - C58 H55 F6 N O P4 Ru -
Comments: H. Brunner; C. Valério; M. Zabel Optically active transition metal complexes. Part 123: new chiral half-sandwich ruthenium complexes, in which the arene ligand is tethered to a PN ligand New J. Chem. 24(5) (2000) 275-279
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2930
Cell parameters: 10.9743; 12.4718; 21.493; 92.052; 94.429; 91.384;  

COD ID: 7051261
CIF file Formula: - C5 H8 B N O -
Comments: Gerald Lesley, M. J.; Norman, Nicholas C.; Guy Orpen, A.; Starbuck, Jonathan Synthetic routes to cyclic and unsymmetric diborane(4) compounds New Journal of Chemistry 24(3) (2000) 115
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 1182.9
Cell parameters: 11.931; 11.105; 8.929; 90; 90.96; 90;  

COD ID: 7051262
CIF file Formula: - C30 H99 Cl5 Gd4 N6 O52 -
Comments: Ma, Bao-Qing; Zhang, Da-Shun; Gao, Song; Jin, Tian-Zhu; Yan, Chun-Hua The formation of Gd4O4 cubane cluster controlled by L-valine New Journal of Chemistry 24(5) (2000) 251
Space group: P 1 21 1
Cell volume: 4099.8
Cell parameters: 13.3492; 25.9398; 13.5326; 90; 118.966; 90;  

COD ID: 7051263
CIF file Formula: - C29 H21 N3 O10 S -
Comments: Christopher Pigge, F.; Zheng, Zhanmiao; Rath, Nigam P. 1,3,5-Triaroylbenzenes as versatile inclusion hosts via C‒H···O hydrogen bonding New Journal of Chemistry 24(4) (2000) 183
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2712.67
Cell parameters: 12.8116; 12.1494; 18.2432; 90; 107.197; 90;  

COD ID: 7051264
CIF file Formula: - C28 H17 Cl2 N3 O9 -
Comments: Christopher Pigge, F.; Zheng, Zhanmiao; Rath, Nigam P. 1,3,5-Triaroylbenzenes as versatile inclusion hosts via C‒H···O hydrogen bonding New Journal of Chemistry 24(4) (2000) 183
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1382.62
Cell parameters: 9.7093; 10.3943; 14.4467; 83.177; 84.037; 73.265;  

COD ID: 7051265
CIF file Formula: - C6 H0 Cl4 Eu2 N2 O34 P2 -
Comments: Gałdecka, Ewa; Gałdecki, Zdzislaw; Gawryszewska, Paula; Legendziewicz, Janina Structure of a novel polynuclear europium compound with N-phosphonomethylglycine: heptaaquaperchloratodi-μ4-N-phosphonomethylglycine-dieuropium(III) triperchlorate monohydrate, [Eu2(HO3PCH2NH2CH2CO2)2(H2O)7(ClO4)]·3ClO4·H2O New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 387
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 3244.6
Cell parameters: 17.788; 10.706; 18.56; 90; 113.37; 90;  

COD ID: 7051266
CIF file Formula: - C15 H14 N2 O3 -
Comments: Bermejo, Manuel R.; González, Ana M.; Fondo, Matilde; García-Deibe, Ana; Maneiro, Marcelino; Sanmartín, Jesús; Hoyos, Olga L.; Watkinson, Michael A direct route to obtain manganese(III) complexes with a new class of asymmetrical Schiff base ligands New Journal of Chemistry 24(4) (2000) 235
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1395.16
Cell parameters: 6.6655; 16.4067; 12.7938; 90; 94.307; 90;  

COD ID: 7051267
CIF file Formula: - C34.5 H39 Cu N3 O5.5 S -
Comments: Greener, Bryan; Foxon, Simon P.; Walton, Paul H. Syntheses and structures of a range of metal complexes with the ligand cis,cis-1,3,5-(E,E)-tris(phenylpropenylideneamino)cyclohexane New Journal of Chemistry 24(5) (2000) 269
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 3337.3
Cell parameters: 14.056; 17.494; 14.397; 90; 109.49; 90;  

COD ID: 7051268
CIF file Formula: - C57 H53 B Cl N3 Ni -
Comments: Greener, Bryan; Foxon, Simon P.; Walton, Paul H. Syntheses and structures of a range of metal complexes with the ligand cis,cis-1,3,5-(E,E)-tris(phenylpropenylideneamino)cyclohexane New Journal of Chemistry 24(5) (2000) 269
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 4845.1
Cell parameters: 15.579; 16.549; 19.916; 90; 109.335; 90;  

COD ID: 7051269
CIF file Formula: - C60 H59 B Cl7 N3 Zn -
Comments: Greener, Bryan; Foxon, Simon P.; Walton, Paul H. Syntheses and structures of a range of metal complexes with the ligand cis,cis-1,3,5-(E,E)-tris(phenylpropenylideneamino)cyclohexane New Journal of Chemistry 24(5) (2000) 269
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2941
Cell parameters: 15.222; 19.097; 10.784; 99.61; 103.87; 76.73;  

COD ID: 7051270
CIF file Formula: - C59 H61 B Cd N4 O5 -
Comments: Greener, Bryan; Foxon, Simon P.; Walton, Paul H. Syntheses and structures of a range of metal complexes with the ligand cis,cis-1,3,5-(E,E)-tris(phenylpropenylideneamino)cyclohexane New Journal of Chemistry 24(5) (2000) 269
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2677.1
Cell parameters: 15.642; 17.746; 10.348; 99.861; 105.154; 76.486;  

COD ID: 7051271
CIF file Formula: - C83 H105 N4 O P Zn -
Comments: Darling, Scott L.; Stulz, Eugen; Feeder, Neil; Bampos, Nick; Sanders, Jeremy K. M. Phosphine-substituted porphyrins as supramolecular building blocks New Journal of Chemistry 24(5) (2000) 261
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 3631.6
Cell parameters: 15.835; 17.762; 14.503; 113.53; 103.169; 88.58;  

COD ID: 7051272
CIF file Formula: - C16 H16 B Fe P -
Comments: Evans, Chris E. B.; Lough, Alan J.; Grondey, Hiltrud; Manners, Ian Synthesis, structure and polymerization behaviour of borane adducts of a phosphorus-bridged [1]ferrocenophane, [(η-C5H4)2FePPh] New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 447
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 702.56
Cell parameters: 7.4376; 8.9729; 11.9365; 73.754; 83.435; 66.728;  

COD ID: 7051273
CIF file Formula: - C36 H90 P4 Ru2 -
Comments: Evans, Chris E. B.; Lough, Alan J.; Grondey, Hiltrud; Manners, Ian Synthesis, structure and polymerization behaviour of borane adducts of a phosphorus-bridged [1]ferrocenophane, [(η-C5H4)2FePPh] New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 447
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 8785.2
Cell parameters: 21.7419; 16.3501; 24.7136; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051274
CIF file Formula: - C32 H28 N4 Ni O2 S4 -
Comments: Zhu, Xu-Hui; Chen, Xiao-Feng; Zhang, Yong; You, Xiao-Zeng; Tan, Wei-Lian; Ji, Wei; Vittal, Jaganese J.; Tan, Goek-Kheng; Kennard, Colin H. L. Crystal structures, molecular packing and picosecond optical limiting properties of quadridentate Schiff base divalent metal complexes derived from S-benzyl dithiocarbazate New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 419
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1581.1
Cell parameters: 10.778; 11.882; 13.83; 81.079; 89.136; 64.835;  

COD ID: 7051275
CIF file Formula: - C32 H28 N4 O2 Pd S4 -
Comments: Zhu, Xu-Hui; Chen, Xiao-Feng; Zhang, Yong; You, Xiao-Zeng; Tan, Wei-Lian; Ji, Wei; Vittal, Jaganese J.; Tan, Goek-Kheng; Kennard, Colin H. L. Crystal structures, molecular packing and picosecond optical limiting properties of quadridentate Schiff base divalent metal complexes derived from S-benzyl dithiocarbazate New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 419
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1594.91
Cell parameters: 10.7838; 11.1477; 14.6503; 81.72; 84.405; 66.35;  

COD ID: 7051276
CIF file Formula: - C40 H34 I O2 P2 Rh -
Comments: Pierre Braunstein; Yves Chauvin; Jean Fischer; Hélène Olivier; Carsten Strohmann; Dawn V. Toronto Oxidative addition of iodine, iodomethane and iodobenzene to the rhodium phosphino enolate complex[Rh{Ph2PCHC(O)Ph}(CO)(PPh3)] and carbon monoxide insertion into the resulting Rh‒carbon bond of [Rh{Ph2PCHC(O)Ph}Me(I)(CO)(PPh3)] New J. Chem. 24(6) (2000) 437-445
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 3549.6
Cell parameters: 12.054; 24.13; 12.213; 90; 92.25; 90;  

COD ID: 7051277
CIF file Formula: - C45 H36 I O2 P2 Rh -
Comments: Pierre Braunstein; Yves Chauvin; Jean Fischer; Hélène Olivier; Carsten Strohmann; Dawn V. Toronto Oxidative addition of iodine, iodomethane and iodobenzene to the rhodium phosphino enolate complex[Rh{Ph2PCHC(O)Ph}(CO)(PPh3)] and carbon monoxide insertion into the resulting Rh‒carbon bond of [Rh{Ph2PCHC(O)Ph}Me(I)(CO)(PPh3)] New J. Chem. 24(6) (2000) 437-445
Space group: P n a 21
Cell volume: 3818.2
Cell parameters: 17.887; 18.538; 11.515; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051278
CIF file Formula: - C41 H36 O2.5 P2 Rh -
Comments: Pierre Braunstein; Yves Chauvin; Jean Fischer; Hélène Olivier; Carsten Strohmann; Dawn V. Toronto Oxidative addition of iodine, iodomethane and iodobenzene to the rhodium phosphino enolate complex[Rh{Ph2PCHC(O)Ph}(CO)(PPh3)] and carbon monoxide insertion into the resulting Rh‒carbon bond of [Rh{Ph2PCHC(O)Ph}Me(I)(CO)(PPh3)] New J. Chem. 24(6) (2000) 437-445
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 3577
Cell parameters: 13.864; 8.859; 29.696; 90; 101.27; 90;  

COD ID: 7051279
CIF file Formula: - C19 H17 N O5 -
Comments: Itoh, Kuniaki; Kishimoto, Shigehisa The reaction of β-nitrostyrenes with 2-methoxyfuran: a novel formation of isoxazoline N-oxide together with Michael adducts New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 347
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1719.3
Cell parameters: 15.197; 5.808; 19.5635; 90; 95.321; 90;  

COD ID: 7051280
CIF file Formula: ?
Comments: Yao, Min-Liang; Deng, Min-Zhi A practical approach to stereodefined cyclopropyl-substituted heteroarenes using a Suzuki-type reaction New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 425
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1371.1
Cell parameters: 12.064; 12.797; 9.794; 102.99; 97.17; 68.7;  

COD ID: 7051281
CIF file Formula: - C20 H22 N6 O14 -
Comments: Sylvie Meyer; Rémy Louis; Bernard Metz; Yvette Agnus; Alexandre Varnek; Maurice Gross Unprecedented role of water in self-assembly of potential molecular tweezers New J. Chem. 24(6) (2000) 371-376
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2498.6
Cell parameters: 7.994; 21.67; 14.741; 90; 101.91; 90;  

COD ID: 7051282
CIF file Formula: - C56 H66 N4 O27 -
Comments: Sylvie Meyer; Rémy Louis; Bernard Metz; Yvette Agnus; Alexandre Varnek; Maurice Gross Unprecedented role of water in self-assembly of potential molecular tweezers New J. Chem. 24(6) (2000) 371-376
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2922.6
Cell parameters: 11.318; 24.444; 11.069; 96.17; 101.24; 77.23;  

COD ID: 7051283
CIF file Formula: - C37 H31 O P -
Comments: Matthew G. Davidson; Andrés E. Goeta; Judith A. K. Howard; Sarah Lamb; Sax A. Mason The shortest C‒H···O hydrogen bonds yet determined by single crystal neutron diffraction: a structural study of two phosphonium aryloxides New J. Chem. 24(7) (2000) 477-479
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2809.3
Cell parameters: 13.43; 13.748; 18.444; 88.31; 70.157; 62.542;  

COD ID: 7051284
CIF file Formula: - C35 H43 O P -
Comments: Matthew G. Davidson; Andrés E. Goeta; Judith A. K. Howard; Sarah Lamb; Sax A. Mason The shortest C‒H···O hydrogen bonds yet determined by single crystal neutron diffraction: a structural study of two phosphonium aryloxides New J. Chem. 24(7) (2000) 477-479
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 6085.3
Cell parameters: 18.57; 17.22; 19.03; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051285
CIF file Formula: - C31 H27 N O P2 Se2 -
Comments: Gaw, Kirsty G.; Smith, Martin B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. Molybdenum(0), ruthenium(II), palladium(II), platinum(II), copper(I) and gold(I) complexes of a new methoxy functionalised bis(phosphino)amine: synthesis and structure New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 429
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 5790.17
Cell parameters: 15.7749; 18.8326; 19.4901; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051286
CIF file Formula: - C32 H28.5 Cl4.5 N O P2 Pd -
Comments: Gaw, Kirsty G.; Smith, Martin B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. Molybdenum(0), ruthenium(II), palladium(II), platinum(II), copper(I) and gold(I) complexes of a new methoxy functionalised bis(phosphino)amine: synthesis and structure New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 429
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 3636.33
Cell parameters: 11.8731; 14.3704; 21.5491; 90; 98.502; 90;  

COD ID: 7051287
CIF file Formula: - C31.5 H27.5 Cl3.5 N O P2 Pt S -
Comments: Gaw, Kirsty G.; Smith, Martin B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. Molybdenum(0), ruthenium(II), palladium(II), platinum(II), copper(I) and gold(I) complexes of a new methoxy functionalised bis(phosphino)amine: synthesis and structure New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 429
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 3435.6
Cell parameters: 15.0814; 9.2086; 25.0051; 90; 98.384; 90;  

COD ID: 7051288
CIF file Formula: - C35 H27 Mo N O5 P2 -
Comments: Gaw, Kirsty G.; Smith, Martin B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. Molybdenum(0), ruthenium(II), palladium(II), platinum(II), copper(I) and gold(I) complexes of a new methoxy functionalised bis(phosphino)amine: synthesis and structure New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 429
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 3289.77
Cell parameters: 9.0732; 18.9395; 19.2823; 90; 96.862; 90;  

COD ID: 7051289
CIF file Formula: - C62 H54 Cu F6 N2 O2 P5 -
Comments: Gaw, Kirsty G.; Smith, Martin B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. Molybdenum(0), ruthenium(II), palladium(II), platinum(II), copper(I) and gold(I) complexes of a new methoxy functionalised bis(phosphino)amine: synthesis and structure New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 429
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 5923.12
Cell parameters: 11.15; 30.8735; 17.2571; 90; 94.393; 90;  

COD ID: 7051290
CIF file Formula: - C21 H48 Ho N13 O15 -
Comments: Mondry, Anna; Starynowicz, Przemysław Structure and optical spectroscopy of holmium(III) triethylenetetraaminehexaacetate in single crystal and in solution New Journal of Chemistry 24(8) (2000) 603
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1799.4
Cell parameters: 9.535; 12.52; 17.012; 71.89; 81.55; 68.9;  

COD ID: 7051291
CIF file Formula: - C58 H67 Cl Li4 N4 O10 Zn -
Comments: Sobota, Piotr; Klimowicz, Maria; Utko, Józef; Jerzykiewicz, Lucjan B. Syntheses and crystal structure of [Li4Zn(μ3,η2-ddbfo)2(μ,η2-ddbfo)3Cl(CH3CN)2]·2CH3CN, [Na4(μ,η2-ddbfo)4(CH3CN)4] and [Zn2(μ,η1-ddbfo)2Cl2(py)2] aggregates New Journal of Chemistry 24(7) (2000) 523
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 6042
Cell parameters: 11.818; 23.435; 21.975; 90; 96.92; 90;  

COD ID: 7051292
CIF file Formula: - C96 H112 N8 Na8 O16 -
Comments: Sobota, Piotr; Klimowicz, Maria; Utko, Józef; Jerzykiewicz, Lucjan B. Syntheses and crystal structure of [Li4Zn(μ3,η2-ddbfo)2(μ,η2-ddbfo)3Cl(CH3CN)2]·2CH3CN, [Na4(μ,η2-ddbfo)4(CH3CN)4] and [Zn2(μ,η1-ddbfo)2Cl2(py)2] aggregates New Journal of Chemistry 24(7) (2000) 523
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 5171
Cell parameters: 9.988; 18.643; 28.848; 84.29; 84.32; 76;  

COD ID: 7051293
CIF file Formula: - C15 H16 Cl N O2 Zn -
Comments: Sobota, Piotr; Klimowicz, Maria; Utko, Józef; Jerzykiewicz, Lucjan B. Syntheses and crystal structure of [Li4Zn(μ3,η2-ddbfo)2(μ,η2-ddbfo)3Cl(CH3CN)2]·2CH3CN, [Na4(μ,η2-ddbfo)4(CH3CN)4] and [Zn2(μ,η1-ddbfo)2Cl2(py)2] aggregates New Journal of Chemistry 24(7) (2000) 523
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1549.5
Cell parameters: 9.855; 8.836; 18.068; 90; 99.99; 90;  

COD ID: 7051294
CIF file Formula: - C18 H27 N2 O3 -
Comments: Kumagai, Hitoshi; Hosokoshi, Yuko; Markosyan, Ashot S.; Inoue, Katsuya Synthesis and magnetic properties of a new complex made up of Mn(hfac)2 and a radical with a triplet ground state New Journal of Chemistry 24(7) (2000) 537
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 1784
Cell parameters: 11.494; 25.328; 6.1281; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051295
CIF file Formula: - C28 H29 F12 Mn N2 O7 -
Comments: Kumagai, Hitoshi; Hosokoshi, Yuko; Markosyan, Ashot S.; Inoue, Katsuya Synthesis and magnetic properties of a new complex made up of Mn(hfac)2 and a radical with a triplet ground state New Journal of Chemistry 24(7) (2000) 537
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 3608.1
Cell parameters: 14.081; 15.94; 16.0751; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051306
CIF file Formula: - C33 H29 Mn N3 O8 -
Comments: Liliana Strinna Erre; Giovanni Micera; Eugenio Garribba; Attila Cs. Bényei Molecular structure and spectral properties of bis(2,6-dimethoxybenzoato)(2,2':6',2″-terpyridine)manganese(II): a five-coordinate Mn(II) complex New J. Chem. 24(9) (2000) 725-728
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 3001.9
Cell parameters: 13.559; 14.745; 16.186; 90; 111.93; 90;  

COD ID: 7051307
CIF file Formula: - C20 H26 F16 I2 N2 O4 -
Comments: Navarrini, Walter; Metrangolo, Pierangelo; Pilati, Tullio; Resnati, Giuseppe Crown ethers as pre-organised exo-receptors in the divergent recognition of α,ω-diiodoperfluoroalkanes New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 777
Space group: I 1 2/a 1
Cell volume: 3258.2
Cell parameters: 31.169; 5.462; 19.627; 90; 102.81; 90;  

COD ID: 7051308
CIF file Formula: - C18 H14 Cu N4 O7 -
Comments: Ezuhara, Takayoshi; Endo, Ken; Matsuda, Kenji; Aoyama, Yasuhiro One-dimensional chains consisting of copper(II) ions and an orthogonal anthracene-pyrimidine derivative: hierarchical formation of high-dimensional networks and their magnetic properties New Journal of Chemistry 24(8) (2000) 609
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1802.5
Cell parameters: 11.972; 11.775; 13.022; 90; 100.92; 90;  

COD ID: 7051309
CIF file Formula: - C22 H24 Cu N4 O8 -
Comments: Ezuhara, Takayoshi; Endo, Ken; Matsuda, Kenji; Aoyama, Yasuhiro One-dimensional chains consisting of copper(II) ions and an orthogonal anthracene-pyrimidine derivative: hierarchical formation of high-dimensional networks and their magnetic properties New Journal of Chemistry 24(8) (2000) 609
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2220.8
Cell parameters: 13.734; 7.248; 22.423; 90; 95.75; 90;  

COD ID: 7051310
CIF file Formula: - C19 H18 Cu N4 O8 -
Comments: Ezuhara, Takayoshi; Endo, Ken; Matsuda, Kenji; Aoyama, Yasuhiro One-dimensional chains consisting of copper(II) ions and an orthogonal anthracene-pyrimidine derivative: hierarchical formation of high-dimensional networks and their magnetic properties New Journal of Chemistry 24(8) (2000) 609
Space group: P b c a
Cell volume: 3993
Cell parameters: 13.1; 25.4; 12; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051311
CIF file Formula: - C16 H32 Cl F3 N4 O3 S Ti -
Comments: Male, Nigel A. H.; Skinner, Michael E. G.; Wilson, Paul J.; Mountford, Philip; Schröder, Martin ansa-Linked titanium macrocycle–imido complexes New Journal of Chemistry 24(8) (2000) 575
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2237.6
Cell parameters: 9.284; 19.097; 12.781; 90; 99.091; 90;  

COD ID: 7051312
CIF file Formula: - C49 H45 Ag N7 O5 P -
Comments: Sun, Wei-Yin; Xie, Jin; Mei, Yu-Hua; Yu, Kai-Bei Synthesis and crystal structure of three-coordinated silver(I) and copper(I) complexes with N2P binding set containing a novel tripodal ligand: 1,3,5-tris(benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)benzene New Journal of Chemistry 24(7) (2000) 519
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 9036
Cell parameters: 25.504; 20.498; 19.688; 90; 118.61; 90;  

COD ID: 7051313
CIF file Formula: - C28 H34.33 Fe2 N6 Ni O1.17 S2 -
Comments: Fang Chen-jie; Duan Chun-ying; He Cheng; Han Gang; Meng Qing-jin A supramolecular analog of cyclohexane sustained by aromatic C‒H···π interactions between ferrocene moieties: molecular packing of ferrocene-containing thiosemicarbazato metal complexes New J. Chem. 24(9) (2000) 697-701
Space group: R -3 :H
Cell volume: 13730
Cell parameters: 29.293; 29.293; 18.476; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 7051314
CIF file Formula: - C28 H34 Fe2 N6 O S2 Zn -
Comments: Fang Chen-jie; Duan Chun-ying; He Cheng; Han Gang; Meng Qing-jin A supramolecular analog of cyclohexane sustained by aromatic C‒H···π interactions between ferrocene moieties: molecular packing of ferrocene-containing thiosemicarbazato metal complexes New J. Chem. 24(9) (2000) 697-701
Space group: R -3 c :H
Cell volume: 14519
Cell parameters: 29.171; 29.171; 19.702; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 7051315
CIF file Formula: - C72 H48 B F24 O3 P -
Comments: Fang, Xinggao; Scott, Brian L.; John, Kevin D.; Kubas, Gregory J.; Watkin, John G. Triphenylmethyl tris(p-methoxyphenyl)phosphonium cation: a structurally characterized phosphonium analog of hexaphenylethane New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 831
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 3311.7
Cell parameters: 14.2714; 15.7335; 17.2879; 113.553; 104.959; 97.734;  

COD ID: 7051316
CIF file Formula: - C58 H40 B Cl4 F24 O3 P -
Comments: Fang, Xinggao; Scott, Brian L.; John, Kevin D.; Kubas, Gregory J.; Watkin, John G. Triphenylmethyl tris(p-methoxyphenyl)phosphonium cation: a structurally characterized phosphonium analog of hexaphenylethane New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 831
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 6183.2
Cell parameters: 14.1573; 25.79; 17.873; 90; 108.646; 90;  

COD ID: 7051317
CIF file Formula: - C56 H43 B2 Cu2 F8 N8 O4 -
Comments: Raymond Ziessel; Anthony Harriman; Abdelkrim El-ghayoury; Laurent Douce; Emmanuelle Leize; Hélène Nierengarten; Alain Van Dorsselaer First assembly of copper(I) naphthyridine-based helicates New J. Chem. 24(10) (2000) 729-732
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 4981
Cell parameters: 14.13; 28.39; 13.816; 90; 116; 90.08;  

COD ID: 7051318
CIF file Formula: - C10 H18 Au2 N8 Ni -
Comments: Chu, Ivan K.; Shek, Iris P. Y.; Michael Siu, K. W.; Wong, Wing-Tak; Zuo, Jing-Lin; Lau, Tai-Chu Synthesis, crystal structure and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry of a novel one-dimensional cyano-bridged Ni(II)‒Au(I) polymer New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 765
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1775.5
Cell parameters: 8.14; 16.191; 14.008; 90; 105.9; 90;  

COD ID: 7051319
CIF file Formula: - C15 H19 Cu N3 O6 -
Comments: Castillo, Oscar; Luque, Antonio; Iglesias, Sonia; Vitoria, Pablo; Román, Pascual Synthesis, crystal structure, thermal behaviour and magnetic properties of a novel one-dimensional copper(II) complex containing neutral and deprotonated 3-hydroxypyridine ligands New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 771
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1692.1
Cell parameters: 8.992; 13.718; 14.13; 90; 103.87; 90;  

COD ID: 7051320
CIF file Formula: - C18 H9 N3 O6 -
Comments: Robinson, James M. A.; Philp, Douglas; Harris, Kenneth D. M.; Kariuki, Benson M. Weak interactions in crystal engineering—understanding the recognition properties of the nitro group New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 799
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1724.5
Cell parameters: 7.3724; 14.696; 15.93; 90; 92.334; 90;  

COD ID: 7051321
CIF file Formula: - C12 H12 -
Comments: Wilson, Chick C.; Nowell, Harriott Methyl group librations in sterically hindered dimethylnaphthalene molecules: neutron diffraction studies of 1,8-dimethylnaphthalene between 50 and 200 K New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 1063
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 886.1
Cell parameters: 9.646; 6.904; 16.131; 90; 124.43; 90;  

COD ID: 7051322
CIF file Formula: - C12 H12 -
Comments: Wilson, Chick C.; Nowell, Harriott Methyl group librations in sterically hindered dimethylnaphthalene molecules: neutron diffraction studies of 1,8-dimethylnaphthalene between 50 and 200 K New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 1063
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 898.9
Cell parameters: 9.725; 6.938; 16.147; 90; 124.4; 90;  

COD ID: 7051323
CIF file Formula: - C12 H12 -
Comments: Wilson, Chick C.; Nowell, Harriott Methyl group librations in sterically hindered dimethylnaphthalene molecules: neutron diffraction studies of 1,8-dimethylnaphthalene between 50 and 200 K New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 1063
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 906.6
Cell parameters: 9.773; 6.955; 16.158; 90; 124.36; 90;  

COD ID: 7051324
CIF file Formula: - C12 H12 -
Comments: Wilson, Chick C.; Nowell, Harriott Methyl group librations in sterically hindered dimethylnaphthalene molecules: neutron diffraction studies of 1,8-dimethylnaphthalene between 50 and 200 K New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 1063
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 891.7
Cell parameters: 9.678; 6.917; 16.141; 90; 124.39; 90;  

COD ID: 7051325
CIF file Formula: - C15 H18 N3 O9 Tb -
Comments: Christine Tedeschi; Claude Picard; Joëlle Azéma; Bruno Donnadieu; Pierre Tisnès First crystal structure of a Tb3+ complex derived from an aromatic hydroxamate ligand: sensitized luminescence properties New J. Chem. 24(10) (2000) 735-737
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 908
Cell parameters: 6.3087; 11.7069; 13.559; 103.736; 100.89; 104.556;  

COD ID: 7051326
CIF file Formula: - C26 H58 N2 O Os P2 -
Comments: Yandulov, Dmitry V.; Huffman, John C.; Caulton, Kenneth G. An osmium hydrido methyl species via an unconventional methyl transfer New Journal of Chemistry 24(9) (2000) 649-650
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1533.49
Cell parameters: 8.833; 11.5202; 16.055; 103.698; 99.4508; 98.8901;  

COD ID: 7051327
CIF file Formula: - C16 H22 Cu N3 O6 -
Comments: Iwayan Dasna; Stéphane Golhen; Lahcène Ouahab; Octavio Peña; Nathalie Daro A dimeric Cu(II) acetate complex containing axially coordinated p-pyridyl nitronyl nitroxide radicals: [CuII(CH3COO)2(NITpPy)]2 New J. Chem. 24(11) (2000) 903-906
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 932.8
Cell parameters: 7.307; 9.337; 14.654; 101.79; 97.75; 103.75;  

COD ID: 7051328
CIF file Formula: - C8 H16 Fe2 Mo N8 O8 -
Comments: Amandeep K. Sra; Guillaume Rombaut; Frédéric Lahitête; Stéphane Golhen; Lahcène Ouahab; Corine Mathonière; J. V. Yakhmi; (the late) Olivier Kahn Hepta/octa cyanomolybdates with Fe2+: influence of the valence state of Mo on the magnetic behavior New J. Chem. 24(11) (2000) 871-876
Space group: I 4 2 2
Cell volume: 1827.9
Cell parameters: 11.809; 11.809; 13.108; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051348
CIF file Formula: - C18 H28 Co0.5 N5 O8 -
Comments: Ma, Jian-Fang; Liu, Jing-Fu; Liu, Ying-Chun; Xing, Yan; Jia, Heng-Qing; Lin, Yong-Hua Two new coordination polymers of Co(II) with 1,1'-(1,4-butanediyl)bis(benzimidazole) New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 759
Space group: P 1 2/n 1
Cell volume: 2467.4
Cell parameters: 15.29; 9.609; 16.956; 90; 97.93; 90;  

COD ID: 7051349
CIF file Formula: - C22 H30 Co N4 O7 -
Comments: Ma, Jian-Fang; Liu, Jing-Fu; Liu, Ying-Chun; Xing, Yan; Jia, Heng-Qing; Lin, Yong-Hua Two new coordination polymers of Co(II) with 1,1'-(1,4-butanediyl)bis(benzimidazole) New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 759
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2384
Cell parameters: 9.603; 15.914; 15.723; 90; 97.17; 90;  

COD ID: 7051350
CIF file Formula: - C32 H23 F3 O4 P2 Pd -
Comments: Bedford, Robin B.; Draper, Sylvia M.; Noelle Scully, P.; Welch, Samantha L. Palladium bis(phosphinite) 'PCP'-pincer complexes and their application as catalysts in the Suzuki reaction New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 745
Space group: P 21 21 21
Cell volume: 2871
Cell parameters: 10.469; 15.8692; 17.2811; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051351
CIF file Formula: - C24 H22 N10 Ni O3 S2 -
Comments: Liu Ze-hua; Duan Chun-ying; Li Ji-hui; Liu Yong-jiang; Mei Yu-hua; You Xiao-zeng Structural dependence of π‒π interactions in dithiocarbazato and thiosemicarbazato nickel complexes New J. Chem. 24(12) (2000) 1057-1062
Space group: P 32 1 2
Cell volume: 1956.6
Cell parameters: 10.696; 10.696; 19.748; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 7051352
CIF file Formula: - C28 H22 N6 Ni O S2 -
Comments: Liu Ze-hua; Duan Chun-ying; Li Ji-hui; Liu Yong-jiang; Mei Yu-hua; You Xiao-zeng Structural dependence of π‒π interactions in dithiocarbazato and thiosemicarbazato nickel complexes New J. Chem. 24(12) (2000) 1057-1062
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 2632.5
Cell parameters: 12.2943; 14.67; 15.508; 91.439; 99.301; 106.954;  

COD ID: 7051353
CIF file Formula: - C42 H30 N4 Ni S4 -
Comments: Liu Ze-hua; Duan Chun-ying; Li Ji-hui; Liu Yong-jiang; Mei Yu-hua; You Xiao-zeng Structural dependence of π‒π interactions in dithiocarbazato and thiosemicarbazato nickel complexes New J. Chem. 24(12) (2000) 1057-1062
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 3601
Cell parameters: 8.9236; 21.696; 18.933; 90; 100.772; 90;  

COD ID: 7051354
CIF file Formula: - C38 H26 N8 Ni S4 -
Comments: Liu Ze-hua; Duan Chun-ying; Li Ji-hui; Liu Yong-jiang; Mei Yu-hua; You Xiao-zeng Structural dependence of π‒π interactions in dithiocarbazato and thiosemicarbazato nickel complexes New J. Chem. 24(12) (2000) 1057-1062
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 3451
Cell parameters: 10.594; 8.5; 38.598; 90; 96.79; 90;  

COD ID: 7051355
CIF file Formula: - C12 H18 Ag2 N8 Ni O -
Comments: Shek, Iris P. Y.; Wong, Wai-Yeung; Lau, Tai-Chu A novel heterobimetallic Ni(II)‒Ag(I) cyano-bridged coordination polymer incorporating Ag···Ag interactions: {[Ni(cyclen)][Ag(CN)2]}[Ag(CN)2] New Journal of Chemistry 24(10) (2000) 733
Space group: P n a 21
Cell volume: 1966.6
Cell parameters: 15.9302; 10.8486; 11.3797; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051356
CIF file Formula: - C8 H36 B22 Cl2 N2 S4 -
Comments: Norman, Nicholas C.; Guy Orpen, A.; Quayle, Michael J.; Rice, Craig R. Diborane(4) compounds incorporating thio- and seleno-carboranyl groups New Journal of Chemistry 24(11) (2000) 837
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 3153.1
Cell parameters: 13.683; 22.229; 10.367; 90; 90.485; 90;  

COD ID: 7051357
CIF file Formula: - C8 H29 B10 N3 S2 -
Comments: Norman, Nicholas C.; Guy Orpen, A.; Quayle, Michael J.; Rice, Craig R. Diborane(4) compounds incorporating thio- and seleno-carboranyl groups New Journal of Chemistry 24(11) (2000) 837
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1984.9
Cell parameters: 11.209; 8.974; 19.784; 90; 94.14; 90;  

COD ID: 7051358
CIF file Formula: - C14 H62 B32 Cl2 N4 Se6 -
Comments: Norman, Nicholas C.; Guy Orpen, A.; Quayle, Michael J.; Rice, Craig R. Diborane(4) compounds incorporating thio- and seleno-carboranyl groups New Journal of Chemistry 24(11) (2000) 837
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 4978
Cell parameters: 19.521; 21.945; 11.965; 90; 103.803; 90;  

COD ID: 7051359
CIF file Formula: - C10 H24 N4 O4 -
Comments: Laurent Frémond; Enrique Espinosa; Michel Meyer; Franck Denat; Roger Guilard; Volker Huch; Michael Veith Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystal structures of cyclam derivatives. Part IV. 1,4,8,11-Tetraazacyclotetradecane-5,12-dione and its diprotonated forms New J. Chem. 24(12) (2000) 959-966
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 338.3
Cell parameters: 7.559; 4.997; 10.293; 116.96; 91.55; 100.31;  

COD ID: 7051360
CIF file Formula: - C10 H22 Br2 N4 O2 -
Comments: Laurent Frémond; Enrique Espinosa; Michel Meyer; Franck Denat; Roger Guilard; Volker Huch; Michael Veith Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystal structures of cyclam derivatives. Part IV. 1,4,8,11-Tetraazacyclotetradecane-5,12-dione and its diprotonated forms New J. Chem. 24(12) (2000) 959-966
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 362.03
Cell parameters: 5.2851; 8.0718; 9.5424; 109.126; 104.189; 97.989;  

COD ID: 7051361
CIF file Formula: - C10 H22 Cl2 N4 O10 -
Comments: Laurent Frémond; Enrique Espinosa; Michel Meyer; Franck Denat; Roger Guilard; Volker Huch; Michael Veith Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystal structures of cyclam derivatives. Part IV. 1,4,8,11-Tetraazacyclotetradecane-5,12-dione and its diprotonated forms New J. Chem. 24(12) (2000) 959-966
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 1731.76
Cell parameters: 10.27; 16.169; 10.8995; 90; 106.9; 90;  

COD ID: 7051362
CIF file Formula: - C20 H30 Cl2 Ru2 S2 -
Comments: Seino, Hidetake; Mizobe, Yasushi; Hidai, Masanobu Preparation of hydrosulfido- and hydroselenido-bridged diruthenium complexes with π-arene co-ligands and their conversion into new cubane-type sulfido or selenido clusters New Journal of Chemistry 24(11) (2000) 907-911
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1122.4
Cell parameters: 9.791; 11.806; 10.532; 90; 112.779; 90;  

COD ID: 7051363
CIF file Formula: - C20 H30 Cl2 Ru2 Se2 -
Comments: Seino, Hidetake; Mizobe, Yasushi; Hidai, Masanobu Preparation of hydrosulfido- and hydroselenido-bridged diruthenium complexes with π-arene co-ligands and their conversion into new cubane-type sulfido or selenido clusters New Journal of Chemistry 24(11) (2000) 907-911
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1150.7
Cell parameters: 9.9109; 11.9264; 10.5135; 90; 112.183; 90;  

COD ID: 7051364
CIF file Formula: - C47 H64 Ru4 S4 -
Comments: Seino, Hidetake; Mizobe, Yasushi; Hidai, Masanobu Preparation of hydrosulfido- and hydroselenido-bridged diruthenium complexes with π-arene co-ligands and their conversion into new cubane-type sulfido or selenido clusters New Journal of Chemistry 24(11) (2000) 907-911
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 4708
Cell parameters: 18.022; 16.351; 18.111; 90; 118.101; 90;  

COD ID: 7051365
CIF file Formula: - C47 H64 Ru4 Se4 -
Comments: Seino, Hidetake; Mizobe, Yasushi; Hidai, Masanobu Preparation of hydrosulfido- and hydroselenido-bridged diruthenium complexes with π-arene co-ligands and their conversion into new cubane-type sulfido or selenido clusters New Journal of Chemistry 24(11) (2000) 907-911
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 4817
Cell parameters: 18.001; 16.653; 18.315; 90; 118.661; 90;  

COD ID: 7051366
CIF file Formula: - C60 H84 Cu4 I4 N6 -
Comments: Fitchett, Christopher M.; Steel, Peter J. Chiral heterocyclic ligands. Part 9. Homoconfigurational coordination polymers based on a C2-symmetric, linear-bridging ligand New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 945
Space group: C 1 2 1
Cell volume: 6658
Cell parameters: 23.808; 14.984; 18.715; 90; 94.265; 90;  

COD ID: 7051367
CIF file Formula: - C20.75 H32 Ag N3 O4.25 -
Comments: Fitchett, Christopher M.; Steel, Peter J. Chiral heterocyclic ligands. Part 9. Homoconfigurational coordination polymers based on a C2-symmetric, linear-bridging ligand New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 945
Space group: P 21 21 2
Cell volume: 4529
Cell parameters: 13.614; 28.871; 11.523; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051368
CIF file Formula: - C20 H28 N2 -
Comments: Fitchett, Christopher M.; Steel, Peter J. Chiral heterocyclic ligands. Part 9. Homoconfigurational coordination polymers based on a C2-symmetric, linear-bridging ligand New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 945
Space group: P 21 21 2
Cell volume: 901.6
Cell parameters: 10.752; 11.359; 7.382; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051369
CIF file Formula: - C26 H20 N6 -
Comments: Pal, Pankaj K.; Chowdhury, Shubhamoy; Drew, Michael G. B.; Datta, Dipankar Metal-assisted electrocyclic reaction in a CN‒NC‒CN system New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 931
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2213
Cell parameters: 10.404; 18.94; 11.673; 90; 105.8; 90;  

COD ID: 7051370
CIF file Formula: - C44 H32 F12 N8 O P2 Ru -
Comments: Pal, Pankaj K.; Chowdhury, Shubhamoy; Drew, Michael G. B.; Datta, Dipankar Metal-assisted electrocyclic reaction in a CN‒NC‒CN system New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 931
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 4753
Cell parameters: 13.785; 16.86; 20.91; 90; 102.037; 90;  

COD ID: 7051371
CIF file Formula: - C14 H8 Co N8 -
Comments: Sun, Bai-Wang; Gao, Song; Ma, Bao-Qing; Wang, Zhe-Ming A two-fold interpenetrated three-dimensional cobalt(II) complex with dual dicyanamide and 4,4'-bipyridine bridges New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 953
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 1665.54
Cell parameters: 16.9221; 11.4251; 8.6147; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 7051372
CIF file Formula: - C34 H58 Sm -
Comments: Visseaux, Marc; Barbier-Baudry, Denise; Blacque, Olivier; Hafid, Abderrafia; Richard, Philippe; Weber, Frank New base-free metallocenes of samarium and neodymium, an approach of the stereoelectronic control in organolanthanide chemistry New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 939-942
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 6343.3
Cell parameters: 33.672; 12.308; 16.5; 90; 111.932; 90;  

COD ID: 7051373
CIF file Formula: - C25 H37 Sm -
Comments: Visseaux, Marc; Barbier-Baudry, Denise; Blacque, Olivier; Hafid, Abderrafia; Richard, Philippe; Weber, Frank New base-free metallocenes of samarium and neodymium, an approach of the stereoelectronic control in organolanthanide chemistry New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 939-942
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2326.2
Cell parameters: 8.498; 28.893; 10.265; 90; 112.641; 90;  

COD ID: 7051374
CIF file Formula: - C25 H37 Nd -
Comments: Visseaux, Marc; Barbier-Baudry, Denise; Blacque, Olivier; Hafid, Abderrafia; Richard, Philippe; Weber, Frank New base-free metallocenes of samarium and neodymium, an approach of the stereoelectronic control in organolanthanide chemistry New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 939-942
Space group: P 1 21/a 1
Cell volume: 4622.4
Cell parameters: 19.021; 8.377; 29.023; 90; 91.718; 90;  

COD ID: 7051375
CIF file Formula: - C31 H52 O P2 Ru -
Comments: Coalter, Joseph N.; Bollinger, John C.; Eisenstein, Odile; Caulton, Kenneth G. R-Group reversal of isomer stability for RuH(X)L2(CCHR) vs. Ru(X)L2(CCH2R): access to four-coordinate ruthenium carbenes and carbynes New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 925
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1599
Cell parameters: 8.884; 11.352; 16.041; 93.353; 92.003; 97.681;  

COD ID: 7051376
CIF file Formula: - C35 H45 N8 Nd O18 -
Comments: Po-Wan Lai, Winnie; Wong, Wing-Tak Trinitrato[N,N',N″-tris(2,3-dimethoxybenzamido)triethylamine]- neodymium(III). Synthesis, crystal structure and luminescence of a Nd complex containing tripodal amide ligands New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 943
Space group: P 3 c 1
Cell volume: 2255.8
Cell parameters: 10.993; 10.993; 21.554; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 7051377
CIF file Formula: - C30 H34 Co2 N5 O8 -
Comments: Hemmert, Catherine; Gornitzka, Heinz; Meunier, Bernard Unprecedented amido-bridged dinuclear mixed-valence cobalt complexes: first structure of a dinuclear μ-OMe Co(II)/Co(III) complex New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 949
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2989.7
Cell parameters: 11.45; 14.76; 17.806; 90; 96.54; 90;  

COD ID: 7051378
CIF file Formula: - C26 H29 Cl3 Co2 N5 O2 -
Comments: Hemmert, Catherine; Gornitzka, Heinz; Meunier, Bernard Unprecedented amido-bridged dinuclear mixed-valence cobalt complexes: first structure of a dinuclear μ-OMe Co(II)/Co(III) complex New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 949
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 2742.9
Cell parameters: 9.808; 16.784; 17.036; 90; 102.02; 90;  

COD ID: 7051379
CIF file Formula: - C30 H40 Co N5 O10 -
Comments: Hemmert, Catherine; Gornitzka, Heinz; Meunier, Bernard Unprecedented amido-bridged dinuclear mixed-valence cobalt complexes: first structure of a dinuclear μ-OMe Co(II)/Co(III) complex New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 949
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1624.7
Cell parameters: 11.427; 12.785; 12.989; 66.8; 89.43; 70.24;  

COD ID: 7051380
CIF file Formula: - C46 H61 Cl13 N6 Ti2 -
Comments: Carmalt, Claire J.; Mileham, John D.; White, Andrew J. P.; Williams, David J. Synthesis and characterisation of a bridging nitrido complex of titanium New Journal of Chemistry 24(12) (2000) 929
Space group: C 1 2/c 1
Cell volume: 6122
Cell parameters: 25.101; 14.916; 17.108; 90; 107.11; 90;  

COD ID: 7052466
CIF file Formula: - C20 H28 N2 O7 -
Comments: Sylvie Meyer; Rémy Louis; Bernard Metz; Yvette Agnus; Alexandre Varnek; Maurice Gross Unprecedented role of water in self-assembly of potential molecular tweezers New J. Chem. 24(6) (2000) 371-376
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 2091.3
Cell parameters: 11.726; 8.518; 20.943; 90; 91.31; 90;  

COD ID: 7052467
CIF file Formula: - C65 H58 Cl10 N2 O2 P4 Ru -
Comments: Gaw, Kirsty G.; Smith, Martin B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z. Molybdenum(0), ruthenium(II), palladium(II), platinum(II), copper(I) and gold(I) complexes of a new methoxy functionalised bis(phosphino)amine: synthesis and structure New Journal of Chemistry 24(6) (2000) 429
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 1707.8
Cell parameters: 12.587; 14.127; 11.423; 92.14; 112.82; 111.2;  

COD ID: 7052513
CIF file Formula: - C23 H29 Cl N2 O10 -
Comments: Kiviniemi, Sari; Nissinen, Maija; Lämsä, Markku T.; Jalonen, Jorma; Rissanen, Kari; Pursiainen, Jouni Complexation of planar, organic, five-membered cations with crown ethers New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 47-52
Space group: C 1 c 1
Cell volume: 2394.2
Cell parameters: 17.802; 14.255; 12.199; 90; 129.34; 90;  

COD ID: 7052514
CIF file Formula: - C23 H29 Cl N2 O10 -
Comments: Kiviniemi, Sari; Nissinen, Maija; Lämsä, Markku T.; Jalonen, Jorma; Rissanen, Kari; Pursiainen, Jouni Complexation of planar, organic, five-membered cations with crown ethers New Journal of Chemistry 24(1) (2000) 47-52
Space group: C 1 c 1
Cell volume: 2408.1
Cell parameters: 17.804; 14.131; 12.317; 90; 129.003; 90;  

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