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COD ID Blue up arrow Links Formula Up arrow Space group Up arrow Cell parameters Cell volume Up arrow Bibliography
9017753 CIFFe PP n m a5.099; 3.251; 5.695
90; 90; 90
94.405Britvin, S. N.; Vapnik, Y.; Polekhovsky, Y. S.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G.; Gorelova, L. A.; Vereshchagin, O. S.; Shilovskikh, V. V.; Zaitsev, A. N.
Murashkoite, FeP, a new terrestrial phosphide from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, South Levant
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2019, 113, 237-248
9017754 CIFAs2 Ca H8 O12 Zn2P 1 c 19.416; 5.3; 10.893
90; 91.77; 90
543.354Rieck, B.; Giester, G.; Lengauer, C. L.; Chanmuang, N. C.; Topa, D.
Stergiouite, CaZn2(AsO4)2*4H2O - a new mineral from the Lavrion Mining District, Greece
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2020, 114, 319-327
9017755 CIFAl2.148 Ca2.07 Cl0.86 Fe4.68 H1.14 K0.61 Mg0.06 Mn0.06 Na0.2 O23.14 Si5.972 Ti0.04C 1 2/m 19.9587; 18.2524; 5.3409
90; 105.02; 90
937.649Ren, G.; Li, G.; Shi, J.; Gu, X.; Fan, G.; Yu, A.; Liu, Q.; Shen, G.
Potassic-hastingsite, KCa2(Fe2+4Fe3+)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2, from the Keshiketeng Banner, Inner Mongolia, China: description of the neotype and its implication
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2020, 114, 403-412
9017756 CIFAs0.65 Co1.08 Fe0.72 Ni16.2 S16 Sb3.35I 4/m m m9.7856; 9.7856; 10.7582
90; 90; 90
1030.18Zaccarini, F.; Luca Bindi, L.; Tsikouras, B.; Grammatikopoulos, T.; Stanley, C. J.; Garuti, G.
Arsenotucekite, Ni18Sb3AsS16, a new mineral from the Tsangli chromitites, Othrys ophiolite, Greece
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2020, 114, 435-442
9017757 CIFBi Cu Pd Se3P 21 21 215.0052; 7.9921; 13.5969
90; 90; 90
543.904Vymazalova, A.; Cabral, A. R.; Laufek, F.; Liebmann, W.; Stanley, C. J.; Lehmann, B.
Roterbarite, PdCuBiSe3, a new mineral species from the Roter Bar mine, Harz Mountains, Germany
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2020, 114, 443-451
9017758 CIFCu0.53 Fe0.47 Se2P n n m4.918; 6.001; 3.57
90; 90; 90
105.361Bindi, L.; Forster, H. J.; Grundmann, G.; Keutsch, F. N.; Stanley, C. J.
Petricekite, CuSe2, a new member of the marcasite group from the Predborice Deposit, Central Bohemia Region, Czech Republic
Minerals, 2016, 6
9017759 CIFAs3.78 Pb14 S23 Sb2.22P 1 21/m 18.9338; 31.891; 8.472
90; 117.943; 90
2132.33Biagioni, C.; Dini, A.; Orlandi, P.; Moelo, Y.; Pasero, M.; Zaccarini, F.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures Note: Sb-bearing jordanite
Minerals, 2016, 6
9017760 CIFAs1.067 Pb4.667 S7.667 Sb0.933P 1 21/m 18.9554; 31.9228; 8.4937
90; 117.981; 90
2144.34Biagioni, C.; Dini, A.; Orlandi, P.; Moelo, Y.; Pasero, M.; Zaccarini, F.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures Note: Sb-rich jordanite
Minerals, 2016, 6
9017761 CIFAs0.847 Pb4.667 S7.667 Sb1.153P 1 21/m 18.972; 31.953; 8.4888
90; 117.964; 90
2149.45Biagioni, C.; Dini, A.; Orlandi, P.; Moelo, Y.; Pasero, M.; Zaccarini, F.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures Note: As-bearing geocronite
Minerals, 2016, 6
9017762 CIFCa2.33 Cl0.48 F0.11 H0.41 Mg0.03 Mn2.63 Na0.01 O12.41 P3P 63/m9.49; 9.49; 6.4777
90; 90; 120
505.224Pieczka, A.; Biagioni, C.; Golebiowska, B.; Jelen, P.; Pasero, M.; Sitarz, M.
Parafiniukite, Ca2Mn3(PO4)3Cl, a new member of the apatite supergroup from the Szklary pegmatite, Lower Silesia, Poland: description and crystal structure
Minerals, 2018, 8
9017763 CIFC24 Ca10 Cu4 Mg2 O154.25 U8P 1 c 122.052; 17.118; 19.354
90; 90.474; 90
7305.62Olds, T. A.; Plasil, J.; Kampf, A. R.; Dal Bo, F.; Burns, P. C.
Paddlewheelite, a new uranyl carbonate from the Jachymov District, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Minerals, 2018, 8
9017764 CIFFe6.66 H34 K7.5 Na0.5 O67 S12R -3 :H9.7583; 9.7583; 53.687
90; 90; 120
4427.39Biagioni, C.; Bindi, L.; Mauro, D.; Halenius; U
Crystal chemistry of sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). V. Scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67[]0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11: A new metavoltine-related mineral
Minerals, 2019, 9
9017765 CIFAl0.156 Fe1.844 H5 K3 O19 S4C 1 2/c 17.5491; 16.8652; 12.1574
90; 94.064; 90
1543.95Biagioni, C.; Bindi, L.; Kampf, A. R.
Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). VII. Magnanelliite, K3Fe3+2(SO4)4 (OH)(H2O)2, a new sulfate from the Monte Arsiccio mine
Minerals, 2019, 9
9017766 CIFAl1.992 Ca0.012 Fe0.016 H4 Mg0.008 O9 Si1.956 Ti0.018C 15.1546; 8.9425; 7.4033
91.704; 104.735; 89.852
329.882Lee, S.; Xu, H.
Using complementary methods of synchrotron radiation powder diffraction and pair distribution functions to refine crystal structures with high quality parameters - A review Note: X-ray data, chemistry data provided by author
Minerals, 2020, 10
9017767 CIFAl1.992 Ca0.012 Fe0.016 H4 Mg0.008 O9 Si1.956 Ti0.018C 15.1528; 8.9415; 7.3985
91.715; 104.756; 89.866
329.482Lee, S.; Xu, H.
Using complementary methods of synchrotron radiation powder diffraction and pair distribution functions to refine crystal structures with high quality parameters - A review Note: Neutron data, chemistry data provided by author
Minerals, 2020, 10
9017768 CIFFe0.92 Mn0.08 O3 TiR -3 :H5.148; 5.148; 13.649
90; 90; 120
313.263Tschauner, O.; Ma, C.; Newville, M. G.; Lanzirotti, A.
Structure analysis of natural wangdaodeite - LiNbO3-type FeTiO3
Minerals, 2020, 10
9017769 CIFK Nb0.96 O7 Si2 Ti0.02 Zr0.01P 4 b m8.73885; 8.73885; 8.1277
90; 90; 90
620.692Sharygin, V. V.; Doroshkevich, A. G.; Seryotkin, Y. V.; Karmanov, N. S.; Belogub, E. V.; Moroz, T. N.; Nigmatulina, E. N.; Yelisseyev, A. P.; Vedenyapin, V. N.; Kupriyanov, I. N.
Rippite, K2(Nb,Ti)2(Si4O12)O(O,F), a new K-Nb-cyclosilicate from Chuktukon Carbonatite Massif, Chadobets Upland, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia
Minerals, 2020, 10
9017770 CIFCr N0.47P 63/m m c4.7853; 4.7853; 4.463
90; 90; 120
88.507Bindi, L.; Camara, F.; Gain, S. E. M.; Griffin, W. L.; Huang, J.; Saunders, M.; Toledo, V.
Kishonite, VH2, and oreillyite, Cr2N, two new minerals from the corundum xenocrysts of Mt Carmel, Northern Israel
Minerals, 2020, 10
9017771 CIFAl0.04 H2 V0.96F m -3 m4.268; 4.268; 4.268
90; 90; 90
77.745Bindi, L.; Camara, F.; Gain, S. E. M.; Griffin, W. L.; Huang, J.; Saunders, M.; Toledo, V.
Kishonite, VH2, and oreillyite, Cr2N, two new minerals from the corundum xenocrysts of Mt Carmel, Northern Israel
Minerals, 2020, 10
9017772 CIFAg24 As2 Ge S18P n a 2114.866; 22.24; 10.394
90; 90; 90
3436.46Bindi, L.; Morana, M.
Twinning, superstructure and chemical ordering in spryite, Ag8(As3+0.50As5+0.50)S6, at ultra-low temperature: An X-ray single-crystal study Note: T = 30 K
Minerals, 2021, 11

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