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Searching journal of publication like 'Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.)' volume of publication is 24

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1538167 CIFPr SF m -3 m5.7332; 5.7332; 5.7332
90; 90; 90
188.448Golubkov, A.V.; Prokof'ev, A.V.; Sergeeva, V.M.
Growth and properties of single crystals of metal-like praseodymium chalcogenides
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1988, 24, 1779-1781
1538170 CIFPr TeF m -3 m6.3172; 6.3172; 6.3172
90; 90; 90
252.101Golubkov, A.V.; Prokof'ev, A.V.; Sergeeva, V.M.
Growth and properties of single crystals of metal-like praseodymium chalcogenides
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1988, 24, 1779-1781
1539183 CIFMn SbP 63/m m c4.157; 4.157; 5.765
90; 90; 120
86.276Vanyarkho, V.G.; Moshchalkova, N.A.; Shtanova, O.K.
On the existence of the compound Mn Sb
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1988, 24, 1194-1195
1539243 CIFPb Te3 Tl4I 4/m c m8.849; 8.849; 13.059
90; 90; 90
1022.58Voroshilov, Yu.V.; Gurzan, M.I.; Kish, Z.Z.; Lada, L.V.
Phase equilibria in the Tl-Pb-Te system and crystal structures of Tl4 B(IV) X3 and Tl9 B(V) X6 compounds
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1988, 24, 1265-1269
1540348 CIFAl B14 HoI m m a5.816; 10.399; 8.182
90; 90; 90
494.852Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Gurin, V.N.; Chikhrii, S.I.; Korsukova, M.M.; Chaban, N.F.
Neue Alumoboride von Seltenerdmetallen mit einer Struktur vom Typ Mg Al B14.
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1988, 24, 1705-1708

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