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Bibliography |
1001594 | CIF | Ba0.93 Cu3.01 O7 Pb0.99 Sr1.07 Y | I 4 m m | 3.8432; 3.8432; 27.422 90; 90; 90 | 405 | Rouillon, T; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B PbBaSrYCu~3~O~7~: a "0223" structure, intergrowth of single rock salt layers and triple oxygen-deficient perovskite layers; X-ray, neutron diffraction, and electron microscopy study Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 97, 56-64 |
1001595 | CIF | Ba Cu3 O7.01 Pb Sr Y | I 4 m m | 3.8436; 3.8436; 27.42599 90; 90; 90 | 405.2 | Rouillon, T; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B PbBaSrYCu~3~O~7~: a "0223" structure, intergrowth of single rock salt layers and triple oxygen-deficient perovskite layers; X-ray, neutron diffraction, and electron microscopy study Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 97, 56-64 |
1004095 | CIF | Br6 H3 In K3 O1.5 | I 4 m m | 16.563; 16.563; 18.563 90; 90; 90 | 5092.4 | Lornaux-Rubbens, A; Wignacourt, J P; Drache, M; Wallart, F Investigations structurales des composes K~3-x~(InX~6- x~(H~2~O)~x~,nH~2~O). I. Etude cristallographique (X=Br); comparaison des distances indium-ligand (X=Cl,Br) Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1991, 88, 2041-2055 |
1004098 | CIF | Cl6 H2 In K3 O | I 4 m m | 15.723; 15.723; 18.069 90; 90; 90 | 4466.9 | Wignacourt, J - P; Nowogrocki, G; Mairesse, G; Barbier, P Evidence for ionic isomerism in complex salts. X-ray evidence in K~3~InCl~6~.H~2~O Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry, 1980, 2, 207-217 |
1510523 | CIF | Au3.04 Cd0.96 | I 4 m m | 4.109; 4.109; 16.552 90; 90; 90 | 279.462 | Hirabayashi, M.; Iwasaki, H.; Ogawa, S. Lattice modulation in the ordered alloys with long period studied by X-ray diffraction. I. Au3 Cd Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1965, 20, 89-97 |
1521963 | CIF | Bi2 Ge0.4 O5.3 V0.6 | I 4 m m | 3.917; 3.917; 15.354 90; 90; 90 | 235.575 | Sooryanarayana, K.; Guru Row, T.N.; Varma, K.B.R. Structural phase transitions in Bi2 V1-x Gex Co5.5-x/2 (x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) single crystals: X-ray crystallographic study Materials Research Bulletin, 1999, 34, 425-432 |
1522455 | CIF | Ga1.8 Hf Ni1.2 | I 4 m m | 12.237; 12.237; 8.083 90; 90; 90 | 1210.38 | Markiv, V.Ya.; Belyavina, N.N.; Zavodnik, V.E. Superconductivity in ternary Heusler intermetallic compounds Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya B: Geologichni, Khimichni ta Biologichni Nauki, 1988, 1988, 51-53 |
1523462 | CIF | Ni Sn3 Sr | I 4 m m | 4.74; 4.74; 10.88 90; 90; 90 | 244.447 | Doerrscheidt, W.; Schaefer, H. Die Struktur des Ba Pt Sn3, Ba Ni Sn3 und Sr Ni Sn3 und ihre Verwandschaft zum Th Cr2 Si2-Strukturtyp Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1978, 58, 209-216 |
1523463 | CIF | Pd Sn3 Sr | I 4 m m | 4.79; 4.79; 11.23 90; 90; 90 | 257.662 | Doerrscheidt, W.; Schaefer, H. Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Ba Pd Sn3, Sr Pd Sn3 und La3 Co2 Sn7 Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1980, 70, 1-10 |
1527922 | CIF | Ce Co Ge3 | I 4 m m | 4.3192; 4.3192; 9.8298 90; 90; 90 | 183.38 | Pecharskii, V.K.; Hyun, O.B.; Gschneidner, K.A.jr. Unusual magnetic properties of the heavy-fermion compound Ce Co Ge3 Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1993, 47, 11839-11847 |
1527923 | CIF | Co Ge3 La | I 4 m m | 4.3497; 4.3497; 9.8679 90; 90; 90 | 186.7 | Pecharskii, V.K.; Hyun, O.B.; Gschneidner, K.A.jr. Unusual magnetic properties of the heavy-fermion compound Ce Co Ge3 Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1993, 47, 11839-11847 |
1528079 | CIF | Cu4 Sm2 Sn5 | I 4 m m | 4.431; 4.431; 25.073 90; 90; 90 | 492.277 | Skolozdra, R.V.; Komarovskaya, L.P.; Terletskaya, E.E.; Aksel'rud, L.G. Crystal structure of Sm2 Cu4 Sn5 Kristallografiya, 1991, 36, 492-493 |
1528145 | CIF | Na6 O5 Pb | I 4 m m | 7.707; 7.707; 5.545 90; 90; 90 | 329.361 | Troemel, M.; Hauck, J. Zur Kristallstruktur von Na6 Pb O5 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1969, 368, 160-167 |
1528443 | CIF | Ge P | I 4 m m | 3.544; 3.544; 5.581 90; 90; 90 | 70.097 | Donohue, P.C.; Young, H.S. Synthesis, structure, and superconductivity of new high pressure phases in the systems ge - p and ge - as Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1970, 1, 143-149 |
1528444 | CIF | As Ge | I 4 m m | 3.715; 3.715; 5.832 90; 90; 90 | 80.489 | Donohue, P.C.; Young, H.S. Synthesis, structure, and superconductivity of new high pressure phases in the systems ge - p and ge - as Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1970, 1, 143-149 |
1529434 | CIF HKL | F3 K3 O3 W | I 4 m m | 6.1676; 6.1676; 8.7999 90; 90; 90 | 334.742 | M.S. Molokeev; S.V. Misyul; V.D. Fokina; A.G. Kocharova; K.S. Aleksandrov Structure transformations during phase transitions in the K3WO3F3 oxyfluoride Physics of the Solid State, 2011, 53, 834-839 |
1530171 | CIF | Co2 Na5 S5 | I 4 m m | 9.15; 9.15; 6.222 90; 90; 90 | 520.921 | Klepp, K.O.; Bronger, W. Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Na5 Co2 S5 Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1984, 98, 165-172 |
1530186 | CIF | Cl6 H3.14 In K3 O1.57 | I 4 m m | 15.659; 15.659; 18.106 90; 90; 90 | 4439.67 | Knop, O.; Cameron, T.S.; Adhikesavalu, D.; Jenkins, J.A.; Vincent, B.R. Crystal chemistry of complex indium(III) and other M(III) halides, with a discussion of M-Cl bond lengths in complex M(III) chlorides and of the structures of and hydrogen bonding in (N H4)2 (In Cl5 (H2 O)) Etc. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1987, 65, 1527-1556 |
1530349 | CIF | Al N Nd2 O3 | I 4 m m | 3.7046; 3.7046; 12.5301 90; 90; 90 | 171.964 | Marchand, R.; Roult, G.; Pastuszak, R.; Laurent, Y. Structure cristalline de Nd2 Al O3 N. Determination de l'ordre oxygene-azote par diffraction de neutrons Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1982, 19, 684-689 |
1531694 | CIF | Ba2 Ca0.2 Cu3 O7 Pb Y0.8 | I 4 m m | 3.86387; 3.86387; 27.9799 90; 90; 90 | 417.726 | Kirbyshire, A. L.; Greaves, C. PbBa~2~Y~1-x~Ca~x~Cu~3~O~7+δ~: synthesis, structure and superconductivity Superconductor Science and Technology, 2002, 15, 1048-1053 |
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