Crystallography Open Database

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1000070 CIFLi Nb O6 WR 3 c :H5.1562; 5.1562; 13.664
90; 90; 120
314.6Fourquet, J L; Le Bail, A; Gillet, P A
Li Nb W O~6~: Crystal structure of its two allotropic forms
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 1163-1170
1001090 CIFBi Fe O3R 3 c :H5.5876; 5.5876; 13.867
90; 90; 120
374.9Moreau, J M; Michel, C; Gerson, R; James, W J
Ferroelectric Bi Fe O~3~ X-Ray and neutron diffraction study
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1971, 32, 1315-1320
1001505 CIFLi1.75 Nb1.75 O6 Te0.25R 3 c :H5.148; 5.148; 13.763
90; 90; 120
315.9Archaimbault, F; Choisnet, J; Rulmont, A; Tarte, P
Lithium defect and ordering phenomena in the new LiNbO~3~ like mixed tellurates: Li~2-x~(Zr^4+^,Nb^5+^,Te^6+^)~2~O~6~ (x<0.5)
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1992, 30, 245-252
1004126 CIFH12 In N3 O12 S3R 3 c :H15.531; 15.531; 9.163
90; 90; 120
1914.1Jolibois, B; Laplace, G; Abraham, F; Nowogrocki, G
Monoclinic-trigonal transition in some M(I)3 M'(III) (S O4)3 compounds: The high temperature form of (N H4) In (S O4)3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1981, 40, 69-74
1008224 CIFAl Bi Cl4R 3 c :H11.835; 11.835; 29.991
90; 90; 120
3638Levy, H A; Agron, P A; Danford, M D; Ellison, R D
Cell dimensions and space group of bismuth(I) chloro-aluminate.
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1961, 14, 549-550
1011161 CIFAg3 As S3R 3 c :H10.74; 10.74; 8.64
90; 90; 120
863.1Harker, D
The application of the three-dimensional patterson method and the crystal structures of proustite, Ag3 As S3, and pyrargyrite, Ag3 Sb S3
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1936, 4, 381-390
1011162 CIFAg3 S3 SbR 3 c :H11.04; 11.04; 8.71
90; 90; 120
919.4Harker, D
The application of the three-dimensional patterson method and the crystal structures of proustite, Ag3 As S3, and pyrargyrite, Ag3 Sb S3
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1936, 4, 381-390
1501995 CIFC33 H24 O4R 3 c :H34.4501; 34.4501; 11.2367
90; 90; 120
11549.2Chen, Zuliang; Wei, Lai; Zhang, Junliang
Lewis acid catalyzed carbon-carbon bond cleavage of aryl oxiranyl diketones: synthesis of cis-2,5-disubstituted 1,3-dioxolanes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1170-1173
1502727 CIFC10 H14 N2 OR 3 c :H23.5657; 23.5657; 9.5946
90; 90; 120
4614.43Ośmiałowski, Borys; Kolehmainen, Erkki; Dobosz, Robert; Gawinecki, Ryszard; Kauppinen, Reijo; Valkonen, Arto; Koivukorpi, Juha; Rissanen, Kari
Self-organization of 2-acylaminopyridines in the solid state and in solution.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2010, 114, 10421-10426
1509133 CIFC18 H33 F6 O PR 3 c :H10.2958; 10.2958; 32.34
90; 90; 120
2968.9Gunbas, Gorkem; Hafezi, Nema; Sheppard, William L; Olmstead, Marilyn M; Stoyanova, Irini V; Tham, Fook S; Meyer, Matthew P; Mascal, Mark
Extreme oxatriquinanes and a record C-O bond length.
Nature chemistry, 2012, 4, 1018-1023
1509751 CIFAg2.913 As S3R 3 c :H10.913; 10.913; 8.762
90; 90; 120
903.696Pawlowski, A.; Gagor, A.; Pietraszko, A.
Silver transfer in proustite Ag3 As S3 at high temperatures: Conductivity and single-crystal X-ray studies
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2009, 182, 451-456
1510618 CIFB2 Ba O6 ZrR 3 c :H5.167; 5.167; 33.913
90; 90; 120
784.104Gravereau, P.; Lebraud, E.; Hornebecq, V.; Chaminade, J.P.
Ba Zr (B O3)2: a non-centrosymmetric dolomite-type superstructure
Materials Research Bulletin, 2002, 37, 2165-2178
1511246 CIFB N2 PrR 3 c :H12.1144; 12.1144; 7.0126
90; 90; 120
891.279Klesnar, H.; Rogl, P.
The crystal structure of Pr B N2 and isotypic compounds RE B N2 (RE= Nd, Sm, Gd)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 98, 99-104
1511659 CIFB7 Cl Fe1.43 Mg1.55 Mn0.021 O13R 3 c :H8.588; 8.588; 21.05
90; 90; 120
1344.52Schindler, M.; Hawthorne, F.C.
The crystal structure of trembathite, (Mg1.55 Fe1.43 Mn0.02) B7 O13 Cl, a mineral of the boracite group: an example of the insertion of a cluster into a three-dimensional net
Canadian Mineralogist, 1998, 36, 1195-1201
1511663 CIFB7 Co3 F O13R 3 c :H8.5309; 8.5309; 21.12
90; 90; 120
1331.11Yvon, K.; Depmeier, W.; Schmid, H.; Boutellier, R.; Berset, G.
Single Crystal X-ray Study of Rhombohedral Cobalt - Fluorine - OH -Boracite
Ferroelectrics, 1984, 56, 13-16
1511674 CIFB7 Fe3 I O13R 3 c :H8.64534; 8.64534; 21.20349
90; 90; 120
1372.47Kubel, F.
Powder diffraction refinement of cubic and rhombohedral iron iodine boracite, Fe3 B7 O13 I
Ferroelectrics, 1994, 160, 61-65
1511702 CIFB9 Ba Li O15R 3 c :H11.0223; 11.0223; 17.106
90; 90; 120
1799.8Nowogrocki, G.; Touboul, M.; Seguin, L.; Penin, N.
Synthesis and crystal structure of three M M' B9 O15 borates (M= Ba, Sr and M'= Li; M= Ba and M'= Na)
International Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2001, 3, 1015-1023
1511704 CIFB9 Ba Na O15R 3 c :H11.0933; 11.0933; 17.392
90; 90; 120
1853.54Nowogrocki, G.; Penin, N.; Touboul, M.; Seguin, L.
Synthesis and crystal structure of three M M' B9 O15 borates (M = Ba, Sr and M' = Li; M = Ba and M' = Na)
International Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2001, 3, 1015-1023
1511710 CIFB9 Li O15 SrR 3 c :H10.6129; 10.6129; 17.555
90; 90; 120
1712.38Nowogrocki, G.; Seguin, L.; Touboul, M.; Penin, N.
Synthesis and crystal structure of three M M' B9 O15 borates (M = Ba, Sr and M' = Li; M = Ba and M' = Na)
International Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2001, 3, 1015-1023
1515630 CIFC30 H21 Cl3R 3 c :H24.8014; 24.8014; 6.835
90; 90; 120
3641Liu, Jianzhao; Deng, Chunmei; Tseng, Nai-Wen; Chan, Carrie Y. K.; Yue, Yanan; Ng, Jason C. Y.; Lam, Jacky W. Y.; Wang, Jian; Hong, Yuning; Sung, Herman H. Y.; Williams, Ian D.; Tang, Ben Zhong
A new polymerisation route to conjugated polymers: regio- and stereoselective synthesis of linear and hyperbranched poly(arylene chlorovinylene)s by decarbonylative polyaddition of aroyl chlorides and alkynes
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 1850

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