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1000042 CIFAl3 H2 K O12 Si3C 1 2/c 15.189; 8.995; 20.09698
90; 95.18; 90
934.2Gatineau, L
Localisation des remplacements isomorphiques dans la Muscovite
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1963, 256, 4648-4649
1001152 CIFO4 V Zn2F d -3 m :18.395; 8.395; 8.395
90; 90; 90
591.6Bernier, J C; Poix, P; Michel, A
Etude cristallographique des phases de type spinelle Mn~2~ V O~4~, Zn~2~ V O~4~, Co~2~ V O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1963, 1963, 1724-1728
1001153 CIFCo2 O4 VF d -3 m :18.382; 8.382; 8.382
90; 90; 90
588.9Bernier, J C; Poix, P; Michel, A
Etude cristallographique des phases de type spinelle Mn~2~ V O~4~, Zn~2~ V O~4~, Co~2~ V O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1963, 1963, 1724-1728
1001154 CIFMn2 O4 VF d -3 m :18.575; 8.575; 8.575
90; 90; 90
630.5Bernier, J C; Poix, P; Michel, A
Ztude cristallographique des phases de type spinelle Mn~2~ V O~4~, Zn~2~ V O~4~, Co~2~ V O~4~
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1963, 1963, 1724-1728
1001155 CIFCo Li O4 VF d -3 m :18.276; 8.276; 8.276
90; 90; 90
566.8Bernier, J C; Poix, P; Michel, A
Etude cristallographique et magnetique de deux vanadates mixtes spinelles
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1963, 1963, 445-446
1001156 CIFLi Ni O4 VF d -3 m :18.215; 8.215; 8.215
90; 90; 90
554.4Bernier, J C; Poix, P; Michel, A
Etude cristallographique et magnetique de deux vanadates mixtes spinelles
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1963, 1963, 445-446
1007185 CIFGa5 Li O8P 43 3 28.203; 8.203; 8.203
90; 90; 90
552Joubert, J; Brunel, M; Waintal, A; Durif, A
Etude cristallographique du gallate de lithium et de sa solution solide avec l`aluminate
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1963, 256, 5324-5326
1007256 CIFGe3 O8 Zn2P 43 3 28.213; 8.213; 8.213
90; 90; 90
554Joubert, J C; Durif, A
Preparation de spinelles lacunaires par reaction d'echange a l'etat solide.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1963, 256, 4403-4405
1008065 CIFF6 Xe2P 1 21/c 16.64; 7.33; 6.4
90; 92.67; 90
311.2Burns, J H; Ellison, R D; Levy, H A
The crystal structure of the molecular addition compound xenon difluoride-xenon tetrafluoride
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1963, 67, 1569-1570
1008156 CIFF2 XeI 4/m m m4.315; 4.315; 6.99
90; 90; 90
130.1Levy, H A; Agron, P A
The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Xenon Difluoride by Neutron Diffraction
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1963, 85, 241-242
1008157 CIFAl2 Ca3 H12 O12I a -3 d12.57; 12.57; 12.57
90; 90; 90
1986.1Cohen-Addad, P D; Ducros, P; Durif-Varambon, A; Bertaut, E F; Delapalme, A
Etude de la Position des Atomes d'Hydrogene dans l'Hydrogenat Al~2~ O~3~ (Ca O)~3~ (H~2~ O)~6~
Solid State Communications, 1963, 1, 85-87
1008915 CIFLu Mn O3P 63 c m6.042; 6.042; 11.37
90; 90; 120
359.5Yakel, H L; Koehler, W C; Bertaut, E F; Forrat, E F
On the crystal structure of the manganese(III) trioxides of the heavy lanthanides and yttrium
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1963, 16, 957-962
1008923 CIFAl O3 YP 63/m m c3.68; 3.68; 10.52
90; 90; 120
123.4Bertaut, F; Mareschal, J
Un nouveau type de structure hexagonale: Al T O3 (T = Y, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er).
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1963, 257, 867-870
1008926 CIFGd Li O2P b n m5.326; 11.34; 3.448
90; 90; 90
208.2Gondrand, M; Bertaut, E F
Une nouvelle classe de composes Li T O2 (T = Sm, Eu, Gd)
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1963, 86, 301-302
1008927 CIFFe Na O2P n a 215.672; 7.136; 5.377
90; 90; 90
217.6Bertaut, F.; Delapalme, A.; Bassi, G.
Structure magnetique de β-FeNaO~2~. Raffinement des paramèters atomiques
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1963, 257, 421-424
1100020 CIFO SnC m c 215; 5.72; 11.12
90; 90; 90
318Donaldson, J D; Moser, W; Simpson, W B
The structure of the red modification of tin(II)oxide
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1963, 16, A22-A22
1509378 CIFAg HoP m -3 m3.592; 3.592; 3.592
90; 90; 90
46.346Duwez, P.; Chao, C.C.; Luo, H.L.
CsCl-type compounds in binary alloys of rare-earth metals with gold and silver
Journal of Applied Physics, 1963, 34, 1971-1973
1509544 CIFAg SmP m -3 m3.673; 3.673; 3.673
90; 90; 90
49.552Duwez, P.; Luo, H.L.; Chao, C.C.
Cs Cl-type compounds in binary alloys of rare earth metals with gold and silver
Journal of Applied Physics, 1963, 34, 1971-1973
1509552 CIFAg TbP m -3 m3.625; 3.625; 3.625
90; 90; 90
47.635Luo, H.L.; Duwez, P.; Chao, C.C.
CsCl-type compounds in binary alloys of rare earth metals with gold and silver
Journal of Applied Physics, 1963, 34, 1971-1973
1509684 CIFAg2 OP -3 m 13.072; 3.072; 4.941
90; 90; 120
40.382Vereshchagin, L.F.; Popova, S.V.; Serebrjanaja, N.R.; Kabalkina, S.S.
About the new modification of Ag2 O with layered structure
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1963, 152, 853-855

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