Crystallography Open Database

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9012135 CIFCr H O2R 3 m :H2.979; 2.979; 13.37
90; 90; 120
102.755Christensen, A. N.; Hansen, P.; Lehmann, M. S.
Isotope effects in the bonds of alpha-CrOOH and alpha-CrOOD Sample: T = 300 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 21, 325-329
9012136 CIFCa10.115 Mg0.385 O28 P7R 3 c :H10.401; 10.401; 37.316
90; 90; 120
3496.04Schroeder, L. W.; Dickens, B.; Brown, W. E.
Crystallographic studies of the role of Mg as a stabilizing impurity in beta-Ca3(PO4)2. II. Refinement of Mg-containing beta-Ca3(PO4)2 Sample: x = 0.11 Mg Note: changed sign of O3(y) to match bond distances
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 253-262
9012137 CIFCa9.5 Mg O28 P7R 3 c :H10.337; 10.337; 37.068
90; 90; 120
3430.2Schroeder, L. W.; Dickens, B.; Brown, W. E.
Crystallographic studies of the role of Mg as a stabilizing impurity in beta-Ca3(PO4)2. II. Refinement of Mg-containing beta-Ca3(PO4)2 Sample: x = 0.29 Mg
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 253-262
9012386 CIFPd20 Sb7R -3 :H11.734; 11.734; 11.021
90; 90; 120
1314.15Wopersnow, W.; Schubert, K.
Kristallstrukturen von Pd20Sb7 und Pd20Te7 Note: isotypic with keithconnite
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 51, 35-44
9012387 CIFPt5 Se4P 1 21/c 16.577; 4.61; 11.122
90; 101.59; 90
330.343Matkovic, P.; Schubert, K.
Kristallstruktur von Pt5Se4
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 185-190
9012404 CIFKrP 63/m m c4; 4; 6.53
90; 90; 120
90.482Sonnenblick, Y.; Alexander, E.; Kalman, Z. H.; Steinberger, I. T.
Hexagonal close packed krypton and xenon Sample: at T = 26 K
Chemical Physics Letters, 1977, 52, 276-278
9012405 CIFXeP 63/m m c4.34; 4.34; 7.09
90; 90; 120
115.653Sonnenblick, Y.; Alexander, E.; Kalman, Z. H.; Steinberger, I. T.
Hexagonal close packed krypton and xenon Sample: at T = 26 K
Chemical Physics Letters, 1977, 52, 276-278
9012505 CIFCa2 Fe3 H6 O17 P3A 1 a 117.553; 19.354; 11.248
90; 95.84; 90
3801.35Moore, P. B.; Araki, T.
Mitridatite, Ca6(H2O)6[FeIII9O6(PO4)9]*3H2O. A noteworthy octahedral sheet structure
Inorganic Chemistry, 1977, 16, 1096-1106
9012563 CIFH3.78 Na O4.89 VP 1 21/a 116.756; 3.6391; 8.023
90; 111.18; 90
456.17Bjornberg, A.; Hedman, B.
The crystal structure of NaVO3*1.89H2O Note: one of the H atoms could not be found
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1977, 31, 579-584
9012596 CIFC2 H8 K2 Mg O10P 1 21/n 111.404; 6.228; 6.826
90; 99.66; 90
477.936Bucat, R. B.; Patrick, J. M.; White, A. H.; Willis, A. C.
Crystal structure of baylissite, K2Mg(CO3)2,4H2O
Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1977, 30, 1379-1382
9012742 CIFCa O10 S6 Sb10C 1 2/c 125.33; 5.655; 16.88
90; 117.51; 90
2144.52Nakai, I.; Koto, K.; Nagashima, K.; Morimoto, N.
The crystal structure of sarabauite CaSb10O10S6, a new oxide sulfide mineral
Chemistry Letters, 1977, 1977, 275-276
9012785 CIFCu H4 O6 UP -17.855; 5.449; 6.089
91.44; 101.9; 89.2
254.929Rosenzweig, A.; Ryan, R. R.
Vandenbrandeite CuUO2(OH)4
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 53-56
9012786 CIFH10 Mg O18 Si2 U2C 1 2/m 117.382; 7.047; 6.61
90; 105.9; 90
778.688Ryan, R. R.; Rosenzweig, A.
Sklodowskite, MgO*2UO3*2SiO2*7H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 611-615
9012787 CIFH2 O7 Pb Si UP 1 21/c 16.704; 6.932; 13.252
90; 104.22; 90
596.979Rosenzweig, A.; Ryan, R. R.
Kasolite, Pb(UO2)(SiO4)*H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 617-621
9012846 CIFAs2 O5P 21 21 218.646; 8.45; 4.626
90; 90; 90
337.97Jansen, M.
Kristallstruktur von As2O5
Angewandte Chemie, 1977, 89, 326-327
9012860 CIFAl4 Fe Na6 O26 Si8C 1 2/m 115.086; 7.993; 10.515
90; 113.44; 90
1163.29Khalilov, A. D.; Dzhafarov, N. K.; Mamedov, K. S.
Crystal structure of naujakasite - Na6{Fe[(Si,Al)8Si4O26]}
Doklady Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1977, 33, 35-40
9012903 CIFCl F O Pb2A c m m5.7221; 5.7269; 12.541
90; 90; 90
410.967Aurivillius, B.
A case of mimetic twinning. The crystal structures of Pb2OFX (X=Cl, Br, and I) Locality: synthetic Sample: Pb2OFCl(L), isostructural with blixite
Chemica Scripta, 1977, 11, 208-211
9012904 CIFCl F O Pb2A c m m5.7293; 5.7293; 12.5602
90; 90; 90
412.287Aurivillius, B.
A case of mimetic twinning. The crystal structures of Pb2OFX (X=Cl, Br, and I) Locality: synthetic Sample: Pb2OFCl(H), part A of the twin, isostructural with blixite
Chemica Scripta, 1977, 11, 208-211
9012905 CIFCl F O Pb2A c m m5.7293; 5.7293; 12.5602
90; 90; 90
412.287Aurivillius, B.
A case of mimetic twinning. The crystal structures of Pb2OFX (X=Cl, Br, and I) Locality: synthetic Sample: Pb2OFCl(H), part B of the twin, isostructural with blixite
Chemica Scripta, 1977, 11, 208-211
9013392 CIFMo Ni PP -6 2 m5.861; 5.861; 3.704
90; 90; 120
110.191Guerin, R.; Sergent, M.
Structure cristalline de NiMoP Localite: synthetic
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1977, 33, 2820-2823

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