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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica' volume of publication is 3

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2310087 CIFB2 Fe2.6 Mg3.4 O10P b a m9.14; 12.45; 3.05
90; 90; 90
347.069Ito, T.; Watanabe, T.; Takeuchi, Y.
The crystal structures of warwickite, ludwigite and pinakiolite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 98-107
2310088 CIFB2 Mg3 Mn3 O10P 1 21/m 15.36; 5.98; 12.73
90; 120.57; 90
351.319Watanabe, T.; Ito, T.; Takeuchi, Y.
The crystal structures of warwickite, ludwigite and pinakiolite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 98-107
2310165 CIFNi U6I 4/m c m10.37; 10.37; 5.21
90; 90; 90
560.267Baenziger, N.C.; Wilson, A.S.; Snow, A.I.; Rundle, R.E.
Compounds of uranium with the transition metals of the first long period
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 34-40
2310166 CIFNi2 UP 63/m m c4.966; 4.966; 8.252
90; 90; 120
176.24Baenziger, N.C.; Rundle, R.E.; Wilson, A.S.; Snow, A.I.
Compounds of uranium with the transition metals of the first long period
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 34-40
2310270 CIFCo UI 21 36.3557; 6.3557; 6.3557
90; 90; 90
256.738Baenziger, N.C.; Rundle, R.E.; Snow, A.I.; Wilson, A.S.
Compounds of uranium with the transition metals of the first long period
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 34-40
2310271 CIFCu5 UF -4 3 m7.033; 7.033; 7.033
90; 90; 90
347.874Baenziger, N.C.; Wilson, A.S.; Rundle, R.E.; Snow, A.I.
Compounds of uranium with the transition metals of the first long period
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 34-40
2311065 CIFAl0.264 Ba0.47 Fe0.64 H1.414 K0.328 Mn6.952 Na0.11 O16 Pb0.112 Si0.016I 4/m9.8; 9.8; 2.86
90; 90; 90
274.674Bystroem, A.; Bystroem, A.M.
The crystal structure of hollandite, the related manganese oxide minerals, and alpha-Mn O2
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 146-154
2311075 CIFB2 Mg3 O8 TiP n a m9.2; 9.45; 3.01
90; 90; 90
261.689Takeuchi, Y.; Ito, T.; Watanabe, T.
The crystal structures of warwickite, ludwigite and pinakiolite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 98-107
2311076 CIFN2 O5P 63/m m c5.41; 5.41; 6.57
90; 90; 120
166.529Grison, E.; Eriks, K.; de Vries, J.L.
Structure Cristalline de l'Anhydride Azotique, N2 O5
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1950, 3, 290-294
5900006 CIFC H5 B F3 NP 1 21/m 15.06; 7.28; 5.81
90; 101.52; 90
209.71Geller, S.; Hoard, J. L.
Structures of molecular addition compounds. I. Monomethyl amine–boron trifluoride, H~3~CH~2~N–BF~3~
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 121-129
5900007 CIFC2 H3 B F3 NP n m a7.76; 7.2; 8.34
90; 90; 90
465.97Hoard, J. L.; Owen, T. B.; Buzzell, A.; Salmon, O. N.
Structures of molecular addition compounds. II. Methyl cyanide‒boron trifluoride, H~3~CCN‒BF~3~
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 130-137
5900026 CIFC3 H10 Cl NC 1 2/m 19.06; 8.58; 7.34
90; 98; 90
565.02King, M. V.; Lipscomb, W. N.
The low-temperature modification of n-propyl-ammonium chloride
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 227-230
5900027 CIFC3 H10 Cl NP 4/n m m6.22; 6.22; 7.377
90; 90; 90
285.4King, M. V.; Lipscomb, W. N.
The structures of the n-propylammonium halides at room temperature
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 222-227
5900028 CIFC6 H16 N2P b c a6.94; 5.77; 19.22
90; 90; 90
769.64Binnie, W. P.; Robertson, J. M.
The crystal structure of hexamethylenediamine
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 424-429
9010965 CIFAs2 Fe3 H16 O16C 1 2/m 110.25; 13.48; 4.71
90; 103.83; 90
631.914Mori, H.; Ito, T.
The structure of vivianite and symplesite
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 1-6
9010966 CIFFe3 H16 O16 P2C 1 2/m 110.08; 13.43; 4.7
90; 104.5; 90
615.993Mori, H.; Ito, T.
The structure of vivianite and symplesite
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 1-6
9010967 CIFCoP 63/m m c2.5074; 2.5074; 4.0699
90; 90; 120
22.16Taylor, A.; Floyd, R. W.
Precision measurements of lattice parameters of non-cubic crystals Sample: at T < 450 C
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 285-289
9010968 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5442; 3.5442; 3.5442
90; 90; 90
44.52Taylor, A.; Floyd, R. W.
Precision measurements of lattice parameters of non-cubic crystals Sample: at T > 450 C
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 285-289
9010969 CIFCe O4 PP 62 2 27.055; 7.055; 6.439
90; 90; 120
277.551Mooney, R. C. L.
X-ray diffraction study of cerous phosphate and related crystals I. Hexagonal modification
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 337-340
9015431 CIFB F0.87 H2.13 Mg3 O5.13P 63/m9.06; 9.06; 3.06
90; 90; 120
217.525Takeuchi, Y.
The structure of fluoborite
Acta Crystallographica, 1950, 3, 208-210

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