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1000017 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7606; 4.7606; 12.994
90; 90; 120
255Tsirelson, V G; Antipin, M Y; Gerr, R G; Ozerov, R P; Struchkov, Y T
Ruby structure peculiarities derived from X-ray data. Localization of chromium atoms and electron deformation density
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1985, 87, 425-433
1000032 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7605; 4.7605; 12.9956
90; 90; 120
255.1Lutterotti, L; Scardi, P
Simultaneous structure and size-strain refinement by the Rietveld method
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1990, 23, 246-252
1000059 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7554; 4.7554; 12.991
90; 90; 120
254.4Wang, X - L; Hubbard, C R; Alexander, K B; Becher, P F
Neutron diffraction measurements of the residual stresses in Al2 O3 - Zr O2 (Ce O2) ceramic composites
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1994, 77, 1569-1575
1000293 CIFNi O3 PrR -3 c :H5.4577; 5.4577; 13.1058
90; 90; 120
338.1Huang, T C; Parrish, W; Toraya, H; Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B
High temperature crystal structures of orthorhombic and rhombohedral PrNiO~3~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1990, 25, 1091-1098
1000294 CIFNi O3 PrR -3 c :H5.4614; 5.4614; 13.1319
90; 90; 120
339.2Huang, T C; Parrish, W; Toraya, H; Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B
High temperature crystal structures of orthorhombic and rhombohedral PrNiO~3~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1990, 25, 1091-1098
1000307 CIFLa Ni O3R -3 c :H5.4535; 5.4535; 13.101
90; 90; 120
337.4García-Muñoz, J. L.; Rodríguez-Carvajal, J.; Lacorre, P.; Torrance, J. B.
Neutron-diffraction study of RNiO~3~ (R= La, Pr, Nd, Sm): Electronically induced structural changes across the metal-insulator transition
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 1992, 46, 4414-4425
1000308 CIFLa Ni O3R -3 c :H5.4535; 5.4535; 13.1014
90; 90; 120
337.4García-Muñoz, J. L.; Rodríguez-Carvajal, J.; Lacorre, P.; Torrance, J. B.
Neutron-diffraction study of RNiO~3~ (R= La, Pr, Nd, Sm): Electronically induced structural changes across the metal-insulator transition
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 1992, 46, 4414-4425
1000309 CIFLa Ni O3R -3 c :H5.4536; 5.4536; 13.1062
90; 90; 120
337.6García-Muñoz, J. L.; Rodríguez-Carvajal, J.; Lacorre, P.; Torrance, J. B.
Neutron-diffraction study of RNiO~3~ (R= La, Pr, Nd, Sm): Electronically induced structural changes across the metal-insulator transition
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 1992, 46, 4414-4425
1000310 CIFLa Ni O3R -3 c :H5.4573; 5.4573; 13.1462
90; 90; 120
339.1García-Muñoz, J. L.; Rodríguez-Carvajal, J.; Lacorre, P.; Torrance, J. B.
Neutron-diffraction study of RNiO~3~ (R= La, Pr, Nd, Sm): Electronically induced structural changes across the metal-insulator transition
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 1992, 46, 4414-4425
1000467 CIFAl F3R -3 c :H4.9305; 4.9305; 12.4462
90; 90; 120
262Daniel, Ph; Bulou, A; Rousseau, M; Nouet, J; Fourquet, J L; Leblanc, M; Burriel, R
A study of the structural phase transitions in Al F3: X-ray powder diffraction, DSC and Raman scattering investigations of the lattice dynamics and phonon spectrum
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1990, 2, 5663-5677
1000468 CIFF3 VR -3 c :H5.168; 5.168; 13.438
90; 90; 120
310.8Daniel, P; Bulou, A; Leblanc, M; Rousseau, M; Nouet, J
Structural and vibrational study of V F3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1990, 25, 413-420
1001429 CIFBa Mo2 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.399; 8.399; 23.895
90; 90; 120
1459.8Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A novel family of mixed valence molybdenum phosphates with a Nasicon structure, AMo~2~P~3~O~12~ (A= Ca, Sr, Ba)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 45-51
1001500 CIFNa0.5 Nb2 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.7362; 8.7362; 22.093
90; 90; 120
1460.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A niobium phosphate with a nasicon structure: Na~0.5~Nb~2~(PO~4~)~3~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1991, 26, 207-211
1001623 CIFNb5 O19 P2 Rb3R -3 c :H12.989; 12.989; 53.91199
90; 90; 120
7877.1Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Chardon, J; Raveau, B
A phosphoniobate with an intersecting tunnel structure related to pyrochlore: Rb~3~Nb~5~P~2~O/1~9~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 111, 26-32
1001855 CIFNb2 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.6974; 8.6974; 22.12299
90; 90; 120
1449.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A mixed-valence niobium phosphate with an empty nasicon structure: Nb2 (P O4)3
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 699-701
1004035 CIFBa H2 O5 RuR -3 c :H10.023; 10.023; 25.471
90; 90; 120
2216Nowogrocki, G.; Abraham, F.; Trehoux, J.; Thomas, D.
Configuration de l'ion ruthenate: structure cristalline du dihydroxotrioxoruthenate(VI) de baryum, Ba (Ru O~3~ (O H)~2~)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 2413-2419
1007249 CIFH18 K6 O33 P6 Te2R -3 c :H13.084; 13.084; 34.79999
90; 90; 120
5159.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. XVI.Structures of potassium cyclo-hexaphosphate ditellurate trihydrate and rubidium cyclo- hexaphosphate tritellurate tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1576-1579
1007264 CIFBi H18 Na3 O27 P6R -3 c :H30.84499; 30.84499; 13.085
90; 90; 120
10781.4Bagieu-Beucher, M; Durif, A
Preparation and crystal structure of bismuth trisodium trimetaphosphate nonahydrate: Bi Na3 (P3 O9)2 * 9 H2 O
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1987, 178, 239-247
1008366 CIFIn0.12 Li1.12 O12 P3 Ti1.88R -3 c :H8.5476; 8.5476; 20.9512
90; 90; 120
1325.6Tran, Qui D; Hamdoune, S; Soubeyroux, J L; Prince, E
Neutron powder diffraction study of solid solution Li~1+x~ Ti~2-x~ In~x~ P~3~ O~12~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 72, 309-315
1008367 CIFIn0.15 Li1.15 O12 P3 Ti1.85R -3 c :H8.5604; 8.5604; 21.0219
90; 90; 120
1334.1Tran Qui, D; Hamdoune, S; Soubeyroux, J L; Prince, E
Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of Solid Solution Li~1+x~ Ti~2-x~ In~x~ P~3~ O~12~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 72, 309-315
1008453 CIFCu O12 P3 Ti2R -3 c :H8.5271; 8.5271; 21.32
90; 90; 120
1342.5Mbandza, A; Bordes, E; Courtine, P; El Jazouli, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Le Flem, G; Hagenmueller, P
The Nasicon-type copper(I) titanium phosphate CuTi~2~(PO~4~)~3~: structure and chemical properties
Reactivity of Solids, 1988, 5, 315-321
1008510 CIFGe2 Li O12 P3R -3 c :H8.275; 8.275; 20.47
90; 90; 120
1213.9Alami, M; Brochu, R; Soubeyroux, J L; Gravereau, P; Le Flem, G; Hagenmueller, P
Structure and thermal expansion of LiGe~2~(PO~4~)~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 90, 185-193
1008511 CIFGe2 Li O12 P3R -3 c :H8.2722; 8.2722; 20.4825
90; 90; 120
1213.8Alami, M; Brochu, R; Soubeyroux, J L; Gravereau, P; Le Flem, G; Hagenmueller, P
Structure and thermal expansion of LiGe~2~(PO~4~)~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 90, 185-193
1008512 CIFGe2 Li O12 P3R -3 c :H8.2682; 8.2682; 20.494
90; 90; 120
1213.3Alami, M; Brochu, R; Soubeyroux, J L; Gravereau, P; Le Flem, G; Hagenmueller, P
Structure and thermal expansion of LiGe~2~(PO~4~)~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 90, 185-193
1008543 CIFCr Cu2 O12 P3 ZrR -3 c :H8.7449; 8.7449; 21.819
90; 90; 120
1445Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Gravereau, P; Olazcuaga, R; Le Flem, G
Evidence of copper pairing in Cu~2~^I^CrZr(PO4/4)~3~, a crystallographic study
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 337-346
1008577 CIFCu O12 P3 Zr2R -3 c :H8.9018; 8.9018; 22.2021
90; 90; 120
1523.6Bussereau, I; Belkhiria, M S; Gravereau, P; Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Olazcuaga, R; Le Flem, G
Structure of CuZr~2~(PO~4~)~3~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1741-1744
1008578 CIFCu O12 P3 Zr2R -3 c :H8.892; 8.892; 22.19
90; 90; 120
1519.5Bussereau, I; Belkhiria, M S; Gravereau, P; Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Olazcuaga, R; Le Flem, G
Structure of CuZr~2~(PO~4~)~3~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1741-1744
1008589 CIFCr Cu2 O12 P3 ZrR -3 c :H8.7449; 8.7449; 21.819
90; 90; 120
1445Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Gravereau, P; Olazcuaga, R; Le Flem, G
Structure of Cu^I^~2~CrZr(PO~4~)~3~ by powder neutron diffraction
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1992, 188, 113-116
1008728 CIFCu0.516 D0.36 O12 P3 Zr2R -3 c :H8.84; 8.84; 22.31
90; 90; 120
1509.9Olazcuaga, R; Le Flem, G; Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L
The structure of the high temperature forms of Cu(II)0.5 Ti2 (P O4)3 and D0.5 Cu(I)0.5 Zr2 (P O4)3
Advanced Materials Research, 1994, 1, 177-188
1008765 CIFCr2 Na3 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.6548; 8.6548; 21.82179
90; 90; 120
1415.6Lucazeau, G; Barj, M; Soubeyroux, J L; Dianoux, A J; Delmas, C
Neutron scattering annd diffraction study of Na3 Cr2 P3 O12, Na Zr2 P3 O12 and Na3 Zr Mg P3 O12
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 959-963
1008845 CIFCr2 Na3 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.6548; 8.6548; 21.82178
90; 90; 120
1415.6Lucazeau, G; Barj, M; Soubeyroux, J L; Dianoux, A J; Delmas, C
Neutron scattering and diffraction study of Na3 Cr2 P3 O12, Na Zr2 P3 O12 and Na3 Zr Mg P3 O12
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 959-963
1008846 CIFCr2 Na3 O12 P3R -3 c :H8.6476; 8.6476; 21.6169
90; 90; 120
1400Lucazeau, G; Barj, M; Soubeyroux, J L; Dianoux, A J; Delmas, C
Neutron scattering and diffraction study of Na3 Cr2 P3 O12, Na Zr2 P3 O12 and Na3 Zr Mg P3 O12
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 959-963
1008848 CIFH24 Li3 Na3 O30 P6R -3 c :H10.474; 10.474; 41.67999
90; 90; 120
3959.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
On the existence of two new mixed-alkali cyclohexaphosphates Li3 Na3 P6 O18 (H2 O)12 and Li3 K3 P6 O18 (H2 O)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1989, 574, 225-234
1100067 CIFB2 O6 Sr3R -3 c :H9.0429; 9.0429; 12.5664
90; 90; 120
889.834Wei, Z. F.; Chen, X. L.; Wang, F. M.; Li, W. C.; He, M.; Zhang, Y.
Phase relations in the ternary system SrO-TiO~2~-B~2~O~3~
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2001, 327, 10-13
1100258 CIFC84 H93 Li4 N4 O6 P4 Si3R -3 c :H15.835; 15.835; 117.553
90; 90; 120
25527Gröb, Thorsten; Chitsaz, Soheila; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Phosphaniminate von Alkalimetallen: Die Kristallstrukturen von [KNPCy~3~]~4~, [KNPCy~3~]~4~·2OPCy~3~, [CsNPCy~3~]~4~·4OPCy~3~ und [Li~4~(NPPh~3~)(OSiMe~2~NPPh~3~)~3~(DME)]
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 473-479
1506091 CIFC8 H7 N3 O2.5 SR -3 c :H16.4842; 16.4842; 40.118
90; 90; 120
9440.7Gao, Yongnian; Lam, Yulin
[3+2] cycloaddition reactions in the solid-phase synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 3283-3285
1508092 CIFC115 H154 N24 O10R -3 c :H20.043; 20.043; 55.912
90; 90; 120
19452Hasell, Tom; Wu, Xiaofeng; Jones, James T. A.; Bacsa, John; Steiner, Alexander; Mitra, Tamoghna; Trewin, Abbie; Adams, Dave J.; Cooper, Andrew I.
Triply interlocked covalent organic cages.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 750-755
1508153 CIFC52 H100 Mo2 N12 P4R -3 c :H36.3354; 36.3354; 24.3428
90; 90; 120
27833.1Arashiba, Kazuya; Miyake, Yoshihiro; Nishibayashi, Yoshiaki
A molybdenum complex bearing PNP-type pincer ligands leads to the catalytic reduction of dinitrogen into ammonia.
Nature chemistry, 2011, 3, 120-125
1508154 CIFC56 H100 Mo2 N4 O4 P4R -3 c :H36.1127; 36.1127; 24.6029
90; 90; 120
27786.7Arashiba, Kazuya; Miyake, Yoshihiro; Nishibayashi, Yoshiaki
A molybdenum complex bearing PNP-type pincer ligands leads to the catalytic reduction of dinitrogen into ammonia.
Nature chemistry, 2011, 3, 120-125
1508503 CIFAl La O3R -3 c :H5.38641; 5.38641; 13.1907
90; 90; 120
331.43Hayward, S.A.; Morrison, F.D.; Redfern, S.A.T.; Salje, E.K.H.; Scott, J.F.; Knight, K.S.; Tarantino, S.; Glazer, A.M.; Shuvaeva, V.; Daniel, P.; Zhang, M.; Carpenter, M.A.
Transformation processes in LaAlO3: neutron diffraction, dielectric, thermal, optical and Raman studies
Physical Review B, 2005, 72
1509627 CIFAg12.3 O36 Si12 Yb3R -3 c :H22.077; 22.077; 12.814
90; 90; 120
5408.73Ponomarev, V.I.; Atovmyan, L.O.; Bakaev, V.A.; Ukshe, E.A.; Alimova, L.D.; Filipenko, O.S.; Leonova, L.S.
Conduction channels in solid electrolytes: crystal structures of Na5 Yb Si O12 and Ag5 Yb Si4 O12.
Kristallografiya, 1988, 33, 82-89
1509633 CIFAg15 Ho3 O36 Si12R -3 c :H22.175; 22.175; 12.863
90; 90; 120
5477.72Atovmyan, L.O.; Ukshe, E.A.; Leonova, L.S.; Bakaev, V.A.; Filipenko, O.S.; Ponomarev, V.I.
The crystal structure of Ag5 Ho Si4 O12. The study of the cinductivity path ways in solid electrodes of Na5 Tr Si4 O12 by the method of ion substitution
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1981, 262, 638-642
1509636 CIFAg16 Te11 Tl2R -3 c :H11.442; 11.442; 4.1971
90; 90; 120
475.865Paccard, L.; Paccard, D.; Tedenac, J.C.; Brun, G.
A new phase in the Ti - Ag - Te system: crystal structure of TI2 Ag16 Te11
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1992, 184, 337-342
1509637 CIFAg16.05 Te11 Tl2R -3 c :H11.442; 11.442; 41.971
90; 90; 120
4758.65Tedenac, J.C.; Paccard, L.; Paccard, D.; Brun, G.
A new phase in the Tl-Ag-Te system: crystal structure of Tl2Ag16Te11
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1992, 184, 337-342
1509894 CIFAg3 B O3R -3 c :H9.878; 9.878; 13.512
90; 90; 120
1141.8Jansen, M.; Brachtel, G.
Ag3 B O3-II, eine neue Form von Silber(I)-Orthoborat
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1982, 489, 42-46
1509923 CIFAg5 I O6R -3 c :H5.9366; 5.9366; 32.1471
90; 90; 120
981.178Jansen, M.; Kovalevskiy, A.
Synthesis, crystal structure determination, and physical properties of Ag5 I O6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2006, 632, 577-581
1510022 CIFAg3 O12 P3 Sc2R -3 c :H8.986; 8.986; 22.605
90; 90; 120
1580.77Tkachev, V.V.; Atovmyan, L.O.
Structure of superionic Ag3 Sc2 (P O4)3 crystals produced from Na3 Sc2 (P O4)3 single crystals by ion exchange
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 1995, 21, 562-564
1510251 CIFAu Na3 S2R -3 c :H7.623; 7.623; 16.672
90; 90; 120
839.016Bronger, W.; Klepp, K.O.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Na3 Au S2. Ein Thioaurat mit isolierten Anionen
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1987, 132, 173-179
1510495 CIFAu3 F12 LaR -3 c :H10.562; 10.562; 16.337
90; 90; 120
1578.32Graudejus, O.; Mueller, B.G.
Zur Kristallstruktur von La(AuF4)3, dem Anfangsglied der Reihe M (Au F4)(3-x) F(x) (x = 0, 0,5 und 1)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1996, 622, 187-190
1510680 CIFB2 Eu3 O6R -3 c :H9.069; 9.069; 12.542
90; 90; 120
893.339Shiokawa, J.; Machida, K.I.; Hata, H.; Adachi, G.Y.
The crystal structure and magnetic property of europium(II) orthoborate
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1981, 54, 1052-1055
1510806 CIFB2 Ca Eu2 O7R -3 c :H8.7764; 8.7764; 37.648
90; 90; 120
2511.34Dzhurinskii, B.F.; Ilyukhin, A.B.
Crystal structures of double oxoborates LnCa4O(BO3)3 (Ln=Gd, Tb, Lu) and Eu2CaO(BO3)2
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1993, 38, 917-920
1510923 CIFB3 K3 S6R -3 c :H15.52; 15.52; 8.424
90; 90; 120
1757.24Diercks, H.; Krebs, B.; Puettmann, C.
Synthesis, crystal structures and properties of M3 B3 S6 (M=Na,K,Rb) and Li Sr B3 S6
Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and Related Elements, 1992, 65, 1-4
1510937 CIFB3 N6 Pr3R -3 c :H12.1195; 12.1195; 7.0153
90; 90; 120
892.373Schnick, W.; Orth, M.
Zur Kenntnis von Tripraseodymium-hexanitridotriborat Pr3 B3 N6: Neue Synthese und Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1999, 625, 551-554
1510938 CIFB3 Na3 S6R -3 c :H15.118; 15.118; 7.512
90; 90; 120
1486.88Puettmann, C.; Diercks, H.; Krebs, B.
Synthesis, crystal structures and properties of M3 B3 S6 (M=Na,K,Rb) and Li Sr B3 S6
Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and Related Elements, 1992, 65, 1-4
1510950 CIFB3 Rb3 S6R -3 c :H15.813; 15.813; 8.804
90; 90; 120
1906.51Krebs, B.; Diercks, H.; Puettmann, C.
Synthesis, crystal structures and properties of M3 B3 S6 (M=Na,K,Rb) and Li Sr B3 S6
Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and Related Elements, 1992, 65, 1-4
1511045 CIFB Cl19.57 Cs3 I0.43 Zr7R -3 c :H12.777; 12.777; 34.668
90; 90; 120
4901.37Rohm, H.W.; Koeckerling, M.
New double salts with boron-centered zirconium clusters: syntheses and structures of Cs (Zr Cl5) * Cs2 ((Zr6 B) X15) (X = Cl or (Cl + I)) and anion distribution in the mixed halide phase
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2003, 629, 2356-2362
1511047 CIFB Cl20 Cs3 Zr7R -3 c :H12.765; 12.765; 34.652
90; 90; 120
4889.91Koeckerling, M.; Rohm, H.W.
New double salts with boron-centered zirconium clusters: syntheses and structures of Cs (Zr Cl5) * Cs2 ((Zr6 B) X15) (X = Cl or (Cl + I)) and anion distribution in the mixed halide phase
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2003, 629, 2356-2362
1511080 CIFB Cs O2R -3 c :H13.637; 13.637; 8.365
90; 90; 120
1347.21Hoppe, R.; Schlaeger, M.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Cs B O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 1867-1871
1511131 CIFB Fe O3R -3 c :H4.626; 4.626; 14.493
90; 90; 120
268.596Diehl, R.
Crystal structure refinement of ferric borate, Fe B O3
Solid State Communications, 1975, 17, 743-745
1511688 CIFB8 Ba11 K4 S25R -3 c :H18.146; 18.146; 25.98
90; 90; 120
7408.52Koester, C.; Krebs, B.; Jansen, C.; Kueper, J.; Hammerschmidt, A.
Syntheses, crystal structures, and properties of the novel thioborates K Ba4 (B S3)3 and K4 Ba11 (B S3)8 S
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 669-674
1511703 CIFB9 Ba Li O15R -3 c :H10.982; 10.982; 17.067
90; 90; 120
1782.59Dimitrova, O.V.; Merlino, S.; Pasero, M.; Gobechiya, E.R.; Pushcharovskii, D.Yu.
Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structures of (Li, Ba)- nanoborate, Li Ba B9 O15, and Ba-borophosphate, Ba B P O5
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2002, 339, 70-75
1512248 CIFC O2R -3 c :H8.6283; 8.6283; 10.604
90; 90; 120
683.7Datchi, Frédéric; Giordano, Valentina M.; Munsch, Pascal; Saitta, A. Marco
Structure of Carbon Dioxide Phase IV: Breakdown of the Intermediate Bonding State Scenario
Physical Review Letters, 2009, 103, 185701
1513505 CIFC54.5 H42.5 Cl1.5 N6 O3R -3 c :H21.1359; 21.1359; 40.1543
90; 90; 120
15534.7Abe, Hajime; Ohtani, Kohei; Suzuki, Daiki; Chida, Yusuke; Shimada, Yuta; Matsumoto, Shinya; Inouye, Masahiko
Alternating 2,6-/3,5-Substituted Pyridine-Acetylene Macrocycles: π-Stacking Self-Assemblies Enhanced by Intermolecular Dipole-Dipole Interaction.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 828-831
1513635 CIFC15 H21 Co Li O6R -3 c :H16.272; 16.272; 10.968
90; 90; 120
2515Wei, Zheng; Han, Haixiang; Filatov, Alexander S.; Dikarev, Evgeny V.
Changing the bridging connectivity pattern within a heterometallic assembly: design of single-source precursors with discrete molecular structures
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 813
1513659 CIFC72 H24 Cl6 O207.75 V30R -3 c :H34.773; 34.773; 39.676
90; 90; 120
41547Zhang, Zhenjie; Wojtas, Lukasz; Zaworotko, Michael J.
Organic‒inorganic hybrid polyhedra that can serve as supermolecular building blocks
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1513864 CIFC49.5 H36 N0 O19 Zn4R -3 c :H26.669; 26.669; 86.622
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Solid-state structural transformation doubly triggered by reaction temperature and time in 3D metal-organic frameworks: great enhancement of stability and gas adsorption
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
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1514444 CIFC72 H43 N6 Ni3 O13R -3 c :H29.87; 29.87; 12.0337
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
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1514445 CIFC72 H43 N6 Ni3 O13R -3 c :H29.884; 29.884; 11.8868
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
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1514446 CIFC82 H83 N6 Ni3 O23R -3 c :H29.347; 29.347; 21.287
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
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1514448 CIFC108 H127 N18 Ni3 O25R -3 c :H29.05; 29.05; 24.502
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1539
1514449 CIFC108 H127 N18 Ni3 O25R -3 c :H29.106; 29.106; 23.417
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17180Wei, Yong-Sheng; Chen, Kai-Jie; Liao, Pei-Qin; Zhu, Bao-Yong; Lin, Rui-Biao; Zhou, Hao-Long; Wang, Bao-Ying; Xue, Wei; Zhang, Jie-Peng; Chen, Xiao-Ming
Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1539
1514450 CIFC108 H127 N18 Ni3 O25R -3 c :H29.151; 29.151; 23.07
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1539
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
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Turning on the flexibility of isoreticular porous coordination frameworks for drastically tunable framework breathing and thermal expansion
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Crystal structure of La1-x Srx Mn O3-2x+d F2x
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Crystal structure of La1-x Srx Mn O3-2x+d F2x
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Enneahaloidmetallates (III) of rare earth elements with the hexagonal Cs3 Tl2 Cl9 - (h)6-type structure
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1525098 CIFBa3 O9 W2R -3 c :H10.136; 10.136; 13.968
90; 90; 120
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1525282 CIFCr F6 ZnR -3 c :H5.026; 5.026; 13.337
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Ternaere Fluoride mit vierwertigem Chrom: M(II) Cr F6 mit M(II)= Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cd, Hg, Ni
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1525285 CIFCr F6 NiR -3 c :H4.975; 4.975; 13.262
90; 90; 120
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Ternaere Fluoride mit vierwertigem Chrom: M(II) Cr F6 mit M(II)= Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cd, Hg, Ni
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1525540 CIFCr0.5 Li0.5 Mn0.5 O12 P3 Ti1.5R -3 c :H8.5; 8.5; 20.926
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Relationship between crystal structure and Li(+)-conductivity in La0.5 Li0.5 Ti O3 perovskite
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1525722 CIFAs1.12 Mg4.44 Mn19.5 O45.6 Si2.76 V2.38R -3 c :H8.259; 8.259; 204.3
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Description and structure of turtmannite, a new mineral with a 68 A period related to mcgovernite
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1525810 CIFCa0.1 La0.6 Mn O3 Sr0.3R -3 c :H5.4923; 5.4923; 13.3427
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348.564Liu, R.S.; Shen, C.H.; Hu, S.F.
Chemical pressure controlled colossal magnetoresistance effects in La0.6 (Sr0.4-x Cax) Mn O3
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1525812 CIFCa0.2 La0.6 Mn O3 Sr0.2R -3 c :H5.4854; 5.4854; 13.3094
90; 90; 120
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Chemical pressure controlled colossal magnetoresistance effects in La0.6 (Sr0.4-x Cax) Mn O3
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1525818 CIFBr8.322 F6.678 Nb6R -3 c :H9.6373; 9.6373; 35.415
90; 90; 120
2848.58Cordier, S.; Perrin, C.; Hernandez, O.
Syntheses and crystal structures of the first bromofluorides in niobium cluster chemistry: Nb6 Br8 F7 and Na2 Nb F6 - (Nb6 Br4 F11)
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1525854 CIFCo La0.5 O3 Sr0.5R -3 c :H5.427; 5.427; 13.254
90; 90; 120
338.063Das, A.; Joy, P.A.; Paranjpe, S.K.; Date, S.K.
Neutron depolarization and diffraction studies in cluster glass La0.5 Sr0.5 Co O3
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1525856 CIFK0.08 La0.83 Mn O2.86R -3 c :H5.508; 5.508; 13.35
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350.752Das, A.; Sahana, M.; Yusuf, S.M.; Madhav Rao, L.; Hegde, M.S.; Shivakumara, C.
Magnetic structure of sodium and potassium doped lanthanum manganites
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1525858 CIFLa0.79 Mn Na0.12 O2.81R -3 c :H5.505; 5.505; 13.32
90; 90; 120
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Magnetic structure of sodium and potassium doped lanthanum manganites
Materials Research Bulletin, 2000, 35, 651-659
1526178 CIFCr La O3R -3 c :H5.53049; 5.53049; 13.3544
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353.738Oikawa, K.; Morii, Y.; Hashimoto, T.; Shimojyo, Y.; Kamiyama, T.
Structural phase transition of orthorhombic La Cr O3 studied by neutron powder diffraction
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1526253 CIFMo15 Rb2 S19R -3 c :H9.4326; 9.4326; 56.27
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Rb2n (Mo9 S11) (Mo6n S6n+2) (n =1 to 4): a novel family of superconducting molybdenum cluster compounds
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1526255 CIFMo21 Rb4 S25R -3 c :H9.3352; 9.3352; 83.64
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Rb2n (Mo9 S11) (Mo6n S6n+2) (n =1 to 4): a novel family of superconducting molybdenum cluster compounds
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1526257 CIFMo27 Rb6 S31R -3 c :H9.2801; 9.2801; 110.5
90; 90; 120
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Rb2n (Mo9 S11) (Mo6n S6n+2) (n =1 to 4): a novel family of superconducting molybdenum cluster compounds
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1526259 CIFMo33 Rb8 S37R -3 c :H9.2372; 9.2372; 137.28
90; 90; 120
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Rb2n (Mo9 S11) (Mo6n S6n+2) (n =1 to 4): a novel family of superconducting molybdenum cluster compounds
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Neutron Diffraction and Other Studies of Magnetic Ordering in Phases Based on Cr2 O3, V2 O3 and Ti2 O3
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Neutron Diffraction and Other Studies of Magnetic Ordering in Phases Based on Cr2 O3, V2 O3 and Ti2 O3
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1526405 CIFLa1.33 Mn0.44 Na0.44 O6 Ti1.56R -3 c :H5.4975; 5.4975; 13.433
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351.588Ruiz, A.I.; Ezquerra, T.A.; Pico, C.; Lopez, M.L.; Veiga, M.L.
Electrical behaviour of the system La1.33 Nax Mnx Ti2-x O6 (x = 0.66, 0.55 and 0.44)
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1526609 CIFAs0.3 Na O12 P2.7 Ti2R -3 c :H8.5; 8.5; 21.76
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1361.53Shimanouchi-Futagami, R.; Nishimori, M.; Nishizawa, H.
Crystal structure and electric conductivity of the NASICON - related solid solution Na Ti2 P3-x Asx O12 synthesized hydrothermally
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1526613 CIFLa7 O18 Ru3R -3 c :H9.83677; 9.83677; 56.3493
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La7 Ru3 O18 and La4.87 Ru2 O12: geometric frustration in two closely related structures with isolated Ru O6 octahedra
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1526678 CIFMo9 Nd2 O36 Zr3R -3 c :H9.804; 9.804; 58.467
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4866.85Klevtsova, R.F.; Solodovnikov, S.F.; Tushinova, Yu.L.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Bazarov, B.G.; Glinskaya, L.A.
A new type of mixed framework in the crystal structure of binary molybdate Nd2 Zr3 (Mo O4)9
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1526686 CIFN15 Rb9.15 W6R -3 c :H12.743; 12.743; 27.794
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3908.63Stegen, H.; Jacobs, H.
Alkalimetallnitrido-tecto-metallate(VI) mit Netzwerken von Sechsringen spitzenverknuepfter Tetraeder ((M N N3/2)6) mit M = Mo, W der unerwarteten Zusammensetzung A9+x (M6 N15) mit A = Rb, Cs und 0 < x < 1
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 639-644
1526688 CIFCs9.98 Mo6 N15R -3 c :H13.104; 13.104; 28.43
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4227.81Stegen, H.; Jacobs, H.
Alkalimetallnitrido-tecto-metallate(VI) mit Netzwerken von Sechsringen spitzenverknuepfter Tetraeder ((M N N3/2)6) mit M = Mo,W der unerwarteten Zusammensetzung A9+x (M6 N15) mit A = Rb, Cs und0 < x < 1
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 639-644
1526690 CIFCs9.67 N15 W6R -3 c :H13.136; 13.136; 28.4719
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4254.74Stegen, H.; Jacobs, H.
Alkalimetallnitrido-tecto-metallate(VI) mit Netzwerken von Sechsringen spitzenverknuepfter Tetraeder ((M N N3/2)6) mit M = Mo,W der unerwarteten Zusammensetzung A9+x (M6 N15) mit A = Rb, Cs und0 < x < 1
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 639-644
1526755 CIFBa Ce0.7 O2.85 Y0.3R -3 c :H6.218; 6.218; 15.192
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508.683Takeuchi, K.; Loong, C.-K.; Balachandran, U.; Richardson, J.W.jr.; Guan, J.; Dorris, S.E.
The crystal structures and phase transitions in Y-doped Ba Ce O3: their dependence on Y concentration and hydrogen doping
Solid State Ionics, 2000, 138, 63-77
1526757 CIFBa Ce0.8 O2.9 Y0.2R -3 c :H6.211; 6.211; 15.196
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507.672Takeuchi, K.; Loong, C.-K.; Balachandran, U.; Guan, J.; Dorris, S.E.; Richardson, J.W.jr.
The crystal structures and phase transitions in Y-doped Ba Ce O3: their dependence on Y concentration and hydrogen doping
Solid State Ionics, 2000, 138, 63-77
1526765 CIFBa Ce0.75 O2.875 Y0.25R -3 c :H6.207; 6.207; 15.163
90; 90; 120
505.917Takeuchi, K.; Richardson, J.W.jr.; Loong, C.-K.; Guan, J.; Dorris, S.E.; Balachandran, U.
The crystal structures and phase transitions in Y-doped Ba Ce O3: their dependence on Y concentration and hydrogen doping
Solid State Ionics, 2000, 138, 63-77
1526868 CIFGa La0.73 Nd0.27 O3R -3 c :H5.55232; 5.55232; 13.4806
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359.906Vasylechko, L.; Bismayer, U.; Savytskii, D.; Berkowski, M.; Matkovskii, A.; Knapp, M.
Room and high temperature structure of La1-x Ndx Ga O3 (x = 0.27 and 0.37) perovskites determined by synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction
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1526875 CIFGa La0.9 O3 Sm0.1R -3 c :H5.55513; 5.55513; 13.4919
90; 90; 120
360.572Vasylechko, L.; Knapp, M.; Niewa, R.; Borrmann, H.; Bismayer, U.; Savytskii, D.; Matkovskii, A.; Berkowski, M.
R3-c - Pbnm phase transition of La1-x Smx Ga O3 (0 < x < 0.3) perovskites and crystal structures of the orthorhombic and trigonalphases
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An anionic framework aluminophosphate ((C H2)6 N4 H3 * (H2 O)) (Al11 P12 O48)
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Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional oxides Ca3 Cu Mn O6 and Ca3 Co1+x Mn1-x O6
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1527522 CIFF6 Hg PbR -3 c :H5.27; 5.27; 15.9
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Neue Hexafluoroplumbate(IV) Mg Pb F6, Zn Pb F6, Cd Pb F6, Hg Pb F6 und Ni Pb F6
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Structural changes in the solid solution (Ti1-x Vx)2 O3 as x varies from zero to one
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Structural changes in the solid solution (Ti1-x Vx)2 O3 as x varies from zero to one
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1527988 CIFO3 Ti1.92 V0.08R -3 c :H5.1255; 5.1255; 13.734
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Structural changes in the solid solution (Ti1-x Vx)2 O3 as x varies from zero to one
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1527989 CIFO3 Ti1.86 V0.14R -3 c :H5.109; 5.109; 13.812
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Structural changes in the solid solution (Ti1-x Vx)2 O3 as x varies from zero to one
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1527990 CIFO3 Ti1.4 V0.6R -3 c :H5.0539; 5.0539; 13.953
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Structural changes in the solid solution (Ti1-x Vx)2 O3 as x varies from zero to one
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1527991 CIFO3 Ti VR -3 c :H5.0174; 5.0174; 13.993
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Structural changes in the solid solution (Ti1-x Vx)2 O3 as x varies from zero to one
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1527992 CIFO3 Ti0.6 V1.4R -3 c :H4.9968; 4.9968; 13.996
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Structural changes in the solid solution (Ti1-x Vx)2 O3 as x varies from zero to one
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1527993 CIFO3 Sc0.0076 Ti1.9924R -3 c :H5.1589; 5.1589; 13.616
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Structural changes resulting from doping Ti2 O3 with Sc2 O3 or Al2 O3
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1527994 CIFAl0.02 O3 Ti1.98R -3 c :H5.1526; 5.1526; 13.609
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Structural changes resulting from doping Ti2 O3 with Sc2 O3 or Al2 O3
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1528407 CIFNa3 Ni O12 P3 ZrR -3 c :H8.8909; 8.8909; 22.225
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Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopy properties of Na3 A Zr (P O4)3 (A = Mg, Ni) and Li2.6 Na0.4 Ni Zr (P O4)3 phosphates
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1528558 CIFLa3 Na O7 PtR -3 c :H5.7458; 5.7458; 35.6496
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1528559 CIFNa Nd3 O7 PtR -3 c :H5.6862; 5.6862; 34.896
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Crystal growth and structures of three new platinates: Ln3 Na Pt O7 (Ln = La, Nd) and La4 Pt O7
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Structure and lattice dynamics of the high-pressure phase in the ScF3 crystal
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1529438 CIF
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Structure and lattice dynamics of the high-pressure phase in the ScF3 crystal
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1529439 CIF
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Structure and lattice dynamics of the high-pressure phase in the ScF3 crystal
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Structure and lattice dynamics of the high-pressure phase in the ScF3 crystal
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Neutron Rietveld analysis of structural changes in NASICON solid solutions Na1+x Zr2 Six P3-x O12 at elevated temperatures: x=1.6 and 2.0 at 320C
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1529811 CIFBr9 Cs3 Ho2R -3 c :H13.467; 13.467; 19.09
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Structure of the Dimer Compounds Cs3 R2 Br9 (R= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb) at 8 and 295 K Studied by Neutron Diffraction
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Structure of the Dimer Compounds Cs3 R2 Br9 (R= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb) at 8 and 295 K Studied by Neutron Diffraction
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High temperature flux growth, structural characterization and magnetic properties of Ca3.15 Li0.85 Ir O6, Sr3 Li Ir O6, Ca3 Li RuO6 and Sr3 Li Ru O6
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High temperature flux growth, structural characterization and magnetic properties of Ca3.15 Li0.85 Ir O6, Sr3 Li Ir O6, Ca3 Li RuO6 and Sr3 Li Ru O6
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Crystal growth, structural characterization and magnetic propertiesof Ca3 Cu Rh O6, Ca3 Co1.34 Rh0.66 O6 and Ca3 Fe Rh O6
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Crystal growth, structural characterization and magnetic propertiesof Ca3 Cu Rh O6, Ca3 Co1.34 Rh0.66 O6 and Ca3 Fe Rh O6
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Magnetic properties related to structure and complete composition analyses of nanocrystalline La1-x Mn1-y O3 powders
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Magnetic properties related to structure and complete composition analyses of nanocrystalline La1-x Mn1-y O3 powders
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1531528 CIFLa0.88 Mn O3 Pb0.1R -3 c :H5.5033; 5.5033; 13.293
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Studies on crystal structure and magnetic scaling behavior of perovskite-like (La1-x Pbx) Mn O3 system with x = 0 - 0.5
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 2001, 674, U3.4.1-U3.4.6
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Studies on crystal structure and magnetic scaling behavior of perovskite-like (La1-x Pbx) Mn O3 system with x = 0 - 0.5
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 2001, 674, U3.4.1-U3.4.6
1531533 CIFLa0.69 Mn1.05 O3.21 Pb0.3R -3 c :H5.5037; 5.5037; 13.334
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349.785Huang, T.-S.; Chen, C.H.; Tai, M.F.
Studies on crystal structure and magnetic scaling behavior of perovskite-like (La1-x Pbx) Mn O3 system with x = 0 - 0.5
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 2001, 674, U3.4.1-U3.4.6
1531536 CIFLa0.52 Mn1.1 O3.12 Pb0.41R -3 c :H5.5217; 5.5217; 13.404
90; 90; 120
353.925Huang, T.-S.; Chen, C.H.; Tai, M.F.
Studies on crystal structure and magnetic scaling behavior of perovskite-like (La1-x Pbx) Mn O3 system with x = 0 - 0.5
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 2001, 674, U3.4.1-U3.4.6
1531539 CIFLa0.49 Mn1.07 O3.21 Pb0.5R -3 c :H5.4842; 5.4842; 13.383
90; 90; 120
348.587Huang, T.-S.; Tai, M.F.; Chen, C.H.
Studies on crystal structure and magnetic scaling behavior of perovskite-like (La1-x Pbx) Mn O3 system with x = 0 - 0.5
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 2001, 674, U3.4.1-U3.4.6
1531838 CIFBa0.3 Ca0.1 La0.6 Mn O3R -3 c :H5.5095; 5.5095; 13.443
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Chemical pressure control of Curie temperature in La0.6 (Ba0.4-x Cax) Mn O3
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Chemical pressure control of Curie temperature in La0.6 (Ba0.4-x Cax) Mn O3
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High-pressure structural studies of hematite Fe2 O3
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1532120 CIFFe2 O3R -3 c :H4.8454; 4.8454; 12.818
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High-pressure structural studies of hematite Fe2 O3
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 2002, 65, 064112-1-064112-8
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Comparative structural and electrical studies of V2 O3 and V2-x Nix O3 (0 < x < 0.75) solid solution
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1532126 CIFNi0.05 O3 V1.95R -3 c :H4.9536; 4.9536; 13.9947
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297.397Rozier, P.; Ratuszna, A.; Galy, J.
Comparative structural and electrical studies of V2 O3 and V2-x Nix O3 (0 < x < 0.75) solid solution
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 1236-1242
1532127 CIFNi0.4 O3 V1.6R -3 c :H4.9538; 4.9538; 13.8741
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294.858Rozier, P.; Galy, J.; Ratuszna, A.
Comparative structural and electrical studies of V2 O3 and V2-x Nix O3 (0 < x < 0.75) solid solution
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 1236-1242
1532128 CIFNi0.66 O3 V1.34R -3 c :H4.9534; 4.9534; 13.8303
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293.879Rozier, P.; Ratuszna, A.; Galy, J.
Comparative structural and electrical studies of V2 O3 and V2-x Nix O3 (0 < x < 0.75) solid solution
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 1236-1242
1532172 CIFCa0.6 La0.4 O3 TiR -3 c :H5.46; 5.46; 13.341
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344.433Vashook, V.; Vasylechko, L.; Knapp, M.; Ullmann, H.; Guth, U.
Lanthanum doped calcium titanates: synthesis, crystal structure, thermal expansion and transport properties
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1532191 CIFGa0.91 La0.95 Mg0.09 O2.85 Sr0.05R -3 c :H5.56689; 5.56689; 13.5528
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363.735Vasylechko, L.; Vashook, V.; Savytskii, D.; Niewa, R.; Ullmann, H.; Senyshin, A.; Knapp, M.; Matkovskii, A.; Berkowski, M.; Bismayer, U.
Crystal structure, thermal expansion and conductivity of anisotropic La1-x Srx Ga1-2x Mg2x O3-y (x = 0.05, 0.1) single crystals
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 172, 396-411
1532194 CIFGa0.81 La0.9 Mg0.19 O2.82 Sr0.1R -3 c :H5.5894; 5.5894; 13.6644
90; 90; 120
369.702Vasylechko, L.; Vashook, V.; Savytskii, D.; Senyshin, A.; Niewa, R.; Matkovskii, A.; Ullmann, H.; Berkowski, M.; Knapp, M.; Bismayer, U.
Crystal structure, thermal expansion and conductivity of anisotropic La1-x Srx Ga1-2x Mg2x O3-y (x = 0.05, 0.1) single crystals
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 172, 396-411
1532235 CIFH4 N4 Np O11R -3 c :H9.26; 9.26; 18.92
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1404.99Wang, Junhu; Kitazawa, Takafumi; Nakada, Masami; Yamashita, Toshiyuki; Takeda, Masuo
Structural characterization of neptunyl(VI) trinitrato complexes: M[NpO~2~(NO~3~)~3~] (M = NH~4~^+^ and K^+^)
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1532237 CIFK N3 Np O11R -3 c :H9.22; 9.22; 18.76
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1381.1Wang, Junhu; Kitazawa, Takafumi; Nakada, Masami; Yamashita, Toshiyuki; Takeda, Masuo
Structural characterization of neptunyl(VI) trinitrato complexes: M[NpO~2~(NO~3~)~3~] (M = NH~4~^+^ and K^+^)
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2002, 75, 253-257
1532329 CIFLa0.922 Mn1.013 O3R -3 c :H5.5401; 5.5401; 13.3677
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355.322Wolcyrz, M.; Bukovska, E.; Bouree, F.; Horyn, R.
Structural defects in La Mn O3 phase studied by neutron diffraction
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1532358 CIFLa0.234 Mn0.924 O2.79 Sr0.766R -3 c :H5.486; 5.486; 13.3554
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348.096Valkeapaeae, M.; Eriksson, S.; Mathieu, R.; Rundlof, H.; Svedlindh, P.; Eriksen, J.
La1-x Srx Mn O3 (0.33 <= x <= 1.0) pperovskites: a powder diffraction and magnetisation study
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341.813Vyshatko, N.P.; Kharton, V.; Shaula, A.L.; Naumovich, E.N.; Marques, F.M.B.
Structural characterization of mixed conducting perovskites La (Ga,M) O3-d (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)
Materials Research Bulletin, 2003, 38, 185-193
1532648 CIFGa0.5 La Ni0.5 O3R -3 c :H5.492; 5.492; 13.224
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345.426Vyshatko, N.P.; Kharton, V.; Shaula, A.L.; Marques, F.M.B.; Naumovich, E.N.
Structural characterization of mixed conducting perovskites La (Ga,M) O3-d (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)
Materials Research Bulletin, 2003, 38, 185-193
1532722 CIFK0.039 La0.924 Mn0.963 O3R -3 c :H5.5148; 5.5148; 13.3588
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351.85Ng Lee, Y.; Lloret, F.; Sapina, F.; Martinez, E.; Folgado, J.V.; Beltran, D.; Segura, A.
Sintesis a bajas temperaturas, estructura y magnetorresistencia de perovskitas La1-x Kx Mn O3+d submicrometricas
Ciencia, 2002, 10, 236-246
1532725 CIFK0.108 La0.882 Mn0.981 O3R -3 c :H5.5123; 5.5123; 13.3742
90; 90; 120
351.936Ng Lee, Y.; Sapina, F.; Beltran, D.; Martinez, E.; Folgado, J.V.; Lloret, F.; Segura, A.
Sintesis a bajas temperaturas, estructura y magnetorresistencia de perovskitas La1-x Kx Mn O3+d submicrometricas
Ciencia, 2002, 10, 236-246
1532974 CIFLa0.7 Mn0.9 O3 Sr0.3 Ti0.1R -3 c :H5.5255; 5.5255; 13.3899
90; 90; 120
354.039Kallel, N.; Dezanneau, G.; Dhahri, J.; Oumezzine, M.; Vincent, H.
Structure, magnetic and electrical behaviour of La0.7 Sr0.3 Mn1-x Tix O3 with 0 <= x <= 0.3
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2003, 261, 56-65
1532976 CIFLa0.7 Mn0.8 O3 Sr0.3 Ti0.2R -3 c :H5.5374; 5.5374; 13.42
90; 90; 120
356.365Kallel, N.; Vincent, H.; Dezanneau, G.; Dhahri, J.; Oumezzine, M.
Structure, magnetic and electrical behaviour of La0.7 Sr0.3 Mn1-x Tix O3 with 0 <= x <= 0.3
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2003, 261, 56-65
1532977 CIFLa0.7 Mn0.7 O3 Sr0.3 Ti0.3R -3 c :H5.5428; 5.5428; 13.4455
90; 90; 120
357.739Kallel, N.; Dezanneau, G.; Vincent, H.; Dhahri, J.; Oumezzine, M.
Structure, magnetic and electrical behaviour of La0.7 Sr0.3 Mn1-x Tix O3 with 0 <= x <= 0.3
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2003, 261, 56-65
1532989 CIFLa0.522 Li0.432 O3 TiR -3 c :H5.4807; 5.4807; 13.4214
90; 90; 120
349.141Kang Eun-Tae; Kwon Young-Jean
The structure determination of La0.667-x Li3x (vac)0.333-2x Ti O3 by the powder neutron and X-ray diffraction
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 2003, 40, 513-518
1533154 CIFNb5 O19 P2 Tl2.83R -3 c :H13.014; 13.014; 53.614
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7863.76Fakhfakh, M.; Madani, A.; Jouini, N.
A3 Nb5 O11 (P O4)2 (A = Tl, K, Na) compounds: synthesis, crystal and vibrational characterization, conductivity study
Materials Research Bulletin, 2003, 38, 1215-1226
1533193 CIFBa3 Cr2 S6R -3 c :H11.8179; 11.8179; 12.796
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1547.69Fukuoka, H.; Miyaki, Y.; Yamanaka, S.
High-pressure synthesis and structures of novel chromium sulfides, Ba3 Cr S5 and Ba3 Cr2 S6 with one-dimensional chain structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 176, 206-212
1533255 CIFFe La0.6 O2.976 Sr0.4R -3 c :H5.5272; 5.5272; 13.4408
90; 90; 120
355.604Yang, J.-B.; Zhou, X.D.; Yelon, W.B.; James, W.J.; Chu, Z.; Anderson, H.U.; Xie, Y.X.; Kornecki, M.; Joshi, A.G.; Malik, S.K.
Crystal structure, magnetic properties and Mossbauer studies of La0.6 Sr0.4 Fe O3-d prepared by quenching in different atmospheres
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 2002, 66, 184415-1-184419-9
1533256 CIFFe La0.6 O2.754 Sr0.4R -3 c :H5.5424; 5.5424; 13.5639
90; 90; 120
360.837Yang, J.-B.; Yelon, W.B.; James, W.J.; Chu, Z.; Xie, Y.X.; Kornecki, M.; Zhou, X.D.; Anderson, H.U.; Joshi, A.G.; Malik, S.K.
Crystal structure, magnetic properties and Mossbauer studies of La0.6 Sr0.4 Fe O3-d prepared by quenching in different atmospheres
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 2002, 66, 184415-1-184419-9
1533257 CIFFe La0.6 O2.712 Sr0.4R -3 c :H5.5472; 5.5472; 13.5837
90; 90; 120
361.99Yang, J.-B.; Yelon, W.B.; Xie, Y.X.; Malik, S.K.; James, W.J.; Zhou, X.D.; Chu, Z.; Kornecki, M.; Joshi, A.G.; Anderson, H.U.
Crystal structure, magnetic properties and Mossbauer studies of La0.6 Sr0.4 Fe O3-d prepared by quenching in different atmospheres
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 2002, 66, 184415-1-184419-9
1533288 CIFLa0.6 Mn O3 Sr0.4R -3 c :H5.4843; 5.4843; 13.3594
90; 90; 120
347.985Zemni, S.; Cherif, K.; Dhahri, Ja.; Ghedira, M.; Oumezzine, M.; Vincent, H.; Dhahri, J.
The effect of cation radii on structural, magnetic and electrical properties of doped manganites La0.6-x Prx Sr0.4 Mn O3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2387-2393
1533289 CIFLa0.57 Mn O3 Pr0.03 Sr0.4R -3 c :H5.4832; 5.4832; 13.3438
90; 90; 120
347.439Zemni, S.; Dhahri, Ja.; Oumezzine, M.; Cherif, K.; Dhahri, J.; Vincent, H.; Ghedira, M.
The effect of cation radii on structural, magnetic and electrical properties of doped manganites La0.6-x Prx Sr0.4 Mn O3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2387-2393
1533291 CIFLa0.42 Mn O3 Pr0.18 Sr0.4R -3 c :H5.4801; 5.4801; 13.3283
90; 90; 120
346.643Zemni, S.; Dhahri, Ja.; Cherif, K.; Dhahri, J.; Oumezzine, M.; Vincent, H.; Ghedira, M.
The effect of cation radii on structural, magnetic and electrical properties of doped manganites La0.6-x Prx Sr0.4 Mn O3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2387-2393
1533292 CIFLa0.3 Mn O3 Pr0.3 Sr0.4R -3 c :H5.4757; 5.4757; 13.3128
90; 90; 120
345.684Zemni, S.; Dhahri, Ja.; Cherif, K.; Dhahri, J.; Oumezzine, M.; Ghedira, M.; Vincent, H.
The effect of cation radii on structural, magnetic and electrical properties of doped manganites La0.6-x Prx Sr0.4 Mn O3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2387-2393
1533308 CIFAs3 Na O12 Zr2R -3 c :H9.1518; 9.1518; 23.1097
90; 90; 120
1676.25Chakir, M.; de Waal, D.; El Jazouli, A.
Structural and vibrational studies of Na Zr2 (As O4)3
Materials Research Bulletin, 2003, 38, 1773-1779
1533312 CIFLa0.667 Mn O3 Sr0.333R -3 c :H5.5212; 5.5212; 13.3797
90; 90; 120
353.219Zhang, Y.B.; Li, S.; Sun, C.Q.; Gao, W.
Possible origin of magnetic transition ordering in La2/3 A1/3 Mn O3 oxides
Materials Science and Engineering B, 2003, 98, 54-59
1533509 CIFK0.03 La0.97 Ni O3R -3 c :H5.445; 5.445; 13.151
90; 90; 120
337.664Shivakumara, C.; Subbanna, G.N.; Hegde, M.S.; Khadar, A.M.A.; Prakash, A.S.; Lalla, N.P.
Low temperature synthesis, structure and properties of alkali-dopedLa2 Ni O4, La Ni O3 and La Ni0.85 Cu0.15 O3 from alkali hydroxide fluxes
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 351-357
1533518 CIFCo La0.85 O3 Sr0.15R -3 c :H5.449; 5.449; 13.097
90; 90; 120
336.772Sikolenko, V.V.; Pomjakushina, E.V.; Istomin, S.Ya.
Neutron diffraction studies of La1-x Srx Co O3 magnetic structure at x = 0.15 and 0.3
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2003, 258, 300-301
1533525 CIFCo La0.7 O3 Sr0.3R -3 c :H5.43; 5.43; 13.136
90; 90; 120
335.423Sikolenko, V.V.; Pomjakushina, E.V.; Istomin, S.Ya.
Neutron diffraction studies of La1-x Srx Co O3 magnetic structure at x = 0.15 and 0.3
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2003, 258, 300-301
1533593 CIFMo0.1 O3 V1.9R -3 c :H4.9323; 4.9323; 14.1207
90; 90; 120
297.499Tenailleau, C.; Suard, E.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Gibaud, A.; Lacorre, P.
Effect of doping and temperature on the crystal structure of (V1-x Mox)2 O3 above and below the metal/insulator transition
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 174, 431-440
1533597 CIFMo0.4 O3 V1.6R -3 c :H4.9209; 4.9209; 14.305
90; 90; 120
299.991Tenailleau, C.; Suard, E.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Gibaud, A.; Lacorre, P.
Effect of doping and temperature on the crystal structure of (V1-x Mox)2 O3 above and below the metal/insulator transition
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 174, 431-440
1533625 CIFLa0.948 Mn0.948 O3R -3 c :H5.5068; 5.5068; 13.3326
90; 90; 120
350.142Barnabe, A.; Gaudon, M.; Durand, B.; Laberty, C.; Bernard, C.
Low temperature synthesis and structural characterization of over-stoichiometric La Mn O3+d perovskites
Materials Research Bulletin, 2004, 39, 725-735
1533629 CIFLa0.932 Mn0.932 O3R -3 c :H5.5132; 5.5132; 13.367
90; 90; 120
351.862Barnabe, A.; Gaudon, M.; Laberty, C.; Bernard, C.; Durand, B.
Low temperature synthesis and structural characterization of over-stoichiometric La Mn O3+d perovskites
Materials Research Bulletin, 2004, 39, 725-735
1533676 CIFLa Mn0.9 O3 Rh0.1R -3 c :H5.5548; 5.5548; 13.4223
90; 90; 120
358.669Haque, M.T.; Satoh, H.; Kamegashira, N.
Temperature-induced phase transition of rhodium-doped La Mn1-x Rhx O3 (0.1 < x < 0.5) - type compounds
Materials Letters, 2004, 58, 1571-1575
1533686 CIFFe2 Na3 O12 P3R -3 c :H13.39; 13.39; 17.91
90; 90; 120
2780.91Belokoneva, E.L.; Ruchkina, E.A.; Dimitrova, O.V.; Stefanovich, S.Yu.
Synthesis and crystal structure of a new trigonal modification of Na3 Fe2 (P O4)3
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 2002, 47, 1423-1426
1533710 CIFLa0.83 Mn O3.068 Sr0.17R -3 c :H5.537; 5.537; 13.3743
90; 90; 120
355.1Belous, A.G.; Pashkova, E.V.; V'yunov, O.I.; Yanchevskii, O.Z.; Tovstolytkin, A.I.; Pogorelyi, A.M.
Effects of chemical composition and sintering temperature on the structure of La1-x Srx Mn O3+d solid solutions
Neorganicheskie Materialy, 2003, 39, 212-222
1533730 CIFLa0.7 Mn O3.054 Sr0.3R -3 c :H5.4925; 5.4925; 13.3343
90; 90; 120
348.37Belous, A.G.; V'yunov, O.I.; Pashkova, E.V.; Yanchevskii, O.Z.; Pogorelyi, A.M.; Tovstolytkin, A.I.
Effects of chemical composition and sintering temperature on the structure of La1-x Srx Mn O3+d solid solutions
Neorganicheskie Materialy, 2003, 39, 212-222
1533814 CIFCr0.5 La O3 Ti0.5R -3 c :H5.5063; 5.5063; 13.3761
90; 90; 120
351.221Vashook, V.; Vasylechko, L.; Zosel, J.; Guth, U.
Synthesis, crystal structure and transport properties of La1-x Cax Cr0.5 Ti0.5 O3-d
Solid State Ionics, 2003, 159, 279-292
1533817 CIFCa0.1 Cr0.5 La0.9 O3 Ti0.5R -3 c :H5.4945; 5.4945; 13.3924
90; 90; 120
350.143Vashook, V.; Vasylechko, L.; Zosel, J.; Guth, U.
Synthesis, crystal structure and transport properties of La1-x Cax Cr0.5 Ti0.5 O3-d
Solid State Ionics, 2003, 159, 279-292
1533820 CIFCa0.2 Cr0.5 La0.8 O3 Ti0.5R -3 c :H5.48; 5.48; 13.43
90; 90; 120
349.275Vashook, V.; Guth, U.; Vasylechko, L.; Zosel, J.
Synthesis, crystal structure and transport properties of La1-x Cax Cr0.5 Ti0.5 O3-d
Solid State Ionics, 2003, 159, 279-292
1533878 CIFBa6 O18 W4R -3 c :H10.13; 10.13; 13.96
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Strukturbestimmung an Ba6 W4 O18
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1534246 CIFCd Cl6 K4R -3 c :H11.87; 11.87; 14.95
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La struttura dei composti A4 B X6. La struttura del K4 Cd Cl6
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1534408 CIFAl7 Au3 GdR -3 c :H8.0384; 8.0384; 20.947
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1172.17Latturner, S.E.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Bilc, D.; Mahanti, S.D.; Ireland, J.R.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 170, 48-57
1534411 CIFAl7 Au3 TbR -3 c :H8.0333; 8.0333; 20.9645
90; 90; 120
1171.66Latturner, S.E.; Bilc, D.; Ireland, J.R.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Mahanti, S.D.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
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1534415 CIFAl7 Au3 PrR -3 c :H8.0922; 8.0922; 21.066
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1194.66Latturner, S.E.; Bilc, D.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Ireland, J.R.; Mahanti, S.D.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
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1534419 CIFAl7 Au3 LuR -3 c :H7.9906; 7.9906; 20.913
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1156.39Latturner, S.E.; Ireland, J.R.; Bilc, D.; Mahanti, S.D.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 170, 48-57
1534423 CIFAl7 Au3 HoR -3 c :H8.0056; 8.0056; 20.909
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1160.52Latturner, S.E.; Ireland, J.R.; Bilc, D.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Mahanti, S.D.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 170, 48-57
1534426 CIFAl7 Au3 NdR -3 c :H8.0892; 8.0892; 21.044
90; 90; 120
1192.53Latturner, S.E.; Bilc, D.; Ireland, J.R.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Mahanti, S.D.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 170, 48-57
1534428 CIFAl7 Au3 DyR -3 c :H8.0314; 8.0314; 20.952
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1170.41Latturner, S.E.; Ireland, J.R.; Bilc, D.; Mahanti, S.D.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 170, 48-57
1534430 CIFAl7 Au3 YbR -3 c :H8.0272; 8.0272; 21.111
90; 90; 120
1178.06Latturner, S.E.; Bilc, D.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Ireland, J.R.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Mahanti, S.D.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 170, 48-57
1534433 CIFAl7 Au3 SmR -3 c :H8.056; 8.056; 20.974
90; 90; 120
1178.83Latturner, S.E.; Bilc, D.; Ireland, J.R.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Mahanti, S.D.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 170, 48-57
1534436 CIFAl7 Au3 TmR -3 c :H7.9982; 7.9982; 20.922
90; 90; 120
1159.09Latturner, S.E.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Bilc, D.; Ireland, J.R.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Mahanti, S.D.
REAu3Al7 (RE = rare earth): new ternary aluminides grown from aluminium flux
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1534465 CIFCa9 Fe O28 P7R -3 c :H10.3878; 10.3878; 37.8386
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Ferroelectric phase transition in the whitlockite-type Ca9 Fe (P O4)7: crystal structure of the paraelectric phase at 923 K
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1534499 CIFC F K O3 Rb2R -3 c :H7.6462; 7.6462; 17.1364
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867.644Albert, B.; Arlt, J.; Jansen, M.; Ehrhardt, H.
Fluoridcarbonate der Alkalimetalle
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1534503 CIFC F K2 O3 RbR -3 c :H7.5225; 7.5225; 16.769
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Fluoridcarbonate der Alkalimetalle
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1534522 CIFCa6 Hf19 O44R -3 c :H18.2435; 18.2435; 17.6125
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Crystal structures of the fluorite-related phases Ca Hf4 O9 and Ca6 Hf19 O44
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1534774 CIFCl6 H24 Li3 O12 RuR -3 c :H9.948; 9.948; 33.376
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2860.46Bai, L.-X.; Liao, D.-Z.; Wang, W.-Z.; Wang, Q.-L.
A novel ruthenium(III) and lithium complex: synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties
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1535219 CIFC13 Cl17 K6 O13 Os5R -3 c :H11.327; 11.327; 62.427
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6936.38Berngardt, E.A.; Antipin, M.Yu.; Struchkov, Yu.T.; Sinitsyn, N.M.
Crystal structure of K6 ((Os (C O) Cl5) (Os (C O)3 Cl3)4)
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1994, 39, 2001-2005
1535264 CIFCl9 In5R -3 c :H12.343; 12.343; 17.831
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2352.6Meyer, G.; Blachnik, R.
Neue Untersuchungen an gemischtvalenten Indium(I,III)chloriden: Das Phasendiagramm In/Cl im Bereich 30-50 mol-% In und die Kristallstruktur von In5 Cl9
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 503, 126-132
1535267 CIFCl9 Cs3 Sc2R -3 c :H12.715; 12.715; 18.113
90; 90; 120
2536.03Meyer, G.; Blachnik, R.
Neue Untersuchungen an gemischtvalenten Indium(I,III)chloriden: Das Phasendiagramm In/Cl im Bereich 30-50 mol-% In und die Kristallstruktur von In5 Cl9
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 503, 126-132
1535269 CIFCl9 Cs3 Y2R -3 c :H13.072; 13.072; 18.318
90; 90; 120
2710.77Meyer, G.; Blachnik, R.
Neue Untersuchungen an gemischtvalenten Indium(I,III)chloriden: Das Phasendiagramm In/Cl im Bereich 30-50 mol-% In und die Kristallstruktur von In5 Cl9
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 503, 126-132
1535272 CIFBr9 Cs3 Y2R -3 c :H13.638; 13.638; 19.38
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3121.66Meyer, G.; Blachnik, R.
Neue Untersuchungen an gemischtvalenten Indium(I,III)chloriden: Das Phasendiagramm In/Cl im Bereich 30-50 mol-% In und die Kristallstruktur von In5 Cl9
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 503, 126-132
1535357 CIFIn3.36 Ir3 Mg9.64R -3 c :H16.081; 16.081; 8.4232
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1886.4Hlukhyy, V.; Poettgen, R.
Synthesis and structures of Ir3 Mg13-x Inx
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1535360 CIFIn2.37 Ir3 Mg10.63R -3 c :H16.062; 16.062; 8.4337
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1884.29Hlukhyy, V.; Poettgen, R.
Synthesis and structures of Ir3 Mg13-x Inx
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 1646-1650
1535574 CIFF3 InR -3 c :H5.4103; 5.4103; 14.3775
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364.466Hoppe, R.; Kissel, D.
Zur Kenntnis von Al F3 und In F3
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1535600 CIFBr4 O Rb6R -3 c :H13.078; 13.078; 16.466
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Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Rb4 Br2 O und Rb6 Br4 O
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1535705 CIFCl12 Te2 ZrR -3 c :H11.318; 11.318; 70.909
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Synthesis and X-ray structural study of bis(trichlorotellurium(IV)-hexachlorozirconate(IV) (hafnate(IV)) (TeCl3)2(MCl6) (M=Zr,Hf)
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