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9016756 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.234; 12.955; 7.143
92; 116.17; 90.06
683.315Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 750 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016757 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.259; 12.975; 7.151
90.8; 116.1; 90
688.08Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 980 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016758 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.27; 12.978; 7.154
90.22; 116.05; 89.96
689.817Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 1040 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016759 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.274; 12.991; 7.144
90; 116.13; 90
689.41Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 980 C, sample = monalbite
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016760 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.297; 12.994; 7.144
90; 116.01; 90
692.195Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 1060 deg C, sample = monalbite
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016761 CIFAl3.856 Fe0.772 H0.72 Mg1.176 O18.72 Si4.878C c c m17.14; 9.769; 9.321
90; 90; 90
1560.71Wallace, J. H.; Wenk, H. R.
Structure variation in low cordierites Note: sample sci 552
American Mineralogist, 1980, 65, 96-111
9016762 CIFFe H4 Na O2 S2C 1 2/c 110.693; 9.115; 5.507
90; 92.17; 90
536.364Konnert, J. A.; Evans, H. T.
The crystal structure of erdite, NaFeS2*2H2O
American Mineralogist, 1980, 65, 516-521
9016763 CIFH5.64 K2.4 Na0.58 O11.82 S3 Sb7P 6314.2513; 14.2513; 5.59
90; 90; 120
983.222Sabelli, C.; Nakai, I.; Katsura, S.
Crystal structures of cetineite and its synthetic Na analogue Na3.6(Sb2O3)3(SbS3)(OH)
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 398-404
9016764 CIFAl2 Ca O8 Si2I -18.175; 12.873; 14.17
93.11; 115.89; 91.28
1337.8Angel, R. J.
High-pressure structure of anorthite Sample: P = 1 bar
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 1114-1119
9016765 CIFAl2 Ca O8 Si2I -18.082; 12.767; 14.032
92.79; 115.77; 91.68
1300.27Angel, R. J.
High-pressure structure of anorthite Sample: P = 25 kbar
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 1114-1119
9016766 CIFAl6.078 B3 Ca0.009 Cr0.006 Fe0.612 H4 K0.014 Mg2.274 Mn0.003 Na0.814 O34 Si6 Ti0.03R 3 m :H15.947; 15.947; 7.214
90; 90; 120
1588.78Hawthorne, F. C.; MacDonald, D. J.; Burns, P. C.
Reassignment of cation site occupancies in tourmaline: Al-Mg disorder in the crystal structure of dravite
American Mineralogist, 1993, 78, 265-270
9016767 CIFAl0.012 Ca0.008 Fe0.008 H4 Mg0.106 Mn1.85 O6 SiP c a 2112.672; 7.217; 5.341
90; 90; 90
488.455Nyfeler, D.; Armbruster, T.; Dixon, R.; Bermanec, V.
Nchwaningite, Mn2SiO3(OH)2.H2O, a new pyroxene-related chain silicate from the N'chwaning mine, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
American Mineralogist, 1995, 80, 377-386
9016768 CIFC4 Ce2 F Na3 O12P 63/m m c5.0612; 5.0612; 22.82
90; 90; 120
506.236Grice, J. D.; Chao, G. Y.
Lukechangite-(Ce), a new rare-earth-fluorocarbonate mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec Note: U(1,2) for Na1, O1, O2 and F changed to match symmetry constraints. Note: U(2,3) for O2 changed to match symmetry constraints.
American Mineralogist, 1997, 82, 1255-1260
9016769 CIFC20 H34P 111.407; 20.952; 7.406
93.941; 100.75; 80.499
1713.8Bouska, V.; Cisarova, I.; Skala, R.; Dvorak, A.; Zelinka, J.; Zak, K.
Hartite from Bilina
American Mineralogist, 1998, 83, 1340-1346
9016771 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.133; 12.773; 7.159
94.23; 116.64; 87.72
662.918Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: untreated
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016772 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.141; 12.795; 7.145
94.04; 116.56; 87.98
664.049Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1050-3d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016773 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.17; 12.811; 7.141
93.79; 116.53; 88.09
667.248Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1060-6d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016774 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.14; 12.791; 7.132
93.94; 116.54; 88.46
662.748Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1070-7d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016775 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.142; 12.782; 7.136
94; 116.51; 88.13
662.946Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1080-7d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016776 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.154; 12.794; 7.129
93.81; 116.54; 88.48
663.868Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1080-10d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016777 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.16; 12.802; 7.13
93.72; 116.42; 88.61
665.624Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1090-7d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016778 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.152; 12.831; 7.11
93.46; 116.52; 89.72
664.026Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1090-12d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016779 CIFAl H2 Li O7 Si2P 18.6061; 4.9573; 7.597
89.94; 114.407; 89.98
295.146Ferro, O.; Quartieri, S.; Vezzalini, G.; Fois, E.; Gamba, A.; Tabacchi, G.
High-pressure behaviour of bikitaite: An integrated theoretical and experimental approach Sample at P = 0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2002, 87, 1415-1425
9016789 CIFAl1.97 F0.03 Fe1.23 H3.94 Li1.98 Mg1.8 Mn0.02 Na0.03 O23.97 Si7.99 Zn0.01P n m a18.277; 17.65; 5.2736
90; 90; 90
1701.21Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: HS 119915 Siberia
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016790 CIFAl1.98 F0.02 Fe1.2 H3.96 Li1.71 Mg1.89 Mn0.01 Na0.03 O24 Si7.98P n m a18.277; 17.646; 5.2792
90; 90; 90
1702.63Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Siberia
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016791 CIFAl1.76 F0.07 Fe1.2 H3.86 Li1.97 Mg2.01 Mn0.04 Na0.02 O23.93 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.2754; 17.6569; 5.2738
90; 90; 90
1701.79Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Rwanda
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016792 CIFAl1.34 F0.09 Fe1.26 H3.82 Li1.98 Mg2.35 Mn0.04 Na0.05 O23.91 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.3345; 17.6955; 5.2764
90; 90; 90
1711.86Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Zaire
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016793 CIFAl1.3 F0.13 Fe1.3 H3.74 Li1.93 Mg2.32 Mn0.06 Na0.1 O23.87 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.335; 17.693; 5.2743
90; 90; 90
1710.99Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Uto, Sweden
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016794 CIFAl1.33 F0.1 Fe1.26 H3.8 Li1.93 Mg2.42 Mn0.04 Na0.05 O23.9 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.336; 17.693; 5.2755
90; 90; 90
1711.47Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Norway
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016795 CIFAl1.89 F0.03 Fe1.71 H3.94 K0.01 Li1.88 Mg1.47 Mn0.01 Na0.04 O23.97 Si8P n m a18.2872; 17.6797; 5.2784
90; 90; 90
1706.57Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Greenbushes, W Australia
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016796 CIFFe H7 Na2 O12 S2P 21 21 217.265; 20.522; 7.12
90; 90; 90
1061.54Scordari, F.; Ventruti, G.
Sideronatrite, Na2Fe(SO4)2(OH)*3H2O: Crystal structure of the orthorhombic polytype and OD character analysis
American Mineralogist, 2009, 94, 1679-1686
9016797 CIFAl2.936 Ca0.06 Fe0.438 H17.6 Mg5.68 Na0.04 O30.8 Si5.664 Ti0.042P 15.3434; 9.254; 14.34
90.0002; 97.0909; 90.0002
703.658Arguelles, A.; Leoni, M.; Blanco, J. A.; Marcos, C.
Semi-ordered crystalline structure of the Santa Olalla vermiculite inferred from X-ray powder diffraction
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 126-134
9016798 CIFFe0.26 H1.32 O4 Ti1.467P 1 21/c 17.5259; 4.5741; 9.854
90; 130.784; 90
256.847Grey, I. E.; Bordet, P.; Wilson, N. C.; Townend, R.; Bastow, T. J.; Brunelli, M.
A new Al-rich hydroxylian pseudorutile from Kalimantan, Indonesia
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 161-170
9016799 CIFAl Ca F14 Mg3 Na3R -3 m :R7.1756; 7.1756; 7.1756
59.867; 59.867; 59.867
260.464Mumme, W. G.; Grey, I. E.; Birch, W. D.; Pring, A.; Bougerol, C.; Wilson, N. C.
Coulsellite, CaNa3AlMg3F14, a rhombohedral pyrochlore with 1:3 ordering in both A and B sites, from the Cleveland mine, Tasmania, Australia
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 736-740
9016800 CIFAl2 Ca O4P 1 21/n 18.6996; 8.0994; 15.217
90; 90.188; 90
1072.21Ma, C.; Kampf, A. R.; Connolly, H. C.; Beckett, J. R.; Rossman, G. R.; Sweeney Smith, S. A.; Schrader, D. L.
Krotite, CaAl2O4, a new refractory mineral from the NWA 1934 meteorite
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 709-715
9016801 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.394; 8.394; 8.394
90; 90; 90
591.435Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 0.0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016802 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.35; 8.35; 8.35
90; 90; 90
582.183Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 2.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016803 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.328; 8.328; 8.328
90; 90; 90
577.593Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 4.4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016804 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.304; 8.304; 8.304
90; 90; 90
572.614Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 6.3 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016805 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.272; 8.272; 8.272
90; 90; 90
566.02Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 8.6 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016806 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.261; 8.261; 8.261
90; 90; 90
563.765Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 10.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016807 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.249; 8.249; 8.249
90; 90; 90
561.311Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 11.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016808 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.236; 8.236; 8.236
90; 90; 90
558.662Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 12.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016809 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.225; 8.225; 8.225
90; 90; 90
556.426Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 12.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016810 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.207; 8.207; 8.207
90; 90; 90
552.781Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 14.4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016811 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.198; 8.198; 8.198
90; 90; 90
550.965Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 15.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016812 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.184; 8.184; 8.184
90; 90; 90
548.147Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 16.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016813 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.174; 8.174; 8.174
90; 90; 90
546.14Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 17.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016814 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.158; 8.158; 8.158
90; 90; 90
542.939Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 18.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016815 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.149; 8.149; 8.149
90; 90; 90
541.144Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 19.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133

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