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1001370 CIFLi2 O6 Te ZrR 3 :H5.172; 5.172; 13.847
90; 90; 120
320.8Choisnet, J; Rulmont, A; Tarte, P
Les tellurates mixtes Li~2~ Zr Te O~6~ et Li~2~ Hf Te O~6~: un nouveau phenomene d'ordre dans la famille corindon
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 75, 124-135
1001502 CIFLi2 O6 Te ZrR 3 :H5.172; 5.172; 13.847
90; 90; 120
320.8Archaimbault, F; Choisnet, J; Rulmont, A; Tarte, P
Lithium defect and ordering phenomena in the new LiNbO~3~ like mixed tellurates: Li~2-x~(Zr^4+^,Nb^5+^,Te^6+^)~2~O~6~ (x<0.5)
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1992, 30, 245-252
1001503 CIFLi2 O6 Te ZrR 3 :H5.1732; 5.1732; 13.8508
90; 90; 120
321Archaimbault, F; Choisnet, J; Rulmont, A; Tarte, P
Lithium defect and ordering phenomena in the new LiNbO~3~ like mixed tellurates: Li~2-x~(Zr^4+^,Nb^5+^,Te^6+^)~2~O~6~ (x<0.5)
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1992, 30, 245-252
1001504 CIFLi1.75 Nb0.25 O6 Te Zr0.75R 3 :H5.167; 5.167; 13.795
90; 90; 120
319Archaimbault, F; Choisnet, J; Rulmont, A; Tarte, P
Lithium defect and ordering phenomena in the new LiNbO~3~ like mixed tellurates: Li~2-x~(Zr^4+^,Nb^5+^,Te^6+^)~2~O~6~ (x<0.5)
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1992, 30, 245-252
1005011 CIFLi Mo N2R 3 :H2.8674; 2.8674; 15.801
90; 90; 120
112.5Elder, S H; Doerrer, L H; DiSalvo, F J; Parise, J B; Guyomard, D; Tarascon, J M
LiMoN~2~: the first metallic layered nitride
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-, 1992, 4, 928-937
1007246 CIFAs5 Fe12R 3 :H6.7855; 6.7855; 16.30099
90; 90; 120
650Maaref, S; Maddar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude de la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1007265 CIFAs5 Fe10.77 Ru1.23R 3 :H6.8234; 6.8234; 16.364
90; 90; 120
659.8Maaref, S; Madar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude des la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1010457 CIFS Tl2R 3 :H12.2; 12.2; 18.17
90; 90; 120
2342.1Ketelaar, J A A; Gorter, E W
Die Kristallstruktur des Thallosulfid ( Tl~2~ S )
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1939, 101, 367-375
1100103 CIFH12 Mg O9 SR 3 :H8.83; 8.83; 9.075
90; 90; 120
612.8Flack, H
Etude de la structure cristalline du sulfite de magnesium hexahydrate, Mg S O3 (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 656-658
1100179 CIFC18 H22 OR 3 :H23.056; 23.056; 7.325
90; 90; 120
3372.15Bromm, Lars O.; Laaziri, Hamid; Lhermitte, Frédéric; Harms, Klaus; Knochel, Paul
Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Thermal Migration of Organoboranes in Acyclic Molecules
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000, 122, 10218-10219
1100180 CIFC17 H20 OR 3 :H22.864; 22.864; 7.229
90; 90; 120
3272.75Bromm, Lars O.; Laaziri, Hamid; Lhermitte, Frédéric; Harms, Klaus; Knochel, Paul
Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Thermal Migration of Organoboranes in Acyclic Molecules
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000, 122, 10218-10219
1100187 CIFC22.17 H35.34 Cl0.34 N O4R 3 :H28.224; 28.224; 15.262
90; 90; 120
10528.8Bach, Thorsten; Bergmann, Hermann; Grosch, Benjamin; Harms, Klaus; Herdtweck, Eberhardt
Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure 1,5,7-Trimethyl-3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-2-ones as Chiral Host Compounds for Enantioselective Photochemical Reactions in Solution
Synthesis, 2001, 2001, 1395-1405
1502521 CIFC21 H24 N2 O4R 3 :H19.502; 19.502; 13.648
90; 90; 120
4495Guo, Shengmei; Xie, Yinjun; Hu, Xinquan; Huang, Hanmin
Highly diastereo- and enantioselective tandem reaction toward functionalized pyrrolidines with multiple stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5596-5599
1503706 CIFC27.667 H35.667 N O10.667R 3 :H19.2969; 19.2969; 19.1134
90; 90; 120
6163.7Ismail, Intan Safinar; Nagakura, Yuta; Hirasawa, Yusuke; Hosoya, Takahiro; Lazim, Mohd Izwan Mohd; Lajis, Nordin Hj; Shiro, Motoo; Morita, Hiroshi
Chrotacumines A-D, chromone alkaloids from Dysoxylum acutangulum.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 1879-1883
1504071 CIFC17 H22 Br N3 O5R 3 :H21.619; 21.619; 12.828
90; 90; 120
5192.3Cheng, Liang; Liu, Li; Wang, Dong; Chen, Yong-Jun
Highly enantioselective and organocatalytic alpha-amination of 2-oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3874-3877
1505488 CIFC16 H20 N O5.5R 3 :H16.3003; 16.3003; 29.5212
90; 90; 120
6792.9Banwell, Martin G.; Kokas, Okanya J.; Willis, Anthony C.
Chemoenzymatic approaches to the montanine alkaloids: a total synthesis of (+)-brunsvigine.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3503-3506
1506242 CIFC42 H56 Cl2 N4 O12R 3 :H27.991; 27.991; 20.057
90; 90; 120
13609Hong, Wen-Xu; Chen, Ling-Jun; Zhong, Chun-Long; Yao, Zhu-Jun
Bidirectional synthesis of the central amino acid of chloptosin.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 4919-4922
1507134 CIFB3 H12 K ZnR 3 :H7.6291; 7.6291; 10.977
90; 90; 120
553.3Černý, Radovan; Ravnsbæk, Dorthe B.; Schouwink, Pascal; Filinchuk, Yaroslav; Penin, Nicolas; Teyssier, Jeremie; Smrčok, L'ubomír; Jensen, Torben R.
Potassium Zinc Borohydrides Containing Triangular [Zn(BH4)3]−and Tetrahedral [Zn(BH4)xCl4‒x]2‒Anions
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 1563
1507949 CIFC24 H52.33 Br Cl2 N5 O2.33 P2 RuR 3 :H28.71; 28.71; 10.909
90; 90; 120
7787Tulchinsky, Yuri; Iron, Mark A.; Botoshansky, Mark; Gandelman, Mark
Nitrenium ions as ligands for transition metals.
Nature chemistry, 2011, 3, 525-531
1508049 CIFC48 H78 Fe N2 Na O3 P3 SiR 3 :H17.9312; 17.9312; 13.1252
90; 90; 120
3654.73Lee, Yunho; Mankad, Neal P.; Peters, Jonas C.
Triggering N(2) uptake via redox-induced expulsion of coordinated NH(3) and N(2) silylation at trigonal bipyramidal iron.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 558-565
1508893 CIFC98 H156 F24 N22 Na4 O27 P4R 3 :H16.382; 16.382; 39.89
90; 90; 120
9271Izzo, Irene; Ianniello, Graziella; De Cola, Chiara; Nardone, Brunello; Erra, Loredana; Vaughan, Gavin; Tedesco, Consiglia; De Riccardis, Francesco
Structural effects of proline substitution and metal binding on hexameric cyclic peptoids.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 598-601
1510571 CIFAu5 SnR 3 :H5.092; 5.092; 14.333
90; 90; 120
321.843Yamaguchi, S.; Hirabayashi, M.; Osada, K.
An ordered stucture of Au5 Sn
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals, 1974, 15, 256-260
1512780 CIFC18 H12 Co3 N15 O4 PR 3 :H22.202; 22.202; 4.3536
90; 90; 120
1858.5Kari Darling; Jon Zubieta
Solid state coordination chemistry of metal-azolate compounds: Structural consequences of incorporation of phosphate components in the Co(II)/4-pyridyltetrazolate/phosphate system
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 394, 512-518
1521214 CIFCr2 D3.804 ZrR 3 :H9.3848; 9.3848; 26.5461
90; 90; 120
2024.8Irodova, A.V.; Suard, E.
Order-disorder phase transition in the deuterated hexagonal (C14-type) Laves phase Zr Cr2 D3.8
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 299, 32-38
1521824 CIFCa2.1 Ce1.15 Cl0.17 F0.28 Fe0.15 H4.32 Hf0.05 K0.1 Mn3.6 Na16 Nb0.4 O77.11 Si25.6 Sr0.45 Ti0.1 Zr3.3R 3 :H14.182; 14.182; 30.37
90; 90; 120
5289.94Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Khomyakov, A.P.; Nekrasov, Yu.V.
Crystal structure of a novel analog of eudialyte with R3 symmetry
Kristallografiya, 1999, 44, 824-828
1522207 CIFGe Li2 O6 TeR 3 :H5.00795; 5.00795; 14.3422
90; 90; 120
311.506Woodward, P.M.; Du, L.-S.; Sleight, A.W.; Grey, C.P.
Structural studies and order-disorder phenomenon in a series of new quaternary tellurates of the type A(2+) M(4+) Te(6+) O6 and A(1+)2 M(4+) Te(6+) O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 147, 99-116
1522962 CIFGa4 Pd7 Zn3R 3 :H11.531; 11.531; 5.249
90; 90; 120
604.423Subrahmanyam, A.V.; Schubert, K.
Ueber die Mischung P Zn - Pd Ga
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 32, 199-206
1525784 CIFRb Sb0.33 Te6 UR 3 :H15.741; 15.741; 24.382
90; 90; 120
5231.96Choi, K.-S.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Unique periodic modulations in the infinite (Tex)(n-) chains of Rb U Sb0.33 Te6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 161, 17-22
1525845 CIFCs2 H6 O10 S TeR 3 :H7.479; 7.479; 16.637
90; 90; 120
805.921Dammak, M.; Mhiri, T.; Jaud, J.; Savariault, J.M.
Structural study of the two new cesium sulfate and selenate tellurate Cs2 S O4 * Te (O H)6 and Cs2 Se O4 * Te (O H)6
International Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2001, 3, 861-873
1526326 CIFAl0.1 Ca1.77 Ce0.63 Cl0.3 Fe1.5 H5.75 K0.18 Mn2.1 Na15.99 Nb0.132 O77.6 Si25.9 Sr0.6 Ti0.168 Zr3.63R 3 :H14.205; 14.205; 30.265
90; 90; 120
5288.76Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Khomyakov, A.P.
Crystal structure of a new Mn, Na-ordered analog of eudialyte with R3 symmetry
Kristallografiya, 2000, 45, 649-652
1526546 CIFK Ni O9 P3R 3 :H10.076; 10.076; 6.9623
90; 90; 120
612.153Kapshuk, A.A.; Nagornyi, P.G.; Petrenko, O.V.
Synthesis, IR spectra and structures of double metaphosphates M Ni (P O3)3 (M= Na or K)
Kristallografiya, 2000, 45, 238-241
1527653 CIFFe2 P2 Se6R 3 :H6.265; 6.265; 19.8
90; 90; 120
673.036Klingen, W.; Hahn, H.; Eulenberger, G.
Ueber die Kristallstrukturen von Fe2 P2 Se6 und Fe2 P2 S6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1973, 401, 97-112
1528809 CIFCa2.4 Ce0.57 Cl0.35 Fe1.2 H2.89 K0.18 Mn3.51 Na13.56 Nb0.43 O3.76 Si0.46 Ti0.06 Zr3R 3 :H14.134; 14.134; 30.178
90; 90; 120
5220.97Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Rozenberg, K.A.; Moeckel, S.; Chukanov, N.V.; Pekov, I.V.
Crystal structures of two new low-symmetry calcium-deficient analogs of eudialyte
Kristallografiya, 2006, 51, 235-240
1528810 CIFCa3 Ce0.33 Cl0.53 F0.66 Fe1.44 H2.62 K0.21 Mn1.44 Na15.66 Nb0.27 O4.1 Si0.9 Sr0.36 Ti0.21 Y0.09 Zr3.54R 3 :H14.192; 14.192; 30.17
90; 90; 120
5262.51Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Rozenberg, K.A.; Moeckel, S.; Chukanov, N.V.; Pekov, I.V.
Crystal structures of two new low-symmetry calcium-deficient analogs of eudialyte
Kristallografiya, 2006, 51, 235-240
1529517 CIFH6 I Na O7R 3 :H6.04272; 6.04272; 13.2317
90; 90; 120
418.419Abrahams, S.C.; Bernstein, J.L.
Pyroelectric Na (H3 O) (I (O H)3 O3. Room temperature crystal structure
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1978, 69, 4234-4237
1530362 CIFP3 Pd7R 3 :H11.976; 11.976; 7.055
90; 90; 120
876.297Matkovic, T.; Schubert, K.
Kristallstruktur von Pd7 P3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 177-184
1530433 CIFAl1.89 As3 Fe0.19 H23 Mg2.53 Mn10.39 O34R 3 :H8.275; 8.275; 36.6
90; 90; 120
2170.44Moore, P.B.; Araki, T.
Hematolite. A complex dense-packed sheet structure
American Mineralogist, 1978, 63, 150-159
1530985 CIFH11.04 K6 Mn Mo9 O37.52R 3 :H15.59; 15.59; 12.44
90; 90; 120
2618.44Weakley, T.J.R.
The crystal structure of potassium nonamolybdomanganate(IV) hexahydrate, K6 (Mn Mo9 O32) (H2 O)6
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 54, 289-296
1531096 CIFCd Cs N3 O6R 3 :H7.7305; 7.7305; 9.417
90; 90; 120
487.37Avdeev, M.; Kharton, V.
Crystal structure of rhombohedral M Cd (N O2)3 (M = K, Rb, Cs, Tl) from X-ray powder diffraction data
Materials Research Bulletin, 2002, 37, 735-743
1531097 CIFCd N3 O6 RbR 3 :H7.629; 7.629; 9.2355
90; 90; 120
465.507Avdeev, M.; Kharton, V.
Crystal structure of rhombohedral M Cd (N O2)3 (M = K, Rb, Cs, Tl) from X-ray powder diffraction data
Materials Research Bulletin, 2002, 37, 735-743
1531098 CIFCd K N3 O6R 3 :H7.5887; 7.5887; 9.1285
90; 90; 120
455.266Avdeev, M.; Kharton, V.
Crystal structure of rhombohedral M Cd (N O2)3 (M = K, Rb, Cs, Tl) from X-ray powder diffraction data
Materials Research Bulletin, 2002, 37, 735-743
1531099 CIFCd N3 O6 TlR 3 :H7.6219; 7.6219; 9.23
90; 90; 120
464.364Avdeev, M.; Kharton, V.
Crystal structure of rhombohedral M Cd (N O2)3 (M = K, Rb, Cs, Tl) from X-ray powder diffraction data
Materials Research Bulletin, 2002, 37, 735-743
1531227 CIFCa3 Nb1.95 O8 V0.05R 3 :H16.91; 16.91; 41.5
90; 90; 120
10277Cranswick, L.M.D.; Mumme, W.G.; Roth, R.S.; Grey, I.E.; Bordet, P.
A new octahedral tilt in the perovskite phase Ca3 Nb2 O8
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 172, 178-187
1532389 CIFC H5.2 B22 Ca6.1 Li5 Na1.6 O47R 3 :H8.99; 8.99; 35.91
90; 90; 120
2513.42Yamnova, N.A.; Egorov-Tismenko, Yu.K.; Dimitrova, O.V.; Kantor, A.P.
Crystal structure of new synthetic (Ca, Na, Li)-carbonate-borate
Kristallografiya, 2002, 47, 623-630
1532645 CIFAs6 H24 O53 V15 Zn2R 3 :H12.0601; 12.0601; 33.97
90; 90; 120
4278.86Cui Xiaobing; Xu Jiqing; Ding Lan; Ding Hong; Yang Guoyu; Ye Ling
Hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure and characterization of (Zn (H2 O)4)2 (H2 As6 V15 O42 (H2 O)) * 2(H2 O)
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2003, 660, 131-137
1532812 CIFCr1.33 Ga2 Se5R 3 :H3.781; 3.781; 46.807
90; 90; 120
579.502Okonska-Kozlowska, I.; Szamocka, K.; Malicka, E.; Heimann, J.; Gron, T.; Mydlarz, T.; Gilewski, A.; Waskowska, A.
The crystal structure and properties of Ga2 Cr1.33 Se5, a new layered semiconductor
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2004, 366, 21-27
1534101 CIFC24 H29 F N2 O5R 3 :H31.82; 31.82; 6.203
90; 90; 120
5439.2Bonetti, Andrea; Pellegrino, Sara; Das, Priyadip; Yuran, Sivan; Bucci, Raffaella; Ferri, Nicola; Meneghetti, Fiorella; Castellano, Carlo; Reches, Meital; Gelmi, Maria Luisa
Dipeptide Nanotubes Containing Unnatural Fluorine-Substituted β(2,3)-Diarylamino Acid and l-Alanine as Candidates for Biomedical Applications.
Organic letters, 2015, 17, 4468-4471
1534466 CIFEr13 Ge6 H O32R 3 :H15.617; 15.617; 9.398
90; 90; 120
1985Genkina, E.A.; Maximov, B.A.; Dem'yanets, L.N.; Mamin, B.F.
Synthesis and atomic structure of Er13 Ge6 O31 (O H)
Kristallografiya, 1990, 35, 642-646
1534591 CIFK2 O9 Si3 TiR 3 :H10.0124; 10.0124; 14.8413
90; 90; 120
1288.48Lin, Z.; Ferreira, A.; Rocha, J.
Synthesis and structural characterization of novel tin and titanium potassium silicates K4 M2 Si6 O18
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 175, 258-263
1535209 CIFF3 O4 P Sn3R 3 :H11.87; 11.87; 4.69
90; 90; 120
572.275Berndt, A. F.
Reaction of stannous fluoride with hydroxyapatite: The crystal structure of Sn~3PO~4~F~3~
Journal of Dental Research, 1972, 51, 53-57
1535828 CIFC Ca Ce2 F2R 3 :H7.124; 7.124; 84.1
90; 90; 120
3696.36Donnay, G.; Donnay, J.D.H.
The crystallography of bastnaesite, parisite, roentgenite, and synchisite
American Mineralogist, 1953, 38, 932-963
1535831 CIFC Ca2 Ce3 F3R 3 :H7.131; 7.131; 69.39999
90; 90; 120
3056.26Donnay, G.; Donnay, J.D.H.
The crystallography of bastnaesite, parisite, roentgenite, and synchisite
American Mineralogist, 1953, 38, 932-963
1536142 CIFIn4 P6 Se18R 3 :H6.362; 6.362; 19.929
90; 90; 120
698.56Voroshilov, Yu.V.; Potorii, M.V.; Gebesh, V.Yu.
Phase equilibria in In-P-Se system and crystal structure of beta - In4 (P2 Se6)3
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1991, 27, 2495-2498
1536329 CIFS42 Sr17 Ta10R 3 :H18.1525; 18.1525; 18.65739
90; 90; 120
5324.2Onoda, M.; Saeki, M.; Yajima, Y.
Preparation and crystal structure model of a new strontium tantalumsulfide: Sr17 Ta10 S42
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 105, 354-362
1537230 CIFBi11.23 Cl12.23 IrR 3 :H12.666; 12.666; 15.86
90; 90; 120
2203.5Ruck, M.; Hampel, S.
Stabilization of homonuclear Bi5(+) and Bi6(2+) polycations by cluster anions in the crystal structures of Bi12-x Ir Cl13-x, Bi12-x Rh Cl13-x and Bi12-x Rh Br13-x
Polyhedron, 2002, 21, 651-656
1537233 CIFBi11.7 Cl12.7 RhR 3 :H12.612; 12.612; 15.917
90; 90; 120
2192.6Ruck, M.; Hampel, S.
Stabilization of homonuclear Bi5(+) and Bi6(2+) polycations by cluster anions in the crystal structures of Bi12-x Ir Cl13-x, Bi12-x Rh Cl13-x and Bi12-x Rh Br13-x
Polyhedron, 2002, 21, 651-656
1537236 CIFBi11.28 Br12.28 RhR 3 :H12.961; 12.961; 16.416
90; 90; 120
2388.22Ruck, M.; Hampel, S.
Stabilization of homonuclear Bi5(+) and Bi6(2+) polycations by cluster anions in the crystal structures of Bi12-x Ir Cl13-x, Bi12-x Rh Cl13-x and Bi12-x Rh Br13-x
Polyhedron, 2002, 21, 651-656
1538359 CIFNi3 O6 TeR 3 :H5.103; 5.103; 13.755
90; 90; 120
310.2Newnham, R.E.; Meagher, E.P.
Crystal structure of Ni3 Te O6
Materials Research Bulletin, 1967, 2, 549-554
1540954 CIFCu2.601 Mo9 S12R 3 :H5.18; 5.18; 10.33
90; 90; 120
240.044Shamrai, V.F.; Leitus, G.M.; Tandid, A.V.
Crystal structure of Cu1.73 Mo6 S7.9
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1987, 32, 671-673
1541134 CIFP15.99 Si9 Sn4.2R 3 :H15.665; 15.665; 8.761
90; 90; 120
1861.85Pivan, J.Y.; Guerin, P.; Padiou, J.; Sergent, M.
Preparation and crystal structure of the semiconducting compound Sn4.2 Si9 P16
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 76, 26-32
1541185 CIFNa1.65 S6 Ti3R 3 :H3.433; 3.433; 20.94
90; 90; 120
213.725Rouxel, J.; Danot, M.; Bichon, J.
Les composes intercalaires Nax Ti S2. Etude structurale generale des phases Nax Ti S2 et Kx Ti S2
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1971, 1971, 3930-3935
1541200 CIFPd8 Sb3R 3 :H7.59; 7.59; 43.2
90; 90; 120
2155.25Man, L.I.; Imamov, R.M.
Crystal structure of the rhombohedral phase in the Pd-Sb system
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1979, 24, 365-367
1541283 CIFAl4.2 Cu3.2 Zn0.7R 3 :H4.111; 4.111; 25.036
90; 90; 120
366.43Murphy, S.
The Structure of the T' Phase in the System Al-Cu-Zn
Metal Science, 1975, 9, 163-168
1541426 CIFAs6.3 Cu0.84 Fe H6 Mg0.1 Mn13.9 O33 Si1.7R 3 :H8.233; 8.233; 37.499
90; 90; 120
2201.24Araki, T.; Moore, P.B.
Dixeneite, Cu(1+) Mn(2+)14 Fe(3+) (OH)6 (As(3+)O3)5 (Si(4+) O4)2 (As(5+) O4): metallic (As(3+)4 Cu(1+)) clusters in an oxide matrix
American Mineralogist, 1981, 66, 1263-1273
1542874 CIFC18 H48 Ge Si4R 3 :H14.513; 14.513; 10.772
90; 90; 120
1964.9Hlina, Johann; Zitz, Rainer; Wagner, Harald; Stella, Filippo; Baumgartner, Judith; Marschner, Christoph
σ-Bond electron delocalization of branched oligogermanes and germanium containing oligosilanes
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2014, 422, 120-133
1542875 CIFC18 H48 Ge5R 3 :H14.643; 14.643; 10.892
90; 90; 120
2022.5Hlina, Johann; Zitz, Rainer; Wagner, Harald; Stella, Filippo; Baumgartner, Judith; Marschner, Christoph
σ-Bond electron delocalization of branched oligogermanes and germanium containing oligosilanes
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2014, 422, 120-133
1543508 CIFC20 H23 N O4R 3 :H19.678; 19.678; 13.192
90; 90; 120
4424Breinholt, Jens; Jensen, Helle C.; Kjaer, Anders; Olsen, Carl E.; Rassing, Birgitte R.; Rosendahl, Connie N.; Sotofte, Inger
Cladobotryal: a Fungal Metabolite with a Novel Ring System
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1998, 52, 631-634
1547492 CIFC25 H29 N O5R 3 :H19.7299; 19.7299; 30.7413
90; 90; 120
10363.4Cui, Hui; Lin, Yun; Luo, Mingchu; Lu, Yongjun; Huang, Xishan; She, Zhigang
Diaporisoindoles A-C: Three Isoprenylisoindole Alkaloid Derivatives from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-HQ3.
Organic letters, 2017, 19, 5621-5624
1547614 CIFC25 H21 N O5R 3 :H31.8047; 31.8047; 11.8143
90; 90; 120
10349.5He, Rui; Liu, Penglin; Huo, Xiaohong; Zhang, Wanbin
Ir/Zn Dual Catalysis: Enantioselective and Diastereodivergent α-Allylation of Unprotected α-Hydroxy Indanones.
Organic letters, 2017, 19, 5513-5516
1551373 CIFC168 H88 N26 O18R 3 :H19.3322; 19.3322; 28.9191
90; 90; 120
9360Max J. Kory; Michael Worle; Thomas Weber; Payam Payamyar; Stan W. van de Poll; Julia Dshemuchadse; Nils Trapp; Dieter Schluter
Gram-scale synthesis of two-dimensional polymer crystals and their structure analysis by X-ray diffraction
Nature Chemistry, 2014, 6, 779-784
1551374 CIFC168 H88 N26 O18R 3 :H19.3695; 19.3695; 28.9712
90; 90; 120
9413.1Max J. Kory; Michael Worle; Thomas Weber; Payam Payamyar; Stan W. van de Poll; Julia Dshemuchadse; Nils Trapp; Dieter Schluter
Gram-scale synthesis of two-dimensional polymer crystals and their structure analysis by X-ray diffraction
Nature Chemistry, 2014, 6, 779-784
1551375 CIFC168 H88 N26 O18R 3 :H19.4976; 19.4976; 29.0508
90; 90; 120
9564.3Max J. Kory; Michael Worle; Thomas Weber; Payam Payamyar; Stan W. van de Poll; Julia Dshemuchadse; Nils Trapp; Dieter Schluter
Gram-scale synthesis of two-dimensional polymer crystals and their structure analysis by X-ray diffraction
Nature Chemistry, 2014, 6, 779-784
1551377 CIFC168 H88 N26 O18R 3 :H19.4393; 19.4393; 28.547
90; 90; 120
9342.3Max J. Kory; Michael Worle; Thomas Weber; Payam Payamyar; Stan W. van de Poll; Julia Dshemuchadse; Nils Trapp; Dieter Schluter
Gram-scale synthesis of two-dimensional polymer crystals and their structure analysis by X-ray diffraction
Nature Chemistry, 2014, 6, 779-784
1552639 CIFC44 H52 N4 O11R 3 :H30.7488; 30.7488; 14.4242
90; 90; 120
11810.8Sim, Dawn Su-Yin; Navanesan, Suerialoasan; Sim, Kae-Shin; Gurusamy, Subramaniam; Lim, Siew-Huah; Low, Yun-Yee; Kam, Toh-Seok
Conolodinines A-D, Aspidosperma- Aspidosperma Bisindole Alkaloids with Antiproliferative Activity from Tabernaemontana corymbosa.
Journal of natural products, 2019, 82, 850-858
1552766 CIFC28 H22 N3 PR 3 :H34.841; 34.841; 5.566
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5851.3Zhu, Ren-Yi; Chen, Long; Hu, Xiao-Si; Zhou, Feng; Zhou, Jian
Enantioselective synthesis of <i>P</i>-chiral tertiary phosphine oxides with an ethynyl group <i>via</i> Cu(i)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition.
Chemical science, 2020, 11, 97-106
1553667 CIFC18 H16 Cl4 N4 O2R 3 :H14.7047; 14.7047; 23.9058
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4476.6Zhang, Xiaohong; Shi, Jun; Shen, Guangyu; Gou, Fei; Cheng, Jinghui; Zhou, Xiangge; Xiang, Haifeng
Non-conjugated fluorescent molecular cages of salicylaldehyde-based tri-Schiff bases: AIE, enantiomers, mechanochromism, anion hosts/probes, and cell imaging properties
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1554927 CIFC16 H18 OR 3 :H20.961; 20.961; 7.086
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2696.2Lin, Minggui; Cui, Hao; Hua, Yuhui; Zhang, Yandong
Domino enyne metathesis en route to skeletally diverse, privileged scaffolds: synthesis of the tricyclic core of pseudolaric acid F
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1555598 CIFC19 H20 N2 O1.76R 3 :H24.3768; 24.3768; 7.2197
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Total Synthesis of Macrocarpines D and E via an Enolate-Driven Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Process: Replacement of Catalytic Palladium with Copper Iodide.
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1557152 CIFC3 Ca2 K2 O9R 3 :H13.01; 13.01; 8.615
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Crystal Structure of the Double Carbonate K2Ca2(CO3)3
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1558857 CIFC25 H13R 3 :H25.07149; 25.07149; 11.09028
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6037.17Zhu, Kaige KZ; Kamochi, Kosuke KK; Kodama, Takuya; Tobisu, Mamoru; Amaya, Toru
Chiral cyclic [n]spirobifluorenylenes: carbon nanorings consisting of helically arranged quaterphenyl rods illustrating partial units of woven patterns
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1558898 CIFLi10 N10 P4R 3 :H8.71929; 8.71929; 21.4656
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1413.31Bertschler, E.-M.; Dietrich, C.; Leichtweib, T.; Janek, J.; Schnick, W.
Li+ ion conductors with adamantane-type nitridophosphate anions beta-Li10P4N10 and Li13P4N10X3 with X = Cl, Br
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1558984 CIFC87 H114 Co F3 N4 O P3 ZrR 3 :H20.3878; 20.3878; 16.4288
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5913.9Thomas, Christine M.; Zhang, Hongtu; Hatzis, Gregory P.; Moore, Curtis; Dickie, Diane Amanda
Redox chemistry and H-atom abstraction reactivity of a terminal zirconium(IV) oxo compound mediated by an appended cobalt(I) center
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1559412 CIFC31 H28 N4 O5R 3 :H24.2245; 24.2245; 12.4413
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6322.8Wang, Jinhui; Jin, Weiyang; Zhou, Xiaoxin; Li, Jiaqi; Xu, Chengdong; Ma, Zhongjun; Wang, Jianan; Qin, Lele; Zhou, Biao; Ding, Wanjing; Gao, Tingting; Yao, Hangping; Chen, Zhe
Identification, Structure‒Activity Relationships of Marine-Derived Indolocarbazoles, and a Dual PKCθ/δ Inhibitor with Potent Antipancreatic Cancer Efficacy
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1561860 CIFO11 Pb Ta4R 3 :H6.237006; 6.237006; 36.86138
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1562919 CIFBa Ga2 Ge S6R 3 :H9.5967; 9.5967; 8.671
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1562920 CIFBa Ga2 Ge Se6R 3 :H10.0438; 10.0438; 9.114
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BaGa2GeX6(X=S, Se): New mid-IR nonlinear optical crystals with large band gaps
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1564175 CIFC58 H52 Br2 N4 Na2 Ni4 O12R 3 :H44.4417; 44.4417; 11.323
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19367.5Farwa, Ume; Pait, Moumita; Ryu, Ji Yeon; Byun, Yong Min; Lee, Seul Gi; Jeong, Seung Hoo; Singh, Ovender; Singh, Neetu; Park, Hyoung-Ryun; Lee, Junseong
Multinuclear nickel(II) complexes with chiral schiff base ligand
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1564485 CIFC40 H102 Cl5.01 F0 Mo6 N19 O38.04 TiR 3 :H21.4608; 21.4608; 14.8972
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5941.9Sugiarto,; Kazakami, Shota; Kawamoto, Keisuke; Hayashi, Yoshihito
Stabilization of titanium(IV) and indium(III) complexes by coordination of [MoO3(1,4,7-triazacyclononane)] metalloligand in aqueous solution
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1564486 CIFC36 H90 Cl6 In2 Mo6 N18 O45R 3 :H22.041; 22.041; 14.5043
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6102.2Sugiarto,; Kazakami, Shota; Kawamoto, Keisuke; Hayashi, Yoshihito
Stabilization of titanium(IV) and indium(III) complexes by coordination of [MoO3(1,4,7-triazacyclononane)] metalloligand in aqueous solution
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1565779 CIFC81 H186 Ag20 O27 P12 Pt S24R 3 :H22.7267; 22.7267; 27.59
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12341.1Gam, Franck; Chantrenne, Isaac; Kahlal, Samia; Chiu, Tzu-Hao; Liao, Jian-Hong; Liu, C. W.; Saillard, Jean-Yves
Alloying dichalcogenolate-protected Ag<sub>21</sub> eight-electron nanoclusters: a DFT investigation.
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1566522 CIFC69 H96 N6 O6R 3 :H20.366; 20.366; 13.791
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4953.79Ding, Yanjun; Alimi, Lukman O.; Du, Jing; Hua, Bin; Dey, Avishek; Yu, Pei; Khashab, Niveen M.
Pillar[3]trianglamines: deeper cavity triangular macrocycles for selective hexene isomer separation
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1566523 CIFC66 H90 N6 O6R 3 :H20.3338; 20.3338; 13.7372
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4918.88Ding, Yanjun; Alimi, Lukman O.; Du, Jing; Hua, Bin; Dey, Avishek; Yu, Pei; Khashab, Niveen M.
Pillar[3]trianglamines: deeper cavity triangular macrocycles for selective hexene isomer separation
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1568165 CIFC256 H432 Fe4 N28 O186 S12R 3 :H22.1273; 22.1273; 62.674
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Programmable synthesis of well-defined, glycosylated iron(ii) supramolecular assemblies with multivalent protein-binding capabilities.
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1568353 CIFC15 H13 N3 SnR 3 :H28.972; 28.972; 8.1427
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5919.1Sikora, Philipp; Naumann, Robert; Förster, Christoph; Heinze, Katja
Excited state energy landscape of phosphorescent group 14 complexes.
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1569505 CIFC43.67 H35.67 Cl5 N8 O6 S2R 3 :H21.6918; 21.6918; 24.6601
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Tetrahomo corona[4]arene-based spirophanes: synthesis, structure, and properties.
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1570702 CIFC34 H19 BR 3 :H34.63; 34.63; 4.803
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A highly fluorescent bora[6]helicene exhibiting circularly polarized light emission.
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Highly enhanced chiroptical effect from self-inclusion helical nanocrystals of tetraphenylethylene bimacrocycles.
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C57 H45 Fe N3 O3 P3 S3R 3 :H38.4; 38.4; 12.092
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C8 H12 Cl N O4 SR 3 :H21.511; 21.511; 6.369
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6α-Chloro-3α-hydroxymethyl-2,2-dimethylpenam 1,1-Dioxide
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C24 H33 N O3R 3 :H27.132; 27.132; 8.29
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Two <i>C</i>~3~-symmetrical tris(<i>ortho</i>-substituted) tribenzylamines
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C21 H21 O PR 3 :H16.685; 16.685; 5.468
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Tribenzylphosphine oxide
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, e98-e99
2011227 CIF
C10 H15 N3 O4R 3 :H16.611; 16.611; 10.6471
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2544.2Seela, Frank; He, Yang; Reuter, Hans; Heithoff, Eva-Maria
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2013852 CIF
C30 H39 Cl O4R 3 :H34.3749; 34.3749; 5.7585
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5892.8Thamotharan, S.; Parthasarathi, V.; Gupta, Ranju; Guleria, Sheetal; Jindal, D. P.; Linden, Anthony
Two androst-5-ene derivatives: 16-[4-(3-chloropropoxy)-3-methoxybenzylidene]-17-oxoandrost-5-en-3β-ol and 16-[3-methoxy-4-(2-pyrrolidin-1-ylethoxy)benzylidene]-3β-pyrrolidinoandrost-5-en-17β-ol monohydrate
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2015441 CIF
C11 H15 N O2R 3 :H23.561; 23.561; 5.7823
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(<i>Z</i>)-6-{[1,3-Dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-yliminio]methyl}-2-ethoxyphenolate, (<i>Z</i>)-6-{[1,3-dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-yliminio]methyl}-4-nitratocyclohexa-2,4-dienone monohydrate and (<i>R</i>,<i>E</i>)-2-[(1-hydroxybutan-2-ylimino)methyl]phenol
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2017128 CIF
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The neutral cluster amminehexa-μ~2~-chlorido-μ~4~-oxido-tris(1,4,6-triazabicyclo[3.3.0]oct-4-ene)tetracopper(II)
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2017293 CIF
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Lithium carnallite, LiCl·MgCl~2~·7H~2~O
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C42 H44 Cl2 P2R 3 :H13.941; 13.941; 15.693
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Tribenzylphosphane and its hydrochloride salt, tribenzylphosphonium hydrogen dichloride‒tribenzylphosphane (1/1)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2013, 69, 560-564
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C29 H40 N4 O8.961R 3 :H24.3443; 24.3443; 14.55212
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C50 H121 Al3 F10 Li4 O5 Si9R 3 :H14.899; 14.899; 30.472
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Refinement of obverse/reverse twins
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2105409 CIFB3 Cl6 N3R 3 :H8.847; 8.847; 10.321
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1214.4Kemmitt, Tim; Gainsford, Graeme J.; Steel, Peter J.; Wikaira, Jan
Four-centre hydrogen bonds: a triethanolamine‒triethanolamine oxide complex
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2002, 58, o851-o852
2204397 CIF
C12 H24 Cl2 N6 S3 ZnR 3 :H11.0498; 11.0498; 16.0416
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1696.24Hai Qing Sun; Wen Tao Yu; Duo Rong Yuan; Xin Qing Wang; Gang, Xue
Tris(allylthiourea-κ<i>S</i>)chlorozinc(II) chloride
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2004, 60, m1431-m1433
2207374 CIF
Cs4 Se9 Sn3 SrR 3 :H14.528; 14.528; 9.685
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1770.3Tobias van Almsick; William S. Sheldrick
Tetracaesium strontium <i>catena</i>-nonaselenidotristannate(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, i225-i227
2208270 CIF
C24.67 H33.67 F O6.67R 3 :H17.857; 17.857; 18.0528
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Triamcinolone acetonide methanol 0.67-solvate at 170 K
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o960-o962
2211031 CIF
Ni3 O6 TeR 3 :H5.1087; 5.1087; 13.767
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Reinvestigation of Ni~3~TeO~6~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, i222-i223
2211439 CIF
C16 H14 Cl2 O3R 3 :H19.849; 19.849; 10.34
90; 90; 120
3528Zhen, Xiao-Li; Han, Jian-Rong; Wang, Qun-Tao; Tian, Xia; Liu, Shou-Xin
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2006, 62, o5794-o5795
2213999 CIF
C31 H34 O8R 3 :H24.001; 24.001; 13.441
90; 90; 120
6705.3Zi-Jie Liu; Dong Han; Lin-Na Wang; Xiang-Bao Meng; Zhong-Jun Li
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o2975-o2975
2215550 CIF
C12 H24 N3 O12 TbR 3 :H16.54; 16.54; 5.9554
90; 90; 120
1411Kameshwar, Prashant M.; Wadawale, Amey; Ajgaonkar, Vishnu R.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2584-m2584
2215551 CIF
C12 H24 N3 O12 SmR 3 :H16.58; 16.58; 5.978
90; 90; 120
1423.2Kameshwar, Prashant M.; Wadawale, Amey; Ajgaonkar, Vishnu R.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2598-m2598
2218160 CIF
C108 H76 Fe4 N18 O42 W12R 3 :H25.088; 25.088; 17.231
90; 90; 120
9392Ma, Feng-Xia; Chen, Ya-Guang; Shi, Dong-Mei
Tris[tris(1,10-phenanthroline-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')iron(II)] dodecatungstoferrate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m672
2220799 CIF
C21 H21 Cl SnR 3 :H16.7985; 16.7985; 11.6875
90; 90; 120
2856.23Ng, Seik Weng
Low-temperature redetermination of tribenzylchloridotin(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m238
2222312 CIF
C45 H34 B Br N6 NiR 3 :H12.8227; 12.8227; 19.327
90; 90; 120
2752Harding, David J.; Harding, Phimphaka; Adams, Harry
[Tris(3,5-diphenylpyrazolyl)hydroborato]nickel(II) bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, m773
2225315 CIF
C13 H21 N3 O6R 3 :H16.8793; 16.8793; 15.1043
90; 90; 120
3726.83Jenkinson, Sarah F.; Lenagh-Snow, Gabriel M. J.; Izumori, Ken; Fleet, George W. J.; Watkin, David J.; Thompson, Amber L.
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, o525-o526
2227936 CIF
C21 H15 Bi O6R 3 :H19.5608; 19.5608; 4.0967
90; 90; 120
1357.5Tumanov, Nikolay A.; Timakova, Evgenia V.; Boldyreva, Elena V.
Tribenzoatobismuth(III): a new polymorph
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, m1248
2229317 CIF
C18 H25.67 N O5.33R 3 :H27.95; 27.95; 5.8035
90; 90; 120
3926.3Chakka, Sai Kumar; McKay, Michael G.; Govender, Thavendran; Kruger, Hendrik G.; Maguire, Glenn E. M.
[(1<i>R</i>,3<i>S</i>)-6,7-Dimethoxy-1-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-3-yl]methanol 2.33-hydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, o700
2229407 CIF
C18 H12 Br5 Fe2 N6 S6R 3 :H12.0638; 12.0638; 17.6907
90; 90; 120
2229.7Abedi, Anita; Amani, Vahid; Safari, Nasser
Tris(4,4'-bi-1,3-thiazole-κ^2^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>')iron(II) tetrabromidoferrate(III) bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m311-m312
2230124 CIF
C12 H24 Br2 N6 S3 ZnR 3 :H11.3591; 11.3591; 14.5172
90; 90; 120
1622.19Sun, Hai-Qing; Wang, Xin-Qiang; Jin, Tao
Tris(allylthiourea-κ<i>S</i>)bromidozinc(II) bromide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m543
2232871 CIF
C55 H59 O7 S9 TbR 3 :H13.9131; 13.9131; 24.6789
90; 90; 120
4137.2Veith, Michael; Belot, Celine; Huch, Volker
Tris(tetrahydrofuran-κ<i>O</i>)tris[tris(thiophen-2-yl)methanolato-κ<i>O</i>]terbium(III) tetrahydrofuran monosolvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2011, 67, m1712
2236919 CIF
C57 H45 N3 O3 P3 S3 TbR 3 :H38.6774; 38.6774; 12.3956
90; 90; 120
16058.8Pham, Lam N.; Thames, Anthony T.; White, Frankie D.; Xiang, Kang Rui; Sykora, Richard E.
Tris(thiocyanato-κ<i>N</i>)tris(triphenylphosphine oxide-κ<i>O</i>)terbium(III)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2012, 68, m1531
2240921 CIFCs4 Se9 Sn3 SrR 3 :H9.685; 9.685; 9.685
90; 90; 120
786.737Van Almsick, T.; Sheldrick, W. S.
Tetracesium strontium catena-nona-selenidotristannate(IV)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, i225-i227
2241111 CIF
C36 H77 Ce2 N15 Ni6 O37R 3 :H14.6418; 14.6418; 31.7767
90; 90; 120
5899.7Bezzubov, Stanislav I.; Doljenko, Vladimir D.; Churakov, Andrei V.; Zharinova, Irina S.; Kiselev, Yuri M.
Crystal structure of an unknown solvate of dodecakis(μ~2~-alaninato-1:2κ^2^<i>O</i>:<i>N</i>,<i>O</i>)cerium(III)hexanickel(II) aquatris(hydroxido-κ<i>O</i>)tris(nitrato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')cerate(III)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2015, 71, m183-m184
2310679 CIFFe4 H5 O9 SiR 3 :H5.49; 5.49; 42.5
90; 90; 120
1109.34Steadman, R.; Nuttall, P.M.
Polymorphism in cronstedtite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1963, 16, 1-8
2311998 CIF
C63 H63 Eu O27R 3 :H27.194; 27.194; 7.6221
90; 90; 120
4881.5Han, Mei Rong; Li, Shao Dong; Ma, Ling; Yao, Bang; Feng, Si Si; Zhu, Miao Li
Luminescent and magnetic bifunctional coordination complex based on a chiral tartaric acid derivative and europium.
Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry, 2019, 75, 1220-1227
4000730 CIFC90 H60 Ag6 F18 N24 O24 S6R 3 :H30.319; 30.319; 10.119
90; 90; 120
8055.6Xiao, Ze-Yun; Zhao, Xin; Jiang, Xi-Kui; Li, Zhan-Ting
Tunable Coordinative Assembly of a Disc-Like Molecule and Metal Ions: From Mirospheres to Microtubes and Microrods
Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 1505
4001680 CIFCd4 Cs Ga5 S12R 3 :H13.8639; 13.8639; 9.3974
90; 90; 120
1564.26Lin, Hua; Zhou, Liu-Jiang; Chen, Ling
Sulfides with Strong Nonlinear Optical Activity and Thermochromism: ACd4Ga5S12(A = K, Rb, Cs)
Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24, 3406
4001681 CIFCd4 Ga5 Rb S12R 3 :H13.8071; 13.8071; 9.3492
90; 90; 120
1543.51Lin, Hua; Zhou, Liu-Jiang; Chen, Ling
Sulfides with Strong Nonlinear Optical Activity and Thermochromism: ACd4Ga5S12(A = K, Rb, Cs)
Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24, 3406
4001682 CIFCd4 Ga5 K S12R 3 :H13.7905; 13.7905; 9.3304
90; 90; 120
1536.71Lin, Hua; Zhou, Liu-Jiang; Chen, Ling
Sulfides with Strong Nonlinear Optical Activity and Thermochromism: ACd4Ga5S12(A = K, Rb, Cs)
Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24, 3406
4001994 CIFC96 H118 Cl5 Cu3 N25 O43 P6R 3 :H20.399; 20.399; 24.969
90; 90; 120
8998.1Srivastava, Anant Kumar; Praveenkumar, B.; Mahawar, Indra Kumar; Divya, Pillutla; Shalini, S.; Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy
Anion Driven [CuIIL2]nFrameworks: Crystal Structures, Guest-Encapsulation, Dielectric, and Possible Ferroelectric Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, 3811
4001997 CIFC65 H78 Cl4 Cu2 N16 O28 P4R 3 :H20.565; 20.565; 50.106
90; 90; 120
18352Srivastava, Anant Kumar; Praveenkumar, B.; Mahawar, Indra Kumar; Divya, Pillutla; Shalini, S.; Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy
Anion Driven [CuIIL2]nFrameworks: Crystal Structures, Guest-Encapsulation, Dielectric, and Possible Ferroelectric Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26, 3811
4002256 CIFLi0.275 Ni0.725 OR 3 :H6.02; 6.02; 14.726
90; 90; 120
462.177Monge, M.A.; Gutierrez-Puebla, E.; Martinez, J.L.; Campa, J.A.; Rasines, I.
Cation distribution in lithium nickel oxide crystals
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2000, 12, 2001-2007
4002706 CIFCs Ga Se6 Sn2R 3 :H10.518; 10.518; 9.5385
90; 90; 120
913.85Lin, Hua; Chen, Ling; Yu, Ju-Song; Chen, Hong; Wu, Li-Ming
Infrared SHG Materials CsM3Se6 (M = Ga/Sn, In/Sn): Phase Matchability Controlled by Dipole Moment of the Asymmetric Building Unit
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 499
4002707 CIFCs In Se6 Sn2R 3 :H10.652; 10.652; 9.6882
90; 90; 120
952Lin, Hua; Chen, Ling; Yu, Ju-Song; Chen, Hong; Wu, Li-Ming
Infrared SHG Materials CsM3Se6 (M = Ga/Sn, In/Sn): Phase Matchability Controlled by Dipole Moment of the Asymmetric Building Unit
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 499
4002826 CIFBa6 Ga2 S16 Zn7R 3 :H9.7723; 9.7723; 27.006
90; 90; 120
2233.5Li, Yan-Yan; Liu, Peng-Fei; Wu, Li-Ming
Ba6Zn7Ga2S16: A Wide Band Gap Sulfide with Phase-Matchable Infrared NLO Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5259
4002844 CIFGa5 Hg4 K Se12R 3 :H14.3203; 14.3203; 9.7057
90; 90; 120
1723.7Zhou, Molin; Yang, Yi; Guo, Yangwu; Lin, Zheshuai; Yao, Jiyong; Wu, Yicheng; Chen, Chuangtian
Hg-Based Infrared Nonlinear Optical Material KHg4Ga5Se12 Exhibits Good Phase-Matchability and Exceptional Second Harmonic Generation Response
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7993
4020076 CIFC73 H80 Cl2 N2 O P2 RuR 3 :H24.32; 24.32; 55.8
90; 90; 120
28606Helen L. Ngo; Wenbin Lin
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2005, 70, 1177-1187
4022248 CIFC17 H26 N O3 SR 3 :H20.698; 20.698; 11.1777
90; 90; 120
4147.1Tony P. Tang; Jonathan A. Ellman
Asymmetric Synthesis of β-Amino Acid Derivatives Incorporating a Broad Range of Substitution Patterns by Enolate Additions to tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002, 67, 7819-7832
4023258 CIFC36 H63 N15 O9R 3 :H18.518; 18.518; 13.44
90; 90; 120
3991.3Philippe Le Grel; Arnaud Salaün; Clémence Mocquet; Barbara Le Grel; Thierry Roisnel; Michel Potel
Postsynthetic Modification of C~3~-Symmetric Aza-β^3^-Cyclohexapeptides
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2008, 73, 1306-1310
4023275 CIFC46 H51 Cl6 O6 S12R 3 :H21.2273; 21.2273; 11.3541
90; 90; 120
4430.7Yangping Liu; Frederick A. Villamena; Jian Sun; Yingkai Xu; Ilirian Dhimitruka; Jay L. Zweier
Synthesis and Characterization of Ester-Derivatized Tetrathiatriarylmethyl Radicals as Intracellular Oxygen Probes
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2008, 73, 1490-1497
4024044 CIFC28 H30 O11 SR 3 :H27.9054; 27.9054; 9.5055
90; 90; 120
6410.4Indrajit Das; Tarun K. Pal; Cheravakkattu G. Suresh; Tanmaya Pathak
Diastereoselective C-C Bond Formation at C-5 of Vinyl Sulfone-Modified Hex-5-enofuranosyl Carbohydrates: Diversity-Oriented Synthesis of Branched-Chain Sugars and Beyond
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007, 72, 5523-5533
4024616 CIFC31 H42 I N3 O5R 3 :H44.8052; 44.8052; 8.8254
90; 90; 120
15343.4Carlos Saavedra; Rosendo Hernández; Alicia Boto; Eleuterio Álvarez
Catalytic, One-Pot Synthesis of β-Amino Acids from α-Amino Acids. Preparation of α,β-Peptide Derivatives
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009, 74, 4655-4665
4026557 CIFC33 H39 N9 O9R 3 :H14.2352; 14.2352; 15.1711
90; 90; 120
2662.4Martin R. Krause; Richard Goddard; Stefan Kubik
Anion-Binding Properties of a Cyclic Pseudohexapeptide Containing 1,5-Disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazole Subunits
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011, 76, 7084-7095
4026863 CIFC41 H51.17 N5 O14.33 P2.5R 3 :H30.4865; 30.4865; 12.0383
90; 90; 120
9689.7Vicente Martí-Centelles; M. Isabel Burguete; Francisco Galindo; M. Angeles Izquierdo; D. Krishna Kumar; Andrew J.P. White; Santiago V. Luis; Ramón Vilar
Fluorescent Acridine-Based Receptors for H2PO4-
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012, 77, 490-500
4030119 CIFC15 H19 N O4R 3 :H25.9883; 25.9883; 5.81758
90; 90; 120
3402.74Csatayová, Kristína; Davies, Stephen G.; Fletcher, Ai M.; Ford, J. Gair; Klauber, David J.; Roberts, Paul M.; Thomson, James E.
Asymmetric syntheses of (-)-3-epi-Fagomine, (2R,3S,4R)-dihydroxypipecolic acid, and several polyhydroxylated homopipecolic acids.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2014, 79, 10932-10944
4035592 CIFC109 H103 Cl3 O24R 3 :H30.9223; 30.9223; 8.3338
90; 90; 120
6901.08Su, Jun-Cheng; Wang, Shan; Cheng, Wen; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Li, Man-Mei; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Li, Yao-Lan; Wang, Lei; Ye, Wen-Cai; Wang, Ying
Phloroglucinol Derivatives with Unusual Skeletons from Cleistocalyx operculatus and Their in Vitro Antiviral Activity.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2018, 83, 8522-8532
4037249 CIFC20 H23 N O2 SiR 3 :H26.426; 26.426; 7.039
90; 90; 120
4257Huang, Jing-Kai; Wong, Ying-Chieh; Kao, Tzu-Ting; Tseng, Chen-Tso; Shia, Kak-Shan
Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Terminal-Capped Alkynyl α-Cyano Alkanone Systems. An Oxygen-Mediated Radical Chain Reaction.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 10759-10768
4037469 CIFC19 H15 Br N2 O3R 3 :H20.8688; 20.8688; 12.2249
90; 90; 120
4610.7Yang, Peng; Wang, Xiao; Chen, Feng; Zhang, Zheng-Bing; Chen, Chao; Peng, Lin; Wang, Li-Xin
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Michael/Cyclization Domino Reaction between 3-Amideoxindoles and α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes: One-Pot Preparation of Chiral Spirocyclic Oxindole-γ-lactams.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2017, 82, 3908-3916
4037899 CIFC33 H33 Cl3 D I3 O3R 3 :H11.2613; 11.2613; 24.166
90; 90; 120
2654.07Wagner, Philippe; Rominger, Frank; Oeser, Thomas; Mastalerz, Michael
Solvent Controlled Racemic Resolution of C3-Symmetric Trihydroxytribenzotriquinacenes.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2020
4037902 CIFC33 H34 Cl3 I3 O3R 3 :H11.2774; 11.2774; 24.1597
90; 90; 120
2661Wagner, Philippe; Rominger, Frank; Oeser, Thomas; Mastalerz, Michael
Solvent Controlled Racemic Resolution of C3-Symmetric Trihydroxytribenzotriquinacenes.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2020
4065620 CIFC36 H75 Li3 N6R 3 :H19.546; 19.546; 8.9796
90; 90; 120
2971Gessner, Viktoria H.; Strohmann, Carsten
Lithiation of Diamine Ligands to Chiral Building Blocks: Syntheses, Selectivities, and Lithiated Intermediates
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1858
4066268 CIFC18 H48 Ge4 SiR 3 :H14.591; 14.591; 10.863
90; 90; 120
2002.9Hlina, Johann; Baumgartner, Judith; Marschner, Christoph
Polygermane Building Blocks†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 5289
4066277 CIFC22 H57 Li4 N9R 3 :H21.3969; 21.3969; 12.3807
90; 90; 120
4908.8Kamps, Ina; Neumann, Beate; Stammler, Hans-Georg; Mitzel, Norbert W.
A Chain Aggregate of Methyllithium Tetramers†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4746
4070991 CIFC57 H129 Ca3 N3 O9 Si6R 3 :H17.8268; 17.8268; 20.7329
90; 90; 120
5706.07He, Xuyang; Hurley, Erin; Noll, Bruce C.; Henderson, Kenneth W.
Regio- and Stereoselective Enolizations Using Calcium Bis(hexamethyldisilazide) as a Base: Synthetic, Solid-State, and Solution Studies
Organometallics, 2008, 27, 3094
4071837 CIFC14 H16 B N7 O3 S3 WR 3 :H14.2437; 14.2437; 17.8872
90; 90; 120
3142.81Abernethy, Robyn J.; Foreman, Mark R. St.-J.; Hill, Anthony F.; Tshabang, Never; Willis, Anthony C.; Young, Rowan D.
Poly(methimazolyl)borato Nitrosyl Complexes of Molybdenum and Tungsten
Organometallics, 2008, 27, 4455
4074872 CIFC50 H47 B Cl F4 N O P2 Pt SeR 3 :H21.6188; 21.6188; 54.139
90; 90; 120
21913.1Yeo, Wee-Chuan; Vittal, Jagadese J.; Koh, Lip Lin; Tan, Geok Kheng; Leung, Pak-Hing
Functionalization of Metal-Protected Chiral Phosphines via Simple Organic Transformations
Organometallics, 2006, 25, 1259-1269
4076210 CIFC18 H48 Si4 SnR 3 :H14.617; 14.617; 11.024
90; 90; 120
2039.8Baumgartner, Judith; Fischer, Roland; Fischer, Jelena; Wallner, Andreas; Marschner, Christoph; Flörke, Ulrich
Structural Aspects of Trimethylsilylated Branched Group 14 Compounds
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 6450
4076212 CIFC18 H48 Ge Si4R 3 :H14.714; 14.714; 10.906
90; 90; 120
2044.8Baumgartner, Judith; Fischer, Roland; Fischer, Jelena; Wallner, Andreas; Marschner, Christoph; Flörke, Ulrich
Structural Aspects of Trimethylsilylated Branched Group 14 Compounds
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 6450
4076217 CIFC18 H48 Si4 SnR 3 :H14.663; 14.663; 10.99
90; 90; 120
2046.3Baumgartner, Judith; Fischer, Roland; Fischer, Jelena; Wallner, Andreas; Marschner, Christoph; Flörke, Ulrich
Structural Aspects of Trimethylsilylated Branched Group 14 Compounds
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 6450
4076218 CIFC18 H48 Ge Si3 SnR 3 :H14.701; 14.701; 11.021
90; 90; 120
2062.7Baumgartner, Judith; Fischer, Roland; Fischer, Jelena; Wallner, Andreas; Marschner, Christoph; Flörke, Ulrich
Structural Aspects of Trimethylsilylated Branched Group 14 Compounds
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 6450
4076219 CIFC18 H54 Ge Si6 SnR 3 :H16.257; 16.257; 11.58
90; 90; 120
2650.5Baumgartner, Judith; Fischer, Roland; Fischer, Jelena; Wallner, Andreas; Marschner, Christoph; Flörke, Ulrich
Structural Aspects of Trimethylsilylated Branched Group 14 Compounds
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 6450
4077020 CIFC8 H19 Cl Cu N2 O2R 3 :H20.776; 20.776; 13.728
90; 90; 120
5131.7Kozlowski, Marisa C.; Li, Xiaolin; Carroll, Patrick J.; Xu, Zhenrong
Copper(II) Complexes of Novel 1,5-Diaza-cis-decalin Diamine Ligands: An Investigation of Structure and Reactivity
Organometallics, 2002, 21, 4513
4079035 CIFC30 H50 Br11 Cu8 N3 OR 3 :H12.125; 12.125; 29.3362
90; 90; 120
3735.1Ye, Qiong; Liu, Ming-Liang; Chen, Zi-Qi; Sun, Su-Wen; Xiong, Ren-Gen
Solvothermal Syntheses and Physical Properties of Noncentrosymmetric Olefin‒Copper(I) Coordination Compounds
Organometallics, 2012, 31, 7862
4079096 CIFC76 H60 N2 Ni O6 P2R 3 :H37.5195; 37.5195; 13.494
90; 90; 120
16450.7Linden, Anthony; Llovera, Ligia; Herrera, Julio; Dorta, Reto; Agrifoglio, Giuseppe; Dorta, Romano
“Chiral-at-Metal” Hemilabile Nickel Complexes with a Latent d10-ML2Configuration: Receiving Substrates with Open Arms
Organometallics, 2012, 31, 6162
4079561 CIFC26 H17 Fe2 N O5 SR 3 :H39.0863; 39.0863; 8.5612
90; 90; 120
11327Hirotsu, Masakazu; Santo, Kiyokazu; Hashimoto, Hideki; Kinoshita, Isamu
Carbon- and Sulfur-Bridged Diiron Carbonyl Complexes Containing N,C,S-Tridentate Ligands Derived from Functionalized Dibenzothiophenes: Mimics of the [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Active Site
Organometallics, 2012, 31, 7548
4085634 CIFC29 H27 Cl F N3 OR 3 :H32.2621; 32.2621; 12.7055
90; 90; 120
11452.7Espina, Manuela; Rivilla, Ivan; Conde, Ana; Díaz-Requejo, M. Mar; Pérez, Pedro J.; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Fernández, Rosario; Lassaletta, José M.
Chiral, Sterically Demanding N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Fused into a Heterobiaryl Skeleton: Design, Synthesis, and Structural Analysis
Organometallics, 2015, 150320082744001
4085638 CIFC38 H43 Ag Cl N3R 3 :H32.156; 32.156; 17.2446
90; 90; 120
15442Espina, Manuela; Rivilla, Ivan; Conde, Ana; Díaz-Requejo, M. Mar; Pérez, Pedro J.; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Fernández, Rosario; Lassaletta, José M.
Chiral, Sterically Demanding N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Fused into a Heterobiaryl Skeleton: Design, Synthesis, and Structural Analysis
Organometallics, 2015, 150320082744001
4085640 CIFC38 H43 Au Cl N3R 3 :H32.367; 32.367; 17.135
90; 90; 120
15546Espina, Manuela; Rivilla, Ivan; Conde, Ana; Díaz-Requejo, M. Mar; Pérez, Pedro J.; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Fernández, Rosario; Lassaletta, José M.
Chiral, Sterically Demanding N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Fused into a Heterobiaryl Skeleton: Design, Synthesis, and Structural Analysis
Organometallics, 2015, 150320082744001
4085938 CIFC34 H58 Fe N4R 3 :H27.826; 27.826; 13.4682
90; 90; 120
9031.1Wang, Xiaojie; Zhang, Jia; Wang, Lei; Deng, Liang
High-Spin Iron(II) Alkynyl Complexes with N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligation: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity Study
Organometallics, 2015, 34, 2775
4087862 CIFC60 H54 Au3 N3 O40 P4 W12R 3 :H19.364; 19.364; 19.277
90; 90; 120
6260Hueber, Damien; Hoffmann, Marie; de Frémont, Pierre; Pale, Patrick; Blanc, Aurélien
Polyoxometalate-Gold(I)/H+ Complexes: Air-Stable, Efficient, Polyvalent, and Bifunctional Catalysts
Organometallics, 2015, 34, 5065
4087863 CIFC60 H54 Au3 Mo12 N3 O40 P4R 3 :H19.2972; 19.2972; 19.2127
90; 90; 120
6195.9Hueber, Damien; Hoffmann, Marie; de Frémont, Pierre; Pale, Patrick; Blanc, Aurélien
Polyoxometalate-Gold(I)/H+ Complexes: Air-Stable, Efficient, Polyvalent, and Bifunctional Catalysts
Organometallics, 2015, 34, 5065
4088789 CIFC72 H90 Li12 N6R 3 :H25.7286; 25.7286; 8.9644
90; 90; 120
5139.07Flynn, Matthew T.; Stott, Rachel; Blair, Victoria L.; Andrews, Philip C.
Loss of Chirality through Facile Lewis Base Mediated Aza-enolate Formation in Na and K (S)-N-(α-Methylbenzyl)methallylamides
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2707
4101687 CIFC36 H38 B F12 PR 3 :H16.964; 16.964; 9.963
90; 90; 120
2483Ullrich, Matthias; Lough, Alan J.; Stephan, Douglas W.
Reversible, metal-free, heterolytic activation of H2 at room temperature.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 52-53
4102169 CIFC168 H222 Cl4 Mn25 N15 O112R 3 :H26.847; 26.847; 33.221
90; 90; 120
20736Cai-Ming Liu; Ren-Gen Xiong; De-Qing Zhang; Dao-Ben Zhu
Nanoscale Homochiral C3-Symmetric Mixed-Valence Manganese Cluster Complexes with Both Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Properties
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 4044-4045
4102170 CIFC168 H222 Cl4 Mn25 N15 O112R 3 :H26.933; 26.933; 33.251
90; 90; 120
20888Cai-Ming Liu; Ren-Gen Xiong; De-Qing Zhang; Dao-Ben Zhu
Nanoscale Homochiral C3-Symmetric Mixed-Valence Manganese Cluster Complexes with Both Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Properties
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 4044-4045
4103410 CIFC180 Cl6 Mn6 N12 O38 Zn8R 3 :H29.585; 29.585; 72.4624
90; 90; 120
54927.1Feijie Song; Cheng Wang; Joseph M. Falkowski; Liqing Ma; Wenbin Lin
Isoreticular Chiral Metal-Organic Frameworks for Asymmetric Alkene Epoxidation: Tuning Catalytic Activity by Controlling Framework Catenation and Varying Open Channel Sizes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 15390-15398
4103412 CIFC204 Cl6 Mn6 N12 O38 Zn8R 3 :H35.884; 35.884; 87.911
90; 90; 120
98034Feijie Song; Cheng Wang; Joseph M. Falkowski; Liqing Ma; Wenbin Lin
Isoreticular Chiral Metal-Organic Frameworks for Asymmetric Alkene Epoxidation: Tuning Catalytic Activity by Controlling Framework Catenation and Varying Open Channel Sizes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 15390-15398
4103413 CIFC252 Cl6 Mn6 N12 O38 Zn8R 3 :H41.9263; 41.9263; 100.286
90; 90; 120
152667Feijie Song; Cheng Wang; Joseph M. Falkowski; Liqing Ma; Wenbin Lin
Isoreticular Chiral Metal-Organic Frameworks for Asymmetric Alkene Epoxidation: Tuning Catalytic Activity by Controlling Framework Catenation and Varying Open Channel Sizes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 15390-15398
4104069 CIFC93 H81 O9 PR 3 :H23.9458; 23.9458; 10.7465
90; 90; 120
5336.5Manfred T. Reetz; Hongchao Guo; Jun-An Ma; Richard Goddard; Richard J. Mynott
Helical Triskelion Monophosphites as Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 4136-4142
4104070 CIFC93 H81 O9 PR 3 :H23.8503; 23.8503; 10.7465
90; 90; 120
5294Manfred T. Reetz; Hongchao Guo; Jun-An Ma; Richard Goddard; Richard J. Mynott
Helical Triskelion Monophosphites as Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 4136-4142
4105112 CIFC46 H67 N11 O6R 3 :H25.421; 25.421; 6.6885
90; 90; 120
3743.2Clémence Mocquet; Arnaud Salaün; Paul Claudon; Barbara Le Grel; Michel Potel; Gilles Guichard; Brigitte Jamart-Grégoire; Philippe Le Grel
Aza-β3-cyclopeptides: A New Way of Controlling Nitrogen Chirality
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 14521-14525
4105593 CIFC81 H116 B6 F24 N18 O22 Pd3R 3 :H15.5209; 15.5209; 39.8268
90; 90; 120
8308.8Tae Hwan Noh; Eunjung Heo; Kang Hyun Park; Ok-Sang Jung
Motion of an Isolated Water Molecule within a Flexible Coordination Cage: Structural Properties and Catalytic Effects of Ionic Palladium(II) Complexes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 1236-1239
4105594 CIFC81 H116 Cl6 N18 O47 Pd3R 3 :H15.5257; 15.5257; 40.6727
90; 90; 120
8490.55Tae Hwan Noh; Eunjung Heo; Kang Hyun Park; Ok-Sang Jung
Motion of an Isolated Water Molecule within a Flexible Coordination Cage: Structural Properties and Catalytic Effects of Ionic Palladium(II) Complexes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 1236-1239
4105637 CIFC17 H14.67 F N O3.33R 3 :H25.205; 25.205; 5.987
90; 90; 120
3294Filippo Sladojevich; Andrea Trabocchi; Antonio Guarna; Darren J. Dixon
A New Family of Cinchona-Derived Amino Phosphine Precatalysts: Application to the Highly Enantio- and Diastereoselective Silver-Catalyzed Isocyanoacetate Aldol Reaction
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 1710-1713
4105819 CIFC49 H78 Fe Na O4 P3 SiR 3 :H17.9012; 17.9012; 13.0887
90; 90; 120
3632.4Yunho Lee; Jonas C. Peters
Silylation of Iron-Bound Carbon Monoxide Affords a Terminal Fe Carbyne
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 4438-4446
4106951 CIFC120 H97 N12 O0.5R 3 :H29.29; 29.29; 21.799
90; 90; 120
16196Michael J. Bojdys; Michael E. Briggs; James T. A. Jones; Dave J. Adams; Samantha Y. Chong; Marc Schmidtmann; Andrew I. Cooper
Supramolecular Engineering of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Porosity in Covalent Organic Cages
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 16566-16571
4106952 CIFC120 H96 N12R 3 :H29.494; 29.494; 11.036
90; 90; 120
8314Michael J. Bojdys; Michael E. Briggs; James T. A. Jones; Dave J. Adams; Samantha Y. Chong; Marc Schmidtmann; Andrew I. Cooper
Supramolecular Engineering of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Porosity in Covalent Organic Cages
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 16566-16571
4106953 CIFC120 H96 N17R 3 :H29.175; 29.175; 10.882
90; 90; 120
8022Michael J. Bojdys; Michael E. Briggs; James T. A. Jones; Dave J. Adams; Samantha Y. Chong; Marc Schmidtmann; Andrew I. Cooper
Supramolecular Engineering of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Porosity in Covalent Organic Cages
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 16566-16571
4106954 CIFC124.5 H89.5 Cl13.5 F12 N12 O0.5R 3 :H30.587; 30.587; 21.553
90; 90; 120
17463Michael J. Bojdys; Michael E. Briggs; James T. A. Jones; Dave J. Adams; Samantha Y. Chong; Marc Schmidtmann; Andrew I. Cooper
Supramolecular Engineering of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Porosity in Covalent Organic Cages
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 16566-16571
4107036 CIFC20 H23 F3 O6R 3 :H26.422; 26.422; 7.967
90; 90; 120
4817Martin J. Schnermann; Christopher M. Beaudry; Nathan E. Genung; Stephen M. Canham; Nicholas L. Untiedt; Breanne D. W. Karanikolas; Christine Sütterlin; Larry E. Overman
Divergent Synthesis and Chemical Reactivity of Bicyclic Lactone Fragments of Complex Rearranged Spongian Diterpenes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 17494-17503
4107655 CIFC252 H300 N24 O18 Zn6R 3 :H44.861; 44.861; 10.203
90; 90; 120
17783Gao Li; Weibin Yu; Yong Cui
A Homochiral Nanotubular Crystalline Framework of Metallomacrocycles for Enantioselective Recognition and Separation
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 4582-4583
4107656 CIFC258 H324 N24 O18 Zn6R 3 :H45.037; 45.037; 10.3862
90; 90; 120
18244.3Gao Li; Weibin Yu; Yong Cui
A Homochiral Nanotubular Crystalline Framework of Metallomacrocycles for Enantioselective Recognition and Separation
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 4582-4583
4107784 CIFC15 H11 N O2R 3 :H19.435; 19.435; 8.189
90; 90; 120
2678.7Shui-Ming Lu; Howard Alper
Sequence of Intramolecular Carbonylation and Asymmetric Hydrogenation Reactions: Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Synthesis of Medium Ring Tricyclic Lactams
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 6451-6455
4107786 CIFC15 H13 N O2R 3 :H19.8173; 19.8173; 8.1477
90; 90; 120
2771.1Shui-Ming Lu; Howard Alper
Sequence of Intramolecular Carbonylation and Asymmetric Hydrogenation Reactions: Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Synthesis of Medium Ring Tricyclic Lactams
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 6451-6455
4109572 CIFC76 H62 Cu2 N10 O7R 3 :H27.7103; 27.7103; 24.1747
90; 90; 120
16075.9Jungseok Heo; You-Moon Jeon; Chad A. Mirkin
Reversible Interconversion of Homochiral Triangular Macrocycles and Helical Coordination Polymers
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 7712-7713
4109573 CIFC76 H61.33 Cu2 N10 O6.67R 3 :H27.7575; 27.7575; 24.198
90; 90; 120
16146Jungseok Heo; You-Moon Jeon; Chad A. Mirkin
Reversible Interconversion of Homochiral Triangular Macrocycles and Helical Coordination Polymers
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 7712-7713
4112861 CIFC38 H77 Li6 N6 O6R 3 :H16.746; 16.746; 15.221
90; 90; 120
3696.5Carsten Strohmann; Timo Seibel; Daniel Schildbach
The Crystal Structures of a Chiral Aminoalkoxide Cluster and Its Adduct with Benzyllithium
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 9876-9877
4112997 CIFC69 H87 Cl6 N7 O12 S6R 3 :H16.3404; 16.3404; 28.0178
90; 90; 120
6478.7Christos A. Ilioudis; Derek A. Tocher; Jonathan W. Steed
A Highly Efficient, Preorganized Macrobicyclic Receptor for Halides Based on CH... and NH...Anion Interactions
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 12395-12402
4113336 CIFC60 H81 Ir3 N6 O9R 3 :H18.832; 18.832; 13.812
90; 90; 120
4242Zacharias Grote; Rosario Scopelliti; Kay Severin
pH-Triggered Assembly of Organometallic Receptors for Lithium Ions
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 16959-16972
4113530 CIFC66 H90 N18 O48 Pr4R 3 :H27.396; 27.3958; 10.7569
90; 90; 120
6991.8Tomoaki Hamada; Kei Manabe; Shunpei Ishikawa; Satoshi Nagayama; Motoo Shiro; Shū Kobayashi
Catalytic Asymmetric Aldol Reactions in Aqueous Media Using Chiral Bis-pyridino-18-crown-6-Rare Earth Metal Triflate Complexes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 2989-2996
4113534 CIFC22.67 H28 Br2 N6 O16.33 Pr1.33R 3 :H26.87; 26.8699; 11.6699
90; 90; 120
7296.8Tomoaki Hamada; Kei Manabe; Shunpei Ishikawa; Satoshi Nagayama; Motoo Shiro; Shū Kobayashi
Catalytic Asymmetric Aldol Reactions in Aqueous Media Using Chiral Bis-pyridino-18-crown-6-Rare Earth Metal Triflate Complexes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 2989-2996
4113554 CIFC22 H30 Ce1.33 N6 O16R 3 :H27.433; 27.439; 10.784
90; 90; 120
7030Tomoaki Hamada; Kei Manabe; Shunpei Ishikawa; Satoshi Nagayama; Motoo Shiro; Shū Kobayashi
Catalytic Asymmetric Aldol Reactions in Aqueous Media Using Chiral Bis-pyridino-18-crown-6-Rare Earth Metal Triflate Complexes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 2989-2996
4115086 CIFC41 H40 Cu N6 O9 S0.08R 3 :H35.023; 35.023; 9.9711
90; 90; 120
10592Heba Abourahma; Brian Moulton; Victor Kravtsov; Michael J. Zaworotko
Supramolecular Isomerism in Coordination Compounds: Nanoscale Molecular Hexagons and Chains
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002, 124, 9990-9991
4115177 CIFC15 H24 Cr N3R 3 :H13.7219; 13.7219; 7.1949
90; 90; 120
1173.23Louise A. Berben; Jeffrey R. Long
Synthesis and Alkali Metal Ion-Binding Properties of a Chromium(III) Triacetylide Complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002, 124, 11588-11589
4116599 CIFC24 H54 N8R 3 :H14.555; 14.555; 11.446
90; 90; 120
2099.9Jineun Kim; Andrew S. Ichimura; Rui H. Huang; Mikhail Redko; Richard C. Phillips; James E. Jackson; James L. Dye
Crystalline Salts of Na-and K-(Alkalides) that Are Stable at Room Temperature
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1999, 121, 10666-10667
4117952 CIFC138 H120 N36 Ni4 O10 SR 3 :H27.4685; 27.4685; 19.581
90; 90; 120
12795Radu Custelcean; Peter V. Bonnesen; Nathan C. Duncan; Xiaohua Zhang; Lori A. Watson; Gary Van Berkel; Whitney B. Parson; Benjamin P. Hay
Urea-Functionalized M4L6 Cage Receptors: Anion-Templated Self-Assembly and Selective Guest Exchange in Aqueous Solutions
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 8525-8534
4117953 CIFC138 H120 N39 Ni4 O38 PR 3 :H27.5237; 27.5237; 19.5581
90; 90; 120
12831.3Radu Custelcean; Peter V. Bonnesen; Nathan C. Duncan; Xiaohua Zhang; Lori A. Watson; Gary Van Berkel; Whitney B. Parson; Benjamin P. Hay
Urea-Functionalized M4L6 Cage Receptors: Anion-Templated Self-Assembly and Selective Guest Exchange in Aqueous Solutions
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 8525-8534
4119243 CIFAs3 H4 Mn N S6R 3 :H9.1872; 9.1872; 10.8539
90; 90; 120
793.38Wei-Wei Xiong; Eashwer Umesh Athresh; Yu Ting Ng; Junfeng Ding; Tom Wu; Qichun Zhang
Growing Crystalline Chalcogenidoarsenates in Surfactants: From Zero-Dimensional Cluster to Three-Dimensional Framework
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 1256-1259
4119435 CIFC45 H69 F6 P SbR 3 :H13.1739; 13.1739; 23.54
90; 90; 120
3538.1Xiaobo Pan; Xiaoyu Chen; Tao Li; Yizhi Li; Xinping Wang
Isolation and X-ray Crystal Structures of Triarylphosphine Radical Cations
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 3414-3417
4120292 CIFC66 H66 N35 O17R 3 :H39.136; 39.136; 26.968
90; 90; 120
35771Jesús del Barrio; Peter N. Horton; Didier Lairez; Gareth O. Lloyd; Chris Toprakcioglu; Oren A. Scherman
Photocontrol over Cucurbit[8]uril Complexes: Stoichiometry and Supramolecular Polymers
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 11760-11763
4120423 CIFCd4 Ga5 K Se12R 3 :H14.362; 14.362; 9.724
90; 90; 120
1737Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Liu-Jiang Zhou; Li-Ming Wu
Functionalization Based on the Substitutional Flexibility: Strong Middle IR Nonlinear Optical Selenides AXII4XIII5Se12
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 12914-12921
4120424 CIFCd4 Ga5 Rb Se12R 3 :H14.4055; 14.4055; 9.7688
90; 90; 120
1755.6Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Liu-Jiang Zhou; Li-Ming Wu
Functionalization Based on the Substitutional Flexibility: Strong Middle IR Nonlinear Optical Selenides AXII4XIII5Se12
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 12914-12921
4120425 CIFCd4 Cs Ga5 Se12R 3 :H14.4204; 14.4204; 9.7803
90; 90; 120
1761.3Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Liu-Jiang Zhou; Li-Ming Wu
Functionalization Based on the Substitutional Flexibility: Strong Middle IR Nonlinear Optical Selenides AXII4XIII5Se12
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 12914-12921
4120426 CIFCd4 In5 Rb Se12R 3 :H14.827; 14.827; 10.0747
90; 90; 120
1918.09Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Liu-Jiang Zhou; Li-Ming Wu
Functionalization Based on the Substitutional Flexibility: Strong Middle IR Nonlinear Optical Selenides AXII4XIII5Se12
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 12914-12921
4120427 CIFCd4 Cs In5 Se12R 3 :H14.864; 14.864; 10.102
90; 90; 120
1932.9Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Liu-Jiang Zhou; Li-Ming Wu
Functionalization Based on the Substitutional Flexibility: Strong Middle IR Nonlinear Optical Selenides AXII4XIII5Se12
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 12914-12921
4120428 CIFIn5 Mn4 Rb Se12R 3 :H14.6793; 14.6793; 9.9732
90; 90; 120
1861.1Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Liu-Jiang Zhou; Li-Ming Wu
Functionalization Based on the Substitutional Flexibility: Strong Middle IR Nonlinear Optical Selenides AXII4XIII5Se12
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 12914-12921
4120429 CIFCs In5 Mn4 Se12R 3 :H14.7202; 14.7202; 10.0035
90; 90; 120
1877.2Hua Lin; Ling Chen; Liu-Jiang Zhou; Li-Ming Wu
Functionalization Based on the Substitutional Flexibility: Strong Middle IR Nonlinear Optical Selenides AXII4XIII5Se12
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 12914-12921
4121075 CIFC16 H39 Na O6 Si3R 3 :H15.31; 15.31; 9.155
90; 90; 120
1858.4Hui Li; Adelia J. A. Aquino; David B. Cordes; Fernando Hung-Low; William L. Hase; Clemens Krempner
A Zwitterionic Carbanion Frustrated by Boranes - Dihydrogen Cleavage with Weak Lewis Acids via an "Inverse" Frustrated Lewis Pair Approach
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 16066-16069
4121366 CIFC444 H672 Ga4 K12 N24 O102R 3 :H25.5125; 25.5125; 67.262
90; 90; 120
37915Chen Zhao; Qing-Fu Sun; William M. Hart-Cooper; Antonio G. DiPasquale; F. Dean Toste; Robert G. Bergman; Kenneth N. Raymond
Chiral Amide Directed Assembly of a Diastereo- and Enantiopure Supramolecular Host and its Application to Enantioselective Catalysis of Neutral Substrates
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 18802-18805
4121371 CIFC20 H24 N2R 3 :H21.29; 21.29; 9.79
90; 90; 120
3843Kohsuke Ohmatsu; Yuichiro Ando; Takashi Ooi
Asymmetric Substitution at the Tetrasubstituted Chiral Carbon: Catalytic Ring-Opening Alkylation of Racemic 2,2-Disubstituted Aziridines with 3-Substituted Oxindoles
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 18706-18709
4122810 CIFC347 H485 Dy12 N48 O83R 3 :H39.2443; 39.2443; 26.2023
90; 90; 120
34948.1D'Alessio, Daniel; Sobolev, Alexandre N.; Skelton, Brian W.; Fuller, Rebecca O.; Woodward, Robert C.; Lengkeek, Nigel A.; Fraser, Benjamin H.; Massi, Massimiliano; Ogden, Mark I.
Lanthanoid "bottlebrush" clusters: remarkably elongated metal-oxo core structures with controllable lengths.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 15122-15125
4123237 CIFC147 H114 Au19 Cl6 F12 N3 O0 P6 Sb2R 3 :H20.323; 20.323; 31.8618
90; 90; 120
11396.6Wan, Xian-Kai; Tang, Qing; Yuan, Shang-Fu; Jiang, De-En; Wang, Quan-Ming
Au19 nanocluster featuring a v-shaped alkynyl-gold motif.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 652-655
4123786 CIFC397 H585 Cl12 N51 O87R 3 :H26.577; 26.577; 59.934
90; 90; 120
36662Wu, Xiangxiang; Liu, Rui; Sathyamoorthy, Bharathwaj; Yamato, Kazuhiro; Liang, Guoxing; Shen, Lin; Ma, Sufang; Sukumaran, Dinesh K.; Szyperski, Thomas; Fang, Weihai; He, Lan; Chen, Xuebo; Gong, Bing
Discrete stacking of aromatic oligoamide macrocycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 5879-5882
4123787 CIFC396 H564 Cl9 N39 O87R 3 :H26.449; 26.449; 59.41
90; 90; 120
35992Wu, Xiangxiang; Liu, Rui; Sathyamoorthy, Bharathwaj; Yamato, Kazuhiro; Liang, Guoxing; Shen, Lin; Ma, Sufang; Sukumaran, Dinesh K.; Szyperski, Thomas; Fang, Weihai; He, Lan; Chen, Xuebo; Gong, Bing
Discrete stacking of aromatic oligoamide macrocycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 5879-5882
4125722 CIFC252 H258 N30 O21 Zn6R 3 :H43.652; 43.652; 11.4512
90; 90; 120
18896.9Dong, Jinqiao; Tan, Chunxia; Zhang, Kang; Liu, Yan; Low, Paul J.; Jiang, Jianwen; Cui, Yong
Chiral NH-Controlled Supramolecular Metallacycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 1554-1564
4125723 CIFC228 H255 N24 O18 Zn6R 3 :H43.9623; 43.9623; 11.3572
90; 90; 120
19009.2Dong, Jinqiao; Tan, Chunxia; Zhang, Kang; Liu, Yan; Low, Paul J.; Jiang, Jianwen; Cui, Yong
Chiral NH-Controlled Supramolecular Metallacycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 1554-1564
4125724 CIFC252 H258 N24 O24 Zn6R 3 :H43.6574; 43.6574; 11.5213
90; 90; 120
19017.3Dong, Jinqiao; Tan, Chunxia; Zhang, Kang; Liu, Yan; Low, Paul J.; Jiang, Jianwen; Cui, Yong
Chiral NH-Controlled Supramolecular Metallacycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 1554-1564
4125725 CIFC234 H258 N24 O18 Zn6R 3 :H43.7244; 43.7244; 11.683
90; 90; 120
19343.4Dong, Jinqiao; Tan, Chunxia; Zhang, Kang; Liu, Yan; Low, Paul J.; Jiang, Jianwen; Cui, Yong
Chiral NH-Controlled Supramolecular Metallacycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 1554-1564
4126202 CIFC16 H38 Cl3 N O7 ZnR 3 :H13.9622; 13.9622; 11.1895
90; 90; 120
1889.1Li, Wang; He, Chun-Ting; Zeng, Ying; Ji, Cheng-Min; Du, Zi-Yi; Zhang, Wei-Xiong; Chen, Xiao-Ming
Crystalline Supramolecular Gyroscope with a Water Molecule as an Ultrasmall Polar Rotator Modulated by Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017
4126209 CIFC180 H566 Cu24 N84 O253R 3 :H38.2768; 38.2768; 34.6107
90; 90; 120
43915Mon, Marta; Ferrando-Soria, Jesús; Verdaguer, Michel; Train, Cyrille; Paillard, Charles; Dkhil, Brahim; Versace, Carlo; Bruno, Rosaria; Armentano, Donatella; Pardo, Emilio
Postsynthetic Approach for the Rational Design of Chiral Ferroelectric Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 8098-8101
4129364 CIFC20 H33 Cl O2R 3 :H29.89; 29.89; 5.8875
90; 90; 120
4555.3Daub, Mary Elisabeth; Prudhomme, Jacques; Le Roch, Karine; Vanderwal, Christopher D.
Synthesis and potent antimalarial activity of kalihinol B.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 4912-4915
4130510 CIFC42 H66 B3 N3 O0.15R 3 :H15.57; 15.57; 14.579
90; 90; 120
3061Schäfer, Marius; Beattie, Nicholas A.; Geetharani, K.; Schäfer, Julian; Ewing, William C.; Krahfuß, Mirjam; Hörl, Christian; Dewhurst, Rian D.; Macgregor, Stuart A.; Lambert, Christoph; Braunschweig, Holger
Synthesis of Functionalized 1,4-Azaborinines by the Cyclization of Di-tert-butyliminoborane and Alkynes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 8212-8220
4130518 CIFC17 H16 OR 3 :H24.0701; 24.0701; 12.2447
90; 90; 120
6143.8Clarke, Christopher; Incerti-Pradillos, Celia A; Lam, Hon Wai
Enantioselective Nickel-Catalyzed anti-Carbometallative Cyclizations of Alkynyl Electrophiles Enabled by Reversible Alkenylnickel E/Z Isomerization.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 8068-8071
4131624 CIFC228 H216 N32R 3 :H28.1211; 28.1211; 30.4311
90; 90; 120
20840.7Qu, Hang; Wang, Yu; Li, Zhihao; Wang, Xinchang; Fang, Hongxun; Tian, Zhongqun; Cao, Xiaoyu
Molecular Face-Rotating Cube with Emergent Chiral and Fluorescence Properties.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 18142-18145
4131625 CIFC228 H216 N32R 3 :H29.0242; 29.0242; 30.6505
90; 90; 120
22360.9Qu, Hang; Wang, Yu; Li, Zhihao; Wang, Xinchang; Fang, Hongxun; Tian, Zhongqun; Cao, Xiaoyu
Molecular Face-Rotating Cube with Emergent Chiral and Fluorescence Properties.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 18142-18145
4133062 CIFC132 H132 N36 O25 Zn13R 3 :H21.407; 21.407; 29.254
90; 90; 120
11610Zhao, Xiang; Yang, Huajun; Nguyen, Edward T.; Padilla, Joshua; Chen, Xitong; Feng, Pingyun; Bu, Xianhui
Enabling Homochirality and Hydrothermal Stability in Zn<sub>4</sub>O-Based Porous Crystals.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 13566-13569
4133644 CIFC17 H19 N3 O6R 3 :H36.4159; 36.4159; 6.6637
90; 90; 120
7652.9Bingham, Tanner W.; Hernandez, Lucas W.; Olson, Daniel G.; Svec, Riley L.; Hergenrother, Paul J.; Sarlah, David
Enantioselective Synthesis of Isocarbostyril Alkaloids and Analogs Using Catalytic Dearomative Functionalization of Benzene.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 657-670
4133705 CIFC44.67 H53.67 B Cl8 F4 Fe N8 OR 3 :H18.6911; 18.6911; 39.1469
90; 90; 120
11844Keilwerth, Martin; Hohenberger, Johannes; Heinemann, Frank W.; Sutter, Jörg; Scheurer, Andreas; Fang, Huayi; Bill, Eckhard; Neese, Frank; Ye, Shengfa; Meyer, Karsten
A Series of Iron Nitrosyl Complexes {Fe-NO}<sup>6-9</sup> and a Fleeting {Fe-NO}<sup>10</sup> Intermediate en Route to a Metalacyclic Iron Nitrosoalkane.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 17217-17235
4134695 CIFC60 H120 N16 P4 UR 3 :H20.6977; 20.6977; 14.1093
90; 90; 120
5234.6Rice, Natalie T.; McCabe, Karl; Bacsa, John; Maron, Laurent; La Pierre, Henry S.
Two-Electron Oxidative Atom Transfer at a Homoleptic, Tetravalent Uranium Complex.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 7368-7373
4134696 CIFC60 H120 N16 O P4 UR 3 :H20.77; 20.77; 13.975
90; 90; 120
5221Rice, Natalie T.; McCabe, Karl; Bacsa, John; Maron, Laurent; La Pierre, Henry S.
Two-Electron Oxidative Atom Transfer at a Homoleptic, Tetravalent Uranium Complex.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 7368-7373
4134868 CIFC64 H128 La4 N32 O80 Rb4R 3 :H20.4511; 20.4511; 25.0437
90; 90; 120
9071.2Shi, Chao; Ma, Jia-Jun; Jiang, Jia-Ying; Hua, Miao-Miao; Xu, Qi; Yu, Hui; Zhang, Yi; Ye, Heng-Yun
Large Piezoelectric Response in Hybrid Rare-Earth Double Perovskite Relaxor Ferroelectrics.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 9634-9641
4134871 CIFC64 H128 La4 N33.33 O80R 3 :H20.5225; 20.5225; 25.052
90; 90; 120
9137.6Shi, Chao; Ma, Jia-Jun; Jiang, Jia-Ying; Hua, Miao-Miao; Xu, Qi; Yu, Hui; Zhang, Yi; Ye, Heng-Yun
Large Piezoelectric Response in Hybrid Rare-Earth Double Perovskite Relaxor Ferroelectrics.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 9634-9641
4134910 CIFC115.01 H107.4 F12 N12.64 O23.65 Ru4 S4R 3 :H42.315; 42.315; 19.337
90; 90; 120
29985Singh, Jatinder; Kim, Dong Hwan; Kim, Eun-Hee; Kim, Hyunuk; Hadiputra, Rizky; Jung, Jaehoon; Chi, Ki-Whan
The first quantitative synthesis of a closed three‒link chain (6<sup>3</sup><sub>1</sub>) using coordination and non-covalent interactions‒driven self‒assembly.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135163 CIFC10.22 H11.29 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H27.9529; 27.9529; 10.1479
90; 90; 120
6866.9Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135166 CIFC7.83 H8.66 N3 O3.21 ZnR 3 :H28.659; 28.659; 10.1251
90; 90; 120
7202Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135167 CIFC7 H7 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.2634; 28.2634; 10.1714
90; 90; 120
7036.6Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135170 CIFC9.73 H13.38 N3.91 O3.91 ZnR 3 :H28.8656; 28.8656; 10.1277
90; 90; 120
7308.1Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135172 CIFC7 H7 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.2673; 28.2673; 10.1143
90; 90; 120
6999Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135173 CIFC8.9 H9.85 N3.95 O3 ZnR 3 :H27.8332; 27.8332; 10.14011
90; 90; 120
6802.99Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135174 CIFC8.54 H11.62 N3 O3.77 S0.77 ZnR 3 :H28.3977; 28.3977; 10.1062
90; 90; 120
7058.1Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135176 CIFC7 H7 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H24.035; 24.035; 10.2251
90; 90; 120
5115.5Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135177 CIFC7 H7 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H27.9972; 27.9972; 10.18666
90; 90; 120
6914.99Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135178 CIFC8.97 H10.94 N3 O3.66 ZnR 3 :H28.3178; 28.3178; 10.1489
90; 90; 120
7048Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135180 CIFC7.54 H8.09 N3 O3.27 ZnR 3 :H28.6845; 28.6845; 10.1435
90; 90; 120
7227.9Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135181 CIFC10.53 H11.41 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.1677; 28.1677; 10.1579
90; 90; 120
6979.71Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135182 CIFC7 H7 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.1768; 28.1768; 10.1733
90; 90; 120
6994.81Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135183 CIFC7.69 H8.37 Cl1.37 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H27.7361; 27.7361; 10.1353
90; 90; 120
6752.4Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135184 CIFC7 H7 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.9145; 28.9145; 10.1521
90; 90; 120
7350.52Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135185 CIFC8.44 H9.16 F2.16 N3 O3.72 ZnR 3 :H28.2675; 28.2675; 10.1239
90; 90; 120
7005.7Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135186 CIFC7 H7 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.3671; 28.3671; 10.1749
90; 90; 120
7090.7Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135187 CIFC7.74 H8.77 N3 O3.29 ZnR 3 :H28.8315; 28.8315; 10.1304
90; 90; 120
7292.8Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135195 CIFC8.26 H8.44 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.1471; 28.1471; 10.16708
90; 90; 120
6975.8Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135201 CIFC12.78 H12.78 N3 O3 ZnR 3 :H28.1915; 28.1915; 10.2028
90; 90; 120
7022.4Yan, Yong; Carrington, Elliot J.; Pétuya, Rémi; Whitehead, George F. S.; Verma, Ajay; Hylton, Rebecca K.; Tang, Chiu C.; Berry, Neil G.; Darling, George R.; Dyer, Matthew S.; Antypov, Dmytro; Katsoulidis, Alexandros P.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Amino Acid Residues Determine the Response of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks to Guests.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020
4135584 CIFC12 H24 Br2 O6 ZnR 3 :H11.5448; 11.5448; 11.934
90; 90; 120
1377.5Merzlyakova, Elena; Wolf, Silke; Lebedkin, Sergei; Bayarjargal, Lkhamsuren; Neumeier, B. Lilli; Bartenbach, Daniel; Holzer, Christof; Klopper, Wim; Winkler, Bjoern; Kappes, Manfred; Feldmann, Claus
18-Crown-6 Coordinated Metal Halides with Bright Luminescence and Nonlinear Optical Effects.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 798-804
4135586 CIFC12 H24 Br2 Eu O6R 3 :H11.9296; 11.9296; 11.925
90; 90; 120
1469.7Merzlyakova, Elena; Wolf, Silke; Lebedkin, Sergei; Bayarjargal, Lkhamsuren; Neumeier, B. Lilli; Bartenbach, Daniel; Holzer, Christof; Klopper, Wim; Winkler, Bjoern; Kappes, Manfred; Feldmann, Claus
18-Crown-6 Coordinated Metal Halides with Bright Luminescence and Nonlinear Optical Effects.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 798-804
4300390 CIFF28 O8 Sb4 Xe4R 3 :H12.9188; 12.9188; 14.6612
90; 90; 120
2119.1Inorganic Chemistry, 2006
4302765 CIFC48 H48 Ag12 Cl6 N30 O46R 3 :H18.5055; 18.5055; 22.556
90; 90; 120
6689.5Jitendra Kumar; Sandeep Verma
Silver-Adenine Metallamacrocyclic Hexamer
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 6350-6352
4303409 CIFC41 H95 Mn7 N25 Na O20R 3 :H15.8536; 15.8536; 22.7938
90; 90; 120
4961.4Theocharis C. Stamatatos; Dolos Foguet-Albiol; Katye M. Poole; Wolfgang Wernsdorfer; Khalil A. Abboud; Ted A. O'Brien; George Christou
Spin Maximization from S= 11 to S= 16 in Mn7 Disk-Like Clusters: Spin Frustration Effects and Their Computational Rationalization
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 9831-9845
4304959 CIFC126 H202 O105 Sn2R 3 :H19.9; 19.9; 43.051
90; 90; 120
14764.5Shun-Li Li; Ya-Qian Lan; Jian-Fang Ma; Jin Yang; Min Zhang; Zhong-Min Su
Unprecedented Dinuclear Tin Derivative of Deprotonated β-Cyclodextrins
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 2931-2933
4305545 CIFC117 H98 Br3 Cl4 Cu3 N9 O2 P6R 3 :H22.8567; 22.8567; 18.0751
90; 90; 120
8177.8Marlyn Rivera-Carrillo; Indranil Chakraborty; Gellert Mezei; Richard D. Webster; Raphael G. Raptis
Tuning of the [Cu3(μ-O)]4+/5+ Redox Couple: Spectroscopic Evidence of Charge Delocalization in the Mixed-Valent [Cu3(μ-O)]5+ Species
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 7644-7650
4305546 CIFC117 H98 Cl7 Cu3 N9 O2 P6R 3 :H22.8405; 22.8405; 17.9558
90; 90; 120
8112.3Marlyn Rivera-Carrillo; Indranil Chakraborty; Gellert Mezei; Richard D. Webster; Raphael G. Raptis
Tuning of the [Cu3(μ-O)]4+/5+ Redox Couple: Spectroscopic Evidence of Charge Delocalization in the Mixed-Valent [Cu3(μ-O)]5+ Species
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 7644-7650
4305547 CIFC120 H101 Cl4 Cu3 N9 O5 P6R 3 :H22.908; 22.908; 17.874
90; 90; 120
8123Marlyn Rivera-Carrillo; Indranil Chakraborty; Gellert Mezei; Richard D. Webster; Raphael G. Raptis
Tuning of the [Cu3(μ-O)]4+/5+ Redox Couple: Spectroscopic Evidence of Charge Delocalization in the Mixed-Valent [Cu3(μ-O)]5+ Species
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 7644-7650
4305548 CIFC117 H96 Cl4 Cu3 N12 O7 P6R 3 :H22.944; 22.944; 17.826
90; 90; 120
8126.9Marlyn Rivera-Carrillo; Indranil Chakraborty; Gellert Mezei; Richard D. Webster; Raphael G. Raptis
Tuning of the [Cu3(μ-O)]4+/5+ Redox Couple: Spectroscopic Evidence of Charge Delocalization in the Mixed-Valent [Cu3(μ-O)]5+ Species
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 7644-7650

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