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1007091 CIFNa O9 P3 ZnI -4 3 d14.58; 14.58; 14.58
90; 90; 90
3099.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal Chemistry of M(II) Ag (P O~3~)~3~ Polyphosphates for M(II) = Zn,Co,Ni,Mg and M(II)~4~ Na~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~ Tetrametaphosphates for M(II)=Zn,Co,Ni: Crystal Structures of Zn Ag (P O~3~)~3~ and Zn~4~ Na~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 49, 341-352
1007094 CIFCe H4 N O12 P4I -4 3 d15.23; 15.23; 15.23
90; 90; 90
3532.6Rzaigui, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Affinement de la Structure du Tetrametaphosphate d'Ammonium et de Cerium, Ce N H~4~ P~4~ O~12~. Relation Entre la Forme Cubique des Composes du Type Ln M^I^ P~4~ O~12~ et le Tetrametaphosphate d'Aluminium Al~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1612-1613
1007108 CIFO12 P2 Pb3 S SrI -4 3 d10.369; 10.369; 10.369
90; 90; 90
1114.8Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007109 CIFCa O12 P2 Pb3 SI -4 3 d10.296; 10.296; 10.296
90; 90; 90
1091.5Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007110 CIFCd O12 P2 Pb3 SI -4 3 d10.315; 10.315; 10.315
90; 90; 90
1097.5Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007111 CIFMg O12 P2 Pb3 SI -4 3 d10.299; 10.299; 10.299
90; 90; 90
1092.4Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007112 CIFCu O12 P2 Pb3 SI -4 3 d10.422; 10.422; 10.422
90; 90; 90
1132Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007113 CIFMn O12 P2 Pb3 SI -4 3 d10.258; 10.258; 10.258
90; 90; 90
1079.4Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007114 CIFO12 P2 Pb3 S ZnI -4 3 d10.449; 10.449; 10.449
90; 90; 90
1140.8Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007115 CIFNi O12 P2 Pb3 SI -4 3 d10.434; 10.434; 10.434
90; 90; 90
1135.9Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007116 CIFCo O12 P2 Pb3 SI -4 3 d10.356; 10.356; 10.356
90; 90; 90
1110.6Durif, A
Etude d'une serie de phosphosulfates isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 245, 1151-1152
1007122 CIFO12 P2 Pb4 SI -4 3 d10.443; 10.443; 10.443
90; 90; 90
1138.9Durif, A
Sur quelques comooses isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007123 CIFCr O12 P2 Pb4I -4 3 d10.514; 10.514; 10.514
90; 90; 90
1162.3Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007124 CIFBi O12 P3 Pb3I -4 3 d10.364; 10.364; 10.364
90; 90; 90
1113.2Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007125 CIFBi O12 Pb3 V3I -4 3 d10.733; 10.733; 10.733
90; 90; 90
1236.4Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007126 CIFAs3 Bi O12 Pb3I -4 3 d10.668; 10.668; 10.668
90; 90; 90
1214.1Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007127 CIFBi O12 P2 Pb3 VI -4 3 d10.479; 10.479; 10.479
90; 90; 90
1150.7Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorohes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007128 CIFAs Bi O12 P2 Pb3I -4 3 d10.47; 10.47; 10.47
90; 90; 90
1147.7Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007129 CIFBi O12 P Pb3 V2I -4 3 d10.609; 10.609; 10.609
90; 90; 90
1194.1Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007130 CIFAs Bi O12 Pb3 V2I -4 3 d10.715; 10.715; 10.715
90; 90; 90
1230.2Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007131 CIFAs2 Bi O12 P Pb3I -4 3 d10.578; 10.578; 10.578
90; 90; 90
1183.6Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007132 CIFAs2 Bi O12 Pb3 VI -4 3 d10.692; 10.692; 10.692
90; 90; 90
1222.3Durif, A
Sur quelques composes isomorphes de l'Eulytine.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1957, 244, 2815-2817
1007142 CIFBi4 Ge3 O12I -4 3 d10.497; 10.497; 10.497
90; 90; 90
1156.6Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Affinement de la structure cristalline du germanate de bismuth Bi~4~ (Ge O~4~)~3~.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1982, 295, 555-556
1007146 CIFCs4 H2 O36 P12 Sr3I -4 3 d15.455; 15.455; 15.455
90; 90; 90
3691.5Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Cs~4~ Sr~3~ H~2~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~, a new derivative of Al~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 1557-1558
1010170 CIFP4 Th3I -4 3 d8.6; 8.6; 8.6
90; 90; 90
636.1Meisel, K
Kristallstrukturen von Thoriumphosphiden
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 240, 300-312
1010171 CIFO6 Rb4I -4 3 d9.3; 9.3; 9.3
90; 90; 90
804.4Helms, A; Klemm, W
Ueber die Kristallstrukturen der Rubidium- und Caesiumsesquioxyde
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 242, 201-214
1010172 CIFCs4 O6I -4 3 d9.86; 9.86; 9.86
90; 90; 90
958.6Helms, A; Klemm, W
Ueber die Kristallstrukturen der Rubidium- und Caesiumsesquioxyde
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 242, 201-214
1010266 CIFAl O9 P3I -4 3 d13.63; 13.63; 13.63
90; 90; 90
2532.1Pauling, L; Sherman, J
The Crystal Structure of Aluminum Metaphosphate, Al (P O~3~)~3~
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1937, 96, 481-487
1010631 CIFCu15 Si4I -4 3 d9.694; 9.694; 9.694
90; 90; 90
911Morral, F R; Westgren, A
The crystal structure of a complex copper-silicon compound
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B, 1934, 11, 1-6
1010975 CIFAs Cu3I -4 3 d9.611; 9.611; 9.611
90; 90; 90
887.8Steenberg, B
The Crystal Structure of Cu3 As and Cu3 P
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1011034 CIFAl14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d11.95; 11.95; 11.95
90; 90; 90
1706.5Buessem, W; Eitel, A
Die Struktur des Pentacalciumtrialuminats
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1936, 95, 175-188
1011071 CIFBi4 O12 Si3I -4 3 d10.272; 10.272; 10.272
90; 90; 90
1083.8Menzer, G
Die Kristallstruktur von Eulytin
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1931, 78, 136-163
1508976 CIFAg0.5 Eu1.75 Ge S4I -4 3 d13.9491; 13.9491; 13.9491
90; 90; 90
2714.18Kanatzidis, M.G.; Iyer, R.G.; Aitken, J.A.
Noncentrosymmetric cubic thio- and selenogermanates: A0.5 M1.75 Ge Q4 (A = Ag, Cu, Na; M = Pb, Eu; Q = S, Se)
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 451-459
1508980 CIFAg0.5 Ge Pb1.75 S4I -4 3 d14.0291; 14.0291; 14.0291
90; 90; 90
2761.15Iyer, R.G.; Aitken, J.A.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Noncentrosymmetric cubic thio- and selenogermanates: A0.5 M1.75 Ge Q4 (A = Ag, Cu, Na; M = Pb, Eu; Q = S, Se)
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 451-459
1508981 CIFAg0.5 Ge Pb1.75 Se4I -4 3 d14.5949; 14.5949; 14.5949
90; 90; 90
3108.88Kanatzidis, M.G.; Iyer, R.G.; Aitken, J.A.
Noncentrosymmetric cubic thio- and selenogermanates: A0.5 M1.75 Ge Q4 (A = Ag, Cu, Na; M = Pb, Eu; Q = S, Se)
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 451-459
1509193 CIFAg Ce5 S8I -4 3 d8.623; 8.623; 8.623
90; 90; 90
641.173Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509302 CIFAg Dy5 S8I -4 3 d8.315; 8.315; 8.315
90; 90; 90
574.893Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509366 CIFAg Gd5 S8I -4 3 d8.382; 8.382; 8.382
90; 90; 90
588.902Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509367 CIFAg Gd5 Se8I -4 3 d8.74; 8.74; 8.74
90; 90; 90
667.628Guittard, M.; Julien-Pouzol, M.
Les phases cubiques de type Th3P4 dans les systemes Cu2Se-L2Se3 et Ag2Se-L2Se3
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1968, 1968, 2293-2295
1509441 CIFAg La5 S8I -4 3 d8.699; 8.699; 8.699
90; 90; 90
658.276Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509484 CIFAg Nd5 S8I -4 3 d8.52; 8.52; 8.52
90; 90; 90
618.47Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509513 CIFAg Pr5 S8I -4 3 d8.567; 8.567; 8.567
90; 90; 90
628.762Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509514 CIFAg Pr5 Se8I -4 3 d8.894; 8.894; 8.894
90; 90; 90
703.544Julien-Pouzol, M.; Guittard, M.
Les phases cubiques de type Th3P4 dans les systemes Cu2 Se - L2 Se3 et Ag2 Se - L2 Se3
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1968, 1968, 2293-2295
1509529 CIFAg S8 Sm5I -4 3 d8.444; 8.444; 8.444
90; 90; 90
602.067Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509530 CIFAg S8 Tb5I -4 3 d8.35; 8.35; 8.35
90; 90; 90
582.183Ballestracci, R.
Combinaisons sulfuree de terres rares et d'argent de type Th3P4
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1966, 262, 1155-1156
1509632 CIFAg15 Cl3 P4 S16I -4 3 d14.838; 14.838; 14.838
90; 90; 90
3266.83Mewis, A.; Joergens, S.
Ag5 P S4 Cl2 and Ag15 (P S4)4 Cl3 - crystal structures and their relation to Ag3 P S4
Solid State Sciences, 2007, 9, 213-217
1509665 CIFAg2 La4 Se7I -4 3 d9.026; 9.026; 9.026
90; 90; 90
735.336Collin, G.; Weill, G.; Loriers, J.; Suchet, J.
Structure, susceptibilite magnetique et conductibilite thermique de quelques seleniures ternaires d'argent et de terres rares
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1965, 261, 2219-2222
1509680 CIFAg2 Nd4 Se7I -4 3 d8.854; 8.854; 8.854
90; 90; 90
694.094Suchet, J.; Loriers, J.; Weill, G.; Collin, G.
Structure, susceptibilite magnetique et conductibilite thermique de quelques seleniures ternaires d'argent et de terres rares
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1965, 261, 2219-2222
1509715 CIFAg2 Se7 Sm4I -4 3 d8.785; 8.785; 8.785
90; 90; 90
677.993Collin, G.; Loriers, J.; Weill, G.; Suchet, J.
Structure, susceptibilite magnetique et conductibilite thermique de quelques seleniures ternaires d'argent et de terres rares
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1965, 261, 2219-2222
1509743 CIFAg2 Ba6 Cd S16 Sn4I -4 3 d14.7253; 14.7253; 14.7253
90; 90; 90
3192.95Teske, C.L.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Ba3 Cd Sn2 S8 mit einer Anmerkung ueber Ba6 Cd Ag2 Sn4 S16
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1985, 522, 122-130
1509776 CIFAg2 Ce4 Se7I -4 3 d8.954; 8.954; 8.954
90; 90; 90
717.879Weill, G.; Collin, G.; Suchet, J.; Loriers, J.
Structure, susceptibilite magnetique et conductibilite thermique de quelques seleniures ternaires d'argent et de terres rares
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1965, 261, 2219-2222
1510910 CIFB3 Fe23 Nd2I -4 3 d14.19; 14.19; 14.19
90; 90; 90
2857.24de Mooij, D.B.; Buschow, K.H.J.
A novel ternary Nd-Fe-B compound
Philips Journal of Research, 1986, 41, 400-409
1510911 CIFB3 Fe23 Nd2I -4 3 d14.612; 14.612; 14.612
90; 90; 90
3119.82Cheng, Z.-X.; Gou, C.; Yan, Q.W.; Shen, B.-G.; Zhang, P.-L.; Niu, S.W.; Yang, L.Y.; Chen, D.-F.
A powder neutron diffraction study of magnetic structure of metastable Nd2 Fe23 B3 compound
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1993, 128, 26-28
1515575 CIFC156 H84 N48 O68 Zn7I -4 3 d27.1704; 27.1704; 27.1704
90; 90; 90
20058Qi, Xiao-Lin; Lin, Rui-Biao; Chen, Qing; Lin, Jian-Bin; Zhang, Jie-Peng; Chen, Xiao-Ming
A flexible metal azolate framework with drastic luminescence response toward solvent vapors and carbon dioxide
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 2214
1516318 CIFC25 H16 N4 O4I -4 3 d18.0373; 18.0373; 18.0373
90; 90; 90
5868.3Beaudoin, Daniel; Maris, Thierry; Wuest, James D.
Constructing monocrystalline covalent organic networks by polymerization
Nature Chemistry, 2013, 5, 830-834
1519099 CIFBi5 Na3 O24 P6I -4 3 d10.097; 10.097; 10.097
90; 90; 90
1029.4El Hassan Arbib; Jean-Pierre Chaminade; Jacques Darriet; Brahim Elouadi
The crystal structure of eulytite Na3Bi5(PO4)6
Solid State Sciences, 2000, 2, 243-247
1520775 CIFNa1.5 P Pb0.75 Se4I -4 3 d14.3479; 14.3479; 14.3479
90; 90; 90
2953.69Aitken, J.A.; Marking, G.A.; Evain, M.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Iordanidis, L.
Flux synthesis and isostructural relationship of cubic Na1.5 Pb0.75 P Se4, Na0.5 Pb1.75 Ge S4 and Li0.5 Pb1.75 Ge S4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 153, 158-169
1520776 CIFGe Na0.5 Pb1.75 S4I -4 3 d14.115; 14.115; 14.115
90; 90; 90
2812.18Aitken, J.A.; Marking, G.A.; Iordanidis, L.; Evain, M.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Flux synthesis and isostructural relationship of cubic Na1.5 Pb0.75 P Se4, Na0.5 Pb1.75 Ge S4 and Li0.5 Pb1.75 Ge S4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 153, 158-169
1520777 CIFGe Li0.5 Pb1.75 S4I -4 3 d14.0163; 14.0163; 14.0163
90; 90; 90
2753.6Aitken, J.A.; Marking, G.A.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Evain, M.; Iordanidis, L.
Flux synthesis and isostructural relationship of cubic Na1.5 Pb0.75P Se4, Na0.5 Pb1.75 Ge S4 and Li0.5 Pb1.75 Ge S4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 153, 158-169
1523123 CIFNi3 Sn4 U3I -4 3 d9.3507; 9.3507; 9.3507
90; 90; 90
817.584Yethiraj, M.; Robinson, R.A.; Buschow, K.H.J.; Rhyne, J.J.; Gotaas, J.A.
Magnetic and crystallographic properties of U Ni Sn uranium compounds
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1989, 79, 355-357
1525042 CIFEu3 S4I -4 3 d8.527; 8.527; 8.527
90; 90; 90
619.996Palazzi, M.; Jaulmes, S.
Affinement de la structure cristalline de Eu3 S4
Materials Research Bulletin, 1978, 13, 1153-1155
1525585 CIFBa3 Bi O12 P3I -4 3 d10.5036; 10.5036; 10.5036
90; 90; 90
1158.82Arbib, E.H.; Elouadi, B.; Chaminade, J.P.; Darriet, J.
The crystal structure of the phosphate eulytite Ba3 Bi (P O4)3
Materials Research Bulletin, 2000, 35, 761-773
1525613 CIFAl14 Ca12 O31.9992I -4 3 d11.98; 11.98; 11.98
90; 90; 90
1719.37Bartl, H.
Roentgen-Einkristalluntersuchungen an (Ca O)3 (Al2 O3) (H2 O)6 und an (Ca O)12 (Al2 O3)7 (H2 O), neuer Vorschlag zur (Ca O)12 (Al2 O3)7-Struktur
Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Monatshefte (Band=Jahr) (1950-), 1969, 1969, 404-413
1526671 CIFCo3 Sb4 Th3I -4 3 d9.572; 9.572; 9.572
90; 90; 90
877.017Sportouch, S.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Th3 Co3 Sb4 : a new room temperature magnet
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 162, 158-167
1528536 CIFC3 Pu2I -4 3 d8.135; 8.135; 8.135
90; 90; 90
538.36Green, J.L.; Arnold, G.P.; Leary, J.A.; Nereson, N.G.
Crystallographic and magnetic ordering studies of plutonium carbides using neutron diffraction
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1970, 34, 281-289
1528707 CIFBa15.9999 P10.6666I -4 3 d9.775; 9.775; 9.775
90; 90; 90
934.007Maass, K.E.
Eigenschaften und Kristallstruktur des Bariumphosphids Ba3 P2
Naturwissenschaften, 1968, 55, 489-490
1528884 CIFO10.86 P3 Pb3 VI -4 3 d10.127; 10.127; 10.127
90; 90; 90
1038.59Shpanchenko, R.V.; Panin, R.V.; Hadermann, J.; Bougerol, C.; Antipov, E.V.; Takayama-Muromachi, E.
Synthesis and structure investigation of the Pb3 V (P O4)3 eulytite
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2005, 178, 3715-3721
1529979 CIFCl49 Cu31 Rb18I -4 3 d21.22; 21.22; 21.22
90; 90; 90
9555.12Geller, S.; Sishen, X.
Crystal structure and electrical conductivity of Rb18 Cu31 Cl49
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 63, 316-325
1530538 CIFCs Nd O12 P4I -4 3 d15.233; 15.233; 15.233
90; 90; 90
3534.73Palkina, K.K.; Maksimova, S.I.; Chibiskova, N.T.
The structure of crystals of the cubic modification of cesium and neodymium tetrametaphosphate beta-Cs Nd (P O3)4 (Cs Nd P4 O12)
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1981, 257, 357-361
1530600 CIFLa10.68 S16I -4 3 d8.692; 8.692; 8.692
90; 90; 90
656.688Podberezskaya, N.V.; Kozhemyak, N.V.; Golubeva, L.G.; Bakakin, V.V.; Balko, V.P.; Borisov, S.V.
Refined crystal structures of gamma-La2 S3 and gamma-Sm2 S3. Ratio of the Th3 P4 and zircon structures
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 1092-1095
1530792 CIFO9 P3 ScI -4 3 d14.36; 14.36; 14.36
90; 90; 90
2961.17Smolin, Yu.I.; Belov, N.V.; Domanskii, A.I.; Shepelev, Yu.F.
Crystal structure of scandium metaphosphate Sc (P O3)3
Kristallografiya, 1978, 23, 187-188
1531459 CIFPr2.7 Se4I -4 3 d8.9117; 8.9117; 8.9117
90; 90; 90
707.753Folchnandt, M.; Schleid, T.
Single crystals of C-(La2 Se3), C-(Pr2 Se3) and C-(Gd2 Se3) with cation-deficient (Th3P4)-type structure
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1411-1413
1531462 CIFGd2.664 Se4I -4 3 d8.7256; 8.7256; 8.7256
90; 90; 90
664.333Folchnandt, M.; Schleid, T.
Single crystals of C-(La2 Se3), C-(pr2 Se3) and C-(Gd2 Se3) with cation-deficient (Th3P4)-type structure
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1411-1413
1531670 CIFO2.234 UI -4 3 d21.8761; 21.8761; 21.8761
90; 90; 90
10469.1Kim, J.S.; Choi, Y.-N.; Lee, C.H.; Kim, S.-H.; Lee, Y.-W.
Crystal structure analysis of uranium oxides
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 2001, 38, 967-972
1531688 CIFPr2.667 S4I -4 3 d8.5768; 8.5768; 8.5768
90; 90; 90
630.922Lauxmann, P.; Strobel, S.; Schleid, T.
Einkristalle von Cu Pr S2 im A- und Pr2 S3 im C-Typ bei Versuchen zur Synthese ternaerer Kupfer(I) - Praseodym(III) - Sulfide
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2403-2408
1531980 CIFGe Pb2 S4I -4 3 d14.096; 14.096; 14.096
90; 90; 90
2800.84Poduska, K.M.; Cario, L.; DiSalvo, F.J.; Min, K.; Halasyamani, P.S.
Structural studies of a cubic, high-temperature (alpha) polymorph of Pb2 Ge S4 and the isostructural Pb2-x Snx Ge S4-y Sey solid solution
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2002, 335, 105-110
1532355 CIFBi4 Ge1.62 O12 Si1.38I -4 3 d10.431; 10.431; 10.431
90; 90; 90
1134.95Vaithianathan, V.; Santhanaraghavan, P.; Ramasamy, P.; Righi, L.; Bocelli, G.
Growth and characterization of BGSO single crystal
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1532511 CIFGe3 N4I -4 3 d6.8652; 6.8652; 6.8652
90; 90; 90
323.564Kroll, P.
Pathways to metastable nitride structures
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1533061 CIFCe0.368 O8.937 U3.632I -4 3 d21.7484; 21.7484; 21.7484
90; 90; 90
10286.8Rocaniere, C.; Laval, J.P.; Dehaudt, P.; Gaudreau, B.; Chotard, A.; Suard, E.
Structural study of (U0.9 Ce0.1)4 O9-d, an anion-excess fluorite superstructure of U4 O9-d type
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 1758-1767
1533300 CIFHf3 N4I -4 3 d6.701; 6.701; 6.701
90; 90; 90
300.898Zerr, A.; Miehe, G.; Riedel, R.
Synthesis of cubic zirconium and hafnium nitride having Th~3~P~4~ structure
Nature Materials, 2003, 2, 185-189
1533301 CIFN4 Zr3I -4 3 d6.74; 6.74; 6.74
90; 90; 90
306.182Zerr, A.; Miehe, G.; Riedel, R.
Synthesis of cubic zirconium and hafnium nitride having Th~3~P~4~ structure
Nature Materials, 2003, 2, 185-189
1533944 CIFCs3 D3.4 H0.6 Li O16 S4I -4 3 d11.734; 11.734; 11.734
90; 90; 90
1615.62Klooster, W.T.; Piltz, R.O.; Haile, S.M.; Uda, T.
Structure refinement and chemical analysis of Cs3 Li (D S O4)4, formerly "Cs1.5 Li1.5 D (S O4)2"
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 274-280
1534043 CIFN4 Si3I -4 3 d6.4747; 6.4747; 6.4747
90; 90; 90
271.431Kroll, P.
Pathways to metastable nitride structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 176, 530-537
1534172 CIFC3 Pr2I -4 3 d8.59; 8.59; 8.59
90; 90; 90
633.84Atoji, M.
Neutron diffraction studies of Pr2 C3, Nd2 C3 and Dy2 C3 at 300 to 1.6K
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1534173 CIFC3 Nd2I -4 3 d8.534; 8.534; 8.534
90; 90; 90
621.524Atoji, M.
Neutron diffraction studies of Pr2 C3, Nd2 C3 and Dy2 C3 at 300 to 1.6K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1978, 26, 51-57
1534174 CIFC3 Dy2I -4 3 d8.206; 8.206; 8.206
90; 90; 90
552.579Atoji, M.
Neutron diffraction studies of Pr2 C3, Nd2 C3 and Dy2 C3 at 300 to 1.6K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1978, 26, 51-57
1535522 CIFGe5 O12 Rb2 ZnI -4 3 d13.7374; 13.7374; 13.7374
90; 90; 90
2592.47Torres-Martinez, L.M.; Gard, J.A.; West, A.R.
Synthesis and structure of a new family of phases, A2 M Ge5 O12: A= Rb, Cs; M= Be, Mg, Co, Zn
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1535591 CIFAs4 Ni0.899 U3I -4 3 d8.672; 8.672; 8.672
90; 90; 90
652.165Troc, R.; Kaczorowski, D.; Guerin, R.; Noel, H.
Crystal structure of U3NiAs4
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1990, 157, 1-3
1535803 CIFGe12 O107 Tb55I -4 3 d21.326; 21.326; 21.326
90; 90; 90
9699.03Ilyukhin, A.B.; Dzhurinskii, B.F.
Crystal structures of Ln14(GeO4)2(BO3)6O8 (Ln=Nd,Sm) and Tb(3+)54Tb(4+)(GeO4)12O59
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1535810 CIFCl5 Cu2.99911 N2 O0.4I -4 3 d21.083; 21.083; 21.083
90; 90; 90
9371.24Mykhalichko, B.M.; Mys'kiv, M.G.; Osechkin, S.I.; Zavalii, P.Yu.; Mazus, M.D.
X-ray structural study of anionic copper(I) complexes of Nieuwland system N H4 Cl - Cu Cl - C2 H2.
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1535902 CIFC8 Ag4 Cs5 I N8I -4 3 d20.0593; 20.0593; 20.0593
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From Ag C N chains to a fivefold helix and a fishnet-shaped framework structure
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1535941 CIFGe Na0.5 Pb1.75 Se4I -4 3 d14.662; 14.662; 14.662
90; 90; 90
3151.95Iyer, R.G.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Aitken, J.A.
Noncentrosymmetric cubic thio- and selenogermanates: A0.5 M1.75 Ge Q4 (A = Ag, Cu, Na; M = Pb, Eu; Q = S, Se)
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1535944 CIFCu0.5 Ge Pb1.75 S4I -4 3 d13.8145; 13.8145; 13.8145
90; 90; 90
2636.36Iyer, R.G.; Aitken, J.A.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Noncentrosymmetric cubic thio- and selenogermanates: A0.5 M1.75 Ge Q4 (A= Ag, Cu, Na; M= Pb, Eu; Q= S, Se)
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1536495 CIFLi12 Mg3 Si4I -4 3 d10.688; 10.688; 10.688
90; 90; 90
1220.93Pavlyuk, V.V.; Bodak, O.I.
Crystal structure of compounds Li12Mg3Si4 and Li12Al3Si4.
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1992, 28, 988-990
1536497 CIFAl3 Li12 Si4I -4 3 d10.62; 10.62; 10.62
90; 90; 90
1197.77Pavlyuk, V.V.; Bodak, O.I.
Crystal structures of compounds Li12Mg3Si4 and Li12Al3Si4.
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1992, 28, 988-990
1536787 CIFBi4 Ge3 O12I -4 3 d10.524; 10.524; 10.524
90; 90; 90
1165.58Radaev, S.F.; Muradyan, L.A.; Kargin, Yu.F.; Sarin, V.A.; Kanepit, V.N.; Simonov, V.I.
Neutron diffraction study of single crystals of Bi4 Ge3 O12 with eulitine structure
Kristallografiya, 1990, 35, 361-364
1537396 CIFO3I -4 3 d9.86; 9.86; 9.86
90; 90; 90
958.585Helms, A.; Klemm, W.
Ueber die Kristallstrukturen der Rubidium- und Caesiumsesquioxyde
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 242, 201-214
1537464 CIFO6 Rb4I -4 3 d9.2884; 9.2884; 9.2884
90; 90; 90
801.351Jansen, M.; Korber, N.
Neue Untersuchungen zu Praeparation und Struktur von Rb4 O6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1991, 598, 163-173
1537540 CIFCa S2 UI -4 3 d8.497; 8.497; 8.497
90; 90; 90
613.475Komac, M.; Golic, L.; Kolar, D.; Brcic, B.S.
Phase relationships and crystal chemistry in the systems U S - Ca S, U S - Sr S and U S - Ba S
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1537610 CIFPr4 Sb3I -4 3 d9.35; 9.35; 9.35
90; 90; 90
817.4Abdusalyamova, M.N.; Rahmatov, O.I.; Tchuiko, A.G.; Faslyeva, N.D.
The phase diagram of the Pr-Sb system
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1537640 CIFPu2.667 S4I -4 3 d8.4584; 8.4584; 8.4584
90; 90; 90
605.152Allbutt, M.; Dell, R.M.; Junkison, A.R.
Plutonium chalcogenides
Chem. Extended Defects Non-Metal Solids, Proc. Inst. Advan. Study, 1970, 1970, 124-146
1537642 CIFPu2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.8; 8.8; 8.8
90; 90; 90
681.472Allbutt, M.; Dell, R.M.; Junkison, A.R.
Plutonium chalcogenides
Chem. Extended Defects Non-Metal Solids, Proc. Inst. Advan. Study, 1970, 1970, 124-146
1537644 CIFPu2.667 Te4I -4 3 d9.355; 9.355; 9.355
90; 90; 90
818.712Allbutt, M.; Dell, R.M.; Junkison, A.R.
Plutonium chalcogenides
Chem. Extended Defects Non-Metal Solids, Proc. Inst. Advan. Study, 1970, 1970, 124-146
1537646 CIFLa2 Pb Te4I -4 3 d9.834; 9.834; 9.834
90; 90; 90
951.022Aloman, A.
Roentgenographic research in the system Ln2 Te3 - Ln3 Te4 - Ln2 Pb Te4
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1537777 CIFMg S4 Yb2I -4 3 d10.967; 10.967; 10.967
90; 90; 90
1319.06Ben-Dor, L.; Shilo, I.
Structure and magnetic properties of sulfides of the type Cd RE2 S4 and Mg (Gdx Yb1-x)2 S4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 35, 278-285
1537783 CIFPr3 S4I -4 3 d8.569; 8.569; 8.569
90; 90; 90
629.202Dernier, P.D.; Bucher, E.; Longinotti, L.D.
Temperature induced symmetry transformation in the Th3P4-type compounds La3 S4, La3 Se4, Pr3 S4 and Pr3 Se4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1975, 15, 203-207
1537786 CIFPr3 Se4I -4 3 d8.9038; 8.9038; 8.9038
90; 90; 90
705.872Dernier, P.D.; Bucher, E.; Longinotti, L.D.
Temperature induced symmetry transformation in the Th3P4-type compounds La3 S4, La3 Se4, Pr3 S4 and Pr3 Se4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1975, 15, 203-207
1537816 CIFSe4 Sm2.667I -4 3 d8.77; 8.77; 8.77
90; 90; 90
674.526Dudnik, E.M.; Lashkarev, G.V.; Paderno, Y.B.; Obolonchik, V.A.
Thermal expansion of the chalcogenides of rare earth metals
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1966, 2, 833-836
1537818 CIFNd2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.85; 8.85; 8.85
90; 90; 90
693.154Dudnik, E.M.; Lashkarev, G.V.; Paderno, Y.B.; Obolonchik, V.A.
Thermal expansion of the chalcogenides of rare earth metals
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1966, 2, 833-836
1537847 CIFSe4 Sm2.667I -4 3 d8.75; 8.75; 8.75
90; 90; 90
669.922Efendiev, G.Kh.; Karaev, Z.Sh.; Nasibov, I.O.
About the interaction of selenides A(III)2 B(VI)3 of samarium and gallium
Azerbaidzhanskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal, 1964, 1964, 125-131
1537850 CIFNd2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.87; 8.87; 8.87
90; 90; 90
697.864Efendiev, G.Kh.; Karaev, Z.Sh.; Nasibov, I.O.
About the interaction of selenides A(III)2 B(VI)3 of neodymium and gallium
Azerbaidzhanskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal, 1964, 1964, 111-114
1537887 CIFLa3 Te4I -4 3 d9.619; 9.619; 9.619
90; 90; 90
890Eliseev, A.A.; Yarembash, E.I.; Kuznetsov, V.G.; Antonova, L.I.; Stoyantsova, Z.P.
X-ray study of the tellurides of lanthanum
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1965, 1, 943-952
1537928 CIFLa4 Sb3I -4 3 d9.63; 9.63; 9.63
90; 90; 90
893.056Bucher, E.; Cooper, A.S.; Jaccard, D.; Sierro, J.
Intermediate valence properties of a series of Ln4X3 compounds with anti-Th3P4 structure
Valence Instab. Relat. Narrow-Band Phenom., Proc. Int. Conf., 1977, 1977, 529-531
1537930 CIFLa9.6 S16 Y2.4I -4 3 d8.67; 8.67; 8.67
90; 90; 90
651.714Bucher, E.; Andres, K.; Di Salvo, F.J.
Magnetism and some related electronic properties of Pr and Tm binary chalcogenides
Solid Compound of Transition Elements, Int. Conference Stuttgart 1979, 1973, 1973, 114-118
1537932 CIFLa3 Se4I -4 3 d9.06; 9.06; 9.06
90; 90; 90
743.677Bucher, E.; Andres, K.; Di Salvo, F.J.
Magnetism and some related electronic properties of Pr and Tm binary chalcogenides
Solid Compound of Transition Elements, Int. Conference Stuttgart 1979, 1973, 1973, 114-118
1537934 CIFLa9.6 Se16 Y2.4I -4 3 d9.004; 9.004; 9.004
90; 90; 90
729.972Bucher, E.; Andres, K.; Di Salvo, F.J.
Magnetism and some related electronic properties of Pr and Tm binary chalcogenides
Solid Compound of Transition Elements, Int. Conference Stuttgart 1979, 1973, 1973, 114-118
1537936 CIFLa9.6 Te16 Y2.4I -4 3 d9.586; 9.586; 9.586
90; 90; 90
880.871Bucher, E.; Andres, K.; Di Salvo, F.J.
Magnetism and some related electronic properties of Pr and Tm binary chalcogenides
Solid Compound of Transition Elements, Int. Conference Stuttgart 1979, 1973, 1973, 114-118
1538003 CIFSb4 U3I -4 3 d9.095; 9.095; 9.095
90; 90; 90
752.33Ferro, R.
Sulle leghe dell' uranio coll' antimonia. I
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1952, 13, 53-61
1538032 CIFLa3 Te4I -4 3 d9.628; 9.628; 9.628
90; 90; 90
892.5Haase, D.J.; Steinfink, H.; Weiss, E.J.
Crystal chemistry of some rare earth group VI compounds
Rare Earths in Modern Science and Technology, (Rare Earth Res. Conf.), 1965, 1964, 535-544
1538037 CIFSb3 Sm4I -4 3 d9.3; 9.3; 9.3
90; 90; 90
804.357Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538040 CIFSb3 Y4I -4 3 d9.05; 9.05; 9.05
90; 90; 90
741.218Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538042 CIFSb3 Yb4I -4 3 d9.3; 9.3; 9.3
90; 90; 90
804.357Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538045 CIFNd Sb3 Sm3I -4 3 d9.35; 9.35; 9.35
90; 90; 90
817.4Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538133 CIFPr2 Se4 SrI -4 3 d9.019; 9.019; 9.019
90; 90; 90
733.627Golabi, S.M.; Flahaut, J.; Domange, L.
Compounds of the Th3P4 type formed between rare-earth selenides and alkaline-earth selenides
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1964, 259, 820-822
1538135 CIFSe4 Sm2.667I -4 3 d8.785; 8.785; 8.785
90; 90; 90
677.993Golabi, S.M.; Flahaut, J.; Domange, L.
Compounds of the Th3P4 type formed between rare-earth selenides and alkaline-earth selenides
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1964, 259, 820-822
1538137 CIFSe4 Sm2 SrI -4 3 d8.931; 8.931; 8.931
90; 90; 90
712.361Golabi, S.M.; Flahaut, J.; Domange, L.
Compounds of the Th3P4 type formed between rare-earth selenides and alkaline-earth selenides
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1964, 259, 820-822
1538138 CIFLa2.667 Se4I -4 3 d9.055; 9.055; 9.055
90; 90; 90
742.447Golabi, S.M.; Flahaut, J.; Domange, L.
Compounds of the Th3P4 type formed between rare-earth selenides and alkaline-earth selenides
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1964, 259, 820-822
1538140 CIFLa2 Se4 SrI -4 3 d9.124; 9.124; 9.124
90; 90; 90
759.549Golabi, S.M.; Flahaut, J.; Domange, L.
Compounds of the Th3P4 type formed between rare-earth selenides and alkaline-earth selenides
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1964, 259, 820-822
1538142 CIFNd2 Se4 SrI -4 3 d8.989; 8.989; 8.989
90; 90; 90
726.33Golabi, S.M.; Flahaut, J.; Domange, L.
Compounds of the Th3P4 type formed between rare-earth selenides and alkaline-earth selenides
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1964, 259, 820-822
1538236 CIFS4 Sr Y2I -4 3 d8.504; 8.504; 8.504
90; 90; 90
614.992Ishida, Y.; Koizumi, M.; Miyamoto, Y.; Kinomura, N.; Kume, S.
Syntheses of Eu Ln2 S4 and Sr Ln2S 4 (Ln= Lu, Yb, Er, Y) with Th3P4 type structure
High Pressure Sci. Technol., 1979, 1, 1026-1032
1538239 CIFS4 Sr Yb2I -4 3 d8.425; 8.425; 8.425
90; 90; 90
598.012Ishida, Y.; Kinomura, N.; Miyamoto, Y.; Koizumi, M.; Kume, S.
Syntheses of Eu Ln2 S4 and Sr Ln2S 4 (Ln= Lu, Yb, Er, Y) with Th3P4 type structure
High Pressure Sci. Technol., 1979, 1, 1026-1032
1538245 CIFPr3 Se4I -4 3 d8.927; 8.927; 8.927
90; 90; 90
711.404Guittard, M.; Benacerrat, A.; Flahaut, J.
Les seleniures L2 Se3 et L3 Se4 des elements des terres rares
Annales de Chimie (Paris), 1964, 9, 25-34
1538247 CIFSe4 Sm3I -4 3 d8.894; 8.894; 8.894
90; 90; 90
703.544Guittard, M.; Benacerrat, A.; Flahaut, J.
Les seleniures L2 Se3 et L3 Se4 des elements des terres rares
Annales de Chimie (Paris), 1964, 9, 25-34
1538249 CIFMg S4 Tm2I -4 3 d8.218; 8.218; 8.218
90; 90; 90
555.007Hirota, K.; Kume, S.; Kinomura, N.; Koizumi, M.
Transition of sulfospinel to Th3P4 type phase under pressure
Materials Research Bulletin, 1976, 11, 227-232
1538251 CIFMn S4 Tm2I -4 3 d8.22; 8.22; 8.22
90; 90; 90
555.412Hirota, K.; Kinomura, N.; Kume, S.; Koizumi, M.
Transition of sulfospinel to Th3P4 type phase under pressure
Materials Research Bulletin, 1976, 11, 227-232
1538253 CIFMn S4 Yb2I -4 3 d8.202; 8.202; 8.202
90; 90; 90
551.772Hirota, K.; Kinomura, N.; Kume, S.; Koizumi, M.
Transition of sulfospinel to Th3P4 type phase under pressure
Materials Research Bulletin, 1976, 11, 227-232
1538300 CIFLa4 Pb Sb2I -4 3 d9.707; 9.707; 9.707
90; 90; 90
914.65Hulliger, F.; Ott, H.R.
Superconductivity of lanthanum pnictides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 103-113
1538301 CIFLa4 Sb2 SnI -4 3 d9.686; 9.686; 9.686
90; 90; 90
908.727Hulliger, F.; Ott, H.R.
Superconductivity of lanthanum pnictides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 103-113
1538302 CIFLa3 Sb3 YI -4 3 d9.553; 9.553; 9.553
90; 90; 90
871.805Hulliger, F.; Ott, H.R.
Superconductivity of lanthanum pnictides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 103-113
1538585 CIFPr2.667 S4I -4 3 d8.62; 8.62; 8.62
90; 90; 90
640.504Lashkarev, G.V.; Radzikovskaya, S.V.; Radchenko, M.V.
Magnetic susceptibilities of certain rare earth sesquisulfides
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1971, 7, 767-768
1538587 CIFS4 Sm2.667I -4 3 d8.43; 8.43; 8.43
90; 90; 90
599.077Lashkarev, G.V.; Radzikovskaya, S.V.; Radchenko, M.V.
Magnetic susceptibilities of certain rare earth sesquisulfides
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1971, 7, 767-768
1538634 CIFNb0.332 O12 P3 Pb3.668I -4 3 d10.396; 10.396; 10.396
90; 90; 90
1123.57Kanishcheva, A.S.; Kargin, V.F.; Mikhailov, Yu.N.; Kargin, Yu.F.; Skorikov, V.M.
Synthese und Strukturuntersuchung von dem Doppelphosphat Pb11 Nb (P O4)9.
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 994-997
1538643 CIFLa3 S2.286 Se1.714I -4 3 d8.31; 8.31; 8.31
90; 90; 90
573.856Loriers, J.; Collin, G.
Ternary compounds of rare earths with sulfur and selenium: polyselenosulfides and polyselenothiosulfides
Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1967, 157, 407-417
1538683 CIFS4 Sm3I -4 3 d8.56; 8.56; 8.56
90; 90; 90
627.222Naboka, M.N.; Terescenko, L.D.
Formation and structure of thin films of samarium sulfides
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Preparation of the metastable high pressure ?-R2S3 phase (R= Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) by mechanical milling
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Preparation of the metastable high pressure ?-R2S3 phase (R= Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) by mechanical milling
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Preparation of the metastable high pressure ?-R2S3 phase (R= Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) by mechanical milling
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Second harmonic generation response of the cubic chalcogenides Ba(6−x)Srx[Ag(4−y)Sn(y/4)](SnS4)4
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3134.31Haynes, Alyssa S.; Liu, Te-Kun; Frazer, Laszlo; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Wang, Shuo-Yu; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second harmonic generation response of the cubic chalcogenides Ba(6−x)Srx[Ag(4−y)Sn(y/4)](SnS4)4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 248, 119-125
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3089.55Haynes, Alyssa S.; Liu, Te-Kun; Frazer, Laszlo; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Wang, Shuo-Yu; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second harmonic generation response of the cubic chalcogenides Ba(6−x)Srx[Ag(4−y)Sn(y/4)](SnS4)4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 248, 119-125
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3057.59Haynes, Alyssa S.; Liu, Te-Kun; Frazer, Laszlo; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Wang, Shuo-Yu; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second harmonic generation response of the cubic chalcogenides Ba(6−x)Srx[Ag(4−y)Sn(y/4)](SnS4)4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 248, 119-125
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2963.46Haynes, Alyssa S.; Liu, Te-Kun; Frazer, Laszlo; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Wang, Shuo-Yu; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second harmonic generation response of the cubic chalcogenides Ba(6−x)Srx[Ag(4−y)Sn(y/4)](SnS4)4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 248, 119-125
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1563398 CIFC20 H20 Br0.94 Cu4 I3.06 N12I -4 3 d23.1096; 23.1096; 23.1096
90; 90; 90
12341.8Wang, Li-Xia; Zhao, Liang; Wang, De-Xian; Wang, Mei-Xiang
Synthesis and structural characterization of different topological coordination polymers based on tunable Cu4Br4−mIm secondary building units and macrocyclic azacalixaromatics
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 3010-3016
1563761 CIFC159 H156 N24 Nd4 O78I -4 3 d27.479; 27.479; 27.479
90; 90; 90
20749Song, Xue-Qin; Wen, Xiao-Guang; Liu, Wei-Sheng; Wang, Da-Qi
Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of lanthanide complex with a new tetrapodal ligand featuring salicylamide arms
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 1-9
1563762 CIFC159 H156 Eu4 N24 O78I -4 3 d27.52; 27.52; 27.52
90; 90; 90
20842Song, Xue-Qin; Wen, Xiao-Guang; Liu, Wei-Sheng; Wang, Da-Qi
Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of lanthanide complex with a new tetrapodal ligand featuring salicylamide arms
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 1-9
1570662 CIFCI -4 3 d3.57923; 3.57923; 3.57923
90; 90; 90
45.853Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1571664 CIFC24 H18 Cu3 N10 O2I -4 3 d28.8469; 28.8469; 28.8469
90; 90; 90
24004.8Wu, Ying; Liang, Gang; Li, Wen-Bin; Zhong, Xiao-Feng; Zhang, Yang-Yang; Ye, Jia-Wen; Yang, Tao; Mo, Zong-Wen; Chen, Xiao-Ming
Boosting the degradation of antibiotics <i>via</i> peroxymonosulfate activation with a Cu-based metal-organic framework.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 9733-9741
1572318 CIFC144 H264 Cl12 O82 Sn8 Ti20I -4 3 d41.7993; 41.7993; 41.7993
90; 90; 90
73031Zhao, Hui-Fang; Liu, Fang-Fang; Ding, Qing-Rong; Wang, Di; Zhang, Jian; Zhang, Lei
Modulated assembly and structural diversity of heterometallic Sn–Ti oxo clusters from inorganic tin precursors
Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 16451-16457
2000536 CIF
B K O6 Si2I -4 3 d12.618; 12.618; 12.618
90; 90; 90
2009Mikloš, D.; Smrčok, Ľ.; Ďurovič, S.; Gyepesová, D.; Handlovič, M.
Refinement of the structure of boroleucite, K(BSi~2~O~6~)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1831-1832
2002588 CIFCa5 Mg3 O24 V6 ZnI -4 3 d12.4292; 12.4292; 12.4292
90; 90; 90
1920.1Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Postel, M von
Eine weitere Oxovanadat-Phase mit Granatstruktur: Ca5 Mg3 Zn V6 O24
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1992, 615, 101-103
2011645 CIF
C30 H39 Cl SnI -4 3 d22.3858; 22.3858; 22.3858
90; 90; 90
11218.1Low, John Nicolson; Wardell, J.; Bomfim, João a. S.; Wardell, Solange M. S. V.
Chlorotris(2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)tin(IV) at 150K
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2000, 56, e554-e554
2014364 CIF
Co2 Cs3 Li Mo4 O16I -4 3 d12.2239; 12.2239; 12.2239
90; 90; 90
1826.54Solodovnikova, Zoya A.; Solodovnikov, Sergey F.; Zolotova, Evgeniya S.
New triple molybdates Cs~3~LiCo~2~(MoO~4~)~4~ and Rb~3~LiZn~2~(MoO~4~)~4~, filled derivatives of the Cs~6~Zn~5~(MoO~4~)~8~ type
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2006, 62, i6-i8
2014365 CIF
Li Mo4 O16 Rb3 Zn2I -4 3 d11.9018; 11.9018; 11.9018
90; 90; 90
1685.9Solodovnikova, Zoya A.; Solodovnikov, Sergey F.; Zolotova, Evgeniya S.
New triple molybdates Cs~3~LiCo~2~(MoO~4~)~4~ and Rb~3~LiZn~2~(MoO~4~)~4~, filled derivatives of the Cs~6~Zn~5~(MoO~4~)~8~ type
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2006, 62, i6-i8
2017362 CIF
Bi4 Ge3 O12I -4 3 d10.168; 10.168; 10.168
90; 90; 90
1051.25Grzechnik, Andrzej
Bi~4~Ge~3~O~12~ at the onset of pressure-induced amorphization
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2009, 65, i63-i65
2020923 CIF
Cs3 Li O16 W4 Zn2I -4 3 d12.2643; 12.2643; 12.2643
90; 90; 90
1844.71Solodovnikov, Sergey F.; Solodovnikova, Zoya A.; Zolotova, Evgeniya S.; Kadyrova, Yulia M.; Savina, Aleksandra A.; Stefanovich, Sergey Yu.; Khaikina, Elena G.
Cs~3~LiZn~2~(WO~4~)~4~ and Rb~3~Li~2~Ga(MoO~4~)~4~: different filled derivatives of the cation-deficient Cs~6~Zn~5~(MoO~4~)~8~ structure
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2017, 73, 946-952
2022358 CIF
Al0.33 Li4 Mg SiI -4 3 d10.7338; 10.7338; 10.7338
90; 90; 90
1236.69Pavlyuk, Volodymyr; Ciesielski, Wojciech; Kulawik, Damian; Pavlyuk, Nazar; Dmytriv, Grygoriy
Structural and enhanced hydrogen storage properties of the Li~12~Mg~3~Si~3~Al phase
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2021, 77, 227-234
2101629 CIF
In3 O8 P2I -4 3 d11.152; 11.152; 11.152
90; 90; 90
1386.9Peltier, V.; L'Haridon, P.; Marchand, R.; Laurent, Y.
Synthèse et caractérisation structurale d'un phosphate d'indium In~3~P~2~O~8~ présentant des paires In‒In
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1996, 52, 905-908
2102955 CIF
Al14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d11.9794; 11.9794; 11.9794
90; 90; 90
1719.12Boysen, H.; Lerch, M.; Stys, A.; Senyshyn, A.
Structure and oxygen mobility in mayenite (Ca~12~Al~14~O~33~): a high-temperature neutron powder diffraction study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 675-682
2102956 CIF
Al14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d12.0308; 12.0308; 12.0308
90; 90; 90
1741.34Boysen, H.; Lerch, M.; Stys, A.; Senyshyn, A.
Structure and oxygen mobility in mayenite (Ca~12~Al~14~O~33~): a high-temperature neutron powder diffraction study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 675-682
2102957 CIF
Al14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d12.0449; 12.0449; 12.0449
90; 90; 90
1747.47Boysen, H.; Lerch, M.; Stys, A.; Senyshyn, A.
Structure and oxygen mobility in mayenite (Ca~12~Al~14~O~33~): a high-temperature neutron powder diffraction study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 675-682
2102958 CIF
Al14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d12.0585; 12.0585; 12.0585
90; 90; 90
1753.4Boysen, H.; Lerch, M.; Stys, A.; Senyshyn, A.
Structure and oxygen mobility in mayenite (Ca~12~Al~14~O~33~): a high-temperature neutron powder diffraction study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2007, 63, 675-682
2104965 CIF
Al14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d11.989; 11.989; 11.989
90; 90; 90
1723.3Sakakura, Terutoshi; Tanaka, Kiyoaki; Takenaka, Yasuyuki; Matsuishi, Satoru; Hosono, Hideo; Kishimoto, Shunji
Determination of the local structure of a cage with an oxygen ion in Ca~12~Al~14~O~33~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2011, 67, 193-204
2105392 CIFAu3 Sb4 Y3I -4 3 d9.818; 9.818; 9.818
90; 90; 90
946.388Dwight, A.E.
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 1579-1581
2106119 CIFAs3 Eu4I -4 3 d9.214; 9.214; 9.214
90; 90; 90
782.248Wang, Y.; Taylor, J.B.; Calvert, L.D.
The structures of Eu4 As3 and La4 Sb3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 221-222
2106120 CIFLa4 Sb3I -4 3 d9.649; 9.649; 9.649
90; 90; 90
898.353Wang, Y.; Calvert, L.D.; Taylor, J.B.
The structures of Eu4 As3 and La4 Sb3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 221-222
2106480 CIFO36 P12 Sc4I -4 3 d14.39; 14.39; 14.39
90; 90; 90
2979.77Bagieu-Beucher, M.; Guitel, J.C.
Affinement de la structure cristalline du tetrametaphosphate de scandium: Sc4 (P4 O12)3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1978, 34, 1439-1442
2107241 CIFAl14 Ca12 F2 O32I -4 3 d11.97; 11.97; 11.97
90; 90; 90
1715.07Williams, P.P.
Refinement of the structure of (Ca O)11 (Al2 O3)7 Ca F2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1550-1551
2201620 CIF
C9 H18 N4 O3I -4 3 d17.1677; 17.1677; 17.1677
90; 90; 90
5059.8Goldcamp, Michael J.; Krause Bauer, Jeanette A.; Baldwin, Michael J.
Tris(1-propan-2-onyl oxime)amine
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2002, 58, o1354-o1355
2206748 CIF
C24 B F20 TlI -4 3 d19.095; 19.095; 19.095
90; 90; 90
6962Parvez, Masood; Piers, Warren E.; Ghesner, Ioan
Thallium tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, m1801-m1803
2214374 CIF
C69.33 H74.67 Cl2 N4I -4 3 d25.8135; 25.8135; 25.8135
90; 90; 90
17200.5Hu, Chuanjiang; Noll, Bruce C.; Scheidt, W. Robert.
The highly saddled octaethyltetraphenylporphyrin-[H~4~OETPP] dichloride toluene 1.33-solvate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, o3128-o3128
2219750 CIF
C168 H120 N48 Ni4 O12 P2 SI -4 3 d24.964; 24.964; 24.964
90; 90; 90
15558Ling, Chun-Sheng; Yan, Lin
Tetrakis[tris(2,2'-bi-1<i>H</i>-benzimidazole)nickel(II)] bis(phosphate) sulfate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, m1399
2221144 CIF
Nd2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.8632; 8.8632; 8.8632
90; 90; 90
696.26Schneck, Christof; Höss, Patrick; Schleid, Thomas
C-type Nd~2~Se~3~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2009, 65, i20
2226325 CIF
Lu4 O36 P12I -4 3 d14.692; 14.692; 14.692
90; 90; 90
3171.3Mbarek, Aïcha; Fourati, Mohieddine; Zambon, Daniel; Avignant, Daniel
Lutetium(III) cyclotetraphosphate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2010, 66, i46
2241539 CIF
Ga0.52 La2.67 Li6.43 O12 Zr2I -4 3 d12.9681; 12.9681; 12.9681
90; 90; 90
2180.9Robben, Lars; Merzlyakova, Elena; Heitjans, Paul; Gesing, Thorsten M.
Symmetry reduction due to gallium substitution in the garnet Li~6.43(2)~Ga~0.52(3)~La~2.67(4)~Zr~2~O~12~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 287-289
2300516 CIFD15 Th4I -4 3 d9.11; 9.11; 9.11
90; 90; 90
756.058Mueller, M.H.; Caton, R.; Beyerlein, R.A.; Brun, T.O.; Jorgensen, J.D.; Satterthwaite, C.B.
Structure of Th4 D15 from measurement at the argonne ZING-P pulsed neutron source
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1977, 10, 79-83
2310017 CIFAc10.666 S15.999I -4 3 d8.99; 8.99; 8.99
90; 90; 90
726.573Zachariasen, W.H.
Crystal chemical studies of the 5f-series of elements. VI. The Ce2 S3 - Ce3 S4 type of structure
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1949, 2, 57-60
2310339 CIFO9 U4I -4 3 d21.77; 21.77; 21.77
90; 90; 90
10317.5Belbboch, B.; Piekarski, C.; Perio, P.
Structure de U4 O9
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1961, 14, 837-843
2310576 CIFSb4 Th3I -4 3 d9.372; 9.372; 9.372
90; 90; 90
823.184Ferro, R.
The crystal structures of thorium antimonides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1956, 9, 817-818
2310712 CIFO8.938 U4I -4 3 d21.805; 21.805; 21.805
90; 90; 90
10367.4Cooper, R. I.; Willis, B. T. M.
Refinement of the structure of β-U~4~O~9~
Acta Crystallographica Section A, 2004, 60, 322-325
2310726 CIFC3 U2I -4 3 d8.0885; 8.0885; 8.0885
90; 90; 90
529.181Austin, A.E.
Carbon Positions in Uranium Carbides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 159-161
2310910 CIFGe3 Pr4I -4 3 d9.153; 9.153; 9.153
90; 90; 90
766.815Hohnke, D.; Parthe, E.
The anti-Th3P4 structure type for rare earth germanides, antimonides and bismuthides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1966, 21, 435-437
2310911 CIFPr4 Sb3I -4 3 d9.458; 9.458; 9.458
90; 90; 90
846.054Hohnke, D.; Parthe, E.
The anti-Th3P4 structure type for rare earth germanides, antimonides and bismuthides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1966, 21, 435-437
2310912 CIFSb3 Tb4I -4 3 d9.159; 9.159; 9.159
90; 90; 90
768.324Hohnke, D.; Parthe, E.
The anti-Th3P4 structure type for rare earth germanides, antimonides and bismuthides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1966, 21, 435-437
2310913 CIFHo4 Sb3I -4 3 d9.072; 9.072; 9.072
90; 90; 90
746.636Hohnke, D.; Parthe, E.
The anti-Th3P4 structure type for rare earth germanides, antimonides and bismuthides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1966, 21, 435-437
2310914 CIFNd4 Sb3I -4 3 d9.406; 9.406; 9.406
90; 90; 90
832.175Hohnke, D.; Parthe, E.
The anti-Th3P4 structure type for rare earth germanides, antimonides and bismuthides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1966, 21, 435-437
2311025 CIFC3 Pu2I -4 3 d8.129; 8.129; 8.129
90; 90; 90
537.17Zachariasen, W.H.
Crystal chemical studies of the 5f - series of elements. XV. The crystal structure of plutonium sesquicarbide
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1952, 5, 17-19
2311027 CIFH15 Th4I -4 3 d9.11; 9.11; 9.11
90; 90; 90
756.058Zachariasen, W.H.
Crystal Chemical Studies of the 5F-Series of Elements. XIX. The Crystal Structure of the Higher Thorium Hydride, Th4 H15
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1953, 6, 393-395
4001836 CIFLi15 Si4I -4 3 d10.6322; 10.6322; 10.6322
90; 90; 90
1201.9Zeilinger, Michael; Baran, Volodymyr; van Wüllen, Leo; Häussermann, Ulrich; Fässler, Thomas F.
Stabilizing the Phase Li15Si4through Lithium‒Aluminum Substitution in Li15‒xAlxSi4(0.4 <x< 0.8)—Single Crystal X-ray Structure Determination of Li15Si4and Li14.37Al0.63Si4
Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25, 4113
4001837 CIFLi15 Si4I -4 3 d10.687; 10.687; 10.687
90; 90; 90
1220.6Zeilinger, Michael; Baran, Volodymyr; van Wüllen, Leo; Häussermann, Ulrich; Fässler, Thomas F.
Stabilizing the Phase Li15Si4through Lithium‒Aluminum Substitution in Li15‒xAlxSi4(0.4 <x< 0.8)—Single Crystal X-ray Structure Determination of Li15Si4and Li14.37Al0.63Si4
Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25, 4113
4001838 CIFAl0.63 Li14.37 Si4I -4 3 d10.6172; 10.6172; 10.6172
90; 90; 90
1196.82Zeilinger, Michael; Baran, Volodymyr; van Wüllen, Leo; Häussermann, Ulrich; Fässler, Thomas F.
Stabilizing the Phase Li15Si4through Lithium‒Aluminum Substitution in Li15‒xAlxSi4(0.4 <x< 0.8)—Single Crystal X-ray Structure Determination of Li15Si4and Li14.37Al0.63Si4
Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25, 4113
4001839 CIFAl0.59 Li14.41 Si4I -4 3 d10.664; 10.664; 10.664
90; 90; 90
1212.7Zeilinger, Michael; Baran, Volodymyr; van Wüllen, Leo; Häussermann, Ulrich; Fässler, Thomas F.
Stabilizing the Phase Li15Si4through Lithium‒Aluminum Substitution in Li15‒xAlxSi4(0.4 <x< 0.8)—Single Crystal X-ray Structure Determination of Li15Si4and Li14.37Al0.63Si4
Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25, 4113
4002176 CIFC57 H57 N6 O23 Tb4I -4 3 d31.5176; 31.5176; 31.5176
90; 90; 90
31308.3Li, Hai-Yang; Wei, Yong-Li; Dong, Xi-Yan; Zang, Shuang-Quan; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Novel Tb-MOF Embedded with Viologen Species for Multi-Photofunctionality: Photochromism, Photomodulated Fluorescence, and Luminescent pH Sensing
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 1327
4002177 CIFAg0.28 Ba0.5 S1.33 Sn0.33I -4 3 d14.7432; 14.7432; 14.7432
90; 90; 90
3204.61Lai, Wei-Han; Haynes, Alyssa S.; Frazer, Laszlo; Chang, Yu-Ming; Liu, Te-Kun; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Liang, I-Chu; Sheu, Hwo-Shuenn; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second Harmonic Generation Response Optimized at Various Optical Wavelength Ranges through a Series of Cubic Chalcogenides Ba6Ag2.67+4δSn4.33−δS16‒xSex
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 1316
4002178 CIFAg0.33 Ba0.5 S1.33 Sn0.33I -4 3 d14.7422; 14.7422; 14.7422
90; 90; 90
3204Lai, Wei-Han; Haynes, Alyssa S.; Frazer, Laszlo; Chang, Yu-Ming; Liu, Te-Kun; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Liang, I-Chu; Sheu, Hwo-Shuenn; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second Harmonic Generation Response Optimized at Various Optical Wavelength Ranges through a Series of Cubic Chalcogenides Ba6Ag2.67+4δSn4.33−δS16‒xSex
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 1316
4002179 CIFAg0.33 Ba0.5 S1.33 Sn0.33I -4 3 d14.7482; 14.7482; 14.7482
90; 90; 90
3207.87Lai, Wei-Han; Haynes, Alyssa S.; Frazer, Laszlo; Chang, Yu-Ming; Liu, Te-Kun; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Liang, I-Chu; Sheu, Hwo-Shuenn; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second Harmonic Generation Response Optimized at Various Optical Wavelength Ranges through a Series of Cubic Chalcogenides Ba6Ag2.67+4δSn4.33−δS16‒xSex
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 1316
4002180 CIFAg0.31 Ba0.5 S0.79 Se0.54 Sn0.33I -4 3 d14.9596; 14.9596; 14.9596
90; 90; 90
3347.8Lai, Wei-Han; Haynes, Alyssa S.; Frazer, Laszlo; Chang, Yu-Ming; Liu, Te-Kun; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Liang, I-Chu; Sheu, Hwo-Shuenn; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second Harmonic Generation Response Optimized at Various Optical Wavelength Ranges through a Series of Cubic Chalcogenides Ba6Ag2.67+4δSn4.33−δS16‒xSex
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 1316
4002181 CIFAg0.31 Ba0.5 Se1.33 Sn0.33I -4 3 d15.2983; 15.2983; 15.2983
90; 90; 90
3580.38Lai, Wei-Han; Haynes, Alyssa S.; Frazer, Laszlo; Chang, Yu-Ming; Liu, Te-Kun; Lin, Jyun-Fan; Liang, I-Chu; Sheu, Hwo-Shuenn; Ketterson, John B.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Second Harmonic Generation Response Optimized at Various Optical Wavelength Ranges through a Series of Cubic Chalcogenides Ba6Ag2.67+4δSn4.33−δS16‒xSex
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 1316
4021983 CIFC93 H105 B3I -4 3 d36.383; 36.383; 36.383
90; 90; 90
48160Mao-Sen Yuan; Qi Fang; Zhi-Qiang Liu; Jian-Ping Guo; Hong-Yu Chen; Wen-Tao Yu; Gang Xue; Dian-Sheng Liu
Acceptor or Donor (Diaryl B or N) Substituted Octupolar Truxene: Synthesis, Structure, and Charge-Transfer-Enhanced Fluorescence
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006, 71, 7858-7861
4030620 CIFO12 P2 Pb4 SI -4 3 d10.445; 10.445; 10.445
90; 90; 90
1139.53Barbier, J.
Refinement of the eulytite-type Pb4(PO4)2SO4 structure
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1994, 31, 163-171
4030621 CIFO12 P2 Pb4 SI -4 3 d10.4715; 10.4715; 10.4715
90; 90; 90
1148.22Barbier, J.
Refinement of the eulytite-type Pb4(PO4)2SO4 structure
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1994, 31, 163-171
4031602 CIFGd4 Mo9I -4 3 d35.487; 35.487; 35.487
90; 90; 90
44689.7Burgemeister, K.; Drewes, D.; Limanski, E.M.; Kueper, I.; Krebs, B.
Formation of Large Clusters in the Reaction of Lanthanide Cations with Heptamolybdate
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, 2004, 2690-2694
4031603 CIFC5.33 H32 La4 Mo29 N1.33 O140.65I -4 3 d35.8; 35.8; 35.8
90; 90; 90
45882.7Burgemeister, K.; Kueper, I.; Drewes, D.; Limanski, E.M.; Krebs, B.
Formation of Large Clusters in the Reaction of Lanthanide Cations with Heptamolybdate
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, 2004, 2690-2694
4031605 CIFC13.32 H158.76 Mo29 N14.03 O138 Sm4I -4 3 d35.533; 35.533; 35.533
90; 90; 90
44863.8Burgemeister, K.; Limanski, E.M.; Drewes, D.; Kueper, I.; Krebs, B.
Formation of large clusters in the reaction of lanthanide cations with heptamolybdate
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, 2004, 2690-2694
4031641 CIFS4 Sm2 ZnI -4 3 d8.56; 8.56; 8.56
90; 90; 90
627.222Andreev, O.V.; Kertman, A.V.; Bamburov, V.G.
Reaction in the systems Ba S - Ln2 S3 (Ln= La, Nd)
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1991, 36, 1472-1476
4031644 CIFNp2.667 Te4I -4 3 d9.4129; 9.4129; 9.4129
90; 90; 90
834.008Damien, D.
Preparation et structures cristallines de quelques tellurures de neptunium
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1974, 36, 307-308
4031657 CIFS4 Sm3I -4 3 d8.5; 8.5; 8.5
90; 90; 90
614.125Grizik, A.A.; Eliseev, A.A.; Tolstova, V.A.; Borodulenko, G.P.
Homogeneity range of rare-earth element sulphides with a structure of Th3P4 type
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1978, 23, 330-332
4031664 CIFS4 Sm Yb2I -4 3 d8.37; 8.37; 8.37
90; 90; 90
586.376Lobachevskaya, N.I.; Bamburov, V.G.; Finkelstein, L.D.; Efremova, N.N.
The double sulphide Sm Yb2 S4
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1987, 32, 763-764
4031671 CIFS4 Sm2 TmI -4 3 d8.438; 8.438; 8.438
90; 90; 90
600.784Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Khlyustova, S.Yu.; Finkelstein, L.D.; Efremova, N.N.
Solid solutions based on Sm3 S4
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1990, 35, 484-488
4031672 CIFS8 Sm3 Yb3I -4 3 d8.421; 8.421; 8.421
90; 90; 90
597.16Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Khlyustova, S.Yu.; Finkelstein, L.D.; Efremova, N.N.
Solid solutions based on Sm3 S4
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1990, 35, 484-488
4031673 CIFSe4 Sm3I -4 3 d8.848; 8.848; 8.848
90; 90; 90
692.684Pribyl'skaya, N.Yu.; Eliseev, A.A.; Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.; Gamidov, R.S.
Homogeneity regions of lanthanide selenides with a Th3P4 structure
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 451-452
4031674 CIFSe4 Tb3I -4 3 d8.71; 8.71; 8.71
90; 90; 90
660.776Pribyl'skaya, N.Yu.; Eliseev, A.A.; Gamidov, R.S.; Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.
Homogeneity regions of lanthanide selenides with a Th3P4 structure
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 451-452
4031675 CIFPr2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.902; 8.902; 8.902
90; 90; 90
705.444Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.; Gamidov, R.S.
The Cu2 Se - Pr2 Se3 system
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 1707-1708
4031677 CIFSb2 Sm Te4I -4 3 d10.49; 10.49; 10.49
90; 90; 90
1154.32Sadygov, F.M.; Geidarova, E.A.; Aliev, I.I.
Phase equilibria in the Sb2 Te3 (Bi2 Te3) - Sm Te systems
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1988, 33, 1238-1240
4031678 CIFSb4.56 Sm1.14 Te8I -4 3 d10.72; 10.72; 10.72
90; 90; 90
1231.93Sadygov, F.M.; Geidarova, E.A.; Aliev, I.I.
Phase equilibria in the Sb2 Te3 (Bi2 Te3) - Sm Te systems
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1988, 33, 1238-1240
4031685 CIFSe2 Te2 U3I -4 3 d9.15; 9.15; 9.15
90; 90; 90
766.061Slovyanskikh, V.K.; Rozanov, I.A.; Gracheva, N.V.
The Se-Te-U system
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1976, 21, 1383-1386
4031686 CIFSe4 U3I -4 3 d8.8; 8.8; 8.8
90; 90; 90
681.472Slovyanskikh, V.K.; Rozanov, I.A.; Gracheva, N.V.
The Se-Te-U system
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1976, 21, 1383-1386
4031690 CIFAs Ce3 S3I -4 3 d8.74; 8.74; 8.74
90; 90; 90
667.628Aliev, O.M.; Mamedova, N.M.; Mamedov, V.N.; Aliev, F.G.; Albendov, A.A.
Ce S - As system
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1994, 39, 159-161
4031699 CIFTe4 U3I -4 3 d9.38; 9.38; 9.38
90; 90; 90
825.294Ellert, G.V.; Sevast'yanov, V.G.; Slovyanskikh, V.K.
The Se-U and Te-U systems
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1975, 20, 120-124
4031780 CIFCu0.3 Pr2.58 Se4I -4 3 d8.921; 8.921; 8.921
90; 90; 90
709.971Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.; Gamidov, R.S.
The Cu2 Se - Pr2 Se3 system
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 1707-1708
4038419 CIFC64 H72 Cl2 N4I -4 3 d27.1155; 27.1155; 27.1155
90; 90; 90
19936.7Kielmann, Marc; Flanagan, Keith J.; Senge, Mathias O.
Targeted Synthesis of Regioisomerically Pure Dodecasubstituted Type I Porphyrins through the Exploitation of Peri-interactions.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2020
4066134 CIFC38 H45 N3 Ti2I -4 3 d23.7318; 23.7318; 23.7318
90; 90; 90
13365.7Kaleta, Katharina; Arndt, Perdita; Beweries, Torsten; Spannenberg, Anke; Theilmann, Oliver; Rosenthal, Uwe
Reactions of Group 4 Metallocene Alkyne Complexes with Azobenzene: Formation of Diazametallacyclopropanes and N═N Bond Activation
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2604
4070522 CIFC38 H15 Fe2 S3I -4 3 d23.8072; 23.8072; 23.8072
90; 90; 90
13493.5Chen, Yanhui; Zhou, Yuhan; Qu, Jingping
Synthesis and Reactions of Novel Triply Thiolate-Bridged Diiron Complexes [Cp*Fe(μ2-SR)3FeCp*] (Cp*= η5-C5Me5; R = Et, Ph)
Organometallics, 2008, 27, 666
4075132 CIFC58 H50 B2 F8 Fe N6 P4I -4 3 d25.3728; 25.3728; 25.3728
90; 90; 90
16334.5Benito-Garagorri, David; Becker, Eva; Wiedermann, Julia; Lackner, Wolfgang; Pollak, Martin; Mereiter, Kurt; Kisala, Joanna; Kirchner, Karl
Achiral and Chiral Transition Metal Complexes with Modularly Designed Tridentate PNP Pincer-Type Ligands Based on N-Heterocyclic Diamines
Organometallics, 2006, 25, 1900
4078007 CIFC25 H43 B Mg N6I -4 3 d22.402; 22.402; 22.402
90; 90; 90
11242Michel, Olaf; Dietrich, H. Martin; Litlabø, Rannveig; Törnroos, Karl W.; Maichle-Mössmer, Cäcilia; Anwander, Reiner
Tris(pyrazolyl)borate Complexes of the Alkaline-Earth Metals: Alkylaluminate Precursors and Schlenk-Type Rearrangements
Organometallics, 2012, 31, 3119
4078245 CIFC54 H102 Ni4 P4 Si3I -4 3 d29.199; 29.199; 29.199
90; 90; 90
24895Beck, Robert; Johnson, Samuel A.
Structural Similarities in Dinuclear, Tetranuclear, and Pentanuclear Nickel Silyl and Silylene Complexes Obtained via Si‒H and Si‒C Activation
Organometallics, 2012, 31, 3599
4103445 CIFBe Na2 O14 Si5I -4 3 d13.3184; 13.3184; 13.3184
90; 90; 90
2362.41Jennifer A. Armstrong; Mark T. Weller
Beryllosilicate Frameworks and Zeolites
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 15679-15686
4104096 CIFC176 H532 Ge7 Mn12 N44 O360 W72I -4 3 d38.6584; 38.6584; 38.6584
90; 90; 90
57774Johannes Thiel; Chris Ritchie; Carsten Streb; De-Liang Long; Leroy Cronin
Heteroatom-Controlled Kinetics of Switchable Polyoxometalate Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 4180-4181
4104097 CIFC190 H538 Ge7 Mn12 N40 O386 W72I -4 3 d39.2899; 39.2899; 39.2899
90; 90; 90
60651.7Johannes Thiel; Chris Ritchie; Carsten Streb; De-Liang Long; Leroy Cronin
Heteroatom-Controlled Kinetics of Switchable Polyoxometalate Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 4180-4181
4105300 CIFC36 H12 In3 N2.5 O24I -4 3 d20.398; 20.398; 20.398
90; 90; 90
8487.17Shumei Chen; Jian Zhang; Tao Wu; Pingyun Feng; Xianhui Bu
Multiroute Synthesis of Porous Anionic Frameworks and Size-Tunable Extraframework Organic Cation-Controlled Gas Sorption Properties
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 16027-16029
4105303 CIFC36 H12 In3 N0 O24I -4 3 d20.431; 20.431; 20.431
90; 90; 90
8528.43Shumei Chen; Jian Zhang; Tao Wu; Pingyun Feng; Xianhui Bu
Multiroute Synthesis of Porous Anionic Frameworks and Size-Tunable Extraframework Organic Cation-Controlled Gas Sorption Properties
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 16027-16029
4105304 CIFC54 H60 In3 N3 O33I -4 3 d20.4639; 20.4639; 20.4639
90; 90; 90
8569.69Shumei Chen; Jian Zhang; Tao Wu; Pingyun Feng; Xianhui Bu
Multiroute Synthesis of Porous Anionic Frameworks and Size-Tunable Extraframework Organic Cation-Controlled Gas Sorption Properties
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 16027-16029
4105305 CIFC36 H12 In3 N0 O24I -4 3 d20.4029; 20.4029; 20.4029
90; 90; 90
8493.3Shumei Chen; Jian Zhang; Tao Wu; Pingyun Feng; Xianhui Bu
Multiroute Synthesis of Porous Anionic Frameworks and Size-Tunable Extraframework Organic Cation-Controlled Gas Sorption Properties
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 16027-16029
4105306 CIFC36 H0 In3 N0 O24I -4 3 d20.3878; 20.3878; 20.3878
90; 90; 90
8474.4Shumei Chen; Jian Zhang; Tao Wu; Pingyun Feng; Xianhui Bu
Multiroute Synthesis of Porous Anionic Frameworks and Size-Tunable Extraframework Organic Cation-Controlled Gas Sorption Properties
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 16027-16029
4106467 CIFC67.5 H65.5 Ag3 Mo2 N17.5 O14.5I -4 3 d30.5678; 30.5678; 30.5678
90; 90; 90
28562.3Hua Wu; Jin Yang; Zhong-Min Su; Stuart R. Batten; Jian-Fang Ma
An Exceptional 54-Fold Interpenetrated Coordination Polymer with 103-srs Network Topology
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 11406-11409
4107306 CIFC10 H12 Ag2 N4I -4 3 d27.2326; 27.2326; 27.2326
90; 90; 90
20196.1Jie-Peng Zhang; Susumu Kitagawa
Supramolecular Isomerism, Framework Flexibility, Unsaturated Metal Center, and Porous Property of Ag(I)/Cu(I) 3,3',5,5'-Tetrametyl-4,4'-Bipyrazolate
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 907-917
4107309 CIFC10 H12 Cu2 N4I -4 3 d26.407; 26.407; 26.407
90; 90; 90
18414Jie-Peng Zhang; Susumu Kitagawa
Supramolecular Isomerism, Framework Flexibility, Unsaturated Metal Center, and Porous Property of Ag(I)/Cu(I) 3,3',5,5'-Tetrametyl-4,4'-Bipyrazolate
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 907-917
4113751 CIFC208 H520 In48 N26 S97 Zn12I -4 3 d34.981; 34.981; 34.981
90; 90; 90
42805Xianhui Bu; Nanfeng Zheng; Yuqi Li; Pingyun Feng
Templated Assembly of Sulfide Nanoclusters into Cubic-C3N4 Type Framework
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 6024-6025
4113752 CIFC208 H520 Cd12 In48 N26 S97I -4 3 d35.194; 35.194; 35.194
90; 90; 90
43592Xianhui Bu; Nanfeng Zheng; Yuqi Li; Pingyun Feng
Templated Assembly of Sulfide Nanoclusters into Cubic-C3N4 Type Framework
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 6024-6025
4113753 CIFCo12 In48 S97I -4 3 d35.002; 35.002; 35.002
90; 90; 90
42882Xianhui Bu; Nanfeng Zheng; Yuqi Li; Pingyun Feng
Templated Assembly of Sulfide Nanoclusters into Cubic-C3N4 Type Framework
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 6024-6025
4113754 CIFFe12 In48 S97I -4 3 d35.09; 35.09; 35.09
90; 90; 90
43207Xianhui Bu; Nanfeng Zheng; Yuqi Li; Pingyun Feng
Templated Assembly of Sulfide Nanoclusters into Cubic-C3N4 Type Framework
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 6024-6025
4114515 CIFC62.67 H58.67 Cl9 Fe N8I -4 3 d26.153; 26.153; 26.153
90; 90; 90
17888Liliya A. Yatsunyk; Michael D. Carducci; F. Ann Walker
Low-Spin Ferriheme Models of the Cytochromes: Correlation of Molecular Structure with EPR Spectral Type
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 15986-16005
4114582 CIFC18 H26 Co N10 O2.5I -4 3 d20.4455; 20.4455; 20.4455
90; 90; 90
8546.6Ikuko Katsuki; Yuri Motoda; Yukinari Sunatsuki; Naohide Matsumoto; Toshio Nakashima; Masaaki Kojima
Spontaneous Resolution Induced by Self-Organization of Chiral Self-Complementary Cobalt(III) Complexes with Achiral Tripod-Type Ligands Containing Three Imidazole Groups
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002, 124, 629-640
4115686 CIFC203 H312 Fe4 K5 N19 O47I -4 3 d43.707; 43.707; 43.707
90; 90; 90
83494Dana L. Caulder; Christian Brückner; Ryan E. Powers; Stefan König; Tatjana N. Parac; Julie A. Leary; Kenneth N. Raymond
Design, Formation and Properties of Tetrahedral M4L4 and M4L6 Supramolecular Clusters1
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2001, 123, 8923-8938
4116601 CIFC26.33 H53.33 Cl8 O28 P4 Pt4 S8I -4 3 d26.388; 26.388; 26.388
90; 90; 90
18375Tadashi Yamaguchi; Haruko Saito; Taro Maki; Tasuku Ito
Syntheses and Structures of Bridge and Chelate Isomers of Tetraplatinum(II) Cluster Complex with Diethyldithiophosphate Ion (Et2dtp) at In-Plane Sites, [Pt4(CH3COO)4(Et2dtp)4], and Their Mutual Isomerization via Cluster Core Rotation
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1999, 121, 10738-10742
4118875 CIFC36 H54 N3 O2 VI -4 3 d23.919; 23.919; 23.919
90; 90; 90
13685Anthony F. Cozzolino; Daniel Tofan; Christopher C. Cummins; Manuel Temprado; Taryn D. Palluccio; Elena V. Rybak-Akimova; Subhojit Majumdar; Xiaochen Cai; Burjor Captain; Carl D. Hoff
Two-Step Binding of O2 to a Vanadium(III) Trisanilide Complex To Form a Non-Vanadyl Vanadium(V) Peroxo Complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 18249-18252
4120001 CIFC36 H72 B F4 N3 Ni0.75 P3I -4 3 d25.7955; 25.7955; 25.7955
90; 90; 90
17164.5Jenny Y. Yang; Stuart E. Smith; Tianbiao Liu; William G. Dougherty; Wesley A. Hoffert; W. Scott Kassel; M. Rakowski DuBois; Daniel L. DuBois; R. Morris Bullock
Two Pathways for Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Hydrogen by a Nickel Bis(diphosphine) Complex with Pendant Amines in the Second Coordination Sphere
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 9700-9712
4120219 CIFC36 H54 N3 O VI -4 3 d24.0912; 24.0912; 24.0912
90; 90; 90
13982.2Taryn D. Palluccio; Elena V. Rybak-Akimova; Subhojit Majumdar; Xiaochen Cai; Megan Chui; Manuel Temprado; Jared S. Silvia; Anthony F. Cozzolino; Daniel Tofan; Alexandra Velian; Christopher C. Cummins; Burjor Captain; Carl D. Hoff
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of Cleavage of the N-O Bond of N-Oxides by a Vanadium(III) Complex: Enhanced Oxygen Atom Transfer Reaction Rates for Adducts of Nitrous Oxide and Mesityl Nitrile Oxide
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 11357-11372
4121234 CIFC47 H26 O13 Zn4I -4 3 d60.2324; 60.2324; 60.2324
90; 90; 90
218520Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4121235 CIFC47 H25 N O13 Zn4I -4 3 d60.2289; 60.2289; 60.2289
90; 90; 90
218482Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4121236 CIFC49 H27 O13 Zn4I -4 3 d60.2326; 60.2326; 60.2326
90; 90; 90
218522Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4121237 CIFC49 H26 N O13 Zn4I -4 3 d60.2136; 60.2136; 60.2136
90; 90; 90
218315Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4121238 CIFC51 H34 O17 Zn4I -4 3 d60.3052; 60.3052; 60.3052
90; 90; 90
219313Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4121239 CIFC51 H33 N O17 Zn4I -4 3 d60.2594; 60.2594; 60.2594
90; 90; 90
218814Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4121240 CIFC53 H35 O17 Zn4I -4 3 d60.29; 60.29; 60.29
90; 90; 90
219147Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4121241 CIFC53 H34 N O17 Zn4I -4 3 d60.2419; 60.2419; 60.2419
90; 90; 90
218623Lujia Liu; Kristina Konstas; Matthew R. Hill; Shane G. Telfer
Programmed Pore Architectures in Modular Quaternary Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17731-17734
4123584 CIFC9 H18 N3 PI -4 3 d15.7917; 15.7917; 15.7917
90; 90; 90
3938.1Britvin, Sergey N.; Lotnyk, Andriy
Water-Soluble Phosphine Capable of Dissolving Elemental Gold: The Missing Link between 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA) and Verkade's Ephemeral Ligand.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 5526-5535
4124623 CIFC3 La2I -4 3 d8.817; 8.817; 8.817
90; 90; 90
685.429Atoji, M.; Gschneidner, K.A.jr.; Daane, A.H.; Rundle, R.E.; Spedding, F.H.
The Structures of Lanthanum Dicarbide and Sesquicarbide by X-Gay and Neutron Diffraction
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1958, 80, 1804-1808
4127511 CIFC44 H40 Cl4 Co4 N8 O10I -4 3 d23.9436; 23.9436; 23.9436
90; 90; 90
13726.8Song, Fangyuan; Al-Ameed, Karrar; Schilling, Mauro; Fox, Thomas; Luber, Sandra; Patzke, Greta R.
Mechanistically Driven Control over Cubane Oxo Cluster Catalysts.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 8846-8857
4129764 CIFC50 H78 Fe2 N2 O12I -4 3 d22.1401; 22.1401; 22.1401
90; 90; 90
10852.7Darago, Lucy E.; Aubrey, Michael L.; Yu, Chung Jui; Gonzalez, Miguel I.; Long, Jeffrey R.
Electronic Conductivity, Ferrimagnetic Ordering, and Reductive Insertion Mediated by Organic Mixed-Valence in a Ferric Semiquinoid Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 15703-15711
4302429 CIFC32 H48 Cu6 I4 N24 O12 S4 WI -4 3 d30.361; 30.361; 30.361
90; 90; 90
27986Zhaorui Pan; Jiao Xu; Hegen Zheng; Kexuan Huang; Yizhi Li; Zijian Guo; Stuart R. Batten
Three New Heterothiometallic Cluster Polymers with Fascinating Topologies
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 5772-5778
4304574 CIFAl28 Ca24 O66I -4 3 d11.9711; 11.9711; 11.9711
90; 90; 90
1715.55Luis Palacios; Aurelio Cabeza; Sebastián Bruque; Santiago García-Granda; Miguel A. G. Aranda
Structure and Electrons in Mayenite Electrides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 2661-2667
4304575 CIFAl28 Ca24 O66I -4 3 d11.9958; 11.9958; 11.9958
90; 90; 90
1726.19Luis Palacios; Aurelio Cabeza; Sebastián Bruque; Santiago García-Granda; Miguel A. G. Aranda
Structure and Electrons in Mayenite Electrides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 2661-2667
4304576 CIFAl28 Ca24 O66I -4 3 d11.977; 11.977; 11.977
90; 90; 90
1718.08Luis Palacios; Aurelio Cabeza; Sebastián Bruque; Santiago García-Granda; Miguel A. G. Aranda
Structure and Electrons in Mayenite Electrides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 2661-2667
4304682 CIFC24 H27 Mn3 N12 Ni O10I -4 3 d23.469; 23.469; 23.469
90; 90; 90
12927Patrick L. Feng; Christopher C. Beedle; Changhyun Koo; Wolfgang Wernsdorfer; Motohiro Nakano; Stephen Hill; David N. Hendrickson
Heterometallic Integer-Spin Analogues of S=9/2 Mn4 Cubane Single-Molecule Magnets
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 3188-3204
4307185 CIFC64 H80 N12 O2 Yb4I -4 3 d27.827; 27.827; 27.827
90; 90; 90
21548Jie Zhang; Ruifang Cai; Zhenxia Chen; Xigeng Zhou
Facile Construction of Lanthanide Metallomacrocycles with the Bridging Imidazolate and Triazolate Ligands and Their Ring Expansions
Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46, 321-327
4308074 CIFAl7 Ca6 O16.52I -4 3 d11.986813; 11.986813; 11.986813
90; 90; 90
1722.31Luis Palacios; Ángeles G. De La Torre; Sebastián Bruque; Jose L. García-Muñoz; Santiago García-Granda; Denis Sheptyakov; Miguel A. G. Aranda
Crystal Structures and in-Situ Formation Study of Mayenite Electrides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46, 4167-4176
4308076 CIFAl7 Ca6 O16.27I -4 3 d11.992147; 11.992147; 11.992147
90; 90; 90
1724.61Luis Palacios; Ángeles G. De La Torre; Sebastián Bruque; Jose L. García-Muñoz; Santiago García-Granda; Denis Sheptyakov; Miguel A. G. Aranda
Crystal Structures and in-Situ Formation Study of Mayenite Electrides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46, 4167-4176
4308077 CIFAl14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d11.9904; 11.9904; 11.9904
90; 90; 90
1723.86Luis Palacios; Ángeles G. De La Torre; Sebastián Bruque; Jose L. García-Muñoz; Santiago García-Granda; Denis Sheptyakov; Miguel A. G. Aranda
Crystal Structures and in-Situ Formation Study of Mayenite Electrides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46, 4167-4176
4308078 CIFAl14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d11.9824; 11.9824; 11.9824
90; 90; 90
1720.41Luis Palacios; Ángeles G. De La Torre; Sebastián Bruque; Jose L. García-Muñoz; Santiago García-Granda; Denis Sheptyakov; Miguel A. G. Aranda
Crystal Structures and in-Situ Formation Study of Mayenite Electrides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46, 4167-4176
4308881 CIFC27 H39 I UI -4 3 d21.4984; 21.4984; 21.4984
90; 90; 90
9936.2William J. Evans; Stosh A. Kozimor; Joseph W. Ziller; Anatolii A. Fagin; Mikhail N. Bochkarev
Facile Syntheses of Unsolvated UI3 and Tetramethylcyclopentadienyl Uranium Halides
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3993-4000
4310672 CIFC21 H24 Ga N7I -4 3 d20.2377; 20.2377; 20.2377
90; 90; 90
8288.6Xiaofan Ren; Bert D. Alleyne; Peter I. Djurovich; Chihaya Adachi; Irina Tsyba; Robert Bau; Mark E. Thompson
Organometallic Complexes as Hole-Transporting Materials in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, 43, 1697-1707
4310792 CIFC18 H27 Fe N10 O3I -4 3 d20.2707; 20.2707; 20.2707
90; 90; 90
8329.3Cynthia Brewer; Greg Brewer; Charles Luckett; Gwen S. Marbury; Carol Viragh; Alicia M. Beatty; W. Robert Scheidt
Proton Control of Oxidation and Spin State in a Series of Iron Tripodal Imidazole Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, 43, 2402-2415
4311305 CIFC18 H26 Fe N10 O2.5I -4 3 d20.175; 20.175; 20.175
90; 90; 90
8211.8Yukinari Sunatsuki; Hiromi Ohta; Masaaki Kojima; Yuichi Ikuta; Yoshiyuki Goto; Naohide Matsumoto; Seiichiro Iijima; Haruo Akashi; Sumio Kaizaki; Françoise Dahan; Jean-Pierre Tuchagues
Supramolecular Spin-Crossover Iron Complexes Based on Imidazole-Imidazolate Hydrogen Bonds
Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, 43, 4154-4171
4313920 CIFC72 H132 N4 O16 Si8 Ti4I -4 3 d31.702; 31.702; 31.702
90; 90; 90
31861Ramaswamy Murugavel; Paul Davis; Vivekanand S. Shete
Reactivity Studies, Structural Characterization, and Thermolysis of Cubic Titanosiloxanes: Precursors to Titanosilicate Materials Which Catalyze Olefin Epoxidation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 4696-4706
4313921 CIFC76 H140 N4 O16 Si8 Ti4I -4 3 d31.606; 31.606; 31.606
90; 90; 90
31572.5Ramaswamy Murugavel; Paul Davis; Vivekanand S. Shete
Reactivity Studies, Structural Characterization, and Thermolysis of Cubic Titanosiloxanes: Precursors to Titanosilicate Materials Which Catalyze Olefin Epoxidation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 4696-4706
4315043 CIFC16 H104 Al12 F54 N48 O3I -4 3 d20.465; 20.465; 20.465
90; 90; 90
8571.1Karim Adil; Armel Le Bail; Marc Leblanc; Vincent Maisonneuve
Novel Layered Hybrid Fluoroaluminate in the Composition Space Diagram of the Al(OH)3-HguaCl-HFaq-EtOH System
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 2392-2397
4316932 CIFBi Ca3 O12 P3I -4 3 d9.984; 9.984; 9.984
90; 90; 90
995.2Prangya Parimita Sahoo; T. N. Guru Row
Crystal Chemistry of the Noncentrosymmetric Eulytites: A3Bi(XO4)3 (X = V, A = Pb; X = P, A = Ca, Cd, Sr, Pb)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 10013-10021
4316933 CIFBi Cd3 O12 P3I -4 3 d9.8611; 9.8611; 9.8611
90; 90; 90
958.91Prangya Parimita Sahoo; T. N. Guru Row
Crystal Chemistry of the Noncentrosymmetric Eulytites: A3Bi(XO4)3 (X = V, A = Pb; X = P, A = Ca, Cd, Sr, Pb)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 10013-10021
4316934 CIFBi O12 P3 Pb3I -4 3 d10.3722; 10.3722; 10.3722
90; 90; 90
1115.87Prangya Parimita Sahoo; T. N. Guru Row
Crystal Chemistry of the Noncentrosymmetric Eulytites: A3Bi(XO4)3 (X = V, A = Pb; X = P, A = Ca, Cd, Sr, Pb)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 10013-10021
4316935 CIFBi O12 P3 Sr3I -4 3 d10.2035; 10.2035; 10.2035
90; 90; 90
1062.3Prangya Parimita Sahoo; T. N. Guru Row
Crystal Chemistry of the Noncentrosymmetric Eulytites: A3Bi(XO4)3 (X = V, A = Pb; X = P, A = Ca, Cd, Sr, Pb)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 10013-10021
4317311 CIFC127 H141 Cl13 N10 O24 U3I -4 3 d37.759; 37.759; 37.759
90; 90; 90
53835Massimo Cametti; Laura Ilander; Arto Valkonen; Martin Nieger; Maija Nissinen; Elisa Nauha; Kari Rissanen
Non-Centrosymmetric Tetrameric Assemblies of Tetramethylammonium Halides with Uranyl Salophen Complexes in the Solid State
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 11473-11484
4317355 CIFGa0.67 O3 TeI -4 3 d10.5283; 10.5283; 10.5283
90; 90; 90
1167Fang Kong; Xiang Xu; Jiang-Gao Mao
A Series of New Ternary and Quaternary Compounds in the LiI-GaIII-TeIV-O System
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 11573-11580
4317625 CIFC36.79 H60 N6.39 O13 Zn4I -4 3 d24.0131; 24.0131; 24.0131
90; 90; 90
13846.6C. Shawn McCowan; Thomas L. Groy; M. Tyler Caudle
Synthesis, Structure, and Preparative Transamination of Tetrazinc Carbamato Complexes Having the Basic Zinc Carboxylate Structure
Inorganic Chemistry, 2002, 41, 1120-1127
4319887 CIFNa1.5 P Pb0.75 S4I -4 3 d13.73; 13.73; 13.73
90; 90; 90
2588.3Jennifer A. Aitken; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
α-Na6Pb3(PS4)4, a Noncentrosymmetric Thiophosphate with the Novel, Saucer-Shaped [Pb3(PS4)4]6- Cluster, and Its Metastable, 3-Dimensionally Polymerized Allotrope β-Na6Pb3(PS4)4
Inorganic Chemistry, 2001, 40, 2938-2939
4322144 CIFNi3 Sb4 Zr3I -4 3 d9.0617; 9.0617; 9.0617
90; 90; 90
744.1Meitian Wang; Robert McDonald; Arthur Mar
M3Ni3Sb4 (M = Zr, Hf) and Zr3Pt3Sb4. Ternary Antimonides with the Y3Au3Sb4 Structure
Inorganic Chemistry, 1999, 38, 3435-3438
4324115 CIFC12 H4 Ga O8I -4 3 d19.9611; 19.9611; 19.9611
90; 90; 90
7953.4Debasis Banerjee; Sun Jin Kim; Haohan Wu; Wenqian Xu; Lauren A. Borkowski; Jing Li; John B. Parise
Anionic Gallium-Based Metal-Organic Framework and Its Sorption and Ion-Exchange Properties
Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 208-212
4328773 CIFC120 H258 Cl12 N48 Ni6 O125 P8I -4 3 d45.214; 45.214; 45.214
90; 90; 90
92431Xing-Jun Li; Fei-Long Jiang; Ming-Yan Wu; Shu-Quan Zhang; You-Fu Zhou; Mao-Chun Hong
Self-Assembly of Discrete M6L8 Coordination Cages Based on a Conformationally Flexible Tripodal Phosphoric Triamide Ligand
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 4116-4122
4328774 CIFC120 H120 Cl12 Co6 N48 O68 P8I -4 3 d45.317; 45.317; 45.317
90; 90; 90
93064Xing-Jun Li; Fei-Long Jiang; Ming-Yan Wu; Shu-Quan Zhang; You-Fu Zhou; Mao-Chun Hong
Self-Assembly of Discrete M6L8 Coordination Cages Based on a Conformationally Flexible Tripodal Phosphoric Triamide Ligand
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 4116-4122
4328775 CIFC120 H120 N48 O20 P8 Zn6I -4 3 d45.239; 45.239; 45.239
90; 90; 90
92585Xing-Jun Li; Fei-Long Jiang; Ming-Yan Wu; Shu-Quan Zhang; You-Fu Zhou; Mao-Chun Hong
Self-Assembly of Discrete M6L8 Coordination Cages Based on a Conformationally Flexible Tripodal Phosphoric Triamide Ligand
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 4116-4122
4328776 CIFC120 H120 Cd6 N48 O20 P8I -4 3 d45.702; 45.702; 45.702
90; 90; 90
95457Xing-Jun Li; Fei-Long Jiang; Ming-Yan Wu; Shu-Quan Zhang; You-Fu Zhou; Mao-Chun Hong
Self-Assembly of Discrete M6L8 Coordination Cages Based on a Conformationally Flexible Tripodal Phosphoric Triamide Ligand
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 4116-4122
4329739 CIFGa2 O12 Te4 ZnI -4 3 d10.5794; 10.5794; 10.5794
90; 90; 90
1184.09Dong Woo Lee; Dan-bee Bak; Saet Byeol Kim; Jiwon Kim; Kang Min Ok
Effect of the Framework Flexibility on the Centricities in Centrosymmetric In2Zn(SeO3)4 and Noncentrosymmetric Ga2Zn(TeO3)4
Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51, 7844-7850
4332707 CIFCe4 P1.77 Si1.23I -4 3 d8.9359; 8.9359; 8.9359
90; 90; 90
713.53Chizhov, Pavel S.; Khasanova, Nellie R.; Baitinger, Michael; Schnelle, Walter; Prots, Yuri; Burkhardt, Ulrich; Antipov, Evgeny V.; Grin, Yuri
Ce4(P1-xSix)3-z: A First Example for the Stabilization of the Anti-Th3P4Type Structure by Substitution in the Non-Metal Substructure
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 7210-7216
4337638 CIFC162 H218 Co4 N6 Na4 O52 S12I -4 3 d27.236; 27.236; 27.236
90; 90; 90
20204Kim, Ka Young; Park, Sunhong; Jung, Sung Ho; Lee, Shim Sung; Park, Ki-Min; Shinkai, Seiji; Jung, Jong Hwa
Geometric Change of a Thiacalix[4]arene Supramolecular Gel with Volatile Gases and Its Chromogenic Detection for Rapid Analysis.
Inorganic chemistry, 2014, 53, 3004-3011
4337639 CIFC153 H207 Co4 K4 N3 O54 S12I -4 3 d27.2658; 27.2658; 27.2658
90; 90; 90
20270Kim, Ka Young; Park, Sunhong; Jung, Sung Ho; Lee, Shim Sung; Park, Ki-Min; Shinkai, Seiji; Jung, Jong Hwa
Geometric Change of a Thiacalix[4]arene Supramolecular Gel with Volatile Gases and Its Chromogenic Detection for Rapid Analysis.
Inorganic chemistry, 2014, 53, 3004-3011
4339613 CIFC48 H30 O16 Zn4I -4 3 d28.79; 28.79; 28.79
90; 90; 90
23863Ma, Shengqian; Wang, Xi-Sen; Collier, Christopher D.; Manis, Erika S.; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Ultramicroporous metal-organic framework based on 9,10-anthracenedicarboxylate for selective gas adsorption.
Inorganic chemistry, 2007, 46, 8499-8501
4342916 CIFC44 H60 Br6 Cr N2 Na O12I -4 3 d22.425; 22.425; 22.425
90; 90; 90
11277.1Benmansour, Samia; Vallés-García, Cristina; Gómez-Claramunt, Patricia; Mínguez Espallargas, Guillermo; Gómez-García, Carlos J
2D and 3D Anilato-Based Heterometallic M(I)M(III) Lattices: The Missing Link.
Inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 5410-5418
4343803 CIFLa4 Rh2.91I -4 3 d8.922; 8.922; 8.922
90; 90; 90
710.21Virkar, A.V.; Yingh, P.P.; Raman, A.
The anti-Th3 P4 - type structure in the lanthanum - rhodium system: La4 Rhca3.0
Inorganic Chemistry, 1970, 9, 353-356
4344123 CIFBa4 Bi3I -4 3 d10.55; 10.55; 10.55
90; 90; 90
1174.24Li Bin; Corbett, J.D.; Mudring, A.V.
Valence compounds versus metals. Synthesis, characterization and electronic structures of cubic Ae4 Pn3 phases in the systems Ae = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu; Pn = As, Sb, Bi
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 6940-6945
4344124 CIFBi3 Sr4I -4 3 d10.101; 10.101; 10.101
90; 90; 90
1030.61Li Bin; Mudring, A.V.; Corbett, J.D.
Valence compounds versus metals. Synthesis, characterization and electronic structures of cubic Ae4 Pn3 phases in the systems Ae = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu; Pn = As, Sb, Bi
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 6940-6945
4344126 CIFAs2.6 Ba4I -4 3 d9.9731; 9.9731; 9.9731
90; 90; 90
991.952Li Bin; Mudring, A.V.; Corbett, J.D.
Valence compounds versus metals. Synthesis, characterization and electronic structures of cubic Ae4 Pn3 phases in the systems Ae = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu; Pn = As, Sb, Bi
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 6940-6945
4344316 CIFNp2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.8242; 8.8242; 8.8242
90; 90; 90
687.11Damien, D.; Damien, N.; Jove, J.; Charvillat, J.P.
Some neptunium selenides
Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters, 1973, 9, 649-655
4344318 CIFS4 Tm2.667I -4 3 d8.225; 8.225; 8.225
90; 90; 90
556.426Eatough, N.L.; Webb, A.W.; Hall, H.T.
High-pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquichalcogenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1969, 8, 2069-2071
4344319 CIFS4 Y2.667I -4 3 d8.306; 8.306; 8.306
90; 90; 90
573.028Eatough, N.L.; Hall, H.T.; Webb, A.W.
High-pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquichalcogenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1969, 8, 2069-2071
4344320 CIFS4 Yb2.667I -4 3 d8.224; 8.224; 8.224
90; 90; 90
556.223Eatough, N.L.; Webb, A.W.; Hall, H.T.
High-pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquichalcogenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1969, 8, 2069-2071
4344321 CIFHo2.667 S4I -4 3 d8.265; 8.265; 8.265
90; 90; 90
564.584Eatough, N.L.; Webb, A.W.; Hall, H.T.
Highpressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquichalcogenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1969, 8, 2069-2071
4344322 CIFHo2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.614; 8.614; 8.614
90; 90; 90
639.167Eatough, N.L.; Webb, A.W.; Hall, H.T.
Highpressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquichalcogenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1969, 8, 2069-2071
4344323 CIFLu2.667 S4I -4 3 d8.198; 8.198; 8.198
90; 90; 90
550.965Eatough, N.L.; Webb, A.W.; Hall, H.T.
High-pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquichalcogenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1969, 8, 2069-2071
4344324 CIFSe4 Tm2.667I -4 3 d8.5992; 8.5992; 8.5992
90; 90; 90
635.879Eatough, N.L.; Hall, H.T.
High-pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquiselenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1970, 9, 417-418
4344325 CIFSe4 Y2.667I -4 3 d8.6626; 8.6626; 8.6626
90; 90; 90
650.047Eatough, N.L.; Hall, H.T.
High-pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquiselenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1970, 9, 417-418
4344326 CIFSe4 Yb2.667I -4 3 d8.615; 8.615; 8.615
90; 90; 90
639.39Eatough, N.L.; Hall, H.T.
High-pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquiselenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1970, 9, 417-418
4344327 CIFLu2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.57; 8.57; 8.57
90; 90; 90
629.423Eatough, N.L.; Hall, H.T.
High-Pressure Th3P4-type polymorphs of rare earth sesquiselenides
Inorganic Chemistry, 1970, 9, 417-418
4348052 CIFC84 H84 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d31.9068; 31.9068; 31.9068
90; 90; 90
32482.5Yang, Kai; Li, Shi-Li; Zhang, Fu-Qiang; Zhang, Xian-Ming
Simultaneous Luminescent Thermochromism, Vapochromism, Solvatochromism, and Mechanochromism in a C3-Symmetric Cubane [Cu4I4P4] Cluster without Cu-Cu Interaction.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7323-7325
4348053 CIFC84 H84 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d31.60961; 31.60961; 31.60961
90; 90; 90
31583.3Yang, Kai; Li, Shi-Li; Zhang, Fu-Qiang; Zhang, Xian-Ming
Simultaneous Luminescent Thermochromism, Vapochromism, Solvatochromism, and Mechanochromism in a C3-Symmetric Cubane [Cu4I4P4] Cluster without Cu-Cu Interaction.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7323-7325
4348147 CIFC88 H112 Cl4 Dy4 N12 Ni4 O30.66667I -4 3 d34.04; 34.04; 34.04
90; 90; 90
39443Biswas, Sourav; Goura, Joydeb; Das, Sourav; Topping, Craig V.; Brambleby, Jamie; Goddard, Paul A.; Chandrasekhar, Vadapalli
Octanuclear Heterobimetallic {Ni4Ln4} Assemblies Possessing Ln4 Square Grid [2 ×2] Motifs: Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetism.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8422-8436
4348148 CIFC88 H104 Cl4 N12 Ni4 O40 Tb4I -4 3 d34.0802; 34.0802; 34.0802
90; 90; 90
39583Biswas, Sourav; Goura, Joydeb; Das, Sourav; Topping, Craig V.; Brambleby, Jamie; Goddard, Paul A.; Chandrasekhar, Vadapalli
Octanuclear Heterobimetallic {Ni4Ln4} Assemblies Possessing Ln4 Square Grid [2 ×2] Motifs: Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetism.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8422-8436
4348149 CIFC92 H108 Cl4 Gd4 N12 Ni4 O47.33333I -4 3 d34.09; 34.09; 34.09
90; 90; 90
39617Biswas, Sourav; Goura, Joydeb; Das, Sourav; Topping, Craig V.; Brambleby, Jamie; Goddard, Paul A.; Chandrasekhar, Vadapalli
Octanuclear Heterobimetallic {Ni4Ln4} Assemblies Possessing Ln4 Square Grid [2 ×2] Motifs: Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetism.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8422-8436
4348150 CIFC88 H108 Cl4 Ho4 N12 Ni4 O54.66667I -4 3 d34.057; 34.057; 34.057
90; 90; 90
39502Biswas, Sourav; Goura, Joydeb; Das, Sourav; Topping, Craig V.; Brambleby, Jamie; Goddard, Paul A.; Chandrasekhar, Vadapalli
Octanuclear Heterobimetallic {Ni4Ln4} Assemblies Possessing Ln4 Square Grid [2 ×2] Motifs: Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetism.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8422-8436
4500997 CIFC58 H104 Cl6 Mn2 N2 O20I -4 3 d22.7292; 22.7292; 22.7292
90; 90; 90
11742.3Abrahams, Brendan F.; Hudson, Timothy A.; McCormick, Laura J.; Robson, Richard
Coordination Polymers of 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoquinone and Chloranilic Acid with the (10,3)-aTopology
Crystal Growth & Design, 2011, 11, 2717
4501588 CIFC9 H29 Mn7.5 N45 O14.5 S2I -4 3 d21.015; 21.015; 21.015
90; 90; 90
9280.9Wang, Tian-Wei; Liu, Dong-Sheng; Huang, Chang-Cang; Sui, Yan; Huang, Xi-He; Chen, Jian-Zhong; You, Xiao-Zeng
Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Magnetic Properties of Two Mn(II) Coordination Polymers Based on the 5-Aminotetrazole Ligand: Effect of Sources of Ligand on Construction of Topological Networks
Crystal Growth & Design, 2010, 10, 3429
4504051 CIFC111 H188 In6 N6 O88I -4 3 d20.3732; 20.3732; 20.3732
90; 90; 90
8456.2Lin, Zheng-Zhong; Jiang, Fei-Long; Chen, Lian; Yue, Cheng-Yang; Yuan, Da-Qiang; Lan, An-Jian; Hong, Mao-Chun
A Highly Symmetric Porous Framework with Multi-intersecting Open Channels
Crystal Growth & Design, 2007, 7, 1712
4504116 CIFC18 H12 Ag Cl N6 O4I -4 3 d19.9271; 19.9271; 19.9271
90; 90; 90
7912.8Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Xuanjun; Lin, Shi-Hong; Li, Dan
Anion−π-Interaction-Directed Self-Assembly of Ag(I) Coordination Networks
Crystal Growth & Design, 2007, 7, 485
4504117 CIFC18 H12 Ag B F4 N6I -4 3 d19.8773; 19.8773; 19.8773
90; 90; 90
7853.7Zhou, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Xuanjun; Lin, Shi-Hong; Li, Dan
Anion−π-Interaction-Directed Self-Assembly of Ag(I) Coordination Networks
Crystal Growth & Design, 2007, 7, 485
4506901 CIFC24 H36 N2 O14 ZnI -4 3 d20.413; 20.413; 20.413
90; 90; 90
8506Manos, Manolis J.; Moushi, Eleni E.; Papaefstathiou, Giannis S.; Tasiopoulos, Anastasios J.
New Zn2+Metal Organic Frameworks with Unique Network Topologies from the Combination of Trimesic Acid and Amino-Alcohols
Crystal Growth & Design, 2012, 12, 5471
4509068 CIFC42 H33 Co N12 O3I -4 3 d24.6815; 24.6815; 24.6815
90; 90; 90
15035.4Mo, Hao-Jun; Zhong, Yong-Rui; Cao, Man-Li; Ou, Yong-Cong; Ye, Bao-Hui
Hydrothermal Syntheses and Structural Diversity of Cobalt Complexes with 2,2′-Bibenzimidazole Ligand by Temperature Tuning Strategy
Crystal Growth & Design, 2009, 9, 488
4509605 CIFC9 H29 Cd7.5 N45 O14.5 S2I -4 3 d21.5; 21.5; 21.5
90; 90; 90
9938Liu, Dongsheng; Huang, Gansheng; Huang, Changcang; Huang, Xihe; Chen, Jianzhong; You, XiaoZeng
Cadmium Coordination Polymers Constructed from in Situ Generated Amino-Tetrazole Ligand: Effect of the Conditions on the Structures and Topologies
Crystal Growth & Design, 2009, 9, 5117
4510095 CIFC22 H22 Li4 N2 O13I -4 3 d21.1288; 21.1288; 21.1288
90; 90; 90
9432.4Clough, Andrew; Zheng, Shou-Tian; Zhao, Xiang; Lin, Qipu; Feng, Pingyun; Bu, Xianhui
New Lithium Ion Clusters for Construction of Porous MOFs
Crystal Growth & Design, 2014, 14, 897
4510639 CIFAl14 Ca12 O33I -4 3 d11.9883; 11.9883; 11.9883
90; 90; 90
1722.95Ebbinghaus, Stefan G.; Krause, Holger; Syrowatka, Frank
Floating Zone Growth of Large and Defect-free Ca12Al14O33Single Crystals
Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 2990
4513371 CIFC16 H96.2 O30.6 PI -4 3 d24.5191; 24.5191; 24.5191
90; 90; 90
14740.5Kobori, Takayuki; Muromachi, Sanehiro; Yamasaki, Tatsuro; Takeya, Satoshi; Yamamoto, Yoshitaka; Alavi, Saman; Ohmura, Ryo
Phase Behavior and Structural Characterization of Ionic Clathrate Hydrate Formed with Tetra-n-butylphosphonium Hydroxide: Discovery of Primitive Crystal Structure
Crystal Growth & Design, 2015, 15, 3862
4513728 CIFC78 H94 Cr3 Li3 O17I -4 3 d31.8702; 31.8702; 31.8702
90; 90; 90
32370.9Crochet, Aurélien; Brog, Jean-Pierre; Fromm, Katharina M.
Mixed Metal Multinuclear Cr(III) Cage Compounds and Coordination Polymers Based on Unsubstituted Phenolate: Design, Synthesis, Mechanism, and Properties
Crystal Growth & Design, 2016, 16, 189
4518348 CIFH1.57 La2.95 Li3.73 O12 Ta1.1 Zr0.9I -4 3 d12.9466; 12.9466; 12.9466
90; 90; 90
2170.04Redhammer, Günther J.; Badami, Pavan; Meven, Martin; Ganschow, Steffen; Berendts, Stefan; Tippelt, Gerold; Rettenwander, Daniel
Wet-Environment-Induced Structural Alterations in Single- and Polycrystalline LLZTO Solid Electrolytes Studied by Diffraction Techniques
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
4518349 CIFH2.91 La2.95 Li3.29 O12 Ta1.1 Zr0.9I -4 3 d12.9667; 12.9667; 12.9667
90; 90; 90
2180.2Redhammer, Günther J.; Badami, Pavan; Meven, Martin; Ganschow, Steffen; Berendts, Stefan; Tippelt, Gerold; Rettenwander, Daniel
Wet-Environment-Induced Structural Alterations in Single- and Polycrystalline LLZTO Solid Electrolytes Studied by Diffraction Techniques
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
4518350 CIFH2.26 La2.92 Li3.04 O12 Ta1.05 Zr0.95I -4 3 d12.9768; 12.9768; 12.9768
90; 90; 90
2185.26Redhammer, Günther J.; Badami, Pavan; Meven, Martin; Ganschow, Steffen; Berendts, Stefan; Tippelt, Gerold; Rettenwander, Daniel
Wet-Environment-Induced Structural Alterations in Single- and Polycrystalline LLZTO Solid Electrolytes Studied by Diffraction Techniques
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
4518351 CIFH2.59 La2.95 Li2.71 O12 Ta1.09 Zr0.91I -4 3 d12.9834; 12.9834; 12.9834
90; 90; 90
2188.59Redhammer, Günther J.; Badami, Pavan; Meven, Martin; Ganschow, Steffen; Berendts, Stefan; Tippelt, Gerold; Rettenwander, Daniel
Wet-Environment-Induced Structural Alterations in Single- and Polycrystalline LLZTO Solid Electrolytes Studied by Diffraction Techniques
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
4518352 CIFH1.74 La2.93 Li3.59 O12 Ta0.95 Zr1.05I -4 3 d12.9536; 12.9536; 12.9536
90; 90; 90
2173.56Redhammer, Günther J.; Badami, Pavan; Meven, Martin; Ganschow, Steffen; Berendts, Stefan; Tippelt, Gerold; Rettenwander, Daniel
Wet-Environment-Induced Structural Alterations in Single- and Polycrystalline LLZTO Solid Electrolytes Studied by Diffraction Techniques
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
4518353 CIFH2.47 La2.95 Li2.86 O12 Ta0.99 Zr1.01I -4 3 d12.9839; 12.9839; 12.9839
90; 90; 90
2188.85Redhammer, Günther J.; Badami, Pavan; Meven, Martin; Ganschow, Steffen; Berendts, Stefan; Tippelt, Gerold; Rettenwander, Daniel
Wet-Environment-Induced Structural Alterations in Single- and Polycrystalline LLZTO Solid Electrolytes Studied by Diffraction Techniques
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
4519034 CIFC40 H24 Fe3 N6 O14I -4 3 d37.708; 37.708; 37.708
90; 90; 90
53616.8Zhang, Zong-Hui; Fang, Han; Xue, Dong-Xu; Bai, Junfeng
Tuning Open Metal Site-Free <b>ncb</b> Type of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Simultaneously High Gravimetric and Volumetric Methane Storage Working Capacities.
ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2021, 13, 44956-44963
5910102 CIFBi4 O12 Si3I -4 3 d10.272; 10.272; 10.272
90; 90; 90
1083.84Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Pages 108 & 113 from the second edition supplement of The Structure of Crystals by Wyckoff R W G. published by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, INC,Camden,N. J. in 1935
The second edition supplement of The Structure of Crystals, 1935, 108-113
6000620 CIFCu2 Mo9 O36 Th4I -4 3 d14.4856; 14.4856; 14.4856
90; 90; 90
3039.55Launay, S.; Quarton, M.
Crystal data for Cu2Th4(MoO4)(9) and isostructural compounds
Powder Diffraction, 1998, 13, 107-112
7011422 CIFC44 H38 Cl4 Mn4 N8 O9I -4 3 d24.287; 24.287; 24.287
90; 90; 90
14326Ming-Liang Tong; Shao-Liang Zheng; Jian-Xin Shi; Ye-Xiang Tong; Hung Kay Lee; Xiao-Ming Chen
Synthesis, crystal structures and properties of six cubane-like transition metal complexes of di-2-pyridyl ketone in gem-diol form
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2002, 1727-1734
7016663 CIFC48 H75 Ga3 Ni PI -4 3 d26.9627; 26.9627; 26.9627
90; 90; 90
19601.5Molon, Mariusz; Bollermann, Timo; Gemel, Christian; Schaumann, Julian; Fischer, Roland A.
Mixed phosphine and group-13 metal ligator complexes [(PR(3))(a)M(ECp*)(b)] (M = Mo, Ni; E = Ga, Al; R = C(6)H(5), cyclo-C(6)H(11), CH(3)).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2011, 40, 10769-10774
7017798 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d29.7864; 29.7864; 29.7864
90; 90; 90
26427.4Maini, Lucia; Braga, Dario; Mazzeo, Paolo P.; Ventura, Barbara
Polymorph and isomer conversion of complexes based on CuI and PPh3 easily observed via luminescence.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2012, 41, 531-539
7017799 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d30.0503; 30.0503; 30.0503
90; 90; 90
27136Maini, Lucia; Braga, Dario; Mazzeo, Paolo P.; Ventura, Barbara
Polymorph and isomer conversion of complexes based on CuI and PPh3 easily observed via luminescence.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2012, 41, 531-539
7018513 CIFC14 H12 Li N O SI -4 3 d25.6289; 25.6289; 25.6289
90; 90; 90
16834.1Lu, Wei-Yi; Hsiao, Mon-Wei; Hsu, Sodio C. N.; Peng, Wei-Te; Chang, Ya-Ju; Tsou, Yu-Chi; Wu, Ting-Yi; Lai, Yi-Chun; Chen, Yun; Chen, Hsuan-Ying
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of lithium and sodium iminophenoxide complexes towards ring-opening polymerization of l-lactide.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2012, 41, 3659-3667
7023260 CIFC20 H20 Cl N8 PI -4 3 d18.926; 18.926; 18.926
90; 90; 90
6779Gupta, Arvind K.; Nagarkar, Sanjog S.; Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy
Zn(II) coordination polymer of an in situ generated 4-pyridyl (4Py) attached bis(amido)phosphate ligand, [PO2(NH4Py)2]- showing preferential water uptake over aliphatic alcohols.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2013, 42, 10964-10970
7024432 CIFBi O12 P3 Pb3I -4 3 d10.3663; 10.3663; 10.3663
90; 90; 90
1113.96Zhang, Wei-Long; Lin, Xin-Song; Zhang, Hao; Wang, Jin-Yun; Lin, Chen-Sheng; He, Zhang-Zhen; Cheng, Wen-Dan
Lone electron-pair enhancement of SHG responses in eulytite-type compounds: A(II)(3)M(III)(PO(4))(3) (A = Pb, M = Bi; A = Ba, M = Bi, La).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2010, 39, 1546-1551
7025316 CIFC80 H150 Dy4 Mn4 N10 O32I -4 3 d31.9794; 31.9794; 31.9794
90; 90; 90
32704.8Mereacre, Valeriu; Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem; Lan, Yanhua; Ako, Ayuk M.; Clérac, Rodolphe; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Structures and magnetic properties of Mn(III)₄Ln(III)₄ aggregates with a "square-in-square" topology.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2010, 39, 4918-4927
7032534 CIFBa3.97 Eu0.13 Lu4 O48 P12 Sr7.92I -4 3 d10.221468; 10.221468; 10.221468
90; 90; 90
1067.92Wang, Ziyuan; Xia, Zhiguo; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Atuchin, Victor V.; Liu, QuanLin
Blue-shift of Eu(2+) emission in (Ba,Sr)3Lu(PO4)3:Eu(2+) eulytite solid-solution phosphors resulting from release of neighbouring-cation-induced stress.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2014, 43, 16800-16804
7032535 CIFBa2.97 Eu0.03 Lu O12 P3I -4 3 d10.460404; 10.460404; 10.460404
90; 90; 90
1144.58Wang, Ziyuan; Xia, Zhiguo; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Atuchin, Victor V.; Liu, QuanLin
Blue-shift of Eu(2+) emission in (Ba,Sr)3Lu(PO4)3:Eu(2+) eulytite solid-solution phosphors resulting from release of neighbouring-cation-induced stress.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2014, 43, 16800-16804
7032536 CIFBa7.92 Eu0.13 Lu4 O48 P12 Sr3.97I -4 3 d10.34543; 10.34543; 10.34543
90; 90; 90
1107.25Wang, Ziyuan; Xia, Zhiguo; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Atuchin, Victor V.; Liu, QuanLin
Blue-shift of Eu(2+) emission in (Ba,Sr)3Lu(PO4)3:Eu(2+) eulytite solid-solution phosphors resulting from release of neighbouring-cation-induced stress.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2014, 43, 16800-16804
7032537 CIFEu0.13 Lu4 O48 P12 Sr11.89I -4 3 d10.090197; 10.090197; 10.090197
90; 90; 90
1027.3Wang, Ziyuan; Xia, Zhiguo; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Atuchin, Victor V.; Liu, QuanLin
Blue-shift of Eu(2+) emission in (Ba,Sr)3Lu(PO4)3:Eu(2+) eulytite solid-solution phosphors resulting from release of neighbouring-cation-induced stress.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2014, 43, 16800-16804
7034637 CIFBa3 Eu O12 P3I -4 3 d10.479959; 10.479959; 10.479959
90; 90; 90
1151.01Ji, Haipeng; Huang, Zhaohui; Xia, Zhiguo; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Jiang, Xingxing; Lin, Zheshuai; Atuchin, Victor V.
Comparative investigations of the crystal structure and photoluminescence property of eulytite-type Ba3Eu(PO4)3 and Sr3Eu(PO4)3.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2015, 44, 7679-7686
7034638 CIFEu O12 P3 Sr3I -4 3 d10.12028; 10.12028; 10.12028
90; 90; 90
1036.52Ji, Haipeng; Huang, Zhaohui; Xia, Zhiguo; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Jiang, Xingxing; Lin, Zheshuai; Atuchin, Victor V.
Comparative investigations of the crystal structure and photoluminescence property of eulytite-type Ba3Eu(PO4)3 and Sr3Eu(PO4)3.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2015, 44, 7679-7686
7037920 CIFC48 H27 Eu N27 O3I -4 3 d32.8261; 32.8261; 32.8261
90; 90; 90
35371.9Di Pietro, Sebastiano; Gautier, Nicholas; Imbert, Daniel; Pécaut, Jacques; Mazzanti, Marinella
Versatile pyridine-2,6-bis-tetrazolate scaffolds for the formation of highly luminescent lanthanide complexes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3429-3442
7040176 CIFBa3 Cd S8 Sn2I -4 3 d14.679; 14.679; 14.679
90; 90; 90
3162.9Zhen, Ni; Wu, Kui; Wang, Ying; Li, Qiang; Gao, Wenhui; Hou, Dianwei; Yang, Zhihua; Jiang, Huaidong; Dong, Yongjun; Pan, Shilie
BaCdSnS4 and Ba3CdSn2S8: syntheses, structures, and non-linear optical and photoluminescence properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10681-10688
7044073 CIFH57.3333 K2 Na1.3333 O136.6667 Sm4 W29I -4 3 d35.953; 35.953; 35.953
90; 90; 90
46474Guo, Jipeng; Niu, Yanjun; Song, Lanying; Xu, Qiaofei; Lu, Jingkun; Ma, Pengtao; Zhang, Dongdi; Zhang, Chao; Niu, Jingyang; Wang, Jingping
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic epoxidation properties of lanthanide-stabilized peroxoisopolytungstates
Dalton Trans., 2017
7044074 CIFCe4 H57.3333 K2 Na1.3333 O136.6667 W29I -4 3 d36.028; 36.028; 36.028
90; 90; 90
46765Guo, Jipeng; Niu, Yanjun; Song, Lanying; Xu, Qiaofei; Lu, Jingkun; Ma, Pengtao; Zhang, Dongdi; Zhang, Chao; Niu, Jingyang; Wang, Jingping
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic epoxidation properties of lanthanide-stabilized peroxoisopolytungstates
Dalton Trans., 2017
7044075 CIFH57.3333 K2 Na1.3333 Nd4 O136.6667 W29I -4 3 d35.972; 35.972; 35.972
90; 90; 90
46547Guo, Jipeng; Niu, Yanjun; Song, Lanying; Xu, Qiaofei; Lu, Jingkun; Ma, Pengtao; Zhang, Dongdi; Zhang, Chao; Niu, Jingyang; Wang, Jingping
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic epoxidation properties of lanthanide-stabilized peroxoisopolytungstates
Dalton Trans., 2017
7044076 CIFH57.3333 K2 Na1.3333 O136.6667 Tb4 W29I -4 3 d35.774; 35.774; 35.774
90; 90; 90
45783Guo, Jipeng; Niu, Yanjun; Song, Lanying; Xu, Qiaofei; Lu, Jingkun; Ma, Pengtao; Zhang, Dongdi; Zhang, Chao; Niu, Jingyang; Wang, Jingping
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic epoxidation properties of lanthanide-stabilized peroxoisopolytungstates
Dalton Trans., 2017
7044077 CIFEr4 H57.3333 K2 Na1.3333 O136.6667 W29I -4 3 d35.901; 35.901; 35.901
90; 90; 90
46272Guo, Jipeng; Niu, Yanjun; Song, Lanying; Xu, Qiaofei; Lu, Jingkun; Ma, Pengtao; Zhang, Dongdi; Zhang, Chao; Niu, Jingyang; Wang, Jingping
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic epoxidation properties of lanthanide-stabilized peroxoisopolytungstates
Dalton Trans., 2017
7045769 CIFC156 H168 Cd4 Mo36 N48 O132 P3I -4 3 d30.1254; 30.1254; 30.1254
90; 90; 90
27340Liu, Min; Yang, Xu-Feng; Zhu, Hai-Bin; Di, Bao-Sheng; Zhao, Yue
A robust polyoxometalate-templated four-fold interpenetrating metal-organic framework showing efficient organic dye photodegradation in various pH aqueous solutions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2018, 47, 5245-5251
7046857 CIFC33 H60 N9 O2 P SI -4 3 d24.5396; 24.5396; 24.5396
90; 90; 90
14777.6Buß, Florenz; Rotering, Philipp; Mück-Lichtenfeld, Christian; Dielmann, Fabian
Crystalline, room-temperature stable phosphine-SO<sub>2</sub> adducts: generation of sulfur monoxide from sulfur dioxide.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2018, 47, 10420-10424
7056917 CIFBa1.75 Na0.5 S4 SnI -4 3 d14.807; 14.807; 14.807
90; 90; 90
3246.4Abudurusuli, Ailijiang; Wu, Kui; Pan, Shilie
Four new quaternary chalcogenides A2Ba7Sn4Q16 (A = Li, Na; Q = S, Se): syntheses, crystal structures determination, nonlinear optical performances investigation
New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 3350
7056918 CIFBa1.75 Li0.5 Se4 SnI -4 3 d15.1628; 15.1628; 15.1628
90; 90; 90
3486.1Abudurusuli, Ailijiang; Wu, Kui; Pan, Shilie
Four new quaternary chalcogenides A2Ba7Sn4Q16 (A = Li, Na; Q = S, Se): syntheses, crystal structures determination, nonlinear optical performances investigation
New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 3350
7056919 CIFBa1.75 Na0.5 Se4 SnI -4 3 d15.4163; 15.4163; 15.4163
90; 90; 90
3663.9Abudurusuli, Ailijiang; Wu, Kui; Pan, Shilie
Four new quaternary chalcogenides A2Ba7Sn4Q16 (A = Li, Na; Q = S, Se): syntheses, crystal structures determination, nonlinear optical performances investigation
New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 3350
7056920 CIFBa1.75 Li0.5 S4 SnI -4 3 d14.577; 14.577; 14.577
90; 90; 90
3097.5Abudurusuli, Ailijiang; Wu, Kui; Pan, Shilie
Four new quaternary chalcogenides A2Ba7Sn4Q16 (A = Li, Na; Q = S, Se): syntheses, crystal structures determination, nonlinear optical performances investigation
New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 3350
7100888 CIFC24 H40 B N6 Na O3I -4 3 d22.056; 22.056; 22.056
90; 90; 90
10729.5Chemical Communications, 2006
7105666 CIFC40 H34.33 In3 N6 O18.67I -4 3 d38.771; 38.771; 38.771
90; 90; 90
58280Gu, Xiaojun; Lu, Zhang-Hui; Xu, Qiang
High-connected mesoporous metal-organic framework.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 7400-7402
7105667 CIFC40 H32.33 In3 N8 O16.67I -4 3 d38.712; 38.712; 38.712
90; 90; 90
58015Gu, Xiaojun; Lu, Zhang-Hui; Xu, Qiang
High-connected mesoporous metal-organic framework.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 7400-7402
7109158 CIFC32 H41 Cl4 Cu2 N6 O2 Si2I -4 3 d30.848; 30.848; 30.848
90; 90; 90
29355Kyung Hwan Park; Tae Hwan Noh; Yoon-Bo Shim; Ok-Sang Jung
Construction of right-handed-, left-handed-, and racemic helical coordination polymers. Enantioselective recognition using chiral helical crystals
Chem.Commun., 2013, 49, 4000
7109738 CIFC49 H52 Mn1.33 N0.33 O24.26 S4I -4 3 d27.0246; 27.0246; 27.0246
90; 90; 90
19736.8Zhuxiu Zhang; Andrey Drapailo; Yuriy Matvieiev; Lukasz Wojtas; Michael J. Zaworotko
A calixarene based metal organic material, calixMOM, that binds potassium cations
Chem.Commun., 2013, 49, 8353
7109739 CIFC58 H63.33 K1.34 Mn1.33 N3.33 O16.67 S4I -4 3 d27.1849; 27.1849; 27.1849
90; 90; 90
20090.2Zhuxiu Zhang; Andrey Drapailo; Yuriy Matvieiev; Lukasz Wojtas; Michael J. Zaworotko
A calixarene based metal organic material, calixMOM, that binds potassium cations
Chem.Commun., 2013, 49, 8353
7109871 CIFC36 H90 O9 Si6 W3I -4 3 d28.065; 28.065; 28.065
90; 90; 90
22105Laurel A. Morton; Maozhong Miao; Tabitha M. Callaway; Tianniu Chen; Shu-Jian Chen; Albert A. Tuinman; Xianghua Yu; Zheng Lu; Zi-Ling Xue
Reactions of d0 tungsten alkylidyne complexes with O2 or H2O. Formation of an oxo siloxy complex through unusual silyl migrations
Chem.Commun., 2013, 49, 9555
7111520 CIFC36 H75 Cd15 N72 O28.5 S4I -4 3 d21.4983; 21.4983; 21.4983
90; 90; 90
9936.02Deng, Hong; Qiu, Yong-Cai; Li, Ying-Hua; Liu, Zhi-Hui; Zeng, Rong-Hua; Zeller, Matthias; Batten, Stuart R.
Reversible shrinkage and expansion of a blue photofluorescent cadmium coordination polymer and in situ tetrazole ligand synthesis
Chemical Communications, 2008, 2239-2241
7111521 CIFC36 H62.63 Cd15 N72 O22.32 S4I -4 3 d21.4035; 21.4035; 21.4035
90; 90; 90
9805.15Deng, Hong; Qiu, Yong-Cai; Li, Ying-Hua; Liu, Zhi-Hui; Zeng, Rong-Hua; Zeller, Matthias; Batten, Stuart R.
Reversible shrinkage and expansion of a blue photofluorescent cadmium coordination polymer and in situ tetrazole ligand synthesis
Chemical Communications, 2008, 2239-2241
7111522 CIFC36 H58 Cd15 N72 O20 S4I -4 3 d21.3359; 21.3359; 21.3359
90; 90; 90
9712.54Deng, Hong; Qiu, Yong-Cai; Li, Ying-Hua; Liu, Zhi-Hui; Zeng, Rong-Hua; Zeller, Matthias; Batten, Stuart R.
Reversible shrinkage and expansion of a blue photofluorescent cadmium coordination polymer and in situ tetrazole ligand synthesis
Chemical Communications, 2008, 2239-2241
7111523 CIFC36 H73.98 Cd15 N72 O27.99 S4I -4 3 d21.514; 21.514; 21.514
90; 90; 90
9957.8Deng, Hong; Qiu, Yong-Cai; Li, Ying-Hua; Liu, Zhi-Hui; Zeng, Rong-Hua; Zeller, Matthias; Batten, Stuart R.
Reversible shrinkage and expansion of a blue photofluorescent cadmium coordination polymer and in situ tetrazole ligand synthesis
Chemical Communications, 2008, 2239-2241
7112996 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d30.1826; 30.1826; 30.1826
90; 90; 90
27496Kitagawa, Hakuba; Ozawa, Yoshiki; Toriumi, Koshiro
Flexibility of cubane-like Cu4I4 framework: temperature dependence of molecular structure and luminescence thermochromism of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4] in two polymorphic crystalline states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 6302-6304
7112997 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d29.9834; 29.9834; 29.9834
90; 90; 90
26955.2Kitagawa, Hakuba; Ozawa, Yoshiki; Toriumi, Koshiro
Flexibility of cubane-like Cu4I4 framework: temperature dependence of molecular structure and luminescence thermochromism of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4] in two polymorphic crystalline states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 6302-6304
7112998 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d29.9058; 29.9058; 29.9058
90; 90; 90
26746.5Kitagawa, Hakuba; Ozawa, Yoshiki; Toriumi, Koshiro
Flexibility of cubane-like Cu4I4 framework: temperature dependence of molecular structure and luminescence thermochromism of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4] in two polymorphic crystalline states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 6302-6304
7112999 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d29.8333; 29.8333; 29.8333
90; 90; 90
26552.4Kitagawa, Hakuba; Ozawa, Yoshiki; Toriumi, Koshiro
Flexibility of cubane-like Cu4I4 framework: temperature dependence of molecular structure and luminescence thermochromism of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4] in two polymorphic crystalline states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 6302-6304
7113000 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d29.8024; 29.8024; 29.8024
90; 90; 90
26470Kitagawa, Hakuba; Ozawa, Yoshiki; Toriumi, Koshiro
Flexibility of cubane-like Cu4I4 framework: temperature dependence of molecular structure and luminescence thermochromism of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4] in two polymorphic crystalline states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 6302-6304
7113001 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d29.7569; 29.7569; 29.7569
90; 90; 90
26348.9Kitagawa, Hakuba; Ozawa, Yoshiki; Toriumi, Koshiro
Flexibility of cubane-like Cu4I4 framework: temperature dependence of molecular structure and luminescence thermochromism of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4] in two polymorphic crystalline states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 6302-6304
7113002 CIFC72 H60 Cu4 I4 P4I -4 3 d29.7325; 29.7325; 29.7325
90; 90; 90
26284.2Kitagawa, Hakuba; Ozawa, Yoshiki; Toriumi, Koshiro
Flexibility of cubane-like Cu4I4 framework: temperature dependence of molecular structure and luminescence thermochromism of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4] in two polymorphic crystalline states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 6302-6304
7115941 CIFC60 H60 Br2 N4 NiI -4 3 d25.945; 25.945; 25.945
90; 90; 90
17464.7Ru-Jen Cheng; Chiao-Han Ting; Ten-Chih Chao; Tzu-Hsien Tseng; Peter P.-Y. Chen
The characterization of the saddle shaped nickel(III) porphyrin radical cation: an explicative NMR model for a ferromagnetically coupled metallo-porphyrin radical
Chem.Commun., 2014, 50, 14265
7115942 CIFC64 H68 Br2 N4 NiI -4 3 d26.4497; 26.4497; 26.4497
90; 90; 90
18503.9Ru-Jen Cheng; Chiao-Han Ting; Ten-Chih Chao; Tzu-Hsien Tseng; Peter P.-Y. Chen
The characterization of the saddle shaped nickel(III) porphyrin radical cation: an explicative NMR model for a ferromagnetically coupled metallo-porphyrin radical
Chem.Commun., 2014, 50, 14265
7117218 CIFC15 H9 Ag Cl N9 O4I -4 3 d20.2313; 20.2313; 20.2313
90; 90; 90
8280.8Damir A. Safin; Amelie Pialat; Alicea A. Leitch; Nikolay A. Tumanov; Ilia Korobkov; Yaroslav Filinchuk; Jaclyn L. Brusso; Muralee Murugesu
Anion-induced Ag^I^ self-assemblies with electron deficient aromatic ligands: anion-pi-system interactions as a driving force for templated coordination networks
Chem.Commun., 2015, 51, 9547
7118932 CIFC24 H52 B3 F12 N48 O8 Zn7I -4 3 d22.3819; 22.3819; 22.3819
90; 90; 90
11212.2Tang, Yu-Huan; Wang, Fei; Liu, Jin-Xiu; Zhang, Jian
Diverse tetrahedral tetrazolate frameworks with N-rich surface.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 5625-5628
7122808 CIFC56 H42 Gd3 N8 O39I -4 3 d24.964; 24.964; 24.964
90; 90; 90
15557.6Xing, Xiu-Shuang; Fu, Zhi-Hua; Zhang, Ning-Ning; Yu, Xiao-Qing; Wang, Ming-Sheng; Guo, Guo-Cong
High proton conduction in an excellent water-stable gadolinium metal-organic framework.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2019
7124453 CIFBa6 Cu2 Fe Ge4 S16I -4 3 d14.2342; 14.2342; 14.2342
90; 90; 90
2884Cao, Wangzhu; Mei, Dajiang; Yang, Yi; Wu, YuanWang; Zhang, Lingyun; Wu, Yuandong; He, Xiao; Lin, Zheshuai; Huang, Fu Qiang
From CuFeS2 to Ba6Cu2FeGe4S16: Rational Band Gap Engineering Achieves Large Second-Harmonic-Generation Together with High Laser Damage Threshold
Chemical Communications, 2019
7128076 CIFC9 H6 N3 O3 WI -4 3 d16.13834; 16.13834; 16.13834
90; 90; 90
4203.17Voigt, Laura; Wugt Larsen, René; Kubus, Mariusz; Pedersen, Kasper S.
Zero-valent metals in metal-organic frameworks: fac-M(CO)<sub>3</sub>(pyrazine)<sub>3/2</sub>.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 3861-3864
7128077 CIFC9 H6 Mo N3 O3I -4 3 d16.2253; 16.2253; 16.2253
90; 90; 90
4271.5Voigt, Laura; Wugt Larsen, René; Kubus, Mariusz; Pedersen, Kasper S.
Zero-valent metals in metal-organic frameworks: fac-M(CO)<sub>3</sub>(pyrazine)<sub>3/2</sub>.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 3861-3864
7128078 CIFC9 H6 Cr N3 O3I -4 3 d15.8757; 15.8757; 15.8757
90; 90; 90
4001.3Voigt, Laura; Wugt Larsen, René; Kubus, Mariusz; Pedersen, Kasper S.
Zero-valent metals in metal-organic frameworks: fac-M(CO)<sub>3</sub>(pyrazine)<sub>3/2</sub>.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 3861-3864
7128487 CIFC54 H73 Eu4 N4 O34 Zn6I -4 3 d35.039; 35.039; 35.039
90; 90; 90
43018Ge, Rui; Liu, Jin-Hua; Li, Xin-Hao; Li, Ling-Yun; Sun, Yan-Qiong; Li, Zhikai; Li, Xin-Xiong; Zheng, Shou-Tian
Luminescent cluster-organic frameworks constructed from predesigned supertetrahedral {Ln<sub>4</sub>Zn<sub>6</sub>} secondary building units.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 6927-6930
7200575 CIFC32 H50.67 Br4 Cu6 N24 O13.33 S4 WI -4 3 d30.0965; 30.0965; 30.0965
90; 90; 90
27261Pan, Zhao-Rui; Yao, Xiao-Qiang; Zheng, He-Gen; Li, Yi-Zhi; Guo, Zi-Jian; Batten, Stuart R.
Unusual three-dimensional coordination networks with [WS4Cu6] cluster nodes and α-C3N4 topology
CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 605
7200576 CIFC40 H58.666 Br4 Cu6 N16 O13.333 S4 WI -4 3 d30.3934; 30.3934; 30.3934
90; 90; 90
28076Pan, Zhao-Rui; Yao, Xiao-Qiang; Zheng, He-Gen; Li, Yi-Zhi; Guo, Zi-Jian; Batten, Stuart R.
Unusual three-dimensional coordination networks with [WS4Cu6] cluster nodes and α-C3N4 topology
CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 605
7207209 CIFC48 H60 Be3 N6 O24I -4 3 d19.305; 19.305; 19.305
90; 90; 90
7194.65Kang, Maoping; Luo, Daibing; Luo, Xiuchao; Chen, Ziyi; Lin, Zhien
Crystalline beryllium carboxylate frameworks with rutile-type and cubic-C3N4 topologies
CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 95
7209705 CIFC90 H106 B6 Fe6 N58.75 O7.38 Zn5I -4 3 d40.9855; 40.9855; 40.9855
90; 90; 90
68847.9Li, Yong-Hua; Min, Yong-Gang; Wang, Shi; Zuo, Jing-Lin; Wang, Lian-Hui; Huang, Wei
An unusual (3,4)-connected cubic-C3N4 type network constructed with [FeIII(Tp)(CN)3]− (Tp− = hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate)
CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 3772
7220444 CIFC39 H24 In O7 PI -4 3 d23.5428; 23.5428; 23.5428
90; 90; 90
13048.9Yang, Yan-Yan; Lin, Zu-Jin; Liang, Jun; Huang, Yuanbiao; Cao, Rong
Coordination polymers constructed from a tripodal phosphoryl carboxylate ligand: synthesis, structures and physical properties
CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 4547
7221167 CIFNa15 Sn4I -4 3 d13.14; 13.14; 13.14
90; 90; 90
2268.75Mueller, W.; Volk, K.
Die Strukturen der Phasen Na9 Sn4 und Na15 Sn4
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (2,1947-32,1977), 1978, 33, 275-278
7222194 CIFS2.5327 Se1.4663 Sm2.666I -4 3 d8.587; 8.587; 8.587
90; 90; 90
633.176Lissner, F.; Weber, F.A.; Schleid, T.
Drei Formen des Samarium(III)-Sulfidselenids Sm2 S2-x Se1+x (0.1<=x<0.2)
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-), 2001, 56, 990-996
7223868 CIFC42 H24 F18 Mn7 N15 O24I -4 3 d32.9672; 32.9672; 32.9672
90; 90; 90
35829.9Cai, Song-Liang; Zheng, Sheng-Run; Fan, Jun; Zeng, Rong-Hua; Zhang, Wei-Guang
Two new three-dimensional metal‒organic frameworks with 4-connected diamondoid and unusual (6,16)-connected net topologies based on planar tetranuclear squares as secondary building units
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1174
7233962 CIFC18 H48 O6 Si6I -4 3 d23.3514; 23.3514; 23.3514
90; 90; 90
12733.2Sung Jin Park; Hyeon Mo Cho; Myong Euy Lee; Miyoung Kim; Kwenwoo Han; Seunghee Hong; Sanghak Lim; Hansong Lee; Byeonggyu Hwang; Sang Kyun Kim; Sangdeok Shim; Philjae Kang; Moon-Gun Choi
Soluble polycyclosilane-polysiloxane hybrid material and silicon thin film with optical properties at 193 nm and etch selectivity
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 239-242
7234153 CIFC8 H20 Cl1.33 Co2.67 N12 O44 Si W12I -4 3 d25.1342; 25.1342; 25.1342
90; 90; 90
15878Yao, Wei; Qin, Chao; Xu, Na; Zhou, Jie; Sun, Chunyi; Liu, Li; Su, Zhongmin
Visible-light CO2 photoreduction of polyoxometalate-based hybrids with different cobalt clusters
CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 6423
7236904 CIFC120 H181.5 Cl12 N48 O78.75 P8 S8 Zn6I -4 3 d44.497; 44.497; 44.497
90; 90; 90
88103Yadav, Ashok; Srivastava, Anant Kumar; Kulkarni, Priyangi; Divya, Pillutla; Steiner, Alexander; Praveenkumar, B.; Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy
Anion-induced ferroelectric polarization in a luminescent metal‒organic cage compound
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 10624
7239958 CIFC30 H22 I6 N6 Ni Pb2I -4 3 d29.1712; 29.1712; 29.1712
90; 90; 90
24823.5Zhang, Yongli; Zang, Meixiu; Yin, Hang; Liu, Peng; Xian, Yeming; Li, Wenzhe
Dimensionally and Structurally Controllable Perovskite Single Crystals: Nickle(II)-Terpyridine-Complex (Ni-Tpy2) Based Perovskites
CrystEngComm, 2020
7242226 CIFC74 H80 B2 N4 ZnI -4 3 d26.536; 26.536; 26.536
90; 90; 90
18686Takaki, Koyo; Sakuda, Eri; Ito, Akitaka; Horiuchi, Shinnosuke; Arikawa, Yasuhiro; Umakoshi, Keisuke
Bridging-arylene effects on spectroscopic and photophysical properties of arylborane‒dipyrrinato zinc(ii) complexes
RSC Advances, 2021, 11, 6259-6267
7243622 CIFC172 H352 N24 O117 Pt4 S4I -4 3 d39.9546; 39.9546; 39.9546
90; 90; 90
63782.3Aoki, Kentaro; Otsubo, Kazuya; Kitagawa, Hiroshi
A square-shaped complex with an electron-acceptor ligand: unique cubic crystal symmetry and similarity to the inorganic mineral katoite
CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 7691-7697
7703552 CIFAg2 Cu2 Ge4 S16 Sr6I -4 3 d14.03; 14.03; 14.03
90; 90; 90
2761.7Yang, Ya; Song, Miao; Zhang, Jie; Gao, Lihua; Wu, Xiaowen; Wu, Kui
Coordinated regulation on critical physiochemical performances activated from mixed tetrahedral anionic ligands in new series of Sr<sub>6</sub>A<sub>4</sub>M<sub>4</sub>S<sub>16</sub> (A = Ag, Cu; M = Ge, Sn) nonlinear optical materials.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 3388-3392
7703553 CIFAg4 S16 Sn4 Sr6I -4 3 d14.2219; 14.2219; 14.2219
90; 90; 90
2876.56Yang, Ya; Song, Miao; Zhang, Jie; Gao, Lihua; Wu, Xiaowen; Wu, Kui
Coordinated regulation on critical physiochemical performances activated from mixed tetrahedral anionic ligands in new series of Sr<sub>6</sub>A<sub>4</sub>M<sub>4</sub>S<sub>16</sub> (A = Ag, Cu; M = Ge, Sn) nonlinear optical materials.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 3388-3392
7703554 CIFAg4 Ge4 S16 Sr6I -4 3 d14.0925; 14.0925; 14.0925
90; 90; 90
2798.8Yang, Ya; Song, Miao; Zhang, Jie; Gao, Lihua; Wu, Xiaowen; Wu, Kui
Coordinated regulation on critical physiochemical performances activated from mixed tetrahedral anionic ligands in new series of Sr<sub>6</sub>A<sub>4</sub>M<sub>4</sub>S<sub>16</sub> (A = Ag, Cu; M = Ge, Sn) nonlinear optical materials.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 3388-3392
7703555 CIFCu4 S16 Sn4 Sr6I -4 3 d13.982; 13.982; 13.982
90; 90; 90
2733.4Yang, Ya; Song, Miao; Zhang, Jie; Gao, Lihua; Wu, Xiaowen; Wu, Kui
Coordinated regulation on critical physiochemical performances activated from mixed tetrahedral anionic ligands in new series of Sr<sub>6</sub>A<sub>4</sub>M<sub>4</sub>S<sub>16</sub> (A = Ag, Cu; M = Ge, Sn) nonlinear optical materials.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 3388-3392
7703998 CIFAg2 Ba6 Mn S16 Sn4I -4 3 d14.7064; 14.7064; 14.7064
90; 90; 90
3180.7Duan, Ruihuan; Lin, Hua; Wang, Yue; Zhou, Yuqiao; Wu, Liming
Non-centrosymmetric sulfides A<sub>2</sub>Ba<sub>6</sub>MnSn<sub>4</sub>S<sub>16</sub> (A = Li, Ag): syntheses, structures and properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 5914-5920
7703999 CIFBa6 Li2 Mn S16 Sn4I -4 3 d14.608; 14.608; 14.608
90; 90; 90
3117.25Duan, Ruihuan; Lin, Hua; Wang, Yue; Zhou, Yuqiao; Wu, Liming
Non-centrosymmetric sulfides A<sub>2</sub>Ba<sub>6</sub>MnSn<sub>4</sub>S<sub>16</sub> (A = Li, Ag): syntheses, structures and properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 5914-5920
7704705 CIFBe33 Pt16 Y4I -4 3 d13.4849; 13.4849; 13.4849
90; 90; 90
2452.13Amon, Alfred; Svanidze, Eteri; Prots, Yurii; Nicklas, Michael; Burkhardt, Ulrich; Ormeci, Alim; Leithe-Jasper, Andreas; Grin, Yuri
Y<sub>4</sub>Be<sub>33</sub>Pt<sub>16</sub>- a non-centrosymmetric cage superconductor with multi-centre bonding in the framework.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 9362-9368
7716387 CIFC36 H66 Cl24 In11 N71I -4 3 d28.1902; 28.1902; 28.1902
90; 90; 90
22402.4Bayat, Elaheh; Ströbele, Markus; Enseling, David; Jüstel, Thomas; Meyer, H-Jürgen
Thermal deprotonation and condensation of melamine in the presence of indium(III)chloride.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2024, 53, 10912-10918
8100731 CIFAs5 Au Ba8I -4 3 d9.9607; 9.9607; 9.9607
90; 90; 90
988.26Nuss, Jürgen; Jansen, Martin
Crystal structure of barium arsenide auride, Ba~8~As~5~Au
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2002, 217, 313-313
8101154 CIFCl2 O Rb4I -4 3 d9.521; 9.521; 9.521
90; 90; 90
863.1Mudring, Anja-Verena; Jansen, Martin
Crystal structure of tetrarubidium dichloride monooxide, Rb~4~(Cl~2~O)
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2001, 216, 483-483
8103472 CIFB1.08 Cs0.5 K0.5 O6 Si1.92I -4 3 d12.848; 12.848; 12.848
90; 90; 90
2120.83Belger, A.; Stepanov, N.K.; Meyer, D.C.; Paufler, P.; Levin, A.A.; Polyakova, I.G.; Bubnova, R.S.; Filatov, S.K.
Crystal structure of K1-x Csx B Si2 O6 (x = 0.12, 0.50) boroleucite solid solutions and thermal behaviour of K B Si2 O6 and K0.5 Cs0.5 B Si2 O6
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 2002, 217, 55-62
8103473 CIFB1.09 Cs0.12 K0.88 O6 Si1.91I -4 3 d12.6858; 12.6858; 12.6858
90; 90; 90
2041.52Levin, A.A.; Meyer, D.C.; Stepanov, N.K.; Belger, A.; Filatov, S.K.; Bubnova, R.S.; Polyakova, I.G.; Paufler, P.
Crystal structure of K1-x Csx B Si2 O6 (x = 0.12, 0.50) boroleucite solid solutions and thermal behaviour of K B Si2 O6 and K0.5 Cs0.5 B Si2 O6
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 2002, 217, 55-62
8103538 CIFEu3 S4I -4 3 d8.314; 8.314; 8.314
90; 90; 90
574.685Denner, W.; Wichelhaus, W.; Schulz, H.
Absorptionseinfluesse bei der Strukturanalyse unter hohem Druck am Beispiel von Eu3 S4
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1979, 149, 134-135
8103841 CIFCa S4 Yb2I -4 3 d8.3043; 8.3043; 8.3043
90; 90; 90
572.676Li, P.-Y.; Range, K.J.; Lange, K.G.; Andratschke, M.
Crystal Structure of calcium ytterbium sulfide (1/2/4), high pressure modification , Ca Yb2 S
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1996, 211, 814-814
8104354 CIFAl14 Ca12 O32I -4 3 d11.97; 11.97; 11.97
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1715.07Buessem, W.; Eitel, A.
Die Struktur des Pentacalciumtrialuminats
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1936, 95, 175-188
9002707 CIFAl2 Ca3 H12 O12 Si3I -4 3 d12.2145; 12.2145; 12.2145
90; 90; 90
1822.33Lager, G. A.; Downs, R. T.; Origlieri, M. J.; Garoutte, R.
High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of katoite hydrogarnet: Evidence for a phase transition from Ia-3d - I-43d symmetry at 5 GPa Sample: P = 6.00 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2002, 87, 642-647
9002708 CIFAl2 Ca3 H12 O12 Si3I -4 3 d12.1623; 12.1623; 12.1623
90; 90; 90
1799.07Lager, G. A.; Downs, R. T.; Origlieri, M. J.; Garoutte, R.
High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of katoite hydrogarnet: Evidence for a phase transition from Ia-3d - I-43d symmetry at 5 GPa Sample: P = 7.09 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2002, 87, 642-647
9002709 CIFAl2 Ca3 H12 O12 Si3I -4 3 d12.1267; 12.1267; 12.1267
90; 90; 90
1783.31Lager, G. A.; Downs, R. T.; Origlieri, M. J.; Garoutte, R.
High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of katoite hydrogarnet: Evidence for a phase transition from Ia-3d - I-43d symmetry at 5 GPa Sample: P = 7.78 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2002, 87, 642-647
9008116 CIFBi4 O12 Si3I -4 3 d10.3; 10.3; 10.3
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Neutron-diffraction study of Bi4Si3O12
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1966, 123, 73-76
9008266 CIFAs Cu3I -4 3 d9.619; 9.619; 9.619
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Refinement of the crystal structure of alpha domeykite, a structure related to the A15 type
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1977, 145, 334-345
9008293 CIFCl3 Na21 O40 S10 ZnI -4 3 d15.9132; 15.9132; 15.9132
90; 90; 90
4029.7Burzlaff, H.; Grube, H. H.
Strukturverfeinerung und zwillingsgesetz am Zn-d'ansit
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1980, 152, 83-93
9009960 CIFAl Cs Ge2 O6I -4 3 d13.945; 13.945; 13.945
90; 90; 90
2711.79Tripathi, A.; Parise, J. B.
Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of the aluminogermanate analogues of JBW, montesommaite, analcime and paracelsian Sample: Cs-AlGe-ANA
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2002, 52, 65-78
9011338 CIFAl7 Ca6 O16.348I -4 3 d12.0449; 12.0449; 12.0449
90; 90; 90
1747.47Boysen, H.; Lerch, M.; Stys, A.; Senyshyn, A.
Structure and oxygen mobility in mayenite (Ca12Al14O33): a high-temperature neutron powder diffraction study Sample: T = 1223 K
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2007, 63, 675-682

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