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1001274 CIFBa K4 O26 Si4 Ta6P -6 2 m9.047; 9.047; 7.81
90; 90; 120
553.6Choisnet, J; Nguyen, N; Raveau, B
Silicotantalates et siliconiobates non-stoechiometriques: les composes K~6-2x~ Ba~x~ Ta~6~ Si~4~ O~26~ (0<x<3) et K~8~ M~14~ Si~4~ O~47~ (M = Ta, Nb)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 91-96
1001275 CIFBa1.5 K3 O26 Si4 Ta6P -6 2 m9.035; 9.035; 7.79
90; 90; 120
550.7Choisnet, J; Nguyen, N; Raveau, B
Silicotantalates et siliconiobates non-stoechiometriques: les composes K~6-2x~ Ba~x~ Ta~6~ Si~4~ O~26~ (0<x<3) et K~8~ M~14~ Si~4~ O~47~ (M = Ta, Nb)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 91-96
1001276 CIFGe4 K10 Nb22 O68P -6 2 m9.112; 9.112; 20.01
90; 90; 120
1438.8Choisnet, J; Hervieu, M; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Nouvelles phases multiples obtenues par intercroissance des reseaux "M~6~X~4~O~26~" et "M~8~O~21~": les oxydes K~10~ (M~8~ O~21~)~2~ * M~6~ X~4~ O~26~ (M=Nb,Ta)(X=Ge,Si)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 621-627
1001277 CIFBa3 O21 Sb4 Ti4P 63/m c m8.966; 8.966; 11.857
90; 90; 120
825.5Saurel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement de l'antimoine V et du strontium dans les oxydes a structure en cages du type A~3~ M~8~ O~21~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 629-635
1001278 CIFNb4 O21 Sr3 Ti4P 63/m c m8.992; 8.992; 11.605
90; 90; 120
812.6Saurel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement de l'antimoine V et du strontium dans les oxydes a structure en cages du type A~3~ M~8~ O~21~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 629-635
1001279 CIFO21 Sr3 Ta4 Ti4P 63/m c m9.008; 9.008; 11.629
90; 90; 120
817.2Saurel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement de l'antimoine V et du strontium dans les oxydes a structure en cages du type A~3~ M~8~ O~21~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 629-635
1001306 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.317; 5.752; 5.105
90; 90; 90
273.6Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001307 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.315; 5.747; 5.102
90; 90; 90
273.1Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001308 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.306; 5.742; 5.097
90; 90; 90
272.4Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001309 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.298; 5.736; 5.092
90; 90; 90
271.6Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001310 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.287; 5.731; 5.089
90; 90; 90
270.9Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001311 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.274; 5.727; 5.085
90; 90; 90
270.1Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001312 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.266; 5.72; 5.08
90; 90; 90
269.2Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001313 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.259; 5.714; 5.075
90; 90; 90
268.5Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001314 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.261; 5.707; 5.074
90; 90; 90
268.2Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001315 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.254; 5.699; 5.073
90; 90; 90
267.5Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001316 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.247; 5.689; 5.072
90; 90; 90
266.8Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001437 CIFCa0.5 Fe1.5 Li0.5 O4 Sn0.5P n a m9.285; 10.869; 3.02
90; 90; 90
304.8Archaimbault, F; Choisnet, J; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
De Nouveaux Ferrites de Calcium Substitues, Isotypes De Ca Fe~2~ O~4~: Les Oxydes Ca~1-x~ Li~x~ (Fe~2-x~ Sn~ ~x) O~4~ (0 < x <=0.60)
Annales de Chimie (Paris) (Vol=Year), 1987, 12, 23-32
1004061 CIFLa4 O19 Ru6I 2 38.981; 8.981; 8.981
90; 90; 90
724.4Abraham, F; Trehoux, J; Thomas, D
La liaison metal-metal dans les clusters M~12~ O~36~: I - preparation et etudes structurale des phases La~4~ M~6~ O~19~ (M = Ru, Os)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 43-52
1004062 CIFLa4 O19 Os6I 2 39.05; 9.05; 9.05
90; 90; 90
741.2Abraham, F; Trehoux, J; Thomas, D
La liaison metal-metal dans les clusters M~12~ O~36~: I - preparation et etudes structurale des phases La~4~ M~6~ O~19~ (M = Ru, Os)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 43-52
1007101 CIFO8 Sr3 V2R -3 m :R7.458; 7.458; 7.458
44.28; 44.28; 44.28
183.8Durif, A
Structure cristalline des orthovanadates et orthoarseniates de baryum et de strontium.
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 420-421
1007102 CIFAs2 O8 Sr3R -3 m :R7.399; 7.399; 7.399
44.32; 44.32; 44.32
179.7Durif, A
Structure cristalline des orthovanadates et orthoarseniates de baryum et de strontium.
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 420-421
1008051 CIFBi3 Ga O11 Sb2P n -3 :29.4907; 9.4907; 9.4907
90; 90; 90
854.9Sleight, A W; Bouchard, R J
A new cubic K Sb O~3~ derivative structure with interpenetrating networks. Crystal structure of Bi~3~ Ga Sb~2~ O~11~
Inorganic Chemistry, 1973, 12, 2314-2316
1008124 CIFAl2 Ca4 Fe2 O10P c m n5.58; 14.5; 5.34
90; 90; 90
432.1Bertaut, E F; Blum, P; Sagnieres, A
Structure du Ferrite Bicalcique et de la Brownmillerite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 149-159
1009033 CIFCa2 Fe2 O5P c m n5.64; 14.68; 5.39
90; 90; 90
446.3Bertaut, E F; Blum, P; Sagnieres, A
Structure du ferrite bicalcique et de la brownmillerite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 149-159
1010037 CIFCu3 PP -3 c 17.07; 7.07; 7.135
90; 90; 120
308.9Steenberg, B
The Crystal Structure of Cu~3~ As and Cu~3~ P
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010038 CIFCu2 SbP 4/n m m :13.992; 3.992; 6.091
90; 90; 90
97.1Elander, M; Haegg, G; Westgren, A
The Crystal Structure of Cu~2~ Sb and Fe~2~ As
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B, 1935, 12, 1-6
1010039 CIFAl2 Ba O4P 63 2 25.209; 5.209; 8.761
90; 90; 120
205.9Wallmark, S; Westgren, A
X-Ray Analysis of Barium Aluminates
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B, 1937, 12, 1-4
1010311 CIFBi2 O3P n -3 m :15.525; 5.525; 5.525
90; 90; 90
168.7Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies of Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010312 CIFBi2 O3C -4 2 b10.93; 10.93; 5.62
90; 90; 90
671.4Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies on Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010313 CIFBi2 O3I 2 310.08; 10.08; 10.08
90; 90; 90
1024.2Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies on Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010314 CIFBi24 O40 Si2I 2 310.08; 10.08; 10.08
90; 90; 90
1024.2Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies on Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010511 CIFBr Na O3P 21 36.72; 6.72; 6.72
90; 90; 90
303.5Vegard, L
Die Lage der Atome in den optisch aktiven Kristallen Na Cl O~3~ und Na Br O~3~.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik, 1922, 12, 289-303
1010512 CIFCl Na O3P 21 36.58; 6.58; 6.58
90; 90; 90
284.9Vegard, L
Die Lage der Atome in den optisch aktiven Kristallen Na Cl O~3~ und Na Br O~3~.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik, 1922, 12, 289-303
1010608 CIFCl6 H8 N2 PbF m -3 m10.14; 10.14; 10.14
90; 90; 90
1042.6Wyckoff, R W G
The crystal structure of ammonium hexachloroplumbate ((N H~4~)~2~ Pb Cl~6~)
American Journal of Science, Serie 5(1,1921-1938), 1926, 12, 503-509
1010654 CIFC TaF m -3 m4.446; 4.446; 4.446
90; 90; 90
87.9Schwarz, M von; Summa, O
Die Kristallstruktur von Tantalkarbid
Metallwirtschaft, Metallwissenschaft, Metalltechnik, 1933, 12, 298-298
1010975 CIFAs Cu3I -4 3 d9.611; 9.611; 9.611
90; 90; 90
887.8Steenberg, B
The Crystal Structure of Cu3 As and Cu3 P
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010982 CIFAs Cu3P -3 c 17.088; 7.088; 7.232
90; 90; 120
314.7Steenberg, B
The Crystal Structure of Cu3 As and Cu3 P
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1011082 CIFFe12 O19 PbP 63/m m c5.877; 5.877; 23.01999
90; 90; 120
688.6Adelsköld, V.
X-ray studies on Magneto Plumbite PbO · 6Fe~2~O~3~ and other substances resembling β-alumina Na~2~O · 11Al~2~O~3~
Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-9
1011298 CIFAs Fe2P 4/n m m :13.627; 3.627; 5.973
90; 90; 90
78.6Elander, M; Haegg, G; Westgren, A
The crystal structure of Cu2 Sb and Fe2 As
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B, 1935, 12, 1-6
1100058 CIFCu5 Zn8I -4 3 m8.85; 8.85; 8.85
90; 90; 90
693.15Bradley, A. J.; Gregory, C. H.
A comparison of the crystal structures of Cu~5~Zn~8~ and Cu~5~Cd~8~
The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science: Series 7, 1931, 12, 143-162
1501543 CIFC178 H191 N O13P 1 n 116.8098; 10.8804; 40.022
90; 95.523; 90
7285.9Gagnon, Eric; Maris, Thierry; Wuest,James D
Triarylamines Designed to Form Molecular Glasses. Derivatives of Tris(p-terphenyl-4-yl)amine with Multiple Contiguous Phenyl Substituents
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 404-407
1502626 CIFC17 H16 Br N O3 SP 1 21/n 17.9826; 15.1896; 14.0058
90; 106.311; 90
1629.89Yao, Chang-Sheng; Wang, Cui-Hua; Jiang, Bei; Tu, Shu-Jiang
One-pot combinatorial synthesis of 4-aryl-1H-thiopyrano[3,4-b]pyridine-5-one derivatives.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 472-475
1502627 CIFC27 H26 Cl N O2 SP 1 21/n 114.7445; 11.168; 15.5403
90; 111.725; 90
2377.21Yao, Chang-Sheng; Wang, Cui-Hua; Jiang, Bei; Tu, Shu-Jiang
One-pot combinatorial synthesis of 4-aryl-1H-thiopyrano[3,4-b]pyridine-5-one derivatives.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 472-475
1502628 CIFC24 H27 Cl2 N3 O SC 1 2/c 122.27; 11.0361; 19.418
90; 97.983; 90
4726.2Han, Minsoo; Nam, Kee Dal; Shin, Dongyun; Jeong, Nakcheol; Hahn, Hoh-Gyu
Exploration of novel 2-alkylimino-1,3-thiazolines: T-type calcium channel inhibitory activity.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 518-530
1502629 CIFC30 H34 Cl N3 O2 SC 1 2/c 138.497; 12.466; 11.636
90; 99.309; 90
5511Han, Minsoo; Nam, Kee Dal; Shin, Dongyun; Jeong, Nakcheol; Hahn, Hoh-Gyu
Exploration of novel 2-alkylimino-1,3-thiazolines: T-type calcium channel inhibitory activity.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 518-530
1502630 CIFC17 H17 F O3P 1 21/c 19.6423; 20.332; 7.4807
90; 97.331; 90
1454.6Ramachary, Dhevalapally B.; Ramakumar, Kinthada; Bharanishashank, Adluri; Narayana, Vidadala V.
Sequential one-pot combination of multireactions through multicatalysis: a general approach to rapid assembly of functionalized push-pull olefins, phenols, and 2-methyl-2H-chromenes.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 855-876
1502631 CIFC19 H19 N O5P -18.025; 8.415; 14.351
87.633; 83.514; 61.76
848.2Ramachary, Dhevalapally B.; Ramakumar, Kinthada; Bharanishashank, Adluri; Narayana, Vidadala V.
Sequential one-pot combination of multireactions through multicatalysis: a general approach to rapid assembly of functionalized push-pull olefins, phenols, and 2-methyl-2H-chromenes.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 855-876
1502632 CIFC19 H14 N2 O2P 1 21/c 117.3823; 5.3652; 16.7899
90; 109.752; 90
1473.7Li, Dewen; Duan, Shudong; Hu, Youhong
Three-component one-pot approach to synthesize benzopyrano[4,3-d]pyrimidines.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 895-899
1502633 CIFC25 H20 N4 S2P 1 21/n 111.0619; 11.2598; 17.5329
90; 93.662; 90
2179.3Han, Zheng-Guo; Miao, Chun-Bao; Shi, Feng; Ma, Ning; Zhang, Ge; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Diversity Synthesis of N-Substituted 2-Amino-1,6-naphthyridine Derivatives under Microwave Irradiation
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 16

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