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1000131 CIFAl Ba F5P 1 21 15.2584; 9.7298; 7.3701
90; 90.875; 90
377Le Bail, A.; Ferey, G.; Mercier, A.-M.; de Kozak, A.; Samouel, M.
Structure determination of β- and γ-BaAlF~5~ by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction: a model for the α→ β ←→ γ transitions
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 89, 282-291
1000140 CIFCa H2 Na2 O8 P2P 1 21 19.0652; 7.1468; 5.47
90; 98.782; 90
350.2Ben Chaabane, T; Smiri-Dogguy, L; Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A
Structure of Na2 Ca (H P O4)2 determined ab initio from conventional powder diffraction data
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1997, 34, 937-946
1000373 CIFF2 Na O2 VP 1 21 16.399; 3.59; 7.22
90; 110.29; 90
155.6Crosnier-Lopez, M - P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J - L; Abrabri, M
Synthesis and crystal structure of Na V O2 F2
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1994, 31, 957-965
1001234 CIFO38 P4 W10P 1 21 16.5656; 5.285; 20.573
90; 96.18; 90
709.7Benmoussa, A; Labbe, P; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Mixed Valence Tungsten Oxides with a Tunnel Structure, P~4~ W~4n~ O~12n+8~: A Nonintegral Member P~4~ W~10~ O~38~ (n=2.5)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 44, 318-325
1001408 CIFMo8 O52 P12 Rb4P 1 21 16.3847; 19.088; 9.7366
90; 107.05; 90
1134.5Riou, D; Goreaud, M
Rb~4~ Mo~8~ P~12~ O~52~, a Molybdenophosphate of the Cs~4~ Mo~8~ P~12~ O~52~ Type: Structure and Properties of Host Framework
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 79, 99-106
1001451 CIFFe Li O7 P2P 1 21 14.8229; 8.0813; 6.9419
90; 109.387; 90
255.2Riou, D; Nguyen, N; Benloucif, R; Raveau, B
LiFeP~2~O~7~: Structure and magnetic properties
Materials Research Bulletin, 1990, 25, 1363-1369
1001468 CIFNa O5 P VP 1 21 16.5296; 8.4643; 7.1228
90; 115.237; 90
356.1Benhamada, L; Grandin, A; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Synthesis and crystal structure of a new vanadium IV phosphate: NaVPO~5~
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie 2 (1984-1993), 1992, 314, 585-589
1001699 CIFNa4 Nb8 O32 P4P 1 21 16.635; 5.352; 17.967
90; 90.33; 90
638Costentin, G; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Phosphate niobium bronzes and bronzoids with the MPTBP structure: Na4 Nb8 P4 O32 and Na4-x Ax Nb7 M P4 O32 fourth members of the series Ax (P O2)4 (Nb O3)2m
Materials Research Bulletin, 1991, 26, 1051-1057
1001767 CIFLi Mo O7 P2P 1 21 14.8984; 8.3919; 7.034
90; 109.33; 90
272.8Ledain, S; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Raveau, B
Li Mo P2 O7
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 1593-1594
1004010 CIFC6 H18 Al F5 N2P 1 21 17.898; 5.514; 12.672
90; 103.69; 90
536.182S.P.Thanh; J.Renaudin; V.Maisonneuve
Solid State Sciences, 2000, 2, 143
1006164 CIFH6 Hf O10 P2P 1 21 15.3499; 6.5949; 12.3939
90; 98.594; 90
432.4Suarez, M; Barcina, L M; Llavona, R; Rodriguez, J; Salvado, M A; Pertierra, P; Garcia-Granda, S
Synthesis, crystal structure and intercalation behaviour of hafnium phosphate dihydrogenphosphate dihydrate
Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions, Inorganic Chemistry (1972-), 1998, 1998, 99-102
1008190 CIFH2 Li2 O5 SP 1 21 15.4537; 4.857; 8.1734
90; 107.367; 90
206.6Smith, H G; Peterson, S W; Levy, H A
Neutron-diffraction study of lithium sulfate monohydrate
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1968, 48, 5561-5565
1008291 CIFO14 P4 Rb2 Zn3P 1 21 113.22; 7.224; 7.196
90; 92.08; 90
686.8Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal data on Zn~3~ Rb~2~ (P~2~ O~7~)~2~ and Co~3~ Rb~2~ (P~2~ O~7~)~2~
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1985, 171, 113-119
1008658 CIFCs2 H16 O26 P6 Zn2P 1 21 111.896; 12.663; 8.079
90; 94.33; 90
1213.5Abid, S; Rzaigui, M; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Chemical preparation, structural investigation, and thermal behavior of a new cyclohexaphosphate: Zn~2~Cs~2~P~6~O~18~.8H~2~O
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 110, 180-184
1010246 CIFH2 Li2 O5 SP 1 21 15.43; 4.83; 8.14
90; 107.58; 90
203.5Ziegler, G E
The Crystal Structure of Lithium Sulphate Mono-Hydrate, Li~2~ S O~4~ (H~2~ O)
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1934, 89, 456-461
1010803 CIFAl3 Ca H12 K O22 Si5P 1 21 110; 14.25; 8.62
90; 54.33; 90
997.9Wyart, J; Chatelain, P
Etude cristallographique de la christianite
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie (-71,1948), 1938, 61, 121-126
1010917 CIFC2 Ba Ca O6P 1 21 18.15; 5.22; 6.58
90; 106.3; 90
268.7Gossner, B; Mussgnug, F
Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Barytocalcits und seiner strukturellen Beziehungen zu anderen Stoffen
Zentralblatt fuer Mineralogie und Geologie, A, 1930, 1930, 321-328
1011273 CIFAl2 Ba H12 O22 Si6P 1 21 19.8; 14.1; 8.66
90; 55.17; 90
982.3Sekanina, J; Wyart, J
Sur l'harmotome
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie (-71,1948), 1937, 60, 139-145
1011274 CIFAl2 Ca4 H24 O19P 1 21 19.6; 11.4; 16.84
90; 69; 90
1720.6Tilley, C E; Megaw, H D; Hey, M H
Hydrocalumite ((Ca O)4 (Al2 O3) (H2 O)12), a new mineral from Scawt Hill, Co. Antrim.
Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society (1876- 1968), 1934, 23, 607-615
1100115 CIFC8 H22 Al F5 N2P 1 21 17.887; 5.502; 15.812
90; 112.03; 90
636.053E.Goreshnik; M.Leblanc; E.Gaudin; F.Taulelle; V.Maisonneuve
Structural and NMR studies of the series of related [H_3_ N(CH_2_)_x_ NH_3_]·AlF_5_ (x = 6, 8, 10, 12) hybrid compounds
Solid State Sciences, 2002, 4, 1213-1219
1100116 CIFC10 H26 Al F5 N2P 1 21 17.881; 5.489; 18.36
90; 112.21; 90
735.303E.Goreshnik; M.Leblanc; E.Gaudin; F.Taulelle; V.Maisonneuve
Structural and NMR studies of the series of related [H_3_ N(CH_2_)_x_ NH_3_]·AlF_5_ (x = 6, 8, 10, 12) hybrid compounds
Solid State Sciences, 2002, 4, 1213-1219
1100117 CIFC12 H30 Al F5 N2P 1 21 17.8713; 5.4739; 20.898
90; 112.422; 90
832.354E.Goreshnik; M.Leblanc; E.Gaudin; F.Taulelle; V.Maisonneuve
Structural and NMR studies of the series of related [H_3_ N(CH_2_)_x_ NH_3_]·AlF_5_ (x = 6, 8, 10, 12) hybrid compounds
Solid State Sciences, 2002, 4, 1213-1219
1100172 CIFC8 H10 N2 O5P 1 21 110.432; 5.645; 16.783
90; 94.943; 90
984.65Bouchouit, Karim; Bendheif, Leulmi; Benali-Cherif, Nouredine
D-Phenylglycinium nitrate
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2004, 60, o272-o274
1100177 CIFC15 H15 Cl O SP 1 21 17.685; 5.006; 18.58
90; 97.94; 90
707.941Hoffmann, Reinhard W.; Nell, Peter G.; Leo, Roland; Harms, Klaus
Highly Enantiomerically Enriched α-Haloalkyl Grignard Reagents
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2000, 6, 3359-3365
1100184 CIFC12 H30 Eu I2 O6P 1 21 18.4889; 10.5945; 12.2789
90; 93.793; 90
1101.89T.Grob; G.Seybert; W.Massa; K.Harms; K.Dehnicke
Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem., 2000, 626, 1361
1100212 CIFC24 H33 I3 N P Si2P 1 21 19.477; 10.476; 16.016
90; 105.96; 90
1528.79Chitsaz, S.; Folkerts, H.; Grebe, J.; Gröb, T.; Harms, K.; Hiller, W.; Krieger, M.; Massa, W.; Merle, J.; Möhlen, M.; Neumüller, B.; Dehnicke, K.
Die Kristallstrukturen einer Serie von Verbindungen mit Kationen des Typs [R~3~PNH~2~]^+^, [R3PN(H)SiMe~3~]^+^ und [R3PN(SiMe~3~)~2~]^+^
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 775-783
1100231 CIFC37 H89 I2 In3 Si9P 1 21 19.1269; 24.8574; 13.5416
90; 102.491; 90
2999.48Uhl, Werner; Melle, Sandra; Geiseler, Gertraud; Harms, Klaus
In~3~I~2~[C(SiMe~3~)~3~]~3~: Synthesis of a Diiodotrialkyltriindane(5) Containing Two In‒In Single Bonds
Organometallics, 2001, 20, 3355-3357
1100242 CIFC17 H19 N SP 1 21 19.56; 18.546; 9.671
90; 119; 90
1499.68Hoffmann, Reinhard W.; Hölzer, Bettina; Knopff, Oliver; Harms, Klaus
Asymmetric Synthesis of a Chiral Secondary Grignard Reagent
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2000, 39, 3072-3074
1100244 CIFC19 H23 N OP 1 21 111.657; 5.3217; 13.483
90; 107.81; 90
796.334Bach, Thorsten; Brummerhop, Harm; Harms, Klaus
The Synthesis of (+)-Preussin and Related Pyrrolidinols by Diastereoselective Paternò-Büchi Reactions of Chiral 2-Substituted 2,3-Dihydropyrroles
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2000, 6, 3838-3848
1100259 CIFC16 H23 N3 O5P 1 21 110.8874; 11.2061; 14.4504
90; 108.246; 90
1674.38Gündisch, Daniela; Harms, Klaus; Schwarz, Simone; Seitz, Gunther; Stubbs, Milton T.; Wegge, Thomas
Synthesis and evaluation of diazine containing bioisosteres of (‒)-ferruginine as ligands for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2001, 9, 2683-2691
1100265 CIFC29 H33 Br N2 O5 S2P 1 21 15.4024; 16.4819; 33.13
90; 91.4; 90
2949.07Reichardt, Christian; Erfurt, Hans-Peter; Harms, Klaus; Schäfer, Gerhard
Syntheses, Absolute Configurations, and UV/Vis Spectroscopic Properties of New Chiral Tri- and Pentamethinium Streptocyanine Dyes with 4-Aminophenyl 4-Methylphenyl Sulfoxide Endgroups
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002, 2002, 439-452
1100266 CIFC29 H26 N2 O2 S2P 1 21 17.9433; 7.26; 21.921
90; 92.11; 90
1263.29Reichardt, Christian; Erfurt, Hans-Peter; Harms, Klaus; Schäfer, Gerhard
Syntheses, Absolute Configurations, and UV/Vis Spectroscopic Properties of New Chiral Tri- and Pentamethinium Streptocyanine Dyes with 4-Aminophenyl 4-Methylphenyl Sulfoxide Endgroups
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002, 2002, 439-452
1100289 CIFC20 H19 N O3P 1 21 19.191; 16.567; 11.465
90; 101.93; 90
1708.04Tietze, Lutz F.; Brand, Siegbert; Pfeiffer, Thomas; Antel, Jochen; Harms, Klaus; Sheldrick, George M.
Intra- and intermolecular hetero-Diels-Alder reactions. 15. Asymmetric induction in Grignard and hetero-Diels-Alder reactions of chiral α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987, 109, 921-923
1100310 CIFC22 H28 O2 SeP 1 21 110.298; 9.915; 10.835
90; 114.62; 90
1005.73Clegg, W.; Harms, K.; Sheldrick, G. M.; von Kiedrowski, G.; Tietze, L. F.
Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1980, 36, 3159-3162
1100311 CIFC26 H37 Li N2 O3P 1 21 17.894; 16.227; 9.707
90; 101.01; 90
1220.54Enders, Dieter; Bachstädter, Gerhard; Kremer, Kenneth A. M.; Marsch, Michael; Harms, Klaus; Boche, Gernot
Structure of a Chiral Lithium Azaenolate: Monomeric, Intramolecular Chelated Lithio-2-acetylnaphthalene-SAMP-hydrazone
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1988, 27, 1522-1524
1100316 CIFC15 H26 O3 SiP 1 21 17.963; 10.014; 12.011
90; 109.22; 90
904.39Scheuplein, Stefan W.; Kusche, Andreas; Brückner, Reinhard; Harms, Klaus
Asymmetric Induction in the [2,3] Witting Rearrangement by Chiral Substituents in the Allyl Moiety: 1,3-Asymmetric Induction
Chemische Berichte, 1990, 123, 917-925
1100340 CIFC13 H21 N2 Na O5P 1 21 17.345; 14.108; 7.785
90; 95.065; 90
803.56Hiller, Wolfgang; Frey, Stephanie; Strähle, Joachim; Boche, Gernot; Zarges, Wolfgang; Harms, Klaus; Marsch, Michael; Wollert, René; Dehnicke, Kurt
Die Kristallstrukturen von {Li~3~(12-Krone-4)~2~[HC(CN)~2~]~3~}, {Na(15-Krone-5)-[HC(CN)~2~]} und {Na[N(nBu)~4~][HC(CN)~2~]~2~ · THF}
Chemische Berichte, 1992, 125, 87-92
1100359 CIFC37 H52 Li N3 O2P 1 21 19.216; 17.667; 10.98
90; 107.65; 90
1703.6Ledig, Burkhard; Marsch, Michael; Harms, Klaus; Boche, Gernot
Lithiodiphenylmethylisocyanide-(—)-sparteinebis(tetrahydrofuran): Crystal Structure of a Lithiated Isocyanide
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1992, 31, 79-80
1100377 CIFC25 H32 O4 SiP 1 21 110.555; 7.983; 14.936
90; 109.12; 90
1189.09Koert, Ulrich; Stein, Matthias; Harms, Klaus
A Convergent Synthesis of 2,5-trans-Linked Oligo (tetrahydrofuran)s: Potential Building Blocks for a Polyether Helix with Ion Channel Activity
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1994, 33, 1180-1182
1100400 CIFC11 H16 Cl N O4P 1 21 111.394; 8.767; 13.998
90; 110.08; 90
1313.28Reichardt, Christian; Harms, Klaus; Kinzel, Manuela; Schäfer, Gerhard; Stein, Jörg; Wočadlo, Sigrid
Chiral polymethine dyes, IV. Synthesis, absolute configuration, spectroscopic and chiroptical properties of chiral tri- and pentamethinium cyanine dyes with 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-methylquinolyl end groups
Liebigs Annalen, 1995, 1995, 317-327
1100401 CIFC27 H35 Br N2 OP 1 21 15.429; 8.437; 27.388
90; 94.35; 90
1250.88Reichardt, Christian; Harms, Klaus; Kinzel, Manuela; Schäfer, Gerhard; Stein, Jörg; Wočadlo, Sigrid
Chiral polymethine dyes, IV. Synthesis, absolute configuration, spectroscopic and chiroptical properties of chiral tri- and pentamethinium cyanine dyes with 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-methylquinolyl end groups
Liebigs Annalen, 1995, 1995, 317-327
1100417 CIFC20 H24 N2 OP 1 21 19.838; 8.374; 11.279
90; 108.24; 90
882.51no bibliography
1100439 CIFC40 H42 O7P 1 21 18.967; 12.842; 15.1
90; 94.14; 90
1734.29Reichardt, Christian; Blum, Andreas; Harms, Klaus; Schäfer, Gerhard
Pyridinium N-Phenolate Betaine Dyes and Their Application to the Characterization of the Polarity of Solvents, XXII. Syntheses and UV/Vis Spectroscopic Properties of Solvatochromic, Halochromic, and Chiro-Solvatochromic Pyridinium N-Phenolate Betaine Dyes with Four Stereogenic Centers
Liebigs Annalen/Recueil, 1997, 1997, 707-720
1100440 CIFC13 H24 Cl N O3P 1 21 17.462; 11.673; 8.775
90; 105.39; 90
736.93Aurich, Hans Günter; Biesemeier, Frank; Geiger, Michael; Harms, Klaus
Bicyclic and Tricyclic Compounds with β-Amino Alcohol Groups as Chiral Ligands in the Enantioselective Reaction of Diethylzinc with Aldehydes
Liebigs Annalen/Recueil, 1997, 1997, 423-434
1100456 CIFC14 H21 N O4 SP 1 21 16.397; 7.769; 15.411
90; 100.15; 90
753.91Harms, K.; Koert, U.; Wagner, H.
Crystal structure of (2S,5S,1'S)-5-hydroxymethyl-2-(1'-p-toluene-sulfonamidoethyl)-tetrahydrofurane, C~14~H~21~NO~4~S
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 1997, 212, 212-212
1100461 CIFC10 H15 N O2 SP 1 21 16.82; 6.494; 12.471
90; 97.49; 90
547.62Bolm, Carsten; Müller, Peter; Harms, Klaus
Sulfoximine‒Titanium Reagents in Enantioselective Trimethylsilylcyanations of Aldehydes
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1996, 50, 305-315
1100498 CIFC20 H22 F I2 NP 1 21 17.25; 10.093; 15.337
90; 100.21; 90
1104.5Ghassemzadeh, Mitra; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Komplexe von Halogenid-Ionen mit 1-Halogen-2-phenylacetylenen. Kristallstrukturen von PPh~4~[X(I‒C≡C‒Ph)~4~] mit X = Cl, Br, I, von PPh~4~[Br(Br‒C≡C‒Ph)~4~] und von NMe~4~[F(I‒C≡C‒Ph)~2~]
Chemische Berichte, 1996, 129, 115-120
1100510 CIFC25 H62 Br4 Cl2 Mn4 N4 P4P 1 21 111.0247; 11.045; 18.4469
90; 90.809; 90
2246.01Riese, Ulrike; Faza, Naim; Massa, Werner; Harms, Klaus; Breyhan, Thees; Knochel, Paul; Ensling, Jürgen; Ksenofontov, Vadim; Gütlich, Philipp; Dehnicke, Kurt
Phosphoraneiminato Complexes of Manganese and Cobalt with Heterocubane Structure
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1999, 625, 1494-1499
1100529 CIFC19 H21 N O3P 1 21 18.32; 7.893; 12.691
90; 91.07; 90
833.27Baskaran, Subramanian; Aurich, Hans Günter; Biesemeier, Frank; Harms, Klaus
Effect of the substitution pattern on the oxidation of the isoxazolidine moiety in bi- and tricyclic compounds
Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, 12249-12264
1100535 CIFC19 H23 N O2P 1 21 19.772; 9.876; 10.106
90; 117.06; 90
868.55Bach, Thorsten; Schröder, Jürgen; Brandl, Trixie; Hecht, Jürgen; Harms, Klaus
Facial diastereoselectivity in the photocycloaddition of chiral N-acyl enamines to benzaldehyde
Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, 4507-4520
1100548 CIFC19 H44 Cl4 N4 P4 Zn4P 1 21 111.4239; 10.9326; 15.5388
90; 97.247; 90
1925.18Krieger, M.; Gould, R. O.; Neumüller, B.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe des Zinks mit Hydrido-, Alkinylo-, Alkenylo- und Amido-Liganden
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 1434-1442
1100553 CIFC10 H21 N O3P 1 21 18.882; 8.045; 8.9151
90; 116.865; 90
568.28Aurich, Hans Günter; Soeberdt, Michael; Harms, Klaus
Formation of Chiral N-Oxides from 2-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octanes
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999, 1999, 1249-1252
1100560 CIFC36 H36 O2 P2P 1 21 110.832; 11.622; 11.833
90; 96.88; 90
1478.92Demay, Stéphane; Harms, Klaus; Knochel, Paul
Stereoselective preparation of phosphine oxides via a 2,3-sigmatropic shift of allylic diphenylphosphinites
Tetrahedron Letters, 1999, 40, 4981-4984
1100565 CIFC17 H18 Br N O2 SP 1 21 110.3868; 10.7916; 15.6284
90; 106.176; 90
1682.44no bibliography
1100593 CIFC33 H33 B V2P 1 21 110.1842; 8.9716; 14.35
90; 96.139; 90
1303.62Elschenbroich, Christoph; Wolf, Matthias; Burghaus, Olaf; Harms, Klaus; Pebler, Jürgen
The Mono-, Di-, and Tri([5]trovacenyl)boranes: A Study of Intermetallic Communication Across an sp^2^-Hybridized Boron Atom
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 1999, 1999, 2173-2185
1100596 CIFC18 H16 VP 1 21 110.768; 7.851; 16.189
90; 97.53; 90
1356.81Elschenbroich, Christoph; Schiemann, Olav; Burghaus, Olaf; Harms, Klaus; Pebler, Jürgen
[5-5]Bitrovacene, (μ-η^5^:η^5^-Fulvalenediyl)bis[(η^7^-cycloheptatrienyl)vanadium]: Synthesis, Structure, and Intermetallic Communication
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 3273-3277
1100600 CIFC25 H62 Cd4 Cl6 N4 P4P 1 21 111.007; 10.988; 18.528
90; 90.57; 90
2240.8Harms, Klaus; Merle, Jan; Maichle-Mössmer, Cäciliä; Massa, Werner; Krieger, Matthias
Heterocubane Phosphoraniminato Complexes of Cadmium
Inorganic Chemistry, 1998, 37, 1099-1104
1100647 CIFC12 H21 N O5P 1 21 17.623; 9.913; 9.624
90; 95.9; 90
723.4Schrey, Anna; Osterkamp, Frank; Straudi, Alrun; Rickert, Corry; Wagner, Holger; Koert, Ulrich; Herrschaft, Bernhard; Harms, Klaus
Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure Amino Acids Containing 2,5-Disubstituted THF Rings in the Molecular Backbone
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999, 1999, 2977-2990
1100648 CIFC12 H21 N O5P 1 21 18.6269; 9.251; 9.789
90; 106.459; 90
749.22Schrey, Anna; Osterkamp, Frank; Straudi, Alrun; Rickert, Corry; Wagner, Holger; Koert, Ulrich; Herrschaft, Bernhard; Harms, Klaus
Synthesis of Enantiomerically Pure Amino Acids Containing 2,5-Disubstituted THF Rings in the Molecular Backbone
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999, 1999, 2977-2990
1100668 CIFC25 H32 Cl F O5P 1 21 17.6961; 14.6036; 10.4355
90; 95.739; 90
1166.98Haramura, Masayuki; Tanaka, Akito; Akimoto, Toshio; Hirayama, Noriaki
Crystal Structure of Clobetasol Propionate
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x37-x38
1100676 CIFC11 H16 Br NP 1 21 16.1468; 10.7412; 9.0572
90; 103.665; 90
581.07Kobayashi, Kimiko; Sassa, Masashi; Yajima, Keiji; Tsuboyama, Sei; Enomoto, Kouichiro; Miyamae, Hiroshi
Molecular Structure and Absolute Configuration of 1-Benzyl-(+)-2- methylazetidine Hydrobromide
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x53-x54
1100689 CIFC28 H31 F O4P 1 21 112.4629; 6.1705; 15.5815
90; 102.243; 90
1171Soriano-García, Manuel; Valencia, Norma; Flores, Eugenio; Bratoeff, Eugene; Ramírez, Elena; Cabeza, Marisa
Crystal structure and Synthesis of β-(p-Fluorobenzoyloxy)-4,16-pregnadiene-6,20-dione
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x79-x80
1100783 CIFC28 H38 Ag Cl2 N3 O2P 1 21 112.432; 16.167; 15.208
90; 105.025; 90
2952.1Chizu Shimokawa; Shinobu Itoh
The First β-Diketiminate-Ag(I) Complexes. Macrocyclic Dinuclear and Tetranuclear Ag(I)-Complexes and Linear Coordination Polymer Ag(I)-Complex
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3010-3012
1100840 CIFC20 H44 Cl2 O P2 RuP 1 21 17.3561; 14.3852; 11.9104
90; 90.843; 90
1260.21Major, Quinn; Lough, Alan J.; Gusev, Dmitry G.
Substituents Effects in POP Pincer Complexes of Ruthenium
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 2492-2501
1100918 CIFC19 H29 Co N6 O4P 1 21 18.638; 13.833; 9.537
90; 99.06; 90
1125.35Yuji Ohashi; Kazunori Yanagi; Toshiharu Kurihara; Yoshio Sasada; Yoshiaki Ohgo
Crystalline state reaction of cobaloxime complexes by x-ray exposure. 1. Direct observation of cobalt-carbon bond cleavage in [(R)-1-cyanoethyl][(S)-(-)-.alpha.-methylbenzylamine] bis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt(III)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1981, 103, 5805-5812
1500008 CIFC24 H112 Cl7 Co6 N24 O26 P5P 1 21 112.8349; 18.7451; 16.002
90; 109.23; 90
3635.1Rajni Sharma; Raj Pal Sharma; Ritu Bala; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
A trinuclear cobalt(III) phosphate complex with a novel molecular structure: Synthesis and crystal structure of {[Co(en)~2~]~3~(PO~4~)(HPO~4~)}~2~(H~2~PO~4~)Cl~7~.6H~2~O
Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2006, 9, 782-784
1501544 CIFC33 H30 N2 O6P 1 21 14.9653; 13.6703; 20.3533
90; 95.949; 90
1374.08Daniel J. St-Cyr; Thierry Maris; William D. Lubel
Crystal-State Structural Analysis of Beta-Hydroxy-gamma-Lactam Constrained SER/THR Peptidomimetics
Heterocycles, 2010, 82, 729-737
1501545 CIFC26 H30 N2 O6P 1 21 114.1833; 6.0199; 14.6315
90; 105.559; 90
1203.49Daniel J. St-Cyr; Thierry Maris; William D. Lubel
Crystal-State Structural Analysis of Beta-Hydroxy-gamma-Lactam Constrained SER/THR Peptidomimetics
Heterocycles, 2010, 82, 729-737
1501621 CIFC48 H38 N8 O14P 1 21 111.6772; 17.9809; 11.9334
90; 116.183; 90
2248.5Eric Gagnon; Thierry Maris; Kenneth E. Maly; James D. Wuest
The potential of intermolecular N/O interactions of nitro groups in crystal engineering, as revealed by structures of hexakis(4-nitrophenyl)benzene
Tetrahedron, 2007, 63, 6603-6613
1501796 CIFC15 H22 O3P 1 21 16.7198; 12.2064; 8.2198
90; 107.746; 90
642.14Lu, Yi; Li, Po-Ju; Hung, Wen-Yu; Su, Jui-Hsin; Wen, Zhi-Hong; Hsu, Chi-Hsin; Dai, Chang-Feng; Chiang, Michael Y.; Sheu, Jyh-Horng
Nardosinane sesquiterpenoids from the Formosan soft coral Lemnalia flava.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 169-174
1501798 CIFC19 H23 N O5P 1 21 111.916; 6.673; 21.319
90; 90.46; 90
1695.1He, Li; Zhang, Yuan-Hu; Guan, Huan-Yu; Zhang, Jian-Xin; Sun, Qian-Yun; Hao, Xiao-Jiang
Cepharatines A-D, hasubanan-type alkaloids from Stephania cepharantha.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 181-184
1501800 CIFC14 H15 N O7P 1 21 19.2997; 6.9294; 10.8143
90; 112.279; 90
644.86McNulty, James; Thorat, Amol; Vurgun, Nesrin; Nair, Jerald J.; Makaji, Emilija; Crankshaw, Denis J.; Holloway, Alison C.; Pandey, Siyaram
Human cytochrome P450 liability studies of trans-dihydronarciclasine: a readily available, potent, and selective cancer cell growth inhibitor.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 106-108
1501806 CIFC17 H18 O5P 1 21 17.3433; 11.4642; 9.1189
90; 107.807; 90
730.9Wong, Su-Ling; Chang, Hsun-Shuo; Wang, Guei-Jane; Chiang, Michael Y.; Huang, Hung-Yi; Chen, Chu-Huang; Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Lin, Chu-Hung; Chen, Ih-Sheng
Secondary metabolites from the roots of Neolitsea daibuensis and their anti-inflammatory activity.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 2489-2496
1501807 CIFC15 H19 N O4P 1 21 17.2182; 8.5374; 12.1649
90; 99.722; 90
738.89Pettit, George R.; Smith, Thomas H.; Xu, Jun-Ping; Herald, Delbert L.; Flahive, Erik J.; Anderson, Collin R.; Belcher, Paul E.; Knight, John C.
Antineoplastic agents. 590. X-ray crystal structure of dolastatin 16 and syntheses of the dolamethylleuine and dolaphenvaline units.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1003-1008
1501808 CIFC49 H79 N7 O13P 1 21 110.844; 16.113; 16.05
90; 104.062; 90
2720.4Pettit, George R.; Smith, Thomas H.; Xu, Jun-Ping; Herald, Delbert L.; Flahive, Erik J.; Anderson, Collin R.; Belcher, Paul E.; Knight, John C.
Antineoplastic agents. 590. X-ray crystal structure of dolastatin 16 and syntheses of the dolamethylleuine and dolaphenvaline units.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1003-1008
1501809 CIFC13 H14 F3 N O3P 1 21 17.9918; 6.385; 13.4458
90; 103.181; 90
668.03Pettit, George R.; Smith, Thomas H.; Xu, Jun-Ping; Herald, Delbert L.; Flahive, Erik J.; Anderson, Collin R.; Belcher, Paul E.; Knight, John C.
Antineoplastic agents. 590. X-ray crystal structure of dolastatin 16 and syntheses of the dolamethylleuine and dolaphenvaline units.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1003-1008
1501810 CIFC17 H22 O4P 1 21 15.8825; 8.9553; 14.6363
90; 100.671; 90
757.7Huang, Hongbo; Feng, Xiaojun; Xiao, Ze'en; Liu, Lan; Li, Hanxiang; Ma, Lin; Lu, Yongjun; Ju, Jianhua; She, Zhigang; Lin, Yongcheng
Azaphilones and p-terphenyls from the mangrove endophytic fungus Penicillium chermesinum (ZH4-E2) isolated from the South China Sea.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 997-1002
1501812 CIFC22 H32 O6P 1 21 112.1972; 8.9304; 18.0154
90; 90.176; 90
1962.3Wu, Hankui; Fronczek, Frank R.; Ferreira, Daneel; Burandt, Jr, Charles L; Zjawiony, Jordan K.
Labdane diterpenoids from Leonurus sibiricus.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 831-836
1501816 CIFC45 H51 N O20P 1 21 110.3372; 16.3424; 13.1251
90; 93.2976; 90
2213.61Lhinhatrakool, Thitima; Prabpai, Samran; Kongsaeree, Palangpon; Sutthivaiyakit, Somyote
Antiplasmodial sesquiterpene alkaloids from the roots of Maytenus mekongensis.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1386-1391
1501818 CIFC29 H42 O5P 1 21 113.846; 6.1634; 15.497
90; 105.886; 90
1272Chao, Chih-Hua; Chou, Kuei-Ju; Wen, Zhi-Hong; Wang, Guey-Horng; Wu, Yang-Chang; Dai, Chang-Feng; Sheu, Jyh-Horng
Paraminabeolides A-F, cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory marine withanolides from the soft coral Paraminabea acronocephala.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1132-1141
1501820 CIFC40 H44 O14P 1 21 19.84; 18.655; 10.168
90; 101.518; 90
1828.9Fang, Ping-Lei; Cao, Ying-Li; Yan, Huan; Pan, Li-Li; Liu, Shu-Cong; Gong, Ning-Bo; Lü, Yang; Chen, Chang-Xiang; Zhong, Hui-Min; Guo, Ying; Liu, Hai-Yang
Lindenane disesquiterpenoids with anti-HIV-1 activity from Chloranthus japonicus.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1408-1413
1501824 CIFC20 H24 O5P 1 21 110.5854; 7.81311; 10.6146
90; 98.851; 90
867.43Tsukada, Mariko; Fukai, Miyuki; Miki, Kazuhiko; Shiraishi, Takeshi; Suzuki, Toshihiro; Nishio, Kazuto; Sugita, Takashi; Ishino, Masahiro; Kinoshita, Kaoru; Takahashi, Kunio; Shiro, Motoo; Koyama, Kiyotaka
Chemical constituents of a marine fungus, Arthrinium sacchari.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1645-1649
1501826 CIFC16 H24 O5P 1 21 18.738; 12.2728; 14.3159
90; 97.163; 90
1523.25Li, Hanxiang; Huang, Hongbo; Shao, Changlun; Huang, Huarong; Jiang, Jieyi; Zhu, Xun; Liu, Yayue; Liu, Lan; Lu, Yongjun; Li, Mengfeng; Lin, Yongcheng; She, Zhigang
Cytotoxic norsesquiterpene peroxides from the endophytic fungus Talaromyces flavus isolated from the mangrove plant Sonneratia apetala.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1230-1235
1501828 CIFC22 H33 O7P 1 21 17.726; 6.353; 23.42
90; 93.2; 90
1148Wei, Lu-Xia; Zhang, Hui-Xiang; Tan, Jian-Lin; Chu, Yan-Sheng; Li, Nan; Xue, Hua-Xi; Wang, Yan-Li; Niu, Xue-Mei; Zhang, Ying; Zhang, Ke-Qin
Arthrobotrisins A-C, oligosporons from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 1526-1530
1501835 CIFC16 H16 O4P 1 21 17.2659; 14.0034; 13.9617
90; 97.446; 90
1408.59Elsebai, Mahmoud Fahmi; Natesan, Lavanya; Kehraus, Stefan; Mohamed, Ietidal E.; Schnakenburg, Gregor; Sasse, Florenz; Shaaban, Saad; Gütschow, Michael; König, Gabriele M
HLE-inhibitory alkaloids with a polyketide skeleton from the marine-derived fungus Coniothyrium cereale.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 2282-2285
1501845 CIFC30 H46 O4P 1 21 17.5; 17.596; 10.344
90; 98.773; 90
1349Huang, Hong-Li; Wang, Chun-Ming; Wang, Zhen-Hua; Yao, Ming-Jun; Han, Guang-Tian; Yuan, Ji-Cheng; Gao, Kun; Yuan, Cheng-Shan
Tirucallane-type triterpenoids from Dysoxylum lenticellatum.
Journal of natural products, 2011, 74, 2235-2242
1501852 CIFC18 H16 N4 O2P 1 21 18.9091; 4.86; 17.9948
90; 100.636; 90
765.76Su, Xin; Aprahamian, Ivan
Switching around two axles: controlling the configuration and conformation of a hydrazone-based switch.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 30-33
1501854 CIFC17 H17 N3P 1 21 112.632; 9.666; 12.804
90; 116.024; 90
1404.9Bigot, Aurélien; Blythe, Judith; Pandya, Chirag; Wagner, Trixie; Loiseleur, Olivier
DAST-mediated cyclization of α,α-disubstituted-α-acylaminoketones: efficient and divergent synthesis of unprecedented heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 192-195
1501856 CIFC21 H22 Fe O6 SP 1 21 17.1397; 6.5723; 21.7434
90; 98.501; 90
1009.08Paley, Robert S.; Laupheimer, Madeleine C.; Erskine, Nathaniel A. K.; Rablen, Paul R.; Pike, Robert D.; Jones, James S.
Diastereoselective spiroketalization: stereocontrol using an iron(0) tricarbonyl diene complex.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 58-61
1501867 CIFC23 H18 F6 O2 SP 1 21 16.124; 14.952; 12.56
90; 91.07; 90
1149.9Antczak, Monika I.; Cai, Feng; Ready, Joseph M.
Asymmetric synthesis of tertiary benzylic alcohols.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 184-187
1501868 CIFC24 H27 N O5P 1 21 16.297; 19.655; 8.8472
90; 91.87; 90
1094.4Wang, Lin; Xi, Yumeng; Yang, Shouliang; Zhu, Rong; Liang, Yufan; Chen, Jiahua; Yang, Zhen
Asymmetric total synthesis and structural elucidation of NFAT-68.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 74-77
1501869 CIFC16 H17 N O7P 1 21 17.4253; 6.7697; 16.333
90; 102.13; 90
802.7Chen, Yan; Ju, Tong
Enantioselective synthesis of A key A-ring intermediate for the preparation of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3).
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 86-89
1501871 CIFC28 H47 O6P 1 21 111.193; 10.374; 13.163
90; 106.797; 90
1463Zheng, Jiyue; Xie, Xingang; Zhao, Changgui; He, Yongping; Zheng, Huaiji; Yang, Zhen; She, Xuegong
Total synthesis of (-)-Przewalskin B.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 173-175
1501872 CIFC25 H20 Cl N O4P 1 21 18.6429; 27.752; 9.2865
90; 107.44; 90
2125Zhong, Fangrui; Chen, Guo-Ying; Lu, Yixin
Enantioselective Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction of isatins with acrylates: facile creation of 3-hydroxy-2-oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 82-85
1501907 CIFC9 H18 Cl NP 1 21 16.0676; 10.7264; 7.8745
90; 104.958; 90
495.13Faraldos, Juan A.; Kariuki, Benson M.; Coates, Robert M.
2-azapinanes: aza analogues of the enantiomeric pinyl carbocation intermediates in pinene biosynthesis.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 836-839
1501912 CIFC17 H13 Cl O2P 1 21 18.1646; 5.2885; 16.1885
90; 99.21; 90
689.98Li, Qiankun; Jiang, Xinpeng; Fu, Chunling; Ma, Shengming
One-Pot Construction of Aza- or Oxa-Bridged Benzocycloheptanes from Readily Available 2,3-Allenyl Malonates or 2,3-Allenols and o-Iodobenzaldehyde or Imine
Organic Letters, 2011, 13, 466-469
1501917 CIFC24 H23 N O4P 1 21 17.7205; 14.032; 9.5919
90; 104.39; 90
1006.5Cao, Weidi; Liu, Xiaohua; Wang, Wentao; Lin, Lili; Feng, Xiaoming
Highly enantioselective synthesis of tetrahydroquinolines via cobalt(II)-catalyzed tandem 1,5-hydride transfer/cyclization.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 600-603
1501920 CIFC26 H25 Br N2 O6P 1 21 18.208; 14.4061; 10.6072
90; 109.691; 90
1180.91Lee, Jihoon; Panek, James S.
Total synthesis of (+)-isatisine A.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 502-505
1501932 CIFC24 H22 N2 O4P 1 21 17.6713; 10.9248; 11.8599
90; 99.368; 90
980.69Xiao, Jian; Lu, Yun-Peng; Liu, Yan-Ling; Wong, Poh-Shen; Loh, Teck-Peng
A new class of structurally rigid tricyclic chiral secondary amine organocatalyst: highly enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition of aldehydes to vinyl sulfones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 876-879
1501933 CIFC19 H24 O5 S2P 1 21 18.3787; 10.986; 20.823
90; 94.556; 90
1910.7Xiao, Jian; Lu, Yun-Peng; Liu, Yan-Ling; Wong, Poh-Shen; Loh, Teck-Peng
A new class of structurally rigid tricyclic chiral secondary amine organocatalyst: highly enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition of aldehydes to vinyl sulfones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 876-879
1501942 CIFC23 H19 N O3 SP 1 21 19.4752; 7.9303; 12.82
90; 102.782; 90
939.44Liu, Guixia; Zhang, Shilei; Li, Hao; Zhang, Tangzhi; Wang, Wei
Organocatalytic enantioselective Friedel-crafts reactions of 1-naphthols with aldimines.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 828-831
1501954 CIFC21 H21 N O5P 1 21 111.5628; 8.5095; 18.608
90; 91.064; 90
1830.6Hong, Bor-Cherng; Nimje, Roshan Y.; Lin, Cheng-Wei; Liao, Ju-Hsiou
Enantioselective organocatalytic Michael-Wittig-Michael-Michael reaction: dichotomous construction of pentasubstituted cyclopentanecarbaldehydes and pentasubstituted cyclohexanecarbaldehydes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1278-1281
1501965 CIFC29 H28.5 F3 I N3 O1.75P 1 21 113.5694; 17.621; 24.7835
90; 101.814; 90
5800.4Notte, Gregory T.; Baxter Vu, Jenny M.; Leighton, James L.
Highly enantioselective Mannich reactions with α-aryl silyl ketene acetals and imines.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 816-818
1501967 CIFC26 H27 N O2P 1 21 113.1938; 6.3948; 13.5567
90; 110.214; 90
1073.35Cohen, Daniel T.; Cardinal-David, Benoit; Roberts, John M.; Sarjeant, Amy A.; Scheidt, Karl A.
NHC-catalyzed/titanium(IV)-mediated highly diastereo- and enantioselective dimerization of enals.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1068-1071
1501973 CIFC20 H21 Br N2 O6P 1 21 18.8643; 11.8667; 10.0142
90; 107.486; 90
1004.72Wang, Xu-Fan; An, Jing; Zhang, Xiao-Xiao; Tan, Fen; Chen, Jia-Rong; Xiao, Wen-Jing
Catalytic asymmetric aza-Michael-Michael addition cascade: enantioselective synthesis of polysubstituted 4-aminobenzopyrans.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 808-811
1501977 CIFC12 H16 O3 SP 1 21 17.894; 5.7394; 13.2234
90; 99.583; 90
590.75Emerson, Christopher R.; Zakharov, Lev N.; Blakemore, Paul R.
Iterative stereospecific reagent-controlled homologation using a functionalized α-chloroalkyllithium: synthesis of cyclic targets related to epibatidine.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1318-1321
1501978 CIFC12 H15 Cl O3 SP 1 21 16.8959; 9.5822; 10.2161
90; 107.309; 90
644.49Emerson, Christopher R.; Zakharov, Lev N.; Blakemore, Paul R.
Iterative stereospecific reagent-controlled homologation using a functionalized α-chloroalkyllithium: synthesis of cyclic targets related to epibatidine.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1318-1321
1501985 CIFC22 H25 N O7P 1 21 113.776; 8.3633; 18.579
90; 96.626; 90
2126.2Zhang, Xiu-Chun; Cao, Shu-Hua; Wei, Yin; Shi, Min
Phosphine- and nitrogen-containing Lewis base catalyzed highly regioselective and geometric selective cyclization of isatin derived electron-deficient alkenes with ethyl 2,3-butadienoate.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1142-1145
1501990 CIFC10 H10.5 Br0.5 N O2P 1 21 112.6085; 5.7821; 15.108
90; 112.947; 90
1014.3Hong, Bor-Cherng; Dange, Nitin S.; Hsu, Che-Sheng; Liao, Ju-Hsiou; Lee, Gene-Hsiang
Dynamic kinetic asymmetric synthesis of five contiguous stereogenic centers by sequential organocatalytic stetter and Michael-aldol reaction: enantioselective synthesis of fully substituted cyclopentanols bearing a quaternary stereocenter.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1338-1341
1502029 CIFC13 H13 Cl3 O2P 1 21 18.096; 6.072; 14.533
90; 98.522; 90
706.5Hara, Noriyuki; Tamura, Ryota; Funahashi, Yasuhiro; Nakamura, Shuichi
N-(heteroarenesulfonyl)prolinamides-catalyzed aldol reaction between acetone and aryl trihalomethyl ketones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1662-1665
1502030 CIFC19 H26 N O3.5P 1 21 17.1137; 32.608; 7.7093
90; 94.914; 90
1781.7Ďuriš, Andrej; Wiesenganger, Tomáš; Moravčíková, Daniela; Baran, Peter; Kožíšek, Jozef; Daïch, Adam; Berkeš, Dušan
Expedient and practical synthesis of CERT-dependent ceramide trafficking inhibitor HPA-12 and its analogues.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1642-1645
1502031 CIFC13 H20 N O4P 1 21 17.7687; 6.0916; 14.9497
90; 98.117; 90
700.39Ďuriš, Andrej; Wiesenganger, Tomáš; Moravčíková, Daniela; Baran, Peter; Kožíšek, Jozef; Daïch, Adam; Berkeš, Dušan
Expedient and practical synthesis of CERT-dependent ceramide trafficking inhibitor HPA-12 and its analogues.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1642-1645
1502058 CIFC44 H44 N2P 1 21 15.4753; 22.659; 13.406
90; 96.93; 90
1651.1Yin, Xiaodong; Li, Yongjun; Zhu, Yulan; Kan, Yuhe; Li, Yuliang; Zhu, Daoben
Synthesis of a pentalene centered polycyclic fused system.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1520-1523
1502077 CIFC15 H19 N O4P 1 21 15.5539; 9.0119; 14.952
90; 98.46; 90
740.2Troyer, Timothy L.; Muchalski, Hubert; Hong, Ki Bum; Johnston, Jeffrey N.
Origins of selectivity in Brønsted acid-promoted diazoalkane-azomethine reactions (the aza-Darzens aziridine synthesis).
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1790-1792
1502082 CIFC22 H16 Br F2 N O2P 1 21 110.065; 5.1868; 18.275
90; 98.279; 90
944.1Kashikura, Wataru; Mori, Keiji; Akiyama, Takahiko
Chiral phosphoric acid catalyzed enantioselective synthesis of β-amino-α,α-difluoro carbonyl compounds.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1860-1863
1502118 CIFC22 H25 N O S SiP 1 21 111.1147; 6.7725; 14.8896
90; 108.29; 90
1064.18Vyas, Devendra J.; Fröhlich, Roland; Oestreich, Martin
Activation of the Si-B linkage: copper-catalyzed addition of nucleophilic silicon to imines.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2094-2097
1502156 CIFC17 H16 Cl N OP 1 21 15.0952; 9.0989; 15.5967
90; 94.019; 90
721.3Klauber, Eric G.; Mittal, Nisha; Shah, Tejas K.; Seidel, Daniel
A dual-catalysis/anion-binding approach to the kinetic resolution of allylic amines.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2464-2467
1502166 CIFC39.5 H57 N2 O2.5 PdP 1 21 114.0325; 10.2155; 26.161
90; 102.382; 90
3662.9White, James D.; Shaw, Subrata
cis-2,5-Diaminobicyclo[2.2.2]octane, a new scaffold for asymmetric catalysis via salen-metal complexes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2488-2491
1502178 CIFC23 H31 O10.5P 1 21 111.481; 15.622; 12.848
90; 92.794; 90
2301.6Li, Jian; Li, Li; Si, Yikang; Jiang, Xuejun; Guo, Liangdong; Che, Yongsheng
Virgatolides A‒C, Benzannulated Spiroketals from the Plant Endophytic Fungus Pestalotiopsis virgatula
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2670-2673
1502188 CIFC21 H22 O2 SP 1 21 16.423; 7.4429; 17.9557
90; 90.051; 90
858.39Thaler, Tobias; Guo, Li-Na; Steib, Andreas K.; Raducan, Mihai; Karaghiosoff, Konstantin; Mayer, Peter; Knochel, Paul
Sulfoxide-alkene hybrids: a new class of chiral ligands for the Hayashi-Miyaura reaction.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3182-3185
1502201 CIFC13 H19 N O6P 1 21 18.6606; 7.5271; 11.6989
90; 109.834; 90
717.4Satoh, Nobuhiro; Yokoshima, Satoshi; Fukuyama, Tohru
Total synthesis of (-)-salinosporamide A.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3028-3031
1502205 CIFC18 H17 N O5P 1 21 15.004; 20.1705; 15.9818
90; 96.053; 90
1604.1Churches, Quentin I.; White, Jonathan M.; Hutton, Craig A.
Synthesis of β,γ-dihydroxyhomotyrosines by a tandem Petasis-asymmetric dihydroxylation approach.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2900-2903
1502207 CIFC16 H18 N2 O5P 1 21 110.509; 13.97; 10.942
90; 103; 90
1565.23Sanchez Duque, Maria del Mar; Baslé, Olivier; Isambert, Nicolas; Gaudel-Siri, Anouk; Génisson, Yves; Plaquevent, Jean-Christophe; Rodriguez, Jean; Constantieux, Thierry
A Cooperative Participation of the Amido Group in the Organocatalytic Construction of All-Carbon Quaternary Stereocenters by Michael Addition with β-Ketoamides
Organic Letters, 2011, 13, 3296-3299
1502212 CIFC17 H23 N O6P 1 21 112.322; 10.019; 15.678
90; 112.203; 90
1792Shing, Tony K. M.; So, King H.
Facile and enantiospecific syntheses of (6S,7R)-6-chloro-7-benzyloxy-, (7S)-halo-, and (7S)-hydroxy-cocaine and natural (-)-cocaine from D-(-)-ribose.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2916-2919
1502214 CIFC21 H27 N O7P 1 21 18.7187; 10.0275; 12.7718
90; 103.938; 90
1083.72Shing, Tony K. M.; So, King H.
Facile and enantiospecific syntheses of (6S,7R)-6-chloro-7-benzyloxy-, (7S)-halo-, and (7S)-hydroxy-cocaine and natural (-)-cocaine from D-(-)-ribose.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2916-2919
1502231 CIFC17 H24 Fe O7 SiP 1 21 110.7041; 6.703; 13.9287
90; 92.639; 90
998.32Palframan, Matthew J.; Kociok-Köhn, Gabriele; Lewis, Simon E.
Total synthesis of (+)-grandifloracin by iron complexation of a microbial arene oxidation product.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3150-3153
1502249 CIFC10 H19 N OP 1 21 15.03; 8.843; 11.54
90; 95.42; 90
511Song, Liyan; Liu, Kun; Li, Chaozhong
Efficient and regioselective 9-endo cyclization of α-carbamoyl radicals.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3434-3437
1502250 CIFC13 H26 O5P 1 21 18.9146; 8.5388; 10.1252
90; 106.47; 90
739.11Chellat, Mathieu F.; Proust, Nicolas; Lauer, Matthew G.; Stambuli, James P.
Synthesis of key fragments of leiodelide A.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3246-3249
1502251 CIFC54 H52 B F4 O10 P2 RhP 1 21 110.3475; 26.926; 11.5981
90; 107.361; 90
3084.2Leseurre, Lucie; d'Herouville, Florent Le Boucher; Püntener, Kurt; Scalone, Michelangelo; Genêt, Jean-Pierre; Michelet, Véronique
Efficient route to atropisomeric ligands‒application to the synthesis of MeOBIPHEP analogues.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3250-3253
1502257 CIFC13 H16 O3P 1 21 17.8508; 6.932; 10.6342
90; 90.905; 90
578.66Peed, Jennifer; Domínguez, Ignacio Periñán; Davies, Iwan R.; Cheeseman, Matt; Taylor, James E.; Kociok-Köhn, Gabriele; Bull, Steven D.
Asymmetric synthesis of chiral δ-lactones containing multiple contiguous stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3592-3595
1502272 CIFC23 H41 N5 O3P 1 21 110.1633; 9.93; 12.1706
90; 96.277; 90
1220.91Medda, Amiya K.; Park, Chul Min; Jeon, Aram; Kim, Hyunwoo; Sohn, Jeong-Hun; Lee, Hee-Seung
A nonpeptidic reverse-turn scaffold stabilized by urea-based dual intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3486-3489
1502282 CIFC21 H24 N0 O4 SP 1 21 19.144; 8.9795; 11.155
90; 91.71; 90
915.5Yang, Haishen; Gao, Yuzhe; Qiao, Xiaoxiao; Xie, Longguan; Xu, Xiaohua
Concise total synthesis of (-)-8-epigrosheimin.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3670-3673
1502285 CIFC20 H32 O2P 1 21 110.376; 7.525; 11.906
90; 98.198; 90
920.1Kurhade, Suresh E.; Sanchawala, Abbas I.; Ravikumar, Velayutham; Bhuniya, Debnath; Reddy, D. Srinivasa
Total synthesis of isofregenedadiol.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3690-3693
1502293 CIFC13 H20 O3P 1 21 15.1581; 9.443; 12.776
90; 94.844; 90
620.1Lin, Lili; Kuang, Yulong; Liu, Xiaohua; Feng, Xiaoming
Indium(III)-catalyzed asymmetric hetero-Diels-Alder reaction of Brassard-type diene with aliphatic aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3868-3871
1502297 CIFC39 H39 Cl N2 O3 SP 1 21 19.892; 11.591; 14.767
90; 98.618; 90
1674Jung, Hyung Hoon; Buesking, Andrew W.; Ellman, Jonathan A.
Highly functional group compatible Rh-catalyzed addition of arylboroxines to activated N-tert-butanesulfinyl ketimines.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3912-3915
1502298 CIFC23 H26 N10 O13P 1 21 19.7813; 7.8382; 18.103
90; 90.163; 90
1387.91Williams, David E.; Dalisay, Doralyn S.; Patrick, Brian O.; Matainaho, Teatulohi; Andrusiak, Kerry; Deshpande, Raamesh; Myers, Chad L.; Piotrowski, Jeff S.; Boone, Charles; Yoshida, Minoru; Andersen, Raymond J.
Padanamides A and B, highly modified linear tetrapeptides produced in culture by a Streptomyces sp. isolated from a marine sediment.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 3936-3939
1502312 CIFC17 H25 N O3 SP 1 21 17.0411; 8.8042; 13.9063
90; 92.013; 90
861.54Söderman, Stefan C; Schwan, Adrian L.
The diastereoselective alkylation of arenesulfenate anions using homochiral electrophiles.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4192-4195
1502317 CIFC23 H25 N O5 SP 1 21 113.8192; 5.693; 14.7334
90; 116.69; 90
1035.61Medeiros, Matthew R.; Schaus, Scott E.; Porco, Jr, John A
A cycloisomerization/Friedel-Crafts alkylation strategy for the synthesis of pyrano[3,4-b]indoles.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4012-4015
1502324 CIFC25.75 H23 Br0.25 N2 O5.5P 1 21 113.505; 6.1813; 15.804
90; 93.51; 90
1316.8Varga, Szilárd; Jakab, Gergely; Drahos, László; Holczbauer, Tamás; Czugler, Mátyás; Soós, Tibor
Double diastereocontrol in bifunctional thiourea organocatalysis: iterative Michael-Michael-Henry sequence regulated by the configuration of chiral catalysts.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5416-5419
1502327 CIFC29 H28.5 F3 I N3 O1.75P 1 21 113.5694; 17.621; 24.7835
90; 101.814; 90
5800.4Vu, Jenny M Baxter; Leighton, James L.
A new synthesis of pyrrolidines by way of an enantioselective Mannich/diastereoselective hydroamination reaction sequence.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4056-4059
1502332 CIFC33 H28 O6P 1 21 18.1397; 32.018; 9.9603
90; 97.59; 90
2573.1Fan, Yukai; Feng, Pengju; Liu, Mao; Pan, Hongjie; Shi, Yian
A concise approach to the dalesconol skeleton.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4494-4497
1502333 CIFC23 H30 N2 O6 SP 1 21 17.5028; 5.9354; 25.0935
90; 90.569; 90
1117.41Peña-López, Miguel; Martínez, M. Montserrat; Sarandeses, Luis A.; Sestelo, José Pérez
A Versatile Enantioselective Synthesis of Barrenazines
Organic Letters, 2011, 13, 4151
1502339 CIFC26 H26 N2 O2 SP 1 21 19.314; 12.85; 9.334
90; 95.772; 90
1111.5Ghorai, Manas K.; Nanaji, Y.; Yadav, A. K.
Ring opening/C-N cyclization of activated aziridines with carbon nucleophiles: highly diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of tetrahydroquinolines.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4256-4259
1502348 CIFC24 H32 O4 SP 1 21 19.9752; 10.52392; 11.2107
90; 116.107; 90
1056.81Soni, Rina; Collinson, John-Michael; Clarkson, Guy C.; Wills, Martin
An unexpected directing effect in the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of α,α-disubstituted ketones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4304-4307
1502372 CIFC29 H29 N O2 S2P 1 21 111.6527; 9.7093; 12.4847
90; 110.86; 90
1319.9Arroyo, Yolanda; Sanz-Tejedor, M Ascensión; Alonso, Inés; García-Ruano, José L
Synthesis of optically pure vic-sulfanyl amines mediated by a remote sulfinyl group.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4534-4537
1502373 CIFC30 H28 N2 O5 S2P 1 21 19.403; 10.746; 14.25
90; 98.438; 90
1424.3Arroyo, Yolanda; Sanz-Tejedor, M Ascensión; Alonso, Inés; García-Ruano, José L
Synthesis of optically pure vic-sulfanyl amines mediated by a remote sulfinyl group.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4534-4537
1502385 CIFC30 H35 N O5P 1 21 113.347; 5.152; 19.349
90; 97.644; 90
1318.7Zhang, Wei; Sato, Kasumi; Kato, Atsushi; Jia, Yue-Mei; Hu, Xiang-Guo; Wilson, Francis X.; van Well, Renate; Horne, Graeme; Fleet, George W. J.; Nash, Robert J.; Yu, Chu-Yi
Synthesis of fully substituted polyhydroxylated pyrrolizidines via Cope-House cyclization.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4414-4417
1502386 CIFC32 H39 N O6P 1 21 112.634; 8.8253; 14.418
90; 115.1; 90
1455.8Zhang, Wei; Sato, Kasumi; Kato, Atsushi; Jia, Yue-Mei; Hu, Xiang-Guo; Wilson, Francis X.; van Well, Renate; Horne, Graeme; Fleet, George W. J.; Nash, Robert J.; Yu, Chu-Yi
Synthesis of fully substituted polyhydroxylated pyrrolizidines via Cope-House cyclization.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4414-4417
1502392 CIFC21 H23 N3 O5P 1 21 111.0839; 7.5405; 12.2852
90; 106.18; 90
986.1Morris, Erin N.; Nenninger, E. Katherine; Pike, Robert D.; Scheerer, Jonathan R.
Diels-Alder cycloaddition of chiral nonracemic 2,5-diketopiperazine dienes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4430-4433
1502394 CIFC27 H23 Br N2 O7P 1 21 19.412; 9.97; 13.453
90; 93.383; 90
1260.2Peng, Jing; Huang, Xin; Jiang, Lin; Cui, Hai-Lei; Chen, Ying-Chun
Tertiary amine-catalyzed chemoselective and asymmetric [3 + 2] annulation of Morita-Baylis-Hillman carbonates of isatins with propargyl sulfones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4584-4587
1502395 CIFC27 H27 N O7 SP 1 21 19.04; 13.448; 10.514
90; 93.69; 90
1275.5Peng, Jing; Huang, Xin; Jiang, Lin; Cui, Hai-Lei; Chen, Ying-Chun
Tertiary amine-catalyzed chemoselective and asymmetric [3 + 2] annulation of Morita-Baylis-Hillman carbonates of isatins with propargyl sulfones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4584-4587
1502411 CIFC32 H30 O14P 1 21 19.5327; 14.3362; 11.4665
90; 109.175; 90
1480.1Kikuchi, Haruhisa; Isobe, Masato; Sekiya, Mizuki; Abe, Yuko; Hoshikawa, Tsuyoshi; Ueda, Kazunori; Kurata, Shoichiro; Katou, Yasuhiro; Oshima, Yoshiteru
Structures of the dimeric and monomeric chromanones, gonytolides A-C, isolated from the fungus Gonytrichum sp. and their promoting activities of innate immune responses.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4624-4627
1502436 CIFC21 H19 N O2 SP 1 21 111.6459; 4.9893; 16.0289
90; 109.236; 90
879.36Ingle, Gajendrasingh K.; Mormino, Michael G.; Wojtas, Lukasz; Antilla, Jon C.
Chiral phosphoric acid-catalyzed addition of thiols to N-acyl imines: access to chiral N,S-acetals.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4822-4825
1502442 CIFC15 H23 N O7P 1 21 16.458; 10.738; 12.738
90; 102.324; 90
863Bigovic, Miljan; Maslak, Veselin; Tokic-Vujosevic, Zorana; Divjakovic, Vladimir; Saicic, Radomir N.
A useful synthetic equivalent of a hydroxyacetone enolate.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4720-4723
1502443 CIFC30 H47 N2 O14.5P 1 21 18.257; 12.014; 9.095
90; 104.18; 90
874.7Bigovic, Miljan; Maslak, Veselin; Tokic-Vujosevic, Zorana; Divjakovic, Vladimir; Saicic, Radomir N.
A useful synthetic equivalent of a hydroxyacetone enolate.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4720-4723
1502444 CIFC90 H72 Br4 N12 O11P 1 21 111.1402; 8.2454; 22.881
90; 99.42; 90
2073.4Lan, Yu-Bao; Zhao, Hua; Liu, Zhao-Min; Liu, Guo-Gui; Tao, Jing-Chao; Wang, Xing-Wang
Chiral counteranion synergistic organocatalysis under high temperature: efficient construction of optically pure spiro[cyclohexanone-oxindole] backbone.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4866-4869
1502450 CIFC24 H24 N2 O8P 1 21 111.367; 9.0168; 11.449
90; 94.36; 90
1170.1Yin, Biao-Lin; Zhang, Ze-Ren; Xu, Li-Wen; Jiang, Huanfeng
Highly facialselective synthesis of pyranose 1,3-oxazines and their ring opening with nucleophiles: a novel entry to 2-C-branched glycosides.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5088-5091
1502460 CIFC22 H29 N O4P 1 21 19.2829; 5.7495; 38.036
90; 95.679; 90
2020.09Ward, Amanda F.; Wolfe, John P.
Stereoselective synthesis of substituted 1,3-oxazolidines via Pd-catalyzed carboamination reactions of O-vinyl-1,2-amino alcohols.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4728-4731
1502471 CIFC18 H15 Cl OP 1 21 16.025; 8.067; 14.859
90; 92.998; 90
721.2Wang, Yazhou; Feng, Xiangqing; Du, Haifeng
Kinetic resolution of hindered Morita-Baylis-Hillman adducts by Rh(I)-catalyzed asymmetric 1,4-addition/β-hydroxyelimination.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4954-4957
1502472 CIFC27 H24 O6 S2P 1 21 110.236; 7.645; 14.941
90; 104.633; 90
1131.3Gu, Qing; You, Shu-Li
Desymmetrization of cyclohexadienones via asymmetric Michael reaction catalyzed by cinchonine-derived urea.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5192-5195
1502478 CIFC18 H18 N2 OP 1 21 19.821; 7.317; 10.846
90; 108.497; 90
739.1Edwankar, Rahul V.; Edwankar, Chitra R.; Deschamps, Jeffrey; Cook, James M.
Regiospecific, enantiospecific total synthesis of C-19 methyl substituted sarpagine alkaloids dihydroperaksine-17-al and dihydroperaksine.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5216-5219
1502482 CIFC26 H25 Br O5P 1 21 113.1314; 5.8958; 15.9344
90; 109.439; 90
1163.32Liu, Chen; Dou, Xiaowei; Lu, Yixin
Organocatalytic asymmetric aldol reaction of hydroxyacetone with β,γ-unsaturated α-keto esters: facile access to chiral tertiary alcohols.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5248-5251
1502495 CIFC28 H32 O4P 1 21 18.521; 8.5892; 16.5795
90; 104.826; 90
1173.03Nicolaou, K. C.; Sun, Ya-Ping; Sarlah, David; Zhan, Weiqiang; Wu, T. Robert
Bioinspired synthesis of hirsutellones A, B, and C.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5708-5710
1502504 CIFC26 H20 Br2 O3P 1 21 115.3997; 6.0444; 23.8606
90; 100.45; 90
2184.15Lv, Hui; Mo, Junming; Fang, Xinqiang; Chi, Yonggui Robin
Formal Diels-Alder reactions of chalcones and formylcyclopropanes catalyzed by chiral N-heterocyclic carbenes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5366-5369
1502507 CIFC16 H22 N2 O4P 1 21 110.2144; 5.5884; 13.5096
90; 98.294; 90
763.09Zhong, Cheng; Wang, Yikai; Hung, Alvin W.; Schreiber, Stuart L.; Young, Damian W.
Diastereoselective control of intramolecular aza-Michael reactions using achiral catalysts.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5556-5559
1502516 CIFC31 H29 Br O5P 1 21 16.0456; 9.8728; 23.236
90; 93.94; 90
1383.6Ashtekar, Kumar Dilip; Staples, Richard J.; Borhan, Babak
Development of a formal catalytic asymmetric [4+2] addition of ethyl-2,3-butadienoate with acyclic enones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5732-5735
1502520 CIFC9 H14 O4P 1 21 18.0667; 8.2677; 14.2711
90; 101.049; 90
934.14Magauer, Thomas; Myers, Andrew G.
Short and efficient synthetic route to methyl α-trioxacarcinoside B and anomerically activated derivatives.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5584-5587
1502522 CIFC26 H26 Br N O4P 1 21 110.73; 9.321; 12.255
90; 100.86; 90
1203.7Guo, Shengmei; Xie, Yinjun; Hu, Xinquan; Huang, Hanmin
Highly diastereo- and enantioselective tandem reaction toward functionalized pyrrolidines with multiple stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5596-5599
1502523 CIFC25 H26 O2P 1 21 111.447; 6.649; 14.217
90; 110.166; 90
1015.7Guo, Shengmei; Xie, Yinjun; Hu, Xinquan; Huang, Hanmin
Highly diastereo- and enantioselective tandem reaction toward functionalized pyrrolidines with multiple stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5596-5599
1502525 CIFC14 H14 O6P 1 21 17.72443; 8.2531; 19.2848
90; 96.121; 90
1222.41Anderson, Katie; Calo, Frederick; Pfaffeneder, Toni; White, Andrew J. P.; Barrett, Anthony G. M.
Biomimetic total synthesis of angelicoin A and B via a palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative prenylation-aromatization sequence.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5748-5750
1502529 CIFC19 H14 Br N O5P 1 21 112.3284; 5.9912; 12.3764
90; 111.414; 90
851.04Hong, Bor-Cherng; Kotame, Prakash; Lee, Gene-Hsiang
Asymmetric synthesis of 3,4-dihydrocoumarin motif with an all-carbon quaternary stereocenter via a Michael-acetalization sequence with bifunctional amine-thiourea organocatalysts.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5758-5761
1502563 CIFC29 H27 Cl4 N2 O4 P PdP 1 21 18.9778; 14.529; 12.2226
90; 100.458; 90
1567.8Huang, Yinhua; Chew, Renta Jonathan; Li, Yongxin; Pullarkat, Sumod A.; Leung, Pak-Hing
Direct synthesis of chiral tertiary diphosphines via Pd(II)-catalyzed asymmetric hydrophosphination of dienones.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5862-5865
1502569 CIFC12 H18.667 N2 O7.333P 1 21 114.0044; 8.34399; 18.0791
90; 102.479; 90
2062.68Mori, Kazuto; Kodama, Tetsuya; Obika, Satoshi
Design, Synthesis, and Properties of Boat-Shaped Glucopyranosyl Nucleic Acid
Organic Letters, 2011, 13, 6050-6053
1502570 CIFC22 H36 Br N O2 SP 1 21 18.8276; 11.186; 12.244
90; 107.07; 90
1155.8Huang, Deshun; Wang, Haining; Xue, Fazhen; Guan, Huan; Li, Lijun; Peng, Xianyou; Shi, Yian
Enantioselective bromocyclization of olefins catalyzed by chiral phosphoric acid.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6350-6353
1502571 CIFC26 H42 Br N O2 SP 1 21 19.439; 11.246; 13.111
90; 109.97; 90
1308.1Huang, Deshun; Wang, Haining; Xue, Fazhen; Guan, Huan; Li, Lijun; Peng, Xianyou; Shi, Yian
Enantioselective bromocyclization of olefins catalyzed by chiral phosphoric acid.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6350-6353
1502572 CIFC17 H25 Br N2 O4 SP 1 21 16.9024; 7.5807; 18.512
90; 91.49; 90
968.3Huang, Deshun; Wang, Haining; Xue, Fazhen; Guan, Huan; Li, Lijun; Peng, Xianyou; Shi, Yian
Enantioselective bromocyclization of olefins catalyzed by chiral phosphoric acid.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6350-6353
1502576 CIFC12 H14 Br N O2P 1 21 112.722; 4.8282; 19.81
90; 96.755; 90
1208.4Chen, Guo-Ying; Zhong, Fangrui; Lu, Yixin
Highly enantioselective and regioselective substitution of Morita-Baylis-Hillman carbonates with nitroalkanes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6070-6073
1502578 CIFC15 H24 O3P 1 21 18.672; 9.491; 9.253
90; 112.782; 90
702.2Mondal, Sujit; Yadav, Ram Naresh; Ghosh, Subrata
Influence of diene substituent position on the stereochemical outcome in IMDA reaction of decatrienones. An asymmetric synthesis of C10-epi-dihydro-epi-deoxy arteannuin B.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6078-6081
1502601 CIFC29 H44 O6 SiP 1 21 111.575; 8.1302; 16.0924
90; 107.288; 90
1445.99Milgram, Benjamin C.; Liau, Brian B.; Shair, Matthew D.
Gram-scale synthesis of the A'B'-subunit of angelmicin B.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6436-6439
1502610 CIFC28 H38 O5 Si2P 1 21 113.4488; 12.1633; 18.4592
90; 108.832; 90
2857.9Adachi, Masaatsu; Yamada, Hitomi; Isobe, Minoru; Nishikawa, Toshio
Total synthesis of polygalolide A.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6532-6535
1502615 CIFC20 H24 N2 O2P 1 21 18.8113; 7.6399; 13.258
90; 93.732; 90
890.6Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Sakamoto, Masami; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Asymmetric intramolecular cyclobutane formation via photochemical reaction of N,N-diallyl-2-quinolone-3-carboxamide using a chiral crystalline environment.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6168-6171
1502619 CIFC15 H22 N O3 PP 1 21 19.4722; 10.0791; 16.3227
90; 92.756; 90
1556.55Adams, Harry; Collins, Rebecca C.; Jones, Simon; Warner, Christopher J. A.
Enantioselective preparation of P-chiral phosphine oxides.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6576-6579
1502670 CIFC26.5 H33 N O6.5P 1 21 15.1805; 17.2642; 28.104
90; 92.234; 90
2511.63Auzzas, Luciana; Larsson, Andreas; Matera, Riccardo; Baraldi, Annamaria; Deschênes-Simard, Benoît; Giannini, Giuseppe; Cabri, Walter; Battistuzzi, Gianfranco; Gallo, Grazia; Ciacci, Andrea; Vesci, Loredana; Pisano, Claudio; Hanessian, Stephen
Non-natural macrocyclic inhibitors of histone deacetylases: design, synthesis, and activity.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2010, 53, 8387-8399
1502737 CIFC24 H25 N O3P 1 21 111.414; 8.499; 11.529
90; 115.28; 90
1011.3Jaworska, Magdalena; Hrynczyszyn, Paweł B; Wełniak, Mirosław; Wojtczak, Andrzej; Nowicka, Katarzyna; Krasiński, Grzegorz; Kassassir, Hassan; Ciesielski, Włodzimierz; Potrzebowski, Marek J.
Solid state NMR spectroscopy as a precise tool for assigning the tautomeric form and proton position in the intramolecular bridges of o-hydroxy Schiff bases.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2010, 114, 12522-12530
1502791 CIFC17 H18 O6P 1 21 18.032; 8.278; 11.532
90; 99.19; 90
756.9Chou, Tsung-Hsien; Chen, Jih-Jung; Lee, Shiow-Ju; Chiang, Michael Y.; Yang, Cheng-Wei; Chen, Ih-Sheng
Cytotoxic flavonoids from the leaves of Cryptocarya chinensis.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 1470-1475
1502795 CIFC29 H36 O11P 1 21 18.797; 9.901; 15.9022
90; 99.925; 90
1364.34Cheng, Yuan-Bin; Liao, Tzu-Ching; Lo, Yi-Wen; Chen, Yu-Chen; Kuo, Yuh-Chi; Chen, Shun-Ying; Chien, Ching-Te; Hwang, Tsong-Long; Shen, Ya-Ching
Nortriterpene lactones from the fruits of Schisandra arisanensis.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 1228-1233
1502796 CIFC20 H30 O2P 1 21 19.7774; 10.7185; 17.521
90; 90.174; 90
1836.2Wei, Xiaomei; Rodríguez, Abimael D; Baran, Peter; Raptis, Raphael G.
Dolabellane-type diterpenoids with antiprotozoan activity from a southwestern Caribbean gorgonian octocoral of the genus Eunicea.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 925-934
1502797 CIFC20 H30 O2P 1 21 18.2674; 8.6702; 12.79
90; 99.451; 90
904.3Wei, Xiaomei; Rodríguez, Abimael D; Baran, Peter; Raptis, Raphael G.
Dolabellane-type diterpenoids with antiprotozoan activity from a southwestern Caribbean gorgonian octocoral of the genus Eunicea.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 925-934
1502800 CIFC18 H20 N2 O8 S3P 1 21 16.5869; 8.1866; 17.513
90; 95.2; 90
940.5Wang, Jia-Ming; Ding, Guang-Zhi; Fang, Lei; Dai, Jun-Gui; Yu, Shi-Shan; Wang, Ying-Hong; Chen, Xiao-Guang; Ma, Shuang-Gang; Qu, Jing; Xu, Song; Du, Dan
Thiodiketopiperazines produced by the endophytic fungus Epicoccum nigrum.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 1240-1249
1502801 CIFC19 H20 N2 O5 S2P 1 21 110.823; 8.2414; 11.223
90; 115.69; 90
902.1Wang, Jia-Ming; Ding, Guang-Zhi; Fang, Lei; Dai, Jun-Gui; Yu, Shi-Shan; Wang, Ying-Hong; Chen, Xiao-Guang; Ma, Shuang-Gang; Qu, Jing; Xu, Song; Du, Dan
Thiodiketopiperazines produced by the endophytic fungus Epicoccum nigrum.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 1240-1249
1502802 CIFC20 H34 N2 O10 S2P 1 21 110.949; 8.7488; 13.036
90; 99.22; 90
1232.6Wang, Jia-Ming; Ding, Guang-Zhi; Fang, Lei; Dai, Jun-Gui; Yu, Shi-Shan; Wang, Ying-Hong; Chen, Xiao-Guang; Ma, Shuang-Gang; Qu, Jing; Xu, Song; Du, Dan
Thiodiketopiperazines produced by the endophytic fungus Epicoccum nigrum.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 1240-1249
1502803 CIFC22 H29 N O4P 1 21 111.1427; 13.0004; 28.073
90; 90.43; 90
4066.5Kumarihamy, Mallika; Fronczek, Frank R.; Ferreira, Daneel; Jacob, Melissa; Khan, Shabana I.; Nanayakkara, N. P. Dhammika
Bioactive 1,4-dihydroxy-5-phenyl-2-pyridinone alkaloids from Septoria pistaciarum.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 1250-1253
1502805 CIFC20 H28 Cl N O6P 1 21 111.197; 7.218; 12.421
90; 99.841; 90
989.1Zein, Ahmed L.; Dawe, Louise N.; Georghiou, Paris E.
Enantioselective total synthesis and X-ray structures of the tetrahydroprotoberberine alkaloids (-)-(S)-tetrahydropalmatrubine and (-)-(S)-corytenchine.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 1427-1430
1502808 CIFC32 H40 O10P 1 21 18.1004; 16.0763; 11.7961
90; 99.64; 90
1514.45Pan, Jian-Yu; Chen, Shi-Lin; Li, Min-Yi; Li, Jun; Yang, Mei-Hua; Wu, Jun
Limonoids from the Seeds of a Hainan Mangrove,Xylocarpus granatum
Journal of Natural Products, 2010, 73, 1672
1502809 CIFC32 H40 O10P 1 21 17.9418; 16.2706; 11.6249
90; 96.814; 90
1491.53Pan, Jian-Yu; Chen, Shi-Lin; Li, Min-Yi; Li, Jun; Yang, Mei-Hua; Wu, Jun
Limonoids from the Seeds of a Hainan Mangrove,Xylocarpus granatum
Journal of Natural Products, 2010, 73, 1672
1502813 CIFC18 H26 O2P 1 21 110.9891; 21.7404; 12.9098
90; 99.167; 90
3044.9Hu, Wei-Min; Li, Min-Yi; Li, Jun; Xiao, Qiang; Feng, Gang; Wu, Jun
Dolabranes from the Chinese Mangrove,Ceriops tagal
Journal of Natural Products, 2010, 73, 1701
1502824 CIFC27 H48 O9P 1 21 113.551; 6.242; 16.767
90; 102.966; 90
1382.1Wang, Rui; Chen, Wen-Hao; Shi, Yan-Ping
ent-kaurane and ent-pimarane diterpenoids from Siegesbeckia pubescens.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 17-21
1502830 CIFC22 H34 O7P 1 21 17.4736; 10.0105; 13.8215
90; 91.314; 90
1033.78Schmidt, Lori E.; Deyrup, Stephen T.; Baltrusaitis, Jonas; Swenson, Dale C.; Wicklow, Donald T.; Gloer, James B.
Hymenopsins A and B and a macrophorin analogue from a fungicolous Hymenopsis sp.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 404-408
1502831 CIFC13 H18 Br Cl O3P 1 21 16.0017; 11.9713; 9.576
90; 93.375; 90
686.82Lhullier, Cintia; Falkenberg, Miriam; Ioannou, Efstathia; Quesada, Antonio; Papazafiri, Panagiota; Horta, Paulo Antunes; Schenkel, Eloir Paulo; Vagias, Constantinos; Roussis, Vassilios
Cytotoxic halogenated metabolites from the Brazilian red alga Laurencia catarinensis.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 27-32
1502832 CIFC10 H17 O6P 1 21 15.957; 13.28; 7.662
90; 104.54; 90
587Lin, Sheng; Chen, Tao; Liu, Xiao-Hua; Shen, Yun-Heng; Li, Hui-Liang; Shan, Lei; Liu, Run-Hui; Xu, Xi-Ke; Zhang, Wei-Dong; Wang, Hui
Iridoids and lignans from Valeriana jatamansi.
Journal of natural products, 2010, 73, 632-638
1502860 CIFC46 H42 N2 O6 SP 1 21 110.3491; 13.9142; 14.5174
90; 92.506; 90
2088.5Chen, Wen-Ching; Lee, Yi-Wei; Chen, Chien-Tien
Diastereoselective, synergistic dual-mode optical switch with integrated chirochromic helicene and photochromic bis-azobenzene moieties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1472-1475
1502861 CIFC46 H46 N2 O2 SP 1 21 115.0278; 8.3561; 15.8925
90; 113.371; 90
1831.95Chen, Wen-Ching; Lee, Yi-Wei; Chen, Chien-Tien
Diastereoselective, synergistic dual-mode optical switch with integrated chirochromic helicene and photochromic bis-azobenzene moieties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1472-1475
1502862 CIFC46 H40 N2 O6P 1 21 110.9995; 14.5737; 12.0336
90; 95.381; 90
1920.53Chen, Wen-Ching; Lee, Yi-Wei; Chen, Chien-Tien
Diastereoselective, synergistic dual-mode optical switch with integrated chirochromic helicene and photochromic bis-azobenzene moieties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1472-1475
1502865 CIFC21 H27 Br O3 SiP 1 21 19.4119; 9.3243; 12.776
90; 106.893; 90
1072.8Smith, 3rd, Amos B; Tong, Rongbiao
Benzyl and phenylthiomethyl silanes: a new class of bifunctional linchpins for type II anion relay chemistry (ARC).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1260-1263
1502866 CIFC20 H23 Cl N2 O6 SiP 1 21 111.058; 6.1283; 16.6542
90; 103.318; 90
1098.25Smith, 3rd, Amos B; Tong, Rongbiao
Benzyl and phenylthiomethyl silanes: a new class of bifunctional linchpins for type II anion relay chemistry (ARC).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1260-1263
1502867 CIFC30 H34 O5P 1 21 16.551; 17.5144; 10.7025
90; 90.7342; 90
1227.87Lawrence, Andrew L.; Adlington, Robert M.; Baldwin, Jack E.; Lee, Victor; Kershaw, Jessica A.; Thompson, Amber L.
A short biomimetic synthesis of the meroterpenoids guajadial and psidial A.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1676-1679
1502879 CIFC108 H136 Si4P 1 21 114.079; 14.7642; 23.8779
90; 99.938; 90
4888.9Purushothaman, Balaji; Parkin, Sean R.; Anthony, John E.
Synthesis and stability of soluble hexacenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2060-2063
1502884 CIFC16 H17 N O2P 1 21 17.13575; 11.5318; 16.6052
90; 95.8187; 90
1359.37Kawato, Yuji; Takahashi, Noriko; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Catalytic asymmetric conjugate addition of alpha-cyanoketones for the construction of a quaternary stereogenic center.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1484-1487
1502892 CIFC24 H29 N O2 SP 1 21 114.89; 8.125; 19.134
90; 112.53; 90
2138.2Li, Qian; Jiang, Guo-Jie; Jiao, Lei; Yu, Zhi-Xiang
Reaction of alpha-ene-vinylcyclopropanes: type II intramolecular [5+2] cycloaddition or [3+2] cycloaddition?
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1332-1335
1502925 CIFC12 H15 N O5P 1 21 17.206; 7.0551; 11.5524
90; 97.855; 90
581.8Tong, Xiao-Gang; Zhou, Li-Li; Wang, Yue-Hu; Xia, Chengfeng; Wang, Ye; Liang, Min; Hou, Fan-Fan; Cheng, Yong-Xian
Acortatarins A and B, two novel antioxidative spiroalkaloids with a naturally unusual morpholine motif from Acorus tatarinowii.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1844-1847
1502942 CIFC17 H21 Br N O2 PP 1 21 15.4412; 18.481; 9.1796
90; 106.141; 90
886.7Zhao, Depeng; Mao, Lijuan; Wang, Yuan; Yang, Dongxu; Zhang, Quanliang; Wang, Rui
Catalytic asymmetric hydrophosphinylation of alpha,beta-unsaturated N-acylpyrroles: application of dialkyl phosphine oxides in enantioselective synthesis of chiral phosphine oxides or phosphines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1880-1882
1502943 CIFC18 H24 N2 O7P 1 21 18.809; 9.2002; 11.103
90; 92.499; 90
899Konishi, Hideyuki; Lam, Tin Yiu; Malerich, Jeremiah P.; Rawal, Viresh H.
Enantioselective alpha-amination of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds using squaramide derivatives as hydrogen bonding catalysts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2028-2031
1502952 CIFC10 H14 N2 O4 SeP 1 21 19.2745; 5.2059; 12.1233
90; 92.047; 90
584.97Alexander, Varughese; Choi, Won Jun; Chun, Jeongha; Kim, Hea Ok; Jeon, Ji Hye; Tosh, Dilip K.; Lee, Hyuk Woo; Chandra, Girish; Choi, Jungwon; Jeong, Lak Shin
A new DNA building block, 4'-selenothymidine: synthesis and modification to 4'-seleno-AZT as a potential anti-HIV agent.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2242-2245
1502955 CIFC32 H29 Cl N2 O2P 1 21 115.1508; 6.0052; 15.6364
90; 115.054; 90
1288.8Wang, Chao; Han, Zhi-Yong; Luo, Hong-Wen; Gong, Liu-Zhu
Highly enantioselective relay catalysis in the three-component reaction for direct construction of structurally complex heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2266-2269
1502956 CIFC112 H100 N4 Ni O4P 1 21 115.55; 25.46; 20
90; 112.81; 90
7299Davis, Nicola K. S.; Thompson, Amber L.; Anderson, Harry L.
Bis-anthracene fused porphyrins: synthesis, crystal structure, and near-IR absorption.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2124-2127
1502993 CIFC17 H22 N2 O3P 1 21 19.269; 5.8773; 15.1007
90; 101.95; 90
804.81Zeng, Xiaofei; Ye, Kehan; Lu, Min; Chua, Pei Juan; Tan, Bin; Zhong, Guofu
Chiral Brønsted acid catalyzed enantioselective addition of alpha-isocyanoacetamides to aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2414-2417
1503003 CIFC52 H60 O8P 1 21 116.7347; 8.7664; 17.2571
90; 117.845; 90
2238.54Ajayi, Kehinde; Thakur, Vinay V.; Lapo, Robert C.; Knapp, Spencer
Intramolecular alpha-glucosaminidation: synthesis of mycothiol.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2630-2633
1503011 CIFC25 H25 N O2 SP 1 21 18.3323; 11.9758; 10.5285
90; 100.916; 90
1031.59Bariwal, Jitender B.; Ermolat'ev, Denis S.; Glasnov, Toma N.; Van Hecke, Kristof; Mehta, Vaibhav P.; Van Meervelt, Luc; Kappe, C. Oliver; Van der Eycken, Erik V.
Diversity-oriented synthesis of dibenzoazocines and dibenzoazepines via a microwave-assisted intramolecular A(3)-coupling reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2774-2777
1503019 CIFC24 H47 Br O3 SiP 1 21 18.4603; 10.6883; 14.7189
90; 95.992; 90
1323.7Li, Hao; Loh, Teck-Peng
A facile method for the synthesis of highly substituted six-membered rings: Mukaiyama-Aldol-Prins cascade reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2679-2681
1503049 CIFC22 H24 N6 O3P 1 21 18.0218; 14.6605; 18.8312
90; 96.776; 90
2199.1Yan, Wuming; Wang, Qiaoyi; Chen, Yunfeng; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Shi, Xiaodong
Iron-catalyzed C-O bond activation for the synthesis of propargyl-1,2,3-triazoles and 1,1-bis-triazoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3308-3311
1503060 CIFC16 H20 N4 O7P 1 21 19.757; 29.99; 11.97
90; 98.61; 90
3463Medeiros, Matthew R.; Narayan, Radha S.; McDougal, Nolan T.; Schaus, Scott E.; Porco, Jr, John A
Skeletal diversity via cationic rearrangements of substituted dihydropyrans.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3222-3225
1503068 CIFC14 H15 Br OP 1 21 16.24; 7.706; 12.861
90; 98.015; 90
612.4Yang, Hua; Carter, Rich G.
Synthesis of all-carbon, quaternary center-containing cyclohexenones through an organocatalyzed, multicomponent coupling.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3108-3111
1503080 CIFC10 H6 Cl O6 P WP 1 21 16.7284; 19.087; 10.4396
90; 94.175; 90
1337.1Mao, Yanli; Mathey, Francois
From furans to phosphinines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3384-3385
1503085 CIFC16 H13 Br O2P 1 21 19.977; 5.5033; 13.198
90; 108.25; 90
688.2Chen, Zhengwang; Li, Jinghao; Jiang, Huanfeng; Zhu, Shifa; Li, Yibiao; Qi, Chaorong
Silver-catalyzed difunctionalization of terminal alkynes: highly regio- and stereoselective synthesis of (Z)-beta-haloenol acetates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3262-3265
1503093 CIFC26 H24 OP 1 21 112.393; 5.8186; 14.691
90; 111.21; 90
987.6Chen, Zili; Zhang, Yu-Xin; Wang, Ya-Hui; Zhu, Li-Li; Liu, Heng; Li, Xiao-Xiao; Guo, Lin
Gold catalyzed diastereoselective cascade allylation/enyne cycloisomerization to construct densely functionalized oxygen heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3468-3471
1503114 CIFC58 H68 Br4 O7P 1 21 119.335; 7.4272; 20.267
90; 104.272; 90
2820.6Shenvi, Ryan A.; Corey, E. J.
Synthetic access to bent polycycles by cation-pi cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3548-3551
1503151 CIFC18 H15 Br O2P 1 21 113.5681; 8.1292; 15.1521
90; 107.156; 90
1596.88Yu, Jie; Chen, Wei-Jie; Gong, Liu-Zhu
Kinetic resolution of racemic 2,3-allenoates by organocatalytic asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4050-4053
1503157 CIFC21 H33 N3 O5 S SiP 1 21 17.6795; 8.1287; 21.2564
90; 99.965; 90
1306.9Kelley, Brandon T.; Joullié, Madeleine M
Ring opening of a trisubstituted aziridine with amines: regio- and stereoselective formation of substituted 1,2-diamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4244-4247
1503159 CIFC19 H28 N2 O5 S SiP 1 21 17.2155; 7.3686; 21.8244
90; 91.207; 90
1160.11Kelley, Brandon T.; Joullié, Madeleine M
Ring opening of a trisubstituted aziridine with amines: regio- and stereoselective formation of substituted 1,2-diamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4244-4247
1503162 CIFC124 H106 N8 O9P 1 21 120.312; 9.5308; 26.2849
90; 107.355; 90
4856.8Wiedner, Susan D.; Vedejs, Edwin
Aziridinomitosanes via lactam cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4030-4033
1503185 CIFC22 H25 N O2 SP 1 21 15.437; 16.067; 11.335
90; 96.72; 90
983.4Sabala, Rocío; Hernández-García, Luis; Ortiz, Aurelio; Romero, Moisés; Olivo, Horacio F.
Diastereoselective conjugate addition of organocuprates to chiral N-enoyl oxazolidinethiones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4268-4270
1503187 CIFC16 H15 Cl N2 OP 1 21 19.71; 16.275; 17.801
90; 92.955; 90
2809.4Shintani, Ryo; Soh, Ying-Teck; Hayashi, Tamio
Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric arylation of azomethine imines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4106-4109
1503234 CIFC232 H264 N4 O27 P4P 1 21 19.59; 16.381; 32.198
90; 96.45; 90
5026.1Herbert, Simon A.; Arnott, Gareth E.
Synthesis of inherently chiral calix[4]arenes: stereocontrol through ligand choice.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4600-4603
1503241 CIFC52 H88 F12 O2 P4 Rh2 Sb2P 1 21 19.3013; 17.9217; 18.9114
90; 101.888; 90
3084.8Tamura, Ken; Sugiya, Masashi; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Yanagisawa, Akira; Imamoto, Tsuneo
Enantiopure 1,2-bis(tert-butylmethylphosphino)benzene as a highly efficient ligand in rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4400-4403
1503270 CIFC15 H21 Cl O4P 1 21 111.152; 20.0693; 15.1565
90; 111.331; 90
3159.8Genna, Douglas T.; Hencken, Christopher P.; Siegler, Maxime A.; Posner, Gary H.
α-Chloro-β,γ-ethylenic esters: enantiocontrolled synthesis and substitutions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4694-4697
1503275 CIFC30 H34 O5P 1 21 16.5752; 17.504; 10.7096
90; 90.862; 90
1232.5Shao, Meng; Wang, Ying; Liu, Zhong; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Cao, Hui-Hui; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Fan, Chun-Lin; Zhang, Xiao-Qi; Chen, He-Ru; Yao, Xin-Sheng; Ye, Wen-Cai
Psiguadials A and B, two novel meroterpenoids with unusual skeletons from the leaves of Psidium guajava.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5040-5043
1503277 CIFC24 H20 Br F3 O2P 1 21 18.90935; 21.6684; 11.1899
90; 91.493; 90
2159.49Kawai, Hiroyuki; Tachi, Kentaro; Tokunaga, Etsuko; Shiro, Motoo; Shibata, Norio
Cinchona alkaloid-catalyzed asymmetric trifluoromethylation of alkynyl ketones with trimethylsilyl trifluoromethane.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5104-5107
1503290 CIFC18 H21 Br O4P 1 21 19.91; 6.3413; 28.512
90; 96.138; 90
1781.5Yang, Juanjuan; Li, Wenjun; Jin, Zhichao; Liang, Xinmiao; Ye, Jinxing
Enantioselective Michael reaction of α-alkyl-β-keto esters and enones under multifunctional catalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5218-5221
1503315 CIFC23 H35 O9P 1 21 113.019; 8.5252; 21.5504
90; 101.807; 90
2341.26Afarinkia, Kamyar; Haji Abdullahi, Mohamed; Scowen, Ian J.
A synthesis of carbasugar-sugar pseudodisaccharides via a cycloaddition-cycloreversion reaction of 2H-pyran-2-ones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5564-5566
1503331 CIFC24 H22 Cl2 F3 N O3P 1 21 112.899; 6.511; 15.349
90; 112.318; 90
1192.5Aikawa, Kohsuke; Hioki, Yūta; Mikami, Koichi
Highly enantioselective alkynylation of trifluoropyruvate with alkynylsilanes catalyzed by the BINAP-Pd complex: access to α-trifluoromethyl-substituted tertiary alcohols.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5716-5719
1503332 CIFC19 H17 Cl N2 O6P 1 21 18.3959; 20.777; 11.9679
90; 105.102; 90
2015.6Zhang, Fu-Gen; Yang, Qing-Qing; Xuan, Jun; Lu, Hai-Hua; Duan, Shu-Wen; Chen, Jia-Rong; Xiao, Wen-Jing
Enantioselective conjugate addition of oximes to trisubstituted β-nitroacrylates: an organocatalytic approach to β(2,2)-amino acid derivatives.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5636-5639
1503354 CIFC44 H58 N4 O2 P2P 1 21 18.4417; 16.4362; 16.0375
90; 103.244; 90
2166.01Popovici, Cristinel; Oña-Burgos, Pascual; Fernández, Ignacio; Roces, Laura; García-Granda, Santiago; Iglesias, María José; López Ortiz, Fernando
Enantioselective desymmetrization of diphenylphosphinamides via (-)-sparteine-mediated ortho-lithiation. Synthesis of P-chiral ligands.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 428-431
1503366 CIFC22 H24 O5P 1 21 112.166; 11.814; 13.814
90; 106.863; 90
1900.1Bow, William F.; Basak, Ashok K.; Jolit, Anais; Vicic, David A.; Tius, Marcus A.
Enamine-iminium ion Nazarov cyclization of alpha-ketoenones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 440-443
1503376 CIFC22 H18 Au Cl N O2 PP 1 21 17.3489; 15.339; 9.154
90; 98.337; 90
1021González, Ana Z; Toste, F. Dean
Gold(I)-catalyzed enantioselective [4 + 2]-cycloaddition of allene-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 200-203
1503437 CIFC11 H12 Br N O3P 1 21 110.6835; 8.7762; 12.7768
90; 97.709; 90
1187.13Xiao, Jian; Xu, Feng-Xia; Lu, Yun-Peng; Loh, Teck-Peng
Chemzymes: a new class of structurally rigid tricyclic amphibian organocatalyst inspired by natural product.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1220-1223
1503447 CIFC25 H36 O4P 1 21 17.4731; 11.0807; 13.9955
90; 105.044; 90
1119.21Daoust, Julie; Fontana, Angelo; Merchant, Catherine E.; de Voogd, Nicole J.; Patrick, Brian O.; Kieffer, Timothy J.; Andersen, Raymond J.
Ansellone A, a sesterterpenoid isolated from the nudibranch Cadlina luteromarginata and the sponge Phorbas sp., activates the cAMP signaling pathway.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3208-3211
1503454 CIFC25 H22 N2 O4P 1 21 16.2608; 27.9762; 11.5615
89.99; 90.002; 89.995
2025.04Zhang, Hankun; Tückmantel, Werner; Eaton, J. Brek; Yuen, Po-Wai; Yu, Li-Fang; Bajjuri, Krishna Mohan; Fedolak, Allison; Wang, Daguang; Ghavami, Afshin; Caldarone, Barbara; Paterson, Neil E.; Lowe, David A.; Brunner, Daniela; Lukas, Ronald J.; Kozikowski, Alan P.
Chemistry and Behavioral Studies Identify Chiral Cyclopropanes as Selective α4β2-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Partial Agonists Exhibiting an Antidepressant Profile.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2012, 55, 717-724
1503459 CIFC21 H18 O5P 1 21 18.90851; 15.3789; 12.3961
90; 102.989; 90
1654.85Fukai, Miyuki; Tsukada, Mariko; Miki, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Toshihiro; Sugita, Takashi; Kinoshita, Kaoru; Takahashi, Kunio; Shiro, Motoo; Koyama, Kiyotaka
Hypoxylonols C-F, Benzo[j]fluoranthenes from Hypoxylon truncatum.
Journal of natural products, 2012, 75, 22-25
1503461 CIFC21.25 H20.69 O6.1P 1 21 18.4841; 35.0879; 12.7693
90; 109.561; 90
3581.9Fukai, Miyuki; Tsukada, Mariko; Miki, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Toshihiro; Sugita, Takashi; Kinoshita, Kaoru; Takahashi, Kunio; Shiro, Motoo; Koyama, Kiyotaka
Hypoxylonols C-F, Benzo[j]fluoranthenes from Hypoxylon truncatum
Journal of natural products, 2012, 75, 22-25
1503462 CIFC20 H16 O5P 1 21 15.205; 18.0275; 8.0225
90; 92.299; 90
752.17Fukai, Miyuki; Tsukada, Mariko; Miki, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Toshihiro; Sugita, Takashi; Kinoshita, Kaoru; Takahashi, Kunio; Shiro, Motoo; Koyama, Kiyotaka
Hypoxylonols C-F, Benzo[j]fluoranthenes from Hypoxylon truncatum.
Journal of natural products, 2012, 75, 22-25
1503467 CIFC25 H26 N2 O5P 1 21 110.9243; 7.6452; 13.624
90; 92.005; 90
1137.2Edwankar, Rahul V.; Edwankar, Chitra R.; Namjoshi, Ojas A.; Deschamps, Jeffrey R.; Cook, James M.
Brønsted Acid mediated cyclization of enaminones. Rapid and efficient access to the tetracyclic framework of the strychnos alkaloids.
Journal of natural products, 2012, 75, 181-188
1503468 CIFC25 H26 N2 O5P 1 21 17.9956; 12.2939; 11.3263
90; 91.511; 90
1112.96Edwankar, Rahul V.; Edwankar, Chitra R.; Namjoshi, Ojas A.; Deschamps, Jeffrey R.; Cook, James M.
Brønsted Acid mediated cyclization of enaminones. Rapid and efficient access to the tetracyclic framework of the strychnos alkaloids.
Journal of natural products, 2012, 75, 181-188
1503470 CIFC16 H20 O8P 1 21 15.3587; 13.167; 11.052
90; 99.957; 90
768.1Zheng, Cai-Juan; Shao, Chang-Lun; Guo, Zhi-Yong; Chen, Jian-Feng; Deng, Dong-Sheng; Yang, Kai-Lin; Chen, Yi-Yan; Fu, Xiu-Mei; She, Zhi-Gang; Lin, Yong-Cheng; Wang, Chang-Yun
Bioactive Hydroanthraquinones and Anthraquinone Dimers from a Soft Coral-Derived Alternaria sp. Fungus.
Journal of natural products, 2012, 75, 189-197
1503478 CIFC68 H68 N2 O6P 1 21 19.824; 24.577; 12.167
90; 107.43; 90
2802.8Jierry, Loïc; Harthong, Steven; Aronica, Christophe; Mulatier, Jean-Christophe; Guy, Laure; Guy, Stéphan
Efficient dibenzo[c]acridine helicene-like synthesis and resolution: scaleup, structural control, and high chiroptical properties.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 288-291
1503511 CIFC64 H80 Cl2 Cu2 N4 O3 P2P 1 21 115.131; 11.066; 19.286
90; 101.158; 90
3168Osako, Takao; Panichakul, Duanghathai; Uozumi, Yasuhiro
Enantioselective carbenoid insertion into phenolic O-H bonds with a chiral copper(I) imidazoindolephosphine complex.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 194-197
1503519 CIFC40 H50 N2 O4P 1 21 110.26594; 9.75883; 17.96995
90; 98.0805; 90
1782.42Davies, Stephen G.; Lee, James A.; Roberts, Paul M.; Thomson, James E.; Yin, Jingda
Parallel kinetic resolution of acyclic γ-amino-α,β-unsaturated esters: application to the asymmetric synthesis of 4-aminopyrrolidin-2-ones.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 218-221
1503527 CIFC20 H22 N2 O6P 1 21 17.7364; 11.3727; 10.3702
90; 93.049; 90
911.12Hayashi, Ryuji; Ma, Zhi-Xiong; Hsung, Richard P.
A tandem 1,3-H-shift-6π-electrocyclization-cyclic 2-amido-diene intramolecular Diels-Alder cycloaddition approach to BCD-Ring of atropurpuran.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 252-255
1503530 CIFC18 H11 B F4 N2P 1 21 16.9618; 14.5124; 8.2473
90; 110.215; 90
781.92Broman, Søren Lindbæk; Petersen, Anne Ugleholdt; Tortzen, Christian Gregers; Vibenholt, Johan; Bond, Andrew D.; Nielsen, Mogens Brøndsted
A bis(heptafulvenyl)-dicyanoethylene thermoswitch with two sites for ring closure.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 318-321
1503532 CIFC10 H15 N O6P 1 21 17.7103; 13.3553; 11.7923
90; 100.094; 90
1195.5Aydillo, Carlos; Avenoza, Alberto; Busto, Jesús H; Jiménez-Osés, Gonzalo; Peregrina, Jesús M; Zurbano, María M
A biomimetic approach to lanthionines.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 334-337
1503538 CIFC10 H11 Br O2P 1 21 16.3; 8.992; 8.35
90; 94.468; 90
471.6Ginotra, Sandeep K.; Friest, Jacob A.; Berkowitz, David B.
Halocarbocyclization Entry into the Oxabicyclo[4.3.1]decyl Exomethylene-δ-Lactone Cores of Linearifolin and Zaluzanin A: Exploiting Combinatorial Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 968-971
1503539 CIFC10 H11 Br O2P 1 21 16.343; 9.068; 8.4
90; 94.432; 90
481.7Ginotra, Sandeep K.; Friest, Jacob A.; Berkowitz, David B.
Halocarbocyclization Entry into the Oxabicyclo[4.3.1]decyl Exomethylene-δ-Lactone Cores of Linearifolin and Zaluzanin A: Exploiting Combinatorial Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 968-971
1503559 CIFC16 H17 N O7P 1 21 16.8478; 6.6488; 17.2236
90; 90.252; 90
784.18Norsikian, Stéphanie; Soulé, Jean-François; Cannillo, Alexandre; Guillot, Régis; Dau, Marie-Elise Tran Huu; Beau, Jean-Marie
Remarkable stereoselectivity in intramolecular Borono-Mannich reactions: synthesis of conduramines.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 544-547
1503572 CIFC13 H12 O5P 1 21 16.8563; 8.0054; 11.0535
90; 102.385; 90
592.58Liu, Yu; Ma, Shengming
Benzofurans or Isochromenes via the Ring-Opening Cyclization of Cyclopropene Derivatives with Organolithiums.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 720-723
1503583 CIFC18 H19 N O4P 1 21 111.241; 6.823; 11.298
90; 117.314; 90
769.9Xu, Silong; Chen, Rongshun; Qin, Zifeng; Wu, Guiping; He, Zhengjie
Divergent amine-catalyzed [4 + 2] annulation of morita-baylis-hillman allylic acetates with electron-deficient alkenes.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 996-999
1503606 CIFC32 H42 N4 O5P 1 21 110.7803; 9.3194; 15.7897
90; 107.214; 90
1515.27André, Christophe; Legrand, Baptiste; Deng, Cheng; Didierjean, Claude; Pickaert, Guillaume; Martinez, Jean; Averlant-Petit, Marie Christine; Amblard, Muriel; Calmes, Monique
(S)-ABOC: A Rigid Bicyclic β-Amino Acid as Turn Inducer.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 960-963
1503611 CIFC28 H27 N3 O3P 1 21 112.7522; 7.1242; 13.8104
90; 110.072; 90
1178.46Paul, Bishwajit; Butterfoss, Glenn L.; Boswell, Mikki G.; Huang, Mia L.; Bonneau, Richard; Wolf, Christian; Kirshenbaum, Kent
N-naphthyl peptoid foldamers exhibiting atropisomerism.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 926-929
1503614 CIFC16 H25 Cl3 N2 O5P 1 21 111.567; 6.2104; 15.2
90; 105.426; 90
1052.6Sankar, Kuppusamy; Rahman, Hasibur; Das, Pragna P.; Bhimireddy, Eswar; Sridhar, B.; Mohapatra, Debendra K.
Practical syntheses of proposed and revised manzacidin B and their congeners.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1082-1085
1503619 CIFC16 H25 Cl3 N2 O5P 1 21 111.454; 6.186; 15.081
90; 105.582; 90
1029.3Sankar, Kuppusamy; Rahman, Hasibur; Das, Pragna P.; Bhimireddy, Eswar; Sridhar, B.; Mohapatra, Debendra K.
Practical syntheses of proposed and revised manzacidin B and their congeners.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1082-1085
1503626 CIFC10 H16 F3 N O3P 1 21 19.28387; 10.7517; 11.9589
90; 94.002; 90
1190.8Romney, David K.; Miller, Scott J.
A Peptide-embedded trifluoromethyl ketone catalyst for enantioselective epoxidation.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1138-1141
1503664 CIFC17 H26 N2 O2P 1 21 16.6457; 10.369; 11.3174
90; 92.645; 90
779.04Fox, David J.; Reckless, Jill; Lingard, Hannah; Warren, Stuart; Grainger, David J.
Highly potent, orally available anti-inflammatory broad-spectrum chemokine inhibitors.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2009, 52, 3591-3595
1503666 CIFC11 H20 N2 O2P 1 21 111.4279; 9.9784; 16.245
90; 93.967; 90
1848.01Fox, David J.; Reckless, Jill; Lingard, Hannah; Warren, Stuart; Grainger, David J.
Highly potent, orally available anti-inflammatory broad-spectrum chemokine inhibitors.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2009, 52, 3591-3595
1503668 CIFC21 H24 O6P 1 21 19.7642; 8.0842; 11.694
90; 98.007; 90
914.1Li, Zheng; Zhou, Zhao-Li; Miao, Ze-Hong; Lin, Li-Ping; Feng, Hui-Jin; Tong, Lin-Jiang; Ding, Jian; Li, Yuan-Chao
Design and synthesis of novel C14-hydroxyl substituted triptolide derivatives as potential selective antitumor agents.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2009, 52, 5115-5123
1503679 CIFC20 H36 O4P 1 21 16.8213; 12.964; 11.3897
90; 104.69; 90
974.283Stavri, Michael; Paton, Alan; Skelton, Brian W.; Gibbons, Simon
Antibacterial diterpenes from Plectranthus ernstii.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 1191-1194
1503680 CIFC40 H38 N4 O5P 1 21 112.827; 20.944; 13.013
90; 90.26; 90
3495.9de Oliveira, Pollyanna Laurindo; Tanaka, Clara M. A.; Kato, Lucília; da Silva, Cleuza C.; Medina, Rebeca Previate; Moraes, Aline P.; Sabino, José R; de Oliveira, Cecília M A
Amaiouine, a cyclopeptide alkaloid from the leaves of Amaioua guianensis.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 1195-1197
1503681 CIFC13 H11 N3 O5 S2P 1 21 17.512; 6.6024; 15.97
90; 100.287; 90
779.3Park, Hyun Bong; Kwon, Hak Cheol; Lee, Chang-Ho; Yang, Hyun Ok
Glionitrin A, an antibiotic-antitumor metabolite derived from competitive interaction between abandoned mine microbes.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 248-252
1503682 CIFC10 H3 Cl6 N OP 1 21 18.74; 7.758; 9.939
90; 99.24; 90
665.2Hopp, D. Craig; Rhea, Joshua; Jacobsen, Daniel; Romari, Khadidja; Smith, Chris; Rabenstein, John; Irigoyen, Macarena; Clarke, Midori; Francis, Linda; Luche, Michele; Carr, Grant J.; Mocek, Ulla
Neopyrrolomycins with broad spectrum antibacterial activity.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 276-279
1503683 CIFC32 H40 O10P 1 21 116.991; 9.914; 19.319
90; 110.71; 90
3043.98Fang, Xin; Di, Ying-Tong; Li, Chun-Shun; Geng, Zhao-Liang; Zhang, Zhen; Zhang, Yu; Lu, Yang; Zheng, Qi-Tai; Yang, Shi-Yin; Hao, Xiao-Jiang
Tetranortriterpenoids from the Leaves of Cipadessa cinerascens.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 714-718
1503684 CIFC30 H48 O4P 1 21 17.691; 10.688; 16.499
90; 99.96; 90
1335.8Sang, Yi Shu; Zhou, Chun Yan; Lu, Ai Jun; Yin, Xiao Jin; Min, Zhi Da; Tan, Ren Xiang
Protolimonoids from Melia toosendan.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 917-920
1503693 CIFC11 H20 O2P 1 21 16.1288; 7.166; 12.816
90; 102.805; 90
548.9Jiang, Meng-Yuan; Zhang, Ling; Liu, Rong; Dong, Ze-Jun; Liu, Ji-Kai
Speciosins A-K, oxygenated cyclohexanoids from the basidiomycete Hexagonia speciosa.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 1405-1409
1503697 CIFC30 H46 O3P 1 21 112.37; 7.2582; 29.428
90; 98.411; 90
2613.7Chen, Wen-Hao; Qi, Huan-Yang; Shi, Yan-Ping
24-Hydroxyoleanane-type triterpenes from the aerial parts and roots of Oxytropis falcata.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 1410-1413
1503704 CIFC43 H52 N4 O7P 1 21 111.273; 12.2662; 13.8488
90; 110.912; 90
1788.83Zaima, Kazumasa; Hirata, Tomoko; Hosoya, Takahiro; Hirasawa, Yusuke; Koyama, Koichiro; Rahman, Abdul; Kusumawati, Idha; Zaini, Noor Cholies; Shiro, Motoo; Morita, Hiroshi
Biscarpamontamines A and B, an aspidosperma-iboga bisindole alkaloid and an aspidosperma-aspidosperma bisindole alkaloid, from Tabernaemontana sphaerocarpa.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 1686-1690
1503707 CIFC16 H12 O8P 1 21 17.9214; 10.7896; 8.7901
90; 104.961; 90
725.81Liermann, Johannes C.; Kolshorn, Heinz; Opatz, Till; Thines, Eckhard; Anke, Heidrun
Xanthepinone, an antimicrobial polyketide from a soil fungus closely related to Phoma medicaginis.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 1905-1907
1503708 CIFC19 H27 N O6P 1 21 16.557; 20.0101; 7.6041
90; 105.323; 90
962.24Vinale, Francesco; Flematti, Gavin; Sivasithamparam, Krishnapillai; Lorito, Matteo; Marra, Roberta; Skelton, Brian W.; Ghisalberti, Emilio L.
Harzianic acid, an antifungal and plant growth promoting metabolite from Trichoderma harzianum.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 2032-2035
1503709 CIFC18 H20 N2 O8 S2P 1 21 110.861; 6.3257; 13.029
90; 97.27; 90
887.9Guo, Huijuan; Sun, Bingda; Gao, Hao; Chen, Xulin; Liu, Shuchun; Yao, Xinsheng; Liu, Xingzhong; Che, Yongsheng
Diketopiperazines from the Cordyceps-colonizing fungus Epicoccum nigrum.
Journal of natural products, 2009, 72, 2115-2119
1503730 CIFC25 H23 Br N O3 P SP 1 21 19.291; 23.68; 11.16
90; 106.733; 90
2351.4Meng, Xiangtai; Huang, You; Chen, Ruyu
Bifunctional phosphine-catalyzed domino reaction: highly stereoselective synthesis of cis-2,3-dihydrobenzofurans from salicyl N-thiophosphinyl imines and allenes.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 137-140
1503742 CIFC17 H22 O3 SP 1 21 18.5959; 11.3682; 8.9482
90; 117.021; 90
778.97Mollat du Jourdin, Xavier; Noshi, Mohammad; Fuchs, P. L.
Designer discodermolide segments via ozonolysis of vinyl phosphonates.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 543-546
1503750 CIFC25 H28 N4 O3P 1 21 19.53356; 8.72657; 13.20228
90; 91.5371; 90
1097.97Simonovic, Stevan; Frison, Jean-Cédric; Koyuncu, Hasan; Whitwood, Adrian C.; Douthwaite, Richard E.
Addition of N-heterocyclic carbenes to imines: phenoxide assisted deprotonation of an imidazolium moiety and generation of breslow intermediates derived from imines.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 245-247
1503754 CIFC22 H21 Cl OP 1 21 116.428; 6.3139; 18.813
90; 106.092; 90
1874.9Denton, Justin R.; Davies, Huw M. L.
Enantioselective reactions of donor/acceptor carbenoids derived from alpha-aryl-alpha-diazoketones.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 787-790
1503758 CIFC55 H67 N5 O5P 1 21 19.3395; 10.0113; 26.2699
90; 95.589; 90
2444.6Han, Chong; Rangarajan, Sathish; Voukides, Alicia C.; Beeler, Aaron B.; Johnson, Richard; Porco, Jr, John A
Reaction discovery employing macrocycles: transannular cyclizations of macrocyclic bis-lactams.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 413-416
1503759 CIFC26 H30 N2 O2P 1 21 17.2454; 10.8673; 13.585
90; 93.327; 90
1067.85Han, Chong; Rangarajan, Sathish; Voukides, Alicia C.; Beeler, Aaron B.; Johnson, Richard; Porco, Jr, John A
Reaction discovery employing macrocycles: transannular cyclizations of macrocyclic bis-lactams.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 413-416
1503763 CIFC21 H21 Br O3P 1 21 15.996; 24.823; 12.835
90; 102.088; 90
1868Kaeobamrung, Juthanat; Bode, Jeffrey W.
Stereodivergency of triazolium and imidazolium-derived NHCs for catalytic, enantioselective cyclopentane synthesis.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 677-680
1503787 CIFC23 H25 Br N2 O3P 1 21 16.5763; 7.6247; 21.0655
90; 98.511; 90
1044.64Klausen, Rebekka S.; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Weak Brønsted acid-thiourea co-catalysis: enantioselective, catalytic protio-Pictet-Spengler reactions.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 887-890
1503792 CIFC66 H76 N2 O18 S4P 1 21 113.203; 12.335; 20.643
90; 100.89; 90
3301.4Geng, Mingwei; Zhang, Dechun; Wu, Xiangxiang; He, Lan; Gong, Bing
One-pot formation and characterization of macrocyclic aromatic tetrasulfonates.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 923-926
1503794 CIFC20 H22 O4P 1 21 16.121; 34.927; 8.13
90; 95.221; 90
1730.9García-Rubín, Silvia; Varela, Jesús A; Castedo, Luis; Saá, Carlos
6Pi e- versus 8pi e- electrocyclization of 1-aryl- and heteroaryl-substituted (1Z,3Z)-1,3,5-hexatrienes: a matter of aromaticity.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 983-986
1503800 CIFC65 H101 N8 O21.5P 1 21 117.6345; 19.8515; 19.6951
90; 93.955; 90
6878.3Nagano, Masanobu; Tanaka, Masakazu; Doi, Mitsunobu; Demizu, Yosuke; Kurihara, Masaaki; Suemune, Hiroshi
Helical-screw directions of diastereoisomeric cyclic alpha-amino acid oligomers.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1135-1137
1503801 CIFC51 H76 N6 O15P 1 21 111.742; 19.072; 23.416
90; 92.844; 90
5237Nagano, Masanobu; Tanaka, Masakazu; Doi, Mitsunobu; Demizu, Yosuke; Kurihara, Masaaki; Suemune, Hiroshi
Helical-screw directions of diastereoisomeric cyclic alpha-amino acid oligomers.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1135-1137
1503804 CIFC15 H18 N4 O3P 1 21 17.6675; 9.3748; 10.1892
90; 95.618; 90
728.89Liu, Gang; Romo, Daniel
Enantioselective synthesis of schulzeines B and C via a beta-lactone-derived surrogate for bishomoserine aldehyde.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1143-1146
1503805 CIFC39 H45 Br3 O8P 1 21 118.044; 5.7815; 19.613
90; 106.439; 90
1962.4Liu, Gang; Romo, Daniel
Enantioselective synthesis of schulzeines B and C via a beta-lactone-derived surrogate for bishomoserine aldehyde.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1143-1146
1503811 CIFC16 H23 N O3P 1 21 17.1643; 10.625; 9.4329
90; 97.123; 90
712.5He, Juan; Chen, Xuan-Qin; Li, Ming-Ming; Zhao, Yu; Xu, Gang; Cheng, Xiao; Peng, Li-Yan; Xie, Min-Jin; Zheng, Yong-Tang; Wang, Yi-Ping; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Lycojapodine A, a novel alkaloid from Lycopodium japonicum.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1397-1400
1503820 CIFC16 H17 N O2P 1 21 19.5546; 7.0091; 10.142
90; 111.6; 90
631.5Jo, Hyunil; Fitzgerald, Mark E.; Winkler, Jeffrey D.
An unusual pathway to cyclobutane formation via desulfurative intramolecular photocycloaddition of an enone benzothiazoline pair.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1685-1687
1503827 CIFC13 H12 N2 O8P 1 21 17.5881; 12.1836; 8.3715
90; 111.943; 90
717.88Xuan, Yi-Ning; Nie, Shao-Zhen; Dong, Li-Ting; Zhang, Jun-Min; Yan, Ming
Highly enantioselective synthesis of nitrocyclopropanes via organocatalytic conjugate addition of bromomalonate to alpha,beta-unsaturated nitroalkenes.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1583-1586
1503841 CIFC23 H18 Br Cl N2 O4P 1 21 18.7885; 5.201; 23.5047
90; 98.753; 90
1061.86Zu, Liansuo; Zhang, Shilei; Xie, Hexin; Wang, Wei
Catalytic asymmetric oxa-Michael-Michael cascade for facile construction of chiral chromans via an aminal intermediate.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1627-1630
1503864 CIFC29 H36 N2 O5P 1 21 113.216; 6.0877; 16.8483
90; 103.51; 90
1318.02Ghosh, Arun K.; Xu, Chun-Xiao
A convergent synthesis of the proposed structure of antitumor depsipeptide stereocalpin A.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1963-1966
1503870 CIFC23 H35 N O2P 1 21 15.2823; 15.4651; 13.0625
90; 100.723; 90
1048.46Buchner, Kay M.; Clark, Timothy B.; Loy, Janice M. N.; Nguyen, Thong X.; Woerpel, K. A.
Alkylidenesilacyclopropanes derived from allenes: applications to the selective synthesis of triols and homoallylic alcohols.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2173-2175
1503872 CIFC17 H16 Br N OP 1 21 16.708; 9.888; 11.794
90; 102.551; 90
763.6Hong, Liang; Liu, Chunxia; Sun, Wangsheng; Wang, Lei; Wong, Kwokyin; Wang, Rui
Organocatalytic enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation of 4,7-dihydroindoles with alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes: an easy access to 2-substituted indoles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2177-2180
1503876 CIFC24 H40 B2 O4 P2P 1 21 110.0669; 25.664; 10.9208
90; 111.079; 90
2632.7Morisaki, Yasuhiro; Imoto, Hiroaki; Tsurui, Kazuhiko; Chujo, Yoshiki
Practical synthesis of P-stereogenic diphosphacrowns.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2241-2244
1503890 CIFC29 H32 Cl2 O6P 1 21 115.8842; 8.8279; 18.5716
90; 95.747; 90
2591.1Chebny, Vincent J.; Navale, Tushar S.; Shukla, Ruchi; Lindeman, Sergey V.; Rathore, Rajendra
X-ray structural characterization of charge delocalization onto the three equivalent benzenoid rings in hexamethoxytriptycene cation radical.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2253-2256
1503898 CIFC12 H19 N4 O2.5P 1 21 111.0654; 7.8055; 14.9411
90; 99.899; 90
1271.3Kelly, Ann Rowley; Wei, Jingqiang; Kesavan, Sarathy; Marié, Jean-Charles; Windmon, Nicole; Young, Damian W.; Marcaurelle, Lisa A.
Accessing skeletal diversity using catalyst control: formation of n and n + 1 macrocyclic triazole rings.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2257-2260
1503925 CIFC24 H26 Br N O4 SP 1 21 19.2806; 9.818; 25.3589
90; 90.301; 90
2310.6Testero, Sebastian A.; O'Daniel, Peter I; Shi, Qicun; Lee, Mijoon; Hesek, Dusan; Ishiwata, Akihiro; Noll, Bruce C.; Mobashery, Shahriar
Regiospecific syntheses of 6alpha-(1R-Hydroxyoctyl)penicillanic acid and 6beta-(1R-hydroxyoctyl)penicillanic acid as mechanistic probes of class D beta-lactamases.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2515-2518
1503935 CIFC18 H26 N2 O5P 1 21 113.1001; 10.7849; 13.7862
90; 93.266; 90
1944.6Chen, Yunfeng; Zhong, Cheng; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Akhmedov, Novruz G.; Shi, Xiaodong
One-pot asymmetric synthesis of substituted piperidines by exocyclic chirality induction.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2333-2336
1503959 CIFC31 H30 F6 N2 O3P 1 21 19.5388; 14.56; 10.9484
90; 109.057; 90
1437.23Wen, Yuehong; Zhao, Baoguo; Shi, Yian
Cu(I)-catalyzed diamination of disubstituted terminal olefins: an approach to potent NK1 antagonist.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2365-2368
1503978 CIFC26 H27 N O4 S3P 1 21 17.9756; 12.987; 11.917
90; 95.938; 90
1227.7Spitz, Cédric; Lohier, Jean-François; Reboul, Vincent; Metzner, Patrick
Catalytic generation of cesium acetylide by CsF: synthesis of 1,3-benzothiazines from cyclic sulfenamides.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2776-2779
1504004 CIFC22 H27 N O5P 1 21 19.082; 11.525; 10.141
90; 104.82; 90
1026.1Gallier, Florian; Hussain, Hidayat; Martel, Arnaud; Kirschning, Andreas; Dujardin, Gilles
Hetero-Diels-Alder reactions of cyclic ketone derived enamide. A new and efficient concept for the asymmetric Robinson annulation.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3060-3063
1504017 CIFC28 H20 O2P 1 21 18.94; 10.89; 10.079
90; 95.4352; 90
976.8Zhang, Hongyu; Karasawa, Takashi; Yamada, Hiroshi; Wakamiya, Atsushi; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro
Intramolecular reductive double cyclization of o,o'-bis(arylcarbonyl)diphenylacetylenes: synthesis of ladder pi-conjugated skeletons.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3076-3079
1504023 CIFC18 H24 I N O2 SP 1 21 110.8791; 9.4754; 18.4279
90; 99.751; 90
1872.17Biradar, Deepak B.; Zhou, Shuangliu; Gau, Han-Mou
Direct asymmetric catalytic thienylaluminum addition to ketones: a concise approach to the synthesis of (S)-tiemonium iodide.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3386-3389
1504028 CIFC22 H23 N O3P 1 21 18.361; 8.6154; 12.8252
90; 97.499; 90
915.94Castaldi, M. Paola; Troast, Dawn M.; Porco, Jr, John A
Stereoselective synthesis of spirocyclic oxindoles via Prins cyclizations.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3362-3365
1504029 CIFC29 H25 Br F N O3P 1 21 110.6456; 8.2771; 13.6743
90; 96.302; 90
1197.63Castaldi, M. Paola; Troast, Dawn M.; Porco, Jr, John A
Stereoselective synthesis of spirocyclic oxindoles via Prins cyclizations.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3362-3365
1504031 CIFC15 H17 N O2P 1 21 18.5555; 7.8352; 9.566
90; 100.67; 90
630.16Zhang, Yun; Panek, James S.
Stereocontrolled synthesis of spirooxindoles through Lewis acid-promoted [5 + 2]-annulation of chiral silyl alcohols.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3366-3369
1504045 CIFC18 H14 Cl F3 O2P 1 21 16.2698; 7.4785; 17.432
90; 95.01; 90
814.2Wang, Xiao-Na; Shao, Pan-Lin; Lv, Hui; Ye, Song
Enantioselective synthesis of beta-trifluoromethyl-beta-lactones via NHC-catalyzed ketene-ketone cycloaddition reactions.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4029-4031
1504050 CIFC18 H15 N3 O3P 1 21 17.912; 7.392; 14.05
90; 104.92; 90
794Li, Guo-You; Yang, Tao; Luo, Ying-Gang; Chen, Xiao-Zhen; Fang, Dong-Mei; Zhang, Guo-Lin
Brevianamide J, a new indole alkaloid dimer from fungus Aspergillus versicolor.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3714-3717
1504073 CIFC13 H11 N O SP 1 21 15.8503; 8.4929; 10.957
90; 95.88; 90
541.55Cheng, Liang; Liu, Li; Wang, Dong; Chen, Yong-Jun
Highly enantioselective and organocatalytic alpha-amination of 2-oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3874-3877
1504110 CIFC22 H50 N8 O16P 1 21 18.0368; 16.0616; 11.7596
90; 100.562; 90
1492.26Semakin, Artem N.; Sukhorukov, Alexey Yu; Lesiv, Alexey V.; Ioffe, Sema L.; Lyssenko, Konstantin A.; Nelyubina, Yulia V.; Tartakovsky, Vladimir A.
Unusual intramolecular cyclization of tris(beta-oximinoalkyl)amines. the first synthesis of 1,4,6,10-tetraazaadamantanes.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4072-4075
1504114 CIFC24 H18 Cl2 O2P 1 21 16.797; 27.1487; 10.6266
90; 100.197; 90
1929.95Oswald, Claire L.; Peterson, Justine A.; Lam, Hon Wai
Enantioselective copper-catalyzed reductive Michael cyclizations.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4504-4507
1504120 CIFC27 H23 N O4 SP 1 21 112.7746; 5.8697; 16.037
90; 102.412; 90
1174.4Lu, Hai-Hua; Zhang, Fu-Gen; Meng, Xiang-Gao; Duan, Shu-Wen; Xiao, Wen-Jing
Enantioselective Michael reactions of beta, beta-disubstituted nitroalkenes: a new approach to beta(2,2)-amino acids with hetero-quaternary stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3946-3949
1504128 CIFC42 H52 N4 O3P 1 21 112.7151; 8.5294; 17.2463
90; 108.811; 90
1770.5Gan, Chew-Yan; Robinson, Ward T.; Etoh, Tadahiro; Hayashi, Masahiko; Komiyama, Kanki; Kam, Toh-Seok
Leucophyllidine, a cytotoxic bisindole alkaloid constituted from the union of an eburnan and a new vinylquinoline alkaloid.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3962-3965
1504148 CIFC22 H18 Cl2 OP 1 21 110.5484; 8.7351; 10.6236
90; 114.794; 90
888.64Ji, Yining; Riera, Antoni; Verdaguer, Xavier
Asymmetric intermolecular Pauson-Khand reaction of symmetrically substituted alkynes.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4346-4349
1504180 CIFC20 H20 O8P 1 21 16.547; 10.892; 12.418
90; 103.542; 90
860.9Geng, Chang-An; Zhang, Xue-Mei; Shen, Yong; Zuo, Ai-Xue; Liu, Ji-Feng; Ma, Yun-Bao; Luo, Jie; Zhou, Jun; Jiang, Zhi-yong; Chen, Ji-Jun
Swerilactones C and D, anti-HBV new lactones from a traditional Chinese herb: Swertia mileensis.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4838-4841
1504196 CIFC9 H12 O3 SP 1 21 17.6288; 5.445; 11.5547
90; 91.844; 90
479.72Majer, Jakub; Kwiatkowski, Piotr; Jurczak, Janusz
Highly enantioselective Friedel-Crafts reaction of thiophenes with glyoxylates: formal synthesis of duloxetine.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4636-4639
1504198 CIFC22 H27 N O7P 1 21 17.715; 15.086; 9.295
90; 96.54; 90
1074.8Balthaser, Bradley R.; McDonald, Frank E.
Brønsted acid-promoted glycosylations of disaccharide glycal substructures of the saccharomicins.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4850-4853
1504199 CIFC22 H27 N O7P 1 21 113.2879; 9.2997; 17.411
90; 100.194; 90
2117.57Balthaser, Bradley R.; McDonald, Frank E.
Brønsted acid-promoted glycosylations of disaccharide glycal substructures of the saccharomicins.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4850-4853
1504210 CIFC23 H22 Cl N O3P 1 21 110.185; 8.74; 12.189
90; 112.29; 90
1003.9Han, Bo; Xiao, You-Cai; He, Zhao-Quan; Chen, Ying-Chun
Asymmetric Michael addition of gamma,gamma-disubstituted alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes to nitroolefins via dienamine catalysis.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4660-4663
1504223 CIFC20 H28 N2 O5 SP 1 21 111.9221; 10.8903; 16.4113
90; 105.351; 90
2054.74Webster, Robert; Lautens, Mark
Conformational effects in diastereoselective aryne Diels-Alder reactions: synthesis of benzo-fused [2.2.1] heterobicycles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4688-4691
1504225 CIFC21 H23 N O4 SP 1 21 17.8477; 11.5372; 10.5434
90; 108.089; 90
907.42Webster, Robert; Lautens, Mark
Conformational effects in diastereoselective aryne Diels-Alder reactions: synthesis of benzo-fused [2.2.1] heterobicycles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4688-4691
1504227 CIFC18 H26 O2 SiP 1 21 15.9876; 7.3491; 19.9858
90; 97.689; 90
871.54Webster, Robert; Lautens, Mark
Conformational effects in diastereoselective aryne Diels-Alder reactions: synthesis of benzo-fused [2.2.1] heterobicycles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4688-4691
1504233 CIFC25 H32 N O4 SP 1 21 110.3654; 10.9898; 10.6563
90; 104.714; 90
1174.09Webster, Robert; Lautens, Mark
Conformational effects in diastereoselective aryne Diels-Alder reactions: synthesis of benzo-fused [2.2.1] heterobicycles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4688-4691
1504234 CIFC18 H26 O3P 1 21 16.7635; 13.1016; 9.4936
90; 99.898; 90
828.7Tseng, Yen-Ju; Wen, Zhi-Hong; Dai, Chang-Feng; Chiang, Michael Y.; Sheu, Jyh-Horng
Nanolobatolide, a new C18 metabolite from the Formosan soft coral Sinularia nanolobata.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5030-5032
1504241 CIFC23 H28 O3 SP 1 21 111.0848; 8.9222; 11.2461
90; 116.209; 90
997.9Hernández-Torres, Gloria; Urbano, Antonio; Carreño, M Carmen; Colobert, Françoise
Stereocontrolled generation of the (2R) chroman core of vitamin E: total synthesis of (2R,4'RS,8'RS)-alpha-tocopherol.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4930-4933
1504243 CIFC35 H27 Br Cl3 N O6P 1 21 115.8; 5.833; 18.339
90; 99.491; 90
1667Yu, Jie; He, Long; Chen, Xiao-Hua; Song, Jin; Chen, Wei-Jie; Gong, Liu-Zhu
Highly enantioselective catalytic 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition involving 2,3-allenoate dipolarophiles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4946-4949
1504266 CIFC21 H21 N O4P 1 21 112.2127; 6.0204; 13.4972
90; 112.925; 90
914Hong, Bor-Cherng; Jan, Rei-Hau; Tsai, Chih-Wei; Nimje, Roshan Y.; Liao, Ju-Hsiou; Lee, Gene-Hsiang
Organocatalytic enantioselective cascade Michael-Michael-Wittig reactions of phosphorus ylides: one-pot synthesis of the all-cis trisubstituted cyclohexenecarboxylates via the [1 + 2 + 3] annulation.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5246-5249
1504288 CIFC15 H16 O4P 1 21 15.0129; 8.5049; 15.8364
90; 93.115; 90
674.17Gharpure, Santosh J.; Shukla, Manoj K.; Vijayasree, U.
Stereoselective synthesis of donor-acceptor substituted cyclopropafuranones by intramolecular cyclopropanation of vinylogous carbonates: divergent synthesis of tetrahydrofuran-3-one, tetrahydropyran-3-one, and lactones.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5466-5469
1504295 CIFC16.5 H19 Cl3 N2 O PdP 1 21 19.712; 20.705; 9.816
90; 108.77; 90
1868.9He, Wei; Yip, Kai-Tai; Zhu, Nian-Yong; Yang, Dan
Pd(II)/(t)Bu-quinolineoxazoline: an air-stable and modular chiral catalyst system for enantioselective oxidative cascade cyclization.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5626-5628
1504296 CIFC20 H29 N O3P 1 21 16.872; 9.187; 15.595
90; 97.384; 90
976.4Wang, Xia-Chang; Zheng, Zong-Ping; Gan, Xian-Wen; Hu, Li-Hong
Jatrophalactam, a novel diterpenoid lactam isolated from Jatropha curcas.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5522-5524
1504305 CIFC19 H21 N O6P 1 21 19.293; 8.065; 11.846
90; 92.98; 90
886.6McGarraugh, Patrick G.; Brenner, Stacey E.
A new organocatalyzed Michael-Michael cascade reaction generates highly substituted fused carbocycles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5654-5657
1504346 CIFC19 H31 Cl3 N2 OP 1 21 110.3558; 6.8232; 14.7816
90; 94.469; 90
1041.29Mahaney, Paige E.; Gavrin, Lori K.; Trybulski, Eugene J.; Stack, Gary P.; Vu, T. An; Cohn, Stephen T.; Ye, Fei; Belardi, Justin K.; Santilli, Arthur A.; Sabatucci, Joseph P.; Leiter, Jennifer; Johnston, Grace H.; Bray, Jenifer A.; Burroughs, Kevin D.; Cosmi, Scott A.; Leventhal, Liza; Koury, Elizabeth J.; Zhang, Yingru; Mugford, Cheryl A.; Ho, Douglas M.; Rosenzweig-Lipson, Sharon J; Platt, Brian; Smith, Valerie A.; Deecher, Darlene C.
Structure-activity relationships of the cycloalkanol ethylamine scaffold: discovery of selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2008, 51, 4038-4049
1504356 CIFC15 H22 N2P 1 21 17.815; 22.2685; 8.2607
90; 102.73; 90
1402.26Druzhinin, Sergey I.; Dubbaka, Srinivas Reddy; Knochel, Paul; Kovalenko, Sergey A.; Mayer, Peter; Senyushkina, Tamara; Zachariasse, Klaas A.
Ultrafast intramolecular charge transfer with strongly twisted aminobenzonitriles: 4-(di-tert-butylamino)benzonitrile and 3-(di-tert-butylamino)benzonitrile.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 2749-2761
1504387 CIFC21 H28 O14P 1 21 111.67891; 21.3027; 20.2268
90; 93.4268; 90
5023.27Côte, Marie; Hughes, Colan E.; Austin, Talbir K.; Rogueda, Philippe G. A.; Pan, Zhigang; Harris, Kenneth D. M.; Griffiths, Peter C.
Characterization of a Polymorphic System Exhibiting Substantial Variation of Solubility in a Fluorinated Solvent
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112, 14570
1504445 CIFC20 H30 O5P 1 21 17.544; 6.066; 20.579
90; 99.92; 90
927.7Yan, Ren-Yi; Tan, Yong-Xia; Cui, Xi-Qiang; Chen, Ruo-Yun; Yu, De-Quan
Diterpenoids from the roots of Suregada glomerulata.
Journal of natural products, 2008, 71, 195-198
1504450 CIFC47 H55 Br O10P 1 21 110.1863; 14.2352; 14.5801
90; 97.652; 90
2095.3Tuchinda, Patoomratana; Kornsakulkarn, Jittra; Pohmakotr, Manat; Kongsaeree, Palangpon; Prabpai, Samran; Yoosook, Chalobon; Kasisit, Jitra; Napaswad, Chanita; Sophasan, Samaisukh; Reutrakul, Vichai
Dichapetalin-type triterpenoids and lignans from the aerial parts of Phyllanthus acutissima.
Journal of natural products, 2008, 71, 655-663
1504453 CIFC37 H45 N O5P 1 21 16.9588; 12.409; 18.863
90; 90; 90
1628.9Yang, Cheng-Hui; Cheng, Ming-Jen; Chiang, Michael Y.; Kuo, Yueh-Hsiung; Wang, Chyi-Jia; Chen, Ih-Sheng
Dihydrobenzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids from stem bark of Zanthoxylum nitidum.
Journal of natural products, 2008, 71, 669-673
1504454 CIFC12 H20 O8P 1 21 14.899; 14.244; 10.241
90; 92.81; 90
713.77Chai, Xing Yun; Song, Yue Lin; Xu, Zheng Ren; Shi, Hai Ming; Bai, Chang Cai; Bi, Dan; Wen, Jing; Li, Fei Fei; Tu, Peng Fei
Itosides J-N from Itoa orientalis and structure - anti-COX-2 activity relationship of phenolic glycosides.
Journal of natural products, 2008, 71, 814-819
1504464 CIFC36 H60 O10P 1 21 113.4595; 6.7872; 20.1461
90; 104.785; 90
1779.46Fu, Xiang; Li, Xing-Cong; Smillie, Troy J.; Carvalho, Paulo; Mabusela, Wilfred; Syce, James; Johnson, Quinton; Folk, William; Avery, Mitchell A.; Khan, Ikhlas A.
Cycloartane glycosides from Sutherlandia frutescens.
Journal of natural products, 2008, 71, 1749-1753
1504466 CIFC22 H34 O7P 1 21 19.2866; 12.216; 9.8166
90; 105.172; 90
1074.8Lu, Yi; Huang, Chiung-Yao; Lin, Yu-Fang; Wen, Zhi-Hong; Su, Jui-Hsin; Kuo, Yao-Haur; Chiang, Michael Y.; Sheu, Jyh-Horng
Anti-inflammatory cembranoids from the soft corals Sinularia querciformis and Sinularia granosa.
Journal of natural products, 2008, 71, 1754-1759
1504468 CIFC16 H16 O7P 1 21 18.0031; 17.5926; 10.8678
90; 107.005; 90
1463.24Opatz, Till; Kolshorn, Heinz; Thines, Eckhard; Anke, Heidrun
Ascomycones A-C, heptaketide metabolites from an unidentified ascomycete.
Journal of natural products, 2008, 71, 1973-1976
1504473 CIFC18 H26 O4P 1 21 18.5681; 9.8276; 9.9822
90; 96.726; 90
834.75Burns, Aaron C.; Forsyth, Craig J.
Intramolecular Diels-Alder/Tsuji allylation assembly of the functionalized trans-decalin of salvinorin A.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 97-100
1504506 CIFC22 H24 Cl N O3P 1 21 18.053; 13.987; 9.301
90; 95.53; 90
1042.8Zhang, Yan-Rong; He, Lin; Wu, Xu; Shao, Pan-Lin; Ye, Song
Chiral N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed staudinger reaction of ketenes with imines: highly enantioselective synthesis of N-Boc beta-lactams.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 277-280
1504510 CIFC32 H36 N O2 PP 1 21 118.6667; 8.2209; 18.7079
90; 104.9; 90
2774.33Burgos, Pascual Oña; Fernández, Ignacio; Iglesias, María José; García-Granda, Santiago; Ortiz, Fernando López
Phosphinamide-directed benzylic lithiation. Application to the synthesis of peptide building blocks.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 537-540
1504519 CIFC35 H46 B Cl N3 PP 1 21 110.1636; 12.53; 26.5187
90; 98.639; 90
3338.84Busacca, Carl A.; Lorenz, Jon C.; Grinberg, Nelu; Haddad, Nizar; Lee, Heewon; Li, Zhibin; Liang, Mary; Reeves, Diana; Saha, Anjan; Varsolona, Rich; Senanayake, Chris H.
Asymmetric hydrogenation of unsaturated ureas with the BIPI ligands.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 341-344
1504523 CIFC21 H26 N2 O4 SP 1 21 18.4058; 10.1945; 12.1967
90; 106.558; 90
1001.83Cochran, Brian M.; Michael, Forrest E.
Synthesis of 2,6-disubstituted piperazines by a diastereoselective palladium-catalyzed hydroamination reaction.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 329-332
1504543 CIFC32 H33 N3 O3P 1 21 18.1224; 11.7357; 14.3728
90; 99.554; 90
1351.04Fridkin, Gil; Lubell, William D.
2-vinylpyrroles and pyrrolo[3,2-d]pyrimidines from direct addition of aldehydes to 4-amino-pyrrole-2-carboxylate derivatives.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 849-852
1504582 CIFC31 H34 Cl2 N2 O2 S2P 1 21 110.4896; 16.0564; 10.5043
90; 115.511; 90
1596.7Zhu, Chen; Shi, Yun; Xu, Ming-Hua; Lin, Guo-Qiang
An efficient and versatile approach for optical resolution of C2-symmetric axially chiral biaryl dials. Synthesis of enantiopure biaryl-derived cyclic trans-1,2-diols.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1243-1246
1504583 CIFC24 H20 O4P 1 21 110.634; 6.6025; 13.996
90; 109.982; 90
923.5Zhu, Chen; Shi, Yun; Xu, Ming-Hua; Lin, Guo-Qiang
An efficient and versatile approach for optical resolution of C2-symmetric axially chiral biaryl dials. Synthesis of enantiopure biaryl-derived cyclic trans-1,2-diols.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1243-1246
1504610 CIFC22 H29 Br N2P 1 21 19.319; 5.5464; 19.6979
90; 96.756; 90
1011.05Maity, Prantik; König, Burkhard
Synthesis and structure of 1,4-dipiperazino benzenes: chiral terphenyl-type peptide helix mimetics.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1473-1476
1504611 CIFC17 H40 Br5 N4 O4P 1 21 114.3614; 6.9622; 14.6044
90; 108.42; 90
1385.43Maity, Prantik; König, Burkhard
Synthesis and structure of 1,4-dipiperazino benzenes: chiral terphenyl-type peptide helix mimetics.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1473-1476
1504613 CIFC8 H16 Cl2 N4 O2P 1 21 16.779; 6.6026; 13.2443
90; 91.483; 90
592.6Oliva, Ana I.; Christmann, Ute; Font, Daniel; Cuevas, Félix; Ballester, Pablo; Buschmann, Helmut; Torrens, Antoni; Yenes, Susana; Pericàs, Miquel A
Intramolecular azide-alkyne cycloaddition for the fast assembly of structurally diverse, tricyclic 1,2,3-triazoles.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1617-1619
1504638 CIFC22 H28 I2 O6P 1 21 112.519; 10.3339; 19.227
90; 94.307; 90
2480.4Zhang, Weidong; Baranczak, Aleksandra; Sulikowski, Gary A.
Stereocontrolled assembly of the C3/C3' dideoxy core of lomaiviticin A/B and congeners.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1939-1941
1504640 CIFC34 H28 OP 1 21 110.5143; 23.392; 10.5182
90; 106.571; 90
2479.5Lu, Jian-Mei; Shi, Min
LDA-mediated selective addition reaction of vinylidenecyclopropanes with aldehydes, ketones, and enones: facile synthesis of vinylcyclopropenes, allenols, and 1,3-enynes.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1943-1946
1504674 CIFC33 H35 N3 O11 SP 1 21 17.5429; 12.175; 18.83
90; 98.485; 90
1710.3Deng, Haibing; Yang, Xiaobao; Tong, Zhaolong; Li, Zhong; Zhai, Hongbin
Expedient synthesis of the tetracyclic core of ent-nakadomarin A.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1791-1793
1504690 CIFC18 H22 Br N O6P 1 21 18.2367; 13.9546; 8.6506
90; 107.225; 90
949.7Tan, Bin; Chua, Pei Juan; Li, Yongxin; Zhong, Guofu
Organocatalytic asymmetric tandem Michael-Henry reactions: a highly stereoselective synthesis of multifunctionalized cyclohexanes with two quaternary stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2437-2440
1504695 CIFC31 H28 Br O3 S2P 1 21 114.01; 6.504; 14.749
90; 99.9391; 90
1323.8Nakamura, Itaru; Sato, Takuma; Terada, Masahiro; Yamamoto, Yoshinori
Chirality transfer in gold-catalyzed carbothiolation of o-alkynylphenyl 1-arylethyl sulfides.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2649-2651
1504721 CIFC27 H31 Br N4 O3P 1 21 110.2311; 17.311; 14.641
90; 98.903; 90
2561.83Sibi, Mukund P.; Rane, Digamber; Stanley, Levi M.; Soeta, Takahiro
Copper(II)-catalyzed exo and enantioselective cycloadditions of azomethine imines.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2971-2974
1504729 CIFC18 H12 Br N O5P 1 21 19.87; 8.6195; 18.694
90; 91.75; 90
1589.6Zhou, Wen-Ming; Liu, Han; Du, Da-Ming
Organocatalytic highly enantioselective Michael addition of 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones to nitroalkenes.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2817-2820
1504731 CIFC21 H31 Cl N O6 PP 1 21 110.4863; 10.1556; 10.9469
90; 95.391; 90
1160.63Chen, Zhihua; Yakura, Kenichiro; Matsunaga, Shigeki; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct catalytic asymmetric Mannich-type reaction of beta-keto phosphonate using a dinuclear Ni2-Schiff base complex.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3239-3242
1504743 CIFC20 H24 Br N O SP 1 21 19.5271; 21.4263; 9.7891
90; 91.402; 90
1997.7Reddy, Leleti Rajender; Hu, Bin; Prashad, Mahavir; Prasad, Kapa
Asymmetric synthesis of homoallylic amines bearing adjacent stereogenic centers by addition of substituted allylic zinc reagents to N-tert-butanesulfinylimines.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3109-3112
1504750 CIFC18 H22 I N O2P 1 21 16.8697; 11.4506; 10.6918
90; 90.015; 90
841.04Esmieu, William R.; Worden, Stephen M.; Catterick, David; Wilson, Claire; Hayes, Christopher J.
A formal synthesis of (-)-cephalotaxine.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3045-3048
1504751 CIFC18 H21 N O3P 1 21 17.6125; 8.1308; 12.5485
90; 105.841; 90
747.2Esmieu, William R.; Worden, Stephen M.; Catterick, David; Wilson, Claire; Hayes, Christopher J.
A formal synthesis of (-)-cephalotaxine.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3045-3048
1504755 CIFC29 H32 N O P SnP 1 21 111.524; 9.198; 13.4063
90; 94.931; 90
1415.78Oña-Burgos, Pascual; Fernández, Ignacio; Roces, Laura; Torre-Fernández, Laura; García-Granda, Santiago; López-Ortiz, Fernando
Asymmetric deprotonation-substitution of N-Pop-benzylamines using [RLi/(-)-sparteine]. Enantioselective sequential reactions and synthesis of N-heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3195-3198
1504774 CIFC17 H17 N O3P 1 21 118.719; 7.5043; 20.494
90; 98.693; 90
2845.8Ishihara, Kazuaki; Nakano, Kazuhiko; Akakura, Matsujiro
Organocatalytic enantioselective Diels-Alder reaction of dienes with alpha-(N,N-Diacylamino)acroleins.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2893-2896
1504779 CIFC30 H44 O4 S5 Si2P 1 21 17.074; 13.714; 17.962
90; 100.071; 90
1715.7Suzuki, Yoshitake; Okamoto, Toshihiro; Wakamiya, Atsushi; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro
Electronic modulation of fused oligothiophenes by chemical oxidation.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3393-3396
1504781 CIFC24 H32 O3 SiP 1 21 110.896; 8.1258; 25.6367
90; 94.007; 90
2264.29Canales, Eda; Corey, E. J.
Highly enantioselective [4 + 2] cycloaddition reactions catalyzed by a chiral N-methyl-oxazaborolidinium cation.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3271-3273
1504793 CIFC20 H24 Cl N O7P 1 21 18.7123; 10.2062; 12.7578
90; 106.742; 90
1086.33Tan, Bin; Shi, Zugui; Chua, Pei Juan; Zhong, Guofu
Control of four stereocenters in an organocatalytic domino double Michael reaction: efficient synthesis of multisubstituted cyclopentanes.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3425-3428
1504796 CIFC25 H22 N2 O3P 1 21 112.95; 5.8187; 14.737
90; 114.73; 90
1008.6Zhang, Xuejun; Hsung, Richard P.; Li, Hongyan; Zhang, Yu; Johnson, Whitney L.; Figueroa, Ruth
A highly stereoselective synthesis of chiral alpha-amino-beta-lactams via the Kinugasa reaction employing ynamides.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3477-3479
1504798 CIFC22 H22 Br N O6P 1 21 111.0861; 7.6304; 13.1721
90; 98.224; 90
1102.79Tan, Bin; Chua, Pei Juan; Zeng, Xiaofei; Lu, Min; Zhong, Guofu
A highly diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of multisubstituted cyclopentanes with four chiral carbons by the organocatalytic domino Michael-Henry reaction.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3489-3492
1504799 CIFC23 H22 F3 N O6P 1 21 111.183; 7.6765; 13.2468
90; 98.116; 90
1125.8Tan, Bin; Chua, Pei Juan; Zeng, Xiaofei; Lu, Min; Zhong, Guofu
A highly diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of multisubstituted cyclopentanes with four chiral carbons by the organocatalytic domino Michael-Henry reaction.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3489-3492
1504811 CIFC38 H32 Cl2 N O2 P PdP 1 21 112.221; 9.025; 15.552
90; 99.129; 90
1693.6Zhang, Ting-Ke; Mo, Dong-Liang; Dai, Li-Xin; Hou, Xue-Long
Asymmetric ring-opening reaction of oxabicyclic alkenes with aryl boronic acids catalyzed by P-containing palladacycles.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3689-3692
1504813 CIFC30 H34.5 N2 O5.25 SP 1 21 110.6584; 9.087; 15.1023
90; 103.882; 90
1419.98Tian, Xu; Jiang, Kun; Peng, Jing; Du, Wei; Chen, Ying-Chun
Organocatalytic stereoselective mannich reaction of 3-substituted oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3583-3586
1504829 CIFC18 H14 O4 S3P 1 21 17.6034; 12.87; 9.4298
90; 110.788; 90
862.69Li, Xiaochuan; Ma, Yuzhen; Wang, Bingcai; Li, Gongan
"Lock and key control" of photochromic reactivity by controlling the oxidation/reduction state.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3639-3642
1504832 CIFC25.25 H32 N3 O5.25P 1 21 110.5997; 10.0573; 23.877
90; 97.594; 90
2523.1Imai, Yoshitane; Murata, Katuzo; Sato, Tomohiro; Kuroda, Reiko; Matsubara, Yoshio
2D layered supramolecular host system derived from a 21-helical column, composed of 1,2-diphenylethylenediamine and N-phenyliminodiacetic acid.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3821-3824
1504835 CIFC38 H52 N2 O12P 1 21 19.2012; 9.6796; 21.1948
90; 93.783; 90
1883.6Deng, Zhang-Shuang; Zhao, Yu; He, Cui-Cui; Jin, Jie; He, Yun-Mian; Li, Jian-Xin
pH-dependent, stereoselective dimerization of sinomenine.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 3879-3882
1504850 CIFC26 H41 N O15P 1 21 16.0684; 8.3967; 29.0292
90; 95.6566; 90
1471.97Watanabe, Toru; Hirai, Go; Kato, Marie; Hashizume, Daisuke; Miyagi, Taeko; Sodeoka, Mikiko
Synthesis of CH2-linked alpha(2,3)sialylgalactose analogue: on the stereoselectivity of the key Ireland-Claisen rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4167-4170
1504862 CIFC15 H30 O6 SiP 1 21 110.7957; 7.0119; 12.5382
90; 92.3999; 90
948.29Aho, Jatta E.; Salomäki, Elina; Rissanen, Kari; Pihko, Petri M.
Synthetic studies toward pectenotoxin 2. Part I. Stereocontrolled access to the C10-C22 fragment.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4179-4182
1504871 CIFC28 H20 P2P 1 21 18.0128; 21.296; 12.4433
90; 91.725; 90
2122.4Anderson, Brian J.; Guino-o, Marites A; Glueck, David S.; Golen, James A.; DiPasquale, Antonio G.; Liable-Sands, Louise M; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Platinum-catalyzed enantioselective tandem alkylation/arylation of primary phosphines. Asymmetric synthesis of P-stereogenic 1-phosphaacenaphthenes.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4425-4428
1504872 CIFC21 H36 O3 SiP 1 21 16.4028; 11.4281; 14.5733
90; 91.0892; 90
1066.16Austin, Kerrie A. B.; Banwell, Martin G.; Willis, Anthony C.
A formal total synthesis of platencin.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4465-4468
1504874 CIFC15 H22 O3P 1 21 16.2293; 16.5761; 6.7802
90; 107.302; 90
668.428Austin, Kerrie A. B.; Banwell, Martin G.; Willis, Anthony C.
A formal total synthesis of platencin.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4465-4468
1504893 CIFC24 H27 N O6P 1 21 111.0148; 15.6616; 13.2742
90; 91.291; 90
2289.34Vara, Yosu; Bello, Tamara; Aldaba, Eneko; Arrieta, Ana; Pizarro, José L; Arriortua, María I; Lopez, Xabier; Cossío, Fernando P
Trans-stereoselectivity in the reaction between homophthalic anhydride and imines.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4759-4762
1504896 CIFC19 H21.18 N O8.09P 1 21 18.5486; 16.0954; 12.7901
90; 92.8111; 90
1757.71Matveenko, Maria; Banwell, Martin G.; Willis, Anthony C.
A chemoenzymatic total synthesis of the structure assigned to the alkaloid (+)-montabuphine.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4693-4696
1504899 CIFC18 H32 Br N O4P 1 21 17.9067; 12.6246; 10.7306
90; 110.151; 90
1005.55Bridgwood, Katy L.; Tzschucke, C. Christoph; O'Brien, Matthew; Wittrock, Sven; Goodman, Jonathan M.; Davies, John E.; Logan, Angus W. J.; Hüttl, Matthias R M; Ley, Steven V.
Enantiopure 2-substituted glyceraldehyde derivatives by aza-Claisen rearrangement or C-alkylation of enamines.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4537-4540
1504903 CIFC11 H17 N O5P 1 21 16.9222; 8.7421; 10.5953
90; 103.477; 90
623.51Bridgwood, Katy L.; Tzschucke, C. Christoph; O'Brien, Matthew; Wittrock, Sven; Goodman, Jonathan M.; Davies, John E.; Logan, Angus W. J.; Hüttl, Matthias R M; Ley, Steven V.
Enantiopure 2-substituted glyceraldehyde derivatives by aza-Claisen rearrangement or C-alkylation of enamines.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4537-4540
1504916 CIFC30 H27 N O4P 1 21 18.9537; 11.9368; 11.6889
90; 100.554; 90
1228.2Chen, Jhih-Rong; Wong, Jen-Bing; Kuo, Pei-Yu; Yang, Ding-Yah
Synthesis and characterization of coumarin-based spiropyran photochromic colorants.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4823-4826
1504920 CIFC21 H18 F3 N O2P 1 21 18.5521; 11.1926; 9.6514
90; 90.428; 90
923.8Thillaye du Boullay, Olivier; Alba, Aurélie; Oukhatar, Fatima; Martin-Vaca, Blanca; Bourissou, Didier
(1-Naphthyl)(trifluoromethyl) O-carboxy anhydride as a chiral derivatizing agent: eclipsed conformation enforced by hydrogen bonding.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4669-4672
1504937 CIFC30 H41 N O3 SiP 1 21 111.02; 23.824; 12.159
90; 116.686; 90
2852.2Li, Gang; Hsung, Richard P.; Slafer, Brian W.; Sagamanova, Irina K.
Total synthesis of (+)-lepadin F.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4991-4994
1504938 CIFC50 H41 F12 N3 P4 PdP 1 21 110.8993; 22.6591; 20.3062
90; 104.897; 90
4846.4Nieto, Sonia; Lynch, Vincent M.; Anslyn, Eric V.; Kim, Hyunwoo; Chin, Jik
Rapid enantiomeric excess and concentration determination using simple racemic metal complexes.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5167-5170
1504949 CIFC56 H61 Cl N2 PdP 1 21 112.3227; 15.878; 13.5239
90; 113.169; 90
2432.67Luan, Xinjun; Mariz, Ronaldo; Robert, Carine; Gatti, Michele; Blumentritt, Sascha; Linden, Anthony; Dorta, Reto
Matching the chirality of monodentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligands: a case study on well-defined palladium complexes for the asymmetric alpha-arylation of amides.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5569-5572
1504950 CIFC59 H66 Cl N2 PdP 1 21 113.0136; 23.9021; 16.2196
90; 95.8913; 90
5018.5Luan, Xinjun; Mariz, Ronaldo; Robert, Carine; Gatti, Michele; Blumentritt, Sascha; Linden, Anthony; Dorta, Reto
Matching the chirality of monodentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligands: a case study on well-defined palladium complexes for the asymmetric alpha-arylation of amides.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5569-5572
1504963 CIFC14 H9 N5 O4P 1 21 113.7484; 5.8038; 17.2869
90; 90.155; 90
1379.37Liu, Yuxiu; Yan, Wuming; Chen, Yunfeng; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Shi, Xiaodong
Efficient synthesis of N-2-aryl-1,2,3-triazole fluorophores via post-triazole arylation.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5389-5392
1504976 CIFC18 H16 O4P 1 21 17.9159; 6.2842; 14.983
90; 93.66; 90
743.8Hu, Bao; Xing, Siyang; Wang, Zhongwen
Lewis acid catalyzed ring-opening intramolecular Friedel-Crafts alkylation of methylenecyclopropane 1,1-diesters.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5481-5484
1504979 CIFC15 H17 N O3P 1 21 15.7133; 8.3317; 13.9177
90; 93.992; 90
660.9Bonne, Damien; Salat, Lydie; Dulcère, Jean-Pierre; Rodriguez, Jean
Sequential organocatalyzed Michael addition/[3 + 2]-heterocyclization for the stereoselective synthesis of fused-isoxazoline precursors of enantiopure cyclopentanoids.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5409-5412
1504980 CIFC22 H30 O4P 1 21 16.1561; 10.6114; 14.3465
90; 90.572; 90
937.14Kürti, László; Czakó, Barbara; Corey, E. J.
A short, scalable synthesis of the carbocyclic core of the anti-angiogenic cortistatins from (+)-estrone by B-ring expansion.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5247-5250
1504983 CIFC15 H15 F15 N4 O6 S2P 1 21 19.4561; 12.914; 11.47
90; 109.58; 90
1319.7Lu, Changqing; VanDerveer, Don; DesMarteau, Darryl D.
Fluoroalkylation of imidazoles by hypervalent iodonium salts.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5565-5568
1504993 CIFC14 H20 O2P 1 21 15.985; 8.644; 12.082
90; 100.371; 90
614.8Avetta, Jr, Christopher T; Konkol, Leah C.; Taylor, Carla N.; Dugan, Karen C.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Thomson, Regan J.
Diastereoselective oxidative carbon-carbon bond formation via silyl bis-enol ethers.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5621-5624
1504994 CIFC15 H20 O2P 1 21 17.551; 9.856; 8.964
90; 97.69; 90
661.1Avetta, Jr, Christopher T; Konkol, Leah C.; Taylor, Carla N.; Dugan, Karen C.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Thomson, Regan J.
Diastereoselective oxidative carbon-carbon bond formation via silyl bis-enol ethers.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5621-5624
1505019 CIFC14 H19.5 Cl2 N Na O6.75P 1 21 19.554; 39.491; 9.8412
90; 90.729; 90
3712.75Llinàs, Antonio; Burley, Jonathan C.; Box, Karl J.; Glen, Robert C.; Goodman, Jonathan M.
Diclofenac solubility: independent determination of the intrinsic solubility of three crystal forms.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007, 50, 979-983
1505020 CIFC24 H39.5 Cl N8 O8.25 Pt SP 1 21 110.509; 31.892; 10.564
90; 117.63; 90
3137Guddneppanavar, Rajsekhar; Choudhury, Jayati Roy; Kheradi, Alexander R.; Steen, Bartlett D.; Saluta, Gilda; Kucera, Gregory L.; Day, Cynthia S.; Bierbach, Ulrich
Effect of the diamine nonleaving group in platinum-acridinylthiourea conjugates on DNA damage and cytotoxicity.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007, 50, 2259-2263
1505027 CIFC22 H29 N O6P 1 21 114.443; 5.797; 15.243
90; 115.4; 90
1152.9Saquib, Mohammad; Gupta, Manish K.; Sagar, Ram; Prabhakar, Yenamandra S.; Shaw, Arun K.; Kumar, Rishi; Maulik, Prakas R.; Gaikwad, Anil N.; Sinha, Sudhir; Srivastava, Anil K.; Chaturvedi, Vinita; Srivastava, Ranjana; Srivastava, Brahm S.
C-3 alkyl/arylalkyl-2,3-dideoxy hex-2-enopyranosides as antitubercular agents: synthesis, biological evaluation, and QSAR study.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007, 50, 2942-2950
1505029 CIFC22 H27 N3 O5P 1 21 16.6883; 5.6677; 27.611
90; 95.9; 90
1041.1Robins, Morris J.; Nowak, Ireneusz; Rajwanshi, Vivek K.; Miranda, Karl; Cannon, John F.; Peterson, Matt A.; Andrei, Graciela; Snoeck, Robert; De Clercq, Erik; Balzarini, Jan
Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of 6-(alkyl-heteroaryl)furo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2(3H)-one nucleosides and analogues with ethynyl, ethenyl, and ethyl spacers at C6 of the furopyrimidine core.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007, 50, 3897-3905
1505030 CIFC21 H24 N2 O5P 1 21 16.6665; 5.7707; 25.533
90; 95.15; 90
978.3Robins, Morris J.; Nowak, Ireneusz; Rajwanshi, Vivek K.; Miranda, Karl; Cannon, John F.; Peterson, Matt A.; Andrei, Graciela; Snoeck, Robert; De Clercq, Erik; Balzarini, Jan
Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of 6-(alkyl-heteroaryl)furo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2(3H)-one nucleosides and analogues with ethynyl, ethenyl, and ethyl spacers at C6 of the furopyrimidine core.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007, 50, 3897-3905
1505034 CIFC9 H17 N O4P 1 21 17.1718; 6.9079; 10.864
90; 107.338; 90
513.77Vyavahare, Vinod P.; Chakraborty, Chaitali; Maity, Biswanath; Chattopadhyay, Subrata; Puranik, Vedavati G.; Dhavale, Dilip D.
Synthesis of 1-deoxy-1-hydroxymethyl- and 1-deoxy-1-epi-hydroxymethyl castanospermine as new potential immunomodulating agents.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007, 50, 5519-5523
1505082 CIFC25 H38 N2 O SiP 1 21 19.9567; 7.9025; 15.4975
90; 102.025; 90
1192.63Busygin, I.; Tkachenko, O.P.; Nieminen, V.; Borokov, V.Yu.; Sillanpaa, R.; Toukoniitty, E.; Kustov, L.M.; Murzin, D.Yu.; Leino, R.
Interaction of Cinchonidine and 1-Phenyl-1,2-Propanedione on the Surface of a Chirally Modified Pt/Al2O3 Hydrogenation Catalyst
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111, 9374
1505085 CIFC28 H24 O2P 1 21 19.6751; 10.2214; 10.6522
90; 96.993; 90
1045.6Tong, Hui; Hong, Yuning; Dong, Yongqiang; Häussler, Matthias; Li, Zhen; Lam, Jacky W. Y.; Dong, Yuping; Sung, Herman H.-Y.; Williams, Ian D.; Tang, Ben Zhong
Protein detection and quantitation by tetraphenylethene-based fluorescent probes with aggregation-induced emission characteristics.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2007, 111, 11817-11823
1505116 CIFC28 H11 F18 N O2P 1 21 18.2269; 15.4634; 11.0881
90; 99.872; 90
1389.7Yu, Sze-Man; Berkefeld, Andreas; Göttker-Schnetmann, Inigo; Müller, Gerhard; Mecking, Stefan
Synthesis of Aqueous Polyethylene Dispersions with Electron-Deficient Neutral Nickel(II) Catalysts with Enolatoimine Ligands
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 421
1505133 CIFC16 H10 F5 I O4P 1 21 15.32; 8.24; 18.92
90; 96.93; 90
823Sakakibara, Ken; Nakano, Koji; Nozaki, Kyoko
Regioregular Polymerization of Fluorine-Containing Epoxides
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 6136
1505156 CIFC23 H19 N3 O2P 1 21 112.132; 5.2501; 14.966
90; 93.362; 90
951.6Fujii, Toru; Shiotsuki, Masashi; Inai, Yoshihito; Sanda, Fumio; Masuda, Toshio
Synthesis of Helical Poly(N-propargylamides) Carrying Azobenzene Moieties in Side Chains. Reversible Arrangement-Disarrangement of Helical Side Chain Arrays upon Photoirradiation Keeping Helical Main Chain Intact
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 7079
1505218 CIFC15 H16 O5P 1 21 17.34; 9.715; 9.555
90; 99.39; 90
672.2Fei, Dong-Qing; Li, Shi-Gang; Liu, Chun-Mei; Wu, Gang; Gao, Kun
Eremophilane-type sesquiterpene derivatives from the roots of Ligularia lapathifolia.
Journal of natural products, 2007, 70, 241-245
1505220 CIFC9 H14 O6P 1 21 18.7505; 5.1734; 10.6057
90; 98.682; 90
474.62Valladares, María Guadalupe; Rios, María Yolanda
Iridoids from Crescentia alata.
Journal of natural products, 2007, 70, 100-102
1505223 CIFC31 H53 N5 O11P 1 21 17.156; 30.155; 8.678
90; 103.888; 90
1817.9Huang, Huarong; She, Zhigang; Lin, Yongcheng; Vrijmoed, L. L. P.; Lin, Wenhan
Cyclic peptides from an endophytic fungus obtained from a mangrove leaf (Kandelia candel).
Journal of natural products, 2007, 70, 1696-1699
1505224 CIFC30 H49 N5 O9P 1 21 17.089; 28.71; 8.77
90; 103.606; 90
1734.8Huang, Huarong; She, Zhigang; Lin, Yongcheng; Vrijmoed, L. L. P.; Lin, Wenhan
Cyclic peptides from an endophytic fungus obtained from a mangrove leaf (Kandelia candel).
Journal of natural products, 2007, 70, 1696-1699
1505225 CIFC35 H48 O17P 1 21 110.8338; 12.2421; 14.0333
90; 96.445; 90
1849.5Yin, Sheng; Wang, Xiao-Ning; Fan, Cheng-Qi; Lin, Li-Ping; Ding, Jian; Yue, Jian-Min
Limonoids from the seeds of the marine mangrove Xylocarpus granatum.
Journal of natural products, 2007, 70, 682-685
1505230 CIFC32 H56 O11P 1 21 111.136; 11.655; 15.148
90; 90.617; 90
1965.9Socolsky, Cecilia; Asakawa, Yoshinori; Bardón, Alicia
Diterpenoid glycosides from the bitter fern Gleichenia quadripartita.
Journal of natural products, 2007, 70, 1837-1845
1505245 CIFC11 H19 N O4P 1 21 15.9407; 10.466; 9.3103
90; 90; 90
578.9Shing, Tony K. M.; Wong, Wai F.; Ikeno, Taketo; Yamada, Tohru
trans-acetonide controlled endo-selective intramolecular nitrone-alkene cycloaddition of hept-6-enoses: a facile entry to calystegines, tropanes, and hydroxylated aminocycloheptanes.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 207-209
1505250 CIFC18 H20 Br N3 O4P 1 21 15.51; 15.22; 10.76
90; 95.3; 90
898.5Suga, Hiroyuki; Funyu, Akira; Kakehi, Akikazu
Highly enantioselective and diastereoselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions between azomethine imines and 3-acryloyl-2-oxazolidinone catalyzed by binaphthyldiimine-Ni(II) complexes.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 97-100
1505261 CIFC20 H16 N2P 1 21 18.6574; 6.3454; 14.4396
90; 102.638; 90
774.02Liu, Yuanhong; Song, Zhiquan; Yan, Bin
General and direct synthesis of 3-aminoindolizines and their analogues via Pd/Cu-catalyzed sequential cross-coupling/cycloisomerization reactions.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 409-412
1505265 CIFC15 H20 Cl2 Ir N OP 1 21 17.2559; 13.5691; 8.4425
90; 109.208; 90
784.94Fujita, Ken-ichi; Tanino, Nobuhide; Yamaguchi, Ryohei
Ligand-promoted dehydrogenation of alcohols catalyzed by Cp*Ir complexes. A new catalytic system for oxidant-free oxidation of alcohols.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 109-111
1505269 CIFC42 H45 Cl3 O7 SP 1 21 111.1455; 15.2453; 11.5346
90; 95.8198; 90
1949.82Yakovenko, Anton V.; Boyko, Vyacheslav I.; Danylyuk, Oksana; Suwinska, Kinga; Lipkowski, Janusz; Kalchenko, Vitaly I.
Diastereoselective lower rim (1S)-camphorsulfonylation as the shortest way to the inherently chiral calix[4]arene.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1183-1185
1505278 CIFC10 H15 N O4P 1 21 17.241; 8.3118; 9.2383
90; 112.902; 90
512.18Shing, Tony K. M.; Wong, Wai F.; Cheng, Hau M.; Kwok, Wun S.; So, King H.
Intramolecular nitrile oxide-alkene cycloaddition of sugar derivatives with unmasked hydroxyl group(s).
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 753-756
1505279 CIFC13 H21 N O6P 1 21 17.1732; 7.1417; 14.467
90; 96.269; 90
736.7Shing, Tony K. M.; Wong, Wai F.; Cheng, Hau M.; Kwok, Wun S.; So, King H.
Intramolecular nitrile oxide-alkene cycloaddition of sugar derivatives with unmasked hydroxyl group(s).
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 753-756
1505280 CIFC18 H17 N O3 SP 1 21 17.6885; 13.6801; 8.0672
90; 106.725; 90
812.61Li, Hao; Wang, Jian; Xie, Hexin; Zu, Liansuo; Jiang, Wei; Duesler, Eileen N.; Wang, Wei
Chiral Diphenylprolinol TES ether promoted conjugate addition-aldol-dehydration reactions between alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes and 2-N-protected amino benzaldehydes.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 965-968
1505294 CIFC17 H19 N O6P 1 21 111.214; 5.672; 13.715
90; 105.745; 90
839.6Kotkar, Shriram P.; Chavan, Vilas B.; Sudalai, Arumugam
Organocatalytic sequential alpha-amination-Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination of aldehydes: enantioselective synthesis of gamma-amino-alpha,beta-unsaturated esters.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1001-1004
1505295 CIFC19 H14 N2 O2P 1 21 110.3024; 13.1964; 11.0369
90; 91.614; 90
1499.9Sliwinska, Anna; Czardybon, Wojciech; Warkentin, John
Zwitterion from a cyclopropane with geminal donor and acceptor groups.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 695-698
1505307 CIFC13 H20 O5P 1 21 19.091; 7.4742; 9.4591
90; 94.804; 90
640.47Clark, J. Stephen; Grainger, Damian M.; Ehkirch, Alexandra A.-C.; Blake, Alexander J.; Wilson, Claire
Synthesis of the fused polyether core of hemibrevetoxin B by two-directional ring-closing metathesis.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1033-1036
1505311 CIFC13 H16 O2 SP 1 21 19.2379; 9.1401; 14.956
90; 102.026; 90
1235.1Bernard, Angela M.; Frongia, Angelo; Guillot, Regis; Piras, Pier P.; Secci, Francesco; Spiga, Marco
l-Proline-catalyzed direct intermolecular asymmetric aldol reactions of 1-phenylthiocycloalkyl carboxaldehydes with ketones. Easy access to spiro- and fused-cyclobutyl tetrahydrofurans and cyclopentanones.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 541-544
1505321 CIFC14 H13 P SP 1 21 18.3368; 9.1981; 8.8279
90; 115.081; 90
613.1Brunker, Tim J.; Anderson, Brian J.; Blank, Natalia F.; Glueck, David S.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Enantioselective synthesis of P-stereogenic benzophospholanes via palladium-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1109-1112
1505331 CIFC25 H26 N2 O3P 1 21 121.557; 6.5449; 24.219
90; 111.723; 90
3174.4Antoline, Jennifer E.; Hsung, Richard P.; Huang, Jian; Song, Zhenlei; Li, Gang
Highly stereoselective [4 + 3] cycloadditions of nitrogen-stabilized oxyallyl cations with pyrroles: an approach to parvineostemonine.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1275-1278
1505339 CIFC12 H16 N2 O3P 1 21 18.1292; 5.7648; 12.434
90; 97.293; 90
577.98Guha, Samit; Drew, Michael G. B.; Banerjee, Arindam
A new molecular scaffold for the formation of supramolecular peptide double helices: the crystallographic insight.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1347-1350
1505340 CIFC8 H16 N2 O3P 1 21 111.1153; 5.4908; 16.1643
90; 91.345; 90
986.3Guha, Samit; Drew, Michael G. B.; Banerjee, Arindam
A new molecular scaffold for the formation of supramolecular peptide double helices: the crystallographic insight.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1347-1350
1505342 CIFC12 H16 N2 O3P 1 21 113.9345; 5.5848; 15.406
90; 92.408; 90
1197.86Guha, Samit; Drew, Michael G. B.; Banerjee, Arindam
A new molecular scaffold for the formation of supramolecular peptide double helices: the crystallographic insight.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1347-1350
1505345 CIFC13 H12 Br F3 O2P 1 21 15.707; 7.7939; 15.67
90; 99.496; 90
687.45Wang, Xiao-Jin; Zhao, Yan; Liu, Jin-Tao
Regiospecific organocatalytic asymmetric aldol reaction of methyl ketones and alpha,beta-unsaturated trifluoromethyl ketones.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1343-1345
1505373 CIFC16 H21 N O3 SiP 1 21 110.6408; 6.0649; 13.6002
90; 101.346; 90
860.54Koo, Bonsuk; McDonald, Frank E.
Fischer carbene catalysis of alkynol cycloisomerization: application to the synthesis of the altromycin B disaccharide.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1737-1740
1505389 CIFC31 H40 O11P 1 21 111.132; 12.407; 11.655
90; 107.67; 90
1533.8Huang, Sheng-Xiong; Li, Rong-Tao; Liu, Jing-Ping; Lu, Yang; Chang, Ying; Lei, Chun; Xiao, Wei-Lie; Yang, Li-Bin; Zheng, Qi-Tai; Sun, Han-Dong
Isolation and characterization of biogenetically related highly oxygenated nortriterpenoids from Schisandra chinensis.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2079-2082
1505390 CIFC29 H38 O12P 1 21 18.214; 15.608; 11.522
90; 90.982; 90
1477Huang, Sheng-Xiong; Li, Rong-Tao; Liu, Jing-Ping; Lu, Yang; Chang, Ying; Lei, Chun; Xiao, Wei-Lie; Yang, Li-Bin; Zheng, Qi-Tai; Sun, Han-Dong
Isolation and characterization of biogenetically related highly oxygenated nortriterpenoids from Schisandra chinensis.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2079-2082
1505393 CIFC22 H20 N2 O3P 1 21 110.483; 11.118; 15.144
90; 91.38; 90
1764.5Cai, Xiang-Hai; Du, Zhi-Zhi; Luo, Xiao-Dong
Unique monoterpenoid indole alkaloids from Alstonia scholaris.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1817-1820
1505396 CIFC19 H20 O3 SP 1 21 19.5518; 5.4857; 16.4179
90; 97.103; 90
853.67Li, Hao; Zu, Liansuo; Xie, Hexin; Wang, Jian; Jiang, Wei; Wang, Wei
Enantioselective organocatalytic double Michael addition reactions.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 1833-1835
1505398 CIFC21 H30 O9P 1 21 19.118; 19.012; 11.942
90; 93.65; 90
2066Niu, Xue-Mei; Li, Sheng-Hong; Görls, Helmar; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Hilliger, Matthias; Grabley, Susanne; Sattler, Isabel
Abyssomicin E, a highly functionalized polycyclic metabolite from Streptomyces species.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2437-2440
1505400 CIFC23 H28 O6P 1 21 112.67; 4.943; 17.744
90; 110.918; 90
1038Clark, J. Stephen; Conroy, Joanne; Blake, Alexander J.
Rapid synthesis of the A-E fragment of ciguatoxin CTX3C.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2091-2094
1505407 CIFC20 H23 N3 O14 S2P 1 21 17.9893; 27.158; 11.724
90; 93.637; 90
2538.7Knapp, Spencer; Abdo, Mohannad; Ajayi, Kehinde; Huhn, Richard A.; Emge, Thomas J.; Kim, Eun Ju; Hanover, John A.
Tautomeric modification of GlcNAc-thiazoline.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2321-2324
1505410 CIFC23 H16 Br2 F3 N OP 1 21 113.532; 5.4471; 15.2633
90; 113.234; 90
1033.82Denton, Justin R.; Sukumaran, Dinesh; Davies, Huw M. L.
Enantioselective synthesis of trifluoromethyl-substituted cyclopropanes.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2625-2628
1505411 CIFC18 H15 N O3P 1 21 19.46; 6.0405; 13.586
90; 108.872; 90
734.6Oppenheimer, Jossian; Johnson, Whitney L.; Tracey, Michael R.; Hsung, Richard P.; Yao, Pei-Yuan; Liu, Renhe; Zhao, Kang
A rhodium(I)-catalyzed demethylation-cyclization of o-anisole-substituted ynamides in the synthesis of chiral 2-amido benzofurans.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2361-2364
1505413 CIFC38 H66 O12 S Si2P 1 21 17.292; 17.7683; 17.7243
90; 98.805; 90
2269.4Kim, Youngsoon; Fuchs, Philip L.
Lactol-directed osmylation. Stereodivergent synthesis of four C-19,20 apoptolidin diols from a single allylic hemiacetal.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2445-2448
1505435 CIFC25 H21 Br O7P 1 21 113.937; 5.674; 14.021
90; 90.777; 90
1108.7Takikawa, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Keisuke
Modified chiral triazolium salts for enantioselective benzoin cyclization of enolizable keto-aldehydes: synthesis of (+)-sappanone B.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2713-2716
1505462 CIFC29 H26 Fe N O P SP 1 21 19.083; 9.104; 15.642
90; 102.6; 90
1262.3Cheemala, Murthy N.; Knochel, Paul
New P,N-ferrocenyl ligands for the asymmetric Ir-catalyzed hydrogenation of imines.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3089-3092
1505463 CIFC19 H18 O4P 1 21 18.0414; 11.4829; 8.497
90; 93.684; 90
782.98Song, Juan; Shen, Qi; Xu, Fan; Lu, Xiyan
Cationic Pd(II)-catalyzed enantioselective cyclization of aroylmethyl 2-alkynoates initiated by carbopalladation of alkynes with arylboronic acids.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2947-2950
1505473 CIFC45 H68 O9 SiP 1 21 113.2576; 26.161; 13.3645
90; 96.638; 90
4604.2Smith, 3rd, Amos B; Kim, Dae-Shik
The spirastrellolides: construction of the southern C(1)-C(25) fragment exploiting anion relay chemistry.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3311-3314
1505475 CIFC48 H60 N12 O4P 1 21 113.531; 13.512; 14.864
90; 115.449; 90
2453.9Columbus, Ishay; Biali, Silvio E.
The nucleophilic substitution route. A facile method for the fourfold functionalization of the methylene bridges of calix[4]arene.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 2927-2929
1505487 CIFC67.5 H105 Co F6 N2 O5 Sb Si2P 1 21 110.909; 14.832; 22.953
90; 99.361; 90
3664.4Hutson, Gerri E.; Dave, Apurva H.; Rawal, Viresh H.
Highly enantioselective carbonyl-ene reactions catalyzed by a hindered silyl-salen-cobalt complex.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3869-3872
1505489 CIFC18 H24 Br I O6P 1 21 19.3047; 33.0047; 13.9912
90; 91.6476; 90
4294.9Banwell, Martin G.; Kokas, Okanya J.; Willis, Anthony C.
Chemoenzymatic approaches to the montanine alkaloids: a total synthesis of (+)-brunsvigine.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3503-3506
1505502 CIFC15 H27 Cl N2 OP 1 21 17.319; 8.911; 12.178
90; 93.29; 90
792.9Pham, Van Cuong; Jossang, Akino; Chiaroni, Angèle; Sévenet, Thierry; Nguyen, Van Hung; Bodo, Bernard
Solution and crystal conformations of myrionine, a new 8beta-alkyl-cis-decahydroquinoline of Myrioneuron nutans.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3531-3534
1505508 CIFC24 H35 N O6 S2P 1 21 111.014; 10.562; 11.34
90; 100.35; 90
1298Guaragna, Annalisa; D'Errico, Stefano; D'Alonzo, Daniele; Pedatella, Silvana; Palumbo, Giovanni
A general approach to the synthesis of 1-deoxy-L-iminosugars.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3473-3476
1505530 CIFC17 H20 O4P 1 21 16.1272; 11.9338; 10.1958
90; 92.659; 90
744.72Cao, Chun-Li; Sun, Xiu-Li; Kang, Yan-Biao; Tang, Yong
Enantioselective formal [3+3] annulation for the direct construction of bicyclic skeletons with four stereogenic centers.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4151-4154
1505531 CIFC17 H19 Br O4P 1 21 17.0918; 10.3796; 11.126
90; 98.132; 90
810.8Cao, Chun-Li; Sun, Xiu-Li; Kang, Yan-Biao; Tang, Yong
Enantioselective formal [3+3] annulation for the direct construction of bicyclic skeletons with four stereogenic centers.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4151-4154
1505539 CIFC52 H72 Br N O4P 1 21 112.568; 16.286; 24.219
90; 99.468; 90
4890Xu, Zhen-Xiang; Zhang, Chun; Zheng, Qi-Yu; Chen, Chuan-Feng; Huang, Zhi-Tang
A new approach to enantiopure inherently chiral calix[4]arenes: determination of their absolute configurations.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4447-4450
1505540 CIFC64.5 H95 N3 O7.5P 1 21 113.7323; 13.6624; 32.8806
90; 96.449; 90
6129.9Xu, Zhen-Xiang; Zhang, Chun; Zheng, Qi-Yu; Chen, Chuan-Feng; Huang, Zhi-Tang
A new approach to enantiopure inherently chiral calix[4]arenes: determination of their absolute configurations.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4447-4450
1505542 CIFC17 H22 Br N3 O3 SP 1 21 19.5653; 18.264; 11.4924
90; 101.294; 90
1968.9Perl, Nicholas R.; Leighton, James L.
Enantioselective imidazole-directed allylation of aldimines and ketimines.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3699-3701
1505549 CIFC35 H54 O6P 1 21 111.5379; 10.6801; 13.8158
90; 100.801; 90
1672.3Korapala, Chandra Sekhar; Qin, Jun; Friestad, Gregory K.
Quinine synthesis studies: a radical-ionic annulation via Mn-mediated addition to chiral N-acylhydrazones.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4243-4246
1505562 CIFC40 H53 N O5 SP 1 21 112.2363; 6.9249; 21.8636
90; 91.375; 90
1852.08Harmata, Michael; Chen, Yugang; Barnes, Charles L.
Benzothiazines in organic synthesis. Stereoselectivity in the intermolecular Michael addition reactions of benzothiazines.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4701-4704
1505563 CIFC25 H32 N2 O4 SP 1 21 114.267; 7.619; 34.013
90; 91.388; 90
3696.1Harmata, Michael; Chen, Yugang; Barnes, Charles L.
Benzothiazines in organic synthesis. Stereoselectivity in the intermolecular Michael addition reactions of benzothiazines.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4701-4704
1505566 CIFC18 H24 N2 O8P 1 21 19.786; 10.0112; 10.4204
90; 107.503; 90
973.62Namiki, Hidenori; Chamberland, Stephen; Gubler, Daniel A.; Williams, Robert M.
Synthetic and biosynthetic studies on FR900482 and mitomycin C: an efficient and stereoselective hydroxymethylation of an advanced benzazocane intermediate.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5341-5344
1505583 CIFC14 H20 Cl N O8P 1 21 19.3175; 16.5043; 12.3112
90; 109.498; 90
1784.6Rawal, Girish K.; Kumar, Amit; Tawar, Urmila; Vankar, Yashwant D.
New method for chloroamidation of olefins. Application in the synthesis of N-glycopeptides and anticancer agents.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5171-5174
1505586 CIFC27 H30 Cl N O4P 1 21 112.532; 21.325; 19.032
90; 109.06; 90
4807Rawal, Girish K.; Kumar, Amit; Tawar, Urmila; Vankar, Yashwant D.
New method for chloroamidation of olefins. Application in the synthesis of N-glycopeptides and anticancer agents.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5171-5174
1505588 CIFC19 H31 N O3P 1 21 117.558; 5.4049; 20.711
90; 92.475; 90
1963.6Howard, Brett E.; Woerpel, K. A.
Synthesis of tertiary alpha-hydroxy acids by silylene transfer to alpha-keto esters.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4651-4653
1505595 CIFC25 H25 N O4P 1 21 110.4646; 7.4563; 13.8704
90; 101.473; 90
1060.64Su, Shun; Porco, Jr, John A
1,2-dihydroisoquinolines as templates for cascade reactions to access isoquinoline alkaloid frameworks.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4983-4986
1505648 CIFC9 H10 F3 N OP 1 21 17.2483; 5.7003; 10.8181
90; 94.877; 90
445.36Tur, Fernando; Saá, José M
Direct, catalytic enantioselective nitroaldol (Henry) reaction of trifluoromethyl ketones: an asymmetric entry to alpha-trifluoromethyl-substituted quaternary carbons.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5079-5082
1505660 CIFC45 H37 Fe N3 P2P 1 21 113.618; 10.383; 13.95
90; 116.34; 90
1768Fukuzawa, Shin-ichi; Oki, Hiroshi; Hosaka, Mitsuteru; Sugasawa, Jun; Kikuchi, Satoshi
ClickFerrophos: new chiral ferrocenyl phosphine ligands synthesized by click chemistry and the use of their metal complexes as catalysts for asymmetric hydrogenation and allylic substitution.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5557-5560
1505662 CIFC19 H29 N3 O7 SiP 1 21 113.1833; 6.6134; 13.7973
90; 109.32; 90
1135.19Batsanov, Andrei S.; Knowles, Jonathan P.; Lightfoot, Andrew P.; Maw, Graham; Thirsk, Carl E.; Twiddle, Steven J. R.; Whiting, Andrew
A novel, efficient, diastereo- and enantioselective Mukaiyama aldol-based synthesis of a vinyl cyclopentanone core derivative of viridenomycin.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5565-5568
1505663 CIFC14 H25 N O5 SiP 1 21 110.726; 8.1169; 11.027
90; 115.27; 90
868.16Batsanov, Andrei S.; Knowles, Jonathan P.; Lightfoot, Andrew P.; Maw, Graham; Thirsk, Carl E.; Twiddle, Steven J. R.; Whiting, Andrew
A novel, efficient, diastereo- and enantioselective Mukaiyama aldol-based synthesis of a vinyl cyclopentanone core derivative of viridenomycin.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5565-5568
1505664 CIFC27 H24 O6 SP 1 21 19.3539; 8.0181; 31.277
90; 97.27; 90
2326.9Lu, Ping; Ma, Shengming
Rh-catalyzed triple allene approach to bicyclo[4.4.0]decene derivatives and its application for the stepwise synthesis of steroid-like tetracyclic skeletons.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5319-5321
1505673 CIFC69 H71 N2 O11 S2P 1 21 117.36; 9.944; 18.696
90; 108.13; 90
3067.2Deng, Xiaohu; Liang, Jimmy T.; Liu, Jing; McAllister, Heather; Schubert, Carsten; Mani, Neelakandha S.
A Practical Synthesis of Enantiopure 7-Alkoxy-4-aryl-tetrahydroisoquinoline, a Dual Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor/Histamine H3Antagonist
Organic Process Research & Development, 2007, 11, 1043
1505675 CIFC13 H14 O5P 1 21 18.9778; 5.9703; 12.6038
90; 107.981; 90
642.57Gerhardt, Warren W.; Noga, David E.; Hardcastle, Kenneth I.; García, Andrés J; Collard, David M.; Weck, Marcus
Functional lactide monomers: methodology and polymerization.
Biomacromolecules, 2006, 7, 1735-1742
1505680 CIFC23 H30 O7P 1 21 18.8996; 12.0769; 10.5206
90; 90.695; 90
1130.67Luo, Weiming; Yu, Qian-Sheng; Kulkarni, Santosh S.; Parrish, Damon A.; Holloway, Harold W.; Tweedie, David; Shafferman, Avigdor; Lahiri, Debomoy K.; Brossi, Arnold; Greig, Nigel H.
Inhibition of human acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase by novel carbamates of (-)- and (+)-tetrahydrofurobenzofuran and methanobenzodioxepine.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2006, 49, 2174-2185
1505762 CIFC21 H21 N O3P 1 21 114.193; 7.299; 17.052
90; 95.895; 90
1757.2Sonoda, Yoriko; Goto, Midori; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Tamaoki, Nobuyuki
Fluorescence spectroscopic properties and crystal structure of a series of donor-acceptor diphenylpolyenes.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2006, 110, 13379-13387
1505763 CIFC27 H36 Cu N4 O11 S2P 1 21 17.89; 15.945; 13.063
90; 94.588; 90
1638.1Kondo, Atsushi; Noguchi, Hiroshi; Kajiro, Hiroshi; Carlucci, Lucia; Mercandelli, Pierluigi; Proserpio, Davide M.; Tanaka, Hideki; Kaneko, Katsumi; Kanoh, Hirofumi
Coordination symmetry-dependent structure restoration function of one-dimensional MOFs by molecular respiration.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 25565-25567
1505801 CIFC20 H28 O3P 1 21 16.2085; 9.7196; 15.606
90; 95.4; 90
937.6Huang, Ho-Cheng; Ahmed, Atallah F.; Su, Jui-Hsin; Chao, Chih-Hua; Wu, Yang-Chang; Chiang, Michael Y.; Sheu, Jyh-Horng
Crassolides A-F, cembranoids with a trans-fused lactone from the soft coral Sarcophyton crassocaule.
Journal of natural products, 2006, 69, 1554-1559
1505804 CIFC30 H50 O5P 1 21 112.911; 7.138; 15.565
90; 92.7; 90
1432.9Grougnet, Raphaël; Magiatis, Prokopios; Mitaku, Sofia; Loizou, Stella; Moutsatsou, Paraskevi; Terzis, Aris; Cabalion, Pierre; Tillequin, François; Michel, Sylvie
seco-Cycloartane triterpenes from Gardenia aubryi.
Journal of natural products, 2006, 69, 1711-1714
1505805 CIFC13 H12 O4P 1 21 19.7649; 4.8852; 11.8369
90; 99.31; 90
557.22Tuchinda, Patoomratana; Munyoo, Bamroong; Pohmakotr, Manat; Thinapong, Pongchan; Sophasan, Samaisukh; Santisuk, Thawatchai; Reutrakul, Vichai
Cytotoxic styryl-lactones from the leaves and twigs of Polyalthia crassa.
Journal of natural products, 2006, 69, 1728-1733
1505816 CIFC21 H24 Fe N O2 PP 1 21 111.2546; 7.2839; 23.607
90; 102.734; 90
1887.6Vinci, Daniele; Mateus, Nuno; Wu, Xiaofeng; Hancock, Fred; Steiner, Alexander; Xiao, Jianliang
Oxazaphospholidine-oxide as an efficient ortho-directing group for the diastereoselective deprotonation of ferrocene.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 215-218
1505825 CIFC14 H28 B F4 PP 1 21 17.9843; 13.9102; 15.4291
90; 91.059; 90
1713.31Brenstrum, Tim; Clattenburg, Julie; Britten, James; Zavorine, Serguei; Dyck, Jeff; Robertson, Alan J.; McNulty, James; Capretta, Alfredo
Phosphorinanes as ligands for palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling chemistry.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 103-105
1505843 CIFC10 H11 Br OP 1 21 17.7125; 5.1434; 11.7032
90; 102.305; 90
453.58Ros, Abel; Magriz, Antonio; Dietrich, Hansjörg; Fernández, Rosario; Alvarez, Eleuterio; Lassaletta, José M
Enantioselective synthesis of vicinal halohydrins via dynamic kinetic resolution.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 127-130
1505855 CIFC21 H17 Cr N O5P 1 21 17.72; 26.56; 9.43
90; 89.8; 90
1934Kamikawa, Ken; Kinoshita, Shunsuke; Matsuzaka, Hiroyuki; Uemura, Motokazu
Stereoselective synthesis of axially chiral N-C bonds in N-aryl indoles.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1097-1100
1505877 CIFC21 H20 F3 N O5P 1 21 117.779; 5.731; 9.827
90; 98.24; 90
991Shimada, Taichi; Yoshioka, Masamitsu; Konno, Tsutomu; Ishihara, Takashi
Highly stereoselective TiCl4-Catalyzed Evans-aldol and Et3Al-mediated Reformatsky reactions. Efficient accesses to optically active syn- or anti-alpha-trifluoromethyl-beta-hydroxy carboxylic acid derivatives.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1129-1131
1505878 CIFC26 H24 F3 N O4P 1 21 112.06; 10.836; 9.436
90; 104.83; 90
1192Shimada, Taichi; Yoshioka, Masamitsu; Konno, Tsutomu; Ishihara, Takashi
Highly stereoselective TiCl4-Catalyzed Evans-aldol and Et3Al-mediated Reformatsky reactions. Efficient accesses to optically active syn- or anti-alpha-trifluoromethyl-beta-hydroxy carboxylic acid derivatives.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1129-1131
1505894 CIFC15 H30 O3 SiP 1 21 17.215; 7.524; 16.782
90; 92.21; 90
910.3Helmboldt, Hannes; Köhler, Daniel; Hiersemann, Martin
Synthesis of the norjatrophane diterpene (-)-15-acetyl-3-propionyl- 17-norcharaciol.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1573-1576
1505895 CIFC8 H13 F3 N2 O SP 1 21 19.969; 10.816; 11.889
90; 112.1; 90
1187.7Wang, Hua; Zhao, Xiaoming; Li, Youhua; Lu, Long
Solvent-controlled asymmetric Strecker reaction: stereoselective synthesis of alpha-trifluoromethylated alpha-amino acids.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1379-1381
1505896 CIFC13 H15 F3 N2 O SP 1 21 19.2287; 8.0025; 10.3705
90; 90.623; 90
765.84Wang, Hua; Zhao, Xiaoming; Li, Youhua; Lu, Long
Solvent-controlled asymmetric Strecker reaction: stereoselective synthesis of alpha-trifluoromethylated alpha-amino acids.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1379-1381

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