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9017776 CIFAl6.75 B H0.75 O18 Si3P m c n11.828; 20.243; 4.7001
90; 90; 90
1125.36Moore, P. B.; Araki, T.
Dumortierite, Si3B[Al6.75[]0.25O17.25(OH)0.75]: a detailed structure analysis
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1978, 132, 231-241
9017777 CIFAl K O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.574; 13.006; 7.191
90; 116.07; 90
720.307Kimata, M.; Saito, S.; Shimizu, M.; Iida, I.; Matsui, T.
Low-temperature structures of orthoclase and sanidine Note: T = 121 K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1996, 171, 199-213
9017778 CIFAl K O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.6; 13.005; 7.193
90; 116.03; 90
722.883Kimata, M.; Saito, S.; Shimizu, M.; Iida, I.; Matsui, T.
Low-temperature structures of orthoclase and sanidine Note: T = 296 K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1996, 171, 199-213
9017779 CIFAl K O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.514; 13.018; 7.183
90; 116.03; 90
715.374Kimata, M.; Saito, S.; Shimizu, M.; Iida, I.; Matsui, T.
Low-temperature structures of orthoclase and sanidine Note: T = 121 K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1996, 171, 199-213
9017780 CIFAl K O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.534; 13.01; 7.176
90; 115.99; 90
716.159Kimata, M.; Saito, S.; Shimizu, M.; Iida, I.; Matsui, T.
Low-temperature structures of orthoclase and sanidine Note: T = 296 K
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1996, 171, 199-213
9017781 CIFAl1.69 Ca1.3 Fe0.67 H Mn0.67 O13 Pb0.73 Si2.96P 1 21/m 18.936; 5.697; 10.26
90; 114.12; 90
476.717Chukanov, N. V.; Varlamov, D. A.; Nestola, F.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Goettlicher, J.; Britvin, S. N.; Lanza, A.; Jancev, S.
Piemontite-(Pb), CaPbAl2Mn3+[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH), a new mineral species of the epidote supergroup
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 2012, 189, 275-286
9017782 CIFAs3 Ca Cu1.79 H1.4 Mg0.36 O12.7 Zn1.2C 1 2/c 112.6564; 12.7282; 6.9148
90; 113.939; 90
1018.1Schluter, J.; Malcherek, T.; Mihailova, B.; Gebhard, G.
The new mineral erikapohlite, Cu3(Zn,Cu,Mg)4Ca2(AsO4)6*2H2O, the Ca-dominant analogue of keyite, from Tsumeb, Namibia
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 2013, 190, 319-325
9017783 CIFAl1.282 Ca0.095 Fe0.018 Ga1.339 Ge0.36 H6 O14 P1.863 Pb0.905 S0.137R -3 m :H7.083; 7.083; 16.742
90; 90; 120
727.399Schluter, J.; Malcherek, T.; Mihailova, B.
Galloplumbogummite from Tsumeb, Namibia, a new member of the alunite group with tetravalent charge balance
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 2014, 191, 301-309
9017784 CIFCu4 H18 Mg0.672 O20 S2 Zn0.328P 1 21/c 15.6062; 6.1294; 23.834
90; 95.29; 90
815.511Schluter, J.; Malcherek, T.; Mihailova, B.; Rewitzer, C.; Hochleitner, R.; Muller, D.; Gunther, A.
Fehrite, MgCu4(SO4)2(OH)6*6H2O, the magnesium analogue of ktenasite from the Casualidad mine near Banos de Alhamilla, Almeria, Spain
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 2021, 197, 1-10
9017785 CIFFe0.2 Mg1.8 O4 SiP b n m4.759; 10.227; 5.995
90; 90; 90
291.778Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample Mo895
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017786 CIFFe0.2 Mg1.8 O4 SiP b n m4.764; 10.226; 5.991
90; 90; 90
291.862Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample 77IVBL11
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017787 CIFFe0.172 Mg1.828 O4 SiP b n m4.762; 10.231; 5.993
90; 90; 90
291.979Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample PB9
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017788 CIFFe0.226 Mg1.774 O4 SiP b n m4.762; 10.23; 5.996
90; 90; 90
292.097Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample Mo982
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017789 CIFFe0.238 Mg1.762 O4 SiP b n m4.766; 10.236; 5.999
90; 90; 90
292.66Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample 84AT7
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017790 CIFFe0.316 Mg1.684 O4 SiP b n m4.765; 10.245; 6.001
90; 90; 90
292.953Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample Mo454
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017791 CIFFe0.364 Mg1.636 O4 SiP b n m4.77; 10.253; 6.006
90; 90; 90
293.734Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample Mo940
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017792 CIFFe0.318 Mg1.682 O4 SiP b n m4.764; 10.24; 6.002
90; 90; 90
292.798Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample OLBC2
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017793 CIFFe0.3 Mg1.7 O4 SiP b n m4.766; 10.25; 6.005
90; 90; 90
293.353Bocchio, R.; Brajkovic, A.; Pilati, T.
Crystal chemistry of the olivines in the peridotites from the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Western Italian Alps) Note: Sample OLBC3
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1986, 7, 313-324
9017794 CIFS4 VI 1 2/c 16.775; 10.42; 12.11
90; 100.8; 90
839.769Kutoglu, A.; Allmann, R.
Strukturverfeinerung des Patronits, V(S2)2
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1972, 1972, 339-345
9017795 CIFCa4.9 Cl0.15 F0.75 Fe0.099 H0.1 O12.1 P3P 1 1 21/m9.3916; 9.3962; 6.8458
90; 90; 119.951
523.434Hughes, J. M.; Fransolet, A. M.; Schreyer, W.
The atomic arrangement of iron-bearing apatite
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1993, 1993, 504-510
9017796 CIFAl0.02 Ca0.568 Ce1.7 Fe1.2 La1.48 Mg0.015 Mn0.76 Nb0.09 Nd0.168 O22 Pr0.04 Si4 Ti2.935P 1 21/m 113.3722; 5.7434; 11.0862
90; 100.58; 90
836.966Chukanov, N. V.; Aksenov, S. M.; Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Gottlicher, J.; Britvin, S. N.; Mockel, S.
Christofschaferite-(Ce), (Ce,La,Ca)4Mn2+(Ti,Fe3+)3(Fe3+,Fe2+,Ti)(Si2O7)2O8, a new chevkinite-group mineral from the Eifel area, Germany
New Data on Minerals. Moscow, 2012, 47, 31-40
9017797 CIFAs0.926 Bi2 H O6 P0.074P 1 21/c 17.001; 7.432; 10.835
90; 107.06; 90
538.954Mereiter, K.; Preisinger, A.
Kristallstrukturdaten der Wismutminerale Atelestit, Mixit und Pucherit Note: structure determined after the paper was published
Oesterreische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematich-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 1986, 123, 79-81
9017798 CIFAl K O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.48; 12.97; 7.18
90; 115.98; 90
709.895Onorato, E.; Penta, M.; Sgarlata, F.
Struttura del Sanidino Note: Occupancies not provided, estimated using Kroll & Ribbe, 1983
Periodico di Mineralogia, 1963, 32, 1-34
9017799 CIFFe0.925 H14 Mg0.075 O11 SP 1 21/c 114.0751; 6.5014; 11.0426
90; 105.632; 90
973.109Mauro, D.; Biagioni, C.; Pasero, M.
Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). I. Crystal structure and hydrogen bond system of melanterite, Fe(H2O)6(SO4)*H2O
Periodico di Mineralogia, 2018, 87, 89-96
9017800 CIFAl2 B Ca1.3 H Mn1.7 O16 Si4P -17.165; 9.12; 8.947
91.9; 98.8; 76.9
562.721Basso, R.; Della Giusta, A.; Vlaic, G.
La struttura della tinzenite
Periodico di Mineralogia, 1973, 425, 369-379
9017801 CIFLiI m -3 m3.47851; 3.47851; 3.47851
90; 90; 90
42.09Berliner, R.; Fajen, O.; Smith, H. G.; Hitterman, R. L.
Neutron powder-diffraction studies of lithium, sodium and potassium metal Note: Body-centered cubic, T = 20 K
Physical Review, 1989, 12086-12097
9017802 CIFLiR -3 m :H3.101; 3.101; 22.7649
90; 90; 120
189.583Berliner, R.; Fajen, O.; Smith, H. G.; Hitterman, R. L.
Neutron powder-diffraction studies of lithium, sodium and potassium metal Note: Hexagonal closest-packed, T = 20 K
Physical Review, 1989, 12086-12097
9017803 CIFFe7 S8C 1 2/c 111.8656; 6.8482; 12.8958
90; 118.075; 90
924.584Powell, A. V.; Vaqueiro, P.; Knight, K. S.; Chapon, L. C.; Sanchez, R. D.
Structure and magnetism in synthetic pyrrhotite Fe7S8: A powder neutron-diffraction study Note: T = 11 K
Physical Review, 2004, 014415-014412
9017804 CIFFe7 S8C 1 2/c 111.9258; 6.8822; 12.9245
90; 118.015; 90
936.49Powell, A. V.; Vaqueiro, P.; Knight, K. S.; Chapon, L. C.; Sanchez, R. D.
Structure and magnetism in synthetic pyrrhotite Fe7S8: A powder neutron-diffraction study Note: T = 298 K
Physical Review, 2004, 014415-014412
9017805 CIFCr Fe0.003 O4 Pb0.997P 1 21/n 17.098; 7.41; 6.779
90; 102.4; 90
348.232Bandiello, E.; Errandonea, D.; Martinez-Garcia D; Santamaria-Perez D; Manjon, F. J.
Effects of high-pressure on the structural, vibrational, and electronic properties of monzanite-type PbCrO4
Physical Review, 2012, 024108-024110
9017806 CIFCl Cu2 H3 O3P n m a6.02797; 6.86383; 9.11562
90; 90; 90
377.158Zheng, X. G.; Mori, T.; Nishiyama, K.; Higemoto, W.; Yamada, H.; Nishikubo, K.; Xu, C. N.
Antiferromagnetic transitions in polymorphous minerals of the natural cuprates atacamite and botallackite Cu2Cl(OH)3
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter, 2005, 71, 174404-174408
9017807 CIFCl Cu2 H3 O3P 1 21/m 15.7165; 6.1182; 5.6283
90; 93.1161; 90
196.557Zheng, X. G.; Mori, T.; Nishiyama, K.; Higemoto, W.; Yamada, H.; Nishikubo, K.; Xu, C. N.
Antiferromagnetic transitions in polymorphous minerals of the natural cuprates atacamite and botallackite Cu2Cl(OH)3
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter, 2005, 71, 174404-174408
9017808 CIFAl7 Ca6 F0.87 O16I -4 3 d11.96269; 11.96269; 11.96269
90; 90; 90
1711.93Costa, U.; Ballirano, P.
Improved powder X-ray data for the cement phase Ca12Al14O32F2 (C11A7f)
Powder Diffraction, 2000, 15, 56-61
9017809 CIFCa O4 SA m m a7.00032; 6.99234; 6.24097
90; 90; 90
305.487Antao, S.
Crystal-structure analysis of four mineral samples of anhydrite, Ca(SO4), using synchrotron high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction data
Powder Diffraction, 2011, 26, 326-330
9017810 CIFCa O4 SA m m a7.00071; 6.99274; 6.24125
90; 90; 90
305.535Antao, S.
Crystal-structure analysis of four mineral samples of anhydrite, Ca(SO4), using synchrotron high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction data
Powder Diffraction, 2011, 26, 326-330
9017811 CIFCa O4 SA m m a7.00136; 6.99339; 6.24171
90; 90; 90
305.614Antao, S.
Crystal-structure analysis of four mineral samples of anhydrite, Ca(SO4), using synchrotron high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction data
Powder Diffraction, 2011, 26, 326-330
9017812 CIFFe0.07 Mg0.93 O3 SiC m c m2.466; 8.13; 6.108
90; 90; 90
122.457Zhang, L.; Meng, Y.; Dera, P.; Yang, W.; Mao, W. L.; Mao, H.-K.
Single-crystal structure determination of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 postperovskite Note: P = 120 GPa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110, 6292-6295
9017813 CIFC H12 Ca2 Mg3 Na O21 P3P 1 21/c 16.4784; 12.2313; 21.3494
90; 89.624; 90
1691.67Krivovichev, S. V.; Chernyatieva, A. P.; Britvin, S. N.; Yakovenchuk, V. N.
The crystal structure of girvasite, NaCa2Mg3(PO4)3(CO3)(H2O)6, a complex phosphate-carbonate hydrate based upon electroneutral heteropolyhedral layers Note: T = 173 K
Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2015, 56, 155-163
9017814 CIFAl0.9 Fe0.04 K0.895 Na0.105 O8 Si3.06C 1 2/m 18.5832; 13.0076; 7.1943
90; 116.023; 90
721.789Ackermann, S.; Kunz, M.; Armbruster, T.; Schefer, J.; Hanni, H.
Cation distribution in a Fe-bearing K-feldspar from Itrongay, Madagascar: A combined neutron- and X-ray single-crystal diffraction study Note: Combined X-Ray, Neutron diffraction data, cell parameters from X-Ray data
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 2004, 84, 345-354
9017815 CIFAl0.9 Fe0.04 K0.895 Na0.105 O8 Si3.06C 1 2/m 18.5832; 13.0076; 7.1943
90; 116.023; 90
721.789Ackermann, S.; Kunz, M.; Armbruster, T.; Schefer, J.; Hanni, H.
Cation distribution in a Fe-bearing K-feldspar from Itrongay, Madagascar: A combined neutron- and X-ray single-crystal diffraction study Note: X-Ray diffraction data, occupancies taken from simultaneous data
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 2004, 84, 345-354
9017816 CIFAl0.9 Fe0.04 K0.895 Na0.105 O8 Si3.06C 1 2/m 18.5992; 13.0277; 7.1926
90; 116.056; 90
723.877Ackermann, S.; Kunz, M.; Armbruster, T.; Schefer, J.; Hanni, H.
Cation distribution in a Fe-bearing K-feldspar from Itrongay, Madagascar: A combined neutron- and X-ray single-crystal diffraction study Note: Neutron diffraction data, occupancies taken from simultaneous data
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 2004, 84, 345-354
9017817 CIFC13.117 Cr11.515 Fe12.355 Ni2.867P 63 m c13.839; 13.839; 4.496
90; 90; 120
745.704Shi, N.; Ma, Z.; Xiong, M.; Dai, M.; Bai, W.; Fang, Q.; Yan, B.; Yang, J.
The crystal structure of (Fe4Cr4Ni)9C4
Science in China, 2005, 48, 338-345
9017818 CIFFe3 H14.472 O12.236 S0.5P -3 1 m5.5241; 5.5241; 11.0113
90; 90; 120
291Simon, L.; Francois, M.; Refait, P.; Renaudin, G.; Lelaurain, M.; Genin, J. M. R.
Structure of Fe(II-III) layered double hydroxysulphate green rust two from Rietveld analysis
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 327-334
9017819 CIFBa3 O8 V2R -3 m :H5.7733; 5.7733; 21.339
90; 90; 120
615.961Mugavero, S. J.; Bharathy, M.; McAlum, J.; Loye, H. C.
Crystal growth of alkaline earth vanadates from hydroxide fluxes
Solid State Sciences, 2008, 10, 370-376
9017820 CIFBa5 H O13 V3P 63/m10.4589; 10.4589; 7.8476
90; 90; 120
743.429Mugavero, S. J.; Bharathy, M.; McAlum, J.; Loye, H. C.
Crystal growth of alkaline earth vanadates from hydroxide fluxes
Solid State Sciences, 2008, 10, 370-376
9017821 CIFH O13 Sr5 V3P 63/m10.057; 10.057; 7.4349
90; 90; 120
651.242Mugavero, S. J.; Bharathy, M.; McAlum, J.; Loye, H. C.
Crystal growth of alkaline earth vanadates from hydroxide fluxes
Solid State Sciences, 2008, 10, 370-376
9017822 CIFBa K O4 VP n m a7.802; 5.908; 10.376
90; 90; 90
478.274Mugavero, S. J.; Bharathy, M.; McAlum, J.; Loye, H. C.
Crystal growth of alkaline earth vanadates from hydroxide fluxes
Solid State Sciences, 2008, 10, 370-376
9017823 CIFAg1.468 Cu1.918 Fe0.022 TeF d -3 c :112.1987; 12.1987; 12.1987
90; 90; 90
1815.27Bindi, L.
Chemical and structural characterization of henryite, (Cu,Ag)3+xTe2 (x ~ 0.40): A new structure type in the (Ag)-Cu-Te system
Solid State Sciences, 2014, 38, 108-111
9017824 CIFBa H2 Mn2 O10 Si2 TiP 1 21/m 15.361; 6.906; 12.556
90; 119.8; 90
403.391Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Tamazyan, R. A.; Sokolova, E. V.; Belakovskii, D. I.
Crystal structures of two modifications of natural Ba, Mn-titanosilicate Note: sample I
Soviet Physics Crystallography, 1991, 36, 186-189
9017825 CIFBa H2 Mn2 O10 Si2 TiC 1 m 110.7232; 13.812; 12.563
90; 119.9; 90
1613.03Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Tamazyan, R. A.; Sokolova, E. V.; Belakovskii, D. I.
Crystal structures of two modifications of natural Ba, Mn-titanosilicate Note: sample II
Soviet Physics Crystallography, 1991, 36, 186-189

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