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1001012 CIFCa H4 N2 O8; ;
; ;
Leclaire, A.; Monier, J.-C.
Transformation orientee de l'hydrate (H~2~O)~2~ β en hydrate (H~2~O)~2~ α du nitrate de calcium. Interpretation structurale des formes cristallines des deux hydrates
Acta Crystallographica, Section A: Crystal Physics, Diffraction, Theoretical and General Crystallography, 1977, 33, 717-722
1008305 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008306 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008307 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008308 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008309 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1008310 CIFSe2 Sn; ;
; ;
Pałosz, B.; Gierlotka, S.; Lévy, F.
Polytypism of Sn Se~2~ Crystals Grown by Chemical Transport: Structures of Six Large-Period Polytypes of Sn Se~2~
Acta Cryst C, 1985, 41, 1404-1406
1010677 CIFAl4 H4 O24 Si8; ;
; ;
Nagelschmidt, G
On the lattice shrinkage and structure of montmorillonite
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1936, 93, 481-487
1010705 CIFCr H24 K O20 S2; ;
; ;
Saur, E
Ueber die Gitterkonstante von Alaunen mit schwerem und leichtem Kristallwasser
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1937, 97, 523-525
1010706 CIFCr D24 K O20 S2; ;
; ;
Saur, E
Ueber die Gitterkonstante von Alaunen mit schwerem und leichtem Kristallwasser
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1937, 97, 523-525
1010707 CIFAl H24 K O20 S2; ;
; ;
Saur, E
Ueber die Gitterkonstante von Alaunen mit schwerem und leichtem Kristallwasser
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1937, 96, 523-525
1010708 CIFAl D24 K O20 S2; ;
; ;
Saur, E
Ueber die Gitterkonstante von Alaunen mit schwerem und leichtem Kristallwasser
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1937, 96, 523-525
1010719 CIFC Ni; ;
; ;
Schmidt, J
Die Nichtexistenz eines hoeheren Nickelcarbids
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1933, 216, 85-98
1010720 CIFAs2 Re; ;
; ;
Wiechmann, F; Heimburg, M; Biltz, W
Ueber die Verwandtschaft von Rhenium zu Arsen
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 240, 129-138
1010721 CIFB2 H4 K2 O2; ;
; ;
Schwarz von Bergkampf, E
Roentgenuntersuchung des Diborankaliums und seiner Hydrolysenprodukte, besonders des Dioxy-Diborankaliums
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1935, 225, 254-257
1010722 CIFB2 H6 K2; ;
; ;
Schwarz von Bergkampf, E
Roentgenuntersuchung des Diborankaliums und seiner Hydrolyseprodukte, besonders des Dioxy-Diborankaliums
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1935, 225, 254-257
1010723 CIFAl2 H2 O8 S2; ;
; ;
Rosenkranz, E; Huettig, G F
Notiz ueber ein kristallisiertes basisches Aluminiumsulfit Al~2~ O~3~ (S O~2~)~2~ H~2~ O
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1936, 226, 126-131
1010724 CIFP W2; ;
; ;
Hartmann, H; Orban, J
Elektrolyse in Phosphatschmelzen.II. Ueber ein neues Wolframphosphid W~4~ P
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1936, 226, 257-264
1010725 CIFP W4; ;
; ;
Hartmann, H; Orban, J
Elektrolyse in Phosphatschmelzen.II. Ueber ein neues Wolframphosphid W~4~ P
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1936, 226, 257-264
1010727 CIFS3 Ti; ;
; ;
Biltz, W; Ehrlich, P; Meisel, K
Ueber die Sulfide des Titans
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1937, 234, 96-116
1010728 CIFAl3 Fe; ;
; ;
Bachmetew, E
Roentgenographische Bestimmung der Fe Al~3~ -Struktur
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1934, 88, 179-181
1010729 CIFF6 N Na3; ;
; ;
Beck, G
Ueber Fluoronitrite und Fluoronitrate
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1937, 235, 77-82
1010730 CIFMn P3; ;
; ;
Biltz, W; Wiechmann, F
Tensionsanalyse der hoeheren Manganphosphide
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1937, 234, 117-129
1010731 CIFF3 In; ;
; ;
Hannebohn, O; Klemm, W
Fluoride von Gallium, Indium und Thallium
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1936, 229, 337-351
1010732 CIFAg3 Fe4 H O8; ;
; ;
Krause, A; Ernst, Z; Gawrych, S; Kocay, W
Roentgenstruktur und katalytische Eigenschaften der Silberferrite
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1936, 228, 352-356
1010734 CIFCl H2 Hg2 N; ;
; ;
Gleditsch, E; Egidius, T F
Mercurosalze und deren Amidoverbindunqen
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1936, 226, 265-272
1010737 CIFP Ru2; ;
; ;
Biltz, W; Ehrhorn, H J; Meisel, K
Ueber die Systeme Osmium/Phosohor und Ruthenium/Phosphor
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 240, 117-128
1010738 CIFP Ru; ;
; ;
Biltz, W; Ehrhorn, H J; Meisel, K
Ueber die Systeme Osmium/Phosphor und Ruthenium/Phosphor
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 240, 117-128
1010740 CIFCa N2; ;
; ;
Petersen, G; Franck, H H
Beitraege zur Kenntnis des Calciumcyanides, insbesondere zur Umwandlung Calciumcyanid Calciumcyanamid
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1938, 237, 1-37
1010741 CIFCo P; ;
; ;
Biltz, W; Heimbrecht, M
Ueber die Phosphide des Kobalts
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 241, 349-360
1010748 CIFPb S; ;
; ;
Peacock, M A; Berry, L G
Roentgenographic observations on ore minerals
University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, 1940, 44, 47-69
1010752 CIFBi2 S1.5 Se1.5; ;
; ;
Peacock, M A; Berry, L G
Roentgenographic observations on ore minerals
University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, 1940, 44, 47-69
1010756 CIFFe4 H6 O9; ;
; ;
Peacock, M A; Berry, L G
Roentgenographic observations on ore minerals
University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, 1940, 44, 47-69
1010758 CIFPb23 S23 Sb7; ;
; ;
Peacock, M A; Berry, L G
University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, 1940, 44, 47-69
1010767 CIFBi2 S Te2; ;
; ;
Peacock, M A; Berry, L G
Roentgenographic observations on ore minerals
University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, 1940, 44, 47-69
1010774 CIFCa10 F2 O24 P2 S2 Si2; ;
; ;
Klement, R
Isomorpher Ersatz des Phosphors in Apatiten durch Silicium und Schwefel
Naturwissenschaften, 1939, 27, 57-58
1010776 CIFC Cl3 F; ;
; ;
Wouters, J; De Hemptinne, M
Interatomic distances of F C Cl~3~ and F C Br~3~
Nature (London), 1938, 141, 412-413
1010777 CIFBr3 F; ;
; ;
Wouters, J; De Hemptinne, M
Interatomic distances of F C Cl~3~ and F C Br~3~
Nature (London), 1938, 141, 412-413
1010782 CIFCo2 H18 N12; ;
; ;
Hassel, O
Ueber die Existenz einer streng strukturtheoretisch nicht erlaubten Isomorphie hoehersymmetrischer Kristalle von Hexammin Pentamminaquo- und Tetrammindiaquo-Komplexen
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 1928, 10, 32-38
1010783 CIFCo2 H17 N11 O; ;
; ;
Hassel, O
Ueber die Existenz einer streng strukturtheoretisch nicht erlaubten Isomorphie hoehersymmetrischer Kristalle von Hexammin Pentamminaquo- und Tetrammindiaquo-Komplexen
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 1928, 10, 32-38
1010784 CIFC6 H16 Co2 N10 O2; ;
; ;
Hassel, O
Ueber die Existenz einer strenq strukturtheoretisch nicht erlaubten Isomorphie hoehersymmetrischer Kristalle von Hexammin Pentamminaquo- und Tetrammindiaquo-Komplexen
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 1928, 10, 32-38
1010787 CIFCl3 H Si; ;
; ;
Wouters, J
Proefondervindelijk onerzoek der moleculestructur von silicochloroform en siliciumbromotrichloride
Wis-en Natuurkundig Tijdschrift, 1937, 8, 231-250
1010802 CIFBi4 S3 Te; ;
; ;
Garrido, J; Feo, R
Sur les sulfotellurures de bismuth
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie (-71,1948), 1938, 61, 196-204
1010857 CIFC W2; ;
; ;
Andrews, M R; Dushman, S
Diffusion of Carbon Thru Tungsten and Tungsten Carbide
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1925, 29, 462-472
1010969 CIFCa10 F2 O24 S3 Si3; ;
; ;
Klement, R
Isomorpher Ersatz des Phosphors in Apatiten durch Silicium und Schwefel
Naturwissenschaften, 1939, 27, 57-58
2104629 CIF
?; ;
; ;
King, Graham; Garcia-Martin, Susana; Woodward, Patrick M.
Octahedral tilt twinning and compositional modulation in NaLaMgWO~6~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2009, 65, 676-683
1570692 CIFC4 N OP 4 2 21.1547; 1.1547; 1.1547
90; 90; 90
1.54Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570677 CIFC6 OP m -3 n1.7889; 1.7889; 1.7889
90; 90; 90
5.725Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
3000164 On hold until 2018-06-09Ca4 Mg21 Na4 O72 P18R -3 :H1.4974; 1.4974; 4.274
90; 90; 120
8.299Domanskii, A.I.; Smolin, Y.I.; Shepelev, Y.F.; Majling, J.
Determination of the crystal-structure of triple magnesium-calcium-sodium orthophosphate Mg21Ca4Na4(PO4)18
To be published
1570679 CIFC12 OI m -3 m2.18345; 2.18345; 2.18345
90; 90; 90
10.409Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570682 CIFC4 N2 OP 6 2 23.266; 3.266; 1.1547
90; 90; 120
10.667Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570686 CIFC4 N2 OP 6/m3.266; 3.266; 1.1547
90; 90; 120
10.667Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570661 CIFC2 OP 62 2 21.89375; 1.89375; 3.44983
90; 90; 120
10.715Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570664 CIFCP 64 2 21.89375; 1.89375; 3.44983
90; 90; 120
10.715Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570678 CIFC6 OP 42 3 22.21608; 2.21608; 2.21608
90; 90; 90
10.883Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570676 CIFC4 OI 4 2 22.12045; 2.12045; 2.45424
90; 90; 90
11.035Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1526564 CIFD2P 63/m m c2.015; 2.015; 3.237
90; 90; 120
11.382Kawamura, H.; Akahama, Y.; Shimomura, O.; Umemoto, S.; Takemura, K.; Ohishi, Y.
X-ray powder diffraction from solid deuterium
Solid State Communications, 2001, 119, 29-32
1570687 CIFC4 N2 OI 4 2 22.37485; 2.37485; 2.16458
90; 90; 90
12.208Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570688 CIFC4 N2 OP 4/n n c :22.37513; 2.37513; 2.16441
90; 90; 90
12.21Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570690 CIFC12 N4 O3P n -3 n :12.3094; 2.3094; 2.3094
90; 90; 90
12.317Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570691 CIFC12 N4 O3I 4 3 22.3094; 2.3094; 2.3094
90; 90; 90
12.317Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1010788 CIFCl2 Mn2.34; 2.34; 2.34
91.5; 91.5; 91.5
12.8Bruni, G; Ferrari, A
Sulla struttura cristallina di alcuni cloruri bivalenti
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 7 (1, 1925-1945), 1926, 4, 10-13
9012918 CIFSiP 6/m m m2.527; 2.527; 2.373
90; 90; 120
13.123Olijnyk, H.; Sikka, S. K.; Holzapfel, W. B.
Structural phase transitions in Si and Ge under pressures up to 50 GPa Sample: at P = 19.5 GPa Note: phase V, structure stable between 16 GPa & 34 GPa
Physics Letters, 1984, 137-140
9012036 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2207; 2.2207; 3.4488
90; 90; 120
14.729Ming, L. C.; Manghnani, M. H.
Isothermal compression and phase transition in beryllium to 28.3 GPa Sample: at P = 11.5 GPa Note: BeI phase
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 1984, 14, 1-8
9012035 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2504; 2.2504; 3.4776
90; 90; 120
15.252Ming, L. C.; Manghnani, M. H.
Isothermal compression and phase transition in beryllium to 28.3 GPa Sample: at P = 8.6 GPa Note: BeI phase
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 1984, 14, 1-8
9012034 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2526; 2.2526; 3.5064
90; 90; 120
15.408Ming, L. C.; Manghnani, M. H.
Isothermal compression and phase transition in beryllium to 28.3 GPa Sample: at P = 5 GPa Note: BeI phase
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 1984, 14, 1-8
1523072 CIFGa0.5 Sb0.5P 6/m m m2.6981; 2.6981; 2.479
90; 90; 120
15.629Weir, S.T.; Vohra, Y.K.; Ruoff, A.L.
Phase transitions in Ga Sb to 110 GPa (1.1Mbar)
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1987, 36, 4543-4546
9011570 CIFHP 63/m m c2.259; 2.259; 3.609
90; 90; 120
15.95Mao, H. K.; Jephcoat, A. P.; Hemley, R. J.; Finger, L. W.; Zha, C. S.; Hazen, R. M.; Cox, D. E.
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements of single-crystal hydrogen to 26.5 Gigapascals Sample: at P = 26.5 GPa, T = 300 K
Science, 1988, 239, 1131-1133
9012033 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.28; 2.28; 3.6
90; 90; 120
16.207Ming, L. C.; Manghnani, M. H.
Isothermal compression and phase transition in beryllium to 28.3 GPa Sample: at P = .001 GPa Note: BeI phase
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 1984, 14, 1-8
2101328 CIF
B17 Be N2P 63/m m c2.2853; 2.2853; 3.5842
90; 90; 120
16.211Iversen, B. B.; Larsen, F. K.; Souhassou, M.; Takata, M.
Experimental evidence for the existence of non-nuclear maxima in the electron-density distribution of metallic beryllium. A comparative study of the maximum entropy method and the multipole refinement method
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1995, 51, 580-591
9017314 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2853; 2.2853; 3.5842
90; 90; 120
16.211Larsen, F. K.; Hansen, N. K.
Diffraction study of the electron density distribution in beryllium metal
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1984, 40, 169-179
9012007 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2858; 2.2858; 3.5842
90; 90; 120
16.218Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 24 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012008 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2858; 2.2858; 3.5843
90; 90; 120
16.219Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 25 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012009 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2858; 2.2858; 3.5843
90; 90; 120
16.219Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 26.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012032 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2858; 2.2858; 3.5843
90; 90; 120
16.219Yang, Y. W.; Coppens, P.
The electron density and bonding in beryllium metal as studied by Fourier methods
Acta Crystallographica Section A, 1978, 34, 61-65
9008488 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2866; 2.2866; 3.5833
90; 90; 120
16.225Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York Hexagonal closest packed, hcp, structure
Crystal Structures, 1963, 1, 7-83
9012010 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2871; 2.2871; 3.586
90; 90; 120
16.245Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 74 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012011 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2875; 2.2875; 3.5865
90; 90; 120
16.253Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 95 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012012 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.29; 2.29; 3.589
90; 90; 120
16.3Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 147 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012013 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2923; 2.2923; 3.5918
90; 90; 120
16.345Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 215 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012014 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2932; 2.2932; 3.593
90; 90; 120
16.363Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 239 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012015 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2958; 2.2958; 3.5959
90; 90; 120
16.414Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 293 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012016 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2982; 2.2982; 3.5994
90; 90; 120
16.464Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 360 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012017 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.2995; 2.2995; 3.6009
90; 90; 120
16.49Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 385 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012018 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3008; 2.3008; 3.6027
90; 90; 120
16.516Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 423 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012019 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3043; 2.3043; 3.6067
90; 90; 120
16.585Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 496 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012020 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3078; 2.3078; 3.6105
90; 90; 120
16.653Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 567.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
1538607 CIFN1.29 Ti3R -3 m :H2.9809; 2.9809; 2.16642
90; 90; 120
16.671Lengauer, W.
The crystal structure of eta-Ti3 N2-x: An additional new phase in the Ti - N system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1986, 125, 127-134
9012021 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3091; 2.3091; 3.6127
90; 90; 120
16.682Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 601.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012022 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.314; 2.314; 3.619
90; 90; 120
16.782Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 695 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012023 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3148; 2.3148; 3.6199
90; 90; 120
16.798Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 716 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012024 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3189; 2.3189; 3.6251
90; 90; 120
16.882Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 793.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012025 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3193; 2.3193; 3.6255
90; 90; 120
16.889Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 807.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012026 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3241; 2.3241; 3.622
90; 90; 120
16.943Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 895 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012027 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3241; 2.3241; 3.622
90; 90; 120
16.943Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 901.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012028 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3249; 2.3249; 3.6227
90; 90; 120
16.958Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 904.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012029 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.3298; 2.3298; 3.6296
90; 90; 120
17.062Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 989.5 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012031 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.33; 2.33; 3.6294
90; 90; 120
17.064Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 1013 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9012030 CIFBeP 63/m m c2.33; 2.33; 3.6297
90; 90; 120
17.065Gordon, P.
A high temperature precision X-ray camera: some measurements of the thermal coefficients of expansion of beryllium Sample: at T = 1004 C
Journal of Applied Physics, 1949, 20, 908-917
9011569 CIFHP 63/m m c2.308; 2.308; 3.703
90; 90; 120
17.083Mao, H. K.; Jephcoat, A. P.; Hemley, R. J.; Finger, L. W.; Zha, C. S.; Hazen, R. M.; Cox, D. E.
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements of single-crystal hydrogen to 26.5 Gigapascals Sample: at P = 21.4 GPa, T = 300 K
Science, 1988, 239, 1131-1133

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