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1510475 CIFAu2 UP 6/m m m4.756; 4.756; 3.11
90; 90; 120
60.922Cirafici, S.; Palenzona, A.
The phase diagram of the U - Au system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 167-171
1510575 CIFAu51 U14P 6/m12.6521; 12.6521; 9.1381
90; 90; 120
1266.81Hulliger, F.; Dommann, A.
On the structure types of U Au2 and U14 Au51
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 141, 261-273
1510580 CIFAu6 K4 S5P -6 2 c9.631; 9.631; 9.856
90; 90; 120
791.725Klepp, K.O.; Bronger, W.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von K4 Au6 S5 - ein Thioaurat mit anionischen (Au6 S5)-Baugruppen
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 137, 13-20
1510778 CIFB2 NbP 6/m m m3.11; 3.11; 3.27
90; 90; 120
27.39Loennberg, B.
Thermal expansion studies on the group IV-VII transition metal diborides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 141, 145-156
1510810 CIFB2 Pr Rh4.8F m m m9.697; 5.577; 25.64
90; 90; 90
1386.62Kobayashi, T.; Higashi, I.; Takei, H.; Shishido, T.
Crystal Structure of Pr Rh4.8 B2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 139, 211-220
1510940 CIFB2 Ce Ir1.5 Rh1.5P 6/m m m5.475; 5.475; 3.088
90; 90; 120
80.163Hsu, S.W.; Ku, H.C.
Ferromagnetic enhancement in the hexagonal Ce (Rh1-x Irx)3 B2 system
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1988, 38, 2944-2947
1510963 CIFB310.2 Hf6.22R -3 m :H10.975; 10.975; 24.034
90; 90; 120
2507.07Hejna, C.I.; Garbauskas, M.F.; Kasper, J.S.; Slack, G.A.
X-Ray study of transition-metal dopants in beta-boron
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 76, 64-86
1510971 CIFB2 Ce Rh3P 6/m m m5.469; 5.469; 3.09
90; 90; 120
80.04Ku, H.C.; Hsu, S.W.
Ferromagnetic enhancement in the hexagonal Ce (Rh1-x Irx)3 B2 system
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1988, 38, 2944-2947
1511038 CIFB Cl F6P 1 21/c 15.644; 8.873; 9.822
90; 116.84; 90
438.888Buslaev, Yu.A.; Ellern, A.M.; Sukhoverkhov, V.F.; Struchkov, Yu.T.; Antipin, M.Yu.
The crystal structure of difluorochloronium tetrafluoro borate ClF2(+)BF4(-) at -120 C
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1988, 33, 307-311
1511064 CIFB Co2.8 Fe11.2 Pr2P 42/m n m8.811; 8.811; 12.231
90; 90; 90
949.538Jin Longhuan; Liu Yinglie; Yan Qawei
Magnetic structure of Pr2 (Fe0.8 Co0.2)14 B
Wu Li Hsueh Pao (= Acta Physica Sinica), 1988, 37, 318-322
1511078 CIFB Cr1.118 Fe12.943 Y2P 42/m n m8.7284; 8.7284; 11.9915
90; 90; 90
913.572Hewat, A.W.; Moze, O.; Pareti, L.; Harrison, W.T.A.; David, W.I.F.; Solzi, M.; Bolzoni, F.
Magnetic structure and preferential site occupation in manganese- and chromium-substituted Y2Fe14B
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 136, 375-383
1511220 CIFB Li Pt3P -6 2 m9.236; 9.236; 2.768
90; 90; 120
204.486Mirgel, R.; Jung, W.
The ternary alkali metal platinum borides Li Pt3 B, Na Pt3 B(1+x) and Na3 Pt9 B5 -new structure variants of the Ce Co3 B2 type
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 144, 87-99
1511241 CIFB N0.975 Nb2C m c m3.172; 17.841; 3.114
90; 90; 90
176.226Klesnar, H.; Fischer, P.; Rogl, P.
Neutron powder diffraction of Nb2BN1-x
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1988, 71, 450-452
1511249 CIFB Na Pt3P 6/m m m5.547; 5.547; 5.504
90; 90; 120
146.665Mirgel, R.; Jung, W.
The ternary alkali metal platinum borides Li Pt3 B, Na Pt3 B(1+x) and Na3 Pt9 B5 -new structure variants of the Ce Co3 B2 type
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 144, 87-99
1511323 CIFB S3 Tl3P 1 21/m 15.444; 9.699; 6.69
90; 98.13; 90
349.691Hamann, W.; Krebs, B.
Ortho-Thioborates and Ortho-Selenoborates: Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Tl3 B S3 and Tl3 B Se3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 137, 143-154
1511327 CIFB Se3 Tl3P 1 21/m 15.547; 10.099; 6.852
90; 97.59; 90
380.48Hamann, W.; Krebs, B.
Ortho-thioborates and ortho-selenoborates: synthesis, structure and properties of Tl3 B S3 and Tl3 B Se3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 137, 143-154
1511335 CIFB0.83 Ca9.93 O25.79 P5.84P -39.456; 9.456; 6.905
90; 90; 120
534.699Ito, A.; Miura, N.; Akao, M.; Otsuka, R.; Tsutsumi, S.
Flux growth and crystal structure of boron-containing apatite
Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi, 1988, 96, 305-309
1511397 CIFB12 ScF m -3 m7.402; 7.402; 7.402
90; 90; 90
405.553Zavalii, L.V.; Bruskov, V.A.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
Crystal structure of Sc B12
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 506-507
1511400 CIFB13 Co Lu4P 4/m n c7.093; 7.093; 7.594
90; 90; 90
382.059Dub, O.M.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Shostak, Y.M.
The ternary Lu-Co-B system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1270-1274
1511401 CIFB13 Co Tb4P 4/m n c7.235; 7.235; 7.535
90; 90; 90
394.421Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Dub, O.M.; Chaban, M.F.
Isothermal sections of the phase diagrams of the system Tb-Co-B at 1070 and 870 K
Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, 1988, 27, 828-831
1511409 CIFB14 Li3I -4 2 d10.764; 10.764; 8.947
90; 90; 90
1036.63Mair, G.; Nesper, R.; von Schnering, H.G.
Trilithium tetradecaboride Li3 B14: Synthesis, structure and properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 75, 30-40
1511495 CIFB4 Ni ScP b a m5.7853; 11.208; 3.2737
90; 90; 90
212.272Mikhalenko, S.I.; Zavalii, L.V.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
New scandium borides with the yttrium chromium boride (Y Cr B4) type structure
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1814-1816
1511516 CIFB4 SmP 4/m b m7.174; 7.174; 4.0641
90; 90; 90
209.164Zavalii, L.V.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Bruskov, V.A.
Strukturanalyse von Sm B4.
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1576-1577
1511552 CIFB5 Na3 Pt9C m c m5.539; 11.401; 15.047
90; 90; 90
950.22Jung, W.; Mirgel, R.
The ternary alkali metal platinum borides Li Pt3 B, Na Pt3 B(1+x) and Na3 Pt9 B5 -new structure variants of the Ce Co3 B2 type
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 144, 87-99
1511577 CIFB6 Co Lu2P b a m8.99; 11.312; 3.494
90; 90; 90
355.322Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Shostak, Y.M.; Dub, O.M.
The ternary Lu-Co-B system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1270-1274
1511607 CIFB6 Fe2 Nd5R -3 m :H5.464; 5.464; 24.27199
90; 90; 120
627.563Buschow, K.H.J.; de Mooij, D.B.
Note on the structure and composition of the B-rich ternary phase in the Nd - Fe -B system
Philips Journal of Research, 1988, 43, 70-74
1511647 CIFB4 Cl4 P2P b n a6.002; 12.401; 22.706
90; 90; 90
1690.03Sawitzki, G.; Haubold, W.; Keller, W.
Das erste closo-Diphosphahexaboran P2 B4 Cl4.
Angewandte Chemie (German Edition), 1988, 100, 958-959
1511713 CIFB9.8 Ni28.84 Sc4I 41/a m d :17.68; 7.68; 15.382
90; 90; 90
907.267Chaban, N.F.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Dub, O.M.; Zavalii, L.V.; Bruskov, V.A.
Crystal structure of Sc4 Ni29 B10 and its analogs
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1988, 33, 496-497
1511749 CIFB4 Ir3 NaC m m a11.366; 9.916; 8.271
90; 90; 90
932.185Jung, W.; Mirgel, R.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur des Natriumiridiumborids Na Ir3 B4
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 49-57
1522077 CIFLa7 Ni16I -4 2 m7.355; 7.355; 14.51
90; 90; 90
784.933Klimyenko, A.V.; Seuntjens, J.; Jacobson, R.A.; Beaudry, B.J.; Miller, L.L.; Gschneidner, K.A.jr.
Structure of La Ni2.286 and the La-Ni system from La Ni1.75 - La Ni2.5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 144, 133-141
1522377 CIFFe5 Sm0.55 Zr0.45P 6/m m m4.88; 4.88; 4.143
90; 90; 120
85.445Lin Chin; Lou Zhenghua; Sun Yunxi
A Ca Cu5-type samarium-iron phase stabilized by zirconium addition
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 63, 3592-3594
1522442 CIFPd1.89 Sn U0.9P n m a9.9787; 4.58843; 6.89166
90; 90; 90
315.545Marezio, M.; Rossel, C.; Cox, D.E.; Maple, M.B.
The ab-initio crystal structure determination of U Pd2 Sn by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction
Solid State Communications, 1988, 67, 831-835
1522455 CIFGa1.8 Hf Ni1.2I 4 m m12.237; 12.237; 8.083
90; 90; 90
1210.38Markiv, V.Ya.; Belyavina, N.N.; Zavodnik, V.E.
Superconductivity in ternary Heusler intermetallic compounds
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya B: Geologichni, Khimichni ta Biologichni Nauki, 1988, 1988, 51-53
1522567 CIFMo0.25 Pd0.25 Ru0.5P 63/m m c2.748; 2.748; 4.383
90; 90; 120
28.664Naito, K.J.; Matsui, T.; Tsuji, T.; Date, A.
Chemical state, phases and vapor pressures of fission- produced noble phases in oxide fuel
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1988, 154, 3-13
1522572 CIFLa0.7 Mn2 Y0.3F d -3 m :17.71; 7.71; 7.71
90; 90; 90
458.314Nakamura, H.; Wada, H.; Nakamura, Y.; Shiga, M.; Yoshimura, K.; Sakurai, J.; Komura, Y.
Effect of chemical pressure on the magnetism of Y Mn2: Magnetic properties of Y1-x Scx Mn2 and Y1-x Lax Mn2
Journal of Physics F, 1988, 18, 981-991
1522637 CIFFe11.004 Sm Ti0.996I 4/m m m8.558; 8.558; 4.793
90; 90; 90
351.036Ohashi, K.; Tawara, Y.; Shimao, M.; Osugi, R.
Magnetic properties of Fe-rich rare-earth intermetallic compounds with a Mn12 Th structure
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 64, 5174-5716
1522638 CIFFe9.996 Sm V2.004I 4/m m m8.538; 8.538; 4.776
90; 90; 90
348.158Ohashi, K.; Tawara, Y.; Osugi, R.; Shimao, M.
Magnetic properties of Fe-rich rare-earth intermetallic compounds with a Mn12Th structure
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 64, 5174-5716
1522658 CIFNi7 Th4C 1 2/c 15.509; 5.51; 7.445
90; 111.71; 90
209.96Palenzona, A.; Cirafici, S.
The equilibrium diagram of the Th-Ni system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 142, 311-317
1522914 CIFGd Ni3 Sn2P 6/m m m9.197; 9.197; 4.271
90; 90; 120
312.862Skolozdra, R.V.; Komarovskaya, L.P.; Aksel'rud, L.G.
Magnetic susceptibility of R Ni Sn2 and R Ni3 Sn2 (R= rare-earth element) compounds
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1490-1493
1522915 CIFLu Ni2 SnF m -3 m6.345; 6.345; 6.345
90; 90; 90
255.444Skolozdra, R.V.; Komarovskaya, L.P.
Phase equilibria in the Lu-Ni-Sn system at 770 and 670 K
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1988, 1988, 200-203
1522932 CIFFe10 V2 YI 4/m m m8.4899; 8.4899; 4.7802
90; 90; 90
344.549Solzi, M.; Pareti, L.; Moze, O.; David, W.I.F.
Magnetic anisotropy and crystal structure of intermetallic compounds of the Mn12 Th structure
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 64, 5084-5087
1522947 CIFIr Sn TiF m -3 m6.189; 6.189; 6.189
90; 90; 90
237.062Stadnyk, Yu.V.; Mikhailiv, L.A.; Skolozdra, R.V.; Kuprina, V.V.
Properties and crystal structure of M Ir S compounds (M= Zi, Zr, Hf)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1196-1198
1522948 CIFIr Sn ZrP -6 2 m7.32; 7.32; 3.661
90; 90; 120
169.884Stadnyk, Yu.V.; Kuprina, V.V.; Mikhailiv, L.A.; Skolozdra, R.V.
Properties and crystal structure of M Ir S compounds (M= Zi, Zr, Hf)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1397-1399
1523016 CIFNb RuP 4/m m m3.053; 3.053; 3.408
90; 90; 90
31.765Tsukamoto, T.; Koyama, K.; Oota, A.; Noguchi, S.
Superconductivity and transformation of near-equiatomic M-Ru (M= V, Nb and Ta) alloys
Cryogenics, 1988, 28, 580-584
1523017 CIFRu TaP 4/m m m3.053; 3.053; 3.389
90; 90; 90
31.588Tsukamoto, T.; Koyama, K.; Oota, A.; Noguchi, S.
Superconductivity and transformation of near-equiatomic M-Ru (M= V, Nb, Ta) alloys
Cryogenics, 1988, 28, 580-584
1523018 CIFRu0.4 Ta0.6I m -3 m3.184; 3.184; 3.184
90; 90; 90
32.279Tsukamoto, T.; Koyama, K.; Oota, A.; Noguchi, S.
Superconductivity and transformation of near-equiatomic M-Ru (M= V, Nb, Ta) alloys
Cryogenics, 1988, 28, 580-584
1523036 CIFRe TaI m -3 m3.26; 3.26; 3.26
90; 90; 90
34.646Vavilova, V.V.; Galkin, L.N.; Zolotukhin, I.V.; Glazov, V.M.; Obvintsev, Yu.A.; Kovneristyi, Yu.K.; Barmin, Yu.V.
Stabilization by rapid quenching of the phase having delta-Mn structure in the rhenium-tantalum system
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1988, 300, 1151-1156
1523050 CIFSn Te3 Tl4I 4/m c m8.836; 8.836; 13.052
90; 90; 90
1019.03Voroshilov, Yu.V.; Gurzan, M.I.; Kish, Z.Z.; Lada, L.V.
Phase equilibria in the Tl-Pb-Te system and crystal structures of Tl4 B(IV) X3 and Tl9 B(V) X5 compounds
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 1479-1484
1523124 CIFRh TiP 4/m m m2.988; 2.988; 3.35
90; 90; 90
29.909Yi, S.S.; Chen, B.-H.; Franzen, H.F.
Phase transitions in RhTi
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 143, 243-249
1523417 CIFGd In1.5 Sn1.5P m -3 m4.644; 4.644; 4.644
90; 90; 90
100.156Costa, G.A.; Franceschi, E.A.
Sections of ternary diagrams RE-In-Sn of R (In1-x Snx)3 composition
Journal of Thermal Analysis, 1988, 34, 519-522
1523561 CIFMg15.74 Sr3P 63/m m c10.463; 10.463; 10.834
90; 90; 120
1027.15Erassme, J.; Brauers, T.; Lueken, H.
Preparation and crystal structure of Sr Mg5.2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 137, 155-161
1523813 CIFFe10 V2 YI 4/m m m8.49; 8.49; 4.7723
90; 90; 90
343.988Helmholdt, R.B.; Buschow, K.H.J.; Vleggaar, J.J.M.
Note on the crystallographic and magnetic structure of Y Fe10 V2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 138, 11-14
1523814 CIFFe10 Tb V2I 4/m m m8.4917; 8.4917; 4.7713
90; 90; 90
344.054Helmholdt, R.B.; Vleggaar, J.J.M.; Buschow, K.H.J.
Crystallograhic and magnetic structure of Tb Fe10 V2 and Er Fe10 V2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 144, 209-214
1523940 CIFRh ZrP n m a6.63; 4.41; 5.38
90; 90; 90
157.302Jorda, J.L.; Graf, T.; Muller, J.; Schellenberg, L.; Hertz, J.; Cenzual, K.; Gachon, J.C.
Phase relations, thermochemistry and superconductivity in the Zr-Rh system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 136, 313-328
1523941 CIFRh ZrP m -3 m3.255; 3.255; 3.255
90; 90; 90
34.487Jorda, J.L.; Muller, J.; Graf, T.; Schellenberg, L.; Cenzual, K.; Hertz, J.; Gachon, J.C.
Phase relations, thermochemistry and superconductivity in the Zr-Rh system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 136, 313-328
1523947 CIFEr0.5 Fe2 Sm0.5F d -3 m :17.318; 7.318; 7.318
90; 90; 90
391.902Abd-el-Aal, M.M.; Kazokova, L.I.; Chechernikov, V.I.; Chermushkina, A.V.
Magnetostriction, magnetization and resitivity behavior of the pseudo-binary compounds Sm1-x Erx Fe2
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1988, 74, 248-254
1524014 CIFCu3 Ga Mn2P 63/m m c4.918; 4.918; 7.952
90; 90; 120
166.565Baranchikov, V.V.; Grin', Yu.; Bochvar, N.R.; Lysova, E.V.
Phase constitution and structure of copper-rich Cu - Mn - Ga alloys
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1988, 1988, 206-211
1524018 CIFCu0.5 Eu In1.5P 6/m m m4.942; 4.942; 3.935
90; 90; 120
83.23Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Zavalii, P.Yu.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with Al B2-type structure in La(Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni(Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 739-740
1524019 CIFCu0.5 In1.5 LaP 6/m m m4.821; 4.821; 4.025
90; 90; 120
81.016Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Zavalii, P.Yu.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with Al B2-type structure in La(Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni(Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 873-874
1524020 CIFCu0.5 In1.5 NdP 6/m m m4.784; 4.784; 3.8
90; 90; 120
75.318Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Zavalii, P.Yu.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with Al B2-type structure in La(Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni(Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 873-874
1524021 CIFCu0.5 In1.5 PrP 6/m m m4.789; 4.789; 3.812
90; 90; 120
75.713Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Zavalii, P.Yu.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with AlB2-type structure in La(Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni(Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 873-874
1524022 CIFCu0.5 In1.5 SmP 6/m m m4.704; 4.704; 3.647
90; 90; 120
69.888Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Zavalii, P.Yu.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with AlB2-type structure in La(Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni(Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 873-874
1524023 CIFEu In1.5 Ni0.5P 6/m m m4.96; 4.96; 3.933
90; 90; 120
83.795Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Zavalii, P.Yu.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with Al B2-type structure in La (Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni (Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 739-740
1524024 CIFCe Cu0.5 In1.5P 6/m m m4.818; 4.818; 3.899
90; 90; 120
78.382Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Zavalii, P.Yu.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with Al B2-type structure in La (Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni (Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 873-874
1524025 CIFCe In1.5 Ni0.5P 6/m m m4.834; 4.834; 3.928
90; 90; 120
79.491Baranyak, V.M.; Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Zavalii, P.Yu.
Ternary intermetallic compounds with Al B2-type structure in La (Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) - Ni (Cu) - In systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 873-874
1524043 CIFCe Cu4 GaP 6/m m m5.182; 5.182; 4.15
90; 90; 120
96.51Bauer, E.T.; Pillmayr, N.; Gratz, E.; Gignoux, D.; Winzer, K.; Schmitt, D.; Kohlmann, J.
Ce Cu4 Ga: a high gamma heavy fermion compound
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1988, 71, 311-317
1524048 CIFEr2 InP 63/m m c5.295; 5.295; 6.58
90; 90; 120
159.768Bazela, W.; Szytula, A.; Shakarov, H.O.; Federova, E.G.
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of RE2 In compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 138, 123-128
1524064 CIFCe Cu Mg2F m -3 m7.29; 7.29; 7.29
90; 90; 90
387.42Berger, G.; Weiss, A.
Ternary intermetallic phases with Heusler-phase type structure in the system Ag-Mg-RE (RE= La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 142, 109-121
1524131 CIFFe10.8 Gd Ti1.2I 4/m m m8.55; 8.55; 4.799
90; 90; 90
350.819Buschow, K.H.J.; Thiel, R.C.; Brouha, M.; Smit, H.H.A.; de Mooij, D.B.
Magnetic properties of ternary Fe-rich rare earth intermetallic compounds
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1988, 24, 1611-1616
1524236 CIFDy In1.5 Sn1.5P m -3 m4.622; 4.622; 4.622
90; 90; 90
98.739Costa, G.A.; Franceschi, E.A.
Sections of ternary diagrams rare earth-indium-tin of R (In1-x Snx)3
Journal of Thermal Analysis, 1988, 34, 519-522
1524237 CIFEr In2 SnP m -3 m4.6; 4.6; 4.6
90; 90; 90
97.336Costa, G.A.; Franceschi, E.A.
Sections of ternary diagrams rare earth-indium-tin of R (In1-x Snx)3 composition
Journal of Thermal Analysis, 1988, 34, 519-522
1524275 CIFCo1.6 Cu0.4 ErF d -3 m :17.178; 7.178; 7.178
90; 90; 90
369.837Duc, N.H.; Hien, T.D.; Brommer, P.E.; Franse, J.J.M.
Magnetic properties of the Er (Co1-x Cux)2 and Y (Co1-x Cux)2 compounds
Physica B and C (Netherland) (79,1975-), 1988, 149, 352-360
1524375 CIFCu2 Ga SrR -3 m :H4.271; 4.271; 15.925
90; 90; 120
251.576Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
The crystal structure of Ca2 Cu2 Ga, Ca Cu Ga, Sr Cu2 Ga and Ba Cu2 Ga
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 142, 289-294
1524382 CIFCe3 SnP m -3 m4.927; 4.927; 4.927
90; 90; 90
119.605Franceschi, E.A.; Costa, G.A.
The phase diagram of the Ce-Sn system up to 50 at.% Sn
Journal of Thermal Analysis, 1988, 34, 451-456
1524453 CIFCe Ga3.05 Pt0.95F m m 26.1; 6.113; 10.512
90; 90; 90
391.985Grin', Yu.; Hiebl, K.; Rogl, P.
Structural chemistry and magnetic behaviour of ternary gallides Re Ptx Ga4-x (RE= La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 136, 329-338
1524536 CIFEr Fe10 V2I 4/m m m8.4627; 8.4627; 4.7644
90; 90; 90
341.213Helmholdt, R.B.; Vleggaar, J.J.M.; Buschow, K.H.J.
Crystallographic and magnetic structure of Tb Fe10 V2 and Er Fe10 V2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 144, 209-214
1524550 CIFEr Pd2 SnF m -3 m6.685; 6.685; 6.685
90; 90; 90
298.747Hodges, J.A.; Jehanno, G.
Rare earth Moessbauer absorption in Er Pd2 Sn and Yb Pd2 Sn
Journal de Physique (Paris), Colloque., 1988, 49, 387-388
1524620 CIFCu0.9 Ga0.1 YP m -3 m3.492; 3.492; 3.492
90; 90; 90
42.582Kadomatsu, H.; Kurisu, M.; Kawanishi, Y.; Tokunaga, T.; Fujiwara, H.
Structural phase transitions in Y Cu1-x Mx (M= Ni, Ag, Ga)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 141, 29-36
1524621 CIFCu0.95 Ni0.05 YP m -3 m3.467; 3.467; 3.467
90; 90; 90
41.674Kadomatsu, H.; Kawanishi, Y.; Kurisu, M.; Tokunaga, T.; Fujiwara, H.
Structural phase transitions in Y Cu1-x Mx (M= Ni, Ag, Ga)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 141, 29-36
1524634 CIFCe2 Cu9 In3P n n m17.169; 10.908; 5.202
90; 90; 90
974.228Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Baranyak, V.M.; Dmytrakh, O.V.; Bel'skii, V.K.
Crystal structure of Ce Cu4.38 In1.62, compound and affinative compounds
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya B: Geologichni, Khimichni ta Biologichni Nauki, 1988, 1988, 39-42
1524649 CIFCo Gd NiF d -3 m :17.286; 7.286; 7.286
90; 90; 90
386.783Kaneko, T.; Nakagawa, Y.; Miura, S.; Marumo, K.; Yoshida, H.; Kido, G.; Abe, S.; Kamigaki, H.
High-field susceptibility of pseudobinary compounds Gd (Co1-x Nix)2
Physica B and C (Netherland) (79,1975-), 1988, 149, 334-339
1524734 CIFCu0.52 Nd Sn1.68C m c m4.47; 17.41; 4.398
90; 90; 90
342.264Komarovskaya, L.P.; Sadykov, S.A.; Skolozdra, R.V.
Magnetic and electrical properties of new stannides R Cu1-x Sn2-y (R= La, Ce, Pr, Nd) with the defective structure
Ukrains'kii Fizichnii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition), 1988, 33, 1249-1251
1524766 CIFCo8.07 Er2 Fe8.93P 63/m m c8.3518; 8.3518; 8.2275
90; 90; 120
497.003Kumar, R.; Yelon, W.B.; Fuerst, C.D.
Neutron determination of the magnetic order and site preference in Er2 (Cox Fe1-x)17
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 63, 3725-3728
1524767 CIFCo7.55 Er2 Fe9.45P 63/m m c8.3796; 8.3796; 8.2502
90; 90; 120
501.697Kumar, R.; Fuerst, C.D.; Yelon, W.B.
Neutron determination of the magnetic order and site preference in Er2 (Cox Fe1-x)17
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 63, 3725-3728
1524784 CIFFe10 Mo2 NdI 4/m m m8.611; 8.611; 4.802
90; 90; 90
356.065de Mooij, B.D.; Buschow, K.H.J.
Some novel ternary Th Mn12-type compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 136, 207-215
1524808 CIFCo0.5 Pt0.5F m -3 m3.835; 3.835; 3.835
90; 90; 90
56.402Leroux, C.; Cadeville, M.C.; Pierron-Bohnes, V.; Inden, G.; Hinz, F.
Comparative investigation of structural transport properties of L10 Ni Pt and Co Pt phases; the role of magnetism
Journal of Physics F, 1988, 18, 2033-2051
1524945 CIFCu0.154 Ge0.077 Hg0.769 SeF -4 3 m6.022; 6.022; 6.022
90; 90; 90
218.385Mkrtchyan, S.A.; Zhukov, E.G.; Dovletov, K.; Melikdzhanyan, A.G.; Nuryev, S.
Interaction in the Cu2 Ge Se3 - Hg Se and Co2 Sn Se3 - Hg Se systems
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1988, 33, 1358-1362
1524946 CIFCu0.23 Hg0.655 Se Sn0.115F -4 3 m5.988; 5.988; 5.988
90; 90; 90
214.707Mkrtchyan, S.A.; Melikdzhanyan, A.G.; Zhukov, E.G.; Nuryev, S.; Dovletov, K.
Interaction in the Cu2 Ge Se3 - Hg Se and Co2 Sn Se3 - Hg Se systems
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1988, 33, 2379-2384
1524968 CIFCd LaP 4/m m m3.854; 3.854; 3.967
90; 90; 90
58.923Nakazatro, M.; Wakabayashi, N.; Kitai, T.
X-ray diffraction studies of La Cd, Ce Cd and Pr Cd at low temperatures
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1988, 57, 953-961
1524969 CIFCd PrP 4/m m m3.77; 3.77; 3.9
90; 90; 90
55.43Nakazatro, M.; Wakabayashi, N.; Kitai, T.
X-ray diffraction studies of La Cd, Ce Cd and Pr Cd at low temperature
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1988, 57, 953-961
1525007 CIFD3.4 Ti4C c c m4.189; 4.23; 4.584
90; 90; 90
81.226Numakura, H.; Koiwa, M.; Asano, H.; Izumi, F.
Neutron diffraction study of the metastable gamma titanium deuteride
Acta Metallurgica, 1988, 36, 2267-2273
1525022 CIFCr2 Fe10 SmI 4/m m m8.507; 8.507; 4.758
90; 90; 90
344.332Ohashi, K.; Tawara, Y.; Osugi, R.; Shimao, M.
Magnetic properties of Fe-rich rare-earth intermetallic compounds with a Th Mn12 structure
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 64, 5714-5716
1525023 CIFFe10 Mo2 SmI 4/m m m8.59; 8.59; 4.804
90; 90; 90
354.478Ohashi, K.; Tawara, Y.; Osugi, R.; Shimao, M.
Magnetic properties of Fe-rich rare-earth intermetallic compounds with a Th Mn12 structure
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 64, 5714-5716
1525030 CIFCu2 SeF m -3 m5.8707; 5.8707; 5.8707
90; 90; 90
202.334Oliveria, M.; McMullan, R.K.; Wuensch, B.J.
Single crystal neutron diffraction analysis of the cation distribution in the high-temperature phases alpha-Cu2-x S, alpha-Cu2-x Se and alpha-Ag2 Se
Solid State Ionics, 1988, 28, 1332-1337
1525066 CIFCo3 Ga2 GdP 6/m m m5.17; 5.17; 4.049
90; 90; 120
93.726Pedziwiatr, A.; Wallace, W.E.; Sankar, G.
The effect of Ga substitution on the magnetic properties of Nd2 Fe14 B, Pr3 Fe14 B, and Pr Co5
Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 63, 3710-3712
1525121 CIFCu0.25 In0.25 Mn0.5 TeF m -3 m6.269; 6.269; 6.269
90; 90; 90
246.374Quintero, M.; Grima, P.; Wolley, J.C.; Perez, G.S.; Tovar, R.
Phase relations and the effects of ordering in (Ag In)1-x Mn2x Te2 and (Cu In)1-x Mn2x Te2 alloys
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1988, 107, 205-211
1525191 CIFDy2 TlP 63/m m c5.301; 5.301; 6.652
90; 90; 120
161.882Saccone, A.; Delfino, S.; Cacciamani, G.; Ferro, R.
The binary phase diagrams of thallium with Gd, Tb and Dy
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 136, 249-259
1525305 CIFCe Ni4 Sn2I -4 c 27.753; 7.753; 7.869
90; 90; 90
472.998Skolozdra, R.V.; Yasnitskaya, I.V.; Komarovskaya, L.P.; Aksel'rud, L.G.
Crystal structure and magnetic susceptibility of the compounds R Ni Sn (R= rare earth metals)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1988, 24, 65-69
1525369 CIFCe Cu2 InF m -3 m6.791; 6.791; 6.791
90; 90; 90
313.185Tagaki, S.; Kimura, T.; Kasuya, T.; Sato, N.
Evidence for magnetic ordereing in the heavy-electron compound Ce Cu2 In
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1988, 57, 1562-1565
1525386 CIFCd11 UP m -3 m9.248; 9.248; 9.248
90; 90; 90
790.94Thompson, J.D.; Lawson, A.C.jr.; Sattelberger, A.P.; McElfresh, M.W.; Fisk, Z.
Elastic neutron scattering in U Cd11
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1988, 76, 437-438

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