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Searching journal of publication like 'Chemical Communications'

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1008882 CIFNa O3I m 2 m3.507; 5.7703; 5.2701
90; 90; 90
106.6Klein, W; Armbruster, K; Jansen, M
Synthesis and crystal structure determination of sodium ozonide
Chemical Communications, 1998, 1998, 707-708
1501471 CIFC45 H35 Cd Cl N4 O7P 1 21/n 111.4616; 16.3861; 20.877
90; 95.0205; 90
3905.89Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501472 CIFC45 H35 Cl Hg N4 O7P 1 21/n 111.4117; 16.3761; 20.9794
90; 95.007; 90
3905.65Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501473 CIFC45 H35 F3 N4 O7 S ZnP 1 21/c 110.1785; 16.3337; 24.162
90; 91.037; 90
4016.34Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501474 CIFC46 H38 Cd Cl N5 O8P -113.2066; 13.243; 14.306
102.54; 116.809; 99.7178
2075.18Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501647 CIFC84 H81 Br4 N3 P6 Re3 S4C 1 2/c 144.6606; 13.7072; 29.2555
90; 98.463; 90
17714.4Sergey Konchenko; Rosa Llusar; Pavel Petrov; Aleksandr Virovets; Artem Bogomyakov; Carlos Gomez Garcia; Victor Polo
Synthesis, molecular and electronic structure of an incomplete cuboidal Re3S4 cluster with an unusual quadruplet ground state
Che. Commun., 2012, 48, 2713
1501648 CIFC82.5 H81 Br2.6 Cl10.4 P6 Re3 S4P -113.6395; 15.3991; 22.8431
80.532; 72.639; 83.432
4506.04Sergey Konchenko; Rosa Llusar; Pavel Petrov; Aleksandr Virovets; Artem Bogomyakov; Carlos Gomez Garcia; Victor Polo
Synthesis, molecular and electronic structure of an incomplete cuboidal Re3S4 cluster with an unusual quadruplet ground state
Che. Commun., 2012, 48, 2713
1542543 CIFC9 H6.2 N6 O0.1R -3 m :H12.657; 12.657; 9.296
90; 90; 120
1289.7Zhou, Dong-Dong; Xu, Yan-Tong; Lin, Rui-Biao; Mo, Zong-Wen; Zhang, Wei-Xiong; Zhang, Jie-Peng
High-symmetry hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks: air separation and crystal-to-crystal structural transformation.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 4991-4994
1542544 CIFC12 H17 F9 N6 O7P b c n12.335; 21.047; 7.89
90; 90; 90
2048.4Zhou, Dong-Dong; Xu, Yan-Tong; Lin, Rui-Biao; Mo, Zong-Wen; Zhang, Wei-Xiong; Zhang, Jie-Peng
High-symmetry hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks: air separation and crystal-to-crystal structural transformation.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 4991-4994
1542545 CIFC14 H3.5 F10.5 N7P 41 3 215.8427; 15.8427; 15.8427
90; 90; 90
3976.4Zhou, Dong-Dong; Xu, Yan-Tong; Lin, Rui-Biao; Mo, Zong-Wen; Zhang, Wei-Xiong; Zhang, Jie-Peng
High-symmetry hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks: air separation and crystal-to-crystal structural transformation.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 4991-4994
1546410 CIFC6 H22 Ca O13 P2P 1 21/n 17.1912; 28.323; 9.0175
90; 110.259; 90
1723Edwards, Alyn C.; Geist, Andreas; Müllich, Udo; Sharrad, Clint A.; Pritchard, Robin G.; Whitehead, Roger C.; Harwood, Laurence M.
Transition metal-free, visible-light mediated synthesis of 1,10-phenanthroline derived ligand systems
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 8160-8163
1546411 CIFC54.3 H66.67 N8 O2.03P 1 21/c 117.8264; 15.4605; 19.2829
90; 113.954; 90
4856.7Edwards, Alyn C.; Geist, Andreas; Müllich, Udo; Sharrad, Clint A.; Pritchard, Robin G.; Whitehead, Roger C.; Harwood, Laurence M.
Transition metal-free, visible-light mediated synthesis of 1,10-phenanthroline derived ligand systems
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 8160-8163
1546412 CIFC38 H45 Eu N12 O9P -110.6829; 11.9538; 17.4933
88.385; 77.936; 70.385
2055.67Edwards, Alyn C.; Geist, Andreas; Müllich, Udo; Sharrad, Clint A.; Pritchard, Robin G.; Whitehead, Roger C.; Harwood, Laurence M.
Transition metal-free, visible-light mediated synthesis of 1,10-phenanthroline derived ligand systems
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 8160-8163
1546413 CIFC37 H48 N8 O2P 1 21/n 116.9253; 8.6647; 23.1992
90; 98.832; 90
3361.9Edwards, Alyn C.; Geist, Andreas; Müllich, Udo; Sharrad, Clint A.; Pritchard, Robin G.; Whitehead, Roger C.; Harwood, Laurence M.
Transition metal-free, visible-light mediated synthesis of 1,10-phenanthroline derived ligand systems
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 8160-8163
1546435 CIFC24 H21 N O3P 1 21/c 117.0796; 13.6704; 18.9052
90; 116.272; 90
3958.1Wu, Cheng-Juan; Cao, Wen-Xiao; Lei, Tao; Li, Zhi-Hua; Meng, Qing-Yuan; Yang, Xiu-Long; Chen, Bin; Ramamurthy, Vaidhyanathan; Tung, Chen-Ho; Wu, Li-Zhu
A sustainable synthesis of 2-aryl-3-carboxylate indolines from N-aryl enamines under visible light irradiation
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 8320-8323
1546815 CIFC34 H48 Cl Ir N2 SiP 1 21/c 111.5766; 17.2082; 17.1087
90; 107.784; 90
3245.4Cabeza, Javier A.; García-Álvarez, Pablo; González-Álvarez, Laura
Facile cyclometallation of a mesitylsilylene: synthesis and preliminary catalytic activity of iridium(III) and iridium(V) iridasilacyclopentenes
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10275-10278
1546816 CIFC51 H74 Cl7 Ir N4 Si2P -110.0773; 13.0942; 22.7288
83.648; 87.998; 76.732
2901.04Cabeza, Javier A.; García-Álvarez, Pablo; González-Álvarez, Laura
Facile cyclometallation of a mesitylsilylene: synthesis and preliminary catalytic activity of iridium(III) and iridium(V) iridasilacyclopentenes
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10275-10278
1546817 CIFC35.5 H50 Cl Ir N2 SiP 1 21/c 120.2028; 9.0196; 20.2302
90; 114.903; 90
3343.6Cabeza, Javier A.; García-Álvarez, Pablo; González-Álvarez, Laura
Facile cyclometallation of a mesitylsilylene: synthesis and preliminary catalytic activity of iridium(III) and iridium(V) iridasilacyclopentenes
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10275-10278
1546818 CIFC37 H22 F3 Fe I4 N5 O2P 1 c 18.447; 11.738; 19.66
90; 107.207; 90
1862.1Jeon, Ie-Rang; Mathonière, Corine; Clérac, Rodolphe; Rouzières, Mathieu; Jeannin, Olivier; Trzop, Elzbieta; Collet, Eric; Fourmigué, Marc
Photoinduced reversible spin-state switching of an Fe <sup>III</sup> complex assisted by a halogen-bonded supramolecular network
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10283-10286
1546819 CIFC38 H22 F3 Fe I4 N4 O2P 1 c 18.3692; 11.5822; 19.5061
90; 106.785; 90
1810.24Jeon, Ie-Rang; Mathonière, Corine; Clérac, Rodolphe; Rouzières, Mathieu; Jeannin, Olivier; Trzop, Elzbieta; Collet, Eric; Fourmigué, Marc
Photoinduced reversible spin-state switching of an Fe <sup>III</sup> complex assisted by a halogen-bonded supramolecular network
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10283-10286
1546820 CIFC38 H22 F3 Fe I4 N4 O2C 1 c 116.7237; 22.9833; 19.4485
90; 107.484; 90
7129.98Jeon, Ie-Rang; Mathonière, Corine; Clérac, Rodolphe; Rouzières, Mathieu; Jeannin, Olivier; Trzop, Elzbieta; Collet, Eric; Fourmigué, Marc
Photoinduced reversible spin-state switching of an Fe <sup>III</sup> complex assisted by a halogen-bonded supramolecular network
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10283-10286
1546836 CIFC0 H18 B69 Mg7 N0 O126P -3 1 c26.1715; 26.1715; 15.3862
90; 90; 120
9126.81Wang, Jia-Jia; Yang, Guo-Yu
A novel supramolecular magnesoborate framework with snowflake-like channels built by unprecedented huge B <sub>69</sub> cluster cages
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10398-10401
1546837 CIFC18 H6 S3P 1 21 19.785; 7.3055; 9.929
90; 118.84; 90
621.7Tan, Qitao; Zhou, Dandan; Zhang, Tao; Liu, Bingxin; Xu, Bin
Iodine-doped sumanene and its application for the synthesis of chalcogenasumanenes and silasumanenes
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10279-10282
1546838 CIFC24 H24 Si3P 1 21/c 112.04; 20.685; 18.893
90; 93.345; 90
4697.2Tan, Qitao; Zhou, Dandan; Zhang, Tao; Liu, Bingxin; Xu, Bin
Iodine-doped sumanene and its application for the synthesis of chalcogenasumanenes and silasumanenes
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10279-10282
1546839 CIFC20.5 H14 N5.5 O9.5 S2 Zn2P 43 21 219.3615; 19.3615; 14.1645
90; 90; 90
5309.81Han, Xiao; Cheng, Qing; Meng, Xiangru; Shao, Zhichao; Ma, Ke; Wei, Donghui; Ding, Jie; Hou, Hongwei
Unique structural micro-adjustments in a new benzothiadiazole-derived Zn( <scp>ii</scp> ) metal organic framework via simple photochemical decarboxylation
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10314-10317
1546840 CIFC20.5 H14 N5.5 O9.5 S2 Zn2P 43 21 219.3938; 19.3938; 14.1496
90; 90; 90
5321.94Han, Xiao; Cheng, Qing; Meng, Xiangru; Shao, Zhichao; Ma, Ke; Wei, Donghui; Ding, Jie; Hou, Hongwei
Unique structural micro-adjustments in a new benzothiadiazole-derived Zn( <scp>ii</scp> ) metal organic framework via simple photochemical decarboxylation
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10314-10317
1546841 CIFC20.5 H14 N5.5 O9.5 S2 Zn2P 43 21 219.3596; 19.3596; 14.1336
90; 90; 90
5297.2Han, Xiao; Cheng, Qing; Meng, Xiangru; Shao, Zhichao; Ma, Ke; Wei, Donghui; Ding, Jie; Hou, Hongwei
Unique structural micro-adjustments in a new benzothiadiazole-derived Zn( <scp>ii</scp> ) metal organic framework via simple photochemical decarboxylation
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10314-10317
1546907 CIFC42 H67 Al Cl N2P 1 21/n 114.41; 17.145; 17.2175
90; 114.14; 90
3881.8Kundu, Subrata; Sinhababu, Soumen; Dutta, Sayan; Mondal, Totan; Koley, Debasis; Dittrich, Birger; Schwederski, Brigitte; Kaim, Wolfgang; Stückl, A. Claudia; Roesky, Herbert W.
Synthesis and characterization of Lewis base stabilized mono- and di-organo aluminum radicals
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 10516-10519
1547870 CIFC80 H104 O12P 1 21/n 118.8502; 9.25277; 20.4322
90; 106.169; 90
3422.75Yang, Liu-Pan; Jia, Fei; Pan, Fangfang; Pan, Zhi-Sheng; Rissanen, Kari; Jiang, Wei
Effects of side chains of oxatub[4]arene on its conformational interconversion, molecular recognition and macroscopic self-assembly
Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 12572-12575
1549179 CIFC29 H17 Eu Na2 O14 S2P n m a26.6907; 22.7441; 5.7141
90; 90; 90
3468.8Wang, Xia; Wang, Yanlong; Silver, Mark A.; Gui, Daxiang; Bai, Zhuanling; Wang, Yaxing; Liu, Wei; Chen, Lanhua; Diwu, Juan; Chai, Zhifang; Wang, Shuao
Superprotonic conduction through one-dimensional ordered alkali metal ion chains in a lanthanide-organic framework.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 4429-4432
1549184 CIFC7 H15 I3 N2 PbP 63/m m c10.4821; 10.4821; 8.1053
90; 90; 120
771.25Xue, Chen; Yao, Zhi-Yuan; Zhang, Jin; Liu, Wen-Long; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, Xiao-Ming
Extra thermo- and water-stable one-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite [N-methyldabconium]PbI<sub>3</sub> showing switchable dielectric behaviour, conductivity and bright yellow-green emission.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 4321-4324
1549185 CIFC7 H15 I3 N2 PbP b c a18.6221; 8.0211; 20.4046
90; 90; 90
3047.83Xue, Chen; Yao, Zhi-Yuan; Zhang, Jin; Liu, Wen-Long; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, Xiao-Ming
Extra thermo- and water-stable one-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite [N-methyldabconium]PbI<sub>3</sub> showing switchable dielectric behaviour, conductivity and bright yellow-green emission.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 4321-4324
1549186 CIFC25 H20 F3 I2 N7 O3 SP 1 21/c 114.2649; 8.5985; 22.85
90; 95.1; 90
2791.6Dreger, Alexander; Engelage, Elric; Mallick, Bert; Beer, Paul D.; Huber, Stefan M.
The role of charge in 1,2,3-triazol(ium)-based halogen bonding activators.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 4013-4016
1549187 CIFC33 H37 Br I2 N8P 1 21/c 115.479; 16.978; 13.102
90; 99.204; 90
3399Dreger, Alexander; Engelage, Elric; Mallick, Bert; Beer, Paul D.; Huber, Stefan M.
The role of charge in 1,2,3-triazol(ium)-based halogen bonding activators.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 4013-4016
1549218 CIFC55 H49 B Cl Ir N2P 1 21/n 120.4266; 9.3782; 24.537
90; 108.456; 90
4458.7Zhang, Hairong; Guo, Lihua; Tian, Zhenzhen; Tian, Meng; Zhang, Shumiao; Xu, Zhishan; Gong, Peiwei; Zheng, Xiaofeng; Zhao, Jia; Liu, Zhe
Significant effects of counteranions on the anticancer activity of iridium(iii) complexes.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 4421-4424
1549219 CIFC30 H28 Cl F6 O PP -17.1352; 13.528; 14.6245
70.019; 86.507; 89.808
1323.96Shyshov, Oleksandr; Siewerth, Kevin Andre; von Delius, Max
Evidence for anion-binding of all-cis hexafluorocyclohexane in solution and solid state.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 4353-4355
1549257 CIFC28 H76 B2 O2 Pb Si8C 1 2/c 125.147; 18.137; 23.271
90; 118.845; 90
9297Someşan, Adrian-Alexandru; Le Coz, Erwann; Roisnel, Thierry; Silvestru, Cristian; Sarazin, Yann
Stable lead(ii) boroxides.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 5299-5302
1549258 CIFC28 H76 B2 O2 Si8 SnC 1 2/c 125.1738; 18.1907; 24.6824
90; 123.917; 90
9379.6Someşan, Adrian-Alexandru; Le Coz, Erwann; Roisnel, Thierry; Silvestru, Cristian; Sarazin, Yann
Stable lead(ii) boroxides.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 5299-5302
1549259 CIFC18 H6 F36 O7 Pb4P 1 21/c 118.87; 10.1801; 19.4987
90; 90.176; 90
3745.7Someşan, Adrian-Alexandru; Le Coz, Erwann; Roisnel, Thierry; Silvestru, Cristian; Sarazin, Yann
Stable lead(ii) boroxides.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 5299-5302
1549260 CIFC15 H30 N2 Pb Si2P -18.9054; 10.6022; 12.4223
103.574; 110.985; 103.843
994.7Someşan, Adrian-Alexandru; Le Coz, Erwann; Roisnel, Thierry; Silvestru, Cristian; Sarazin, Yann
Stable lead(ii) boroxides.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 5299-5302
1549261 CIFC23 H50 B N O Pb Si4P 1 21/n 19.1319; 18.6282; 18.929
90; 102.613; 90
3142.3Someşan, Adrian-Alexandru; Le Coz, Erwann; Roisnel, Thierry; Silvestru, Cristian; Sarazin, Yann
Stable lead(ii) boroxides.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 5299-5302
1549357 CIFC37 H54 Ir N P2P -19.1192; 10.6683; 17.8231
93.18; 92.823; 95.767
1719.89Kumar, Amit; Feller, Moran; Ben-David, Yehoshoa; Diskin-Posner, Yael; Milstein, David
Formal oxidative addition of a C-H bond by a 16e iridium(i) complex involves metal-ligand cooperation.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 5365-5368
1549704 CIFC14 H26 N O4 SbP b c a8.0941; 43.971; 8.3622
90; 90; 90
2976.2Moaven, Shiva; Yu, Jingze; Vega, Maythe; Unruh, Daniel K.; Cozzolino, Anthony F.
Self-assembled reversed bilayers directed by pnictogen bonding to form vesicles in solution.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 8849-8852
1550040 CIFC138 H148 Br8 Cl4 N12 Zn2P -117.6822; 17.7483; 25.194
78.121; 77.607; 60.899
6699.7Sánchez-Roa, David; Santiago, Tomás G; Fernández-Millán, Maria; Cuenca, Tomás; Palma, Pilar; Cámpora, Juan; Mosquera, Marta E. G.
Interaction of an imidazolium-2-amidinate (NHC-CDI) zwitterion with zinc dichloride in dichloromethane: role as ligands and C-Cl activation promoters.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 12586-12589
1550041 CIFC33 H42 Cl10 N4C 1 2/c 116.0787; 21.553; 24.176
90; 94.498; 90
8352.2Sánchez-Roa, David; Santiago, Tomás G; Fernández-Millán, Maria; Cuenca, Tomás; Palma, Pilar; Cámpora, Juan; Mosquera, Marta E. G.
Interaction of an imidazolium-2-amidinate (NHC-CDI) zwitterion with zinc dichloride in dichloromethane: role as ligands and C-Cl activation promoters.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 12586-12589
1550042 CIFC64 H80 Cl12 N8 Zn2P b c a21.712; 13.037; 54.215
90; 90; 90
15346Sánchez-Roa, David; Santiago, Tomás G; Fernández-Millán, Maria; Cuenca, Tomás; Palma, Pilar; Cámpora, Juan; Mosquera, Marta E. G.
Interaction of an imidazolium-2-amidinate (NHC-CDI) zwitterion with zinc dichloride in dichloromethane: role as ligands and C-Cl activation promoters.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 12586-12589
1550043 CIFC74 H102 Cl28 N8P -112.838; 15.476; 27.491
98.93; 92.92; 110.32
5027Sánchez-Roa, David; Santiago, Tomás G; Fernández-Millán, Maria; Cuenca, Tomás; Palma, Pilar; Cámpora, Juan; Mosquera, Marta E. G.
Interaction of an imidazolium-2-amidinate (NHC-CDI) zwitterion with zinc dichloride in dichloromethane: role as ligands and C-Cl activation promoters.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2018, 54, 12586-12589
1550805 CIFC24 H18 N2 O2P 1 21/c 17.6952; 12.1964; 19.5655
90; 97.259; 90
1821.6Bete, Sarah C.; Würtele, Christian; Otte, Matthias
A bio-inspired imidazole-functionalised copper cage complex
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 4427-4430
1550806 CIFC110 H128 Cu F6 N12 O2 SbP -115.9483; 18.9098; 20.1274
93.485; 110.627; 109.075
5261.7Bete, Sarah C.; Würtele, Christian; Otte, Matthias
A bio-inspired imidazole-functionalised copper cage complex
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 4427-4430
1550836 CIFC27 H22 N2 O2 SP 1 21/n 16.8651; 19.3795; 18.327
90; 99.218; 90
2406.8Sinha, Sanghamitra; Chowdhury, Bijit; Ghorai, Uttam Kumar; Ghosh, Pradyut
Multitasking behaviour of a small organic compound: solid state bright white-light emission, mechanochromism and ratiometric sensing of Al( <scp>iii</scp> ) and pyrophosphate
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 5127-5130
1551245 CIFC38 H59 Cl Hf N2 O4P 1 21/c 115.7324; 13.8338; 19.0436
90; 110.691; 90
3877.3Lalrempuia, Ralte; Underhaug, Jarl; Törnroos, Karl W.; Le Roux, Erwan
Anionic hafnium species: an active catalytic intermediate for the coupling of epoxides with CO <sub>2</sub> ?
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 7227-7230
1551246 CIFC75 H90 Cl3 Hf N3 O4 P2P -115.031; 15.1732; 20.3432
109.719; 93.383; 116.05
3804.3Lalrempuia, Ralte; Underhaug, Jarl; Törnroos, Karl W.; Le Roux, Erwan
Anionic hafnium species: an active catalytic intermediate for the coupling of epoxides with CO <sub>2</sub> ?
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 7227-7230
1551247 CIFC39 H62 Cl2 Hf N2 O4P 1 21/c 116.5953; 14.0285; 17.4961
90; 96.24; 90
4049.1Lalrempuia, Ralte; Underhaug, Jarl; Törnroos, Karl W.; Le Roux, Erwan
Anionic hafnium species: an active catalytic intermediate for the coupling of epoxides with CO <sub>2</sub> ?
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 7227-7230
1551248 CIFC18.5 H25.5 N2.5 O9.5 Zn2P 21 21 2110.3034; 11.7652; 20.357
90; 90; 90
2467.7Slater, Benjamin; Wong, So-On; Duckworth, Andrew; White, Andrew J. P.; Hill, Matthew R.; Ladewig, Bradley P.
Upcycling a plastic cup: one-pot synthesis of lactate containing metal organic frameworks from polylactic acid
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 7319-7322
1552124 CIFC24 H14 Co F12 N2 O4 S4P -18.4591; 8.6474; 10.5245
100.022; 98.821; 92.677
747.01Leckie, Dominique; Stephaniuk, Nadia T.; Arauzo, Ana; Campo, Javier; Rawson, Jeremy M.
Exploring through-bond and through-space magnetic communication in 1,3,2-dithiazolyl radical complexes
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 9849-9852
1552125 CIFC24 H14 F12 N2 O4 S4 ZnP -18.4587; 8.5811; 10.6424
99.8; 97.782; 91.947
752.91Leckie, Dominique; Stephaniuk, Nadia T.; Arauzo, Ana; Campo, Javier; Rawson, Jeremy M.
Exploring through-bond and through-space magnetic communication in 1,3,2-dithiazolyl radical complexes
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 9849-9852
1552126 CIFC24 H14 F12 Mn N2 O4 S4R -3 :H28.857; 28.857; 10.4312
90; 90; 120
7522.6Leckie, Dominique; Stephaniuk, Nadia T.; Arauzo, Ana; Campo, Javier; Rawson, Jeremy M.
Exploring through-bond and through-space magnetic communication in 1,3,2-dithiazolyl radical complexes
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 9849-9852
1557041 CIFC40 H49 Br N2 OP 1 21/n 111.1088; 21.1979; 15.9518
90; 108.641; 90
3559.32Rottschäfer, Dennis; Glodde, Timo; Neumann, Beate; Stammler, Hans-Georg; Ghadwal, Rajendra S.
A crystalline C5-protonated 1,3-imidazol-4-ylidene.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 2027-2030
1557042 CIFC42 H44 N2 Ni O3P -110.35522; 11.18263; 16.4194
100.307; 95.6535; 99.0466
1831.63Rottschäfer, Dennis; Glodde, Timo; Neumann, Beate; Stammler, Hans-Georg; Ghadwal, Rajendra S.
A crystalline C5-protonated 1,3-imidazol-4-ylidene.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 2027-2030
1557043 CIFC46 H52 Au Cl N2P 1 21/c 112.2795; 16.812; 19.2885
90; 93.6946; 90
3973.7Rottschäfer, Dennis; Glodde, Timo; Neumann, Beate; Stammler, Hans-Georg; Ghadwal, Rajendra S.
A crystalline C5-protonated 1,3-imidazol-4-ylidene.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 2027-2030
1557044 CIFC39 H44 N2I 41/a :238.4682; 38.4682; 9.5772
90; 90; 90
14172.4Rottschäfer, Dennis; Glodde, Timo; Neumann, Beate; Stammler, Hans-Georg; Ghadwal, Rajendra S.
A crystalline C5-protonated 1,3-imidazol-4-ylidene.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 2027-2030
1557667 CIFC21 H24 O2P 1 21/n 113.0157; 9.4167; 13.1769
90; 94.249; 90
1610.59Badmus, Fatimat O.; Malone, Joshua A.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Kartika, Rendy
Synthesis of functionalized tetrahydropyrans via cascade cycloaddition involving silyloxyallyl cation intermediates.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 5034-5037
1558026 CIFC31.75 H28 Ag F3 N2 O3.75 P SP 1 21/n 126.6378; 9.0287; 27.648
90; 110.854; 90
6213.9Rath, Bibhuti Bhusan; Kole, Goutam Kumar; Morris, Samuel Alexander; Vittal, Jagadese J.
Rotation of a helical coordination polymer by mechanical grinding.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 6289-6292
1558027 CIFC24 H20 N4P 1 21/c 110.4634; 8.3919; 10.5935
90; 98.999; 90
918.74Rath, Bibhuti Bhusan; Kole, Goutam Kumar; Morris, Samuel Alexander; Vittal, Jagadese J.
Rotation of a helical coordination polymer by mechanical grinding.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 6289-6292
1558135 CIFC18 H32 Cl Cu N7 O4C 1 c 19.682; 18.886; 24.789
90; 99.902; 90
4465Martínez-Camarena, Álvaro; Sánchez-Murcia, Pedro A; Blasco, Salvador; González, Leticia; García-España, Enrique
Unveiling the reaction mechanism of novel copper N-alkylated tetra-azacyclophanes with outstanding superoxide dismutase activity.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 7511-7514
1558152 CIFC31 H34 O4P -17.8821; 12.0559; 14.7116
86.518; 74.563; 78.674
1321.25Xu, Zhengshuai; Tang, Yitian; Shen, Chaoren; Zhang, Hongru; Gan, Yuxin; Ji, Xiaolei; Tian, Xinxin; Dong, Kaiwu
Nickel-catalyzed regio- and diastereoselective hydroarylative and hydroalkenylative cyclization of 1,6-dienes.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 7741-7744
1559148 CIFC24 H10 Cu2 N4 O10R -3 m :H18.3055; 18.3055; 52.0549
90; 90; 120
15106.2Wen, Hui-Min; Shao, Kai; Zhou, Wei; Li, Bin; Chen, Banglin
A novel expanded metal-organic framework for balancing volumetric and gravimetric methane storage working capacities.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2020, 56, 13117-13120
1559914 CIFC6 H18 Cl4 N2 PdP -17.2281; 8.1281; 11.7212
70.892; 87.545; 89.101
650.09Zierkiewicz, Wiktor; Michalczyk, Mariusz; Maris, Thierry; Wysokinski, Rafal; Scheiner, Steve
Experimental and Theoretical Evidence of Attractive Interactions between Dianions: [PdCl4]2-...[PdCl4]2-
Chemical Communications, 2021
1560723 CIFC26 H46 N3 P Si3P 1 21/n 111.204; 17.824; 15.275
90; 97.916; 90
3021.4Takahashi, Shintaro; Ishii, Akihiko; Nakata, Norio
Interconversion between a silaimine and an aminosilylene supported by an iminophosphonamide ligand.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 3203-3206
1560724 CIFC32 H52 N3 P Se Si3P 1 21/n 110.9693; 19.9448; 15.9939
90; 91.8748; 90
3497.3Takahashi, Shintaro; Ishii, Akihiko; Nakata, Norio
Interconversion between a silaimine and an aminosilylene supported by an iminophosphonamide ligand.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 3203-3206
1560725 CIFC20 H28 Cl N2 P Se SiC 1 2/c 115.6803; 10.0386; 42.425
90; 92.403; 90
6672.2Takahashi, Shintaro; Ishii, Akihiko; Nakata, Norio
Interconversion between a silaimine and an aminosilylene supported by an iminophosphonamide ligand.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 3203-3206
1561776 CIFC35 H32 B Cl2 Cu N4 P2 SP 1 21/c 19.4427; 38.5575; 9.5037
90; 94.951; 90
3447.26Yu, Xiao; Li, Xiaoyue; Cai, Zelun; Sun, Lingzhi; Wang, Chengbo; Rao, Haixia; Wei, Chen; Bian, Zuqiang; Jin, Qionghua; Liu, Zhiwei
Mechanochromic properties in a mononuclear Cu(I) complex without cuprophilic interactions.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 5082-5085
1561777 CIFC35 H32 B Cl2 Cu N4 P2 SP 1 21 111.20173; 8.45092; 18.9038
90; 96.6573; 90
1777.46Yu, Xiao; Li, Xiaoyue; Cai, Zelun; Sun, Lingzhi; Wang, Chengbo; Rao, Haixia; Wei, Chen; Bian, Zuqiang; Jin, Qionghua; Liu, Zhiwei
Mechanochromic properties in a mononuclear Cu(I) complex without cuprophilic interactions.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 5082-5085
1562686 CIFC90 H54 Br6 I2 N12 O12P 1 21/n 112.102; 23.347; 31.702
90; 99.798; 90
8827Fang, Shuai; Li, Errui; Zhu, Dingsheng; Wu, Guangcheng; Zhang, Qinhao; Lin, Chuhao; Huang, Feihe; Li, Hao
A water-soluble naphthalenediimide-containing hexacationic cage.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 6074-6077
1562687 CIFC90 H60 Br6 N12 O15P 1 21 114.159; 23.995; 14.229
90; 104.068; 90
4689Fang, Shuai; Li, Errui; Zhu, Dingsheng; Wu, Guangcheng; Zhang, Qinhao; Lin, Chuhao; Huang, Feihe; Li, Hao
A water-soluble naphthalenediimide-containing hexacationic cage.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 6074-6077
1562688 CIFC90 H54 Br2 I6 N12 O12P 1 21/n 112.1313; 23.4871; 31.769
90; 99.44; 90
8929.3Fang, Shuai; Li, Errui; Zhu, Dingsheng; Wu, Guangcheng; Zhang, Qinhao; Lin, Chuhao; Huang, Feihe; Li, Hao
A water-soluble naphthalenediimide-containing hexacationic cage.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 6074-6077
1562689 CIFC150 H108 Br6 N12 O27P -114.4602; 21.9065; 25.836
106.98; 100.14; 109.181
7049.7Fang, Shuai; Li, Errui; Zhu, Dingsheng; Wu, Guangcheng; Zhang, Qinhao; Lin, Chuhao; Huang, Feihe; Li, Hao
A water-soluble naphthalenediimide-containing hexacationic cage.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 6074-6077
1562690 CIFC233 H147 Br12 N24 O49P -121.62; 25.189; 26.682
99.495; 108.239; 105.86
12767Fang, Shuai; Li, Errui; Zhu, Dingsheng; Wu, Guangcheng; Zhang, Qinhao; Lin, Chuhao; Huang, Feihe; Li, Hao
A water-soluble naphthalenediimide-containing hexacationic cage.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 6074-6077
1562691 CIFC100 H65 Br6 N12 O15C 1 2 118.8016; 21.9859; 28.453
90; 108.666; 90
11143Fang, Shuai; Li, Errui; Zhu, Dingsheng; Wu, Guangcheng; Zhang, Qinhao; Lin, Chuhao; Huang, Feihe; Li, Hao
A water-soluble naphthalenediimide-containing hexacationic cage.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2021, 57, 6074-6077
1565103 CIFC16 H17 Cl2 F6 I N2 O6 S2P c a 2127.0219; 9.8218; 18.6325
90; 90; 90
4945.13Bakro, Aseel; Sharp-Bucknall, Lachlan; Poynder, Tiffany B.; Clegg, Jack K.; Wilson, David J. D.; Dutton, Jason L.
Lewis acid activation of Weiss’ reagents ([PhI(Pyr) <sub>2</sub> ] <sup>2+</sup> ) with boranes and isolation of [PhI(4-DMAP)] <sup>2+</sup>
Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 12163-12166
1565263 CIFLi Mn P S4P n m a12.54; 7.6545; 5.8345
90; 90; 90
560Balijapelly, Srikanth; Ghosh, Kartik; Chernatynskiy, Aleksandr V.; Choudhury, Amitava
Discovery of an olivine-type lithium manganese thiophosphate, LiMnPS <sub>4</sub> , <i>via</i> a building block approach
Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 13182-13185
1569248 CIFC54 H92 N5 O27.71 S2 W7P 1 21/n 123.7639; 10.4977; 29.5824
90; 99.209; 90
7284.69Shiels, Dominic; Pascual-Borràs, Magda; Waddell, Paul G.; Wills, Corinne; Poblet, Josep-Maria; Errington, R. John
A thirty-year old mystery solved: identification of a new heptatungstate from non-aqueous solutions.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7919-7922
1569249 CIFC118 H261 N10 O43 W13P 1 21/c 132.1867; 17.5143; 28.2674
90; 90.691; 90
15934Shiels, Dominic; Pascual-Borràs, Magda; Waddell, Paul G.; Wills, Corinne; Poblet, Josep-Maria; Errington, R. John
A thirty-year old mystery solved: identification of a new heptatungstate from non-aqueous solutions.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7919-7922
1569250 CIFC47 H45 Cl3 O6 S4P -19.9799; 15.196; 16.9612
113.174; 97.818; 97.371
2295.56Qin, Wenjie; Ni, Qian; Jiao, Wenjun; Ma, Yuanhong
B(C<sub>6</sub>F<sub>5</sub>)<sub>3</sub>-catalyzed regio- and stereoselective thiosulfonylation of terminal alkynes with thiosulfonates.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7951-7954
1569251 CIFC30 H60 I2 Mo N3 P3P 1 21/n 111.2557; 20.5955; 17.0359
90; 101.483; 90
3870.2Jin, Li; Zhang, Guoqiang; Yang, Xiaoqin; Song, Jinyi; Wang, Jin; Liao, Qian
A synthetic cycle for iminophosphorane synthesis involving direct intermolecular NP bond formation on N<sub>2</sub>-derived molybdenum nitride.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7955-7958
1569252 CIFC31 H46 I2 Mo N3 P3C 1 2/c 132.1147; 12.0242; 19.6739
90; 103.547; 90
7385.8Jin, Li; Zhang, Guoqiang; Yang, Xiaoqin; Song, Jinyi; Wang, Jin; Liao, Qian
A synthetic cycle for iminophosphorane synthesis involving direct intermolecular NP bond formation on N<sub>2</sub>-derived molybdenum nitride.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7955-7958
1569253 CIFC21 H33 I Mo N2 O3 P2F d d 225.9591; 13.17384; 14.86566
90; 90; 90
5083.77Jin, Li; Zhang, Guoqiang; Yang, Xiaoqin; Song, Jinyi; Wang, Jin; Liao, Qian
A synthetic cycle for iminophosphorane synthesis involving direct intermolecular NP bond formation on N<sub>2</sub>-derived molybdenum nitride.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7955-7958
1569254 CIFC36 H69 I3 Mo N2 Na O7 P2P 21 21 2111.1871; 18.9167; 22.6936
90; 90; 90
4802.5Jin, Li; Zhang, Guoqiang; Yang, Xiaoqin; Song, Jinyi; Wang, Jin; Liao, Qian
A synthetic cycle for iminophosphorane synthesis involving direct intermolecular NP bond formation on N<sub>2</sub>-derived molybdenum nitride.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7955-7958
1569255 CIFC26 H44 I2 Mo N3 P3P 1 21/c 117.0447; 12.5657; 16.0127
90; 105.891; 90
3298.5Jin, Li; Zhang, Guoqiang; Yang, Xiaoqin; Song, Jinyi; Wang, Jin; Liao, Qian
A synthetic cycle for iminophosphorane synthesis involving direct intermolecular NP bond formation on N<sub>2</sub>-derived molybdenum nitride.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7955-7958
1569256 CIFC8 H13 I N PP n m a12.818; 6.851; 12.453
90; 90; 90
1093.6Jin, Li; Zhang, Guoqiang; Yang, Xiaoqin; Song, Jinyi; Wang, Jin; Liao, Qian
A synthetic cycle for iminophosphorane synthesis involving direct intermolecular NP bond formation on N<sub>2</sub>-derived molybdenum nitride.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 7955-7958
1571152 CIFC26 H42 Cl2 N2 Si2I 1 2/m 110.53; 10.929; 12.931
90; 96.525; 90
1478.5Hüßler, Christopher; Dietl, Martin C.; Kahle, Justin; Lopes, Eric F.; Kawamura, Miku; Krämer, Petra; Rominger, Frank; Rudolph, Matthias; Hachiya, Iwao; Hashmi, A Stephen K
Synthesis and structural properties of <i>para</i>-diselenopyrazines.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3786-3789
1571153 CIFC10 H6 Cl2 N2P 1 21/n 18.833; 4.114; 14.134
90; 106.095; 90
493.5Hüßler, Christopher; Dietl, Martin C.; Kahle, Justin; Lopes, Eric F.; Kawamura, Miku; Krämer, Petra; Rominger, Frank; Rudolph, Matthias; Hachiya, Iwao; Hashmi, A Stephen K
Synthesis and structural properties of <i>para</i>-diselenopyrazines.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3786-3789
1571154 CIFC8 H4 N2 Se2P 1 21/n 14.1984; 8.1335; 12.0157
90; 96.9877; 90
407.26Hüßler, Christopher; Dietl, Martin C.; Kahle, Justin; Lopes, Eric F.; Kawamura, Miku; Krämer, Petra; Rominger, Frank; Rudolph, Matthias; Hachiya, Iwao; Hashmi, A Stephen K
Synthesis and structural properties of <i>para</i>-diselenopyrazines.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3786-3789
1571155 CIFC26 H44 N2 Se2 Si2P 1 21/c 114.408; 16.0163; 12.9816
90; 97.694; 90
2968.7Hüßler, Christopher; Dietl, Martin C.; Kahle, Justin; Lopes, Eric F.; Kawamura, Miku; Krämer, Petra; Rominger, Frank; Rudolph, Matthias; Hachiya, Iwao; Hashmi, A Stephen K
Synthesis and structural properties of <i>para</i>-diselenopyrazines.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3786-3789
1571156 CIFC30 H32 N2 Se2P -14.7908; 9.1049; 15.3497
75.701; 89.134; 80.513
639.7Hüßler, Christopher; Dietl, Martin C.; Kahle, Justin; Lopes, Eric F.; Kawamura, Miku; Krämer, Petra; Rominger, Frank; Rudolph, Matthias; Hachiya, Iwao; Hashmi, A Stephen K
Synthesis and structural properties of <i>para</i>-diselenopyrazines.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3786-3789
1571172 CIFC38 H27 O2 PP 1 21/c 110.0902; 20.276; 14.0678
90; 104.978; 90
2780.3Li, Yang; Yan, Xiao-Long; Hu, Li-Yan; Luo, Kai; Zhu, Jie; Wu, Lei
Pd-catalyzed divergent regioselective annulation of phosphinyl allenes accessing polyarylfurans and 2<i>H</i>-chromenes.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3814-3817
1571173 CIFC30 H27 O4 PP -18.9061; 10.4242; 14.312
74.291; 76.463; 86.731
1243.5Li, Yang; Yan, Xiao-Long; Hu, Li-Yan; Luo, Kai; Zhu, Jie; Wu, Lei
Pd-catalyzed divergent regioselective annulation of phosphinyl allenes accessing polyarylfurans and 2<i>H</i>-chromenes.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3814-3817
1571187 CIFC30 H28 N2 O4 S2P 1 21/n 18.2168; 12.1811; 28.132
90; 93.702; 90
2809.8Sun, Haoyany; Pan, Junhong; Zhao, Wenying; Zhou, Tong; Song, Xizhong; Lin, Jun; Jin, Yi
Scandium-catalyzed chemoselective carbene insertion into N-H over S-H: access to <i>o</i>-alkylamine-diaryl disulfides.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3798-3801
1571188 CIFC33 H32 N2 O2P 1 21/n 114.474; 12.9605; 14.8707
90; 110.226; 90
2617.6Xu, Lihua; Zhao, Jiang
Bromine atom introduction improves the F<sup>-</sup> sensing ability of an indolo[3,2-<i>b</i>]carbazole-salicylaldehyde-based fluorescence turn-on sensor.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 3830-3833
2000129 CIFC54 H166 F6 Ga32 N12 O148 P32I 2 316.3782; 16.3782; 16.3782
90; 90; 90
4393.38Reinert, P.; Marler, B.; Patarin, J.
Synthesis and characterization of the new microporous fluorogallophosphate Mu-2 with a novel framework topology
Chemical Communications, 1998, 1769-1770
5000033 CIFC13 H18 O2P 1 21/c 114.397; 7.818; 10.506
90; 99.7; 90
1165.6Shankland, Norman; Florence, Alastair J.; Cox, Philip J.; Sheen, David B.; Love, Steve W.; Stewart, Neil S.; Wilson, Chick C.
Crystal morphology of ibuprofen predicted from single-crystal pulsed neutron diffraction data
Chemical Communications, 1996, 855-856
5000161 CIFC27 H43 N O5P 21 21 2116.882; 17.619; 8.497
90; 90; 90
2527.38Nakano, Kazunori; Sada, Kazuki; Miyata, Mikiji
Novel additive effect of inclusion crystals on polymorphs‒cholic acid crystals having different hydrogen-bonded networks with the same organic guest
Chemical Communications, 1996, 989-990
5000287 CIFC10 H6 Br4 Cl2 N2P b c n12.438; 8.753; 13.696
90; 90; 90
1491.08Gribble, G. W.; Blank, D. H.; Jasinski, J. P.
Synthesis and identification of two halogenated bipyrroles present in seabird eggs
Chemical Communications, 1999, 2195-2196
5000295 CIFC114 H202 Mn8 O38P -114.7812; 15.0833; 35.2358
78.7348; 84.8151; 61.9138
6797.2Boskovic, Colette; Huffman, John C.; Christou, George
A new synthetic method to Mn carboxylate clusters: reductive fragmentation of [Mn~12~O~12~(O~2~CR)~16~(H~2~O)~4~] to [Mn~8~O~2~(O~2~CR)~14~(RCO~2~H)~4~] (R = CH2But)
Chemical Communications, 2002, 2502-2503
5000311 CIFC26 H55 Cl N3 O17 V5C 1 2/c 116.111; 14.9003; 33.674
90; 91.39; 90
8081Karet, Gail B.; Streib, William E.; Bollinger, John C.; Christou, George; Sun, Ziming; Hendrickson, David N.
Stepwise assembly of a polyoxovanadate from mononuclear units in an organic solvent: carboxylate-stabilised fragments in the conversion of [VOCl4]2− to [V15O36]5−
Chemical Communications, 2249-2250
5000373 CIFC72 H48 O12 Ti2C 1 2/c 122.924; 17.721; 18.87
90; 129.596; 90
5906.7Grillo, Vincent A.; Seddon, Elisa J.; Grant, Craig M.; Aromí, Guillem; Bollinger, John C.; Folting, Kirsten; Christou, George
Bis(β-diketonate) ligands for the synthesis of bimetallic complexes of Ti^III^, V^III^, Mn^III^ and Fe^III^ with a triple-helix structure
Chemical Communications, 1997, 1561-1562
5000405 CIFC42.56 H103.84 N6.28 O36 V15C 1 2/c 122.105; 13.784; 26.604
90; 107.56; 90
7728.4Karet, Gail B.; Streib, William E.; Bollinger, John C.; Christou, George; Sun, Ziming; Hendrickson, David N.
Stepwise assembly of a polyoxovanadate from mononuclear units in an organic solvent: carboxylate-stabilised fragments in the conversion of [VOCl4]2− to [V15O36]5−
Chemical Communications, 2249-2250
7100000 CIFC63 H70 N4 O13P 1 21/c 121.48; 15.086; 18.231
90; 109.75; 90
5560G.W.V.Cave; M.C.Ferrarelli; J.L.Atwood
Nano-dimensions for the pyrogallol[4]arene cavity
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100001 CIFC13 H16 N4 O2P 21 21 232.0792; 14.408; 7.2035
90; 90; 90
3329.44Jon Parquette; Judith C. Gallucci; Adam J. Preston
The Influence of Sterics on the Formation of Polar 1-D Hydrogen-Bonded Networks
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100002 CIFC17 H24 N4 O2P 1 21 16.131; 13.95; 20.22
90; 91.021; 90
1729.1Chemical Communications, 2005
7100003 CIFC60 H77.5 F4 N6 Na Ni4 O13.25I 4 3 229.5764; 29.5764; 29.5764
90; 90; 90
25872R. Winpenny; Guillem. Aromi; Aidan Bell; S. J. Teat; Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
Synthesis and Characterisation of a {Ni8} Single Molecule Magnet and A Related Cage
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100004 CIFC77.3 H115 N56 Na2 Ni8 O29.3P 1 21/n 116.055; 16.408; 23.826
90; 103.176; 90
6111R. Winpenny; Guillem. Aromi; Aidan Bell; S. J. Teat; Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
Synthesis and Characterisation of a {Ni8} Single Molecule Magnet and A Related Cage
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100005 CIFC8 H8 Co3 O13C 1 2/m 19.2966; 12.8636; 5.4998
90; 90.533; 90
657.68Kurmoo, Mohamedally; Kumagai, Hitoshi; Chapman, Karena W.; Kepert, Cameron J.
Reversible ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transformation upon dehydration-hydration of the nanoporous coordination framework, [Co3(OH)2(C4O4)2] 3H2O
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100006 CIFC8 H2 Co3 O10C 1 2/m 19.4684; 12.7225; 5.4873
90; 90.314; 90
661Chemical Communications, 2005
7100007 CIFC20 H20 O3 SP n m a7.1305; 34.505; 6.8846
90; 90; 90
1693.9Aitipamula Srinivasulu; Ashwini Nangia
Concomitant polymorphs of 2,2',6,6'-tetramethyl-4,4'-terphenyldiol: the b-quinol network reproduced in a metastable polymorph
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100008 CIFC22 H22 O2R -3 :H20.858; 20.858; 10.0116
90; 90; 120
3772.1Aitipamula Srinivasulu; Ashwini Nangia
Concomitant polymorphs of 2,2',6,6'-tetramethyl-4,4'-terphenyldiol: the b-quinol network reproduced in a metastable polymorph
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100009 CIFC22 H22 O2P 1 21/c 19.553; 4.5252; 20.21
90; 100.555; 90
858.9Aitipamula Srinivasulu; Ashwini Nangia
Concomitant polymorphs of 2,2',6,6'-tetramethyl-4,4'-terphenyldiol: the b-quinol network reproduced in a metastable polymorph
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100012 CIFC37 H36 Cl2 F4 O4P -110.1223; 12.6116; 13.7458
86.93; 89.931; 71.358
1660.09F. Toda; Shinya Hirano; Masako Kato; Shinji Toyota
Isolation of axial conformers of chloro- and bromocyclohexane in a pure state as inclusion complexes with 9,9'-bianthryl, and the discovery of a novel 1,3 axial Cl—H weak hydrogen bond
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100013 CIFC34 H29 ClP -112.043; 19.012; 10.994
96.075; 102.296; 89.397
2445.3Chemical Communications, 2005
7100016 CIFC40 H78 Ni2 O17P b c a12.088; 19.348; 48.185
90; 90; 90
11269R. Winpenny; F. P. Booy; Kirsten Christensen; Finn Larsen; Gopalan Rajaraman; G.A.Timco
Theoretical studies on bi and tetranuclear Ni pivalate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100017 CIFC78 H77 Cl N2 O2 P2 RuP 1 21 111.735; 17.146; 17.634
90; 105.44; 90
3419.9Robert H. Morris; Xuanhua Chen.; Christian Elpelt; Rongwei Guo.; Datong Song.
A Modular Design of Ruthenium Catalysts with Diamine and Binol-derived Phosphinite Ligands that are Enantiomerically-Matched for the Effective Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of Simple Ketones
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100018 CIFC63 H69 F12 N15 O3 P2 RuP 21 318.999; 18.999; 18.999
90; 90; 90
6858.1Gebhard Haberhauer; Thomas Oeser; Frank Rominger
A widely applicable concept for predictable induction of preferred configuration in C3-symmetric systems
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100019 CIFC63 H78.6 Ir N12 O10.8R 3 :H16.2136; 16.2136; 22.0711
90; 90; 120
5024.7Gebhard Haberhauer; Thomas Oeser; Frank Rominger
A widely applicable concept for predictable induction of preferred configuration in C3-symmetric systems
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100020 CIFC53 H64 Cl4 N10 O3P 1 21 113.0619; 15.4301; 13.6751
90; 92.057; 90
2754.39Gebhard Haberhauer; Thomas Oeser; Frank Rominger
A widely applicable concept for predictable induction of preferred configuration in C3-symmetric systems
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100021 CIFC28 H42 Cu4 N24 O3 W2P c c n25.6673; 13.4786; 13.5486
90; 90; 90
4687.3Barbara Sieklucka; Maria Balanda; Tomasz Korzeniak; Kazimierz Kowalski; Robert Pelka; K. Stadnicka; Krzysztof Tomala
An unprecedented copper (I,II) octacyanotungstate(V) 2-D network: crystal structure and magnetism of [CuII(tren)]{CuI[WV(CN)8]}*1.5H2O
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100022 CIFC84 H56 Cl4 F10 N4 S4P 1 21/n 118.713; 13.74; 29.251
90; 97.38; 90
7459Tavarekere K. Chandrashekar; B. S. Joshi; Viswanathan PrabhuRaja; Harapriya Rath; Raja Roy; Jeyaraman Sankar
Figure-Eight Aromatic Core-modified Octaphyrins With Six meso links: Syntheses and Structural Characterization
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100023 CIFC11 H20 Cl N RhP 1 2/n 110.9386; 9.676; 11.3108
90; 99.428; 90
1181Howard Alper; Jai Jun Kim.
Ionic diamine rhodium (I) complexes highly active catalysts for the hydroformylation of olefins
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100024 CIFC44 H21 Au3 Cl2 F15 Fe N3P 1 21/n 111.502; 22.9336; 16.601
90; 102.965; 90
4267.4M.Concepcion Gimeno; Javier E. Aguado; Maria Jose Calhorda; Antonio Laguna
Unprecedented 3-M3 Coordination Mode in a Terpyridine Ligand
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100025 CIFC27 H40 B6 Fe2 O7 Ru2P 1 21/n 19.6024; 22.536; 16.0264
90; 99.642; 90
3419.1S.Ghosh; B.C.Noll; T.P.Fehlner
Condensed metallaborane clusters: Synthesis and structure of Fe2(CO)6(h5-C5Me5RuCO)(h5-C5Me5Ru)B6H10
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100026 CIFC9 H4 N0.5 Ni S11P -16.454; 7.448; 19.603
99.707; 91.077; 115.569
833.5Neil Robertson; A.Kuni; Stewart J. Clark; Hengbo Cui.; Wataru Fujita; Hayao Kobayahi; S.S. Staniland; Yoshikatsu Umezono
A unique new multiband molecular conductor: [BDTA][Ni(dmit)2]2
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100029 CIFC38 H41 Br2 Cl2 Co I N4 NiP 1 21/c 115.211; 11.6798; 22.888
90; 96.59; 90
4039.5Hideo Nagashima; Yukihiro Motoyama; Masao Tanabiki; Kazuhiro Tsuchiya
Monometallic and Heterobimetallic Azanickellacycles as Ethylene Polymerization Catalysts
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100030 CIFC38 H41 Br2 Cl2 I N4 Ni ZnP 1 21/c 115.091; 11.585; 22.938
90; 97.1574; 90
3979.1Chemical Communications, 2005
7100031 CIFC37 H39 I N4 NiC 1 2/c 129.374; 14.767; 17.319
90; 116.599; 90
6717.6Chemical Communications, 2005
7100032 CIFC11 H15 Na O7 RuP -110.672; 12.45; 14.069
73.26; 75.03; 65.11
1603.6G. Fachinetti; T. Funaioli; F. Marchetti
The Ethene Hydroformylation with CO/H~2~O: Nucleophilic Attack by Water onto a Terminal CO of a Ru(II) Acylcarbonyl Complex
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100033 CIFC30 H42 O12P 1 21/n 110.9525; 11.207; 25.0146
90; 97.6555; 90
3043.06Feihe Huang; Matthew Lam; Eric J. Mahan; Arnold L. Rheingold; Harry W. Gibson
Host folding during the formation of a taco complex
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100034 CIFC29 H39 O11P -110.3115; 11.0844; 13.8563
76.203; 70.914; 83.447
1452.4Chemical Communications, 2005
7100035 CIFC47 H67 F12 N2 O13 P2P -111.6764; 15.9293; 16.8706
62.902; 83.88; 73.69
2680.1Chemical Communications, 2005
7100036 CIFC78 H60 D6 N3 P6 Se6 UR -3 c :H15.1699; 15.1699; 56.846
90; 90; 120
11329.1A.J. Gaunt; B.L. Scott; M.P. Neu
Homoleptic uranium(III) imidodiphoshinochalcogenides including the first structurally characterised molecular trivalent actinide-Se bond
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100037 CIFC79 H68 N3 P6 S6 UR -3 c :H15.0066; 15.0066; 56.107
90; 90; 120
10942.4Chemical Communications, 2005
7100038 CIFC19 H19 N OP 1 21/c 110.002; 13.135; 10.948
90; 92.825; 90
1436.56R.E. Grigg; Laura Cleghorn; Colin Kilner; William S. MacLachlan; V. Sridharan
Bimetallic Catalytic Synthesis of Annelated Benzazepines
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100039 CIFC26 H25 NP n a 2110.374; 19.283; 9.733
90; 90; 90
1947.01R.E.Grigg; Laura Cleghorn; Colin Kilner; William S. MacLachlan; V. Sridharan
Bimetallic Catalytic Synthesis of Annelated Benzazepines
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100040 CIFC60 H104 Ag4 Cl4 N8 O4P 19.3318; 11.08; 18.816
105.54; 97.78; 94.74
1842.6Elena Fernandez; Rosa Corberan; Eduardo Peris; Jesus Ramirez; Mercedes Sanau
Unprecedented use of silver(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes for the catalytic preparation of 1,2-bis(boronate)esters
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100041 CIFC38 H27 Au Cl2 N2P -110.052; 10.463; 16.117
82.04; 84.82; 66.02
1532.8Vivian Yam; Ling-Ling Hung; Hoi-Sing Kwok; Keith Man-Chung Wong; Nianyong Zhu; Xiuling Zhu
A novel class of phosphorescent gold(III) alkynyl-based organic light emitting devices with tunable colour
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100044 CIFC9 H21 Ag N2 O3.5C 1 2/c 121.5739; 9.8443; 15.7727
90; 125.341; 90
2732.5Dario Braga; Marco Curzi; F. Grepioni; Marco Polito
Mechanochemical and Solution Reactions Between AgCH3COO and [H2NC6H10NH2] Yield Three Isomers of the Coordination Network {Ag[H2NC6H10NH2]+}
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100045 CIFC8 H25 Ag N2 O6P -18.7808; 12.81; 13.706
95.35; 90.898; 108.9
1450.5Dario Braga; Marco Curzi; F. Grepioni; Marco Polito
Mechanochemical and Solution Reactions Between AgCH3COO and [H2NC6H10NH2] Yield Three Isomers of the Coordination Network {Ag[H2NC6H10NH2]+}
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100046 CIFC8 H23 Ag N2 O5P -16.108; 10.18; 11.849
105.91; 97.78; 99.37
686.4Dario Braga; Marco Curzi; F. Grepioni; Marco Polito
Mechanochemical and Solution Reactions Between AgCH3COO and [H2NC6H10NH2] Yield Three Isomers of the Coordination Network {Ag[H2NC6H10NH2]+}
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100047 CIFC56 H58 N4 O16 VC 1 2/m 116.297; 27.009; 8.878
90; 115.11; 90
3538.5Chi Ming Che.; Nancy P. Y. Chung; Chen-Lung Li.; Raymond Sun.; Suk-Yu Wong.
Physiologically Stable Vanadium(IV) Porphyrins as a New Class of Anti-HIV Agents
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100048 CIFC8 H25 Ga2 N3P 21 21 216.1939; 12.977; 17.601
90; 90; 90
1414.8Wayne Gladfelter; Benjamin E. Kuccera; Bing Luo
Mono- and digallane complexes of a tridentate amido-diamine ligand
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100049 CIFC8 H22 Ga N3P b c n11.01; 11.706; 9.4523
90; 90; 90
1218.2Wayne Gladfelter; Benjamin E. Kuccera; Bing Luo
Mono- and digallane complexes of a tridentate amido-diamine ligand
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100050 CIFC109 H111 Cl6 N14 O6 P Zn3P -114.4818; 17.0579; 23.2334
78.2385; 87.6536; 71.2122
5317.55J. Reek; Arjan W. Kleij; Martin Lutz; Anthony L. Spek; van Leeuwen,Piet W.N.M
Encapsulated Transition Metal Catalysts Comprising Peripheral Zn(II)salen Building Blocks: Template-Controlled Reactivity and Selectivity in Hydroformylation Catalysis
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100051 CIFC181.25 H274.25 Ag F37.5 N29.25 Ni21 O72.25P 1 21/c 148.308; 15.6944; 38.405
90; 106.099; 90
27975Richard Winpenny; Guillem Aromi; Aiden Bell; S. J. Teat
Synthesis and Characterisation of a {Ni21Ag} Cage
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100052 CIFC27 H20 N6 O10P -17.7602; 15.269; 22.456
82.064; 81.61; 78.915
2566.7C. Aakeroy; John Desper; Joaquin F. Urbina
Supramolecular Reagents: Versatile Tools for Non-covalent Synthesis
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100053 CIFC29 H26 N6 O8P -18.1324; 10.811; 15.3761
95.489; 90.318; 91.503
1345.2C. Aakeroy; John Desper; Joaquin F. Urbina
Supramolecular Reagents: Versatile Tools for Non-covalent Synthesis
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100054 CIFC28 H22 N6 O10P 1 21/c 17.7318; 7.0062; 49.395
90; 91.012; 90
2675.3C. Aakeroy; John Desper; Joaquin F. Urbina
Supramolecular Reagents: Versatile Tools for Non-covalent Synthesis
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100055 CIFC16 H4 F12 N2 O8 Rh2C 1 2/c 119.411; 16.879; 8.348
90; 114.91; 90
2481Marina Petrukhina; Vladimir V. Chernyshev; Evgeny V. Dikarev; Bo Li.; Roman V. Shpanchenko
Coordination Polymers Formed in Solution and in Solvent-Free Environment. Structural Transformation due to Interstitial Solvent Removal Revealed by X-ray Powder Diffraction
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100056 CIFC27 H15.5 Cl F12 N2 O8 Rh2P n m a16.3302; 24.7253; 8.7079
90; 90; 90
3516Marina Petrukhina; Vladimir V. Chernyshev; Evgeny V. Dikarev; Bo Li.; Roman V. Shpanchenko
Coordination Polymers Formed in Solution and in Solvent-Free Environment. Structural Transformation due to Interstitial Solvent Removal Revealed by X-ray Powder Diffraction
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100057 CIFC70 H96 Cl2 O P2 PdP b c a25.241; 20.053; 26.004
90; 90; 90
13162P.W.N.M.Van Leeuwen; Maria Caporali; Christian Mueller; Anthony L. Spek; Bastiaan B. P. Staal; D.M. Tooke
New diphosphine ligands based on diphenyl ether for the Pd-catalyzed CO/ethene copolymerization
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100058 CIFC12 H6 N4 S3P 1 21/c 14.941; 17.81; 13.56
90; 90.62; 90
1193Md. Akhtaruzzman; N. Kamata; J.-I. Nishida; S. Ando; H. Tada; M. Tomura; Y. Yamashita
Syntheis, Characterization, and FET Properties of Novel Dithiazolylbenzothiadiazole Derivatives
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100059 CIFC23 H22 N4 OP -17.3267; 10.4025; 13.6141
82.523; 76.069; 82.898
993.93Philip Gale; Mark E. Light; Beth A. McNally; Korakot Navakhun; Kate E. Sliwinski; Bradley Smith
Co-transport of H+/Cl- by a synthetic prodigiosin mimic
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100060 CIFC23 H25 Cl N4 O2C 1 2/c 135.854; 6.249; 22.02
90; 120.62; 90
4246Philip Gale; Mark E. Light; Beth A. McNally; Korakot Navakhun; Kate E. Sliwinski; Bradley Smith
Co-transport of H+/Cl- by a synthetic prodigiosin mimic
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100061 CIFC56 H93 N3 O6P 1 21/c 112.9; 22.217; 19.4755
90; 94.224; 90
5566.5John Ripmeester; Philip Brown; Gary D. Enright; Konstantin A. Udachin
Extending the chemistry of p-t-butylcalix[4]arene with H-bonding and secondary coordination
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100062 CIFC36 H66.11 Cl1.16 N3.5 O2.5 ZnP -112.5854; 16.2134; 20.695
77.408; 86.846; 79.32
4049.5John Ripmeester; Philip Brown; Gary D. Enright; Konstantin A. Udachin
Extending the chemistry of p-t-butylcalix[4]arene with H-bonding and secondary coordination
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100063 CIFC120 H149.5 Ag2 N7 O10P 1 21/c 122.133; 20.811; 23.42
90; 103.438; 90
10492John Ripmeester; Philip Brown; Gary D. Enright; Konstantin A. Udachin
Extending the chemistry of p-t-butylcalix[4]arene with H-bonding and secondary coordination
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100064 CIFC49 H73 N7 O19 S4C 1 2 132.684; 20.741; 8.9393
90; 95.263; 90
6034.4Bing Gong.; Yu An.; Wen Feng.; Oksana Gerlitz; Lan He.; Kazuhiro Yamato; Lihua Yuan.; Chong Zheng.
Macrocyclic aromatic tetrasulfonamides with a stable cone conformation
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100065 CIFC21.5 H49 S3 Sc Si3C 1 2/c 120.0776; 15.6656; 20.0619
90; 100.029; 90
6213.6Philip Mountford; Fanny Bonnet; A. R. Cowley; Cara S. Tredget
The first rare earth organometallic complex of 1,4,7-trithiacyclononane: a precursor to unique cationic ethylene and alpha-olefin polymerisation catalysts supported by an all-sulfur donor ligand
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100066 CIFC34 H46 Fe N3P -116.0725; 16.2819; 17.0074
86.074; 64.426; 62.003
3494.2Paul Chirik; Suzanne C. Bart; Marco W. Bouwkamp; Eric J. Hawrelak; Emil Lobkovsky; Ryan J. Trovitch
Square planar bis(imino)pyridine iron halide and alkyl complexes
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100067 CIFC41 H65 Fe N3 Si2P b c a15.8771; 20.0007; 26.177
90; 90; 90
8312.6Paul Chirik; Suzanne C. Bart; Marco W. Bouwkamp; Eric J. Hawrelak; Emil Lobkovsky; Ryan J. Trovitch
Square planar bis(imino)pyridine iron halide and alkyl complexes
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100068 CIFC33 H45 Cl Fe N3 OP 1 21/n 113.1161; 19.2048; 13.5204
90; 115.146; 90
3082.9Paul Chirik; Suzanne C. Bart; Marco W. Bouwkamp; Eric J. Hawrelak; Emil Lobkovsky; Ryan J. Trovitch
Square planar bis(imino)pyridine iron halide and alkyl complexes
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100069 CIFC48 H76 Mn8 N4 O28P 1 21/c 19.753; 27.559; 25.86
90; 115.621; 90
6267Chemical Communications, 2005
7100070 CIFC32 H38 N2 O6P 21 21 219.7328; 13.7878; 22.0639
90; 90; 90
2960.8Reiko Kuroda; Yoshitane Imai; Tomohiro Sato; Masatoshi Takeshita
Efficient Optical Resolution of Secondary Alkyl Alcohols by Chiral Supramolecular Hosts
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100071 CIFC32 H38 N2 O6P 1 21 111.372; 9.4378; 13.8177
90; 97.694; 90
1469.66Reiko Kuroda; Yoshitane Imai; Tomohiro Sato; Masatoshi Takeshita
Efficient Optical Resolution of Secondary Alkyl Alcohols by Chiral Supramolecular Hosts
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100072 CIFC104 H112 Mn8 N16 O16P -116.078; 16.328; 19.889
81.583; 82.687; 77.143
5011.2J. Reedijk; Guillem Aromi; E. Bouwman; Huub Kooijman; A. Spek; Stefania Tanase
New routes to manganese higher-nuclearity topologies: Synthesis of the Cluster [Mn8(μ4-O)4(phpz)8(thf)4].
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100073 CIFC4.95 Eu8 I6.1 N9.9C 1 2/m 118.321; 10.6557; 16.405
90; 122.95; 90
2687.5Richard Dronskowski; Boniface P. T. Fokwa; Wuping Liao
Eu8(NCN)5-δI6+2δ (δ = 0.05): a novel rare-earth carbodiimide iodide containing oligomeric tritetrahedral Eu8 clusters
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100074 CIFC40 H63 Cs O5 Ti3P 21 21 2113.396; 15.694; 20.544
90; 90; 90
4319Miguel Mena; Octavio Gonzalez-del Moral; Avelino Martin; Maria del Carmen Morales-Varela; Cristina Santamaria
Hydrocarbon species μ3-CCH2-, μ3-CCH3 and μ-CHCH3 supported on Ti3O3
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100075 CIFC36 H58 O4 Ti3P b c a17.575; 22.434; 38.629
90; 90; 90
15231Chemical Communications, 2005
7100076 CIFC47 H52 Cl2 N8 O14 Zn2C 1 2/c 111.909; 17.257; 23.92
90; 97.09; 90
4878.6L. MacGillivray; Tomisla Friscic; Ivan G. Georgiev; Giannis S. Papaefstathiou
Directed assembly and reactivity of olefins within a one-dimensional ladder-like coordination polymer based on a dinuclear Zn(II) platform.
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100077 CIFH422 K26 Mo72 Na8 O542 S12 V31C 1 2/c 147.177; 42.46; 26.4971
90; 90.134; 90
53078Botar, Bogdan; Kögerler, Paul; Hill, Craig L.
[{(Mo)Mo5O21(H2O)3(SO4)}12(VO)30(H2O)20]36-: A molecular quantum spin icosidodecahedron.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2005, 3138-3140
7100078 CIFC37 H54 N3 O2 TiR -3 :H15.7365; 15.7365; 24.686
90; 90; 120
5294.1C. Cummins; Joshua S. Figueroa; Arjun Mendiratta
Synthesis of a four-coordinate titanium(IV) oxoanion via deprotonation and decarbonylation of complexed formate
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100079 CIFC44 H68 Li N3 O3 TiP 21 21 2113.3553; 13.3843; 25.8835
90; 90; 90
4626.7C. Cummins; Joshua S. Figueroa; Arjun Mendiratta
Synthesis of a four-coordinate titanium(IV) oxoanion via deprotonation and decarbonylation of complexed formate
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100080 CIFC36 H33 B3 N6R -3 c :H14.818; 14.818; 24.856
90; 90; 120
4726.5Chi-ming Che.; Chi-Chung Kwok.; Iona H. T. Sham; Nianyong Zhu.
Borazine Materials for Organic Optoelectronic Applications
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100081 CIFC18 H18 B3 N3P n a 217.904; 19.879; 10.989
90; 90; 90
1726.6Chi-ming Che.; Chi-Chung Kwok.; Iona H. T. Sham; Nianyong Zhu.
Borazine Materials for Organic Optoelectronic Applications
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100082 CIFC48 H55 B F20 N6 Si TiP -111.9619; 12.7619; 17.984
75.5723; 80.1952; 86.9238
2619.78Philip Mountford; Paul D. Bolton; Eric Clot; Andrew R. Cowley
Well-defined imidotitanium alkyl cations: alpha-C-H or beta-Si-C agostic interactions, migratory insertion vs [2+2] cycloaddition, and the first structurally authenticated AlMe3 adduct of any transition metal alkyl cation
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100083 CIFC42 H44 Al B Cl2 F20 N4 TiP 1 21/n 113.7837; 19.5766; 18.6673
90; 109.756; 90
4740.67Chemical Communications, 2005
7100084 CIFC44 H56 B11 P2 RhP -19.866; 13.342; 17.731
83.592; 75.742; 78.438
2211.41Eduardo Molinos; Gabriele Kociok-Kohn; Andrew S. Weller
Polyethyl Substituted Weakly Coordinating Carborane Anions: A Sequential Dehydrogenative Borylation/Hydrogenation Route
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100085 CIFC54 H70 B11 P2 RhP 1 21/c 116.738; 18.091; 18.571
90; 111.618; 90
5227.88Eduardo Molinos; Gabriele Kociok-Kohn; Andrew S. Weller
Polyethyl Substituted Weakly Coordinating Carborane Anions: A Sequential Dehydrogenative Borylation/Hydrogenation Route
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100086 CIFC9 H17 B F6 N4 O4 S2P -19.1544; 10.1383; 10.7424
77.628; 72.26; 80.393
922J.Davies Junior; Eugene A. Cioffi; Phillip A. Fox; Scott T. Griffin; W. Matthew Reichert; R.D. Rogers; Alan Salter; Ashley B. Smith; Morgan D. Tickell; Benjamin F. Wicker; Andrzej Wierzbicki
Putting an old wine into a new bottle: Room-temperature ionic liquids based upon (N-alkylimidazole)(amine)BH2+ boronium ions
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100087 CIFC10 H12 F6 O6P 1 21/c 17.1113; 5.0864; 18.142
90; 98.398; 90
649.17Satoshi Takahashi; Toshimasa Katagiri; Kenji Uneyama
A binary hydrogen bonding system based on homochiral recognition: Crystal structures and hydrogen bonding networks of meso-(R,S)-bis(trifluorolactate)s
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100088 CIFC11 H14 F6 O6P n a 2115.4; 18.79; 5.045
90; 90; 90
1460Chemical Communications, 2005
7100089 CIFC12 H16 F6 O6C 1 2/c 119.891; 5.1138; 15.605
90; 100.918; 90
1558.6Chemical Communications, 2005
7100090 CIFC13 H18 F6 O6P n m a15.613; 21.793; 5.0901
90; 90; 90
1731Chemical Communications, 2005
7100091 CIFC14 H20 F6 O6P -15.1196; 10.895; 17.165
72.489; 89.576; 85.41
910Chemical Communications, 2005
7100092 CIFC21 H36 F6 O6P n m a15.7479; 27.1355; 5.0309
90; 90; 90
2149.84Chemical Communications, 2005
7100093 CIFC15 H22 F6 O6P 1 21/c 15.3266; 20.331; 16.967
90; 94.52; 90
1831.8Chemical Communications, 2005
7100094 CIFC75 H102 N12 P6P -116.803; 16.913; 17.229
61.92; 77.82; 64.56
3900.9D. S. Wright; Fay Dodds; Felipe Garcia; Richard A. Kowenicki; M. McPartlin; A. Steiner
Synthesis and Structure of the Calixarene-like > Phosph(III)azane Macrocycle [{P(mu-NtBu)}2{1,5-(NH)2C10H6}]3
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100095 CIFC20 H22 O3P 1 21/c 112.644; 9.115; 14.429
90; 106.578; 90
1593.7Sengodagounder Muthusamy; Janagiraman Krishnamurthi; Munirathinam Nethaji
Highly regio-, chemo- and diastereoselective synthesis of epoxy-bridged spirocycles: A novel observation of reverse selectivity
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100096 CIFC21 H18 O3C 1 c 16.265; 20.618; 25.042
90; 97.062; 90
3210Sengodagounder Muthusamy; Janagiraman Krishnamurthi; Munirathinam Nethaji
Highly regio-, chemo- and diastereoselective synthesis of epoxy-bridged spirocycles: A novel observation of reverse selectivity
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100097 CIFC17 H18 O3P 1 21/c 111.322; 9.237; 13.982
90; 103.01; 90
1424.8Sengodagounder Muthusamy; Janagiraman Krishnamurthi; Munirathinam Nethaji
Highly regio-, chemo- and diastereoselective synthesis of epoxy-bridged spirocycles: A novel observation of reverse selectivity
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100098 CIFC47 H51 P2 PtP 1 21/n 117.2027; 10.3525; 23.4504
90; 108.608; 90
3957.98John Moss; Katja Dralle; Nastassia L. Jaffa; le Roex,Tanya; Akella Sivaramakrishna; Susan Travis; Nicholas D. Watermeyer
A new route to metallacycloalkanes
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100099 CIFC42 H40 P2 PtP -110.1405; 10.3988; 17.2796
94.001; 106.261; 103.161
1685.81John Moss; Katja Dralle; Nastassia L. Jaffa; le Roex,Tanya; Akella Sivaramakrishna; Susan Travis; Nicholas D. Watermeyer
A new route to metallacycloalkanes
Chemical Communications, 2005
7100100 CIFBi9 Cl5 H12 O37I 1 m 19.983; 16.774; 10.608
90; 92.85; 90
1774.2J.H. Thurston; D.C. Swenson; L. Messerle
Chemical Communications, 2005

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