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1000041 CIFCl NaF m -3 m5.62; 5.62; 5.62
90; 90; 90
177.5Abrahams, S C; Bernstein, J L
Accuracy of an automatic diffractometer. measurement of the sodium chloride structure factors
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1965, 18, 926-932
1000200 CIFAl F5 H2 O Rb2C m c m9.604; 8.379; 7.542
90; 90; 90
606.9Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; de Pape, R
La structure cristalline de Rb~2~ Al F~5~, H~2~ O. Retour critique sur le type structural Tl~2~ Al F~5~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 19-26
1000201 CIFBa2 Co F9 FeP 1 21/n 17.486; 17.757; 5.687
90; 90.87; 90
755.9de Kozak, A; Leblanc, M; Samouel, M; Ferey, G; de Pape, R
Structure Crystalline de Ba~2~ Co Fe F~9~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 659-666
1001235 CIFK Nb5 O25 Ti6C m c m6.611; 8.88; 30.154
90; 90; 90
1770.2Groult, D; Raveau, B
K Ti~6~ Nb~5~ O~25~: A member of a series of chemically twinned Rutile oxides (A M~3~ O~9~)(M~2~ O~4~)~n~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 141-146
1001238 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7523; 7.7523; 5.6198
90; 90; 120
292.5Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001239 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.766; 7.766; 5.6297
90; 90; 120
294Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001240 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7696; 7.7696; 5.6318
90; 90; 120
294.4Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001241 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7809; 7.7809; 5.6407
90; 90; 120
295.7Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001242 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7853; 7.7853; 5.6431
90; 90; 120
296.2Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001243 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.791; 7.791; 5.6492
90; 90; 120
297Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001244 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6018; 7.6018; 2.9066
90; 90; 120
145.5Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001245 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.614; 7.614; 2.9123
90; 90; 120
146.2Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001246 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.617; 7.617; 2.9134
90; 90; 120
146.4Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001247 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6272; 7.6272; 2.9182
90; 90; 120
147Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001248 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6322; 7.6322; 2.9191
90; 90; 120
147.3Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001249 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6374; 7.6374; 2.922
90; 90; 120
147.6Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001251 CIFBa O4 Sc2C 1 2/c 19.84; 5.81; 20.65
90; 90; 90
1180.6Agafonov, V; Kahn, A; Michel, D; Guymont, M
Crystal structure of Ba Sc~2~ O~4~; its relation with Perovskite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 975-981
1001320 CIFAs1.5 Cd4 I3 P0.5P a -312.955; 12.955; 12.955
90; 90; 90
2174.3Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001321 CIFAs Cd4 I3 PP a -312.884; 12.884; 12.884
90; 90; 90
2138.7Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001322 CIFAs0.5 Cd4 I3 P1.5P a -312.843; 12.843; 12.843
90; 90; 90
2118.4Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001626 CIFCd3 Cl3 PP -37.633; 7.633; 7.133
90; 90; 120
359.9Rebbah, A; Yazbeck, J; Deschanvres, A
Etude structurale des composes Cd3 Y X3 (Y=As, P, X=Cl, Br, I)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 43-53
1007246 CIFAs5 Fe12R 3 :H6.7855; 6.7855; 16.30099
90; 90; 120
650Maaref, S; Maddar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude de la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1007265 CIFAs5 Fe10.77 Ru1.23R 3 :H6.8234; 6.8234; 16.364
90; 90; 120
659.8Maaref, S; Madar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude des la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1008070 CIFFe0.75 O4 V1.25P -14.49; 5.55; 4.88
90; 90; 90
121.6Muller, J; Joubert, J C; Marezio, M
Etude des phases du systeme Fe V O~4~ - V O~2~, obtenues par synthese hydrothermale a 70 kbar et 1273k
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 18, 357-362
1008087 CIFF6 Xe2P 1 21/c 16.64; 7.33; 6.4
90; 92.67; 90
311.2Burns, J. H.; Ellison, R. D.; Levy, H. A.
The crystal structure of the molecular addition compound xenon difluoride - xenon tetrafluoride
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1965, 18, 11-16
1008092 CIFCr O4 TbI 41/a m d :17.166; 7.166; 6.281
90; 90; 90
322.5Buisson, G; Tcheou, F; Sayetat, F; Scheunemann, K
Crystallographic and magnetic properties of Tb Cr O~4~ at low temperature (X-Ray and neutron experiments)
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 871-875
1008203 CIFMn6 Ni16 P7F m -3 m11.031; 11.031; 11.031
90; 90; 90
1342.3Chaudouet, P; Madar, R; Fruchart, R
Etude de nouveaux pnictures ternaires de metaux de transition isostructuraux des phases G, Ni~16~ Mn~6~ P~7~, Ni~16~ Mn~6~ As~7~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 713-719
1008210 CIFBa Fe4 O11 Ti2P 63/m m c5.843; 5.843; 13.608
90; 90; 120
402.3Obradors, X; Collomb, A; Pannetier, J; Isalgue, A; Tejada, J; Joubert, J C
Crystal structure and cationic distribution of Ba Fe~4~ Ti~2~ O~11~ R- type hexagonal ferrite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1543-1553
1008782 CIFP0.2 S2 VP -3 m 13.27; 3.27; 5.956
90; 90; 120
55.2Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008783 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.939
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008784 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.936
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1010303 CIFCs2 O6 S2P -6 2 c6.326; 6.326; 11.535
90; 90; 120
399.8Haegg, G.
Die Kristallstruktur von Caesiumdithionat, Cs~2~S~2~O~6~
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1932, 18, 327-342
1010825 CIFCl Co5 H17 O133.15; 3.15; 24.4
90; 90; 120
209.7Feitknecht, W; Fischer, G
Zur Chemie und Morphologie der basischen Salze zweiwertiger Metalle. III. Ueber basische Kobaltchloride.
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1935, 18, 555-569
1010858 CIFB Na O26.85; 6.85; 10.95
90; 90; 120
445Cole, S S; Scholes, S R; Amberg, C R
The System R~2~ O - B~2~ O~3~, II. Properties of Anhydrous and Hydrated Metaborates of Sodium and Potassium
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1935, 18, 58-61
1010897 CIFLi2.666 O3.999 Ti1.333F m -3 m4.1; 4.1; 4.1
90; 90; 90
68.9Kordes, E
Ueber die Steinsalzstruktur der Verbindung Li~2~ Ti O~3~ und ihre Mischkristallbildung mit Mg O
Fortschritte der Mineralogie, 1933, 18, 27-28
1011111 CIFPtF m -3 m4.028; 4.028; 4.028
90; 90; 90
65.4Kahler, H
The crystalline structures of sputtered and evaporated metallic films
Physical Review (1,1893-132,1963/141,1966-188,1969), 1921, 18, 210-217
1100525 CIFC10 H10 As2 TiP 1 21/n 16.555; 7.984; 9.859
90; 97.15; 90
511.96Elschenbroich, Christoph; Kroker, Jörg; Nowotny, Mathias; Behrendt, Andreas; Metz, Bernhard; Harms, Klaus
η^6^-Coordination of Arsenine to Titanium, Vanadium, and Chromium
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 1495-1503
1100526 CIFC10 H10 As2 TiP -112.2612; 12.8839; 13.2646
102.19; 103.921; 91.472
1981.56Elschenbroich, Christoph; Kroker, Jörg; Nowotny, Mathias; Behrendt, Andreas; Metz, Bernhard; Harms, Klaus
η^6^-Coordination of Arsenine to Titanium, Vanadium, and Chromium
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 1495-1503
1100595 CIFC24 H22 V2P 1 21/n 110.447; 8.089; 10.911
90; 102.25; 90
901.05Elschenbroich, Christoph; Schiemann, Olav; Burghaus, Olaf; Harms, Klaus; Pebler, Jürgen
[5-5]Bitrovacene, (μ-η^5^:η^5^-Fulvalenediyl)bis[(η^7^-cycloheptatrienyl)vanadium]: Synthesis, Structure, and Intermetallic Communication
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 3273-3277
1100596 CIFC18 H16 VP 1 21 110.768; 7.851; 16.189
90; 97.53; 90
1356.81Elschenbroich, Christoph; Schiemann, Olav; Burghaus, Olaf; Harms, Klaus; Pebler, Jürgen
[5-5]Bitrovacene, (μ-η^5^:η^5^-Fulvalenediyl)bis[(η^7^-cycloheptatrienyl)vanadium]: Synthesis, Structure, and Intermetallic Communication
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 3273-3277
1101095 CIFC8 H11 Cu N7 O5P 1 21/c 16.9193; 11.8361; 15.259
90; 97.482; 90
1239Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Antonio L. Peñas-Chamorro; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis, spectral and XRD studies on three O-nitrito-complexes with new N,N,O-tridentate Schiff bases derived from 6-amino-5-formyl-1,3-dimethyluracil and semicarbazide, acetylhydrazine and benzoylhydrazine
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 351-360
1101096 CIFC9 H14 Cu N6 O6P 1 21/c 15.291; 12.0171; 21.792
90; 93.981; 90
1382.2Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Antonio L. Peñas-Chamorro; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis, spectral and XRD studies on three O-nitrito-complexes with new N,N,O-tridentate Schiff bases derived from 6-amino-5-formyl-1,3-dimethyluracil and semicarbazide, acetylhydrazine and benzoylhydrazine
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 351-360
1101097 CIFC16 H20 Cl2 Cu N8 O6P -17.783; 8.0754; 10.252
99.326; 103.785; 118.47
520.67Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Sonia B. Jiménez-Pulido; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis and structural studies on new M^II^X~2~L~2~ dihalocomplexes of 1,3-dimethyllumazine and 1,3,6,7-tetramethyllumazine. Crystal structure of the monodimensionally hydrogen-bonded dichloro-bis(1,3-dimethylpteridine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione-O^4^,N^5^) copper(II) dihydrate
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 85-91
1101106 CIFC14 H16 N6 O6 ZnP 1 21/c 17.3518; 21.308; 11.0976
90; 99.245; 90
1715.9Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Antonio L. Peñas-Chamorro; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis, spectral and XRD studies on three O-nitrito-complexes with new N,N,O-tridentate Schiff bases derived from 6-amino-5-formyl-1,3-dimethyluracil and semicarbazide, acetylhydrazine and benzoylhydrazine
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 351-360
1101142 CIFF2 Li5 O8 P2 VP 1 21/c 16.3589; 10.7795; 10.3836
90; 90.019; 90
711.75Yin, S.-C.; Herle, P. Subramanya; Higgins, A.; Taylor, N. J.; Makimura, Y.; Nazar, L. F.
Dimensional Reduction: Synthesis and Structure of Layered Li~5~M(PO~4~)~2~F~2~ (M = V, Cr)
Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 1745-1752
1101224 CIFMo3 Na2 O16 Te3I 1 2 17.3373; 11.2668; 8.2369
90; 97.387; 90
675.3Chi, Eun Ok; Ok, Kang Min; Porter, Yetta; Halasyamani, P. Shiv
Na~2~Te~3~Mo~3~O~16~: A New Molybdenum Tellurite with Second-Harmonic Generating and Pyroelectric Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 2070-2074
1506791 CIFC21 H19 Cl2 N O3P 21 21 216.1214; 10.1587; 31.893
90; 90; 90
1983.3Huang, Huazhang; Stok, Jeanette E.; Stoutamire, Donald W.; Gee, Shirley J.; Hammock, Bruce D.
Development of optically pure pyrethroid-like fluorescent substrates for carboxylesterases.
Chemical research in toxicology, 2005, 18, 516-527
1506792 CIFC21 H19 Cl2 N O3P 21 21 216.1223; 10.1589; 31.893
90; 90; 90
1983.6Huang, Huazhang; Stok, Jeanette E.; Stoutamire, Donald W.; Gee, Shirley J.; Hammock, Bruce D.
Development of optically pure pyrethroid-like fluorescent substrates for carboxylesterases.
Chemical research in toxicology, 2005, 18, 516-527
1506793 CIFC24 H22 Cl N O3P 21 21 215.7009; 18.4406; 19.793
90; 90; 90
2080.8Huang, Huazhang; Stok, Jeanette E.; Stoutamire, Donald W.; Gee, Shirley J.; Hammock, Bruce D.
Development of optically pure pyrethroid-like fluorescent substrates for carboxylesterases.
Chemical research in toxicology, 2005, 18, 516-527
1507762 CIFF14 Ga3 Na5P 1 21/n 110.4052; 7.2251; 7.2689
90; 90.664; 90
546.429Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Distorted chiolite crystal structures of alpha-Na5M3F14 (M=Cr,Fe,Ga) studied by X-ray powder diffraction
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 128-134
1507763 CIFCr3 F14 Na5P 1 21/n 110.5096; 7.2253; 7.2713
90; 90.6753; 90
552.11Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Distorted chiolite crystal structures of alpha-Na5M3F14 (M=Cr,Fe,Ga) studied by X-ray powder diffraction
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 128-134
1507764 CIFF14 Fe3 Na5P 1 21/n 110.4342; 7.3418; 7.4023
90; 90.799; 90
567Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Distorted chiolite crystal structures of alpha-Na5M3F14 (M=Cr,Fe,Ga) studied by X-ray powder diffraction
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 128-134
1509095 CIFAg0.32 Bi8.55 Pb5.09 S11.97 Se6.03P n m a53.68; 4.11; 15.4
90; 90; 90
3397.62Mumme, W.G.
Weibullite Ag0.32 Pb5.09 Bi8.55 Se6.08 S11.92: A higher homologue of galenobismutite
Canadian Mineralogist, 1980, 18, 1-12
1509291 CIFAg Cu O4 PP b c a7.5; 15.751; 5.702
90; 90; 90
673.592Oumba, M.T.; Quarton, M.
Proprietes de l'ion Cu2+ dans la structure de Ag Cu P O4 - beta
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 967-974
1509418 CIFAg In5 Se8P -4 2 m5.7934; 5.7934; 11.6223
90; 90; 90
390.085Benoit, P.; Charpin, P.; Djega-Mariadassou, C.
Composes definis dans le systeme Ag-In-Se. Structure cristalline de ()2 Ag In5 Se8
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1047-1057
1509591 CIFAg1.4 Cu10.6 S13 Sb4I -4 3 m10.503; 10.503; 10.503
90; 90; 90
1158.62Kalbskopf, R.
Strukturverfeinerung des Freibergits
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1972, 18, 147-155
1509649 CIFAg2 In Sb Se4F m -3 m5.71; 5.71; 5.71
90; 90; 90
186.169Schanow, W.; Range, K.J.
Homogene abschreckbare Hochdruckphasen in den Systemen Ag Sb Se2 - Ag In Se2 und Ag Bi Se2 - Ag In Se2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 39-44
1510321 CIFAu Yb2P n m a7.808; 4.57; 9.409
90; 90; 90
335.737Palenzona, A.; Iandelli, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510515 CIFAu3 TmP m m n :16.03; 5.068; 4.93
90; 90; 90
150.661Steeb, S.; Donolato, C.
Structure of the compounds Au3 Eu, Au3 Tb, Au3 Tm and also of Ag3 Tb and Ag3 Tm
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 442-442
1510516 CIFAu3 YbP m m n :15.98; 4.928; 5.077
90; 90; 90
149.616Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510517 CIFAu3 Yb5I 4/m c m7.793; 7.793; 14.26
90; 90; 90
866.022Palenzona, A.; Iandelli, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510518 CIFAu3 Yb7P 63 m c10.372; 10.372; 6.514
90; 90; 120
606.881Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510541 CIFAu4 YbI 4/m6.628; 6.628; 4.128
90; 90; 90
181.345Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510542 CIFAu4 Yb5P n m a7.752; 15.029; 7.88
90; 90; 90
918.058Palenzona, A.; Iandelli, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510656 CIFB2 Ba2 Ca O6C 1 2/m 19.636; 5.432; 6.635
90; 119.38; 90
302.627Akella, A.; Keszler, D.A.
Crystal structure of the borate Ba2 Ca (B O3)2
Main Group Met. Chem., 1995, 18, 35-41
1510930 CIFB3 Li3 O9 Pr2P 1 21/n 18.816; 14.127; 5.812
90; 103.72; 90
703.194Mamedov, Kh.S.; Amikaslanov, I.K.; Magerramov, A.I.; Abdullaev, G.K.
The crystal structure of lithium praseodymium orthoborate, 3 Li3 Pr2 (B O3)3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 410-413
1511023 CIFB Ce Co4P 6/m m m5.005; 5.005; 6.932
90; 90; 120
150.383Bilonizhko, N.S.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
New boride structural types in the homologous series based on the Ca Cu5 and Ce Co3 B2 types
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 710-714
1511266 CIFB Ni4 TmP 6/m m m4.96; 4.96; 6.917
90; 90; 120
147.371Chernyak, G.V.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Chaban, N.F.
New borides of the rare earth metals and nickel
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1982, 18, 590-592
1511501 CIFB4 O7 SrP m n 2110.711; 4.427; 4.235
90; 90; 90
200.814Krogh-Moe, J.
The Crystal Structure of Strontium Diborate, Sr O (B2 O3)2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 2055-2060
1511758 CIFB4 La2 O12 Sr3P c 21 n8.78; 16.54; 7.42
90; 90; 90
1077.54Mamedov, Kh.S.; Abdullaev, G.K.; Amirov, S.T.
Crystal structure of La2 Sr3 (B O3)4
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 1075-1077
1513961 CIFLi0.03 Mn2 O4F d -3 m :28.029; 8.029; 8.029
90; 90; 90
517.6Mosbah, A.; Verbaere, A.; Tournoux, M.
Phases Lix Mn O2 lambda rattachees au type spinelle
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1375-1381
1513963 CIFLi Mn O2I 41/a m d :25.6504; 5.6504; 9.242
90; 90; 90
295.07Mosbah, A.; Verbaere, A.; Tournoux, M.
Phases Lix Mn O2 lambda rattachees au type spinelle
Materials Research Bulletin, 1938, 18, 1375-1381
1514039 CIFLi Mn3 O4I 41/a m d :26.022; 6.022; 9.011
90; 90; 90
326.8Thackeray, M. M.; David, W. I. F.; Bruce, P. G.; Goodenough, J. B.
Lithium insertion into manganese spinels
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 461-472
1514040 CIFLi2 Mn2 O4I 41/a m d :25.662; 5.662; 9.274
90; 90; 90
297.3Thackeray, M. M.; David, W. I. F.; Bruce, P. G.; Goodenough, J. B.
Lithium insertion into manganese spinels
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 461-472
1521738 CIFH14 K7 Na3 O48 W12P -111.755; 13.0493; 16.289
77.13; 82.92; 89.65
2416.71Peng, J.; Liu, J.; Wang, E.-B.; Jia, H.-Q.; Xin, M.-H.; Lin, Y.-H.; Xing, Y.
Crystal structure of mixed sodium-potassium paradodecatungstate 6-hydrate
Jiegon Huaxue, 1999, 18, 239-244
1522348 CIFGd1.954 Mo3 Nd0.046 O12P -4 21 m7.3556; 7.3556; 10.685
90; 90; 90
578.11Zou, Y.-Q.; Chen, L.; Gao, X.-Y.; Tang, D.-Y.; Luo, Z.-D.
Crystal structure of P4-21m phase Nd(3+): Gd2 (Mo O4)3
Jiegon Huaxue, 1999, 18, 447-450
1522572 CIFLa0.7 Mn2 Y0.3F d -3 m :17.71; 7.71; 7.71
90; 90; 90
458.314Nakamura, H.; Wada, H.; Nakamura, Y.; Shiga, M.; Yoshimura, K.; Sakurai, J.; Komura, Y.
Effect of chemical pressure on the magnetism of Y Mn2: Magnetic properties of Y1-x Scx Mn2 and Y1-x Lax Mn2
Journal of Physics F, 1988, 18, 981-991
1522599 CIFPd0.845 Zr0.155F m -3 m3.9457; 3.9457; 3.9457
90; 90; 90
61.429Norman, M.; Harris, I.R.
A study of some alpha Pd-Sc, Pd-Zr and Pd-Gd alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 333-345
1522664 CIFPd13 Tl9P -3 m 18.958; 8.958; 5.623
90; 90; 120
390.77Panday, P.K.; Schubert, K.
Strukturuntersuchungen in einigen Mischungen T-B3-B4 (T= Mn, Fe, Co, Ir, Ni, Pd; B3= Al, Ga, Tl; B4= Si, Ge)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 175-202
1522721 CIFGa2 OsF d d d :18.242; 4.74; 8.747
90; 90; 90
341.72Popova, S.V.; Fomicheva, L.N.
New phases in the Re-Ga and Os-Ga syastems, obtained at high pressure
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1982, 18, 205-208
1522972 CIFNi Rh2 SnF m -3 m6.136; 6.136; 6.136
90; 90; 90
231.023Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler compounds
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1522973 CIFRh2 Sn VF m -3 m6.192; 6.192; 6.192
90; 90; 90
237.407Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler compounds
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1522974 CIFRh2 Sn VP 42/n c m :15.745; 5.745; 7.291
90; 90; 90
240.64Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler compounds
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1523043 CIFNd2 Ni17P 63/m m c8.402; 8.402; 8.048
90; 90; 120
492.021Virkar, A.V.; Raman, A.
Crystal structures of A B3 and A2 B7 rare earth-nickel phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 59-66
1523044 CIFLa2 Ni7P 63/m m c5.053; 5.053; 24.62
90; 90; 120
544.399Virkar, A.V.; Raman, A.
Crystal structures of A B2 and A2 B7 rare earth-nickel phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 59-66
1523074 CIFMn2 TmP 63/m m c5.241; 5.241; 8.565
90; 90; 120
203.745Wernick, J.H.; Haszko, S.E.
Manganese rare earth compounds with the Mg Zn2 structure
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1961, 18, 207-209
1523075 CIFHf Mn2P 63/m m c4.995; 4.995; 8.213
90; 90; 120
177.461Wernick, J.H.; Haszko, S.E.
Manganese-rare earth compounds with the Mg Zn2 structure
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1961, 18, 207-209
1523103 CIFAl2 Dy3 Ni6I m -3 m8.918; 8.918; 8.918
90; 90; 90
709.255Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523104 CIFAl2 Gd3 Ni6I m -3 m8.974; 8.974; 8.974
90; 90; 90
722.7Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare earth nickel aluminium R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523105 CIFAl2 Ho3 Ni6I m -3 m8.888; 8.888; 8.888
90; 90; 90
702.121Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare earth nickel aluminium R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523106 CIFAl2 Ni6 Sm3I m -3 m9.006; 9.006; 9.006
90; 90; 90
730.459Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523107 CIFAl2 Ni6 Y3I m -3 m8.915; 8.915; 8.915
90; 90; 90
708.539Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523153 CIFNb TcI m -3 m3.17; 3.17; 3.17
90; 90; 90
31.855van Ostenburg, D.O.; Lam, D.J.; Katsuki, A.; Shimizu, M.
NMR, magnetic susceptibility and electronic specific heat of Nb and Mo metals and Nb-Tc and Nb-Mo alloys
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1963, 18, 1744-1754
1523412 CIFGd Pt3P m -3 m4.091; 4.091; 4.091
90; 90; 90
68.468Colinet, C.; Pasturel, A.; Buschow, K.H.J.
Study of the enthalpies of formation in the Gd - (Fe, Co, Pd, Pt) systems
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1987, 18, 903-907
1523432 CIFNi2 ZrF d -3 m :16.9155; 6.9155; 6.9155
90; 90; 90
330.728Da, J.M.; Brochado Oliveira, C.; Harris, I.R.
Valency compensation in the Laves system, Ce (Co1-x Nix)2
Journal of Materials Science, 1983, 18, 3649-3660
1523715 CIFNb Sn2F d d d :19.86; 5.6477; 19.127
90; 90; 90
1065.11Gomes de Mesquita, A.H.; Langereis, C.; Leenhouts, J.L.
The structure of Nb Sn2
Philips Research Reports, 1963, 18, 377-382
1524033 CIFCl3 D4 Fe O2 RbP c c a8.876; 6.8724; 11.1807
90; 90; 90
682.016Basten, J.A.J.; de Jonge, W.J.M.; van Vlimmeren, Q.A.G.
Crystallographic and magnetic structure of rubidium iron trichloride dideuterate and cesium iron trichloride dideuterate
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1978, 18, 2179-2184
1524034 CIFCl3 Cs D4 Fe O2P c c a8.9809; 7.2132; 11.3867
90; 90; 90
737.642Basten, J.A.J.; van Vlimmeren, Q.A.G.; de Jonge, W.J.M.
Crystallographic and magnetic structure of rubidium iron trichloride dideuterate and cesium iron trichloride dideuterate
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1978, 18, 2179-2184
1524121 CIFF2 H8 O4 ZnP c a 2112.63; 5.288; 7.54
90; 90; 90
503.577Bukvetskii, B.V.; Polishchuk, S.A.; Simonov, V.I.
Crystal structure of zinc fluoride tetrahydrate, Zn F2 (H2 O)4
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 956-960
1524134 CIFCo Ho3P n m a6.92; 9.293; 6.213
90; 90; 90
399.543Buschow, K.H.J.; van der Goot, A.S.
The crystal structure of rare-earth cobalt compounds of the type R3 Co
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 309-311

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