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COD ID Blue up arrow Links Formula Up arrow Space group Up arrow Cell parameters Cell volume Up arrow Bibliography
9011617 CIFCoP 63/m m c2.536; 2.536; 4.136
90; 90; 120
23.036Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 420 C Note: photograph 4
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011618 CIFCoF m -3 m3.559; 3.559; 3.559
90; 90; 90
45.08Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at room T Note: cell parameter is average of photographs 5-8
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011619 CIFCoF m -3 m3.573; 3.573; 3.573
90; 90; 90
45.614Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 295 C Note: photograph 9
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011620 CIFCoF m -3 m3.579; 3.579; 3.579
90; 90; 90
45.844Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 420 C Note: photograph 10
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011621 CIFCoF m -3 m3.589; 3.589; 3.589
90; 90; 90
46.23Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 625 C Note: photograph 11
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011622 CIFCoF m -3 m3.602; 3.602; 3.602
90; 90; 90
46.734Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 843 C Note: photograph 12
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011623 CIFCoF m -3 m3.617; 3.617; 3.617
90; 90; 90
47.32Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 1099 C Note: photograph 13
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011624 CIFCoF m -3 m3.628; 3.628; 3.628
90; 90; 90
47.753Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 1121 C Note: photograph 14
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011625 CIFCoF m -3 m3.644; 3.644; 3.644
90; 90; 90
48.388Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 1148 C Note: photograph 15
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9011626 CIFCoF m -3 m3.647; 3.647; 3.647
90; 90; 90
48.507Marick, L.
Variation of resistance and structure of cobalt with temperature and a discussion of its photoelectric emission Sample: at T = 1187 C Note: photograph 16
Physical Review, 1936, 49, 831-837
9012471 CIFF2C 1 2/m 15.5; 3.28; 10.01
90; 134.66; 90
128.445Meyer, L.; Barrett, C. S.; Greer, S. C.
Crystal structure of alpha-fluorine Sample: at T = 23 K Note: alpha phase, stable between T = 0 K & 45.6 K
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1968, 49, 1902-1907
9012660 CIFBa0.05 Ca0.4 H6.136 K0.4 Na1.4 Nb1.6 O35.3 Si8 Sr0.8 Ti2.4C 1 2/m 114.596; 14.249; 15.852
90; 117.27; 90
2930.45Organova, N. I.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Shlyukova, Z. V.; Zadov, A. E.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Ivanova, T. I.
Structure of new mineral paratsepinite-Na and its place in the labuntsovite group
Crystallography Reports, 2004, 49, 946-952
9012661 CIFBa1.9 Ce2 F0.7 Fe0.16 H2.3 K0.05 Mg0.05 Mn0.52 Na0.95 O27.3 Si8 Sr0.1 Ti2 Zn0.27A m a 222.301; 10.514; 9.669
90; 90; 90
2267.12Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.; Pekov, I. V.; Krotova, O. D.
Crystal structure of byelorussite-(Ce) NaMnBa2Ce2(TiO)2[Si4O12]2(F,OH)*H2O
Crystallography Reports, 2004, 49, 964-968
9012692 CIFFe2 O3P 43 21 28.3396; 8.3396; 8.322
90; 90; 90
578.786Greaves, C.
A powder neutron diffraction investigation of vacancy ordering and covalence in gamma-Fe2O3 Locality: synthetic Sample: T = 4 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 49, 325-333
9012788 CIFO6 Pb Si UP 1 21/c 16.66; 6.96; 13.23
90; 104; 90
595.042Huynen, A. M.; Piret-Meunier J; Van Meerssche, M.
Structure de la kasolite
Academie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Sciences: Bulletin, 1963, 49, 192-201
9013143 CIFH18 Na2 O12 SiI b c a11.7119; 19.973; 11.5652
90; 90; 90
2705.35Pekova, I. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zadov, A. E.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu
Chesnokovite, Na2[SiO2(OH)2]*8H2O, the first natural sodium orthosilicate from the Lovozero alkaline pluton, Kola Peninsula: Description and crystal structure of a new mineral species Locality: Mt. Kedykverpakhk, Lovozero alkaline pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Geology of Ore Deposits, 2007, 49, 727-738
9014014 CIFAl7.167 B3 Ca0.441 F0.681 Fe0.027 H3.318 Li1.278 Mn0.531 Na0.471 O30.318 Pb0.025 Si6R 3 m :H15.8675; 15.8675; 7.1135
90; 90; 120
1551.07Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L11, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014015 CIFC0.85 H1.998 Al2.82 Ca0.51 Na3.49 O15.549 Si3.18P 6312.627; 12.627; 5.136
90; 90; 120
709.179Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# ggm44331
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9014051 CIFAl7.287 B3 Ca0.685 F0.685 Fe0.06 H3.315 Li1.617 Mn0.036 Na0.245 O30.315 Pb0.01 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8307; 15.8307; 7.1013
90; 90; 120
1541.23Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L16, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014060 CIFAs H7.5 K0.5 O9.5 UP 4/n c c :27.171; 7.171; 18.048
90; 90; 90
928.087Ross, M.; Evans, H. T.
Studies of the torbernite minerals (I): The crystal structure of abernathyite and the structurally related compounds NH4(UO2AsO4).3H2O and K(H3O)(UO2AsO4)2.6H2O Sample: Abernathyite - K(H3O)
American Mineralogist, 1964, 49, 1578-1602
9014078 CIFAl2 H19 O18 P SP 1 21/n 113.9163; 17.2422; 6.1125
90; 98.255; 90
1451.48Colombo, F.; Rius, J.; Pannunzio-Miner E V; Pedregosa, J. C.; Cami, G. E.; Carbonio, R. E.
Sanjuanite: Ab Initio crystal-structure solution from laboratory powder-diffraction data, complemented by FTIR spectroscopy and DT-TG analyses Pocito Department, San Juan Province, Argentina
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 835-847
9014094 CIFAl7.173 B3 Ca0.517 F0.589 Fe0.09 H3.411 Li1.395 Mg0.102 Mn0.234 Na0.386 O30.411 Pb0.021 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8548; 15.8548; 7.1099
90; 90; 120
1547.8Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L4, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014142 CIFAl7.224 B3 Ca0.636 F0.708 Fe0.045 H3.291 Li1.593 Mg0.003 Mn0.135 Na0.282 O30.291 Pb0.02 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8363; 15.8363; 7.104
90; 90; 120
1542.91Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L7, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014149 CIFH5.08 K0.92 O12 S U2C 1 2/m 18.7802; 13.9903; 8.863
90; 104.524; 90
1053.92Plasil, J.; Mills, S. J.; Fejfarova, K.; Dusek, M.; Novak, M.; Skoda, R.; Cejka, J.; Sejkora, J.
The crystal structure of natural zippeite, K1.85H+0.15[(UO2)4O2(SO4)2(OH)2](H2O)4, from Jachymov, Czech Republic
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1089-1103
9014153 CIFB Ca H O3P 1 21/m 16.6994; 5.4269; 3.5534
90; 93.048; 90
129.008Sun, W.; Huang, Y.-X.; Li, Z.; Pan, Y.; Mi, J.-X.
Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement of three borates: sibirskite, parasibirskite and priceite Note: T = 295 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 823-834
9014168 CIFAl7.194 B3 Ca0.66 F0.432 Fe0.093 H3.567 Li1.647 Mn0.051 Na0.272 O30.567 Pb0.005 Si6 Ti0.009R 3 m :H15.8368; 15.8368; 7.1014
90; 90; 120
1542.44Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L26, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014190 CIFAs0.04 Ca0.88 F0.73 H0.24 Na0.88 Nb0.14 O6 Pb0.02 Si0.12 Ta1.7F d -3 m :210.4396; 10.4396; 10.4396
90; 90; 90
1137.76Andrade, M. B.; Atencio, D.; Menezes, L. A. D.; Ellena, J.
The crystal structure of a microlite-group mineral with a formula near NaCaTa2O6F from the Morro Redondo mine, Coronel Murta, Minas Gerias, Brazil
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 615-621
9014221 CIFAl7.203 B3 Ca0.63 F0.691 Fe0.123 H3.309 Li1.524 Mg0.069 Mn0.069 Na0.338 O30.309 Pb0.007 Si6 Ti0.012R 3 m :H15.8404; 15.8404; 7.1039
90; 90; 120
1543.69Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L28, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014290 CIFAs H10 N O9 UP 4/n c c :27.189; 7.189; 18.191
90; 90; 90
940.142Ross, M.; Evans, H. T.
Studies of the torbernite minerals (I): The crystal structure of abernathyite and the structurally related compounds NH4(UO2AsO4).3H2O and K(H3O)(UO2AsO4)2.6H2O Sample : Abernathyite - NH4
American Mineralogist, 1964, 49, 1578-1602
9014317 CIFAl7.296 B3 Ca0.682 F0.669 Fe0.045 H3.331 Li1.626 Mn0.027 Na0.248 O30.331 Pb0.009 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8343; 15.8343; 7.1012
90; 90; 120
1541.91Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L19, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014381 CIFAl7.194 B3 Ca0.563 F0.693 Fe0.015 H3.306 Li1.461 Mn0.33 Na0.354 O30.306 Pb0.026 Si6R 3 m :H15.8529; 15.8529; 7.1101
90; 90; 120
1547.47Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L2, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014438 CIFB H3 Mg3 O6P 63/m8.924; 8.924; 3.116
90; 90; 120
214.905Rudnev, V. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Nechelyustov, G. N.; Yamnova, N. A.
Hydroxylborite, Mg3(BO3)(OH)3, a new mineral species and isomorphous series fluoborite-hydroxylborite series
Geology of Ore Deposits, 2007, 49, 710-719
9014440 CIFC0.722 H1.998 Al2.67 Ca0.09 Na3.91 O15.165 Si3.33P 6312.606; 12.606; 5.118
90; 90; 120
704.345Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# Kovd5
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9014449 CIFAl7.335 B3 Ca0.688 F0.73 Fe0.03 H3.27 Li1.596 Mn0.033 Na0.239 O30.27 Pb0.009 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8293; 15.8293; 7.1003
90; 90; 120
1540.74Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L18, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014458 CIFAl7.251 B3 Ca0.638 F0.668 Fe0.132 H3.332 Li1.566 Mg0.015 Mn0.03 Na0.284 O30.332 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.006R 3 m :H15.8399; 15.8399; 7.103
90; 90; 120
1543.4Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L21, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014507 CIFH47.64 Mg Na4 O51.82 V10P -19.0425; 11.3303; 11.7353
105.222; 97.377; 100.791
1119.46Colombo, F.; Baggio, R.; Kampf, A. R.
The crystal structure of the elusive huemulite
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 849-864
9014519 CIFFe2 H5 O7 S0.5C 1 2/m 116.068; 3.058; 10.929
90; 93.82; 90
535.814Biagioni, C.; Bonaccorsi, E.; Orlandi, P.
Volaschioite, Fe3+4(SO4)O2(OH)6*2H20, a new mineral species from Fornovolasco, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 605-614
9014523 CIFAl7.293 B3 Ca0.684 F0.712 Fe0.039 H3.288 Li1.62 Mn0.048 Na0.238 O30.288 Pb0.013 Si6R 3 m :H15.8286; 15.8286; 7.1012
90; 90; 120
1540.8Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L24, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014533 CIFAl7.194 B3 Ca0.641 F0.696 Fe0.021 H3.303 Li1.605 Mn0.18 Na0.288 O30.303 Pb0.023 Si6R 3 m :H15.8418; 15.8418; 7.1044
90; 90; 120
1544.07Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L6, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014596 CIFAl7.272 B3 Ca0.614 F0.633 Fe0.156 H3.367 Li1.482 Mg0.018 Mn0.057 Na0.311 O30.367 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.018R 3 m :H15.8333; 15.8333; 7.1025
90; 90; 120
1542Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L27, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014620 CIFAl7.239 B3 Ca0.683 F0.638 Fe0.063 H3.362 Li1.632 Mg0.027 Mn0.036 Na0.247 O30.362 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8306; 15.8306; 7.0999
90; 90; 120
1540.91Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L22, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014641 CIFAl7.194 B3 Ca0.66 F0.434 Fe0.093 H3.566 Li1.647 Mn0.051 Na0.272 O30.566 Pb0.005 Si6 Ti0.009R 3 m :H15.8368; 15.8368; 7.1014
90; 90; 120
1542.44Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L26, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014642 CIFC0.721 H1.998 Al2.76 Ca0.45 Na3.31 O15.162 Si3.24P 6312.618; 12.618; 5.144
90; 90; 120
709.272Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# tz5/1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9014662 CIFAl7.191 B3 Ca0.51 F0.753 Fe0.027 H3.246 Li1.359 Mn0.423 Na0.408 O30.246 Pb0.026 Si6R 3 m :H15.853; 15.853; 7.12
90; 90; 120
1549.65Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L12, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014664 CIFAl0.162 Fe0.18 H4 Mg2.694 O9 Si1.886P 3 1 m5.3244; 5.3244; 7.268
90; 90; 120
178.438Laurora, A.; Brigatti, M. F.; Malferrari, D.; Galli, E.; Rossi, A.
The crystal chemistry of lizardite-1T from northern Apennines ophiolites near Modena, Italy Note: Pompeano 4, polytype 1T
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1045-1054
9014700 CIFAl H44 Na3 O50 V10P -18.668; 10.295; 12.908
105.826; 97.899; 103.385
1053.06Rakovan, J.; Schmidt, G. R.; Gunter, M. E.; Nash, B.; Marty, J.; Kampf, A. R.; Wise, W. S.
Hughesite, Na3Al(V10O28)*22H2O, a new member of the pascoite family of minerals from the Sunday mine, San Miguel county, Colorado
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1253-1265
9014722 CIFC0.736 H1.998 Al2.79 Ca0.27 Na3.7 O15.207 Si3.21P 6312.618; 12.618; 5.116
90; 90; 120
705.411Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# 11/1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9014724 CIFAl7.317 B3 Ca0.695 F0.678 Fe0.057 H3.51 Li1.569 Mg0.021 Mn0.033 Na0.24 O30.51 Pb0.007 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8299; 15.8299; 7.1009
90; 90; 120
1540.99Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L23, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014795 CIFAl7.335 B3 Ca0.688 F0.729 Fe0.03 H3.27 Li1.596 Mn0.033 Na0.239 O30.27 Pb0.009 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8293; 15.8293; 7.1003
90; 90; 120
1540.74Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L18, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014798 CIFAl0.04 Ca9 F0.84 H0.16 Mg0.96 O27.16 P6.97R 3 c :H10.3394; 10.3394; 37.0836
90; 90; 120
3433.23Tait, K. T.; Barkley, M. C.; Thompson, R. M.; Origlieri, M. J.; Evans, S. H.; Prewitt, C. T.; Yang, H.
Bobdownsite, a new mineral species from Big Fish River, Yukon, Canada, and its structural relationship with whitlockite-type compounds Sample number R070654
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1065-1078
9014799 CIFNi3 SnP m -3 m3.7349; 3.7349; 3.7349
90; 90; 90
52.1Rowe, R.; Grice, J. D.; Poirier, G.; Stanley, C. J.; Horvath, L.
Nisnite, Ni3Sn, a new nickel mineral species from the Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 651-656
9014864 CIFAl7.209 B3 Ca0.583 F0.648 Fe0.015 H3.351 Li1.491 Mg0.06 Mn0.033 Na0.345 O30.351 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.009R 3 m :H15.8449; 15.8449; 7.1053
90; 90; 120
1544.87Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L13, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014875 CIFAl7.194 B3 Ca0.563 F0.694 Fe0.015 H3.306 Li1.461 Mn0.33 Na0.354 O30.306 Pb0.026 Si6R 3 m :H15.8529; 15.8529; 7.1101
90; 90; 120
1547.47Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L2, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9014904 CIFC0.771 H1.998 Al2.91 Ca0.6 Na3.255 O15.312 Si3.09P 6312.617; 12.617; 5.129
90; 90; 120
707.091Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# mmf28962
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9014928 CIFAs3 Ca4 H9 O16P 1 21/c 15.822; 10.175; 22.8816
90; 96.902; 90
1345.66Yang, H.; Evans, S. H.; Downs, R. T.; Jenkins, R. A.
The crystal structure of vladimirite, with a revised chemical formula, Ca4(AsO4)2(AsO3OH)*4H2O Note: Sample R080001
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1055-1064
9014930 CIFBi0.15 Ca0.65 F Na1.11 O6 Ta2F d -3 m :210.4451; 10.4451; 10.4451
90; 90; 90
1139.56Witzke, T.; Steins, M.; Doering, T.; Schuckmann, W.; Wegner, R.; Pollmann, H.
Fluornatromicrolite, (Na,Ca,Bi)2Ta2O6F, a new mineral species from Quixaba, Paraiba, Brazil
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1105-1110
9014946 CIFCa0.44 H22 Na1.56 O25 V5C 1 2/m 119.848; 10.1889; 13.1184
90; 130.187; 90
2026.68Kampf, A. R.; Hughes, J. M.; Marty, J.; Nash, B.
Gunterite, Na4(H2O)16(H2V10O28)*6H2O, a new mineral species with a doubly-protonated decavanadate polyanion: crystal structure and descriptive mineralogy
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1243-1251
9014971 CIFB5 Ca2 H7 O13P 1 21/c 111.58; 6.9844; 12.352
90; 110.573; 90
935.309Sun, W.; Huang, Y.-X.; Li, Z.; Pan, Y.; Mi, J.-X.
Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement of three borates: sibirskite, parasibirskite and priceite Note: T = 173 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 823-834
9014979 CIFAl6.03 B3 Ca0.04 F0.61 Fe0.87 H3.39 Li0.12 Mg1.83 Mn0.09 Na0.88 O30.39 Si6 Ti0.03R 3 m :H15.955; 15.955; 7.153
90; 90; 120
1576.93Clark, C. M.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Ottolini, L.
Fluor-dravite, NaMg3Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3F, a new mineral species of the tourmaline group from the Crabtree Emerald mine, Mitchell County, North Carolina: Description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 57-62
9014982 CIFAl7.287 B3 Ca0.685 F0.684 Fe0.06 H3.315 Li1.617 Mn0.036 Na0.245 O30.315 Pb0.01 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8307; 15.8307; 7.1013
90; 90; 120
1541.23Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L16, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015006 CIFAl7.188 B3 Ca0.628 F0.702 Fe0.021 H3.298 Li1.584 Mn0.207 Na0.297 O30.298 Pb0.023 Si6R 3 m :H15.8456; 15.8456; 7.1066
90; 90; 120
1545.29Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L5, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015030 CIFAl7.191 B3 Ca0.51 F0.752 Fe0.027 H3.248 Li1.359 Mn0.423 Na0.408 O30.248 Pb0.026 Si6R 3 m :H15.853; 15.853; 7.12
90; 90; 120
1549.65Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L12, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015035 CIFAl7.239 B3 Ca0.487 F0.709 Fe0.111 H3.291 Li1.287 Mn0.363 Na0.435 O30.291 Pb0.022 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8636; 15.8636; 7.1119
90; 90; 120
1549.96Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L1, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015039 CIFAl6.56 Ca2.44 Fe12 Mg0.44 Mn12.2 Na15.13 O120 P30P 1 c 113.4517; 12.5266; 26.6765
90; 101.582; 90
4403.57Tait, K. T.; Ercit, T. S.; Abdu, Y. A.; Cerny, P.; Hawthorne, F. C.
The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of manitobaite, ideally (Na16_)Mn2+25Al8(PO4)30, from Cross Lake, Manitoba Note: green sample
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1221-1242
9015163 CIFAl0.223 Fe0.141 H4 Mg2.742 O9 Si1.888P 3 1 m5.3259; 5.3259; 7.2726
90; 90; 120
178.651Laurora, A.; Brigatti, M. F.; Malferrari, D.; Galli, E.
The crystal chemistry of lizardite-1T from north Apennines ophiolites near Modena, Italy Note: Varana 1, polytype 1T
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1045-1054
9015188 CIFAl7.308 B3 Ca0.691 F0.678 Fe0.054 H3.321 Li1.611 Mg0.003 Mn0.024 Na0.234 O30.321 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8303; 15.8303; 7.1017
90; 90; 120
1541.24Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L20, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015228 CIFAs3 Ca4 H9 O16P 1 21/c 15.8279; 10.1802; 22.8944
90; 96.943; 90
1348.35Yang, H.; Evans, S. H.; Downs, R. T.; Jenkins, R. A.
The crystal structure of vladimirite, with a revised chemical formula, Ca4(AsO4)2(AsO3OH)*4H2O Note: Sample R100075
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1055-1064
9015234 CIFCu Fe S2I -4 2 d5.29; 5.29; 10.4217
90; 90; 90
291.642Knight, K. S.; Marshall, W. G.; Zochowski, S. W.
The low-temperature and high-pressure thermoelastic and structural properties of chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 T = 300 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1015-1034
9015248 CIFAl0.02 Ca9 Fe0.35 H Mg0.62 Mn0.02 O28 P7R 3 c :H10.359; 10.359; 37.0857
90; 90; 120
3446.46Tait, K. T.; Barkley, M. C.; Thompson, R. M.; Origlieri, M. J.; Evans, S. H.; Prewitt, C. T.; Yang, H.
Bobdownsite, a new mineral species from Big Fish River, Yukon, Canada, and its structural relationship with whitlockite-type compounds
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1065-1078
9015314 CIFCa H8 O15 Si4 VP c m n9.7614; 13.6666; 9.6049
90; 90; 90
1281.34Hughes, J. M.; Derr, R. S.; Cureton, F.; Campana, C. F.; Druschel, G.
The crystal structure of cavansite: location of the H2O molecules and hydrogen atoms in Ca(VO)(Si4O10)*4H2O Note: T = 296 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1267-1272
9015316 CIFC0.767 H1.998 Al2.82 Ca0.6 Na3.155 O15.3 Si3.18P 6312.625; 12.625; 5.122
90; 90; 120
707.022Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# tz3/1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9015347 CIFAl7.251 B3 Ca0.638 F0.666 Fe0.132 H3.333 Li1.566 Mg0.015 Mn0.03 Na0.284 O30.333 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.006R 3 m :H15.8399; 15.8399; 7.103
90; 90; 120
1543.4Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L21, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015383 CIFB Ca H O3P 1 21/m 16.6798; 5.4208; 3.5466
90; 93.245; 90
128.216Sun, W.; Huang, Y.-X.; Li, Z.; Pan, Y.; Mi, J.-X.
Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement of three borates: sibirskite, parasibirskite and priceite Note: T = 173 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 823-834
9015391 CIFBa Cl0.23 Fe3 H0.77 O8.77 Si2C 1 2/m 120.3459; 7.0119; 5.3879
90; 94.874; 90
765.877Kampf, A. R.; Roberts, A. C.; Venance, K. E.; Dunning, G. E.; Walstrom, R. E.
Ferroericssonite, the Fe2+ analogue of ericssonite, from eastern Fresno County, California, U.S.A.
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 587-594
9015419 CIFCa0.45 Ce0.275 Dy0.006 F3 Gd0.033 La0.143 Na0.45 Nd0.099 Sm0.011 Y0.044P 63/m6.0861; 6.0861; 3.681
90; 90; 120
118.08Sciberras, M. J.; Leverett, P.; Williams, P. A.; Hibbs, D. E.; Roberts, A. C.; Grice, J. D.
The single-crystal X-ray structure of gagarinite-(Ce)
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1111-1114
9015423 CIFAl7.296 B3 Ca0.682 F0.669 Fe0.045 H3.33 Li1.626 Mn0.027 Na0.248 O30.33 Pb0.009 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8343; 15.8343; 7.1012
90; 90; 120
1541.91Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L19, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015486 CIFAl0.151 Fe0.174 H4 Mg2.745 O9 Si1.924P 3 1 m5.323; 5.323; 7.27
90; 90; 120
178.393Laurora, A.; Brigatti, M. F.; Malferrari, D.; Galli, E.; Rossi, A.
The crystal chemistry of lizardite-1T from northern Apennines ophiolites near Modena, Italy Note: sample Sassomorello, polytype 1T
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1045-1054
9015535 CIFAl7.296 B3 Ca0.645 F0.714 Fe0.009 H3.286 Li1.557 Mn0.03 Na0.282 O30.286 Pb0.009 Si6 Ti0.006R 3 m :H15.8337; 15.8337; 7.1023
90; 90; 120
1542.04Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L17, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015553 CIFC0.437 H1.998 Al2.67 K0.15 Na3.43 O14.31 Si3.33P 6312.683; 12.683; 5.19
90; 90; 120
723.006Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# Kovd15/1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9015565 CIFAg2 Bi4 Pb Se8P 1 21/m 113.203; 4.186; 15.28
90; 109.164; 90
797.692Sejkora, J.; Makovicky, E.; Topa, D.; Putz, H.; Zagler, G.; Pasil, J.
Litochlebite, Ag2PbBi4Se8, a new selenide mineral species from Zalesi, Czech Republic: description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 639-650
9015580 CIFAl0.209 Fe0.105 H4 Mg2.787 O9 Si1.896P 3 1 m5.3234; 5.3234; 7.2721
90; 90; 120
178.471Laurora, A.; Brigatti, M. F.; Malferrari, D.; Galli, E.; Rossi, A.
The crystal chemistry of lizardite-1T from northern Apennines ophiolites near Modena, Italy Note: Pompeano 3, polytype 1T
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1045-1054
9015587 CIFAl7.173 B3 Ca0.517 F0.588 Fe0.09 H3.411 Li1.395 Mg0.102 Mn0.234 Na0.386 O30.411 Pb0.021 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8548; 15.8548; 7.1099
90; 90; 120
1547.8Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L4, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015588 CIFCu5 H14 O18 S2P -16.064; 11.012; 5.49
102.68; 92.43; 92.06
356.956Strandberg, H.; Langer, V.; Johansson, L. G.
Structure of Cu2.5(OH)3SO4*2H2O: a novel corrosion product of copper
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1995, 49, 5-10
9015603 CIFAl7.296 B3 Ca0.645 F0.714 Fe0.009 H3.285 Li1.557 Mn0.03 Na0.282 O30.285 Pb0.009 Si6 Ti0.006R 3 m :H15.8337; 15.8337; 7.1023
90; 90; 120
1542.04Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L17, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015636 CIFCu Fe S2I -4 2 d5.28563; 5.28563; 10.41917
90; 90; 90
291.09Knight, K. S.; Marshall, W. G.; Zochowski, S. W.
The low-temperature and high-pressure thermoelastic and structural properties of chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 T = 4.2 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1015-1034
9015678 CIFAl7.209 B3 Ca0.583 F0.647 Fe0.015 H3.353 Li1.491 Mg0.06 Mn0.033 Na0.345 O30.353 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.009R 3 m :H15.8449; 15.8449; 7.1053
90; 90; 120
1544.87Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L13, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015679 CIFH47.44 Mg Na4 O51.72 V10P -19.0453; 11.3337; 11.7372
105.223; 97.383; 100.79
1120.3Colombo, F.; Baggio, R.; Kampf, A. R.
The crystal structure of the elusive huemulite
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 849-864
9015689 CIFCa H8 O15 Si4 VP c m n9.7518; 13.6854; 9.5965
90; 90; 90
1280.72Hughes, J. M.; Derr, R. S.; Cureton, F.; Campana, C. F.; Druschel, G.
The crystal structure of cavansite: location of the H2O molecules and hydrogen atoms in Ca(VO)(Si4O10)*4H2O Note: T = 100 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1267-1272
9015712 CIFAl7.14 B3 Ca0.61 F0.633 Fe0.12 H3.336 Li1.614 Mg0.057 Mn0.06 Na0.322 O30.336 Pb0.007 Si6 Ti0.006R 3 m :H15.8438; 15.8438; 7.1043
90; 90; 120
1544.44Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L25, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015721 CIFCu3 H6 O11 V2I 1 a 110.646; 5.867; 14.432
90; 95.19; 90
897.728Kashaev, A. A.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Bannova, I. I.; Sapozhnikov, A. N.; Glebova, O. D.
Balance, uniformity, and asymmetry of the structure of volborthite Cu3(OH)2(V2O7)*2H2O
Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2008, 49, 708-711
9015758 CIFAl7.272 B3 Ca0.614 F0.633 Fe0.156 H3.366 Li1.482 Mg0.018 Mn0.057 Na0.311 O30.366 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.018R 3 m :H15.8333; 15.8333; 7.1025
90; 90; 120
1542Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L27, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015786 CIFAs2 Ca2 Cu H4 O10P 1 21/c 15.8618; 12.7854; 5.7025
90; 109.425; 90
403.049Yang, H.; Jenkins, R. A.; Downs, R. T.; Evans, S. H.; Tait, K. T.
Rruffite, Ca2Cu(AsO4)2*2H2O, a new member of the roselite group, from Tierra Amarilla, Chile
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 877-884
9015798 CIFC0.409 Al4 Ca1.352 Cl0.55 Fe0.012 K0.16 Na2.188 O25.388 S0.04 Si8 Sr0.016P 42/n :212.07899; 12.07899; 7.583467
90; 90; 90
1106.44Antao, S. M.; Hassan, I.
Complete Al-Si order in scapolite Me37.5, ideally Ca3Na5[Al8Si16O48]Cl(CO3), and implications for antiphase domain boundaries (APBs)
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 581-586
9015848 CIFAl7.239 B3 Ca0.683 F0.639 Fe0.063 H3.36 Li1.632 Mg0.027 Mn0.036 Na0.247 O30.36 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8306; 15.8306; 7.0999
90; 90; 120
1540.91Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L22, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015850 CIFAl7.14 B3 Ca0.61 F0.633 Fe0.12 H3.337 Li1.614 Mg0.057 Mn0.06 Na0.322 O30.337 Pb0.007 Si6 Ti0.006R 3 m :H15.8438; 15.8438; 7.1043
90; 90; 120
1544.44Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L25, ordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015875 CIFC0.704 H2 Al2.28 Na3.702 O15.112 Si3.72P 63 m c12.584; 12.584; 5.101
90; 90; 120
699.557Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# u1631
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9015890 CIFAl7.188 B3 Ca0.628 F0.702 Fe0.021 H5.97 Li1.584 Mn0.207 Na0.297 O32.97 Pb0.023 Si6R 3 m :H15.8456; 15.8456; 7.1066
90; 90; 120
1545.29Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L5, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015909 CIFB Ca H O3P 1 21/c 13.5624; 9.5225; 8.6231
90; 119.452; 90
254.718Sun, W.; Huang, Y.-X.; Li, Z.; Pan, Y.; Mi, J.-X.
Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement of three borates: sibirskite, parasibirskite and priceite Note: T = 295 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 823-834
9015915 CIFAl7.293 B3 Ca0.684 F0.711 Fe0.039 H3.288 Li1.62 Mn0.048 Na0.238 O30.288 Pb0.013 Si6R 3 m :H15.8286; 15.8286; 7.1012
90; 90; 120
1540.8Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L24, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015986 CIFAs H6 K O9 UP 4/n c c :27.176; 7.176; 18.126
90; 90; 90
933.398Ross, M.; Evans, H. T.
Studies of the torbernite minerals (I): The crystal structure of abernathyite and the structurally related compounds NH4(UO2AsO4).3H2O and K(H3O)(UO2AsO4)2.6H2O
American Mineralogist, 1964, 49, 1578-1602

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