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9016694 CIFBa Ca2 O9 Si3P -16.7335; 9.6142; 6.6859
69.638; 102.281; 96.855
396.009Barkley, M. C.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, H.
Structure of walstromite, BaCa2Si3O9, and its relationship to CaSiO3-walstromite and wollastonite-II
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 797-801
9016695 CIFCu F4 Nb O6P 1 21/c 15.59; 9.978; 7.544
90; 103.36; 90
409.394Crosnier-Lopez M; Duroy, H.; Fourquet, J.
About the crystal structure of CuNb(OH,F)7*3H2O _cod_database_code 1000364
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 108, 398-401
9016698 CIFAl1.459 Fe0.54 Mg1.003 O4F d -3 m :28.1709; 8.1709; 8.1709
90; 90; 90
545.519Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F54, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 650 C Annealing time = 0 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9016700 CIFAl3 H3.18 Na3.922 O14.69 P0.3 Si3P 6312.7345; 12.7345; 5.1798
90; 90; 120
727.457Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Van, K. V.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Depmeierite Na8[Al6Si6O24](PO4,CO3)1-x·3H2O (x<0.5) - a new cancrinite group mineral from the Lovozero alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva, 2010, 139, 63-74
9016702 CIFCu5 Li2 O14 Si4P -17.404; 7.754; 5.455
90.52; 106.27; 114.64
270.4Kawamura, K.; Kawahara, A.; Iiyama, J. T.
The crystal structure of Li2Cu5(Si2O7)2 and the proposal of new values for the effective iconic radii of Cu2+
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1978, 34, 3181-3185
9016703 CIFAl Ca0.484 O4 SiP 1 21 18.228; 8.621; 4.827
90; 90; 90
342.396Takeuchi, Y.; Haga, N.; Ito, J.
The crystal structure of monoclinic CaAl2Si2O8: a case of monoclinic structure closely simulating orthorhombic symmetry
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1973, 137, 380-398
9016704 CIFAl0.16 As4.92 Fe0.84 H16 Mg1.66 Mn23.39 O62 Si7.22 Zn2.81C 2 2 218.1821; 14.1946; 43.9103
90; 90; 90
5099.81Cooper, M. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Crystal structure of kraisslite, Zn3(Mn,Mg)25(Fe3+,Al)(As3+O3)2[(Si,As5+)O4]10(OH)16, from the Sterling Hill mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New Jersey, USA
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 2819-2836
9016705 CIFC Ca O3R -3 c :H4.98; 4.98; 17.192
90; 90; 120
369.246Antao, S. M.; Hassan, I.
Temperature dependence of the structural parameters in the transformation of aragonite to calcite, as determined from in situ synchrotron powder X-ray-diffraction data Note: T = 297 C Note: P = 101 kPa
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 1225-1236
9016706 CIFC Ca O3R -3 c :H4.9844; 4.9844; 17.0376
90; 90; 120
366.577Ondrus, P.; Veselovsky, F.; Gabasova, A.; Hlousek, J.; Srein, V.; Vavrnn, I.; Skala, R.; Sejkora, J.; Drabek, M.
Primary minerals of the Jachymov ore district
Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 2003, 48, 19-147
9016707 CIFAs2 Ba3 O8R -3 m :H5.7672; 5.7672; 21.163
90; 90; 120
609.59Park, C. H.; Bluhm, K.
Zur Synthese und Kristallstruktur von Bariumboroarsenat Ba(BAsO5) mit einem Beitrag uber Bariumorthoarsenat Ba3(AsO4)2
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung B, 1996, 51, 722-726
9016708 CIFBa0.16 Ca12.82 F H4.18 K6.94 Mn0.18 Na3.18 O92.59 Si35 Sr0.5P 1 21/m 131.96; 19.64; 7.09
90; 90; 90
4450.35Rozhdestvenskaya, I.; Mugnaioli, E.; Czank, M.; Depmeier, W.; Kolb, U.; Reinholdt, A.; Weirich, T.
The structure of charoite, (K,Sr,Ba,Mn)15-16(Ca,Na)32[(Si70(O,OH)180)](OH,F)4.0*nH2O, solved by conventional and automated electron diffraction Note: this is polytype charoite-90
Mineralogical Magazine, 2010, 74, 159-177
9016709 CIFC Fe O3R -3 c :H4.347; 4.347; 12.477
90; 90; 120
204.183Lavina, B.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Meng, Y.; Shen, G.; Schiferl, D.
Structure of siderite FeCO3 to 56 GPa and hysteresis of its spin-pairing transition Note: run P27-4, P = 55.0 GPa
Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 064110-064118
9016710 CIFBa O9 Si3 TiP -6 c 26.5605; 6.5605; 9.6574
90; 90; 120
359.969Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V.
Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 4.01 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763
9016713 CIFAl6.78 Ca1.84 Fe12.22 Mn12.91 Na13.5 O120 P30P 1 c 113.4499; 12.5046; 26.6148
90; 101.221; 90
4390.66Tait, K. T.; Ercit, T. S.; Abdu, Y. A.; Cerny, P.; Hawthorne, F. C.
The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of manitobaite, ideally (Na16_)Mn2+25Al8(PO4)30, from Cross Lake, Manitoba Note: brown sample
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1221-1242
9016714 CIFO2 ZrP 1 21/c 15.1505; 5.2116; 5.3173
90; 99.23; 90
140.881Howard, C. J.; Hill, R. J.; Reichert, B. E.
Structures of the ZrO2 polymorphs at room temperature by high-resolution neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1988, 44, 116-120
9016715 CIFLa0.1 Nb2 O6 Sr0.9P n m a11.021; 7.675; 5.584
90; 90.19; 90
472.327Istomin, S. Y.; D'yachenko, O. G.; Antipov, E. V.; Svensson, G.; Nygren, M.
Synthesis and characterisation of reduced niobates [Sr1-xLnxNb2O6, Ln = La, Nd]
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 743-749
9016716 CIFCr0.01 Fe1.27 Ni0.05 P0.06 Si0.62P m -3 m2.831; 2.831; 2.831
90; 90; 90
22.689Anand, M.; Taylor, L. A.; Nazarov, M. A.; Shu, J.; Mao, H. K.; Hemley, R. J.
Space weathering on airless planetary bodies: Clues from the lunar mineral hapkeite
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005, 101, 6847-6851
9016719 CIFAl2 Co0.08 Mg0.91 O4F d -3 m :28.0848; 8.0848; 8.0848
90; 90; 90
528.455Bosi, F.; Halenius, U.; D'Ippolito V; Andreozzi, G. B.
Blue spinel crystals in the MgAl2O4-CoAl2O4 series: Part II. Cation ordering over short-range and long-range scales Sample: CoAl1
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1834-1840
9016720 CIFAl5.29 B3 Ca0.301 F0.42 Fe H3.28 Mg2.7 Na0.713 O30.58 Si5.94 Ti0.06R 3 m :H15.999; 15.999; 7.236
90; 90; 120
1604.04Grice, J. D.; Ercit, T. S.
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula Sample: Dravite 43873
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1993, 165, 245-266
9016721 CIFAl7.872 B3 Ca0.01 F0.26 Fe3.258 H3.74 K0.01 Li0.06 Mg0.318 Mn0.222 Na0.61 O39.74 Si5.652 Ti0.24 Zn0.078R 3 m :H15.9783; 15.9783; 7.1507
90; 90; 120
1581.03Ertl, A.; Schuster, R.; Hughes, J. M.; Ludwig, T.; Meyer, H.-P.; Finger, F.; Dyar, M. D.; Ruschel, K.; Rossman, G. R.; Klotzli, U.; Brandstatter, F.; Lengauer, C. L.; Tillmanns, E.
Li-bearing tourmalines in Variscan granitic pegmatites from the Moldanubian nappes, Lower Austria Note: Sample MASR
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 695-715
9016722 CIFAl2 Ca H4 O10 Si2P 1 21/m 15.178; 12.787; 5.634
90; 124.67; 90
306.798Pawley, A. R.; Allan, D. R.
A high-pressure study of lawsonite using angle-dispersive powder-diffraction methods with synchrotron radiation Note: Run #BN97, P = 16.5 GPa
Mineralogical Magazine, 2001, 65, 41-58
9016723 CIFH6 Mg O6 SiP 1 21 14.958; 5.056; 7.14
90; 89.87; 90
178.983Wunder, B.; Jahn, S.; Koch-Muller M; Speziale, S.
The 3.65 A phase, MgSi(OH)6: structural insights from DFT-calculations and T-dependent IR spectroscopy Note: theoretical structure, LDA from Pnam
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1043-1048
9016724 CIFB4.5 Ba2 H31.44 Na7.2 O144.72 Si40.5 Sr10.8 Zr13P -3 c 126.509; 26.509; 9.975
90; 90; 120
6070.58McDonald, A. M.; Chao, G. Y.
Rogermitchellite, Na12(Sr,Na)24Ba4Zr26Si78(B,Si)12O246(OH)24·18H2O, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: Description, structure determination and relationship with HFSE-bearing cyclosilicates
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 267-278
9016726 CIFCl2 FeR -3 m :H3.589; 3.589; 17.26
90; 90; 120
192.539Vettier, C.; Yelon, W. B.
The structure of FeCl2 at high pressures Note: P = 5.70 kbar
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1975, 36, 401-405
9016727 CIFAg1.049 Mn0.901 Pb3 S12 Sb5.049P 1 21/n 119.3645; 12.7287; 8.7571
90; 90.059; 90
2158.49Yang, H.; Downs, R. T.; Evans, S. H.; Feinglos, M. N.; Tait, K. T.
Crystal structure of uchucchacuaite, AgMnPb3Sb5S12, and its relationship with ramdohrite and fizelyite Note: Sample ID R100213
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1186-1189
9016728 CIFCr2 O3R -3 c :H4.957; 4.957; 13.5923
90; 90; 120
289.242Sawada, H.
Residual electron density study of chromium sesquioxide by crystal structure and scattering factor refinement Note: atomic scattering factor refinement
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 239-245
9016729 CIFC0.88 H2 Al3 Ca0.438 Na3.522 O15.64 Si3P 6312.347; 12.347; 4.935
90; 90; 120
651.539Lotti, P.; Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Camara, F.
High-pressure study of a natural cancrinite Note: P = 4.30 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 872-882
9016730 CIFAu Sb2P a -36.6583; 6.6583; 6.6583
90; 90; 90
295.182Furuseth, S.; Selte, K.; Kjekshus, A.
On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl-mPtmAs2, Pdl-mPtmSb2, Pdl-mAumSb2, and Ptl-mAumSb2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1967, 21, 527-536
9016731 CIFAl Ca0.008 K0.334 Na0.686 O8 Si3C -18.29; 12.966; 7.151
91.18; 116.31; 90.14
688.819Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Sample: Or = 32.5, T = 23 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016732 CIFAl K0.334 Na0.694 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.3482; 12.98; 7.1582
90; 116.109; 90
696.51Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 32.5, T = 400 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016733 CIFAl Ca0.069 K0.224 Na0.71 O8 Si3C -18.252; 12.936; 7.139
92.11; 116.32; 90.22
682.434Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 22.3, T = 23 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016734 CIFAl Ca0.069 K0.224 Na0.71 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.314; 12.973; 7.15
90; 116.135; 90
692.335Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 22.3, T = 510 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016735 CIFAl Ca0.026 K0.141 Na0.856 O8 Si3C -18.2168; 12.9166; 7.127
92.754; 116.357; 90.239
676.721Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 13.8, T = 23 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016736 CIFAl K0.141 Na0.882 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.321; 12.969; 7.148
90; 116.05; 90
693.013Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 13.8, T = 750 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016737 CIFCa O4 SP 62 2 26.9694; 6.9694; 6.3033
90; 90; 120
265.149Lager, G. A.; Armbruster, T.; Rotella, F. J.; Jorgensen, J. D.; Hinks, D. G.
A crystallographic study of the low-temperature dehydration products of gypsum CaSO4*2H2O: hemihydrate CaSO4*0.50H2O, and gamma-CaSO4 Note: gamma-CaSO4
American Mineralogist, 1984, 69, 910-918
9016738 CIFH6 Na3.61 O12 S3 Sb7P 6314.152; 14.152; 5.5758
90; 90; 120
967.105Sabelli, C.; Nakai, I.; Katsura, S.
Crystal structures of cetineite and its synthetic Na analogue Na3.6(Sb2O3)3(SbS3)(OH) Sample: Synthetic Na analogue
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 398-404
9016739 CIFAl K O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.544; 13.01; 7.194
90; 115.99; 90
718.797Deubener, J.; Sternitzke, M.; Mueller, G.
Feldspars MAlSi3O8 (M=H,Li,Ag) synthesized by low-temperature ion exchange
American Mineralogist, 1991, 76, 1620-1627
9016742 CIFAl K0.85 Na0.15 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.539; 13.015; 7.179
90; 115.99; 90
717.154Phillips, M. W.; Ribbe, P. H.
The structures of monoclinic potassium-rich feldspars
American Mineralogist, 1973, 58, 263-270
9016743 CIFAl1.02 K0.88 Na0.12 O8 Si2.98C 1 2/m 18.545; 12.967; 7.201
90; 116; 90
717.141Phillips, M. W.; Ribbe, P. H.
The structures of monoclinic potassium-rich feldspars Note: variety adularia
American Mineralogist, 1973, 58, 263-270
9016744 CIFAl K0.86 Na0.1 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.5632; 12.963; 7.2099
90; 116.073; 90
718.887Prince, E.; Donnay, G.; Martin, R. F.
Neutron diffraction refinement of an ordered orthoclase structure
American Mineralogist, 1973, 58, 500-507
9016746 CIFCu1.77 H7 O9 P Zn1.23P 1 21/a 19.8275; 10.2244; 7.5322
90; 103.18; 90
736.901Ghose, S.; Leo, S. R.; Wan, C.
Structural chemistry of copper and zinc minerals. Part I. Veszelyite, (Cu,Zn)2ZnPO4(OH)3*2H2O: A novel type of sheet structure and crystal chemistry of copper-zinc substitution
American Mineralogist, 1974, 59, 573-581
9016747 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.1535; 12.8694; 7.107
93.521; 116.458; 90.257
665.95Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 24 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016748 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.1829; 12.8947; 7.119
93.041; 116.352; 90.172
671.866Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 350 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016749 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2096; 12.9182; 7.1284
92.482; 116.282; 90.128
677.011Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 600 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016750 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2296; 12.9336; 7.1357
91.956; 116.232; 90.078
680.78Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 750 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016751 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2508; 12.9489; 7.1431
91.161; 116.169; 90.03
684.755Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 950 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016752 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2763; 12.9593; 7.1463
90.097; 116.092; 89.988
688.363Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 1090 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016753 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2783; 12.9592; 7.1452
90.056; 116.087; 89.997
688.448Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 1105 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016754 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.161; 12.875; 7.11
93.53; 116.46; 90.24
667.122Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 25 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016755 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.208; 12.934; 7.134
92.65; 116.25; 90.12
678.316Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 500 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423

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