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9016631 CIFFe Nb0.13 O6 Ta1.87P 42/m n m4.7538; 4.7538; 9.2193
90; 90; 90
208.343Zema, M.; Tarantino, S. C.; Giorgiani, A.
Structural changes induced by cation ordering in ferrotapiolite Note: Crystal Kim23_q1, treated at 750 C for 130 min
Mineralogical Magazine, 2006, 70, 319-328
9016632 CIFCa1.78 Fe1.72 H2 Mg3.5 Na1.06 O24 Si8C 1 2/m 19.62; 17.717; 5.216
90; 106.18; 90
853.79Comopdi, P.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Capalbo, C.; Zanetti, A.; Nazzareni, S.
The effect of oxo-component on the high-pressure behavior of amphiboles Sample: FR12 P = 6.35 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1042-1051
9016633 CIFH1.333 Mg1.333 O5 SI 41/a m d :25.242; 5.242; 12.995
90; 90; 90
357.084Keefer, K. D.; Hochella, Jr, M. F.; de Jong, B. H. W. S.
The structure of the magnesium hydroxide sulfate hydrate MgSO4.1/3Mg(OH)2.1/3H2O
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1981, 37, 1003-1006
9016634 CIFAl0.5 Nb0.5 O2C 1 2/m 112.1545; 3.735; 6.4884
90; 107.62; 90
280.735Ardit, M.; Dondi, M.; Cruciani, G.
Structural stability, cation ordering, and local relaxation along the AlNbO4-Al0.5Cr0.5NbO4 join Note: Sample label: N00
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 910-917
9016635 CIFFeF m -3 m3.495; 3.495; 3.495
90; 90; 90
42.692Nishihara, Y.; Nakajima, Y.; Akashi, A.; Tsujino, N.; Takahashi, E.; Funakoshi, K.; Higo, Y.
Isothermal compression of face-centered cubic iron Note: gamma iron, Sample M622, P = 19.82 GPa, T = 1073 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1417-1420
9016636 CIFAl8.262 B3.762 Ca0.3 F0.15 H5.7 Li0.738 Na0.42 O30.85 Si5.238R 3 m :H15.7395; 15.7395; 7.0656
90; 90; 120
1515.87Ertl, A.; Pertlik, F.; Bernhardt, H. J.
Investigations on olenite with exess boron from Koralpe, Styria, Austria
Anzeiger der Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997, 134, 3-10
9016637 CIFC4 H0.19 Ba Ca0.39 Ce0.66 F0.75 La0.7 Na0.61 Nd0.12 O12.19 Pr0.04 Sr0.46P 63/m m c5.1196; 5.1196; 23.1784
90; 90; 120
526.122Mills, S. J.; Kartashov, P. M.; Kampf, A. R.; Konev, A. A.; Koneva, A. A.; Raudsepp, M.
Cordylite-(La), a new mineral species in fenite from the Biraya Fe-REE deposit, Irkutsk, Russia Note: crystal 2
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 1281-1290
9016638 CIFBa O3 TiA m m 23.9874; 5.6751; 5.6901
90; 90; 90
128.761Kwei, G. H.; Lawson, A. C.; Billinge, S. J. L.; Cheong, S. W.
Structures of the ferroelectric phases of barium titanate Note: T = 270 K
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1993, 97, 2368-2377
9016639 CIFAs Fe SP 1 21/c 15.7612; 5.6841; 5.7674
90; 111.721; 90
175.456Bindi, L.; Moelo, Y.; Leone, P.; Suchaud, M.
Stoichiometric arsenopyrite, FeAsS, from La Roche-Balue Quarry, Loire-Atlantique, France: Crystal structure and Mossbauer study
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 471-479
9016640 CIFC Fe O3R -3 c :H4.676; 4.676; 15.31
90; 90; 120
289.904Lavina, B.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Meng, Y.; Shen, G.; Schiferl, D.
Structure of siderite FeCO3 to 56 GPa and hysteresis of its spin-pairing transition Note: run P1, P = 1.89 GPa
Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 064110-064118
9016645 CIFCa2 F H3 O5 SiP -110.999; 8.176; 5.6678
94.24; 89; 90.18
508.22Biagioni, C.; Bonaccorsi, E.; Merlino, S.
Crystal structure of bultfonteinite, Ca4[SiO3(OH)]2F2*2H2O, from N'chwaning II mine (Kalahari Manganese Field, Republic of South Africa)
Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie, Serie A, 2010, 115, 9-15
9016646 CIFAl H3 O3P 1 21/n 15.0626; 8.6719; 9.4254
90; 90.26; 90
413.793Zigan, F.; Joswig, W.; Burger, N.
Die wasserstoffpositionen im bayerit, Al(OH)3 Note: T = 4 K
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1978, 148, 255-273
9016648 CIFFeF m -3 m3.484; 3.484; 3.484
90; 90; 90
42.29Nishihara, Y.; Nakajima, Y.; Akashi, A.; Tsujino, N.; Takahashi, E.; Funakoshi, K.; Higo, Y.
Isothermal compression of face-centered cubic iron Note: gamma iron, Sample M622, P = 22.34 GPa, T = 1073 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1417-1420
9016649 CIFFe Nb0.13 O6 Ta1.87P 42/m n m4.7561; 4.7561; 9.288
90; 90; 90
210.099Zema, M.; Tarantino, S. C.; Giorgiani, A.
Structural changes induced by cation ordering in ferrotapiolite Note: Crystal Kim20_q0, untreated
Mineralogical Magazine, 2006, 70, 319-328
9016650 CIFAl0.09 Cu0.27 Fe1.98 H6 O14 Pb S2 Zn0.75R -3 m :H7.3028; 7.3028; 17.0517
90; 90; 120
787.548Sato, E.; Nakai, I.; Terada, Y.; Tsutsumi, Y.; Yokoyama, K.; Miyawaki, R.; Matsubara, S.
Study of Zn-bearing beaverite Pb(Fe2Zn)(SO4)2(OH)6 obtained from Mikawa mine, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2008, 103, 141-144
9016652 CIFC H Dy O4P 21 21 216.9813; 4.8336; 8.4449
90; 90; 90
284.972Tahara, T.; Nakai, I.; Miyawaki, R.; Matsubara, S.
Crystal chemistry of RE(CO3)OH
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2007, 222, 326-334
9016653 CIFAl0.32 B3.06 Fe6.82 H3.3 K0.26 Mg1.85 Na0.79 O31 Si5.94 V0.01R 3 m :H16.186; 16.186; 7.444
90; 90; 120
1688.95Grice, J. D.; Ercit, T. S.
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula Sample: Povondraite 144478
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1993, 165, 245-266
9016654 CIFAs2 PtP a -35.9665; 5.9665; 5.9665
90; 90; 90
212.402Furuseth, S.; Selte, K.; Kjekshus, A.
On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl-mPtmAs2, Pdl-mPtmSb2, Pdl-mAumSb2, and Ptl-mAumSb2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1967, 21, 527-536
9016655 CIFAs0.67 Cu3 S4 Sb0.33I -4 2 m5.315; 5.315; 10.536
90; 90; 90
297.634Pfitzner, A.; Bernert, T.
The system Cu3AsS4 - Cu3SbS4 and investigations on normal tetrahedral structures Sample: Cu3As0.7Sb0.3S4
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2004, 219, 20-26
9016656 CIFCa0.18 H2 K0.208 Mg2.305 Mn2.915 Na2.344 O24 Si8C 1 2/m 19.9024; 18.1117; 5.2992
90; 104.034; 90
922.04Barkley, M. C.; Yang, H.; Downs, R. T.
Kozulite, a Mn-rich alkali amphibole
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2010, 66, i83-i83
9016657 CIFLa0.2 Nb2 O6 Sr0.8P n m a11.042; 7.665; 5.584
90; 90; 90
472.613Istomin, S. Y.; D'yachenko, O. G.; Antipov, E. V.; Svensson, G.; Nygren, M.
Synthesis and characterisation of reduced niobates [Sr1-xLnxNb2O6, Ln = La, Nd]
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 743-749
9016658 CIFMg1.96 O4 SiF d -3 m :28.0746; 8.0746; 8.0746
90; 90; 90
526.457Ye, Y.; Brown, D. A.; Smyth, J. R.; Panero, W. R.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Chang, Y. Y.; Townsend, J. P.; Thomas, S. M.; Hauri, E. H.; Dera, P.; Frost, D. J.
Compressibility and thermal expansion of hydrous ringwoodite with 2.5(3) wt% H2O Note: T = 143 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 573-582
9016659 CIFAl0.11 Ca8.76 F Fe0.17 Mg0.72 Na0.24 O27 P7R 3 c :H10.3224; 10.3224; 37.07
90; 90; 120
3420.7Tait, K. T.; Barkley, M. C.; Thompson, R. M.; Origlieri, M. J.; Evans, S. H.; Prewitt, C. T.; Yang, H.
Bobdownsite, a new mineral species from Big Fish River, Yukon, Canada, and its structural relationship with whitlockite-type compounds Sample number R050109
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1065-1078
9016662 CIFAg4 Mn S6 Sb2P 1 21/n 110.31; 8.07; 6.62
90; 92.68; 90
550.193Hruskova, J.; Synecek, V.
The crystal structure of samsonite, 2 Ag2S*MnS*Sb2S3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1969, 25, 1004-1006
9016663 CIFCa9.45 Fe0.22 Mg0.78 O28 P7R 3 c :H10.362; 10.362; 37.106
90; 90; 120
3450.34Dowty, E.
Phosphate in Angra Dos Reis: Structure and composition of the Ca3(PO4)2 minerals
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1977, 35, 347-351
9016664 CIFH30 Na3 O43 V10P 1 21/n 112.0248; 17.121; 18.14
90; 106.242; 90
3585.55Kampf, A. R.; Hughes, J. M.; Marty, J.; Gunter, M. E.; Nash, B.
Rakovanite, Na3{H3[V10O28]}*15H2O, a new member of the pascoite family with a protonated decavanadate polyanion
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 595-604
9016665 CIFCa4.64 F3 Mn0.45 Na1.62 O15 Si4 Zr1.29P -110.973; 10.306; 7.367
90.03; 109.63; 90.11
784.696Bellezza, M.; Merlino, S.; Perchiazzi, N.
Distinct domains in "guarinite" from Monte Somma, Italy: Crystal structures and crystal chemistry Note: "Guarinite" Domain I
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 531-548
9016666 CIFH2.3 Mg5 O10 Si2P 21/b 1 14.752; 10.35; 7.914
108.71; 90; 90
368.666Yamamoto, K.
The crystal structure of hydroxyl-chondrodite
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1977, 33, 1481-1485
9016667 CIFMn O2I 4/m9.815; 9.815; 2.847
90; 90; 90
274.264Kondrashev, Y. D.; Zaslavskii, A. I.
The structure of the modifications of manganese oxide
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1951, 15, 179-186
9016668 CIFCu1.84 SF m -3 m5.582; 5.582; 5.582
90; 90; 90
173.928Yamamoto, K.; Kashida, S.
X-ray study of the average structures of Cu2Se and Cu1.8S in the room temperature and the high temperature phases Note: Sample: Cu1.8S (high), T = 393 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 93, 202-211
9016669 CIFH12 Mg3.864 O22 Si6P n c n13.3638; 27.0034; 5.2716
90; 90; 90
1902.35Sanchez, M.; Garcia-Romero E; Suarez, M.; Silva, I.; Fuentes-Montero L; Martinez-Criado G
Variability in sepiolite: Diffraction studies Note: Sample GRA25 Note: T = 25 C
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1443-1454
9016670 CIFFe Ge O3C 1 2/c 19.784; 9.1338; 5.1924
90; 101.753; 90
454.291Redhammer, G. J.; Senyshyn, A.; Tippelt, G.; Pietzonka, C.; Treutmann, W.; Roth, G.; Amthauer, G.
Magnetic and low-temperature structural behavior of clinopyroxene-type FeGeO3: A neutron diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, and Fe Mossbauer study T = 15 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 694-706
9016672 CIFF1.54 Fe0.07 H0.46 Mg4.93 O8.46 Si2P 21/b 1 14.7204; 10.236; 7.8252
109.11; 90; 90
357.262Berry, A. J.; James, M.
Refinement of hydrogen positions in natural chondrodite by powder neutron diffraction: implications for the stability of humite minerals
Mineralogical Magazine, 2002, 66, 441-449
9016673 CIFAl2 Mg3 O12 Si3I a -3 d11.4893; 11.4893; 11.4893
90; 90; 90
1516.63Nakatsuka, A.; Shimokawa, M.; Nakayama, N.; Ohtaka, O.; Arima, H.; Okube, M.; Yoshiasa, A.
Static disorders of atoms and experimental determination of Debye temperature in pyrope: Low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction study Note: T = 622.9 K
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1593-1605
9016674 CIFAl1.94 Ca3 F1.2 Fe0.06 H2.64 O10.8 Si2.04I a -3 d12.037; 12.037; 12.037
90; 90; 90
1744.03Chakhmouradian, A. R.; Cooper, M. A.; Medici, L.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Adar, F.
Fluorine-rich hibschite from silicocarbonatite, Afrikanda Complex, Russia: Crystal chemistry and conditions of crystallization
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2008, 46, 1033-1042
9016675 CIFC Fe3P b n m4.525; 5.088; 6.74
90; 90; 90
155.176Lyashchenko, B. G.; Sorokin, L. M.
Determination of the position of carbon in cementite by the neutron diffraction method
Soviet Physics Crystallography, 1963, 8, 300-304
9016676 CIFAl1.46 Fe0.541 Mg1.001 O4F d -3 m :28.1708; 8.1708; 8.1708
90; 90; 90
545.499Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F54, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 750 C Annealing time = 240 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9016677 CIFC Fe2.7 Mn0.3P n m a5.0598; 6.7462; 4.5074
90; 90; 90
153.857Fasiska, E. J.; Jeffery, G. A.
On the cementite structure
Acta Crystallographica, 1965, 19, 463-471
9016678 CIFH12 Li2 O20 Se2 U3P 1 21/c 17.5213; 7.0071; 17.3282
90; 98.834; 90
902.406Wylie, E. M.; Burns, P. C.
Crystal structures of six new uranyl selenate and selenite compounds and their relationship with uranyl mineral structures Note: Compound 5
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 147-157
9016679 CIFAl2 Mg3 O12 Si3I a -3 d11.5023; 11.5023; 11.5023
90; 90; 90
1521.79Nakatsuka, A.; Shimokawa, M.; Nakayama, N.; Ohtaka, O.; Arima, H.; Okube, M.; Yoshiasa, A.
Static disorders of atoms and experimental determination of Debye temperature in pyrope: Low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction study Note: T = 723.0 K
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1593-1605
9016680 CIFAl1.356 Ca1.09 Ce0.42 Fe1.134 H La0.49 Mg0.05 Mn0.29 O13 Si3 Ti0.17P 1 21/m 18.938; 5.789; 10.153
90; 114.54; 90
477.884Kolitsch, U.; Mills, S. J.; Miyawaki, R.; Blass, G.
Ferriallanite-(La), a new member of the epidote supergroup from the Eifel, Germany
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 741-747
9016681 CIFFe5 Si3P 63/m c m6.6752; 6.6752; 4.649
90; 90; 120
179.398Santamaria-Perez D; Nuss, J.; Haines, J.; Jansen, M.; Vegas, A.
Iron silicides and their corresponding oxides: a high-pressure study of Fe5Si3 Note: P = 11 GPa
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 673-678
9016684 CIFC2 Ca K2 O6R -3 m :H5.3822; 5.3822; 18.156
90; 90; 120
455.481Effenberger, H.; Langhof, H.
On the aplanarity of the CO3 group in buetschliite, dipotassium calcium dicarbonate, K2Ca(CO3)2: a further refinement of the atomic arrangement
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 1984, 40, 1299-1300
9016686 CIFAg1.994 As2 Cd1.58 Pb0.426 S6P 43 2 25.5229; 5.5229; 33.399
90; 90; 90
1018.75Bindi, L.; Spry, P. G.; Bonazzi, P.; Makovicky, E.; Balic-Zunic T
Quadratite, AgCdAsS3:Chemical composition, crystal structure and OD character
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 242-247
9016687 CIFCa1.325 K2 Mg0.67 O12 S3P 21 310.19; 10.19; 10.19
90; 90; 90
1058.09Pekov, I. V.; Zelenski, M. E.; Zubkova, N. V.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Chukanov, N. V.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Calciolangbeinite, K2Ca2(SO4)3, a new mineral from the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 673-682
9016689 CIFCr Mn2 O9 Pb2P -15.0278; 7.5865; 10.2808
91.968; 99.405; 109.159
363.813Kampf, A. R.; Mills, S. J.; Housley, R. M.; Bottrill, R. S.; Kolitsch, U.
Reynoldsite, Pb2Mn4+2O5(CrO4), a new phyllomanganate-chromate from the Blue Bell claims, California and the Red Lead mine, Tasmania
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1187-1192
9016690 CIFBa Ca2 O9 Si3P -16.733; 9.608; 6.685
69.64; 102.29; 96.89
395.65Basciano, L. C.
Mineralogy and crystal structures of barium silicate minerals from Fresno County, California
Master's Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1999, 1999, 1-164
9016691 CIFAl2 Mg3 O12 Si3I a -3 d11.4401; 11.4401; 11.4401
90; 90; 90
1497.23Nakatsuka, A.; Shimokawa, M.; Nakayama, N.; Ohtaka, O.; Arima, H.; Okube, M.; Yoshiasa, A.
Static disorders of atoms and experimental determination of Debye temperature in pyrope: Low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction study Note: T = 96.7 K
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1593-1605
9016692 CIFCa2 Fe4 O12 Sb YI a -3 d12.521; 12.521; 12.521
90; 90; 90
1962.98Berry, F. J.; Davalos, J.; Greaves, C.; Marco, J. F.; Slaski, M.; Slater, P. R.; Vithal, M.
Magnetic ordering in the garnet YCa2SbFe4O12 T = 10 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 115, 435-440
9016693 CIFAl4 As3 H10.416 K0.222 Na0.57 O19.104P -4 3 m7.728; 7.728; 7.728
90; 90; 90
461.531Rumsey, M. S.; Mills, S. J.; Spratt, J.
Natropharmacoalumite, NaAl4[(OH)4(AsO4)3]*4H2O, a new mineral of the pharmacosiderite supergroup and the renaming of aluminopharmacosiderite to pharmacoalumite
Mineralogical Magazine, 2010, 74, 929-936

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