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1000047 CIFMg2 O6 Si2P b c a18.25099; 8.814; 5.181
90; 90; 90
833.4Yang, H X; Ghose, S
High temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of the ortho- proto phase transition in enstatite, Mg2 Si2 O6 at 1360 K
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (Germany), 1995, 22, 300-310
1000215 CIFBa Cu F7 FeC 1 2/c 110.695; 9.932; 5.654
90; 118.53; 90
527.7Renaudin, J; Calage, Y; Samouel, M; Kozak, A de; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Complex copper II fluorides. II.- Crystal structure, magnetic properties and Moessbauer study of the partly disordered ferrimagnet BaCuFeF~7~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 74-87
1000216 CIFBa Cu F7 FeC 1 c 110.695; 9.932; 5.654
90; 118.53; 90
527.7Renaudin, J; Calage, Y; Samouel, M; Kozak, A de; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Complex copper II fluorides. II.- Crystal structure, magnetic properties and Moessbauer study of the partly disordered ferrimagnet BaCuFeF~7~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 74-87
1000476 CIFF3 FeR -3 c :R5.362; 5.362; 5.362
57.94; 57.94; 57.94
103.9Leblanc, M; Pannetier, J; Ferey, G; de Pape, R
Single crystal refinement of the structure of rhombohedral Fe F3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 107-114
1001013 CIFNb6 O18 Rb2 TiP -3 m 17.529; 7.529; 8.194
90; 90; 120
402.3Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001014 CIFO18 Rb2 Ta6 TiP -3 m 17.512; 7.512; 8.231
90; 90; 120
402.2Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001015 CIFCs2 Nb6 O18 TiP -3 m 17.533; 7.533; 8.189
90; 90; 120
402.4Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001016 CIFCs2 O18 Ta6 TiP -3 m 17.513; 7.513; 8.227
90; 90; 120
402.2Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001017 CIFNb30 O90 Rb12 W3R -3 m :H7.486; 7.486; 43.1
90; 90; 120
2091.7Michel, C; Guyomarch, A; Raveau, B
Nouveaux echangeurs cationiques avec une structure a tunnels entrecroises: les oxides A~12~ M~33~ O~90~ et A~12~ M~33~ O~90~ (H~2~ O)~12~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 393-403
1001689 CIFCu3 Fe0.98 O9.12 Sb Ti0.96I a -39.5219; 9.5219; 9.5219
90; 90; 90
863.3Mouron, P; Choisnet, J
A new ordered solid solution with a bixbyite structure: The compounds Cu2+x Ti2-x Fe2-x Sbx O9 (0< x < 1.4)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1355-1362
1008696 CIFBa2 Cu3 O6.5 YP m m m3.8468; 3.8747; 11.7466
90; 90; 90
175.1Miraglia, S; Beech, F; Santoro, A; Tran Qui, D; Sunshine, S A; Murphy, D W
Neutron powder diffraction study of orthorhombic Ba2 Y Cu3 O6.5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1733-1740
1008706 CIFBa2 Cu3 O6.072 YP 4/m m m3.857; 3.857; 11.8194
90; 90; 90
175.8Santoro, A; Miraglia, S; Beech, F; Sunshine, S A; Murphy, D W; Schneemeyer, L F; Waszcak, J V
The structure and properties of Ba2 Y Cu3 O6
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1007-1013
1008844 CIFSb2 Se2 TeR 3 m :H4.112; 4.112; 29.495
90; 90; 120
431.9Andriamihaja, A; Ibanez, A; Jumas, J C; Olivier-Fourcade, J; Philippot, E
Evolution structurale de la solution solide Sb2 Te(3-x) Se(x) (O < X < 2) dans le systeme Sb2 Te3 - Sb2 Se3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 357-368
1008955 CIFBa Fe16.27 O27 Zn1.73P 63/m m c5.9333; 5.9333; 33.116
90; 90; 120
1009.6Collomb, A; Vallet-Regi, M
Le zinc dans le ferrite hexagonal de type W: Ba Zn2 Fe16 O27
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 753-760
1010298 CIFFe SeP 4/n m m :13.765; 3.765; 5.518
90; 90; 90
78.2Haegg, G; Kindstroem, A L
Roentgenuntersuchungen am System Eisen - Selen.
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1933, 22, 453-464
1010406 CIFBa Ce O3P m -3 m4.377; 4.377; 4.377
90; 90; 90
83.9Hoffmann, A
Sauerstoffsaeuren des vierwertigen Cerium und Thorium
Naturwissenschaften, 1934, 22, 206-206
1010407 CIFBa O3 ThP m -3 m4.48; 4.48; 4.48
90; 90; 90
89.9Hoffmann, N
Sauerstoffsaeuren des vierwertigen Cerium und Thorium
Naturwissenschaften, 1934, 22, 206-206
1010514 CIFAl NP 63 m c3.113; 3.113; 4.981
90; 90; 120
41.8Ott, H
Das Gitter des Aluminiumnitrids (Al N).
Zeitschrift fuer Physik, 1924, 22, 201-214
1010836 CIFCa I2P -3 m 14.48; 4.48; 6.96
90; 90; 120
121Blum, H
Die Kristallstruktur des wasserfreien Magnesiumjodids und Calciumjodids.
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1933, 22, 298-304
1011360 CIFMg3 P2I a -312.01; 12.01; 12.01
90; 90; 90
1732.3Stackelberg, M von; Paulus, R
Untersuchungen ueber die Kristallstruktur der Nitride und Phosphide zweiwertiger Metalle.
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1933, 22, 305-322
1011380 CIFLi3 SbF m -3 m6.559; 6.559; 6.559
90; 90; 90
282.2Brauer, G; Zintl, E
Konstitution von Phosphiden, Arseniden, Antimoniden und Wismutiden des Lithiums, Natriums und Kaliums
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1937, 22, 829-840
1100168 CIFC14 H12 Br2 N8 O4 PdP -16.5185; 7.5119; 10.7736
94.351; 106.036; 109.334
470.21Esther R. Acuna-Cueva; Rene Faure; Nuria A. Illan-Cabeza; Sonia B. Jimenez-Pulido; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quiros
Polyhedron, 2003, 22, 483-488
1501651 CIFC15 H20 B10 Fe O S2P 1 21/c 113.874; 20.663; 7.3166
90; 101.44; 90
2055.8Wu, Chunhui; Ye, Hongde; Bai, Wenjuan; Li, Qingning; Guo, Dadong; Lv, Gang; Yan, Hong; Wang, Xuemei
New potential anticancer agent of carborane derivatives: selective cellular interaction and activity of ferrocene-substituted dithio-o-carborane conjugates.
Bioconjugate chemistry, 2011, 22, 16-25
1501652 CIFC19 H27 Al F N3 O7P 1 21/c 120.463; 8.495; 12.692
90; 107.52; 90
2103.9D'Souza, Christopher A; McBride, William J.; Sharkey, Robert M.; Todaro, Louis J.; Goldenberg, David M.
High-yielding aqueous 18F-labeling of peptides via Al18F chelation.
Bioconjugate chemistry, 2011, 22, 1793-1803
1504339 CIFC46 H32 N2P 1 21/c 14.6343; 14.097; 23.29
90; 95.506; 90
1514.5Tan, Xiaoli; Fenniri, Hicham; Gray, Murray R.
Pyrene Derivatives of 2,2′-Bipyridine as Models for Asphaltenes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Supramolecular Organization†
Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22, 715
1504340 CIFC11 H13 N5P -18.5639; 8.7313; 9.1486
107.85; 99.4; 111.59
575.2Schneider, Stefan; Hawkins, Tommy; Rosander, Michael; Vaghjiani, Ghanshyam; Chambreau, Steven; Drake, Gregory
Ionic Liquids as Hypergolic Fuels
Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22, 2871
1507214 CIFAl71 Na71 O384 Si121F d -3 m :224.946; 24.946; 24.946
90; 90; 90
15524Seo, S.M.; Kim, G.H.; Lee, H.S.; Ko, S.-O.; Lee, O.S.; Kim, Y.H.; Kim, S.H.; Heo, N.H.; Lim, W.T.
Single-crystal structure of fully dehydrated sodium zeolite Y (FAU), Na 71 (Si121 Al71 O384) - FAU
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2006, 22, x209-x210
1509963 CIFAg7 N O8F m -3 m9.87; 9.87; 9.87
90; 90; 90
961.505Zvonkova, Z.V.; Zhdanov, G.S.
The crystal structure of Ag7 N O11
Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 1948, 22, 1284-1289
1510029 CIFAg3 P Se4P m n 217.689; 6.66; 6.379
90; 90; 90
326.661Guo Guocong; Zhou Guowei; Huang Jinshun; Deng Lei; Dong Zhenchao; Ma Hongwei; Chen Wentong
Synthesis and structure of Ag3 P Se4
Jiegon Huaxue, 2003, 22, 161-164
1510066 CIFAu Ca3P n m a7.795; 10; 6.78
90; 90; 90
528.501Fornasini, M.L.; Pani, M.; Merlo, F.
Structures of Ca3 Au, Ca5 Au2, Sr3 Au2, Ba3 Au2 and alloying behaviour of the alkaline earths with Cu, Ag, Au
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 791-798
1510069 CIFAu Cd0.5 Mg0.5P m -3 m3.296; 3.296; 3.296
90; 90; 90
35.806Ktada, K.; Matsuo, Y.; Minamigawa, S.
Phase relation of the Au Cd - Au Mg and Au Cd - Au Zn quasibinary alloys
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals, 1981, 22, 367-368
1510071 CIFAu Cd0.5 Zn0.5P m -3 m3.243; 3.243; 3.243
90; 90; 90
34.107Katada, K.; Minamigawa, S.; Matsuo, Y.
Phase relation of the Au Cd - Au Mg and Au Cd - Au Zn quasibinary alloys
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals, 1981, 22, 367-368
1510092 CIFAu Cl4 KP 1 21/c 18.619; 6.35; 12.169
90; 95.72; 90
662.701Bembenek, E.; Jones, P.G.
Low-temperature redetermination of the structures of three gold compounds
Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Research, 1992, 22, 397-401
1510094 CIFAu Cl4 PP 1 21/c 17.237; 14.52; 6.091
90; 95.99; 90
636.555Bembenek, E.; Jones, P.G.
Low-temperature redetermination of the structures of three gold compounds
Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Research, 1992, 22, 397-401
1510322 CIFAu ZnP m -3 m3.147; 3.147; 3.147
90; 90; 90
31.167Matsuo, Y.; Katada, K.; Minamigawa, S.
Phase relation of the Au Cd - Au Mg and Au Cd - Au Zn quasibinary alloys
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals, 1981, 22, 367-368
1510371 CIFAu2 Ca5C 1 2/c 116.857; 6.809; 7.746
90; 97.26; 90
881.953Merlo, F.; Fornasini, M.L.; Pani, M.
Structures of Ca3 Au, Ca5 Au2, Sr3 Au2, Ba3 Au2 and alloying behaviour of the alkaline earths with Cu, Ag, Au
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 791-798
1510430 CIFAu0.8 Cu0.2F m -3 m4.012; 4.012; 4.012
90; 90; 90
64.578Lu Hsueh-Shan; Liang Ching-Kwei
The superlattice fomation and lattice spacing changes in copper-gold alloys
Wu Li Hsueh Pao (= Acta Physica Sinica), 1966, 22, 669-697
1510468 CIFAu2 Sr3R -3 :H9.604; 9.604; 18.36
90; 90; 120
1466.59Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.; Pani, M.
Structures of Ca3 Au, Ca5 Au2, Sr3 Au2, Ba3 Au2 and alloying behaviour of the alkaline earths with Cu, Ag, Au
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 791-798
1510491 CIFAu3 CuP m -3 m3.965; 3.965; 3.965
90; 90; 90
62.335Lu Hsueh-Shan; Liang Ching-Kwei
The superlattice formation and lattice spacing changes in copper-gold alloys
Chinese Journal of Physics (Peking) (English Translation), 1966, 22, 505-527
1510597 CIFAu0.2 Cu0.8F m -3 m3.724; 3.724; 3.724
90; 90; 90
51.645Liang Ching-Kwei; Lu Hsueh-Shan
The superlattice fomation and lattice spacing changes in copper-gold alloys
Wu Li Hsueh Pao (= Acta Physica Sinica), 1966, 22, 669-697
1510660 CIFB2 DyP 6/m m m3.2874; 3.2874; 3.8393
90; 90; 120
35.933Rogl, P.; Klesnar, H.P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal(RE) - boron - nitrogen, where RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc and Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1510664 CIFB2 ErP 6/m m m3.2609; 3.2609; 3.779
90; 90; 120
34.8Klesnar, H.P.; Rogl, P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal(RE) - boron - nitrogen, where RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc and Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1510749 CIFB2 LuP 6/m m m3.2442; 3.2442; 3.7061
90; 90; 120
33.78Rogl, P.; Klesnar, H.P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems metal (RE)-boron-nitrogen, where RE= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc and Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1510795 CIFB2 O12 Pb6 SP n m a6.492; 11.645; 17.904
90; 90; 90
1353.53Aurivillius, B.
The crystal structure of a basic lead borate sulfate, Pb6 O2 (B O3)2 S O4
Chemica Scripta, 1983, 22, 168-170
1510844 CIFB2 TbP 6/m m m3.2963; 3.2963; 3.8888
90; 90; 120
36.593Klesnar, H.P.; Rogl, P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal(RE) - boron - nitrogen, where RE= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc and Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1510846 CIFB2 TmP 6/m m m3.2573; 3.2573; 3.7473
90; 90; 120
34.432Rogl, P.; Klesnar, H.P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal(RE) - boron - nitrogen, where RE= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc and Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1510853 CIFB2 YP 6/m m m3.3042; 3.3042; 3.8465
90; 90; 120
36.369Rogl, P.; Klesnar, H.P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal(RE) - boron - nitrogen, where RE= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc and Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1510875 CIFB3 Ba3 O9 YP 63 c m9.416; 9.416; 17.536
90; 90; 120
1346.46Wang Guofu; Pan Shangke
Structure of low temperature phase beta-(Ba3 Y (B O3)3) crystal
Jiegon Huaxue, 2003, 22, 187-189
1510917 CIFB3 Ho Li6 O9P 1 1 21/b7.17; 6.64; 16.46
90; 90; 105
756.939Mamedov, Kh.S.; Dzhafarov, G.G.; Abdullaev, G.K.; Guseinova, S.A.; Rza-Zade, P.F.
Synthesis and structural study of lithium and holmium double orthoborate crystals
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1977, 22, 3239-3242
1510929 CIFB3 Li3 Nd2 O9P 1 21/n 18.814; 14.143; 5.776
90; 103.75; 90
699.381Mamedov, H.S.; Abdullaev, G.K.
Crystal structure of the double orthoborate of lithium and neodymium Li3 Nd2 (B O3)3
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 271-274
1510934 CIFB3 Li6 O9 YbP 1 1 21/b7.115; 6.578; 16.324
90; 90; 105.06
737.763Mamedov, H.S.; Abdullaev, G.K.
Crystal structure of the double lithium ytterbium orthoborate Li6 Yb (B O3)3
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 389-392
1511029 CIFB Ce Pd3P m -3 m4.205; 4.205; 4.205
90; 90; 90
74.353Dhar, S.K.; Malik, S.K.; Vijayaraghavan, R.
Studies on the valence state of Ce and Eu in some new boron and silicon containing rare earth intermetallic compounds
Pramana, Journal of Physics, 1984, 22, 329-344
1511032 CIFB Ce Rh3P m -3 m4.176; 4.176; 4.176
90; 90; 90
72.825Vijayaraghavan, R.; Malik, S.K.; Dhar, S.K.
Studies on the valence state of Ce and Eu in some new boron and silicon containing rare earth intermetallic compounds
Pramana, Journal of Physics, 1984, 22, 329-344
1511199 CIFB K2 Li O3C 1 2 18.761; 6.081; 7.354
90; 102.57; 90
382.398Hoppe, R.; Miessen, M.
Neue Borate der Alkalimetalle:K2LiBo3
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (Germany), 1985, 22, 331-343
1511720 CIFB4 CrI m m m4.7441; 5.4773; 2.8659
90; 90; 90
74.47Andersson, S.; Lundstroem, T.
The crystal structure of Cr B4
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 3103-3110
1511753 CIFB4 Ba3 Nd2 O12P n m a7.7143; 16.779; 8.9478
90; 90; 90
1158.19Yan, J.F.; Hong, H.Y.-P.
Crystal structure of a new mini-laser material, Nd2 Ba3 (B O3)4
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1347-1353
1511757 CIFB4 La2 Ni5C 1 2/m 19.786; 5.158; 8.078
90; 136.63; 90
280.002Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
Crystal structure of the boride Nd2 Ni5 B4
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1986, 22, 1683-1685
1514109 CIFMn O2P b n m4.513; 9.264; 2.859
90; 90; 90
119.53Miura, H.; Kudou, H.; Choi, J. H.; Hariya, Y.
The crystal structure of ramsdellite from Pirika mine
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4, 1990, 22, 611-617
1517729 CIFNb2 O15 P4P -16.586; 8.4; 10.842
106.37; 90.35; 89.97
575.48Nicolaev, V.P.; Sadikov, G.G.; Lavrov, A.V.; Porai Koshits, M.A.
The crystal structure of niobium tetraphosphate (Nb O)2 P4 O13
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1986, 22, 1364-1368
1518076 CIFAl2 As3 K3P 1 21/m 110.494; 5.991; 7.534
90; 110.5; 90
443.7Cordier, Gerhard; Ochmann, Harald; Schafer, Herbert
Neuartige Al2As3-kettenverbande in der verbindung K3Al2As3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 58-63
1518077 CIFAs2 Ba2 Se5P 1 21 110.162; 12.396; 9.499
90; 118.5; 90
1051.6Cordier, Gerhard; Schwidetzky, Cristoph; Schafer, Herbert
Darstellung und struktur von Ba2As2Se5
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 93-100
1518078 CIFC25 H38 Cl2 O24 Pd6P 1 21/n 18.821; 28.185; 17.524
90; 94.84; 90
4341.3Cotton, F. Albert; Han, Scott
Further study of trinuclear palladium(II) acetate crystals from dichloromethane
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 277-284
1518085 CIFC52 H56 Br4 Mo2 P4P 1 21/n 123.349; 13.296; 16.91
90; 106.8; 90
5026Agaskar, Pradyot A.; Cotton, F. Albert
The crystal and molecular structure of beta-Mo2Br4 (bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane)2
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 302-311
1518086 CIFBi6 Se13 Sr4P 1 21/m 118.398; 4.241; 17.037
90; 90.58; 90
1329.3Cordier, Gerhard; Schafer, Herbert; Schwidetzky, Christoph
Preparation and crystal structure of the new compound Sr4Bi6Se13
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 631-638
1518088 CIFK3 O8 P2 ScP -39.43; 9.43; 7.629
90; 90; 120
587.5Efremov, V. A.; Melnikov, P. P.; Komissarova, L. N.
Sur de nouveaux composes de type glaserite
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 666-675
1518089 CIFCs K2 O8 P2 ScP -35.4836; 5.4836; 7.9157
90; 90; 120
206.13Efremov, V. A.; Melnikov, P. P.; Komissarova, L. N.
Sur de nouveaux composes de type glaserite
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 666-675
1518090 CIFCs Ho K2 O8 P2C 1 2/m 19.803; 5.66; 8.096
90; 90; 90
449.2Efremov, V. A.; Melnikov, P. P.; Komissarova, L. N.
Sur de nouveaux composes de type glaserite
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 666-675
1518091 CIFBi7 Cs3 Se12C 1 m 127.733; 4.177; 13.286
90; 107.9; 90
1465Cordier, Gerhard; Schafer, Herbert; Schwidetzky, Christoph
0n Cs3Bi7Se12, a new layer selenidobismutate (III)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 676-683
1518092 CIFBr2 H10 N2 O2P 1 21/n 16.66; 7.043; 7.857
90; 114.3; 90
335.9Ducourant, B.; Mula, B.; Fourcade, R.
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 684-691
1518093 CIFH30 O15 S5 Sb2 Sr2C 1 2/c 115.39; 9.41; 16.908
90; 91.4; 90
2447.9Cordier, Gerhard; Schafer, Herbert; Schwidetzky, Christoph
Sr2Sb2S5.15H2O, ein neues oligothioantimonat(III)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 722-727
1518094 CIFC4 H17 Cl2 Na2 O16 RuP -16.442; 8.242; 9.041
109.11; 91.28; 100
445.07Deloume, J. P.; Duc, G.; Faure, R.; Thomas-David, G.
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 728-738
1518095 CIFC8 H6 K4 O20 Ru2P 1 c 16.966; 12.248; 14.79
90; 128.12; 90
992.7Deloume, J. P.; Duc, G.; Faure, R.; Thomas-David, G.
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 728-738
1518096 CIFCl6 Rb2 SbF m -3 m10.14; 10.14; 10.14
90; 90; 90
1042.59Mascherpa-Corral, D.; Ducourant, B.; Fourcade, R.; Mascherpa, G.
Composes a valences mixtes RbxSbCl6. Structures cristallines et moleculaires de Rb2SbCl6 et Rb2.66SbCl6
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 758-766
1518100 CIFCu3 H2 O9 P2C 1 2/c 117.794; 6.189; 12.182
90; 105.38; 90
1293.5Riou, A.; Gerault, Y.; Cudennec, Y.
Structure cristalline d'un nouveau phosphate de cuivre Cu3(PO4)2, H2O
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 776-783
1518101 CIFF11 H12 N3 Sn3C m m 212.773; 25.564; 8.052
90; 90; 90
2629.2Soufiane, A.; Vilminot, S.
Sur un fluorure mixte d'etain II et IV : (NH4)3Sn3F11
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 799-808
1518102 CIFNa2 O11 Ta4R -3 c :H6.198; 6.198; 36.56
90; 90; 120
1216.3Mattes, R.; Schaper, J.
Die struktur von Na2Ta4O11
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 817-820
1522298 CIFHf0.96 Zr0.04P 63/m m c3.1956; 3.1956; 5.0546
90; 90; 120
44.702Krug, M.P.; Davis, B.E.
The anisotropic thermal expansion of the crystal lattice of hafnium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 22, 363-366
1522360 CIFN2 Te U2I 4/m m m3.967; 3.967; 12.58
90; 90; 90
197.973Leciejewicz, J.; Zolnierek, Z.; Troc, R.
The magnetic structure of U2 N2 Te
Solid State Communications, 1977, 22, 697-699
1522395 CIFGa0.286 Hg0.571 TeF -4 3 m6.34; 6.34; 6.34
90; 90; 90
254.84Lototskii, V.B.; Radevich, E.I.; Gavaleshko, N.P.
Physicochemical properties of (Ga2 Te3)x (Hg3 Te3)1-x solid solutions
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1986, 22, 1916-1918
1522422 CIFGd Pd3P m -3 m4.08; 4.08; 4.08
90; 90; 90
67.917Malik, S.K.; Dhar, S.K.; Vijayaraghavan, R.
Studies on the valence state of Ce and Eu in some new boron and silicon containing rare earth internetallic compounds
Pramana, Journal of Physics, 1984, 22, 329-344
1522870 CIFAl3 MoC 1 m 116.396; 3.594; 8.386
90; 101.88; 90
483.579Schuster, J.C.; Ipser, H.
The Al - Al8 Mo3 section of the binary system aluminum- molybdenum
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1991, 22, 1729-1738
1522871 CIFAl3.1 Mo0.9P m -3 n4.945; 4.945; 4.945
90; 90; 90
120.92Schuster, J.C.; Ipser, H.
The Al - Al8 Mo3 section of the binary system aluminum- molybdenum
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1991, 22, 1729-1738
1522872 CIFAl5 MoP 34.933; 4.933; 43.98
90; 90; 120
926.847Schuster, J.C.; Ipser, H.
The Al - Al8 Mo3 section of the binary system aluminum- molybdenum
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1991, 22, 1729-1738
1522873 CIFAl5 MoR -3 c :H4.951; 4.951; 26.23
90; 90; 120
556.82Schuster, J.C.; Ipser, H.
The Al - Al8 Mo3 section of the binary system aluminum- molybdenum
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1991, 22, 1729-1738
1522874 CIFAl5 MoP 634.912; 4.912; 8.86
90; 90; 120
185.132Schuster, J.C.; Ipser, H.
The Al - Al8 Mo3 section of the binary system aluminum- molybdenum
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1991, 22, 1729-1738
1523312 CIFGd3 Zn11I m m m4.423; 13.063; 8.842
90; 90; 90
510.87Bruzzone, G.; Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with zinc
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 22, 253-264
1523332 CIFLa2 Ni7P 63/m m c5.058; 5.058; 24.71
90; 90; 120
547.471Buschow, K.H.J.; van der Goot, A.S.
The crystal structure of rare earth-nickel compounds of the type R2 Ni7
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 22, 419-428
1523367 CIFFe3 SnP m -3 m3.873; 3.873; 3.873
90; 90; 90
58.095Cannon, J.F.
Effect of high pressure on the structures of A B3-type layered compounds
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1984, 22, 113-116
1523393 CIFLa0.5 Nd0.5 Ni5P 6/m m m4.99; 4.99; 3.974
90; 90; 120
85.696Che Guangcan; Liang Jingkui; Zu Yude
Studies of phase relations between mischmetal (Mm) and Mm Ni5 together with their hydrogen absorption properties
Jinshu Xuebao, 1986, 22, 206-211
1523394 CIFLa0.5 Ni5 Pr0.5P 6/m m m4.95; 4.95; 3.994
90; 90; 120
84.752Che Guangcan; Liang Jingkui; Zu Yude
Studies of phase relations between mischmetal (Mm) and Mm Ni5 together with their hydrogen absorption properties
Jinshu Xuebao, 1986, 22, 206-211
1523925 CIFFe4 Zn9I -4 3 m8.9822; 8.9822; 8.9822
90; 90; 90
724.683Johansson, A.; Ljung, H.; Westman, S.
X-ray and neutron diffraction studies on gamma-nickel, zinc and gamma-iron, zinc
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 2743-2753
1523926 CIFNi2 Zn11I -4 3 m8.9206; 8.9206; 8.9206
90; 90; 90
709.876Johansson, A.; Ljung, H.; Westman, S.
X-ray and neutron diffraction studies on Ni-Zn and Fe-Zn
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 2743-2753
1523966 CIFH46.24 Na4.12 O95.12 Si36C 1 2/m 117.641; 18.031; 7.402
90; 116.43; 90
2108.37Alberti, A.
The crystal structure of two clinoptilolites
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1975, 22, 25-37
1524192 CIFCo Ga3P 42/m n m6.2365; 6.2365; 6.4347
90; 90; 90
250.271Chang Tao-Fan; Liang Ching-Kwei
Concerning the crystal structure of Co Ga3
Wu Li Hsueh Pao (= Acta Physica Sinica), 1967, 22, 701-703
1524200 CIFCe0.5 La0.5 Ni5P 6/m m m5; 5; 3.98
90; 90; 120
86.17Che Guangcan; Liang Jingkui; Zu, Y.
Studies of phase relations between mischmetal (Mm) and Mn Ni5 together with their hydrogen absorbtion properties
Jinshu Xuebao, 1986, 22, B206-B211
1524287 CIFEu3 Ga4 Ni4I -4 3 m7.505; 7.505; 7.505
90; 90; 90
422.719Dwight, A.E.
Crystal structure of Eu3 Ni4 Ga4
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 305-308
1524379 CIFEu5 Pb3I 4/m c m13.184; 13.184; 6.214
90; 90; 90
1080.1Franceschi, E.
On the crystal structure of Eu5 Pb3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 22, 249-252
1524662 CIFCo In3P -4 n 26.829; 6.829; 7.094
90; 90; 90
330.83Katrich, M.V.; Titov, Yu.G.; Matyushenko, N.N.
Crystal structure of the ordered phase Co In3
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 188-190
1524735 CIFFe3 Ho0.5 Sn3P 6/m m m5.398; 5.398; 4.559
90; 90; 120
115.045Koretskaya, O.E.; Skolozdra, R.V.
New triple stannides with structure of the YCo6Fe6-type
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1986, 22, 690-691
1524746 CIFCu Ga Te2F m -3 m5.911; 5.911; 5.911
90; 90; 90
206.53Kraft, A.; Vollstaedt, H.; Kuehn, G.; Moeller, W.
The crystal structure of Ca2 Cu2 Ga, Ca Cu Ga, Sr Cu2 Ga and Ba Cu2 Ga
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1984, 22, 31-35
1525352 CIFCo Gd3P n m a7.05; 9.54; 6.32
90; 90; 90
425.064Strydom, O.A.W.; Alberts, L.
The structure of Gd3 Co
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 22, 511-515
1525600 CIFAl92 Cs36 Mn28 O384 Si100F d -3 m :224.732; 24.732; 24.732
90; 90; 90
15127.9Bae, M.N.; Song, M.K.; Kim, Y.
Two anhydrous zeolite X crystal structures, Mn28 Cs36 - X and Mn21.5 Rb49 - X
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2001, 22, 1081-1088
1525601 CIFAl92 Mn21.5 O384 Rb49 Si100F d -3 :224.742; 24.742; 24.742
90; 90; 90
15146.2Bae, M.N.; Song, M.K.; Kim, Y.
Two anhydrous zeolite X crystal structures, Mn28 Cs36 - X and Mn21.5 Rb49 - X
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2001, 22, 1081-1088
1525785 CIFAl12 Cs3 H Kr6 Na8 O48 Si12P m -3 m12.247; 12.247; 12.247
90; 90; 90
1836.92Lim, W.T.; Chang, C.H.; Jung, K.J.; Heo, N.-H.
Kr atoms and their clustering in zeolite A
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2001, 22, 1023-1029
1525963 CIFCo Fe O5 PP n m a7.2548; 6.4471; 7.457
90; 90; 90
348.782El Khayati, N.; Cherkaoui El Moursli, R.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Roisnel, T.; Blanchard, N.; Bouree, F.; Andre, G.; Collin, G.
Crystal and magnetic structures of the oxyphosphates M Fe P O5 (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). Analysis of the magnetic ground state in terms of superexchange interactions
The European Physical Journal B, 2001, 22, 429-442
1525965 CIFFe Ni O5 PP n m a7.1882; 6.3924; 7.4847
90; 90; 90
343.921El Khayati, N.; Cherkaoui El Moursli, R.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Andre, G.; Blanchard, N.; Roisnel, T.; Collin, G.; Bouree, F.
Crystal and magnetic structures of the oxyphosphates M Fe P O5 (M =Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). Analysis of the magnetic ground state in terms ofsuperexchange interactions
The European Physical Journal B, 2001, 22, 429-442
1525967 CIFCu Fe O5 PP n m a7.5152; 6.3948; 7.1716
90; 90; 90
344.654El Khayati, N.; Cherkaoui El Moursli, R.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Andre, G.; Roisnel, T.; Bouree, F.; Blanchard, N.; Collin, G.
Crystal and magnetic structures of the oxyphosphates M Fe P O5 (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). Analysis of the magnetic ground state in terms ofsuperexchange interactions
The European Physical Journal B, 2001, 22, 429-442
1526203 CIFBa2 Cu0.4 Mo0.8 O6 Y0.8F m -3 m8.3656; 8.3656; 8.3656
90; 90; 90
585.452Gu, L.-N.; Zhang, J.-W.; Li, R.-K.; Chen, Z.-Y.
The synthesis and structure of a new phase in Y - Ba- Cu - Mo - O system
Diwen Wuli Xuebao, 2000, 22, 77-80
1526664 CIFAl14 Ga H121.33 Mo12 O119.165C 1 2/c 127.418; 15.647; 23.96
90; 102.85; 90
10021.6Son, J.-H.; Kwon, Y.-U.
Single crystal structure of pure inorganic nanocomposite (Ga O4 Al12 (O H)24 (H2 O)12) (Al (O H)6 Mo6 O18)2 (O H) * 30(H2 O)
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2001, 22, 1224-1230
1527028 CIFAl92 O384 Pd18 Si100 Tl56F d -3 :224.935; 24.935; 24.935
90; 90; 90
15503.4Yoon, B.Y.; Song, M.K.; Lee, S.H.; Kim, Y.
Two anhydrous zeolite X crystal structures, Pd18 Tl56 Si100 Al92 O384 and Pd21 Tl50 Si100 Al92 O384
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2001, 22, 30-36
1527029 CIFAl92 O384 Pd21 Si100 Tl50F d -3 :224.914; 24.914; 24.914
90; 90; 90
15464.3Yoon, B.Y.; Song, M.K.; Kim, Y.; Lee, S.H.
Two anhydrous zeolite X crystal structures, Pd18 Tl56 Si100 Al92 O384 and Pd21 Tl50 Si100 Al92 O384
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2001, 22, 30-36
1527272 CIFLi2 O4 TeP 41 2 26.045; 6.045; 8.29
90; 90; 90
302.933Daniel, F.; Moret, J.; Maurin, M.; Philippot, E.
Etude structurale de Li2 Te O4. Coordination du tellure VI et du lithium par les atomes d'oxygene
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 113-119
1527273 CIFNa2 O4 TeP 1 21/c 110.632; 5.161; 13.837
90; 103.27; 90
738.988Daniel, F.; Maurin, M.; Moret, J.; Philippot, E.
Etude structurale d'un nouveau tellurate alcalin: Na2 Te O4 . Evolution de la coordination du tellure(VI) et du cation quand on passe du cation lithium au sodium
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 385-391
1527361 CIFNb33 O90 Rb12.0012R -3 m :H7.527; 7.527; 43.17
90; 90; 120
2118.15Fallon, G.D.; Gatehouse, B.M.
Crystal structures of some niobium and tantalum oxides. II. The 4Rb2 O : 11Nb2 O5 phase - a tunnel structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 405-409
1527408 CIFO2 VP -19.06; 5.7721; 4.5203
89.99; 91.4; 89.83
236.318Ghedira, M.; Vincent, H.; Marezio, M.; Launay, J.C.
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transitions in V0.985 Al0.015 O2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 423-438
1527438 CIFBa Fe0.6 Ho0.07 O3 U0.33F m -3 m8.293; 8.293; 8.293
90; 90; 90
570.342Grenet, J.C.; Berthon, J.; Poix, P.
Etude structurale et magnetique de perovskites de formule Ba3 Fe2-x Hox U O9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 411-417
1527439 CIFBa Fe0.54 Ho0.13 O3 U0.33F m -3 m8.344; 8.344; 8.344
90; 90; 90
580.929Grenet, J.C.; Berthon, J.; Poix, P.
Etude structurale et magnetique de perovskites de formule Ba3 Fe2-x Hox U O9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 411-417
1527440 CIFBa Fe0.47 Ho0.2 O3 U0.33F m -3 m8.395; 8.395; 8.395
90; 90; 90
591.646Grenet, J.C.; Berthon, J.; Poix, P.
Etude structurale et magnetique de perovskites de formule Ba3 Fe2-x Hox U O9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 411-417
1527441 CIFBa Fe0.4 Ho0.27 O3 U0.33F m -3 m8.445; 8.445; 8.445
90; 90; 90
602.281Grenet, J.C.; Poix, P.; Berthon, J.
Etude structurale et magnetique de perovskites de formule Ba3 Fe2-x Hox U O9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 411-417
1527442 CIFBa Fe0.34 Ho0.33 O3 U0.33F m -3 m8.49; 8.49; 8.49
90; 90; 90
611.96Grenet, J.C.; Berthon, J.; Poix, P.
Etude structurale et magnetique de perovskites de formule Ba3 Fe2-x Hox U O9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 411-417
1527443 CIFBa Fe0.27 Ho0.4 O3 U0.33F m -3 m8.533; 8.533; 8.533
90; 90; 90
621.306Grenet, J.C.; Berthon, J.; Poix, P.
Etude structurale et magnetique de perovskites de formule Ba3 Fe2-x Hox U O9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 411-417
1527491 CIFK O3 VP b c m5.176; 10.794; 5.68
90; 90; 90
317.34Hawthorne, F.C.; Calvo, C.
The crystal chemistry of the M(+) V O3 (M(+) = Li, Na, K, N H4, Tl, Rb, and Cs) pyroxenes
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 157-170
1527492 CIFO3 Rb VP b c m5.261; 11.425; 5.715
90; 90; 90
343.511Hawthorne, F.C.; Calvo, C.
The crystal chemistry of the M(+) V O3 (M(+) = Li, Na, K, N H4, Tl, Rb, and Cs) pyroxenes
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 157-170
1527493 CIFCs O3 VP b c m5.393; 12.249; 5.786
90; 90; 90
382.217Hawthorne, F.C.; Calvo, C.
The crystal chemistry of the M(+) V O3 (M(+) = Li, Na, K, N H4, Tl, Rb, and Cs) pyroxenes
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 157-170
1527599 CIFMn0.89 Sb Zn0.94P 4/n m m :24.1726; 4.1726; 6.2332
90; 90; 90
108.524Johnson, V.; Jeitschko, W.
Ferromagnetic anti-Pb F Cl-type Zn Mn Sb
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 71-75
1527617 CIFCu3.75 Hg1.75 S8 Sn2I -4 2 m5.542; 5.542; 10.908
90; 90; 90
335.026Kaplunnik, L.N.; Pobedimskaya, E.A.; Belov, N.V.
Crystal structure of velikite Cu3.75 Hg1.75 Sn2 S8
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 175-177
1527646 CIFEr NF m -3 m4.8481; 4.8481; 4.8481
90; 90; 90
113.95Klesnar, H.P.; Rogl, P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal (RE)-boron-nitrogen, where RE= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc and Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1527746 CIFAl3 ZrI 4/m m m3.998; 3.998; 17.28
90; 90; 90
276.204Ma, Y.; Gjoennes, J.; Taftoe, J.
Structure refinement of Al3 Zr using lacbed technique
Micron and Microscopica Acta, 1991, 22, 163-164
1527911 CIFSe U0.6 Y0.4F m -3 m5.73; 5.73; 5.73
90; 90; 90
188.133Palewski, T.; Horn, J.
Magnetically induced rhombohedral distortion in the Ux Th1-x Se and Ux Y1-x Se solid solutions
Crystal Research and Technology, 1987, 22, 1047-1054
1529512 CIFB2 Cu O4I -4 2 d11.506; 11.506; 5.644
90; 90; 90
747.198Abdullaev, G.K.; Mamedov, H.S.
The refinement of the crystal structure of copper metaborate Cu B2 O4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 184-187
1529604 CIFLa2 Ni O6 RuP b n m5.5675; 5.5952; 7.8734
90; 90; 90
245.266Battle, P.D.; Jones, C.W.
The crystal structure of La2 Ni Ru O6
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1623-1627
1529621 CIFAl3 B4 O12 YR 3 2 :H9.295; 9.295; 7.243
90; 90; 120
541.936Belokoneva, E.L.; Azizov, A.V.; Leonjuk, N.I.; Belov, N.V.; Simonov, M.A.
The crystal structure of Y Al3 (B O3)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 196-198
1529641 CIFK2 O9 Si3 ZrP 36.926; 6.926; 10.177
90; 90; 120
422.781Blinov, V.A.; Shumyatskaya, N.G.; Ilyukhin, V.V.; Belov, N.V.; Voronkov, A.A.
Refinement of the crystal structure of wadeite K2 Zr (Si3 O9) and its relation to kindred structural types
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 59-65
1529665 CIFNa3.12 O12 P0.88 Si2.12 Zr2B 1 1 2/b15.669; 9.246; 9.055
90; 90; 124.2
1085Boilot, J.P.; Collin, G.; Colomban, P.
Crystal structure of the true Nasicon Na3 Zr2 Si2 P O12
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 669-676
1529666 CIFAl11 K1.58 O17R -3 m :H5.63; 5.63; 34.00999
90; 90; 120
933.585Boilot, J.P.; Collin, G.; Colomban, P.; Comes, R.
X-ray scattering study of the fast-ion conductor beta'-alumina
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1980, 22, 5912-5923
1529667 CIFAl11 Na1.68 O17R -3 m :H5.61; 5.61; 33.53999
90; 90; 120
914.154Boilot, J.P.; Collin, G.; Colomban, P.; Comes, R.
X-ray scattering study of the fast-ion conductor beta'-alumina
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1980, 22, 5912-5923
1529696 CIFK0.2 S8 V6P 63/m9.139; 9.139; 3.3025
90; 90; 120
238.875Bronsema, K.D.; Wiegers, G.A.
Structures and some physical properties of phases in the system K-V-S: K.2 V6 S8 and K.6 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1073-1080
1530004 CIFCa2 Cl2 O3 SiI 410.698; 10.698; 9.345
90; 90; 90
1069.51Golovastikov, N.I.; Kazak, V.F.
The crystal structure of calcium chlorosilicate Ca2 Si O3 Cl2
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 962-965
1530023 CIFS3 Sn1.2 Ti0.8P n m a8.899; 3.605; 13.506
90; 90; 90
433.285Gressier, P.; Meerschaut, A.; Rouxel, J.
Structural determination and transport properties of a new phase with approximate composition Sn1.2 Ti.8 S3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1573-1580
1530137 CIFCe K2 O15 Si6B 1 1 2/b17.661; 11.854; 8.698
90; 90; 132.32
1346.41Karpov, O.G.; Pobedimskaya, E.A.; Belov, N.V.
Crystal structure of a K, Ce silicate with a three-dimensional anion framework: K2 Ce Si6 O15
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 382-384
1530150 CIFO2 TiP 42/m n m4.59; 4.59; 2.96
90; 90; 90
62.362Khitrova, V.I.; Bundule, M.F.; Pinsker, Z.G.
An electron-diffraction investigation of titanium dioxide in thin films
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1253-1258
1530151 CIFO2 TiI 41/a m d :13.78; 3.78; 9.51
90; 90; 90
135.883Khitrova, V.I.; Bundule, M.F.; Pinsker, Z.G.
An electron-diffraction investigation of titanium dioxide in thin films
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1253-1258
1530174 CIFK8 Mo6 O24 ZrP 1 21/c 110.2; 11.85; 13.12
90; 119; 90
1386.98Klevtsova, R.F.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Pasechnyuk, N.P.
Crystal structure of the binary molybdates K8 Zr (Mo O4)6 and K8 Hf (Mo O4)6
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1191-1195
1530175 CIFHf K8 Mo6 O24P 1 21/c 110.175; 11.771; 13.102
90; 118.82; 90
1374.86Klevtsova, R.F.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Pasechnyuk, N.P.
Crystal structure of the binary molybdates K8 Zr (Mo O4)6 and K8 Hf (Mo O4)6
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1191-1195
1530213 CIFH18 N4 O12 Se3P -17.133; 10.37; 10.512
113.93; 93.5; 107.63
662.08Kruglik, A.I.; Simonov, M.A.
The crystal structure of (N H4)2 Se O4 (N H4 H Se O4)2
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1082-1085
1530270 CIFGa10.5 In0.5 La0.96 Mn O19P 63/m m c5.865; 5.865; 22.99
90; 90; 120
684.866Lefebvre, D.; Kahn, A.; Thery, J.
Substituted lanthanum hexagallates as epitaxial growth substrates
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1039-1045
1530356 CIFO9 Ta2 Te2P 1 21/c 17.096; 7.486; 14.614
90; 103.01; 90
756.378Martinez-Carrera, S.; Gaitan, M.; Pico, C.; Sanz, J.; Jerez, A.; Veiga, M.L.
Mixed oxides of the system M(V) Te(IV) O2 (M=Nb,Ta,Sb); II. Crystal structure of Ta2 Te2 O9
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1405-1412
1530359 CIFCa0.9 Fe0.25 Mg0.71 O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.737; 8.998; 5.27
90; 106.11; 90
443.592Maslenikov, A.V.; Nikitina, L.P.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I.V.
Refinement of the structure of a diopside of altered composition calcined at various temperatures
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 753-758
1530424 CIFCu I Se3R -3 m :H14.079; 14.079; 14.187
90; 90; 120
2435.37Milius, W.; Rabenau, A.
The crystal structure of copper iodide triselenide Cu I Se3, a reactant in an n-Cu In Se2 based solar cell
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1493-1497
1530500 CIFH3 O6 Rb Se2P 21 21 2117.909; 6.243; 5.899
90; 90; 90
659.543Nozik, Yu.Z.; Fykin, L.E.; Muradyan, L.A.; Sarin, V.A.
Location of the hydrogen atoms in the crystal structure of rubidium trihydroselenite Rb H3 (Se O3)2 by neutron diffraction
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 69-72
1530505 CIFBa2 Cu2.88 O6.61 YP m m m3.87; 3.869; 11.715
90; 90; 90
175.409Okamura, F.P.; Sueno, S.; Nakai, I.; Ono, A.
Crystal structure of Ba2 Y Cu3-x O7-y. A superconductive compound determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction method
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1081-1085
1530506 CIFBa2 Cu2.89 O6.66 YP 4/m m m3.8693; 3.8693; 11.715
90; 90; 90
175.391Okamura, F.P.; Sueno, S.; Nakai, I.; Ono, A.
Crystal structure of Ba2 Y Cu3-x O7-y. A superconductive compound determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction method
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1081-1085
1530549 CIFD0.99 Mo O3I m -37.588; 7.588; 7.588
90; 90; 90
436.9Parise, J.B.; McCarron, E.M.; Sleight, A.W.
A new modification of Re O3 -type Mo O3 and the deuterated intercalation compound from which it is derived: D0.99 Mo O3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 803-811
1530561 CIFLa Re2 Si2I m m a4.206; 4.116; 20.89
90; 90; 90
361.646Pecharskii, V.K.; Bodak, O.I.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Crystal structure of the compound La Re2 Si2
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 630-633
1530565 CIFCe Mo6 S8R -3 :R6.509; 6.509; 6.509
88.83; 88.83; 88.83
275.597Pena, O.; Padiou, J.; Horyn, R.; Potel, M.; Geantet, C.; Sergent, M.
Crystal growth, crystal structure and physical characterization of Ce Mo6 S8
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 109-116
1530628 CIFS8 Ti5 Tl0.97C 1 2/m 117.859; 3.433; 8.804
90; 104.26; 90
523.141Quint, R.; Boller, H.
On the crystal chemistry of hollandite-like phases with Tl V5 S8 structure: The crystal structures of Tlx Ti5 S8, Tlx V5 S8 and Tl Cr5 S8
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1499-1504
1530633 CIFO2 PtP n n m4.4839; 4.5385; 3.136
90; 90; 90
63.818Range, K.J.; Klement, U.; Rau, F.; Heyns, A.M.
beta-Pt O2: High pressure synthesis of single crystals and structure refinement
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1541-1547
1530651 CIFH4 Hf Na4 O18 S4C 1 c 18.786; 9.907; 17.73
90; 92.09; 90
1542.24Rogachev, D.L.; Sadikov, G.G.; Dikareva, L.M.; Kuznetsov, V.J.
The structure of hafnium and sodium disulfate Hf (S O4)2 (Na2 S O4)2 (H2 O)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 191-194
1530652 CIFH6 Hf Na2 O15 S3P 21 21 217.091; 7.791; 22.179
90; 90; 90
1225.3Rogachev, D.L.; Dikareva, L.M.; Nikolaev, V.P.; Kuznetsov, V.J.
The structure of hafnium and sodium sulfate Hf (S O4)2 (Na2 S O4) (H2 O)3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 194-196
1530701 CIFF H2 O2 RbP -4 21 m12.07; 12.07; 4.39
90; 90; 90
639.557Sarin, V.A.; Dudarev, V.Ya.; Dobrynina, T.A.; Zavodnik, V.E.; Fykin, L.E.
X-ray and neutron structural investigation of Rb F * H2 O2 crystals
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 982-987
1530733 CIFLa2 Ni O6 RuP 1 21/n 15.5688; 5.5984; 7.8764
90; 90.18; 90
245.556Seinen, P.A.; van Berkel, F.P.F.; Groen, W.A.; Ijdo, D.J.W.
The ordered perovskite system Ln2 Ni Ru O6
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 535-542
1530735 CIFAl0.12 Fe H2 K0.92 Mg2.88 Na0.08 O12 Si3C 1 2/m 15.358; 9.297; 10.318
90; 100.02; 90
506.134Semenova, T.F.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I.V.; Frank-Kamenetskii, V.A.
Refinement of the crystal structure of tetraferriphlogopite
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1196-1201
1530743 CIFH8 O10 Se UC 1 2/c 114.653; 10.799; 12.664
90; 119.95; 90
1736.32Serezhkin, V.N.; Soldatkina, M.A.; Efremov, V.A.
The crystal structure of the uranyl selenate tetrahydrate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 171-174
1530744 CIFH22 Mg O21 S2 UC 1 2/c 111.334; 7.715; 21.709
90; 102.22; 90
1855.26Serezhkin, V.N.; Soldatkina, M.A.; Efremov, V.A.
The crystal structure of Mg U O2 (S O4)2 (H2 O)11
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 174-177
1530759 CIFAl3.02 H2 Na O12 Si2.98C 1 2/c 15.135; 8.894; 19.36499
90; 94.17; 90
882.071Sidorenko, O.V.; Zvyagin, B.B.; Soboleva, S.V.
Refinment of the crystal structure of 2M1 paragonite by the method of high-voltage electron diffraction
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 971-975
1530760 CIFAl3 H2 Na O12 Si3P 31 1 25.132; 5.132; 28.71999
90; 90; 120
655.071Sidorenko, O.V.; Zvyagin, B.B.; Soboleva, S.V.
The crystal structure of 3T paragonite
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 976-981
1530764 CIFB6 H16 Ni O18P -19.09; 8.64; 9.99
106.833; 106.666; 81.666
717.786Silin', E.Ya.; Levin'sh, A.F.
Crystal structure of the octahydrate of nickel hexaborate Ni (B6 O7 (O H)6 ) (H2 O)5
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 505-509
1530775 CIFCd Ge O3B 1 1 2/b10.204; 5.3852; 9.669
90; 90; 102.23
519.259Simonov, M.A.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Belov, N.V.
The refinement of the crystal structure of Cd2 (Ge O4) and Cd2 (Ge2 O6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 199-200
1530779 CIFEu Li O8 S2P n n 27.632; 7.632; 5.566
90; 90; 90
324.205Sirotinkin, S.P.; Efremov, V.A.; Kovba, L.M.; Pokrovskii, A.N.
Crystal structure of lithium-europium double sulfate
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 966-970
1530780 CIFNd2 O12 S3B 1 1 2/b21.72; 6.904; 6.673
90; 90; 109.78
941.61Sirotinkin, S.P.; Efremov, V.A.; Kovba, L.M.; Pokrovskii, A.N.
The crystal structure of anhydrous neodymium sulfate Nd2 (S O4)3
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1272-1273
1530797 CIFAl2.91 H2 Na0.91 O12 Si3.09C 1 2/m 15.135; 8.89; 9.74
90; 99.67; 90
438.315Soboleva, S.V.; Sidorenko, O.V.; Zvyagin, B.B.
Crystal structure of paragonite 1M
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 510-514
1530882 CIFGa2 S3P 616.385; 6.385; 18.04
90; 90; 120
636.926Tomas, A.; Guymont, M.; Pardo, M.P.; Guittard, M.; Famery, R.
Determination des structures des formes alpha and beta de Ga2 S3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1549-1554
1530883 CIFGa1.334 S2.001P 63 m c3.682; 3.682; 6.031
90; 90; 120
70.809Tomas, A.; Guymont, M.; Pardo, M.P.; Guittard, M.; Famery, R.
Determination des structures des formes alpha and beta de Ga2 S3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1549-1554
1530900 CIFC3 H12 Cu N6 O7 SP b c n13.004; 9.268; 8.873
90; 90; 90
1069.38Treushnikov, E.N.; Kuskov, V.I.; Belov, N.V.
X-ray structural study of the electron structure of cupric sulfate tricarbamide Cu S O4 * 3C O (N H2)2
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 994-1003
1530950 CIFBa Fe2 O11 Ru4P 63/m m c5.867; 5.867; 13.489
90; 90; 120
402.108Verdoes, D.; Zandbergen, H.W.; Ijdo, D.J.W.
Equilibria description for the system Ba O - Ru O2 - Fe2 O3 with less than 55 mol% Ba O at 1300 deg.C in platinum capsules; A crystallographic and leaching study
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1-10
1530956 CIFMn O6 Sb2P 38.8056; 8.8056; 4.7232
90; 90; 120
317.165Vincent, H.; Turrillas, X.M.; Rasines, I.
A novel structure type of hexagonal closest packing: The ternary oxide, beta Mn Sb2 O6
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 1369-1379
1531009 CIFHf3 Ni2 Si3C m c m3.831; 9.862; 13.003
90; 90; 90
491.271Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.; Grin', Yu.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Crystal structure of Hf3 Ni2 Si3
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 726-730
1531019 CIFB4 Ca O7P 1 21/n 112.34; 9.95; 7.85
90; 92.1; 90
963.199Zayakina, N.V.; Brovkin, A.A.
Crystal structure of Ca B4 O7
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 275-280
1531022 CIFFe1.5 H2 K Mg0.5 O12 Si4C 1 2/m 15.23; 9.05; 10.15
90; 100.58; 90
472.247Zhukhlistov, A.P.; Zvyagin, B.B.; Pavlishin, V.I.; Lazarenko, E.K.
Refinement of the crystal structure of ferrous celadonite
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 498-504
1531207 CIFCs H8 O12 Pr S2P 1 21/c 16.671; 19.054; 8.839
90; 94.55; 90
1119.98Bukovec, P.; Golic, L.
The salts and double salts of rare earths. II. Crystal structure of cesium bis-sulfato tri-aquo praseodimate(III) monohydrate
Documenta Chemica Yugoslavica. Vestnik Slovenskega Kemijskega Drustva, 1975, 22, 19-25
1531421 CIFAl2.17 N14.85 Nd0.34 O1.15 Si9.83P 3 1 c7.8137; 7.8137; 5.6935
90; 90; 120
301.039Herrmann, M.; Kurama, S.; Mandal, H.
Investigation of the phase composition and stability of the alpha-(Si Al O N)s by the Rietveld method
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2002, 22, 2997-3005
1531424 CIFAl2.09 N14.93 O1.07 Si9.91 Y0.34P 3 1 c7.8106; 7.8106; 5.6935
90; 90; 120
300.801Herrmann, M.; Kurama, S.; Mandal, H.
Investigation of the phase composition and stability of the alpha-(Si Al O N)s by the Rietveld method
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2002, 22, 2997-3005
1531508 CIFNa O12 P3 Zr2R -3 c :H8.8043; 8.8043; 22.7585
90; 90; 120
1527.79Hagman, L.O.; Kierkegaard, P.
The crystal structure of Na Me2 (P O4)3, Me = Ge, Ti, Zr
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 1822-1832
1531631 CIFAl1.9 Ca1.7 Fe1.5 H1.5 K0.3 Mg3.3 Na0.6 O24 Si6.4 Ti0.2C 1 2/m 19.89; 18.03; 5.31
90; 105.2; 90
913.737Kawahara, A.; Ohno, M.; Takano, Y.
Structural study of the amphibole in volcanic tuff
Scientific Papers of the College of General Education, University of Tokyo, 1972, 22, 67-68
1531786 CIFCe0.667 O7 Si2 Y1.333P 1 21/c 15.365; 8.509; 13.804
90; 111.45; 90
586.516Monteverde, F.; Celotti, G.
Structural data from X-ray powder diffraction for new high-temperature phases (Y1-x Lnx)2 Si2 O7 with Ln = Ce, Pr, Nd
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2002, 22, 721-730
1531787 CIFO7 Pr Si2 YP 1 21/c 15.37; 8.542; 13.838
90; 111.76; 90
589.527Monteverde, F.; Celotti, G.
Structural data from X-ray powder diffraction for new high-temperature phases (Y1-x Lnx)2 Si2 O7 with Ln = Ce, Pr, Nd
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2002, 22, 721-730
1531789 CIFNd0.8 O7 Si2 Y1.2P 1 21/c 15.362; 8.496; 13.782
90; 111.46; 90
584.32Monteverde, F.; Celotti, G.
Structural data from X-ray powder diffraction for new high-temperature phases (Y1-x Lnx)2 Si2 O7 with Ln = Ce, Pr, Nd
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2002, 22, 721-730
1532016 CIFB4 O7 SrP m n 2110.724; 4.447; 4.2392
90; 90; 90
202.166Pan, F.; Wang, R.-J.; Wei, J.-Z.; Shen, G.-Q.; Wang, X.-Q.; Shen, D.-Z.
The crystal structure and NLO property of strontium tetraborate Sr B4 O7
Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao, 2001, 22, 154-158
1532262 CIFO4 Si0.993 V0.007 ZrI 41/a m d :26.6011; 6.6011; 5.9811
90; 90; 90
260.624Torres, F.J.; Tena, M.A.; Alarcon, J.
Rietveld refinement study of vanadium distribution in V(+4) - (Zr Si O4) solid solutions obtained from gels
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2002, 22, 1991-1994
1533462 CIFDy2 O12 W3C 1 2/c 17.5981; 11.322; 11.3254
90; 109.8; 90
916.676Shen Rong; Wang Cong; Dong Cheng; Wang Tianmin; Liang Jingkui; Chen Xiaolong
Crystal structures of Dy2 (W O4)3 and Gd Y (W O4)3
Rare Metals, 2003, 22, 49-54
1533466 CIFGd O12 W3 YC 1 2/c 17.6175; 11.3543; 11.3496
90; 109.801; 90
923.6Shen Rong; Wang Cong; Chen Xiaolong; Dong Cheng; Wang Tianmin; Liang Jingkui
Crystal structures of Dy2 (W O4)3 and Gd Y (W O4)3
Rare Metals, 2003, 22, 49-54
1533478 CIFB Co H6 Na O11 P2P 61 2 29.447; 9.447; 15.83
90; 90; 120
1223.49Shi Hengzhen; Shan Yongkui; Dai Liyi; Liu Yuyan; Weng Linhong
Crystal structure of borophosphate with 61 screw axis helices
Jiegon Huaxue, 2003, 22, 391-394
1534048 CIFH34 Mo12 Ni5 O52I 41/a m d :115.319; 15.319; 30.645
90; 90; 90
7191.52Lin Zhihua; Zhang Hanhui; Wu Xiaoyuan; Huang Changcang; Sun Ruiqing
Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of H10 (Ni Mo(V)12 O40 (Ni (H2 O)3)4)
Jiegon Huaxue, 2003, 22, 07-210
1534213 CIFCl6 Cr4 H50 N12 O10P 1 21/c 18.26; 17.953; 13.735
90; 129.09; 90
1580.87Bang, E.
The crystal structure of a bridged chromium(III) complex: Di-mue-hydroxo-tetrakis-mue-hydroxo-bis(tetraammine- chromium(III))-bis(diamminechromium(III))
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 2671-2684
1534510 CIFCd4 H98 N10 O97 P2 W18P 1 21/n 113.113; 20.098; 16.278
90; 95.917; 90
4267.13Alizadeh, M.H.; Mohammadi Zonoz, F.; Razavi, H.; Mohammadi, M.R.
Synthesis, single-crystal structural determination and solution characterization of a new sandwich-type cadmium - containing heteropolytungstate
Polyhedron, 2003, 22, 933-939
1534700 CIFBr2 Nb O8.5 Pb7I 4/m m m5.623; 5.623; 23.119
90; 90; 90
730.98Aurivillius, B.
On the Crystal Structure of Some Non-Stoichiometric Mixed Lead Oxide Halides and Their Relation to the Minerals "Lorettoite" and Sundiusite
Chemica Scripta, 1983, 22, 5-11
1534702 CIFCl2 Cr0.5 O8 Pb7.5I 4/m m m3.9473; 3.9473; 23.221
90; 90; 90
361.811Aurivillius, B.
On the Crystal Structure of Some Non-Stoichiometric Mixed Lead Oxide Halides and Their Relation to the Minerals "Lorettoite" and Sundiusite
Chemica Scripta, 1983, 22, 5-11
1534705 CIFCl2 O8 Pb7.5 S0.5I 4/m m m3.9346; 3.9346; 23.209
90; 90; 90
359.3Aurivillius, B.
On the Crystal Structure of Some Non-Stoichiometric Mixed Lead Oxide Halides and Their Relation to the Minerals "Lorettoite" and Sundiusite
Chemica Scripta, 1983, 22, 5-11
1534880 CIFH36 N3 Na3 O40 V10P 1 21/n 111.992; 17.1; 18.038
90; 105.89; 90
3557.59Maciejewska, G.; Nosek, M.; Glovyak, T.; Starosta, J.; Cieslak-Golonka, M.
Catalytical decomposition of L-glutamic acid and L-glutamine vanadium species. Electronic spectra of ammonium-sodium oligovanadates isolated from the system (Na V O3 (V O S O4) - Glu(Gln)). Crystal structure of Na3 (N H4)3 (V10 O28) * 12(H2 O)
Polyhedron, 2003, 22, 1415-1423
1535857 CIFAl2 Ca1.2 Ce0.8 Fe H O13 Si3P 1 21/m 18.98; 5.75; 10.23
90; 115; 90
478.735Ueda, T.
The crystal structure of Allanite, (O H) (Ca Ce)2 (Fe(III) Fe(II)) Al2 O (Si2 O7) (Si O4)
Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto, Series B, 1955, 22, 145-163
1536573 CIFFe3.5 O12 P3P -16.4724; 7.9651; 9.4229
104.447; 108.919; 101.741
423.022Duan Liying; Wang Enbo; Liu Fuchen; Li Yangguang; Hu Changwen; Xu Lin
Hydrothermal synthesis and properties of open-framework mixed-valence iron phosphates Fe2(III) Fe1.5(II) (P O4)3 with three-dimensional structure
Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2004, 22, 55-59
1536798 CIFH8 I6 N2 ReP 4/m n c7.7436; 7.7436; 11.6403
90; 90; 90
697.991Kochel, A.
Synthesis, structure and magnetic susceptibility of ammonium hexaiodorhenate(IV)
Materials Science, 2004, 22, 69-75
1537586 CIFO2 TeP 41 21 24.8122; 4.8122; 7.6157
90; 90; 90
176.359Lindqvist, O.
Refinement of the structure of alpha-Te O2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 977-982
1537645 CIFSb0.8 Sn3.2I 41/a m d :15.8646; 5.8646; 3.1798
90; 90; 90
109.365Allen, W.P.; Perepezko, J.H.
Solidification of undercooled Sn-Sb peritectic alloys: Part I. Microstructural evolution
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1991, 22, 753-764
1538441 CIFAs3 Yb4.7P 63/m c m8.48; 8.48; 6.671
90; 90; 120
415.445Ono, S.; Calvert, L.D.; Despault, J.G.; Taylor, J.B.
Rare-earth arsenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 22, 51-59
1538487 CIFCo3 TaR -3 m :H5.1864; 5.1864; 18.87
90; 90; 120
439.577Ponsioen, J.C.M.A.; van Vucht, J.H.N.
The Structure of beta-Ta Co3 and the Effect of the Substitution of Ta and Co by Related Elements
Philips Research Reports, 1967, 22, 161-169
1538751 CIFN ScF m -3 m4.5092; 4.5092; 4.5092
90; 90; 90
91.685Klesnar, H.P.; Rogl, P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal (RE)- boron - nitrogen, where RE= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc und Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1538753 CIFN YF m -3 m4.8935; 4.8935; 4.8935
90; 90; 90
117.181Klesnar, H.P.; Rogl, P.
Phase relations in the ternary systems rare-earth metal (RE)- boron - nitrogen, where RE= Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Sc und Y
High Temperatures-High Pressures, 1990, 22, 453-457
1538837 CIFCu Ga Se2F m -3 m5.407; 5.407; 5.407
90; 90; 90
158.077Kraft, A.; Vollstaedt, H.; Kuehn, G.; Moeller, W.
Behaviour of Cu Ga Se2 and Cu Ga Te2 under high pressure
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1984, 22, 31-35
1538883 CIFIn1.5 Sn0.5I 4/m m m3.446; 3.446; 4.381
90; 90; 90
52.024Kubiak, R.; Lukaszewicz, K.
Crystal structure and thermal expansion of indium tin (In3 Sn and In Sn4)
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1974, 22, 281-286
1538894 CIFLi S2 TbF m -3 m5.489; 5.489; 5.489
90; 90; 90
165.379Ohtani, T.; Honjo, H.; Wada, H.
Synthesis, order-disorder transition and magnetic properties of LiLnS2, LiLnSe2, NaLnS2 and NaLnSe2 (Ln=Lanthanides)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 829-840
1538963 CIFMo O3P 1 21/c 17.6898; 7.478; 10.6816
90; 135.96; 90
426.994Parise, J.B.; McCarron, E.M.; Sleight, A.W.
A new modification of Re O3 -type Mo O3 and the deuterated intercalation compound from which it is derived: D0.99 Mo O3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1987, 22, 803-811
1539115 CIFCl3 Co CsP 63/m m c7.2019; 7.2019; 6.0315
90; 90; 120
270.926Soling, H.
The Crystal Structure and Magnetic Susceptibility of Cs Co Cl3
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 2793-2802
1539452 CIFP3 Ti4I -4 3 d7.4298; 7.4298; 7.4298
90; 90; 90
410.139Snell, P.O.
Phase relationships in the Ti-P system with some notes on the crystal structures of TiP2 and ZrP2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 1942-1952
1539465 CIFHo Ir2 Si2I 4/m m m4.042; 4.042; 9.707
90; 90; 90
158.591Zhong, W.X.; Lloret, B.; Hagenmuller, P.; Chevalier, B.; Ng, W.L.; Etourneau, J.
Crystallochemical aspects and the existance of MTSi3-type ternary silicides of the structure type barium-nickel-tin (Ba Ni Sn3) (M= thorium, yttrium, lanthanide and T= ruthenium, osmium, cobalt, rhodium, iridium)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 711-721
1539467 CIFIr2 Nd Si2I 4/m m m4.078; 4.078; 10.097
90; 90; 90
167.914Zhong, W.X.; Etourneau, J.; Ng, W.L.; Lloret, B.; Chevalier, B.; Hagenmuller, P.
Crystallochemical aspects and the existance of MTSi3-type ternary silicides of the structure type barium-nickel-tin (Ba Ni Sn3) (M= thorium, yttrium, lanthanide and T= ruthenium, osmium, cobalt, rhodium, iridium)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 711-721
1539471 CIFIr2 Si2 SmI 4/m m m4.063; 4.063; 10.016
90; 90; 90
165.344Zhong, W.X.; Lloret, B.; Etourneau, J.; Chevalier, B.; Ng, W.L.; Hagenmuller, P.
Crystallochemical aspects and the existance of MTSi3-type ternary silicides of the structure type barium-nickel-tin (Ba Ni Sn3) (M= thorium, yttrium, lanthanide and T= ruthenium, osmium, cobalt, rhodium, iridium)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1985, 22, 711-721
1539907 CIFCo4 Ge13 Y3P m -3 n8.769; 8.769; 8.769
90; 90; 90
674.295Bruskov, V.A.; Pecharskii, V.K.; Bodak, O.I.
Crystal structure of the compound Y3 Co4 Ge13
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1986, 22, 1289-1292
1540118 CIFCs2 S6P -111.53; 9.18; 4.67
89.22; 95.2; 95.13
490.284Hordvik, A.; Sletten, E.
Least squares refinement of the molecular structure of cesium hexasulfide
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 3029-3052
1541034 CIFH8 O8 P4 UP b c a7.467; 13.394; 19.904
90; 90; 90
1990.66Tanner, P.A.; Sze, T.; Mak, T.C.W.; Yip, W.
Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra of uranium(IV)hypophosphite
Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Research, 1992, 22, 25-30
1541403 CIFGa2 Ni O4F d -3 m :18.258; 8.258; 8.258
90; 90; 90
563.151Greenwald, S.; Grannis, F.H.; Pickart, S.J.
Cation distribution and g-Factors of certain spinels containing Ni(II), Mn(II), Co(II), Al(III), Ga(III), and Fe(III)
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1954, 22, 1597-1600
1541413 CIFB H4 NaF m -3 m6.1635; 6.1635; 6.1635
90; 90; 90
234.144Abrahams, S. C.; Kalnajs, J.
The lattice constants of the alkali borohydrides and the low-temperature phase of sodium borohydride
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1954, 22, 434-436
1541415 CIFB H4 KF m -3 m6.7272; 6.7272; 6.7272
90; 90; 90
304.441Abrahams, S. C.; Kalnajs, J.
The lattice constants of the alkali borohydrides and the low-temperature phase of sodium borohydride
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1954, 22, 434-436
1541417 CIFB H4 RbF m -3 m7.029; 7.029; 7.029
90; 90; 90
347.281Abrahams, S. C.; Kalnajs, J.
The lattice constants of the alkali borohydrides and the low-temperature phase of sodium borohydride
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1954, 22, 434-436
1541419 CIFB Cs H4F m -3 m7.419; 7.419; 7.419
90; 90; 90
408.353Abrahams, S. C.; Kalnajs, J.
The lattice constants of the alkali borohydrides and the low-temperature phase of sodium borohydride
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1954, 22, 434-436
1541518 CIFC16 H58 Br8 Mo6 Na2 O16P -110.811; 12.27; 10.776
97.31; 119.36; 95.42
1215.21Brnicevic, N.; Basic, I.; McCarley, R.E.; Hoxha, B.; Planinic, P.
Molybdenum and tungsten methoxo clusters with differently bonded methoxo groups. Crystal structure of (Na (C H3 O H)5)2 (Mo6 (mue3-Br)8 (O C H3)6)
Polyhedron, 2003, 22, 1553-1559
1541523 CIFCu IF -4 3 m6.032; 6.032; 6.032
90; 90; 90
219.474Buehrer, W.; Haelg, W.
Crystal structure of high temperature cuprous iodide and cuprous bromide
Electrochimica Acta, 1977, 22, 701-704
1541526 CIFBr CuF -4 3 m5.684; 5.684; 5.684
90; 90; 90
183.638Buehrer, W.; Haelg, W.
Crystal structure of high temperature cuprous iodide and cuprous bromide
Electrochimica Acta, 1977, 22, 701-704
1541528 CIFBr CuI m -3 m4.601; 4.601; 4.601
90; 90; 90
97.399Buehrer, W.; Haelg, W.
Crystal structure of high temperature cuprous iodide and cuprous bromide
Electrochimica Acta, 1977, 22, 701-704
1542003 CIFC5 H4 K3 N6 O3 VP c c n15.6; 7.2; 11.7
90; 90; 90
1314.14Jagner, S.; Vannerberg, N.G.
Note on the crystal structure of potassium
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 3330-3331
1542092 CIFCr H9 N3 O4P n m a9.791; 22.662; 7.653
90; 90; 90
1698.08Stomberg, R.
The crystal and molecular structure of diperoxotriamminechromium(IV) (Cr (O2)2 (N H3)3)
Arkiv foer Kemi, 1964, 22, 49-64
1542122 CIFO7 P2 Sr2P n m a8.9104; 5.4035; 13.1054
90; 90; 90
630.99Hagman, L.O.; Jansson, I.; Magneli, C.
The crystal structure of alpha-Sr2 P2 O7
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 1419-1429
1542123 CIFCl2 Cr H15 N6 O2P n m a13.3; 10.6; 7
90; 90; 90
986.86Hansson, M.; Boertin, O.
On the crystal structure of nitritopentamminechromium(III) chloride
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1968, 22, 1689-1689
1552848 CIFC26 H25 Cl N2 O3P 1 21/n 17.52; 38.53; 8.44
90; 107.82; 90
2328.13Das, Partha P.; Mugnaioli, Enrico; Nicolopoulos, Stavros; Tossi, Camilla; Gemmi, Mauro; Galanis, Athanasios; Borodi, Gheorghe; Pop, Mihaela M.
Crystal Structures of Two Important Pharmaceuticals Solved by 3D Precession Electron Diffraction Tomography
Organic Process Research & Development, 2018, 22, 1365
1552849 CIFC16 H21 N O2P 21 21 214.99; 11.92; 22.95
90; 90; 90
1365.08Das, Partha P.; Mugnaioli, Enrico; Nicolopoulos, Stavros; Tossi, Camilla; Gemmi, Mauro; Galanis, Athanasios; Borodi, Gheorghe; Pop, Mihaela M.
Crystal Structures of Two Important Pharmaceuticals Solved by 3D Precession Electron Diffraction Tomography
Organic Process Research & Development, 2018, 22, 1365
1552850 CIFC16 H21 N O2P 21 21 215.045; 12.4178; 23.187
90; 90; 90
1452.6Das, Partha P.; Mugnaioli, Enrico; Nicolopoulos, Stavros; Tossi, Camilla; Gemmi, Mauro; Galanis, Athanasios; Borodi, Gheorghe; Pop, Mihaela M.
Crystal Structures of Two Important Pharmaceuticals Solved by 3D Precession Electron Diffraction Tomography
Organic Process Research & Development, 2018, 22, 1365
1552851 CIFC26 H25 Cl N2 O3P 1 21/n 17.627; 38.007; 8.5629
90; 108.118; 90
2359.1Das, Partha P.; Mugnaioli, Enrico; Nicolopoulos, Stavros; Tossi, Camilla; Gemmi, Mauro; Galanis, Athanasios; Borodi, Gheorghe; Pop, Mihaela M.
Crystal Structures of Two Important Pharmaceuticals Solved by 3D Precession Electron Diffraction Tomography
Organic Process Research & Development, 2018, 22, 1365
1552852 CIFC20 H17 F2 N O3P 1 21 110.0671; 10.4134; 16.284
90; 97.398; 90
1692.89Smith, Aaron C.; Kung, Daniel W.; Shavnya, Andre; Brandt, Thomas A.; Dent, Philip D.; Genung, Nathan E.; Cabral, Shawn; Panteleev, Jane; Herr, Michael; Yip, Ka Ning; Aspnes, Gary E.; Conn, Edward L.; Dowling, Matthew S.; Edmonds, David J.; Edmonds, Ian D.; Fernando, Dilinie P.; Herrinton, Paul M.; Keene, Nandell F.; Lavergne, Sophie Y.; Li, Qifang; Polivkova, Jana; Rose, Colin R.; Thuma, Benjamin A.; Vetelino, Michael G.; Wang, Guoqiang; Weaver, John D.; Widlicka, Daniel W.; Price Wiglesworth, Kristin E.; Xiao, Jun; Zahn, Todd; Zhang, Yingxin
Evolution of the Synthesis of AMPK Activators for the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy: From Three Preclinical Candidates to the Investigational New Drug PF-06409577
Organic Process Research & Development, 2018, 22, 681
1552853 CIFC10 H10 N2 O3 SP -15.9578; 9.7092; 10.302
106.092; 104.979; 94.998
544.97Luo, Zhongfeng; Liu, Tingting; Guo, Weijie; Wang, Zijia; Huang, Jingjun; Zhu, Yulin; Zeng, Zhuo
N-Acyl-5,5-dimethylhydantoin, a New Mild Acyl-Transfer Reagent in Pd Catalysis: Highly Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized Ketones
Organic Process Research & Development, 2018, 22, 1188
1566108 CIFC22 H22 N4 O8 ZnP -18.431; 12.696; 21.701
85.465; 84.808; 82.95
2290.4Tella, Adedibu C.; Obaleye, Joshua A.; Olawale, Margaret D.; Vianney Ngororabanga, Jean Marie; Ogunlaja, Adeniyi S.; Bourne, Susan A.
Synthesis, crystal structure, and density functional theory study of a zinc(II) complex containing terpyridine and pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid ligands: Analysis of the interactions with amoxicillin
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2019, 22, 3-12
1566559 CIFBi O2P 1 21/m 111.6212; 3.4067; 7.3247
90; 99.9889; 90
285.589Feng, Xuezhen; Zou, Haiyuan; Zheng, Renji; Wei, Wenfei; Wang, Ranhao; Zou, Wensong; Lim, Gukhyun; Hong, Jihyun; Duan, Lele; Chen, Hong
Bi<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/BiO<sub>2</sub> Nanoheterojunction for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction to Formate.
Nano letters, 2022, 22, 1656-1664
2000125 CIFC22 H52 F4 Ga4 N4 O16 P4P 320.0746; 20.0746; 8.5839
90; 90; 120
2995.77Reinert, P.; Patarin, J.; Loiseau, T.; Férey, G.; Kessler, H.
Synthesis, characterization and structure determination of a new fluorogallophosphate (Mu-3) prepared in the presence of ethylene glycol as main solvent
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1998, 22, 43-55
2300515 CIFIr0.94 Mo3.06P m -3 n4.958; 4.958; 4.958
90; 90; 90
121.876Koksbang, R.; Rasmussen, S.E.; Hazell, R.G.
Critical temperatures of superconductivity and neutron diffraction studies at 293 and at 10 K of Mo-Ir single crystal of A15 structure
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1989, 22, 23-25
2300553 CIFP ThF m -3 m5.827; 5.827; 5.827
90; 90; 90
197.85Staun Olsen, J.; Gerward, L.; Benedict, U.; Vogt, O.; Luo, H.
Crystal structure and the equation of state of thorium monophosphide for pressures up to 50 GPa
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1989, 22, 61-63
2300582 CIFCd3 H5 N O8P m m n :23.4203; 10.0292; 11.0295
90; 90; 90
378.344Plevert, J.; Louer, D.; Louer, M.
The Ab Initio Structure Determination of Cd3 (O H)5 N O3 from X-ray Powder Diffraction Data
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1989, 22, 470-475
2300630 CIFSe2 SnP -3 m 13.8108; 3.8108; 6.141
90; 90; 120
77.233Palosz, B.; Salje, E.
Lattice parameters and spontaneous strain in A X2 polytypes: Cd I2, Pb I2, Sn, S2 and SnSe2
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1989, 22, 622-623
2310011 CIFK Nb O3B m m 25.697; 3.971; 5.72
90; 90; 90
129.402Katz, L.; Megaw, H. D.
The structure of potassium niobate at room temperature: the solution of a pseudosymmetric structure by Fourier methods
Acta Crystallographica, 1967, 22, 639
2310211 CIFNa2 TlC 2 2 2113.935; 8.8797; 11.6927
90; 90; 90
1446.84Hansen, D.A.; Smith, J.F.
Structure and bonding model for Na2 Tl
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 836-845
2310216 CIFHo5 Pb3P 63/m c m8.915; 8.915; 6.541
90; 90; 120
450.212Jeitschko, W.; Parthe, E.
D8,8 phases of the rare earth elements with tin and lead
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 551-555
2310217 CIFHo5 Sn3P 63/m c m8.847; 8.847; 6.458
90; 90; 120
437.745Jeitschko, W.; Parthe, E.
D8,8 phases of the rare earth elements with tin and lead
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 551-555
2310263 CIFGd13 Zn58P 63 m c14.352; 14.352; 14.218
90; 90; 120
2536.26Wang, F.E.
The crystal structure of Gd13 Zn58
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 579-584
2310297 CIFCe5 Mg41I 4/m14.78; 14.78; 10.43
90; 90; 90
2278.42Johnson, Q.; Smith, G.S.
The crystal structure of Ce5 Mg42
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 360-365
2310346 CIFF2 PbP n m a6.44; 3.899; 7.651
90; 90; 90
192.113Boldrini, P.; Loopstra, B.O.
Neutron diffraction investigation of orthorhombic lead(II) fluoride
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 744-745
2310363 CIFC H4 Cd N2 O6 S2P b c a13.461; 7.783; 15.967
90; 90; 90
1672.81Cavalca, L.; Domiano, P.; Gasparri, G.F.; Boldrini, P.
The Crystal Structure of Monothiourea-cadmium Sulphate Dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 878-885
2310370 CIFAl D28 N O20 S2P a -312.243; 12.243; 12.243
90; 90; 90
1835.12Cromer, D.T.; Kay, M.I.
Refinement of the alum structures IV. Neutron diffraction study of deuterated ammonium alum, N D4 Al (S O4)2 (D2 O)12, an alpha-Alum
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 800-805
2310374 CIFCl5 PaC 1 2/c 17.97; 11.35; 8.36
90; 105.4; 90
729.089Dodge, R.P.; Elson, R.E.; Smith, G.S.; Johnson, Q.
The crystal structure of protactinium pentachloride
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 85-89
2310377 CIFFe3 H8.5 O13.5 P2C 1 2/c 120.646; 5.129; 19.213
90; 93.62; 90
2030.47Fanfani, L.; Zanazzi, P.F.
The crystal structure of beraunite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 173-181
2310383 CIFH12 N2 O12 ZnP n m a12.34; 12.85; 6.29
90; 90; 90
997.399Ferrari, A.; Tiripicchio, A.; Braibanti, A.; Lanfredi, A.M.M.
Crystal structures of nitrates of divalent hexaquocations I. Hexaquozinc nitrate
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 240-246
2310387 CIFH8 N2 Ni O10P 1 21/n 15.305; 27.24; 5.705
90; 114; 90
753.144Gallezot, P.; Prettre, M.; Weigel, D.
Structure du nitrate de nickel tetrahydrate
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 699-705
2310388 CIFLa SiP n m a8.38; 3.99; 6.02
90; 90; 90
201.286Gaman, A.; Steinfink, H.
The Crystal Structures of Rare-Earth Monosilicides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 688-691
2310390 CIFBr6 N3 P3P c m n6.63; 13.36; 14.43
90; 90; 90
1278.16Giglio, E.; Puliti, R.
Crystal structure of trimeric phosphonitrilic bromide
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 304-307
2310391 CIFFe5 Na3 O9C 1 2/c 113.39; 12.075; 5.294
90; 89.17; 90
855.867Gomers, C.; Rooymans, C.J.M.; de Graaff, R.A.G.
The preparation, crystal structure and magnetic properties of Na3 Fe5 O9
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 766-771
2310401 CIFBe O4 Y2P m c n3.5315; 9.8989; 10.4
90; 90; 90
363.563Harris, L.A.; Yakel, H.L.jr.
The crystal structure of Y2 Be O4
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 354-360
2310407 CIFB8 Na2 O13P 1 21/a 16.507; 17.796; 8.377
90; 96.57; 90
963.674Hyman, A.; Perloff, A.; Block, S.; Mauer, F.
The crystal structure of sodium tetraborate
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 815-821
2310412 CIFH12 Na2 O9 SiP 1 21 111.57; 5.96; 6.39
90; 102.1; 90
430.847Jamieson, P.B.; Dent Glasser, L.S.
Sodium silicate hydrates. III. The crystal structure of Na2 O Si O2 (H2 O)6 and of the isostructural Na2 O Ge O2 (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 507-522
2310413 CIFGe H12 Na2 O9P 1 21 111.51; 6.15; 6.36
90; 102.1; 90
440.2Jamieson, P.B.; Dent Glasser, L.S.
Sodium silicate hydrates. III. The crystal structure of Na2 O Si O2 (H2 O)6 and of the isostructural Na2 O Ge O2 (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 507-522
2310425 CIFH2 OA 1 2/a 19.22; 7.54; 10.35
90; 109.2; 90
679.497Kamb, B.; Prakash, A.; Knobler, C.
Structure of Ice V
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 706-715
2310442 CIFH20 Na4 O17 P2C 1 2/c 117.01; 6.96; 14.85
90; 112; 90
1630.07McDonald, W.S.; Cruickshank, D.W.J.
A reinvestigation of the structure of Na4 P2 O7 (H2 O)10
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 43-48
2310447 CIFH20 N2 O14 S2 VP 1 21/a 19.42; 12.76; 6.22
90; 107.2; 90
714.203Montgomery, H.; Chastain, R.V.; Lingafelter, E.C.; Natt, J.J.; Witkowska, A.M.
The Crystal Structure of Tutton's Salts. VI. Vanadium(II), Iron(II) and Cobalt(II) Ammonium Sulfate Hexahydrates
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 775-780
2310448 CIFFe H20 N2 O14 S2P 1 21/a 19.32; 12.65; 6.24
90; 106.8; 90
704.284Montgomery, H.; Chastain, R.V.; Natt, J.J.; Witkowska, A.M.; Lingafelter, E.C.
The Crystal Structure of Tutton's Salts. VI. Vanadium(II), Iron(II) and Cobalt(II) Ammonium Sulfate Hexahydrates
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 775-780
2310458 CIFCl H4 N OP 1 21/c 16.95; 5.95; 7.7
90; 120.8; 90
273.505Padmanabhan, V.M.; Smith, H.G.; Peterson, S.W.
Meutron diffraction study of hydroxylammonium chloride, N H3 O H Cl
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 928-930
2310466 CIFEr SiC m c m4.19; 10.35; 3.78
90; 90; 90
163.925Raman, A.; Steinfink, H.
The Crystal Structures of Rare-Earth Monosilicides
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 688-691
2310469 CIFSn SrC m c m5.033; 12; 4.493
90; 90; 90
271.359Rieger, W.; Parthe, E.
Alkaline earth silicides, germanides and stannides with Cr B structure type
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 919-922
2310483 CIFAl12 Ca4 Na4 O48 Si12P m -3 m12.42; 12.42; 12.42
90; 90; 90
1915.86Seff, K.; Shoemaker, D.P.
The structures of zeolite sorption complexes. I. The structures of dehydrated zeolite 5A and its iodine sorption complex
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 162-170
2310484 CIFAl12 Ca4 I11.04 Na4 O48 Si12P m -3 m12.29; 12.29; 12.29
90; 90; 90
1856.33Seff, K.; Shoemaker, D.P.
The structures of zeolite sorption complexes. I. The structures of dehydrated zeolite 5A and its iodine sorption complex
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 162-170
2310812 CIFS ZnP 63 m c3.82; 3.82; 50.07999
90; 90; 120
632.88Mardix, S.; Alexander, E.; Brafman, O.; Steinberger, I.T.
Polytype families in zinc sulfide crystals
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 808-812
2310813 CIFS ZnR 3 m :H3.82; 3.82; 150.24
90; 90; 120
1898.64Mardix, S.; Alexander, E.; Brafman, O.; Steinberger, I.T.
Polytype families in zinc sulfide crystals
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 808-812
2310814 CIFS ZnR 3 m :H3.82; 3.82; 187.8
90; 90; 120
2373.3Mardix, S.; Alexander, E.; Brafman, O.; Steinberger, I.T.
Polytype families in zinc sulfide crystals
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 808-812
2310815 CIFS ZnP 3 m 13.82; 3.82; 62.59999
90; 90; 120
791.1Mardix, S.; Alexander, E.; Steinberger, I.T.; Brafman, O.
Polytype families in zinc sulfide crystals
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 808-812
2310828 CIFCu F7 H12 N O4 TiP 4/n :27.671; 7.671; 8.271
90; 90; 90
486.701Decian, A.; Fischer, J.; Weiss, R.
Structure Cristalline de l'Heptafluorotitanate de Cuivre et d'Ammonium Tetrahydrate N H4 Cu Ti F7 (H2 O)4
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 340-343
2310856 CIFCu F6 H8 O4 TiP 1 21/c 15.509; 9.82; 7.413
90; 104.25; 90
388.692Fischer, J.; Keib, G.; Weiss, R.
Structure Cristalline du Fluorotitanate de Cuivre Tetrahydrate, Cu Ti F6 (H2 O)4
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 338-340
2310925 CIFBr Cl H4 I NP n m a10.28; 6.075; 8.648
90; 90; 90
540.076Migchelsen, T.; Vos, A.
Reinvestigation of the crystal structure of ammonium bromochloroiodate(I), N H4 Br I Cl, at 140 K
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 812-815
2310967 CIFCl10 U2P 1 21/n 17.99; 10.69; 8.48
90; 91.5; 90
724.055Smith, G.S.; Johnson, Q.; Elson, R.E.
The Crystal Structure of Uranium Pentachloride
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 300-303
2310978 CIFAl0.16 F2 K0.86 Li0.69 Mg2.31 O10 Si3.84C 15.31; 9.19; 40.57999
90; 100.05; 90
1949.87Takeda, H.
Determination of the Layer Stacking Sequence of a New Complex Mica Polytype: A 4-layer Lithium Fluorophlogopite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 845-853
2311022 CIFFe6 H5 K2 Mn Na O31 Si8 Ti2A -15.36; 11.76; 21.07999
85.13; 90; 103.22
1288.61Woodrow, P.J.
The Crystal Structure of Astrophyllite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 673-678
2311050 CIFBa GeC m c m5.057; 11.942; 4.299
90; 90; 90
259.62Rieger, W.; Parthe, E.
Alkaline earth silicides, germanides and stannides with Cr B structure type
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 919-922
2311051 CIFBa SiC m c m5.028; 11.929; 4.131
90; 90; 90
247.773Rieger, W.; Parthe, E.
Alkaline earth silicides, germanides and stannides with Cr B structure type
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 919-922
2311052 CIFBa SnC m c m5.31; 12.485; 4.65
90; 90; 90
308.273Rieger, W.; Parthe, E.
Alkaline earth silicides, germanides and stannides with Cr B structure type
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 919-922
2311053 CIFGe SrC m c m4.808; 11.36; 4.169
90; 90; 90
227.706Rieger, W.; Parthe, E.
Alkaline earth silicides, germanides and stannides with Cr B structure type
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1967, 22, 919-922
4000838 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -17.203; 7.349; 11.965
93.495; 75.196; 97.368
607.02Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000839 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -17.199; 7.336; 11.959
93.433; 75.131; 97.349
605.17Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000840 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -17.197; 7.324; 11.952
93.346; 75.079; 97.358
603.53Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000841 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -17.194; 7.319; 11.932
93.239; 75.099; 97.384
601.9Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000842 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -19.753; 10.95; 11.442
101.81; 99.24; 90.64
1179.3Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000843 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -19.765; 10.969; 11.415
101.8; 99.37; 90.4
1179.9Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000844 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -19.778; 11.03; 11.319
101.67; 99.762; 89.71
1177.7Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000845 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -19.76; 11.083; 11.203
101.661; 100.219; 88.723
1167.9Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000846 CIFC16.06 H12.12 F6 O4 P S8P -19.736; 11.087; 11.127
101.646; 100.553; 87.977
1156.5Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000847 CIFC16.1 H12.2 F6 O4 P S8P -17.205; 7.35; 11.982
93.527; 75.232; 97.288
608.33Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121
4000848 CIFC16.1 H12.2 F6 O4 P S8P -17.2; 7.326; 11.97
93.387; 75.134; 97.3
605.07Murata, Tsuyoshi; Shao, Xiangfeng; Nakano, Yoshiaki; Yamochi, Hideki; Uruichi, Mikio; Yakushi, Kyuya; Saito, Gunzi; Tanaka, Koichiro
Tuning of Multi-Instabilities in Organic Alloy, [(EDO-TTF)1−x(MeEDO-TTF)x]2PF6
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 3121

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