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9015070 CIFBa Cu2 Ge2 O7P n m a7.04765; 13.407; 7.02755
90; 90; 90
664.018Yamada, T.; Hiroi, Z.; Takano, M.
Spin-1/2 quantum antiferromagnetic chains with tunable superexchange interactions found in BaCu2(Si1-xGex)2O7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 156, 101-109
9015073 CIFC Ca O3R -3 c :H4.9759; 4.9759; 17.4486
90; 90; 120
374.14Antao, S. M.; Hassan, I.
Temperature dependence of the structural parameters in the transformation of aragonite to calcite, as determined from in situ synchrotron powder X-ray-diffraction data Note: T = 681 C Note: P = 101 kPa
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 1225-1236
9015074 CIFMg Mn O4 SiP n m a10.451; 6.12446; 4.80757
90; 90; 90
307.717Yamazaki, S.; Toraya, H.
Rietveld refinement of site-occupancy parameters of Mg2-xMnxSiO4 using a new weight function in least-squares fitting Note: e = eo
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1999, 32, 51-59
9015075 CIFC Fe O3R -3 c :H4.548; 4.548; 13.89
90; 90; 120
248.813Lavina, B.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Meng, Y.; Shen, G.; Schiferl, D.
Structure of siderite FeCO3 to 56 GPa and hysteresis of its spin-pairing transition Note: run P9, P = 28.62 GPa
Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 064110-064118
9015076 CIFFe SeP 63 m c3.636; 3.636; 5.946
90; 90; 120
68.077Franz, E. D.
Rontgenographische Daten der Mischphasen im System Pyrit (FeS2) - Ferroselit (FeSe2)/Pyrrhotin (FeS) - Achavalit (FeSe)
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1972, 1972, 276-280
9015077 CIFAl0.02 Ba3.92 Ca0.1 Fe0.17 Mg0.15 Mn0.38 Na2.16 Nb0.02 O26 P0.8 S1.02 Si4 Sr0.08 Ti2.96P 1 2/c 15.4206; 7.125; 29.314
90; 94.698; 90
1128.35Sokolova, E.; Camara, F.; Hawthorne, F. C.
From structure topology to chemical composition. XI. Titanium silicates: crystal structures of innelite-1T and innelite-2M from the Inagli massif, Yakutia, Russia, and the crystal chemistry of innelite Note: this is the polytype innelite-2M
Mineralogical Magazine, 2011, 75, 2495-2518
9015079 CIFBa0.193 Cu O10 Si4 Sr0.807P 4/n c c :27.3752; 7.3752; 15.6902
90; 90; 90
853.446Knight, K. S.; Henderson, C. M. B.; Clark, S. M.
Structural variations in the wesselsite-effenbergerite (Sr1-xBaxCuSi4O10) solid solution Sample: x = .193
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2010, 22, 411-423
9015080 CIFFe0.54 K Li Mn1.46 Na2 O24 Si8 Ti2C 1 2/c 116.41; 12.55; 10.03
90; 115.5; 90
1864.41Borisov, S. V.; Klevtsova, R. F.; Bakakin, V. V.; Belov, N. V.
The crystal structure of neptunite
Soviet Physics Crystallography, 1966, 10, 684-689
9015081 CIFC13 H10P n a m8.49; 5.721; 18.97
90; 90; 90
921.397Burns, D. M.; Iball, J.
The crystal and molecular structure of fluorene Note: Positions of hydrogen atoms were not given
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1955, 227, 200-214
9015083 CIFMg WP 1 2/c 14.68; 5.66; 4.92
90; 89.67; 90
130.323Broch, E.
Untersuchungen ueber Kristallstrukturen des Wolframittypus und des Scheelittypus _cod_database_code 1010642
Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, 1929, 1, 1-618
9015084 CIFAl2 Ca6 H64 O50 S3P 3 1 c11.229; 11.229; 21.478
90; 90; 120
2345.34Goetz-Neunhoeffer F; Neubauer, J.
Refined ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12*26H2O) structure for quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis
Powder Diffraction, 2006, 21, 4-11
9015085 CIFAl1.356 Be3 Fe0.384 H10.944 Mg0.258 Na0.425 O18.912 Si6P 6/m c c9.2909; 9.2909; 9.1996
90; 90; 120
687.726Groat, L. A.; Rossman, G. R.; Dyar, M. D.; Turner, D.; Piccoli, P. M. B.; Schultz, A. J.; Ottolini, L.
Crystal chemistry of dark blue aquamarine from the True Blue showing, Yukon Territory, Canada Note: X-ray
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 597-613
9015086 CIFAl0.78 Ca1.5 H54.64 O45.32 P3 V5.22I -4 3 m15.441; 15.441; 15.441
90; 90; 90
3681.51Kampf, A. R.; Nash, B. P.; Loomis, T. A.
Phosphovanadylite-Ca, Ca[V44+P2O8(OH)8]*12H2O, the Ca analogue of phosphovanadylite-Ba
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 439-443
9015087 CIFO2 SiP 41 21 24.9501; 4.9501; 6.9259
90; 90; 90
169.709Dera, P.; Lazarz, J. D.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Barkley, M.; Downs, R. T.
New insights into the high-pressure polymorphism of SiO2 cristobalite Note: P = 0.2 GPa
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2011, 38, Online-first
9015088 CIFAl H0.08 O2A m a m3.693; 12.221; 2.865
90; 90; 90
129.304Hill, R. J.
Hydrogen atoms in boehmite: A single crystal X-ray diffraction and molecular orbital study
Clays and Clay Minerals, 1981, 29, 435-445
9015090 CIFAl7.53 B3.18 Ca0.03 F0.63 Fe0.03 H3.33 Li1.02 Mn0.39 Na0.66 O30.36 Si5.82R 3 m :H15.846; 15.846; 7.119
90; 90; 120
1548.06Grice, J. D.; Ercit, T. S.
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula Sample: Elbaite 55224
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1993, 165, 245-266
9015091 CIFBa0.5 Cu O10 Si4 Sr0.5P 4/n c c :27.39428; 7.39428; 15.8573
90; 90; 90
867.004Knight, K. S.; Henderson, C. M. B.
Structural basis for the anomalous low-temperature thermal expansion behavior of the gillespite-structured phase Ba0.5Sr0.5CuSi4O10 Sample: T = 250 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2007, 19, 189-200
9015092 CIFAs2 Fe0.37 Ni0.63P n n m5.3971; 6.1893; 2.9539
90; 90; 90
98.673Kjekshus, A.; Peterzens, P. G.; Rakke, T.; Andresen, A. F.
Compounds with the marcasite type crystal structure. XIII. Structural and magnetic properties of CrtFe1-tAs2, CrtFe1-tSb2, Fe1-tNitAs2 and Fe1-tNitSb2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1979, 33, 469-480
9015095 CIFAs3 RhI m -38.4507; 8.4507; 8.4507
90; 90; 90
603.501Kjekshus, A.; Rakke, T.
Compounds with the skutterudite type crystal structure. III. Structural data for arsenides and antimonides,
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1974, 28, 99-103
9015096 CIFAl2.925 H6.147 K0.876 Na0.071 O14.049 S2R -3 m :H6.9771; 6.9771; 17.36
90; 90; 120
731.864Zema, M.; Callegari, A. M.; Tarantino, S. C.; Gasparini, E.; Ghigna, P.
Thermal expansion of alunite up to dehydroxylation and collapse of the crystal structure Note: T = 100 C
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 613-623
9015097 CIFBi2.5 Cu Pb2.5 S7P b m n14.387; 21.011; 4.046
90; 90; 90
1223.05Kohatsu, I.; Wuensch, B. J.
The crystal structure of nuffieldite, Pb2Cu(Pb,Bi)Bi2S7
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1973, 138, 343-365
9015099 CIFCa10 O24 P6 SeP -39.5007; 9.5007; 6.8406
90; 90; 120
534.732Henning, P. A.; Adolfsson, E.; Grins, J.
The chalcogenide phosphate apatites Ca10(PO4)6S, Sr10(PO4)6S, Ba10(PO4)6S and Ca10(PO4)6Se
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2000, 215, 226-230
9015102 CIFAl6.63 B3 Ca0.29 H3.75 K0.02 Mg2.37 Na0.6 O31 Si6R 3 m :H15.923; 15.923; 7.201
90; 90; 120
1581.15Schmetzer, K.; Nuber, B.; Abraham, K.
Zur Kristallchemie Magnesium-reicher Turmaline
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1979, 136, 93-112
9015104 CIFFe5 Si3P 63/m c m6.7277; 6.7277; 4.695
90; 90; 120
184.035Santamaria-Perez D; Nuss, J.; Haines, J.; Jansen, M.; Vegas, A.
Iron silicides and their corresponding oxides: a high-pressure study of Fe5Si3 Note: P = 3.6 GPa
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 673-678
9015105 CIFFeF m -3 m3.498; 3.498; 3.498
90; 90; 90
42.802Nishihara, Y.; Nakajima, Y.; Akashi, A.; Tsujino, N.; Takahashi, E.; Funakoshi, K.; Higo, Y.
Isothermal compression of face-centered cubic iron Note: gamma iron, Sample M605, P = 21.57 GPa, T = 1273 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1417-1420
9015106 CIFFe6 H17 O27 P4C 1 2/c 120.953; 5.171; 19.266
90; 93.34; 90
2083.89Moore, P. B.; Kampf, A. R.
Beraunite: Refinement, comparative crystal chemistry, and selected bond valences
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1992, 201, 263-281
9015108 CIFCl H12F m -3 m5.482; 5.482; 5.482
90; 90; 90
164.747Niimura, N.; Shimaoka, K.; Motegi, H.; Hoshino, S.
Crystal structure and phase transition of hydrogen chloride Note: this phase is stable above 120 K Note: T = 135 K
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1972, 32, 1019-1026
9015109 CIFAl1.462 Fe0.538 Mg1.001 O4F d -3 m :28.1706; 8.1706; 8.1706
90; 90; 90
545.459Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F54, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 750 C Annealing time = 15 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015110 CIFFe3 SiF m -3 m5.655; 5.655; 5.655
90; 90; 90
180.841Farquhar, M. C. M.; Lipson, H.; Weill, A. R.
An X-ray study of iron-rich iron-silicon alloys
Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1945, 152, 457-472
9015111 CIFCl Fe2 H3 O12 Te4P -15.1129; 6.6481; 9.0079
73.347; 78.053; 76.709
282.2Kampf, A. R.; Mills, S. J.
The role of hydrogen in tellurites: crystal structure refinements of juabite, poughite and rodalquilarite
Journal of Geosciences, 2011, 56, 235-247
9015113 CIFAl0.08 Ca0.96 F0.16 Fe6.55 H12.38 K0.14 Mg0.14 Mn0.35 Na0.12 Nb0.06 O34.64 Si7.92 Ti1.86 Zr0.04P -15.329; 11.803; 11.822
101.14; 98.224; 102.442
699.079Khomyakov, A. P.; Cámara F; Sokolova, E.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Sveinbergeite, Ca(Fe2+6Fe3+)Ti2(Si4O12)2O2(OH)5(H2O)4, a new astrophyllite-group mineral from the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Region, Norway: description and crystal structure
Mineralogical Magazine, 2011, 75, 2687-2702
9015115 CIFB Ca H O5 SiP 1 21/c 14.8332; 7.6082; 9.6342
90; 90.147; 90
354.267Rinaldi, R.; Gatta, G. D.; Angel, R. J.
Crystal chemistry and low-temperature behavior of datolite: a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1413-1421
9015116 CIFCa3.7 Ce0.9 F3.5 Na2.4 O14.5 Si4 TiP 21 1 15.679; 7.412; 18.836
101.26; 90; 90
777.597Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Borutskii, B. E.; Shlyukova, Z. V.
Crystal structure of Hibbing rinkite
Soviet Physics Crystallography, 1991, 36, 349-351
9015117 CIFO0.984 Y0.065 Zr0.935P 42/n m c3.6055; 3.6055; 5.1797
90; 90; 90
67.334Howard, C. J.; Hill, R. J.; Reichert, B. E.
Structures of the ZrO2 polymorphs at room temperature by high-resolution neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1988, 44, 116-120
9015118 CIFAl Fe3 H36 O42 S6P -3 1 c10.917; 10.917; 17.0829
90; 90; 120
1763.19Demartin, F.; Castellano, C.; Gramaccioli, C. M.; Campostrini, I.
Aluminum-for-iron substitution, hydrogen bonding, and a novel structure-type in coquimbite-like minerals
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 323-333
9015119 CIFN4 O14 P2 TeP -111.51; 6.484; 6.329
118.15; 105.8; 84.36
400.48Durif, A.; Averbuch-Pouchot, M. T.; Guitel, J. C.
Structures de deux phosphotellurates. Te(OH)6((NH4)2HPO4)2 and Te(OH)6(Na2HPO4)(H2O)
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1979, 35, 1444-1447
9015122 CIFBi2 Pb3 S6B b m m13.535; 20.451; 4.104
90; 90; 90
1136.01Takagi, J.; Takeuchi, Y.
The crystal structure of lillianite
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1972, 28, 649-651
9015123 CIFIr Sb3I m -39.2533; 9.2533; 9.2533
90; 90; 90
792.3Kjekshus, A.; Rakke, T.
Compounds with the skutterudite type crystal structure. III. Structural data for arsenides and antimonides,
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1974, 28, 99-103
9015124 CIFCa1.784 Fe1.72 K0.1 Mg3.494 Na1.058 O24 Si8C 1 2/m 19.8165; 18.0126; 5.3002
90; 105.38; 90
903.623Comopdi, P.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Capalbo, C.; Zanetti, A.; Nazzareni, S.
The effect of oxo-component on the high-pressure behavior of amphiboles Sample: FR12 P = 0.0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1042-1051
9015125 CIFO7 Si2 Sr VA m a m7.06; 14.64; 5.33
90; 90; 90
550.9Takeuchi, Y.; Joswig, W.
The structure of haradaite and a note on the Si-O bond lengths in silicates
Mineralogical Journal, 1967, 5, 98-123
9015126 CIFAl2 Cu O4F d -3 m :28.0793; 8.0793; 8.0793
90; 90; 90
527.377Fregola, R. A.; Bosi, F.; Skogby, H.; Halenius, U.
Cation ordering over short-range and long-range scales in the MgAl2O4-CuAl2O4 series Sample: CuAl100h
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1821-1827
9015127 CIFCu3 O8 V2P 1 21/c 16.2493; 7.9936; 6.3776
90; 111.49; 90
296.441Shannon, R. D.; Calvo, C.
Crystal structure of a new form of Cu3V2O8
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1972, 50, 3944-3949
9015129 CIFBa0.02 Ca0.88 H12.88 K1.34 Na1.64 Nb1.12 O34.44 Si8 Sr0.04 Ti2.88C 1 2/m 114.529; 14.203; 7.899
90; 117.37; 90
1447.53Azarova, Y. V.; Shlyukova, Z. V.; Zolotarev, A. A.; Organova, N. I.
Burovaite-Ca, (Na,K)4Ca2(Ti,Nb)8[Si4O12]4(OH,O)8*12H2O, a new labuntsovite-group mineral species and its place in low-temperature mineral formation in pegmatites of the Khibiny Pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Geology of Ore Deposits, 2009, 51, 774-783
9015130 CIFH8 O12 S2 UP n m a14.674; 11.093; 5.688
90; 90; 90
925.885Kierkegaard, P.
The crystal structure of U(SO4)2*4H2O
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1956, 10, 599-616
9015131 CIFAl0.666 OF m -3 m3.95; 3.95; 3.95
90; 90; 90
61.63Verwey, E. J. W.
Structure of the electrolytical oxide layer on aluminium Note: known as gamma-Al2O3
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1935, 91, 317-320
9015134 CIFAl5.46 B3 Ca0.54 F0.62 Fe0.02 H3.33 Li0.006 Mg3.5 Na0.42 O30.38 Si5.99 Ti0.06R 3 m :H15.973; 15.973; 7.213
90; 90; 120
1593.75Grice, J. D.; Ercit, T. S.
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula Sample: Uvite 52210
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1993, 165, 245-266
9015135 CIFCa0.824 F Mn0.725 Na1.176 O8 Si2 Ti1.075 Zr0.2P 1 21/a 110.8044; 9.7945; 7.0532
90; 108.056; 90
709.639Biagioni, C.; Merlino, S.; Parodi, G. C.; Perchiazzi, N.
Crystal chemistry of minerals of the wohlerite group from the Los Archipelago, Guinea
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 593-609
9015137 CIFH6 Mg3.84 O19 Si6P n c n13.3765; 27.085; 5.2757
90; 90; 90
1911.4Sanchez, M.; Garcia-Romero E; Suarez, M.; Silva, I.; Fuentes-Montero L; Martinez-Criado G
Variability in sepiolite: Diffraction studies Note: Sample NOR225 Note: T = 225 C
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1443-1454
9015138 CIFH15.716 K3.762 O41.858 Si10 U4C 1 2/m 114.1957; 14.2291; 9.6305
90; 111.578; 90
1808.95Fejfarova, K.; Plasil, J.; Yang, H.; Cejka, J.; Dusek, M.; Downs, R. T.; Barkley, M. C.; Skoda, R.
Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of weeksite, K2(UO2)2(Si5O13)*4H2O
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 750-754
9015139 CIFAl K0.985 O4 SiP 3 1 c5.1627; 5.1627; 8.7392
90; 90; 120
201.723Gatta, G. D.; Angel, R. J.; Carpenter, M. A.
Low-temperature behavior of natural kalsilite with P31c symmetry: An in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction study T = 225 K
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1027-1034
9015141 CIFAg As1.89 Mn1.6 Pb2.28 S12 Sb3.15P 1 21/n 119.233; 12.633; 8.476
90; 90.08; 90
2059.42Bindi, L.; Keutsch, F. N.; Bonazzi, P.
Menchettiite, AgPb2.40Mn1.60Sb3As2S12, a new sulfosalt, belonging to the lillianite series from the Uchucchacua polymetallic deposit, Lima Department, Peru Note site occupancy model II
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 440-446
9015142 CIFC H7 Cl Mg2 O7R 3 c :H23.14422; 23.14422; 7.22333
90; 90; 120
3350.84Sugimoto, K.; Dinnebier, R. E.; Schlecht, T.
Chlorartinite, a volcanic exhalation product also found in industrial magnesia screed Note: this is the hydrated chlorartinite
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2006, 39, 739-744
9015143 CIFAl0.2 Ba1.6 Ca0.4 F Fe1.4 K0.1 Mg0.9 Mn0.5 Na1.1 Nb0.2 O17 Si4 Sr0.3 Ti1.3P 15.4027; 7.0656; 10.2178
99.816; 99.624; 90.085
378.747Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Aksenov, S.; Chukanov, N.
Crystal structure of schüllerite, a new mineral of the heterophyllosilicate family
Doklady Chemistry, 2011, 437, 90-94
9015144 CIFAl3 As2 H6 La O14R -3 m :H7.0316; 7.0316; 16.5151
90; 90; 120
707.164Mills, S. J.; Kartashov, P. M.; Kampf, A. R.; Raudsepp, M.
Arsenoflorencite-(La), a new mineral from the Komi Republic, Russian Federation: description and crystal structure
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2010, 22, 613-621
9015148 CIFNa Nb0.85 O2.925 Ti0.15P b m a5.5396; 15.5705; 5.5087
90; 90; 90
475.149Xu, H.; Su, Y.; Balmer, M. L.; Navrotsky, A.
A new series of oxygen-deficient perovskites in the NaTixNb1-xO3-.05x system: synthesis, crystal chemistry, and energetics Note: x = 0.15
Chemistry of Materials, 2003, 15, 1872-1878
9015149 CIFC Ca O3P m c n4.9703; 8.0272; 5.8087
90; 90; 90
231.753Antao, S. M.; Hassan, I.
Temperature dependence of the structural parameters in the transformation of aragonite to calcite, as determined from in situ synchrotron powder X-ray-diffraction data Note: T = 337 C Note: P = 101 kPa
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 1225-1236
9015150 CIFCa2.862 O12 Si3 V1.902I a -3 d12.089; 12.089; 12.089
90; 90; 90
1766.73Righter, K.; Sutton, S.; Danielson, L.; Pando, K.; Schmidt, G.; Yang, H.; Berthet, S.; Newville, M.; Choi, Y.; Downs, R. T.; Malavergne, V.
The effect of fO2 on the partitioning and valence of V and Cr in garnet/melt pairs and the relation to terrestrial mantle V and Cr content Note: R090044
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1278-1290
9015151 CIFAl Ba0.06 Ca0.23 Fe11.69 K0.68 Mg1.85 Na4.459 O50 P12 Sr0.23C 1 c 116.531; 10.004; 24.644
90; 105.943; 90
3918.77Steele, I. M.
Arrojadite: variations in space group and composition based on four new refinements Sample: arropala
General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 2002, 18, MO2-117
9015152 CIFC Ca O3P m c n4.9672; 8.0157; 5.7938
90; 90; 90
230.684Antao, S. M.; Hassan, I.
Temperature dependence of the structural parameters in the transformation of aragonite to calcite, as determined from in situ synchrotron powder X-ray-diffraction data Note: T = 275 C Note: P = 101 kPa
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 1225-1236
9015155 CIFFe1.001 Nb0.13 O6 Ta1.871P 42/m n m4.7516; 4.7516; 9.2856
90; 90; 90
209.648Zema, M.; Tarantino, S. C.; Giorgiani, A.
Structural changes induced by cation ordering in ferrotapiolite Note: Crystal Kim20_q2, treated at 600 C for 20 min
Mineralogical Magazine, 2006, 70, 319-328
9015157 CIFCa O3 SnP b n m5.4676; 5.6267; 7.8186
90; 90; 90
240.536Zhao, J.; Ross, N. L.; Angel, R. J.
Tilting and distortion of CaSnO3 perovskite to 7 GPa determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction Note: P = 3.94 GPa
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2004, 31, 299-305
9015158 CIFBe D2 O2P 21 21 214.5336; 4.6255; 7.0384
90; 90; 90
147.596Stahl, R.; Jung, C.; Lutz, H. D.; Kockelmann, W.; Jacobs, H.
Kristallstrukturen und Wasserstoffbruckenbindungen bei beta-Be(OH)2 und epsilon-Zn(OH)2 Note: Neutron diffraction
Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 1130-1136
9015159 CIFAs Cu3 H3 O7P 1 21/c 17.24; 6.46; 12.38
90; 99.5; 90
571.077Ghose, S.; Fehlmann, M.; Sundaralingam, M.
The crystal structure of clinoclase, Cu3AsO4(OH)3
Acta Crystallographica, 1965, 18, 777-787
9015162 CIFFe0.999 Nb0.13 O6 Ta1.871P 42/m n m4.7561; 4.7561; 9.203
90; 90; 90
208.176Zema, M.; Tarantino, S. C.; Giorgiani, A.
Structural changes induced by cation ordering in ferrotapiolite Note: Crystal Kim24_q3, treated at 700 C for 450 min
Mineralogical Magazine, 2006, 70, 319-328
9015163 CIFAl0.223 Fe0.141 H4 Mg2.742 O9 Si1.888P 3 1 m5.3259; 5.3259; 7.2726
90; 90; 120
178.651Laurora, A.; Brigatti, M. F.; Malferrari, D.; Galli, E.
The crystal chemistry of lizardite-1T from north Apennines ophiolites near Modena, Italy Note: Varana 1, polytype 1T
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1045-1054
9015166 CIFFeF m -3 m3.569; 3.569; 3.569
90; 90; 90
45.461Nishihara, Y.; Nakajima, Y.; Akashi, A.; Tsujino, N.; Takahashi, E.; Funakoshi, K.; Higo, Y.
Isothermal compression of face-centered cubic iron Note: gamma iron, Sample M622, P = 8.02 GPa, T = 1073 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1417-1420
9015167 CIFC Fe O3R -3 c :H4.519; 4.519; 13.47
90; 90; 120
238.223Lavina, B.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Meng, Y.; Shen, G.; Schiferl, D.
Structure of siderite FeCO3 to 56 GPa and hysteresis of its spin-pairing transition Note: run P12, P = 38.5 GPa
Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 064110-064118
9015170 CIFAs2.847 Ca2.1 Mg1.762 Mn0.238 Na0.9 O12 Si0.12I a -3 d12.345; 12.345; 12.345
90; 90; 90
1881.37Nagashima, M.; Armbruster, T.
Palenzonaite, berzeliite, and manganberzeliite:(As5+,V5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedra in garnet structures
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 1081-1097
9015172 CIFFe0.2 Li0.84 Mn0.8 O4 PP b n m4.7403; 10.4145; 6.0795
90; 90; 90
300.132Hatert, F.; Ottolini, L.; Wouters, J.; Fontan, F.
A structural study of the lithiophilite-sicklerite series Sample 3, yellow
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 843-854
9015173 CIFB4.56 F2.32 Mg8 O13.68P n a 2120.44; 4.53; 11.8
90; 90; 90
1092.6Brovkin, A. A.; Nikishova, L. V.
The crystal structure of a-Mg2BO3F and the isomorphic substitution (3F)=(BO3)
Soviet Physics - Crystallography, 1975, 20, 452-455
9015174 CIFFe Nb1.2 O6 Ta0.8P b c n14.2737; 5.73543; 5.0554
90; 90; 90
413.864dos Santos, C. A.; Zawislak, L. I.; Kinast, E. J.; Antonietti, V.; da Cunha, J. B. M.
Crystal chemistry and structure of the orthorhombic (Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6 family of compounds Note: Sample Fe(Ta0.4Nb0.6)2O6
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2001, 31, 616-631
9015179 CIFAl1.608 Fe0.388 Mg1.002 O4F d -3 m :28.1483; 8.1483; 8.1483
90; 90; 90
541.005Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F39, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 650 C Annealing time = 6141 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015181 CIFAl2 Mg3 O12 Si3I a -3 d11.4641; 11.4641; 11.4641
90; 90; 90
1506.68Nakatsuka, A.; Shimokawa, M.; Nakayama, N.; Ohtaka, O.; Arima, H.; Okube, M.; Yoshiasa, A.
Static disorders of atoms and experimental determination of Debye temperature in pyrope: Low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction study Note: T = 373.5 K
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1593-1605
9015182 CIFCu29 S16P -113.409; 13.4051; 15.4852
90.022; 90.021; 90.02
2783.45Mumme, W. G.; Gable, R. W.; Petricek, V.
The crystal structure of roxbyite, Cu58S32
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 423-430
9015183 CIFAl1.61 Fe0.388 Mg O4F d -3 m :28.1477; 8.1477; 8.1477
90; 90; 90
540.885Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F39, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 750 C Annealing time = 1680 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015184 CIFBa0.402 Cu O10 Si4 Sr0.598P 4/n c c :27.38801; 7.38801; 15.8265
90; 90; 90
863.853Knight, K. S.; Henderson, C. M. B.; Clark, S. M.
Structural variations in the wesselsite-effenbergerite (Sr1-xBaxCuSi4O10) solid solution Sample: x = .402
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2010, 22, 411-423
9015185 CIFFe8 O17P 110.821; 6.002; 10.514
90; 92.6; 90
682.157Fernandez-Martinez A; Timon, V.; Roman-Ross G; Cuello, G. J.; Daniels, J. E.; Ayora, C.
The structure of schwertmannite, a nanocrystalline iron oxyhydroxysulfate Note: Model 2, positions of sulfate groups not determined
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1312-1322
9015188 CIFAl7.308 B3 Ca0.691 F0.678 Fe0.054 H3.321 Li1.611 Mg0.003 Mn0.024 Na0.234 O30.321 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.003R 3 m :H15.8303; 15.8303; 7.1017
90; 90; 120
1541.24Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L20, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015189 CIFHg2 I OC 1 2/c 117.603; 6.981; 6.701
90; 101.61; 90
806.615Stalhandske, C.; Aurivillius, K.; Bertinsson, G. I.
Structure of mercury(I,II) iodide oxide, Hg2OI
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 1985, 41, 167-168
9015191 CIFBe OP 63 m c2.6983; 2.6983; 4.3776
90; 90; 120
27.602Hazen, R. M.; Finger, L. W.
High-pressure and high-temperature crystal chemistry of beryllium oxide Note: Crystal no. 2 in cell
Journal of Applied Physics, 1986, 59, 3728-3733
9015192 CIFMg Mn O4 SiP n m a10.451; 6.12446; 4.80757
90; 90; 90
307.717Yamazaki, S.; Toraya, H.
Rietveld refinement of site-occupancy parameters of Mg2-xMnxSiO4 using a new weight function in least-squares fitting Note: e = 1
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1999, 32, 51-59
9015194 CIFBa O9 Si3 TiP -6 c 26.5518; 6.5518; 9.6503
90; 90; 120
358.751Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V.
Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 4.28 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763
9015195 CIFAs Cu1.45 Fe0.55 O5P n n m8.6235; 8.2757; 5.9501
90; 90; 90
424.632Mills, S. J.; Kampf, A. R.; Poirier, G.; Raudsepp, M.; Steele, I. M.
Auriacusite, Fe3+Cu2+AsO4O, the first M3+ member of the olivenite group, from the Black Pine mine, Montana, USA
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2010, 99, 113-120
9015197 CIFAl2.21 Ca2 Fe0.58 H Mn0.21 O13 Si3P 1 21/m 18.898; 5.6549; 10.1752
90; 115.428; 90
462.39Nagashima, M.; Akasada, M.
X-ray Rietveld and 57Fe Mossbauer studies of epidote and piemontite on the join Ca2Al2FeSi3O12(OH) - Ca2Al2MnSi3O12(OH) formed by hydrothermal synthesis Sample: q=0.75, run 27
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1237-1246
9015198 CIFC0.88 H2 Al3 Ca0.438 Na3.522 O15.64 Si3P 6312.514; 12.514; 5.034
90; 90; 120
682.71Lotti, P.; Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Camara, F.
High-pressure study of a natural cancrinite Note: P = 1.39 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 872-882
9015199 CIFCl2 F12 Pb7P -610.267; 10.267; 3.9844
90; 90; 120
363.731Merlino, S.; Pasero, M.; Perchiazzi, N.; Kampf, A. R.
Laurelite: Its crystal structure and relationship to alpha-PbF2 Note: Re-examination of the crystal by H Yang and A Kampf showed that it was twinned, and the partially occupied sites were relicts.
American Mineralogist, 1996, 81, 1277-1281
9015201 CIFBi2 Pb Se4R -3 m :H4.16; 4.16; 39.2
90; 90; 120
587.494Agaev, K. A.; Semiletov, S. A.
Electron diffraction study of the structure of PbBi2Se4
Kristallografiya, 1968, 13, 258-260
9015202 CIFAl1.609 Fe0.388 Mg1.001 O4F d -3 m :28.1476; 8.1476; 8.1476
90; 90; 90
540.865Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F39, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 750 C Annealing time = 15 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015204 CIFAl6.516 B3 Ca0.156 Cr0.009 F0.06 Fe1.026 H3.094 K0.015 Mg1.359 Mn0.006 Na0.348 O30.94 Si6 Ti0.069 V0.006R 3 m :H15.935; 15.935; 7.16
90; 90; 120
1574.52Bloodaxe, E. S.; Hughes, J. M.; Dyar, M. D.; Grew, E. S.; Guidotti, C. V.
Linking structure and chemistry in the schorl-dravite series Sample O-T16-92
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 922-928
9015206 CIFCu1.95 SeF m -3 m5.787; 5.787; 5.787
90; 90; 90
193.803Yamamoto, K.; Kashida, S.
X-ray study of the average structures of Cu2Se and Cu1.8S in the room temperature and the high temperature phases Note: Sample: Cu2Se (high) Model 2, T = 433 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 93, 202-211
9015207 CIFFe Ge3 H4 O10 PbP 1 21/m 15.8279; 13.615; 6.3097
90; 127.314; 90
398.184Origlieri, M. J.; Yang, H.; Downs, R. T.; Posner, E. S.; Domanik, K. J.; Pinch, W. W.
The crystal structure of bartelkeite, with a revised chemical formula, PbFeGeVI(GeIV2O7)(OH)2*H2O, isotypic with high-pressure P21/m lawsonite
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1812-1815
9015208 CIFH2 OP 63/m m c4.497479; 4.497479; 7.322382
90; 90; 120
128.269Fortes, A. D.; Wood, I. G.; Grigoriev, D.; Alfredsson, M.; Kipfstuhl, S.; Knight, K. S.; Smith, R. I.
No evidence for large-scale proton ordering in Antarctic ice from powder neutron diffraction Note: T = 100 K Note: known as ice-IH
Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004, 120, 11376-11379
9015211 CIFAl7.23 B3 Ca0.06 F0.54 Fe0.42 H3.46 Li1.02 Mg0.06 Mn0.18 Na0.73 O30.46 Si6R 3 m :H15.856; 15.856; 7.1079
90; 90; 120
1547.6Diego Gatta, G.; Danisi, R. M.; Adamo, I.; Meven, M.; Diella, V.
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of elbaite Note: X-ray data
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2012, 39, 577-588
9015212 CIFAl3.9 Ca1.95 H26 O37 Si8.1R -3 m :R9.42; 9.42; 9.42
94.28; 94.28; 94.28
828.533Smith, J. V.; Rinaldi, F.; Dent Glasser, L. S.
Crystal structures with a chabazite framework. II. Hydrated Ca-chabazite at room temperature
Acta Crystallographica, 1963, 16, 45-53
9015213 CIFAl2 H4 O10 Pb Si2P b n m5.85; 9.03; 13.31
90; 90; 90
703.107Dorsam, G.; Liebscher, A.; Wunder, B.; Franz, G.; Gottschalk, M.
Synthesis of Pb-zoisite and Pb-lawsonite
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 2011, 188, 99-110
9015214 CIFMg1.84 O4 Si0.93F d -3 m :28.143; 8.143; 8.143
90; 90; 90
539.95Ye, Y.; Brown, D. A.; Smyth, J. R.; Panero, W. R.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Chang, Y. Y.; Townsend, J. P.; Thomas, S. M.; Hauri, E. H.; Dera, P.; Frost, D. J.
Compressibility and thermal expansion of hydrous ringwoodite with 2.5(3) wt% H2O Note: T = 736 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 573-582
9015215 CIFAs2 Cu3 O8P 1 21/c 16.306; 8.643; 11.31
90; 92.26; 90
615.947Starova, G. L.; Vergasova, L. P.; Filatov, S. K.; Britvin S N. Ananyev V V
Lammerite-beta, Cu3(AsO4)2 - a new mineral from fumaroles of the Great Fissure Tolbachic eruption (Kamchatka, Russia)
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva, 2011, 140, 46-51
9015217 CIFFe24.97 Mg35.53 O108 Sb20.496F d -3 m :225.93; 25.93; 25.93
90; 90; 90
17434.4Bonazzi, P.; Chelazzi, L.; Bindi, L.
Superstructure, crystal chemistry, and cation distribution in filipstadite, a Sb5±bearing, spinel-related mineral
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 361-366
9015218 CIFAl1.609 Fe0.389 Mg O4F d -3 m :28.1482; 8.1482; 8.1482
90; 90; 90
540.985Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F39, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 650 C Annealing time = 1533 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015219 CIFFe O4 PP b n m4.76; 9.68; 5.819
90; 90; 90
268.121Bjorling, C. O.; Westgren, A.
Minerals of the Varustrask Pegmatite. IX. X-ray studies of triphylite, varulite and their oxidation products
Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar, 1938, 60, 67-72
9015222 CIFNd O6 Ta TiP n m a10.9771; 7.5051; 5.3602
90; 90; 90
441.596Thorogood, G. J.; Avdeev, M.; Kennedy, B. J.
Structural studies of the aeschynite-euxenite transformation in the series Ln(TiTa)O6 Ln = lanthanide
Solid State Sciences, 2010, 12, 1263-1269
9015224 CIFAs2 Cu5 O12P -16.121; 6.251; 6.79
92.93; 111.3; 107.47
227.109Tillmanns, E.; Hofmeister, W.; Petitjean, K.
Cornubite, Cu5(AsO4)2(OH)4, first occurence of single crystals, mineralogical description and crystal structure
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, 1985, 57, 119-127
9015225 CIFAl13.571 B3.58 Fe0.8 Mg1.634 O37 Si4P -17.98539; 8.15541; 11.4021
110.436; 110.872; 84.678
649.732Grew, E. S.; Armbruster, T.; Lazic, P.; Yates, M. G.; Medenbach, O.; Huijsmans, J. P. P.
Werdingite from a pegmatite at Almgjotheii, Rogaland, Norway: The role of iron in a borosilicate with a mullite-type structure
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2011, 23, 577-589
9015226 CIFCa9 F0.96 O17.04 Si4P 21/b 1 15.0687; 11.3579; 15.4004
100.598; 90; 90
871.474Galuskin, E. V.; Lazic, B.; Armbruster, T.; Galuskina, I. O.; Pertsev, N. N.; Gazeev, V. M.; Wlodyka, R.; Dulski, M.; Dzierzanowski, P.; Zadov, A. E.; Dubrovinsky, L. S.
Edgrewite Ca9(SiO4)4F2-hydroxyledgrewite Ca9(SiO4)4(OH)2, a new series of calcium humite-group minerals from altered xenoliths in the ignimbrite of Upper Chegem caldera, Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1998-2006
9015227 CIFCa3.46 F2 Na2.1 O20 Si8 Sr0.3P -17.788; 18.941; 6.995
90.17; 116.78; 94.16
918.013Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Nikishova, L. V.
Crystal structure of Na(Ca,Sr)2Si4O10F strontium agrellite from Yakutian charoitites: agrellite polytypes
Crystallography Reports, 1998, 43, 589-597
9015228 CIFAs3 Ca4 H9 O16P 1 21/c 15.8279; 10.1802; 22.8944
90; 96.943; 90
1348.35Yang, H.; Evans, S. H.; Downs, R. T.; Jenkins, R. A.
The crystal structure of vladimirite, with a revised chemical formula, Ca4(AsO4)2(AsO3OH)*4H2O Note: Sample R100075
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1055-1064
9015230 CIFAs Cd Cu H O5P n m a7.415; 5.89; 9.016
90; 90; 90
393.768Effenberger, H.
CdCu(OH)(AsO4), the first Cd member of the adelite-descloizite structure type
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2002, 19, 85-85
9015234 CIFCu Fe S2I -4 2 d5.29; 5.29; 10.4217
90; 90; 90
291.642Knight, K. S.; Marshall, W. G.; Zochowski, S. W.
The low-temperature and high-pressure thermoelastic and structural properties of chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 T = 300 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1015-1034
9015236 CIFBa O3 TiR 3 m :R4.00385; 4.00385; 4.00385
89.843; 89.843; 89.843
64.184Kwei, G. H.; Lawson, A. C.; Billinge, S. J. L.; Cheong, S. W.
Structures of the ferroelectric phases of barium titanate Note: T = 130 K
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1993, 97, 2368-2377
9015238 CIFCa12 F H1.82 K6.58 Na3.66 O91.41 Si35 Sr0.69P 1 21/m 132.11; 19.77; 7.23
90; 95.85; 90
4565.81Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Mugnaioli, E.; Czank, M.; Depmeier, W.; Kolb, U.; Merlino, S.
Essential features of the polytypic charoite-96 structure compared to charoite-90 Note: This structure is polytype charoite-96
Mineralogical Magazine, 2011, 75, 2833-2846
9015242 CIFCa3 H30 O25.66 S1.82 SiP 63/m11.1548; 11.1548; 10.5702
90; 90; 120
1139.04Chukanov, N. V.; Britvin, S. N.; Van, K. V.; Mockel, S.; Zadov, A. E.
Kottenheimite, Ca3Si(OH)6(SO4)2*12H2O, a new member of the ettringite group from the Eifel area, Germany Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 55-63
9015244 CIFCl2 FeR -3 m :H3.603; 3.603; 17.536
90; 90; 120
197.147Wilkinson, M. K.; Cable, J. W.; Wollan, E. O.; Koehler, W. C.
Neutron diffraction investigations of the magnetic ordering in FeBr2, CoBr2, FeCl2, and CoCl2
Physical Review, 1959, 113, 497-507
9015245 CIFAl6.591 B3.018 Ca0.05 F0.58 Fe1.896 H3.18 K0.01 Li0.069 Mg0.228 Mn0.288 Na0.76 O30.42 Si5.772 Ti0.12 Zn0.009R 3 m :H15.987; 15.987; 7.163
90; 90; 120
1585.47Ertl, A.; Schuster, R.; Hughes, J. M.; Ludwig, T.; Meyer, H.-P.; Finger, F.; Dyar, M. D.; Ruschel, K.; Rossman, G. R.; Klotzli, U.; Brandstatter, F.; Lengauer, C. L.; Tillmanns, E.
Li-bearing tourmalines in Variscan granitic pegmatites from the Moldanubian nappes, Lower Austria Note: Sample TK12
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 695-715
9015246 CIFCa O12.18 Si4 VP n m a9.39; 13.11; 9.39
90; 90; 90
1155.94Danisi, R. M.; Armbruster, T.; Lazic, B.
In situ dehydration behavior of zeolite-like cavansite: A single-crystal X-ray study Note: T = 350 C
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1874-1880
9015247 CIFMg1.8 O4 Si0.97F d -3 m :28.1115; 8.1115; 8.1115
90; 90; 90
533.708Ye, Y.; Brown, D. A.; Smyth, J. R.; Panero, W. R.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Chang, Y. Y.; Townsend, J. P.; Thomas, S. M.; Hauri, E. H.; Dera, P.; Frost, D. J.
Compressibility and thermal expansion of hydrous ringwoodite with 2.5(3) wt% H2O Note: at room T after heating to T = 736 K, split Si model
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 573-582
9015248 CIFAl0.02 Ca9 Fe0.35 H Mg0.62 Mn0.02 O28 P7R 3 c :H10.359; 10.359; 37.0857
90; 90; 120
3446.46Tait, K. T.; Barkley, M. C.; Thompson, R. M.; Origlieri, M. J.; Evans, S. H.; Prewitt, C. T.; Yang, H.
Bobdownsite, a new mineral species from Big Fish River, Yukon, Canada, and its structural relationship with whitlockite-type compounds
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1065-1078
9015251 CIFO5 Pb3 SeC m c 2110.5384; 10.7452; 5.7577
90; 90; 90
651.986Kampf, A. R.; Mills, S. J.; Pinch, W. W.
Plumboselite, Pb3O2(SeO3), a new oxidation-zone mineral from Tsumeb, Namibia
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2011, 101, 75-80
9015253 CIFCa3.48 Ce0.5 F2.6 La0.18 Na2.28 Nb0.33 Nd0.24 O15.4 Pr0.06 Si4 Sm0.04 Ti0.64 Y0.1 Zr0.03P 1 21/c 17.4328; 5.6595; 18.8181
90; 101.353; 90
776.112Camara, F.; Sokolova, E.; Hawthorne, F. C.
From structure topology to chemical composition. XII. Titanium silicates: the crystal chemistry of rinkite, Na2Ca4REETi(Si2O7)2OF3 Note: sample 1991c
Mineralogical Magazine, 2011, 75, 2755-2774
9015255 CIFEu2 O7 Ta2C m c m3.9542; 27.142; 5.692
90; 90; 90
610.893Jacobsen, H.; Lissner, F.; Manek, E.; Meyer, G.
Crystal structures of dieuropium(II) ditantalum heptoxide, Eu2Ta2O7 and europium(II) ditantalum hexoxide, EuTa2O6
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1996, 211, 547-548
9015256 CIFAl2.01 Cu0.01 Mg0.99 O4F d -3 m :28.0853; 8.0853; 8.0853
90; 90; 90
528.553Fregola, R. A.; Bosi, F.; Skogby, H.; Halenius, U.
Cation ordering over short-range and long-range scales in the MgAl2O4-CuAl2O4 series Sample: CuAl05b
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1821-1827
9015258 CIFFeF m -3 m3.533; 3.533; 3.533
90; 90; 90
44.099Nishihara, Y.; Nakajima, Y.; Akashi, A.; Tsujino, N.; Takahashi, E.; Funakoshi, K.; Higo, Y.
Isothermal compression of face-centered cubic iron Note: gamma iron, Sample M605, P = 15.58 GPa, T = 1273 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1417-1420
9015259 CIFAl7.29 Fe0.71 H42 O48 P6P 1 21/n 110.604; 16.608; 20.647
90; 98.848; 90
3592.9Kampf, A. R.; Mills, S. J.; Rumsey, M. S.; Spratt, J.; Favreau, G.
The crystal structure determination and redefinition of matulaite, Fe3+Al7(PO4)4(PO3OH)2(OH)8(H2O)8*8H2O
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 517-534
9015260 CIFC Fe O3R -3 c :H4.527; 4.527; 13.57
90; 90; 120
240.842Lavina, B.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Meng, Y.; Shen, G.; Schiferl, D.
Structure of siderite FeCO3 to 56 GPa and hysteresis of its spin-pairing transition Note: run P11, P = 36.3 GPa
Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 064110-064118
9015264 CIFCl F O Pb2I 4/m m m4.065; 4.065; 12.631
90; 90; 90
208.717Turner, R. W.; Siidra, O. I.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Stanley, C. J.; Spratt, J.
Rumseyite, [Pb2OF]Cl, the first naturally occurring fluoroxychloride mineral with the parent crystal structure for layered lead oxychlorides
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 1247-1255
9015265 CIFRh Sb3I m -39.2322; 9.2322; 9.2322
90; 90; 90
786.893Kjekshus, A.; Rakke, T.
Compounds with the skutterudite type crystal structure. III. Structural data for arsenides and antimonides,
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1974, 28, 99-103
9015266 CIFAl2 Ca0.019 H4 O10 Si2 Sr0.981P 1 21/m 15.4222; 13.2778; 5.8584
90; 124.42; 90
347.929Liebscher, A.; Dorsam, G.; Franz, G.; Wunder, B.; Gottschalk, M.
Crystal chemistry of synthetic lawsonite solid-solution series CaAl2 [(OH)2/(Si2O7)](H2O)-SrAl2[(OH)2/(Si2O7)](H2O) and the Cmcm-P2_1/m phase transition Note: Run #AU89
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 724-735
9015267 CIFCu3 Mo1.94 O9 S0.06P n m a7.6638; 6.867; 14.5554
90; 90; 90
766.012Zelenski, M. E.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pekov, I. V.; Polekhovsky, Y. S.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Cupromolybdite, Cu3O(MoO4)2, a new fumarolic mineral from the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 749-757
9015268 CIFAl8.64 B4.2 H3 Li0.36 Na0.76 O31 Si4.8R 3 m :H15.723; 15.723; 7.068
90; 90; 120
1513.21Ertl, A.; Giester, G.; Ludwig, T.; Meyer, H. P.; Rossman, G. R.
Synthetic B-rich olenite: Correlations of single-crystal structural data Note: sample ElbK-11
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1591-1597
9015269 CIFAl2 Ca0.807 H4 O10 Si2 Sr0.193C m c m5.8457; 8.8286; 13.1834
90; 90; 90
680.387Liebscher, A.; Dorsam, G.; Franz, G.; Wunder, B.; Gottschalk, M.
Crystal chemistry of synthetic lawsonite solid-solution series CaAl2 [(OH)2/(Si2O7)](H2O)-SrAl2[(OH)2/(Si2O7)](H2O) and the Cmcm-P2_1/m phase transition Note: Run #AU62
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 724-735
9015271 CIFAl2.46 Cu2.86 H36 O36 Sb3 Zn3.68R -3 :H5.34; 5.34; 88.01
90; 90; 120
2173.43Mills, S. J.; Christy, A. G.; Kampf, A. R.; Housley, R. M.; Favreau, G.; Boulliard, J. C.; Bourgoin, V.
Zincalstibite-9R: the first nine-layer polytype with the layered double hydroxide structure-type
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 1337-1345
9015272 CIFAl2 Cu0.24 Mg0.76 O4F d -3 m :28.0867; 8.0867; 8.0867
90; 90; 90
528.827Fregola, R. A.; Bosi, F.; Skogby, H.; Halenius, U.
Cation ordering over short-range and long-range scales in the MgAl2O4-CuAl2O4 series Sample: CuAl50bw
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1821-1827
9015273 CIFFe1.1 Mg0.75 Mn0.15 O4 SiP b n m4.809; 10.42; 6.08
90; 90; 90
304.667Hazen, R. M.
Effects of temperature and pressure on the crystal structure of ferromagnesian olivine T = 300 deg C, P = 1 atm
American Mineralogist, 1977, 62, 286-295
9015274 CIFMg2 O4 SiI m m a5.7321; 11.4998; 8.3163
90; 90; 90
548.194Trots, D. M.; Kurnosov, A.; Ballaran, T. F.; Frost, D. J.
High-temperature structural behaviors of anhydrous wadsleyite and forsterite Note: T = 929 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1582-1590
9015276 CIFC0.74 H2.46 Al3 Ca0.44 Fe0.04 Na3.16 O15.45 Si3P 6312.75; 12.75; 5.14
90; 90; 120
723.626Jarchow, O.
Atomanordnung und Strukturverfeinerung von Cancrinit
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1965, 122, 407-422
9015277 CIFLa0.3 Nb2 O6 Sr0.7P n m a11.053; 7.64; 5.556
90; 90; 90
469.176Istomin, S. Y.; D'yachenko, O. G.; Antipov, E. V.; Svensson, G.; Nygren, M.
Synthesis and characterisation of reduced niobates [Sr1-xLnxNb2O6, Ln = La, Nd]
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 743-749
9015279 CIFNb2 Nd0.67 O6P m m m3.8809; 3.9049; 7.838
90; 90; 90
118.781Mishchuk, D. O.; V'yunov, O. I.; Ovchar, O. V.; Belous, A. G.
Structural and dielectric properties of solid solutions of sodium niobate in lanthanum and neodymium niobates Note: Nd2/3-x Na3x Nb2O6 synthesized at 1330 deg C Note: x = 0
Inorganic Materials, 2004, 40, 1324-1330
9015281 CIFAl3 Ca2 H O13 Si3P n m a16.0845; 5.477; 9.8785
90; 90; 90
870.245Alvaro, M.; Angel, R. J.; Camara, F.
High-pressure behavior of zoisite Note: P = 5.145 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1165-1176
9015282 CIFFe2.856 H6.73 Na0.75 O14 S2C 1 2/m 112.74852; 7.34697; 6.98243
90; 127.197; 90
520.945Scarlett, N. V. Y.; Grey, I. E.; Brand, H. E. A.
Ordering of iron vacancies in monoclinic jarosites Note: T = 95 C
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1590-1593
9015284 CIFC0.88 H2 Al3 Ca0.438 Na3.522 O15.64 Si3P 6312.447; 12.447; 5.006
90; 90; 120
671.662Lotti, P.; Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Camara, F.
High-pressure study of a natural cancrinite Note: P = 2.33 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 872-882
9015285 CIFMg1.9 O4 SiF d -3 m :28.086; 8.086; 8.086
90; 90; 90
528.69Ye, Y.; Brown, D. A.; Smyth, J. R.; Panero, W. R.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Chang, Y. Y.; Townsend, J. P.; Thomas, S. M.; Hauri, E. H.; Dera, P.; Frost, D. J.
Compressibility and thermal expansion of hydrous ringwoodite with 2.5(3) wt% H2O Note: T = 350 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 573-582
9015286 CIFB Ca H O5 SiP 1 21/c 14.833; 7.6074; 9.631
90; 90.175; 90
354.097Rinaldi, R.; Gatta, G. D.; Angel, R. J.
Crystal chemistry and low-temperature behavior of datolite: a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study Note: T = 250 K
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1413-1421
9015291 CIFAl1.461 Fe0.538 Mg1.001 O4F d -3 m :28.169; 8.169; 8.169
90; 90; 90
545.138Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F54, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 550 C Annealing time = 960 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015293 CIFCu2 SeF m -3 m5.787; 5.787; 5.787
90; 90; 90
193.803Yamamoto, K.; Kashida, S.
X-ray study of the average structures of Cu2Se and Cu1.8S in the room temperature and the high temperature phases Note: Sample: Cu2Se (high) Model 1, T = 433 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 93, 202-211
9015294 CIFAl3 Ca2 H O13 Si3P n m a16.0796; 5.4721; 9.869
90; 90; 90
868.365Alvaro, M.; Angel, R. J.; Camara, F.
High-pressure behavior of zoisite Note: P = 5.533 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1165-1176
9015295 CIFC H O4 TmP 21 21 216.9028; 4.7833; 8.5086
90; 90; 90
280.938Tahara, T.; Nakai, I.; Miyawaki, R.; Matsubara, S.
Crystal chemistry of RE(CO3)OH
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 2007, 222, 326-334
9015296 CIFCl2 FeR -3 m :H3.598; 3.598; 17.481
90; 90; 120
195.983Vettier, C.; Yelon, W. B.
The structure of FeCl2 at high pressures Note: P = 1.04 kbar
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1975, 36, 401-405
9015299 CIFNb2 O6 SrP n m a10.9862; 7.7223; 5.5944
90; 90.372; 90
474.612Istomin, S. Y.; D'yachenko, O. G.; Antipov, E. V.; Svensson, G.; Nygren, M.
Synthesis and characterisation of reduced niobates [Sr1-xLnxNb2O6, Ln = La, Nd]
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 743-749
9015302 CIFAs Pb S4 SbP 1 21/c 18.527; 7.971; 20.102
90; 101.814; 90
1337.36Makovicky, E.; Topa, D.; Tajjedin, H.; Rastad, E.; Yaghubpur, A.
The crystal structure of guettardite, PbAsSbS4, and the twinnite-guettardite problem
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 253-265
9015304 CIFAl2 Cu0.12 Mg0.88 O4F d -3 m :28.0857; 8.0857; 8.0857
90; 90; 90
528.631Fregola, R. A.; Bosi, F.; Skogby, H.; Halenius, U.
Cation ordering over short-range and long-range scales in the MgAl2O4-CuAl2O4 series Sample: CuAl30bw
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1821-1827
9015305 CIFAl0.37 Ca2 Fe1.63 O5P n m a5.3769; 14.6032; 5.5712
90; 90; 90
437.45Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Angel, R. J.; Zhao, J.; Ross, N. L.; Redhammer, G. J.; Seifert, F.
The effect of oxygen vacancies and aluminium substitution on the high-pressure properties of brownmillerite-structured Ca2Fe2-xAlxO5 Note: x = 0.37 Note: P = 2.015 GPa
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2008, 35, 493-504
9015308 CIFMg O6 Sb2P 42/m n m4.63; 4.63; 9.21
90; 90; 90
197.434Bystrom, A.; Hok, B.; Mason, B.
The crystal structure of zinc metantimonate and similar compounds
Arkiv for Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, 1942, 1-8
9015309 CIFO2 SiP 1 21/c 17.803; 4.382; 8.366
90; 118.7; 90
250.913Dera, P.; Lazarz, J. D.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Barkley, M.; Downs, R. T.
New insights into the high-pressure polymorphism of SiO2 cristobalite Note: P = 10.1 GPa
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2011, 38, Online-first
9015312 CIFAs2 Ca H4 O8P -18.558; 7.697; 5.721
92.35; 109.52; 109.59
329.621Ferraris, G.; Jones, D. W.; Yerkess, J.
A neutron diffraction study of the crystal structure of calcium bis(dihydrogen arsenate), Ca(H2AsO4)2
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1972, 28, 2430-2437
9015314 CIFCa H8 O15 Si4 VP c m n9.7614; 13.6666; 9.6049
90; 90; 90
1281.34Hughes, J. M.; Derr, R. S.; Cureton, F.; Campana, C. F.; Druschel, G.
The crystal structure of cavansite: location of the H2O molecules and hydrogen atoms in Ca(VO)(Si4O10)*4H2O Note: T = 296 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1267-1272
9015315 CIFAl2.036 Ca1.16 Fe0.964 H Mn0.128 Nd0.712 O13 Si3P 1 21/m 18.8897; 5.7308; 10.101
90; 115.166; 90
465.751Skoda, R.; Cempirek, J.; Filip, J.; Novak, M.; Veselovsky, F.; Ctvrtlik, R.
Allanite-(Nd), CaNdAl2Fe2+(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH), a new mineral from Askagen, Sweden
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 983-988
9015316 CIFC0.767 H1.998 Al2.82 Ca0.6 Na3.155 O15.3 Si3.18P 6312.625; 12.625; 5.122
90; 90; 120
707.022Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu; Van, K. V.; Giester, G.; Tillmanns, E.
Crystal chemistry of cancrinite-group minerals with an AB-type framework: A review and new data. I. Chemical and structural variations Note: Sample# tz3/1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 49, 1129-1150
9015318 CIFCa0.74 Ce0.03 K0.6 Mg0.04 Mn0.2 Na0.9 O20 Pb0.01 Si8 Th0.88P 4/m c c7.58; 7.58; 14.77
90; 90; 90
848.631Prichard, P.; Perrault, G.
Structure cristalline de l'ekanite de St-Hilaire, P.Q.
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1972, 28, 1994-1999
9015320 CIFC Ca0.997 O3 Sr0.003P m c n4.9615; 7.9629; 5.7428
90; 90; 90
226.886Ye, Y.; Smyth, J. R.; Boni, P.
Crystal structure and thermal expansion of aragonite-group carbonates by single-crystal X-ray diffraction Note: T = 300 K, high-temperature experiment
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 707-712
9015321 CIFFeF m -3 m3.485; 3.485; 3.485
90; 90; 90
42.326Nishihara, Y.; Nakajima, Y.; Akashi, A.; Tsujino, N.; Takahashi, E.; Funakoshi, K.; Higo, Y.
Isothermal compression of face-centered cubic iron Note: gamma iron, Sample M620, P = 24.19 GPa, T = 1273 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1417-1420
9015324 CIFC Fe O3R -3 c :H4.664; 4.664; 15.168
90; 90; 120
285.743Lavina, B.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Meng, Y.; Shen, G.; Schiferl, D.
Structure of siderite FeCO3 to 56 GPa and hysteresis of its spin-pairing transition Note: run P2, P = 3.48 GPa
Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 064110-064118
9015325 CIFAl0.76 Cr0.24 Nb O4C 1 2/m 112.1881; 3.7726; 6.5033
90; 107.7; 90
284.872Ardit, M.; Dondi, M.; Cruciani, G.
Structural stability, cation ordering, and local relaxation along the AlNbO4-Al0.5Cr0.5NbO4 join Note: Sample label: N25
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 910-917
9015326 CIFAl7 Ca6.66 Cl1.11 O16I -4 3 d11.98; 11.98; 11.98
90; 90; 90
1719.37Ma, C.; Connolly, H. C.; Beckett, J. R.; Tschauner, O.; Rossman, G. R.; Kampf, A. R.; Zega, T. J.; Sweeney Smith, S. A.; Schrader, D. L.
Brearleyite, Ca12Al14O32Cl2, a new alteration mineral from the NWA 1934 meteorite
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1199-1206
9015327 CIFAs Cu2 H7 O8P 21 21 2110.506; 10.506; 6.103
90; 90; 90
673.625Eby, R. K.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Euchroite, a heteropolyhedral framework structure
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 1989, 45, 1479-1482
9015328 CIFS TiR -3 m :H3.417; 3.417; 26.455
90; 90; 120
267.503Hahn, H.; Harder, B.
Zur Kristallstruktur der Titansulfide
Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1956, 288, 241-256
9015329 CIFC0.55 Na4 O7.45 S1.45P m n m :25.177; 9.224; 7.066
90; 90; 90
337.42Giuseppetti, G.; Mazzi, F.; Tadini, C.
The crystal structure of synthetic burkeite Sample B Note sign of y-coordinate for O3 and O5 altered to reproduce reported bond lengths
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1988, 1988, 203-221
9015332 CIFHg I2P 42/n m c :24.358; 4.358; 12.3
90; 90; 90
233.604Schwarzenbach, D.; Birkedal, H.; Hostettler, M.; Fischer, P.
Neutron diffraction investigation of the temperature dependence of crystal structure and thermal motions of red HgI2 Note: T = 10 K, powder neutron data
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2007, 63, 828-835
9015333 CIFF H Mg OP n m a10.1299; 3.0723; 4.676
90; 90; 90
145.527Crichton, W. A.; Parise, J. B.; Muller, H.; Breger, J.; Marshall, W. G.; Welch, M. D.
Synthesis and structure of magnesium hydroxide fluoride, Mg(OH)F: a topological intermediate between brucite- and rutile-type structures
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 25-36
9015334 CIFCr6 Fe18 Mo5I -4 3 m8.92; 8.92; 8.92
90; 90; 90
709.732Kasper, J. S.
The ordering of atoms in the chi-phase of the iron-chromium-molybdenum system
Acta Metallurgica, 1954, 2, 456-461
9015335 CIFFe0.46 Mg0.04 Mn0.16 S Zn0.32P 63 m c3.8357; 3.8357; 6.3002
90; 90; 120
80.274Ma, C.; Beckett, J. R.; Rossman, G. R.
Buseckite, (Fe,Zn,Mn)S, a new mineral from the Zaklodzie meteorite
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1226-1233
9015337 CIFFe2.97 Mn0.024 Ni0.027 SiF m -3 m5.67; 5.67; 5.67
90; 90; 90
182.284Yu, Z.
Two new minerals gupeiite and xifengite in cosmic dusts from Yanshan
Acta Petrologica Mineralogica et Analytica, 1984, 3, 231-238
9015338 CIFBa Cu O10 Si4P 4/n c c :27.43602; 7.43602; 16.1302
90; 90; 90
891.91Knight, K. S.; Henderson, C. M. B.; Clark, S. M.
Structural variations in the wesselsite-effenbergerite (Sr1-xBaxCuSi4O10) solid solution Sample: x = 1.000
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2010, 22, 411-423
9015340 CIFCr H O2P 21 n m4.8623; 4.2972; 2.9567
90; 90; 90
61.778Jahn, S.; Wunder, B.; Koch-Muller M; Tarrieu, L.; Pohle, M.; Watenphul, A.; Taran, M. N.
Pressure-induced hydrogen bond symmetrisation in guyanaite, B-CrOOH: evidence from spectroscopy and ab initio simulations Sample: Run LT9
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 839-850
9015341 CIFMg1.92 O4 SiF d -3 m :28.103; 8.103; 8.103
90; 90; 90
532.032Ye, Y.; Brown, D. A.; Smyth, J. R.; Panero, W. R.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Chang, Y. Y.; Townsend, J. P.; Thomas, S. M.; Hauri, E. H.; Dera, P.; Frost, D. J.
Compressibility and thermal expansion of hydrous ringwoodite with 2.5(3) wt% H2O Note: T = 537 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 573-582
9015343 CIFCa2 Fe2 H O15 Si5P 112.18; 6.68; 7.5
93.98; 112.32; 86.05
562.539Kosoi, A. L.
Structure of babingtonite
Kristallografiya, 1975, 20, 730-739
9015344 CIFFe O4 Sb2P 42/m b c8.5758; 8.5758; 5.8983
90; 90; 90
433.787Hinrichsen, B.; Dinnebier, R. E.; Rajiv, P.; Hanfland, M.; Grzechnik, A.; Jansen, M.
Advances in data reduction of high-pressure X-ray powder diffraction data from two-dimensional detectors: a case study of schafarzikite (FeSb2O4) Note: P = 0.5 GPa
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2006, 18, S1021-S1037
9015346 CIFNi Ti0.885P -37.3715; 7.3715; 5.302
90; 90; 120
249.507Sitepu, H.
Structural refinement of neutron powder diffraction data of two-stage martensitic phase transformations in Ti50.75Ni47.75Fe1.50 shape memory alloy
Powder Diffraction, 2007, 22, 209-218
9015347 CIFAl7.251 B3 Ca0.638 F0.666 Fe0.132 H3.333 Li1.566 Mg0.015 Mn0.03 Na0.284 O30.333 Pb0.006 Si6 Ti0.006R 3 m :H15.8399; 15.8399; 7.103
90; 90; 120
1543.4Lussier, A. J.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Michaelis, V. K.; Aguiar, P. M.; Kroeker, S.
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar. I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy Sample: L21, disordered model
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 63-88
9015349 CIFPb4.819 S11 Sb4.161P b n m21.285; 23.525; 4.019
90; 90; 90
2012.43Bente, K.; Meier-Salimi M
Substitution experiments and structure investigations on Ag-Tl-bearing boulangerites - a contribution to the rayite problem
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1991, 163, 212-216
9015351 CIFAl12 H46.48 K7.447 O95.24 Si24 Tl3.813P 6/m m m18.5432; 18.5432; 7.531
90; 90; 120
2242.6Artioli, G.; Kvick, A.
Synchrotron X-ray Rietveld study of perlialite, the natural counterpart of synthetic zeolite-L Sample: data collected with conventional diffractometer radiation
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1990, 2, 749-759
9015352 CIFAl1.609 Fe0.391 Mg O4F d -3 m :28.1466; 8.1466; 8.1466
90; 90; 90
540.666Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F39, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 550 C Annealing time = 35,340 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015353 CIFAl9 Ca Fe H Mg O17P 1 c 15.6973; 17.1823; 23.5718
90; 90; 90
2307.51Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Aksenov, S. M.; Verin, I. A.
Crystal structure of complex natural aluminum magnesium calcium iron oxide
Crystallography Reports, 2010, 55, 563-568
9015355 CIFO2 TiP 1 21/c 14.589; 4.849; 4.736
90; 98.6; 90
104.201Swamy, V.; Dubrovinsky, L. S.; Dubrovinskaia, N. A.; Langenhorst, F.; Simionovici, A. S.; Drakopoulos, M.; Dmitriev, V.; Weber, H. P.
Size effects on the structure and phase transition behavior of baddeleyite TiO2
Solid State Communications, 2005, 134, 541-546
9015358 CIFFe S4 Sb2P n a m10.9404; 13.3719; 3.6973
90; 90; 90
540.893Periotto, B.; Balic-Zunic T; Nestola, F.
The role of the Sb3+ lone-electron pairs and Fe2+ coordination in the high-pressure behavior of berthierite Note: P = 6.62 GPa the Baia Mare metallogenic area, Romania
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 201-218
9015359 CIFAg2.33 Bi3.67 Pb0.25 S8 Sb0.75C 1 2/m 113.515; 4.098; 26
90; 93; 90
1438.02Ilinca, G.; Makovicky, E.
Note on the definition of borodayevite [Ag5(Fe,Pb)Bi7]13(Sb,Bi)2S17 Note: This structure is based on a theoretical construct, (4,8L)
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1997, 1997, 337-353
9015362 CIFBi27 Pb25 S62.39 Se3.61P 1 21/m 138.86; 4.09; 39.83
90; 102.3; 90
6185.16Topa, D.; Makovicky, E.; Dittrich, H.
The crystal structure of 7H:12Q cannizzarite from Vulcano, Italy
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 483-495
9015363 CIFMg1.9 O4 SiF d -3 m :28.0931; 8.0931; 8.0931
90; 90; 90
530.084Ye, Y.; Brown, D. A.; Smyth, J. R.; Panero, W. R.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Chang, Y. Y.; Townsend, J. P.; Thomas, S. M.; Hauri, E. H.; Dera, P.; Frost, D. J.
Compressibility and thermal expansion of hydrous ringwoodite with 2.5(3) wt% H2O Note: T = 443 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 573-582
9015364 CIFCa3.841 F2.5 Fe0.402 Mn0.116 Na1.733 Nb0.461 O15.5 Si4 Ti0.539 Zr0.884P 1 21 110.80498; 10.25458; 7.28606
90; 109.117; 90
762.779Biagioni, C.; Merlino, S.; Parodi, G. C.; Perchiazzi, N.
Crystal chemistry of minerals of the wohlerite group from the Los Archipelago, Guinea
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2012, 50, 593-609
9015365 CIFFe Ge2 Li O6P 1 21/c 19.765; 8.721; 5.301
90; 108.49; 90
428.133Nestola, F.; Redhammer, G. J.; Pamato, M. G.; Secco, L.; Dal Negro, A.
High-pressure phase transformation in LiFeGe2O6 pyroxene Note: P = 4.16 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2009, 94, 616-621
9015366 CIFAl1.609 Fe0.389 Mg O4F d -3 m :28.1472; 8.1472; 8.1472
90; 90; 90
540.786Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F39, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 750 C Annealing time = 0 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9015367 CIFAs H3 O6 Zn2P 1 21/c 112.76; 7.93; 10.21
90; 104.4; 90
1000.66Pushcharovskii, D. Y.; Pobedimskaya, E. A.; Belov, N. V.
The crystal structure of legrandite Zn2[AsO4]OH*H2O
Soviet Physics - Doklady, 1971, 16, 419-421
9015368 CIFAl0.41 Ca1.5 Fe0.16 Mg0.39 Na0.5 O7 Si2P -4 21 m7.76; 7.76; 5.029
90; 90; 90
302.834Mokeeva, V.; Makarov, E.
Isomorph in melilites: refining of crystal structure of akermanite and intermediate melilite
Geokhimiya, 1979, 10, 1541-1544
9015369 CIFAl2 Co0.25 O4 Zn0.75F d -3 m :28.09014; 8.09014; 8.09014
90; 90; 90
529.503Ardit, M.; Cruciani, G.; Dondi, M.
Structural relaxation in tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ along the gahnite-Co-aluminate spinel solid solution Note: inversion parameter = 0.025, Co content = 0.25 apfu
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1394-1401
9015371 CIFC Na1.947 O3C 1 2/m 18.8818; 5.235; 6.0455
90; 101.464; 90
275.485Arakcheeva, A.; Bindi, L.; Pattison, P.; Meisser, N.; Chapuis, G.; Pekov, I.
The incommensurately modulated structures of natural natrite at 120 and 293 K from synchrotron X-ray data T = 293 K
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 574-581
9015375 CIFCl HF m -3 m5.475; 5.475; 5.475
90; 90; 90
164.117Sandor, E.; Farrow, R. F. C.
Crystal structure of solid hydrogen chloride and deuterium chloride Note T = 118.5 K
Nature, 1967, 213, 171-172
9015379 CIFH0.88 K0.78 N0.22 O4 PI -4 2 d7.4398; 7.4398; 7.0454
90; 90; 90
389.967Ono, Y.; Yamada, N.; Hikita, T.
Structure refinements of the mixed crystal K0.78(NH4)0.22H2PO4 in the temperature range from 20 K to 250K Note: T = 20 K
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1991, 60, 2673-2677
9015383 CIFB Ca H O3P 1 21/m 16.6798; 5.4208; 3.5466
90; 93.245; 90
128.216Sun, W.; Huang, Y.-X.; Li, Z.; Pan, Y.; Mi, J.-X.
Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal X-ray structure refinement of three borates: sibirskite, parasibirskite and priceite Note: T = 173 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 823-834
9015384 CIFAl3.8 Be0.16 Fe0.3 H1.292 Li0.06 Mg1.66 Mn0.02 Na0.235 O18.646 Si5C c c m17.0046; 9.73133; 9.31989
90; 90; 90
1542.23Sokol, E. V.; Seryotkin, Y. V.; Bul'bak, T. A.
Na-Li-Be-rich cordierite from the Murzinka pegmatite field, Middle Urals, Russia
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2010, 22, 565-575
9015385 CIFCa1.78 Fe1.72 H2 K0.08 Mg3.5 Na1.06 O24 Si8C 1 2/m 19.691; 17.831; 5.247
90; 105.92; 90
871.908Comopdi, P.; Boffa Ballaran, T.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Capalbo, C.; Zanetti, A.; Nazzareni, S.
The effect of oxo-component on the high-pressure behavior of amphiboles Sample: FR12 P = 3.74 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 1042-1051
9015388 CIFCu2.64 Mo0.04 O8 V1.94 Zn0.36P 1 21/c 16.2695; 8.0195; 6.362
90; 111.96; 90
296.662Zelenski, M. E.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pekov, I. V.; Boldyreva, M. M.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.; Nekrasov, A. N.
Pseudolyonsite, Cu3(VO4)2, a new mineral species from the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2011, 23, 475-481
9015390 CIFC Ca O3R -3 c :H4.99029; 4.99029; 17.0687
90; 90; 120
368.114Sitepu, H.
Texture and structural refinement using neutron diffraction data from molybdite (MoO3) and calcite (CaCO3) powders and a Ni-rich Ni50.7Ti49.30 alloy Note: March model
Powder Diffraction, 2009, 24, 315-326

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