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9016694 CIFBa Ca2 O9 Si3P -16.7335; 9.6142; 6.6859
69.638; 102.281; 96.855
396.009Barkley, M. C.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, H.
Structure of walstromite, BaCa2Si3O9, and its relationship to CaSiO3-walstromite and wollastonite-II
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 797-801
9016695 CIFCu F4 Nb O6P 1 21/c 15.59; 9.978; 7.544
90; 103.36; 90
409.394Crosnier-Lopez M; Duroy, H.; Fourquet, J.
About the crystal structure of CuNb(OH,F)7*3H2O _cod_database_code 1000364
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 108, 398-401
9016698 CIFAl1.459 Fe0.54 Mg1.003 O4F d -3 m :28.1709; 8.1709; 8.1709
90; 90; 90
545.519Princivalle, F.; Martignago, F.; Nestola, F.; Dal Negro, A.
Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels Note Sample F54, disordered at 1000 C for 24 h, then ordered at 650 C Annealing time = 0 min
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 633-643
9016700 CIFAl3 H3.18 Na3.922 O14.69 P0.3 Si3P 6312.7345; 12.7345; 5.1798
90; 90; 120
727.457Pekov, I. V.; Olysych, L. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Van, K. V.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Depmeierite Na8[Al6Si6O24](PO4,CO3)1-x·3H2O (x<0.5) - a new cancrinite group mineral from the Lovozero alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva, 2010, 139, 63-74
9016702 CIFCu5 Li2 O14 Si4P -17.404; 7.754; 5.455
90.52; 106.27; 114.64
270.4Kawamura, K.; Kawahara, A.; Iiyama, J. T.
The crystal structure of Li2Cu5(Si2O7)2 and the proposal of new values for the effective iconic radii of Cu2+
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1978, 34, 3181-3185
9016703 CIFAl Ca0.484 O4 SiP 1 21 18.228; 8.621; 4.827
90; 90; 90
342.396Takeuchi, Y.; Haga, N.; Ito, J.
The crystal structure of monoclinic CaAl2Si2O8: a case of monoclinic structure closely simulating orthorhombic symmetry
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1973, 137, 380-398
9016704 CIFAl0.16 As4.92 Fe0.84 H16 Mg1.66 Mn23.39 O62 Si7.22 Zn2.81C 2 2 218.1821; 14.1946; 43.9103
90; 90; 90
5099.81Cooper, M. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Crystal structure of kraisslite, Zn3(Mn,Mg)25(Fe3+,Al)(As3+O3)2[(Si,As5+)O4]10(OH)16, from the Sterling Hill mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New Jersey, USA
Mineralogical Magazine, 2012, 76, 2819-2836
9016705 CIFC Ca O3R -3 c :H4.98; 4.98; 17.192
90; 90; 120
369.246Antao, S. M.; Hassan, I.
Temperature dependence of the structural parameters in the transformation of aragonite to calcite, as determined from in situ synchrotron powder X-ray-diffraction data Note: T = 297 C Note: P = 101 kPa
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 1225-1236
9016706 CIFC Ca O3R -3 c :H4.9844; 4.9844; 17.0376
90; 90; 120
366.577Ondrus, P.; Veselovsky, F.; Gabasova, A.; Hlousek, J.; Srein, V.; Vavrnn, I.; Skala, R.; Sejkora, J.; Drabek, M.
Primary minerals of the Jachymov ore district
Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 2003, 48, 19-147
9016707 CIFAs2 Ba3 O8R -3 m :H5.7672; 5.7672; 21.163
90; 90; 120
609.59Park, C. H.; Bluhm, K.
Zur Synthese und Kristallstruktur von Bariumboroarsenat Ba(BAsO5) mit einem Beitrag uber Bariumorthoarsenat Ba3(AsO4)2
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung B, 1996, 51, 722-726
9016708 CIFBa0.16 Ca12.82 F H4.18 K6.94 Mn0.18 Na3.18 O92.59 Si35 Sr0.5P 1 21/m 131.96; 19.64; 7.09
90; 90; 90
4450.35Rozhdestvenskaya, I.; Mugnaioli, E.; Czank, M.; Depmeier, W.; Kolb, U.; Reinholdt, A.; Weirich, T.
The structure of charoite, (K,Sr,Ba,Mn)15-16(Ca,Na)32[(Si70(O,OH)180)](OH,F)4.0*nH2O, solved by conventional and automated electron diffraction Note: this is polytype charoite-90
Mineralogical Magazine, 2010, 74, 159-177
9016709 CIFC Fe O3R -3 c :H4.347; 4.347; 12.477
90; 90; 120
204.183Lavina, B.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, W.; Sinogeikin, S.; Meng, Y.; Shen, G.; Schiferl, D.
Structure of siderite FeCO3 to 56 GPa and hysteresis of its spin-pairing transition Note: run P27-4, P = 55.0 GPa
Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 064110-064118
9016710 CIFBa O9 Si3 TiP -6 c 26.5605; 6.5605; 9.6574
90; 90; 120
359.969Hejny, C.; Miletich, R.; Jasser, A.; Schouwink, P.; Crichton, W.; Kahlenberg, V.
Second-order P6c2-P31c transition and structural crystallography of the cyclosilicate benitoite, BaTiSi3O9, at high pressure Note: P = 4.01 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1749-1763
9016713 CIFAl6.78 Ca1.84 Fe12.22 Mn12.91 Na13.5 O120 P30P 1 c 113.4499; 12.5046; 26.6148
90; 101.221; 90
4390.66Tait, K. T.; Ercit, T. S.; Abdu, Y. A.; Cerny, P.; Hawthorne, F. C.
The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of manitobaite, ideally (Na16_)Mn2+25Al8(PO4)30, from Cross Lake, Manitoba Note: brown sample
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 1221-1242
9016714 CIFO2 ZrP 1 21/c 15.1505; 5.2116; 5.3173
90; 99.23; 90
140.881Howard, C. J.; Hill, R. J.; Reichert, B. E.
Structures of the ZrO2 polymorphs at room temperature by high-resolution neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1988, 44, 116-120
9016715 CIFLa0.1 Nb2 O6 Sr0.9P n m a11.021; 7.675; 5.584
90; 90.19; 90
472.327Istomin, S. Y.; D'yachenko, O. G.; Antipov, E. V.; Svensson, G.; Nygren, M.
Synthesis and characterisation of reduced niobates [Sr1-xLnxNb2O6, Ln = La, Nd]
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 743-749
9016716 CIFCr0.01 Fe1.27 Ni0.05 P0.06 Si0.62P m -3 m2.831; 2.831; 2.831
90; 90; 90
22.689Anand, M.; Taylor, L. A.; Nazarov, M. A.; Shu, J.; Mao, H. K.; Hemley, R. J.
Space weathering on airless planetary bodies: Clues from the lunar mineral hapkeite
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005, 101, 6847-6851
9016719 CIFAl2 Co0.08 Mg0.91 O4F d -3 m :28.0848; 8.0848; 8.0848
90; 90; 90
528.455Bosi, F.; Halenius, U.; D'Ippolito V; Andreozzi, G. B.
Blue spinel crystals in the MgAl2O4-CoAl2O4 series: Part II. Cation ordering over short-range and long-range scales Sample: CoAl1
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1834-1840
9016720 CIFAl5.29 B3 Ca0.301 F0.42 Fe H3.28 Mg2.7 Na0.713 O30.58 Si5.94 Ti0.06R 3 m :H15.999; 15.999; 7.236
90; 90; 120
1604.04Grice, J. D.; Ercit, T. S.
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula Sample: Dravite 43873
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, 1993, 165, 245-266
9016721 CIFAl7.872 B3 Ca0.01 F0.26 Fe3.258 H3.74 K0.01 Li0.06 Mg0.318 Mn0.222 Na0.61 O39.74 Si5.652 Ti0.24 Zn0.078R 3 m :H15.9783; 15.9783; 7.1507
90; 90; 120
1581.03Ertl, A.; Schuster, R.; Hughes, J. M.; Ludwig, T.; Meyer, H.-P.; Finger, F.; Dyar, M. D.; Ruschel, K.; Rossman, G. R.; Klotzli, U.; Brandstatter, F.; Lengauer, C. L.; Tillmanns, E.
Li-bearing tourmalines in Variscan granitic pegmatites from the Moldanubian nappes, Lower Austria Note: Sample MASR
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2012, 24, 695-715
9016722 CIFAl2 Ca H4 O10 Si2P 1 21/m 15.178; 12.787; 5.634
90; 124.67; 90
306.798Pawley, A. R.; Allan, D. R.
A high-pressure study of lawsonite using angle-dispersive powder-diffraction methods with synchrotron radiation Note: Run #BN97, P = 16.5 GPa
Mineralogical Magazine, 2001, 65, 41-58
9016723 CIFH6 Mg O6 SiP 1 21 14.958; 5.056; 7.14
90; 89.87; 90
178.983Wunder, B.; Jahn, S.; Koch-Muller M; Speziale, S.
The 3.65 A phase, MgSi(OH)6: structural insights from DFT-calculations and T-dependent IR spectroscopy Note: theoretical structure, LDA from Pnam
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 1043-1048
9016724 CIFB4.5 Ba2 H31.44 Na7.2 O144.72 Si40.5 Sr10.8 Zr13P -3 c 126.509; 26.509; 9.975
90; 90; 120
6070.58McDonald, A. M.; Chao, G. Y.
Rogermitchellite, Na12(Sr,Na)24Ba4Zr26Si78(B,Si)12O246(OH)24·18H2O, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: Description, structure determination and relationship with HFSE-bearing cyclosilicates
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 267-278
9016726 CIFCl2 FeR -3 m :H3.589; 3.589; 17.26
90; 90; 120
192.539Vettier, C.; Yelon, W. B.
The structure of FeCl2 at high pressures Note: P = 5.70 kbar
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1975, 36, 401-405
9016727 CIFAg1.049 Mn0.901 Pb3 S12 Sb5.049P 1 21/n 119.3645; 12.7287; 8.7571
90; 90.059; 90
2158.49Yang, H.; Downs, R. T.; Evans, S. H.; Feinglos, M. N.; Tait, K. T.
Crystal structure of uchucchacuaite, AgMnPb3Sb5S12, and its relationship with ramdohrite and fizelyite Note: Sample ID R100213
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 1186-1189
9016728 CIFCr2 O3R -3 c :H4.957; 4.957; 13.5923
90; 90; 120
289.242Sawada, H.
Residual electron density study of chromium sesquioxide by crystal structure and scattering factor refinement Note: atomic scattering factor refinement
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 239-245
9016729 CIFC0.88 H2 Al3 Ca0.438 Na3.522 O15.64 Si3P 6312.347; 12.347; 4.935
90; 90; 120
651.539Lotti, P.; Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Camara, F.
High-pressure study of a natural cancrinite Note: P = 4.30 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 872-882
9016730 CIFAu Sb2P a -36.6583; 6.6583; 6.6583
90; 90; 90
295.182Furuseth, S.; Selte, K.; Kjekshus, A.
On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl-mPtmAs2, Pdl-mPtmSb2, Pdl-mAumSb2, and Ptl-mAumSb2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1967, 21, 527-536
9016731 CIFAl Ca0.008 K0.334 Na0.686 O8 Si3C -18.29; 12.966; 7.151
91.18; 116.31; 90.14
688.819Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Sample: Or = 32.5, T = 23 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016732 CIFAl K0.334 Na0.694 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.3482; 12.98; 7.1582
90; 116.109; 90
696.51Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 32.5, T = 400 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016733 CIFAl Ca0.069 K0.224 Na0.71 O8 Si3C -18.252; 12.936; 7.139
92.11; 116.32; 90.22
682.434Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 22.3, T = 23 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016734 CIFAl Ca0.069 K0.224 Na0.71 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.314; 12.973; 7.15
90; 116.135; 90
692.335Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 22.3, T = 510 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016735 CIFAl Ca0.026 K0.141 Na0.856 O8 Si3C -18.2168; 12.9166; 7.127
92.754; 116.357; 90.239
676.721Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 13.8, T = 23 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016736 CIFAl K0.141 Na0.882 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.321; 12.969; 7.148
90; 116.05; 90
693.013Harlow, G. E.
The anorthoclase structures: The effects of temperature and composition Note: Or = 13.8, T = 750 C
American Mineralogist, 1982, 67, 975-996
9016737 CIFCa O4 SP 62 2 26.9694; 6.9694; 6.3033
90; 90; 120
265.149Lager, G. A.; Armbruster, T.; Rotella, F. J.; Jorgensen, J. D.; Hinks, D. G.
A crystallographic study of the low-temperature dehydration products of gypsum CaSO4*2H2O: hemihydrate CaSO4*0.50H2O, and gamma-CaSO4 Note: gamma-CaSO4
American Mineralogist, 1984, 69, 910-918
9016738 CIFH6 Na3.61 O12 S3 Sb7P 6314.152; 14.152; 5.5758
90; 90; 120
967.105Sabelli, C.; Nakai, I.; Katsura, S.
Crystal structures of cetineite and its synthetic Na analogue Na3.6(Sb2O3)3(SbS3)(OH) Sample: Synthetic Na analogue
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 398-404
9016739 CIFAl K O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.544; 13.01; 7.194
90; 115.99; 90
718.797Deubener, J.; Sternitzke, M.; Mueller, G.
Feldspars MAlSi3O8 (M=H,Li,Ag) synthesized by low-temperature ion exchange
American Mineralogist, 1991, 76, 1620-1627
9016742 CIFAl K0.85 Na0.15 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.539; 13.015; 7.179
90; 115.99; 90
717.154Phillips, M. W.; Ribbe, P. H.
The structures of monoclinic potassium-rich feldspars
American Mineralogist, 1973, 58, 263-270
9016743 CIFAl1.02 K0.88 Na0.12 O8 Si2.98C 1 2/m 18.545; 12.967; 7.201
90; 116; 90
717.141Phillips, M. W.; Ribbe, P. H.
The structures of monoclinic potassium-rich feldspars Note: variety adularia
American Mineralogist, 1973, 58, 263-270
9016744 CIFAl K0.86 Na0.1 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.5632; 12.963; 7.2099
90; 116.073; 90
718.887Prince, E.; Donnay, G.; Martin, R. F.
Neutron diffraction refinement of an ordered orthoclase structure
American Mineralogist, 1973, 58, 500-507
9016746 CIFCu1.77 H7 O9 P Zn1.23P 1 21/a 19.8275; 10.2244; 7.5322
90; 103.18; 90
736.901Ghose, S.; Leo, S. R.; Wan, C.
Structural chemistry of copper and zinc minerals. Part I. Veszelyite, (Cu,Zn)2ZnPO4(OH)3*2H2O: A novel type of sheet structure and crystal chemistry of copper-zinc substitution
American Mineralogist, 1974, 59, 573-581
9016747 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.1535; 12.8694; 7.107
93.521; 116.458; 90.257
665.95Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 24 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016748 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.1829; 12.8947; 7.119
93.041; 116.352; 90.172
671.866Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 350 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016749 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2096; 12.9182; 7.1284
92.482; 116.282; 90.128
677.011Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 600 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016750 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2296; 12.9336; 7.1357
91.956; 116.232; 90.078
680.78Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 750 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016751 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2508; 12.9489; 7.1431
91.161; 116.169; 90.03
684.755Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 950 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016752 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2763; 12.9593; 7.1463
90.097; 116.092; 89.988
688.363Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 1090 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016753 CIFAl Ca0.012 K0.005 Na0.983 O8 Si3C -18.2783; 12.9592; 7.1452
90.056; 116.087; 89.997
688.448Prewitt, C. T.; Sueno, S.; Papike, J. J.
The crystal structures of high albite and monalbite at high temperatures T = 1105 deg C feldspar
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 1213-1225
9016754 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.161; 12.875; 7.11
93.53; 116.46; 90.24
667.122Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 25 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016755 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.208; 12.934; 7.134
92.65; 116.25; 90.12
678.316Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 500 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016756 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.234; 12.955; 7.143
92; 116.17; 90.06
683.315Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 750 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016757 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.259; 12.975; 7.151
90.8; 116.1; 90
688.08Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 980 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016758 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C -18.27; 12.978; 7.154
90.22; 116.05; 89.96
689.817Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 1040 C
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016759 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.274; 12.991; 7.144
90; 116.13; 90
689.41Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 980 C, sample = monalbite
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016760 CIFAl K0.002 Na0.998 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.297; 12.994; 7.144
90; 116.01; 90
692.195Winter, J. K.; Okamura, F. P.; Ghose, S.
A high-temperature structural study of high albite, monalbite, and the analbite - monalbite phase transition T = 1060 deg C, sample = monalbite
American Mineralogist, 1979, 64, 409-423
9016761 CIFAl3.856 Fe0.772 H0.72 Mg1.176 O18.72 Si4.878C c c m17.14; 9.769; 9.321
90; 90; 90
1560.71Wallace, J. H.; Wenk, H. R.
Structure variation in low cordierites Note: sample sci 552
American Mineralogist, 1980, 65, 96-111
9016762 CIFFe H4 Na O2 S2C 1 2/c 110.693; 9.115; 5.507
90; 92.17; 90
536.364Konnert, J. A.; Evans, H. T.
The crystal structure of erdite, NaFeS2*2H2O
American Mineralogist, 1980, 65, 516-521
9016763 CIFH5.64 K2.4 Na0.58 O11.82 S3 Sb7P 6314.2513; 14.2513; 5.59
90; 90; 120
983.222Sabelli, C.; Nakai, I.; Katsura, S.
Crystal structures of cetineite and its synthetic Na analogue Na3.6(Sb2O3)3(SbS3)(OH)
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 398-404
9016764 CIFAl2 Ca O8 Si2I -18.175; 12.873; 14.17
93.11; 115.89; 91.28
1337.8Angel, R. J.
High-pressure structure of anorthite Sample: P = 1 bar
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 1114-1119
9016765 CIFAl2 Ca O8 Si2I -18.082; 12.767; 14.032
92.79; 115.77; 91.68
1300.27Angel, R. J.
High-pressure structure of anorthite Sample: P = 25 kbar
American Mineralogist, 1988, 73, 1114-1119
9016766 CIFAl6.078 B3 Ca0.009 Cr0.006 Fe0.612 H4 K0.014 Mg2.274 Mn0.003 Na0.814 O34 Si6 Ti0.03R 3 m :H15.947; 15.947; 7.214
90; 90; 120
1588.78Hawthorne, F. C.; MacDonald, D. J.; Burns, P. C.
Reassignment of cation site occupancies in tourmaline: Al-Mg disorder in the crystal structure of dravite
American Mineralogist, 1993, 78, 265-270
9016767 CIFAl0.012 Ca0.008 Fe0.008 H4 Mg0.106 Mn1.85 O6 SiP c a 2112.672; 7.217; 5.341
90; 90; 90
488.455Nyfeler, D.; Armbruster, T.; Dixon, R.; Bermanec, V.
Nchwaningite, Mn2SiO3(OH)2.H2O, a new pyroxene-related chain silicate from the N'chwaning mine, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa
American Mineralogist, 1995, 80, 377-386
9016768 CIFC4 Ce2 F Na3 O12P 63/m m c5.0612; 5.0612; 22.82
90; 90; 120
506.236Grice, J. D.; Chao, G. Y.
Lukechangite-(Ce), a new rare-earth-fluorocarbonate mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec Note: U(1,2) for Na1, O1, O2 and F changed to match symmetry constraints. Note: U(2,3) for O2 changed to match symmetry constraints.
American Mineralogist, 1997, 82, 1255-1260
9016769 CIFC20 H34P 111.407; 20.952; 7.406
93.941; 100.75; 80.499
1713.8Bouska, V.; Cisarova, I.; Skala, R.; Dvorak, A.; Zelinka, J.; Zak, K.
Hartite from Bilina
American Mineralogist, 1998, 83, 1340-1346
9016771 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.133; 12.773; 7.159
94.23; 116.64; 87.72
662.918Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: untreated
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016772 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.141; 12.795; 7.145
94.04; 116.56; 87.98
664.049Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1050-3d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016773 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.17; 12.811; 7.141
93.79; 116.53; 88.09
667.248Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1060-6d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016774 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.14; 12.791; 7.132
93.94; 116.54; 88.46
662.748Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1070-7d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016775 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.142; 12.782; 7.136
94; 116.51; 88.13
662.946Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1080-7d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016776 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.154; 12.794; 7.129
93.81; 116.54; 88.48
663.868Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1080-10d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016777 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.16; 12.802; 7.13
93.72; 116.42; 88.61
665.624Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1090-7d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016778 CIFAl Ca0.01 K0.004 Na0.996 O8 Si3C -18.152; 12.831; 7.11
93.46; 116.52; 89.72
664.026Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.
Order-disorder process in the tetrahedral sites af albite Sample: 1090-12d
American Mineralogist, 1999, 84, 1144-1151
9016779 CIFAl H2 Li O7 Si2P 18.6061; 4.9573; 7.597
89.94; 114.407; 89.98
295.146Ferro, O.; Quartieri, S.; Vezzalini, G.; Fois, E.; Gamba, A.; Tabacchi, G.
High-pressure behaviour of bikitaite: An integrated theoretical and experimental approach Sample at P = 0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2002, 87, 1415-1425
9016789 CIFAl1.97 F0.03 Fe1.23 H3.94 Li1.98 Mg1.8 Mn0.02 Na0.03 O23.97 Si7.99 Zn0.01P n m a18.277; 17.65; 5.2736
90; 90; 90
1701.21Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: HS 119915 Siberia
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016790 CIFAl1.98 F0.02 Fe1.2 H3.96 Li1.71 Mg1.89 Mn0.01 Na0.03 O24 Si7.98P n m a18.277; 17.646; 5.2792
90; 90; 90
1702.63Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Siberia
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016791 CIFAl1.76 F0.07 Fe1.2 H3.86 Li1.97 Mg2.01 Mn0.04 Na0.02 O23.93 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.2754; 17.6569; 5.2738
90; 90; 90
1701.79Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Rwanda
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016792 CIFAl1.34 F0.09 Fe1.26 H3.82 Li1.98 Mg2.35 Mn0.04 Na0.05 O23.91 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.3345; 17.6955; 5.2764
90; 90; 90
1711.86Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Zaire
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016793 CIFAl1.3 F0.13 Fe1.3 H3.74 Li1.93 Mg2.32 Mn0.06 Na0.1 O23.87 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.335; 17.693; 5.2743
90; 90; 90
1710.99Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Uto, Sweden
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016794 CIFAl1.33 F0.1 Fe1.26 H3.8 Li1.93 Mg2.42 Mn0.04 Na0.05 O23.9 Si8 Zn0.01P n m a18.336; 17.693; 5.2755
90; 90; 90
1711.47Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Norway
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016795 CIFAl1.89 F0.03 Fe1.71 H3.94 K0.01 Li1.88 Mg1.47 Mn0.01 Na0.04 O23.97 Si8P n m a18.2872; 17.6797; 5.2784
90; 90; 90
1706.57Camara, F.; Oberti, R.
The crystal-chemistry of holmquistites: Ferroholmquistite from Greenbushes (Western Australia) and hints for compositional constraints in B-Li amphiboles Sample: Greenbushes, W Australia
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 1167-1176
9016796 CIFFe H7 Na2 O12 S2P 21 21 217.265; 20.522; 7.12
90; 90; 90
1061.54Scordari, F.; Ventruti, G.
Sideronatrite, Na2Fe(SO4)2(OH)*3H2O: Crystal structure of the orthorhombic polytype and OD character analysis
American Mineralogist, 2009, 94, 1679-1686
9016797 CIFAl2.936 Ca0.06 Fe0.438 H17.6 Mg5.68 Na0.04 O30.8 Si5.664 Ti0.042P 15.3434; 9.254; 14.34
90.0002; 97.0909; 90.0002
703.658Arguelles, A.; Leoni, M.; Blanco, J. A.; Marcos, C.
Semi-ordered crystalline structure of the Santa Olalla vermiculite inferred from X-ray powder diffraction
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 126-134
9016798 CIFFe0.26 H1.32 O4 Ti1.467P 1 21/c 17.5259; 4.5741; 9.854
90; 130.784; 90
256.847Grey, I. E.; Bordet, P.; Wilson, N. C.; Townend, R.; Bastow, T. J.; Brunelli, M.
A new Al-rich hydroxylian pseudorutile from Kalimantan, Indonesia
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 161-170
9016799 CIFAl Ca F14 Mg3 Na3R -3 m :R7.1756; 7.1756; 7.1756
59.867; 59.867; 59.867
260.464Mumme, W. G.; Grey, I. E.; Birch, W. D.; Pring, A.; Bougerol, C.; Wilson, N. C.
Coulsellite, CaNa3AlMg3F14, a rhombohedral pyrochlore with 1:3 ordering in both A and B sites, from the Cleveland mine, Tasmania, Australia
American Mineralogist, 2010, 95, 736-740
9016800 CIFAl2 Ca O4P 1 21/n 18.6996; 8.0994; 15.217
90; 90.188; 90
1072.21Ma, C.; Kampf, A. R.; Connolly, H. C.; Beckett, J. R.; Rossman, G. R.; Sweeney Smith, S. A.; Schrader, D. L.
Krotite, CaAl2O4, a new refractory mineral from the NWA 1934 meteorite
American Mineralogist, 2011, 96, 709-715
9016801 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.394; 8.394; 8.394
90; 90; 90
591.435Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 0.0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016802 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.35; 8.35; 8.35
90; 90; 90
582.183Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 2.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016803 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.328; 8.328; 8.328
90; 90; 90
577.593Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 4.4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016804 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.304; 8.304; 8.304
90; 90; 90
572.614Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 6.3 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016805 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.272; 8.272; 8.272
90; 90; 90
566.02Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 8.6 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016806 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.261; 8.261; 8.261
90; 90; 90
563.765Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 10.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016807 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.249; 8.249; 8.249
90; 90; 90
561.311Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 11.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016808 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.236; 8.236; 8.236
90; 90; 90
558.662Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 12.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016809 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.225; 8.225; 8.225
90; 90; 90
556.426Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 12.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016810 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.207; 8.207; 8.207
90; 90; 90
552.781Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 14.4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016811 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.198; 8.198; 8.198
90; 90; 90
550.965Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 15.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016812 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.184; 8.184; 8.184
90; 90; 90
548.147Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 16.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016813 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.174; 8.174; 8.174
90; 90; 90
546.14Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 17.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016814 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.158; 8.158; 8.158
90; 90; 90
542.939Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 18.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016815 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.149; 8.149; 8.149
90; 90; 90
541.144Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 19.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016816 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.138; 8.138; 8.138
90; 90; 90
538.956Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 20.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016817 CIFFe3 O4F d -3 m :28.125; 8.125; 8.125
90; 90; 90
536.377Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Merlini, M.; Schollenbruch, K.; Woodland, A.; Hanfland, M.
Effect of high pressure on the crystal structure and electronic properties of magnetite below 25 GPa Note: P = 21.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 128-133
9016818 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.2331; 4.2331; 4.2331
90; 90; 90
75.853Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 0.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016819 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1506; 4.1506; 4.1506
90; 90; 90
71.504Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 10.62 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016820 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1049; 4.1049; 4.1049
90; 90; 90
69.168Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 17.63 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016821 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0654; 4.0654; 4.0654
90; 90; 90
67.191Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 24.85 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016822 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0369; 4.0369; 4.0369
90; 90; 90
65.788Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 30.25 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016823 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0145; 4.0145; 4.0145
90; 90; 90
64.699Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 35.19 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016824 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9962; 3.9962; 3.9962
90; 90; 90
63.818Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 39.40 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016825 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9812; 3.9812; 3.9812
90; 90; 90
63.102Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 43.04 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016826 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9673; 3.9673; 3.9673
90; 90; 90
62.443Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 46.39 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016827 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.957; 3.957; 3.957
90; 90; 90
61.958Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 48.91 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016828 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9459; 3.9459; 3.9459
90; 90; 90
61.438Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 51.31 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016829 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9365; 3.9365; 3.9365
90; 90; 90
61Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 300 K, P = 52.98 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016830 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1581; 4.1581; 4.1581
90; 90; 90
71.893Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 12.11 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016831 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1113; 4.1113; 4.1113
90; 90; 90
69.492Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 19.50 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016832 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0707; 4.0707; 4.0707
90; 90; 90
67.454Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 26.22 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016833 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0423; 4.0423; 4.0423
90; 90; 90
66.052Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 32.06 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016834 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.021; 4.021; 4.021
90; 90; 90
65.013Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 36.52 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016835 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0014; 4.0014; 4.0014
90; 90; 90
64.067Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 40.83 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016836 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9855; 3.9855; 3.9855
90; 90; 90
63.307Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 44.55 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016837 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9708; 3.9708; 3.9708
90; 90; 90
62.609Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 48.26 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016838 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9613; 3.9613; 3.9613
90; 90; 90
62.16Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 50.40 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016839 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.951; 3.951; 3.951
90; 90; 90
61.677Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 52.70 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016840 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9414; 3.9414; 3.9414
90; 90; 90
61.228Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 700 K, P = 54.52 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016841 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1676; 4.1676; 4.1676
90; 90; 90
72.387Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 13.45 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016842 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1187; 4.1187; 4.1187
90; 90; 90
69.868Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 20.82 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016843 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0785; 4.0785; 4.0785
90; 90; 90
67.842Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 27.50 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016844 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0489; 4.0489; 4.0489
90; 90; 90
66.376Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 33.12 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016845 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0251; 4.0251; 4.0251
90; 90; 90
65.212Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 38.32 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016846 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0069; 4.0069; 4.0069
90; 90; 90
64.332Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 42.17 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016847 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9911; 3.9911; 3.9911
90; 90; 90
63.574Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 45.80 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016848 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9775; 3.9775; 3.9775
90; 90; 90
62.926Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 49.32 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016849 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9676; 3.9676; 3.9676
90; 90; 90
62.457Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 51.61 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016850 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9581; 3.9581; 3.9581
90; 90; 90
62.01Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 53.53 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016851 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9481; 3.9481; 3.9481
90; 90; 90
61.541Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, T = 1100 K, P = 55.47 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016852 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.2426; 4.2426; 4.2426
90; 90; 90
76.365Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 0.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016853 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1714; 4.1714; 4.1714
90; 90; 90
72.585Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 8.96 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016854 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.143; 4.143; 4.143
90; 90; 90
71.112Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 13.05 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016855 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1101; 4.1101; 4.1101
90; 90; 90
69.432Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 18.85 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016856 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0824; 4.0824; 4.0824
90; 90; 90
68.037Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 23.83 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016857 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.059; 4.059; 4.059
90; 90; 90
66.874Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 28.32 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016858 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.041; 4.041; 4.041
90; 90; 90
65.988Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 31.78 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016859 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0269; 4.0269; 4.0269
90; 90; 90
65.3Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 34.79 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016860 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0148; 4.0148; 4.0148
90; 90; 90
64.713Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 37.59 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016861 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0044; 4.0044; 4.0044
90; 90; 90
64.211Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 40.01 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016862 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9877; 3.9877; 3.9877
90; 90; 90
63.411Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 44.23 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016863 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9717; 3.9717; 3.9717
90; 90; 90
62.651Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 48.08 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016864 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9525; 3.9525; 3.9525
90; 90; 90
61.747Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 52.35 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016865 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9364; 3.9364; 3.9364
90; 90; 90
60.995Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 300 K, P = 55.09 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016866 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1782; 4.1782; 4.1782
90; 90; 90
72.94Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 10.94 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016867 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.145; 4.145; 4.145
90; 90; 90
71.215Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 15.12 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016868 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1158; 4.1158; 4.1158
90; 90; 90
69.721Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 20.51 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016869 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0867; 4.0867; 4.0867
90; 90; 90
68.252Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 25.78 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016870 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0634; 4.0634; 4.0634
90; 90; 90
67.092Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 30.14 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016871 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0442; 4.0442; 4.0442
90; 90; 90
66.145Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 33.92 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016872 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0318; 4.0318; 4.0318
90; 90; 90
65.539Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 36.52 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016873 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0179; 4.0179; 4.0179
90; 90; 90
64.863Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 39.67 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016874 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0072; 4.0072; 4.0072
90; 90; 90
64.346Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 42.01 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016875 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9908; 3.9908; 3.9908
90; 90; 90
63.559Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 46.21 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016876 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9743; 3.9743; 3.9743
90; 90; 90
62.774Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 50.28 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016877 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9576; 3.9576; 3.9576
90; 90; 90
61.986Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 54.28 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016878 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9399; 3.9399; 3.9399
90; 90; 90
61.158Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 700 K, P = 57.85 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016879 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1874; 4.1874; 4.1874
90; 90; 90
73.423Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 12.27 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016880 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1545; 4.1545; 4.1545
90; 90; 90
71.706Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 16.80 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016881 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.1211; 4.1211; 4.1211
90; 90; 90
69.991Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 22.46 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016882 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0925; 4.0925; 4.0925
90; 90; 90
68.543Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 27.45 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016883 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0689; 4.0689; 4.0689
90; 90; 90
67.364Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 31.64 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016884 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0515; 4.0515; 4.0515
90; 90; 90
66.504Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 35.29 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016885 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0352; 4.0352; 4.0352
90; 90; 90
65.705Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 38.72 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016886 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0244; 4.0244; 4.0244
90; 90; 90
65.178Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 41.10 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016887 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m4.0122; 4.0122; 4.0122
90; 90; 90
64.587Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 43.63 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016888 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9972; 3.9972; 3.9972
90; 90; 90
63.866Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 47.43 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016889 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9786; 3.9786; 3.9786
90; 90; 90
62.978Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 51.42 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016890 CIFFe0.17 Mg0.83 OF m -3 m3.9602; 3.9602; 3.9602
90; 90; 90
62.109Matsui, M.; Ito, E.; Yamazaki, D.; Yoshino, T.; Guo, X.; Shan, S.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, F. I.
Static compression of (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O and (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O ferropericlase up to 58 GPa at 300, 700, and 1100 K Note: (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O, T = 1100 K, P = 55.52 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 176-183
9016891 CIFFe4.509 S5P 1 21 16.8673; 28.6536; 6.8592
90; 119.975; 90
1169.17Liles, D. C.; de Villiers, J. P. R.
Redetermination of structure of 5C pyrrhotite at low temperature and at room temperature T = 120 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 257-261
9016892 CIFFe4.51 S5P 1 21 16.8984; 28.695; 6.8915
90; 119.956; 90
1181.93Liles, D. C.; de Villiers, J. P. R.
Redetermination of structure of 5C pyrrhotite at low temperature and at room temperature T = 293 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 257-261
9016893 CIFFe4.503 S5P 1 21 16.893; 28.643; 6.899
90; 120.048; 90
1179.05Liles, D. C.; de Villiers, J. P. R.
Redetermination of structure of 5C pyrrhotite at low temperature and at room temperature T = 293 K
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 257-261
9016894 CIFCa2 O14 Ti4 Zr2C 1 2/c 112.443024; 7.272901; 11.380867
90; 100.564; 90
1012.47Whittle, K. R.; Hyatt, N. C.; Smith, K. L.; Margiolaki, I.; Berry, F. J.; Knight, K. S.; Lumpkin, G. R.
Combined neutron and X-ray diffraction determination of disorder in doped zirconolite-2M Note: CaZrTi2O7
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 291-298
9016895 CIFCa2 Fe Nb0.99 O14 Ti2.01 Zr2C 1 2/c 112.527951; 7.304224; 11.426725
90; 100.602; 90
1027.78Whittle, K. R.; Hyatt, N. C.; Smith, K. L.; Margiolaki, I.; Berry, F. J.; Knight, K. S.; Lumpkin, G. R.
Combined neutron and X-ray diffraction determination of disorder in doped zirconolite-2M Note: CaZrTiFe0.5Nb0.5O7
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 291-298
9016896 CIFCa2 Fe2 Nb2 O14 Zr2C 1 2/c 112.670281; 7.378349; 11.525772
90; 100.67; 90
1058.87Whittle, K. R.; Hyatt, N. C.; Smith, K. L.; Margiolaki, I.; Berry, F. J.; Knight, K. S.; Lumpkin, G. R.
Combined neutron and X-ray diffraction determination of disorder in doped zirconolite-2M Note: CaZrFeNbO7, model 1
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 291-298
9016897 CIFCa2 Fe2 Nb2 O14 Zr2C 1 2/c 112.670281; 7.378349; 11.525772
90; 100.67; 90
1058.87Whittle, K. R.; Hyatt, N. C.; Smith, K. L.; Margiolaki, I.; Berry, F. J.; Knight, K. S.; Lumpkin, G. R.
Combined neutron and X-ray diffraction determination of disorder in doped zirconolite-2M Note: CaZrFeNbO7, model 2
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 291-298
9016898 CIFCa2 Fe2 Nb2 O14 Zr2C 1 2/c 112.670281; 7.378349; 11.525772
90; 100.67; 90
1058.87Whittle, K. R.; Hyatt, N. C.; Smith, K. L.; Margiolaki, I.; Berry, F. J.; Knight, K. S.; Lumpkin, G. R.
Combined neutron and X-ray diffraction determination of disorder in doped zirconolite-2M Note: CaZrFeNbO7, model 3
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 291-298
9016899 CIFAl6.692 B O18 Si2.943P n m a4.6882; 11.7924; 20.1856
90; 90; 90
1115.96Evans, R. J.; Fyfe, C. A.; Groat, L. A.; Lam, A. E.
MAS NMR measurements and ab initio calculations of the 29Si chemical shifts in dumortierite and holtite
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 329-340
9016900 CIFCl O12 P3 Pb5P 63/m10.0017; 10.0017; 7.3413
90; 90; 120
635.991Mills, S. J.; Ferraris, G.; Kampf, A. R.; Favreau, G.
Twinning in pyromorphite: The first documented occurrence of twinning by merohedry in the apatite supergroup
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 415-418
9016901 CIFAl1.11 Ba0.01 Cr0.02 F0.02 Fe0.41 H1.22 K0.94 Mg2.23 Na0.05 O11.76 Si2.91 Ti0.32C 1 2/c 15.3273; 9.2231; 20.1964
90; 95.121; 90
988.373Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Lacalamita, M.; Mesto, E.
Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) Note: BU3_1
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 430-439
9016902 CIFAl1.09 Ba0.01 Cr0.02 F0.02 Fe0.42 H1.15 K0.94 Mg2.16 Na0.04 O11.83 Si2.96 Ti0.33C 1 2/c 15.3255; 9.2285; 20.1897
90; 94.994; 90
988.484Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Lacalamita, M.; Mesto, E.
Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) Note: BU3_2
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 430-439
9016903 CIFAl1.12 Ba0.01 Cr0.02 F0.02 Fe0.4 H1.24 K0.93 Mg2.23 Na0.04 O11.74 Si2.91 Ti0.32C 1 2/c 15.3252; 9.2246; 20.1908
90; 95.086; 90
987.924Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Lacalamita, M.; Mesto, E.
Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) Note: BU3_6
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 430-439
9016904 CIFAl1.09 Ba0.01 F0.02 Fe0.58 H K0.94 Mg2 Na0.04 O11.98 Si2.93 Ti0.4C 1 2/c 15.3283; 9.2304; 20.1565
90; 95.131; 90
987.371Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Lacalamita, M.; Mesto, E.
Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) Note: BU3_10
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 430-439
9016905 CIFAl1.1 Ba0.01 Ca0.01 Fe0.55 K0.91 Mg2 Na0.04 O11.98 Si2.96 Ti0.38C 1 2/c 15.3307; 9.2315; 20.155
90; 95.095; 90
987.916Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Lacalamita, M.; Mesto, E.
Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M_1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda) Note: BU3_12
American Mineralogist, 2012, 97, 430-439
9016906 CIFAl7.807 B3 Ca0.103 Fe1.108 Mg0.572 Mn0.005 Na0.591 O31 Si5.506 Ti0.002R 3 m :H15.916; 15.916; 7.1071
90; 90; 120
1559.16Bacik, P.; Cempirek, J.; Uher, P.; Novak, M.; Ozdin, D.; Filip, J.; Skoda, R.; Breiter, K.; Klementova, M.; Duda, R.; Groat, L. A.
Oxy-schorl, Na(Fe2+2Al)Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new mineral from Zlata Idka, Slovak Republic and Pribyslavice, Czech Republic
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 485-492
9016907 CIFAl6.801 B3 Ca0.017 F0.307 Fe1.957 H6.115 K0.006 Mg0.19 Mn0.015 Na0.586 O30.694 Si5.944 Ti0.093R 3 m :H15.9853; 15.9853; 7.1538
90; 90; 120
1583.1Bacik, P.; Cempirek, J.; Uher, P.; Novak, M.; Ozdin, D.; Filip, J.; Skoda, R.; Breiter, K.; Klementova, M.; Duda, R.; Groat, L. A.
Oxy-schorl, Na(Fe2+2Al)Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new mineral from Zlata Idka, Slovak Republic and Pribyslavice, Czech Republic
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 485-492
9016908 CIFB3 H3 Mg2.586 Na O31 Si6 V6.189R 3 m :H16.1908; 16.1908; 7.4143
90; 90; 120
1683.21Bosi, F.; Reznitskii, L.; Sklyarov, E. V.
Oxy-vanadium-dravite, NaV3(V4Mg2)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O: Crystal structure and redefinition of the "vanadium-dravite" tourmaline
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 501-505
9016909 CIFAl5.608 Bi0.496 Ca8.701 Ce0.043 Fe0.612 Mg0.156 Mn0.344 O39 Si8.66P 4/n n c :215.7018; 15.7018; 11.8648
90; 90; 90
2925.23Halenius, U.; Bosi, F.; Gatedal, K.
Crystal structure and chemistry of skarn-associated bismuthian vesuvianite
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 566-573
9016910 CIFAl0.596 Ca1.42 H2 Mg4.74 Na0.6 O24 Si7.824C 1 2/m 19.8076; 18.0004; 5.2804
90; 104.575; 90
902.206Jenkins, D. M.; Della Ventura, G.; Oberti, R.; Bozhilov, K.
Synthesis and characterization of amphiboles along the tremolite-glaucophane join Note: Sample WIN 9-1
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 588-600
9016911 CIFAl0.618 Ca1.42 H2 Mg4.88 Na0.65 O24 Si7.712C 1 2/m 19.7739; 17.9636; 5.2659
90; 104.423; 90
895.418Jenkins, D. M.; Della Ventura, G.; Oberti, R.; Bozhilov, K.
Synthesis and characterization of amphiboles along the tremolite-glaucophane join Note: Sample WIN 4-2
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 588-600
9016912 CIFAl1.15 Cr0.05 F0.03 Fe0.36 H1.32 K0.92 Mg2.28 Na0.04 Ni0.01 O11.97 Si2.88 Ti0.27P 31 1 25.3235; 5.3235; 30.188
90; 90; 120
740.9Schingaro, E.; Lacalamita, M.; Scordari, F.; Mesto, E.
3T-phlogopite from Kasenyi kamafugite (SW Uganda): EPMA, XPS, FTIR, and SCXRD study
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 709-717
9016913 CIFCa H17 O25.5 Si5 U2P b c n18.3; 14.2331; 17.9192
90; 90; 90
4667.34Plasil, J.; Fejfarova, K.; Cejka, J.; Dusek, M.; Skoda, R.; Sejkora, J.
Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of haiweeite, Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2*6H2O
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 718-723
9016914 CIFFe2 O4 TiF d -3 m :18.448; 8.448; 8.448
90; 90; 90
602.923Yamanaka, T.; Kyono, A.; Nakamoto, Y.; Meng, Y.; Kharlamova, S.; Struzhkin, V. V.; Mao, H.
High-pressure phase transitions of Fe3-xTixO4 solid solution up to 60 GPa correlated with electronic spin transition Note: P = 5.58 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 736-744
9016915 CIFFe2 O4 TiF d -3 m :18.521; 8.521; 8.521
90; 90; 90
618.688Yamanaka, T.; Kyono, A.; Nakamoto, Y.; Meng, Y.; Kharlamova, S.; Struzhkin, V. V.; Mao, H.
High-pressure phase transitions of Fe3-xTixO4 solid solution up to 60 GPa correlated with electronic spin transition Note: P = 7 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 736-744
9016916 CIFFe2 O4 TiI 41/a m d :25.9052; 5.9052; 8.1834
90; 90; 90
285.367Yamanaka, T.; Kyono, A.; Nakamoto, Y.; Meng, Y.; Kharlamova, S.; Struzhkin, V. V.; Mao, H.
High-pressure phase transitions of Fe3-xTixO4 solid solution up to 60 GPa correlated with electronic spin transition Note: P = 14 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 736-744
9016917 CIFFe2 O4 TiC m c m2.685; 9.228; 9.099
90; 90; 90
225.448Yamanaka, T.; Kyono, A.; Nakamoto, Y.; Meng, Y.; Kharlamova, S.; Struzhkin, V. V.; Mao, H.
High-pressure phase transitions of Fe3-xTixO4 solid solution up to 60 GPa correlated with electronic spin transition Note: P = 50 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 736-744
9016918 CIFFe2 O4 TiP m m a9.059; 2.659; 9.166
90; 90; 90
220.79Yamanaka, T.; Kyono, A.; Nakamoto, Y.; Meng, Y.; Kharlamova, S.; Struzhkin, V. V.; Mao, H.
High-pressure phase transitions of Fe3-xTixO4 solid solution up to 60 GPa correlated with electronic spin transition Note: P = 61 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 736-744
9016919 CIFAl0.16 Ca0.06 Dy0.01 Er0.01 Fe0.02 Gd0.01 Mg0.11 O3 Sc0.54 Ti0.66 V0.03 Y0.07 Zr0.13I a -39.842; 9.842; 9.842
90; 90; 90
953.345Ma, C.; Tschauner, O.; Beckett, J. R.; Rossman, G. R.; Liu, W.
Kangite, (Sc,Ti,Al,Zr,Mg,Ca,[_])2O3, a new ultra-refractory scandia mineral from the Allende meteorite: Synchrotron micro-Laue diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction Note: x-coordinate of Sc2, and coordinates of O atoms are changed by personal email with authors May 2013
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 870-878
9016920 CIFAg Bi1.47 Pb S6 Sb1.53P 1 21/c 16.9764; 19.3507; 8.387
90; 107.519; 90
1079.71Yang, H.; Downs, R. T.; Evans, S. H.; Pinch, W. W.
Terrywallaceite, AgPb(Sb,Bi)3S6, isotypic with gustavite, a new mineral from Mina Herminia, Julcani Mining District, Huancavelica, Peru
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1310-1131
9016921 CIFF2 Fe0.605 K0.905 Mg2.395 O10 Si3.944C 1 2/m 15.3192; 9.2181; 10.1096
90; 100.168; 90
487.918Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Ventruti, G.; Nicotra, E.; Viccaro, M.; Tagliani, S. M.
Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions Note: Sample E0
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1017-1025
9016922 CIFF2 Fe0.62 K0.913 Mg2.38 O10 Si3.928C 1 2/m 15.3239; 9.2204; 10.1192
90; 100.185; 90
488.909Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Ventruti, G.; Nicotra, E.; Viccaro, M.; Tagliani, S. M.
Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions Note: Sample E1
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1017-1025
9016923 CIFF2 Fe0.61 K0.894 Mg2.39 O10 Si3.945C 1 2/m 15.32; 9.2138; 10.113
90; 100.228; 90
487.836Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Ventruti, G.; Nicotra, E.; Viccaro, M.; Tagliani, S. M.
Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions Note: Sample E2
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1017-1025
9016924 CIFF2 Fe0.232 K0.897 Mg2.767 O10 Si3.923C 1 2/m 15.3237; 9.2221; 10.1159
90; 100.249; 90
488.723Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Ventruti, G.; Nicotra, E.; Viccaro, M.; Tagliani, S. M.
Fluorophlogopite from Piano delle Concazze (Mt. Etna, Italy): Crystal chemistry and implications for the crystallization conditions Note: Sample E3
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1017-1025
9016925 CIFCa0.5 Fe1.5 O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.793; 9.078; 5.238
90; 106.27; 90
447.014Abdu, Y. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Local structure in C2/c clinopyroxenes on the hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)- ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6) join: A new interpretation for the Mossbauer spectra of Ca-rich C2/c clinopyroxenes and implications for pyroxene exsolution Note split-M2-O2-O3 model Sample: Hd50Fs50
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1227-1234
9016927 CIFCa0.6 Fe1.4 O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.806; 9.068; 5.238
90; 105.92; 90
447.903Abdu, Y. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Local structure in C2/c clinopyroxenes on the hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)- ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6) join: A new interpretation for the Mossbauer spectra of Ca-rich C2/c clinopyroxenes and implications for pyroxene exsolution Note split-M2-O2-O3 model Sample: Hd60Fs40
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1227-1234
9016928 CIFCa0.7 Fe1.3 O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.819; 9.056; 5.242
90; 105.61; 90
448.931Abdu, Y. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Local structure in C2/c clinopyroxenes on the hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)- ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6) join: A new interpretation for the Mossbauer spectra of Ca-rich C2/c clinopyroxenes and implications for pyroxene exsolution Note split-M2-O2-O3 model Sample: Hd70Fs30
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1227-1234
9016929 CIFCa0.8 Co1.2 O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.794; 8.953; 5.243
90; 105.66; 90
442.671Mantovani, L.; Tribaudino, M.; Mezzadri, F.; Calestani, G.; Bromiley, G.
The structure of (Ca,Co)CoSi2O6 pyroxenes and the Ca-M2+ substitution in (Ca,M2+)M2+Si2O6 pyroxenes (M2+=Co,Fe,Mg) Sample: Ca0.8Co0.2
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1241-1252
9016930 CIFCa0.6 Co1.4 O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.7754; 8.9686; 5.2421
90; 106.302; 90
441.106Mantovani, L.; Tribaudino, M.; Mezzadri, F.; Calestani, G.; Bromiley, G.
The structure of (Ca,Co)CoSi2O6 pyroxenes and the Ca-M2+ substitution in (Ca,M2+)M2+Si2O6 pyroxenes (M2+=Co,Fe,Mg) Sample: Ca0.6Co0.4
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1241-1252
9016931 CIFCa0.4 Co1.6 O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.747; 8.982; 5.249
90; 107.46; 90
438.365Mantovani, L.; Tribaudino, M.; Mezzadri, F.; Calestani, G.; Bromiley, G.
The structure of (Ca,Co)CoSi2O6 pyroxenes and the Ca-M2+ substitution in (Ca,M2+)M2+Si2O6 pyroxenes (M2+=Co,Fe,Mg) Sample: Ca0.4Co0.6
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1241-1252
9016932 CIFCu1.75 H7 O9 P Zn1.25P 1 21/c 17.4863; 10.1933; 9.7895
90; 103.18; 90
727.36Danisi, R. M.; Armbruster, T.; Lazic, B.; Vulic, P.; Kaindl, R.; Dimitrijevic, R.; Kahlenberg, V.
In situ dehydration behavior of veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2Zn(PO4)(OH)3*2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray study Note: T = 173 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1261-1269
9016933 CIFCu2 H7 O9 P ZnP 1 21/c 17.5096; 10.2281; 9.8258
90; 103.304; 90
734.455Danisi, R. M.; Armbruster, T.; Lazic, B.; Vulic, P.; Kaindl, R.; Dimitrijevic, R.; Kahlenberg, V.
In situ dehydration behavior of veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2Zn(PO4)(OH)3*2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray study Note: T = 296 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1261-1269
9016934 CIFCu2 H5 O8 P ZnP 1 21/c 17.252; 9.233; 10.52
90; 102.076; 90
688.808Danisi, R. M.; Armbruster, T.; Lazic, B.; Vulic, P.; Kaindl, R.; Dimitrijevic, R.; Kahlenberg, V.
In situ dehydration behavior of veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2Zn(PO4)(OH)3*2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray study Note: T = 473 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1261-1269
9016935 CIFAl Fe0.056 H3.994 Mn0.943 O7 PC m c e6.9263; 10.4356; 13.5234
90; 90; 90
977.473Diego Gatta, G.; Nenert, G.; Vignola, P.
Coexisting hydroxyl groups and H2O molecules in minerals: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of eosphorite, MnAlPO4(OH)2*H2O Note: T = 20 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1297-1301
9016936 CIFC H8 Ca2 O11 SP c n b15.524; 19.218; 6.161
90; 90; 90
1838.07Onac, B. P.; Effenberger, H. S.; Wynn, J. G.; Povara, I.
Rapidcreekite in the sulfuric acid weathering environment of Diana Cave, Romania
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1302-1309
9016937 CIFCu2 H2 O8.5 Pb0.999 S0.5 TeP 1 21/c 114.3126; 5.2267; 9.4878
90; 106.815; 90
679.414Kampf, A. R.; Mills, S. J.; Housley, R. M.; Rossman, G. R.; Marty, J.; Thorne, B.
Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: X. Bairdite, Pb2Cu2+4Te6+2O10(OH)2(SO4)(H2O), a new mineral with thick HCP layers
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1315-1321
9016938 CIFC2 H22.34 Al Ca0.05 Dy0.17 Er0.15 F0.66 Gd0.07 O22.34 Pb0.057 Sm0.01 Y3.41 Yb0.09P m n a7.8412; 11.0313; 11.387
90; 90; 90
984.96Biagioni, C.; Bonaccorsi, E.; Camara, F.; Cadoni, M.; Ciriotti, M. E.; Bersani, D.; Kolitsch, U.
Lusernaite-(Y), Y4Al(CO3)2(OH,F)11*6H2O, a new mineral species from Luserna Valley, Piedmont, Italy: Description and crystal structure
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1322-1329
9016939 CIFAl8.759 As0.416 B2.604 Ca18.696 Fe4.36 O79.048 Si17.769P 4/n n c :215.725; 15.725; 11.7736
90; 90; 90
2911.32Groat, L. A.; Evans, R. J.; Cempirek, J.; McCammon, C.; Houzar, S.
Fe-rich and As-bearing vesuvianite and wiluite from Kozlov, Czech Republic
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1330-1337
9016940 CIFCa H2 O2I 1 2 15.8882; 6.8408; 8.9334
90; 104.798; 90
347.902Iizuka, R.; Yagi, T.; Komatsu, K.; Gotou, H.; Tsuchiya, T.; Kusaba, K.; Kagi, H.
Crystal structure of the high-pressure phase of calcium hydroxide, portlandite: In situ powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction study Note: P = 8.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1421-1428
9016941 CIFAl6.291 B3 Fe0.627 H3.24 K0.02 Mg2.061 Na0.83 O31 Si6 Ti0.021R 3 m :H15.9273; 15.9273; 7.2001
90; 90; 120
1581.81Bosi, F.; Skogby, H.
Oxy-dravite, Na(Al2Mg)(Al5Mg)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1442-1448
9016942 CIFFe0.292 Mg0.709 O3 SiP b c a18.281; 8.8732; 5.207
90; 90; 90
844.633Jacob, D.; Palatinus, L.; Cuvillier, P.; Leroux, H.; Domeneghetti, C.; Camara, F.
Ordering state in orthopyroxene as determined by precession electron diffraction
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1526-1534
9016943 CIFFe0.296 Mg0.704 O3 SiP b c a18.3022; 8.8816; 5.2082
90; 90; 90
846.608Jacob, D.; Palatinus, L.; Cuvillier, P.; Leroux, H.; Domeneghetti, C.; Camara, F.
Ordering state in orthopyroxene as determined by precession electron diffraction
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1526-1534
9016944 CIFFe0.292 Mg0.709 O3 SiP b c a18.281; 8.8732; 5.207
90; 90; 90
844.633Jacob, D.; Palatinus, L.; Cuvillier, P.; Leroux, H.; Domeneghetti, C.; Camara, F.
Ordering state in orthopyroxene as determined by precession electron diffraction
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1526-1534
9016945 CIFFe0.296 Mg0.704 O3 SiP b c a18.3022; 8.8816; 5.2082
90; 90; 90
846.608Jacob, D.; Palatinus, L.; Cuvillier, P.; Leroux, H.; Domeneghetti, C.; Camara, F.
Ordering state in orthopyroxene as determined by precession electron diffraction
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1526-1534
9016946 CIFAl3.807 B3 Ca0.19 Cr2.103 F0.23 Fe0.468 H3.08 K0.02 Mg2.412 Na0.76 O30.77 Si6 Ti0.06 V0.192R 3 m :H16.0032; 16.0032; 7.2823
90; 90; 120
1615.15Bosi, F.; Skogby, H.; Halenius, U.; Reznitskii, L.
Crystallographic and spectroscopic characterization of Fe-bearing chromo-alumino-povondraite and its relations with oxy-chromium-dravite and oxy-dravite
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1557-1564
9016947 CIFCa0.01 Cl0.956 O12 P2.913 Pb4.695P 63/m9.986; 9.986; 7.3378
90; 90; 120
633.694Okudera, H.
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1573-1579
9016948 CIFCa0.01 Cl0.956 O12 P2.913 Pb4.695P 63/m9.9791; 9.9791; 7.3439
90; 90; 120
633.345Okudera, H.
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1573-1579
9016949 CIFCl0.915 O12 P0.012 Pb4.51 V2.976P 63/m10.3231; 10.3231; 7.3399
90; 90; 120
677.394Okudera, H.
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1573-1579
9016950 CIFCl0.915 O12 P0.012 Pb4.51 V2.976P 63/m10.3217; 10.3217; 7.3407
90; 90; 120
677.284Okudera, H.
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1573-1579
9016951 CIFAs2.775 Cl O12 P0.036 Pb5P 63/m10.2382; 10.2382; 7.4502
90; 90; 120
676.31Okudera, H.
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1573-1579
9016952 CIFAs2.775 Cl O12 P0.036 Pb5P 63/m10.2396; 10.2396; 7.4405
90; 90; 120
675.614Okudera, H.
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1573-1579
9016953 CIFAs2.79 Ca5 H O13 P0.21P 63/m9.7199; 9.7221; 6.9651
90.077; 90.051; 119.944
570.327Biagioni, C.; Pasero, M.
The crystal structure of johnbaumite, Ca5(AsO4)3OH, the arsenate analogue of hydroxylapatite
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1580-1584
9016954 CIFCa3 O8 P2R -3 m :H5.2522; 5.2522; 18.69
90; 90; 120
446.501Thompson, R. M.; Xie, X.; Zhai, S.; Downs, R. T.; Yang, H.
A comparison of the Ca3(PO4)2 and CaSiO3 systems, with a new structure refinement of tuite synthesized at 15 GPa and 1300 deg C
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1585-1592
9016955 CIFAl8.34 B3 Cu1.26 H3 Na0.86 O31 Si5.4R 3 m :H15.84; 15.84; 7.091
90; 90; 120
1540.81Vereshchagin, O. S.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O V; Zolotarev, A. A.; Mashkovtsev, R. I.
Crystal chemistry of Cu-bearing tourmalines Note: Sample 1
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1610-1616
9016956 CIFAl7.65 B3 Ca0.03 Cu0.348 F0.06 Fe0.03 H6 Li0.75 Mn0.18 Na0.9 O30.8 Si5.7 Zn0.342R 3 m :H15.881; 15.881; 7.112
90; 90; 120
1553.38Vereshchagin, O. S.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O V; Zolotarev, A. A.; Mashkovtsev, R. I.
Crystal chemistry of Cu-bearing tourmalines Note: Sample 2
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1610-1616
9016957 CIFAl7.74 B3 Ca0.09 Cu0.18 F0.06 H3 Li1.08 Mn0.3 Na0.65 O30.82 Si5.7R 3 m :H15.84; 15.84; 7.1028
90; 90; 120
1543.37Vereshchagin, O. S.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O V; Zolotarev, A. A.; Mashkovtsev, R. I.
Crystal chemistry of Cu-bearing tourmalines Note: Sample 3
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1610-1616
9016958 CIFCa0.962 Cu0.971 Fe0.002 H2 Mg0.005 O6 Pb0.073 Te0.986P 1 21/n 18.1606; 5.3076; 11.4412
90; 101.549; 90
485.522Kampf, A. R.; Mills, S. J.; Housley, R. M.; Rossman, G. R.; Marty, J.; Thorne, B.
Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: XI. Eckhardite, (Ca,Pb)Cu2+Te6+O5(H2O), a new mineral with HCP stair-step layers
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1617-1623
9016959 CIFAl7.953 B3 F0.34 H3 Li1.047 Na0.561 O30.66 Si6R 3 m :H15.809; 15.809; 7.089
90; 90; 120
1534.35Novak, M.; Ertl, A.; Povondra, P.; Galiova, M. V.; Rossman, G. R.; Pristacz, H.; Prem, M.; Giester, G.; Gadas, P.; Skoda, R.
Darrellhenryite, Na(LiAl2)Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)3O, a new mineral from the tourmaline supergroup
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1886-1892
9016960 CIFAl3 H30 O28 P S2P -110.341; 10.96; 11.1446
86.985; 65.727; 75.064
1110.49Galli, E.; Brigatti, M. F.; Malferrari, D.; Sauro, F.; de Waele, J.
Rossiantonite, Al3(PO4)(SO4)2(OH)2(H2O)10*4H2O, a new hydrated aluminum phosphate-sulfate mineral from Chimanta massif, Venezuela: Description and crystal structure
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1906-1913
9016961 CIFCa0.5 O2 U0.5F m -3 m5.3647; 5.3647; 5.3647
90; 90; 90
154.396Galuskin, E. V.; Kusz, J.; Armbruster, T.; Galuskina, I. O.; Marzec, K.; Vapnik, Y.; Murashko, M.
Vorlanite, (CaU6+)O4, from Jabel Harmun, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1938-1942
9016962 CIFAl0.21 Fe2.79 H6 K O14 S2R -3 m :H7.2913; 7.2913; 17.1744
90; 90; 120
790.719Mills, S. J.; Nestola, F.; Kahlenberg, V.; Christy, A. G.; Hejny, C.; Redhammer, G. J.
Looking for jarosite on Mars: The low-temperature crystal structure of jarosite Note: T = 297 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1966-1971
9016963 CIFAl0.21 Fe2.79 H6 K O14 S2R -3 m :H7.2931; 7.2931; 17.1456
90; 90; 120
789.783Mills, S. J.; Nestola, F.; Kahlenberg, V.; Christy, A. G.; Hejny, C.; Redhammer, G. J.
Looking for jarosite on Mars: The low-temperature crystal structure of jarosite Note: T = 253 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1966-1971
9016964 CIFAl0.21 Fe2.79 H6 K O14 S2R -3 m :H7.2918; 7.2918; 17.1235
90; 90; 120
788.484Mills, S. J.; Nestola, F.; Kahlenberg, V.; Christy, A. G.; Hejny, C.; Redhammer, G. J.
Looking for jarosite on Mars: The low-temperature crystal structure of jarosite Note: T = 213 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1966-1971
9016965 CIFAl0.21 Fe2.79 H6 K O14 S2R -3 m :H7.2918; 7.2918; 17.1026
90; 90; 120
787.521Mills, S. J.; Nestola, F.; Kahlenberg, V.; Christy, A. G.; Hejny, C.; Redhammer, G. J.
Looking for jarosite on Mars: The low-temperature crystal structure of jarosite Note: T = 173 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1966-1971
9016966 CIFAl0.21 Fe2.79 H6 K O14 S2R -3 m :H7.2907; 7.2907; 17.09
90; 90; 120
786.704Mills, S. J.; Nestola, F.; Kahlenberg, V.; Christy, A. G.; Hejny, C.; Redhammer, G. J.
Looking for jarosite on Mars: The low-temperature crystal structure of jarosite Note: T = 133 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1966-1971
9016967 CIFAl2 Ca H9 O12.5 Si2P 1 21/c 110.0214; 10.5997; 9.8327
90; 92.363; 90
1043.58Wadoski-Romeijn E; Armbruster, T.
Topotactic transformation and dehydration of the zeolite gismondine to a novel Ca feldspar structure Note: T = 25 C, Phase A, Path 1
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1988-1997
9016968 CIFAl2 Ca H6 O11 Si2P 21 21 2113.6801; 10.467; 13.8667
90; 90; 90
1985.57Wadoski-Romeijn E; Armbruster, T.
Topotactic transformation and dehydration of the zeolite gismondine to a novel Ca feldspar structure Note: T = 75 C, Phase B, Path 1
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1988-1997
9016969 CIFAl4 Ca1.941 H8 O20 Si4P 21 21 2113.9014; 8.9469; 13.9697
90; 90; 90
1737.47Wadoski-Romeijn E; Armbruster, T.
Topotactic transformation and dehydration of the zeolite gismondine to a novel Ca feldspar structure Note: T = 150 C, Phase C, Path 1
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1988-1997
9016970 CIFAl Ca0.44 H4.09 O6.045 SiI 1 2/a 19.79; 10.437; 9.79
90; 90.97; 90
1000.18Wadoski-Romeijn E; Armbruster, T.
Topotactic transformation and dehydration of the zeolite gismondine to a novel Ca feldspar structure Note: T = 75 C, Path 2
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1988-1997
9016971 CIFAl2 Ca0.946 H2 O9 Si2I 1 2/a 19.434; 9.044; 9.695
90; 89.04; 90
827.072Wadoski-Romeijn E; Armbruster, T.
Topotactic transformation and dehydration of the zeolite gismondine to a novel Ca feldspar structure Note: T = 225 C, Path 2
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1988-1997
9016972 CIFAl Ca0.5 O4 SiC -18.152; 12.917; 7.126
93.26; 116.37; 88.72
671.192Wadoski-Romeijn E; Armbruster, T.
Topotactic transformation and dehydration of the zeolite gismondine to a novel Ca feldspar structure Note: T = 350 C, Path 2, synthesised from gismondine
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1988-1997
9016973 CIFAl3.735 H31.134 K Mg0.222 Na2.484 O51.567 Si14.265P 63/m m c13.23574; 13.23574; 15.06516
90; 90; 120
2285.6Cametti, G.; Pacella, A.; Mura, F.; Rossi, M.; Ballirano, P.
New morphological, chemical, and structural data of woolly erionite-Na from Durkee, Oregon, U.S.A.
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 2155-2163
9016974 CIFC2 H4.27 Ca O6.135I 4/m12.3363; 12.3363; 7.3448
90; 90; 90
1117.76Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 1
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016975 CIFC2 H4.4 Ca O6.2I 4/m12.3543; 12.3543; 7.3547
90; 90; 90
1122.54Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 2
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016976 CIFC2 H4.38 Ca O6.19I 4/m12.3462; 12.3462; 7.3535
90; 90; 90
1120.88Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 3
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016977 CIFC2 H4.39 Ca O6.195I 4/m12.353; 12.353; 7.3594
90; 90; 90
1123.02Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 4
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016978 CIFC2 H4.4 Ca O6.2I 4/m12.3528; 12.3528; 7.3569
90; 90; 90
1122.6Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 5
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016979 CIFC2 H4.39 Ca O6.195I 4/m12.3542; 12.3542; 7.3604
90; 90; 90
1123.39Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 6
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016980 CIFC2 H4.47 Ca O6.235I 4/m12.3565; 12.3565; 7.3592
90; 90; 90
1123.62Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 7
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016981 CIFC2 H4.43 Ca O6.215I 4/m12.3443; 12.3443; 7.3599
90; 90; 90
1121.51Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 8
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016982 CIFC2 H4.46 Ca O6.23I 4/m12.3573; 12.3573; 7.3587
90; 90; 90
1123.69Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 9
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016983 CIFC2 H4.39 Ca O6.195I 4/m12.3558; 12.3558; 7.3601
90; 90; 90
1123.64Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 10
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016984 CIFC2 H4.52 Ca O6.26I 4/m12.3576; 12.3576; 7.3578
90; 90; 90
1123.61Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 11
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016985 CIFC2 H4.51 Ca O6.255I 4/m12.3567; 12.3567; 7.3573
90; 90; 90
1123.37Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 12
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016986 CIFC2 H4.52 Ca O6.26I 4/m12.3622; 12.3622; 7.3603
90; 90; 90
1124.83Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 13
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016987 CIFC2 H4.54 Ca O6.27I 4/m12.363; 12.363; 7.346
90; 90; 90
1122.79Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 14
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016988 CIFC2 H4.55 Ca O6.275I 4/m12.362; 12.362; 7.3574
90; 90; 90
1124.35Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 15
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016989 CIFC2 H4.58 Ca O6.29I 4/m12.3627; 12.3627; 7.3574
90; 90; 90
1124.48Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 16
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016990 CIFC2 H4.69 Ca O6.345I 4/m12.3783; 12.3783; 7.3659
90; 90; 90
1128.62Izatulina, A.; Gurzhiy, V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O
Weddellite from renal stones: Structure refinement and dependence of crystal chemical features on H2O content. Note: Sample 17
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2-7
9016991 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.5232; 9.274; 5.5467
90; 90; 90
232.674Finkelstein, G. J.; Dera, P. K.; Jahn, S.; Oganov, A. R.; Holl, C. M.; Meng, Y.; Duffy, T. S.
Phase transitions and equation of state of forsterite to 90 GPa from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and molecular modeling Note: P = 45.3 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 35-43
9016992 CIFMg2 O4 SiP 14.695; 9.201; 5.311
93.1; 107.264; 98.133
215.766Finkelstein, G. J.; Dera, P. K.; Jahn, S.; Oganov, A. R.; Holl, C. M.; Meng, Y.; Duffy, T. S.
Phase transitions and equation of state of forsterite to 90 GPa from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and molecular modeling Note: P = 52.4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 35-43
9016993 CIFMg2 O4 SiC m c 212.64; 8.596; 9.04
90; 90; 90
205.149Finkelstein, G. J.; Dera, P. K.; Jahn, S.; Oganov, A. R.; Holl, C. M.; Meng, Y.; Duffy, T. S.
Phase transitions and equation of state of forsterite to 90 GPa from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and molecular modeling Note: P = 58.2 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 35-43
9016994 CIFMg2 O4 SiC m c 212.591; 8.726; 8.794
90; 90; 90
198.824Finkelstein, G. J.; Dera, P. K.; Jahn, S.; Oganov, A. R.; Holl, C. M.; Meng, Y.; Duffy, T. S.
Phase transitions and equation of state of forsterite to 90 GPa from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and molecular modeling Note: DFT Optimized Note: P = 58.2 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 35-43
9016995 CIFAl3.544 Ca1.303 Ce2.697 Fe0.456 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9277; 5.6548; 17.587
90; 116.475; 90
794.757Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST4_11
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9016996 CIFAl3.433 Ca1.225 Ce2.775 Fe0.567 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.931; 5.6574; 17.6
90; 116.517; 90
795.713Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST4_09
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9016997 CIFAl3.476 Ca1.211 Ce2.789 Fe0.524 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9205; 5.6573; 17.5715
90; 116.5; 90
793.594Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST3_01
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9016998 CIFAl3.395 Ca1.21 Ce2.79 Fe0.605 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9546; 5.6675; 17.652
90; 116.677; 90
800.482Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: NE_01
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9016999 CIFAl3.418 Ca1.146 Ce2.854 Fe0.582 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9222; 5.665; 17.569
90; 116.47; 90
794.92Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST4_10
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017000 CIFAl3.374 Ca1.108 Ce2.892 Fe0.626 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9165; 5.6754; 17.5253
90; 116.321; 90
794.916Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST4_02
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017001 CIFAl3.283 Ca1.119 Ce2.881 Fe0.717 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9327; 5.6817; 17.5807
90; 116.465; 90
798.768Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_01
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017002 CIFAl3.23 Ca1.11 Ce2.89 Fe0.77 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9313; 5.6608; 17.549
90; 116.396; 90
794.746Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_03
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017003 CIFAl3.221 Ca1.072 Ce2.928 Fe0.779 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.911; 5.6866; 17.5252
90; 116.3; 90
796.133Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: HU_02
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017004 CIFAl3.197 Ca1.079 Ce2.921 Fe0.803 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.8996; 5.6759; 17.5154
90; 116.221; 90
793.715Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_04
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017005 CIFAl3.15 Ca1.092 Ce2.908 Fe0.85 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.895; 5.6827; 17.5044
90; 116.24; 90
793.626Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: HU_01
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017006 CIFAl3.252 Ca1.105 Ce2.895 Fe0.748 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9039; 5.6785; 17.5039
90; 116.301; 90
793.394Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_02
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017007 CIFAl3.273 Ca1.115 Ce2.885 Fe0.727 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9044; 5.665; 17.5261
90; 116.399; 90
791.885Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_02-350, annealed for 48 hours at 350 C
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017008 CIFAl3.229 Ca1.098 Ce2.902 Fe0.771 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9002; 5.6304; 17.7324
90; 116.71; 90
793.781Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_02-450, annealed for 48 hours at 450 C
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017009 CIFAl3.233 Ca1.11 Ce2.89 Fe0.767 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.9031; 5.629; 17.7392
90; 116.752; 90
793.853Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_02-550, annealed for 48 hours at 550 C
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017010 CIFAl3.234 Ca1.098 Ce2.902 Fe0.766 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.8979; 5.6235; 17.731
90; 116.815; 90
791.808Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_02-650, annealed for 48 hours at 650 C
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017011 CIFAl3.232 Ca1.091 Ce2.909 Fe0.768 H2 O22 Si5P 1 21/m 18.8936; 5.6189; 17.755
90; 116.952; 90
790.889Bonazzi, P.; Lepore, G. O.; Bindi, L.; Chopin, C.; Husdal, T. A.; Medenbach, O.
Perboeite-(Ce) and alnaperboeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-tornebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member Sample ID: ST2_02-750, annealed for 48 hours at 750 C
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 157-169
9017012 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.493; 6.52; 3.453
90; 90; 90
123.667Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 23.5 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017013 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.464; 6.468; 3.415
90; 90; 90
120.69Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 29.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017014 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.426; 6.389; 3.362
90; 90; 90
116.549Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 39.0 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017015 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.343; 6.29; 3.295
90; 90; 90
110.737Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 62.7 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017016 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.298; 6.239; 3.269
90; 90; 90
108.054Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 75.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017017 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.246; 6.194; 3.228
90; 90; 90
104.89Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 93 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017018 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.215; 6.167; 3.211
90; 90; 90
103.269Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 105 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017019 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.128; 6.108; 3.183
90; 90; 90
99.697Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 120 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017020 CIFO2 PbP n a m5.083; 6.046; 3.152
90; 90; 90
96.867Grocholski, B.; Shim, S. H.; Cottrell, E.; Prakapenka, V. B.
Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa Note: P = 140 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 170-177
9017021 CIFHe O2 SiP 1 21/c 18.062; 4.797; 9.491
90; 120.43; 90
316.488Matsui, M.; Sato, T.; Funamori, N.
Crystal structures and stabilities of cristobalite-helium phases at high pressures Note: P = 10 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 184-189
9017022 CIFHe O2 SiR -3 c :R9.08; 9.08; 9.08
31.809; 31.809; 31.809
184.735Matsui, M.; Sato, T.; Funamori, N.
Crystal structures and stabilities of cristobalite-helium phases at high pressures Note: P = 4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 184-189
9017023 CIFAl4.14 B3 Ca0.207 Cr0.18 H3 Mg2.4 Na0.793 O31 Si6 V2.253R 3 m :H16.0273; 16.0273; 7.2833
90; 90; 120
1620.24Bosi, F.; Skogby, H.; Reznitskii, L.; Halenius, U.
Vanadio-oxy-dravite, NaV3(Al4Mg2)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 218-224
9017024 CIFAl0.12 Ca0.55 Ce0.01 Fe1.41 K0.04 La0.02 Mg0.05 Mn0.26 Na2.45 O24 Si8 Sr3.84 Ti0.01 Zn0.16P 1 21/c 15.21381; 7.9143; 26.0888
90; 90.3556; 90
1076.5Chakhmourdian, A. R.; Cooper, M. A.; Ball, N.; Reguir, E. P.; Medici, L.; Abdu, Y. A.; Antonov, A. A.
Vladykinite, Na3Sr4(Fe2+Fe3+)Si8O24: A new complex sheet silicate from peralkaline rocks of the Murun complex, eastern Siberia, Russia
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 235-241
9017025 CIFFe2.134 O4 Ti0.866F d -3 m :28.5139; 8.5139; 8.5139
90; 90; 90
617.143Gatta, G. D.; Bosi, F.; McIntyre, G. J.; Halenius, U.
Static positional disorder in ulvospinel: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study. Note:Crystal 1
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 255-260
9017026 CIFFe2.111 O4 Ti0.889F d -3 m :28.5139; 8.5139; 8.5139
90; 90; 90
617.143Gatta, G. D.; Bosi, F.; McIntyre, G. J.; Halenius, U.
Static positional disorder in ulvospinel: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study. Note:Crystal 2
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 255-260
9017027 CIFFe2.134 O4 Ti0.864F d -3 m :28.5139; 8.5139; 8.5139
90; 90; 90
617.143Gatta, G. D.; Bosi, F.; McIntyre, G. J.; Halenius, U.
Static positional disorder in ulvospinel: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study. Note:Refinement with Ti at .49, .49, .49
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 255-260
9017028 CIFAl1.94 Fe0.01 Mg0.38 Mn0.15 O4 Zn0.52F d -3 m :28.1123; 8.1123; 8.1123
90; 90; 90
533.866Halenius, U.; Bosi, F.
Color of Mn-bearing gahnite: A first example of electronic transitions in heterovalent exchange coupled IVMn2±VIMn3+ pairs in minerals.
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 261-266
9017029 CIFAl1.758 Cr0.242 Fe0.242 Mg0.758 O4F d -3 m :28.1334; 8.1334; 8.1334
90; 90; 90
538.042Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-BI2
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017030 CIFAl1.6 Cr0.4 Fe0.25 Mg0.75 O4F d -3 m :28.1454; 8.1454; 8.1454
90; 90; 90
540.427Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-BI4
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017031 CIFAl1.206 Cr0.794 Fe0.287 Mg0.714 O4F d -3 m :28.2021; 8.2021; 8.2021
90; 90; 90
551.792Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-BI16
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017032 CIFAl1.38 Cr0.62 Fe0.306 Mg0.694 O4F d -3 m :28.1727; 8.1727; 8.1727
90; 90; 90
545.879Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-BI24
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017033 CIFAl1.718 Cr0.282 Fe0.24 Mg0.76 O4F d -3 m :28.1339; 8.1339; 8.1339
90; 90; 90
538.142Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco): Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-TF6
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017034 CIFAl1.76 Cr0.24 Fe0.236 Mg0.764 O4F d -3 m :28.1351; 8.1351; 8.1351
90; 90; 90
538.38Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-TF7
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017035 CIFAl1.42 Cr0.58 Fe0.3 Mg0.7 O4F d -3 m :28.1704; 8.1704; 8.1704
90; 90; 90
545.419Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-TF8
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017036 CIFAl1.6 Cr0.4 Fe0.268 Mg0.732 O4F d -3 m :28.1391; 8.1391; 8.1391
90; 90; 90
539.174Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-TF21
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017037 CIFAl1.612 Cr0.388 Fe0.234 Mg0.766 O4F d -3 m :28.1499; 8.1499; 8.1499
90; 90; 90
541.323Lenaz, D.; Youbi, N.; Min, A. D.; Boumehdi, M. A.; Abbou, M. B.
Low intra-crystalline closure temperatures of Cr-bearing spinels from the mantle xenoliths of the Middle AtlasNeogene-Quaternary Volcanic Field (Morocco):Mineralogical evidence of a cooler mantle beneath the West African Craton. Note:Sample MAR-TF28
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 267-275
9017038 CIFC H O4.926 Pb0.926 U0.5P m m n :14.977; 9.3869; 8.9597
90; 90; 90
418.585Plasil, J.; Palatinus, L.; Rohlicek, J.; Houdkovaq, L.; Klementova, M.; Golias, V.; Skacha, P.
Crystal structure of lead uranyl carbonate mineral widenmannite: Precession electron-diffraction and synchrotron powder-diffraction study Note: data collected at synchrotron
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 276-282
9017039 CIFC H O4.824 Pb0.824 U0.5P m m n :14.977; 9.3869; 8.9597
90; 90; 90
418.585Plasil, J.; Palatinus, L.; Rohlicek, J.; Houdkovaq, L.; Klementova, M.; Golias, V.; Skacha, P.
Crystal structure of lead uranyl carbonate mineral widenmannite: Precession electron-diffraction and synchrotron powder-diffraction study Note: data collected by electron diffraction
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 276-282
9017040 CIFCa5 Cl0.332 F0.773 O12 P3P 63/m9.5104; 9.5104; 6.8311
90; 90; 120
535.08Hughes, J. M.; Nekvasil, H.; Ustunisik, G.; Lindsley, D. H.; Coraor, A. E.; Vaughn, J.; Phillips, B. L.; McCubbin, F. M.; Woerner, W. R.
Solid solution in the fluorapatite-chlorapatite binary system: High-precision crystal structure refinements of synthetic F-Cl apatite. Note: Sample HNF5CL5
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 369-376
9017041 CIFCa5 Cl0.343 F0.766 O12 P3P 63/m9.5101; 9.5101; 6.83
90; 90; 120
534.96Hughes, J. M.; Nekvasil, H.; Ustunisik, G.; Lindsley, D. H.; Coraor, A. E.; Vaughn, J.; Phillips, B. L.; McCubbin, F. M.; Woerner, W. R.
Solid solution in the fluorapatite-chlorapatite binary system: High-precision crystal structure refinements of synthetic F-Cl apatite. Note: Sample HNF5CL5-8
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 369-376
9017042 CIFCa5 Cl0.336 F0.764 O12 P3P 63/m9.51; 9.51; 6.8289
90; 90; 120
534.863Hughes, J. M.; Nekvasil, H.; Ustunisik, G.; Lindsley, D. H.; Coraor, A. E.; Vaughn, J.; Phillips, B. L.; McCubbin, F. M.; Woerner, W. R.
Solid solution in the fluorapatite-chlorapatite binary system: High-precision crystal structure refinements of synthetic F-Cl apatite. Note: Sample HNF5CL5-9
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 369-376
9017043 CIFCa5 Cl0.332 F0.763 O12 P3P 63/m9.5084; 9.5084; 6.8293
90; 90; 120
534.714Hughes, J. M.; Nekvasil, H.; Ustunisik, G.; Lindsley, D. H.; Coraor, A. E.; Vaughn, J.; Phillips, B. L.; McCubbin, F. M.; Woerner, W. R.
Solid solution in the fluorapatite-chlorapatite binary system: High-precision crystal structure refinements of synthetic F-Cl apatite. Note: HNF5CL5-10
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 369-376
9017044 CIFBa0.01 Be2 Ca0.05 O8 P2 Sr0.87P 1 21/c 17.997; 8.979; 8.42
90; 90.18; 90
604.596Rao, C.; Wang, R.; Hatert, F.; Gu, X.; Ottolini, L.; Hu, H.; Dong, C.; Bo, F. D.; Baijot, M.
Strontiohurlbutite, SrBe2(PO4)2, a new mineral from Nanping No. 31 pegmatite, Fujian Province, Southeastern China
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 494-499
9017045 CIFCu6.55 H4 K Li Mg0.45 O26 Si8P c n b19.046; 20.377; 5.2497
90; 90; 90
2037.41Yang, H.; Downs, R. T.; Evans, S. H.; Pinch, W. W.
Lavinskyite, K(LiCu)Cu6(Si4O11)2(OH)4, isotypic with plancheite, a new mineral from the Wessels mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 525-530
9017046 CIFH8 K4.916 O33 S4.04 U4 V0.87P 4/n :114.9704; 14.9704; 6.817
90; 90; 90
1527.78Plasil, J.; Veselovsky, F.; Hlousek, J.; Skoda, R.; Novak, M.; Sejkora, J.; Cejka, J.; Skacha, P.; Kasatkin, A. V.
Mathesiusite, K5(UO2)4(SO4)4(VO5)(H2O)4, a new uranyl vanadate-sulfate from Jachymov, Czech Republic
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 625-632
9017047 CIFB1.1 N0.9F -4 3 m3.61; 3.61; 3.61
90; 90; 90
47.046Dobrzhinetskaya, L. F.; Wirth, R.; Yang, J.; Green, H. W.; Hutcheon, I. D.; Weber, P. K.; Grew, E. S.
Qingsongite, natural cubic boron nitride: The first boron mineral from the Earth's mantle
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 764-772
9017048 CIFAl2.97 As0.03 Ca0.13 F1.68 Fe0.03 H6.32 Na0.87 O12.32 P1.97P 41 21 27.077; 7.077; 19.227
90; 90; 90
962.964Kampf, A. R.; Adams, P. M.; Housley, R. M.; Rossman, G. R.
Fluorowardite, NaAl3(PO4)2(OH)2F2*2H2O, the fluorine analog of wardite from the Silver Coin mine, Valmy, Nevada
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 804-810
9017049 CIFFe1.32 H6 Mn1.68 O11 P2P b n a9.48871; 10.11494; 8.70624
90; 90; 90
835.605Chukanov, N. V.; Scholz, R.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pekov, I. V.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Van, K. V.; Lagoeiro, L.; Graca, L. M.; Krambrock, K.; de Oliveire, L. C. A.; Menezes, L. A. D.; Chaves, M. L. S. C.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Correianevesite, Fe2+Mn2+2(PO4)2*3H2O, a new reddingite-group mineral from the Cigana mine, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 811-816
9017050 CIFO57 Pb21 Si18P 63/m9.9244; 9.9244; 34.2357
90; 90; 120
2920.24Siidra, O. I.; Zenko, D. S.; Krivovichev, S. V.
Structural complexity of lead silicates: Crystal structure of Pb21[Si7O22]2[Si4O13] and its comparison to hyttsjoite
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 817-823
9017051 CIFF3 Mg NaP b n m5.32517; 5.47795; 7.62732
90; 90; 90
222.497Knight, K. S.
A high-resolution powder neutron diffraction study of the crystal structure of neighborite (NaMgF3) between 9 and 440 K Note: T = 9 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 824-838
9017052 CIFFe1.929 Mg0.135 O4 Ti0.94F d -3 m :28.5271; 8.5271; 8.5271
90; 90; 90
620.018Bosi, F.; Halenius, U.; Skogby, H.
Crystal chemistry of the ulvospinel-qandilite series. Note: sample T1
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 847-851
9017053 CIFFe1.768 Mg0.29 O4 Ti0.94F d -3 m :28.5184; 8.5184; 8.5184
90; 90; 90
618.122Bosi, F.; Halenius, U.; Skogby, H.
Crystal chemistry of the ulvospinel-qandilite series. Note: sample T2
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 847-851
9017054 CIFFe1.511 Mg0.531 O4 Ti0.96F d -3 m :28.5104; 8.5104; 8.5104
90; 90; 90
616.382Bosi, F.; Halenius, U.; Skogby, H.
Crystal chemistry of the ulvospinel-qandilite series. Note: sample T3
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 847-851
9017055 CIFFe1.228 Mg0.79 O4 Ti0.98F d -3 m :28.5021; 8.5021; 8.5021
90; 90; 90
614.58Bosi, F.; Halenius, U.; Skogby, H.
Crystal chemistry of the ulvospinel-qandilite series. Note: sample T4
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 847-851
9017056 CIFFe1.106 Mg0.918 O4 Ti0.98F d -3 m :28.4946; 8.4946; 8.4946
90; 90; 90
612.955Bosi, F.; Halenius, U.; Skogby, H.
Crystal chemistry of the ulvospinel-qandilite series. Note: sample T5
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 847-851
9017057 CIFCr0.138 Mg0.931 O3 Si0.931P b n m4.8213; 4.9368; 6.9132
90; 90; 90
164.547Bindi, L.; Sirotkina, E. A.; Bobrov, A. V.; Irifune, T.
Chromium solubility in perovskite at high pressure: The structure of (Mg1-xCrx)(Si1-xCrx)O3 (with x = 0.07) synthesized at 23 GPa and 1600 C
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 866-869
9017058 CIFAl0.015 Ca Cr0.011 Fe1.957 Mg0.003 O4 Ti0.004P n m a9.2183; 3.0175; 10.6934
90; 90; 90
297.45Galuskina, I. O.; Vapnik, Y.; Lazic, B.; Armbruster, T.; Murashko, M.; Galuskin, E. V.
Harmunite CaFe2O4: A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 965-975
9017059 CIFCa0.835 Fe0.86 H48 Mg2.24 Mn1.02 O58 Sb0.225 W8.72 Zn0.6P -111.986; 13.2073; 17.6891
69.69; 85.364; 64.875
2370.35Kampf, A. R.; Hughes, J. M.; Nash, B. P.; Wright, S. E.; Rossman, G. R.; Marty, J.
Ophirite, Ca2Mg4[Zn2Mn3+2(H2O)2(Fe3+W9O34)2]*46H2O, a new mineral with a heteropolytungstate tri-lacunary Keggin anion
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1045-1051
9017060 CIFAg0.002 Bi3.95 Cd0.018 Cu0.085 Fe0.65 Mn1.102 Pb0.142 S8 Sb0.036 Se0.024 Te0.014C 1 2/m 112.677; 3.914; 14.758
90; 115.31; 90
661.968Ciobanu, C. L.; Brugger, J.; Cook, N. J.; Mills, S. J.; Elliott, P.; Damian, G.; Damian, F.
Gratianite, MnBi2S4, a new mineral from the Baita Bihor skarn, Romania
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1163-1170
9017061 CIFCa0.1 Li0.725 Mg0.19 Mn3.71 Na0.275 O15 Si5P -17.5391; 11.7475; 6.7137
93.024; 95.147; 106.266
566.611Nagashima, M.; Armbruster, T.; Kolitsch, U.; Pettke, T.
The relation between Li <-> Na substitution and hydrogen bonding in five-periodic single-chain silicates nambulite and marsturite: A single-crystal X-ray study
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1462-1470
9017062 CIFCa0.05 H Li0.821 Mg0.26 Mn3.69 Na0.179 O15 Si5P -17.5372; 11.7267; 6.7078
93.057; 95.147; 106.24
565.017Nagashima, M.; Armbruster, T.; Kolitsch, U.; Pettke, T.
The relation between Li <-> Na substitution and hydrogen bonding in five-periodic single-chain silicates nambulite and marsturite: A single-crystal X-ray study
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1462-1470
9017063 CIFCa0.212 H Li0.276 Mg0.22 Mn3.568 Na0.724 O15 Si5P -17.6115; 11.734; 6.7324
92.876; 94.846; 106.65
572.278Nagashima, M.; Armbruster, T.; Kolitsch, U.; Pettke, T.
The relation between Li <-> Na substitution and hydrogen bonding in five-periodic single-chain silicates nambulite and marsturite: A single-crystal X-ray study
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1462-1470
9017064 CIFCa0.912 Fe0.11 H Li0.062 Mg0.07 Mn2.908 Na0.938 O15 Si5P -17.697; 11.72; 6.771
92.4; 94.41; 106.83
581.593Nagashima, M.; Armbruster, T.; Kolitsch, U.; Pettke, T.
The relation between Li <-> Na substitution and hydrogen bonding in five-periodic single-chain silicates nambulite and marsturite: A single-crystal X-ray study
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1462-1470
9017065 CIFLi9 Mn18 O36F d d d :224.764; 24.862; 8.1995
90; 90; 90
5048.29Ishizawa, N.; Tateishi, K.; Oishi, S.; Kishimoto, S.
Bond-length fluctuation in the orthorhombic 3x3x1 superstructure of LiMn2O4 Note: T = 230 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1528-1536
9017066 CIFLi Mn2 O4F d -3 m :28.2513; 8.2513; 8.2513
90; 90; 90
561.781Ishizawa, N.; Tateishi, K.; Oishi, S.; Kishimoto, S.
Bond-length fluctuation in the orthorhombic 3x3x1 superstructure of LiMn2O4 Note: T = 320 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1528-1536
9017067 CIFAl2.455 Mg0.79 Na0.33 O6 Si0.63P 63/m8.7225; 8.7225; 2.7664
90; 90; 120
182.275Pamato, M. G.; Kurnosov, A.; Ballaran, T. B.; Trots, D. M.; Caracas, R.; Frost, D. J.
Hexagonal Na0.41[Na0.125Mg0.79Al0.085]2[Al0.79Si0.21]6O12 (NAL phase): Crystal structure refinement and elasticity
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1562-1569
9017068 CIFCa0.056 H Mn1.944 Na O9 Si3P -17.6844; 6.8913; 6.73493
90.4576; 94.0805; 102.777
346.835Williams, E. R.; Weller, M. T.
A variable-temperature neutron diffraction study of serandite: A Mn-silicate framework with a very strong, two-proton site, hydrogen bond Note: T = 4 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1755-1760
9017069 CIFCa0.053 H Mn1.947 Na O9 Si3P -17.6888; 6.8934; 6.73781
90.4467; 94.0672; 102.777
347.296Williams, E. R.; Weller, M. T.
A variable-temperature neutron diffraction study of serandite: A Mn-silicate framework with a very strong, two-proton site, hydrogen bond Note: T = 150 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1755-1760
9017070 CIFCa0.058 H Mn1.942 Na O9 Si3P -17.70244; 6.9003; 6.7447
90.4159; 94.0442; 102.801
348.599Williams, E. R.; Weller, M. T.
A variable-temperature neutron diffraction study of serandite: A Mn-silicate framework with a very strong, two-proton site, hydrogen bond Note: T = 298 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1755-1760
9017071 CIFCa0.074 H Mn1.926 Na O9 Si3P -17.7283; 6.9174; 6.7608
90.362; 94.016; 102.822
351.464Williams, E. R.; Weller, M. T.
A variable-temperature neutron diffraction study of serandite: A Mn-silicate framework with a very strong, two-proton site, hydrogen bond Note: T = 575 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1755-1760
9017072 CIFCa0.074 H Mn1.926 Na O9 Si3P -17.7513; 6.9384; 6.7761
90.307; 94.019; 102.858
354.335Williams, E. R.; Weller, M. T.
A variable-temperature neutron diffraction study of serandite: A Mn-silicate framework with a very strong, two-proton site, hydrogen bond Note: T = 800 K
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1755-1760
9017073 CIFH28 K0.216 Mg2 N0.784 Na O22 P2P m n b6.9661; 25.236; 11.2919
90; 90; 90
1985.08Yang, H.; Martinelli, L.; Tasso, F.; Sprocati, A. R.; Pinzari, F.; Liu, Z.; Downs, R. T.; Sun, H. J.
A new biogenic, struvite-related phosphate, the ammonium-analog of hazenite, (NH4)NaMg2(PO4)2*14H2O
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1761-1766
9017074 CIFAl3.08 B3 Ca0.07 Cr3.47 F0.25 Fe0.01 H3.02 K0.02 Mg2.25 Na0.87 O30.75 Si5.96 V0.22R 3 m :H16.0277; 16.0277; 7.3085
90; 90; 120
1625.93Reznitskii, L.; Clark, C. M.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Grice, J. D.; Skogby, H.; Halenius, U.; Bosi, F.
Chromo-alumino-povondraite, NaCr3(Al4Mg2)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1767-1773
9017075 CIFH12 N2 O12 S2 UP 1 21/c 17.736; 7.3712; 20.856
90; 102.123; 90
1162.76Pekov, I. V.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Chukanov, N. V.; Belakovskiy, D. I.
Beshtauite, (NH4)2(UO2)(SO4)2*2H2O, a new mineral from Mount Beshtau, Northern Caucasus, Russia
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1783-1787
9017076 CIFCr2 Fe O4P n m a9.0633; 2.95793; 10.6391
90; 90; 90
285.219Ishii, T.; Kojitani, H.; Tsukamoto, S.; Fujino, K.; Mori, D.; Inaguma, Y.; Tsujino, N.; Yoshino, T.; Yamazaki, D.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, K.; Akaogi, M.
High-pressure phase transitions in FeCr2O4 and structure analysis of new post- spinel FeCr2O4 and Fe2Cr2O5 phases with meteoritical and petrological implications
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1788-1797
9017077 CIFCr2 Fe O4C m c m2.88445; 9.5207; 9.7532
90; 90; 90
267.842Ishii, T.; Kojitani, H.; Tsukamoto, S.; Fujino, K.; Mori, D.; Inaguma, Y.; Tsujino, N.; Yoshino, T.; Yamazaki, D.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, K.; Akaogi, M.
High-pressure phase transitions in FeCr2O4 and structure analysis of new post- spinel FeCr2O4 and Fe2Cr2O5 phases with meteoritical and petrological implications
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1788-1797
9017078 CIFCr2 Fe2 O5P b a m9.6642; 12.5; 2.9023
90; 90; 90
350.605Ishii, T.; Kojitani, H.; Tsukamoto, S.; Fujino, K.; Mori, D.; Inaguma, Y.; Tsujino, N.; Yoshino, T.; Yamazaki, D.; Higo, Y.; Funakoshi, K.; Akaogi, M.
High-pressure phase transitions in FeCr2O4 and structure analysis of new post- spinel FeCr2O4 and Fe2Cr2O5 phases with meteoritical and petrological implications
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1788-1797
9017079 CIFH Mg0.5 O2 Si0.5P n n m4.733; 4.325; 2.842
90; 90; 90
58.176Bindi, L.; Nishi, M.; Tsuchiya, J.; Irifune, T.
Crystal chemistry of dense hydrous magnesium silicates: The structure of phase H, MgSiH2O4, synthesized at 45 GPa and 1000 C
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 1802-1805
9017080 CIFAl0.07 Be2.93 Ca1.08 H1.84 K Na0.02 O30.92 Si12 Y0.91 Yb0.01P 6/m c c10.3476; 10.3476; 13.761
90; 90; 120
1276.03Hawthorne, F. C.; Abdu, Y. A.; Ball, N. A.; Cerny, P.; Kristiansen, R.
Agakhanovite-(Y), ideally (YCa)2KBe3Si12O30, a new milarite-group mineral from the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Southern Norway: description and crystal structure
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2084-2088
9017081 CIFH6 Mo2 O11 ThP 1 21/c 19.6797; 10.3771; 9.3782
90; 90; 90
942.014Orlandi, P.; Biagioni, C.; Bindi, L.; Nestola, F.
Ichnusaite, Th(MoO4)2*3H2O, the first natural thorium molybdate: occurrence, description, and crystal structure
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2089-2094
9017082 CIFAl1.99 Fe0.04 O4 Zn0.97F d -3 m :28.0912; 8.0912; 8.0912
90; 90; 90
529.711Fregola, R. A.; Skogby, H.; Bosi, F.; D'Ippolito V; Andreozzi, G. B.; Halenius, U.
Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data Note: Sample Ni8967d
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2187-2195
9017083 CIFAl1.98 Fe0.1 Mg0.01 O4 Zn0.91F d -3 m :28.0954; 8.0954; 8.0954
90; 90; 90
530.536Fregola, R. A.; Skogby, H.; Bosi, F.; D'Ippolito V; Andreozzi, G. B.; Halenius, U.
Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data Note: Sample Ni8967e
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2187-2195
9017084 CIFAl1.98 Fe0.1 Mg0.01 O4 Zn0.91F d -3 m :28.0944; 8.0944; 8.0944
90; 90; 90
530.34Fregola, R. A.; Skogby, H.; Bosi, F.; D'Ippolito V; Andreozzi, G. B.; Halenius, U.
Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data Note: Sample Sp2781_6a
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2187-2195
9017085 CIFAl1.92 Fe0.35 Mg0.03 O4 Zn0.7F d -3 m :28.1103; 8.1103; 8.1103
90; 90; 90
533.471Fregola, R. A.; Skogby, H.; Bosi, F.; D'Ippolito V; Andreozzi, G. B.; Halenius, U.
Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data Note: Sample Sp2781_6c
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2187-2195
9017086 CIFAl0.22 Cr0.3 Fe2.15 Mg0.26 O4 Si0.08A m a m9.8; 9.6; 2.87
90; 90; 90
270.01Koch-Muller M; Mugnaioli, E.; Rhede, D.; Speziale, S.; Kolb, U.; Wirth, R.
Synthesis of a quenchable high-pressure form of magnetite (h-Fe3O4) with composition Fe1(Fe2+0.75Mg0.26)Fe2(Fe3+0.70Cr0.15Al0.11Si0.04)2O4 Note: Sample Crystal 1
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2405-2415
9017087 CIFAl0.22 Cr0.3 Fe2.15 Mg0.26 O4 Si0.08A m a m9.8; 9.6; 2.87
90; 90; 90
270.01Koch-Muller M; Mugnaioli, E.; Rhede, D.; Speziale, S.; Kolb, U.; Wirth, R.
Synthesis of a quenchable high-pressure form of magnetite (h-Fe3O4) with composition Fe1(Fe2+0.75Mg0.26)Fe2(Fe3+0.70Cr0.15Al0.11Si0.04)2O4 Note: Sample Crystal 2
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2405-2415
9017088 CIFCa0.96 Ce0.01 H4 O17 Si6 Yb0.01 Zr0.99C 1 2/m 114.0178; 14.1289; 7.8366
90; 109.436; 90
1463.64Mesto, E.; Kaneva, E.; Schingaro, E.; Vladykin, N.; Lacalamita, M.; Scordari, F.
Armstrongite from Khan Bogdo (Mongolia): Crystal structure determination and implications for zeolite-like cation exchange properties
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2424-2432
9017089 CIFAl0.38 Fe0.3 Ni0.32I m -3 m3.0214; 3.0214; 3.0214
90; 90; 90
27.582Bindi, L.; Yao, N.; Lin, C.; Hollister, L. S.; MacPherson, G. J.; Poirier, G. R.; Andronicos, C. L.; Distler, V. V.; Eddy, M. P.; Kostin, A.; Kryachko, V.; Steinhardt, W. M.; Yudovskaya, M.
Steinhardtite, a new body-centered-cubic allotropic form of aluminum from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite
American Mineralogist, 2014, 99, 2433-2436
9017090 CIFFe1.946 O3I 1 2/a 17.3951; 5.0117; 5.4417
90; 95.666; 90
200.695Peterson, K. M.; Heaney, P. J.; Post, J. E.; Eng, P. J.
A refined monoclinic structure for a variety of "hydrohematite" Note: T = 38 C
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 570-579
9017091 CIFH2 O10 S Sb4P c a 215.7563; 11.2538; 14.8627
90; 90; 90
962.809Roper, A. J.; Leverett, P.; Murphy, T. D.; Williams, P. A.; Hibbs, D. E.
Klebelsbergite, Sb4O4SO4(OH)2: Stability relationships, formation in nature, and refinement of its structure
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 602-607
9017092 CIFFe2.017 Mg1.983 O5C m c m2.8889; 9.7282; 12.5523
90; 90; 90
352.767Ballaran, T. B.; Uenver-Thiele L; Woodland, A. B.
Complete substitution of Fe2+ by Mg in Fe4O5: The crystal structure of the Mg2Fe2O5 end-member
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 628-632
9017093 CIFAl Li O10 Si4P 1 2/c 111.22955; 5.1396; 11.7514
90; 141.312; 90
423.952Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Slebodnick, C.; Spencer, E. C.; Chakoumakos, B. C.
Petalite under pressure: Elastic behavior and phase stability Note: P = 0.0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 714-721
9017094 CIFAl Li O10 Si4P 1 2/c 111.2067; 5.1228; 11.716
90; 141.243; 90
421.069Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Slebodnick, C.; Spencer, E. C.; Chakoumakos, B. C.
Petalite under pressure: Elastic behavior and phase stability Note: P = 0.32 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 714-721
9017095 CIFAl Li O10 Si4P 1 2/c 111.1895; 5.11; 11.6872
90; 141.19; 90
418.826Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Slebodnick, C.; Spencer, E. C.; Chakoumakos, B. C.
Petalite under pressure: Elastic behavior and phase stability Note: P = 0.56 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 714-721
9017096 CIFAl Li O10 Si4P 1 2/c 111.1705; 5.0963; 11.6569
90; 141.134; 90
416.413Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Slebodnick, C.; Spencer, E. C.; Chakoumakos, B. C.
Petalite under pressure: Elastic behavior and phase stability Note: P = 0.89 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 714-721
9017097 CIFAl Li O10 Si4P 1 2/c 111.1425; 5.0723; 11.6092
90; 141.074; 90
412.257Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Slebodnick, C.; Spencer, E. C.; Chakoumakos, B. C.
Petalite under pressure: Elastic behavior and phase stability Note: P = 1.25 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 714-721
9017098 CIFAl3 Li3 O30 Si12P 1 2/c 110.8301; 5.053; 33.59
90; 140.665; 90
1165.15Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Slebodnick, C.; Spencer, E. C.; Chakoumakos, B. C.
Petalite under pressure: Elastic behavior and phase stability Note: P = 2.71 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 714-721
9017099 CIFAl0.62 Ca0.11 F0.03 Fe0.486 H1.97 K0.067 Mg3.884 Mn0.01 Na2.829 O23.97 Si8C 1 2/m 19.8087; 17.8448; 5.2905
90; 103.66; 90
899.826Oberti, R.; Boiocchi, M.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Ball, N. A.; Harlow, G. E.
Eckermannite revised: The new holotype from the Jade Mine Tract, Myanmar-crystal structure, mineral data, and hints on the reasons for the rarity of eckermannite Note: Sample AMNH H108401
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 909-914
9017100 CIFCa1.39 Cl0.72 Fe0.26 H0.28 Mn3.41 O12.28 P3P 63/m9.504; 9.504; 6.347
90; 90; 120
496.492Tait, K.; Ball, N. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Pieczkaite, ideally Mn5(PO4)3Cl, a new apatite-supergroup mineral from Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada: Description and crystal structure
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 1047-1052
9017101 CIFCs0.44 H20.16 Hf0.04 K0.48 Na7.04 Nb0.08 O70.08 Si24 Y0.68 Zr3.28C 1 2/m 114.5975; 14.11; 14.4394
90; 90.0399; 90
2974.09Agakhanov, A. A.; Pautov, L. A.; Karpenko, V. Y.; Sokolova, E.; Abdu, Y. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Pekov, I. V.; Siidra, O. I.
Yusupovite, Na2Zr(Si6O15)(H2O)3, a new mineral species from the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif and its implications as a new microporous filter for large ions
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 1502-1508
9017102 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7903; 4.7903; 15.72
90; 90; 120
312.398Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p0 Note: P = .0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017103 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6581; 4.6581; 14.213
90; 90; 120
267.075Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p1 Note: P = 22.50 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017104 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6554; 4.6554; 14.149
90; 90; 120
265.565Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p2 Note: P = 23.65 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017105 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6473; 4.6473; 14.075
90; 90; 120
263.257Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p3 Note: P = 25.34 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017106 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6416; 4.6416; 13.967
90; 90; 120
260.597Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p4 Note: P = 27.45 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017107 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6301; 4.6301; 13.83
90; 90; 120
256.764Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p5 Note: P = 30.48 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017108 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6278; 4.6278; 13.797
90; 90; 120
255.897Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p6 Note: P = 31.19 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017109 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6193; 4.6193; 13.696
90; 90; 120
253.091Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p7 Note: P = 33.56 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017110 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.61; 4.61; 13.582
90; 90; 120
249.975Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p8 Note: P = 36.20 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017111 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6024; 4.6024; 13.517
90; 90; 120
247.959Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p9 Note: P = 37.58 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017112 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.5927; 4.5927; 13.332
90; 90; 120
243.535Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p10 Note: P = 40.80 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017113 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3P -12.936; 4.841; 5.568
100.82; 94.93; 90.18
77.429Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p11 Note: P = 44.46 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017114 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3P -12.928; 4.816; 5.545
101.71; 94.99; 89.9
76.264Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p11a Note: P = 46.79 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017115 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3P -12.934; 4.839; 5.557
101.87; 95.29; 89.73
76.872Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p12 Note: P = 44.01 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017116 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3P -12.94; 4.856; 5.584
101.99; 95.58; 89.65
77.604Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p13 Note: P = 41.55 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017117 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3P -12.9539; 4.843; 5.588
101.78; 95.09; 90.45
77.921Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run1-p14 Note: P = 35.67 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017118 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7799; 4.7799; 15.694
90; 90; 120
310.529Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p0 Note: P = .0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017119 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7788; 4.7788; 15.685
90; 90; 120
310.208Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p1 Note: P = .22 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017120 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7753; 4.7753; 15.636
90; 90; 120
308.786Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p2 Note: P = .79 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017121 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7714; 4.7714; 15.578
90; 90; 120
307.138Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p3 Note: P = 1.62 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017122 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7654; 4.7654; 15.531
90; 90; 120
305.442Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p4 Note: P = 2.12 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017123 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7581; 4.7581; 15.473
90; 90; 120
303.37Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p5 Note: P = 2.66 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017124 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7426; 4.7426; 15.368
90; 90; 120
299.351Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p6 Note: P = 3.57 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017125 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7409; 4.7409; 15.319
90; 90; 120
298.183Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p7 Note: P = 4.39 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017126 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7415; 4.7415; 15.308
90; 90; 120
298.044Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p8 Note: P = 4.74 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017127 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7388; 4.7388; 15.287
90; 90; 120
297.296Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p9 Note: P = 5.20 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017128 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7332; 4.7332; 15.1926
90; 90; 120
294.763Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p10 Note: P = 6.33 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017129 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7248; 4.7248; 15.1242
90; 90; 120
292.395Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p11 Note: P = 7.01 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017130 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7177; 4.7177; 15.043
90; 90; 120
289.952Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p12 Note: P = 8.33 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017131 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7146; 4.7146; 14.9903
90; 90; 120
288.556Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p13 Note: P = 9.17 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017132 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7087; 4.7087; 14.9313
90; 90; 120
286.702Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p14 Note: P = 9.82 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017133 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.7017; 4.7017; 14.855
90; 90; 120
284.389Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p15 Note: P = 10.88 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017134 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6955; 4.6955; 14.7918
90; 90; 120
282.433Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p16 Note: P = 11.90 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017135 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6929; 4.6929; 14.7382
90; 90; 120
281.098Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p17 Note: P = 12.73 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017136 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6826; 4.6826; 14.613
90; 90; 120
277.488Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p18 Note: P = 14.82 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017137 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6775; 4.6775; 14.528
90; 90; 120
275.273Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p19 Note: P = 16.42 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017138 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6679; 4.6679; 14.4441
90; 90; 120
272.561Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p20 Note: P = 17.66 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017139 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6686; 4.6686; 14.401
90; 90; 120
271.83Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p21 Note: P = 18.69 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017140 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6641; 4.6641; 14.341
90; 90; 120
270.175Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p22 Note: P = 19.78 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017141 CIFC Ca0.04 Mn0.96 O3R -3 c :H4.6624; 4.6624; 14.33
90; 90; 120
269.771Merlini, M.; Hanfland, M.; Gemmi, M.
The MnCO3-II high-pressure polymorph of rhodocrosite Note: Sample run2-p23 Note: P = 20.24 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2625-2629
9017142 CIFH18 Mg1.09 Na0.91 O13 PP -16.9296; 11.9767; 14.9436
92.109; 102.884; 105.171
1160.88Kampf, A. R.; Mills, S. J.; Nash, B. P.; Jensen, M.; Nikischer, T.
Apexite, NaMg(PO4)*9H2O, a new struvite-type phase with a heteropolyhedral cluster
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2695-2701
9017143 CIFCa9 Fe0.048 Mg0.952 Na0.98 O28 P7R 3 c :H10.3444; 10.3444; 37.0182
90; 90; 120
3430.49Xie, X.; Yang, H.; Gu, X.; Downs, R. T.
Chemical composition and crystal structure of merrillite from the Suizhou meteorite
American Mineralogist, 2015, 100, 2753-2756
9017144 CIFAl0.235 Fe1.765 O3P n a 215.0647; 8.7131; 9.3842
90; 90; 90
414.118Xu, Huifang; Lee, Seungyeol; Xu, Hongwu
Luogufengite: A new nano-mineral of Fe2O3 polymorph with giant coercive field
American Mineralogist, 2017, 102, 711-719
9017145 CIFC31 H32 Cr0.02 Fe0.05 N4 Ni0.93P -18.4416; 10.8919; 7.2749
90.465; 113.158; 78.08
599.743Hummer, D. R.; Noll, B. C.; Hazen, R. M.; Downs, R. T.
Crystal structure of abelsonite, the only known crystalline geoporphyrin Note: T = 100 K
American Mineralogist, 2017, 102, 1129-1132
9017146 CIFAl2 Ca6 H66 O51 S3P 3 1 c11.171; 11.171; 21.364
90; 90; 120
2308.86Gatta, G. D.; Halenius, U.; Bosi, F.; Canadillas-Delgado L; Fernandez-Diaz M T
Minerals in cement chemistry: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of ettringite, Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·27H2O
American Mineralogist, 2019, 104, 73-78
9017147 CIFAl0.877 Fe0.123 H24 K0.879 O20 S2 Tl0.121P a -312.203; 12.203; 12.203
90; 90; 90
1817.19Biagioni, C.; Mauro, D.; Pasero, M.; Bonaccorsi, E.; Lepore, G. O.; Zaccarini, F.; Skogby, H.
Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). VI. Tl-bearing alum-(K) and voltaite from the Fornovolasco mining complex
American Mineralogist, 2020, 105, 1088-1098
9017148 CIFAl Fe6.44 H24 K1.872 Mg1.56 O66 S12 Tl0.128F d -3 c :227.2635; 27.2635; 27.2635
90; 90; 90
20264.9Biagioni, C.; Mauro, D.; Pasero, M.; Bonaccorsi, E.; Lepore, G. O.; Zaccarini, F.; Skogby, H.
Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). VI. Tl-bearing alum-(K) and voltaite from the Fornovolasco mining complex
American Mineralogist, 2020, 105, 1088-1098
9017149 CIFCa H8 O10 V2P -18.534; 8.556; 7.015
101.53; 114.97; 103.38
425.242Ahmed, F. R.; Barnes, W. H.
The crystal structure of rossite
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1963, 7, 713-726
9017150 CIFAs1.02 Ir0.05 Os0.01 Pt0.35 Rh0.31 Ru0.29 S0.98P a -35.788; 5.788; 5.788
90; 90; 90
193.903Szymanski, J. T.
The crystal structure of platarsite, Pt(As,S)2, and a comparison with sperrylite, PtAs2
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1979, 17, 117-123
9017152 CIFAl1.97 Ca Fe0.03 H6 O30 Pb3 Si10P 3 1 c8.56; 8.56; 20.19
90; 90; 120
1281.19Lam, A. E.; Groat, L. A.
The crystal structure of wickenburgite, Pb3CaAl[AlSi10O27](H2O)3, a sheet structure Sample: UBC refinement
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1994, 32, 525-532
9017153 CIFAl1.81 Ca Fe0.19 H6 O30 Pb3 Si10P 3 1 c8.546; 8.546; 20.168
90; 90; 120
1275.61Lam, A. E.; Groat, L. A.
The crystal structure of wickenburgite, Pb3CaAl[AlSi10O27](H2O)3, a sheet structure Sample: UMAN refinement
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1994, 32, 525-532
9017154 CIFCl1.29 Cu3.99 H6.71 O6.71P 63/m m c6.6733; 6.6733; 9.185
90; 90; 120
354.235Burns, P. C.; Cooper, M. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Claringbullite: A Cu oxysalt with Cu in trigonal-prismatic coordination
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1995, 33, 633-639
9017155 CIFCu3 H7 O8 S0.5C m c 212.989; 16.97; 14.812
90; 90; 90
751.314Orlandi, P.; Bonaccorsi, E.
Montetrisaite, a new hydroxy-hydrated copper sulfate species from Monte Trisa, Vicenza, Italy
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2009, 47, 143-151
9017156 CIFAl2.842 F0.054 Fe0.07 H1.946 K0.865 Mg0.036 Na0.135 O11.946 Si3.044 Ti0.006C 1 2/c 15.1969; 9.0138; 20.0835
90; 95.763; 90
936.033Elmi, C.; Brigatti, M. F.; Guggenheim, S.; Pasquali, L.; Montecchi, M.; Malferrari, D.; Nannarone, S.
Sodian muscovite-2M1: crystal chemistry and surface features
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 5-14
9017157 CIFCa H24 Na1.496 O26 V5P 1 21/n 110.0099; 21.8472; 11.1504
90; 116.584; 90
2180.67Kampf, A. R.; Hughes, J. M.; Marty, J.; Brown, F. H.
Nashite, Na3Ca2[(V4+V5+9)O28]*24H2O, a new mineral species from the Yellow Cat Mining District, Utah and the Slick Rock Mining District, Colorado: crystal structure and descriptive mineralogy
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 27-37
9017158 CIFAl0.18 Cl Fe1.82 H17.568 K0.108 N3.892 Na O18 S4I 41/a c d :218.261; 18.261; 11.562
90; 90; 90
3855.51Mitolo, D.; Demartin, F.; Garavelli, A.; Campostrini, I.; Pinto, D.; Gramaccioli, C. M.; Acquafredda, P.; Kolitsch, U.
Adranosite-(Fe), (NH4)4NaFe2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2, a new ammonium sulfate chloride from La Fossa Crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 57-66
9017159 CIFAl0.005 Ba0.785 Ca0.215 F Fe0.63 K0.07 Mg0.395 Mn0.15 Na0.715 Nb0.045 O8 Si2 Sr0.07 Ti0.835 Zr0.01P -15.396; 7.071; 10.226
99.73; 99.55; 90.09
379.056Sokolova, E.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Abdu, Y. A.
From structure topology to chemical composition. XV. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of schullerite, Na2Ba2Mg2Ti2(Si2O7)2O2F2, from the Eifel volcanic region, Germany
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 715-772
9017160 CIFAl0.08 Ca7.53 Fe0.25 H1.45 Mg0.11 Mn0.56 Na1.67 O28 P7R 3 c :H10.3926; 10.3926; 37.1694
90; 90; 120
3476.68Cooper, M. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Abdu, Y. A.; Ball, N. A.; Ramik, R. A.; Tait, K. T.
Wopmayite, ideally Ca6Na3[]Mn(PO4)3(PO3OH)4, a new phosphate mineral from the Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba: description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 93-106
9017161 CIFAl F1.02 Fe0.04 H33.96 Mg0.81 Mn0.07 O24.98 S2 Zn0.04P -16.644; 6.749; 14.892
79.664; 80.113; 63.487
584.648Peterson, R. C.; Joy, B. R.
Wilcoxite MgAl(SO4)2F*17H2O, from Rico, Colorado: occurrence and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 107-117
9017162 CIFB22 Ca4 Cl H18 K O46P 16.535; 24.185; 6.589
92.626; 119.132; 97.298
895.288Poulin, R. S.; Grice, J. D.
Volkovskite, a complex borate mineral: refined crystallographic data and optics
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 157-169
9017163 CIFAl0.338 Fe2.662 H20.001 K O30 P6P 3 1 c9.044; 9.044; 16.706
90; 90; 120
1183.38Hu, Z. B.; Wang, C. X.; Tong, C. Q.; Huang, Y. X.; Pan, Y.; Mi, J. X.
Crystal structure and magnetic property of synthetic gengenbachite, KH8(Fe2.66Al0.34)(PO4)6*6H2O
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 223-232
9017164 CIFAs H3 O6 Zn2P 1 21/c 112.8052; 7.9249; 10.2173
90; 104.433; 90
1004.13Hawthorne, F. C.; Abdu, Y. A.; Tait, K. T.
Hydrogen bonding in the crystal structure of legrandite: Zn2(AsO4)(OH)(H2O)
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 233-241
9017165 CIFAl0.01 Ca0.18 Fe0.22 H17.22 Mg1.02 Mn3.1 O29.28 Si8 Ti0.02 Zn0.11C 1 2/m 114.1686; 17.8583; 5.2919
90; 105.878; 90
1287.91Hawthorne, F. C.; Abdu, Y. A.; Tait, K. T.; Back, M. E.
The crystal structure of yofortierite
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 243-251
9017166 CIFBe2.264 Ca1.161 Fe0.917 H6 O17 Si4.736P 1 21/c 18.7499; 4.916; 31.431
90; 90.1574; 90
1351.98Grice, J. D.; Kristiansen, R.; Friis, H.; Rowe, R.; Poirier, G. G.; Selbekk, R. S.; Cooper, M. A.; Larsen, A. O.
Ferrochiavennite, a new beryllium silicate zeolite from syenite pegmatites in the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Region, Southern Norway
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 285-296
9017167 CIFCa0.94 H19 K0.01 Na0.04 O23 Sr0.01 V5P -19.7212; 10.2598; 10.5928
89.999; 77.083; 69.887
963.551Kampf, A. R.; Hughes, J. M.; Marty, J.; Nash, B.
Wernerbaurite, {[Ca(H2O)7]2(H2O)2(H3O)2}{V10O28}, and schindlerite, {[Na2(H2O)10](H3O)4}{V10O28}, the first hydronium-bearing decavanadate minerals
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 297-312
9017168 CIFCa0.02 H16 K0.18 Na0.79 O21 Sr0.01 V5P -18.5143; 10.4283; 11.2827
68.595; 87.253; 67.112
854.077Kampf, A. R.; Hughes, J. M.; Marty, J.; Nash, B.
Wernerbaurite, {[Ca(H2O)7]2(H2O)2(H3O)2}{V10O28}, and schindlerite, {[Na2(H2O)10](H3O)4}{V10O28}, the first hydronium-bearing decavanadate minerals
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 297-312
9017169 CIFAs0.9 Pb1.6 S17 Sb8.8 Tl1.7P -18.15; 8.716; 21.579
85.18; 96.94; 88.6
1515.33Orlandi, P.; Biagioni, C.; Moelo, Y.; Bonaccorsi, E.; Paar, W. H.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XIII. Protochabourneite, ~Tl2Pb(Sb9-8As1-2)S10S17, from the Monte Arsiccio mine: occurrence, crystal structure, and relationship with chabourneite
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 475-494
9017170 CIFAl1.96 Cl Fe0.04 H15 O13 SC 1 2/c 111.9246; 16.134; 7.4573
90; 125.815; 90
1163.43Chukanov, N. V.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Chernyatieva, A. P.
Vendidaite, Al2(SO4)(OH)3Cl*6H2O, a new mineral from La Vendida copper mine, Antofagasta region, Chile
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 559-568
9017171 CIFC F2 Li Na3 O15 P3 Y3P 2 2 211.167; 11.164; 11.162
90; 90; 90
1391.55McDonald, A. M.; Back, M. E.; Gault, R. A.; Horvath, L.
Peatite-(Y) and ramikite-(Y), two new Na-Li-Y±Zr phosphate-carbonate minerals from the Poudrette pegmatite, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 569-596
9017172 CIFC2 H2 Li2 Na6 O34 P6 Y3 Zr3P 110.9977; 10.9985; 10.9966
90.074; 89.984; 89.969
1330.13McDonald, A. M.; Back, M. E.; Gault, R. A.; Horvath, L.
Peatite-(Y) and ramikite-(Y), two new Na-Li-Y±Zr phosphate-carbonate minerals from the Poudrette pegmatite, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 569-596
9017173 CIFCa0.26 Fe1.4 Mg0.02 Mn1.31 O8 P2 Zn0.01P 1 21/c 18.8052; 11.4793; 6.1388
90; 99.192; 90
612.527Tait, K. T.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Wise, M. A.
The crystal chemistry of the graftonite-beusite minerals Notes: Sample B1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 653-662
9017174 CIFCa0.36 Fe0.67 Mg0.21 Mn1.75 O8 P2 Zn0.01P 1 21/c 18.79; 11.5382; 6.1654
90; 99.199; 90
617.258Tait, K. T.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Wise, M. A.
The crystal chemistry of the graftonite-beusite minerals Notes: Sample B2
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 653-662
9017175 CIFCa0.36 Fe0.67 Mg0.21 Mn1.75 O8 P2 Zn0.01P 1 21/c 18.7919; 11.5414; 6.1669
90; 99.192; 90
617.725Tait, K. T.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Wise, M. A.
The crystal chemistry of the graftonite-beusite minerals Notes: Sample B3
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 653-662
9017176 CIFCa0.2 Fe1.22 Mg0.24 Mn1.33 O8 P2 Zn0.01P 1 21/c 18.775; 11.437; 6.133
90; 99.192; 90
607.602Tait, K. T.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Wise, M. A.
The crystal chemistry of the graftonite-beusite minerals Notes: Sample B4
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 653-662
9017177 CIFCa0.58 Fe1.65 Mg0.15 Mn0.61 O8 P2 Zn0.01P 1 21/c 18.7994; 11.5702; 6.1365
90; 99.192; 90
616.739Tait, K. T.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Wise, M. A.
The crystal chemistry of the graftonite-beusite minerals Notes: Sample B5
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 653-662
9017178 CIFCa0.57 Fe1.59 Mg0.02 Mn0.81 O8 P2 Zn0.01P 1 21/c 18.788; 11.583; 6.141
90; 99.3; 90
616.885Tait, K. T.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Wise, M. A.
The crystal chemistry of the graftonite-beusite minerals Notes: Sample B6
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 653-662
9017179 CIFCa0.37 Fe1.51 Mg0.11 Mn1.01 O8 P2P 1 21/c 18.8072; 11.5131; 6.1372
90; 99.243; 90
614.221Tait, K. T.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Wise, M. A.
The crystal chemistry of the graftonite-beusite minerals Notes: Sample B7 Note: O7 y-coordinate edited by author
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 653-662
9017180 CIFAl1.953 Ca2.922 Fe0.1 Mg0.003 Mn0.048 O12 Si2.955 Ti0.02I a -3 d11.8514; 11.8514; 11.8514
90; 90; 90
1664.6Antao, S. M.
Is near-endmember birefringent grossular non-cubic? New evidence from synchrotron diffraction Note: sample 1, Quebec-b phase-1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 771-784
9017181 CIFAl1.953 Ca2.922 Fe0.1 Mg0.003 Mn0.048 O12 Si2.955 Ti0.02I a -3 d11.8436; 11.8436; 11.8436
90; 90; 90
1661.31Antao, S. M.
Is near-endmember birefringent grossular non-cubic? New evidence from synchrotron diffraction Note: sample 1, Quebec-b phase-2
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 771-784
9017182 CIFAl1.709 Ca2.994 Cr0.216 Fe0.046 Mg0.003 Mn0.036 O12 Si2.943 Ti0.054I a -3 d11.87707; 11.87707; 11.87707
90; 90; 90
1675.44Antao, S. M.
Is near-endmember birefringent grossular non-cubic? New evidence from synchrotron diffraction Note: sample 2, Quebec-g phase-1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 771-784
9017183 CIFAl1.709 Ca2.994 Cr0.216 Fe0.046 Mg0.003 Mn0.036 O12 Si2.943 Ti0.054I a -3 d11.86193; 11.86193; 11.86193
90; 90; 90
1669.04Antao, S. M.
Is near-endmember birefringent grossular non-cubic? New evidence from synchrotron diffraction Note: sample 2, Quebec-g phase-2
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 771-784
9017184 CIFAl1.1 Ca2.955 Fe0.864 Mg0.048 Mn0.023 O12 Si2.94 Ti0.07I a -3 d11.94161; 11.94161; 11.94161
90; 90; 90
1702.9Antao, S. M.
Is near-endmember birefringent grossular non-cubic? New evidence from synchrotron diffraction Note: sample 3, Tanzania phase-1
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 771-784
9017185 CIFAl1.1 Ca2.955 Fe0.864 Mg0.048 Mn0.023 O12 Si2.94 Ti0.07I a -3 d11.95012; 11.95012; 11.95012
90; 90; 90
1706.54Antao, S. M.
Is near-endmember birefringent grossular non-cubic? New evidence from synchrotron diffraction Note: sample 3, Tanzania phase-2
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 771-784
9017186 CIFAl1.877 Ca2.964 Fe0.116 Mg0.012 Mn0.012 O12 Si2.973 Ti0.008I a -3 d11.85584; 11.85584; 11.85584
90; 90; 90
1666.47Antao, S. M.
Is near-endmember birefringent grossular non-cubic? New evidence from synchrotron diffraction Note: sample 4, Afghanistan single-phase
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 771-784
9017187 CIFAs4 Cu6 S9P 19.103; 9.86; 9.111
90.27; 109.53; 107.58
729.618Bindi, L.; Makovicky, E.; Nestola, F.; Battisti, L. D.
Sinnerite, Cu6As4S9, from the Lengenbach Quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland: Description and re-investigation of the crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 851-860
9017188 CIFBa0.095 Ca0.35 F0.165 Fe0.05 H6.8 K0.075 Mg0.085 Mn0.185 Na0.965 Nb0.23 O12.335 Si2 Sr0.225 Ti1.465 Zr0.005P -15.387; 7.091; 15.473
96.58; 93.948; 89.818
585.763Camara, F.; Sokolova, E.; Abdu, Y.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Khomyakov, A. P.
Kolskyite, (Ca[_])Na2Ti4(Si2O7)2O4(H2O)7, a group-IV Ti-disilicate mineral from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia: Description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2013, 51, 921-936
9017189 CIFAl4.842 B1.598 Ca1.898 Mg2.733 Na0.102 O20 Si2.827P -110.022; 10.406; 8.643
106.41; 95.992; 124.38
672.788Grice, J. D.; Belley, P. M.; Fayek, M.
Serendibite, a complex chemical borosilicate mineral from Pontiac, Quebec: Description, chemical composition, and crystallographic data
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 1-14
9017190 CIFB Fe0.1 H2 Mn1.9 Na O11 Si3P -16.837; 7.575; 8.841
99.91; 102.19; 102.78
424.812Haring, M. M. M.; McDonald, A. M.
Steedeite, NaMn2[Si3BO9](OH)2: characterization, crystal-structure determination, and origin
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 47-60
9017191 CIFF Fe0.036 Mn1.964 O4 PI 1 2/a 112.109; 6.5162; 10.117
90; 106.16; 90
766.737Vignola, P.; Gatta, G. D.; Hatert, F.; Guastoni, A.; Bersani, D.
On the crystal-chemistry of a near-endmember triplite, Mn2+2(PO4)F, from the Codera Valley (Sondrio Province, Central Alps, Italy)
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 235-245
9017192 CIFAl5.688 B3 Ca0.424 Fe2.517 H7 Mg0.795 Na0.576 O31 Si6R 3 m :H16.0047; 16.0047; 7.212
90; 90; 120
1599.86Gadas, P.; Novak, M.; Cempirek, J.; Filip, J.; Galiova, M. V.; Groat, L. A.; Vsiansky, D.
Mineral assemblages, compositional variation, and crystal structure of feruvitic tourmaline from a contaminated anatectic pegmatite at Mirosov near Strazek, Moldanubian zone, Czech Republic Note: site occupancies from typical X-ray diffraction analysis
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 285-301
9017193 CIFAl5.592 B3 Ca0.494 F0.06 Fe2.472 H4.648 Mg0.939 Mn0.03 Na0.451 O30.94 Si5.88 Ti0.084 Zn0.006R 3 m :H16.0047; 16.0047; 7.212
90; 90; 120
1599.86Gadas, P.; Novak, M.; Cempirek, J.; Filip, J.; Galiova, M. V.; Groat, L. A.; Vsiansky, D.
Mineral assemblages, compositional variation, and crystal structure of feruvitic tourmaline from a contaminated anatectic pegmatite at Mirosov near Strazek, Moldanubian zone, Czech Republic Note: site occupancies from electron density approximation
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 285-301
9017194 CIFB2 Ba2 Ca O14 Si4I -4 2 m10.9515; 10.9515; 10.3038
90; 90; 90
1235.79Kampf, A. R.; Peterson, R. C.; Joy, B. R.
Itsiite, Ba2Ca(BSi2O7)2, a new mineral species from Yukon, Canada: description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 401-407
9017195 CIFAg3.5 Cu24.5 Te35C 1 2/c 117.906; 17.927; 21.23
90; 98.081; 90
6747.18Bindi, L.; Pinch, W. W.
Cameronite, Cu5-x(Cu,Ag)3+xTe10 (x = 0.43), from the Good Hope mine, Vulcan, Colorado: Crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 423-432
9017196 CIFCs0.04 Cu3.99 K2.85 Na O18 Rb0.08 S4 Zn0.02P n 21 a14.281; 4.9478; 24.1127
90; 90; 90
1703.79Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Chukanov, N. V.; Lykova, I. S.; Savelyev, D. P.; Sidorov, E. G.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Wulffite, K3NaCu4O2(SO4)4, and parawulffite, K5Na3Cu8O4(SO4)8, two new minerals from fumarole sublimates of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 699-716
9017197 CIFCs0.14 Cu7.95 K4.75 Na2.95 O36 Rb0.25 S8 Zn0.04P 1 2/c 113.9043; 4.9765; 23.5855
90; 90.209; 90
1631.98Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Chukanov, N. V.; Lykova, I. S.; Savelyev, D. P.; Sidorov, E. G.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Wulffite, K3NaCu4O2(SO4)4, and parawulffite, K5Na3Cu8O4(SO4)8, two new minerals from fumarole sublimates of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 699-716
9017198 CIFAl0.01 Ba0.61 Ca0.26 F0.74 Fe0.04 H5.26 K0.13 Mg0.01 Mn0.68 Na2.22 Nb0.76 O19.26 Si4 Sr0.2 Ti2.09P -15.437; 7.141; 21.69
92.97; 96.07; 90.01
836.268Camara, F.; Sokolova, E.; Abdu, Y. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Saamite, Ba[]TiNbNa3Ti(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2(H2O)2, a group-III Ti-disilicate mineral from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia: description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014, 52, 745-761
9017199 CIFCu0.55 Fe0.13 Ga0.19 In0.08 S Zn0.08F -4 3 m5.368; 5.368; 5.368
90; 90; 90
154.681Marquez-Zavalia M F; Galliski, M. A.; Drabek, M.; Vymazalova, A.; Watanabe, Y.; Murakami, H.; Bernhardt, H. J.
Ishiharaite, (Cu,Ga,Fe,In,Zn)S, a new mineral from the Capillitas mine, Northwestern Argentina
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2015, 52, 969-980
9017200 CIFAl0.59 Ca0.17 F0.42 Fe4.53 H1.58 K0.27 Mg0.06 Mn0.31 Na2.51 O23.58 Si7.41 Ti0.06 Zn0.01C 1 2/m 19.919; 18.0885; 5.344
90; 103.813; 90
931.091Lussier, A. J.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Abdu, Y. A.; Ball, N. A.; Tait, K. T.; Back, M. E.; Steede, A. H.; Taylor, R.; McDonald, A. M.
Ferro-ferri-nyboite, NaNa2(Fe2+3Fe3+2)Si8O22(OH)2, a new clinoamphibole from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada: description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2015, 52, 1019-1026
9017201 CIFBe2 Fe2 H12 Mn O22 P4P 31 2 19.404; 9.404; 15.92
90; 90; 120
1219.27Cooper, M. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.
The crystal structure of faheyite, Mn2+Fe3+2[Be2(PO4)4](H2O)6: a new twist for the [Be(PPhi4)2] chain
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2015, 53, 199-208
9017202 CIFAl0.92 B4 Ca1.582 Fe0.08 H2 Mn0.88 O24 Si4 Y2.752 Yb0.386P 1 2/a 118.609; 4.6307; 10.143
90; 111.475; 90
813.371Miyawaki, R.; Momma, K.; Yokoyama, K.; Shigeoka, M.; Matsubara, S.; Ito, M.; Nakai, I.; Kristiansen, R.
Mn-bearing hellandite-(Y) from the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Norway
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2015, 53, 345-356
9017203 CIFAl0.164 Ca0.277 Fe2.454 H18 Mg1.545 Mn0.961 Na0.569 O26 P4P 1 2/a 115.1045; 7.1629; 9.8949
90; 110.64; 90
1001.84Kampf, A. R.; Elliott, P.; Nash, B. P.; Chiappino, L.; Varvello, S.
Jahnsite-(NaMnMg), a new jahnsite-group mineral from the Sapucaia mine, Brazil and the White Rock No. 2 quarry, Australia
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2018, 56, 871-882
9017204 CIFAl1.82 Ca0.39 H16 K0.01 Mg2.08 Mn1.66 Na0.03 O26 P4P 1 2/a 115.0357; 6.9408; 9.9431
90; 110.827; 90
969.857Elliott, P.; Willis, A. C.
Whiteite-(MnMnMg), a new jahnsite-group mineral from Iron Monarch, South Australia: Description and crystal structure Note: Not all hydrogens were located
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2019, 57, 215-223
9017205 CIFCa0.25 Fe4 H18 Mn1.4 Na0.05 O26 P4P 1 2/a 115.1559; 7.1478; 10.0209
90; 112.059; 90
1006.11Vignola, P.; Hatert, F.; Rotiroti, N.; Nestola, F.; Risplendente, A.; Vanini, F.
Jahnsite-(MnMnFe), Mn2+Mn2+Fe22+Fe23+(PO4)4(OH)2*8H2O, a new phosphate mineral from the Malpensata pegmatite, Olgiasca, Colico municipality, Lecco province, Italy
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2019, 57, 225-233
9017206 CIFAl0.36 Ca0.25 Fe1.85 H22 Mg1.26 Mn2.02 Na0.2 O26 P4P 1 2/a 115.177; 7.176; 10.006
90; 111.01; 90
1017.31Vignola, P.; Hatert, F.; Baijot, M.; Rotiroti, N.; Risplendente, A.; Varvello, S.
Jahnsite-(MnMnMg), Mn2+Mn2+Mg2+2Fe3+2(PO4)4(OH)2*8H2O, a new phosphate mineral species from Sapucaia pegmatite, Sapucaia Do Norte, Galileia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2019, 57, 363-370
9017207 CIFCa O4 SB m m b6.992; 6.999; 6.24
90; 90; 90
305.367Hartman, P.
On the unit cell dimensions and bond lengths of anhydrite Note: this is a re-indexed structure of Hawthorne and Ferguson (1975)
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1989, 1, 721-722
9017208 CIFC20 H36P 21 21 2112.356; 12.762; 11.427
90; 90; 90
1801.89Franzini, L.; Pasero, M.; Perchiazzi, N.
Re-discovery and re-definition of dinite, C20H36, a forgotten organic mineral from Garfagnana, northern Tuscany, Italy
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1991, 3, 855-861
9017209 CIFCa2 H2 O9 S2I 1 2 112.035; 6.9294; 12.6705
90; 90.266; 90
1056.65Ballirano, P.; Maras, A.; Meloni, S.; Caminiti, R.
The monoclinic I2 structure of bassanite, calcium sulphate hemihydrate
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2001, 13, 985-993
9017211 CIFAl0.824 Ca3 Fe1.176 O8 TiP m m a5.42; 11.064; 5.5383
90; 90; 90
332.115Sharygin, V. V.; Lazic, B.; Armbruster, T. M.; Murashko, M. N.; Wirth, R.; Galuskina, I. O.; Galuskin, E. V.; Vapnik, Y.; Britvin, S. N.; Logvinova, A. M.
Shulamitite Ca3TiFe3+AlO8 - a new perovskite-related mineral from Hatrurim Basin, Israel
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 97-111
9017212 CIFBa O24 Si7 Yb6P 1 21/m 15.5173; 27.26; 6.815
90; 106.73; 90
981.601Wierzbicka-Wieczorek M; Kolitsch, U.
BaYb6(Si2O7)2(Si3O10) - the first silicate containing both Si2O7 and Si3O10 groups: synthesis, crystal chemistry and topology
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 509-517
9017213 CIFAl Cs0.02 K0.83 Na0.15 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.5497; 13.0216; 7.1843
90; 115.988; 90
718.959Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: Sample H002
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017214 CIFAl K0.93 Na0.07 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.5739; 12.9874; 7.2018
90; 116.042; 90
720.521Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: Sample H003
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017215 CIFAl K0.92 Na0.08 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.5739; 12.9874; 7.2018
90; 116.042; 90
720.521Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: Gemini RT Data, Sample H003
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017216 CIFAl K0.92 Na0.08 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.575; 12.984; 7.2008
90; 116.028; 90
720.41Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: T = 293 K, Sample H003_RTend
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017217 CIFAl K0.92 Na0.08 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.5752; 12.986; 7.2013
90; 116.023; 90
720.619Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: T = 293 K, Sample H003_RT
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017218 CIFAl K0.92 Na0.08 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.6159; 12.9806; 7.1991
90; 115.956; 90
723.93Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: T = 600 K, Sample H003
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614

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