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1001274 CIFBa K4 O26 Si4 Ta6P -6 2 m9.047; 9.047; 7.81
90; 90; 120
553.6Choisnet, J; Nguyen, N; Raveau, B
Silicotantalates et siliconiobates non-stoechiometriques: les composes K~6-2x~ Ba~x~ Ta~6~ Si~4~ O~26~ (0<x<3) et K~8~ M~14~ Si~4~ O~47~ (M = Ta, Nb)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 91-96
1001275 CIFBa1.5 K3 O26 Si4 Ta6P -6 2 m9.035; 9.035; 7.79
90; 90; 120
550.7Choisnet, J; Nguyen, N; Raveau, B
Silicotantalates et siliconiobates non-stoechiometriques: les composes K~6-2x~ Ba~x~ Ta~6~ Si~4~ O~26~ (0<x<3) et K~8~ M~14~ Si~4~ O~47~ (M = Ta, Nb)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 91-96
1001276 CIFGe4 K10 Nb22 O68P -6 2 m9.112; 9.112; 20.01
90; 90; 120
1438.8Choisnet, J; Hervieu, M; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Nouvelles phases multiples obtenues par intercroissance des reseaux "M~6~X~4~O~26~" et "M~8~O~21~": les oxydes K~10~ (M~8~ O~21~)~2~ * M~6~ X~4~ O~26~ (M=Nb,Ta)(X=Ge,Si)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 621-627
1001277 CIFBa3 O21 Sb4 Ti4P 63/m c m8.966; 8.966; 11.857
90; 90; 120
825.5Saurel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement de l'antimoine V et du strontium dans les oxydes a structure en cages du type A~3~ M~8~ O~21~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 629-635
1001278 CIFNb4 O21 Sr3 Ti4P 63/m c m8.992; 8.992; 11.605
90; 90; 120
812.6Saurel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement de l'antimoine V et du strontium dans les oxydes a structure en cages du type A~3~ M~8~ O~21~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 629-635
1001279 CIFO21 Sr3 Ta4 Ti4P 63/m c m9.008; 9.008; 11.629
90; 90; 120
817.2Saurel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement de l'antimoine V et du strontium dans les oxydes a structure en cages du type A~3~ M~8~ O~21~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 629-635
1001306 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.317; 5.752; 5.105
90; 90; 90
273.6Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001307 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.315; 5.747; 5.102
90; 90; 90
273.1Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001308 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.306; 5.742; 5.097
90; 90; 90
272.4Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001309 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.298; 5.736; 5.092
90; 90; 90
271.6Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001310 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.287; 5.731; 5.089
90; 90; 90
270.9Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001311 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.274; 5.727; 5.085
90; 90; 90
270.1Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001312 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.266; 5.72; 5.08
90; 90; 90
269.2Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001313 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.259; 5.714; 5.075
90; 90; 90
268.5Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001314 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.261; 5.707; 5.074
90; 90; 90
268.2Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001315 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.254; 5.699; 5.073
90; 90; 90
267.5Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001316 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.247; 5.689; 5.072
90; 90; 90
266.8Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001437 CIFCa0.5 Fe1.5 Li0.5 O4 Sn0.5P n a m9.285; 10.869; 3.02
90; 90; 90
304.8Archaimbault, F; Choisnet, J; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
De Nouveaux Ferrites de Calcium Substitues, Isotypes De Ca Fe~2~ O~4~: Les Oxydes Ca~1-x~ Li~x~ (Fe~2-x~ Sn~ ~x) O~4~ (0 < x <=0.60)
Annales de Chimie (Paris) (Vol=Year), 1987, 12, 23-32
1004061 CIFLa4 O19 Ru6I 2 38.981; 8.981; 8.981
90; 90; 90
724.4Abraham, F; Trehoux, J; Thomas, D
La liaison metal-metal dans les clusters M~12~ O~36~: I - preparation et etudes structurale des phases La~4~ M~6~ O~19~ (M = Ru, Os)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 43-52
1004062 CIFLa4 O19 Os6I 2 39.05; 9.05; 9.05
90; 90; 90
741.2Abraham, F; Trehoux, J; Thomas, D
La liaison metal-metal dans les clusters M~12~ O~36~: I - preparation et etudes structurale des phases La~4~ M~6~ O~19~ (M = Ru, Os)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 43-52
1007101 CIFO8 Sr3 V2R -3 m :R7.458; 7.458; 7.458
44.28; 44.28; 44.28
183.8Durif, A
Structure cristalline des orthovanadates et orthoarseniates de baryum et de strontium.
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 420-421
1007102 CIFAs2 O8 Sr3R -3 m :R7.399; 7.399; 7.399
44.32; 44.32; 44.32
179.7Durif, A
Structure cristalline des orthovanadates et orthoarseniates de baryum et de strontium.
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 420-421
1008051 CIFBi3 Ga O11 Sb2P n -3 :29.4907; 9.4907; 9.4907
90; 90; 90
854.9Sleight, A W; Bouchard, R J
A new cubic K Sb O~3~ derivative structure with interpenetrating networks. Crystal structure of Bi~3~ Ga Sb~2~ O~11~
Inorganic Chemistry, 1973, 12, 2314-2316
1008124 CIFAl2 Ca4 Fe2 O10P c m n5.58; 14.5; 5.34
90; 90; 90
432.1Bertaut, E F; Blum, P; Sagnieres, A
Structure du Ferrite Bicalcique et de la Brownmillerite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 149-159
1009033 CIFCa2 Fe2 O5P c m n5.64; 14.68; 5.39
90; 90; 90
446.3Bertaut, E F; Blum, P; Sagnieres, A
Structure du ferrite bicalcique et de la brownmillerite
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 149-159
1010037 CIFCu3 PP -3 c 17.07; 7.07; 7.135
90; 90; 120
308.9Steenberg, B
The Crystal Structure of Cu~3~ As and Cu~3~ P
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010038 CIFCu2 SbP 4/n m m :13.992; 3.992; 6.091
90; 90; 90
97.1Elander, M; Haegg, G; Westgren, A
The Crystal Structure of Cu~2~ Sb and Fe~2~ As
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B, 1935, 12, 1-6
1010039 CIFAl2 Ba O4P 63 2 25.209; 5.209; 8.761
90; 90; 120
205.9Wallmark, S; Westgren, A
X-Ray Analysis of Barium Aluminates
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B, 1937, 12, 1-4
1010311 CIFBi2 O3P n -3 m :15.525; 5.525; 5.525
90; 90; 90
168.7Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies of Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010312 CIFBi2 O3C -4 2 b10.93; 10.93; 5.62
90; 90; 90
671.4Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies on Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010313 CIFBi2 O3I 2 310.08; 10.08; 10.08
90; 90; 90
1024.2Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies on Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010314 CIFBi24 O40 Si2I 2 310.08; 10.08; 10.08
90; 90; 90
1024.2Sillen, L G
X-Ray Studies on Bismuth Trioxide
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010511 CIFBr Na O3P 21 36.72; 6.72; 6.72
90; 90; 90
303.5Vegard, L
Die Lage der Atome in den optisch aktiven Kristallen Na Cl O~3~ und Na Br O~3~.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik, 1922, 12, 289-303
1010512 CIFCl Na O3P 21 36.58; 6.58; 6.58
90; 90; 90
284.9Vegard, L
Die Lage der Atome in den optisch aktiven Kristallen Na Cl O~3~ und Na Br O~3~.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik, 1922, 12, 289-303
1010608 CIFCl6 H8 N2 PbF m -3 m10.14; 10.14; 10.14
90; 90; 90
1042.6Wyckoff, R W G
The crystal structure of ammonium hexachloroplumbate ((N H~4~)~2~ Pb Cl~6~)
American Journal of Science, Serie 5(1,1921-1938), 1926, 12, 503-509
1010654 CIFC TaF m -3 m4.446; 4.446; 4.446
90; 90; 90
87.9Schwarz, M von; Summa, O
Die Kristallstruktur von Tantalkarbid
Metallwirtschaft, Metallwissenschaft, Metalltechnik, 1933, 12, 298-298
1010975 CIFAs Cu3I -4 3 d9.611; 9.611; 9.611
90; 90; 90
887.8Steenberg, B
The Crystal Structure of Cu3 As and Cu3 P
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1010982 CIFAs Cu3P -3 c 17.088; 7.088; 7.232
90; 90; 120
314.7Steenberg, B
The Crystal Structure of Cu3 As and Cu3 P
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15
1011082 CIFFe12 O19 PbP 63/m m c5.877; 5.877; 23.01999
90; 90; 120
688.6Adelsköld, V.
X-ray studies on Magneto Plumbite PbO · 6Fe~2~O~3~ and other substances resembling β-alumina Na~2~O · 11Al~2~O~3~
Arkiv för Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-9
1011298 CIFAs Fe2P 4/n m m :13.627; 3.627; 5.973
90; 90; 90
78.6Elander, M; Haegg, G; Westgren, A
The crystal structure of Cu2 Sb and Fe2 As
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, B, 1935, 12, 1-6
1100058 CIFCu5 Zn8I -4 3 m8.85; 8.85; 8.85
90; 90; 90
693.15Bradley, A. J.; Gregory, C. H.
A comparison of the crystal structures of Cu~5~Zn~8~ and Cu~5~Cd~8~
The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science: Series 7, 1931, 12, 143-162
1501543 CIFC178 H191 N O13P 1 n 116.8098; 10.8804; 40.022
90; 95.523; 90
7285.9Gagnon, Eric; Maris, Thierry; Wuest,James D
Triarylamines Designed to Form Molecular Glasses. Derivatives of Tris(p-terphenyl-4-yl)amine with Multiple Contiguous Phenyl Substituents
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 404-407
1502626 CIFC17 H16 Br N O3 SP 1 21/n 17.9826; 15.1896; 14.0058
90; 106.311; 90
1629.89Yao, Chang-Sheng; Wang, Cui-Hua; Jiang, Bei; Tu, Shu-Jiang
One-pot combinatorial synthesis of 4-aryl-1H-thiopyrano[3,4-b]pyridine-5-one derivatives.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 472-475
1502627 CIFC27 H26 Cl N O2 SP 1 21/n 114.7445; 11.168; 15.5403
90; 111.725; 90
2377.21Yao, Chang-Sheng; Wang, Cui-Hua; Jiang, Bei; Tu, Shu-Jiang
One-pot combinatorial synthesis of 4-aryl-1H-thiopyrano[3,4-b]pyridine-5-one derivatives.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 472-475
1502628 CIFC24 H27 Cl2 N3 O SC 1 2/c 122.27; 11.0361; 19.418
90; 97.983; 90
4726.2Han, Minsoo; Nam, Kee Dal; Shin, Dongyun; Jeong, Nakcheol; Hahn, Hoh-Gyu
Exploration of novel 2-alkylimino-1,3-thiazolines: T-type calcium channel inhibitory activity.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 518-530
1502629 CIFC30 H34 Cl N3 O2 SC 1 2/c 138.497; 12.466; 11.636
90; 99.309; 90
5511Han, Minsoo; Nam, Kee Dal; Shin, Dongyun; Jeong, Nakcheol; Hahn, Hoh-Gyu
Exploration of novel 2-alkylimino-1,3-thiazolines: T-type calcium channel inhibitory activity.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 518-530
1502630 CIFC17 H17 F O3P 1 21/c 19.6423; 20.332; 7.4807
90; 97.331; 90
1454.6Ramachary, Dhevalapally B.; Ramakumar, Kinthada; Bharanishashank, Adluri; Narayana, Vidadala V.
Sequential one-pot combination of multireactions through multicatalysis: a general approach to rapid assembly of functionalized push-pull olefins, phenols, and 2-methyl-2H-chromenes.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 855-876
1502631 CIFC19 H19 N O5P -18.025; 8.415; 14.351
87.633; 83.514; 61.76
848.2Ramachary, Dhevalapally B.; Ramakumar, Kinthada; Bharanishashank, Adluri; Narayana, Vidadala V.
Sequential one-pot combination of multireactions through multicatalysis: a general approach to rapid assembly of functionalized push-pull olefins, phenols, and 2-methyl-2H-chromenes.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 855-876
1502632 CIFC19 H14 N2 O2P 1 21/c 117.3823; 5.3652; 16.7899
90; 109.752; 90
1473.7Li, Dewen; Duan, Shudong; Hu, Youhong
Three-component one-pot approach to synthesize benzopyrano[4,3-d]pyrimidines.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 895-899
1502633 CIFC25 H20 N4 S2P 1 21/n 111.0619; 11.2598; 17.5329
90; 93.662; 90
2179.3Han, Zheng-Guo; Miao, Chun-Bao; Shi, Feng; Ma, Ning; Zhang, Ge; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Diversity Synthesis of N-Substituted 2-Amino-1,6-naphthyridine Derivatives under Microwave Irradiation
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 16
1502634 CIFC22 H35 N3 O2.5 S0.5C 1 2/c 127.1869; 10.2149; 34.7688
90; 106.095; 90
9277.2Shaabani, Ahmad; Maleki, Ali; Hajishaabanha, Fatemeh; Mofakham, Hamid; Seyyedhamzeh, Mozhdeh; Mahyari, Mojtaba; Ng, Seik Weng
Novel Syntheses of Tetrahydrobenzodiazepines and Dihydropyrazines via Isocyanide-Based Multicomponent Reactions of Diamines
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 186
1502635 CIFC18 H25 N3 O2P 1 21/n 15.7118; 25.8049; 11.8905
90; 94.801; 90
1746.42Shaabani, Ahmad; Maleki, Ali; Hajishaabanha, Fatemeh; Mofakham, Hamid; Seyyedhamzeh, Mozhdeh; Mahyari, Mojtaba; Ng, Seik Weng
Novel Syntheses of Tetrahydrobenzodiazepines and Dihydropyrazines via Isocyanide-Based Multicomponent Reactions of Diamines
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 186
1502636 CIFC23 H21 N O3P -19.2085; 9.6607; 11.2222
77.053; 80.455; 71.635
918.49Lin, Chi-Hui; Chen, Jhih-Rong; Yang, Ding-Yah
Syntheses of Quaternary Carbon-Containing Oxazatricycle and Spiropyran Libraries via Multicomponent Reactions and Their Molecular Switching Properties
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 119
1502637 CIFC31 H29 N O5P -19.6289; 12.161; 13.927
75.761; 89.878; 70.641
1485.7Lin, Chi-Hui; Chen, Jhih-Rong; Yang, Ding-Yah
Syntheses of Quaternary Carbon-Containing Oxazatricycle and Spiropyran Libraries via Multicomponent Reactions and Their Molecular Switching Properties
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 119
1502638 CIF
C25 H15 Br N4P b c a14.7393; 10.7465; 25.4251
90; 90; 90
4027.23Thirumurugan, Prakasam; Nandakumar, A.; Muralidharan, D.; Perumal, Paramasivan T.
Simple and Convenient Approach to the Kr€ohnke Pyridine Type Synthesis of Functionalized Indol-3-yl Pyridine Derivatives Using 3-Cyanoacetyl Indole
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 161
1502639 CIF
C25 H16 Cl2 N4P -18.0158; 10.0261; 14.3653
72.26; 79.42; 78.224
1067.3Thirumurugan, Prakasam; Nandakumar, A.; Muralidharan, D.; Perumal, Paramasivan T.
Simple and Convenient Approach to the Kr€ohnke Pyridine Type Synthesis of Functionalized Indol-3-yl Pyridine Derivatives Using 3-Cyanoacetyl Indole
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 161
1502640 CIF
C25 H14 Cl2 N4P 1 21/c 110.0307; 22.446; 17.932
90; 90.991; 90
4036.8Thirumurugan, Prakasam; Nandakumar, A.; Muralidharan, D.; Perumal, Paramasivan T.
Simple and Convenient Approach to the Kr€ohnke Pyridine Type Synthesis of Functionalized Indol-3-yl Pyridine Derivatives Using 3-Cyanoacetyl Indole
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 161
1502641 CIFC21 H18 Cl N OP -19.2367; 9.6213; 10.4565
103.872; 114.049; 92.266
813.92Wang, Xiang-Shan; Zhou, Jie; Yin, Ming-Yue; Yang, Ke; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Efficient and highly selective method for the synthesis of benzo(naphtho)quinoline derivatives catalyzed by iodine.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 266-269
1502642 CIFC25 H20 F N OP -19.1128; 10.1416; 10.6352
76.379; 81.633; 74.199
915.66Wang, Xiang-Shan; Zhou, Jie; Yin, Ming-Yue; Yang, Ke; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Efficient and highly selective method for the synthesis of benzo(naphtho)quinoline derivatives catalyzed by iodine.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 266-269
1502643 CIFC12 H16 N2 OP 1 21/c 19.7976; 11.3938; 11.8365
90; 120.442; 90
1139.2Wang, Xiang-Shan; Yang, Ke; Zhou, Jie; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Facile Method for the Combinatorial Synthesis of 2,2-Disubstituted Quinazolin-4(1H)-one Derivatives Catalyzed by Iodine in Ionic Liquids
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 417-421
1502644 CIFC14 H18 N2 OC 1 2/c 139.9096; 11.2986; 29.634
90; 131.752; 90
9969Wang, Xiang-Shan; Yang, Ke; Zhou, Jie; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Facile Method for the Combinatorial Synthesis of 2,2-Disubstituted Quinazolin-4(1H)-one Derivatives Catalyzed by Iodine in Ionic Liquids
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 417-421
1502645 CIFC12 H14 N2 O SP 1 21/n 16.9285; 14.9028; 10.7454
90; 94.45; 90
1106.16Wang, Xiang-Shan; Yang, Ke; Zhou, Jie; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Facile Method for the Combinatorial Synthesis of 2,2-Disubstituted Quinazolin-4(1H)-one Derivatives Catalyzed by Iodine in Ionic Liquids
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 417-421
1502646 CIFC14 H13 N3 O SP -14.906; 9.9103; 14.4818
91.786; 104.35; 110.743
632.4Soh, Chai Hoon; Lam, Yulin
Microwave-assisted synthesis of substituted 2-(benzylthio)imidazo[1,2a]pyrimidin-5-ones.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 286-291
1502647 CIFC19 H21 N3 O SP 1 21/c 119.8028; 5.2167; 17.3692
90; 108.081; 90
1705.72Soh, Chai Hoon; Lam, Yulin
Microwave-assisted synthesis of substituted 2-(benzylthio)imidazo[1,2a]pyrimidin-5-ones.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 286-291
1502648 CIFC22 H19 N3 O2 SC 1 2/c 117.4388; 15.7401; 14.454
90; 105.718; 90
3819.1Soh, Chai Hoon; Lam, Yulin
Microwave-assisted synthesis of substituted 2-(benzylthio)imidazo[1,2a]pyrimidin-5-ones.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 286-291
1502649 CIFC19 H16 N4 O SP 1 21/n 16.9999; 17.428; 13.8297
90; 96.91; 90
1674.89Soh, Chai Hoon; Lam, Yulin
Microwave-assisted synthesis of substituted 2-(benzylthio)imidazo[1,2a]pyrimidin-5-ones.
Journal of combinatorial chemistry, 2010, 12, 286-291
1502835 CIFC21 H22 N2 O2P 21 21 216.5866; 10.932; 24.192
90; 90; 90
1741.9Feng, Tao; Li, Yan; Liu, Ya-Ping; Cai, Xiang-Hai; Wang, Yuan-Yuan; Luo, Xiao-Dong
Melotenine A, a cytotoxic monoterpenoid indole alkaloid from Melodinus tenuicaudatus.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 968-971
1502836 CIFC22 H19 Cl O4P 21 21 216.7271; 8.4431; 33.243
90; 90; 90
1888.1Cui, Hai-Lei; Huang, Ji-Rong; Lei, Jie; Wang, Zhao-Feng; Chen, Shi; Wu, Li; Chen, Ying-Chun
Direct asymmetric allylic alkylation of butenolides with Morita-Baylis-Hillman carbonates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 720-723
1502837 CIFC80 H108 Cl6 N4 P2 Pd2P 1 21/c 111.3891; 18.0473; 19.6602
90; 94.5867; 90
4028.07Ackermann, Lutz; Potukuchi, Harish K.; Althammer, Andreas; Born, Robert; Mayer, Peter
Tetra-ortho-substituted biaryls through palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura couplings with a diaminochlorophosphine ligand.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1004-1007
1502838 CIFC29 H40 O10P 21 21 2110.4314; 15.4544; 17.8219
90; 90; 90
2873.1Cheng, Yuan-Bin; Liao, Tzu-Ching; Lo, I-Wen; Chen, Yu-Chen; Kuo, Yuh-Chi; Chen, Shun-Ying; Chien, Ching-Te; Shen, Ya-Ching
Arisandilactone A, a new triterpenoid from the fruits of Schisandra arisanensis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1016-1019
1502839 CIFC24 H23 N OP 21 21 217.6052; 13.5568; 16.9736
90; 90; 90
1750.02Schultz, Danielle M.; Wolfe, John P.
Synthesis of polycyclic nitrogen heterocycles via alkene aminopalladation/carbopalladation cascade reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1028-1031
1502840 CIFC75.24 H121 N10 O8.12 P S2.12P -113.0331; 13.2679; 24.257
98.544; 93.146; 106.279
3961.1Dydio, Paweł; Zieliński, Tomasz; Jurczak, Janusz
7,7'-Diureido-2,2'-diindolylmethanes: anion receptors effective in a highly competitive solvent, methanol.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1076-1078
1502841 CIFC118 H179 N15 O12 P2P 1 2/n 118.2601; 12.6607; 24.7388
90; 93.657; 90
5707.6Dydio, Paweł; Zieliński, Tomasz; Jurczak, Janusz
7,7'-Diureido-2,2'-diindolylmethanes: anion receptors effective in a highly competitive solvent, methanol.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1076-1078
1502842 CIFC14 H19 Br N2 O4P 21 21 215.86; 15.3822; 18.6383
90; 90; 90
1680.1Li, Qing; Ding, Chang-Hua; Hou, Xue-Long; Dai, Li-Xin
Diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of alpha,gamma-diaminobutyric acid derivatives via Cu-catalyzed asymmetric Michael reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1080-1083
1502843 CIFC28 H40 O6P 21 21 217.6814; 12.1284; 27.7022
90; 90; 90
2580.82Wang, Cui-Fang; Liu, Jie-Qing; Yan, Yu-Xin; Chen, Jian-Chao; Lu, Yang; Guo, Yong-Hui; Qiu, Ming-Hua
Three new triterpenoids containing four-membered ring from the fruiting body of Ganoderma sinense.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1656-1659
1502844 CIFC21 H25 N O6P 1 21/c 15.8975; 12.5457; 25.999
90; 92.6152; 90
1921.62Bogle, Katherine M.; Hirst, David J.; Dixon, Darren J.
Total synthesis of (+/-)-powelline and (+/-)-buphanidrine.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1252-1254
1502845 CIFC16 H13 N O4P c c n24.6054; 7.0101; 15.5516
90; 90; 90
2682.44Mondal, Mukulesh; Ibrahim, Ahmad A.; Wheeler, Kraig A.; Kerrigan, Nessan J.
Phosphine-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of beta-lactones from arylketoketenes and aromatic aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1664-1667
1502846 CIFC21 H15 N O4P 21 21 219.5125; 10.8526; 16.4229
90; 90; 90
1695.42Mondal, Mukulesh; Ibrahim, Ahmad A.; Wheeler, Kraig A.; Kerrigan, Nessan J.
Phosphine-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of beta-lactones from arylketoketenes and aromatic aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1664-1667
1502847 CIFC22 H23 N O7.08 SP 1 21/c 18.608; 26.375; 18.924
90; 100.775; 90
4220.7Sriramurthy, Vardhineedi; Kwon, Ohyun
Diphosphine-catalyzed mixed double-Michael reaction: a unified synthesis of indolines, dihydropyrrolopyridines, benzimidazolines, tetrahydroquinolines, tetrahydroisoquinolines, dihydrobenzo-1,4-oxazines, and dihydrobenzo-3,1-oxazines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1084-1087
1502848 CIFC24 H24 N2 O5 S2P n m a17.335; 14.557; 9.2973
90; 90; 90
2346.1Sriramurthy, Vardhineedi; Kwon, Ohyun
Diphosphine-catalyzed mixed double-Michael reaction: a unified synthesis of indolines, dihydropyrrolopyridines, benzimidazolines, tetrahydroquinolines, tetrahydroisoquinolines, dihydrobenzo-1,4-oxazines, and dihydrobenzo-3,1-oxazines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1084-1087
1502849 CIFC18 H18 Br N O4 SP 1 21/c 110.474; 22.89; 7.794
90; 109.796; 90
1758.2Sriramurthy, Vardhineedi; Kwon, Ohyun
Diphosphine-catalyzed mixed double-Michael reaction: a unified synthesis of indolines, dihydropyrrolopyridines, benzimidazolines, tetrahydroquinolines, tetrahydroisoquinolines, dihydrobenzo-1,4-oxazines, and dihydrobenzo-3,1-oxazines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1084-1087
1502850 CIFC28 H35 N O8 SP 1 21/c 115.5229; 10.0293; 18.999
90; 113.179; 90
2719.1Sriramurthy, Vardhineedi; Kwon, Ohyun
Diphosphine-catalyzed mixed double-Michael reaction: a unified synthesis of indolines, dihydropyrrolopyridines, benzimidazolines, tetrahydroquinolines, tetrahydroisoquinolines, dihydrobenzo-1,4-oxazines, and dihydrobenzo-3,1-oxazines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1084-1087
1502851 CIFC23 H25 N O7 SP 21 21 218.7615; 9.7378; 26.004
90; 90; 90
2218.6Sriramurthy, Vardhineedi; Kwon, Ohyun
Diphosphine-catalyzed mixed double-Michael reaction: a unified synthesis of indolines, dihydropyrrolopyridines, benzimidazolines, tetrahydroquinolines, tetrahydroisoquinolines, dihydrobenzo-1,4-oxazines, and dihydrobenzo-3,1-oxazines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1084-1087
1502852 CIFC24 H25 N O9 SP -17.5859; 8.635; 18.433
84.251; 81.606; 85.071
1185.4Sriramurthy, Vardhineedi; Kwon, Ohyun
Diphosphine-catalyzed mixed double-Michael reaction: a unified synthesis of indolines, dihydropyrrolopyridines, benzimidazolines, tetrahydroquinolines, tetrahydroisoquinolines, dihydrobenzo-1,4-oxazines, and dihydrobenzo-3,1-oxazines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1084-1087
1502853 CIFC22 H26 N2 O8P 21 21 217.649; 11.673; 24.726
90; 90; 90
2207.7Rannoux, Claire; Roussi, Fanny; Retailleau, Pascal; Guéritte, Françoise
Direct and selective functionalization of a tetrahydro-beta-carboline at position 4.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1240-1243
1502854 CIFC25 H34 N2 O5 SP 31 2 111.8548; 11.8548; 31.3077
90; 90; 120
3810.4Hashimoto, Takuya; Nakatsu, Hiroki; Watanabe, Shogo; Maruoka, Keiji
Stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted aziridines with N-alpha-diazoacyl camphorsultam.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1668-1671
1502855 CIFC21 H26 N2 O5 SP 21 21 216.78085; 16.122; 18.0004
90; 90; 90
1967.82Hashimoto, Takuya; Nakatsu, Hiroki; Watanabe, Shogo; Maruoka, Keiji
Stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted aziridines with N-alpha-diazoacyl camphorsultam.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1668-1671
1502856 CIFC16 H18 N O3 PP -18.1176; 8.2044; 11.2871
86.804; 88.979; 76.988
731.27Lu, Hongjian; Tao, Jingran; Jones, Jess E.; Wojtas, Lukasz; Zhang, X. Peter
Cobalt(II)-catalyzed intramolecular C-H amination with phosphoryl azides: formation of 6- and 7-membered cyclophosphoramidates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1248-1251
1502857 CIFC22.375 H30.375 Cl1.125 N O5 PC 1 2/c 117.2209; 11.0759; 25.2187
90; 90.108; 90
4810.13Lu, Hongjian; Tao, Jingran; Jones, Jess E.; Wojtas, Lukasz; Zhang, X. Peter
Cobalt(II)-catalyzed intramolecular C-H amination with phosphoryl azides: formation of 6- and 7-membered cyclophosphoramidates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1248-1251
1502858 CIFC12 H19 N O2C 1 c 115.0518; 7.8121; 10.9784
90; 127.009; 90
1030.8Meyer, Angelica M.; Katz, Christopher E.; Li, Sze-Wan; Vander Velde, David; Aubé, Jeffrey
A tandem Prins/Schmidt reaction approach to marine alkaloids: formal and total syntheses of lepadiformines A and C.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1244-1247
1502859 CIFC18 H31 N O2P -18.0408; 9.8552; 11.1629
82.241; 71.089; 83.872
827.3Meyer, Angelica M.; Katz, Christopher E.; Li, Sze-Wan; Vander Velde, David; Aubé, Jeffrey
A tandem Prins/Schmidt reaction approach to marine alkaloids: formal and total syntheses of lepadiformines A and C.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1244-1247
1502860 CIFC46 H42 N2 O6 SP 1 21 110.3491; 13.9142; 14.5174
90; 92.506; 90
2088.5Chen, Wen-Ching; Lee, Yi-Wei; Chen, Chien-Tien
Diastereoselective, synergistic dual-mode optical switch with integrated chirochromic helicene and photochromic bis-azobenzene moieties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1472-1475
1502861 CIFC46 H46 N2 O2 SP 1 21 115.0278; 8.3561; 15.8925
90; 113.371; 90
1831.95Chen, Wen-Ching; Lee, Yi-Wei; Chen, Chien-Tien
Diastereoselective, synergistic dual-mode optical switch with integrated chirochromic helicene and photochromic bis-azobenzene moieties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1472-1475
1502862 CIFC46 H40 N2 O6P 1 21 110.9995; 14.5737; 12.0336
90; 95.381; 90
1920.53Chen, Wen-Ching; Lee, Yi-Wei; Chen, Chien-Tien
Diastereoselective, synergistic dual-mode optical switch with integrated chirochromic helicene and photochromic bis-azobenzene moieties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1472-1475
1502863 CIFC13 H20 O S SiP 21 21 216.5394; 7.6922; 28.463
90; 90; 90
1431.8Smith, 3rd, Amos B; Tong, Rongbiao
Benzyl and phenylthiomethyl silanes: a new class of bifunctional linchpins for type II anion relay chemistry (ARC).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1260-1263
1502864 CIFC14 H22 O S SiP 21 21 216.5761; 7.7174; 29.566
90; 90; 90
1500.5Smith, 3rd, Amos B; Tong, Rongbiao
Benzyl and phenylthiomethyl silanes: a new class of bifunctional linchpins for type II anion relay chemistry (ARC).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1260-1263
1502865 CIFC21 H27 Br O3 SiP 1 21 19.4119; 9.3243; 12.776
90; 106.893; 90
1072.8Smith, 3rd, Amos B; Tong, Rongbiao
Benzyl and phenylthiomethyl silanes: a new class of bifunctional linchpins for type II anion relay chemistry (ARC).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1260-1263
1502866 CIFC20 H23 Cl N2 O6 SiP 1 21 111.058; 6.1283; 16.6542
90; 103.318; 90
1098.25Smith, 3rd, Amos B; Tong, Rongbiao
Benzyl and phenylthiomethyl silanes: a new class of bifunctional linchpins for type II anion relay chemistry (ARC).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1260-1263
1502867 CIFC30 H34 O5P 1 21 16.551; 17.5144; 10.7025
90; 90.7342; 90
1227.87Lawrence, Andrew L.; Adlington, Robert M.; Baldwin, Jack E.; Lee, Victor; Kershaw, Jessica A.; Thompson, Amber L.
A short biomimetic synthesis of the meroterpenoids guajadial and psidial A.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1676-1679
1502868 CIFC30 H34 O5P 41 21 211.1537; 11.1537; 40.4908
90; 90; 90
5037.26Lawrence, Andrew L.; Adlington, Robert M.; Baldwin, Jack E.; Lee, Victor; Kershaw, Jessica A.; Thompson, Amber L.
A short biomimetic synthesis of the meroterpenoids guajadial and psidial A.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1676-1679
1502869 CIFC16 H17 N O3P 1 21/n 110.264; 9.801; 13.252
90; 97.013; 90
1323.1Liu, Yongxiang; Xu, Wenqing; Wang, Xiang
Gold(I)-catalyzed tandem cyclization approach to tetracyclic indolines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1448-1451
1502870 CIFC40 H28 B2 F4 N2 O2P 21 21 2111.123; 13.112; 21.321
90; 90; 90
3109.6Zhou, Ying; Kim, Ji Whan; Kim, Min Jung; Son, Won-Joon; Han, Su Jung; Kim, Ha Na; Han, Seungwu; Kim, Youngmee; Lee, Chongmok; Kim, Sung-Jin; Kim, Dong Ha; Kim, Jang-Joo; Yoon, Juyoung
Novel bi-nuclear boron complex with pyrene ligand: red-light emitting as well as electron transporting material in organic light-emitting diodes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1272-1275
1502871 CIFC34 H31 Br N2 O2P 21 21 2110.7635; 10.9523; 25.753
90; 90; 90
3035.9Zheng, Bao-Hui; Ding, Chang-Hua; Hou, Xue-Long; Dai, Li-Xin
Ag-Catalyzed diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of beta-substituted tryptophans from sulfonylindoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1688-1691
1502872 CIFC22 H25 N O2C 1 2 120.425; 8.0342; 11.639
90; 102.867; 90
1862Solomon, Marissa R.; Sivaguru, J.; Jockusch, Steffen; Adam, Waldemar; Turro, Nicholas J.
Decoding stereocontrol during the photooxygenation of oxazolidinone-functionalized enecarbamates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2142-2145
1502873 CIFC46 H66 O4 Si2P 1 21/c 113.6286; 10.5494; 16.1848
90; 104.647; 90
2251.33VanVeller, Brett; Miki, Koji; Swager, Timothy M.
Rigid hydrophilic structures for improved properties of conjugated polymers and nitrotyrosine sensing in water.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1292-1295
1502874 CIFC54 H86 O10 Si2P -19.0065; 12.0657; 12.5677
93.446; 94.118; 105.057
1311.03VanVeller, Brett; Miki, Koji; Swager, Timothy M.
Rigid hydrophilic structures for improved properties of conjugated polymers and nitrotyrosine sensing in water.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1292-1295
1502875 CIFC49 H73 O12 Os2 Si2P 1 21/c 116.6965; 11.846; 26.3464
90; 98.013; 90
5160.1VanVeller, Brett; Miki, Koji; Swager, Timothy M.
Rigid hydrophilic structures for improved properties of conjugated polymers and nitrotyrosine sensing in water.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1292-1295
1502876 CIFC46 H70 O8 Si2P -112.7591; 13.1605; 14.769
70.182; 76.378; 74.595
2220.1VanVeller, Brett; Miki, Koji; Swager, Timothy M.
Rigid hydrophilic structures for improved properties of conjugated polymers and nitrotyrosine sensing in water.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1292-1295
1502877 CIFC60 H68 Si2P -114.7933; 18.552; 19.4094
62.168; 79.797; 88.043
4628.9Purushothaman, Balaji; Parkin, Sean R.; Anthony, John E.
Synthesis and stability of soluble hexacenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2060-2063
1502878 CIFC102 H148 Cl6 Si16P -115.3659; 16.6076; 23.6656
94.914; 96.4665; 100.734
5860.54Purushothaman, Balaji; Parkin, Sean R.; Anthony, John E.
Synthesis and stability of soluble hexacenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2060-2063
1502879 CIFC108 H136 Si4P 1 21 114.079; 14.7642; 23.8779
90; 99.938; 90
4888.9Purushothaman, Balaji; Parkin, Sean R.; Anthony, John E.
Synthesis and stability of soluble hexacenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2060-2063
1502880 CIFC114 H150 Si4P -110.6166; 14.4156; 17.9265
110.544; 93.866; 103.166
2468.7Purushothaman, Balaji; Parkin, Sean R.; Anthony, John E.
Synthesis and stability of soluble hexacenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2060-2063
1502881 CIFC54 H68 Si2P 1 21/c 113.0676; 18.3378; 20.1377
90; 108.235; 90
4583.28Purushothaman, Balaji; Parkin, Sean R.; Anthony, John E.
Synthesis and stability of soluble hexacenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2060-2063
1502882 CIFC66 H80 Si2P -111.6223; 14.2257; 17.1922
99.376; 109.161; 91.558
2639.2Purushothaman, Balaji; Parkin, Sean R.; Anthony, John E.
Synthesis and stability of soluble hexacenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2060-2063
1502883 CIFC20 H19 Cl N2 O2C 1 2 117.1435; 10.1913; 10.6419
90; 109.586; 90
1751.71Wang, Xu-Fan; Chen, Jia-Rong; Cao, Yi-Ju; Cheng, Hong-Gang; Xiao, Wen-Jing
An enantioselective approach to highly substituted tetrahydrocarbazoles through hydrogen bonding-catalyzed cascade reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1140-1143
1502884 CIFC16 H17 N O2P 1 21 17.13575; 11.5318; 16.6052
90; 95.8187; 90
1359.37Kawato, Yuji; Takahashi, Noriko; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Catalytic asymmetric conjugate addition of alpha-cyanoketones for the construction of a quaternary stereogenic center.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1484-1487
1502885 CIFC23 H24 Br N O2P 21 21 215.91964; 8.88008; 37.613
90; 90; 90
1977.2Kawato, Yuji; Takahashi, Noriko; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Catalytic asymmetric conjugate addition of alpha-cyanoketones for the construction of a quaternary stereogenic center.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1484-1487
1502886 CIFC19 H17 N O2P 21 21 217.55942; 11.8178; 33.4709
90; 90; 90
2990.15Kawato, Yuji; Takahashi, Noriko; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Catalytic asymmetric conjugate addition of alpha-cyanoketones for the construction of a quaternary stereogenic center.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1484-1487
1502887 CIFC78 H89 F24 N15 O4 P4P -113.7376; 16.7733; 19.374
79.133; 86.956; 79.334
4307.7Koshkakaryan, Gayane; Cao, Dennis; Klivansky, Liana M.; Teat, Simon J.; Tran, Jasper L.; Liu, Yi
Dual selectivity expressed in [2 + 2 + 1] dynamic clipping of unsymmetrical [2]catenanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1528-1531
1502888 CIFC74 H81 F24 N11 O5 P4P -113.4848; 14.4359; 22.2157
101.795; 98.237; 104.531
4010.6Koshkakaryan, Gayane; Cao, Dennis; Klivansky, Liana M.; Teat, Simon J.; Tran, Jasper L.; Liu, Yi
Dual selectivity expressed in [2 + 2 + 1] dynamic clipping of unsymmetrical [2]catenanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1528-1531
1502889 CIFC13 H14 Cl N OP 1 21/c 112.1392; 9.3921; 10.1486
90; 96.634; 90
1149.32Li, Xinyu; Li, Cheng; Zhang, Wenjing; Lu, Xiang; Han, Shiqing; Hong, Ran
Highly stereoselective 7-endo-trig/ring contraction cascade to construct pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline derivatives.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1696-1699
1502890 CIFC13 H14 Cl N OP 1 21/c 17.1065; 6.9716; 24.0669
90; 104.243; 90
1155.71Li, Xinyu; Li, Cheng; Zhang, Wenjing; Lu, Xiang; Han, Shiqing; Hong, Ran
Highly stereoselective 7-endo-trig/ring contraction cascade to construct pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline derivatives.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1696-1699
1502891 CIFC42 H33 O4 PP 1 21/c 113.8985; 14.4684; 17.6975
90; 114.023; 90
3250.5Fukawa, Naohiro; Osaka, Takuya; Noguchi, Keiichi; Tanaka, Ken
Asymmetric synthesis and photophysical properties of benzopyrano- or naphthopyrano-fused helical phosphafluorenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1324-1327
1502892 CIFC24 H29 N O2 SP 1 21 114.89; 8.125; 19.134
90; 112.53; 90
2138.2Li, Qian; Jiang, Guo-Jie; Jiao, Lei; Yu, Zhi-Xiang
Reaction of alpha-ene-vinylcyclopropanes: type II intramolecular [5+2] cycloaddition or [3+2] cycloaddition?
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1332-1335
1502893 CIFC17 H21 N O2 SP -18.4158; 9.0268; 11.505
78.21; 86.73; 65.64
779Li, Qian; Jiang, Guo-Jie; Jiao, Lei; Yu, Zhi-Xiang
Reaction of alpha-ene-vinylcyclopropanes: type II intramolecular [5+2] cycloaddition or [3+2] cycloaddition?
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1332-1335
1502894 CIFC16 H21 N O2 SP 1 21/c 19.5014; 16.309; 10.359
90; 112.37; 90
1484.4Li, Qian; Jiang, Guo-Jie; Jiao, Lei; Yu, Zhi-Xiang
Reaction of alpha-ene-vinylcyclopropanes: type II intramolecular [5+2] cycloaddition or [3+2] cycloaddition?
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1332-1335
1502895 CIFC36 H42 Cl4 Ga2 P2P 1 21/n 19.3669; 18.7512; 11.2466
90; 111.507; 90
1837.82Kiyokawa, Kensuke; Yasuda, Makoto; Baba, Akio
Cyclopropylmethylation of benzylic and allylic chlorides with cyclopropylmethylstannane catalyzed by gallium or indium halide.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1520-1523
1502896 CIFC14 H14 O2P 1 21/c 17.9979; 7.4197; 19.3497
90; 92.978; 90
1146.7Oh, Chang Ho; Lee, Sung Min; Hong, Chang Seop
Pt-catalyzed hydrative cyclization of 2-enynylbenzaldehydes and its application to faveline synthesis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1308-1311
1502897 CIFC15 H17 N O3P b c a9.572; 13.652; 19.809
90; 90; 90
2588.6DeLorbe, John E.; Lotz, Monica D.; Martin, Stephen F.
Concise total synthesis of (+/-)-lycopladine A.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1576-1579
1502898 CIFC31 H42 O13P 21 21 2111.1591; 15.2961; 18.7549
90; 90; 90
3201.29Wang, Sujuan; Lin, Sheng; Zhu, Chenggen; Yang, Yongchun; Li, Shuai; Zhang, Jianjun; Chen, Xiaoguang; Shi, Jiangong
Highly acylated diterpenoids with a new 3,4-secograyanane skeleton from the flower buds of Rhododendron molle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1560-1563
1502899 CIFC17 H16 Br N2 O6 SP 32 2 111.307; 11.307; 27.871
90; 90; 120
3085.9Jiang, Xianxing; Zhang, Gen; Fu, Dan; Cao, Yiming; Shen, Fangfang; Wang, Rui
Direct organocatalytic asymmetric aldol reaction of alpha-isothiocyanato imides to alpha-ketoesters under low ligand loading: a doubly stereocontrolled approach to cyclic thiocarbamates bearing chiral quaternary stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1544-1547
1502900 CIFC28 H30 N4 O6 SC 1 2/c 129.196; 11.506; 19.556
90; 123.663; 90
5468Jones, Amanda L.; Snyder, John K.
Synthesis of unique scaffolds via Diels-Alder cycloadditions of tetrasubstituted cyclohexadienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1592-1595
1502901 CIFC28 H27 N3 O5P 1 21/c 117.1179; 16.3282; 17.0034
90; 97.574; 90
4711.1Jones, Amanda L.; Snyder, John K.
Synthesis of unique scaffolds via Diels-Alder cycloadditions of tetrasubstituted cyclohexadienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1592-1595
1502902 CIFC12 H15 N O2 SP 1 21/c 111.3919; 28.3759; 18.3852
90; 95.9248; 90
5911.4Burkhard, Johannes A.; Guérot, Carine; Knust, Henner; Rogers-Evans, Mark; Carreira, Erick M.
Synthesis and structural analysis of a new class of azaspiro[3.3]heptanes as building blocks for medicinal chemistry.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1944-1947
1502903 CIFC12 H12 Br N O3 SP n a 2120.724; 5.8436; 10.4288
90; 90; 90
1262.96Burkhard, Johannes A.; Guérot, Carine; Knust, Henner; Rogers-Evans, Mark; Carreira, Erick M.
Synthesis and structural analysis of a new class of azaspiro[3.3]heptanes as building blocks for medicinal chemistry.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1944-1947
1502904 CIFC12 H12 Br N O2P -18.0257; 11.3647; 12.6017
90.2638; 91.1398; 106.705
1100.61Burkhard, Johannes A.; Guérot, Carine; Knust, Henner; Rogers-Evans, Mark; Carreira, Erick M.
Synthesis and structural analysis of a new class of azaspiro[3.3]heptanes as building blocks for medicinal chemistry.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1944-1947
1502905 CIFC19 H19 Br N2 O3 SP 1 21/c 116.3389; 17.2034; 6.701
90; 100.42; 90
1852.49Burkhard, Johannes A.; Guérot, Carine; Knust, Henner; Rogers-Evans, Mark; Carreira, Erick M.
Synthesis and structural analysis of a new class of azaspiro[3.3]heptanes as building blocks for medicinal chemistry.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1944-1947
1502906 CIFC12 H12 Br N O2P b c a9.9717; 8.8126; 25.5594
90; 90; 90
2246.07Burkhard, Johannes A.; Guérot, Carine; Knust, Henner; Rogers-Evans, Mark; Carreira, Erick M.
Synthesis and structural analysis of a new class of azaspiro[3.3]heptanes as building blocks for medicinal chemistry.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1944-1947
1502907 CIFC18 H21 N O4P 1 21/c 18.465; 9.532; 19.588
90; 101.51; 90
1548.7Zhang, Zhi-Wei; Li, Wei-Dong Z
A facile total synthesis of hainanensine via an unusual rearrangement‒annulation cascade.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1649-1651
1502908 CIFC36 H37 Ag Fe N3 O3 P SP 4312.266; 12.266; 23.225
90; 90; 90
3494.3Oura, Ichiro; Shimizu, Kenta; Ogata, Kenichi; Fukuzawa, Shin-Ichi
Highly endo-selective and enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylide with alpha-enones catalyzed by a silver(I)/ThioClickFerrophos complex.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1752-1755
1502909 CIFC36 H36 Fe N3 P SP 21 21 2110.478; 10.566; 28.685
90; 90; 90
3175.7Oura, Ichiro; Shimizu, Kenta; Ogata, Kenichi; Fukuzawa, Shin-Ichi
Highly endo-selective and enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylide with alpha-enones catalyzed by a silver(I)/ThioClickFerrophos complex.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1752-1755
1502910 CIFC20 H20 Cl N O3P 21 21 218.817; 9.476; 21.33
90; 90; 90
1782.1Oura, Ichiro; Shimizu, Kenta; Ogata, Kenichi; Fukuzawa, Shin-Ichi
Highly endo-selective and enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylide with alpha-enones catalyzed by a silver(I)/ThioClickFerrophos complex.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1752-1755
1502911 CIFC210 H216 N26 O10P 1 21/n 142.39; 22.0472; 42.441
90; 116.159; 90
35602Chas, Marcos; Gil-Ramírez, Guzmán; Escudero-Adán, Eduardo C; Benet-Buchholz, Jordi; Ballester, Pablo
Efficient self-sorting of a racemic tetra-urea calix[4]pyrrole into a single heterodimeric capsule.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1740-1743
1502912 CIFC21 H16 O4P 1 21/n 113.3623; 8.7047; 13.9012
90; 100.174; 90
1591.5Guin, Joyram; Besnard, Céline; Lacour, Jérôme
Synthesis, resolution, and stabilities of a cationic chromenoxanthene [4]helicene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1748-1751
1502913 CIFC15 H19 I N2 OP 21 21 217.0476; 11.747; 18.4424
90; 90; 90
1526.81Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Horiuchi, Shingo; Takeichi, Tomoko; Shida, Hiroaki; Imamoto, Tsuneo; Yanagisawa, Akira
Bicyclic imidazoles for modular synthesis of chiral imidazolium salts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1764-1767
1502914 CIFC32 H31 B Cl3 F4 N5 NiP 21 21 219.2702; 15.574; 22.6712
90; 90; 90
3273.1Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Horiuchi, Shingo; Takeichi, Tomoko; Shida, Hiroaki; Imamoto, Tsuneo; Yanagisawa, Akira
Bicyclic imidazoles for modular synthesis of chiral imidazolium salts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1764-1767
1502915 CIFC22 H32 O2 SiP 1 21/c 16.25173; 10.8641; 32.1254
90; 94.065; 90
2176.45Yatsumonji, Yasutaka; Sugita, Takenori; Tsubouchi, Akira; Takeda, Takeshi
Preparation of syn-tertiary homoallylic alcohols utilizing allenyltitanocenes generated by reductive titanation of gamma-trimethylsilylpropargylic carbonates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1968-1971
1502916 CIFC13 H13 F3 O2P 1 21/c 110.1139; 11.3708; 10.8402
90; 98.848; 90
1231.82Yatsumonji, Yasutaka; Sugita, Takenori; Tsubouchi, Akira; Takeda, Takeshi
Preparation of syn-tertiary homoallylic alcohols utilizing allenyltitanocenes generated by reductive titanation of gamma-trimethylsilylpropargylic carbonates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1968-1971
1502917 CIFC119.5 H174 N8 O23.5C 1 2/c 114.843; 24.4118; 32.8037
90; 95.254; 90
11836.3Beyeh, N. Kodiah; Valkonen, Arto; Rissanen, Kari
Piperazine bridged resorcinarene cages.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1392-1395
1502918 CIFC117.5 H170.9 N8 O21.5P 1 21/n 114.8499; 23.0759; 34.3415
90; 99.455; 90
11608.1Beyeh, N. Kodiah; Valkonen, Arto; Rissanen, Kari
Piperazine bridged resorcinarene cages.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1392-1395
1502919 CIFC19 H23 N O4P 1 21/c 118.189; 10.0277; 9.4674
90; 93.858; 90
1722.88Saha, Pipas; Reddy, U. C.; Bondalapati, S.; Saikia, Anil K.
A novel synthesis of oxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanone via (3,5)-oxonium-ene reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1824-1826
1502920 CIFC53.5 H45.5 N6.5 O7.5 ZnP -113.341; 14.609; 16.419
105.126; 112.399; 103.261
2655Zhou, Zaichun; Cao, Chenzhong; Liu, Qiuhua; Jiang, Rongqing
Hybrid orbital deformation (HOD) effect and spectral red-shift property of nonplanar porphyrin.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1780-1783
1502921 CIFC17 H28 Cl N2 RhP b c a10.7478; 12.6636; 26.7573
90; 90; 90
3641.82Kim, Min; Chang, Sukbok
Rhodium(NHC)-catalyzed amination of aryl bromides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1640-1643
1502922 CIFC20 H30 N2 O4 S SiP 1 21/c 121.878; 8.1149; 12.6652
90; 105.15; 90
2170.4Dekorver, Kyle A.; Hsung, Richard P.; Lohse, Andrew G.; Zhang, Yu
A divergent mechanistic course of Pd(0)-catalyzed aza-Claisen rearrangement and aza-Rautenstrauch-type cyclization of N-allyl ynamides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1840-1843
1502923 CIFC18 H17 N O2 SP -18.5547; 10.0913; 11.0298
62.869; 70.922; 79.74
800.39Dekorver, Kyle A.; Hsung, Richard P.; Lohse, Andrew G.; Zhang, Yu
A divergent mechanistic course of Pd(0)-catalyzed aza-Claisen rearrangement and aza-Rautenstrauch-type cyclization of N-allyl ynamides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1840-1843
1502924 CIFC134 H149 N9 Zn2C 1 2/c 129.021; 10.712; 49.322
90; 98.552; 90
15162Maeda, Chihiro; Shinokubo, Hiroshi; Osuka, Atsuhiro
Synthesis of meso,meso'-pyrrole-bridged diporphyrins by Cu(I)-mediated annulation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1820-1823
1502925 CIFC12 H15 N O5P 1 21 17.206; 7.0551; 11.5524
90; 97.855; 90
581.8Tong, Xiao-Gang; Zhou, Li-Li; Wang, Yue-Hu; Xia, Chengfeng; Wang, Ye; Liang, Min; Hou, Fan-Fan; Cheng, Yong-Xian
Acortatarins A and B, two novel antioxidative spiroalkaloids with a naturally unusual morpholine motif from Acorus tatarinowii.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1844-1847
1502926 CIFC25 H22 N2 O2P 21 21 217.3472; 9.8722; 26.8795
90; 90; 90
1949.65Rohbogner, Christoph J.; Wirth, Stefan; Knochel, Paul
Phosphorodiamidate-directed metalation of N-heterocycles using Mg- and Zn-TMP bases.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1984-1987
1502927 CIFC16 H19 F3 N3 O5 P SP 1 21/c 110.2499; 10.0927; 19.7258
90; 98.197; 90
2019.77Rohbogner, Christoph J.; Wirth, Stefan; Knochel, Paul
Phosphorodiamidate-directed metalation of N-heterocycles using Mg- and Zn-TMP bases.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1984-1987
1502928 CIFC22 H26 N3 O4 PP 1 21/c 113.619; 11.209; 14.083
90; 94.89; 90
2142Rohbogner, Christoph J.; Wirth, Stefan; Knochel, Paul
Phosphorodiamidate-directed metalation of N-heterocycles using Mg- and Zn-TMP bases.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1984-1987
1502929 CIFC64 H62 N16 O33 Pd2P -114.326; 17.092; 17.164
89.769; 70.447; 84.337
3939Peinador, Carlos; Pía, Elena; Blanco, Víctor; García, Marcos D; Quintela, José M
Complexation of pyrene in aqueous solution with a self-assembled palladium metallocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1380-1383
1502930 CIFC20 H25 N O4P 1 21/n 111.4585; 15.7832; 11.6608
90; 118.889; 90
1846.4Dunet, Julie; Lebeuf, Raphaël; Bose, Gopal; Robert, Frédéric; Landais, Yannick
Straightforward assembly of the octahydroisoquinoline core of morphinan alkaloids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2178-2181
1502931 CIFC26 H23 N3 O7P 1 21/c 111.1057; 26.7309; 8.1244
90; 96.958; 90
2394.1Dunet, Julie; Lebeuf, Raphaël; Bose, Gopal; Robert, Frédéric; Landais, Yannick
Straightforward assembly of the octahydroisoquinoline core of morphinan alkaloids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2178-2181
1502932 CIFC22 H25 N O4P -110.652; 12.569; 15.424
70.89; 80.85; 72.13
1853.16Dunet, Julie; Lebeuf, Raphaël; Bose, Gopal; Robert, Frédéric; Landais, Yannick
Straightforward assembly of the octahydroisoquinoline core of morphinan alkaloids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2178-2181
1502933 CIFC15 H17 N O3P -15.3913; 10.1972; 12.9979
111.41; 98.712; 88.915
657.07Flores, Melissa A.; Bode, Jeffrey W.
Chemoselective protection of alpha-ketoacids by direct annulations with oximes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1924-1927
1502934 CIFC17 H14 O4 SP 1 21/c 18.2156; 17.9778; 11.0456
90; 106.053; 90
1567.8Gao, Meng; Yang, Yan; Wu, Yan-Dong; Deng, Cong; Cao, Li-Ping; Meng, Xiang-Gao; Wu, An-Xin
Formation of unsymmetrical 1,4-enediones via a focusing domino strategy: cross-coupling of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds and methyl ketones or terminal aryl alkenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1856-1859
1502935 CIFC29 H17 NP 1 21/c 111.9328; 6.1643; 25.0228
90; 91.946; 90
1839.55Tatar, Ameneh; Cejka, Jan; Král, Vladimír; Dolenský, Bohumil
Spiro Tröger's base derivatives: another structural phoenix?
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1872-1875
1502936 CIFC27 H22 N2 O4P 1 21/c 114.4584; 12.419; 12.013
90; 107.201; 90
2060.6Tatar, Ameneh; Cejka, Jan; Král, Vladimír; Dolenský, Bohumil
Spiro Tröger's base derivatives: another structural phoenix?
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1872-1875
1502937 CIFC12 H13 Cl O2P 21 21 216.792; 12.2189; 13.1263
90; 90; 90
1089.36Mukherjee, Santanu; Scopton, Alex P.; Corey, E. J.
Enantioselective pathway for the synthesis of laurenditerpenol.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1836-1838
1502938 CIFC30 H24 Cl N O2C 1 c 15.5972; 22.0274; 19.8862
90; 91.438; 90
2451Yu, Xiuzhao; Du, Bo; Wang, Kai; Zhang, Junliang
Highly substituted 2,3-dihydroisoxazoles by Et(3)N-catalyzed tandem reaction of electron-deficient 1,3-conjugated enynes with hydroxylamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1876-1879
1502939 CIFC18 H15 N O3P -16.876; 10.0689; 11.7443
68.416; 73.999; 72.367
708.08Yu, Xiuzhao; Du, Bo; Wang, Kai; Zhang, Junliang
Highly substituted 2,3-dihydroisoxazoles by Et(3)N-catalyzed tandem reaction of electron-deficient 1,3-conjugated enynes with hydroxylamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1876-1879
1502940 CIFC16 H14 Br N O3 SP 1 21/n 110.252; 7.4707; 20.115
90; 100.217; 90
1516.2Samarakoon, Thiwanka B.; Hur, Moon Y.; Kurtz, Ryan D.; Hanson, Paul R.
A formal [4 + 4] complementary ambiphile pairing reaction: a new cyclization pathway for ortho-quinone methides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2182-2185
1502941 CIFC19 H20 Br N O5 SP 21 21 217.9647; 10.191; 24.5
90; 90; 90
1988.6Samarakoon, Thiwanka B.; Hur, Moon Y.; Kurtz, Ryan D.; Hanson, Paul R.
A formal [4 + 4] complementary ambiphile pairing reaction: a new cyclization pathway for ortho-quinone methides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2182-2185
1502942 CIFC17 H21 Br N O2 PP 1 21 15.4412; 18.481; 9.1796
90; 106.141; 90
886.7Zhao, Depeng; Mao, Lijuan; Wang, Yuan; Yang, Dongxu; Zhang, Quanliang; Wang, Rui
Catalytic asymmetric hydrophosphinylation of alpha,beta-unsaturated N-acylpyrroles: application of dialkyl phosphine oxides in enantioselective synthesis of chiral phosphine oxides or phosphines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1880-1882
1502943 CIFC18 H24 N2 O7P 1 21 18.809; 9.2002; 11.103
90; 92.499; 90
899Konishi, Hideyuki; Lam, Tin Yiu; Malerich, Jeremiah P.; Rawal, Viresh H.
Enantioselective alpha-amination of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds using squaramide derivatives as hydrogen bonding catalysts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2028-2031
1502944 CIFC22 H30 O4 S2P 21 21 219.573; 14.186; 16.8432
90; 90; 90
2287.3Chen, Qing-An; Dong, Xiang; Chen, Mu-Wang; Wang, Duo-Sheng; Zhou, Yong-Gui; Li, Yu-Xue
Highly effective and diastereoselective synthesis of axially chiral bis-sulfoxide ligands via oxidative aryl coupling.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1928-1931
1502945 CIFC8 H10 B I O4P b c a9.1721; 14.0916; 16.1791
90; 90; 90
2091.14Al-Zoubi, Raed M; Hall, Dennis G.
Mild silver(I)-mediated regioselective iodination and bromination of arylboronic acids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2480-2483
1502946 CIFC9 H12 B I O5P -17.3184; 9.7046; 9.7487
60.4397; 77.0255; 86.2786
586.02Al-Zoubi, Raed M; Hall, Dennis G.
Mild silver(I)-mediated regioselective iodination and bromination of arylboronic acids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2480-2483
1502947 CIFC23 H31 N O SiP 1 21/c 110.092; 11.0553; 19.3868
90; 97.512; 90
2144.4Lamas, Marie-Céline; Vaillard, Santiago E.; Wibbeling, Birgit; Studer, Armido
Radical amination with trimethylstannylated benzophenone imine.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2072-2075
1502948 CIFC16 H11 N O2P 1 21/a 111.701; 5.714; 17.818
90; 96.491; 90
1183.7Nakamura, Itaru; Okamoto, Masashi; Terada, Masahiro
Gold-catalyzed cyclization and subsequent arylidene group transfer of O-propioloyl oximes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2453-2455
1502949 CIFC82 H111 F12 N5 O22 P2C 1 2/c 128.597; 10.465; 29.068
90; 95.36; 90
8661Su, Yong-Sheng; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Novel anthracene-based cylindrical macrotricyclic polyether: powerful host for bispyridinium dications.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1888-1891
1502950 CIFC85 H112 Cl3 F12 N5 O21 P2P 110.5785; 12.5308; 20.433
97.683; 97.63; 111.007
2457.6Su, Yong-Sheng; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Novel anthracene-based cylindrical macrotricyclic polyether: powerful host for bispyridinium dications.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1888-1891
1502951 CIFC86 H108 F12 N4 O20 P2P -111.732; 12.02; 18.224
79.289; 85.127; 88.981
2516Su, Yong-Sheng; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Novel anthracene-based cylindrical macrotricyclic polyether: powerful host for bispyridinium dications.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1888-1891
1502952 CIFC10 H14 N2 O4 SeP 1 21 19.2745; 5.2059; 12.1233
90; 92.047; 90
584.97Alexander, Varughese; Choi, Won Jun; Chun, Jeongha; Kim, Hea Ok; Jeon, Ji Hye; Tosh, Dilip K.; Lee, Hyuk Woo; Chandra, Girish; Choi, Jungwon; Jeong, Lak Shin
A new DNA building block, 4'-selenothymidine: synthesis and modification to 4'-seleno-AZT as a potential anti-HIV agent.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2242-2245
1502953 CIFC15 H12 N2 OP 1 21/c 110.9132; 6.9003; 15.269
90; 92.715; 90
1148.53Gimeno, Ana; Medio-Simón, Mercedes; de Arellano, Carmen Ramírez; Asensio, Gregorio; Cuenca, Ana B.
NHC-stabilized gold(I) complexes: suitable catalysts for 6-exo-dig heterocyclization of 1-(o-ethynylaryl)ureas.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1900-1903
1502954 CIFC21 H16 N2 OP 1 21/c 110.9222; 14.706; 9.8615
90; 95.711; 90
1576.11Gimeno, Ana; Medio-Simón, Mercedes; de Arellano, Carmen Ramírez; Asensio, Gregorio; Cuenca, Ana B.
NHC-stabilized gold(I) complexes: suitable catalysts for 6-exo-dig heterocyclization of 1-(o-ethynylaryl)ureas.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1900-1903
1502955 CIFC32 H29 Cl N2 O2P 1 21 115.1508; 6.0052; 15.6364
90; 115.054; 90
1288.8Wang, Chao; Han, Zhi-Yong; Luo, Hong-Wen; Gong, Liu-Zhu
Highly enantioselective relay catalysis in the three-component reaction for direct construction of structurally complex heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2266-2269
1502956 CIFC112 H100 N4 Ni O4P 1 21 115.55; 25.46; 20
90; 112.81; 90
7299Davis, Nicola K. S.; Thompson, Amber L.; Anderson, Harry L.
Bis-anthracene fused porphyrins: synthesis, crystal structure, and near-IR absorption.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2124-2127
1502957 CIFC21 H24 N4 O6P 1 21/n 17.8464; 7.4777; 34.944
90; 92.36; 90
2048.5Jiao, Lei; Lin, Mu; Zhuo, Lian-Gang; Yu, Zhi-Xiang
Rh(I)-catalyzed [(3 + 2) + 1] cycloaddition of 1-yne/ene-vinylcyclopropanes and CO: homologous Pauson-Khand reaction and total synthesis of (+/-)-alpha-agarofuran.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2528-2531
1502958 CIFC17 H19 N O4P 1 21/c 19.2401; 35.6299; 9.4474
90; 100.319; 90
3060Heidebrecht, Jr, Richard W; Gulledge, Brian; Martin, Stephen F.
Approaches to N-methylwelwitindolinone C isothiocyanate: facile synthesis of the tetracyclic core.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2492-2495
1502959 CIFC17 H19 N O3P 1 21/n 19.5637; 15.928; 10.1072
90; 108.491; 90
1460.15Heidebrecht, Jr, Richard W; Gulledge, Brian; Martin, Stephen F.
Approaches to N-methylwelwitindolinone C isothiocyanate: facile synthesis of the tetracyclic core.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2492-2495
1502960 CIFC14 H20 Br2 S2 Si2P c c n8.0751; 17.198; 28.867
90; 90; 90
4008.9Getmanenko, Yulia A.; Tongwa, Paul; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.; Marder, Seth R.
Base-catalyzed halogen dance reaction and oxidative coupling sequence as a convenient method for the preparation of dihalo-bisheteroarenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2136-2139
1502961 CIFC14 H20 Br2 Se2 Si2P c a 2128.649; 7.6936; 18.557
90; 90; 90
4090.2Getmanenko, Yulia A.; Tongwa, Paul; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.; Marder, Seth R.
Base-catalyzed halogen dance reaction and oxidative coupling sequence as a convenient method for the preparation of dihalo-bisheteroarenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2136-2139
1502962 CIFC24 H42 Br2 N2 S2 Si2P -17.609; 7.8362; 14.006
96.084; 91.377; 116.781
738.91Getmanenko, Yulia A.; Tongwa, Paul; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.; Marder, Seth R.
Base-catalyzed halogen dance reaction and oxidative coupling sequence as a convenient method for the preparation of dihalo-bisheteroarenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2136-2139
1502963 CIFC12 H18 Br2 N2 S2 Si2P 42/n :223.99; 23.99; 6.922
90; 90; 90
3983.8Getmanenko, Yulia A.; Tongwa, Paul; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.; Marder, Seth R.
Base-catalyzed halogen dance reaction and oxidative coupling sequence as a convenient method for the preparation of dihalo-bisheteroarenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2136-2139
1502964 CIFC10 H4 F2 I2 N2P -17.8972; 7.9276; 9.8529
99.612; 102.278; 92.55
592.23Getmanenko, Yulia A.; Tongwa, Paul; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.; Marder, Seth R.
Base-catalyzed halogen dance reaction and oxidative coupling sequence as a convenient method for the preparation of dihalo-bisheteroarenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2136-2139
1502965 CIFC20 H19 N3P -111.2211; 11.8189; 13.4426
110.193; 110.006; 92.35
1546.43Behof, William J.; Wang, Dongchuan; Niu, Weijun; Gorman, Christopher B.
Cascade cyclization to produce a series of fused, aromatic molecules.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2146-2148
1502966 CIFC29 H26 N4P 1 21/n 111.0761; 17.927; 22.0523
90; 96.632; 90
4349.43Behof, William J.; Wang, Dongchuan; Niu, Weijun; Gorman, Christopher B.
Cascade cyclization to produce a series of fused, aromatic molecules.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2146-2148
1502967 CIFC14 H17 N O PC 1 c 19.0672; 21.933; 7.2346
90; 110.83; 90
1344.7Ackermann, Lutz; Kapdi, Anant R.; Schulzke, Carola
Air-stable secondary phosphine oxide or chloride (Pre)ligands for cross-couplings of unactivated alkyl chlorides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2298-2301
1502968 CIFC40 H52 Cl10 O6 P2 Pd2P 1 21/c 111.809; 8.9905; 23.562
90; 94.76; 90
2492.9Ackermann, Lutz; Kapdi, Anant R.; Schulzke, Carola
Air-stable secondary phosphine oxide or chloride (Pre)ligands for cross-couplings of unactivated alkyl chlorides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2298-2301
1502969 CIFC18 H22 Cl O2 PP 1 21/n 19.1373; 14.932; 12.95
90; 102.16; 90
1727.2Ackermann, Lutz; Kapdi, Anant R.; Schulzke, Carola
Air-stable secondary phosphine oxide or chloride (Pre)ligands for cross-couplings of unactivated alkyl chlorides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2298-2301
1502970 CIFC19 H24 Cl O3 PP 1 21/n 17.3352; 18.878; 13.81
90; 93.06; 90
1909.6Ackermann, Lutz; Kapdi, Anant R.; Schulzke, Carola
Air-stable secondary phosphine oxide or chloride (Pre)ligands for cross-couplings of unactivated alkyl chlorides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2298-2301
1502971 CIFC17 H18.78 Br N3 O2.39P 328.0855; 8.0855; 22.4109
90; 90; 120
1268.83Lim, Hwan Jung; Gallucci, Judith C.; RajanBabu, T. V.
Annulated diketopiperazines from dipeptides or Schöllkopf reagents via tandem cyclization-intramolecular N-arylation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2162-2165
1502972 CIFC8 H9 B N2 O4 SP 1 21/c 16.67; 7.257; 20.878
90; 94.83; 90
1007Dick, Graham R.; Knapp, David M.; Gillis, Eric P.; Burke, Martin D.
General method for synthesis of 2-heterocyclic N-methyliminodiacetic acid boronates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2314-2317
1502973 CIFC9 H10 B N3 O4P 1 21/c 16.437; 7.1968; 22.2006
90; 91.305; 90
1028.19Dick, Graham R.; Knapp, David M.; Gillis, Eric P.; Burke, Martin D.
General method for synthesis of 2-heterocyclic N-methyliminodiacetic acid boronates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2314-2317
1502974 CIFC22 H21 N O3P 1 21/n 16.715; 17.086; 16.786
90; 95.45; 90
1917.2Wan, Changfeng; Zhang, Jintang; Wang, Sujing; Fan, Jinmin; Wang, Zhiyong
Facile synthesis of polysubstituted oxazoles via a copper-catalyzed tandem oxidative cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2338-2341
1502975 CIFC24 H8C c m 218.276; 20.8; 9.536
90; 90; 90
1642Suzuki, Mitsuharu; Comito, Angelo; Khan, Saeed I.; Rubin, Yves
Nanochannel array within a multilayered network of a planarized dehydro[24]annulene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2346-2349
1502976 CIFC36 H24 O8C c c a :212.4522; 12.4742; 19.6932
90; 90; 90
3059Suzuki, Mitsuharu; Comito, Angelo; Khan, Saeed I.; Rubin, Yves
Nanochannel array within a multilayered network of a planarized dehydro[24]annulene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2346-2349
1502977 CIFC32.3 H16 O4P -17.1356; 7.5011; 11.3348
83.015; 89.82; 79.081
591.17Suzuki, Mitsuharu; Comito, Angelo; Khan, Saeed I.; Rubin, Yves
Nanochannel array within a multilayered network of a planarized dehydro[24]annulene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2346-2349
1502978 CIFC18 H6P 31 2 110.4772; 10.4772; 19.925
90; 90; 120
1894.2Suzuki, Mitsuharu; Comito, Angelo; Khan, Saeed I.; Rubin, Yves
Nanochannel array within a multilayered network of a planarized dehydro[24]annulene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2346-2349
1502979 CIFC10 H13 F N2P 42 b c14.0215; 14.0215; 8.8612
90; 90; 90
1742.13Knoll, Wolfgang; Mieusset, Jean-Luc; Arion, Vladimir B.; Brecker, Lothar; Brinker, Udo H.
2H-Azirines from a concerted addition of alkylcarbenes to nitrile groups.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2366-2369
1502980 CIFC14 H15 F N2P 1 21/n 16.4202; 27.8217; 6.469
90; 97.081; 90
1146.69Knoll, Wolfgang; Mieusset, Jean-Luc; Arion, Vladimir B.; Brecker, Lothar; Brinker, Udo H.
2H-Azirines from a concerted addition of alkylcarbenes to nitrile groups.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2366-2369
1502981 CIFC58 H46 F18 N2 O5P 1 21/n 115.213; 14.512; 25.763
90; 104.71; 90
5501Li, Yan; Li, Cheng; Yue, Wan; Jiang, Wei; Kopecek, Ralf; Qu, Jianqiang; Wang, Zhaohui
Direct functionalization of polycyclic aromatics via radical perfluoroalkylation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2374-2377
1502982 CIFC24 H9 F17P 1 21/c 119.0062; 11.4277; 10.594
90; 105.056; 90
2222Li, Yan; Li, Cheng; Yue, Wan; Jiang, Wei; Kopecek, Ralf; Qu, Jianqiang; Wang, Zhaohui
Direct functionalization of polycyclic aromatics via radical perfluoroalkylation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2374-2377
1502983 CIFC11 H11 N S2P 1 21/a 18.0518; 15.3345; 8.7652
90; 96.317; 90
1075.67Gontier, Elodie; Bellec, Nathalie; Brignou, Pierre; Gohier, Arnaud; Guerro, Michel; Roisnel, Thierry; Lorcy, Dominique
Pyridyldithiafulvenes as precursors of coordination-driven self-assembled redox active macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2386-2389
1502984 CIFC11 H11 N S2P 1 21/c 112.615; 6.3425; 14.48
90; 113.24; 90
1064.5Gontier, Elodie; Bellec, Nathalie; Brignou, Pierre; Gohier, Arnaud; Guerro, Michel; Roisnel, Thierry; Lorcy, Dominique
Pyridyldithiafulvenes as precursors of coordination-driven self-assembled redox active macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2386-2389
1502985 CIFC22 H20 N2 S4C 1 2/c 116.1903; 9.7742; 13.6344
90; 105.714; 90
2077Gontier, Elodie; Bellec, Nathalie; Brignou, Pierre; Gohier, Arnaud; Guerro, Michel; Roisnel, Thierry; Lorcy, Dominique
Pyridyldithiafulvenes as precursors of coordination-driven self-assembled redox active macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2386-2389
1502986 CIFC22 H20 N2 S4P 1 21/n 19.5582; 11.926; 18.283
90; 92.333; 90
2082.4Gontier, Elodie; Bellec, Nathalie; Brignou, Pierre; Gohier, Arnaud; Guerro, Michel; Roisnel, Thierry; Lorcy, Dominique
Pyridyldithiafulvenes as precursors of coordination-driven self-assembled redox active macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2386-2389
1502987 CIFC52 H40 Mo2 N4 O8 S8C 1 2/c 118.067; 19.602; 24.107
90; 105.061; 90
8244Gontier, Elodie; Bellec, Nathalie; Brignou, Pierre; Gohier, Arnaud; Guerro, Michel; Roisnel, Thierry; Lorcy, Dominique
Pyridyldithiafulvenes as precursors of coordination-driven self-assembled redox active macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2386-2389
1502988 CIFC8 H14 B12 F12 N8P 1 21/c 18.2205; 12.0272; 11.6896
90; 105.839; 90
1111.87Shackelford, Scott A.; Belletire, John L.; Boatz, Jerry A.; Schneider, Stefan; Wheaton, Amanda K.; Wight, Brett A.; Ammon, Herman L.; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.; Strauss, Steven H.
Bridged heterocyclium dicationic closo-icosahedral perfluoroborane, borane, and carborane salts via aqueous, open-air benchtop synthesis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2714-2717
1502989 CIFC8 H14 B12 F12 N8P 1 21/n 18.3183; 13.3108; 10.9935
90; 110.847; 90
1137.55Shackelford, Scott A.; Belletire, John L.; Boatz, Jerry A.; Schneider, Stefan; Wheaton, Amanda K.; Wight, Brett A.; Ammon, Herman L.; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.; Strauss, Steven H.
Bridged heterocyclium dicationic closo-icosahedral perfluoroborane, borane, and carborane salts via aqueous, open-air benchtop synthesis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2714-2717
1502990 CIFC8 H12 B12 F12 N8P b c a17.066; 14.6477; 17.8123
90; 90; 90
4452.7Shackelford, Scott A.; Belletire, John L.; Boatz, Jerry A.; Schneider, Stefan; Wheaton, Amanda K.; Wight, Brett A.; Ammon, Herman L.; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.; Strauss, Steven H.
Bridged heterocyclium dicationic closo-icosahedral perfluoroborane, borane, and carborane salts via aqueous, open-air benchtop synthesis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2714-2717
1502991 CIFC21 H19 N O4C 1 2/c 134.5215; 6.185; 16.8548
90; 103.311; 90
3502.08Gourdet, Benoit; Rudkin, Mairi E.; Lam, Hon Wai
Rhodium-catalyzed annulation of ynamides with bifunctional arylboron reagents.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2554-2557
1502992 CIFC27 H32 Cl N O5 SiP -19.27962; 11.269; 12.779
79.8174; 85.4258; 80.7897
1296.5Gourdet, Benoit; Rudkin, Mairi E.; Lam, Hon Wai
Rhodium-catalyzed annulation of ynamides with bifunctional arylboron reagents.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2554-2557
1502993 CIFC17 H22 N2 O3P 1 21 19.269; 5.8773; 15.1007
90; 101.95; 90
804.81Zeng, Xiaofei; Ye, Kehan; Lu, Min; Chua, Pei Juan; Tan, Bin; Zhong, Guofu
Chiral Brønsted acid catalyzed enantioselective addition of alpha-isocyanoacetamides to aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2414-2417
1502994 CIFC16 H16 Cl N O6P 21 21 219.6941; 14.7085; 21.8771
90; 90; 90
3119.36Tan, Bin; Lu, Yunpeng; Zeng, Xiaofei; Chua, Pei Juan; Zhong, Guofu
Facile domino access to chiral bicyclo[3.2.1]octanes and discovery of a new catalytic activation mode.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2682-2685
1502995 CIFC18 H18 O5P 21 21 219.3739; 10.249; 16.2713
90; 90; 90
1563.23Yao, Weijun; Pan, Lianjie; Wu, Yihua; Ma, Cheng
Asymmetric synthesis of spiro-3,4-dihydropyrans via a domino organocatalytic sequence.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2422-2425
1502996 CIFC12 H9 F N4 O4P 1 21/n 115.1272; 5.4965; 16.83
90; 114.777; 90
1270.54Haddoub, Rose; Touil, Mounia; Raimundo, Jean-Manuel; Siri, Olivier
Unprecedented tunable tetraazamacrocycles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2722-2725
1502997 CIFC33 H50 F12 Mo3 P2 Pd S4P 1 21/n 112.422; 15.87; 23.192
90; 90.39; 90
4571.9Tao, Yinsong; Wang, Bo; Wang, Baomin; Qu, Lihong; Qu, Jingping
Highly efficient and regioselective allylation with allylic alcohols catalyzed by [Mo(3)S(4)Pd(eta(3)-allyl)] clusters.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2726-2729
1502998 CIFC39 H54 F12 Mo3 P2 Pd S4P 1 21/c 111.4328; 21.3073; 20.1076
90; 95.32; 90
4877.2Tao, Yinsong; Wang, Bo; Wang, Baomin; Qu, Lihong; Qu, Jingping
Highly efficient and regioselective allylation with allylic alcohols catalyzed by [Mo(3)S(4)Pd(eta(3)-allyl)] clusters.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2726-2729
1502999 CIFC25 H24 O2P 1 21/n 115.829; 7.502; 16.492
90; 95.853; 90
1948.2Jiang, Min; Shi, Min
Lewis acid catalyzed cycloaddition of methylenecyclopropanes with salicylaldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2606-2609
1503000 CIFC25 H24 O2P 1 21/n 19.4459; 11.0752; 18.8988
90; 100.572; 90
1943.5Jiang, Min; Shi, Min
Lewis acid catalyzed cycloaddition of methylenecyclopropanes with salicylaldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2606-2609
1503001 CIFC29 H25 Br N2 O5P 21 21 218.9418; 12.138; 29.4256
90; 90; 90
3193.72Liao, Yu-Hua; Liu, Xiong-Li; Wu, Zhi-Jun; Cun, Lin-Feng; Zhang, Xiao-Mei; Yuan, Wei-Cheng
Highly diastereo- and enantioselective Michael additions of 3-substituted oxindoles to maleimides catalyzed by chiral bifunctional thiourea-tertiary amine.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2896-2899
1503002 CIFC16 H18 I N O3P 1 21/c 19.6608; 7.7675; 20.3906
90; 91.435; 90
1529.6Bisai, Vishnumaya; Sarpong, Richmond
Methoxypyridines in the synthesis of Lycopodium alkaloids: total synthesis of (+/-)-lycoposerramine R.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2551-2553
1503003 CIFC52 H60 O8P 1 21 116.7347; 8.7664; 17.2571
90; 117.845; 90
2238.54Ajayi, Kehinde; Thakur, Vinay V.; Lapo, Robert C.; Knapp, Spencer
Intramolecular alpha-glucosaminidation: synthesis of mycothiol.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2630-2633
1503004 CIFC30 H34 F6 N13 O PP -112.684; 12.99; 13.048
66.395; 83.47; 67.558
1818.8Arunachalam, M.; Ahamed, B. Nisar; Ghosh, Pradyut
Binding of ammonium hexafluorophosphate and cation-induced isolation of unusual conformers of a hexapodal receptor.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2742-2745
1503005 CIFC30 H42 Cl2 Cu N12 O14P b c a12.126; 21.131; 30.52
90; 90; 90
7820Arunachalam, M.; Ahamed, B. Nisar; Ghosh, Pradyut
Binding of ammonium hexafluorophosphate and cation-induced isolation of unusual conformers of a hexapodal receptor.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2742-2745
1503006 CIFC30 H40 Cd Cl2 N12 O13P -110.5152; 11.0902; 17.2952
79.471; 77.749; 76.882
1900.24Arunachalam, M.; Ahamed, B. Nisar; Ghosh, Pradyut
Binding of ammonium hexafluorophosphate and cation-induced isolation of unusual conformers of a hexapodal receptor.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2742-2745
1503007 CIFC20 H18 O4P 1 21/c 112.6815; 6.7504; 19.5058
90; 96.25; 90
1659.87Bryan, Christopher S.; Lautens, Mark
A tandem catalytic approach to methyleneindenes: mechanistic insights into gem-dibromoolefin reactivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2754-2757
1503008 CIFC20 H18 O4P -17.7467; 8.755; 25.2638
92.894; 93.713; 108.481
1617.1Bryan, Christopher S.; Lautens, Mark
A tandem catalytic approach to methyleneindenes: mechanistic insights into gem-dibromoolefin reactivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2754-2757
1503009 CIFC31 H29 N O5 S2P 21 21 216.3188; 19.093; 25.261
90; 90; 90
3047.6Jiang, Kun; Jia, Zhi-Jun; Yin, Xiang; Wu, Li; Chen, Ying-Chun
Asymmetric quadruple aminocatalytic domino reactions to fused carbocycles incorporating a spirooxindole motif.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2766-2769
1503010 CIFC34 H33 N O3P 1 21/c 115.134; 7.946; 23.633
90; 91.625; 90
2840.8Bariwal, Jitender B.; Ermolat'ev, Denis S.; Glasnov, Toma N.; Van Hecke, Kristof; Mehta, Vaibhav P.; Van Meervelt, Luc; Kappe, C. Oliver; Van der Eycken, Erik V.
Diversity-oriented synthesis of dibenzoazocines and dibenzoazepines via a microwave-assisted intramolecular A(3)-coupling reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2774-2777
1503011 CIFC25 H25 N O2 SP 1 21 18.3323; 11.9758; 10.5285
90; 100.916; 90
1031.59Bariwal, Jitender B.; Ermolat'ev, Denis S.; Glasnov, Toma N.; Van Hecke, Kristof; Mehta, Vaibhav P.; Van Meervelt, Luc; Kappe, C. Oliver; Van der Eycken, Erik V.
Diversity-oriented synthesis of dibenzoazocines and dibenzoazepines via a microwave-assisted intramolecular A(3)-coupling reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2774-2777
1503012 CIFC17 H16 O3 SP 21 21 216.454; 14.297; 16.313
90; 90; 90
1505Woods, Philip A.; Morrill, Louis C.; Lebl, Tomas; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bragg, Ryan A.; Smith, Andrew D.
Isothiourea-mediated stereoselective C-acylation of silyl ketene acetals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2660-2663
1503013 CIFC86 H68 O6P -111.4008; 13.3756; 21.1753
82.9872; 89.1283; 83.934
3187Kissel, Patrick; van Heijst, Jeroen; Enning, Raoul; Stemmer, Andreas; Schlüter, A Dieter; Sakamoto, Junji
Macrocyclic amphiphiles with 1,8-anthrylene fluorophores: synthesis and attempts toward two-dimensional organization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2778-2781
1503014 CIFC53 H66 Cl4 O10C 1 2/c 111.311; 21.467; 21.439
90; 103.77; 90
5056.1Zhang, Zibin; Xia, Binyuan; Han, Chengyou; Yu, Yihua; Huang, Feihe
Syntheses of copillar[5]arenes by co-oligomerization of different monomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3285-3287
1503015 CIFC81 H124 O10P -112.187; 14.65; 22.05
87.84; 87.6; 72.39
3747.7Zhang, Zibin; Xia, Binyuan; Han, Chengyou; Yu, Yihua; Huang, Feihe
Syntheses of copillar[5]arenes by co-oligomerization of different monomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3285-3287
1503016 CIFC65 H90 O10P -112.1826; 13.2648; 19.6464
73.314; 83.977; 76.654
2956.49Zhang, Zibin; Xia, Binyuan; Han, Chengyou; Yu, Yihua; Huang, Feihe
Syntheses of copillar[5]arenes by co-oligomerization of different monomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3285-3287
1503017 CIFC29 H27 N O6P 1 21/c 110.805; 21.875; 11.405
90; 95.354; 90
2684Ye, Yang; Wang, Hua; Fan, Renhua
Stereoselective construction of highly functionalized azetidines via a [2 + 2]-cycloaddition.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2802-2805
1503018 CIFC18 H16 Br N3 O4P 21 21 219.1592; 11.2121; 17.3903
90; 90; 90
1785.88Chen, Wen-Bing; Wu, Zhi-Jun; Pei, Qing-Lan; Cun, Lin-Feng; Zhang, Xiao-Mei; Yuan, Wei-Cheng
Highly enantioselective construction of spiro[4H-pyran-3,3'-oxindoles] through a domino Knoevenagel/Michael/cyclization sequence catalyzed by cupreine.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3132-3135
1503019 CIFC24 H47 Br O3 SiP 1 21 18.4603; 10.6883; 14.7189
90; 95.992; 90
1323.7Li, Hao; Loh, Teck-Peng
A facile method for the synthesis of highly substituted six-membered rings: Mukaiyama-Aldol-Prins cascade reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2679-2681
1503020 CIFC15 H22 O3P 21 21 217.3374; 7.4795; 25.3435
90; 90; 90
1390.85Phillips, Eric M.; Roberts, John M.; Scheidt, Karl A.
Catalytic enantioselective total syntheses of bakkenolides I, J, and S: application of a carbene-catalyzed desymmetrization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2830-2833
1503021 CIFC41 H39 Cl N2 O12 S2P 21 21 2110.8049; 17.5738; 21.5909
90; 90; 90
4099.75Mascitti, Vincent; Préville, Cathy
Stereoselective synthesis of a dioxa-bicyclo[3.2.1]octane SGLT2 inhibitor.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2940-2943
1503022 CIFC30 H29 NC 1 c 118.025; 12.343; 12.143
90; 120.46; 90
2328.7Wang, Yuxing; Liao, Qian; Xi, Chanjuan
Copper-catalyzed amination of alkenyl halides: efficient method for the synthesis of enamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2951-2953
1503023 CIFC25 H23 N OP 1 21/n 18.578; 13.005; 17.753
90; 100.882; 90
1945Fukui, Hiroki; Fukushi, Yukiharu
NMR determinations of the absolute configuration of alpha-chiral primary amines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2856-2859
1503024 CIFC21 H46 O4 Si2P 21 21 216.8545; 15.086; 25.353
90; 90; 90
2621.7Paudyal, Mahesh P.; Rath, Nigam P.; Spilling, Christopher D.
A formal synthesis of the C1-C9 fragment of amphidinolide C employing the Tamaru reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2954-2957
1503025 CIFC26 H20 N2P n a 2118.6734; 8.9202; 11.2248
90; 90; 90
1869.72Candito, David A.; Lautens, Mark
Exploiting the chemistry of strained rings: synthesis of indoles via domino reaction of aryl iodides with 2H-azirines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3312-3315
1503026 CIFC6 Cl2 N4 S2P 1 21/n 13.842; 7.434; 15.223
90; 90.34; 90
434.8Tam, Teck Lip; Li, Hairong; Wei, Fengxia; Tan, Ke Jie; Kloc, Christian; Lam, Yeng Ming; Mhaisalkar, Subodh G.; Grimsdale, Andrew C.
One-pot synthesis of 4,8-dibromobenzo[1,2-c;4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3340-3343
1503027 CIFC11 H19 B N2 O2P 1 21/c 111.5513; 14.519; 14.9112
90; 93.411; 90
2496.4Solovyev, Andrey; Ueng, Shau-Hua; Monot, Julien; Fensterbank, Louis; Malacria, Max; Lacôte, Emmanuel; Curran, Dennis P.
Estimated rate constants for hydrogen abstraction from N-heterocyclic carbene-borane complexes by an alkyl radical.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2998-3001
1503028 CIFC9 H19 B N2P 1 21/c 110.567; 10.864; 10.851
90; 117.492; 90
1105Solovyev, Andrey; Ueng, Shau-Hua; Monot, Julien; Fensterbank, Louis; Malacria, Max; Lacôte, Emmanuel; Curran, Dennis P.
Estimated rate constants for hydrogen abstraction from N-heterocyclic carbene-borane complexes by an alkyl radical.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2998-3001
1503029 CIFC15 H27 B N2P 1 21/c 112.0628; 11.1517; 12.1983
90; 109.424; 90
1547.5Solovyev, Andrey; Ueng, Shau-Hua; Monot, Julien; Fensterbank, Louis; Malacria, Max; Lacôte, Emmanuel; Curran, Dennis P.
Estimated rate constants for hydrogen abstraction from N-heterocyclic carbene-borane complexes by an alkyl radical.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2998-3001
1503030 CIFC41 H55 N4 O11.5P 31 2 113.4028; 13.4028; 41.9587
90; 90; 120
6527.5Fairweather, Kelly A.; Sayyadi, Nima; Luck, Ian J.; Clegg, Jack K.; Jolliffe, Katrina A.
Synthesis of all-L cyclic tetrapeptides using pseudoprolines as removable turn inducers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3136-3139
1503031 CIFC24 H41 N O4 SiP 1 21/n 17.3154; 15.339; 21.853
90; 91.224; 90
2451.6Lazarski, Kiel E.; Hu, Dennis X.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Thomson, Regan J.
A synthesis of the carbocyclic core of maoecrystal V.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3010-3013
1503032 CIFC25 H45 N O5 SiP 1 21/c 115.8878; 11.8265; 13.325
90; 104.477; 90
2424.23Lazarski, Kiel E.; Hu, Dennis X.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Thomson, Regan J.
A synthesis of the carbocyclic core of maoecrystal V.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3010-3013
1503033 CIFC24 H40 O3 SiP 1 21/c 110.329; 12.915; 35.149
90; 95.424; 90
4668Lazarski, Kiel E.; Hu, Dennis X.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Thomson, Regan J.
A synthesis of the carbocyclic core of maoecrystal V.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3010-3013
1503034 CIFC18 H25 N O5P 1 21/c 111.2417; 12.5001; 12.3596
90; 111.39; 90
1617.17Lazarski, Kiel E.; Hu, Dennis X.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Thomson, Regan J.
A synthesis of the carbocyclic core of maoecrystal V.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3010-3013
1503035 CIFC24 H40 O3 SiP c a 2120.0329; 6.5664; 17.1418
90; 90; 90
2254.9Lazarski, Kiel E.; Hu, Dennis X.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Thomson, Regan J.
A synthesis of the carbocyclic core of maoecrystal V.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3010-3013
1503036 CIFC22 H23 N O7P 1 21/c 111.5178; 9.26; 18.695
90; 95.335; 90
1985.3Chattopadhyay, Kalicharan; Jana, Ranjan; Day, Victor W.; Douglas, Justin T.; Tunge, Jon A.
Mechanistic origin of the stereodivergence in decarboxylative allylation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3042-3045
1503037 CIFC21 H22 O5P -18.8899; 13.526; 15.808
76.043; 82.036; 75.272
1778.1Chattopadhyay, Kalicharan; Jana, Ranjan; Day, Victor W.; Douglas, Justin T.; Tunge, Jon A.
Mechanistic origin of the stereodivergence in decarboxylative allylation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3042-3045
1503038 CIFC72 H64 Cl8 O6 S8P -111.535; 15.772; 20.813
81.708; 89.14; 85.925
3737Shao, Min; Dongare, Prateek; Dawe, Louise N.; Thompson, David W.; Zhao, Yuming
Biscrown-annulated TTFAQ-dianthracene hybrid: synthesis, structure, and metal ion sensing.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3050-3053
1503039 CIFC18 H21 N3 O3P 1 21/c 116.143; 6.4594; 17.674
90; 116.29; 90
1652.3Chu, Wei-Jun; Yang, Yong; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Multiple hydrogen-bond-mediated molecular duplexes based on the self-complementary amidourea motif.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3156-3159
1503040 CIFC39 H50 N2 O3P -18.6711; 8.765; 24.82
97.279; 92.24; 117.315
1652.4Curiel, David; Más-Montoya, Miriam; Uruvakili, Anasuyama; Orenes, Raúl A; Pallamreddy, Haranath; Molina, Pedro
Synthesis and characterization of new carbazolocarbazoles: toward pi-extended N-fused heteroacenes
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3164-3167
1503041 CIFC15 H11 N3 O2P 1 21/c 13.8217; 19.331; 16.505
90; 92.7; 90
1218Moustafa, Mahmoud M Abd Rabo; Pagenkopf, Brian L.
Synthesis of 5-azaindoles via a cycloaddition reaction between nitriles and donor-acceptor cyclopropanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3168-3171
1503042 CIFC25 H19 N O5P 1 21/c 112.2495; 9.5744; 17.716
90; 103.227; 90
2022.6Kao, Tzu-Ting; Syu, Siang-en; Jhang, Yi-Wun; Lin, Wenwei
Preparation of tetrasubstituted furans via intramolecular Wittig reactions with phosphorus ylides as intermediates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3066-3069
1503043 CIFC23 H13 Cl N2 O3C 1 2/c 133.018; 11.8272; 9.8005
90; 103.131; 90
3727.1Kao, Tzu-Ting; Syu, Siang-en; Jhang, Yi-Wun; Lin, Wenwei
Preparation of tetrasubstituted furans via intramolecular Wittig reactions with phosphorus ylides as intermediates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3066-3069
1503044 CIFC34 H43 O2 PP -112.4771; 12.5044; 12.6807
113.793; 99.156; 114.617
1513.1Kao, Tzu-Ting; Syu, Siang-en; Jhang, Yi-Wun; Lin, Wenwei
Preparation of tetrasubstituted furans via intramolecular Wittig reactions with phosphorus ylides as intermediates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3066-3069
1503045 CIFC30 H42 N O5 PP -18.2518; 8.748; 20.7225
84.633; 84.557; 82.321
1470.83Kao, Tzu-Ting; Syu, Siang-en; Jhang, Yi-Wun; Lin, Wenwei
Preparation of tetrasubstituted furans via intramolecular Wittig reactions with phosphorus ylides as intermediates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3066-3069
1503046 CIFC28 H38 N O PP 1 21/n 113.0677; 13.0609; 15.1264
90; 100.924; 90
2534.93Kao, Tzu-Ting; Syu, Siang-en; Jhang, Yi-Wun; Lin, Wenwei
Preparation of tetrasubstituted furans via intramolecular Wittig reactions with phosphorus ylides as intermediates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3066-3069
1503047 CIFC34 H46 Cl O3 PC 1 2/c 123.91; 10.4217; 28.342
90; 108.506; 90
6697.1Kao, Tzu-Ting; Syu, Siang-en; Jhang, Yi-Wun; Lin, Wenwei
Preparation of tetrasubstituted furans via intramolecular Wittig reactions with phosphorus ylides as intermediates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3066-3069
1503048 CIFC29 H18 Br2 O2P -19.8049; 11.3545; 12.1899
105.88; 93.794; 100.857
1271.95Kao, Tzu-Ting; Syu, Siang-en; Jhang, Yi-Wun; Lin, Wenwei
Preparation of tetrasubstituted furans via intramolecular Wittig reactions with phosphorus ylides as intermediates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3066-3069
1503049 CIFC22 H24 N6 O3P 1 21 18.0218; 14.6605; 18.8312
90; 96.776; 90
2199.1Yan, Wuming; Wang, Qiaoyi; Chen, Yunfeng; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Shi, Xiaodong
Iron-catalyzed C-O bond activation for the synthesis of propargyl-1,2,3-triazoles and 1,1-bis-triazoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3308-3311
1503050 CIFC23 H17 N3P 1 21/c 115.3847; 5.6909; 40.749
90; 96.166; 90
3547Yan, Wuming; Wang, Qiaoyi; Chen, Yunfeng; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Shi, Xiaodong
Iron-catalyzed C-O bond activation for the synthesis of propargyl-1,2,3-triazoles and 1,1-bis-triazoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3308-3311
1503051 CIFC27 H25 N O3 SP 1 21/c 118.133; 12.922; 9.6356
90; 102.83; 90
2201.4Li, Changkun; Zhang, Hang; Feng, Jiajie; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Rh(I)-catalyzed carbonylative carbocyclization of tethered ene- and yne-cyclopropenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3082-3085
1503052 CIFC30 H29 N O3 SC 1 2/c 121.763; 10.484; 23.818
90; 111.79; 90
5046Li, Changkun; Zhang, Hang; Feng, Jiajie; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Rh(I)-catalyzed carbonylative carbocyclization of tethered ene- and yne-cyclopropenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3082-3085
1503053 CIFC26 H25 N O2 SP 1 21/c 124.46; 7.3613; 12.014
90; 92.99; 90
2160.3Li, Changkun; Zhang, Hang; Feng, Jiajie; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Rh(I)-catalyzed carbonylative carbocyclization of tethered ene- and yne-cyclopropenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3082-3085
1503054 CIFC36 H67 Br P2 PdP 1 21/n 113.092; 12.645; 23.224
90; 106.336; 90
3689Li, Hongbo; Grasa, Gabriela A.; Colacot, Thomas J.
A highly efficient, practical, and general route for the synthesis of (R3P)2Pd(0): structural evidence on the reduction mechanism of Pd(II) to Pd(0).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3332-3335
1503055 CIFC18 H30 Br2 O2 Pd2P 1 21/c 110.5941; 6.5221; 15.431
90; 104.263; 90
1033.4Li, Hongbo; Grasa, Gabriela A.; Colacot, Thomas J.
A highly efficient, practical, and general route for the synthesis of (R3P)2Pd(0): structural evidence on the reduction mechanism of Pd(II) to Pd(0).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3332-3335
1503056 CIFC20 H19 O4 PC 1 2/c 127.553; 8.908; 17.38
90; 125.364; 90
3479Zhang, Dong; Celaje, Jeff A.; Agua, Alon; Doan, Chad; Stewart, Timothy; Bau, Robert; Selke, Matthias
Photooxidation of mixed aryl and biarylphosphines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3100-3103
1503057 CIFC20 H19 O3 PP 1 21/c 19.336; 12.036; 15.354
90; 101.625; 90
1689.9Zhang, Dong; Celaje, Jeff A.; Agua, Alon; Doan, Chad; Stewart, Timothy; Bau, Robert; Selke, Matthias
Photooxidation of mixed aryl and biarylphosphines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3100-3103
1503058 CIFC72 H50 Fe2 O2P 1 21/n 114.141; 10.6057; 18.01
90; 109.354; 90
2548.4Morisaki, Yasuhiro; Sawamura, Toshiyuki; Murakami, Takuya; Chujo, Yoshiki
Synthesis of anthracene-stacked oligomers and polymer.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3188-3191
1503059 CIFC26 H37 N O5P c a 2116.5169; 5.7641; 50.954
90; 90; 90
4851.1Burke, Jason P.; Sabat, Michal; Iovan, Diana A.; Myers, William H.; Chruma, Jason J.
Exploring the original proposed biosynthesis of (+)-symbioimine: remote exocyclic stereocontrol in a type I IMDA reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3192-3195
1503060 CIFC16 H20 N4 O7P 1 21 19.757; 29.99; 11.97
90; 98.61; 90
3463Medeiros, Matthew R.; Narayan, Radha S.; McDougal, Nolan T.; Schaus, Scott E.; Porco, Jr, John A
Skeletal diversity via cationic rearrangements of substituted dihydropyrans.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3222-3225
1503061 CIFC21 H32 N6 OP 1 21/n 111.9147; 20.442; 18.076
90; 97.6; 90
4363.9Mani, Ganesan; Jana, Debasish; Kumar, Rajnish; Ghorai, Debasish
Azatripyrrolic and azatetrapyrrolic macrocycles from the Mannich reaction of pyrrole: receptors for anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3212-3215
1503062 CIFC28 H42 N8 OP 1 21/c 112.9325; 14.018; 17.516
90; 109.805; 90
2987.6Mani, Ganesan; Jana, Debasish; Kumar, Rajnish; Ghorai, Debasish
Azatripyrrolic and azatetrapyrrolic macrocycles from the Mannich reaction of pyrrole: receptors for anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3212-3215
1503063 CIFC32 H50 N8 OP 1 21/c 117.429; 13.793; 15.399
90; 114.644; 90
3364.7Mani, Ganesan; Jana, Debasish; Kumar, Rajnish; Ghorai, Debasish
Azatripyrrolic and azatetrapyrrolic macrocycles from the Mannich reaction of pyrrole: receptors for anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3212-3215
1503064 CIFC29 H27.33 Cl2.67 N2 O2P -19.706; 11.437; 12.864
92.632; 108.562; 103.893
1302.4D'Souza, Daniel M; Muschelknautz, Christian; Rominger, Frank; Müller, Thomas J J
Unusual solid-state luminescent push-pull indolones: a general one-pot three-component approach.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3364-3367
1503065 CIFC40 H41 N3 O5 SP 1 21/n 119.1627; 9.8124; 19.8246
90; 97.067; 90
3699.3D'Souza, Daniel M; Muschelknautz, Christian; Rominger, Frank; Müller, Thomas J J
Unusual solid-state luminescent push-pull indolones: a general one-pot three-component approach.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3364-3367
1503066 CIFC30 H29 Cl3 N2 O5 SP -19.8525; 12.4298; 13.0648
71.504; 77.486; 75.275
1451.26D'Souza, Daniel M; Muschelknautz, Christian; Rominger, Frank; Müller, Thomas J J
Unusual solid-state luminescent push-pull indolones: a general one-pot three-component approach.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3364-3367
1503067 CIFC19 H20 N2 O5P 21 21 219.682; 9.9137; 19.0085
90; 90; 90
1824.52Xu, Yingjie; Matsunaga, Shigeki; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
syn-Selective catalytic asymmetric 1,4-addition of alpha-ketoanilides to nitroalkenes under dinuclear nickel catalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3246-3249
1503068 CIFC14 H15 Br OP 1 21 16.24; 7.706; 12.861
90; 98.015; 90
612.4Yang, Hua; Carter, Rich G.
Synthesis of all-carbon, quaternary center-containing cyclohexenones through an organocatalyzed, multicomponent coupling.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3108-3111
1503069 CIFC19 H17 Cl OP -16.508; 10.191; 12.222
91.608; 103.611; 101.668
769.1Yang, Hua; Carter, Rich G.
Synthesis of all-carbon, quaternary center-containing cyclohexenones through an organocatalyzed, multicomponent coupling.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3108-3111
1503070 CIFC53 H52 Cl2 N2 O2 P2 RuP 21 21 2110.8594; 21.0813; 23.1923
90; 90; 90
5309.4Arai, Noriyoshi; Akashi, Masaya; Sugizaki, Satoshi; Ooka, Hirohito; Inoue, Tsutomu; Ohkuma, Takeshi
Asymmetric hydrogenation of bicyclic ketones catalyzed by BINAP/IPHAN-Ru(II) complex.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3380-3383
1503071 CIFC11.5 H14.5 B Cl1.5 N3 O2P -18.673; 10.421; 17.737
100.899; 94.817; 114.075
1413.8Ito, Hiroshi; Yumura, Kyohei; Saigo, Kazuhiko
Synthesis, characterization, and binding property of isoelectronic analogues of nucleobases, B(6)-substituted 5-aza-6-borauracils and -thymines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3386-3389
1503072 CIFC12 H16 B N3 O2P -18.789; 12.196; 12.799
83.32; 86.166; 71.603
1292.3Ito, Hiroshi; Yumura, Kyohei; Saigo, Kazuhiko
Synthesis, characterization, and binding property of isoelectronic analogues of nucleobases, B(6)-substituted 5-aza-6-borauracils and -thymines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3386-3389
1503073 CIFC18 H24 B Cl3 N6 O2P -18.135; 11.106; 14.144
68.629; 74.897; 77.76
1139.1Ito, Hiroshi; Yumura, Kyohei; Saigo, Kazuhiko
Synthesis, characterization, and binding property of isoelectronic analogues of nucleobases, B(6)-substituted 5-aza-6-borauracils and -thymines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3386-3389
1503074 CIFC13 H25 Br2 In O2P -16.8758; 10.8208; 12.6521
108.628; 94.419; 101.34
864.64Nishimoto, Yoshihiro; Ueda, Hiroki; Inamoto, Yoshihiro; Yasuda, Makoto; Baba, Akio
Regioselective carboindation of simple alkenes with indium tribromide and ketene silyl acetals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3390-3393
1503075 CIFC22 H38 Br4 In2 O4P 1 21/n 18.9488; 17.4208; 10.2343
90; 110.248; 90
1496.88Nishimoto, Yoshihiro; Ueda, Hiroki; Inamoto, Yoshihiro; Yasuda, Makoto; Baba, Akio
Regioselective carboindation of simple alkenes with indium tribromide and ketene silyl acetals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3390-3393
1503076 CIFC17 H23 N OP 1 21/a 19.73374; 10.3541; 15.0615
90; 82.338; 90
1504.41Nishimoto, Yoshihiro; Ueda, Hiroki; Inamoto, Yoshihiro; Yasuda, Makoto; Baba, Akio
Regioselective carboindation of simple alkenes with indium tribromide and ketene silyl acetals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3390-3393
1503077 CIFC15 H24 O3P 21 21 217.387; 11.854; 15.835
90; 90; 90
1386.6Navickas, Vaidotas; Ushakov, Dmitry B.; Maier, Martin E.; Ströbele, Markus; Meyer, H-Jürgen
Synthesis of the guaianolide ring system via cycloaddition of a bicyclic carbonyl ylide with allyl propiolate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3418-3421
1503078 CIFC14 H16 O2P 1 21/n 111.6103; 9.3464; 21.5764
90; 104.928; 90
2262.33Butler, Jeffrey D.; Conrad, Wayne E.; Lodewyk, Michael W.; Fettinger, James C.; Tantillo, Dean J.; Kurth, Mark J.
Synthesis of substituted chromanones: an organocatalytic aldol/oxa-Michael reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3410-3413
1503079 CIFC16 H22 OP 21 21 216.4749; 8.5245; 23.9058
90; 90; 90
1319.49Butler, Jeffrey D.; Conrad, Wayne E.; Lodewyk, Michael W.; Fettinger, James C.; Tantillo, Dean J.; Kurth, Mark J.
Synthesis of substituted chromanones: an organocatalytic aldol/oxa-Michael reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3410-3413
1503080 CIFC10 H6 Cl O6 P WP 1 21 16.7284; 19.087; 10.4396
90; 94.175; 90
1337.1Mao, Yanli; Mathey, Francois
From furans to phosphinines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3384-3385
1503081 CIFC20 H12 O13 P2 W2P -110.0533; 10.6263; 13.1213
66.685; 78.952; 84.021
1262.8Mao, Yanli; Mathey, Francois
From furans to phosphinines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3384-3385
1503082 CIFC25 H24 F6 N2 O3P 1 21/c 115.679; 16.496; 8.969
90; 95.185; 90
2310Prosser, Anthony R.; Banning, Joseph E.; Rubina, Marina; Rubin, Michael
Formal nucleophilic substitution of bromocyclopropanes with amides en route to conformationally constrained β-amino acid derivatives.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3968-3971
1503083 CIFC22 H22 N2 OP 21 21 218.3995; 12.2643; 17.383
90; 90; 90
1790.7Ignatenko, Vasily A.; Deligonul, Nihal; Viswanathan, Rajesh
Branch-selective synthesis of oxindole and indene scaffolds: transition metal-controlled intramolecular aryl amidation leading to c3 reverse-prenylated oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3594-3597
1503084 CIFC32 H50 N2 O4P 438.2499; 8.2499; 42.596
90; 90; 90
2899.1Yang, Yu-Rong; Lai, Zeng-Wei; Shen, Liang; Huang, Jiu-Zhong; Wu, Xing-De; Yin, Jun-Lin; Wei, Kun
Total synthesis of (-)-8-deoxyserratinine via an efficient Helquist annulation and double N-alkylation reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3430-3433
1503085 CIFC16 H13 Br O2P 1 21 19.977; 5.5033; 13.198
90; 108.25; 90
688.2Chen, Zhengwang; Li, Jinghao; Jiang, Huanfeng; Zhu, Shifa; Li, Yibiao; Qi, Chaorong
Silver-catalyzed difunctionalization of terminal alkynes: highly regio- and stereoselective synthesis of (Z)-beta-haloenol acetates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3262-3265
1503086 CIFC44 H49 Ni O PP 1 21/c 112.8408; 15.1873; 18.453
90; 97.9023; 90
3564.5Ogoshi, Sensuke; Nishimura, Akira; Ohashi, Masato
Nickel-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition of two enones and an alkyne.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3450-3452
1503087 CIFC24 H26 O2P 1 21/a 110.2808; 15.2707; 12.1045
90; 95.07; 90
1892.91Ogoshi, Sensuke; Nishimura, Akira; Ohashi, Masato
Nickel-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition of two enones and an alkyne.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3450-3452
1503088 CIFC24 H26 O2P 1 21/c 16.08838; 37.5923; 9.11131
90; 114.271; 90
1901.04Ogoshi, Sensuke; Nishimura, Akira; Ohashi, Masato
Nickel-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition of two enones and an alkyne.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3450-3452
1503089 CIFC95 H139 Cl9 N16 O22P 21 21 221.4551; 28.4412; 8.9866
90; 90; 90
5483.7Fernandes, Carlos; Faure, Sophie; Pereira, Elisabeth; Théry, Vincent; Declerck, Valérie; Guillot, Régis; Aitken, David J.
12-Helix folding of cyclobutane beta-amino acid oligomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3606-3609
1503090 CIFC21 H12 N2 O2P 1 2/c 115.444; 7.4809; 14.862
90; 116.866; 90
1531.7Saha, Sukdeb; Ghosh, Amrita; Mahato, Prasenjit; Mishra, Sandhya; Mishra, Sanjiv K.; Suresh, E.; Das, Satyabrata; Das, Amitava
Specific recognition and sensing of CN- in sodium cyanide solution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3406-3409
1503091 CIFC25 H16 Fe N2 O2P b c n27.672; 10.248; 13.417
90; 90; 90
3804.8Saha, Sukdeb; Ghosh, Amrita; Mahato, Prasenjit; Mishra, Sandhya; Mishra, Sanjiv K.; Suresh, E.; Das, Satyabrata; Das, Amitava
Specific recognition and sensing of CN- in sodium cyanide solution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3406-3409
1503092 CIFC26 H22 F3 N O2 SP b c a15.2284; 17.6487; 17.8733
90; 90; 90
4803.7Minami, Yasunori; Kuniyasu, Hitoshi; Sanagawa, Atsushi; Kambe, Nobuaki
Pd-catalyzed regioselective iminothiolation of alkynes: a remarkable effect of the CF3 group of iminosulfides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3744-3747
1503093 CIFC26 H24 OP 1 21 112.393; 5.8186; 14.691
90; 111.21; 90
987.6Chen, Zili; Zhang, Yu-Xin; Wang, Ya-Hui; Zhu, Li-Li; Liu, Heng; Li, Xiao-Xiao; Guo, Lin
Gold catalyzed diastereoselective cascade allylation/enyne cycloisomerization to construct densely functionalized oxygen heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3468-3471
1503094 CIFC18 H20 O2P 1 21/c 123.7529; 6.5856; 17.3617
90; 90.515; 90
2715.73Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503095 CIFC18 H20 O2R -3 :H23.8832; 23.8832; 6.3231
90; 90; 120
3123.53Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503096 CIFC12 H17 Cl OP -110.9259; 11.4009; 14.825
100.201; 96.264; 115.471
1604.8Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503097 CIFC12 H17 Cl OR -3 :H22.0572; 22.0572; 11.2664
90; 90; 120
4746.97Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503098 CIFC13 H19 Cl OP 1 21/n 111.5914; 14.8542; 21.2577
90; 96.95; 90
3633.3Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503099 CIFC18 H21 Cl O2P 1 21/c 119.5539; 6.3547; 12.0615
90; 100.778; 90
1472.31Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503100 CIFC18 H21 Cl O2P b c a18.9939; 7.0672; 21.2043
90; 90; 90
2846.33Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503101 CIFC18 H22 O1.5P -16.3057; 10.0701; 11.3997
79.458; 81.737; 77.069
689.603Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503102 CIFC36 H55 Cl2 N O10P 21 21 2110.613; 10.756; 33.591
90; 90; 90
3834.5Igarashi, Yasuhiro; Kim, Youngju; In, Yasuko; Ishida, Toshimasa; Kan, Yukiko; Fujita, Tsuyoshi; Iwashita, Takashi; Tabata, Hirokazu; Onaka, Hiroyasu; Furumai, Tamotsu
Alchivemycin A, a bioactive polycyclic polyketide with an unprecedented skeleton from Streptomyces sp.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3402-3405
1503103 CIFC24 H23 F3 OP -19.5151; 9.9721; 10.8051
86.882; 89.898; 75.105
989.3Yang, Chun-Ming; Jeganmohan, Masilamani; Parthasarathy, Kanniyappan; Cheng, Chien-Hong
Highly selective nickel-catalyzed three-component coupling of alkynes with enones and alkenyl boronic acids: a novel route to substituted 1,3-dienes
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 3610-3613
1503104 CIFC19 H20 O4P 15.3565; 7.6392; 10.099
76.068; 85.27; 86.338
399.308Yang, Chun-Ming; Jeganmohan, Masilamani; Parthasarathy, Kanniyappan; Cheng, Chien-Hong
Highly selective nickel-catalyzed three-component coupling of alkynes with enones and alkenyl boronic acids: a novel route to substituted 1,3-dienes
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 3610-3613
1503105 CIFC11 H5 Cl F O2P 1 21/c 113.0998; 6.0571; 11.6096
90; 98.514; 90
911.03Colquhoun, Howard M.; Zhu, Zhixue; Cardin, Christine J.; White, Andrew J. P.; Drew, Michael G. B.; Gan, Yu
Bis(hydroxy-isoindolinone)s: synthesis, stereochemistry, polymer chemistry, and supramolecular assembly.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3756-3759
1503106 CIFC58 H34 F2 O4P -19.124; 12.5563; 15.4232
108.753; 100.834; 98.211
1603.59Colquhoun, Howard M.; Zhu, Zhixue; Cardin, Christine J.; White, Andrew J. P.; Drew, Michael G. B.; Gan, Yu
Bis(hydroxy-isoindolinone)s: synthesis, stereochemistry, polymer chemistry, and supramolecular assembly.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3756-3759
1503107 CIFC56 H36 F2 N2 O5C m c 2137.353; 15.704; 7.5165
90; 90; 90
4409.1Colquhoun, Howard M.; Zhu, Zhixue; Cardin, Christine J.; White, Andrew J. P.; Drew, Michael G. B.; Gan, Yu
Bis(hydroxy-isoindolinone)s: synthesis, stereochemistry, polymer chemistry, and supramolecular assembly.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3756-3759
1503108 CIFC78 H45 F N3 O12 S2P -112.0725; 22.6806; 32.2434
84.168; 85.204; 74.958
8466.9Colquhoun, Howard M.; Zhu, Zhixue; Cardin, Christine J.; White, Andrew J. P.; Drew, Michael G. B.; Gan, Yu
Bis(hydroxy-isoindolinone)s: synthesis, stereochemistry, polymer chemistry, and supramolecular assembly.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3756-3759
1503109 CIFC48 H54 F2 N6 O8P -18.572; 9.6617; 13.723
93.667; 92.869; 96.67
1124.6Colquhoun, Howard M.; Zhu, Zhixue; Cardin, Christine J.; White, Andrew J. P.; Drew, Michael G. B.; Gan, Yu
Bis(hydroxy-isoindolinone)s: synthesis, stereochemistry, polymer chemistry, and supramolecular assembly.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3756-3759
1503110 CIFC18 H24 O5P -17.4222; 9.2295; 13.544
85; 74.87; 84.77
890Patel, Paresma R.; Boger, Dale L.
Intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions of cyclopropenone ketals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3540-3543
1503111 CIFC16 H19 N O3P 1 21/c 119.271; 9.716; 17.52
90; 117.04; 90
2921.8Patel, Paresma R.; Boger, Dale L.
Intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions of cyclopropenone ketals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3540-3543
1503112 CIFC30 H21 N3 O6P -18.2637; 12.0452; 13.7503
76.768; 80.817; 69.691
1244.7Jones, Ian M.; Hamilton, Andrew D.
Designed molecular switches: controlling the conformation of benzamido-diphenylacetylenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3651-3653
1503113 CIFC22 H28 Br2 O2P -19.211; 10.794; 11.994
106.031; 96.445; 112.428
1027.1Shenvi, Ryan A.; Corey, E. J.
Synthetic access to bent polycycles by cation-pi cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3548-3551
1503114 CIFC58 H68 Br4 O7P 1 21 119.335; 7.4272; 20.267
90; 104.272; 90
2820.6Shenvi, Ryan A.; Corey, E. J.
Synthetic access to bent polycycles by cation-pi cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3548-3551
1503115 CIFC24 H30 N2 O5P 1 21/n 113.6877; 9.8076; 15.7743
90; 90.763; 90
2117.4Kulyk, Svitlana; Dougherty, Jr, William G; Kassel, W. Scott; Fleming, Steven A.; Sieburth, Scott McN
Enyne [4 + 4] photocycloaddition: bridged 1,2,5-cyclooctatrienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3296-3299
1503116 CIFC23 H25 N O4 SP 21 21 218.274; 10.2749; 23.741
90; 90; 90
2018.3Li, Hongyan; Hsung, Richard P.; DeKorver, Kyle A.; Wei, Yonggang
Copper-catalyzed Ficini [2 + 2] cycloaddition of ynamides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3780-3783
1503117 CIFC33 H33 Cl3 N2 O6 SP 21 21 215.7619; 19.3032; 29.1369
90; 90; 90
3240.7Li, Meiling; Dixon, Darren J.
Stereoselective spirolactam synthesis via palladium catalyzed arylative allene carbocyclization cascades.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3784-3787
1503118 CIFC17 H19 N O6P -18.8667; 9.048; 11.101
105.71; 98.61; 96.29
837.1Xu, Silong; Zou, Wen; Wu, Guiping; Song, Haibin; He, Zhengjie
Stereoselective synthesis of 1,2,3,4-tetrasubstituted dienes from allenoates and aldehydes: an observation of phosphine-induced chemoselectivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3556-3559
1503119 CIFC18 H22 O4P 1 21/n 114.985; 7.503; 15.386
90; 108.888; 90
1636.7Xu, Silong; Zou, Wen; Wu, Guiping; Song, Haibin; He, Zhengjie
Stereoselective synthesis of 1,2,3,4-tetrasubstituted dienes from allenoates and aldehydes: an observation of phosphine-induced chemoselectivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3556-3559
1503120 CIFC44 H78 N6 O11P 3121.328; 21.328; 29.108
90; 90; 120
11467Nagano, Masanobu; Doi, Mitsunobu; Kurihara, Masaaki; Suemune, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Masakazu
Stabilized alpha-helix-catalyzed enantioselective epoxidation of alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3564-3566
1503121 CIFC63 H115 N9 O17P 21 21 2112.247; 15.641; 77.051
90; 90; 90
14760Nagano, Masanobu; Doi, Mitsunobu; Kurihara, Masaaki; Suemune, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Masakazu
Stabilized alpha-helix-catalyzed enantioselective epoxidation of alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3564-3566
1503122 CIFC84 H151 N13 O22P 111.2535; 11.6895; 19.1693
86.46; 80.779; 87.428
2482.8Nagano, Masanobu; Doi, Mitsunobu; Kurihara, Masaaki; Suemune, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Masakazu
Stabilized alpha-helix-catalyzed enantioselective epoxidation of alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3564-3566
1503123 CIFC24 H24 N2 O6 SP 1 21/c 113.5739; 15.7377; 11.1867
90; 101.209; 90
2344.1Zhu, Zhi-Bin; Shi, Min
Ruthenium-catalyzed tandem ring-opening/ring-closing/cross-metathesis of 1,6-cyclopropene-ynes and olefins for the construction of the 3-pyrroline skeleton.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4462-4465
1503124 CIFC11 H14 N2 OP 1 21/c 18.925; 13.408; 17.122
90; 91.162; 90
2048.5Wei, Ying; Liu, Jing; Lin, Shaoxia; Ding, Hongqian; Liang, Fushun; Zhao, Baozhong
Acetoacetanilides as masked isocyanates: facile and efficient synthesis of unsymmetrically substituted ureas
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 4220-4223
1503125 CIFC23 H20 Br N3 O4P -111.309; 11.587; 16.784
87.93; 80.536; 86.22
2164Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503126 CIFC22.66667 H19.66667 Cl2 N3 O4.66667P -114.308; 14.59; 19.733
101.072; 100.8; 110.784
3630.1Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503127 CIFC26 H20 Cl N3 O4P 1 21/c 111.9281; 10.2727; 22.909
90; 109.026; 90
2653.8Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503128 CIFC25 H25 Cl N2 O6P 1 21/c 110.6943; 25.494; 8.9322
90; 103.349; 90
2369.5Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503129 CIFC27 H29 Br N2 O7P -110.8467; 16.631; 17.796
112.348; 97.654; 105.826
2753.5Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503130 CIFC28 H25 Cl N2 O6P -110.3872; 11.3862; 11.9876
69.288; 72.049; 85.319
1261Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503131 CIFC29 H33 Cl N2 O5P -17.9609; 11.5503; 15.081
78.065; 83.794; 89.496
1348.7Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503132 CIFC28 H30 Cl2 N2 O5P -110.8157; 12.2522; 12.6256
101.082; 110.327; 109.908
1380.6Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503133 CIFC23 H22 Cl N3 O5P 1 21/c 111.156; 26.984; 11.394
90; 110.121; 90
3221Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503134 CIFC54 H58 Cl2 N6 O14P -16.207; 11.28; 19.29
90.298; 95.025; 99.589
1326.3Sun, Jing; Xia, Er-Yan; Wu, Qun; Yan, Chao-Guo
Synthesis of polysubstituted dihydropyridines by four-component reactions of aromatic aldehydes, malononitrile, arylamines, and acetylenedicarboxylate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3678-3681
1503135 CIFC36 H22 O4P -19.799; 11.072; 13.689
70.157; 78.535; 70.146
1308.1Gong, Jian; Xie, Fuchun; Chen, Hong; Hu, Youhong
An efficient approach to functionalized benzo[a]xanthones through reactions of 2-methyl-3-(1-alkynyl)chromones with electron-deficient chromone-fused dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3848-3851
1503136 CIFC35 H28 O7P -17.0113; 11.773; 17.526
88.586; 84.72; 81.072
1423Gong, Jian; Xie, Fuchun; Chen, Hong; Hu, Youhong
An efficient approach to functionalized benzo[a]xanthones through reactions of 2-methyl-3-(1-alkynyl)chromones with electron-deficient chromone-fused dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3848-3851
1503137 CIFC13 H14 O4P c a 2111.0204; 8.2388; 12.1197
90; 90; 90
1100.41Cordes, Jens; Harms, Klaus; Koert, Ulrich
Synthesis of the isoquinocycline-pyrrolopyrrole substructure.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3808-3811
1503138 CIFC23.5 H35 N O5.5 SiP 1 21/n 116.3448; 7.0192; 23.9179
90; 98.978; 90
2710.4Cordes, Jens; Harms, Klaus; Koert, Ulrich
Synthesis of the isoquinocycline-pyrrolopyrrole substructure.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3808-3811
1503139 CIFC31 H40 N2 O5 S SiR -3 :H35.8162; 35.8162; 12.6101
90; 90; 120
14009Cordes, Jens; Harms, Klaus; Koert, Ulrich
Synthesis of the isoquinocycline-pyrrolopyrrole substructure.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3808-3811
1503140 CIFC12 H16.72 N2 O5.36P n m a19.0772; 6.9067; 9.685
90; 90; 90
1276.1Sanna, Elena; Martínez, Luis; Rotger, Carmen; Blasco, Salvador; González, Jorge; García-España, Enrique; Costa, Antoni
Squaramide-based reagent for selective chromogenic sensing of Cu(II) through a zwitterion radical.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3840-3843
1503141 CIFC14 H18 Cl3 N O6 SP 1 21/c 110.1519; 10.3366; 18.7036
90; 99.174; 90
1937.58Nörder, Anike; Herrmann, Pavel; Herdtweck, Eberhard; Bach, Thorsten
Acyclic stereocontrol in the catalytic C-H amination of benzylic methylene groups.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3690-3692
1503142 CIFC16 H25 Cl3 N O7 P SP 1 21/c 111.4476; 17.433; 12.0145
90; 104.311; 90
2323.28Nörder, Anike; Herrmann, Pavel; Herdtweck, Eberhard; Bach, Thorsten
Acyclic stereocontrol in the catalytic C-H amination of benzylic methylene groups.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3690-3692
1503143 CIFC18 H20 Cl3 N O6 S2P n a 2111.6761; 20.3879; 9.3747
90; 90; 90
2231.66Nörder, Anike; Herrmann, Pavel; Herdtweck, Eberhard; Bach, Thorsten
Acyclic stereocontrol in the catalytic C-H amination of benzylic methylene groups.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3690-3692
1503144 CIFC12 H15 Cl3 N2 O6 SP 1 21/c 19.1997; 19.5983; 9.8197
90; 95.769; 90
1761.51Nörder, Anike; Herrmann, Pavel; Herdtweck, Eberhard; Bach, Thorsten
Acyclic stereocontrol in the catalytic C-H amination of benzylic methylene groups.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3690-3692
1503145 CIFC14 H18 Cl3 N O6 SP n a 2122.6616; 6.417; 13.3006
90; 90; 90
1934.17Nörder, Anike; Herrmann, Pavel; Herdtweck, Eberhard; Bach, Thorsten
Acyclic stereocontrol in the catalytic C-H amination of benzylic methylene groups.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3690-3692
1503146 CIFC34 H51 F2 N4 O6P -111.595; 12.1153; 13.243
73.015; 77.927; 74.042
1693.8Zeika, Olaf; Li, Yongjun; Jockusch, Steffen; Parkin, Gerard; Sattler, Aaron; Sattler, Wesley; Turro, Nicholas J.
Synthesis of polynitroxides based on nucleophilic aromatic substitution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3696-3699
1503147 CIFC16 H17 F4 N2 O2P 21 21 2110.7868; 11.377; 12.9981
90; 90; 90
1595.15Zeika, Olaf; Li, Yongjun; Jockusch, Steffen; Parkin, Gerard; Sattler, Aaron; Sattler, Wesley; Turro, Nicholas J.
Synthesis of polynitroxides based on nucleophilic aromatic substitution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3696-3699
1503148 CIFC25 H34 F3 N3 O4P 1 21/n 116.1428; 7.6731; 20.8194
90; 98.721; 90
2549Zeika, Olaf; Li, Yongjun; Jockusch, Steffen; Parkin, Gerard; Sattler, Aaron; Sattler, Wesley; Turro, Nicholas J.
Synthesis of polynitroxides based on nucleophilic aromatic substitution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3696-3699
1503149 CIFC42 H68 N6 O8C 1 2/c 128.068; 11.6716; 16.1222
90; 124.007; 90
4378.3Zeika, Olaf; Li, Yongjun; Jockusch, Steffen; Parkin, Gerard; Sattler, Aaron; Sattler, Wesley; Turro, Nicholas J.
Synthesis of polynitroxides based on nucleophilic aromatic substitution.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3696-3699
1503150 CIFC17 H15 Br O2P 21 21 216.8149; 14.637; 14.679
90; 90; 90
1464.2Shao, Cheng; Yu, Hong-Jie; Wu, Nuo-Yi; Feng, Chen-Guo; Lin, Guo-Qiang
C1-symmetric dicyclopentadienes as new chiral diene ligands for asymmetric rhodium-catalyzed arylation of N-tosylarylimines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3820-3823
1503151 CIFC18 H15 Br O2P 1 21 113.5681; 8.1292; 15.1521
90; 107.156; 90
1596.88Yu, Jie; Chen, Wei-Jie; Gong, Liu-Zhu
Kinetic resolution of racemic 2,3-allenoates by organocatalytic asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4050-4053
1503152 CIFC16 H12 N2 O0 SC 1 2/c 119.0234; 10.3429; 14.4289
90; 112.754; 90
2618Xu, Hui; Zhang, Yin; Huang, Jianqiang; Chen, Wanzhi
Copper-catalyzed synthesis of N-fused heterocycles through regioselective 1,2-aminothiolation of 1,1-dibromoalkenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3704-3707
1503153 CIFC17 H23 Br N2 O0 SP 1 21/n 18.7689; 24.7018; 9.0693
90; 112.788; 90
1811.14Xu, Hui; Zhang, Yin; Huang, Jianqiang; Chen, Wanzhi
Copper-catalyzed synthesis of N-fused heterocycles through regioselective 1,2-aminothiolation of 1,1-dibromoalkenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3704-3707
1503154 CIFC14 H11 Cl N2 OP -15.7679; 8.2804; 12.9064
74.09; 88.512; 85.529
590.99Urgaonkar, Sameer; Cortese, Joseph F.; Barker, Robert H.; Cromwell, Mandy; Serrano, Adelfa E.; Wirth, Dyann F.; Clardy, Jon; Mazitschek, Ralph
A concise silylamine approach to 2-amino-3-hydroxy-indoles with potent in vivo antimalaria activity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3998-4001
1503155 CIFC42 H37 N4 Ni O4P 21 21 2111.937; 14.935; 19.399
90; 90; 90
3458.4Dong, Zhenzhen; Plampin, 3rd, James N; Yap, Glenn P. A.; Fox, Joseph M.
Minimalist end groups for control of absolute helicity in salen- and salophen-based metallofoldamers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4002-4005
1503156 CIFC43 H44 Cl2 N4 Ni O4P 112.3092; 12.3128; 12.973
90.061; 102.664; 98.557
1895.9Dong, Zhenzhen; Plampin, 3rd, James N; Yap, Glenn P. A.; Fox, Joseph M.
Minimalist end groups for control of absolute helicity in salen- and salophen-based metallofoldamers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4002-4005
1503157 CIFC21 H33 N3 O5 S SiP 1 21 17.6795; 8.1287; 21.2564
90; 99.965; 90
1306.9Kelley, Brandon T.; Joullié, Madeleine M
Ring opening of a trisubstituted aziridine with amines: regio- and stereoselective formation of substituted 1,2-diamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4244-4247
1503158 CIFC22 H35 N3 O6 S SiC 1 2 131.131; 7.805; 22.844
90; 110.163; 90
5210.4Kelley, Brandon T.; Joullié, Madeleine M
Ring opening of a trisubstituted aziridine with amines: regio- and stereoselective formation of substituted 1,2-diamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4244-4247
1503159 CIFC19 H28 N2 O5 S SiP 1 21 17.2155; 7.3686; 21.8244
90; 91.207; 90
1160.11Kelley, Brandon T.; Joullié, Madeleine M
Ring opening of a trisubstituted aziridine with amines: regio- and stereoselective formation of substituted 1,2-diamines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4244-4247
1503160 CIFC26 H22 N2 O4P 1 21/c 110.513; 21.209; 19.5593
90; 90.309; 90
4361.1Gao, Meng; Yang, Yan; Wu, Yan-Dong; Deng, Cong; Shu, Wen-Ming; Zhang, Dong-Xue; Cao, Li-Ping; She, Neng-Fang; Wu, An-Xin
An efficient synthesis of hydantoins via sustainable integration of coupled domino processes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4026-4029
1503161 CIFC27 H23 N2 O4.5P b c n11.301; 17.774; 22.517
90; 90; 90
4522.9Gao, Meng; Yang, Yan; Wu, Yan-Dong; Deng, Cong; Shu, Wen-Ming; Zhang, Dong-Xue; Cao, Li-Ping; She, Neng-Fang; Wu, An-Xin
An efficient synthesis of hydantoins via sustainable integration of coupled domino processes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4026-4029
1503162 CIFC124 H106 N8 O9P 1 21 120.312; 9.5308; 26.2849
90; 107.355; 90
4856.8Wiedner, Susan D.; Vedejs, Edwin
Aziridinomitosanes via lactam cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4030-4033
1503163 CIFC46 H45 N2 O7.5P 21 21 2112.8063; 13.3599; 48.7876
90; 90; 90
8347.1Wiedner, Susan D.; Vedejs, Edwin
Aziridinomitosanes via lactam cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4030-4033
1503164 CIFC32 H50 N6 O2P -16.897; 11.772; 20.837
78.683; 88.669; 73.136
1586.5Mani, Ganesan; Guchhait, Tapas; Kumar, Rajnish; Kumar, Shanish
Macrocyclic and acyclic molecules synthesized from dipyrrolylmethanes: receptors for anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3910-3913
1503165 CIFC32 H48 N6 O4 SC m c 2117.106; 16.317; 11.461
90; 90; 90
3199Mani, Ganesan; Guchhait, Tapas; Kumar, Rajnish; Kumar, Shanish
Macrocyclic and acyclic molecules synthesized from dipyrrolylmethanes: receptors for anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3910-3913
1503166 CIFC28 H42 N4 O7 SP 1 21/c 119.123; 13.758; 11.749
90; 106.098; 90
2969.9Mani, Ganesan; Guchhait, Tapas; Kumar, Rajnish; Kumar, Shanish
Macrocyclic and acyclic molecules synthesized from dipyrrolylmethanes: receptors for anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3910-3913
1503167 CIFC17 H25 N O3P 21 21 219.1204; 11.6853; 14.1079
90; 90; 90
1503.54Zhao, Fu-Wei; Sun, Qian-Yun; Yang, Fu-Mei; Hu, Guang-Wan; Luo, Ji-Feng; Tang, Gui-Hua; Wang, Yue-Hu; Long, Chun-Lin
Palhinine A, a novel alkaloid from Palhinhaea cernua.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3922-3925
1503168 CIFC24 H24 N2 O4P -19.941; 10.774; 11.867
77.103; 66.061; 65.409
1054McCormack, Michael P.; Shalumova, Tamila; Tanski, Joseph M.; Waters, Stephen P.
Development of a 2-aza-Cope-[3 + 2] dipolar cycloaddition strategy for the synthesis of quaternary proline scaffolds.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3906-3909
1503169 CIFC23 H19 N O2P -18.0436; 10.604; 11.289
110.89; 95.92; 99.62
873Yang, Luo; Lei, Chuan-Hu; Wang, De-Xian; Huang, Zhi-Tang; Wang, Mei-Xiang
Highly efficient and expedient synthesis of 5-hydroxy-1H-pyrrol-2-(5H)-ones from FeCl3-catalyzed tandem intramolecular enaminic addition of tertiary enamides to ketones and 1,3-hydroxy rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3918-3921
1503170 CIFC24 H21 N O2P 1 21/c 18.5467; 10.49; 21.228
90; 101.57; 90
1864.5Yang, Luo; Lei, Chuan-Hu; Wang, De-Xian; Huang, Zhi-Tang; Wang, Mei-Xiang
Highly efficient and expedient synthesis of 5-hydroxy-1H-pyrrol-2-(5H)-ones from FeCl3-catalyzed tandem intramolecular enaminic addition of tertiary enamides to ketones and 1,3-hydroxy rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3918-3921
1503171 CIFC25 H23 Br N O3 P SP 1 21/c 19.276; 22.735; 11.894
90; 110.871; 90
2343.7Xie, Peizhong; Huang, You; Chen, Ruyu
Phosphine-catalyzed domino reaction: highly stereoselective synthesis of trans-2,3-dihydrobenzofurans from salicyl N-thiophosphinyl imines and allylic carbonates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3768-3771
1503172 CIFC31 H27 Br N O3 P SP 21 21 2110.26; 8.486; 30.754
90; 90; 90
2677.6Xie, Peizhong; Huang, You; Chen, Ruyu
Phosphine-catalyzed domino reaction: highly stereoselective synthesis of trans-2,3-dihydrobenzofurans from salicyl N-thiophosphinyl imines and allylic carbonates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3768-3771
1503173 CIFC13 H7 B F5 N3P 1 21/c 18.39; 28.706; 20.46
90; 93.631; 90
4918Kubota, Yasuhiro; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Funabiki, Kazumasa; Ebihara, Masahiro; Matsui, Masaki
Synthesis and fluorescence properties of a pyridomethene-BF2 complex.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4010-4013
1503174 CIFC12 H8 B F2 N3P 1 21/c 16.855; 18.051; 17.675
90; 100.818; 90
2148.2Kubota, Yasuhiro; Tsuzuki, Toshihiro; Funabiki, Kazumasa; Ebihara, Masahiro; Matsui, Masaki
Synthesis and fluorescence properties of a pyridomethene-BF2 complex.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4010-4013
1503175 CIFC16 H19 N O S2P 1 21/c 18.07; 10.917; 17.772
90; 90.891; 90
1565.5Evenson, Sean J.; Rasmussen, Seth C.
N-acyldithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]pyrroles: second generation dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]pyrrole building blocks with stabilized energy levels.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4054-4057
1503176 CIFC15 H9 N O S2P 1 21/c 111.802; 11.154; 10.384
90; 109.858; 90
1285.7Evenson, Sean J.; Rasmussen, Seth C.
N-acyldithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]pyrroles: second generation dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]pyrrole building blocks with stabilized energy levels.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4054-4057
1503177 CIFC15 H15 N O S2P -18.321; 8.994; 9.073
95.102; 93.093; 92.926
674.3Evenson, Sean J.; Rasmussen, Seth C.
N-acyldithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]pyrroles: second generation dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]pyrrole building blocks with stabilized energy levels.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4054-4057
1503178 CIFC18 H19 Br N2 OC 1 2 118.7232; 6.9539; 14.145
90; 120.22; 90
1591.39Holloway, Chloe A.; Muratore, Michael E.; Storer, R. Lan; Dixon, Darren J.
Direct enantioselective Brønsted acid catalyzed N-acyliminium cyclization cascades of tryptamines and ketoacids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4720-4723
1503179 CIFC17 H20 N2 OP 1 21/n 15.7927; 12.1783; 20.5935
90; 94.4916; 90
1448.31Holloway, Chloe A.; Muratore, Michael E.; Storer, R. Lan; Dixon, Darren J.
Direct enantioselective Brønsted acid catalyzed N-acyliminium cyclization cascades of tryptamines and ketoacids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4720-4723
1503180 CIFC20 H35 Cl O2 SiP 1 21/a 19.956; 20.04; 11.392
90; 109.09; 90
2148Matsuo, Jun-ichi; Kawano, Mizuki; Okuno, Ryosuke; Ishibashi, Hiroyuki
Titanium(IV) chloride-mediated carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction between 3,3-dialkylcyclobutanones and aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3960-3962
1503181 CIFC17 H25 N O5P 1 21/n 111.4665; 7.9203; 19.816
90; 95.306; 90
1791.9An, Guanghui; Zhou, Wei; Zhang, Guangqian; Sun, Hao; Han, Jianlin; Pan, Yi
Palladium-catalyzed tandem diperoxidation/C-H activation resulting in diperoxy-oxindole in air.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4482-4485
1503182 CIFC29 H25 N3 O5 SP 21 21 2110.6109; 11.3274; 22.798
90; 90; 90
2740.2Peng, Jing; Huang, Xin; Cui, Hai-Lei; Chen, Ying-Chun
Organocatalytic and electrophilic approach to oxindoles with C3-quaternary stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4260-4263
1503183 CIFC53 H34 F6 O2 S2P -112.4284; 13.7209; 13.789
95.204; 108.784; 101.21
2153.8Delbaere, Stéphanie; Vermeersch, Gaston; Frigoli, Michel; Mehl, Georg H.
Bridging the visible: the modulation of the absorption by more than 450 nm.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4090-4093
1503184 CIFC21 H21 N O2 SP 21 21 214.5421; 10.033; 37.818
90; 90; 90
1723.4Sabala, Rocío; Hernández-García, Luis; Ortiz, Aurelio; Romero, Moisés; Olivo, Horacio F.
Diastereoselective conjugate addition of organocuprates to chiral N-enoyl oxazolidinethiones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4268-4270
1503185 CIFC22 H25 N O2 SP 1 21 15.437; 16.067; 11.335
90; 96.72; 90
983.4Sabala, Rocío; Hernández-García, Luis; Ortiz, Aurelio; Romero, Moisés; Olivo, Horacio F.
Diastereoselective conjugate addition of organocuprates to chiral N-enoyl oxazolidinethiones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4268-4270
1503186 CIFC30 H28 B Cl2 F N2 OP b c a15.361; 14.451; 23.729
90; 90; 90
5267Shintani, Ryo; Soh, Ying-Teck; Hayashi, Tamio
Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric arylation of azomethine imines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4106-4109
1503187 CIFC16 H15 Cl N2 OP 1 21 19.71; 16.275; 17.801
90; 92.955; 90
2809.4Shintani, Ryo; Soh, Ying-Teck; Hayashi, Tamio
Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric arylation of azomethine imines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4106-4109
1503188 CIFC22 H19 F N2 OP 1 21/a 110.266; 16.834; 11.491
90; 114.101; 90
1812.7Shintani, Ryo; Soh, Ying-Teck; Hayashi, Tamio
Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric arylation of azomethine imines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4106-4109
1503189 CIFC23 H15 N OP 1 21/c 110.1003; 17.6993; 10.2661
90; 115.709; 90
1653.58Schönhaber, Jan; Frank, Walter; Müller, Thomas J J
Insertion-coupling-cycloisomerization domino synthesis and cation-induced halochromic fluorescence of 2,4-diarylpyrano[2,3-b]indoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4122-4125
1503190 CIFC75 H63 Cl9 O2P -110.293; 15.245; 21.665
87.02; 86.029; 79.479
3331.7Zhang, Xiaojie; Li, Jinling; Qu, Hemi; Chi, Chunyan; Wu, Jishan
Fused bispentacenequinone and its unexpected Michael addition.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3946-3949
1503191 CIFC11 H8 O4P 1 21/c 17.112; 15.443; 8.5355
90; 102.864; 90
913.9Sakamoto, Masami; Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Kanehiro, Masayuki; Kasashima, Yoshio; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Exclusive photodimerization reactions of chromone-2-carboxylic esters depending on reaction media.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4435-4437
1503192 CIFC12 H10 O4P 1 21/n 14.6951; 9.7328; 22.307
90; 94.848; 90
1015.7Sakamoto, Masami; Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Kanehiro, Masayuki; Kasashima, Yoshio; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Exclusive photodimerization reactions of chromone-2-carboxylic esters depending on reaction media.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4435-4437
1503193 CIFC13 H12 O4P 1 21/c 18.0748; 9.2016; 15.5271
90; 100.084; 90
1135.86Sakamoto, Masami; Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Kanehiro, Masayuki; Kasashima, Yoshio; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Exclusive photodimerization reactions of chromone-2-carboxylic esters depending on reaction media.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4435-4437
1503194 CIFC22 H16 O8P -19.128; 10.3355; 10.6415
76.61; 68.814; 82.929
909.78Sakamoto, Masami; Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Kanehiro, Masayuki; Kasashima, Yoshio; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Exclusive photodimerization reactions of chromone-2-carboxylic esters depending on reaction media.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4435-4437
1503195 CIFC24 H20 O8C 1 2/c 111.4827; 11.0568; 16.4519
90; 106.924; 90
1998.3Sakamoto, Masami; Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Kanehiro, Masayuki; Kasashima, Yoshio; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Exclusive photodimerization reactions of chromone-2-carboxylic esters depending on reaction media.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4435-4437
1503196 CIFC26 H24 O8P 16.5748; 8.8652; 10.7627
69.163; 82.406; 82.35
578.64Sakamoto, Masami; Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Kanehiro, Masayuki; Kasashima, Yoshio; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Exclusive photodimerization reactions of chromone-2-carboxylic esters depending on reaction media.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4435-4437
1503197 CIFC17 H19 N O5P c a b8.2353; 13.2297; 28.508
90; 90; 90
3106Miege, Frédéric; Meyer, Christophe; Cossy, Janine
Synthesis of 3-oxa- and 3-azabicyclo[4.1.0]heptanes by gold-catalyzed cycloisomerization of cyclopropenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4144-4147
1503198 CIFC29 H26 N8 O11P 1 21/n 115.196; 11.833; 16.715
90; 107.475; 90
2866.9Katz, Jeffrey L.; Tschaen, Brittany A.
Synthesis of inherently chiral azacalix[4]arenes and diazadioxacalix[4]arenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4300-4303
1503199 CIFC28 H18 B N3 O S3P -17.504; 13.407; 13.408
110.09; 104; 104.77
1141.5Hayashi, Shin-ya; Inokuma, Yasuhide; Osuka, Atsuhiro
meso-Tris(oligo-2,5-thienylene)-substituted subporphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4148-4151
1503200 CIFC28 H15 B Br3 N3 O S3C 1 2/c 128.04; 7.483; 26.42
90; 101.36; 90
5435Hayashi, Shin-ya; Inokuma, Yasuhide; Osuka, Atsuhiro
meso-Tris(oligo-2,5-thienylene)-substituted subporphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4148-4151
1503201 CIFC52 H30 B N3 O S9P -114.9; 18.725; 19.242
113.171; 111.245; 95.232
4426Hayashi, Shin-ya; Inokuma, Yasuhide; Osuka, Atsuhiro
meso-Tris(oligo-2,5-thienylene)-substituted subporphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4148-4151
1503202 CIFC21 H18 Br F3 O3P -19.156; 10.791; 20.165
86.746; 84.069; 79.233
1945.4Wang, Tong; Ye, Song
Diastereoselective synthesis of 6-trifluoromethyl-5,6-dihydropyrans via phosphine-catalyzed [4 + 2] annulation of α-benzylallenoates with ketones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4168-4171
1503203 CIFC12 H9 Cl O2P b c a15.103; 6.0078; 21.747
90; 90; 90
1973.2Huo, Fang-Jun; Sun, Yuan-Qiang; Su, Jing; Yang, Yu-Tao; Yin, Cai-Xia; Chao, Jian-Bin
Chromene "lock", thiol "key", and mercury(II) ion "hand": a single molecular machine recognition system.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4756-4759
1503204 CIFC94 H74.44 Cl2 N8 O0.22P -110.676; 18.951; 19.394
85.406; 74.527; 74.304
3640.5Hatano, Sayaka; Sakai, Ken; Abe, Jiro
Unprecedented radical-radical reaction of a [2.2]paracyclophane derivative containing an imidazolyl radical moiety.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4152-4155
1503205 CIFC20 H25 Br2 N O4P 21 21 216.6549; 13.8696; 21.4953
90; 90; 90
1984Chen, Peiling; Carroll, Patrick J.; Sieburth, Scott McN
Tetraquinanes via [4 + 4] photocycloaddition/transannular ring closure.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4510-4512
1503206 CIFC20 H27 N O5P 21 21 217.4039; 13.4534; 17.6386
90; 90; 90
1756.9Chen, Peiling; Carroll, Patrick J.; Sieburth, Scott McN
Tetraquinanes via [4 + 4] photocycloaddition/transannular ring closure.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4510-4512
1503207 CIFC10 H10 Br2 Cl3 N O2P 21 21 218.573; 9.9838; 16.5361
90; 90; 90
1415.34Bae, Ju-Yeon; Lee, Hyo-Jun; Youn, Seok-Ho; Kwon, Su-Hyun; Cho, Chang-Woo
Organocatalytic asymmetric synthesis of chiral pyrrolizines by cascade conjugate addition-aldol reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4352-4355
1503208 CIFC18 H20 O2P b c a9.9559; 13.4641; 21.4149
90; 90; 90
2870.61Ramadhar, Timothy R.; Kawakami, Jun-ichi; Lough, Alan J.; Batey, Robert A.
Stereocontrolled synthesis of contiguous C(sp3)-C(aryl) bonds by lanthanide(III)-catalyzed domino aryl-Claisen [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4446-4449
1503209 CIFC18 H16 N2 O6C 1 2/c 116.3276; 9.2926; 11.4092
90; 108.846; 90
1638.27Ramadhar, Timothy R.; Kawakami, Jun-ichi; Lough, Alan J.; Batey, Robert A.
Stereocontrolled synthesis of contiguous C(sp3)-C(aryl) bonds by lanthanide(III)-catalyzed domino aryl-Claisen [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4446-4449
1503210 CIFC22 H27 Br O5P -19.745; 10.404; 11.659
69.894; 67.4; 87.178
1020.1Jones, Brian D.; La Clair, James J.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Burkart, Michael D.
Convergent route to the spirohexenolide macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4516-4519
1503211 CIFC26 H32 O5P 1 21/c 120.834; 12.224; 8.784
90; 93.811; 90
2232.1Jones, Brian D.; La Clair, James J.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Burkart, Michael D.
Convergent route to the spirohexenolide macrocycle.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4516-4519
1503212 CIFC14 H8 N2 SP 1 21/n 13.8045; 14.624; 18.5827
90; 92.86; 90
1032.6Linder, Thomas; Badiola, Eider; Baumgartner, Thomas; Sutherland, Todd C.
Synthesis of π-extended thiadiazole (oxides) and their electronic properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4520-4523
1503213 CIFC14 H8 N2 O2 SP 1 21/c 16.9578; 17.055; 10.133
90; 112.64; 90
1109.8Linder, Thomas; Badiola, Eider; Baumgartner, Thomas; Sutherland, Todd C.
Synthesis of π-extended thiadiazole (oxides) and their electronic properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4520-4523
1503214 CIFC16 H8 N2 SP 1 21/c 117.1841; 3.8524; 34.3919
90; 95.801; 90
2265.1Linder, Thomas; Badiola, Eider; Baumgartner, Thomas; Sutherland, Todd C.
Synthesis of π-extended thiadiazole (oxides) and their electronic properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4520-4523
1503215 CIFC16 H8 N2 O SC 1 2/c 114.6637; 11.904; 7.2169
90; 115.913; 90
1133.1Linder, Thomas; Badiola, Eider; Baumgartner, Thomas; Sutherland, Todd C.
Synthesis of π-extended thiadiazole (oxides) and their electronic properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4520-4523
1503216 CIFC16 H8 N2 O2 SP 1 21/c 111.4588; 15.8146; 6.8807
90; 102.5; 90
1217.34Linder, Thomas; Badiola, Eider; Baumgartner, Thomas; Sutherland, Todd C.
Synthesis of π-extended thiadiazole (oxides) and their electronic properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4520-4523
1503217 CIFC21 H18 Br2 N4 O SP -17.63; 11.254; 12.992
104.415; 104.272; 99.48
1016.3Feldman, Ken S.; Nuriye, Ahmed Yimam
Extending Pummerer reaction chemistry: application to the assembly of the pentacyclic core of dibromopalau'amine.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4532-4535
1503218 CIFC78 H110 Cl2 N O10F d d 255.9475; 44.3294; 12.4822
90; 90; 90
30957.3Han, Chengyou; Ma, Fengying; Zhang, Zibin; Xia, Binyuan; Yu, Yihua; Huang, Feihe
DIBPillar[n]arenes (n = 5, 6): syntheses, X-ray crystal structures, and complexation with n-octyltriethyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4360-4363
1503219 CIFC189 H264 N4 O24P -113.7506; 18.3037; 19.5207
78.89; 78.46; 78.098
4651.17Han, Chengyou; Ma, Fengying; Zhang, Zibin; Xia, Binyuan; Yu, Yihua; Huang, Feihe
DIBPillar[n]arenes (n = 5, 6): syntheses, X-ray crystal structures, and complexation with n-octyltriethyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4360-4363
1503220 CIFC20 H22 N2 O2P 1 21/c 19.174; 17.881; 10.373
90; 97.844; 90
1685.7Fujiwara, Kyohei; Kurahashi, Takuya; Matsubara, Seijiro
Decarbonylative cycloaddition of phthalimides with 1,3-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4548-4551
1503221 CIFC21 H25 N3 OP 1 21/c 19.6129; 15.9; 12.4424
90; 109.191; 90
1796.1Fujiwara, Kyohei; Kurahashi, Takuya; Matsubara, Seijiro
Decarbonylative cycloaddition of phthalimides with 1,3-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4548-4551
1503222 CIFC19 H21 N3 OP -110.6196; 11.847; 13.843
91.696; 104.085; 97.966
1669.3Fujiwara, Kyohei; Kurahashi, Takuya; Matsubara, Seijiro
Decarbonylative cycloaddition of phthalimides with 1,3-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4548-4551
1503223 CIFC38 H34 O4P -17.272; 12.692; 17.264
97.762; 100.795; 101.825
1506.9An, Peng; Shi, Zi-Fa; Dou, Wei; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Hao-Li
Synthesis of 1,4-bis[2,2-bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)vinyl]benzenes and side chain modulation of their solid-state emission.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4364-4367
1503224 CIFC42 H42 O4P 1 21/n 122.952; 7.0269; 23.009
90; 112.606; 90
3425.8An, Peng; Shi, Zi-Fa; Dou, Wei; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Hao-Li
Synthesis of 1,4-bis[2,2-bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)vinyl]benzenes and side chain modulation of their solid-state emission.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4364-4367
1503225 CIFC50 H58 O4P 1 21/c 115.644; 29.507; 9.359
90; 92.468; 90
4316An, Peng; Shi, Zi-Fa; Dou, Wei; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Hao-Li
Synthesis of 1,4-bis[2,2-bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)vinyl]benzenes and side chain modulation of their solid-state emission.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4364-4367
1503226 CIFC54 H66 O4P -19.1618; 15.607; 17.154
101.382; 91.325; 92.182
2401.7An, Peng; Shi, Zi-Fa; Dou, Wei; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Hao-Li
Synthesis of 1,4-bis[2,2-bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)vinyl]benzenes and side chain modulation of their solid-state emission.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4364-4367
1503227 CIFC29 H37 O2P -15.8496; 14.2422; 15.3416
92.896; 98.283; 98.842
1246.31An, Peng; Shi, Zi-Fa; Dou, Wei; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Hao-Li
Synthesis of 1,4-bis[2,2-bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)vinyl]benzenes and side chain modulation of their solid-state emission.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4364-4367
1503228 CIFC62 H77 O4P -19.247; 15.35; 19.998
78.927; 87.884; 86.674
2780An, Peng; Shi, Zi-Fa; Dou, Wei; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Hao-Li
Synthesis of 1,4-bis[2,2-bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)vinyl]benzenes and side chain modulation of their solid-state emission.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4364-4367
1503229 CIFC46 H50 O4P -112.763; 13.447; 14.34
65.731; 66.619; 62.46
1923.2An, Peng; Shi, Zi-Fa; Dou, Wei; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Zhang, Hao-Li
Synthesis of 1,4-bis[2,2-bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)vinyl]benzenes and side chain modulation of their solid-state emission.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4364-4367
1503230 CIFC15 H17 N O4P -16.999; 12.277; 17.34
93.43; 91.45; 106.06
1428Seraya, Elaine; Slack, Eric; Ariafard, Alireza; Yates, Brian F.; Hyland, Christopher J. T.
Experimental and theoretical investigation into the gold-catalyzed reactivity of cyclopropenylmethyl acetates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4768-4771
1503231 CIFC29 H46 N4 O3P n a 2116.092; 13.971; 12.527
90; 90; 90
2816.34Escudero-Adán, Eduardo C; Martínez Belmonte, Marta; Benet-Buchholz, Jordi; Kleij, Arjan W.
Practical approach to structurally diverse monoimine salts and nonsymmetrical metallosalphen complexes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4592-4595
1503232 CIFC29 H44 Cl2 N4 O3P n a 2116.1444; 14.8471; 12.468
90; 90; 90
2988.5Escudero-Adán, Eduardo C; Martínez Belmonte, Marta; Benet-Buchholz, Jordi; Kleij, Arjan W.
Practical approach to structurally diverse monoimine salts and nonsymmetrical metallosalphen complexes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4592-4595
1503233 CIFC29 H45 Br2 N3 OP n a 2115.8418; 14.3022; 13.0883
90; 90; 90
2965.5Escudero-Adán, Eduardo C; Martínez Belmonte, Marta; Benet-Buchholz, Jordi; Kleij, Arjan W.
Practical approach to structurally diverse monoimine salts and nonsymmetrical metallosalphen complexes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4592-4595
1503234 CIFC232 H264 N4 O27 P4P 1 21 19.59; 16.381; 32.198
90; 96.45; 90
5026.1Herbert, Simon A.; Arnott, Gareth E.
Synthesis of inherently chiral calix[4]arenes: stereocontrol through ligand choice.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4600-4603
1503235 CIFC18 H26 Cl N O3P 21 21 215.616; 11.22; 27.785
90; 90; 90
1750.8Thamapipol, Sirinporn; Bernardinelli, Gérald; Besnard, Céline; Kündig, E Peter
Chiral ruthenium Lewis acid catalyzed intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5604-5607
1503236 CIFC25 H23 Br N2 O3P 21 21 218.2656; 8.4095; 32.003
90; 90; 90
2224.5Fang, Huihui; Wu, Xiaoyu; Nie, Linlin; Dai, Xiaoyang; Chen, Jie; Cao, Weiguo; Zhao, Gang
Diastereoselective syntheses of indoloquinolizidines by a Pictet-Spengler/lactamization cascade.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5366-5369
1503237 CIFC44 H42 N4P 1 21/n 115.456; 6.4033; 16.86
90; 105.23; 90
1610Roznyatovskiy, Vladimir; Lynch, Vincent; Sessler, Jonathan L.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4424-4427
1503238 CIFC23 H19 N O2P -17.881; 9.856; 12.446
101.219; 90.086; 104.921
914.9Hong, Deng; Chen, Zhengbo; Lin, Xufeng; Wang, Yanguang
Synthesis of substituted indoles from 2-azidoacrylates and ortho-silyl aryltriflates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4608-4611
1503239 CIFC21 H17 N O2P 1 21/n 115.8403; 9.3434; 22.2175
90; 99.239; 90
3245.6Hong, Deng; Chen, Zhengbo; Lin, Xufeng; Wang, Yanguang
Synthesis of substituted indoles from 2-azidoacrylates and ortho-silyl aryltriflates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4608-4611
1503240 CIFC18 H17 N O3P 1 21/n 16.7647; 17.5609; 13.1322
90; 90.811; 90
1559.87Hong, Deng; Chen, Zhengbo; Lin, Xufeng; Wang, Yanguang
Synthesis of substituted indoles from 2-azidoacrylates and ortho-silyl aryltriflates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4608-4611
1503241 CIFC52 H88 F12 O2 P4 Rh2 Sb2P 1 21 19.3013; 17.9217; 18.9114
90; 101.888; 90
3084.8Tamura, Ken; Sugiya, Masashi; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Yanagisawa, Akira; Imamoto, Tsuneo
Enantiopure 1,2-bis(tert-butylmethylphosphino)benzene as a highly efficient ligand in rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4400-4403
1503242 CIFC23 H22 N2 O4P 1 21/c 110.2408; 19.6871; 19.3546
90; 91.221; 90
3901.23Presset, Marc; Coquerel, Yoann; Rodriguez, Jean
Periselectivity switch of acylketenes in cycloadditions with 1-azadienes: microwave-assisted diastereoselective domino three-component synthesis of α-spiro-δ-lactams.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4212-4215
1503243 CIFC22 H22 Br N O4P 1 21/c 114.506; 12.0613; 25.6865
90; 113.7; 90
4115.1Hong, Bor-Cherng; Dange, Nitin S.; Hsu, Che-Sheng; Liao, Ju-Hsiou
Sequential organocatalytic Stetter and Michael-Aldol condensation reaction: asymmetric synthesis of fully substituted cyclopentenes via a [1 + 2 + 2] annulation strategy.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4812-4815
1503244 CIFC48 H52 Br2 N2 O12P 3113.1062; 13.1062; 23.513
90; 90; 120
3497.8Hong, Bor-Cherng; Dange, Nitin S.; Hsu, Che-Sheng; Liao, Ju-Hsiou
Sequential organocatalytic Stetter and Michael-Aldol condensation reaction: asymmetric synthesis of fully substituted cyclopentenes via a [1 + 2 + 2] annulation strategy.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4812-4815
1503245 CIFC22 H20 N2 OC 1 2/c 121.376; 9.2038; 17.855
90; 100.141; 90
3457.9Chen, Zhiyuan; Wu, Jie
Efficient generation of biologically active H-pyrazolo[5,1-a]isoquinolines via multicomponent reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4856-4859
1503246 CIFC19 H19 Br O2P b c n25.683; 12.1372; 11.0178
90; 90; 90
3434.5Tang, Xiang-Ying; Wei, Yin; Shi, Min
Thermally induced electrocyclic reaction of methylenecyclopropane methylene diketone derivatives: a facile method for the synthesis of spiro[2.5]octa-3,5-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5120-5123
1503247 CIFC54 H71 Co N7 O14P 21 21 2112.076; 15.9699; 28.376
90; 90; 90
5472.4ó Proinsias, Keith; Sessler, Jonathan L.; KurcoÅ„, Sylwester; Gryko, Dorota
New hydrophobic vitamin B12 derivatives via ring-opening reactions of c-lactone.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4674-4677
1503248 CIFC48 H8 F16P 1 21/c 112.966; 8.566; 14.31
90; 90.27; 90
1589.3Loo, Yueh-Lin; Hiszpanski, Anna M.; Kim, Bumjung; Wei, Sujun; Chiu, Chien-Yang; Steigerwald, Michael L.; Nuckolls, Colin
Unusual molecular conformations in fluorinated, contorted hexabenzocoronenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4840-4843
1503249 CIFC48 H8 F16P 1 21/c 114.74; 13.624; 16.06
90; 99.116; 90
3184.4Loo, Yueh-Lin; Hiszpanski, Anna M.; Kim, Bumjung; Wei, Sujun; Chiu, Chien-Yang; Steigerwald, Michael L.; Nuckolls, Colin
Unusual molecular conformations in fluorinated, contorted hexabenzocoronenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4840-4843
1503250 CIFC21 H28 Au Cl N2P 1 21/n 114.897; 9.114; 16.3705
90; 109.832; 90
2090.8Seo, Hwimin; Roberts, Benjamin P.; Abboud, Khalil A.; Merz, Jr, Kenneth M; Hong, Sukwon
Novel acyclic diaminocarbene ligands with increased steric demand and their application in gold catalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4860-4863
1503251 CIFC33 H40 Au Cl N2P 43 21 210.5907; 10.5907; 23.7251
90; 90; 90
2661.08Seo, Hwimin; Roberts, Benjamin P.; Abboud, Khalil A.; Merz, Jr, Kenneth M; Hong, Sukwon
Novel acyclic diaminocarbene ligands with increased steric demand and their application in gold catalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4860-4863
1503252 CIFC9 H16 Au Cl N2P 1 21/n 19.298; 9.6606; 12.1098
90; 99.61; 90
1072.49Seo, Hwimin; Roberts, Benjamin P.; Abboud, Khalil A.; Merz, Jr, Kenneth M; Hong, Sukwon
Novel acyclic diaminocarbene ligands with increased steric demand and their application in gold catalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4860-4863
1503253 CIFC18 H13 N O SeP n a 2112.3938; 18.8824; 5.9739
90; 90; 90
1398.04Balkrishna, Shah Jaimin; Bhakuni, Bhagat Singh; Chopra, Deepak; Kumar, Sangit
Cu-catalyzed efficient synthetic methodology for ebselen and related Se-N heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5394-5397
1503254 CIFC30 H36 Cl N3 O8P -110.171; 10.807; 15.41
96.13; 103.5; 100.83
1597.4Che, Chao; Li, Song; Jiang, Xianlong; Quan, Junmin; Lin, Shuo; Yang, Zhen
One-pot syntheses of chromeno[3,4-c]pyrrole-3,4-diones via Ugi-4CR and intramolecular Michael addition.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4682-4685
1503255 CIFC45 H51 N3 Si3P 1 21/n 118.3907; 7.8435; 30.5956
90; 92.8504; 90
4407.88Ji, Lei; Fang, Qi; Yuan, Mao-Sen; Liu, Zhi-Qiang; Shen, Yu-Xiang; Chen, Hong-Feng
Switching high two-photon efficiency: from 3,8,13-substituted triindole derivatives to their 2,7,12-isomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5192-5195
1503256 CIFC10 H10 Br N OP 1 21/c 17.8592; 10.66; 12.4028
90; 104.485; 90
1006.07Ji, Lei; Fang, Qi; Yuan, Mao-Sen; Liu, Zhi-Qiang; Shen, Yu-Xiang; Chen, Hong-Feng
Switching high two-photon efficiency: from 3,8,13-substituted triindole derivatives to their 2,7,12-isomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5192-5195
1503257 CIFC26 H29 BP 1 21/c 111.5315; 8.2693; 22.9998
90; 98.143; 90
2171.09Ji, Lei; Fang, Qi; Yuan, Mao-Sen; Liu, Zhi-Qiang; Shen, Yu-Xiang; Chen, Hong-Feng
Switching high two-photon efficiency: from 3,8,13-substituted triindole derivatives to their 2,7,12-isomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5192-5195
1503258 CIFC21 H28 O5P -17.3454; 10.6476; 12.4508
94.782; 107.021; 102.586
897.39Yu, Fangmiao; Li, Guozhi; Gao, Peng; Gong, Hongju; Liu, Yinghua; Wu, Yongming; Cheng, Bin; Zhai, Hongbin
Concise synthesis of the oxapentacyclic core of cortistatin A.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5135-5137
1503259 CIFC20 H16 O2P 21 c n6.3338; 12.6452; 19.4647
90; 90; 90
1558.97Hopkinson, Matthew N.; Ross, Jonathan E.; Giuffredi, Guy T.; Gee, Antony D.; Gouverneur, Véronique
Gold-catalyzed cascade cyclization-oxidative alkynylation of allenoates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4904-4907
1503260 CIFC12 H10 O2P b c a9.8904; 13.3099; 13.8982
90; 90; 90
1829.56Hopkinson, Matthew N.; Ross, Jonathan E.; Giuffredi, Guy T.; Gee, Antony D.; Gouverneur, Véronique
Gold-catalyzed cascade cyclization-oxidative alkynylation of allenoates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4904-4907
1503261 CIFC26 H34 Cl4 N O P PdP 18.428; 8.919; 9.803
93.261; 100.551; 95.576
718.9Dugal-Tessier, Julien; Dake, Gregory R.; Gates, Derek P.
Chiral phosphaalkene-oxazoline ligands for the palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4667-4669
1503262 CIFC27 H36 Cl2 N O P PdP 21 21 218.713; 16.661; 19.286
90; 90; 90
2799.7Dugal-Tessier, Julien; Dake, Gregory R.; Gates, Derek P.
Chiral phosphaalkene-oxazoline ligands for the palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4667-4669
1503263 CIFC157.5 H200 Ge N20 O6.5 Si3P -116.2858; 17.5573; 26.2012
87.426; 74.596; 83.114
7169.9Zhao, Zhixin; Cammidge, Andrew N.; Hughes, David L.; Cook, Michael J.
Modular face-to-face assembly of multichromophore arrays that absorb across the complete UV-visible spectrum and into the near-IR.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5138-5141
1503264 CIFC26 H34 N2 O5P 21 21 219.212; 10.137; 25.14
90; 90; 90
2347.6Nilson, Mark G.; Funk, Raymond L.
Total synthesis of (-)-nakadomarin A.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4912-4915
1503265 CIFC14 H17 Br2 Cl2 N5 O3 SP -17.1542; 10.488; 15.104
71.185; 82.371; 74.79
1033.7Mukherjee, Sabuj; Sivappa, Rasapalli; Yousufuddin, Muhammed; Lovely, Carl J.
Asymmetric total synthesis of ent-cyclooroidin.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4940-4943
1503266 CIFC20 H17 Cl O6P 21 21 217.8779; 11.7191; 20.476
90; 90; 90
1890.4Liu, Chunliang; Zhang, Xinshuai; Wang, Rui; Wang, Wei
"One-pot" access to 4H-chromenes with formation of a chiral quaternary stereogenic center by a highly enantioselective iminium-allenamine involved oxa-Michael-aldol cascade.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4948-4951
1503267 CIFC107.5 H103.5 N10.5 O8.5P -110.9886; 14.9452; 15.3795
110.42; 108.303; 100.582
2121.73Baumes, Jeffrey M.; Murgu, Ivan; Oliver, Allen; Smith, Bradley D.
Using the rotaxane mechanical bond to enhance chemical reactivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4980-4983
1503268 CIFC110 H114 N12 O10C 1 2/c 135.322; 10.7751; 29.684
90; 122.134; 90
9566.9Baumes, Jeffrey M.; Murgu, Ivan; Oliver, Allen; Smith, Bradley D.
Using the rotaxane mechanical bond to enhance chemical reactivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4980-4983
1503269 CIFC98 H86 N8 O6P 1 21/c 120.3817; 15.3963; 12.245
90; 97.456; 90
3810Baumes, Jeffrey M.; Murgu, Ivan; Oliver, Allen; Smith, Bradley D.
Using the rotaxane mechanical bond to enhance chemical reactivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4980-4983
1503270 CIFC15 H21 Cl O4P 1 21 111.152; 20.0693; 15.1565
90; 111.331; 90
3159.8Genna, Douglas T.; Hencken, Christopher P.; Siegler, Maxime A.; Posner, Gary H.
α-Chloro-β,γ-ethylenic esters: enantiocontrolled synthesis and substitutions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4694-4697
1503271 CIFC26 H22 Cl4 N3 O2P 110.006; 11.099; 11.923
80.594; 85.493; 89.428
1302.3Tetlow, Daniel J.; Hennecke, Ulrich; Raftery, James; Waring, Michael J.; Clarke, David S.; Clayden, Jonathan
Sequential double α-arylation of N-allylureas by asymmetric deprotonation and N→C aryl migration.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5442-5445
1503272 CIFC22 H31 N O6 Si0I 1 2/a 121.7453; 18.8909; 21.9832
90; 100.632; 90
8875.4Zhang, Bao; Wee, Andrew G. H.
Di- and trisubstituted γ-lactams via Rh(II)-carbenoid reaction of N-Cα-branched, N-bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl α-diazoamides. Synthesis of (±)-α-allokainic acid.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5386-5389
1503273 CIFC16 H14 O7 SP 417.1258; 7.1258; 59.557
90; 90; 90
3024.1Wang, Yinchao; Niu, Shubin; Liu, Shuchun; Guo, Liangdong; Che, Yongsheng
The first naturally occurring thiepinols and thienol from an endolichenic fungus Coniochaeta sp.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5081-5083
1503274 CIFC30 H34 O5P 21 21 2111.1759; 13.5506; 15.9913
90; 90; 90
2421.72Shao, Meng; Wang, Ying; Liu, Zhong; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Cao, Hui-Hui; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Fan, Chun-Lin; Zhang, Xiao-Qi; Chen, He-Ru; Yao, Xin-Sheng; Ye, Wen-Cai
Psiguadials A and B, two novel meroterpenoids with unusual skeletons from the leaves of Psidium guajava.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5040-5043
1503275 CIFC30 H34 O5P 1 21 16.5752; 17.504; 10.7096
90; 90.862; 90
1232.5Shao, Meng; Wang, Ying; Liu, Zhong; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Cao, Hui-Hui; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Fan, Chun-Lin; Zhang, Xiao-Qi; Chen, He-Ru; Yao, Xin-Sheng; Ye, Wen-Cai
Psiguadials A and B, two novel meroterpenoids with unusual skeletons from the leaves of Psidium guajava.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5040-5043
1503276 CIFC16 H18 Br N O5P 21 21 216.2378; 10.0382; 26.6925
90; 90; 90
1671.39Shi, Zugui; Tan, Bin; Leong, Wendy Wen Yi; Zeng, Xiaofei; Lu, Min; Zhong, Guofu
Catalytic asymmetric formal [4 + 1] annulation leading to optically active cis-isoxazoline N-oxides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5402-5405
1503277 CIFC24 H20 Br F3 O2P 1 21 18.90935; 21.6684; 11.1899
90; 91.493; 90
2159.49Kawai, Hiroyuki; Tachi, Kentaro; Tokunaga, Etsuko; Shiro, Motoo; Shibata, Norio
Cinchona alkaloid-catalyzed asymmetric trifluoromethylation of alkynyl ketones with trimethylsilyl trifluoromethane.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5104-5107
1503278 CIFC9.5 H14 N3P 31 2 110.477; 10.477; 15.328
90; 90; 120
1457.1Suzuki, Shuichi; Fukui, Kozo; Fuyuhiro, Akira; Sato, Kazunobu; Takui, Takeji; Nakasuji, Kazuhiro; Morita, Yasushi
Hexaazaphenalene derivatives: one-pot synthesis, hydrogen-bonded chiral helix, and fluorescence properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5036-5039
1503279 CIFC28 H49 Cl2 N7P 1 21/c 112.412; 19.626; 13.146
90; 106.484; 90
3071Suzuki, Shuichi; Fukui, Kozo; Fuyuhiro, Akira; Sato, Kazunobu; Takui, Takeji; Nakasuji, Kazuhiro; Morita, Yasushi
Hexaazaphenalene derivatives: one-pot synthesis, hydrogen-bonded chiral helix, and fluorescence properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5036-5039
1503280 CIFC25 H16 N6P 1 21/a 19.588; 18.682; 11.326
90; 108.987; 90
1918.4Suzuki, Shuichi; Fukui, Kozo; Fuyuhiro, Akira; Sato, Kazunobu; Takui, Takeji; Nakasuji, Kazuhiro; Morita, Yasushi
Hexaazaphenalene derivatives: one-pot synthesis, hydrogen-bonded chiral helix, and fluorescence properties.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5036-5039
1503281 CIFC20 H14 Cl6 Hg3 N4P -17.6363; 8.386; 10.5061
97.126; 97.259; 99.746
650.45Suresh, Moorthy; Mandal, Amal Kumar; Saha, Sukdeb; Suresh, E.; Mandoli, Amit; Di Liddo, Rosa; Parnigotto, Pier Paolo; Das, Amitava
Azine-based receptor for recognition of Hg2+ ion: crystallographic evidence and imaging application in live cells.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5406-5409
1503282 CIFC18 H20 I N OP -110.6159; 12.3314; 13.4921
81.7569; 74.4479; 81.2906
1672.12Feula, Antonio; Male, Louise; Fossey, John S.
Diastereoselective preparation of azetidines and pyrrolidines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5044-5047
1503283 CIFC18 H20 I NP 1 21/n 16.9828; 9.0924; 25.8129
90; 93.829; 90
1635.21Feula, Antonio; Male, Louise; Fossey, John S.
Diastereoselective preparation of azetidines and pyrrolidines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5044-5047
1503284 CIFC66 H100 N12 O12 SP 1 21/c 119.1303; 27.5958; 27.5077
90; 98.274; 90
14370.6Jia, Chuandong; Wu, Biao; Li, Shaoguang; Huang, Xiaojuan; Yang, Xiao-Juan
Tetraureas versus triureas in sulfate binding.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5612-5615
1503285 CIFC13 H17 N O2 SP 1 21/c 111.3043; 10.2934; 10.2398
90; 91.053; 90
1191.3Miao, Lei; Haque, Imranul; Manzoni, Maria R.; Tham, Weng Siong; Chemler, Sherry R.
Diastereo- and enantioselective copper-catalyzed intramolecular carboamination of alkenes for the synthesis of hexahydro-1H-benz[f]indoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4739-4741
1503286 CIFC14 H19 N O3 SP -15.3412; 10.8365; 11.3636
94.371; 91.027; 91.355
655.5Miao, Lei; Haque, Imranul; Manzoni, Maria R.; Tham, Weng Siong; Chemler, Sherry R.
Diastereo- and enantioselective copper-catalyzed intramolecular carboamination of alkenes for the synthesis of hexahydro-1H-benz[f]indoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4739-4741
1503287 CIFC29 H27 N O2P -110.1023; 10.2563; 12.5612
78.656; 74.978; 68.06
1158.71Cao, Jian; Huang, Xian
Facile synthesis of tetrahydro-1H-isoindolones via a sequential three-component copper-catalyzed coupling/propargyl-allenyl isomerization/[4 + 2] cyclization reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5048-5051
1503288 CIFC27 H25 N OP -19.0955; 11.2163; 11.8083
113.64; 108.357; 96.114
1009.2Cao, Jian; Huang, Xian
Facile synthesis of tetrahydro-1H-isoindolones via a sequential three-component copper-catalyzed coupling/propargyl-allenyl isomerization/[4 + 2] cyclization reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5048-5051
1503289 CIFC50 H56 Br Cl4 N9P 1 21/n 110.3682; 16.537; 28.698
90; 90.958; 90
4919.8Uchida, Natsuko; Taketoshi, Ayako; Kuwabara, Junpei; Yamamoto, Toshihide; Inoue, Yoshiaki; Watanabe, Yu; Kanbara, Takaki
Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic reactivity of a highly basic macrotricyclic aminopyridine.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5242-5245
1503290 CIFC18 H21 Br O4P 1 21 19.91; 6.3413; 28.512
90; 96.138; 90
1781.5Yang, Juanjuan; Li, Wenjun; Jin, Zhichao; Liang, Xinmiao; Ye, Jinxing
Enantioselective Michael reaction of α-alkyl-β-keto esters and enones under multifunctional catalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5218-5221
1503291 CIFC25 H37 I O SiP 1 c 111.0609; 8.0727; 14.9313
90; 109.045; 90
1260.26Pradal, Alexandre; Nasr, Alexandre; Toullec, Patrick Y.; Michelet, Veronique
Room-temperature metal-free electrophilic 5-endo-selective iodocarbocyclization of 1,5-enynes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5222-5225
1503292 CIFC25 H18 N2P 1 21/c 113.3316; 13.1483; 11.2928
90; 112.91; 90
1823.3Chen, Jinlei; Song, Guoyong; Pan, Cheng-Ling; Li, Xingwei
Rh(III)-catalyzed oxidative coupling of N-aryl-2-aminopyridine with alkynes and alkenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5426-5429
1503293 CIFC29 H20 N2P 1 21/c 121.7125; 20.0272; 9.6399
90; 95.905; 90
4169.6Chen, Jinlei; Song, Guoyong; Pan, Cheng-Ling; Li, Xingwei
Rh(III)-catalyzed oxidative coupling of N-aryl-2-aminopyridine with alkynes and alkenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5426-5429
1503294 CIFC27 H22 N2P -19.6691; 12.2798; 17.5194
86.733; 79.629; 81.639
2023.4Chen, Jinlei; Song, Guoyong; Pan, Cheng-Ling; Li, Xingwei
Rh(III)-catalyzed oxidative coupling of N-aryl-2-aminopyridine with alkynes and alkenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5426-5429
1503295 CIFC30 H46 N2 O2 SP -19.5949; 12.2464; 13.8441
112.003; 98.392; 95.769
1470.58Garnsey, Michelle R.; Lim, Daniel; Yost, Julianne M.; Coltart, Don M.
Development of a strategy for the asymmetric synthesis of polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols via N-amino cyclic carbamate hydrazones: application to the total synthesis of (+)-clusianone.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5234-5237
1503296 CIFC18 H22 N2 O2P 21 21 218.1021; 9.1077; 22.0686
90; 90; 90
1628.48Garnsey, Michelle R.; Lim, Daniel; Yost, Julianne M.; Coltart, Don M.
Development of a strategy for the asymmetric synthesis of polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols via N-amino cyclic carbamate hydrazones: application to the total synthesis of (+)-clusianone.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5234-5237
1503297 CIFC18 H24 O3 SiP b c a18.994; 7.2836; 25.679
90; 90; 90
3552.6Harb, Hassan Y.; Collins, Karl D.; Garcia Altur, Jose V.; Bowker, Sue; Campbell, Leonie; Procter, David J.
SmI~2~-mediated radical cyclizations directed by a C-Si bond
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 5446-5449
1503298 CIFC17 H25 O3.5 SiP 21 21 219.902; 24.903; 6.7798
90; 90; 90
3360.2Harb, Hassan Y.; Collins, Karl D.; Garcia Altur, Jose V.; Bowker, Sue; Campbell, Leonie; Procter, David J.
SmI~2~-mediated radical cyclizations directed by a C-Si bond
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 5446-5449
1503299 CIFC27 H28 O3 SiP 1 21/c 119.059; 10.62; 11.276
90; 102.039; 90
2232.1Harb, Hassan Y.; Collins, Karl D.; Garcia Altur, Jose V.; Bowker, Sue; Campbell, Leonie; Procter, David J.
SmI~2~-mediated radical cyclizations directed by a C-Si bond
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 5446-5449
1503300 CIFC50 H6 B2 F28 N2 S4C 1 2/c 120.92; 7.65; 31.32
90; 106.74; 90
4800Job, Andre; Wakamiya, Atsushi; Kehr, Gerald; Erker, Gerhard; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro
Electronic tuning of thiazolyl-capped π-conjugated compounds via a coordination/cyclization protocol with B(C6F5)3.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5470-5473
1503301 CIFC25 H21 F2 N O3P -19.643; 9.7878; 11.8868
69.786; 75.641; 71.826
987.9Kizirian, Jean-Claude; Aiguabella, Nuria; Pesquer, Albert; Fustero, Santos; Bello, Paula; Verdaguer, Xavier; Riera, Antoni
Regioselectivity in intermolecular Pauson-Khand reactions of dissymmetric fluorinated alkynes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5620-5623
1503302 CIFC14 H17 N O5P -18.2737; 8.8338; 8.9645
95.219; 96.834; 101.066
634.08Kizirian, Jean-Claude; Aiguabella, Nuria; Pesquer, Albert; Fustero, Santos; Bello, Paula; Verdaguer, Xavier; Riera, Antoni
Regioselectivity in intermolecular Pauson-Khand reactions of dissymmetric fluorinated alkynes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5620-5623
1503303 CIFC19 H26 N2 O3P 21 21 216.1289; 14.4426; 21.1
90; 90; 90
1867.7Krow, Grant R.; Liu, Nian; Sender, Matthew; Lin, Guoliang; Centafont, Ryan; Sonnet, Philip E.; DeBrosse, Charles; Ross, 3rd, Charles W; Carroll, Patrick J.; Shoulders, Matthew D.; Raines, Ronald T.
Oligomers of a 5-carboxy-methanopyrrolidine β-amino acid. A search for order.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5438-5441
1503304 CIFC30 H40 N4 O7C 1 2 123.844; 6.1411; 23.447
90; 110.722; 90
3211.2Krow, Grant R.; Liu, Nian; Sender, Matthew; Lin, Guoliang; Centafont, Ryan; Sonnet, Philip E.; DeBrosse, Charles; Ross, 3rd, Charles W; Carroll, Patrick J.; Shoulders, Matthew D.; Raines, Ronald T.
Oligomers of a 5-carboxy-methanopyrrolidine β-amino acid. A search for order.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5438-5441
1503305 CIFC60 H64 B2 N2 SiP 21 21 2115.3881; 16.3157; 20.469
90; 90; 90
5139.1Murphy, Stephen K.; Baik, Chul; Lu, Jia-Sheng; Wang, Suning
Single boryl isomerization in silyl-bridged photochromic diboryl dyes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5266-5269
1503306 CIFC20 H26 F5 N O3 SP 21 21 2110.2709; 10.5742; 19.7677
90; 90; 90
2146.9Fustero, Santos; Moscardó, Javier; Sánchez-Roselló, María; Rodríguez, Elsa; Barrio, Pablo
Tandem nucleophilic addition-intramolecular aza-Michael reaction: facile synthesis of chiral fluorinated isoindolines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5494-5497
1503307 CIFC6 H2.5 Br2 N2 O0.25 S2P 42/n :222.1879; 22.1879; 3.8717
90; 90; 90
1906.05Al-Hashimi, Mohammed; Labram, John G.; Watkins, Scott; Motevalli, Majid; Anthopoulos, Thomas D.; Heeney, Martin
Synthesis and characterization of fused pyrrolo[3,2-d:4,5-d']bisthiazole-containing polymers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5478-5481
1503308 CIFC12 H18 Br2 N2 S2 Si2P 42/n :223.9704; 23.9704; 6.9043
90; 90; 90
3967.1Al-Hashimi, Mohammed; Labram, John G.; Watkins, Scott; Motevalli, Majid; Anthopoulos, Thomas D.; Heeney, Martin
Synthesis and characterization of fused pyrrolo[3,2-d:4,5-d']bisthiazole-containing polymers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5478-5481
1503309 CIFC7 H8 B Br O3P -17.6062; 8.0825; 8.2497
68.67; 69.49; 85.84
441.6Qiu, Di; Mo, Fanyang; Zheng, Zhitong; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Gold(III)-catalyzed halogenation of aromatic boronates with N-halosuccinimides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5474-5477
1503310 CIFC13 H18 B Br O3P 1 21/c 111.061; 9.6443; 13.449
90; 93.93; 90
1431.3Qiu, Di; Mo, Fanyang; Zheng, Zhitong; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Gold(III)-catalyzed halogenation of aromatic boronates with N-halosuccinimides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5474-5477
1503311 CIFC12 H15 B Br2 O3P 1 21/c 19.867; 11.972; 13.193
90; 98.78; 90
1540.2Qiu, Di; Mo, Fanyang; Zheng, Zhitong; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Gold(III)-catalyzed halogenation of aromatic boronates with N-halosuccinimides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5474-5477
1503312 CIFC7 H8 B Br O3P -17.6062; 8.0825; 8.2497
68.67; 69.49; 85.84
441.6Qiu, Di; Mo, Fanyang; Zheng, Zhitong; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Gold(III)-catalyzed halogenation of aromatic boronates with N-halosuccinimides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5474-5477
1503313 CIFC8 H16 N2 O4 S2P 18.089; 9.221; 9.805
70.49; 68.96; 73.73
632.6Wang, Yazhou; Hu, Xichao; Du, Haifeng
Vicinal-diamine-based chiral chain dienes as ligands for rhodium(I)-catalyzed highly enantioselective conjugated additions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5482-5485
1503314 CIFC20 H28 O8P 21 21 215.5207; 10.1453; 38.011
90; 90; 90
2129Afarinkia, Kamyar; Haji Abdullahi, Mohamed; Scowen, Ian J.
A synthesis of carbasugar-sugar pseudodisaccharides via a cycloaddition-cycloreversion reaction of 2H-pyran-2-ones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5564-5566
1503315 CIFC23 H35 O9P 1 21 113.019; 8.5252; 21.5504
90; 101.807; 90
2341.26Afarinkia, Kamyar; Haji Abdullahi, Mohamed; Scowen, Ian J.
A synthesis of carbasugar-sugar pseudodisaccharides via a cycloaddition-cycloreversion reaction of 2H-pyran-2-ones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5564-5566
1503316 CIFC40 H24 N4P -110.6995; 11.0327; 14.2428
69.378; 84.454; 67.575
1453.2Andrew, Trisha L.; Cox, Jason R.; Swager, Timothy M.
Synthesis, reactivity, and electronic properties of 6,6-dicyanofulvenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5302-5305
1503317 CIFC22 H16 N2C 1 2/c 111.7567; 11.2192; 24.6046
90; 91.951; 90
3243.5Andrew, Trisha L.; Cox, Jason R.; Swager, Timothy M.
Synthesis, reactivity, and electronic properties of 6,6-dicyanofulvenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5302-5305
1503318 CIFC32 H20 N2P 1 21/n 110.4667; 9.4672; 23.039
90; 93.168; 90
2279.45Andrew, Trisha L.; Cox, Jason R.; Swager, Timothy M.
Synthesis, reactivity, and electronic properties of 6,6-dicyanofulvenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5302-5305
1503319 CIFC20 H14 N2 OP b c a10.6357; 12.4031; 22.803
90; 90; 90
3008.07Andrew, Trisha L.; Cox, Jason R.; Swager, Timothy M.
Synthesis, reactivity, and electronic properties of 6,6-dicyanofulvenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5302-5305
1503320 CIFC20 H17 Br2 N OP 21 21 217.3388; 15.918; 29.55
90; 90; 90
3452Li, Le; Seidel, Daniel
Catalytic enantioselective Friedländer condensations: facile access to quinolines with remote stereogenic centers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5064-5067
1503321 CIFC10 H12 Cu O5 SP 1 21/a 112.191; 7.1808; 13.68
90; 103.631; 90
1163.8Matsuo, Kazumasa; Shindo, Mitsuru
Cu(II)-catalyzed acylation by thiol esters under neutral conditions: tandem acylation-wittig reaction leading to a one-pot synthesis of butenolides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5346-5349
1503322 CIFC13 H13 Br O4P -16.9575; 8.3542; 11.9845
74.696; 75.421; 74.571
635.22Sun, Yin-Wei; Guan, Xiao-Yang; Shi, Min
Synthesis of functionalized chromans by PnBu3-catalyzed reactions of salicylaldimines and salicylaldehydes with allenic ester.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5664-5667
1503323 CIFC37 H31 Fe N2 P SP 21 21 2111.9314; 14.6278; 17.7556
90; 90; 90
3098.89Zhang, Cheng; Yu, Sai-Bo; Hu, Xiang-Ping; Wang, Dao-Yong; Zheng, Zhuo
New chiral ferrocenyl P,S-ligands for highly diastereo-/enantioselective catalytic [3 + 2] cycloaddition of azomethine ylides with cyclic and acyclic enones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5542-5545
1503324 CIFC19 H24 O4P -111.135; 12.976; 13.502
66.977; 72.14; 78.98
1703.3Cai, Zhengxin; Harmata, Michael
Studies directed toward the synthesis of hamigeran B: a catalytic oxidative cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5668-5670
1503325 CIFC20 H18 Cl2 PdC 2 2 217.61; 16.8437; 13.2376
90; 90; 90
1696.8Zhang, Shu-Sheng; Wang, Zhi-Qian; Xu, Ming-Hua; Lin, Guo-Qiang
Chiral diene as the ligand for the synthesis of axially chiral compounds via palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5546-5549
1503326 CIFC25 H28 Cl4 PdP 21 21 2111.846; 13.2656; 15.6468
90; 90; 90
2458.8Zhang, Shu-Sheng; Wang, Zhi-Qian; Xu, Ming-Hua; Lin, Guo-Qiang
Chiral diene as the ligand for the synthesis of axially chiral compounds via palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5546-5549
1503327 CIFC41 H38 Cl4 Rh2P 21 21 219.9003; 10.2094; 35.051
90; 90; 90
3542.8Zhang, Shu-Sheng; Wang, Zhi-Qian; Xu, Ming-Hua; Lin, Guo-Qiang
Chiral diene as the ligand for the synthesis of axially chiral compounds via palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5546-5549
1503328 CIFC20 H18P 21 21 215.318; 13.1826; 20.997
90; 90; 90
1472Zhang, Shu-Sheng; Wang, Zhi-Qian; Xu, Ming-Hua; Lin, Guo-Qiang
Chiral diene as the ligand for the synthesis of axially chiral compounds via palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5546-5549
1503329 CIFC25 H24 O2C 1 2/c 139.2278; 5.012; 24.2164
90; 124.793; 90
3910Shibata, Yu; Noguchi, Keiichi; Tanaka, Ken
Cationic rhodium(I) complex-catalyzed cotrimerization of propargyl esters and arylacetylenes leading to substituted dihydropentalenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5596-5599
1503330 CIFC41 H44 B N2 OP 1 21/n 110.969; 19.154; 15.685
90; 104.199; 90
3194.7Taylor, James E.; Jones, Matthew D.; Williams, Jonathan M. J.; Bull, Steven D.
Friedel-Crafts acylation of pyrroles and indoles using 1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-ene (DBN) as a nucleophilic catalyst.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5740-5743
1503331 CIFC24 H22 Cl2 F3 N O3P 1 21 112.899; 6.511; 15.349
90; 112.318; 90
1192.5Aikawa, Kohsuke; Hioki, YÅ«ta; Mikami, Koichi
Highly enantioselective alkynylation of trifluoropyruvate with alkynylsilanes catalyzed by the BINAP-Pd complex: access to α-trifluoromethyl-substituted tertiary alcohols.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5716-5719
1503332 CIFC19 H17 Cl N2 O6P 1 21 18.3959; 20.777; 11.9679
90; 105.102; 90
2015.6Zhang, Fu-Gen; Yang, Qing-Qing; Xuan, Jun; Lu, Hai-Hua; Duan, Shu-Wen; Chen, Jia-Rong; Xiao, Wen-Jing
Enantioselective conjugate addition of oximes to trisubstituted β-nitroacrylates: an organocatalytic approach to β(2,2)-amino acid derivatives.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5636-5639
1503333 CIFC32 H20 F2 O3P 1 21/n 19.8701; 20.1152; 12.7485
90; 112.629; 90
2336.2Sánchez-Larios, Eduardo; Holmes, Janice M.; Daschner, Crystal L.; Gravel, Michel
NHC-catalyzed spiro bis-indane formation via domino Stetter-aldol-Michael and Stetter-aldol-aldol reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5772-5775
1503334 CIFC32 H24 O4P 1 21/c 112.3211; 18.0094; 11.1151
90; 98.367; 90
2440.1Sánchez-Larios, Eduardo; Holmes, Janice M.; Daschner, Crystal L.; Gravel, Michel
NHC-catalyzed spiro bis-indane formation via domino Stetter-aldol-Michael and Stetter-aldol-aldol reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5772-5775
1503335 CIFC24 H16 O3P 21 21 2111.0811; 12.4394; 12.5442
90; 90; 90
1729.12Sánchez-Larios, Eduardo; Holmes, Janice M.; Daschner, Crystal L.; Gravel, Michel
NHC-catalyzed spiro bis-indane formation via domino Stetter-aldol-Michael and Stetter-aldol-aldol reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5772-5775
1503336 CIFC21 H18 Br N O2P 319.5081; 9.5081; 17.135
90; 90; 120
1341.5Hayashi, Ryuji; Walton, Mary C.; Hsung, Richard P.; Schwab, John H.; Yu, Xueliang
Stereoselective 6π-electron electrocyclic ring closures of 2-halo-amidotrienes via a remote 1,6-asymmetric induction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5768-5771
1503337 CIFC16 H16 N2 SP n a 2122.1067; 8.7972; 7.6712
90; 90; 90
1491.87Ramana, Tamminana; Saha, Prasenjit; Das, Manas; Punniyamurthy, Tharmalingam
Copper-catalyzed domino intra- and intermolecular C-S cross-coupling reactions: synthesis of 2-(arylthio)arylcyanamides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 84-87
1503338 CIFC28 H28 O2 Si2P -19.14; 10.032; 15.034
111.523; 104.962; 95.676
1209.8Skjel, Miranda K.; Houghton, Adrian Y.; Kirby, Andrea E.; Harrison, Daniel J.; McDonald, Robert; Rosenberg, Lisa
Silane-controlled diastereoselectivity in the tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane-catalyzed reduction of alpha-diketones to silyl-protected 1,2-Diols.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 376-379
1503339 CIFC26 H48 O8 Ti2P -19.5335; 9.5629; 9.9966
113.758; 101.296; 94.518
805.25Zhou, Shuangliu; Chen, Chi-Ren; Gau, Han-Mou
Highly enantioselective 3-furylation of ketones using (3-furyl)titanium nucleophile.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 48-51
1503340 CIFC12 H11 Br O2P 21 21 215.8079; 7.6752; 24.1411
90; 90; 90
1076.13Zhou, Shuangliu; Chen, Chi-Ren; Gau, Han-Mou
Highly enantioselective 3-furylation of ketones using (3-furyl)titanium nucleophile.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 48-51
1503341 CIFC30 H34 O5P 43 21 211.196; 11.196; 40.747
90; 90; 90
5107.7Fu, Hui-Zheng; Luo, Yong-Ming; Li, Chuang-Jun; Yang, Jing-Zhi; Zhang, Dong-Ming
Psidials A-C, three unusual meroterpenoids from the leaves of Psidium guajava L.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 656-659
1503342 CIFC13 H16 Cl N5 O2P 1 21/c 114.705; 7.976; 12.332
90; 99.395; 90
1427Arico, Joseph W.; Calhoun, Amy K.; Salandria, Kerry J.; McLaughlin, Larry W.
Tetramethylsuccinimide as a directing/protecting group in purine glycosylations.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 120-122
1503343 CIFC10 H8 F3 N O4P c a 2118.015; 8.9617; 6.7552
90; 90; 90
1090.6Kole, Goutam Kumar; Tan, Geok Kheng; Vittal, Jagadese J.
Anion-controlled stereoselective synthesis of cyclobutane derivatives by solid-state [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction of the salts of trans-3-(4-pyridyl) acrylic acid.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 128-131
1503344 CIFC24 H27 N3 O15 S2P 1 21/n 111.0902; 9.1024; 27.822
90; 94.389; 90
2800.3Kole, Goutam Kumar; Tan, Geok Kheng; Vittal, Jagadese J.
Anion-controlled stereoselective synthesis of cyclobutane derivatives by solid-state [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction of the salts of trans-3-(4-pyridyl) acrylic acid.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 128-131
1503345 CIFC16 H14 N2 O4P 1 21/c 15.9012; 6.948; 16.0585
90; 99.931; 90
648.56Kole, Goutam Kumar; Tan, Geok Kheng; Vittal, Jagadese J.
Anion-controlled stereoselective synthesis of cyclobutane derivatives by solid-state [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction of the salts of trans-3-(4-pyridyl) acrylic acid.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 128-131
1503346 CIFC20 H16 F6 N2 O8P 1 21/c 112.3692; 8.2108; 10.8302
90; 94.956; 90
1095.81Kole, Goutam Kumar; Tan, Geok Kheng; Vittal, Jagadese J.
Anion-controlled stereoselective synthesis of cyclobutane derivatives by solid-state [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction of the salts of trans-3-(4-pyridyl) acrylic acid.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 128-131
1503347 CIFC22.75 H18 Cl0.5 N2 S2C 1 2/c 129.2045; 13.3826; 11.4733
90; 99.7; 90
4420Balaji, Ganapathy; Phua, Dazril Izrar; Shim, Wong Low; Valiyaveettil, Suresh
Synthesis and characterization of unsymmetric indolodithienopyrrole and extended diindolodithienopyrrole.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 232-235
1503348 CIFC34 H31 N3 S2P -110.8111; 11.6692; 11.6801
95.119; 102.578; 103.294
1384.49Balaji, Ganapathy; Phua, Dazril Izrar; Shim, Wong Low; Valiyaveettil, Suresh
Synthesis and characterization of unsymmetric indolodithienopyrrole and extended diindolodithienopyrrole.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 232-235
1503349 CIFC19 H13 Br N2P 1 21/c 110.7732; 10.2447; 14.073
90; 95.997; 90
1544.71Ohnmacht, Stephan A.; Culshaw, Andrew J.; Greaney, Michael F.
Direct arylations of 2H-indazoles on water.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 224-226
1503350 CIFC18 H16 O3P -19.0692; 9.1358; 10.1628
96.846; 114.132; 100.193
738.92Han, Xiuling; Lu, Xiyan
Control of chemoselectivity by counteranions of cationic palladium complexes: a convenient enantioselective synthesis of dihydrocoumarins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 108-111
1503351 CIFC17 H14 O3P 1 21/n 16.6963; 28.726; 7.5586
90; 110.643; 90
1360.6Han, Xiuling; Lu, Xiyan
Control of chemoselectivity by counteranions of cationic palladium complexes: a convenient enantioselective synthesis of dihydrocoumarins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 108-111
1503352 CIFC18 H14 O4P 21 21 217.7658; 13.523; 13.641
90; 90; 90
1432.5Han, Xiuling; Lu, Xiyan
Control of chemoselectivity by counteranions of cationic palladium complexes: a convenient enantioselective synthesis of dihydrocoumarins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 108-111
1503353 CIFC19 H24 N O2 PP 21 21 217.5789; 15.4126; 15.8221
90; 90; 90
1848.19Popovici, Cristinel; Oña-Burgos, Pascual; Fernández, Ignacio; Roces, Laura; García-Granda, Santiago; Iglesias, María José; López Ortiz, Fernando
Enantioselective desymmetrization of diphenylphosphinamides via (-)-sparteine-mediated ortho-lithiation. Synthesis of P-chiral ligands.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 428-431
1503354 CIFC44 H58 N4 O2 P2P 1 21 18.4417; 16.4362; 16.0375
90; 103.244; 90
2166.01Popovici, Cristinel; Oña-Burgos, Pascual; Fernández, Ignacio; Roces, Laura; García-Granda, Santiago; Iglesias, María José; López Ortiz, Fernando
Enantioselective desymmetrization of diphenylphosphinamides via (-)-sparteine-mediated ortho-lithiation. Synthesis of P-chiral ligands.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 428-431
1503355 CIFC21 H18 Br N O2 S2P -18.833; 10.334; 11.603
84.817; 80.553; 79.659
1025.8Li, Yifei; Xu, Xianxiu; Tan, Jing; Liao, Peiqiu; Zhang, Jingping; Liu, Qun
Polarity-reversible conjugate addition tuned by remote electronic effects
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 244-247
1503356 CIFC16 H17 N O3 S2P n a 2111.86; 21.361; 6.275
90; 90; 90
1589.7Li, Yifei; Xu, Xianxiu; Tan, Jing; Liao, Peiqiu; Zhang, Jingping; Liu, Qun
Polarity-reversible conjugate addition tuned by remote electronic effects
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 244-247
1503357 CIFC46 H47 N2 O5 S4P -110.9558; 11.5826; 19.238
90.415; 96.827; 114.341
2204.2Li, Yifei; Xu, Xianxiu; Tan, Jing; Liao, Peiqiu; Zhang, Jingping; Liu, Qun
Polarity-reversible conjugate addition tuned by remote electronic effects
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 244-247
1503358 CIFC25 H22 Br N3 OP 1 21/c 112.4251; 8.0536; 41.671
90; 93.5629; 90
4161.8Ye, Long; Haddadin, Makhluf J.; Lodewyk, Michael W.; Ferreira, Andrew J.; Fettinger, James C.; Tantillo, Dean J.; Kurth, Mark J.
Cyclopenta[b]pyrroles from triazines: synthetic and mechanistic studies.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 164-167
1503359 CIFC25 H22 Br N3 OP 1 21/c 112.4028; 20.9078; 8.134
90; 96.3; 90
2096.5Ye, Long; Haddadin, Makhluf J.; Lodewyk, Michael W.; Ferreira, Andrew J.; Fettinger, James C.; Tantillo, Dean J.; Kurth, Mark J.
Cyclopenta[b]pyrroles from triazines: synthetic and mechanistic studies.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 164-167
1503360 CIFC24 H18 N4 O SP 1 21/n 15.4666; 22.2114; 16.1329
90; 97.696; 90
1941.23Ye, Long; Haddadin, Makhluf J.; Lodewyk, Michael W.; Ferreira, Andrew J.; Fettinger, James C.; Tantillo, Dean J.; Kurth, Mark J.
Cyclopenta[b]pyrroles from triazines: synthetic and mechanistic studies.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 164-167
1503361 CIFC23 H16 I N O2P -18.3396; 9.1524; 12.1045
86.0787; 79.3543; 85.5743
903.91Pintori, Didier G.; Greaney, Michael F.
Insertion of benzene rings into the amide bond: one-step synthesis of acridines and acridones from aryl amides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 168-171
1503362 CIFC20 H12 Cl0 O2P 1 21/n 112.4588; 9.2224; 24.7552
90; 101.716; 90
2785.12Sue, Daisuke; Kawabata, Takeo; Sasamori, Takahiro; Tokitoh, Nobuhiro; Tsubaki, Kazunori
Synthesis of spiro compounds through tandem oxidative coupling and a framework rearrangement reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 256-258
1503363 CIFC18 H23 B F2 N6P 1 21/n 110.23; 15.6383; 11.589
90; 90.667; 90
1853.88Vivat, Jérôme F; Adams, Harry; Harrity, Joseph P. A.
Ambient temperature nitrogen-directed difluoroalkynylborane Carboni-Lindsey cycloaddition reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 160-163
1503364 CIFC15 H14 B F2 N5P 1 21/c 113.8977; 7.8695; 14.3962
90; 116.104; 90
1413.9Vivat, Jérôme F; Adams, Harry; Harrity, Joseph P. A.
Ambient temperature nitrogen-directed difluoroalkynylborane Carboni-Lindsey cycloaddition reactions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 160-163
1503365 CIFC9 H11 N O2P 21 21 217.2691; 8.1601; 14.8411
90; 90; 90
880.32Rodrigues, Alessandro; Lee, Ernest E.; Batey, Robert A.
Enantioselective palladium(II)-catalyzed formal [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of 2-allyloxypyridines and related heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 260-263
1503366 CIFC22 H24 O5P 1 21 112.166; 11.814; 13.814
90; 106.863; 90
1900.1Bow, William F.; Basak, Ashok K.; Jolit, Anais; Vicic, David A.; Tius, Marcus A.
Enamine-iminium ion Nazarov cyclization of alpha-ketoenones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 440-443
1503367 CIFC24 H28 O5P 21 21 216.916; 12.246; 26.475
90; 90; 90
2242.3Bow, William F.; Basak, Ashok K.; Jolit, Anais; Vicic, David A.; Tius, Marcus A.
Enamine-iminium ion Nazarov cyclization of alpha-ketoenones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 440-443
1503368 CIFC34 H56 Cl2 O2 Rh2P 21 21 219.2436; 15.171; 24.757
90; 90; 90
3471.8Brown, M. Kevin; Corey, E. J.
Catalytic enantioselective formation of chiral-bridged dienes which are themselves ligands for enantioselective catalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 172-175
1503369 CIFC48 H42 Cl6 O2 S12 Si4P -112.9084; 12.9205; 38.481
91.985; 97.364; 91.075
6359.5Wang, Zhihua; Shi, Jianwu; Wang, Jiange; Li, Chunli; Tian, Xinyong; Cheng, Yanxiang; Wang, Hua
Syntheses and crystal structures of benzohexathia[7]helicene and naphthalene cored double helicene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 456-459
1503370 CIFC24 H22 S6 Si2P b c a8.9624; 19.1122; 31.228
90; 90; 90
5349.1Wang, Zhihua; Shi, Jianwu; Wang, Jiange; Li, Chunli; Tian, Xinyong; Cheng, Yanxiang; Wang, Hua
Syntheses and crystal structures of benzohexathia[7]helicene and naphthalene cored double helicene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 456-459
1503371 CIFC24 H22 S6 Si2P -18.5149; 10.6494; 16.51
74.37; 89.326; 69.807
1347.6Wang, Zhihua; Shi, Jianwu; Wang, Jiange; Li, Chunli; Tian, Xinyong; Cheng, Yanxiang; Wang, Hua
Syntheses and crystal structures of benzohexathia[7]helicene and naphthalene cored double helicene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 456-459
1503372 CIFC46 H40 S12 Si4P 21 21 2116.816; 16.811; 38.298
90; 90; 90
10827Wang, Zhihua; Shi, Jianwu; Wang, Jiange; Li, Chunli; Tian, Xinyong; Cheng, Yanxiang; Wang, Hua
Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Benzohexathia[7]helicene and Naphthalene Cored Double Helicene
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 456-459
1503373 CIFC24 H22 O3.5 S6 Si2C 1 2/c 137.99; 17.583; 10.968
90; 102.348; 90
7157Wang, Zhihua; Shi, Jianwu; Wang, Jiange; Li, Chunli; Tian, Xinyong; Cheng, Yanxiang; Wang, Hua
Syntheses and crystal structures of benzohexathia[7]helicene and naphthalene cored double helicene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 456-459
1503374 CIFC93 H81 Au Cl O9 PP 6315.923; 15.923; 18.741
90; 90; 120
4115González, Ana Z; Toste, F. Dean
Gold(I)-catalyzed enantioselective [4 + 2]-cycloaddition of allene-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 200-203
1503375 CIFC69 H48 Au Cl3 N O2 PP 21 21 2113.018; 17.4743; 25.6126
90; 90; 90
5826.4González, Ana Z; Toste, F. Dean
Gold(I)-catalyzed enantioselective [4 + 2]-cycloaddition of allene-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 200-203
1503376 CIFC22 H18 Au Cl N O2 PP 1 21 17.3489; 15.339; 9.154
90; 98.337; 90
1021González, Ana Z; Toste, F. Dean
Gold(I)-catalyzed enantioselective [4 + 2]-cycloaddition of allene-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 200-203
1503377 CIFC19 H13 N3 OP b c a7.0652; 20.188; 21.214
90; 90; 90
3025.8Zhao, Tiankun; Xu, Bin
Palladium-catalyzed tandem amination reaction for the synthesis of 4-quinolones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 212-215
1503378 CIFC25 H36 Br O5 PC 1 2/c 135.9751; 11.4216; 13.04
90; 102.239; 90
5236.27Foucher, Vincent; Guizzardi, Benedetta; Groen, Marinus B.; Light, Mark; Linclau, Bruno
A novel, versatile D‒>BCD steroid construction strategy, illustrated by the enantioselective total synthesis of estrone.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 680-683
1503379 CIFC37.25 H30.5 Cl2.5 F2 S SiP 4/n :224.029; 24.029; 11.095
90; 90; 90
6406.2Kim, Youngmin; Kim, Mieock; Gabbaï, François P
Synthesis and anion affinity of a bidendate sulfonium fluorosilane Lewis acid.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 600-602
1503380 CIFC15 H12 N2 O6P -16.6993; 8.1796; 13.0249
76.378; 78.068; 80.066
672.89Vanier, Sébastien F; Larouche, Guillaume; Wurz, Ryan P.; Charette, André B
Formal synthesis of belactosin A and hormaomycin via a diastereoselective intramolecular cyclopropanation of an alpha-nitro diazoester.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 672-675
1503381 CIFC15 H12 N2 O6P 1 21/c 114.9683; 11.3211; 8.1328
90; 96.892; 90
1368.21Vanier, Sébastien F; Larouche, Guillaume; Wurz, Ryan P.; Charette, André B
Formal synthesis of belactosin A and hormaomycin via a diastereoselective intramolecular cyclopropanation of an alpha-nitro diazoester.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 672-675
1503382 CIFC7 H10 N2 O4P 1 21/n 115.0235; 7.429; 15.0658
90; 97.107; 90
1668.57Vanier, Sébastien F; Larouche, Guillaume; Wurz, Ryan P.; Charette, André B
Formal synthesis of belactosin A and hormaomycin via a diastereoselective intramolecular cyclopropanation of an alpha-nitro diazoester.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 672-675
1503383 CIFC118 H166 F30 N14 O20P b c a22.9778; 21.9054; 26.306
90; 90; 90
13240.8Arunachalam, M.; Ghosh, Pradyut
Bistripodand amide host for compartmental recognition of multiple oxyanions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 328-331
1503384 CIFC90 H96 F30 N8 O10P -113.2436; 13.671; 14.757
92.621; 111.618; 103.739
2386.4Arunachalam, M.; Ghosh, Pradyut
Bistripodand amide host for compartmental recognition of multiple oxyanions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 328-331
1503385 CIFC28 H22 S8P 1 21/c 15.352; 7.214; 35.96
90; 90.798; 90
1388Chen, Guang; Mahmud, Ilias; Dawe, Louise N.; Zhao, Yuming
Acetylenic phenyldithiafulvene: a versatile synthon for TTFV-based macromolecules.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 704-707
1503386 CIFC79 H83 P2P -110.095; 10.465; 17.655
85.03; 76.92; 66.43
1665.2Geng, Xue-Li; Hu, Qi; Schäfer, Bernhard; Ott, Sascha
Phosphaalkenes in pi-conjugation with acetylenic arenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 692-695
1503387 CIFC19 H21 N O4P 1 21/c 111.495; 15.474; 9.384
90; 99.403; 90
1646.7Tucker, Joseph W.; Narayanam, Jagan M. R.; Krabbe, Scott W.; Stephenson, Corey R. J.
Electron transfer photoredox catalysis: intramolecular radical addition to indoles and pyrroles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 368-371
1503388 CIFC18 H17 N O2 SP 1 21/n 15.9972; 15.79; 16.6013
90; 95.271; 90
1565.4Zhu, Ben-Hu; Zheng, Jun-Cheng; Yu, Chang-Bin; Sun, Xiu-Li; Zhou, Yong-Gui; Shen, Qi; Tang, Yong
One-pot highly diastereoselective synthesis of cis-vinylaziridines via the sulfur ylide-mediated aziridination and palladium(0)-catalyzed isomerization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 504-507
1503389 CIFC25 H32 O4P 3210.1431; 10.1431; 17.8259
90; 90; 120
1588.3Caron, Pierre-Yves; Deslongchamps, Pierre
Versatile strategy to access tricycles related to quassinoids and triterpenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 508-511
1503390 CIFC25 H29 N O3C 1 2 115.457; 9.311; 15.892
90; 110.108; 90
2147.8Caron, Pierre-Yves; Deslongchamps, Pierre
Versatile strategy to access tricycles related to quassinoids and triterpenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 508-511
1503391 CIFC44 H30P n a 2111.5889; 21.2681; 12.6708
90; 90; 90
3123Gagnon, Eric; Rochefort, Alain; Métivaud, Valérie; Wuest, James D.
Hexaphenylbenzenes as potential acetylene sponges.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 380-383
1503392 CIFC53 H38P -111.9507; 12.462; 13.2343
91.379; 98.081; 95.229
1941.93Gagnon, Eric; Rochefort, Alain; Métivaud, Valérie; Wuest, James D.
Hexaphenylbenzenes as potential acetylene sponges.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 380-383
1503393 CIFC92 H66C 1 c 112.3608; 45.744; 11.5273
90; 100.85; 90
6401.4Gagnon, Eric; Rochefort, Alain; Métivaud, Valérie; Wuest, James D.
Hexaphenylbenzenes as potential acetylene sponges.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 380-383
1503394 CIFC17 H19 N O6P -16.927; 9.783; 12.619
88.48; 89.77; 75.68
828.3Xu, Silong; Zhou, Lili; Ma, Renqin; Song, Haibin; He, Zhengjie
Phosphine-mediated stereoselective reductive cyclopropanation of alpha-substituted allenoates with aromatic aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 544-547
1503395 CIFC15 H14 N2 O4P 1 21/c 110.852; 12.744; 10.025
90; 90.14; 90
1386.4Xu, Silong; Zhou, Lili; Ma, Renqin; Song, Haibin; He, Zhengjie
Phosphine-mediated stereoselective reductive cyclopropanation of alpha-substituted allenoates with aromatic aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 544-547
1503396 CIFC57.5 H63 Cl2.5 O5P -111.632; 11.974; 20.206
86.16; 87.59; 64.59
2536.1Tian, Xiao-Hong; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Synthesis, structures, and conformational characteristics of triptycene-derived calix[5]arenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 524-527
1503397 CIFC65 H54 Cl6 O6P 1 21/c 113.746; 16.676; 24.705
90; 90.44; 90
5663Tian, Xiao-Hong; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Synthesis, structures, and conformational characteristics of triptycene-derived calix[5]arenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 524-527
1503398 CIFC14 H13 N O5P 1 21/c 17.5838; 17.6558; 9.6242
90; 98.371; 90
1274.93Redondo, María C; Ribagorda, María; Carreño, M Carmen
Exploring Morita-Baylis-Hillman reactions of p-quinols.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 568-571
1503399 CIFC14 H13 N O5P -16.9945; 8.7663; 10.623
101.662; 98.586; 91.319
629.81Redondo, María C; Ribagorda, María; Carreño, M Carmen
Exploring Morita-Baylis-Hillman reactions of p-quinols.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 568-571
1503400 CIFC23 H18 N2 O4P -19.7173; 10.0311; 10.2086
87.683; 80.246; 86.487
978.401Redondo, María C; Ribagorda, María; Carreño, M Carmen
Exploring Morita-Baylis-Hillman reactions of p-quinols.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 568-571
1503401 CIFC23 H18 N2 O4P 1 21/n 18.333; 22.7385; 10.352
90; 105.193; 90
1892.9Redondo, María C; Ribagorda, María; Carreño, M Carmen
Exploring Morita-Baylis-Hillman reactions of p-quinols.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 568-571
1503402 CIFC21 H21 Cl2 N O6P -18.2755; 10.0421; 13.439
68.779; 88.397; 82.032
1030.7Liang, Bo; Kalidindi, Srinivas; Porco, Jr, John A; Stephenson, Corey R. J.
Multicomponent reaction discovery: three-component synthesis of spirooxindoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 572-575
1503403 CIFC16 H17 N O6 SP -19.1725; 9.2077; 9.964
98.295; 101.709; 106.97
769.31Liang, Bo; Kalidindi, Srinivas; Porco, Jr, John A; Stephenson, Corey R. J.
Multicomponent reaction discovery: three-component synthesis of spirooxindoles.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 572-575
1503404 CIFC22 H22 N2 O4P -18.95; 14.718; 15.388
102.52; 92.08; 105.12
1901Bélanger, Guillaume; Darsigny, Véronique; Doré, Michaël; Lévesque, François
Highly diastereoselective synthesis of substituted pyrrolidines using a sequence of azomethine ylide cycloaddition and nucleophilic cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1396-1399
1503405 CIFC18 H19 Br N2 O2P 1 21/c 113.395; 7.347; 17.061
90; 92.33; 90
1677.6Bélanger, Guillaume; Darsigny, Véronique; Doré, Michaël; Lévesque, François
Highly diastereoselective synthesis of substituted pyrrolidines using a sequence of azomethine ylide cycloaddition and nucleophilic cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1396-1399
1503406 CIFC20 H22 O3P 21 21 218.4937; 13.0651; 15.3562
90; 90; 90
1704.09Chen, Cheng-Hui; Chen, Yu-Kai; Sha, Chin-Kang
Enantioselective total synthesis of otteliones A and B.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1377-1379
1503407 CIFC19 H35 I O2 Si2P 21 21 218.6362; 9.5751; 30.8559
90; 90; 90
2551.55Chen, Cheng-Hui; Chen, Yu-Kai; Sha, Chin-Kang
Enantioselective total synthesis of otteliones A and B.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1377-1379
1503408 CIFC22 H26 O3 SP 21 21 216.9488; 12.9267; 21.5644
90; 90; 90
1937.02Lecea, Mercedes; Hernández-Torres, Gloria; Urbano, Antonio; Carreño, M Carmen; Colobert, Françoise
Enantioselective total synthesis of the natural gamma-tocopherol metabolite (S)-gamma-CEHC [(S)-LLU-alpha].
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 580-583
1503409 CIFC21 H20 N2 O2P 1 21/n 18.3291; 13.3826; 15.8367
90; 100.341; 90
1736.6Yao, Wei; Huang, Dejian
Unexpected reactivity of o-nitrosophenol with RCH(2)Br: C-H bond cleavage and annulation to benzoxazoles and benzoxazines (R = Alkynyl).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 736-738
1503410 CIFC24 H30 N4 O3P -110.0799; 11.8568; 18.339
87.936; 87.083; 87.037
2184.8Yao, Wei; Huang, Dejian
Unexpected reactivity of o-nitrosophenol with RCH(2)Br: C-H bond cleavage and annulation to benzoxazoles and benzoxazines (R = Alkynyl).
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 736-738
1503411 CIFC17 H19 N O2P 21 21 217.1436; 9.869; 20.461
90; 90; 90
1442.5Hayashi, Ryuji; Feltenberger, John B.; Hsung, Richard P.
Torquoselective ring closures of chiral amido trienes derived from allenamides. A tandem allene isomerization-pericyclic ring-closure-intramolecular Diels-Alder cycloaddition.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1152-1155
1503412 CIFC27 H30 N2 O4 SP 21 21 216.3398; 10.8464; 34.702
90; 90; 90
2386.2Hayashi, Ryuji; Feltenberger, John B.; Hsung, Richard P.
Torquoselective ring closures of chiral amido trienes derived from allenamides. A tandem allene isomerization-pericyclic ring-closure-intramolecular Diels-Alder cycloaddition.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1152-1155
1503413 CIFC22 H23 N O3P 1 c 15.857; 19.125; 16.336
90; 90.26; 90
1829.9Grenning, Alexander J.; Tunge, Jon A.
Rapid decarboxylative allylation of nitroalkanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 740-742
1503414 CIFC26 H19 Br2 N O4P 21 21 2110.7996; 11.8516; 17.5643
90; 90; 90
2248.1Hong, Bor-Cherng; Kotame, Prakash; Tsai, Chih-Wei; Liao, Ju-Hsiou
Enantioselective total synthesis of (+)-conicol via cascade three-component organocatalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 776-779
1503415 CIFC22 H20 Br N O4P 6118.5358; 18.5358; 10.8967
90; 90; 120
3242.3Hong, Bor-Cherng; Kotame, Prakash; Tsai, Chih-Wei; Liao, Ju-Hsiou
Enantioselective total synthesis of (+)-conicol via cascade three-component organocatalysis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 776-779
1503416 CIFC77 H81 F24 N9 O12 P4P 113.474; 13.507; 14.013
103.97; 99.34; 118.61
2053.8Liu, Ming; Li, Shijun; Hu, Menglong; Wang, Feng; Huang, Feihe
Selectivity algorithm for the formation of two cryptand/paraquat catenanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 760-763
1503417 CIFC83 H90 F24 N12 O13 P4P 1 21/c 126.682; 16.661; 21.761
90; 106.66; 90
9268Liu, Ming; Li, Shijun; Hu, Menglong; Wang, Feng; Huang, Feihe
Selectivity algorithm for the formation of two cryptand/paraquat catenanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 760-763
1503418 CIFC21 H40 O3 SiP 21 21 2110.2696; 12.6091; 17.8108
90; 90; 90
2306.33Schöttner, Elisabeth; Wiechoczek, Maren; Jones, Peter G.; Lindel, Thomas
Enantiospecific synthesis of the cubitane skeleton.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 784-787
1503419 CIFC26 H46 O2 SiP 21 21 224.0276; 15.7652; 6.8485
90; 90; 90
2594.21Schöttner, Elisabeth; Wiechoczek, Maren; Jones, Peter G.; Lindel, Thomas
Enantiospecific synthesis of the cubitane skeleton.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 784-787
1503420 CIFC23 H20 O S2P 1 21/n 19.62; 12.162; 16.18
90; 100.708; 90
1860.1Qin, Qian; Mague, Joel T.; Pascal, Jr, Robert A
An in-ketocyclophane.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 928-930
1503421 CIFC23 H20 O5 S2C 1 2/c 120.0117; 10.0091; 10.6634
90; 115.921; 90
1921Qin, Qian; Mague, Joel T.; Pascal, Jr, Robert A
An in-ketocyclophane.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 928-930
1503422 CIFC25 H30 N2 O4C 1 2/c 125.455; 11.706; 15.9
90; 108.646; 90
4489.1Faggi, Cristina; García-Valverde, María; Marcaccini, Stefano; Menchi, Gloria
Isolation of ugi four-component condensation primary adducts: a straightforward route to isocoumarins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 788-791
1503423 CIFC19 H18 F3 N O2 SP 1 21/c 116.221; 6.3082; 18.484
90; 106.31; 90
1815.3Ye, Siyu; Yu, Zhi-Xiang
Gold(I)-catalyzed ring expansions of unactivated alkynylcyclopropanes to (e)-2-alkylidenecyclobutanamines in the presence of sulfonamides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 804-807
1503424 CIFC24 H20 O2P -19.911; 10.101; 11.103
68.09; 70.35; 68.86
935.354Schneider, Caroline C.; Caldeira, Helton; Gay, Bibiana M.; Back, Davi F.; Zeni, Gilson
Transmetalation of Z-telluroenynes: stereoselective synthesis of Z-enynols and their application in palladium-catalyzed cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 936-939
1503425 CIFC22 H24 OP n a 2114.9632; 18.7349; 6.3505
90; 90; 90
1780.3Schneider, Caroline C.; Caldeira, Helton; Gay, Bibiana M.; Back, Davi F.; Zeni, Gilson
Transmetalation of Z-telluroenynes: stereoselective synthesis of Z-enynols and their application in palladium-catalyzed cyclization.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 936-939
1503426 CIFC26 H25 Br N2 O4 SP -110.4253; 12.8475; 19.086
78.59; 86.532; 88.841
2501.16Liu, Xiaodong; Deng, Leijiao; Jiang, Xianxing; Yan, Wenjin; Liu, Chunliang; Wang, Rui
Asymmetric Aza-Mannich Addition of Oxazolones to N-Tosyl Aldimines: Synthesis of Chiral α-Disubstituted α,β-Diamino Acids
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 876-879
1503427 CIFC56.3 H46.3 Cl3.9 F12 N3 P2P 1 21/a 117.276; 17.432; 18.466
90; 91.919; 90
5558Matsumoto, Kouzou; Inokuchi, Daisuke; Hirao, Yasukazu; Kurata, Hiroyuki; Sato, Kazunobu; Takui, Takeji; Kubo, Takashi
Synthesis and identification of a trimethylenemethane derivative pi-extended with three pyridinyl radicals.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 836-839
1503428 CIFC49 H40 Cl2 N4 O4P 1 21/c 114.1471; 9.6689; 15.6438
90; 101.356; 90
2098Dogutan, Dilek K.; Bediako, D. Kwabena; Teets, Thomas S.; Schwalbe, Matthias; Nocera, Daniel G.
Efficient synthesis of hangman porphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1036-1039
1503429 CIFC44 H10 F20 N4P -113.3905; 14.3534; 14.7139
89.899; 88.145; 87.412
2823.6Dogutan, Dilek K.; Bediako, D. Kwabena; Teets, Thomas S.; Schwalbe, Matthias; Nocera, Daniel G.
Efficient synthesis of hangman porphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1036-1039
1503430 CIFC66 H62 Cl2 N4 O6P -113.2763; 13.5303; 17.55
68.543; 89.669; 72.898
2785.9Dogutan, Dilek K.; Bediako, D. Kwabena; Teets, Thomas S.; Schwalbe, Matthias; Nocera, Daniel G.
Efficient synthesis of hangman porphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1036-1039
1503431 CIFC136 H94 F36 N8 O7 Zn2P -113.8469; 20.6199; 28.1033
86.439; 77.642; 81.864
7755.1Dogutan, Dilek K.; Bediako, D. Kwabena; Teets, Thomas S.; Schwalbe, Matthias; Nocera, Daniel G.
Efficient synthesis of hangman porphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1036-1039
1503432 CIFC20 H20 O4P 1 21/c 115.257; 7.3998; 15.245
90; 91.42; 90
1720.6Zhou, Rong; Wang, Chunzhang; Song, Haibin; He, Zhengjie
Wittig olefination between phosphine, aldehyde, and allylic carbonate: a general method for stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted 1,3-dienes with highly variable substituents.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 976-979
1503433 CIFC19 H17 N O4P 1 21/c 116.035; 13.589; 7.4609
90; 93.89; 90
1622Zhou, Rong; Wang, Chunzhang; Song, Haibin; He, Zhengjie
Wittig olefination between phosphine, aldehyde, and allylic carbonate: a general method for stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted 1,3-dienes with highly variable substituents.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 976-979
1503434 CIFC20 H15 F O4P -16.4007; 8.3512; 15.9954
93.237; 90.24; 102.451
833.45Wu, Yihua; Yao, Weijun; Pan, Lianjie; Zhang, Yiping; Ma, Cheng
N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed transformations of 3-halopropenals to the equivalents of beta-acylvinyl anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 640-643
1503435 CIFC17 H19 Br N2 O5P -19.5516; 9.9896; 10.7976
97.369; 101.399; 107.244
945.15Wu, Yihua; Yao, Weijun; Pan, Lianjie; Zhang, Yiping; Ma, Cheng
N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed transformations of 3-halopropenals to the equivalents of beta-acylvinyl anions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 640-643
1503436 CIFC15 H18 N2 O4P 21 21 217.9402; 11.7992; 15.7954
90; 90; 90
1479.84Xiao, Jian; Xu, Feng-Xia; Lu, Yun-Peng; Loh, Teck-Peng
Chemzymes: a new class of structurally rigid tricyclic amphibian organocatalyst inspired by natural product.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1220-1223
1503437 CIFC11 H12 Br N O3P 1 21 110.6835; 8.7762; 12.7768
90; 97.709; 90
1187.13Xiao, Jian; Xu, Feng-Xia; Lu, Yun-Peng; Loh, Teck-Peng
Chemzymes: a new class of structurally rigid tricyclic amphibian organocatalyst inspired by natural product.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1220-1223
1503439 CIFC35 H27 Cl2 N O5P 3114.961; 14.961; 25.968
90; 90; 120
5034Wei, Qiang; Gong, Liu-Zhu
Organocatalytic asymmetric formal [4 + 2] cycloaddition for the synthesis of spiro[4-cyclohexanone-1,3'-oxindoline] derivatives in high optical purity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1008-1011
1503440 CIFC45.71 H55.01 N3.86 O12.14C 1 2/c 118.093; 9.0114; 28.029
90; 101.57; 90
4477.1Liu, Ming; Yan, Xuzhou; Hu, Menglong; Chen, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Mingming; Zheng, Bo; Hu, Xiaohuan; Shao, Shuang; Huang, Feihe
Photoresponsive host-guest systems based on a new azobenzene-containing cryptand.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2558-2561
1503441 CIFC16 H14 F12 N2 P2P 1 21/n 16.7733; 10.6708; 13.4177
90; 91.054; 90
969.62Liu, Ming; Yan, Xuzhou; Hu, Menglong; Chen, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Mingming; Zheng, Bo; Hu, Xiaohuan; Shao, Shuang; Huang, Feihe
Photoresponsive host-guest systems based on a new azobenzene-containing cryptand.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2558-2561
1503442 CIFC16 H23 N O2P 1 21/c 16.1272; 11.7615; 21.1408
90; 90.364; 90
1523.48Mycka, Robert J.; Steward, Omar W.; Fleming, Fraser F.
Gamma-hydroxynitrile alkylations: electrophile-dependent stereoselectivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3030-3033
1503443 CIFC16 H23 N O2C 1 2/c 125.123; 6.487; 27.418
90; 134.853; 90
3167.7Mycka, Robert J.; Steward, Omar W.; Fleming, Fraser F.
Gamma-hydroxynitrile alkylations: electrophile-dependent stereoselectivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3030-3033
1503444 CIFC16 H23 N O2P 1 21/n 19.7044; 7.0265; 23.8043
90; 93.659; 90
1619.86Mycka, Robert J.; Steward, Omar W.; Fleming, Fraser F.
Gamma-hydroxynitrile alkylations: electrophile-dependent stereoselectivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3030-3033
1503445 CIFC10 H15 N O2P 1 n 110.557; 10.13; 10.861
90; 110.844; 90
1085.5Mycka, Robert J.; Steward, Omar W.; Fleming, Fraser F.
Gamma-hydroxynitrile alkylations: electrophile-dependent stereoselectivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3030-3033
1503446 CIFC13 H25 N O2P -16.4938; 10.5697; 20.8128
91.968; 91.78; 99.199
1408.37Mycka, Robert J.; Steward, Omar W.; Fleming, Fraser F.
Gamma-hydroxynitrile alkylations: electrophile-dependent stereoselectivity.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3030-3033
1503447 CIFC25 H36 O4P 1 21 17.4731; 11.0807; 13.9955
90; 105.044; 90
1119.21Daoust, Julie; Fontana, Angelo; Merchant, Catherine E.; de Voogd, Nicole J.; Patrick, Brian O.; Kieffer, Timothy J.; Andersen, Raymond J.
Ansellone A, a sesterterpenoid isolated from the nudibranch Cadlina luteromarginata and the sponge Phorbas sp., activates the cAMP signaling pathway.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3208-3211
1503448 CIFC23 H24 OC 1 2/c 132.0014; 10.3331; 22.6217
90; 96.632; 90
7430.3Yang, Chun-Ming; Jeganmohan, Masilamani; Parthasarathy, Kanniyappan; Cheng, Chien-Hong
Highly selective nickel-catalyzed three-component coupling of alkynes with enones and alkenyl boronic acids: a novel route to substituted 1,3-dienes
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 3610-3613
1503449 CIFC40.5 H25 B Cl N3 O S6P -17.424; 15.481; 17.646
67.579; 79.68; 79.989
1832Hayashi, Shin-ya; Inokuma, Yasuhide; Osuka, Atsuhiro
meso-Tris(oligo-2,5-thienylene)-substituted subporphyrins.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4148-4151
1503450 CIFC90 H102 N6 Si6R -3 :H29.161; 29.161; 17.6054
90; 90; 120
12965.3Ji, Lei; Fang, Qi; Yuan, Mao-Sen; Liu, Zhi-Qiang; Shen, Yu-Xiang; Chen, Hong-Feng
Switching high two-photon efficiency: from 3,8,13-substituted triindole derivatives to their 2,7,12-isomers.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5192-5195
1503451 CIFC37.2 H28 O9P 1 21/n 118.791; 6.8256; 24.898
90; 107.546; 90
3044.8Lumb, Jean-Philip; Krinsky, Jamin L.; Trauner, Dirk
Theoretical investigation of the rubicordifolin cascade.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5162-5165
1503452 CIFC30 H34 O5P 41 21 211.1498; 11.1498; 40.4482
90; 90; 90
5028.44Shao, Meng; Wang, Ying; Liu, Zhong; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Cao, Hui-Hui; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Fan, Chun-Lin; Zhang, Xiao-Qi; Chen, He-Ru; Yao, Xin-Sheng; Ye, Wen-Cai
Psiguadials A and B, two novel meroterpenoids with unusual skeletons from the leaves of Psidium guajava.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5040-5043
1503453 CIFC21 H21 N OP 1 21/n 111.5025; 9.3758; 15.054
90; 101.188; 90
1592.6Cao, Jian; Huang, Xian
Facile synthesis of tetrahydro-1H-isoindolones via a sequential three-component copper-catalyzed coupling/propargyl-allenyl isomerization/[4 + 2] cyclization reaction.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5048-5051
1504325 CIFC57 H66 Cl2 O7P -111.303; 12.251; 21.395
75.7; 79.57; 62.73
2543.8Tian, Xiao-Hong; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Synthesis, structures, and conformational characteristics of triptycene-derived calix[5]arenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 524-527
1504997 CIFC30 H27 N3 O3C 1 2/c 152.7951; 7.8456; 12.2836
90; 99.379; 90
5019.96Norris, Timothy; VanAlsten, John; Hubbs, Stephen; Ewing, Marcus; Cai, Weiling; Jorgensen, Matthew L.; Bordner, Jon; Jensen, Grace O.
Commercialization and Late-Stage Development of a Semisynthetic Antifungal API: Anidulafungin/d-Fructose (Eraxis)
Organic Process Research & Development, 2008, 12, 447
1504998 CIFC34 H63 Cl N7 O20.5P 32 2 113.3413; 13.3413; 46.8389
90; 90; 120
7219.94Norris, Timothy; VanAlsten, John; Hubbs, Stephen; Ewing, Marcus; Cai, Weiling; Jorgensen, Matthew L.; Bordner, Jon; Jensen, Grace O.
Commercialization and Late-Stage Development of a Semisynthetic Antifungal API: Anidulafungin/d-Fructose (Eraxis)
Organic Process Research & Development, 2008, 12, 447
1504999 CIFC21 H27 N5P 21 21 217.9047; 13.4494; 18.2343
90; 90; 90
1938.6Crawford, Jason B.; Chen, Gang; Gauthier, David; Wilson, Trevor; Carpenter, Bryon; Baird, Ian R.; McEachern, Ernie; Kaller, Alan; Harwig, Curtis; Atsma, Bem; Skerlj, Renato T.; Bridger, Gary J.
AMD070, a CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor Antagonist: Practical Large-Scale Laboratory Synthesis
Organic Process Research & Development, 2008, 12, 823
1509071 CIFAg0.201 Cl Na0.799F m -3 m5.632; 5.632; 5.632
90; 90; 90
178.644Urusov, V.S.; Blinov, V.V.
Defect characteristics in solid solutions of Na Cl - Ag Cl
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1970, 12, 278-282
1509167 CIFAg Cd0.2 Mg0.8P m -3 m3.3147; 3.3147; 3.3147
90; 90; 90
36.419Matsuo, Y.; Katada, K.; Minamigawa, S.
Phase relations of the AgCd - AgMg and AgCd - AgZn quasibinary alloys
Scripta Metallurgica, 1978, 12, 821-826
1509171 CIFAg Cd0.6 Zn0.4P m -3 m3.267; 3.267; 3.267
90; 90; 90
34.87Katada, K.; Matsuo, Y.; Minamigawa, S.
Phase relations of the Ag Cd - Ag - Mg and Ag Cd - Ag Zn quasibinary alloys
Scripta Metallurgica, 1978, 12, 821-826
1509172 CIFAg Cd0.7 Mg0.3P m -3 m3.3248; 3.3248; 3.3248
90; 90; 90
36.753Minamigawa, S.; Matsuo, Y.; Katada, K.
Phase relations of the AgCd - AgMg and AgCd - AgZn quasibinary alloys
Scripta Metallurgica, 1978, 12, 821-826
1509456 CIFAg MgP m -3 m3.3114; 3.3114; 3.3114
90; 90; 90
36.311Matsuo, Y.; Katada, K.; Minamigawa, S.
Phase relations of the Ag Cd - Ag Mg and Ag Cd - Ag Zn quasibinary alloys
Scripta Metallurgica, 1978, 12, 821-826
1509770 CIFAg2 Cd MgF m -3 m6.639; 6.639; 6.639
90; 90; 90
292.623Katada, K.; Minamigawa, S.; Matsuo, Y.
Phase relations of the Ag Cd - Ag Mg and Ag Cd - Ag Zn quasibinary alloys
Scripta Metallurgica, 1978, 12, 821-826
1510633 CIFB2 Co5 Ti3P 4/m b m8.489; 8.489; 3.038
90; 90; 90
218.928Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
The crystal structure of Ti3 Co5 B2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 458-461
1510767 CIFB2 Mo5 SiI 4/m c m6.01; 6.01; 11.049
90; 90; 90
399.091Aronsson, B.
The crystal structure of Mo5 Si B2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1958, 12, 31-37
1511028 CIFB Ce O5 SiP 316.85; 6.85; 6.7
90; 90; 120
272.262Voronkov, A.A.; Pyatenko, Yu.A.
X-ray diffraction study of the atomic structure of stillwellite Ce B O (Si O4)
Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 258-265
1511066 CIFB Co3P b n m4.408; 5.225; 5.211
90; 90; 90
120.019Rundqvist, S.
Crystal structure of Ni3 B and Co3 B
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1958, 12, 658-662
1511118 CIFB F Mg2 O3P n a m9.33; 9.39; 3.098
90; 90; 90
271.412Brovkin, A.A.; Kuz'min, E.A.; Pyatkin, S.L.; Nikishova, L.V.
Crystal structure of beta-Mg2 B O3 F
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 183-184
1511169 CIFB Ge0.3 Mo1.7F d d d :215.41; 7.86; 4.57
90; 90; 90
553.53Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Marko, M.A.; Saakyan, L.S.
X-ray study of molybdenum-germanium-boron and tungsten-germanium- boron systems
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1976, 12, 1307-1309
1511279 CIFB O3 Tl3P 63/m9.275; 9.275; 3.775
90; 90; 120
281.239Marchand, R.; Piffard, Y.; Tournoux, M.
Structure et filiation structurale de phases Tl6 S O7 et Tl3 B O3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1975, 12, 210-217
1511285 CIFB O3 YP 1 1 m6.544; 6.544; 8.81
90; 90; 120
326.733Morgan, P.E.D.; Carroll, P.J.; Lange, F.F.
Crystal structure of Y Si O2 N and a reappraisal of the "vaterite" type, Y B O3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 251-260
1511329 CIFB Si2 Ti6P -6 2 m6.8015; 6.8015; 3.33771
90; 90; 120
133.718Rogl, P.; Grytsiv, A.V.; Coelho, G.C.; Suzuki, P.A.; Nunes, C.A.; Rodrigues, G.; Ramos, A.S.
Ti6 Si2 B, a new ternary phase in the Ti - Si - B system
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 487-491
1511353 CIFB10 Ce3 Co29 Si4P 4/n m m :211.206; 11.206; 7.8641
90; 90; 90
987.53Campbell, S.J.; Edge, A.V.J.; Zhang, H.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511354 CIFB10 Co29 Dy3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.1893; 11.1893; 7.8581
90; 90; 90
983.838Edge, A.V.J.; Campbell, S.J.; Zhang, H.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511355 CIFB10 Co29 Er3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.175; 11.175; 7.851
90; 90; 90
980.438Zhang, H.; Campbell, S.J.; Edge, A.V.J.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511356 CIFB10 Co29 Gd3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.209; 11.209; 7.8709
90; 90; 90
988.913Zhang, H.; Campbell, S.J.; Edge, A.V.J.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511357 CIFB10 Co29 Ho3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.182; 11.182; 7.853
90; 90; 90
981.917Campbell, S.J.; Edge, A.V.J.; Zhang, H.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511358 CIFB10 Co29 La3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.287; 11.287; 7.9193
90; 90; 90
1008.89Campbell, S.J.; Zhang, H.; Edge, A.V.J.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511359 CIFB10 Co29 Lu3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.164; 11.164; 7.843
90; 90; 90
977.511Edge, A.V.J.; Zhang, H.; Campbell, S.J.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511360 CIFB10 Co29 Nd3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.2405; 11.2405; 7.8905
90; 90; 90
996.956Zhang, H.; Edge, A.V.J.; Campbell, S.J.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511361 CIFB10 Co29 Pr3 Si4P 4/n m m :211.2456; 11.2456; 7.8912
90; 90; 90
997.949Zhang, H.; Edge, A.V.J.; Campbell, S.J.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511362 CIFB10 Co29 Si4 Sm3P 4/n m m :211.2201; 11.2201; 7.8772
90; 90; 90
991.666Edge, A.V.J.; Campbell, S.J.; Zhang, H.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511365 CIFB10 Co29 Si4 Tb3P 4/n m m :211.1944; 11.1944; 7.8615
90; 90; 90
985.161Campbell, S.J.; Edge, A.V.J.; Zhang, H.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511366 CIFB10 Co29 Si4 Tm3P 4/n m m :211.172; 11.172; 7.85
90; 90; 90
979.787Zhang, H.; Campbell, S.J.; Edge, A.V.J.
Formation and structure of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R3 Co29 M4 B10
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 159-166
1511558 CIFB5 W2R -3 m :H3.011; 3.011; 20.93
90; 90; 120
164.332Plakhina, A.M.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Serebrjakova, T.I.
About polymorphic transformation of W2 B5
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1967, 12, 559-560
1513327 CIF
C5 H10 OP 1 21/c 117.882; 5.4573; 9.6817
90; 104.699; 90
913.9Moggach, S. A.; Allan, D. R.; Lozano-Casal, P.; Parsons, S.
High-pressure polymorphism of cyclopentanol (C5H10O): the structure of cyclopentanol phase-V at 1.5 GPa
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2005, 12, 590-597
1513328 CIF
C6 H12 N2 O4 S2P 61 2 25.4203; 5.4203; 55.98
90; 90; 120
1424.3Moggach, Stephen A.; Allan, David R.; Parsons, Simon; Sawyer, Lindsay; Warren, John E.
The effect of pressure on the crystal structure of hexagonalL-cystine
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2005, 12, 598-607
1513329 CIF
C6 H12 N2 O4 S2P 61 2 25.403; 5.403; 55.984
90; 90; 120
1415.35Moggach, Stephen A.; Allan, David R.; Parsons, Simon; Sawyer, Lindsay; Warren, John E.
The effect of pressure on the crystal structure of hexagonalL-cystine
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2005, 12, 598-607
1513330 CIF
C6 H12 N2 O4 S2P 61 2 25.3524; 5.3524; 55.087
90; 90; 120
1366.7Moggach, Stephen A.; Allan, David R.; Parsons, Simon; Sawyer, Lindsay; Warren, John E.
The effect of pressure on the crystal structure of hexagonalL-cystine
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2005, 12, 598-607
1513331 CIF
C6 H12 N2 O4 S2P 61 2 25.3141; 5.3141; 54.291
90; 90; 120
1327.75Moggach, Stephen A.; Allan, David R.; Parsons, Simon; Sawyer, Lindsay; Warren, John E.
The effect of pressure on the crystal structure of hexagonalL-cystine
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2005, 12, 598-607
1513332 CIF
C6 H12 N2 O4 S2P 61 2 25.2663; 5.2663; 53.549
90; 90; 120
1286.15Moggach, Stephen A.; Allan, David R.; Parsons, Simon; Sawyer, Lindsay; Warren, John E.
The effect of pressure on the crystal structure of hexagonalL-cystine
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2005, 12, 598-607
1514036 CIFLi1.08 Mn1.92 O3.99F d -3 m :28.241; 8.241; 8.241
90; 90; 90
559.68Tu, X. Y.; Shu, K. Y.
X-ray diffraction study on phase transition of orthorhombic Li Mn O2 in electrochemical conversions
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2008, 12, 245-249
1514037 CIFLi0.5 Mn0.5 OF m -3 m4.121; 4.121; 4.121
90; 90; 90
69.99Tu, X. Y.; Shu, K. Y.
X-ray diffraction study on phase transition of orthorhombic Li Mn O2 in electrochemical conversions
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2008, 12, 245-249
1514237 CIFMn OF m -3 m4.451; 4.451; 4.451
90; 90; 90
88.2Trukhanov, S. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bobrikov, I. A.; Simkin, V. G.; Balagurov, A. M.
Structure phase separation in the anion-deficient La0.70 Sr0.30 Mn O3- d manganite system
Poverkhnostnye Fizika, Khimiya, Mekhanika, 2007, 12, 11-17
1514874 CIFC23 H13 N O2 S2P 1 21/c 18.1311; 15.2998; 14.1896
90; 104.87; 90
1706.13Sarker, Majher I.; Shahrin, Tasnuva; Steinmetz, Mark G.; Timerghazin, Qadir K.
Photochemical electrocyclic ring closure and leaving group expulsion from N-(9-oxothioxanthenyl)benzothiophene carboxamides.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2013, 12, 309-322
1514875 CIFC36 H27 N7P 21 21 219.807; 10.079; 29.603
90; 90; 90
2926.1Bahrenburg, Julia; Sievers, Claudia M.; Schönborn, Jan Boyke; Hartke, Bernd; Renth, Falk; Temps, Friedrich; Näther, Christian; Sönnichsen, Frank D
Photochemical properties of multi-azobenzene compounds.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2013, 12, 511-518
1514876 CIFC44 H52 N6 O9P -113.322; 13.735; 14.199
67.748; 63.947; 64.564
2049.2Farrán, Angeles; Mohanraj, John; Clarkson, Guy J.; Claramunt, Rosa M.; Herranz, Fernando; Accorsi, Gianluca
Tuning photoinduced processes of covalently bound isoalloxazine and anthraquinone bichromophores.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2013, 12, 813-822
1514877 CIFC38 H38 N4 O7P 1 21/c 17.28715; 29.6837; 14.4618
90; 94.412; 90
3118.96Farrán, Angeles; Mohanraj, John; Clarkson, Guy J.; Claramunt, Rosa M.; Herranz, Fernando; Accorsi, Gianluca
Tuning photoinduced processes of covalently bound isoalloxazine and anthraquinone bichromophores.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2013, 12, 813-822
1514878 CIFC38 H38 N4 O7P -114.7145; 15.495; 15.5967
72.967; 77.681; 71.913
3202.6Farrán, Angeles; Mohanraj, John; Clarkson, Guy J.; Claramunt, Rosa M.; Herranz, Fernando; Accorsi, Gianluca
Tuning photoinduced processes of covalently bound isoalloxazine and anthraquinone bichromophores.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2013, 12, 813-822
1514879 CIFC19.5 H16.5 N1.5 O9 TbP -19.9199; 10.4905; 13.4316
105.687; 101.88; 94.436
1303.68Wang, Hong-Ming; Yang, Yang-Yi; Zeng, Cheng-Hui; Chu, Tian-Shu; Zhu, Yi-Min; Ng, Seik Weng
A highly luminescent terbium-organic framework for reversible detection of mercury ions in aqueous solution.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2013, 12, 1700-1706
1519620 CIFC23 H29 N3 O6P 1 21 19.7456; 10.052; 12.315
90; 107.912; 90
1147.93Maguire, Courtney K.; Brunskill, Andrew P. J.
Assessment of the Stoichiometry of Multicomponent Crystals Using Only X-ray Powder Diffraction Data.
Molecular pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 2061-2067
1519621 CIFC22 H27 N3 O6P 1 21 19.4995; 9.7624; 12.7614
90; 111.666; 90
1099.86Maguire, Courtney K.; Brunskill, Andrew P. J.
Assessment of the Stoichiometry of Multicomponent Crystals Using Only X-ray Powder Diffraction Data.
Molecular pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 2061-2067
1520674 CIFC28 H33 N3 Na O10 Re SP 1 21/c 131.609; 10.4939; 9.2829
90; 96.146; 90
3061.5Jia, Jianhua; Cui, Mengchao; Dai, Jiapei; Liu, Boli
(99m)Tc(CO)3-Labeled Benzothiazole Derivatives Preferentially Bind Cerebrovascular Amyloid: Potential Use as Imaging Agents for Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy.
Molecular pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 2937-2946
1520723 CIFC22 H29 N3 O5P 1 21/c 113.212; 9.1505; 18.16
90; 105.195; 90
2118.7Braun, Doris E.; Koztecki, Lien H.; McMahon, Jennifer A.; Price, Sarah L.; Reutzel-Edens, Susan M
Navigating the Waters of Unconventional Crystalline Hydrates.
Molecular pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3069-3088
1520724 CIFC22 H28.46 N3 O4.73C 1 2/c 126.498; 9.6469; 20.342
90; 128.706; 90
4057.8Braun, Doris E.; Koztecki, Lien H.; McMahon, Jennifer A.; Price, Sarah L.; Reutzel-Edens, Susan M
Navigating the Waters of Unconventional Crystalline Hydrates.
Molecular pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3069-3088
1520725 CIFC22 H28.9 N3 O4.95C 1 2/c 126.663; 9.634; 20.863
90; 128.322; 90
4204Braun, Doris E.; Koztecki, Lien H.; McMahon, Jennifer A.; Price, Sarah L.; Reutzel-Edens, Susan M
Navigating the Waters of Unconventional Crystalline Hydrates.
Molecular pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3069-3088
1521052 CIFCa Ni2 Si2I 4/m m m3.987; 3.987; 9.672
90; 90; 90
153.748Gavoille, G.; Hansen, N.K.; Welter, R.; Krane, H.G.; Malaman, B.; Herzig, P.
Electron density of Ca Ni2 Si2 studied using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and first-principles calculations
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 2667-2679
1521105 CIFFe0.1 La0.7 Mn0.9 O3 Pb0.3R -3 c :H5.5235; 5.5235; 13.398
90; 90; 120
353.997Gutierrez, J.; Pena, A.; Barandiaran, J.M.; Pizarro, J.L.; Lezama, L.; Insausti, M.; Rojo, T.
Structural, magnetic and magnetotransport properties of La0.7 Pb0.3 Mn0.9 TM0.1 O3 (TM = Fe, Co, Ni) CMR perovskites
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 10523-10534
1521106 CIFLa0.7 Mn0.9 Ni0.1 O3 Pb0.3R -3 c :H5.492; 5.492; 13.331
90; 90; 120
348.221Gutierrez, J.; Barandiaran, J.M.; Pena, A.; Rojo, T.; Pizarro, J.L.; Insausti, M.; Lezama, L.
Structural, magnetic and magnetotransport properties of La0.7 Pb0.3Mn0.9 TM0.1 O3 (TM = Fe, Co, Ni) CMR perovskites
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 10523-10534
1521115 CIFCe Ir O6 Sr2P 1 21/n 15.8341; 5.8436; 8.2559
90; 90.195; 90
281.46Harada, D.; Hinatsu, Y.; Wakeshima, M.; Ohoyama, K.; Yamaguchi, Y.
Magnetic and neutron diffraction study on iridium(IV) perovskites Sr2 Ln Ir O6 (Ln = Ce, Tb)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 3229-3239
1521116 CIFIr O6 Sr2 TbP 1 21/n 15.7604; 5.7506; 8.1371
90; 90.089; 90
269.547Harada, D.; Wakeshima, M.; Hinatsu, Y.; Ohoyama, K.; Yamaguchi, Y.
Magnetic and neutron diffraction study on iridium(IV) perovskites Sr2 Ln Ir O6 (Ln = Ce, Tb)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 3229-3239
1521125 CIFFe1.9 Mn0.968 Na1.304 O11.86 P2.842C 1 2/c 112.018; 12.565; 6.415
90; 114.33; 90
882.672Hatert, F.; Keller, P.; Lissner, F.; Antenucci, D.; Fransolet, A.M.
First experimental evidence of alluaudite-like phosphates with high Li-content: the (Na1-x Lix) Mn Fe2 (P O4)3 series (x=0 to 1)
European Journal of Mineralogy (1,1989-), 2000, 12, 847-857
1521126 CIFCa0.4 La0.6 Mn O3P b n m5.442; 5.4538; 7.6792
90; 90; 90
227.915Ganguly, R.; Siruguri, V.; Gopalakrishnan, I.K.; Yakhmi, J.V.
Stability of the layered Sr3 Ti2 O7 structure in La1.2 (Sr1-x Cax)1.8 Mn2 O7
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 1683-1689
1521127 CIFFe1.8 Li0.508 Mn0.908 Na0.712 O11.4 P2.732C 1 2/c 111.988; 12.5; 6.392
90; 114.67; 90
870.416Hatert, F.; Keller, P.; Lissner, F.; Antenucci, D.; Fransolet, A.M.
First experimental evidence of alluaudite-like phosphates with high Li-content: the (Na1-x Lix) Mn Fe2 (P O4)3 series (x=0 to 1)
European Journal of Mineralogy (1,1989-), 2000, 12, 847-857
1521175 CIFAl O3 PrR -3 c :H5.3504; 5.3504; 13.0474
90; 90; 120
323.465Howard, C.J.; Kennedy, B.J.; Chakoumakos, B.C.
Neutron powder diffraction study of rhombohedral rare-earth aluminates and the rhombohedral to cubic phase transition
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 349-365
1521178 CIFAl Nd O3R -3 c :H5.3391; 5.3391; 12.9958
90; 90; 120
320.826Howard, C.J.; Chakoumakos, B.C.; Kennedy, B.J.
Neutron powder diffraction study of rhombohedral rare-earth aluminates and the rhombohedral to cubic phase transition
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 349-365
1521190 CIFAl La O3R -3 c :H5.3598; 5.3598; 13.0859
90; 90; 120
325.56Howard, C.J.; Kennedy, B.J.; Chakoumakos, B.C.
Neutron powder diffraction study of rhombohedral rare-earth aluminates and the rhombohedral to cubic phase transition
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 349-365
1521195 CIFAl La O3P m -3 m3.8116; 3.8116; 3.8116
90; 90; 90
55.376Howard, C.J.; Kennedy, B.J.; Chakoumakos, B.C.
Neutron powder diffraction study of rhombohedral rare-earth aluminates and the rhombohedral to cubic phase transition
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 349-365
1521252 CIFFe0.5 Nb0.5 O3 PbR 3 m :R4.0123; 4.0123; 4.0123
89.98; 89.98; 89.98
64.592Ivanov, S.A.; Tellgren, R.; Thomas, N.W.; Rundlof, H.; Ananta, S.
Investigation of the structure of the relaxor ferroelectric Pb (Fe1/2 Nb1/2) O3 by neutron diffraction
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 2393-2400
1521315 CIFAl13.68 Ca0.63 D123.52 N12.8 Na0.41 O180.16 Si58.32F m m m13.601; 18.232; 17.81
90; 90; 90
4416.41Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.; Rapacciuolo, M.T.; Sacerdoti, M.; Ciambelli, P.; McIntyre, G.J.
Single crystal neutron diffraction study of the natural zeolite barrerite in its (N D4) - exchanged form
European Journal of Mineralogy (1,1989-), 2000, 12, 1123-1129
1521364 CIFCu2 Hg0.62 La0.55 Mo0.38 O6.93 Sr2.45P 4/m m m3.8665; 3.8665; 12.0802
90; 90; 90
180.597Kandyel, E.
Studies on (Hg0.7 Mo0.3) Sr2 (Sr1-x Lax)Cu2 Oz with a wide range of doping state
Journal of Superconductivity, 1999, 12, 403-408
1521366 CIFBi0.3 Ca1.74 Cu3 Hg0.7 O8.91 Sr2.26P 4/m m m3.815; 3.815; 15.255
90; 90; 90
222.025Kandyel, E.; Adachi, S.; Wu, X.-J.; Tajima, S.
Structural and superconducting properties of (Hg~0.7~Bi~0.3~)Sr~2~Ca~n-1~Cu~n~O~x~ (n = 3,4) superconductors synthesized under high pressure
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 1168-1174
1521367 CIFBi0.3 Ca3 Cu4 Hg0.7 O10.74 Sr2P 4/m m m3.82; 3.82; 18.27
90; 90; 90
266.603Kandyel, E.; Adachi, S.; Wu, X.-J.; Tajima, S.
Structural and superconducting properties of (Hg~0.7~Bi~0.3~)Sr~2~Ca~n-1~Cu~n~O~x~ (n = 3,4) superconductors synthesized under high pressure
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 1168-1174
1521371 CIFCu0.978 In Se1.988I -4 2 d5.7955; 5.7955; 11.6464
90; 90; 90
391.177Kaplan, L.; Leitus, G.; Lyakhovitskaya, V.; Frolow, F.; Hallak, H.; Kvick, A.; Cahen, D.
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction evidence for native defects in the photovoltaic semiconductor Cu In Se2
Advanced Materials, 2000, 12, 366-370
1521373 CIFCu0.974 In Se1.989I -4 2 d5.7877; 5.7877; 11.6274
90; 90; 90
389.488Kaplan, L.; Leitus, G.; Lyakhovitskaya, V.; Frolow, F.; Hallak, H.; Kvick, A.; Cahen, D.
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction evidence for native defects in the photovoltaic semiconductor Cu In Se2
Advanced Materials, 2000, 12, 366-370
1521461 CIFBa1.5 Cu3 La1.5 O7.035P 4/m m m3.9104; 3.9104; 11.6839
90; 90; 90
178.661Kulkarni, R. G.; Subbarao, M. V.
X-ray structural studies of the superconducting La~3.5-x-y~Nd~y~Ca~2x~Ba~3.5-x~Cu~7~O~z~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 172-176
1521462 CIFBa1.46 Ca0.09 Cu3 La1.41 Nd0.04 O7.04P 4/m m m3.9034; 3.9034; 11.67
90; 90; 90
177.81Kulkarni, R. G.; Subbarao, M. V.
X-ray structural studies of the superconducting La~3.5-x-y~Nd~y~Ca~2x~Ba~3.5-x~Cu~7~O~z~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 172-176
1521463 CIFBa1.41 Ca0.17 Cu3 La1.33 Nd0.09 O7.053P 4/m m m3.8941; 3.8941; 11.6589
90; 90; 90
176.796Kulkarni, R. G.; Subbarao, M. V.
X-ray structural studies of the superconducting La~3.5-x-y~Nd~y~Ca~2x~Ba~3.5-x~Cu~7~O~z~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 172-176
1521464 CIFBa1.37 Ca0.25 Cu3 La1.25 Nd0.13 O7.069P 4/m m m3.8866; 3.8866; 11.6511
90; 90; 90
175.998Kulkarni, R. G.; Subbarao, M. V.
X-ray structural studies of the superconducting La~3.5-x-y~Nd~y~Ca~2x~Ba~3.5-x~Cu~7~O~z~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 172-176
1521465 CIFBa1.33 Ca0.34 Cu3 La1.16 Nd0.17 O7.078P 4/m m m3.8734; 3.8734; 11.6232
90; 90; 90
174.386Kulkarni, R. G.; Subbarao, M. V.
X-ray structural studies of the superconducting La~3.5-x-y~Nd~y~Ca~2x~Ba~3.5-x~Cu~7~O~z~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 172-176
1521466 CIFBa1.29 Ca0.43 Cu3 La1.07 Nd0.21 O7.083P 4/m m m3.866; 3.866; 11.6222
90; 90; 90
173.705Kulkarni, R. G.; Subbarao, M. V.
X-ray structural studies of the superconducting La~3.5-x-y~Nd~y~Ca~2x~Ba~3.5-x~Cu~7~O~z~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 172-176
1521467 CIFBa1.24 Ca0.51 Cu3 La0.99 Nd0.26 O7.085P 4/m m m3.8615; 3.8615; 11.6124
90; 90; 90
173.155Kulkarni, R. G.; Subbarao, M. V.
X-ray structural studies of the superconducting La~3.5-x-y~Nd~y~Ca~2x~Ba~3.5-x~Cu~7~O~z~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 1999, 12, 172-176
1521481 CIFFe0.5 O3 Pb Ta0.5P m -3 m4.0097; 4.0097; 4.0097
90; 90; 90
64.467Lampis, N.; Geddo Lehmann, A.; Sciau, P.
Rietveld refinement of the paraelectric and ferroelectric structures of Pb Fe0.5 Ta0.5 O3
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 2367-2378
1521482 CIFFe0.5 O3 Pb Ta0.5C 1 m 15.6687; 5.661; 4.0083
90; 89.853; 90
128.628Lampis, N.; Sciau, P.; Geddo Lehmann, A.
Rietveld refinement of the paraelectric and ferroelectric structures of Pb Fe0.5 Ta0.5 O3
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 2367-2378
1521693 CIFD K3 O8 Se2A 1 2/a 110.08029; 5.87311; 14.86206
90; 103.617; 90
855.141Onoda-Yamamuro, N.; Yamamuro, O.; Matsuo, T.; Ichikawa, M.; Ibberson, R.M.; David, W.I.F.
Neutron diffraction study on hydrogen bond structure in K3 H (Se O4)2 and K3 D (Se O4)2 crystals
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8559-8565
1521745 CIFNb0.52 O3 Pb Sc0.48R 3 m :H5.7644; 5.7644; 7.0859
90; 90; 120
203.908Perrin, C.; Menguy, N.; Suard, E.; Muller, C.; Caranoni, C.; Stepanov, A.
Neutron diffraction study of the relaxor-ferroelectric phase transition in disordered Pb (Sc1/2 Nb1/2) O3
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 7523-7539
1521746 CIFNb0.52 O3 Pb Sc0.48P m -3 m4.0823; 4.0823; 4.0823
90; 90; 90
68.032Perrin, C.; Stepanov, A.; Menguy, N.; Muller, C.; Suard, E.; Caranoni, C.
Neutron diffraction study of the relaxor-ferroelectric phase transition in disordered Pb (Sc1/2 Nb1/2) O3
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 7523-7539
1521843 CIFBa2 Fe0.92 Mo0.93 O5.69F m -3 m8.0121; 8.0121; 8.0121
90; 90; 90
514.327Ritter, C.; Ibarra, M.R.; Morellon, L.; Blasco, J.; Garcia, J.; de Teresa, J.M.
Structural and magnetic properties of double perovskites A A' Fe Mo O6 (AA' = Ba2, BaSr, Sr2, Ca)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8295-8308
1521844 CIFBa Fe0.95 Mo0.97 O5.84 SrF m -3 m7.9272; 7.9272; 7.9272
90; 90; 90
498.149Ritter, C.; de Teresa, J.M.; Morellon, L.; Ibarra, M.R.; Blasco, J.; Garcia, J.
Structural and magnetic properties of double perovskites A A' Fe Mo O6 (AA' = Ba2, BaSr, Sr2, Ca)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8295-8308
1521845 CIFCa2 Fe0.94 Mo1.06 O6P 1 21/n 15.4277; 5.5221; 7.7248
90; 90.015; 90
231.53Ritter, C.; Ibarra, M.R.; Morellon, L.; Blasco, J.; Garcia, J.; de Teresa, J.M.
Structural and magnetic properties of double perovskites A A' Fe Mo O6 (AA' = Ba2, BaSr, Sr2, Ca)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8295-8308
1521846 CIFFe0.97 Mo0.94 O5.81 Sr2P 42/m5.5741; 5.5741; 7.9243
90; 90; 90
246.213Ritter, C.; Ibarra, M.R.; Garcia, J.; Morellon, L.; Blasco, J.; de Teresa, J.M.
Structural and magnetic properties of double perovskites A A' Fe Mo O6 (AA' = Ba2, BaSr, Sr2, Ca)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8295-8308
1521847 CIFFe0.97 Mo0.94 O5.81 Sr2F m -3 m7.91904; 7.91904; 7.91904
90; 90; 90
496.612Ritter, C.; de Teresa, J.M.; Ibarra, M.R.; Morellon, L.; Garcia, J.; Blasco, J.
Structural and magnetic properties of double perovskites A A' Fe Mo O6 (AA' = Ba2, BaSr, Sr2, Ca)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8295-8308
1521885 CIFCl2 D18 N6 NiF m -3 m10.06; 10.06; 10.06
90; 90; 90
1018.11Schiebel, P.; Kearley, G.J.; Burger, K.; Lehmann, M.; Buettner, H.G.; Prandl, W.
(N D3)-density distribution in orientationally disordered Ni (N D3)6 Cl2 observed by means of neutron Laue diffraction
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8567-8576
1521951 CIFAl1.4 F0.8 Fe0.04 H1.2 K Mg0.75 O11.2 Si3.81P 31 1 25.211; 5.211; 29.689
90; 90; 120
698.182Smyth, J.R.; Jacobsen, S.D.; Domanik, K.; Swope, R.J.; Arlt, T.; Angel, R.J.; Holloway, J.R.
Crystal structures and compressibilities of synthetic 2M1 and 3T phengite micas
European Journal of Mineralogy (1,1989-), 2000, 12, 955-963
1522000 CIFC60 Sm2.75P b c a28.19699; 28.23499; 28.16089
90; 90; 90
22420.1Sun, Z.; Chen, X.H.; Takenobu, T.; Iwasa, Y.
Structure and Raman behaviour of Sm2.75 C60
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 8919-8926
1522050 CIFBa Co2 Nd O5.76P 4/m m m3.90362; 3.90362; 7.60938
90; 90; 90
115.954Troyanchuk, I.O.; Solovykh, T.K.; Khalyavin, D.D.; Szymczak, H.; Huang, Q.; Lynn, J.W.
Magnetic and crystal structure phase transitions in R1-x Bax Co O3-y (R = Nd, Gd)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2000, 12, 2485-2493
1522276 CIFNb5 NiF d -3 m :111.642; 11.642; 11.642
90; 90; 90
1577.91Kripyakevich, P.I.; Pylaeva, E.N.
Crystalline structures of some compounds in the Nb-Ni and Ta-Ni systems
Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 350-352
1522278 CIFNi2 TaI 4/m m m3.16; 3.16; 7.95
90; 90; 90
79.386Kripyakevich, P.I.; Pylaeva, E.N.
Crystal structure of some compounds in the Nb-Ni and Ta-Ni systems
Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 350-352
1522800 CIFOs0.2 Pt0.8F m -3 m3.9049; 3.9049; 3.9049
90; 90; 90
59.543Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of some h.c.p. binary alloys of rhenium and osmium. Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt, Os-Ir, Os-Pt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 79-81
1522801 CIFOs0.9 Pt0.1P 63/m m c2.7361; 2.7361; 4.3247
90; 90; 120
28.038Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of some h.c.p. binary alloys of rhenium and osmium. Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt, Os-Ir, Os-Pt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 79-81
1522802 CIFIr0.8 Os0.2F m -3 m3.8358; 3.8358; 3.8358
90; 90; 90
56.438Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of some hcp binary alloys of rhenium and osmium: Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt; Os-Ir, Os-Pt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 79-81
1522803 CIFIr0.35 Os0.65P 63/m m c2.7361; 2.7361; 4.3417
90; 90; 120
28.148Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of some hcp binary alloys of rhenium and osmium: Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt; Os-Ir, Os-Pt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 79-81
1522804 CIFIr0.4 Re0.6P 63/m m c2.7545; 2.7545; 4.3739
90; 90; 120
28.74Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of some hcp binary alloys of rhenium and osmium: Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt; Os-Ir, Os-Pt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 79-81
1523206 CIFNi5 ThP 6/m m m4.929; 4.929; 3.999
90; 90; 120
84.139Ban, Z.; Sikirica, M.; Raseta, R.
X-ray studies in the system Th Ni5-x Alx
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 478-482
1523300 CIFPt3 ScP m -3 m3.954; 3.954; 3.954
90; 90; 90
61.817Bronger, W.
Preparation and X-ray investigation of platinum alloys with the rare earth metals (Pt5 Ln and Pt3 Ln phases)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 63-68
1523534 CIFGa PuI 4/m m m3.32; 3.32; 4.033
90; 90; 90
44.453Ellinger, F.H.; Land, C.C.; Struebing, V.O.
The plutonium-gallium system
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1964, 12, 226-236
1523535 CIFGa Pu3P 4/m m m4.469; 4.469; 4.527
90; 90; 90
90.413Ellinger, F.H.; Land, C.C.; Struebing, V.O.
The plutonium-gallium system
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1964, 12, 226-236
1523536 CIFGa0.099 Pu0.901F m -3 m4.5551; 4.5551; 4.5551
90; 90; 90
94.513Ellinger, F.H.; Land, C.C.; Struebing, V.O.
The plutonium-gallium system
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1964, 12, 226-236
1523537 CIFGa2 PuP 6/m m m4.248; 4.248; 4.12
90; 90; 120
64.387Ellinger, F.H.; Land, C.C.; Struebing, V.O.
The plutonium-gallium system
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1964, 12, 226-236
1523776 CIFMo Ni4I 4/m5.72; 5.72; 3.564
90; 90; 90
116.608Harker, D.
The crystal structure of Ni4 Mo
Journal of Applied Physics, 1944, 12, 315-317
1523873 CIFGd2 Zn17R -3 m :H8.994; 8.994; 13.169
90; 90; 120
922.548Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
Zinc-rich phases of the rare-earth-zinc alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 333-343
1523981 CIFCl3 Fe KP n m a8.712; 3.845; 14.15
90; 90; 90
473.992Amit, M.; Makovsky, J.; Horowitz, A.
Preparation and crystal structure of K Fe Cl3 and K Fe Br3
Israel Journal of Chemistry, 1974, 12, 827-830
1524096 CIFO3 Sb TlP 63 2 25.31; 5.31; 14.25
90; 90; 120
347.964Bouchama, M.; Tournoux, M.
Polytypisme de Tl Sb O3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1975, 12, 80-92
1524243 CIFCs2 F6 Mn NiR -3 m :H6.209; 6.209; 29.98999
90; 90; 120
1001.27Dance, J.M.; Grannec, J.; Perrin, M.; Tressaud, A.
Reparation cationique et structure magnetique de Cs2 Mn Ni F6
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 989-994
1524322 CIFS2 Sn TaP 63/m m c3.298; 3.298; 17.4
90; 90; 120
163.901Eppinga, R.; Wiegers, G.A.
The crystal structure of the intercalates Sn Ta S2 and Sn Nb S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 1057-1062
1524323 CIFNb S2 SnP 63/m m c3.324; 3.324; 17.37
90; 90; 120
166.208Eppinga, R.; Wiegers, G.A.
The crystal structure of the intercalates Sn Ta S2 and Sn Nb S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 1057-1062
1524371 CIFCa Nb2 O8 ThI 1 2/c 15.446; 11.207; 5.137
90; 94.7; 90
312.474Fonteneau, G.; l'Helgoualch, H.; Lucas, J.
Les niobates Ca U Nb2 O8 et M Th Nb2 O8 (M= Ca, Sr, Cd). Etudes des transformations monoclinique - quadratique
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 25-34
1524378 CIFS8 Tl V5C 1 2 117.465; 3.301; 8.519
90; 103.94; 90
476.672Founes, L.; Vlasse, M.; Saux, M.
Preparation, properties and crystal structure of Tl V5 S8
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 1-6
1524581 CIFDy2 Zn17P 63/m m c8.956; 8.956; 8.776
90; 90; 120
609.615Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
Zinc-rich phases of the rare earth-zinc alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 333-343
1524598 CIFSb30 Zn36R -3 c :H12.231; 12.231; 12.417
90; 90; 120
1608.69Ignat'ev, N.A.; Ugai, Ya.A.; Aleinikova, K.B.; Rabotkina, N.S.
Structure of beta-Zn4 Sb3 and Cd4 Sb3
Journal of Structural Chemistry (USSR) (= Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii), 1971, 12, 665-666
1524636 CIFCe Mn2.5 Ni2.5P 6/m m m5.098; 5.098; 4.171
90; 90; 120
93.879Kal'ichak, Ya.M.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Bodak, O.I.
The system Ce-Mn-Ni
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1976, 12, 1149-1154
1524710 CIFK O9 W3C m m m7.302; 12.713; 3.627
90; 90; 90
336.696Klug, A.
X-ray diffraction studies of potassium polytungstates with high W O3 content
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 837-845
1524758 CIFCo6.5 Ta6.5R -3 m :H4.905; 4.905; 26.33
90; 90; 120
548.605Kripyakevich, P.I.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Skolozdra, R.V.
W6 Fe7-type compounds in the Nb-Fe, Ta-Fe and Ta-Co systems
Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 600-603
1524759 CIFFe6.5 Nb6.5R -3 m :H4.928; 4.928; 26.83
90; 90; 120
564.277Kripyakevich, P.I.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Skolozdra, R.V.
W6 Fe7-type compounds in the Nb-Fe, Ta-Fe and Ta-Co systems
Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 600-603
1524769 CIFCd Li2 PbF -4 3 m6.837; 6.837; 6.837
90; 90; 90
319.593Kuriyama, K.; Yahagi, M.; Iwamura, K.
X-ray analysis of Li2 Cd Pb compound
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1973, 12, 743-744
1524824 CIFBi F4 TlP m n b3.91; 6.51; 7.59
90; 90; 90
193.197Lucat, C.; Portier, J.; Sorbe, P.; Reau, J.M.; Hagenmuller, P.
Synthese et etude de la conductivite anionique de nouveaux electrolytes M Bi F4 (M= K, Rb, Tl)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 145-150
1524928 CIFH18 I2 K4 O18P -17.161; 10.553; 7.081
98.02; 117.13; 90.1
470.278Mikhail, I.
Crystal Structure of K4 (H2 J2 O10) (H2 O)8
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 489-496
1524954 CIFN O2 Si YP 1 1 m7.021; 7.021; 9.1
90; 90; 120
388.481Morgan, P.E.D.; Carroll, P.J.; Lange, F.F.
Crystal structure of Y Si O2 N and a reappraisal of the "vaterite" type, Y B O3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 251-260
1524959 CIFAl15.2 Na15.56 O96 Si32.8C 1 2/m 119.3189; 13.833; 11.849
90; 113.48; 90
2904.32Mortier, W.J.; Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.
Positions of cations and molecules in zeolites with the chabazite framework. III. Dehydrated Na-exchanged chabazite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 241-249
1524960 CIFAl3.8 Ca1.979 O24 Si8.2R -3 m :R9.442; 9.442; 9.442
93.09; 93.09; 93.09
837.958Mortier, W.J.; Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.
Positions of cations and molecules in zeolites with the chabazite framework. I. Dehydrated Ca-exchanged chabazite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 97-102
1524988 CIFMg O8 P2 Zn2P 1 21/n 17.569; 8.355; 5.059
90; 94.95; 90
318.733Nord, A.G.
The cation distribution in Zn2 Mg (P O4)2 determined by X-Ray profile fitting refinements
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 563-568
1524998 CIFCe0.5 Th0.48 Zr0.02F m -3 m5.0793; 5.0793; 5.0793
90; 90; 90
131.042Norman, M.; Raynor, G.V.; Harris, I.R.
Lattice spacings and effective atomic diameters in the ternary system Th-Ce-Zr
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 465-477
1525052 CIFCo2 NbF d -3 m :16.774; 6.774; 6.774
90; 90; 90
310.839PargeterJ, K.; Hume-Rothery, W.
The constitution of niobium-cobalt alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 366-374
1525096 CIFAl3.9 Cu1.82 K0.2 O24 Si8.1R -3 m :R9.31; 9.31; 9.31
92.01; 92.01; 92.01
805.429Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.; Mortier, W.J.
Positions of cations and molecules in zeolites with the chabazite framework. IV. Hydrated and dehydrated Cu2+ exchanged chabazite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 1001-1007
1525097 CIFAl3.9 Cu0.918 H33.72 K0.2 O40.86 Si8.1R -3 m :R9.411; 9.411; 9.411
95.31; 95.31; 95.31
822.056Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.; Mortier, W.J.
Positions of cations and molecules in zeolites with the chabazite framework. IV. Hydrated and dehydrated Cu2+ exchanged chabazite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 1001-1007
1525392 CIFFe0.76 S4 Yb2.16F d -3 m :210.69; 10.69; 10.69
90; 90; 90
1221.61Tomas, A.; Guittard, M.
Une structure derivee de celle du spinelle la structure de Fe0.76 Yb2.16 S4
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 1043-1046
1525506 CIFCo13 LaF m -3 c11.33; 11.33; 11.33
90; 90; 90
1454.42Zarechnyuk, O.S.; Kripyakevich, P.I.
The compound La Co13 and its crystal structure
Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 512-513
1525526 CIFCu3 S8 V4B 1 1 m11.602; 7.325; 6.657
90; 90; 121.83
480.665le Nagard, N.; Collin, G.; Gorochov, O.
Structure cristalline et propprietes physiques de Cu0.75 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 975-982
1527377 CIFBa H4 O8 S4 TeA 1 2/m 14.99; 10.59; 23.61
90; 98; 90
1235.51Foss, O.; Tjomsland, O.
The crystal structure of monoclinic barium telluro pentathionate dihydrate
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1958, 12, 52-62
1527559 CIFSm Zn12I 4/m m m8.927; 8.927; 5.215
90; 90; 90
415.59Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
Zinc-rich phases of the rare-earth-zinc alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 333-343
1527910 CIFDy PdP m -3 m3.486; 3.486; 3.486
90; 90; 90
42.363Palenzona, A.; Cirafici, S.
Thermodynamic and crystallographic properties of Re Pd intermetallic compounds
Thermochimica Acta, 1975, 12, 267-275
1528206 CIFCr3 K O8C 1 2/m 18.593; 5.466; 7.641
90; 96.65; 90
356.478Wilhelmi, K.A.
The crystal structure of K Cr3 O8
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1958, 12, 1965-1976
1528730 CIFBi2 O6 WB 2 c b5.533997; 5.49983; 16.55071
90; 90; 90
503.738McDowell, N.A.; Knight, K.S.; Lightfoot, P.
Unusual high-temperature structural behaviour in ferroelectric Bi2 W O6
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2006, 12, 1493-1499
1528731 CIFBi2 O6 WA 1 2/m 18.37422; 3.854296; 16.44044
90; 102.334; 90
518.396McDowell, N.A.; Knight, K.S.; Lightfoot, P.
Unusual high-temperature structural behaviour in ferroelectric Bi2 W O6
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2006, 12, 1493-1499
1529572 CIFBr6 F18 Na2 Pb11P 63/m14.3421; 14.3421; 4.0528
90; 90; 120
721.957Aurivillius, B.
X-ray studies on mixed sodium lead bromide fluorides with the limiting composition 3Pb F2 * Pb Br2 and similar substances
Chemica Scripta, 1977, 12, 18-22
1529999 CIFAl2 Ca Si2P -3 m 14.13; 4.13; 7.145
90; 90; 120
105.544Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Kripyakevich, P.I.; Bodak, O.I.
The crystal structure of the compound Ca Al2 Si2 and its analogues
Ukrains'kii Fizichnii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition), 1967, 12, 447-452
1530040 CIFF4 K SbP m m n :116.276; 11.549; 4.543
90; 90; 90
853.955Habibi, N.; Ducourant, M.B.; Bonnet, B.; Fourcade, R.
Redetermination de la structure cristalline de K Sb F4 - liaison fluor dans les fluoroantimonates III
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1978, 12, 63-72
1530041 CIFF4 Na SbP 1 21/c 18.068; 5.53; 8.57
90; 94.15; 90
381.357Habibi, N.; Bonnet, B.; Ducourant, M.B.
Redetermination de la structure cristalline du tetrafluoro- antimonate III de sodium Na Sb F4 - interaction liaison fluor-paire electronique libre
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1978, 12, 237-247
1530053 CIFLi Mg O4 PP n m a10.147; 5.909; 4.692
90; 90; 90
281.326Hanic, F.; Handlovic, M.; Burdova, K.; Majling, J.
Crystal structure of lithium magnesium phosphate, Li Mg P O4: crystal chemistry of the olivine-type compounds
Journal of Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Research, 1982, 12, 99-127
1530110 CIFCl3 Cs PbP m -3 m5.605; 5.605; 5.605
90; 90; 90
176.087Hutton, J.; Meyer, G.M.; Nelmes, R.J.; Eiriksson, V.R.
High-resolution studies of cubic Perovskites by elastic neutron diffraction - Cs Pb Cl3
Journal of Physics C, 1979, 12, 5393-5410
1530562 CIFBa Fe2 H2 O10 Si2 TiP 1 21/m 110.98; 6.8; 5.36
90; 94; 90
399.224Pen, C.C.; Chen, C.C.
The crystal structure of bafertisite - the new mineral discovered in China
Scientia Sinica, 1963, 12, 278-280
1531006 CIFAl K O8 Si3I 4/m9.3244; 9.3244; 2.7227
90; 90; 90
236.724Yamada, H.; Matsui, Y.; Ito, E.
Crystal-chemical characterization of K Al Si3 O8 with the hollandite structure
Mineralogical Journal (Japan), 1984, 12, 29-34
1532921 CIFCe N O2 SiP -6 c 27.256; 7.256; 9.459
90; 90; 120
431.291Morgan, P.E.D.; Carroll, P.J.
The crystal structures of Ce Si O2 N and La Si O2 N
Journal of Materials Science, 1977, 12, 2343-2344
1532923 CIFLa N O2 SiP -6 c 27.31; 7.31; 9.55
90; 90; 120
441.946Morgan, P.E.D.; Carroll, P.J.
The cyrstal structures of Ce Si O2 N and La Si O2 N
Journal of Materials Science, 1977, 12, 2343-2344
1533358 CIFCe Co Ge HP 4/n m m :24.04; 4.04; 7.735
90; 90; 90
126.248Chevalier, B.; Gaudin, E.; Weill, F.; Bobet, J.L.
Hydrogenation and physical properties of the ternary germanide Ce Co Ge : an anisotropic expansion of the unit cell
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 437-442
1533513 CIFAl54.1 Ru28 Ti37.9F m -3 m12.2403; 12.2403; 12.2403
90; 90; 90
1833.9Grytsiv, A.V.; Pomjakushin, V.; Rogl, P.; Giester, G.; Hundegger, P.; Schmidt, H.; Wiesinger, G.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533517 CIFAl59.48 Rh28 Ti32.52F m -3 m12.1841; 12.1841; 12.1841
90; 90; 90
1808.76Grytsiv, A.V.; Wiesinger, G.; Schmidt, H.; Rogl, P.; Giester, G.; Hundegger, P.; Pomjakushin, V.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533521 CIFAl63.5 Pd27.2 Ti28.5F m -3 m12.2286; 12.2286; 12.2286
90; 90; 90
1828.65Grytsiv, A.V.; Wiesinger, G.; Rogl, P.; Schmidt, H.; Hundegger, P.; Giester, G.; Pomjakushin, V.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533524 CIFAl54.7 Os28 Ti37.3F m -3 m12.2747; 12.2747; 12.2747
90; 90; 90
1849.41Grytsiv, A.V.; Rogl, P.; Hundegger, P.; Schmidt, H.; Giester, G.; Pomjakushin, V.; Wiesinger, G.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533528 CIFAl56.74 Ir28 Ti35.26F m -3 m12.2049; 12.2049; 12.2049
90; 90; 90
1818.04Grytsiv, A.V.; Hundegger, P.; Rogl, P.; Schmidt, H.; Wiesinger, G.; Giester, G.; Pomjakushin, V.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533531 CIFAl54.4 Pt27.5 Ti37.6F m -3 m12.2315; 12.2315; 12.2315
90; 90; 90
1829.95Grytsiv, A.V.; Rogl, P.; Giester, G.; Schmidt, H.; Hundegger, P.; Wiesinger, G.; Pomjakushin, V.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533534 CIFAl2.67 Ni0.33 TiP m -3 m3.9316; 3.9316; 3.9316
90; 90; 90
60.773Grytsiv, A.V.; Rogl, P.; Schmidt, H.; Giester, G.; Wiesinger, G.; Hundegger, P.; Pomjakushin, V.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533537 CIFAl2.76 Pt0.24 TiP m -3 m3.96245; 3.96245; 3.96245
90; 90; 90
62.214Grytsiv, A.V.; Rogl, P.; Schmidt, H.; Pomjakushin, V.; Wiesinger, G.; Giester, G.; Hundegger, P.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII)- Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533540 CIFAl2.685 Ni0.315 TiP m -3 m3.92447; 3.92447; 3.92447
90; 90; 90
60.443Grytsiv, A.V.; Rogl, P.; Schmidt, H.; Wiesinger, G.; Giester, G.; Hundegger, P.; Pomjakushin, V.
Formation and crystal chemistry of cubic ternary phases with filled (Th6 Mn23)-type and (Au Cu3)-type in the systems Ti - M(VIII) - Al
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 563-577
1533987 CIFCe Cu5.16 Zn0.84P n m a8.154; 5.057; 10.185
90; 90; 90
419.976Pavlyuk, V.V.; Marciniak, B.; Zelinska, O.Ya.; Rozycka-Sokolowska, E.; Solokha, P.G.
Solubility of zinc in Ce Cu6 intermetallic compound
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 665-669
1534016 CIFSb2 Si2 Tm5C m c a14.768; 7.723; 7.741
90; 90; 90
882.886Kozlov, A.Yu.; Davydov, V.M.; Pavlyuk, V.V.
The crystal structure of the new ternary compounds RE5 Sb2 X2 (RE - Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm; X - Si or Ge)
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 151-155
1534176 CIFCl2 H2 Mo O3P m n 219.16; 3.94; 6.91
90; 90; 90
249.385Atovmyan, L.O.; Aliev, Z.G.
Crystal Structure of a New Mo(IV) Dioxo Complex, Mo O2 Cl2 H2 O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 732-734
1534312 CIFBa2 Fe30 O46R -3 m :H5.88; 5.88; 84.11
90; 90; 120
2518.45Braun, P.B.
The crystal structures of a new group of ferromagnetic compounds
Philips Research Reports, 1957, 12, 491-548
1534313 CIFBa3 Fe26 O41P 63/m m c5.885; 5.885; 52.301
90; 90; 120
1568.68Braun, P.B.
The crystal structures of a new group of ferromagnetic compounds
Philips Research Reports, 1957, 12, 491-548
1534351 CIFC16 H30 N2 O5 SP 6511.4458; 11.4458; 27.7551
90; 90; 120
3148.95Mazzier, Daniela; Carraro, Francesco; Crisma, Marco; Rancan, Marzio; Toniolo, Claudio; Moretto, Alessandro
A terminally protected dipeptide: from crystal structure and self-assembly, through co-assembly with carbon-based materials, to a ternary catalyst for reduction chemistry in water.
Soft matter, 2015, 12, 238-245
1534352 CIFC16 H30 N2 O5 SP 21 21 215.08911; 12.09583; 32.4406
90; 90; 90
1996.95Mazzier, Daniela; Carraro, Francesco; Crisma, Marco; Rancan, Marzio; Toniolo, Claudio; Moretto, Alessandro
A terminally protected dipeptide: from crystal structure and self-assembly, through co-assembly with carbon-based materials, to a ternary catalyst for reduction chemistry in water.
Soft matter, 2015, 12, 238-245
1534580 CIFCo6 Ge6 MgP 6/m m m5.0709; 5.0709; 7.7446
90; 90; 120
172.465Gieck, C.; Cavet, S.; Schreyer, M.; Faessler, T.F.; Claus, P.
Synthesis, crystal structure, and catalytic properties of Mg Co6 Ge6
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2006, 12, 1924-1930
1534597 CIFMg O4 Sb2P 42/m b c8.476; 8.476; 8.476
90; 90; 90
608.938Giroux-Maraine, C.; Perez, G.
Structure cristalline de l'antimonite de magnesium Mg Sb2 O4
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1975, 12, 427-432
1535331 CIFIn1.3 Ir Mg0.7F d d d :29.808; 5.281; 17.973
90; 90; 90
930.93Hlukhyy, V.; Poettgen, R.; Hoffmann, R.D.
Synthesis and crystal structures of the pseudobinary intermetallics Ir In2-x Mgx with orthorhombic Mg2 Cu structure and Ir Mg3-x Inx with hexagonal Cu3 P Type
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 383-387
1535333 CIFIn1.47 Ir Mg0.53F d d d :29.819; 5.288; 17.992
90; 90; 90
934.196Hlukhyy, V.; Hoffmann, R.D.; Poettgen, R.
Synthesis and crystal structures of the pseudobinary intermetallics Ir In2-x Mgx with orthorhombic Mg2 Cu structure and Ir Mg3-x Inx with hexagonal Cu3 P Type
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 383-387
1535337 CIFIn0.97 Ir Mg2.03P 63 c m7.887; 7.887; 8.366
90; 90; 120
450.684Hlukhyy, V.; Hoffmann, R.D.; Poettgen, R.
Synthesis and crystal structures of the pseudobinary intermetallics Ir In2-x Mgx with orthorhombic Mg2 Cu structure and Ir Mg3-x Inx with hexagonal Cu3 P Type
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 383-387
1535341 CIFIn0.8 Ir Mg2.2P 63 c m7.886; 7.886; 8.327
90; 90; 120
448.469Hlukhyy, V.; Hoffmann, R.D.; Poettgen, R.
Synthesis and crystal structures of the pseudobinary intermetallics Ir In2-x Mgx with orthorhombic Mg2 Cu structure and Ir Mg3-x Inx with hexagonal Cu3 P Type
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 383-387
1535344 CIFMg5 Pd2P 63/m m c8.671; 8.671; 8.164
90; 90; 120
531.584Hlukhyy, V.; Poettgen, R.
Preparation and structure refinements of Pd2 Mg5 and Ir2.096 Mg1.98 In2.924 with hexagonal Co2 Al5 type structure
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 533-537
1535347 CIFIn2.924 Ir2.096 Mg1.98P 63/m m c8.339; 8.339; 8.601
90; 90; 120
517.973Hlukhyy, V.; Poettgen, R.
Preparation and structure refinements of Pd2 Mg5 and Ir2.096 Mg1.98 In2.924 with hexagonal Co2 Al5 type structure
Intermetallics, 2004, 12, 533-537
1535459 CIFO10 Sb2 Tl10C m c 2110.74; 11.78; 13.58
90; 90; 90
1718.1Bouchama, M.; Tournoux, M.
Structure cristalline de l'antimonate de thallium Tl5 Sb O5
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1975, 12, 93-101
1535960 CIFIn O8 Rb W2P -3 m 15.84; 5.84; 7.598
90; 90; 120
224.417Efremov, V.A.; Trunov, V.K.; Velikodnyi, Yu.A.
Structure of alpha-Rb In (W O4)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 731-732
1535992 CIFMg0.1025 O2 Ti0.8975 Tl0.205I 4/m10.181; 10.181; 2.975
90; 90; 90
308.367Verbaere, A.; Dion, M.; Tournoux, M.
Structures et problemes d'ordre dans des phases Tlx (My Ti1-y) O2
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1975, 12, 156-174
1536545 CIFH4 Na7.23 O26 P2 Si4 Ti4P 15.351; 7.131; 14.488
102.1; 95.24; 90
538.188Khalilov, A.D.
Refinement of crystal structure of betalomonosovite from Lovozerskii alkaline mine
Mineralogiceskij Zhurnal, 1990, 12, 10-18
1536838 CIFEu2 O7 Sn2F d -3 m :110.469; 10.469; 10.469
90; 90; 90
1147.4Faucher, M.; Caro, P.
Ordre et desordre dans certains composes du type pyrochlore
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1975, 12, 1-11
1536898 CIFBa0.15 Fe0.95 H0.7 K0.65 Na2.05 O18 Si4 Sr1.2 Ti3C 1 2/m 119.489; 7.086; 5.386
90; 96.75; 90
738.646Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Sokolova, M.N.; Gusev, A.I.
Refined crystal structure of lamprophyllite
Mineralogiceskij Zhurnal, 1990, 12, 25-28
1537512 CIFH7 N5 O6 RuP 1 21/a 111.244; 12.875; 10.504
90; 96.061; 90
1512.13Khodashova, T.S.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.; Sergienko, V.S.
X-Ray Structure Determination for Crystals of Dinitrohydroxonitrosodiammineruthenium
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 478-485
1537893 CIFPr Pt5P 6/m m m5.348; 5.348; 4.385
90; 90; 120
108.613Bronger, W.
Preparation and X-ray investigation of platinum alloys with the rare-earth metals (Pt5 Ln and Pt3 Ln phases)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 63-68
1537896 CIFPt3 YbP m -3 m4.032; 4.032; 4.032
90; 90; 90
65.548Bronger, W.
Preparation and X-ray investigation of platinum alloys with the rare-earth metals (Pt5 Ln and Pt3 Ln phases)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 63-68
1538037 CIFSb3 Sm4I -4 3 d9.3; 9.3; 9.3
90; 90; 90
804.357Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538040 CIFSb3 Y4I -4 3 d9.05; 9.05; 9.05
90; 90; 90
741.218Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538042 CIFSb3 Yb4I -4 3 d9.3; 9.3; 9.3
90; 90; 90
804.357Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538045 CIFNd Sb3 Sm3I -4 3 d9.35; 9.35; 9.35
90; 90; 90
817.4Gambino, R.J.
Rare-earth-Sb and -Bi compounds with the Gd4Bi3 (anti-Th3P4) structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 344-352
1538080 CIFPd3 YbP m -3 m4.034; 4.034; 4.034
90; 90; 90
65.646Harris, I.R.; Raynor, G.V.; Winstanley, C.J.
Rare-earth intermediate phases IV. The high-temperature lattice spacings of some R.E.Pd3 phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 69-74
1538141 CIFIn0.1 Sn1.9I 4/m m m4.1206; 4.1206; 3.1814
90; 90; 90
54.018Helfrich, W.J.; Dodd, R.A.
Densities and lattice parameters of tin (indium) solid solutions
Acta Metallurgica, 1964, 12, 667-669
1538354 CIFNa2 O9 Te3 Zn2P 63/m9.41; 9.41; 7.64
90; 90; 120
585.873Matzat, E.
Die Kristallstruktur eines unbenannten zeolithaltigen Telluritminerals, (Zn, Fe)2 (Te O3)3) Nax H2-x (H2 O)y
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1967, 12, 108-117
1538645 CIFSb SnP m -3 m3.502; 3.502; 3.502
90; 90; 90
42.949Losev, V.G.; Kabalkina, S.S.; Vereshchagin, L.F.
Sn Sb polymorphic transformation under high pressure
Soviet Physics - Solid State (New York), 1970, 12, 2374-2376
1538665 CIFO2 TaI 41/a :113.32; 13.32; 6.12
90; 90; 90
1085.82Khitrova, V.I.; Klechkovskaya, V.V.; Pinsker, Z.G.
Electron diffraction study of tantalum dioxide in thin films
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1967, 12, 907-912
1538687 CIFNd SF m -3 m5.47; 5.47; 5.47
90; 90; 90
163.667Makarov, V.I.; Kleiner, V.Z.; Fisenko, V.A.; Tereshina, N.S.
Magnetic phase diagram of neodymium monosulfide
Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics (orig.: Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur), 1986, 12, 151-153
1538909 CIFC1.828 Al3.8 Ca1.979 O25.828 Si8.2R -3 m :R9.43; 9.43; 9.43
93.06; 93.06; 93.06
834.842Mortier, W.J.; Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.
Positions of cations and molecules in Zeolites with the Chabazite framework. II. Absorption of carbon monoxide on dehydrated Ca-exchanged chabazite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1977, 12, 103-108
1538954 CIFHo PdP m -3 m3.469; 3.469; 3.469
90; 90; 90
41.746Palenzona, A.; Cirafici, S.
Thermodynamic and crystallographic properties of REPd intermetallic compounds
Thermochimica Acta, 1975, 12, 267-275
1539061 CIFPt0.8 Re1.2P 63/m m c2.7677; 2.7677; 4.4181
90; 90; 120
29.309Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of some h.c.p. binary alloys of rhenium and osmium: Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt; Os-Ir, Os-Pt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 79-81
1539062 CIFRe1.8 W0.2P 63/m m c2.7664; 2.7664; 4.4937
90; 90; 120
29.783Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of some h.c.p. binary alloys of rhenium and osmium: Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt; Os-Ir, Os-Pt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 12, 79-81
1539199 CIFH PdF m -3 m4.085; 4.085; 4.085
90; 90; 90
68.167Schirber, J.E.; Morosin, B.
Lattice constants of beta- Pd Hx and beta- Pd Dx with x near 1.0
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Solid State (1,1970-17,1977), 1975, 12, 117-118
1539254 CIFSb UF m -3 m6.176; 6.176; 6.176
90; 90; 90
235.571Trzebiatowski, W.; Sepichowska, A.; Zygmunt, A.
Magnetic properties of uranium compounds with arsenic or antimony
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1964, 12, 687-690
1539257 CIFSb4 U3I -4 3 d9.112; 9.112; 9.112
90; 90; 90
756.556Trzebiatowski, W.; Sepichowska, A.; Zygmunt, A.
Magnetic properties of uranium compounds with arsenic or antimony
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1964, 12, 687-690
1539475 CIFGe TeF m -3 m6.0121; 6.0121; 6.0121
90; 90; 90
217.309Zhukova, T.B.; Zaslavskii, A.I.
Study of the phase transformation and structure of a-Ge Te
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1967, 12, 28-32
1539629 CIFCu7 Te4P 3 m 18.28; 8.28; 7.22
90; 90; 120
428.675Baranova, R.V.
Electron-diffraction determination of the crystal structure of the hexagonal beta I phase in the Cu-Te system
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1967, 12, 221-227
1540069 CIFSnI 4/m m m3.1815; 3.1815; 5.8313
90; 90; 90
59.024Helfrich, W.J.; Dodd, R.A.
Densities and lattice parameters of tin (indium) solid solutions
Acta Metallurgica, 1964, 12, 667-669
1540448 CIFC16 H14 B N3 O4P 1 21/c 19.7329; 14.233; 11.6251
90; 106.694; 90
1542.5Luisier, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Severin, K.
Supramolecular gels based on boronate esters and imidazolyl donors.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 588-593
1540449 CIFC16 H15 B N2 O2P 1 21/n 18.0935; 8.3643; 20.7488
90; 94.35; 90
1400.57Luisier, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Severin, K.
Supramolecular gels based on boronate esters and imidazolyl donors.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 588-593
1540450 CIFC29 H27 B N2 O2P 21 21 216.049; 14.0088; 27.989
90; 90; 90
2371.8Luisier, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Severin, K.
Supramolecular gels based on boronate esters and imidazolyl donors.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 588-593
1540451 CIFC16 H13 B Cl2 N2 O2P 1 21/n 111.0667; 14.2602; 11.2083
90; 112.988; 90
1628.35Luisier, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Severin, K.
Supramolecular gels based on boronate esters and imidazolyl donors.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 588-593
1540452 CIFC24 H25 B N2 O2P 1 21 16.0264; 14.0749; 12.3126
90; 94.934; 90
1040.5Luisier, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Severin, K.
Supramolecular gels based on boronate esters and imidazolyl donors.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 588-593
1540453 CIFC17 H14 B N3 O2P c a 2119.788; 6.095; 12.5928
90; 90; 90
1518.8Luisier, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Severin, K.
Supramolecular gels based on boronate esters and imidazolyl donors.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 588-593
1540805 CIFAl2 F O8 P2P 21 21 219.456; 9.621; 9.965
90; 90; 90
906.578Yu, L.; Pang, W.
Studies on the synthesis and structure of a new type of aluminophosphate molecular sieves (AlPO4-CJ2)
Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao, 1991, 12, 1137-1140
1540930 CIFGa RhP m -3 m3.0034; 3.0034; 3.0034
90; 90; 90
27.092Schulz, K. J.; Musbah, O. A.; Chang, Y. A.
A Phase Investigation of the Rh-Ga-As System
Journal of Phase Equilibria, 1991, 12, 10-14
1541424 CIFC18 O18 Pt2 Ru4P n a 2117.738; 15.596; 10.357
90; 90; 90
2865.18Antonucci, V.; Arico, A.S.; Marchetti, F.; Calderazzo, F.; Labella, L.
A new polymorph of the heteronuclear cluster Ru4 Pt2 (C O)18
Journal of Cluster Science, 2001, 12, 293-301
1541561 CIFCa Fe4 O12 Sn Y2I a -3 d12.502; 12.502; 12.502
90; 90; 90
1954.06Geller, S.; Bozorth, R.M.; Gilleo, M.A.; Miller, C.E.
Crystal Chemical and Magnetic Studies of Garnet Systems M3(2+) Fe2 Sn3 O12 - Y3 Fe2 Fe3 O12
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1959, 12, 111-118
1541563 CIFCa2 Fe3 O12 Sn2 YI a -3 d12.62; 12.62; 12.62
90; 90; 90
2009.92Geller, S.; Gilleo, M.A.; Bozorth, R.M.; Miller, C.E.
Crystal chemical and magnetic studies of garnet systems M3(2+) Fe2 Sn3 O12 - Y3 Fe2 Fe3 O12
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1960, 12, 111-118
1541742 CIFCa4 Ce F2.5 Na2 Nb0.5 O15.5 Si4 Ti0.5P 1 21 118.6; 5.636; 7.421
90; 101.42; 90
762.539Simonov, V.I.; Belov, N.V.
Characteristics of the crystal structure of rinkite
Kristallografiya, 1967, 12, 848-853
1541778 CIFAl1.5 Be2.5 Ca4 H2.5 O28 Si9C m c m23.07; 4.96; 19.43
90; 90; 90
2223.32Kharitonov, Yu.A.; Belov, N.V.; Ilyukhin, V.V.; Kuz'min, E.A.
Crystal structure of bavenite
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 87-93
1541991 CIFN4 O14 Rb2 UP 1 21/c 16.42; 7.82; 12.79
90; 108.68; 90
608.289Kapshukov, I.I.; Yakovlev, G.N.; Volkov, Yu.F.; Moskvitsev, E.P.; Lebedev, I.A.
Crystal structure of uranyl tetranitrate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 94-98
1542126 CIFN4 O14 UP 1 21/c 16.39; 7.74; 12.87
90; 107.97; 90
605.481Kapshukov, I.I.; Volkov, Yu.F.; Lebedev, I.A.; Moskvitsev, E.P.; Yakovlev, G.N.
Crystal Structure of Uranyl Tetranitrate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 94-98
1542587 CIFC25 H23 N5 O8P -17.856; 11.799; 14.315
66.98; 77.401; 74.377
1166.6Biswas, Arnab; Dubey, Mrigendra; Mukhopadhyay, Sujay; Kumar, Ashish; Pandey, Daya Shankar
Anion triggered metallogels: demetalation and crystal growth inside the gel matrix and improvement in viscoelastic properties using Au-NPs.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 2997-3003
1542617 CIFC9 H10 N3 O5C 1 2 115.791; 5.0056; 16.133
90; 122.52; 90
1075.3Dixit, Manish Kumar; Pandey, Vinay Kumar; Dubey, Mrigendra
Alkali base triggered intramolecular charge transfer metallogels based on symmetrical A-π-D-chiral-D-π-A type ligands.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 3622-3630
1543057 CIFC24 H44 N4 O6 SP 1 21/n 116.9274; 16.3647; 20.8867
90; 103.701; 90
5621.2Hiscock, Jennifer R.; Bustone, Gianluca P.; Wilson, Ben; Belsey, Kate E.; Blackholly, Laura R.
In situ modification of nanostructure configuration through the manipulation of hydrogen bonded amphiphile self-association.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 4221
1543058 CIFC18 H20 F6 K2 N4 O10 S2P 1 21/n 19.22908; 7.25364; 38.9707
90; 95.7583; 90
2595.71Hiscock, Jennifer R.; Bustone, Gianluca P.; Wilson, Ben; Belsey, Kate E.; Blackholly, Laura R.
In situ modification of nanostructure configuration through the manipulation of hydrogen bonded amphiphile self-association.
Soft matter, 2016, 12, 4221
1547408 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4393; 8.1764; 21.7395
90; 90; 90
2566.6Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547409 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4687; 8.1829; 21.8084
90; 90; 90
2582Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547410 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4829; 8.1938; 21.8441
90; 90; 90
2592.24Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547411 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4899; 8.2086; 21.9106
90; 90; 90
2606.09Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547412 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4902; 8.2249; 22.0106
90; 90; 90
2623.2Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547413 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4588; 8.18; 21.7664
90; 90; 90
2574.38Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547414 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4597; 8.1802; 21.7812
90; 90; 90
2576.35Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547415 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4638; 8.1835; 21.7953
90; 90; 90
2579.79Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547416 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4666; 8.1868; 21.8103
90; 90; 90
2583.11Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547417 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4701; 8.1889; 21.8216
90; 90; 90
2585.73Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547418 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4734; 8.1921; 21.8397
90; 90; 90
2589.48Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547419 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4763; 8.1946; 21.8522
90; 90; 90
2592.27Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547420 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4795; 8.1974; 21.8693
90; 90; 90
2595.76Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547421 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4814; 8.1993; 21.8844
90; 90; 90
2598.5Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547422 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4852; 8.202; 21.9002
90; 90; 90
2601.91Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547423 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4884; 8.2048; 21.9167
90; 90; 90
2605.34Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547424 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4914; 8.2069; 21.9332
90; 90; 90
2608.5Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547425 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.495; 8.2094; 21.9489
90; 90; 90
2611.81Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547426 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.4973; 8.2118; 21.9658
90; 90; 90
2615Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547427 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.5008; 8.2141; 21.9821
90; 90; 90
2618.31Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547428 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP n a 2114.504; 8.2162; 21.9984
90; 90; 90
2621.5Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547429 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0785; 11.5265; 22.8581
90; 90; 90
2391.95Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547430 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0963; 11.5574; 22.8612
90; 90; 90
2403.39Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547431 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0885; 11.5482; 22.7898
90; 90; 90
2391.9Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547432 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0907; 11.5779; 22.8104
90; 90; 90
2400.82Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547433 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1074; 11.6193; 22.8456
90; 90; 90
2417.56Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547434 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1228; 11.6522; 22.8488
90; 90; 90
2428.8Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547435 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1349; 11.6868; 22.866
90; 90; 90
2441.12Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547436 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0823; 11.5422; 22.8439
90; 90; 90
2394.72Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547437 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0881; 11.5538; 22.8478
90; 90; 90
2399.07Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547438 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0992; 11.5635; 22.8525
90; 90; 90
2404.51Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547439 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.0972; 11.5751; 22.8531
90; 90; 90
2406.45Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547440 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1048; 11.5802; 22.8576
90; 90; 90
2410Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547441 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1064; 11.5845; 22.8569
90; 90; 90
2411.25Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547442 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.107; 11.5902; 22.8593
90; 90; 90
2412.84Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547443 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1066; 11.5983; 22.8627
90; 90; 90
2414.78Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547444 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1158; 11.6222; 22.8715
90; 90; 90
2423.14Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547445 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.12; 11.6339; 22.8697
90; 90; 90
2426.5Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547446 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1237; 11.6442; 22.8738
90; 90; 90
2430.07Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547447 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.128; 11.6579; 22.8759
90; 90; 90
2434.3Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547448 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1311; 11.6667; 22.88
90; 90; 90
2437.4Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547449 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1357; 11.6782; 22.8834
90; 90; 90
2441.4Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547450 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1405; 11.6923; 22.8838
90; 90; 90
2445.67Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547451 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1415; 11.7002; 22.8837
90; 90; 90
2447.58Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1547452 CIFC11 H12 N4 O2 SP b c a9.1445; 11.713; 22.8862
90; 90; 90
2451.33Anuradha R. Pallipurath; Jonathan M. Skelton; Mark R. Warren; Naghmeh Kamali; Patrick McArdle; Andrea Erxleben
Sulfamerazine: Understanding the Influence of Slip Planes in the Polymorphic Phase Transformation through X-Ray Crystallographic Studies and ab Initio Lattice Dynamics
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12, 3735-3748
1548806 CIFSe2 SnP -3 m 13.807; 3.807; 6.128
90; 90; 120
76.92Al-Alamy, F. A. S.; Balchin, A. A.; White, M.
The expansivities and the thermal degradation of some layer compounds
Journal of Materials Science, 1977, 12, 2037-2042
1552748 CIFC20 H28 Br2 Cu2 N2 O14 S2P 1 21/c 112.248; 7.6422; 15.829
90; 104.923; 90
1431.6Qin, Xiu-Ying; Wang, Ya-Nan; Liu, Han-Fu; Luo, Zhao-Hui; Zhang, Pei-Lu; Li-Fang, Huang; Liu, Mei-Rong
Anti-cancer activities of metal-based complexes by regulating the VEGF/VEGFR2 signaling pathway and apoptosis-related factors Bcl-2, Bax, and caspase-9 to inhibit angiogenesis and induce apoptosis.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2020, 12, 92-103
1552749 CIFC24 H26 Br Co N3 O7 SI 1 2/a 115.5234; 19.2687; 19.1761
90; 112.933; 90
5282.5Qin, Xiu-Ying; Wang, Ya-Nan; Liu, Han-Fu; Luo, Zhao-Hui; Zhang, Pei-Lu; Li-Fang, Huang; Liu, Mei-Rong
Anti-cancer activities of metal-based complexes by regulating the VEGF/VEGFR2 signaling pathway and apoptosis-related factors Bcl-2, Bax, and caspase-9 to inhibit angiogenesis and induce apoptosis.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2020, 12, 92-103
1552750 CIFC23 H22 Br Cu N3 O6 SP 1 21/c 115.516; 13.3471; 11.7999
90; 100.625; 90
2401.8Qin, Xiu-Ying; Wang, Ya-Nan; Liu, Han-Fu; Luo, Zhao-Hui; Zhang, Pei-Lu; Li-Fang, Huang; Liu, Mei-Rong
Anti-cancer activities of metal-based complexes by regulating the VEGF/VEGFR2 signaling pathway and apoptosis-related factors Bcl-2, Bax, and caspase-9 to inhibit angiogenesis and induce apoptosis.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2020, 12, 92-103
1552917 CIFC34 H31 Au Cl4 F3 N4 O3 S3P 21 21 218.2211; 18.9776; 11.15
90; 90; 90
3855.6Yu, Bingqiong; Liu, Yanhong; Peng, Xian; Hua, Siyu; Zhou, Gangcheng; Yan, Kun; Liu, Yi
Synthesis, characterization, and antitumor properties of Au(i)-thiourea complexes.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2020, 12, 104-113
1556118 CIFC27 H31 N O4C 1 2 115.411; 10.323; 30.625
90; 103.583; 90
4736Boeckman, Jr, Robert K; Miller, Yan; Ryder, Todd R.
Diels-Alder reactions of cyclic isoimidium salts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4524-4527
1556119 CIFC10 H16 O3P 1 21/n 15.2334; 15.5632; 11.7443
90; 91.016; 90
956.4Boeckman, Jr, Robert K; Miller, Yan; Ryder, Todd R.
Diels-Alder reactions of cyclic isoimidium salts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4524-4527
1556120 CIFC20 H19 N O3P 21 21 218.715; 9.891; 19.206
90; 90; 90
1655.6Boeckman, Jr, Robert K; Miller, Yan; Ryder, Todd R.
Diels-Alder reactions of cyclic isoimidium salts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4524-4527
1556121 CIFC27 H29 N O3P 21 21 219.4597; 10.0663; 23.0589
90; 90; 90
2195.8Boeckman, Jr, Robert K; Miller, Yan; Ryder, Todd R.
Diels-Alder reactions of cyclic isoimidium salts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4524-4527
1556122 CIFC26 H31 N O3P 21 21 218.5828; 13.808; 19.023
90; 90; 90
2254.4Boeckman, Jr, Robert K; Miller, Yan; Ryder, Todd R.
Diels-Alder reactions of cyclic isoimidium salts.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4524-4527
1556541 CIFC173 H189 Ag28 Mo4 O21 P12C 1 2/c 157.47; 33.556; 39.361
90; 122.967; 90
63684Duan, Guang-Xiong; Han, Jun; Yang, Bao-Zhu; Xie, Yun-Peng; Lu, Xing
Oxometalate and phosphine ligand co-protected silver nanoclusters: Ag<sub>28</sub>(dppb)<sub>6</sub>(MO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>4</sub> and Ag<sub>32</sub>(dppb)<sub>12</sub>(MO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>4</sub>(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub>.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 1617-1622
1556542 CIFC337 H339 Ag32 Mo4 N3 O26 P24C 1 2 141.161; 24.6172; 40.061
90; 103.141; 90
39530Duan, Guang-Xiong; Han, Jun; Yang, Bao-Zhu; Xie, Yun-Peng; Lu, Xing
Oxometalate and phosphine ligand co-protected silver nanoclusters: Ag<sub>28</sub>(dppb)<sub>6</sub>(MO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>4</sub> and Ag<sub>32</sub>(dppb)<sub>12</sub>(MO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>4</sub>(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub>.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 1617-1622
1556543 CIFC168 H170 Ag28 O17 P12 W4C 1 2/c 157.246; 33.4588; 38.553
90; 120.882; 90
63375Duan, Guang-Xiong; Han, Jun; Yang, Bao-Zhu; Xie, Yun-Peng; Lu, Xing
Oxometalate and phosphine ligand co-protected silver nanoclusters: Ag<sub>28</sub>(dppb)<sub>6</sub>(MO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>4</sub> and Ag<sub>32</sub>(dppb)<sub>12</sub>(MO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>4</sub>(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub>.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 1617-1622
1556576 CIFC280 H378 O238 Yb42P -116.5526; 32.2692; 32.7633
103.703; 102.725; 100.939
16034.9Shi, Dongliang; Yang, Xiaoping; Xiao, Zhiyin; Liu, Xiaoming; Chen, Hongfen; Ma, Yanan; Schipper, Desmond; Jones, Richard A.
A 42-metal Yb(iii) nanowheel with NIR luminescent response to anions.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 1384-1388
1556887 CIFC40 H48 B2 Ca F48 O16I 41/a :219.597; 19.597; 36.7108
90; 90; 90
14098.5Li, Zhenyou; Fuhr, Olaf; Fichtner, Maximilian; Zhao-Karger, Zhirong
Towards stable and efficient electrolytes for room-temperature rechargeable calcium batteries
Energy & Environmental Science, 2019, 12, 3496
1557342 CIFC22 H14 OP 1 21 16.5602; 14.7939; 14.8216
90; 91.727; 90
1437.8Huang, Yue-E; Wang, Xing-Zhi; Hu, Peng; Qi, Xing-Hui; Huang, Xiao-Ying; Kloc, Christian; Wu, Xiaohui; Du, Ke-Zhao
Single-photon upconversion in 6-pentaceneone crystal from bulk to ultrathin flakes.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 6227-6232
1557465 CIFC32 H20P 1 21/c 16.1391; 15.1547; 11.9272
90; 94.63; 90
1106.04Ma, Xiaoshuang; Tang, Zhenghua; Qin, Lubing; Peng, Jin; Li, Ligui; Chen, Shaowei
Unravelling the formation mechanism of alkynyl protected gold clusters: a case study of phenylacetylene stabilized Au<sub>144</sub> molecules.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 2980-2986
1557466 CIFC48 H16 Co3 O24I -4 2 d28.0519; 28.0519; 9.7811
90; 90; 90
7696.8Zhao, Juanjuan; Hu, Haibo; Wu, Mingzai
N-Doped-carbon/cobalt-nanoparticle/N-doped-carbon multi-layer sandwich nanohybrids derived from cobalt MOFs having 3D molecular structures as bifunctional electrocatalysts for on-chip solid-state Zn-air batteries.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 3750-3762
1557514 CIFC7 H3 K N O4I 1 2/a 17.0581; 11.6424; 9.2407
90; 103.046; 90
739.74Li, Chao; Wang, Kuaibing; Li, Jingze; Zhang, Qichun
Nanostructured potassium-organic framework as an effective anode for potassium-ion batteries with a long cycle life.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 7870-7874
1557515 CIFC102 H110 Li4 N6 O18P -111.098; 11.0981; 42.151
91.082; 97.39; 115.846
4617.1Rodríguez-Fortea, Antonio; Canadell, Enric; Wzietek, Pawel; Lemouchi, Cyprien; Allain, Magali; Zorina, Leokadiya; Batail, Patrick
Nanoscale rotational dynamics of four independent rotators confined in crowded crystalline layers.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 8294-8302
1557562 CIFC73 H76 Ag3 Cl2 Cu2 P S6P 1 21/n 114.5564; 33.71; 14.6416
90; 94.219; 90
7165.1Anumula, Rajini; Xiao, Pin; Cui, Chaonan; Wu, Haiming; Cui, Ganglong; Fang, Wei-Hai; Luo, Zhixun; Yao, Jiannian
A small bimetallic Ag<sub>3</sub>Cu<sub>2</sub> nanocluster with dual emissions within and against Kasha's rule.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 7864-7869
1557709 CIFC288 H330 Cu2 Na2 O496 P6 W72I 2 341.6063; 41.6063; 41.6063
90; 90; 90
72024Jiang, Zhan-Guo; Mao, Wei-Tao; Huang, Dan-Ping; Wang, Yu; Wang, Xiao-Juan; Zhan, Cai-Hong
A nonconventional host-guest cubic assembly based on γ-cyclodextrin and a Keggin-type polyoxometalate.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10166-10171
1557710 CIFC144 H165 Co Na O252 P3 W36I 2 341.7665; 41.7665; 41.7665
90; 90; 90
72859Jiang, Zhan-Guo; Mao, Wei-Tao; Huang, Dan-Ping; Wang, Yu; Wang, Xiao-Juan; Zhan, Cai-Hong
A nonconventional host-guest cubic assembly based on γ-cyclodextrin and a Keggin-type polyoxometalate.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10166-10171
1557725 CIFC10.67 H14 Cl4 N2.67 Ru S2.67P 1 21/n 17.7554; 13.9099; 27.058
90; 92.8263; 90
2915.4Huffman, Samantha E.; Yawson, Gideon K.; Fisher, Samuel S.; Bothwell, Paige J.; Platt, David C.; Jones, Marjorie A.; Hamaker, Christopher G.; Webb, Michael I.
Ruthenium(iii) complexes containing thiazole-based ligands that modulate amyloid-β aggregation.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2020, 12, 491-503
1557726 CIFC10 H17 Cl4 N2 O Ru S3P 18.0381; 8.1691; 8.3951
85.2736; 71.5044; 61.7748
459.11Huffman, Samantha E.; Yawson, Gideon K.; Fisher, Samuel S.; Bothwell, Paige J.; Platt, David C.; Jones, Marjorie A.; Hamaker, Christopher G.; Webb, Michael I.
Ruthenium(iii) complexes containing thiazole-based ligands that modulate amyloid-β aggregation.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2020, 12, 491-503
1557727 CIFC9.44 H19.44 Cl4 N4 O1.78 Ru S3P 1 21/n 110.805; 10.9929; 17.0331
90; 101.318; 90
1983.8Huffman, Samantha E.; Yawson, Gideon K.; Fisher, Samuel S.; Bothwell, Paige J.; Platt, David C.; Jones, Marjorie A.; Hamaker, Christopher G.; Webb, Michael I.
Ruthenium(iii) complexes containing thiazole-based ligands that modulate amyloid-β aggregation.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2020, 12, 491-503
1557783 CIFC86 H83 Cl4 Mo4 N12 O16P 1 21/c 115.1713; 14.8958; 22.0423
90; 106.726; 90
4770.6Meng, Miao; Tang, Zheng; Mallick, Suman; Luo, Ming Hui; Tan, Zhibing; Liu, Jun-Yang; Shi, Jia; Yang, Yang; Liu, Chun Y.; Hong, Wenjing
Enhanced charge transport via d(δ)-p(π) conjugation in Mo<sub>2</sub>-integrated single-molecule junctions.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10320-10327
1557784 CIFC42 H38 Mo2 N6 O8P -112.1607; 12.8866; 13.626
76.922; 89.914; 69.182
1936.8Meng, Miao; Tang, Zheng; Mallick, Suman; Luo, Ming Hui; Tan, Zhibing; Liu, Jun-Yang; Shi, Jia; Yang, Yang; Liu, Chun Y.; Hong, Wenjing
Enhanced charge transport via d(δ)-p(π) conjugation in Mo<sub>2</sub>-integrated single-molecule junctions.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10320-10327
1557794 CIFC10 H2 In N4 O8I m -3 m31.3413; 31.3413; 31.3413
90; 90; 90
30785.8Huang, Qi; Guo, Yuanyuan; Wang, Xian; Chai, Lulu; Ding, Junyang; Zhong, Li; Li, Ting-Ting; Hu, Yue; Qian, Jinjie; Huang, Shaoming
In-MOF-derived ultrathin heteroatom-doped carbon nanosheets for improving oxygen reduction.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10019-10025
1557815 CIFC81 H68 N4 O8P -113.6605; 14.7195; 17.277
86.231; 68.978; 80.007
3193.5Li, Yin-Xiang; Dong, Xue-Mei; Yu, Meng-Na; Liu, Wei; Nie, Yi-Jie; Eginligil, Mustafa; Liu, Ju-Qing; Jiang, Wen-Jie; Wang, Xiao-Jing; Xu, Chun-Xiang; Xie, Ling-Hai; Huang, Wei
Enhanced emission in organic nanocrystals via asymmetrical design of spirocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 9964-9968
1557816 CIFC81 H68 N4 O9P -110.556; 16.36; 20.984
68.742; 80.019; 71.824
3201.3Li, Yin-Xiang; Dong, Xue-Mei; Yu, Meng-Na; Liu, Wei; Nie, Yi-Jie; Eginligil, Mustafa; Liu, Ju-Qing; Jiang, Wen-Jie; Wang, Xiao-Jing; Xu, Chun-Xiang; Xie, Ling-Hai; Huang, Wei
Enhanced emission in organic nanocrystals via asymmetrical design of spirocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 9964-9968
1557975 CIFC44 H84 Ag10 Mo12 N10 O38 S6P -111.30672; 15.29988; 15.58799
63.3059; 87.7117; 83.0788
2391.32Li, Ya-Hui; Wang, Zhao-Yang; Ma, Bing; Xu, Hong; Zang, Shuang-Quan; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Self-assembly of thiolate-protected silver coordination polymers regulated by POMs.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10944-10948
1557976 CIFC62 H129 Ag18 Mo18 N7 O57 S12P b c n27.3167; 19.80926; 27.71777
90; 90; 90
14998.7Li, Ya-Hui; Wang, Zhao-Yang; Ma, Bing; Xu, Hong; Zang, Shuang-Quan; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Self-assembly of thiolate-protected silver coordination polymers regulated by POMs.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10944-10948
1558009 CIFC12 H14 Br N3 O2P 1 21/n 117.4894; 7.242; 20.4992
90; 106.179; 90
2493.56Bolotin, Dmitrii S.; Il’in, Mikhail V.; Suslonov, Vitalii V.; Novikov, Alexander S.
Symmetrical Noncovalent Interactions Br···Br Observed in Crystal Structure of Exotic Primary Peroxide
Symmetry, 2020, 12, 637
1558024 CIFC126 H53 Dy2 N4 Ni S2P 1 21/c 117.7314; 17.0501; 26.7696
90; 106.599; 90
7755.79Wang, Yuanyuan; Xiong, Jin; Su, Jie; Hu, Ziqi; Ma, Fang; Sun, Rong; Tan, Xueyou; Sun, Hao-Ling; Wang, Bing-Wu; Shi, Zujin; Gao, Song
Dy<sub>2</sub>@C<sub>79</sub>N: a new member of dimetalloazafullerenes with strong single molecular magnetism.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11130-11135
1558025 CIFC32 H318 K8 N16 Na6 O402 Pr8 Te8 W88I 41/a :238.5523; 38.5523; 29.1596
90; 90; 90
43339.3Zhang, Yan; Jiang, Jun; Liu, Yifan; Li, Pan; Liu, Yong; Chen, Lijuan; Zhao, Junwei
Multi-praseodymium-and-tungsten bridging octameric tellurotungstate and its 2D honeycomb composite film for detecting estrogen.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10842-10853
1558048 CIFC43 H121 Er3 N12 O43 Yb3R -3 :H16.7567; 16.7567; 25.0576
90; 90; 120
6093.2Gálico, Diogo A; Ovens, Jeffrey S.; Murugesu, Muralee
NIR-to-NIR emission on a water-soluble {Er<sub>6</sub>} and {Er<sub>3</sub>Yb<sub>3</sub>} nanosized molecular wheel.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11435-11439
1558049 CIFC40 H86 Cl4 N12 O39 Yb6P -112.1098; 12.8247; 24.7696
97.196; 102.549; 98.363
3665.67Gálico, Diogo A; Ovens, Jeffrey S.; Murugesu, Muralee
NIR-to-NIR emission on a water-soluble {Er<sub>6</sub>} and {Er<sub>3</sub>Yb<sub>3</sub>} nanosized molecular wheel.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11435-11439
1558055 CIFC16 H12 N4P 1 21/n 17.963; 8.349; 9.742
90; 111.776; 90
601.5Deville, Claire; Folkjær, Mads; Reinholdt, Peter; Hvid, Mathias S.; Lamagni, Paolo; Borup, Kasper; Sun, Zhaozong; Lauritsen, Jeppe Vang; McKee, Vickie; Jensen, Kirsten M Ø; Lock, Nina
Cubes on a string: a series of linear coordination polymers with cubane-like nodes and dicarboxylate linkers.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11601-11611
1558056 CIFC82 H65 Co4 N16 O12I 1 2 115.6211; 21.1135; 32.721
90; 93.605; 90
10770.6Deville, Claire; Folkjær, Mads; Reinholdt, Peter; Hvid, Mathias S.; Lamagni, Paolo; Borup, Kasper; Sun, Zhaozong; Lauritsen, Jeppe Vang; McKee, Vickie; Jensen, Kirsten M Ø; Lock, Nina
Cubes on a string: a series of linear coordination polymers with cubane-like nodes and dicarboxylate linkers.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11601-11611
1558057 CIFC80 H64 Co4 N16 O14P 42 21 219.5696; 19.5696; 26.6481
90; 90; 90
10205.4Deville, Claire; Folkjær, Mads; Reinholdt, Peter; Hvid, Mathias S.; Lamagni, Paolo; Borup, Kasper; Sun, Zhaozong; Lauritsen, Jeppe Vang; McKee, Vickie; Jensen, Kirsten M Ø; Lock, Nina
Cubes on a string: a series of linear coordination polymers with cubane-like nodes and dicarboxylate linkers.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11601-11611
1558081 CIFC50 H46 Ag2 B2 F8 N10 O4P 1 21/c 111.76962; 15.5527; 14.3675
90; 100.026; 90
2589.8Wang, Shi; Bai, Dongya; Wang, Yanbo; Fu, Jiya; Zhu, Junyan; Fang, Xiaomin
Hierarchical self-assembly of helical coordination polymers and formation of a lamellar structure via the cooperativity of two-step Ag(i) coordination and π-π interactions.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10972-10976
1558086 CIFC124 H150 Au13 P3 Pd S7P -117.1801; 17.7175; 22.9577
95.508; 90.634; 106.355
6669Fu, Xuemei; Lin, Xinzhang; Ren, Xiuqing; Wu, Ren'an; Liu, Chao; Huang, Jiahui
The synthesis and structure of the [PdAu<sub>13</sub>(PPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>(SR)<sub>7</sub>]<sup>+</sup> nanocluster.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11825-11829
1558094 CIFC92 H76 N6 O8P -111.2545; 18.0672; 20.425
114.844; 101.984; 90.435
3665.6Xu, Jianbin; Liang, Lusheng; Mai, Chi-Lun; Zhang, Zilong; Zhou, Qin; Xiong, Qiu; Zhang, Zhuangzhuang; Deng, Longhui; Gao, Peng
Lewis-base containing spiro type hole transporting materials for high-performance perovskite solar cells with efficiency approaching 20.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 13157-13164
1558095 CIFC24 H54 Ag6 O46 S6 Si W12P n a 2127.1669; 18.3273; 13.8912
90; 90; 90
6916.4Hu, Ting; Hu, Chunli; Li, Yuhang; Meng, Lingyi; Xie, Yiming; Liao, Mingyue; Zhong, Guiming; Lu, Can-Zhong
Synthesis and characterization of a nanocluster-based silver(i) tert-butylethynide compound with a large second-harmonic generation response.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 11847-11857
1558157 CIFC22 H30 N4 O8 ZnP -110.854; 14.735; 17.464
67.045; 79.81; 77.424
2497Wen, Yuehong; Liu, Qiang; Su, Shaodong; Yang, Yuying; Li, Xiaofang; Zhu, Qi-Long; Wu, Xintao
Coordination tailoring of water-labile 3D MOFs to fabricate ultrathin 2D MOF nanosheets.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 12767-12772
1558279 CIFC198 H88 Au42 F66P -120.0369; 20.7253; 37.5767
91.916; 97.441; 118.103
13569.1Guan, Zong-Jie; Hu, Feng; Li, Jiao-Jiao; Liu, Zi-Rui; Wang, Quan-Ming
Homoleptic alkynyl-protected gold nanoclusters with unusual compositions and structures.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 13346-13350

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