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4344577 CIFAg Ge4 Li12P b a m8.042; 15.1061; 4.4867
90; 90; 90
545.06Henze, Alexander; Fässler, Thomas F
Switching the Structure Type upon Ag Substitution: Synthesis and Crystal as well as Electronic Structures of Li12AgGe4.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 822-827
7226304 CIFAg Nb O7 Se2C m c m10.813; 7.792; 7.363
90; 90; 90
620.4Qian, Cheng; Kong, Fang; Mao, Jianggao
A Series of New Silver Selenites with d0-TM Cations
RSC Adv., 2016
7226305 CIFAg O7 Se2 TaC m c m10.7921; 7.8283; 7.2717
90; 90; 90
614.34Qian, Cheng; Kong, Fang; Mao, Jianggao
A Series of New Silver Selenites with d0-TM Cations
RSC Adv., 2016
9017707 CIFAg0.3 As1.96 Cu0.75 Fe1.36 Hg0.06 S6 Sb0.04 Tl Zn0.53I -4 2 m9.8786; 9.8786; 10.8489
90; 90; 90
1058.71Biagioni, C.; Bindi, L.; Nestola, F.; Cannon, R.; Roth, P.; Raber, T.
Ferrostalderite, CuFe2TlAs2S6, a new mineral from Lengenbach, Switzerland: occurrence, crystal structure, and emphasis on the role of iron in sulfosalts
Mineralogical Magazine, 2016, 80, 175-186
2241658 CIF
Ag0.6 Fe Mo2 Na0.4 O8C 1 2/c 19.831; 5.274; 13.617
90; 90.334; 90
706.01Souilem, Amira; Zid, Mohamed Faouzi
Synthèse, étude et validation structurale d'un triple bis-molybdate en couches, Ag~0.60~Na~0.40~Fe(MoO~4~)~2~ lié à yavapaiite
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 737-740
1561361 CIFAg0.6 Ga La3 S7P 6310.229; 10.229; 6.0529
90; 90; 120
548.48Iyer, Abishek K.; Yin, Wenlong; Rudyk, Brent W.; Lin, Xinsong; Nilges, Tom; Mar, Arthur
Metal ion displacements in noncentrosymmetric chalcogenides La3Ga1.67S7, La3Ag0.6GaCh7 (Ch=S, Se), and La3MGaSe7 (M=Zn, Cd)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 221-231
1561362 CIFAg0.6 Ga La3 Se7P 6310.5879; 10.5879; 6.3766
90; 90; 120
619.07Iyer, Abishek K.; Yin, Wenlong; Rudyk, Brent W.; Lin, Xinsong; Nilges, Tom; Mar, Arthur
Metal ion displacements in noncentrosymmetric chalcogenides La3Ga1.67S7, La3Ag0.6GaCh7 (Ch=S, Se), and La3MGaSe7 (M=Zn, Cd)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 221-231
1561495 CIFAg0.95 Fe1.04 Mg2.96 Mo5 O20P -16.8987; 6.9649; 17.7208
88.005; 87.383; 78.859
834.25Kotova, Irina Yu.; Solodovnikov, Sergey F.; Solodovnikova, Zoya A.; Belov, Dmitry A.; Stefanovich, Sergey Yu.; Savina, Aleksandra A.; Khaikina, Elena G.
New series of triple molybdates AgA3R(MoO4)5 (A=Mg, R=Cr, Fe; A=Mn, R=Al, Cr, Fe, Sc, In) with framework structures and mobile silver ion sublattices
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 121-128
1561494 CIFAg0.97 Cr1.02 Mg2.98 Mo5 O20P -16.8899; 6.9598; 17.707
88.002; 87.301; 78.849
831.85Kotova, Irina Yu.; Solodovnikov, Sergey F.; Solodovnikova, Zoya A.; Belov, Dmitry A.; Stefanovich, Sergey Yu.; Savina, Aleksandra A.; Khaikina, Elena G.
New series of triple molybdates AgA3R(MoO4)5 (A=Mg, R=Cr, Fe; A=Mn, R=Al, Cr, Fe, Sc, In) with framework structures and mobile silver ion sublattices
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 121-128
1542402 CIFAg1.6 As25.48 Bi2.39 Cu10.93 Hg1.88 Pb75.54 S224 Sb69.38P 1 21/n 18.178; 28.223; 42.452
90; 93.55; 90
9779Bindi, Luca; Biagioni, Cristian; Martini, Bruno; Salvetti, Adrio
Ciriottiite, Cu(Cu,Ag)3Pb19(Sb,As)22(As2)S56, the Cu-Analogue of Sterryite from the Tavagnasco Mining District, Piedmont, Italy
Minerals, 2016, 6, 8
2241747 CIF
Ag1.97 Co1.98 Fe1.02 O12 V3C 1 2/c 111.7846; 12.8314; 6.8064
90; 111.001; 90
960.85Hadouchi, Mohammed; Assani, Abderrazzak; Saadi, Mohamed; El Ammari, Lahcen
The alluaudite-type crystal structures of Na~2~(Fe/Co)~2~Co(VO~4~)~3~ and Ag~2~(Fe/Co)~2~Co(VO~4~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1017-1020
4349153 CIFAg2 B12 F12 H8 O4P 1 21/c 110.4428; 10.9458; 14.0126
90; 93.089; 90
1599.38Malischewski, Moritz; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.; Bukovsky, Eric V.; Seppelt, Konrad; Strauss, Steven H.
Structures of M<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>6</sub>B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub> (M = Ag or K) and Ag<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>4</sub>B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub>: Comparison of the Coordination of SO<sub>2</sub> versus H<sub>2</sub>O and of B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub><sup>2-</sup> versus Other Weakly Coordinating Anions to Metal Ions in the Solid State.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12254-12262
7226303 CIFAg2 F2 O6 Se2 ZrC m c e7.364; 31.451; 6.2719
90; 90; 90
1452.6Qian, Cheng; Kong, Fang; Mao, Jianggao
A Series of New Silver Selenites with d0-TM Cations
RSC Adv., 2016
7226302 CIFAg3 F O15 Se4 Ti3P 6312.8975; 12.8975; 5.218
90; 90; 120
751.7Qian, Cheng; Kong, Fang; Mao, Jianggao
A Series of New Silver Selenites with d0-TM Cations
RSC Adv., 2016
2241965 CIF
Ag4 F8 H30 N10 SnP 1 21/c 17.3274; 19.4495; 7.8579
90; 113.205; 90
1029.27Kraus, Florian; Fichtl, Matthias; Baer, Sebastian
Crystal structure of [Ag(NH~3~)~3~]~2~[Ag(NH~3~)~2~]~2~[SnF~6~]F~2~, a compound showing argentophilic interactions
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1860-1863
7038232 CIFAl B7 Pd15I a -3 d16.4466; 16.4466; 16.4466
90; 90; 90
4448.65Zheng, Qiang; Schnelle, Walter; Prots, Yurii; Bobnar, Matej; Burkhardt, Ulrich; Leithe-Jasper, Andreas; Gumeniuk, Roman
AlPd15B7: a new superconducting cage-compound with an anti-Yb3Rh4Sn13-type of structure.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3943-3948
7037646 CIFAl Cu O8 P2 RbP 1 21/c 15.0723; 14.07; 9.352
90; 100.41; 90
656.44Yakubovich, Olga V.; Kiriukhina, Galina V.; Dimitrova, Olga V.; Zvereva, Elena A.; Shvanskaya, Larisa V.; Volkova, Olga S.; Vasiliev, Alexander N.
An open framework crystal structure and physical properties of RbCuAl(PO4)2.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 2598-2604
1561352 CIFAl Ge4 U3I 4/m c m7.762; 7.762; 11.092
90; 90; 90
668.278Moussa, C.; El Sayah, Z.; Chajewski, G.; Berche, A.; Dorcet, V.; Pikul, A.P.; Pasturel, M.; Joanny, L.; Stepnik, B.; Tougait, O.
Investigation of the phase relations in the U-Al-Ge ternary system: Influence of the Al/Ge substitution on the properties of the intermediate phases
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 168-178
4002658 CIFAl Li O2P 41 21 25.1965; 5.1965; 6.3464
90; 90; 90
171.376Wiedemann, Dennis; Nakhal, Suliman; Rahn, Johanna; Witt, Elena; Islam, Mazharul M.; Zander, Stefan; Heitjans, Paul; Schmidt, Harald; Bredow, Thomas; Wilkening, Martin; Lerch, Martin
Unravelling Ultraslow Lithium-Ion Diffusion in γ-LiAlO2: Experiments with Tracers, Neutrons, and Charge Carriers
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 915
4002659 CIFAl Li O2P 41 21 25.15885; 5.15885; 6.27
90; 90; 90
166.868Wiedemann, Dennis; Nakhal, Suliman; Rahn, Johanna; Witt, Elena; Islam, Mazharul M.; Zander, Stefan; Heitjans, Paul; Schmidt, Harald; Bredow, Thomas; Wilkening, Martin; Lerch, Martin
Unravelling Ultraslow Lithium-Ion Diffusion in γ-LiAlO2: Experiments with Tracers, Neutrons, and Charge Carriers
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 915
4002660 CIFAl Li O2P 41 21 25.2252; 5.2252; 6.4038
90; 90; 90
174.841Wiedemann, Dennis; Nakhal, Suliman; Rahn, Johanna; Witt, Elena; Islam, Mazharul M.; Zander, Stefan; Heitjans, Paul; Schmidt, Harald; Bredow, Thomas; Wilkening, Martin; Lerch, Martin
Unravelling Ultraslow Lithium-Ion Diffusion in γ-LiAlO2: Experiments with Tracers, Neutrons, and Charge Carriers
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 915
1561332 CIFAl Li2 O12 P3 Sr2P 1 21/n 14.945; 22.088; 8.632
90; 91.47; 90
942.5Kim, Sung-Chul; Kwak, Hyun-Jung; Yoo, Chung-Yul; Yun, Hoseop; Kim, Seung-Joo
Synthesis, crystal structure, and ionic conductivity of a new layered metal phosphate, Li2Sr2Al(PO4)3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 12-17
7224138 CIFAl Li3 O5 SiP n a 215.331; 15.551; 4.782
90; 90; 90
396.4Chen, Xinglong; Zhang, Fangfang; Liu, Lili; Lei, Bing-Hua; Dong, Xiaoyu; Yang, Zhihua; Li, Hongyi; Pan, Shilie
Li3AlSiO5: the first aluminosilicate as a potential deep-ultraviolet nonlinear optical crystal with the quaternary diamond-like structure.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 4362-4369
7055456 CIFAl N O8 Si Y4P 1 21/c 17.4491; 10.3933; 11.0563
90; 109.711; 90
805.831Hua, Youjie; Li, Xiaojun; Zhang, Dawei; Ma, Hongping; Deng, Degang; Xu, Shiqing
The crystal structure and luminescence properties of novel Ce3+and Ce3+, Sm3±activated Y4SiAlO8N phosphors for near-UV white LEDs
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 5458
4125060 CIFAl Nd9.906 O26 Si5P 63/m9.553; 9.553; 7.0496
90; 90; 120
557.153An, Tao; Baikie, Tom; Orera, Alodia; Piltz, Ross O.; Meven, Martin; Slater, Peter R.; Wei, Jun; Sanjuán, María L; White, T. J.
Interstitial Oxide Ion Distribution and Transport Mechanism in Aluminum-Doped Neodymium Silicate Apatite Electrolytes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4468-4483
4003255 CIFAl O4 P0.75 Si0.25P -3 1 c13.7594; 13.7594; 19.761
90; 90; 120
3239.95Turrina, Alessandro; Garcia, Raquel; Cox, Paul A.; Casci, John L.; Wright, Paul A.
Retrosynthetic Co-Templating Method for the Preparation of Silicoaluminophosphate Molecular Sieves
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4998
4003257 CIFAl O4 P0.75 Si0.25R -3 :H13.7954; 13.7954; 44.6461
90; 90; 120
7358.4Turrina, Alessandro; Garcia, Raquel; Cox, Paul A.; Casci, John L.; Wright, Paul A.
Retrosynthetic Co-Templating Method for the Preparation of Silicoaluminophosphate Molecular Sieves
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4998
4003259 CIFAl O4 P0.75 Si0.25R -3 :H13.78419; 13.78419; 44.5996
90; 90; 120
7338.8Turrina, Alessandro; Garcia, Raquel; Cox, Paul A.; Casci, John L.; Wright, Paul A.
Retrosynthetic Co-Templating Method for the Preparation of Silicoaluminophosphate Molecular Sieves
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4998
4003260 CIFAl O4 P0.75 Si0.25R -3 :H13.79468; 13.79468; 44.6557
90; 90; 120
7359.2Turrina, Alessandro; Garcia, Raquel; Cox, Paul A.; Casci, John L.; Wright, Paul A.
Retrosynthetic Co-Templating Method for the Preparation of Silicoaluminophosphate Molecular Sieves
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4998
4344686 CIFAl O8 Te2 VP 1 21/n 17.9351; 4.8413; 16.342
90; 93.72; 90
626.47Bae, Su-Whan; Yoo, Jisun; Lee, Suheon; Choi, Kwang Yong; Ok, Kang Min
Synthesis and Characterization of Three New Layered Vanadium Tellurites, MVTe2O8 (M = Al, Ga, and Mn): Three-Dimensional (3-D) Antiferromagnetic Behavior of MnVTe2O8 with a Zigzag S = 2 Spin Chain.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1347-1353
1561386 CIFAl Pd2 Sr2F d d 210.4145; 15.5824; 6.0437
90; 90; 90
980.79Stegemann, Frank; Benndorf, Christopher; Touzani, Rachid St.; Fokwa, Boniface P.T.; Janka, Oliver
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the polar intermetallics SrPt3Al2 and Sr2Pd2Al
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 242, 143-150
1545053 CIFAl TiP 4/m m m4.01867; 4.01867; 4.06542
90; 90; 90
65.655Liss, Klaus-Dieter; Funakoshi, Ken-Ichi; Dippenaar, Rian; Higo, Yuji; Shiro, Ayumi; Reid, Mark; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Shobu, Takahisa; Akita, Koichi
Hydrostatic Compression Behavior and High-Pressure Stabilized β-Phase in γ-Based Titanium Aluminide Intermetallics
Metals, 2016, 6, 165
1548618 CIFAl TiP m -3 m3.018; 3.018; 3.018
90; 90; 90
27.489Liss, Klaus-Dieter; Funakoshi, Ken-Ichi; Dippenaar, Rian; Higo, Yuji; Shiro, Ayumi; Reid, Mark; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Shobu, Takahisa; Akita, Koichi
Hydrostatic Compression Behavior and High-Pressure Stabilized β-Phase in γ-Based Titanium Aluminide Intermetallics
Metals, 2016, 6, 165
1545054 CIFAl Ti3P 63/m m c5.76803; 5.76803; 4.64241
90; 90; 120
133.761Liss, Klaus-Dieter; Funakoshi, Ken-Ichi; Dippenaar, Rian; Higo, Yuji; Shiro, Ayumi; Reid, Mark; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Shobu, Takahisa; Akita, Koichi
Hydrostatic Compression Behavior and High-Pressure Stabilized β-Phase in γ-Based Titanium Aluminide Intermetallics
Metals, 2016, 6, 165
9017254 CIFAl0.01 Ca0.7 Fe3.23 H18 Mg1.33 Mn0.59 Na0.17 O26 P4P 1 2/a 114.975; 7.1645; 9.928
90; 110.65; 90
996.725Elliott, P.
Jahnsite-(CaFeMg), a new mineral from Tom's quarry, South Australia: description and crystal structure
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016, 28, 991-996
9017353 CIFAl0.05 Ca1.9 Fe0.07 H8 Mg0.04 Mn1.88 O17 Si4 Sr0.06C 1 2 19.036; 6.1683; 11.9601
90; 91.433; 90
666.409Fendrich, K. V.; Downs, R. T.; Origlieri, M. J.
Redetermination of ruizite, Ca2Mn3+2[Si4O11(OH)](OH)2*2H2O
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2016, 72, 959-963
2107953 CIFAl0.1 Ba2 Ca0.08 Cu2.9 O6.89 Y0.92P 4/m m m3.8526; 3.8526; 11.666
90; 90; 90
173.15Pascale, Lise; Truccato, Marco; Operti, Lorenza; Agostino, Angelo
Effect of Al and Ca co-doping, in the presence of Te, in superconducting YBCO whiskers growth
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 702-708
2107952 CIF
Al0.16 Ba2 Ca0.05 Cu2.84 O6.75 Y0.95P 4/m m m3.8551; 3.8551; 11.6782
90; 90; 90
173.56Pascale, Lise; Truccato, Marco; Operti, Lorenza; Agostino, Angelo
Effect of Al and Ca co-doping, in the presence of Te, in superconducting YBCO whiskers growth
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 702-708
1561351 CIFAl0.5 Ge2 U1.5I 4 c m7.762; 7.762; 11.092
90; 90; 90
668.278Moussa, C.; El Sayah, Z.; Chajewski, G.; Berche, A.; Dorcet, V.; Pikul, A.P.; Pasturel, M.; Joanny, L.; Stepnik, B.; Tougait, O.
Investigation of the phase relations in the U-Al-Ge ternary system: Influence of the Al/Ge substitution on the properties of the intermediate phases
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 168-178
1561354 CIFAl0.5 Ge4.5 U3I 4/m c m7.724; 7.724; 11.056
90; 90; 90
659.603Moussa, C.; El Sayah, Z.; Chajewski, G.; Berche, A.; Dorcet, V.; Pikul, A.P.; Pasturel, M.; Joanny, L.; Stepnik, B.; Tougait, O.
Investigation of the phase relations in the U-Al-Ge ternary system: Influence of the Al/Ge substitution on the properties of the intermediate phases
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 168-178
4125061 CIFAl0.5 Nd9.652 O26 Si5.5P 63/m9.5515; 9.5515; 7.042
90; 90; 120
556.378An, Tao; Baikie, Tom; Orera, Alodia; Piltz, Ross O.; Meven, Martin; Slater, Peter R.; Wei, Jun; Sanjuán, María L; White, T. J.
Interstitial Oxide Ion Distribution and Transport Mechanism in Aluminum-Doped Neodymium Silicate Apatite Electrolytes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4468-4483
9017709 CIFAl0.982 Fe1.368 H18 Mg0.27 Mn0.37 O18 P2 Zn0.03P -15.316; 10.62; 7.118
107.33; 111.33; 72.22
348.453Grey, I. E.; Keck, E.; Mumme, W. G.; Pring, A.; Macrae, C. M.; Glenn, A. M.; Davidson, C. J.; Shanks, F. L.; Mills, S. J.
Kummerite, Mn2+Fe3+Al(PO4)2(OH)2*8H2O, a new laueite-group mineral from the Hagendorf Sud pegmatite, Bavaria, with ordering of Al and Fe3+
Mineralogical Magazine, 2016, 80, 1243-1254
2241609 CIF
Al1.08 As5.3 Co5.4 Na4 O24 P0.7C 1 2/m 110.5797; 14.5528; 6.6441
90; 105.608; 90
985.23Issaoui, Chokri; Chebbi, Hammouda; Guesmi, Abderrahmen
Crystal structure of Na~4~Co~7{-~<i>x</i>}Al~0.67<i>x~</i>(As~1{-~<i>y</i>}P~<i>y~</i>O~4~)~6~ (<i>x</i>~= 1.60; <i>y</i> = 0.116)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 495-497
2108010 CIF
Al1.44 Ca0.49 Na0.51 O8 Si2.56?8.1661; 12.8545; 14.235
93.5777; 116.309; 89.593
1336.52Xu, Huifang; Jin, Shiyun; Noll, Bruce C.
Incommensurate density modulation in a Na-rich plagioclase feldspar: <i>Z</i>-contrast imaging and single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 904-915
1561355 CIFAl1.5 Ge3.5 U3I 4 c m7.753; 7.753; 11.055
90; 90; 90
664.505Moussa, C.; El Sayah, Z.; Chajewski, G.; Berche, A.; Dorcet, V.; Pikul, A.P.; Pasturel, M.; Joanny, L.; Stepnik, B.; Tougait, O.
Investigation of the phase relations in the U-Al-Ge ternary system: Influence of the Al/Ge substitution on the properties of the intermediate phases
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 168-178
4125057 CIFAl1.5 Nd9.959 O26 Si4.5P 63/m9.5611; 9.5611; 7.0607
90; 90; 120
558.977An, Tao; Baikie, Tom; Orera, Alodia; Piltz, Ross O.; Meven, Martin; Slater, Peter R.; Wei, Jun; Sanjuán, María L; White, T. J.
Interstitial Oxide Ion Distribution and Transport Mechanism in Aluminum-Doped Neodymium Silicate Apatite Electrolytes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4468-4483
4002656 CIFAl1.62 Na1.62 Sn4.38P 61 2 26.405; 6.405; 6.1427
90; 90; 120
218.24Kanno, Masahiro; Yamada, Takahiro; Yamane, Hisanori; Nagai, Hideaki
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties of Na2+xAl2+xSn4‒x(x= −0.38, ‒0.24)
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 601
9017252 CIFAl1.76 Fe2.24 H44 Mg Mn4 O56 P8 Zn4I 1 2/m 125.333; 6.299; 15.161
90; 90.03; 90
2419.28Mills, S. J.; Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Macrae, C. M.; Smith, J. B.; Davidson, C. J.; Glenn, A. M.
Ferraioloite, MgMn2+4(Fe2+0.5Al3+0.5)4Zn4(PO4)8(OH)4(H2O)20, a new secondary phosphate mineral from the Foote mine, USA
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016, 28, 655-661
4002657 CIFAl1.76 Na1.76 Sn4.24P 61 2 26.3984; 6.3984; 6.1529
90; 90; 120
218.149Kanno, Masahiro; Yamada, Takahiro; Yamane, Hisanori; Nagai, Hideaki
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties of Na2+xAl2+xSn4‒x(x= −0.38, ‒0.24)
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 601
7040229 CIFAl10.15 Au2.85 La16P -6 2 m9.0909; 9.0909; 11.1315
90; 90; 120
796.71Stegemann, Frank; Janka, Oliver
RE16AuxAl13-x with RE = La-Nd, Sm (x≤ 3.37): synthesis, crystal structure and physical properties of an intermetallic solid solution with barrelane analogue units.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13863-13871
4003258 CIFAl12 O48 P8.4 Si3.6P -3 1 c13.8077; 13.8077; 9.9138
90; 90; 120
1636.87Turrina, Alessandro; Garcia, Raquel; Cox, Paul A.; Casci, John L.; Wright, Paul A.
Retrosynthetic Co-Templating Method for the Preparation of Silicoaluminophosphate Molecular Sieves
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4998
1561575 CIFAl15.05 Ru3 Tb2P 63/m c m13.0072; 13.0072; 9.0289
90; 90; 120
1322.9Morrison, Gregory; Prestigiacomo, Joseph; Haldolaarachchige, Neel; Rai, Binod K.; Young, David P.; Stadler, Shane; Morosan, Emilia; Chan, Julia Y.
Synthesis and anisotropic properties of single crystalline Ln2Ru3Al15+ (Ln=Gd, Tb)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 186-194
1561574 CIFAl15.09 Gd2 Ru3P 63/m c m13.0114; 13.0114; 9.0552
90; 90; 120
1327.6Morrison, Gregory; Prestigiacomo, Joseph; Haldolaarachchige, Neel; Rai, Binod K.; Young, David P.; Stadler, Shane; Morosan, Emilia; Chan, Julia Y.
Synthesis and anisotropic properties of single crystalline Ln2Ru3Al15+ (Ln=Gd, Tb)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 186-194
4002664 CIFAl156 Ca75.04 Li42.05 N220F d -3 m :222.415; 22.415; 22.415
90; 90; 90
11262Wagatha, Peter; Pust, Philipp; Weiler, Volker; Wochnik, Angela S.; Schmidt, Peter J.; Scheu, Christina; Schnick, Wolfgang
Ca18.75Li10.5[Al39N55]:Eu2+—Supertetrahedron Phosphor for Solid-State Lighting
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 1220
7226448 CIF
Al16 Ce0.24 Lu23.76 Mg12 O96 Si12I a -3 d11.979965; 11.979965; 11.979965
90; 90; 90
1719.36Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Rong-Jun Xie; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Victor V. Atuchin
Structure evolution and photoluminescence of Lu3(Al,Mg)2(Al,Si)3O12:Ce3+ phosphors: New yellow-color converter for blue LED-driven solid state lighting
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 6855-6863
3500057 CIFAl2 As2 Cs2 O9P -17.2333; 8.2043; 5.0263
107.246; 108.268; 95.195
264.92Lubomir Smrcok; Yvon Laligant; Armel Le Bail
Cs2Al2As2O9 solved ab initio from X-ray powder diffraction data in 1998
Personal communication to COD, 2016
9017251 CIFAl2 Ca0.03 H14 Mn0.97 O16 P2P -110.049; 10.205; 6.083
91.79; 99.7; 98.02
607.921Mills, S. J.; Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Birch, W. D.; Macrae, C. M.; Smith, J. B.; Keck, E.
Kayrobertsonite, MnAl2(PO4)2(OH)2*6H2O, a new phosphate mineral related to nordgauite Note: T = 100 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016, 28, 649-654
1561353 CIFAl2 Ge3 U3I 4 c m7.724; 7.724; 11.056
90; 90; 90
659.603Moussa, C.; El Sayah, Z.; Chajewski, G.; Berche, A.; Dorcet, V.; Pikul, A.P.; Pasturel, M.; Joanny, L.; Stepnik, B.; Tougait, O.
Investigation of the phase relations in the U-Al-Ge ternary system: Influence of the Al/Ge substitution on the properties of the intermediate phases
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 168-178
1561387 CIFAl2 Pt3 SrP 6/m m m5.6629; 5.6629; 3.8939
90; 90; 120
108.142Stegemann, Frank; Benndorf, Christopher; Touzani, Rachid St.; Fokwa, Boniface P.T.; Janka, Oliver
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the polar intermetallics SrPt3Al2 and Sr2Pd2Al
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 242, 143-150
1561356 CIFAl2.07 Ge2.93 U3I 4 c m7.7684; 7.7684; 11.0741
90; 90; 90
668.3Moussa, C.; El Sayah, Z.; Chajewski, G.; Berche, A.; Dorcet, V.; Pikul, A.P.; Pasturel, M.; Joanny, L.; Stepnik, B.; Tougait, O.
Investigation of the phase relations in the U-Al-Ge ternary system: Influence of the Al/Ge substitution on the properties of the intermediate phases
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 168-178
1543139 CIFAl20 La V2F d -3 m :214.6219; 14.6219; 14.6219
90; 90; 90
3126.16Winiarski, M.J.; Wiendlocha, B.; Sternik, M.; Wisniewski, P.; O Brien, J.R.; Kaczorowski, D.; Klimczuk, T.
Rattling-enhanced superconductivity in MV2Al20 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) intermetallic cage compounds
Physical Review B, 2016, 93, 134507-134507
1543140 CIFAl20 Lu V2F d -3 m :214.513; 14.513; 14.513
90; 90; 90
3056.83Winiarski, M.J.; Wiendlocha, B.; Sternik, M.; Wisniewski, P.; O Brien, J.R.; Kaczorowski, D.; Klimczuk, T.
Rattling-enhanced superconductivity in MV2Al20 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) intermetallic cage compounds
Physical Review B, 2016, 93, 134507-134507
1543137 CIFAl20 Sc V2F d -3 m :214.4978; 14.4978; 14.4978
90; 90; 90
3047.24Winiarski, M.J.; Wiendlocha, B.; Sternik, M.; Wisniewski, P.; O Brien, J.R.; Kaczorowski, D.; Klimczuk, T.
Rattling-enhanced superconductivity in MV2Al20 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) intermetallic cage compounds
Physical Review B, 2016, 93, 134507-134507
1543138 CIFAl20 V2 YF d -3 m :214.5378; 14.5378; 14.5378
90; 90; 90
3072.53Winiarski, M.J.; Wiendlocha, B.; Sternik, M.; Wisniewski, P.; O Brien, J.R.; Kaczorowski, D.; Klimczuk, T.
Rattling-enhanced superconductivity in MV2Al20 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) intermetallic cage compounds
Physical Review B, 2016, 93, 134507-134507
7226447 CIF
Al24 Ce0.24 Lu23.76 Mg8 O96 Si8I a -3 d11.959885; 11.959885; 11.959885
90; 90; 90
1710.73Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Rong-Jun Xie; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Victor V. Atuchin
Structure evolution and photoluminescence of Lu3(Al,Mg)2(Al,Si)3O12:Ce3+ phosphors: New yellow-color converter for blue LED-driven solid state lighting
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 6855-6863
7224686 CIF
Al24 Ce0.48 Lu15.68 Mg8 O96 Si8 Y7.84I a -3 d11.995183; 11.995183; 11.995183
90; 90; 90
1725.92Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Rong-Jun Xie
New garnet structure phosphors, Lu3-xYxMgAl3SiO12:Ce3+ (x = 0, 1, 2, 3), developed by solid solution design
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2359-2366
7224687 CIF
Al24 Ce0.48 Lu23.52 Mg8 O96 Si8I a -3 d11.959576; 11.959576; 11.959576
90; 90; 90
1710.6Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Rong-Jun Xie
New garnet structure phosphors, Lu3-xYxMgAl3SiO12:Ce3+ (x = 0, 1, 2, 3), developed by solid solution design
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2359-2366
7224685 CIF
Al24 Ce0.48 Lu7.84 Mg8 O96 Si8 Y15.68I a -3 d12.02572; 12.02572; 12.02572
90; 90; 90
1739.13Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Rong-Jun Xie
New garnet structure phosphors, Lu3-xYxMgAl3SiO12:Ce3+ (x = 0, 1, 2, 3), developed by solid solution design
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2359-2366
7224684 CIF
Al24 Ce0.48 Mg8 O96 Si8 Y23.52I a -3 d12.058912; 12.058912; 12.058912
90; 90; 90
1753.58Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Rong-Jun Xie
New garnet structure phosphors, Lu3-xYxMgAl3SiO12:Ce3+ (x = 0, 1, 2, 3), developed by solid solution design
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2359-2366
1542921 CIF
Al24 Eu0.12 O38 Sr1.88P 63/m m c5.568411; 5.568411; 22.00704
90; 90; 120
590.956Bin Ma; Qingfeng Guo; Maxim S. Molokeev; Zhenfei Lv; Jun Yao; Lefu Mei; Zhaohui Huang
Crystal structure and luminescence properties of green-emitting Sr1-xAl12O19:xEu2+ phosphors
Ceramics International, 2016, 42, 5995-5999
1542922 CIF
Al24 Eu0.16 O38 Sr1.84P 63/m m c5.568011; 5.568011; 22.00807
90; 90; 120
590.898Bin Ma; Qingfeng Guo; Maxim S. Molokeev; Zhenfei Lv; Jun Yao; Lefu Mei; Zhaohui Huang
Crystal structure and luminescence properties of green-emitting Sr1-xAl12O19:xEu2+ phosphors
Ceramics International, 2016, 42, 5995-5999
4002686 CIFAl3.94 Ce0.03 Mg4.06 N8 Sr1.97I 4/m8.176483; 8.176483; 3.35754
90; 90; 90
224.468Leano, Julius; Lin, Shing-Ying; Mahlik, Sebastian; Grinberg, Marek; Liang, Chaolun; Zhou, Wuzong; Molokeev, Maxim; Atuchin, Victor; Tsai, Yi-Ting; Lin, Cun Che; Sheu, Hwo-Shuenn; Liu, Ru-Shi
Green Light-excitable Ce-doped Nitridomagnesoaluminate Sr[Mg2Al2N4] Phosphor for White Light-emitting Diodes
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 6822-6825
7226870 CIFAl32 Ba8 Ce0.32 O96 Si8 Y15.68I a -3 d12.006801; 12.006801; 12.006801
90; 90; 90
1730.94Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Yujin Cho; Naoto Hirosaki; Maxim Molokeev; Zhiguo Xia; Zhaohui Huang; Rong-Jun Xie
New Y2BaAl4SiO12:Ce3+ yellow microcrystal-glass powder phosphor with high thermal emission stability
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 9872-9878
7226446 CIF
Al32 Ce0.24 Lu23.76 Mg4 O96 Si4I a -3 d11.938448; 11.938448; 11.938448
90; 90; 90
1701.55Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Rong-Jun Xie; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Victor V. Atuchin
Structure evolution and photoluminescence of Lu3(Al,Mg)2(Al,Si)3O12:Ce3+ phosphors: New yellow-color converter for blue LED-driven solid state lighting
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 6855-6863
7055443 CIFAl4.68 B8 La2 O22P -6 2 m4.6149; 4.6149; 18.72
90; 90; 120
345.27Guo, Shu; Liu, Lijuan; Xia, Mingjun; Wang, Xiaoyang; Bai, Lei; Xu, Bo; Huang, Qian; Chen, Chuangtian
Crystal growth, structure and optical properties of a new acentric crystal La2Al4.68B8O22with a short UV absorption edge
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 4870
7226445 CIF
Al40 Ce0.24 Lu23.76 O96I a -3 d11.913627; 11.913627; 11.913627
90; 90; 90
1690.95Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Rong-Jun Xie; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Victor V. Atuchin
Structure evolution and photoluminescence of Lu3(Al,Mg)2(Al,Si)3O12:Ce3+ phosphors: New yellow-color converter for blue LED-driven solid state lighting
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 6855-6863
1556735 CIFAl7 B3 K Mg2 O28 Si6R 3 m :H15.955; 15.955; 7.227
90; 90; 120
1593.2Lussier, A.; Ball, N.A.; Hawthorne, F.C.; Henry, D.J.; Shimizu, R.; Ogasawara, Y.; Ota, T.
Maruyamaite, K(MgAl2)(Al5Mg)Si6O18(BO3)3O, a potassium-dominant tourmaline from the ultrahigh-pressure Kokchetav massif, northern Kazakhstan: Description and crystal structure
American Mineralogist, 2016, 101, 355-361
7223749 CIFAl7 Cu2 FeP 4/m n c6.336; 6.336; 14.87
90; 90; 90
596.95Pillaca Quispe, Mirtha; Landauro Sáenz, Carlos V.; Pinto Vergara, Milida Z.; Quispe Marcatoma, Justiniano; Rojas Ayala, Chachi; Peña Rodríguez, Victor A.; Saitovitch, Elisa B.
Influence of high energy milling on the microstructure and magnetic properties of the Al-Cu-Fe phases: the case of the i-Al64Cu23Fe13quasicrystalline and the ω-Al70Cu20Fe10crystalline phases
RSC Adv., 2016
1544460 CIFAl7.61 N6.39 O2.61 Si0.39P 63/m m c3.05831; 3.05831; 42.9942
90; 90; 120
348.26Nishimine, H.; Suzuki, Y.; Banno, H.; Asaka, T.; Fukuda, K.
Disordered crystal structure of 16H-SiAlON, Si3-xAl5+xOxN9-x (x~2.6)
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2016, 124, 875-880
2107993 CIF
Al7.62 Ca18.1 Fe2.55 Mg0.63 Na0.9 O78 Si18 Ti2.2P 4/n n c :215.5326; 15.5326; 11.804
90; 90; 90
2847.85Aksenov, Sergey M.; Chukanov, Nikita V.; Rusakov, Vyacheslav S.; Panikorovskii, Taras L.; Rastsvetaeva, Ramiza K.; Gainov, Ramil R.; Vagizov, Farit G.; Lyssenko, Konstantin A.; Belakovskiy, Dmitry I.
Towards a revisitation of vesuvianite-group nomenclature: the crystal structure of Ti-rich vesuvianite from Alchuri, Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 744-752
2241752 CIF
Al7.92 Be Cr0.15 Mg2.92 O16P -3 m 15.6788; 5.6788; 18.3368
90; 90; 120
512.11Malcherek, Thomas; Schlüter, Jochen
Crystal structure of Cr-bearing Mg~3~BeAl~8~O~16~, a new polytype of magnesiotaaffeite-2<i>N</i>'2<i>S</i>
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1060-1063
7226449 CIF
Al8 Ce0.24 Lu23.76 Mg16 O96 Si16I a -3 d11.985987; 11.985987; 11.985987
90; 90; 90
1721.95Haipeng Ji; Le Wang; Maxim Molokeev; Naoto Hirosaki; Rong-Jun Xie; Zhaohui Huang; Zhiguo Xia; Otmar Melvin ten Kate; Lihong Liu; Victor V. Atuchin
Structure evolution and photoluminescence of Lu3(Al,Mg)2(Al,Si)3O12:Ce3+ phosphors: New yellow-color converter for blue LED-driven solid state lighting
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 6855-6863
1544862 CIFAl8.4 B3.42 H3 Li0.6 Na0.7 O31 Si5.58R 3 m :H15.816; 15.816; 7.0944
90; 90; 120
1536.88Sugiyama, K.; Arima, H.; Konno, H.; Kawamata, T.
Distribution of Mn in pink elbaitic tourmaline from Mogok, Myanmar
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2016, 111, 1-8
7040228 CIFAl9.63 Au3.37 Ce16P -6 2 m8.9647; 8.9647; 10.975
90; 90; 120
763.8Stegemann, Frank; Janka, Oliver
RE16AuxAl13-x with RE = La-Nd, Sm (x≤ 3.37): synthesis, crystal structure and physical properties of an intermetallic solid solution with barrelane analogue units.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13863-13871
1544636 CIFAs H O5 Zn2P n n m8.3428; 8.566; 6.0769
90; 90; 90
434.28Jinnouchi, S.; Yoshiasa, A.; Sugiyama, K.; Shimura, R.; Arima, H.; Momma, K.; Miyawaki, R.
Crystal structure refinements of legrandite, adamite, and paradamite: The complex structure and characteristic hydrogen bonding network of legrandite
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2016, 111, 35-43
1544637 CIFAs H O5 Zn2P -15.8438; 6.7226; 5.6566
104.348; 92.32; 76.683
209.47Jinnouchi, S.; Yoshiasa, A.; Sugiyama, K.; Shimura, R.; Arima, H.; Momma, K.; Miyawaki, R.
Crystal structure refinements of legrandite, adamite, and paradamite: The complex structure and characteristic hydrogen bonding network of legrandite
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2016, 111, 35-43
1544638 CIFAs H3 O6 Zn2P 1 21/c 112.8014; 7.939; 10.2262
90; 104.49; 90
1006.23Jinnouchi, S.; Yoshiasa, A.; Sugiyama, K.; Shimura, R.; Arima, H.; Momma, K.; Miyawaki, R.
Crystal structure refinements of legrandite, adamite, and paradamite: The complex structure and characteristic hydrogen bonding network of legrandite
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2016, 111, 35-43
9017352 CIFAs0.02 Fe0.09 H Mn0.82 O9 Pb2 V1.98 Zn0.09P 1 21/m 17.6492; 6.1262; 8.9241
90; 112.195; 90
387.202Lafuente, B.; Downs, R. T.
Redetermination of brackebuschite, Pb2Mn3+(VO4)2(OH)
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2016, 72, 293-296
9017761 CIFAs0.847 Pb4.667 S7.667 Sb1.153P 1 21/m 18.972; 31.953; 8.4888
90; 117.964; 90
2149.45Biagioni, C.; Dini, A.; Orlandi, P.; Moelo, Y.; Pasero, M.; Zaccarini, F.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures Note: As-bearing geocronite
Minerals, 2016, 6
7040680 CIFAs0.96 Fe2.643 Te2P 63/m m c3.91052; 3.91052; 17.15815
90; 90; 120
227.232Verchenko, Valeriy Yu; Sokolov, Sergei S.; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Sobolev, Alexey V.; Presniakov, Igor A.; Bykov, Mikhail A.; Kirsanova, Maria A.; Shevelkov, Andrei V.
New Fe-based layered telluride Fe3-δAs1-yTe2: synthesis, crystal structure and physical properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 16938-16947
7040681 CIFAs0.96 Fe2.72 Te2P 63/m m c3.85091; 3.85091; 17.1367
90; 90; 120
220.082Verchenko, Valeriy Yu; Sokolov, Sergei S.; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Sobolev, Alexey V.; Presniakov, Igor A.; Bykov, Mikhail A.; Kirsanova, Maria A.; Shevelkov, Andrei V.
New Fe-based layered telluride Fe3-δAs1-yTe2: synthesis, crystal structure and physical properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 16938-16947
9017760 CIFAs1.067 Pb4.667 S7.667 Sb0.933P 1 21/m 18.9554; 31.9228; 8.4937
90; 117.981; 90
2144.34Biagioni, C.; Dini, A.; Orlandi, P.; Moelo, Y.; Pasero, M.; Zaccarini, F.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures Note: Sb-rich jordanite
Minerals, 2016, 6
4124925 CIFAs2 Ca Co1.87I 4/m m m3.9927; 3.9927; 10.3133
90; 90; 90
164.411Tan, Xiaoyan; Fabbris, Gilberto; Haskel, Daniel; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander A.; Cao, Huibo; Thompson, Corey M.; Kovnir, Kirill; Menushenkov, Alexey P.; Chernikov, Roman V.; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Shatruk, Michael
A Transition from Localized to Strongly Correlated Electron Behavior and Mixed Valence Driven by Physical or Chemical Pressure in ACo2As2 (A = Eu and Ca).
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2724-2731
4124926 CIFAs2 Ca0.845 Co1.888 La0.155I 4/m m m4.0018; 4.0018; 10.3726
90; 90; 90
166.111Tan, Xiaoyan; Fabbris, Gilberto; Haskel, Daniel; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander A.; Cao, Huibo; Thompson, Corey M.; Kovnir, Kirill; Menushenkov, Alexey P.; Chernikov, Roman V.; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Shatruk, Michael
A Transition from Localized to Strongly Correlated Electron Behavior and Mixed Valence Driven by Physical or Chemical Pressure in ACo2As2 (A = Eu and Ca).
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2724-2731
4124924 CIFAs2 Ca0.9 Co1.906 Eu0.1I 4/m m m3.9984; 3.9984; 10.3696
90; 90; 90
165.781Tan, Xiaoyan; Fabbris, Gilberto; Haskel, Daniel; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander A.; Cao, Huibo; Thompson, Corey M.; Kovnir, Kirill; Menushenkov, Alexey P.; Chernikov, Roman V.; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Shatruk, Michael
A Transition from Localized to Strongly Correlated Electron Behavior and Mixed Valence Driven by Physical or Chemical Pressure in ACo2As2 (A = Eu and Ca).
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2724-2731
4124927 CIFAs2 Co2 EuI 4/m m m3.929; 3.929; 11.512
90; 90; 90
177.71Tan, Xiaoyan; Fabbris, Gilberto; Haskel, Daniel; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander A.; Cao, Huibo; Thompson, Corey M.; Kovnir, Kirill; Menushenkov, Alexey P.; Chernikov, Roman V.; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Shatruk, Michael
A Transition from Localized to Strongly Correlated Electron Behavior and Mixed Valence Driven by Physical or Chemical Pressure in ACo2As2 (A = Eu and Ca).
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2724-2731
1544861 CIFAs2 Fe1.38 H16 O16 Zn1.62C 1 2/m 110.3417; 13.4837; 4.7756
90; 105.306; 90
642.31Yoshiasa, A.; Miyano, Y.; Isobe, H.; Sugiyama, K.; Arima, H.; Nakatsuka, A.; Momma, K.; Miyawaki, R.
Structural refinement of kottigite-parasymplesite solid solution: Unique cation site occupancy and chemical bonding with water molecules
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2016, 111, 363-369
4347391 CIFAs2 H64 Na0.75 O102 Rb9.25 Sb4 W18P 1 21/n 112.5851; 18.547; 17.66
90; 102.982; 90
4016.8Yang, Peng; Lin, Zhengguo; Bassil, Bassem S.; Alfaro-Espinoza, Gabriela; Ullrich, Matthias S.; Li, Ming-Xing; Silvestru, Cristian; Kortz, Ulrich
Tetra-Antimony(III)-Bridged 18-Tungsto-2-Arsenates(V), [(LSb(III))4(A-α-As(V)W9O34)2](10-) (L = Ph, OH): Turning Bioactivity On and Off by Ligand Substitution.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3718-3720
3500060 CIFAs2 H8 Na O14 V2P -16.428; 6.4306; 6.9534
91.823; 107.035; 90.076
274.66Armel Le Bail
Na(VO)2(AsO4)2(H20)4 isostructural with the phosphate Na(VO)2(PO4)2(H20)4
Personal communication to COD, 2016
1543848 CIFAs23 Co4.779 Cu39.221 Eu7F m -3 m16.54206; 16.54206; 16.54206
90; 90; 90
4526.57Plokhikh, Igor; Charkin, Dmitri; Verchenko, Valeriy; Ignatyev, Ivan; Kazakov, Sergey; Sobolev, Alexey; Presniakov, Igor; Tsirlin, Alexander; Shevelkov, Andrei
Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Structure and Properties of a Clathrate-Like Compound Eu7Cu44As23
Materials, 2016, 9, 587
1543851 CIFAs23 Cu16.835 Eu7 Ni27.165F m -3 m16.3719; 16.3719; 16.3719
90; 90; 90
4388.31Plokhikh, Igor; Charkin, Dmitri; Verchenko, Valeriy; Ignatyev, Ivan; Kazakov, Sergey; Sobolev, Alexey; Presniakov, Igor; Tsirlin, Alexander; Shevelkov, Andrei
Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Structure and Properties of a Clathrate-Like Compound Eu7Cu44As23
Materials, 2016, 9, 587
1543850 CIFAs23 Cu25.186 Eu7 Ni18.814F m -3 m16.483; 16.483; 16.483
90; 90; 90
4478.25Plokhikh, Igor; Charkin, Dmitri; Verchenko, Valeriy; Ignatyev, Ivan; Kazakov, Sergey; Sobolev, Alexey; Presniakov, Igor; Tsirlin, Alexander; Shevelkov, Andrei
Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Structure and Properties of a Clathrate-Like Compound Eu7Cu44As23
Materials, 2016, 9, 587
1543846 CIFAs23 Cu36.152 Eu7 Ni7.848F m -3 m16.54064; 16.54064; 16.54064
90; 90; 90
4525.4Plokhikh, Igor; Charkin, Dmitri; Verchenko, Valeriy; Ignatyev, Ivan; Kazakov, Sergey; Sobolev, Alexey; Presniakov, Igor; Tsirlin, Alexander; Shevelkov, Andrei
Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Structure and Properties of a Clathrate-Like Compound Eu7Cu44As23
Materials, 2016, 9, 587
1543849 CIFAs23 Cu37.231 Eu7 Fe6.769F m -3 m16.62514; 16.62514; 16.62514
90; 90; 90
4595.11Plokhikh, Igor; Charkin, Dmitri; Verchenko, Valeriy; Ignatyev, Ivan; Kazakov, Sergey; Sobolev, Alexey; Presniakov, Igor; Tsirlin, Alexander; Shevelkov, Andrei
Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Structure and Properties of a Clathrate-Like Compound Eu7Cu44As23
Materials, 2016, 9, 587
1543847 CIFAs23 Cu44 Eu7F m -3 m16.64867; 16.64867; 16.64867
90; 90; 90
4614.65Plokhikh, Igor; Charkin, Dmitri; Verchenko, Valeriy; Ignatyev, Ivan; Kazakov, Sergey; Sobolev, Alexey; Presniakov, Igor; Tsirlin, Alexander; Shevelkov, Andrei
Effect of Transition Metal Substitution on the Structure and Properties of a Clathrate-Like Compound Eu7Cu44As23
Materials, 2016, 9, 587
1561509 CIFAs3 Ge3 KP n m a9.9931; 3.7664; 18.607
90; 90; 90
700.33Khatun, Mansura; Stoyko, Stanislav S.; Mar, Arthur
Ternary arsenides ATt3As3 (A=K, Rb; Tt=Ge, Sn) with layered structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 229-235
1561510 CIFAs3 Ge3 RbP n m a10.1657; 3.7595; 19.028
90; 90; 90
727.2Khatun, Mansura; Stoyko, Stanislav S.; Mar, Arthur
Ternary arsenides ATt3As3 (A=K, Rb; Tt=Ge, Sn) with layered structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 229-235
1561511 CIFAs3 K Sn3P n m a10.199; 4.084; 19.24
90; 90; 90
801.4Khatun, Mansura; Stoyko, Stanislav S.; Mar, Arthur
Ternary arsenides ATt3As3 (A=K, Rb; Tt=Ge, Sn) with layered structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 229-235
1561512 CIFAs3 Rb Sn3P n m a10.3211; 4.0917; 19.57
90; 90; 90
826.46Khatun, Mansura; Stoyko, Stanislav S.; Mar, Arthur
Ternary arsenides ATt3As3 (A=K, Rb; Tt=Ge, Sn) with layered structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 229-235
9017759 CIFAs3.78 Pb14 S23 Sb2.22P 1 21/m 18.9338; 31.891; 8.472
90; 117.943; 90
2132.33Biagioni, C.; Dini, A.; Orlandi, P.; Moelo, Y.; Pasero, M.; Zaccarini, F.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures Note: Sb-bearing jordanite
Minerals, 2016, 6
1561431 CIFAs6 Co7 Na4 O24C 1 2/m 110.7098; 14.7837; 6.6845
90; 105.545; 90
1019.65Ben Smida, Youssef; Marzouki, Riadh; Georges, Samuel; Kutteh, Ramzi; Avdeev, Maxim; Guesmi, Abderrahmen; Zid, Mohamed Faouzi
Synthesis, crystal structure, electrical properties, and sodium transport pathways of the new arsenate Na4Co7(AsO4)6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 239, 8-16
2241638 CIF
As6 Na4 Ni7 O24C 1 2/m 114.5383; 14.5047; 10.612
90; 118.299; 90
1970.3David, Rénald
Synthesis and crystal structure of Na~4~Ni~7~(AsO~4~)~6~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 632-634
4003330 CIFB Ba Be2 F3 O3P 637.6279; 7.6279; 13.99
90; 90; 120
705Guo, Shu; Jiang, Xingxing; Liu, Lijuan; Xia, Mingjun; Fang, Zhi; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Chen, Chuangtian
BaBe2BO3F3: A KBBF-Type Deep-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Material with Reinforced [Be2BO3F2]∞Layers and Short Phase-Matching Wavelength
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 8871
1561367 CIFB Ba O8 P2 RbI -4 2 d7.281; 7.281; 14.33
90; 90; 90
759.7Khan, Muhammad Ali; Li, Yan-Yan; Lin, Hua; Zhang, Li-Jun; Liu, Peng-Fei; Zhao, Hua-Jun; Duan, Rui-Huan; Wang, Jin-Qiu; Chen, Ling
Syntheses of six and twelve membered borophosphate ring structure with nonlinear optical activity
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 259-266
4125285 CIFB Bi3 O9 TeP 638.751; 8.751; 5.8981
90; 90; 120
391.16Xia, Mingjun; Jiang, Xingxing; Lin, Zheshuai; Li, Rukang
"All-Three-in-One": A New Bismuth-Tellurium-Borate Bi3TeBO9 Exhibiting Strong Second Harmonic Generation Response.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 14190-14193
4003326 CIFB Br2 K O3 Zn2R 3 2 :H4.9618; 4.9618; 28.199
90; 90; 120
601.23Yang, Guangsai; Gong, Pifu; Lin, Zheshuai; Ye, Ning
AZn2BO3X2(A = K, Rb, NH4; X = Cl, Br): New Members of KBBF Family Exhibiting Large SHG Response and the Enhancement of Layer Interaction by Modified Structures
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 9122
4003325 CIFB Br2 O3 Rb Zn2R 3 2 :H4.982; 4.982; 29.2
90; 90; 120
627.7Yang, Guangsai; Gong, Pifu; Lin, Zheshuai; Ye, Ning
AZn2BO3X2(A = K, Rb, NH4; X = Cl, Br): New Members of KBBF Family Exhibiting Large SHG Response and the Enhancement of Layer Interaction by Modified Structures
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 9122
4003327 CIFB Cl2 H4 N O3 Zn2R 3 2 :H4.952; 4.952; 27.05
90; 90; 120
574.5Yang, Guangsai; Gong, Pifu; Lin, Zheshuai; Ye, Ning
AZn2BO3X2(A = K, Rb, NH4; X = Cl, Br): New Members of KBBF Family Exhibiting Large SHG Response and the Enhancement of Layer Interaction by Modified Structures
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 9122
4003328 CIFB Cl2 K O3 Zn2R 3 2 :H4.9624; 4.9624; 26.386
90; 90; 120
562.71Yang, Guangsai; Gong, Pifu; Lin, Zheshuai; Ye, Ning
AZn2BO3X2(A = K, Rb, NH4; X = Cl, Br): New Members of KBBF Family Exhibiting Large SHG Response and the Enhancement of Layer Interaction by Modified Structures
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 9122
4003329 CIFB Cl2 O3 Rb Zn2R 3 2 :H4.9611; 4.9611; 27.221
90; 90; 120
580.22Yang, Guangsai; Gong, Pifu; Lin, Zheshuai; Ye, Ning
AZn2BO3X2(A = K, Rb, NH4; X = Cl, Br): New Members of KBBF Family Exhibiting Large SHG Response and the Enhancement of Layer Interaction by Modified Structures
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 9122
4349177 CIFB Cl2 O3 Rb Zn2R 3 2 :H4.9645; 4.9645; 27.207
90; 90; 120
580.7Huang, Qian; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Li, Rukang; Chen, Chuangtian
Beryllium-Free KBBF Family of Nonlinear-Optical Crystals: AZn<sub>2</sub>BO<sub>3</sub>X<sub>2</sub> (A = Na, K, Rb; X = Cl, Br).
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12496-12499
7038301 CIFB Cu3 Pd3F d -3 m :211.136; 11.136; 11.136
90; 90; 90
1381Sologub, Oksana; Salamakha, Leonid P.; Eguchi, Gaku; Stöger, Berthold; Rogl, Peter F.; Bauer, Ernst
Boron induced structure modifications in Pd-Cu-B system: new Ti2Ni-type derivative borides Pd3Cu3B and Pd5Cu5B2.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 4879-4887
7055713 CIFB Gd3 O3 S3P -13.9725; 7.5945; 11.1824
91.402; 91.093; 90.206
337.2Chi, Yang; Guo, Sheng-Ping; Kong, Hong-Jian; Xue, Huai-Guo
Crystal and electronic structures, and optical and magnetic properties of novel rare-earth sulfide borates RE3S3BO3(RE = Sm, Gd)
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 6720
2020535 CIF
B Ge2 Li4R 3 m :H4.4603; 4.4603; 18.3197
90; 90; 120
315.63Pavlyuk, Volodymyr; Ciesielski, Wojciech; Rozdzynska-Kielbik, Beata; Dmytriv, Grygoriy; Ehrenberg, Helmut
Li~4~Ge~2~B as a new derivative of the Mo~2~B~5~ and Li~5~Sn~2~ structure types
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 561-565
7235016 CIFB10 Ba3 H5 Li O21P 3 1 c10.1984; 10.1984; 8.7126
90; 90; 120
784.77Chao Wu; Junling Song; Longhua Li; Mark G. Humphrey; Chi Zhang
Alkali metal-alkaline earth metal borate crystal LiBa3(OH)(B9O16)[B(OH)4] as a new deep-UV nonlinear optical material
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 8189-8196
8106931 CIFB12 H28 Mn2 O34P 1 21/c 112.843; 10.1138; 11.4484
90; 110.438; 90
1393.44Li, Ping; Fan, Cai-Hong; Ge, Jun-Feng
Crystal structure of hexaquamanganese(II) bis(hexaborato-κ 3O,O′,O′′)manganese(II) dihydrate, B12H28Mn2O34
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 533-535
7039291 CIFB12 I In4 K3 Se12P 63 2 213.896; 13.896; 9.687
90; 90; 120
1619.9Guo, Sheng-Ping; Chi, Yang; Liu, Bin-Wen; Guo, Guo-Cong
Synthesis, crystal structure and second-order nonlinear optical property of a novel pentanary selenide (K3I)[InB12(InSe4)3].
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10459-10465
2241822 CIF
B2 Ba Mn O5P 1 21/c 18.2868; 8.657; 6.5263
90; 92.87; 90
467.6Maschmeyer, Elizabeth M.; Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; Ranmohotti, Kulugammana G. S.
Crystal structure of BaMnB~2~O~5~ containing structurally isolated manganese oxide sheets
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1315-1320
1559840 CIFB2 Cs2 Li Nd O6P b c m7.2113; 9.9621; 10.3347
90; 90; 90
742.44Chen, Pengyun; Xia, Mingjun; Li, Rukang
Mixed Alkali Neodymium Orthoborates: K9 Li3 Nd3 (BO3 )7 and A 2 LiNd(BO3 )2 (A = Rb, Cs)
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2016, 642, 424-430
7038303 CIFB2 Cu4 Pd6F -4 3 m10.5981; 10.5981; 10.5981
90; 90; 90
1190.38Sologub, Oksana; Salamakha, Leonid P.; Eguchi, Gaku; Stöger, Berthold; Rogl, Peter F.; Bauer, Ernst
Boron induced structure modifications in Pd-Cu-B system: new Ti2Ni-type derivative borides Pd3Cu3B and Pd5Cu5B2.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 4879-4887
7038302 CIFB2 Cu5 Pd5F -4 3 m10.5273; 10.5273; 10.5273
90; 90; 90
1166.68Sologub, Oksana; Salamakha, Leonid P.; Eguchi, Gaku; Stöger, Berthold; Rogl, Peter F.; Bauer, Ernst
Boron induced structure modifications in Pd-Cu-B system: new Ti2Ni-type derivative borides Pd3Cu3B and Pd5Cu5B2.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 4879-4887
4131154 CIFB2 H42 O6C 1 2/c 123.2609; 10.0529; 13.4445
90; 99.182; 90
3103.6Abdulkarim, Ali; Hinkel, Felix; Jänsch, Daniel; Freudenberg, Jan; Golling, Florian E.; Müllen, Klaus
A New Solution to an Old Problem: Synthesis of Unsubstituted Poly(para-phenylene).
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 16208-16211
4002641 CIFB2 H8 MnP -4 n 25.5526; 5.5526; 6.07271
90; 90; 90
187.23Tumanov, Nikolay A.; Roedern, Elsa; Łodziana, Zbigniew; Nielsen, Dorrit B.; Jensen, Torben R.; Talyzin, Alexandr V.; Černý, Radovan; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Dmitriev, Vladimir; Palasyuk, Taras; Filinchuk, Yaroslav
High-Pressure Study of Mn(BH4)2Reveals a Stable Polymorph with High Hydrogen Density
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 274
4002642 CIFB2 H8 MnI 41/a c d :27.85254; 7.85254; 12.14548
90; 90; 90
748.919Tumanov, Nikolay A.; Roedern, Elsa; Łodziana, Zbigniew; Nielsen, Dorrit B.; Jensen, Torben R.; Talyzin, Alexandr V.; Černý, Radovan; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Dmitriev, Vladimir; Palasyuk, Taras; Filinchuk, Yaroslav
High-Pressure Study of Mn(BH4)2Reveals a Stable Polymorph with High Hydrogen Density
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 274
4002643 CIFB2 H8 MnF d d d :212.638; 9.321; 9.205
90; 90; 90
1084Tumanov, Nikolay A.; Roedern, Elsa; Łodziana, Zbigniew; Nielsen, Dorrit B.; Jensen, Torben R.; Talyzin, Alexandr V.; Černý, Radovan; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Dmitriev, Vladimir; Palasyuk, Taras; Filinchuk, Yaroslav
High-Pressure Study of Mn(BH4)2Reveals a Stable Polymorph with High Hydrogen Density
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 274
7041263 CIFB2 La Li O6 Rb2P 1 21/c 17.2366; 9.775; 10.199
90; 90.643; 90
721.4Xu, Dongdong; Zhang, Fangfang; Sun, Yanzhou; Yang, Zhihua; Lei, Binghua; Liu, Lili; Pan, Shilie
LiRb2LaB2O6: a new rare-earth borate with a MOF-5-like topological structure and a short UV cut-off edge.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 46, 193-199
1559839 CIFB2 Li Nd O6 Rb2P b c m7.113; 9.691; 10.135
90; 90; 90
698.6Chen, Pengyun; Xia, Mingjun; Li, Rukang
Mixed Alkali Neodymium Orthoborates: K9 Li3 Nd3 (BO3 )7 and A 2 LiNd(BO3 )2 (A = Rb, Cs)
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2016, 642, 424-430
7224085 CIFB2 O6 Rb SbC 1 c 111.7148; 7.1633; 7.4109
90; 125.435; 90
506.71Yan, Dong; Hu, Chun-Li; Mao, Jiang-Gao
A2SbB3O8(A = Na, K, Rb) and β-RbSbB2O6: two types of alkali boroantimonates with 3D anionic architectures composed of SbO6octahedra and borate groups
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1655
4348977 CIFB20 Ba2.5 Br O34 Rb4P -16.7321; 11.2428; 11.3074
98.907; 90.517; 100.83
829.81Mutailipu, Miriding; Zhang, Min; Dong, Xiaoyu; Chen, Yanna; Pan, Shilie
Effects of the Orientation of [B<sub>5</sub>O<sub>11</sub>]<sup>7-</sup> Fundamental Building Blocks on Layered Structures Based on the Pentaborates.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 10608-10616
4348971 CIFB20 Ba2.5 Cl O34 Rb4P -16.7562; 11.0862; 11.288
99.073; 90.601; 100.383
820.6Mutailipu, Miriding; Zhang, Min; Dong, Xiaoyu; Chen, Yanna; Pan, Shilie
Effects of the Orientation of [B<sub>5</sub>O<sub>11</sub>]<sup>7-</sup> Fundamental Building Blocks on Layered Structures Based on the Pentaborates.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 10608-10616
4348970 CIFB20 Ba4 Br2 O34 Rb4P 1 21/m 16.6944; 22.299; 6.7115
90; 119.107; 90
875.4Mutailipu, Miriding; Zhang, Min; Dong, Xiaoyu; Chen, Yanna; Pan, Shilie
Effects of the Orientation of [B<sub>5</sub>O<sub>11</sub>]<sup>7-</sup> Fundamental Building Blocks on Layered Structures Based on the Pentaborates.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 10608-10616
1561366 CIFB3 Ba2 Cs2 Li3 O24 P6P 21 312.853; 12.853; 12.853
90; 90; 90
2123.31Khan, Muhammad Ali; Li, Yan-Yan; Lin, Hua; Zhang, Li-Jun; Liu, Peng-Fei; Zhao, Hua-Jun; Duan, Rui-Huan; Wang, Jin-Qiu; Chen, Ling
Syntheses of six and twelve membered borophosphate ring structure with nonlinear optical activity
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 259-266
1542919 CIF
B3 Ba2.76 Eu0.24 O15 P3P 31 2 17.104645; 7.104645; 6.986941
90; 90; 120
305.424Lina Zhang; Minghao Fang; Zhaohui Huang; Yangai Liu; Xin Min; Hao Tang; Kai Chen; Ming Guan; Maxim S. Molokeev
Preparation and Luminescence Properties of the Blue-Emitting Phosphor BaBPO5:Eu2+
Science of Advanced Materials, 2016, 8, 1086-1092
4347898 CIFB3 Be6 F3 O9R -3 c :H4.4426; 4.4426; 24.956
90; 90; 120
426.56Guo, Shu; Liu, Lijuan; Xia, Mingjun; Kang, Lei; Huang, Qian; Li, Chao; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Chen, Chuangtian
Be2BO3F: A Phase of Beryllium Fluoride Borate Derived from KBe2BO3F2 with Short UV Absorption Edge.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6586-6591
7041136 CIFB3 Bi2 Ga O11 Pb2C 1 2/c 117.318; 8.868; 6.779
90; 90.238; 90
1041.1Liu, Lili; Yang, Yun; Li, Linping; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie
Pb2Bi2GaB3O11, a new congruent-melting galloborate containing two types of asymmetric cations with a moderate birefringence.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 18977-18983
7225838 CIFB3 Ca4.03 La0.11 O10 Y0.86C 1 m 18.1214; 16.1024; 3.5623
90; 101.211; 90
456.97Qi, Hongwei; Wang, Fang; Chai, Xiangxu; Wang, Zhengping; Yu, Fapeng; Liu, Yanqing; Zhao, Xian; Xu, Xinguang
Growth and non-critical phase-matching frequency conversion properties of LaxY1−xCOB crystals
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 6205
7055225 CIFB3 Cd4 Nd O10C 1 m 18.0536; 15.872; 3.5364
90; 100.268; 90
444.81Wang, Xing; Xia, Mingjun; Li, R. K.
Two potential self-activated orthoborates Cd4NdO(BO3)3and Ca3Nd3(BO3)5: growth, crystal structures and optical properties
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2057
7038726 CIFB3 Cs2 Li3 O24 P6 Pb2P 21 312.7246; 12.7246; 12.7246
90; 90; 90
2060.31Zhang, Li-Jun; Li, Yan-Yan; Liu, Peng-Fei; Chen, Ling
Li3Cs2M2B3P6O24 (M = Pb, Sr): borophosphates with double six-membered ring of [BP2O8](3.).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7124-7130
7038727 CIFB3 Cs2 Li3 O24 P6 Sr2P 21 312.6874; 12.6874; 12.6874
90; 90; 90
2042.3Zhang, Li-Jun; Li, Yan-Yan; Liu, Peng-Fei; Chen, Ling
Li3Cs2M2B3P6O24 (M = Pb, Sr): borophosphates with double six-membered ring of [BP2O8](3.).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7124-7130
1561435 CIFB3 Eu3 N6R -3 c :H11.937; 11.937; 6.8073
90; 90; 120
840.03Aydemir, Umut; Kokal, Ilkin; Prots, Yurii; Förster, Tobias; Sichelschmidt, Jörg; Schappacher, Falko M.; Pöttgen, Rainer; Ormeci, Alim; Somer, Mehmet
A novel europium (III) nitridoborate Eu3[B3N6]: Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic properties, and Raman spectra
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 239, 75-83
4344991 CIFB3 Fe0.86 Rh5.12 Ru1.02P 63 m c7.4396; 7.4396; 4.742
90; 90; 120
227.3Shankhari, Pritam; Misse, Patrick R. N.; Mbarki, Mohammed; Park, Hyounmyung; Fokwa, Boniface P. T.
Chemical Tuning of Magnetic Properties through Ru/Rh Substitution in Th7Fe3-type FeRh6-nRunB3 (n = 1-5) Series.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016
4344633 CIFB3 Ga2 H O8C m c e10.507; 7.436; 10.773
90; 90; 90
841.7Vitzthum, Daniela; Schauperl, Michael; Strabler, Christof M.; Brüggeller, Peter; Liedl, Klaus R.; Griesser, Ulrich J.; Huppertz, Hubert
New High-Pressure Gallium Borate Ga2B3O7(OH) with Photocatalytic Activity.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 676-681
4348526 CIFB3 H8 K3 O10C m c 2113.806; 7.91; 9.093
90; 90; 90
993Liu, Qiong; Zhang, Xiangyu; Yang, Zhihua; Zhang, Fangfang; Liu, Lili; Han, Jian; Li, Zhi; Pan, Shilie
K3B3O4(OH)4·2H2O: A UV Nonlinear Optical Crystal with Isolated [B3O4(OH)4](3-) Anion Groups.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8744-8749
7224083 CIFB3 K2 O8 SbP 1 21/c 15.9013; 11.0876; 10.9497
90; 103.218; 90
697.47Yan, Dong; Hu, Chun-Li; Mao, Jiang-Gao
A2SbB3O8(A = Na, K, Rb) and β-RbSbB2O6: two types of alkali boroantimonates with 3D anionic architectures composed of SbO6octahedra and borate groups
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1655
7224082 CIFB3 Na2 O8 SbP 1 21/c 15.8278; 10.3521; 10.4775
90; 102.948; 90
616.04Yan, Dong; Hu, Chun-Li; Mao, Jiang-Gao
A2SbB3O8(A = Na, K, Rb) and β-RbSbB2O6: two types of alkali boroantimonates with 3D anionic architectures composed of SbO6octahedra and borate groups
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1655
7224084 CIFB3 O8 Rb2 SbP 1 21/c 15.9381; 11.2928; 11.3181
90; 103.754; 90
737.2Yan, Dong; Hu, Chun-Li; Mao, Jiang-Gao
A2SbB3O8(A = Na, K, Rb) and β-RbSbB2O6: two types of alkali boroantimonates with 3D anionic architectures composed of SbO6octahedra and borate groups
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1655
4348501 CIFB31 H71 N8 O70P 1 21/c 111.41368; 11.88771; 23.4459
90; 90.0915; 90
3181.19Neiner, Doinita; Sevryugina, Yulia V.; Schubert, David M.
Solid-State Synthesis and Structure of the Enigmatic Ammonium Octaborate: (NH4)2[B7O9(OH)5]·3/4B(OH)3·5/4H2O.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8706-8711
4349174 CIFB34 H11 In19 O85R -3 :H18.0249; 18.0249; 13.4046
90; 90; 120
3771.6Vitzthum, Daniela; Wurst, Klaus; Prock, Johannes; Brüggeller, Peter; Huppertz, Hubert
The Indium Borate In<sub>19</sub>B<sub>34</sub>O<sub>74</sub>(OH)<sub>11</sub> with T2 Supertetrahedra.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 11473-11478
1561643 CIFB4 H8 Lu4 N4 O26P -17.8952; 9.8862; 14.6033
90.825; 101.748; 110.018
1044.15Ortner, Teresa S.; Wurst, Klaus; Hejny, Clivia; Huppertz, Hubert
Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of the lutetium borate‒nitrate Lu2B2O5(NO3)2·2H2O
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 233, 329-334
1542920 CIF
B4 Mn5.64 Ni6.36 O20P b a m9.1757; 12.3163; 2.9978
90; 90; 90
338.78Moshkina Evgeniya; Sofronova Svetlana; Veligzhanin Alexey; Molokeev Maxim; Nazarenko Ilya; Eremin Evgeniy; Bezmaternykh Leonard
Magnetism and Structure of Ni2MnBO5 ludwigite
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 402, 69-75
7038905 CIFB4 Na3 O12 Y3P 63 m c10.1136; 10.1136; 6.7485
90; 90; 120
597.79Shan, Faxian; Kang, Lei; Zhang, Guochun; Yao, Jiyong; Lin, Zheshuai; Xia, Mingjun; Zhang, Xinyuan; Fu, Ying; Wu, Yicheng
Na3Y3(BO3)4: a new noncentrosymmetric borate with an open-framework structure.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7205-7208
4348978 CIFB5 Ba K O9P 1 21/c 16.668; 14.511; 8.419
90; 105.087; 90
786.5Mutailipu, Miriding; Zhang, Min; Dong, Xiaoyu; Chen, Yanna; Pan, Shilie
Effects of the Orientation of [B<sub>5</sub>O<sub>11</sub>]<sup>7-</sup> Fundamental Building Blocks on Layered Structures Based on the Pentaborates.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 10608-10616
4002674 CIFB5 Be2 F O12 Sr3R 3 m :H10.3179; 10.3179; 8.3958
90; 90; 120
774.06Yu, Na; Wang, Shichao; Ye, Ning; Liang, Fei; Lin, Zheshuai; Luo, Min; Poeppelmeier, Kenneth R.
A Deep-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Crystal: Strontium Beryllium Borate Fluoride with Planar Be(O/F)3Groups
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4563
7055226 CIFB5 Ca3 Nd3 O15P 63 m c10.4864; 10.4864; 6.2665
90; 90; 120
596.772Wang, Xing; Xia, Mingjun; Li, R. K.
Two potential self-activated orthoborates Cd4NdO(BO3)3and Ca3Nd3(BO3)5: growth, crystal structures and optical properties
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2057
7038730 CIFB5 Cd8 F O15F d -3 m :213.972; 13.972; 13.972
90; 90; 90
2727.6Yang, Yun; Dong, Xiaoyu; Pan, Shilie
New fluoroborate Cd8B5O15F with two different isolated borate anions prepared by an open high-temperature solution method.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7008-7013
7040395 CIFB5 Cs3 H20 MgI 4/m c m9.7115; 9.7115; 16.254
90; 90; 90
1532.97Wegner, W.; Jaroń, T; Dobrowolski, M. A.; Dobrzycki, Ł; Cyrański, M K; Grochala, W.
Organic derivatives of Mg(BH4)2 as precursors towards MgB2 and novel inorganic mixed-cation borohydrides.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14370-14377
7040397 CIFB5 H20 Mg Rb3I 4/m c m9.2996; 9.2996; 15.993
90; 90; 90
1383.1Wegner, W.; Jaroń, T; Dobrowolski, M. A.; Dobrzycki, Ł; Cyrański, M K; Grochala, W.
Organic derivatives of Mg(BH4)2 as precursors towards MgB2 and novel inorganic mixed-cation borohydrides.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14370-14377
2300613 CIF
B6 Br K3 O10R 3 m :H10.1252; 10.1252; 8.8687
90; 90; 120
787.4Xia, Mingjun; Xu, Bo; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Li, Rukang; Chen, Chuangtian
Thermo-physical properties of nonlinear optical crystal K~3~B~6~O~10~Br
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2016, 49, 539-543
7227024 CIFB6 Br0.25 Cl0.75 K3 O10R 3 m :H10.0855; 10.0855; 8.8613
90; 90; 120
780.59Xia, Mingjun; Hou, Zhanyu; Yang, Yi; Xu, Bo; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Li, R.K.; Chen, Chuangtian
Chemical engineering of mixed halide hexaborates as nonlinear optical materials
RSC Adv., 2016
7227025 CIFB6 Br0.43 Cl0.57 K3 O10R 3 m :H10.0907; 10.0907; 8.8573
90; 90; 120
781.04Xia, Mingjun; Hou, Zhanyu; Yang, Yi; Xu, Bo; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Li, R.K.; Chen, Chuangtian
Chemical engineering of mixed halide hexaborates as nonlinear optical materials
RSC Adv., 2016
7227023 CIFB6 Br0.53 Cl0.47 K3 O10R 3 m :H10.0938; 10.0938; 8.8593
90; 90; 120
781.7Xia, Mingjun; Hou, Zhanyu; Yang, Yi; Xu, Bo; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Li, R.K.; Chen, Chuangtian
Chemical engineering of mixed halide hexaborates as nonlinear optical materials
RSC Adv., 2016
7227021 CIFB6 Br0.67 Cl0.33 K3 O10R 3 m :H10.099; 10.099; 8.858
90; 90; 120
782.39Xia, Mingjun; Hou, Zhanyu; Yang, Yi; Xu, Bo; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Li, R.K.; Chen, Chuangtian
Chemical engineering of mixed halide hexaborates as nonlinear optical materials
RSC Adv., 2016
7227022 CIFB6 Br0.79 Cl0.21 K3 O10R 3 m :H10.1051; 10.1051; 8.855
90; 90; 120
783.07Xia, Mingjun; Hou, Zhanyu; Yang, Yi; Xu, Bo; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Li, R.K.; Chen, Chuangtian
Chemical engineering of mixed halide hexaborates as nonlinear optical materials
RSC Adv., 2016
7225837 CIFB6 Ca8 La0.18 O20 Y1.81C 1 m 18.0806; 16.0141; 3.5431
90; 101.206; 90
449.75Qi, Hongwei; Wang, Fang; Chai, Xiangxu; Wang, Zhengping; Yu, Fapeng; Liu, Yanqing; Zhao, Xian; Xu, Xinguang
Growth and non-critical phase-matching frequency conversion properties of LaxY1−xCOB crystals
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 6205
7227026 CIFB6 Cl K3 O10R 3 m :H10.0748; 10.0748; 8.8641
90; 90; 120
779.18Xia, Mingjun; Hou, Zhanyu; Yang, Yi; Xu, Bo; Liu, Lijuan; Wang, Xiaoyang; Lin, Zheshuai; Li, R.K.; Chen, Chuangtian
Chemical engineering of mixed halide hexaborates as nonlinear optical materials
RSC Adv., 2016
4344958 CIFB6 F2 Na2 O9P 1 21/c 18.1964; 13.0005; 7.8955
90; 90.75; 90
841.3Shi, Guoqiang; Zhang, Fangfang; Zhang, Bingbing; Hou, Dianwei; Chen, Xinglong; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie
Na2B6O9F2: A Fluoroborate with Short Cutoff Edge and Deep-Ultraviolet Birefringent Property Prepared by an Open High-Temperature Solution Method.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016
7040604 CIFB6 K O13 UA m a 232.347; 6.4311; 11.143
90; 90; 90
2318Xu, Xiaomei; Liu, Zhiyong; Yang, Shitong; Chen, Lanhua; Diwu, Juan; Alekseev, Evgeny V.; Chai, Zhifang; Albrecht-Schmitt, Thomas E; Wang, Shuao
Potassium uranyl borate 3D framework compound resulted from temperature directed hydroborate condensation: structure, spectroscopy, and dissolution studies.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15464-15472
1559838 CIFB7 K9 Li3 Nd3 O21P 1 2/c 111.4524; 10.1266; 12.3116
90; 122.009; 90
1210.74Chen, Pengyun; Xia, Mingjun; Li, Rukang
Mixed Alkali Neodymium Orthoborates: K9 Li3 Nd3 (BO3 )7 and A 2 LiNd(BO3 )2 (A = Rb, Cs)
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2016, 642, 424-430
1554079 CIFB8 Ba10 F K5 O24R -3 c :H15.2929; 15.2929; 22.699
90; 90; 120
4597.5Liu, Lili; Yang, Yun; Jing, Qun; Dong, Xiaoyu; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie; Wu, Kui
K5Ba10(BO3)8F: A New Potassium Barium Borate Fluoride with a Perovskite-Like Structure
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 18763
7039297 CIFB8 Fe3 Nb7P 6/m m m8.3346; 8.3346; 3.2941
90; 90; 120
198.17Zheng, Qiang; Gumeniuk, Roman; Borrmann, Horst; Schnelle, Walter; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Rosner, Helge; Burkhardt, Ulrich; Reissner, Michael; Grin, Yuri; Leithe-Jasper, Andreas
Ternary borides Nb7Fe3B8 and Ta7Fe3B8 with Kagome-type iron framework.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9590-9600
7039298 CIFB8 Fe3 Ta7P 6/m m m8.2788; 8.2788; 3.2934
90; 90; 120
195.48Zheng, Qiang; Gumeniuk, Roman; Borrmann, Horst; Schnelle, Walter; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Rosner, Helge; Burkhardt, Ulrich; Reissner, Michael; Grin, Yuri; Leithe-Jasper, Andreas
Ternary borides Nb7Fe3B8 and Ta7Fe3B8 with Kagome-type iron framework.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9590-9600
4344573 CIFB8 K Li O13P 1 21/c 110.9371; 7.7315; 11.2524
90; 96.887; 90
944.64An, Donghai; Kong, Qingrong; Zhang, Min; Yang, Yun; Li, Danni; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie; Chen, Huimin; Su, Zhi; Sun, Yi; Mutailipu, Miriding
Versatile Coordination Mode of LiNaB8O13 and α- and β-LiKB8O13 via the Flexible Assembly of Four-Connected B5O10 and B3O7 Groups.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 552-554
4344575 CIFB8 K Li O13P b c a14.472; 8.4169; 18.101
90; 90; 90
2204.9An, Donghai; Kong, Qingrong; Zhang, Min; Yang, Yun; Li, Danni; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie; Chen, Huimin; Su, Zhi; Sun, Yi; Mutailipu, Miriding
Versatile Coordination Mode of LiNaB8O13 and α- and β-LiKB8O13 via the Flexible Assembly of Four-Connected B5O10 and B3O7 Groups.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 552-554
4344574 CIFB8 Li Na O13C 1 2/c 119.232; 6.636; 17.307
90; 113.99; 90
2018An, Donghai; Kong, Qingrong; Zhang, Min; Yang, Yun; Li, Danni; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie; Chen, Huimin; Su, Zhi; Sun, Yi; Mutailipu, Miriding
Versatile Coordination Mode of LiNaB8O13 and α- and β-LiKB8O13 via the Flexible Assembly of Four-Connected B5O10 and B3O7 Groups.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 552-554
7040175 CIFBa Cd S4 SnF d d 221.566; 21.76; 13.11
90; 90; 90
6152Zhen, Ni; Wu, Kui; Wang, Ying; Li, Qiang; Gao, Wenhui; Hou, Dianwei; Yang, Zhihua; Jiang, Huaidong; Dong, Yongjun; Pan, Shilie
BaCdSnS4 and Ba3CdSn2S8: syntheses, structures, and non-linear optical and photoluminescence properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10681-10688
7039850 CIFBa Ce2 In2 S7P b a m11.5947; 12.3439; 4.0413
90; 90; 90
578.41Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
7039848 CIFBa Ce2 In2 Se7P b a m12.1364; 12.8927; 4.1741
90; 90; 90
653.13Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
1561614 CIFBa Cl F Mn O4 PP 1 21/c 17.2208; 8.5351; 8.8698
90; 107.41; 90
521.61Pei, Da-Ting; Sun, Wei; Huang, Ya-Xi; Sun, Zhi-Mei; Pan, Yuanming; Mi, Jin-Xiao
Novel phosphate halides BaMnIII[PO4]FCl and BaMnIII[PO4]F2: Effects of mixed halides on crystal structures and magnetic properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 234, 29-35
1561565 CIFBa Co Na2 O8 V2P -3 m 15.5489; 5.5489; 7.0741
90; 90; 120
188.63Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McMillen, Colin D.; Willett, Daniel; Chumanov, George; Kolis, Joseph W.
Hydrothermal synthesis of single crystals of transition metal vanadates in the glaserite phase
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 61-68
7039092 CIFBa Co4 O18 P4P n m a18.453; 8.3383; 9.4995
90; 90; 90
1461.7Guo, Wenbin; Tang, Yingying; Zhang, Suyun; Chen, Sihuai; Xiang, Hongping; Xu, Jinqiu; Cui, Meiyan; Wang, Lin; Qiu, Chaoqun; He, Zhangzhen
BaCo4(OH)2(H2PO4)(HPO4)2(PO4): Archimedean lattice T11 in distorted layers built from Co4O12(OH)4 squares.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8708-8711
7037900 CIFBa Cs Li O7 P2P 1 21/c 17.0782; 10.824; 10.7132
90; 105.616; 90
790.49Li, Lin; Han, Shujuan; Lei, Bing-Hua; Wang, Ying; Li, Hongyi; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie
Three new phosphates with isolated P2O7 units: noncentrosymmetric Cs2Ba3(P2O7)2 and centrosymmetric Cs2BaP2O7 and LiCsBaP2O7.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3936-3942
7037899 CIFBa Cs2 O7 P2P 1 21/n 110.758; 6.182; 13.867
90; 105.215; 90
889.9Li, Lin; Han, Shujuan; Lei, Bing-Hua; Wang, Ying; Li, Hongyi; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie
Three new phosphates with isolated P2O7 units: noncentrosymmetric Cs2Ba3(P2O7)2 and centrosymmetric Cs2BaP2O7 and LiCsBaP2O7.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3936-3942
3500050 CIFBa Cu F7 GaC 1 2/c 110.6199; 9.8809; 5.6263
90; 118.551; 90
518.59Armel Le Bail
BaCuGaF7 fluoride glass recrystallizing at 500 C in the BaCuGFeF7 structure type
Personal communication to COD, 2016
7037890 CIFBa Cu0.5 O4.5 PP 1 21/m 18.328; 5.868; 9.078
90; 112.571; 90
409.7Yang, Ming; Cui, Meiyan; Zhang, Suyun; Xiang, Hongping; Guo, Wenbin; He, Zhangzhen
Two S = 1/2 one-dimensional barium copper phosphates showing antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic intrachain interactions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3319-3326
7037889 CIFBa Cu2 H2 O9 P2P 21 21 215.163; 9.73; 14.574
90; 90; 90
732.1Yang, Ming; Cui, Meiyan; Zhang, Suyun; Xiang, Hongping; Guo, Wenbin; He, Zhangzhen
Two S = 1/2 one-dimensional barium copper phosphates showing antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic intrachain interactions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3319-3326
7235113 CIFBa Cu3 D2 O10 V2P 31 2 15.917849; 5.917849; 20.75995
90; 90; 120
629.629David Boldrin; Kevin Knight; Andrew S. Wills
Orbital frustration in the S = 1/2 kagome magnet vesignieite, BaCu3V2O8(OH)2
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 10315-10322
4344751 CIFBa Cu4 O17 P4 TiP 4 21 29.6028; 9.6028; 7.1209
90; 90; 90
656.65Kimura, Kenta; Sera, Masakazu; Kimura, Tsuyoshi
A(2+) Cation Control of Chiral Domain Formation in A(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4 (A = Ba, Sr).
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1002-1004
1561615 CIFBa F2 Mn O4 PP 1 21/c 15.1463; 12.691; 7.8709
90; 116.24; 90
461.09Pei, Da-Ting; Sun, Wei; Huang, Ya-Xi; Sun, Zhi-Mei; Pan, Yuanming; Mi, Jin-Xiao
Novel phosphate halides BaMnIII[PO4]FCl and BaMnIII[PO4]F2: Effects of mixed halides on crystal structures and magnetic properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 234, 29-35
3500049 CIFBa F7 Fe MnC 1 2/c 113.7972; 5.3432; 14.7638
90; 90.831; 90
1088.29Armel Le Bail
BaMnFeF7 fluoride glass recrystallizing at 440 C in the BaMnGaF7 structure type instead of the BaMnFeF7 type
Personal communication to COD, 2016
3500051 CIFBa F7 Ga ZnP 1 21/c 15.4045; 10.7701; 9.0421
90; 95.021; 90
524.29Armel Le Bail
BaZnGaF7 fluoride glass recrystallizing at 500 C in the BaMnFeF7 structure type
Personal communication to COD, 2016
1561566 CIFBa Fe Na2 O8 V2P -3 m 15.5731; 5.5731; 7.1034
90; 90; 120
191.07Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McMillen, Colin D.; Willett, Daniel; Chumanov, George; Kolis, Joseph W.
Hydrothermal synthesis of single crystals of transition metal vanadates in the glaserite phase
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 61-68
1543544 CIFBa H2 O5 TeC c c a10.5214; 10.5369; 7.4348
90; 90; 90
824.24Matthias Weila; Berthold Stogera; Christian Gierl-Mayerb; Eugen Libowitzkyc
Structural insights into the thermal decomposition sequence of barium tetrahydrogenorthotellurate(VI), Ba[H4TeO6]
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 241, 187-197
1543546 CIFBa H2 O8 Te2P 1 21/c 15.0437; 15.199; 8.7291
90; 90.419; 90
669.15Matthias Weila; Berthold Stogera; Christian Gierl-Mayerb; Eugen Libowitzkyc
Structural insights into the thermal decomposition sequence of barium tetrahydrogenorthotellurate(VI), Ba[H4TeO6]
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 241, 187-197
1543545 CIFBa H4 O6 TeP 1 21/n 17.8271; 7.9998; 8.4624
90; 106.443; 90
508.2Matthias Weila; Berthold Stogera; Christian Gierl-Mayerb; Eugen Libowitzkyc
Structural insights into the thermal decomposition sequence of barium tetrahydrogenorthotellurate(VI), Ba[H4TeO6]
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 241, 187-197
4125072 CIFBa Hg Se2P m c 214.358; 14.881; 7.59
90; 90; 90
492.22Li, Chao; Yin, Wenlong; Gong, Pifu; Li, Xiaoshuang; Zhou, Molin; Mar, Arthur; Lin, Zheshuai; Yao, Jiyong; Wu, Yicheng; Chen, Chuangtian
Trigonal Planar [HgSe3](4-) Unit: A New Kind of Basic Functional Group in IR Nonlinear Optical Materials with Large Susceptibility and Physicochemical Stability.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 6135-6138
7039853 CIFBa In2 La2 S7P b a m11.63; 12.4202; 4.0689
90; 90; 90
587.74Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
7039846 CIFBa In2 La2 Se7P b a m12.1515; 12.9367; 4.1966
90; 90; 90
659.71Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
7039847 CIFBa In2 Nd2 S7P b a m11.5895; 12.3001; 4.0028
90; 90; 90
570.61Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
7039849 CIFBa In2 Nd2 Se7P b a m12.1358; 12.851; 4.1363
90; 90; 90
645.09Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
7039851 CIFBa In2 Pr2 S7P b a m11.592; 12.3232; 4.021
90; 90; 90
574.4Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
7039852 CIFBa In2 Pr2 Se7P b a m12.1433; 12.8798; 4.1547
90; 90; 90
649.81Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Li, Chao; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Quaternary chalcogenides BaRE2In2Ch7 (RE = La-Nd; Ch = S, Se) containing InCh5 trigonal bipyramids.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12329-12337
1561563 CIFBa K2 Mn O8 V2P -3 m 15.734; 5.734; 7.3859
90; 90; 120
210.3Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McMillen, Colin D.; Willett, Daniel; Chumanov, George; Kolis, Joseph W.
Hydrothermal synthesis of single crystals of transition metal vanadates in the glaserite phase
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 61-68
1561564 CIFBa Li2 Mn O8 V2P -35.2887; 5.2887; 7.3026
90; 90; 120
176.89Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McMillen, Colin D.; Willett, Daniel; Chumanov, George; Kolis, Joseph W.
Hydrothermal synthesis of single crystals of transition metal vanadates in the glaserite phase
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 61-68
1561567 CIFBa Mn Na2 O8 V2P -3 m 15.5921; 5.5921; 7.1628
90; 90; 120
193.98Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McMillen, Colin D.; Willett, Daniel; Chumanov, George; Kolis, Joseph W.
Hydrothermal synthesis of single crystals of transition metal vanadates in the glaserite phase
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 61-68
1543547 CIFBa O4 TeP 1 21/n 15.9083; 5.0195; 13.538
90; 92.715; 90
401.04Matthias Weila; Berthold Stogera; Christian Gierl-Mayerb; Eugen Libowitzkyc
Structural insights into the thermal decomposition sequence of barium tetrahydrogenorthotellurate(VI), Ba[H4TeO6]
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 241, 187-197
7039603 CIFBa1.57 Ni8 Sb16.32 Sn7.68I m -39.1791; 9.1791; 9.1791
90; 90; 90
773.39Paschinger, W.; Rogl, G.; Grytsiv, A.; Michor, H.; Heinrich, P. R.; Müller, H; Puchegger, S.; Klobes, B.; Hermann, R. P.; Reinecker, M.; Eisenmenger-Sitter, Ch; Broz, P.; Bauer, E.; Giester, G.; Zehetbauer, M.; Rogl, P. F.
Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11071-11100
7039604 CIFBa1.57 Ni8 Sb16.32 Sn7.68I m -39.1995; 9.1995; 9.1995
90; 90; 90
778.56Paschinger, W.; Rogl, G.; Grytsiv, A.; Michor, H.; Heinrich, P. R.; Müller, H; Puchegger, S.; Klobes, B.; Hermann, R. P.; Reinecker, M.; Eisenmenger-Sitter, Ch; Broz, P.; Bauer, E.; Giester, G.; Zehetbauer, M.; Rogl, P. F.
Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11071-11100
7039607 CIFBa1.57 Ni8 Sb16.32 Sn7.68I m -39.1887; 9.1887; 9.1887
90; 90; 90
775.82Paschinger, W.; Rogl, G.; Grytsiv, A.; Michor, H.; Heinrich, P. R.; Müller, H; Puchegger, S.; Klobes, B.; Hermann, R. P.; Reinecker, M.; Eisenmenger-Sitter, Ch; Broz, P.; Bauer, E.; Giester, G.; Zehetbauer, M.; Rogl, P. F.
Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11071-11100
7039602 CIFBa1.98 Ni8 Sb12.24 Sn11.76I m -39.2083; 9.2083; 9.2083
90; 90; 90
780.8Paschinger, W.; Rogl, G.; Grytsiv, A.; Michor, H.; Heinrich, P. R.; Müller, H; Puchegger, S.; Klobes, B.; Hermann, R. P.; Reinecker, M.; Eisenmenger-Sitter, Ch; Broz, P.; Bauer, E.; Giester, G.; Zehetbauer, M.; Rogl, P. F.
Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11071-11100
7039605 CIFBa1.98 Ni8 Sb12.24 Sn11.76I m -39.1961; 9.1961; 9.1961
90; 90; 90
777.7Paschinger, W.; Rogl, G.; Grytsiv, A.; Michor, H.; Heinrich, P. R.; Müller, H; Puchegger, S.; Klobes, B.; Hermann, R. P.; Reinecker, M.; Eisenmenger-Sitter, Ch; Broz, P.; Bauer, E.; Giester, G.; Zehetbauer, M.; Rogl, P. F.
Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11071-11100
7039606 CIFBa1.98 Ni8 Sb12.24 Sn11.76I m -39.1854; 9.1854; 9.1854
90; 90; 90
774.99Paschinger, W.; Rogl, G.; Grytsiv, A.; Michor, H.; Heinrich, P. R.; Müller, H; Puchegger, S.; Klobes, B.; Hermann, R. P.; Reinecker, M.; Eisenmenger-Sitter, Ch; Broz, P.; Bauer, E.; Giester, G.; Zehetbauer, M.; Rogl, P. F.
Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11071-11100
4002672 CIFBa14 Mn1.75 O42 Ta10.5P 63 c m10.07782; 10.07782; 33.44271
90; 90; 120
2941.48Tao, Fengqiong; Genevois, Cécile; Lu, Fengqi; Kuang, Xiaojun; Porcher, Florence; Li, Liangju; Yang, Tao; Li, Wenbo; Zhou, Di; Allix, Mathieu
First 14-Layer Twinned Hexagonal Perovskite Ba14Mn1.75Ta10.5O42: Atomic-Scale Imaging of Cation Ordering
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4686
4002673 CIFBa14 Mn1.75 O42 Ta10.5P 63/m m c5.818857; 5.818857; 33.43938
90; 90; 120
980.538Tao, Fengqiong; Genevois, Cécile; Lu, Fengqi; Kuang, Xiaojun; Porcher, Florence; Li, Liangju; Yang, Tao; Li, Wenbo; Zhou, Di; Allix, Mathieu
First 14-Layer Twinned Hexagonal Perovskite Ba14Mn1.75Ta10.5O42: Atomic-Scale Imaging of Cation Ordering
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4686
4002663 CIFBa2 Bi2 O2 Se3P 1 21/c 19.82047; 4.19033; 13.90442
90; 123.692; 90
476.073Panella, Jessica R.; Chamorro, Juan; McQueen, Tyrel M.
Synthesis and Structure of Three New Oxychalcogenides: A2O2Bi2Se3(A = Sr, Ba) and Sr2O2Sb2Se3
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 890
2300614 CIF
Ba2 Co Ge2 O7P -4 21 m8.392; 8.392; 5.561
90; 90; 90
391.64Sazonov, Andrew; Meven, Martin; Roth, Georg; Georgii, Robert; Kézsmárki, István; Kocsis, Vilmos; Tokunaga, Yusuke; Taguchi, Yasujiro; Tokura, Yoshinori; Hutanu, Vladimir
Origin of forbidden reflections in multiferroic Ba~2~CoGe~2~O~7~ by neutron diffraction: symmetry lowering or Renninger effect?
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2016, 49, 556-560
7038844 CIFBa2 O11 P2 Te Zn2P 1 21/c 17.021; 16.166; 9.819
90; 106.131; 90
1070.6Xia, Mingjun; Li, R. K.
Structural variety in zinc telluro-phosphates: syntheses, crystal structures and characterizations of Sr2Zn3Te2P2O14, Pb2Zn3Te2P2O14 and Ba2Zn2TeP2O11.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7492-7499
7040176 CIFBa3 Cd S8 Sn2I -4 3 d14.679; 14.679; 14.679
90; 90; 90
3162.9Zhen, Ni; Wu, Kui; Wang, Ying; Li, Qiang; Gao, Wenhui; Hou, Dianwei; Yang, Zhihua; Jiang, Huaidong; Dong, Yongjun; Pan, Shilie
BaCdSnS4 and Ba3CdSn2S8: syntheses, structures, and non-linear optical and photoluminescence properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10681-10688
7037898 CIFBa3 Cs2 O14 P4P 21 21 219.017; 9.606; 18.689
90; 90; 90
1618.8Li, Lin; Han, Shujuan; Lei, Bing-Hua; Wang, Ying; Li, Hongyi; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie
Three new phosphates with isolated P2O7 units: noncentrosymmetric Cs2Ba3(P2O7)2 and centrosymmetric Cs2BaP2O7 and LiCsBaP2O7.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3936-3942
4125022 CIFBa3 O14 P2 Te Zn3P 3 2 18.4744; 8.4744; 5.2818
90; 90; 120
328.5Yu, Hongwei; Young, Joshua; Wu, Hongping; Zhang, Weiguo; Rondinelli, James M.; Halasyamani, P. Shiv
Electronic, Crystal Chemistry, and Nonlinear Optical Property Relationships in the Dugganite A3B3CD2O14 Family.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4984-4989
1561551 CIFBa4 Ga2 Se8P 1 21/c 113.2393; 6.4305; 20.6432
90; 104.315; 90
1702.9Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Lin, Xinsong; Mar, Arthur
Ba4Ga2Se8: A ternary selenide containing chains and discrete Se22− units
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 237, 144-149
1561409 CIFBa4 Ga4 Ge Se12P -4 21 c13.5468; 13.5468; 6.4915
90; 90; 90
1191.29Yin, Wenlong; Iyer, Abishek K.; Li, Chao; Lin, Xinsong; Yao, Jiyong; Mar, Arthur
Noncentrosymmetric selenide Ba4Ga4GeSe12: Synthesis, structure, and optical properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 241, 131-136
7039791 CIFBa5 Nb O15 Ta3P -3 m 15.79455; 5.79455; 11.8158
90; 90; 120
343.584Hojamberdiev, Mirabbos; Bekheet, Maged F.; Zahedi, Ehsan; Wagata, Hajime; Vequizo, Junie Jhon M.; Yamakata, Akira; Yubuta, Kunio; Gurlo, Aleksander; Domen, Kazunari; Teshima, Katsuya
The contrasting effect of the Ta/Nb ratio in (111)-layered B-site deficient hexagonal perovskite Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 crystals on visible-light-induced photocatalytic water oxidation activity of their oxynitride derivatives.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12559-12568
7039790 CIFBa5 Nb2 O15 Ta2P -3 m 15.7947; 5.7947; 11.803
90; 90; 120
343.23Hojamberdiev, Mirabbos; Bekheet, Maged F.; Zahedi, Ehsan; Wagata, Hajime; Vequizo, Junie Jhon M.; Yamakata, Akira; Yubuta, Kunio; Gurlo, Aleksander; Domen, Kazunari; Teshima, Katsuya
The contrasting effect of the Ta/Nb ratio in (111)-layered B-site deficient hexagonal perovskite Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 crystals on visible-light-induced photocatalytic water oxidation activity of their oxynitride derivatives.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12559-12568
7039789 CIFBa5 Nb3 O15 TaP -3 m 15.79575; 5.79575; 11.7965
90; 90; 120
343.165Hojamberdiev, Mirabbos; Bekheet, Maged F.; Zahedi, Ehsan; Wagata, Hajime; Vequizo, Junie Jhon M.; Yamakata, Akira; Yubuta, Kunio; Gurlo, Aleksander; Domen, Kazunari; Teshima, Katsuya
The contrasting effect of the Ta/Nb ratio in (111)-layered B-site deficient hexagonal perovskite Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 crystals on visible-light-induced photocatalytic water oxidation activity of their oxynitride derivatives.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12559-12568
7039788 CIFBa5 Nb4 O15P -3 m 15.7946; 5.7946; 11.7876
90; 90; 120
342.77Hojamberdiev, Mirabbos; Bekheet, Maged F.; Zahedi, Ehsan; Wagata, Hajime; Vequizo, Junie Jhon M.; Yamakata, Akira; Yubuta, Kunio; Gurlo, Aleksander; Domen, Kazunari; Teshima, Katsuya
The contrasting effect of the Ta/Nb ratio in (111)-layered B-site deficient hexagonal perovskite Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 crystals on visible-light-induced photocatalytic water oxidation activity of their oxynitride derivatives.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12559-12568
7039792 CIFBa5 O15 Ta4P -3 m 15.7892; 5.7892; 11.8202
90; 90; 120
343.078Hojamberdiev, Mirabbos; Bekheet, Maged F.; Zahedi, Ehsan; Wagata, Hajime; Vequizo, Junie Jhon M.; Yamakata, Akira; Yubuta, Kunio; Gurlo, Aleksander; Domen, Kazunari; Teshima, Katsuya
The contrasting effect of the Ta/Nb ratio in (111)-layered B-site deficient hexagonal perovskite Ba5Nb4-xTaxO15 crystals on visible-light-induced photocatalytic water oxidation activity of their oxynitride derivatives.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12559-12568
1542478 CIF
Ba5.78 Cl2 F12 Pb1.22P -610.5878; 10.5878; 4.1528
90; 90; 120
403.17Weil, Matthias
The solid solution Ba~5.78~Pb~1.22~F~12~Cl~2~
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x152427
1561612 CIFBi Cu0.5 I0.5 Se1.5C 1 2/m 114.243; 4.1937; 14.647
90; 116.095; 90
785.7Liang, I-Chu; Bilc, Daniel I.; Manoli, Maria; Chang, Wei-Yun; Lin, Wen-Fu; Kyratsi, Theodora; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Syntheses, crystal Structures and electronic Structures of new metal chalcoiodides Bi2CuSe3I and Bi6Cu3S10I
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 234, 1-8
7037272 CIFBi K3 Se3P 21 39.7193; 9.7193; 9.7193
90; 90; 90
918.13Thiele, G.; Donsbach, C.; Riedel, R.; Marsch, M.; Harms, K.; Dehnen, S.
Smallest molecular chalcogenidometalate anions of the heaviest metals: syntheses, structures, and their interconversion.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 5958-5967
2311337 CIFBi0.857 Ca0.143 F0.143 La O0.857 S2P 4/n m m :24.0548; 4.0548; 13.37
90; 90; 90
219.82Huang, Rongtie; Zhang, Hui; Wang, Dong; Cai, Chuanbing; Huang, Fuqiang
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of LaCa0.143 (4)O0.857 (4)F0.143 (4)Bi0.857 (4)S2.
Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications, 2016, 72, 845-848
7038117 CIFBi0.97 Mo0.07 O4 V0.93I 1 2/a 15.1153; 11.7022; 5.1878
90; 90.244; 90
310.54Terebilenko, Kateryna V.; Bychkov, Konstantin L.; Baumer, Vyacheslav N.; Slobodyanik, Nikolay S.; Pavliuk, Mariia V.; Thapper, Anders; Tokmenko, Inna I.; Nasieka, Iurii M.; Strelchuk, Viktor V.
Structural transformation of Bi1-x/3V1-xMoxO4 solid solutions for light-driven water oxidation.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3895-3904
4344739 CIFBi10 Fe6 O38 Ti7I m m m11.85114; 3.85076; 33.0722
90; 90; 90
1509.28Batuk, Dmitry; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Filimonov, Dmitry S.; Zakharov, Konstantin V.; Volkova, Olga S.; Vasiliev, Alexander; Hadermann, Joke; Abakumov, Artem M.
Bi3n+1Ti7Fe3n-3O9n+11 Homologous Series: Slicing Perovskite Structure with Planar Interfaces Containing Anatase-like Chains.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1245-1257
4344740 CIFBi10 Fe6 O38 Ti7I m m m11.851; 3.85076; 33.0704
90; 90; 90
1509.18Batuk, Dmitry; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Filimonov, Dmitry S.; Zakharov, Konstantin V.; Volkova, Olga S.; Vasiliev, Alexander; Hadermann, Joke; Abakumov, Artem M.
Bi3n+1Ti7Fe3n-3O9n+11 Homologous Series: Slicing Perovskite Structure with Planar Interfaces Containing Anatase-like Chains.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1245-1257
7226121 CIF
Bi2 CaC m c m4.697; 17.069; 4.6127
90; 90; 90
369.81Winiarski, M.J.; Wiendlocha, B.; Golab, S.; Kushwaha, S.K.; Wisniewski, P.; Kaczorowski, D.; Thompson, J.D.; Cava, R.J.; Klimczuk, T.
Superconductivity in CaBi2
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 21737-21745
7037483 CIFBi2 Cr Fe3 O9P b a m7.95579; 8.39146; 5.98242
90; 90; 90
399.391Rozova, M. G.; Grigoriev, V. V.; Bobrikov, I. A.; Filimonov, D. S.; Zakharov, K. V.; Volkova, O. S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Antipov, E. V.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Abakumov, A. M.
Synthesis, structure and magnetic ordering of the mullite-type Bi2Fe4-xCrxO9 solid solutions with a frustrated pentagonal Cairo lattice.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1192-1200
4002662 CIFBi2 O2 Se3 Sr2P 1 21/c 19.49954; 4.084794; 13.43734
90; 122.861; 90
437.984Panella, Jessica R.; Chamorro, Juan; McQueen, Tyrel M.
Synthesis and Structure of Three New Oxychalcogenides: A2O2Bi2Se3(A = Sr, Ba) and Sr2O2Sb2Se3
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 890
1545547 CIFBi2 O3P -4 21 c7.7299; 7.7299; 5.6587
90; 90; 90
338.115Perez-Mezcua, Dulce; Bretos, Inigo; Jimenez, Ricardo; Ricote, Jesus; Jimenez-Rioboo, Rafael J.; Goncalves da Silva, Cosmelina; Chateigner, Daniel; Fuentes-Cobas, Luis; Sirera, Rafael; Calzada, Lourdes M.
Photochemical solution processing of films of metastable phases for flexible devices: the beta-Bi2O3 polymorph
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 39561-39561
2241797 CIF
Bi2 TiF d d d5.7654; 10.3155; 19.4879
90; 90; 90
1159Watanabe, Kei; Yamane, Hisanori
Crystal structure of TiBi~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1254-1256
2107628 CIF
Bi2.27 Cu O6.18 Sr1.73A 1 2/a 15.3869; 5.3874; 24.579
90; 90.01; 90
713.32Mironov, Andrei V.; Petříček, Vaclav; Khasanova, Nellie R.; Antipov, Evgeny V.
New insight on bismuth cuprates with incommensurate modulated structures
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 395-403
1561613 CIFBi3 Cu1.5 I0.5 S5P n m a17.4761; 4.0078; 27.391
90; 90; 90
1918.5Liang, I-Chu; Bilc, Daniel I.; Manoli, Maria; Chang, Wei-Yun; Lin, Wen-Fu; Kyratsi, Theodora; Hsu, Kuei-Fang
Syntheses, crystal Structures and electronic Structures of new metal chalcoiodides Bi2CuSe3I and Bi6Cu3S10I
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 234, 1-8
1561480 CIFBi3 Li S5C 1 2/m 113.1079; 4.0007; 16.5085
90; 94.0723; 90
863.53Nakhal, Suliman; Wiedemann, Dennis; Stanje, Bernhard; Dolotko, Oleksandr; Wilkening, Martin; Lerch, Martin
LiBi3S5—A lithium bismuth sulfide with strong cation disorder
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 60-67
1561481 CIFBi3 Li S5C 1 2/m 113.1023; 4.00054; 16.5092
90; 94.084; 90
863.15Nakhal, Suliman; Wiedemann, Dennis; Stanje, Bernhard; Dolotko, Oleksandr; Wilkening, Martin; Lerch, Martin
LiBi3S5—A lithium bismuth sulfide with strong cation disorder
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 60-67
7039715 CIFBi4 Cs Te6C 1 2/m 151.68; 4.385; 14.458
90; 101.481; 90
3211Lin, Hua; Chen, Hong; Yu, Ju-Song; Zheng, Yu-Jun; Liu, Peng-Fei; Ali Khan, Muhammad; Wu, Li-Ming
CsBi4Te6: a new facile synthetic method and mid-temperature thermoelectric performance.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11931-11934
7702109 CIFBr15 I5 P2P -19.2316; 9.5736; 9.6641
91.12; 92.47; 111.88
791.3Hausmann, David; Köppe, Ralf; Wolf, Silke; Roesky, Peter W.; Feldmann, Claus
Ionic-liquid-assisted synthesis of the phosphorus interhalides [PBr<sub>4</sub>][IBr<sub>2</sub>] and [PBr<sub>4</sub>][I<sub>5</sub>Br<sub>7</sub>].
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 16526-16532
4344605 CIFBr3 H4 N O16 Pb4C 1 c 17.5988; 16.7478; 12.8198
90; 91.209; 90
1631.13Kong, Fang; Hu, Chun-Li; Liang, Ming-Li; Mao, Jiang-Gao
Pb4(OH)4(BrO3)3(NO3): An Example of SHG Crystal in Metal Bromates Containing π-Conjugated Planar Triangle.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 948-955
7702079 CIFBr4 NbI 1 2/m 18.6119; 7.1821; 9.3626
90; 92.212; 90
578.66Benjamin, Sophie L.; Chang, Yao-Pang; Hector, Andrew L.; Jura, Marek; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Stenning, Gavin
Niobium tetrahalide complexes with neutral diphosphine ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8192-8200
4344606 CIFBr6 H8 N2 O32 Pb8P b c a10.074; 19.262; 32.57
90; 90; 90
6320Kong, Fang; Hu, Chun-Li; Liang, Ming-Li; Mao, Jiang-Gao
Pb4(OH)4(BrO3)3(NO3): An Example of SHG Crystal in Metal Bromates Containing π-Conjugated Planar Triangle.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 948-955
7702108 CIFBr6 I PP n m a9.3739; 7.5698; 15.028
90; 90; 90
1066.4Hausmann, David; Köppe, Ralf; Wolf, Silke; Roesky, Peter W.; Feldmann, Claus
Ionic-liquid-assisted synthesis of the phosphorus interhalides [PBr<sub>4</sub>][IBr<sub>2</sub>] and [PBr<sub>4</sub>][I<sub>5</sub>Br<sub>7</sub>].
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 16526-16532
7224983 CIFBr8 H32 Mo6 O18R -3 m :H15.2397; 15.2397; 11.1438
90; 90; 120
2241.39Vorotnikov, Yuri A.; Efremova, Olga A.; Vorotnikova, Natalya A.; Brylev, Konstantin; Edeleva, Mariya V.; Tsygankova, Alphiya R.; Smolentsev, Anton I.; Kitamura, N.; Mironov, Yuri V.; Shestopalov, Michael A.
On the synthesis and characterisation of luminescent hybrid particles: Mo6metal cluster complex / SiO2
RSC Adv., 2016
2020663 CIF
Br9 H9 O3 Sb2P 1 21/n 113.4679; 7.6319; 19.1397
90; 90.24; 90
1967.27Chang, Jen-Hui; Doert, Thomas; Ruck, Michael
(H~3~O)~3~Sb~2~Br~9~: the first member of the <i>M</i>~3~<i>E</i>~2~<i>X</i>~9~ structure family with oxonium cations
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 966-970
7226478 CIFC Cl2 N O PP 1 21/c 110.8078; 6.1587; 7.7148
90; 104.196; 90
497.83Li, Dingqing; Schwabedissen, Jan; Stammler, Hans-Georg; Mitzel, Norbert W.; Willner, Helge; Zeng, Xiaoqing
Dichlorophosphanyl isocyanate - spectroscopy, conformation and molecular structure in the gas phase and the solid state.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 26245-26253
4348074 CIFC F3 N O3 P ZrP -15.41026; 5.79443; 10.36215
87.4743; 78.4408; 89.2386
317.946Taddei, Marco; Sassi, Paola; Costantino, Ferdinando; Vivani, Riccardo
Amino-Functionalized Layered Crystalline Zirconium Phosphonates: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Spectroscopic Characterization.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6278-6285
7125136 CIFC H BP 1 21/c 115.683; 13.493; 11.675
90; 108.429; 90
2343.9Tu, Deshuang; Leong, Pakkin; Li, Zhihong; Hu, Rongrong; Shi, Chao; Zhang, Kenneth Yin; Yan, Hong; Zhao, Qiang
A carborane-triggered metastable charge transfer state leading to spontaneous recovery of mechanochromic luminescence.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 12494-12497
7224377 CIFC H Br N OP -18.9523; 10.8955; 13.2918
83.854; 89.882; 89.928
1289Dhiman, Shiv; Saini, Hitesh K.; Nandwana, Nitesh k; Kumar, Dalip; Kumar, Anil
Copper-Catalyzed Synthesis of Quinoline Derivatives via Tandem Knoevenagel Condensation, Amination and Cyclization
RSC Adv., 2016
7223768 CIFC H Li O2C 1 2/c 112.0297; 12.0413; 13.5174
90; 100.597; 90
1924.64Tominaka, Satoshi; Yeung, Hamish H.-M.; Henke, Sebastian; Cheetham, Anthony K.
Coordination environments and π-conjugation in dense lithium coordination polymers
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 398
7223769 CIFC H Li O2C 1 2/c 112.0519; 12.0497; 13.5108
90; 101.003; 90
1925.99Tominaka, Satoshi; Yeung, Hamish H.-M.; Henke, Sebastian; Cheetham, Anthony K.
Coordination environments and π-conjugation in dense lithium coordination polymers
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 398
1544927 CIFC H N O SP -14.037; 10.599; 14.452
94.28; 95.46; 90.17
613.8Huang, Jun; Tang, Yumin; Gao, Ke; Liu, Feng; Guo, Han; Russell, Thomas P.; Yang, Tingbin; Liang, Yongye; Cheng, Xing; Guo, Xugang
Head-to-Head Linkage Containing Dialkoxybithiophene-Based Polymeric Semiconductors for Polymer Solar Cells with Large Open-Circuit Voltages
Macromolecules, 2016
7124692 CIFC H N O SP 1 21/c 115.924; 8.289; 15.498
90; 99.13; 90
2019.7Wang, Sasa; Chen, Xinzheng; Ao, Qiaoqiao; Wang, Huifei; Zhai, Hongbin
Decarboxylative Csp(3)-Csp(3) coupling for benzylation of unstable ketone enolates: synthesis of p-(acylethyl)phenols.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 9454-9457
7055455 CIFC H OP b c a7.615; 23.48; 36.26
90; 90; 90
6483Wang, Xiu-Zhen; Yang, Hui-Hui; Li, Wei; Han, Bing-Jie; Liu, Yun-Jun
Studies on apoptosis in HeLa cells via the ROS-mediated mitochondrial pathway induced by new dibenzoxanthenes
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 5255
1548453 CIFC H0.378 D5.622 I3 N PbP n m a8.81155; 12.58714; 8.55975
90; 90; 90
949.381P. S. Whitfield; N. Herron; W. E. Guise; K. Page; Y. Q. Cheng; I. Milas; M. K. Crawford
Structures, Phase Transitions and Tricritical Behavior of the Hybrid Perovskite Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 35685
1548467 CIFC H0.378 D5.622 I3 N PbI 4/m c m8.79948; 8.79948; 12.6882
90; 90; 90
982.458P. S. Whitfield; N. Herron; W. E. Guise; K. Page; Y. Q. Cheng; I. Milas; M. K. Crawford
Structures, Phase Transitions and Tricritical Behavior of the Hybrid Perovskite Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 35685
1548468 CIFC H0.378 D5.622 I3 N PbP m -3 m6.30649; 6.30649; 6.30649
90; 90; 90
250.821P. S. Whitfield; N. Herron; W. E. Guise; K. Page; Y. Q. Cheng; I. Milas; M. K. Crawford
Structures, Phase Transitions and Tricritical Behavior of the Hybrid Perovskite Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 35685
1561349 CIFC H10 B9 NaP 1 21/c 114.3713; 7.7224; 19.6297
90; 132.607; 90
1603.41Wu, Hui; Tang, Wan Si; Zhou, Wei; Tarver, Jacob D.; Stavila, Vitalie; Brown, Craig M.; Udovic, Terrence J.
The low-temperature structural behavior of sodium 1-carba-closo-decaborate: NaCB9H10
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 162-167
1561350 CIFC H10 B9 NaP n a 219.98301; 10.6367; 7.82665
90; 90; 90
831.08Wu, Hui; Tang, Wan Si; Zhou, Wei; Tarver, Jacob D.; Stavila, Vitalie; Brown, Craig M.; Udovic, Terrence J.
The low-temperature structural behavior of sodium 1-carba-closo-decaborate: NaCB9H10
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 243, 162-167
7236216 CIFC H2 Ag2 N8P b a m16.3005; 6.3588; 6.4725
90; 90; 90
670.89Qu, Xiaoni; Yang, Qi; Han, Jing; Wei, Qing; Xie, Gang; Chen, Sanping; Gao, Shengli
High performance 5-aminotetrazole-based energetic MOF and its catalytic effect on decomposition of RDX
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 46212
7226507 CIFC H2 Cl Hg N5P 1 21/n 18.1233; 6.9274; 8.7456
90; 93.122; 90
491.41Liu, Dong-Sheng; Chen, Wen-Tong; Huang, Jian-Gen; Cheng, Xiao-Di; Wang, Jie; Sui, Yan
Syntheses, structures and investigation of the properties of mercury coordination polymers based on 5-amino-tetrazolate ligands
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 7865
7226508 CIFC H2 Cl Hg N5P 1 21 15.8459; 6.9731; 6.1725
90; 94.27; 90
250.92Liu, Dong-Sheng; Chen, Wen-Tong; Huang, Jian-Gen; Cheng, Xiao-Di; Wang, Jie; Sui, Yan
Syntheses, structures and investigation of the properties of mercury coordination polymers based on 5-amino-tetrazolate ligands
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 7865
7226506 CIFC H2 Hg N5P 1 21/c 15.0952; 13.021; 6.8264
90; 105.26; 90
436.93Liu, Dong-Sheng; Chen, Wen-Tong; Huang, Jian-Gen; Cheng, Xiao-Di; Wang, Jie; Sui, Yan
Syntheses, structures and investigation of the properties of mercury coordination polymers based on 5-amino-tetrazolate ligands
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 7865
1554026 CIFC H3 N3 O2 SP -15.624; 5.9498; 7.6329
72.216; 70.897; 88.601
229Deng, Guohai; Li, Dingqing; Wu, Zhuang; Li, Hongmin; Bernhardt, Eduard; Zeng, Xiaoqing
Methanesulfonyl Azide: Molecular Structure and Photolysis in Solid Noble Gas Matrices.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2016, 120, 5590-5597
4347866 CIFC H3 N3 YbP 63/m5.25963; 5.25963; 6.67042
90; 90; 120
159.806Görne, Arno L; George, Janine; van Leusen, Jan; Dück, Gerald; Jacobs, Philipp; Chogondahalli Muniraju, Naveen Kumar; Dronskowski, Richard
Ammonothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Properties of the Ytterbium(II) and Ytterbium(III) Amides and the First Two Rare-Earth-Metal Guanidinates, YbC(NH)3 and Yb(CN3H4)3.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6161-6168
2311086 CIFC H4 N2 OP -4 21 m5.578; 5.578; 4.686
90; 90; 90
145.8Hoser, Anna A.; Madsen, Anders Ø.
Dynamic quantum crystallography: lattice-dynamical models refined against diffraction data. I. Theory
Acta Crystallographica Section A, 2016, 72, 206-214
1561578 CIFC H5 Cl2 Co N O2C 1 2/c 17.7302; 11.269; 6.8439
90; 107.9; 90
567.3Greenfield, Joshua T.; Ovidiu Garlea, V.; Kamali, Saeed; Chen, Michael; Kovnir, Kirill
Synthesis, crystal growth, structural and magnetic characterization of NH4MCl2(HCOO), M=(Fe, Co, Ni)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 222-229
1561579 CIFC H5 Cl2 N Ni O2C 1 2/c 17.598; 11.336; 6.753
90; 107.68; 90
554.2Greenfield, Joshua T.; Ovidiu Garlea, V.; Kamali, Saeed; Chen, Michael; Kovnir, Kirill
Synthesis, crystal growth, structural and magnetic characterization of NH4MCl2(HCOO), M=(Fe, Co, Ni)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 222-229
1549550 CIFC H5.2 Cu O4.6 PC 1 2/m 114.836; 6.6844; 4.363
90; 93.28; 90
431.97Köferstein, Roberto; Arnold, Michael; Robl, Christian
A Novel Three-Dimensional Copper(II) 1,2-Ethylenediphosphonate Framework with Channel-like Voids
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2016, 642, 1126
4130071 CIFC H6 Br N6P 63/m7.7196; 7.7196; 6.2784
90; 90; 120
324.02Mitra, Shouvik; Kandambeth, Sharath; Biswal, Bishnu P.; Khayum M, Abdul; Choudhury, Chandan K.; Mehta, Mihir; Kaur, Gagandeep; Banerjee, Subhrashis; Prabhune, Asmita; Verma, Sandeep; Roy, Sudip; Kharul, Ulhas K.; Banerjee, Rahul
Self-Exfoliated Guanidinium-Based Ionic Covalent Organic Nanosheets (iCONs).
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2823-2828
4516750 CIFC H6 Br3 N PbI m -311.5; 11.5; 11.5
90; 90; 90
1520.9Jaffe, Adam; Lin, Yu; Beavers, Christine M.; Voss, Johannes; Mao, Wendy L.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I.
High-Pressure Single-Crystal Structures of 3D Lead-Halide Hybrid Perovskites and Pressure Effects on their Electronic and Optical Properties.
ACS central science, 2016, 2, 201-209
4516751 CIFC H6 Br3 N PbP m -3 m5.9328; 5.9328; 5.9328
90; 90; 90
208.82Jaffe, Adam; Lin, Yu; Beavers, Christine M.; Voss, Johannes; Mao, Wendy L.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I.
High-Pressure Single-Crystal Structures of 3D Lead-Halide Hybrid Perovskites and Pressure Effects on their Electronic and Optical Properties.
ACS central science, 2016, 2, 201-209
7037404 CIFC H6 Cl Dy3 O9I m -312.4754; 12.4754; 12.4754
90; 90; 90
1941.62Wang, Yanyan; Han, Tian; Ding, You-Song; Zheng, Zhiping; Zheng, Yan-Zhen
Sodalite-like rare-earth carbonates: a study of structural transformation and diluted magnetism.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1103-1110
7037405 CIFC H6 Cl Er3 O9I m -3 m12.4127; 12.4127; 12.4127
90; 90; 90
1912.49Wang, Yanyan; Han, Tian; Ding, You-Song; Zheng, Zhiping; Zheng, Yan-Zhen
Sodalite-like rare-earth carbonates: a study of structural transformation and diluted magnetism.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1103-1110
7037406 CIFC H6 Cl O9 Y3I m -3 m12.665; 12.665; 12.665
90; 90; 90
2031Wang, Yanyan; Han, Tian; Ding, You-Song; Zheng, Zhiping; Zheng, Yan-Zhen
Sodalite-like rare-earth carbonates: a study of structural transformation and diluted magnetism.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1103-1110
2107954 CIF
C H6 I3 N PbI 4 2 28.88375; 8.88375; 12.701
90; 90; 90
1002.38Arakcheeva, Alla; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Spina, Massimo; Forró, László; Horváth, Endre
CH~3~NH~3~PbI~3~: precise structural consequences of water absorption at ambient conditions
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 716-722
4516749 CIFC H6 I3 N PbI m -312.3053; 12.3053; 12.3053
90; 90; 90
1863.3Jaffe, Adam; Lin, Yu; Beavers, Christine M.; Voss, Johannes; Mao, Wendy L.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I.
High-Pressure Single-Crystal Structures of 3D Lead-Halide Hybrid Perovskites and Pressure Effects on their Electronic and Optical Properties.
ACS central science, 2016, 2, 201-209
4516752 CIFC H6 I3 N PbF m m m12.4984; 12.5181; 12.6012
90; 90; 90
1971.5Jaffe, Adam; Lin, Yu; Beavers, Christine M.; Voss, Johannes; Mao, Wendy L.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I.
High-Pressure Single-Crystal Structures of 3D Lead-Halide Hybrid Perovskites and Pressure Effects on their Electronic and Optical Properties.
ACS central science, 2016, 2, 201-209
7225287 CIFC H6 I3 N PbP m -3 m6.2723; 6.2723; 6.2723
90; 90; 90
246.76Luan, Mengyu; Song, Junling; Wei, Xiangfeng; Chen, Fang; Liu, Jiehua
Controllable growth of bulk cubic-phase CH3NH3PbI3single crystal with exciting room-temperature stability
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5257
8000234 CIFC H6 I3 N PbP n m a8.8767; 12.64; 8.5879
90; 90; 90
963.58G, Sharada; Mahale, Pratibha; Kore, Bhushan P.; Mukherjee, Somdutta; Pavan, Mysore S.; De, Chandan; Ghara, Somnath; Sundaresan, A.; Pandey, Anshu; Guru Row, Tayur N.; Sarma, D. D.
Is CH3NH3PbI3 Polar?
The journal of physical chemistry letters, 2016, 7, 2412-2419
4347395 CIFC H84 Dy3 Na11 O116 P2 W18P 1 21/n 117.38612; 26.04781; 23.41801
90; 111.642; 90
9857.69Giansiracusa, Marcus J.; Vonci, Michele; Van den Heuvel, Willem; Gable, Robert W.; Moubaraki, Boujemaa; Murray, Keith S.; Yu, Dehong; Mole, Richard A.; Soncini, Alessandro; Boskovic, Colette
Carbonate-Bridged Lanthanoid Triangles: Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior, Inelastic Neutron Scattering, and Ab Initio Studies.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5201-5214
4347397 CIFC H84 Er3 Na11 O116 P2 W18P 1 21/n 117.37028; 26.044; 23.4126
90; 111.668; 90
9843.2Giansiracusa, Marcus J.; Vonci, Michele; Van den Heuvel, Willem; Gable, Robert W.; Moubaraki, Boujemaa; Murray, Keith S.; Yu, Dehong; Mole, Richard A.; Soncini, Alessandro; Boskovic, Colette
Carbonate-Bridged Lanthanoid Triangles: Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior, Inelastic Neutron Scattering, and Ab Initio Studies.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5201-5214
4347396 CIFC H84 Ho3 Na11 O116 P2 W18P 1 21/c 117.31868; 25.97724; 23.3379
90; 111.488; 90
9769.73Giansiracusa, Marcus J.; Vonci, Michele; Van den Heuvel, Willem; Gable, Robert W.; Moubaraki, Boujemaa; Murray, Keith S.; Yu, Dehong; Mole, Richard A.; Soncini, Alessandro; Boskovic, Colette
Carbonate-Bridged Lanthanoid Triangles: Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior, Inelastic Neutron Scattering, and Ab Initio Studies.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5201-5214
4347394 CIFC H84 Na11 O116 P2 Tb3 W18P 1 21/n 117.38631; 26.04125; 23.4293
90; 111.602; 90
9862.85Giansiracusa, Marcus J.; Vonci, Michele; Van den Heuvel, Willem; Gable, Robert W.; Moubaraki, Boujemaa; Murray, Keith S.; Yu, Dehong; Mole, Richard A.; Soncini, Alessandro; Boskovic, Colette
Carbonate-Bridged Lanthanoid Triangles: Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior, Inelastic Neutron Scattering, and Ab Initio Studies.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5201-5214
4347393 CIFC H84 Na11 O116 P2 W18 Y3P 1 21/n 117.3425; 25.9777; 23.4294
90; 111.68; 90
9808.7Giansiracusa, Marcus J.; Vonci, Michele; Van den Heuvel, Willem; Gable, Robert W.; Moubaraki, Boujemaa; Murray, Keith S.; Yu, Dehong; Mole, Richard A.; Soncini, Alessandro; Boskovic, Colette
Carbonate-Bridged Lanthanoid Triangles: Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior, Inelastic Neutron Scattering, and Ab Initio Studies.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5201-5214
4349151 CIFC0 Ag B6 F6 O6 S3P 1 21/n 19.15; 10.184; 13.487
90; 96.96; 90
1248Malischewski, Moritz; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.; Bukovsky, Eric V.; Seppelt, Konrad; Strauss, Steven H.
Structures of M<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>6</sub>B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub> (M = Ag or K) and Ag<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>4</sub>B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub>: Comparison of the Coordination of SO<sub>2</sub> versus H<sub>2</sub>O and of B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub><sup>2-</sup> versus Other Weakly Coordinating Anions to Metal Ions in the Solid State.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12254-12262
4349152 CIFC0 H0 B12 F12 K2 O12 S6P 1 21/n 19.377; 10.327; 13.725
90; 97.339; 90
1318.2Malischewski, Moritz; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.; Bukovsky, Eric V.; Seppelt, Konrad; Strauss, Steven H.
Structures of M<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>6</sub>B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub> (M = Ag or K) and Ag<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>4</sub>B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub>: Comparison of the Coordination of SO<sub>2</sub> versus H<sub>2</sub>O and of B<sub>12</sub>F<sub>12</sub><sup>2-</sup> versus Other Weakly Coordinating Anions to Metal Ions in the Solid State.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12254-12262
4130132 CIFC0 H0 O228 Ti84F m -329.896; 29.896; 29.896
90; 90; 90
26720.2Gao, Mei-Yan; Wang, Fei; Gu, Zhi-Gang; Zhang, De-Xiang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Fullerene-like Polyoxotitanium Cage with High Solution Stability.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2556-2559
2107955 CIF
C0.925 H5.55 I2.982 N0.925 O0.088 PbP 42 21 28.8829; 8.8829; 12.7008
90; 90; 90
1002.17Arakcheeva, Alla; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Spina, Massimo; Forró, László; Horváth, Endre
CH~3~NH~3~PbI~3~: precise structural consequences of water absorption at ambient conditions
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 716-722
4130457 CIFC0.99 H0.61 O0.2 Zr0.04F m -3 m38.554; 38.554; 38.554
90; 90; 90
57307Manna, Kuntal; Ji, Pengfei; Greene, Francis X.; Lin, Wenbin
Metal-Organic Framework Nodes Support Single-Site Magnesium-Alkyl Catalysts for Hydroboration and Hydroamination Reactions.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 7488-7491
4348021 CIFC1.1 H0.7 K0.03 Mn0.1 Na0.03 O0.73P 6320.4751; 20.4751; 10.4075
90; 90; 120
3778.58Xu, Zhong-Xuan; Liu, Liyang; Zhang, Jian
Synthesis of Metal-Organic Zeolites with Homochirality and High Porosity for Enantioselective Separation.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6355-6357
4130788 CIFC1.17 H0.53 O0.24 Zr0.05P m -3 n41.512; 41.512; 41.512
90; 90; 90
71535Ji, Pengfei; Manna, Kuntal; Lin, Zekai; Urban, Ania; Greene, Francis X.; Lan, Guangxu; Lin, Wenbin
Single-Site Cobalt Catalysts at New Zr8(μ2-O)8(μ2-OH)4 Metal-Organic Framework Nodes for Highly Active Hydrogenation of Alkenes, Imines, Carbonyls, and Heterocycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12234-12242
4003253 CIFC1.2 O25.2 Si12C m c 2113.8867; 17.4429; 5.04748
90; 90; 90
1222.62Santoro, Mario; Scelta, Demetrio; Dziubek, Kamil; Ceppatelli, Matteo; Gorelli, Federico A.; Bini, Roberto; Garbarino, Gaston; Thibaud, Jean-Marc; Di Renzo, Francesco; Cambon, Olivier; Hermet, Patrick; Rouquette, Jerome; van der Lee, Arie; Haines, Julien
Synthesis of 1D Polymer/Zeolite Nanocomposites under High Pressure
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 4065
4130790 CIFC1.25 Hf0.05 O0.26P m -3 n41.516; 41.516; 41.516
90; 90; 90
71556Ji, Pengfei; Manna, Kuntal; Lin, Zekai; Urban, Ania; Greene, Francis X.; Lan, Guangxu; Lin, Wenbin
Single-Site Cobalt Catalysts at New Zr8(μ2-O)8(μ2-OH)4 Metal-Organic Framework Nodes for Highly Active Hydrogenation of Alkenes, Imines, Carbonyls, and Heterocycles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12234-12242
7118505 CIFC1.33 H9.77 Al B5 N1.33 O10.88P 6321.4013; 21.4013; 7.1696
90; 90; 120
2843.8Cao, Gao-Juan; Wei, Qi; Cheng, Jian-Wen; Cheng, Lin; Yang, Guo-Yu
A zeolite CAN-type aluminoborate with gigantic 24-ring channels.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1729-1732
4347001 CIFC1.5 H5 Cl2 Cu O1.5C 1 2/m 117.836; 3.284; 9.593
90; 93.88; 90
560.6Becker, Sabine; Dürr, Maximilian; Miska, Andreas; Becker, Jonathan; Gawlig, Christopher; Behrens, Ulrich; Ivanović-Burmazović, Ivana; Schindler, Siegfried
Copper Chloride Catalysis: Do μ4-Oxido Copper Clusters Play a Significant Role?
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3759-3766
1553421 CIFC1.798 H2.517 Cl0.09 N0.18 O0.404 S0.09P 21 21 2111.701; 14.628; 25.939
90; 90; 90
4439.8Ye, Jian-Liang; Chen, Hang; Zhang, Yu-Feng; Huang, Pei-Qiang
A versatile access to vicinal diamine motifs by highly anti-selective asymmetric vinylogous Mannich reactions: an efficient total synthesis of (+)-absouline
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3, 683
7223987 CIFC10 Br8P b c n11.3832; 7.8114; 16.5506
90; 90; 90
1471.66Dobrowolski, Michał A; Cyrański, Michał K; Wróbel, Zbigniew
Cyclic π-electron delocalization in non-planar linear acenes.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 11813-11820
7223986 CIFC10 Cl8P 1 21/n 19.7244; 7.1739; 18.2816
90; 98.317; 90
1261.9Dobrowolski, Michał A; Cyrański, Michał K; Wróbel, Zbigniew
Cyclic π-electron delocalization in non-planar linear acenes.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 11813-11820
7223985 CIFC10 F8P 1 21/c 113.3203; 4.8791; 19.8516
90; 100.245; 90
1269.61Dobrowolski, Michał A; Cyrański, Michał K; Wróbel, Zbigniew
Cyclic π-electron delocalization in non-planar linear acenes.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 11813-11820
7226589 CIFC10 H10 Br2 I4 N2 PbP 1 21/c 112.1436; 8.7824; 9.4776
90; 99.676; 90
996.41Gómez, Verónica; Fuhr, Olaf; Ruben, Mario
Structural diversity in substituted-pyridinium iodo- and bromoplumbates: a matter of halide and temperature
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8207
7224725 CIFC10 H10 Br2 N2P -14.8986; 7.6614; 7.989
70.464; 87.005; 77.176
275.44Anioła, Michalina; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-preferred symmetric reactions of 4,4′-bipyridine hydrobromide
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3223
7224726 CIFC10 H10 Br2 N2P -14.8839; 7.622; 7.951
70.87; 86.78; 77.39
272.8Anioła, Michalina; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-preferred symmetric reactions of 4,4′-bipyridine hydrobromide
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3223
7224727 CIFC10 H10 Br2 N2P -14.874; 7.567; 7.936
70.73; 86.64; 77.47
269.7Anioła, Michalina; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-preferred symmetric reactions of 4,4′-bipyridine hydrobromide
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3223
7224728 CIFC10 H10 Br2 N2P -14.845; 7.453; 7.875
70.89; 86.82; 77.82
262.6Anioła, Michalina; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-preferred symmetric reactions of 4,4′-bipyridine hydrobromide
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3223
7224729 CIFC10 H10 Br2 N2P -14.8011; 7.275; 7.759
71.06; 86.46; 78.64
251.3Anioła, Michalina; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-preferred symmetric reactions of 4,4′-bipyridine hydrobromide
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3223
8106868 CIFC10 H10 Br2 N2 PdP -15.6549; 7.021; 7.7723
80.031; 84.601; 89.222
302.58Ha, Kwang
Crystal structure of trans-dibromidodi(pyridine-κN)palladium(II), PdBr2(C5H5N)2
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 333-334
7226597 CIFC10 H10 Br6 N2 PbP n m a8.2011; 24.015; 9.0459
90; 90; 90
1781.6Gómez, Verónica; Fuhr, Olaf; Ruben, Mario
Structural diversity in substituted-pyridinium iodo- and bromoplumbates: a matter of halide and temperature
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8207
2020385 CIF
C10 H10 Cl N O2P 21 21 214.1713; 14.7792; 16.1755
90; 90; 90
997.19Ashraf, Zaman; Kim, Daeyoung; Seo, Sung-Yum; Kang, Sung Kwon
Synthesis and crystal structures of the potential tyrosinase inhibitors <i>N</i>-(4-acetylphenyl)-2-chloroacetamide and 2-(4-acetylanilino)-2-oxoethyl cinnamate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 94-98
7223178 CIFC10 H10 Cl N3 O3 ZnP 1 21/c 19.097; 17.622; 7.464
90; 92.337; 90
1195.5Yang, Li-Bo; Wang, Hong-Can; Fang, Xiao-Dan; Chen, Si-Jin; Xu, Quan-Qing; Zhu, Ai-Xin; Yang, Zhi
A series of Zn(ii) and Cd(ii) coordination compounds based on 4-(4H-1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)benzoic acid: synthesis, structure and photoluminescence properties
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 130
1542483 CIF
C10 H10 Cl2 N4 OP 1 21/c 112.1802; 7.3646; 13.9001
90; 112.276; 90
1153.82Cunha, Anna C.; Jordão, Alessandro K.; de Souza, Maria C. B. V.; Ferreira, Vitor F.; de Almeida, Maria C. B.; Wardell, James L.; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x152447
7227037 CIFC10 H10 Cl3 N O4 SP -16.957; 9.0926; 12.0788
110.282; 100.464; 96.922
690.69Ávila, Eloah Pereira; Souza, Isabella; de Oliveira, Alline B. V.; Kartnaller, Vinicius; Cajaíba, João; de Souza, Rodrigo Octavio M. A.; Corrêa, Charlane Cimini; Amarante, Giovanni Wilson
Catalyst Free Decarboxylative Trichloromethylation of Aldimines
RSC Adv., 2016
7037523 CIFC10 H10 Cu3 N20P 1 21/c 110.664; 11.639; 8.0406
90; 90.73; 90
997.9Zhao, Jiong-Peng; Xie, Yabo; Li, Jian-Rong; Bu, Xian-He
Structural and magnetic modulations of copper(ii) azido complexes: unexpected in situ reactions of mono-N-donor pyridine-based co-ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1514-1524
4348324 CIFC10 H10 F18 N2 S4P -4 21 c16.53; 16.53; 8.322
90; 90; 90
2274Goettel, James T.; Kostiuk, Nathan; Gerken, Michael
Interactions between SF4 and Fluoride: A Crystallographic Study of Solvolysis Products of SF4·Nitrogen-Base Adducts by HF.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7126-7134
7039126 CIFC10 H10 F2 N2 O8 S2 TiP -14.5768; 8.9162; 10.1236
112.888; 95.196; 98.706
371.11Marshall, Kayleigh L.; Wang, Qianlong; Sullivan, Hannah S. I.; Weller, Mark T.
Synthesis and structural characterisation of transition metal fluoride sulfates.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8854-8861
4130091 CIFC10 H10 F3 N O3P 1 21/n 15.0912; 8.9533; 23.0489
90; 94.2965; 90
1047.69Nagamani, Chikkannagari; Liu, Huiying; Moore, Jeffrey S.
Mechanogeneration of Acid from Oxime Sulfonates.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2540-2543
7039127 CIFC10 H10 F4 N2 O4 S TiP -18.691; 9.208; 9.288
68.56; 84.3; 81.59
683.6Marshall, Kayleigh L.; Wang, Qianlong; Sullivan, Hannah S. I.; Weller, Mark T.
Synthesis and structural characterisation of transition metal fluoride sulfates.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8854-8861
4032035 CIFC10 H10 F5 N O5 SP 1 21/c 114.587; 6.5046; 15.2015
90; 116.131; 90
1294.9Ponomarenko, Maksym V.; Grabowsky, Simon; Pal, Rumpa; Röschenthaler, Gerd-Volker; Fokin, Andrey A.
SF5-Enolates in Ti(IV)-Mediated Aldol Reactions.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 6783-6791
4347557 CIFC10 H10 F6 N2 O2P -15.7104; 7.3062; 8.2087
109.754; 101.386; 97.169
309.1Schläfer, J; Graf, D.; Fornalczyk, G.; Mettenbörger, A; Mathur, S.
Fluorinated Cerium(IV) Enaminolates: Alternative Precursors for Chemical Vapor Deposition of CeO2 Thin Films.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5422-5429
4347554 CIFC10 H10 I4 N2 O2 SnP -17.393; 7.96; 17.606
97.297; 94.306; 117.289
902.8Wlaźlak, Ewelina; Macyk, Wojciech; Nitek, Wojciech; Szaciłowski, Konrad
Influence of π-Iodide Intermolecular Interactions on Electronic Properties of Tin(IV) Iodide Semiconducting Complexes.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5935-5945
7124807 CIFC10 H10 In O6I 41 2 215.483; 15.483; 12.308
90; 90; 90
2950.5Peralta, Ricardo A.; Campos-Reales-Pineda, Alberto; Pfeiffer, Heriberto; Álvarez, J Raziel; Zárate, J Antonio; Balmaseda, Jorge; González-Zamora, Eduardo; Martínez, Ana; Martínez-Otero, Diego; Jancik, Vojtech; Ibarra, Ilich A.
CO2 capture enhancement in InOF-1 via the bottleneck effect of confined ethanol.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 10273-10276
4347152 CIFC10 H10 Ir N O3P 1 21/n 18.062; 14.5888; 9.274
90; 100.895; 90
1071.1Huang, Daria L.; Beltrán-Suito, Rodrigo; Thomsen, Julianne M.; Hashmi, Sara M.; Materna, Kelly L.; Sheehan, Stafford W.; Mercado, Brandon Q.; Brudvig, Gary W.; Crabtree, Robert H.
New Ir Bis-Carbonyl Precursor for Water Oxidation Catalysis.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 2427-2435
4088654 CIFC10 H10 MnP 1 21/c 114.9991; 9.8929; 11.4925
90; 111.814; 90
1583.2Reiners, Matthias; Baabe, Dirk; Freytag, Matthias; Jones, Peter G.; Walter, Marc D.
Closing the Gap: Preparation and Characterization of the First Half-Open and Open Manganocene Complexes
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 1986
7224628 CIFC10 H10 N O2 SP 43 21 28.3899; 8.3899; 27.226
90; 90; 90
1916.4Sivakumar, Reajean; Askari, Mohammad S.; Woo, Simon; Madwar, Carolin; Ottenwaelder, Xavier; Bohle, D. Scott; Cuccia, Louis A.
Homochiral crystal generation via sequential dehydration and Viedma ripening
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4277
7040385 CIFC10 H10 N18 O8P 1 21/c 18.248; 16.509; 7.2536
90; 97.398; 90
979.5Huang, Haifeng; Shi, Yameng; Liu, Yanfang; Yang, Jun
1,2,4,5-Dioxadiazine-functionalized [N-NO2](-) furazan energetic salts.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15382
4031917 CIFC10 H10 N2 OP 21 21 216.6165; 8.5077; 15.0826
90; 90; 90
849.02Zhang, Shi-Jin; Sun, Wen-Wu; Cao, Pei; Dong, Xiao-Ping; Liu, Ji-Kai; Wu, Bin
Stereoselective Synthesis of Diazabicyclic β-Lactams through Intramolecular Amination of Unactivated C(sp(3))-H Bonds of Carboxamides by Palladium Catalysis.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 956-968
7125171 CIFC10 H10 N2 OP 1 21/c 17.769; 11.243; 10.244
90; 100.15; 90
880.8Tang, Baolei; Zhang, Houyu; Ye, Kaiqi; Zhang, Hongyu; Wang, Yue
Highly efficient blue solid emitters and tautomerization-induced ON/OFF fluorescence switching based on structurally simple 3(5)-phenol-1H-pyrazoles.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 13128-13131
7037341 CIFC10 H10 N2 O2P -17.79; 7.974; 8.279
93.24; 115.09; 99.95
453.9Dauer, David-R; Flügge, Melchior; Herbst-Irmer, Regine; Stalke, Dietmar
Group 13 metal complexes containing the bis-(4-methylbenzoxazol-2-yl)-methanide ligand.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 6149-6158
7125170 CIFC10 H10 N2 O2P 21 21 215.6704; 10.076; 16.296
90; 90; 90
931.1Tang, Baolei; Zhang, Houyu; Ye, Kaiqi; Zhang, Hongyu; Wang, Yue
Highly efficient blue solid emitters and tautomerization-induced ON/OFF fluorescence switching based on structurally simple 3(5)-phenol-1H-pyrazoles.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 13128-13131
2241734 CIF
C10 H10 N2 O3P 1 21/n 14.794; 14.412; 14.536
90; 93.848; 90
1002.04Korkmaz, Ufuk; Bulut, Iclal; Bulut, Ahmet
Crystal structure of 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1-(2-oxido-3,4-dioxocyclobut-1-en-1-yl)-1<i>H</i>-imidazol-3-ium
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 998-1001
7039953 CIFC10 H10 N2 O6 P2P b c n13.6133; 13.0066; 14.3436
90; 90; 90
2539.7Köhler, C; Rentschler, E.
Functionalized phosphonates as building units for multi-dimensional homo- and heterometallic 3d-4f inorganic-organic hybrid-materials.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12854-12861
4003240 CIFC10 H10 N2 O8 S2 ZnP -18.533; 8.835; 10.245
76.559; 66.59; 85.826
689.2Ogiwara, Naoki; Inukai, Munehiro; Itakura, Tomoya; Horike, Satoshi; Kitagawa, Susumu
Fast Conduction of Organic Cations in Metal Sulfate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 3968
1542455 CIF
C10 H10 N4 OP b c a10.2208; 10.8693; 18.1059
90; 90; 90
2011.44Cunha, Anna C.; Jordão, Alessandro K.; de Souza, Maria C. B. V.; Ferreira, Vitor F.; de Almeida, Maria C. B.; Wardell, James L.; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160038
7225490 CIFC10 H10 N4 O2P 42/n19.9241; 19.9241; 5.1153
90; 90; 90
2030.6Safin, Damir A.; Robeyns, Koen; Garcia, Yann
1,2,4-Triazole-based molecular switches: crystal structures, Hirshfeld surface analysis and optical properties
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 7284
1543726 CIF
C10 H10 N4 O3C 1 2/c 19.33; 18.724; 13.484
90; 102.898; 90
2296.2Yassine, Hasna; Hafid, Abderrafia; Khouili, Mostafa; Mentre, Olivier; Ketatni, El Mostafa
Ethyl 2-[(azidocarbonyl)amino]benzoate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161155
7124586 CIFC10 H10 N8 O S2P 1 21/n 19.3608; 11.0691; 13.0914
90; 110.3; 90
1272.2Kersten, Kortney M.; Matzger, Adam J.
Improved pharmacokinetics of mercaptopurine afforded by a thermally robust hemihydrate.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 5281-5284
7040273 CIFC10 H10 O2 S2P -13.9126; 11.6243; 22.2479
98.186; 90.339; 94.31
998.58Hildebrandt, Jana; Häfner, Norman; Görls, Helmar; Kritsch, Daniel; Ferraro, Giarita; Dürst, Matthias; Runnebaum, Ingo B.; Merlino, Antonello; Weigand, Wolfgang
Platinum(ii) O,S complexes as potential metallodrugs against Cisplatin resistance.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 18876-18891
2241708 CIF
C10 H10 O4P 21 21 219.1047; 10.0086; 10.5871
90; 90; 90
964.75Cirbes, Cady; Tanski, Joseph M.
Crystallographic and spectroscopic characterization of (<i>R</i>)-<i>O</i>-acetylmandelic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 901-903
7225401 CIFC10 H10 O5P 1 21/c 110.6927; 7.81215; 10.6458
90; 95.5149; 90
885.16Bai, Yinjuan; De bruyn, Mario; Clark, James H.; Dodson, Jennifer R.; Farmer, Thomas J.; Honoré, Mathilde; Ingram, Ian D. V.; Naguib, Mohamed; Whitwood, Adrian C.; North, Michael
Ring opening metathesis polymerisation of a new bio-derived monomer from itaconic anhydride and furfuryl alcohol
Green Chem., 2016, 18, 3945
4125298 CIFC10 H11 B Cl NP -17.635; 9.2691; 14.887
89.64; 79.774; 70.461
975.5Xu, Senmiao; Zhang, Yuanzhe; Li, Bo; Liu, Shih-Yuan
Site-Selective and Stereoselective trans-Hydroboration of 1,3-Enynes Catalyzed by 1,4-Azaborine-Based Phosphine-Pd Complex.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 14566-14569
4130946 CIFC10 H11 B F3 I O4P 1 21/n 19.655; 8.3949; 16.7646
90; 94.564; 90
1354.51Izquierdo, Susana; Essafi, Stéphanie; Del Rosal, Iker; Vidossich, Pietro; Pleixats, Roser; Vallribera, Adelina; Ujaque, Gregori; Lledós, Agustí; Shafir, Alexandr
Acid Activation in Phenyliodine Dicarboxylates: Direct Observation, Structures, and Implications.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12747-12750
4516758 CIFC10 H11 B F7 I O S0P 1 21/c 115.989; 8.7606; 19.0524
90; 93.788; 90
2662.9Brantley, Johnathan N.; Samant, Andrew V.; Toste, F. Dean
Isolation and Reactivity of Trifluoromethyl Iodonium Salts.
ACS central science, 2016, 2, 341-350
2241597 CIFC10 H11 Br O4P b c a8.8487; 8.1514; 29.284
90; 90; 90
2112.2Suchetan, P. A.; Suneetha, V.; Naveen, S.; Lokanath, N. K.; Krishna Murthy, P.
Comparison of the crystal structures of methyl 4-bromo-2-(methoxymethoxy)benzoate and 4-bromo-3-(methoxymethoxy)benzoic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 477-481
4516761 CIFC10 H11 Cl F3 I OP 1 21/n 18.1777; 17.9834; 8.8898
90; 115.825; 90
1176.79Brantley, Johnathan N.; Samant, Andrew V.; Toste, F. Dean
Isolation and Reactivity of Trifluoromethyl Iodonium Salts.
ACS central science, 2016, 2, 341-350
7223344 CIFC10 H11 Cl N2 O2P 1 21/n 17.65; 7.943; 18.15
90; 92.26; 90
1102Tarai, Arup; Baruah, Jubaraj B.
Oxime synthons in the salts and cocrystals of quinoline-4-carbaldoxime for non-covalent synthesis
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 298
1544293 CIF
C10 H11 Cl N2 O4P 1 2/c 112.5178; 7.8321; 12.6354
90; 107.763; 90
1179.7Posel, Maciej; Stoeckli-Evans, Helen
2,4-Dimethylpyrido[1,2-<i>a</i>]pyrimidin-5-ium perchlorate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161543
8106889 CIFC10 H11 Cl O2P -17.8485; 8.042; 8.8701
107.434; 106.307; 101.971
485.98Li, Meng; Bai, XueFeng; Hou, YanJun
The crystal structure of 1-(4-(2-chloroethoxy)phenyl)ethanone
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 407-408
7055837 CIFC10 H11 Cl2 N3 O2 RuP b c a14.5946; 12.2931; 14.917
90; 90; 90
2676.3Makhinya, Alexander N.; Il’in, Maxim A.; Yamaletdinov, Ruslan D.; Korolkov, Ilya V.; Baidina, Iraida A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of nitrosoruthenium complexes cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(OH)] and cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(H2O)]Cl. Photoinduced transformations of cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(OH)]
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 10267
7055839 CIFC10 H11 Cl2 N3 O2 RuP 1 21/c 115.3824; 6.9222; 14.4655
90; 117.818; 90
1362.28Makhinya, Alexander N.; Il’in, Maxim A.; Yamaletdinov, Ruslan D.; Korolkov, Ilya V.; Baidina, Iraida A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of nitrosoruthenium complexes cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(OH)] and cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(H2O)]Cl. Photoinduced transformations of cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(OH)]
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 10267
7225289 CIFC10 H11 Cl2 N5 O S ZnP 1 21/c 115.22; 6.8071; 15.097
90; 115.9; 90
1407Lin, Xu-Dong; Peng, Biao; Li, Shaoyong; Shao, Jia; Li, Qingzhong; Xie, Cheng-Zhi; Xu, Jing-Yuan
Novel Zn(II)-thiazolone-based Solid Fluorescent Chemosensors: Naked-eye Detection for Acid/Base and Toluene
RSC Adv., 2016
4036923 CIFC10 H11 F3 N2 OP 1 21/c 18.9513; 4.8424; 25.886
90; 102.982; 90
1093.4Zhu, Mei; Han, Xin; Fu, Weijun; Wang, Zhiqiang; Ji, Baoming; Hao, Xin-Qi; Song, Mao-Ping; Xu, Chen
Regioselective 2,2,2-Trifluoroethylation of Imidazopyridines by Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 7282-7287
7223820 CIFC10 H11 Fe PP 1 21/c 112.658; 7.528; 10.432
90; 112.071; 90
921.2Surgenor, Brian; Taylor, Laurence J.; Nordheider, Andreas; Slawin, Alexandra; Arachchige, Kasun; Woollins, J. D.; Kilian, Petr
An efficient, scalable synthesis of ferrocenylphosphine and dichloroferrocenylphosphine
RSC Adv., 2016
4125086 CIFC10 H11 N O3 SP 1 21 19.1983; 16.7173; 13.7123
90; 90.549; 90
2108.5Huang, Yuan; Huang, Rui-Zhi; Zhao, Yu
Cobalt-Catalyzed Enantioselective Vinylation of Activated Ketones and Imines.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 6571-6576
7225618 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a8.133; 11.3031; 23.884
90; 90; 90
2195.6Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225619 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a8.1071; 11.3252; 23.827
90; 90; 90
2187.7Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225620 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a8.0808; 11.3449; 23.766
90; 90; 90
2178.8Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225621 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a8.0565; 11.3647; 23.719
90; 90; 90
2171.7Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225622 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a8.0324; 11.3875; 23.665
90; 90; 90
2164.6Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225623 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a8.0056; 11.4027; 23.615
90; 90; 90
2155.7Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225624 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a7.9837; 11.4209; 23.589
90; 90; 90
2150.9Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225625 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a7.9621; 11.4304; 23.548
90; 90; 90
2143.1Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225626 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a7.9445; 11.4431; 23.524
90; 90; 90
2138.6Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7225627 CIFC10 H11 N O6P b c a7.8988; 11.3424; 23.327
90; 90; 90
2089.9Losev, E. A.; Zakharov, B. A.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Polymorphic transformations in glycine co-crystals at low temperature and high pressure: two new examples as a follow-up to a glycine‒glutaric acid study
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5869
7226724 CIFC10 H11 N3C 1 2/c 117.3808; 9.7356; 16.4358
90; 131.088; 90
2096.2Opris, Dorina; Caspari, Philip; Nueesch, Frank; Neels, Antonia
Mild synthesis of mercaptonitriles from vinyl nitriles and their cyclization reactions
RSC Adv., 2016
7124982 CIFC10 H11 N3 O4P -113.3689; 15.143; 18.786
77.079; 74.563; 63.839
3265.5Kennedy, Stuart R.; Miquelot, Adeline; Aguilar, Juan A.; Steed, Jonathan W.
Trimeric cyclamers: solution aggregation and high Z' crystals based on guest structure and basicity.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 11846-11849
7223943 CIFC10 H11 N5 O5P 1 21 16.5121; 6.8206; 13.045
90; 93.72; 90
578.2Kumar, Manish; Kumar, Rajesh; rana, neha; Prasad, Ashok K.
Synthesis of 3′-azido/-amino-xylobicyclonucleosides
RSC Adv., 2016
1561604 CIFC10 H12 As Mn N3 S4P b c a10.8233; 13.2009; 22.2516
90; 90; 90
3179.2Yue, Cheng-Yang; Lei, Xiao-Wu; Tian, Ya-Wei; Xu, Jing; Bai, Yi-Qun; Wang, Fei; Zhou, Peng-Fei; Liu, Xiao-Fan; Yi, Fei-Yan
Unsaturated Mn complex decorated hybrid thioarsenates: Syntheses, crystal structures and physical properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 235, 183-192
1543030 CIFC10 H12 B N O4 SP 15.8323; 6.989; 13.7431
97.28; 98.85; 91.576
548.43Bandyopadhyay, Anupam; Cambray, Samantha; Gao, Jianmin
Fast and selective labeling of N-terminal cysteines at neutral pH via thiazolidino boronate formation.
Chemical science, 2016, 7, 4589-4593
1543244 CIFC10 H12 Br N O2P 1 21/c 110.4435; 9.209; 12.2744
90; 102.599; 90
1152.1Baillargeon, Pierre; Caron-Duval, Édouard; Pellerin, Émilie; Gagné, Simon; Dory, Yves
Isomorphous Crystals from Diynes and Bromodiynes Involved in Hydrogen and Halogen Bonds
Crystals, 2016, 6, 37
2107958 CIF
C10 H12 Br2 O2P 1 21/c 116.663; 7.943; 8.924
90; 94.725; 90
1177.1Suarez, Sebastián A.; Muller, Federico; Gutiérrez Suburu, Matías E.; Fonrouge, Ana; Baggio, Ricardo F.; Cukiernik, Fabio D.
Br···Br and van der Waals interactions along a homologous series: crystal packing of 1,2-dibromo-4,5-dialkoxybenzenes
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 693-701
7226372 CIFC10 H12 Ce N O11P 1 21/c 115.486; 6.1777; 16.8851
90; 115.477; 90
1458.28Gao, Enjun; Sun, Na; Zhan, Yang; Qiu, Xue; Ding, Yuqing; Zhang, Shaozhong; Zhu, Mingchang
Spiral frameworks firstly constructed by 1,2-phenylene-dioxydiacetic acid as highly sensitive and selective luminescent probes to detect PO43- ions in aqueous solutions
RSC Adv., 2016
7225647 CIFC10 H12 Cl2 Cu O6C 1 2/c 117.8431; 7.6498; 10.3003
90; 107.903; 90
1337.87Juric, Marijana; Molcanov, Kresimir; Zilic, Dijana; Kojic-Prodic, Biserka
From mononuclear to linear one-dimensional coordination species of copper(II)-chloranilate: design and characterization
RSC Adv., 2016
7055838 CIFC10 H12 Cl3 N3 O2 RuP b c a12.4068; 14.0336; 16.9426
90; 90; 90
2949.91Makhinya, Alexander N.; Il’in, Maxim A.; Yamaletdinov, Ruslan D.; Korolkov, Ilya V.; Baidina, Iraida A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of nitrosoruthenium complexes cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(OH)] and cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(H2O)]Cl. Photoinduced transformations of cis-[Ru(NO)Py2Cl2(OH)]
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 10267
4349337 CIFC10 H12 Cu3 N13 O5P 21 21 218.3425; 11.9337; 21.6641
90; 90; 90
2156.8Liu, Juan; Wang, Fei; Ding, Qing-Rong; Zhang, Jian
Synthesis of an Enantipure Tetrazole-Based Homochiral Cu<sup>I,II</sup>-MOF for Enantioselective Separation.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12520-12522
7225209 CIFC10 H12 F18 N PP n m a18.972; 11.8654; 7.9166
90; 90; 90
1782.1Han, Xue; Ke, Jie; Suleiman, Norhidayah; Levason, William; Pugh, David; Zhang, Wenjian; Reid, Gillian; Licence, Peter; George, Michael W.
Phase behaviour and conductivity of supporting electrolytes in supercritical difluoromethane and 1,1-difluoroethane.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 14359-14369
1542342 CIFC10 H12 F4 N2 OP b c a7.1579; 12.4992; 24.3054
90; 90; 90
2174.6Charpentier, Julie; Früh, Natalja; Foser, Simon; Togni, Antonio
Tandem Radical Fluoroalkylation-Cyclization: Synthesis of Tetrafluoro Imidazopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 756-759
7118323 CIFC10 H12 I N2 O3.5P -19.7294; 11.427; 11.566
90.02; 110.88; 93.06
1199.5Puttreddy, Rakesh; Jurček, Ondřej; Bhowmik, Sandip; Mäkelä, Toni; Rissanen, Kari
Very strong (-)N-X(+)(-)O-N(+) halogen bonds.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 2338-2341
7055306 CIFC10 H12 K N O5 SC 1 2/c 137.539; 5.9129; 26.321
90; 121.1; 90
5002.6Pis Diez, Reinaldo; Echeverría, Gustavo A.; Piro, Oscar E.; Jios, Jorge Luis; Parajón Costa, Beatriz Susana
Structural, Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of an o-vanillin Schiff base derivative involved in enol-imine and keto-amine tautomerism
New J. Chem., 2016
7226163 CIFC10 H12 K O16 TbC 1 2/c 120.232; 9.072; 16.015
90; 116.84; 90
2622.8Jia, Yu-Qi; Feng, Si-Si; Shen, Mei-Lin; Lu, Li-Ping
Construction of multifunctional materials based on Tb3+and croconic acid, directed by K+cations: synthesis, structures, fluorescence, magnetic and ferroelectric behaviors
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5344
7226371 CIFC10 H12 La N O11P 1 21/c 115.489; 6.174; 16.745
90; 115.294; 90
1447.8Gao, Enjun; Sun, Na; Zhan, Yang; Qiu, Xue; Ding, Yuqing; Zhang, Shaozhong; Zhu, Mingchang
Spiral frameworks firstly constructed by 1,2-phenylene-dioxydiacetic acid as highly sensitive and selective luminescent probes to detect PO43- ions in aqueous solutions
RSC Adv., 2016
7226370 CIFC10 H12 N O11 PrP 1 21/c 115.489; 6.174; 16.745
90; 115.294; 90
1447.8Gao, Enjun; Sun, Na; Zhan, Yang; Qiu, Xue; Ding, Yuqing; Zhang, Shaozhong; Zhu, Mingchang
Spiral frameworks firstly constructed by 1,2-phenylene-dioxydiacetic acid as highly sensitive and selective luminescent probes to detect PO43- ions in aqueous solutions
RSC Adv., 2016
1543304 CIFC10 H12 N2 OP b c a13.6534; 6.92272; 18.544
90; 90; 90
1752.75Arteaga, Fernando Arteaga; Liu, Zijian; Brewitz, Lennart; Chen, Jianyang; Sun, Bo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reaction of Alkylamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2391-2394
1551598 CIFC10 H12 N2 OP 1 21 16.345; 9.631; 7.805
90; 112.462; 90
440.8MITSUHASHI, Ryoji; UEDA, Takaaki; HOSOYA, Satoshi; MIKURIYA, Masahiro
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of (<i>R</i>)-2-(4-Methylimidazolin-2-yl)phenol
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2016, 32, 59
4036650 CIFC10 H12 N2 OP 21 21 214.3708; 13.7544; 15.5815
90; 90; 90
936.72Kerisit, Nicolas; Rouxel, Cédric; Colombel-Rouen, Sophie; Toupet, Loïc; Guillemin, Jean-Claude; Trolez, Yann
Synthesis, Chemistry, and Photochemistry of Methylcyanobutadiyne in the Context of Space Science.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 3560-3567
7225384 CIFC10 H12 N2 OP 1 21/c 14.7832; 12.0775; 16.3371
90; 92.226; 90
943.07Braun, Doris E.; Oberacher, Herbert; Arnhard, Kathrin; Orlova, Maria; Griesser, Ulrich J.
4-Aminoquinaldine monohydrate polymorphism: prediction and impurity aided discovery of a difficult to access stable form
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4053
7226675 CIFC10 H12 N2 O4P b c n15.589; 5.2685; 12.4962
90; 90; 90
1026.32Saikia, Basanta; Khatioda, Rajiv; Bora, Pranita; Sarma, Bipul
Pyridine N-oxides as coformers in the development of drug cocrystals
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8454
1545835 CIF
C10 H12 N6 O4 S2P -15.1477; 10.8147; 14.2604
69.797; 85.463; 81.889
737.2Bolla, Geetha; Nangia, Ashwini
Binary and ternary cocrystals of sulfa drug acetazolamide with pyridine carboxamides and cyclic amides
IUCrJ, 2016, 3, 152-160
1544545 CIF
C10 H12 O3P 1 21/c 17.9543; 13.3271; 8.8107
90; 92.761; 90
932.92Mills-Robles, Heather A.; Desikan, Vasumathi; Golen, James A.; Manke, David R.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161794
7155287 CIFC10 H12 O4P 1 21/n 15.1845; 11.6355; 16.143
90; 95.867; 90
968.7Miles-Barrett, Daniel M; Neal, Andrew R.; Hand, Calum; Montgomery, James R. D.; Panovic, Isabella; Ojo, O. Stephen; Lancefield, Christopher S.; Cordes, David B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Lebl, Tomas; Westwood, Nicholas J.
The synthesis and analysis of lignin-bound Hibbert ketone structures in technical lignins.
Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 2016, 14, 10023-10030
2020503 CIF
C10 H12.6 N5 O6.3 PP 21 21 217.786; 10.638; 29.887
90; 90; 90
2475.5Ślepokura, Katarzyna Anna
Purine 3':5'-cyclic nucleotides with the nucleobase in a <i>syn</i> orientation: cAMP, cGMP and cIMP
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
1544043 CIFC10 H13 Ca N O6 SP 1 21/n 16.5562; 10.6424; 18.2951
90; 98.07; 90
1263.88Xue, Hui; Chen, Qihui; Jiang, Feilong; Yuan, Daqiang; Lv, Guangxun; Liang, Linfeng; Liu, Luyao; Hong, Maochun
A regenerative metal‒organic framework for reversible uptake of Cd(ii): from effective adsorption to in situ detection
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 5983
7226633 CIFC10 H13 Cd N2 O4P 1 2/c 19.3607; 8.3293; 15.9905
90; 113.611; 90
1142.38Yang, Jin-Xia; Qin, Ye-Yan; Ye, Run-Ping; Zhang, Xin; Yao, Yuan-Gen
Employing mixed-ligand strategy to construct a series of luminescent Cd(ii) compounds with structural diversities
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8309
8106892 CIFC10 H13 Ce O9P 1 21/c 110.5139; 12.5642; 10.4197
90; 93.813; 90
1373.4Zhang, Rui; Li, Shi-Hui
Crystal structure of poly [μ2-acetato-κ3-O,O′:O′)diaqua(μ3-isophthalato-κ4 O,O′:O′′:O′′′)cerium(III)] monohydrate (C10H13O9Ce)
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 413-414
7225442 CIFC10 H13 Cl N2 O3 SP 1 21 16.104; 8.9243; 12.0304
90; 99.516; 90
646.33Zakharov, B. A.; Goryainov, S. V.; Boldyreva, E. V.
Unusual seeding effect in the liquid-assisted high-pressure polymorphism of chlorpropamide
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5423
4037315 CIFC10 H13 Cl N3 O3 PP -18.5724; 9.5217; 10.0248
64.703; 65.55; 85.194
669.1Sabat, Nazarii; Poštová Slavětínská, Lenka; Klepetářová, Blanka; Hocek, Michal
C-H Phosphonation of Pyrrolopyrimidines: Synthesis of Substituted 7- and 9-Deazapurine-8-phosphonate Derivatives.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 9507-9514
4037316 CIFC10 H13 Cl N3 O3 PP -17.8996; 8.2513; 10.2912
93.736; 97.778; 91.382
662.85Sabat, Nazarii; Poštová Slavětínská, Lenka; Klepetářová, Blanka; Hocek, Michal
C-H Phosphonation of Pyrrolopyrimidines: Synthesis of Substituted 7- and 9-Deazapurine-8-phosphonate Derivatives.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 9507-9514
2020315 CIF
C10 H13 Co Cu N8 OP b c m7.2703; 14.6512; 13.8246
90; 90; 90
1472.58Qin, Ying-Lian; Yao, Chen-Zhong; Yang, Bin-Wu; Qin, Jian-Fang; Gong, Qiao-Juan
Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a two-dimensional cyanide-based heterometallic coordination polymer with cationic piperazinium ligands: poly[aquatetra-μ~2~-cyanido-κ^8^<i>C</i>:<i>N</i>-dicyanido-κ^2^<i>C</i>-(piperazinium-κ<i>N</i>^4^)cobalt(III)copper(II)]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 21-27
7226662 CIFC10 H13 F N2 O5P 1 21 110.3584; 10.854; 10.4469
90; 108.403; 90
1114.48Noonan, T. J.; Mzondo, B.; Bourne, S. A.; Caira, M. R.
Polymorphism of the antiviral agent clevudine
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8172
7226663 CIFC10 H13 F N2 O5P 1 21 18.9716; 5.3099; 11.8624
90; 105.98; 90
543.27Noonan, T. J.; Mzondo, B.; Bourne, S. A.; Caira, M. R.
Polymorphism of the antiviral agent clevudine
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8172
7226664 CIFC10 H13 F N2 O5P 1 21 110.4391; 16.017; 13.8687
90; 101.604; 90
2271.5Noonan, T. J.; Mzondo, B.; Bourne, S. A.; Caira, M. R.
Polymorphism of the antiviral agent clevudine
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8172
7037866 CIFC10 H13 I N2 SeP n m a11.6676; 7.6993; 13.2534
90; 90; 90
1190.58Lee, Lucia M.; Corless, Victoria B.; Tran, Michael; Jenkins, Hilary; Britten, James F.; Vargas-Baca, Ignacio
Synthetic, structural, and computational investigations of N-alkyl benzo-2,1,3-selenadiazolium iodides and their supramolecular aggregates.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3285-3293
4125020 CIFC10 H13 I N6 O3P 1 21 14.5885; 10.0115; 16.2053
90; 90.413; 90
744.42Piotrowski, David W.; Kamlet, Adam S.; Dechert-Schmitt, Anne-Marie R; Yan, Jiangli; Brandt, Thomas A.; Xiao, Jun; Wei, Liuqing; Barrila, Mark T.
Regio- and Enantioselective Synthesis of Azole Hemiaminal Esters by Lewis Base Catalyzed Dynamic Kinetic Resolution.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4818-4823
7037861 CIFC10 H13 I3 N2 SeP 1 21/c 17.6675; 10.0136; 20.949
90; 95.631; 90
1600.7Lee, Lucia M.; Corless, Victoria B.; Tran, Michael; Jenkins, Hilary; Britten, James F.; Vargas-Baca, Ignacio
Synthetic, structural, and computational investigations of N-alkyl benzo-2,1,3-selenadiazolium iodides and their supramolecular aggregates.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3285-3293
4088693 CIFC10 H13 N OI 41/a :218.2136; 18.2136; 11.7714
90; 90; 90
3905Shimbayashi, Takuya; Okamoto, Kazuhiro; Ohe, Kouichi
C‒H Activation Induced by Oxidative Addition of N‒O Bonds in Oxime Esters: Formation of Rhodacycles and Cycloaddition with Alkynes
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2026
1543243 CIFC10 H13 N O2P 1 21/c 19.3613; 9.3135; 11.8981
90; 102.497; 90
1012.8Baillargeon, Pierre; Caron-Duval, Édouard; Pellerin, Émilie; Gagné, Simon; Dory, Yves
Isomorphous Crystals from Diynes and Bromodiynes Involved in Hydrogen and Halogen Bonds
Crystals, 2016, 6, 37
1555888 CIFC10 H13 N O2P -18.0081; 10.4609; 11.1597
78.2095; 78.146; 81.6257
890.37Koovits, Paul J.; Knowles, Jonathan P.; Booker-Milburn, Kevin I
Conformationally Driven Two- and Three-Photon Cascade Processes in the Stereoselective Photorearrangement of Pyrroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5608-5611
7124817 CIFC10 H13 N O3P -16.69; 8.863; 9.115
107.219; 111.191; 92.478
474.4Stephens, David E.; Lakey-Beitia, Johant; Burch, Jessica E.; Arman, Hadi D.; Larionov, Oleg V.
Mechanistic insights into the potassium tert-butoxide-mediated synthesis of N-heterobiaryls.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 9945-9948
7124820 CIFC10 H13 N O3P 1 21/c 16.8201; 16.879; 9.0566
90; 106.25; 90
1000.9Stephens, David E.; Lakey-Beitia, Johant; Burch, Jessica E.; Arman, Hadi D.; Larionov, Oleg V.
Mechanistic insights into the potassium tert-butoxide-mediated synthesis of N-heterobiaryls.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 9945-9948
1553295 CIFC10 H13 N O4P 21 21 217.33508; 7.7336; 16.8499
90; 90; 90
955.84Zeng, Yao-Bo; Liu, Xiao-Ling; Zhang, Yi; Li, Chuang-Jun; Zhang, Dong-Ming; Peng, Yao-Zong; Zhou, Xing; Du, Hong-Fei; Tan, Chun-Bing; Zhang, Yu-Yu; Yang, Da-Jian
Cantharimide and Its Derivatives from the Blister Beetle Mylabris phalerata Palla.
Journal of natural products, 2016, 79, 2032-2038
7124816 CIFC10 H13 N O4P 1 21 14.8503; 17.114; 6.4411
90; 105.911; 90
514.2Stephens, David E.; Lakey-Beitia, Johant; Burch, Jessica E.; Arman, Hadi D.; Larionov, Oleg V.
Mechanistic insights into the potassium tert-butoxide-mediated synthesis of N-heterobiaryls.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 9945-9948
7155039 CIFC10 H13 N3 O2P 1 21 17.6207; 12.3266; 11.1367
90; 101.726; 90
1024.32Broadley, Kenneth J.; Burnell, Erica; Davies, Robin H.; Lee, Alan T. L.; Snee, Stephen; Thomas, Eric J.
The synthesis of a series of adenosine A3 receptor agonists.
Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 2016, 14, 3765-3781
1544395 CIF
C10 H13 N3 O2 SP 1 21/c 19.4893; 13.5903; 9.0554
90; 94.896; 90
1163.5Arafath, Md. Azharul; Adam, Farook; Razali, Mohd. R.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161599
4513915 CIFC10 H13 N3 O2 S2P c a 2114.3612; 9.07325; 18.9809
90; 90; 90
2473.26Myers, Stephanie M.; Bawn, Ruth H.; Bisset, Louise C.; Blackburn, Timothy J.; Cottyn, Betty; Molyneux, Lauren; Wong, Ai-Ching; Cano, Celine; Clegg, William; Harrington, Ross W.; Leung, Hing; Rigoreau, Laurent; Vidot, Sandrine; Golding, Bernard T.; Griffin, Roger J.; Hammonds, Tim; Newell, David R.; Hardcastle, Ian R.
High-Throughput Screening and Hit Validation of Extracellular-Related Kinase 5 (ERK5) Inhibitors.
ACS combinatorial science, 2016
1545834 CIF
C10 H13 N5 O4 S2P 1 c 111.3972; 18.1641; 10.338
90; 97.046; 90
2124Bolla, Geetha; Nangia, Ashwini
Binary and ternary cocrystals of sulfa drug acetazolamide with pyridine carboxamides and cyclic amides
IUCrJ, 2016, 3, 152-160
4088939 CIFC10 H13 O Re S3P 1 21/n 18.2013; 15.5245; 9.8861
90; 101.121; 90
1235.07Robbins, Leanna K.; Lilly, Cassandra P.; Sommer, Roger D.; Ison, Elon A.
Effect of the Ancillary Ligand on the Mechanism for CO Migratory Insertion in High-Valent Oxorhenium Complexes
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 3530
7226805 CIFC10 H14 Ag2 O6 P2P 1 21/c 16.747; 6.1736; 15.97
90; 94.412; 90
663.2Hou, Xiaomin; Tang, Sifu
Four new silver phosphonates constructed from semi-rigid phosphonate ligands: syntheses, structures and properties
RSC Adv., 2016
2241928 CIF
C10 H14 Cd N2 O4C 1 2/c 123.283; 7.2399; 14.2744
90; 96.887; 90
2388.8Geiger, David K.; Parsons, Dylan E.; Pagano, Bracco A.
Two cadmium coordination polymers with bridging acetate and phenylenediamine ligands that exhibit two-dimensional layered structures
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1718-1723
2311343 CIFC10 H14 Cl N3 O4 SP 1 21/c 18.8587; 22.1427; 7.1657
90; 108.497; 90
1332.98Abou, Akoun; Coulibali, Siomenan; Kakou-Yao, Rita; Zoueu, T Jérémie; Tenon, A. Jules
Crystal structure of 3-(2-hy-droxy-eth-yl)-2-methyl-sulfanyl-6-nitro-3<i>H</i>-benzimidazol-1-ium chloride monohydrate.
Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications, 2016, 72, 1356-1359
4037317 CIFC10 H14 Cl N4 O3 PP -18.221; 10.018; 10.186
113.6; 94.47; 109.16
704.6Sabat, Nazarii; Poštová Slavětínská, Lenka; Klepetářová, Blanka; Hocek, Michal
C-H Phosphonation of Pyrrolopyrimidines: Synthesis of Substituted 7- and 9-Deazapurine-8-phosphonate Derivatives.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 9507-9514
2241563 CIF
C10 H14 Cl3 N O5I 1 2 114.8821; 5.5847; 17.2971
90; 105.847; 90
1382.96Oishi, Takeshi; Yasushima, Daichi; Yuasa, Kihiro; Sato, Takaaki; Chida, Noritaka
Crystal structure of (+)-methyl (<i>E</i>)-3-[(2<i>S</i>,4<i>S</i>,5<i>R</i>)-2-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-trichloromethyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl]-2-methylprop-2-enoate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 343-346
7037951 CIFC10 H14 Cl4 N2 PtP 1 21/c 18.5829; 10.4134; 15.2859
90; 98.844; 90
1350Karmakar, Subhendu; Purkait, Kallol; Chatterjee, Saptarshi; Mukherjee, Arindam
Anticancer activity of a cis-dichloridoplatinum(ii) complex of a chelating nitrogen mustard: insight into unusual guanine binding mode and low deactivation by glutathione.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3599-3615
7039290 CIFC10 H14 Cl6 N2 PtI 1 2/a 113.2902; 7.4513; 31.532
90; 93.04; 90
3118.2Karmakar, Subhendu; Chatterjee, Saptarshi; Purkait, Kallol; Mukherjee, Arindam
Anticancer activity of a chelating nitrogen mustard bearing tetrachloridoplatinum(iv) complex: better stability yet equipotent to the Pt(ii) analogue.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11710-11722
4086780 CIFC10 H14 Co N3 O3P 1 21/n 18.5902; 17.2237; 8.8972
90; 106.334; 90
1263.25Hering, Florian; Berthel, Johannes H. J.; Lubitz, Katharina; Paul, Ursula S. D.; Härterich, Heidi Schneider Marcel; Radius, Udo
Correction to Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Novel NHC-Stabilized Cobalt Carbonyl Nitrosyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2016
4088751 CIFC10 H14 Co N3 O3P 1 21/n 18.5902; 17.2237; 8.8972
90; 106.334; 90
1263.25Hering, Florian; Berthel, Johannes H. J.; Lubitz, Katharina; Paul, Ursula S. D.; Schneider, Heidi; Härterich, Marcel; Radius, Udo
Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Novel NHC-Stabilized Cobalt Carbonyl Nitrosyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2806
1554044 CIFC10 H14 Co N8 O2P -16.4415; 7.3787; 8.5998
105.661; 107.985; 96.254
366Pal, Pampi; Konar, Saugata; Lama, Prem; Das, Kinsuk; Bauzá, Antonio; Frontera, Antonio; Mukhopadhyay, Subrata
On the Importance of Noncovalent Carbon-Bonding Interactions in the Stabilization of a 1D Co(II) Polymeric Chain as a Precursor of a Novel 2D Coordination Polymer.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2016, 120, 6803-6811
7226941 CIFC10 H14 Cu N6 O S2C 1 2/c 118.855; 5.622; 16.886
90; 121.342; 90
1528.8Świtlicka, A.; Czerwińska, K.; Machura, B.; Penkala, M.; Bieńko, A.; Bieńko, D.; Zierkiewicz, W.
Thiocyanate copper complexes with pyrazole-derived ligands ‒ synthesis, crystal structures, DFT calculations and magnetic properties
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 9042
7224434 CIFC10 H14 Er2 N O16 PP 21 21 2110.989; 11.526; 14.98
90; 90; 90
1897.4Wang, Guang-Tu; Zhang, Jing-Chuan; Tang, Zeng-Yi; Zhou, Heng-Tai; Zhang, Li; Yang, Rui-Wu; Zou, Ping; Yu, Ying-Hui; Gao, Jin-Sheng; Hou, Guang-Feng
Synthesis, structures, luminescence and magnetism of nine lanthanide complexes with three-dimensional frameworks constructed from 2-(pyridyl-N-oxide)methylphosphonic acid and oxalic acid
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2437
7226165 CIFC10 H14 K O17 TbC m c 2116.031; 12.505; 8.4522
90; 90; 90
1694.4Jia, Yu-Qi; Feng, Si-Si; Shen, Mei-Lin; Lu, Li-Ping
Construction of multifunctional materials based on Tb3+and croconic acid, directed by K+cations: synthesis, structures, fluorescence, magnetic and ferroelectric behaviors
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5344
7224437 CIFC10 H14 Lu2 N O16 PP 21 21 2110.8491; 11.4465; 14.8471
90; 90; 90
1843.78Wang, Guang-Tu; Zhang, Jing-Chuan; Tang, Zeng-Yi; Zhou, Heng-Tai; Zhang, Li; Yang, Rui-Wu; Zou, Ping; Yu, Ying-Hui; Gao, Jin-Sheng; Hou, Guang-Feng
Synthesis, structures, luminescence and magnetism of nine lanthanide complexes with three-dimensional frameworks constructed from 2-(pyridyl-N-oxide)methylphosphonic acid and oxalic acid
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2437
7224435 CIFC10 H14 N O16 P Tm2P 21 21 2110.9138; 11.4793; 14.9124
90; 90; 90
1868.27Wang, Guang-Tu; Zhang, Jing-Chuan; Tang, Zeng-Yi; Zhou, Heng-Tai; Zhang, Li; Yang, Rui-Wu; Zou, Ping; Yu, Ying-Hui; Gao, Jin-Sheng; Hou, Guang-Feng
Synthesis, structures, luminescence and magnetism of nine lanthanide complexes with three-dimensional frameworks constructed from 2-(pyridyl-N-oxide)methylphosphonic acid and oxalic acid
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2437
7224436 CIFC10 H14 N O16 P Yb2P 21 21 2110.901; 11.447; 14.89
90; 90; 90
1858Wang, Guang-Tu; Zhang, Jing-Chuan; Tang, Zeng-Yi; Zhou, Heng-Tai; Zhang, Li; Yang, Rui-Wu; Zou, Ping; Yu, Ying-Hui; Gao, Jin-Sheng; Hou, Guang-Feng
Synthesis, structures, luminescence and magnetism of nine lanthanide complexes with three-dimensional frameworks constructed from 2-(pyridyl-N-oxide)methylphosphonic acid and oxalic acid
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2437
1543036 CIFC10 H14 N O2.5P 1 21 17.9708; 10.4075; 11.9312
90; 95.083; 90
985.87Han, Wen Bo; Zhang, Ai Hua; Deng, Xin Zhao; Lei, Xinxiang; Tan, Ren Xiang
Curindolizine, an Anti-Inflammatory Agent Assembled via Michael Addition of Pyrrole Alkaloids Inside Fungal Cells.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1816-1819
7224790 CIFC10 H14 N2 OP 1 21/c 19.977; 7.1746; 12.7576
90; 93.545; 90
911.5Zielinski, Witold; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-induced preference for solvation of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3211
7224791 CIFC10 H14 N2 OP 1 21/c 19.96; 7.1574; 12.579
90; 93.71; 90
894.8Zielinski, Witold; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-induced preference for solvation of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3211
7224792 CIFC10 H14 N2 OP -110.11; 7.1; 6.6984
114.72; 94.61; 90.202
435Zielinski, Witold; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-induced preference for solvation of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3211
7224793 CIFC10 H14 N2 OP -110.037; 7.0477; 6.6292
115.381; 94.711; 90.103
421.88Zielinski, Witold; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-induced preference for solvation of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3211
7224794 CIFC10 H14 N2 OP -110.007; 7.0202; 6.5889
115.903; 94.821; 90.068
414.53Zielinski, Witold; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-induced preference for solvation of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3211
7224795 CIFC10 H14 N2 OP -110.027; 7.0054; 6.5581
116.173; 94.86; 90.02
411.6Zielinski, Witold; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure-induced preference for solvation of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 3211
8106777 CIFC10 H14 N2 O9 Pb ZnP -17.4992; 8.289; 11.8236
101.604; 106.54; 98.931
672.25Zhang, Rong-Hua; Zhao, Dan; Ma, Fa-Xue
Crystal structure of poly[aqua-ethylenediamine-tetraacetatolead(II)zinc(II)]
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 35-36
2020561 CIF
C10 H14 N6 O2 SP 1 21/c 14.6843; 13.9818; 19.5128
90; 91.45; 90
1277.6Hützler, Wilhelm Maximilian; Egert, Ernst; Bolte, Michael
6-Propyl-2-thiouracil <i>versus</i> 6-methoxymethyl-2-thiouracil: enhancing the hydrogen-bonded synthon motif by replacement of a methylene group with an O atom
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
1542473 CIF
C10 H14 N8 O6.5C 1 2/c 121.494; 6.43; 19.193
90; 99.98; 90
2612.5Krueger, Martin; Albat, Martin; Pieper, Florian; Stock, Norbert
Dimethylammonium 2-amino-5-nitroterephthalate hemihydrate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160048
4032020 CIFC10 H14 O4P 21 21 216.968; 8.073; 17.744
90; 90; 90
998.1Clay, Julia M.; Hesek, Dusan; Oliver, Allen G.; Lee, Mijoon; Fisher, Jed F.
Ensemble of Pinanones from the Permanganate Oxidation of Myrtenal.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 5705-5709
4130770 CIFC10 H14 O4P 1 21/c 15.9569; 10.5931; 15.0785
90; 91.0247; 90
951.33Davis, Dexter C.; Walker, Katherine L.; Hu, Chunhua; Zare, Richard N.; Waymouth, Robert M.; Dai, Mingji
Catalytic Carbonylative Spirolactonization of Hydroxycyclopropanols.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10693-10699
4125096 CIFC10 H14 O5P 1 21/c 13.9342; 27.324; 9.9305
90; 96.314; 90
1061Li, Gang; Kuo, Jonathan L.; Han, Arthur; Abuyuan, Janine M.; Young, Lily C.; Norton, Jack R.; Palmer, Joshua H.
Radical Isomerization and Cycloisomerization Initiated by H• Transfer.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 7698-7704
4088728 CIFC10 H15 B O2 TeI 41/a :214.2559; 14.2559; 23.569
90; 90; 90
4789.9Torres Delgado, William; Shahin, Fatemeh; Ferguson, Michael J.; McDonald, Robert; He, Gang; Rivard, Eric
Selective Placement of Bromide and Pinacolboronate Groups about a Tellurophene: New Building Blocks for Optoelectronic Applications
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2140
7224545 CIFC10 H15 Cl Cu N4 O3 SP -17.685; 9.476; 10.132
99.684; 102.043; 94.185
706.8Mohamed Subarkhan, M.; Prabhu, R. N.; Raj Kumar, R.; Ramesh, R.
Antiproliferative activity of cationic and neutral thiosemicarbazone copper(ii) complexes
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 25082
7224637 CIFC10 H15 FF m -3 m9.5522; 9.5522; 9.5522
90; 90; 90
871.59Ben Hassine, B.; Negrier, Ph; Romanini, M.; Barrio, M.; Macovez, R.; Kallel, A.; Mondieig, D.; Tamarit, J. Ll
Structure and reorientational dynamics of 1-F-adamantane.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 10924-10930
7224638 CIFC10 H15 FP -4 21 c6.7776; 6.7776; 8.8235
90; 90; 90
405.32Ben Hassine, B.; Negrier, Ph; Romanini, M.; Barrio, M.; Macovez, R.; Kallel, A.; Mondieig, D.; Tamarit, J. Ll
Structure and reorientational dynamics of 1-F-adamantane.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 10924-10930
4513804 CIFC10 H15 N OP 21 21 216.8744; 8.6699; 15.729
90; 90; 90
937.5Pan, Bing; Liu, Bo; Yue, Erlin; Liu, Qingbin; Yang, Xinzheng; Wang, Zheng; Sun, Wen-Hua
A Ruthenium Catalyst with Unprecedented Effectiveness for the Coupling Cyclization of γ-Amino Alcohols and Secondary Alcohols
ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 1247
7226070 CIFC10 H15 N O SP -17.215; 8.581; 9.903
103.094; 93.329; 112.892
542.8Groves, Brandon R.; Smithen, Deborah A.; Cameron, T. Stanley; Thompson, Alison
Thionation reactions of 2-pyrrole carboxylates
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 69691
1544256 CIF
C10 H15 N O3P 21 21 216.1146; 28.3272; 5.9614
90; 90; 90
1032.6Fujii, Isao
(<i>S</i>)-2-Azaniumyl-2-methyl-3-phenylpropanoate monohydrate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161516
1542467 CIF
C10 H15 N O4P 1 21/c 17.328; 17.0138; 8.9223
90; 107.818; 90
1059.05Baul, Tushar S. Basu; Chaurasiya, Anurag; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
3-[(2-Hydroxybenzyl)azaniumyl]propanoate monohydrate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x152453
7155038 CIFC10 H15 N3 O3P b c a16.652; 6.8992; 18.61
90; 90; 90
2138Broadley, Kenneth J.; Burnell, Erica; Davies, Robin H.; Lee, Alan T. L.; Snee, Stephen; Thomas, Eric J.
The synthesis of a series of adenosine A3 receptor agonists.
Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 2016, 14, 3765-3781
7236140 CIFC10 H15 N4 O5 PP 1 21/n 112.9672; 4.22937; 24.0975
90; 100.972; 90
1297.42Shinde, Digambar Balaji; Aiyappa, Harshitha Barike; Bhadra, Mohitosh; Biswal, Bishnu P.; Wadge, Pritish; Kandambeth, Sharath; Garai, Bikash; Kundu, Tanay; Kurungot, Sreekumar; Banerjee, Rahul
A mechanochemically synthesized covalent organic framework as a proton-conducting solid electrolyte
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 2682
1545837 CIF
C10 H15 N5 O6 S2P -17.7872; 10.213; 10.2464
88.192; 76.587; 77.996
775.22Bolla, Geetha; Nangia, Ashwini
Binary and ternary cocrystals of sulfa drug acetazolamide with pyridine carboxamides and cyclic amides
IUCrJ, 2016, 3, 152-160
7226084 CIFC10 H16 Ag2 N8 O6P 1 21/c 15.5307; 13.1818; 12.0644
90; 94.618; 90
876.69Huo, Jian Zhong; Su, Xiu Mei; Wu, Xiang Xia; Liu, Yuan Yuan; Ding, Bin
Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of a series of luminescent Ag(i) coordination polymers with two new multidentate bis-(1,2,3-triazole) ligands: structural diversity, polymorphism and photoluminescent sensing
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 6640
4348582 CIFC10 H16 As2 B2 Cl6P 21 21 218.277; 14.406; 16.214
90; 90; 90
1933.3Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
4348579 CIFC10 H16 B I5 P2P 1 21/c 19.702; 17.454; 12.615
90; 97.751; 90
2116.7Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
4348580 CIFC10 H16 B2 Br6 P2P n m a14.745; 10.796; 13.068
90; 90; 90
2080.3Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
4348575 CIFC10 H16 B2 Cl6 P2C m c 2110.3485; 13.475; 13.74
90; 90; 90
1916Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
2241831 CIF
C10 H16 Cl2 Cu N2 OP 1 21/n 18.447; 9.895; 15.254
90; 97.13; 90
1265.1Shin, Jong Won; Lee, Dong Won; Kim, Dae-Woong; Moon, Dohyun
Crystal structure of dichlorido{2-methyl-2-[(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino]propan-1-ol-κ^3^<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>O</i>}copper(II) from synchrotron data
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1400-1403
7038218 CIFC10 H16 Cl2 Fe N4 S2P 1 21/n 19.416; 13.653; 13.12
90; 109.477; 90
1590.1Stadelman, Bradley S.; Kimani, Martin M.; Bayse, Craig A.; McMillen, Colin D.; Brumaghim, Julia L.
Synthesis, characterization, DFT calculations, and electrochemical comparison of novel iron(ii) complexes with thione and selone ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 4697-4711
7038219 CIFC10 H16 Cl2 Fe N4 Se2P 1 21/n 19.5166; 13.693; 13.279
90; 108.25; 90
1643.4Stadelman, Bradley S.; Kimani, Martin M.; Bayse, Craig A.; McMillen, Colin D.; Brumaghim, Julia L.
Synthesis, characterization, DFT calculations, and electrochemical comparison of novel iron(ii) complexes with thione and selone ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 4697-4711
1551607 CIFC10 H16 Co K N2 O10P 21 21 216.432; 10.098; 22.74
90; 90; 90
1477MITSUHASHI, Ryoji; MIKURIYA, Masahiro
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Potassium Ethylenediaminetetraacetato-cobaltate(III)
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2016, 32, 5
7055857 CIFC10 H16 Cu2 N4 O8C 1 2/c 112.4984; 7.2846; 17.4974
90; 102.95; 90
1552.5Cheng, Meiling; Sun, Lin; Han, Wei; Wang, Shen; Liu, Qi; Sun, Xiaoqiang; Xi, Haitao
Effect of N ancillary ligands on the structure, nuclearity and magnetic behavior of Cu(ii)‒pyrazolecarboxylate complexes
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 10504
4349314 CIFC10 H16 F4 O2 SP 1 21/n 18.9081; 16.721; 9.4878
90; 116.32; 90
1266.7Goettel, James T.; Gerken, Michael
Synthesis and Characterization of Adducts between SF<sub>4</sub> and Oxygen Bases: Examples of O···S(IV) Chalcogen Bonding.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12441-12450
7040307 CIFC10 H16 Fe N2 O6 S2P 1 21/c 19.876; 5.5764; 12.572
90; 101.134; 90
679.34Chanawanno, Kullapa; Holstrom, Cole; Crandall, Laura A.; Dodge, Henry; Nemykin, Victor N.; Herrick, Richard S.; Ziegler, Christopher J.
The synthesis and structures of 1,1'-bis(sulfonyl)ferrocene derivatives.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14320-14326
1544827 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.4439; 7.6801; 19.4527
90; 118.711; 90
2547.75Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544828 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.459; 7.6795; 19.492
90; 118.687; 90
2555.3Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544829 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.4906; 7.6827; 19.5367
90; 118.651; 90
2567.23Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544830 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.513; 7.6986; 19.589
90; 118.61; 90
2583.4Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544831 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.52; 7.7018; 19.601
90; 118.593; 90
2587.4Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544832 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.527; 7.7049; 19.617
90; 118.58; 90
2591.8Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544833 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.53; 7.7094; 19.629
90; 118.57; 90
2595.6Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544834 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.533; 7.7136; 19.638
90; 118.556; 90
2598.9Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544835 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.539; 7.718; 19.652
90; 118.54; 90
2603.4Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544836 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.544; 7.7236; 19.666
90; 118.528; 90
2608.1Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544837 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.557; 7.7351; 19.684
90; 118.51; 90
2616.6Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
1544838 CIFC10 H16 I N O3P 1 c 119.559; 7.7357; 19.689
90; 118.499; 90
2618Roszak, Kinga; Katrusiak, Andrzej; Dega-Szafran, Zofia; Komasa, Anna; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Szafran, Mirosław
Conformational flexibility and pseudosymmetric aggregation in a betainium salt hydrate
Structural Chemistry, 2016
4037202 CIFC10 H16 N4 O4P n a 219.49728; 21.3932; 6.35861
90; 90; 90
1291.92Nourian, Saghar; Zilber, Zachary A.; Toscano, John P.
Development of N-Substituted Hydroxamic Acids with Pyrazolone Leaving Groups as Nitrosocarbonyl Precursors.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 9138-9146
1542387 CIFC10 H16 N4 O5P b c n14.614; 12.706; 13.842
90; 90; 90
2570.3Zheng, Jing; Qi, Jifeng; Cui, Sunliang
Fe-Catalyzed Olefin Hydroamination with Diazo Compounds for Hydrazone Synthesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 128-131
4037203 CIFC10 H16 N4 O5P 1 21 19.44384; 6.72231; 10.34284
90; 96.4986; 90
652.39Nourian, Saghar; Zilber, Zachary A.; Toscano, John P.
Development of N-Substituted Hydroxamic Acids with Pyrazolone Leaving Groups as Nitrosocarbonyl Precursors.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 9138-9146
7236141 CIFC10 H16 N4 O8 P2P -18.6237; 8.9142; 10.2301
73.441; 85.209; 83.669
748.09Shinde, Digambar Balaji; Aiyappa, Harshitha Barike; Bhadra, Mohitosh; Biswal, Bishnu P.; Wadge, Pritish; Kandambeth, Sharath; Garai, Bikash; Kundu, Tanay; Kurungot, Sreekumar; Banerjee, Rahul
A mechanochemically synthesized covalent organic framework as a proton-conducting solid electrolyte
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 2682
2020502 CIF
C10 H16 N5 O8 PP 21 21 217.715; 10.598; 35.481
90; 90; 90
2901.1Ślepokura, Katarzyna Anna
Purine 3':5'-cyclic nucleotides with the nucleobase in a <i>syn</i> orientation: cAMP, cGMP and cIMP
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
1542280 CIFC10 H16 N6 Na O6 VP -17.9375; 8.7365; 12.1972
102.684; 107.187; 103.796
745.41Leggett, C. J.; Parker, B. F.; Teat, S. J.; Zhang, Z.; Dau, P. D.; Lukens, W. W.; Peterson, S. M.; Cardenas, A. J. P.; Warner, M. G.; Gibson, J. K.; Arnold, J.; Rao, L.
Structural and spectroscopic studies of a rare non-oxido V(v) complex crystallized from aqueous solution
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 2775
7226998 CIFC10 H16 N6 O4C 1 2/c 121.477; 10.2253; 12.3312
90; 98.717; 90
2676.8Jia, Xin-Jian; Wang, Jinshu; Zhong, Di-Chang; Wu, Junshu; Zhao, Bingxin; den Engelsen, Daniel; Luo, xuzhong
A thermo-sensitive supramolecular hydrogel derived from an onium salt with the property of solution-gel-crystal transition
RSC Adv., 2016
3500062 CIFC10 H16 N6 SP 1 21/n 110.69885; 18.81823; 6.82475
90; 111.285; 90
1280.32Armel Le Bail
Rietveld refinement of the crystal structure of cimetidine from synchrotron data
Personal communication to COD, 2016
4344873 CIFC10 H17 Ag N3 O2 PP b c n20.9473; 13.3532; 11.1554
90; 90; 90
3120.32Jaros, Sabina W.; Guedes da Silva, M Fátima C; Król, Jarosław; Conceição Oliveira, M; Smoleński, Piotr; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.; Kirillov, Alexander M.
Bioactive Silver-Organic Networks Assembled from 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane and Flexible Cyclohexanecarboxylate Blocks.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1486-1496
7226783 CIFC10 H17 Ag3 I5 N3 OP 1 21/c 111.2079; 25.1506; 8.4668
90; 105.661; 90
2298.1shen, junju; wang, feng; li, xiangxia; yu, tanlai; Hao, Pengfei; Fu, Yunlong
Two Photochromic Methylated Nicotinohydrazide Iodoargentate Hybrids
RSC Adv., 2016
7226782 CIFC10 H17 Ag7 I9 N3 OP 1 21/n 112.4724; 13.4637; 19.9965
90; 92.523; 90
3354.7shen, junju; wang, feng; li, xiangxia; yu, tanlai; Hao, Pengfei; Fu, Yunlong
Two Photochromic Methylated Nicotinohydrazide Iodoargentate Hybrids
RSC Adv., 2016
7118747 CIFC10 H17 Br O2P 1 21 16.2235; 9.799; 9.2211
90; 97.094; 90
558.04Verma, Ajay; Jana, Sadhan; Durga Prasad, Ch; Yadav, Abhimanyu; Kumar, Sangit
Organoselenium and DMAP co-catalysis: regioselective synthesis of medium-sized halolactones and bromooxepanes from unactivated alkenes.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 4179-4182
1540737 CIFC10 H17 Br O4P 21 21 218.8043; 11.5507; 24.957
90; 90; 90
2538Shim, Su Yong; Kim, Jae Yeon; Nam, Miso; Hwang, Geum-Sook; Ryu, Do Hyun
Enantioselective Cyclopropanation with α-Alkyl-α-diazoesters Catalyzed by Chiral Oxazaborolidinium Ion: Total Synthesis of (+)-Hamavellone B.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 160-163
7224401 CIFC10 H17 Cd N4 O9P -18.6333; 9.7461; 10.2243
92.742; 105.95; 115.039
736Bai, Yue-Ling; Xu, Liangzhen; Bao, Xiaoli; Hou, Chaoyi; Zhao, Yongmei; Zhu, Shourong
Alkaline reagent-induced structural diversity of four metal‒organic frameworks based on a flexible bicarboxylate ligand
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2347
4348774 CIFC10 H17 Cu4 I6 N3 OP b c a8.3751; 18.7073; 32.532
90; 90; 90
5097Shen, Jun-Ju; Li, Xiang-Xia; Yu, Tan-Lai; Wang, Feng; Hao, Peng-Fei; Fu, Yun-Long
Ultrasensitive Photochromic Iodocuprate(I) Hybrid.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8271-8273
4348775 CIFC10 H17 Cu4 I6 N3 OP b c a8.3567; 18.6751; 32.4747
90; 90; 90
5068.1Shen, Jun-Ju; Li, Xiang-Xia; Yu, Tan-Lai; Wang, Feng; Hao, Peng-Fei; Fu, Yun-Long
Ultrasensitive Photochromic Iodocuprate(I) Hybrid.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8271-8273
7226484 CIFC10 H17 K2 N O8 S2P n m a8.2498; 22.5592; 8.7439
90; 90; 90
1627.32Cardona, Maria A.; Kveder, Marina; Baisch, Ulrich; Probert, Michael R.; Magri, David C.
Water-soluble β-aminobisulfonate building blocks for pH and Cu2+indicators
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 84712
7118446 CIFC10 H17 N O2 SP 21 21 216.51691; 11.9691; 29.6051
90; 90; 90
2309.24Rayner, Peter J.; Smith, Joshua C.; Denneval, Charline; O'Brien, Peter; Clarke, Paul A.; Horan, Richard A. J.
Mechanistic interrogation of the asymmetric lithiation-trapping of N-thiopivaloyl azetidine and pyrrolidine.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1354-1357
1555922 CIFC10 H17 N O3P 1 21 15.7737; 7.9024; 11.5568
90; 100.734; 90
518.07Choi, Chulho; Nuhant, Philippe; Mousseau, James J.; Yang, Xiaojing; Gerstenberger, Brian S.; Williams, Jessica M.; Wright, Stephen W.
Synthesis of Chiral Azabicycles from Pyroglutaminols.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5748-5751
7055313 CIFC10 H17 N3 O3P 1 21/c 17.0612; 17.0603; 10.3203
90; 97.42; 90
1232.84Wei, Tai-Bao; Zhu, Yuan-Rong; Li, Hui; Yan, Guo-Tao; Lin, Qi; Yao, Hong; Zhang, You-Ming
A reversible fluorescent chemosensor for the rapid sensing of CN−in water: utilization of the intramolecular charge transfer blocking
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2327
2020558 CIF
C10 H17 N3 O3 SP -18.209; 9.1804; 9.5617
65.128; 83.198; 78.854
640.9Hützler, Wilhelm Maximilian; Egert, Ernst; Bolte, Michael
6-Propyl-2-thiouracil <i>versus</i> 6-methoxymethyl-2-thiouracil: enhancing the hydrogen-bonded synthon motif by replacement of a methylene group with an O atom
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
7035986 CIFC10 H17 O2 P SP 21 21 218.7682; 9.0948; 14.4718
90; 90; 90
1154.05Möller, Tobias; Wonneberger, Peter; Sárosi, Menyhárt B; Coburger, Peter; Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie
P-chiral 1-phosphanorbornenes: from asymmetric phospha-Diels-Alder reactions towards ligand design and functionalisation.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1904-1917
7035987 CIFC10 H17 O2 P SC 1 2 114.991; 7.3994; 10.5296
90; 93.746; 90
1165.49Möller, Tobias; Wonneberger, Peter; Sárosi, Menyhárt B; Coburger, Peter; Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie
P-chiral 1-phosphanorbornenes: from asymmetric phospha-Diels-Alder reactions towards ligand design and functionalisation.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1904-1917
7225338 CIFC10 H18 Cd N4 O8P -17.2694; 7.2818; 8.2989
111.267; 109.883; 91.968
378.69Liu, Qi; Liu, Jing; Cheng, Mei-Ling; Yu, Lili; Chen, Sheng-Chun; Shao, Yongliang; Zhai, Changwei; Yin, Fengxiang
Three Metal Complexes Derived from 3-Methyl-1H-Pyrazole-4-Carboxylic Acid: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Luminescence and Electrocatalytic Properties
RSC Adv., 2016
1544227 CIF
C10 H18 Cl N5 O SP 1 21/c 16.494; 17.665; 13.508
90; 92.402; 90
1548.2Aabaka, Sreenath Reddy; Yaaratha, Sarala; Krishna, L. Sivarama; Das, Samar K.; Ammireddy, Varada Reddy
(<i>E</i>)-2-[(2-Butyl-4-chloro-1<i>H</i>-imidazol-5-yl)methylidene]-<i>N</i>-methylhydrazine-1-carbothioamide monohydrate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161514
7224568 CIFC10 H18 F3 N5 O4 SP 1 21/n 16.563; 14.3405; 15.7391
90; 94.225; 90
1477.29Solel, Ephrath; Singh, Mandeep; Reany, Ofer; Keinan, Ehud
Enhanced anion binding by heteroatom replacement in bambusurils.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 13180-13185
7234560 CIFC10 H18 Fe2 N O12P -3 1 c8.4483; 8.4483; 13.7058
90; 90; 120
847.18Miroslaw Maczka; Aneta Ciupa; Anna Gagor; Adam Sieradzki; Adam Pikul; Maciej Ptak
Structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of two novel mixed-valence iron(ii)-iron(iii) metal formate frameworks
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 1186-1193
7225140 CIFC10 H18 N12 O4P -15.386; 7.2676; 11.1149
106.362; 92.344; 104.613
401Shang, Yu; Jin, Bo; Peng, Ru-Fang; Guo, Zhicheng; Liu, Qiangqiang; Zhao, Jun; Zhang, Qingchun
Nitrogen-rich Energetic Salts of 1H,1′H-5,5′-Bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate: Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Behaviors
RSC Adv., 2016
8106884 CIFC10 H18 N2 O3 SP n a 2112.5603; 11.5744; 8.9054
90; 90; 90
1294.6Wang, Peizhi; Zeng, Huahui; Wu, Xiangxiang
Crystal structure of tetramethylammonium sulfanilate, C10H18N2O3S
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 393-394
2020506 CIF
C10 H18 N4 Na O11 PP 21 21 216.652; 14.726; 17.208
90; 90; 90
1685.7Ślepokura, Katarzyna Anna
Purine 3':5'-cyclic nucleotides with the nucleobase in a <i>syn</i> orientation: cAMP, cGMP and cIMP
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
4130278 CIFC10 H18 N4 OP 1 21/c 111.2054; 5.6226; 17.6834
90; 93.73; 90
1111.76Licsandru, Erol; Kocsis, Istvan; Shen, Yue-Xiao; Murail, Samuel; Legrand, Yves-Marie; van der Lee, Arie; Tsai, Daniel; Baaden, Marc; Kumar, Manish; Barboiu, Mihail
Salt-Excluding Artificial Water Channels Exhibiting Enhanced Dipolar Water and Proton Translocation.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 5403-5409
7225852 CIFC10 H18 N4 O4P 1 21/c 16.0011; 18.2772; 11.7435
90; 99.398; 90
1270.78RUBALINGAM, PADMAVATHY; N, Karthikeyan; Duraisamy, Sathya; R, Jagan; R., Mohan Kumar; Kandasamy, Sivakumar
Anion assisted supramolecular self-assemblies of succinate and malate adducts: Crystal structure and Theoretical modelling
RSC Adv., 2016
7223841 CIFC10 H18 O2 Pd S4P -15.7038; 6.7822; 10.5967
72.42; 78.467; 79.852
379.94Tan, Yee Seng; Halim, Siti Nadiah Abdul; Molloy, Kieran C.; Sudlow, Anna L.; Otero-de-la-Roza, A.; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
Persistence of C‒H⋯π(chelate ring) interactions in the crystal structures of Pd(S2COR)2. The utility of Pd(S2COR)2as precursors for palladium sulphide materials
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1105
7223842 CIFC10 H18 O2 Pd S4P -16.0243; 8.0461; 8.9366
111.05; 99.851; 103.836
376.42Tan, Yee Seng; Halim, Siti Nadiah Abdul; Molloy, Kieran C.; Sudlow, Anna L.; Otero-de-la-Roza, A.; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
Persistence of C‒H⋯π(chelate ring) interactions in the crystal structures of Pd(S2COR)2. The utility of Pd(S2COR)2as precursors for palladium sulphide materials
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1105
7155344 CIFC10 H18 O5P 21 21 215.3124; 7.0459; 29.215
90; 90; 90
1093.54Zhang, Chenxi; Wang, Chengcheng; Wang, Zihao; Tanabe, Genzoh; Muraoka, Osamu; Lin, Aijun; Xu, Jinyi; Wu, Xiaoming; Wu, Liang; Xie, Weijia
Total synthesis, structural elucidation and anti-inflammatory activity evaluation of 2-deoxy-3,6-anhydro hexofuranoside derivatives isolated from Sauropus rostratus.
Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 2016, 14, 10906-10913
7039686 CIFC10 H19 Au Cl N3 OP 1 21/c 17.4494; 11.8071; 15.6623
90; 90.017; 90
1377.59Pretorius, René; Fructos, Manuel R.; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Gossage, Robert A.; Pérez, Pedro J; Albrecht, Martin
Synthesis and catalytic applications of 1,2,3-triazolylidene gold(i) complexes in silver-free oxazoline syntheses and C-H bond activation.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14591-14602
4086358 CIFC10 H19 B Cl3 N TiP 1 21/n 16.6479; 17.3208; 13.0773
90; 95.456; 90
1498.99Chen, Yang; Fang, Xiangdong; Dan, Wenyan
1,2-Azaborolyl-Ligated Titanium(IV) Half-Metallocenes: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Activity in Ethylene Polymerization
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 15
7055737 CIFC10 H19 Br3 N2 PbP 1 21/c 19.4696; 7.9769; 23.0327
90; 109.25; 90
1642.57Wan, Kun-Ming; Tong, Yuan-Bo; Li, Li; Zou, Yang; Duan, Hai-Bao; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, XiaoMing
Investigation of thermochromic photoluminescent, dielectric and crystal structural properties for an inorganic-organic hybrid solid of [1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium][PbBr3]
New J. Chem., 2016
7055738 CIFC10 H19 Br3 N2 PbP 1 21/c 19.4917; 7.9842; 23.0848
90; 109.062; 90
1653.52Wan, Kun-Ming; Tong, Yuan-Bo; Li, Li; Zou, Yang; Duan, Hai-Bao; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, XiaoMing
Investigation of thermochromic photoluminescent, dielectric and crystal structural properties for an inorganic-organic hybrid solid of [1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium][PbBr3]
New J. Chem., 2016
7055739 CIFC10 H19 Br3 N2 PbP 1 21/c 19.389; 7.955; 22.888
90; 109.638; 90
1610.1Wan, Kun-Ming; Tong, Yuan-Bo; Li, Li; Zou, Yang; Duan, Hai-Bao; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, XiaoMing
Investigation of thermochromic photoluminescent, dielectric and crystal structural properties for an inorganic-organic hybrid solid of [1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium][PbBr3]
New J. Chem., 2016
7055740 CIFC10 H19 Br3 N2 PbP 1 21/c 19.4198; 7.9592; 22.961
90; 109.524; 90
1622.5Wan, Kun-Ming; Tong, Yuan-Bo; Li, Li; Zou, Yang; Duan, Hai-Bao; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, XiaoMing
Investigation of thermochromic photoluminescent, dielectric and crystal structural properties for an inorganic-organic hybrid solid of [1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium][PbBr3]
New J. Chem., 2016
7055741 CIFC10 H19 Br3 N2 PbP 1 21/c 19.4442; 7.9704; 22.9992
90; 109.466; 90
1632.28Wan, Kun-Ming; Tong, Yuan-Bo; Li, Li; Zou, Yang; Duan, Hai-Bao; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, XiaoMing
Investigation of thermochromic photoluminescent, dielectric and crystal structural properties for an inorganic-organic hybrid solid of [1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium][PbBr3]
New J. Chem., 2016
7055742 CIFC10 H19 Br3 N2 PbP 1 21/c 19.4561; 7.972; 23.0041
90; 109.354; 90
1636.14Wan, Kun-Ming; Tong, Yuan-Bo; Li, Li; Zou, Yang; Duan, Hai-Bao; Liu, Jian-Lan; Ren, XiaoMing
Investigation of thermochromic photoluminescent, dielectric and crystal structural properties for an inorganic-organic hybrid solid of [1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium][PbBr3]
New J. Chem., 2016
8107154 CIFC10 H19 N OP 1 21/n 16.2427; 9.553; 16.932
90; 100.094; 90
994.1Yang, Xiao-Li; Wang, Kun-Yan
Crystal structure of 8-isopropyl-8-aza-bicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-ol, C10H19NO
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 1233-1234
7225704 CIFC10 H19 N O2 S2P 21 21 2110.6926; 10.9871; 21.4364
90; 90; 90
2518.4Tulyabaev, Arthur R.; Mescheryakova, Ekaterina S.; Khabibullina, Guzel R.; Khalilov, Leonard M.
Intermolecular interactions and chiral crystallization effects in (1,5,3-dithiazepan-3-yl)-alkanoic acids
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5686
1544399 CIF
C10 H19 N3P 1 21/n 19.8203; 10.6193; 22.5202
90; 98.098; 90
2325.09Guo, Zhiqiang; Li, Pengxiang; Feng, Pengcheng; Liu, Kai; Wei, Xuehong
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161617
8107097 CIFC10 H19 N3 O3P 1 21/n 14.4714; 17.869; 14.6323
90; 95.272; 90
1164.17Barakat, Assem; Ghabbour, Hazem A.; Al-Majid, Abdullah Mohammed; Islam, Mohammad Shahidul; Shaik, Mohammed Rafi
Crystal structure of diethylammonium 1,3-dimethyl-2,4,6-trioxohexahydropyrimidin-5-ide, C10H19N3O3
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 1063-1064
2020505 CIF
C10 H19 N5 Na O11 PP 21 21 217.206; 12.669; 18.754
90; 90; 90
1712.1Ślepokura, Katarzyna Anna
Purine 3':5'-cyclic nucleotides with the nucleobase in a <i>syn</i> orientation: cAMP, cGMP and cIMP
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
1545832 CIF
C10 H19 N5 O5 S2P -14.9969; 11.6983; 14.6244
70.868; 81.892; 80.262
792.65Bolla, Geetha; Nangia, Ashwini
Binary and ternary cocrystals of sulfa drug acetazolamide with pyridine carboxamides and cyclic amides
IUCrJ, 2016, 3, 152-160
2020318 CIF
C10 H19.4 N2 Na O10.7 PC 1 2 132.936; 19.718; 21.569
90; 112.18; 90
12971Ślepokura, Katarzyna Anna
3':5'-Cyclic nucleotides: two sodium salts of cdTMP
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 35-47
4036738 CIFC10 H2 Br2 Cl2 I2 N2P 21 21 217.779; 12.148; 16.057
90; 90; 90
1517.4Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036745 CIFC10 H2 Br2 Cl2 I2 N2P 21 21 218.034; 11.838; 16.278
90; 90; 90
1548.1Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036747 CIFC10 H2 Br2 Cl2 I2 N2P 21 21 217.913; 11.911; 15.781
90; 90; 90
1487.4Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036737 CIFC10 H2 Br2 I4 N2P 21 21 218.028; 11.128; 18.411
90; 90; 90
1644.8Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036739 CIFC10 H2 Br2 I4 N2P 21 21 217.985; 11.766; 17.716
90; 90; 90
1664.4Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036746 CIFC10 H2 Br2 I4 N2P 21 21 218.177; 12.152; 16.434
90; 90; 90
1633Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036744 CIFC10 H2 Br4 Cl2 N2P 21 21 217.659; 11.921; 15.999
90; 90; 90
1460.8Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036734 CIFC10 H2 Br4 I2 N2P 21 21 217.888; 12.138; 16.364
90; 90; 90
1566.8Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036735 CIFC10 H2 Br4 I2 N2P 21 21 217.8; 11.334; 18.031
90; 90; 90
1594Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036736 CIFC10 H2 Br4 I2 N2P 21 21 217.997; 11.722; 16.948
90; 90; 90
1588.7Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036742 CIFC10 H2 Br6 N2P 21 21 217.6444; 11.7708; 16.6604
90; 90; 90
1499.11Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036740 CIFC10 H2 Cl2 I4 N2P 21 21 217.957; 10.91; 18.607
90; 90; 90
1615.3Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4036743 CIFC10 H2 Cl2 I4 N2P 21 21 217.906; 11.78; 17.605
90; 90; 90
1639.6Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4348881 CIFC10 H2 F9 N2 Se2P -19.3532; 14.888; 16.8973
112.901; 97.942; 102.909
2045.2Melen, Rebecca L.; Less, Robert J.; Pask, Christopher M.; Rawson, Jeremy M.
Structural Studies of Perfluoroaryldiselenadiazolyl Radicals: Insights into Dithiadiazolyl Chemistry.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 11747-11759
4036741 CIFC10 H2 I6 N2P 21 21 218.219; 11.493; 18.059
90; 90; 90
1705.9Mamane, V.; Peluso, P.; Aubert, E.; Cossu, S.; Pale, P.
Chiral Hexahalogenated 4,4'-Bipyridines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4576-4587
4125151 CIFC10 H20 B10 OP 1 21/n 18.6489; 13.1773; 13.8649
90; 94.794; 90
1574.64Dziedzic, Rafal M.; Saleh, Liban M. A.; Axtell, Jonathan C.; Martin, Joshua L.; Stevens, Simone L.; Royappa, A. Timothy; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Spokoyny, Alexander M.
B-N, B-O, and B-CN Bond Formation via Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of B-Bromo-Carboranes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 9081-9084
4125155 CIFC10 H20 B10 OP 21 21 217.6501; 13.2544; 15.2454
90; 90; 90
1545.85Dziedzic, Rafal M.; Saleh, Liban M. A.; Axtell, Jonathan C.; Martin, Joshua L.; Stevens, Simone L.; Royappa, A. Timothy; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Spokoyny, Alexander M.
B-N, B-O, and B-CN Bond Formation via Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of B-Bromo-Carboranes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 9081-9084
7037390 CIFC10 H20 Bi Cl3 O5P 21 21 2115.868; 7.6345; 13.226
90; 90; 90
1602.3Ye, Qiong; Wang, Hui-Ting; Zhou, Lin; Kong, Li-Hui; Ye, Heng-Yun; Fu, Da-Wei; Zhang, Yi
Phase transition metal-crown ether coordination compounds tuned by metal ions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1000-1006
7037391 CIFC10 H20 Bi Cl3 O5P n a 2116.212; 7.772; 13.389
90; 90; 90
1687Ye, Qiong; Wang, Hui-Ting; Zhou, Lin; Kong, Li-Hui; Ye, Heng-Yun; Fu, Da-Wei; Zhang, Yi
Phase transition metal-crown ether coordination compounds tuned by metal ions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1000-1006
7037393 CIFC10 H20 Bi Cl3 O5P 21 21 2115.965; 7.6919; 13.28
90; 90; 90
1630.8Ye, Qiong; Wang, Hui-Ting; Zhou, Lin; Kong, Li-Hui; Ye, Heng-Yun; Fu, Da-Wei; Zhang, Yi
Phase transition metal-crown ether coordination compounds tuned by metal ions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1000-1006
7224676 CIFC10 H20 Bi I N2 S4P 1 21/c 111.845; 18.266; 8.659
90; 106.904; 90
1792.5Arda, M.; Ozturk, I. I.; Banti, C. N.; Kourkoumelis, N.; Manoli, M.; Tasiopoulos, A. J.; Hadjikakou, S. K.
Novel bismuth compounds: synthesis, characterization and biological activity against human adenocarcinoma cells
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 29026
7223849 CIFC10 H20 Cl NP 21 21 218.1634; 8.9539; 14.4292
90; 90; 90
1054.69Clough, Matthew T.; Geyer, Karolin; Hunt, Patricia A.; McIntosh, Alastair J. S.; Rowe, Rebecca; Welton, Tom; White, Andrew J. P.
Azoniaspiro salts: towards bridging the gap between room-temperature ionic liquids and molten salts
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016
7037392 CIFC10 H20 Cl3 O5 SbP 21 21 2115.977; 7.6969; 12.904
90; 90; 90
1586.8Ye, Qiong; Wang, Hui-Ting; Zhou, Lin; Kong, Li-Hui; Ye, Heng-Yun; Fu, Da-Wei; Zhang, Yi
Phase transition metal-crown ether coordination compounds tuned by metal ions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1000-1006
7037394 CIFC10 H20 Cl3 O5 SbP 21 21 2115.931; 7.638; 12.798
90; 90; 90
1557.3Ye, Qiong; Wang, Hui-Ting; Zhou, Lin; Kong, Li-Hui; Ye, Heng-Yun; Fu, Da-Wei; Zhang, Yi
Phase transition metal-crown ether coordination compounds tuned by metal ions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1000-1006
7037395 CIFC10 H20 Cl3 O5 SbP 21 21 2115.986; 7.691; 12.876
90; 90; 90
1583.1Ye, Qiong; Wang, Hui-Ting; Zhou, Lin; Kong, Li-Hui; Ye, Heng-Yun; Fu, Da-Wei; Zhang, Yi
Phase transition metal-crown ether coordination compounds tuned by metal ions.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1000-1006
7234661 CIFC10 H20 Mn2 N2 O12C 1 c 18.5477; 15.282; 13.6085
90; 90.06; 90
1777.62Miroslaw Maczka; Anna Gagor; Nathalia Leal Marinho Costa; Waldeci Paraguassu; Adam Sieradzki; Adam Pikul
Temperature- and pressure-induced phase transitions in the niccolite-type formate framework of [H3N(CH3)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6]
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 3185-3194
7234662 CIFC10 H20 Mn2 N2 O12C 1 c 18.5542; 15.299; 13.6149
90; 90.1; 90
1781.79Miroslaw Maczka; Anna Gagor; Nathalia Leal Marinho Costa; Waldeci Paraguassu; Adam Sieradzki; Adam Pikul
Temperature- and pressure-induced phase transitions in the niccolite-type formate framework of [H3N(CH3)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6]
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 3185-3194
7234663 CIFC10 H20 Mn2 N2 O12C 1 c 18.5685; 15.3292; 13.6602
90; 90.226; 90
1794.23Miroslaw Maczka; Anna Gagor; Nathalia Leal Marinho Costa; Waldeci Paraguassu; Adam Sieradzki; Adam Pikul
Temperature- and pressure-induced phase transitions in the niccolite-type formate framework of [H3N(CH3)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6]
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 3185-3194
7234664 CIFC10 H20 Mn2 N2 O12P -3 1 c8.6962; 8.6962; 13.6572
90; 90; 120
894.44Miroslaw Maczka; Anna Gagor; Nathalia Leal Marinho Costa; Waldeci Paraguassu; Adam Sieradzki; Adam Pikul
Temperature- and pressure-induced phase transitions in the niccolite-type formate framework of [H3N(CH3)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6]
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 3185-3194
7234665 CIFC10 H20 Mn2 N2 O12C 1 c 18.5608; 15.3339; 13.6433
90; 90.19; 90
1790.95Miroslaw Maczka; Anna Gagor; Nathalia Leal Marinho Costa; Waldeci Paraguassu; Adam Sieradzki; Adam Pikul
Temperature- and pressure-induced phase transitions in the niccolite-type formate framework of [H3N(CH3)4NH3][Mn2(HCOO)6]
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 3185-3194
7055728 CIFC10 H20 O2 Se Si2P -411.0742; 11.0742; 6.4127
90; 90; 90
786.44Masuda, Toshiyuki; Inagaki, Yusuke; Momma, Hiroyuki; Kwon, Eunsang; Setaka, Wataru
Facile synthesis of 2,5-bis(silyl)selenophene-1,1-dioxide and its photophysical properties
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 8593
7055729 CIFC10 H20 Se Si2P m m n :214.666; 14.776; 6.4741
90; 90; 90
1403Masuda, Toshiyuki; Inagaki, Yusuke; Momma, Hiroyuki; Kwon, Eunsang; Setaka, Wataru
Facile synthesis of 2,5-bis(silyl)selenophene-1,1-dioxide and its photophysical properties
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 8593
4125156 CIFC10 H21 B10 N O2P -112.7259; 12.9299; 20.6344
100.156; 98.573; 96.338
3272Dziedzic, Rafal M.; Saleh, Liban M. A.; Axtell, Jonathan C.; Martin, Joshua L.; Stevens, Simone L.; Royappa, A. Timothy; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Spokoyny, Alexander M.
B-N, B-O, and B-CN Bond Formation via Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of B-Bromo-Carboranes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 9081-9084
4130812 CIFC10 H21 B10 N O2 SC 1 2/c 124.2592; 7.3926; 19.8972
90; 98.5493; 90
3528.7Lyu, Hairong; Quan, Yangjian; Xie, Zuowei
Transition Metal Catalyzed Direct Amination of the Cage B(4)-H Bond in o-Carboranes: Synthesis of Tertiary, Secondary, and Primary o-Carboranyl Amines.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12727-12730
4130813 CIFC10 H21 B10 N O3 SC 1 2/c 125.0743; 7.4905; 19.9945
90; 101.104; 90
3685Lyu, Hairong; Quan, Yangjian; Xie, Zuowei
Transition Metal Catalyzed Direct Amination of the Cage B(4)-H Bond in o-Carboranes: Synthesis of Tertiary, Secondary, and Primary o-Carboranyl Amines.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12727-12730
7039946 CIFC10 H21 Co N2 O12.5 P2P 1 21/n 110.9975; 10.0662; 18.303
90; 105.79; 90
1949.7Köhler, C; Rentschler, E.
Functionalized phosphonates as building units for multi-dimensional homo- and heterometallic 3d-4f inorganic-organic hybrid-materials.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12854-12861
7039947 CIFC10 H21 N2 Ni O12.5 P2P 1 21/n 110.9582; 10.0015; 18.204
90; 105.491; 90
1922.7Köhler, C; Rentschler, E.
Functionalized phosphonates as building units for multi-dimensional homo- and heterometallic 3d-4f inorganic-organic hybrid-materials.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12854-12861
7223962 CIFC10 H21 N5 Na O11 PP 21 21 216.5585; 7.047; 38.869
90; 90; 90
1796.4Yang, Pengpeng; Lin, Chenguang; Zhuang, Wei; Wen, Qingshi; Zou, Fengxia; Zhou, Jingwei; Wu, Jinglan; Ying, Hanjie
Insight into a direct solid‒solid transformation: a potential approach for the removal of residual solvents
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1699
7226709 CIFC10 H22 Al N2 Na O12P 1 21/n 18.0388; 9.3156; 12.0288
90; 90.792; 90
900.71Ptak, Maciej; Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Sieradzki, Adam; Bondzior, Bartosz; Dereń, Przemysław; Pawlus, S.
Phase transitions and chromium(iii) luminescence in perovskite-type [C2H5NH3][Na0.5CrxAl0.5-x(HCOO)3] (x = 0, 0.025, 0.5), correlated with structural, dielectric and phonon properties.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 29629-29640
7226710 CIFC10 H22 Al N2 Na O12P 1 n 18.0343; 9.231; 11.9465
90; 90.966; 90
885.88Ptak, Maciej; Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Sieradzki, Adam; Bondzior, Bartosz; Dereń, Przemysław; Pawlus, S.
Phase transitions and chromium(iii) luminescence in perovskite-type [C2H5NH3][Na0.5CrxAl0.5-x(HCOO)3] (x = 0, 0.025, 0.5), correlated with structural, dielectric and phonon properties.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 29629-29640
7039955 CIFC10 H22 Cl2 Cu2 N12P 1 21/c 17.6276; 10.0143; 12.513
90; 103.055; 90
931.1Voitekhovich, Sergei V.; Grigoriev, Yuri V.; Lyakhov, Alexander S.; Ivashkevich, Ludmila S.; Ivashkevich, Oleg A.
The first organocopper tetrazole derivative: synthesis and characterization.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13406-13414
7039956 CIFC10 H22 Cl2 Cu2 N12P 1 21/c 17.6575; 10.0729; 12.618
90; 103.134; 90
947.81Voitekhovich, Sergei V.; Grigoriev, Yuri V.; Lyakhov, Alexander S.; Ivashkevich, Ludmila S.; Ivashkevich, Oleg A.
The first organocopper tetrazole derivative: synthesis and characterization.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13406-13414
7039813 CIFC10 H22 Cr Cu2 Mo6 N4 O30P -19.895; 12.374; 14.722
67.879; 88.118; 77.808
1630.1Wang, Xiuli; Sun, Junjun; Lin, Hongyan; Chang, Zhihan; Wang, Xiang; Liu, Guocheng
A series of Anderson-type polyoxometalate-based metal-organic complexes: their pH-dependent electrochemical behaviour, and as electrocatalysts and photocatalysts.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 12465-12478
7226711 CIFC10 H22 Cr N2 Na O12P 1 n 18.10474; 9.26392; 12.04593
90; 91.1766; 90
904.238Ptak, Maciej; Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Sieradzki, Adam; Bondzior, Bartosz; Dereń, Przemysław; Pawlus, S.
Phase transitions and chromium(iii) luminescence in perovskite-type [C2H5NH3][Na0.5CrxAl0.5-x(HCOO)3] (x = 0, 0.025, 0.5), correlated with structural, dielectric and phonon properties.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 29629-29640
7226712 CIFC10 H22 Cr N2 Na O12P 1 21/n 18.1066; 9.3455; 12.1283
90; 91.062; 90
918.68Ptak, Maciej; Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Sieradzki, Adam; Bondzior, Bartosz; Dereń, Przemysław; Pawlus, S.
Phase transitions and chromium(iii) luminescence in perovskite-type [C2H5NH3][Na0.5CrxAl0.5-x(HCOO)3] (x = 0, 0.025, 0.5), correlated with structural, dielectric and phonon properties.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 29629-29640
7037687 CIFC10 H22 Fe N2 Na O12P 1 n 18.1176; 9.2906; 12.0776
90; 91.3953; 90
910.591Ptak, Maciej; Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Sieradzki, Adam; Stroppa, Alessandro; Di Sante, Domenico; Perez-Mato, Juan Manuel; Macalik, Lucyna
Experimental and theoretical studies of structural phase transition in a novel polar perovskite-like [C2H5NH3][Na0.5Fe0.5(HCOO)3] formate.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 2574-2583
7037688 CIFC10 H22 Fe N2 Na O12P 1 21/n 18.1102; 9.3794; 12.1341
90; 91.125; 90
922.85Ptak, Maciej; Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Sieradzki, Adam; Stroppa, Alessandro; Di Sante, Domenico; Perez-Mato, Juan Manuel; Macalik, Lucyna
Experimental and theoretical studies of structural phase transition in a novel polar perovskite-like [C2H5NH3][Na0.5Fe0.5(HCOO)3] formate.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 2574-2583
7236255 CIFC10 H22 N Na O7 S2C 1 2/c 129.6781; 10.9086; 9.8067
90; 104.142; 90
3078.7Hosseini-Bab-Anari, Elham; Boschin, Andrea; Mandai, Toshihiko; Masu, Hyuma; Moth-Poulsen, Kasper; Johansson, Patrik
Fluorine-free salts for aqueous lithium-ion and sodium-ion battery electrolytes
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 85194
2020504 CIF
C10 H22 N5 O12 PP 21 21 216.691; 13.555; 19.863
90; 90; 90
1801.5Ślepokura, Katarzyna Anna
Purine 3':5'-cyclic nucleotides with the nucleobase in a <i>syn</i> orientation: cAMP, cGMP and cIMP
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72
7224601 CIFC10 H22 O4 Se Sn2P -18.2944; 10.0429; 11.4961
99.026; 100.06; 111.211
853.38Li, Qianli; Cheng, Shuang; Zhang, Rufen; Shi, Yang; ma, chunlin
Novel organotin complexes derive from 2, 2´-selenodiacetic acid: synthesis, and biological evaluation
RSC Adv., 2016
8106979 CIFC10 H22.24 Cl2 N2 O0.12C m c e9.6661; 7.3063; 19.327
90; 90; 90
1364.94Socha, Paweƚ; Dobrzycki, Lukasz
Crystal structure of 4,4′-bipiperidinium dichloride 0.12 hydrate, C10H22N2Cl2 · 0.12 H2O
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 693-694
7037807 CIFC10 H23 Cl2 F3 N2 O4 Ru S3P 1 21/n 18.739; 23.299; 10.69
90; 93.393; 90
2172.8Ferrer, Íngrid; Fontrodona, Xavier; Rodríguez, Montserrat; Romero, Isabel
Ru(ii)-dmso complexes containing azole-based ligands: synthesis, linkage isomerism and catalytic behaviour.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3163-3174
4125101 CIFC10 H23 N3 O3P 21 21 218.1091; 9.773; 16.327
90; 90; 90
1293.9Kim, Byoungmoo; Chinn, Alex J.; Fandrick, Daniel R.; Senanayake, Chris H.; Singer, Robert A.; Miller, Scott J.
Distal Stereocontrol Using Guanidinylated Peptides as Multifunctional Ligands: Desymmetrization of Diarylmethanes via Ullman Cross-Coupling.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 7939-7945
4348581 CIFC10 H24 B2 Br6 P2P 1 21/c 111.412; 7.255; 14.002
90; 112.219; 90
1073.2Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
4348573 CIFC10 H24 B2 Cl6 P2P 1 21/c 111.138; 6.934; 13.505
90; 110.741; 90
975.4Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
4348576 CIFC10 H24 B2 F6 P2P 1 21/c 16.636; 19.987; 6.566
90; 108.286; 90
826.9Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
4348574 CIFC10 H24 B2 I6 P2P -110.7029; 11.82; 19.582
85.694; 85.145; 77.051
2401.6Burt, Jennifer; Emsley, James W.; Levason, William; Reid, Gillian; Tinkler, Iain S.
Systematics of BX3 and BX2(+) Complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I) with Neutral Diphosphine and Diarsine Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8852-8864
7039957 CIFC10 H24 Cl2 Cu N12C 1 2/c 123.2189; 10.471; 15.3156
90; 104.957; 90
3597.46Voitekhovich, Sergei V.; Grigoriev, Yuri V.; Lyakhov, Alexander S.; Ivashkevich, Ludmila S.; Ivashkevich, Oleg A.
The first organocopper tetrazole derivative: synthesis and characterization.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13406-13414
7039958 CIFC10 H24 Cl2 Cu N12C 1 2/c 123.4624; 10.4593; 15.5341
90; 105.381; 90
3675.53Voitekhovich, Sergei V.; Grigoriev, Yuri V.; Lyakhov, Alexander S.; Ivashkevich, Ludmila S.; Ivashkevich, Oleg A.
The first organocopper tetrazole derivative: synthesis and characterization.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13406-13414
7037809 CIFC10 H24 Cl2 N2 O3 Ru S3P 1 21/c 18.8684; 14.24; 15.809
90; 102.331; 90
1950.4Ferrer, Íngrid; Fontrodona, Xavier; Rodríguez, Montserrat; Romero, Isabel
Ru(ii)-dmso complexes containing azole-based ligands: synthesis, linkage isomerism and catalytic behaviour.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3163-3174
7039445 CIFC10 H24 Cl2 N2 O4 PtP 1 21/c 112.257; 5.8076; 24.211
90; 90.384; 90
1723.4Muhammad, Nafees; Wang, Xiaoyong; Wang, Kun; Zhu, Chengcheng; Zhu, Zhenzhu; Jiao, Yang; Guo, Zijian
Dual-drug loaded nanoformulation with a galactosamine homing moiety for liver-targeted anticancer therapy.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13169-13178
7040579 CIFC10 H24 Cl2 N4 O4 WP 1 21/n 114.211; 22.418; 18.094
90; 113.063; 90
5304Bortoluzzi, Marco; Evangelisti, Claudio; Marchetti, Fabio; Pampaloni, Guido; Piccinelli, Fabio; Zacchini, Stefano
Synthesis of a highly reactive form of WO2Cl2, its conversion into nanocrystalline mono-hydrated WO3 and coordination compounds with tetramethylurea.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15342
7041065 CIFC10 H24 Mn N4 O10P b c a13.4; 13.881; 17.5344
90; 90; 90
3261.49Frost, Jamie M.; Kettles, Fraser J.; Wilson, Claire; Murrie, Mark
Rational serendipity: "undirected" synthesis of a large {MnCu} complex from pre-formed Mn(II) building blocks.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 18094-18097
7226042 CIFC10 H24 N2 O4 S Si2P 1 21/n 115.1089; 6.6275; 16.4442
90; 98.762; 90
1627.41Nikolin, Alexey Aleksandrovich; Kramarova, Eugenia; Shipov, Aleksander; Baukov, Yuri; Negrebetsky, Vadim V.; Dmitry, Arkhipov E.; Korlyukov, Aleksander; Lagunin, Alexey; Bylikin, Sergey; Bassindale, Alan R.; Taylor, P. G.
N, N-bis-(dimethylfluorosilylmethyl)amides of N-organosulfonylproline and sarcosine: synthesis, structure, stereodynamic behaviour and in silico studies
RSC Adv., 2016
1542474 CIF
C10 H24 N6 O6 SP 1 21/c 19.7194; 9.4737; 17.9416
90; 105.386; 90
1592.83Tiritiris, Ioannis; Kantlehner, Willi
Morpholine-4-carboxamidinium sulfate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160069
4130811 CIFC10 H25 B10 N O2P 1 21/n 18.0349; 18.023; 12.072
90; 96.799; 90
1735.9Lyu, Hairong; Quan, Yangjian; Xie, Zuowei
Transition Metal Catalyzed Direct Amination of the Cage B(4)-H Bond in o-Carboranes: Synthesis of Tertiary, Secondary, and Primary o-Carboranyl Amines.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12727-12730
4347362 CIFC10 H25 B9 RhP b c a19.8685; 14.4875; 24.6277
90; 90; 90
7089Roy, Dipak Kumar; Borthakur, Rosmita; Prakash, Rini; Bhattacharya, Somnath; Jagan, Rajamony; Ghosh, Sundargopal
Hypoelectronic 8-11-Vertex Irida- and Rhodaboranes.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 4764-4770
7055722 CIFC10 H25 Cl6 N4 O2 WP 1 21/c 18.8051; 13.364; 9.6474
90; 107.1; 90
1085Bortoluzzi, Marco; Marchetti, Fabio; Pampaloni, Guido; Zacchini, Stefano
The chemistry of high valent tungsten chlorides with N-substituted ureas, including urea self-protonation reactions triggered by WCl6
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 8271
1543322 CIFC10 H26 B20P 1 21/n 16.818; 13.8572; 11.6193
90; 91.186; 90
1097.54Quan, Yangjian; Tang, Cen; Xie, Zuowei
Palladium catalyzed regioselective B‒C(sp) coupling via direct cage B‒H activation: synthesis of B(4)-alkynylated o-carboranes
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 5838
7041012 CIFC10 H26 Br2 N4 P2 PtP -4 21 c19.79; 19.79; 9.32
90; 90; 90
3650.1Itazaki, Masumi; Tsuchida, Noriko; Shigesato, Yuka; Takano, Keiko; Nakazawa, Hiroshi
R/X exchange reactions in cis-[M(R)2{P(X)(NMeCH2)2}2] (M = Pd, Pt), via a phosphenium intermediate.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 19216-19220
7041008 CIFC10 H26 Cl2 N4 P2 PdP n a 2111.9253; 16.17; 9.0441
90; 90; 90
1744Itazaki, Masumi; Tsuchida, Noriko; Shigesato, Yuka; Takano, Keiko; Nakazawa, Hiroshi
R/X exchange reactions in cis-[M(R)2{P(X)(NMeCH2)2}2] (M = Pd, Pt), via a phosphenium intermediate.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 19216-19220
7041010 CIFC10 H26 Cl2 N4 P2 PtP n a 2112.007; 16.096; 9.0774
90; 90; 90
1754.3Itazaki, Masumi; Tsuchida, Noriko; Shigesato, Yuka; Takano, Keiko; Nakazawa, Hiroshi
R/X exchange reactions in cis-[M(R)2{P(X)(NMeCH2)2}2] (M = Pd, Pt), via a phosphenium intermediate.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 19216-19220
7041013 CIFC10 H26 Cl2 N4 P2 PtC 1 2/c 111.246; 9.1156; 17.511
90; 96.035; 90
1785.2Itazaki, Masumi; Tsuchida, Noriko; Shigesato, Yuka; Takano, Keiko; Nakazawa, Hiroshi
R/X exchange reactions in cis-[M(R)2{P(X)(NMeCH2)2}2] (M = Pd, Pt), via a phosphenium intermediate.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 19216-19220
1540492 CIFC10 H26 Fe2 N2 O18P 1 21/n 18.2586; 15.8638; 9.4209
90; 113.19; 90
1134.5Sadakiyo, Masaaki; Yamada, Teppei; Kato, Kenichi; Takata, Masaki; Kitagawa, Hiroshi
A significant change in selective adsorption behaviour for ethanol by flexibility control through the type of central metals in a metal‒organic framework
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 1349
1540493 CIFC10 H26 Mg2 N2 O18P 1 21/n 18.292; 15.688; 9.38
90; 114.8; 90
1107.7Sadakiyo, Masaaki; Yamada, Teppei; Kato, Kenichi; Takata, Masaki; Kitagawa, Hiroshi
A significant change in selective adsorption behaviour for ethanol by flexibility control through the type of central metals in a metal‒organic framework
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 1349
1544436 CIF
C10 H26 Mn2 N2 O18P 1 21/n 18.2623; 16.1821; 9.4702
90; 111.917; 90
1174.66Sadakiyo, Masaaki; Yamada, Teppei; Kitagawa, Hiroshi
Poly[butane-1,4-diammonium [tri-μ-oxalato-dimanganese(II)] hexahydrate]
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161639
2020317 CIF
C10 H26 N2 Na O14 PP 1 21 111.307; 6.17; 14.678
90; 111.06; 90
955.6Ślepokura, Katarzyna Anna
3':5'-Cyclic nucleotides: two sodium salts of cdTMP
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 35-47
2020492 CIF
C10 H26 N4 Ni O14 S2P -16.97; 7.913; 11.391
72.31; 89.57; 64.2
533.2Bednarchuk, Tamara J.; Kinzhybalo, Vasyl; Pietraszko, Adam
Synthesis, structure and characterization of five new organically templated metal sulfates with 2-aminopyridinium
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 432-441
1543082 CIF
C10 H26 N4 O12 PbP 21 21 215.4311; 13.6861; 27.34
90; 90; 90
2032.2Bernès, Sylvain; Gasque, Laura
Diaqua(nitrato-κ^2^<i>O</i>,<i>O</i>')bis(<small>L</small>-valine-κ<i>O</i>)lead(II) nitrate at 296K
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160539
2020493 CIF
C10 H26 N4 O14 S2 ZnP -16.977; 7.929; 11.441
72.25; 89.53; 64.45
538.2Bednarchuk, Tamara J.; Kinzhybalo, Vasyl; Pietraszko, Adam
Synthesis, structure and characterization of five new organically templated metal sulfates with 2-aminopyridinium
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 432-441
4347691 CIFC10 H26 N4 O7 S3P 1 21/c 114.292; 8.0306; 17.404
90; 111.007; 90
1864.8Decken, Andreas; Greer, Scott; Grein, Friedrich; Mailman, Aaron; Mueller, Birgit; Paulose, Tressia A. P.; Passmore, Jack; Rautiainen, J. Mikko; Richardson, Stephanie A.; Schriver, Melbourne J.; Whidden, Thomas K.
Absorption of SO2(g) by TDAE[O2SSO2](s) to Give TDAE[O2SS(O)2SO2](s): Related Reactions of [NR4]2[O2SSO2](s) (R = CH3, C2H5).
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5999-6009
1551600 CIFC10 H28 Cl2 N2 O2 Ru S2P 1 21/n 18.616; 22.925; 8.991
90; 94.415; 90
1770.6TOYAMA, Mari; IWATSUKI, Satoshi; NAGAO, Noriharu
Crystal Structure of <i>Trans</i>(Cl),<i>cis</i>(S)-dichlorobis(dimethyl sulfoxide-<i>S</i>)(<i>N,N,N</i>′,<i>N</i>′-tetramethylethylenediamine)ruthenium(II)
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2016, 32, 25
2241745 CIF
C10 H28 Cl4 Cu N6C 1 2/c 118.9274; 8.2441; 14.8654
90; 124.165; 90
1919.28Ndiaye, Mamadou; Samb, Abdoulaye; Diop, Libasse; Maris, Thierry
Crystal structure of bis(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>',<i>N</i>'-tetramethylguanidinium) tetrachloridocuprate(II)
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1047-1049
2241632 CIF
C10 H28 Cr4 N4 O14P -18.5361; 8.6272; 8.8576
77.761; 72.307; 60.985
541.81Vetrivel, S.; Vinoth, E.; Mullai, R. U.; Aruljothi, R.; NizamMohideen, M.
Crystal structure of 1,4-bis(3-ammoniopropyl)piperazine-1,4-diium bis[dichromate(VI)]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 616-619
7236231 CIFC10 H28 Dy N2 Na O16F d d 235.4573; 19.4184; 12.0642
90; 90; 90
8306.5Holmberg, Rebecca J.; Korobkov, Ilia; Murugesu, Muralee
Enchaining EDTA-chelated lanthanide molecular magnets into ordered 1D networks
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 72510
7236232 CIFC10 H28 Eu N2 Na O16F d d 235.4574; 19.4184; 12.0642
90; 90; 90
8306.5Holmberg, Rebecca J.; Korobkov, Ilia; Murugesu, Muralee
Enchaining EDTA-chelated lanthanide molecular magnets into ordered 1D networks
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 72510
7236254 CIFC10 H28 Li N O9 S2C 1 c 114.437; 15.0453; 9.43
90; 122.287; 90
1731.6Hosseini-Bab-Anari, Elham; Boschin, Andrea; Mandai, Toshihiko; Masu, Hyuma; Moth-Poulsen, Kasper; Johansson, Patrik
Fluorine-free salts for aqueous lithium-ion and sodium-ion battery electrolytes
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 85194
7236233 CIFC10 H28 N2 Na O16 TbF d d 235.306; 19.2934; 12.0542
90; 90; 90
8211Holmberg, Rebecca J.; Korobkov, Ilia; Murugesu, Muralee
Enchaining EDTA-chelated lanthanide molecular magnets into ordered 1D networks
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 72510
7236230 CIFC10 H28 N2 Na O16 YF d d 219.2891; 35.214; 12.0446
90; 90; 90
8181.3Holmberg, Rebecca J.; Korobkov, Ilia; Murugesu, Muralee
Enchaining EDTA-chelated lanthanide molecular magnets into ordered 1D networks
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 72510
7037977 CIFC10 H29 B20 N OP 1 21/n 19.5006; 12.0225; 19.411
90; 93.031; 90
2214Powley, Samuel L.; Schaefer, Louise; Man, Wing Y.; Ellis, David; Rosair, Georgina M.; Welch, Alan J.
Developing nitrosocarborane chemistry.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 3635-3647
1542612 CIFC10 H3 Br2 I O2P -17.1805; 8.2069; 10.2503
67.006; 88.761; 69.374
515.67Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.; Bower, John F.
Overcoming naphthoquinone deactivation: rhodium-catalyzed C-5 selective C‒H iodination as a gateway to functionalized derivatives
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3780
4348552 CIFC10 H30 Co3 N2 O23 S2P n m a11.105; 16.4221; 13.9815
90; 90; 90
2549.77Guo, Furong; Chen, Cheng; Wang, Kangcai; Zhang, Qinghua; Lin, Zhien
Supramolecular Templating Approach for the Solvent-Free Synthesis of Open-Framework Metal Oxalates.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7817-7819
4348557 CIFC10 H30 N2 O23 S2 Zn3P n m a11.1058; 16.34489; 14.00636
90; 90; 90
2542.48Guo, Furong; Chen, Cheng; Wang, Kangcai; Zhang, Qinghua; Lin, Zhien
Supramolecular Templating Approach for the Solvent-Free Synthesis of Open-Framework Metal Oxalates.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7817-7819
4349185 CIFC10 H31 B8 NP -17.449; 7.891; 14.826
88.895; 82.014; 75.824
836.64Tok, Oleg L.; Růžičková, Zdenka; Růžička, Aleš; Hnyk, Drahomír; Štíbr, Bohumil
Prototropic μ-H<sup>8,9</sup> and μ-H<sup>9,10</sup> Tautomers Derived from the [nido-5,6-C<sub>2</sub>B<sub>8</sub>H<sub>11</sub>]<sup>-</sup> Anion.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 10122-10124
2241595 CIF
C10 H32 Cl5 Cr N6 O ZnP -19.398; 14.876; 17.981
66.03; 76.03; 78.74
2215.7Moon, Dohyun; Choi, Jong-Ha
Crystal structure of <i>trans</i>-diammine(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-κ^4^<i>N</i>)chromium(III) tetrachloridozincate chloride monohydrate from synchrotron data
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 456-459
2241438 CIF
C10 H32 I N5 ZrP b c a14.2425; 15.4113; 16.8537
90; 90; 90
3699.31Clark, Wesley D.; Akurathi, Gopalakrishna; Valle, Henry U.; Hollis, T. Keith
Crystal structure of tris(dimethylamido-κ<i>N</i>)bis(dimethylamine-κ<i>N</i>)zirconium(IV) iodide
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 73-75
7040599 CIFC10 H33 Cl3 Mo3 O10R 3 m :H16.8738; 16.8738; 6.7163
90; 90; 120
1656.1Kuznetsov, Denis A.; Bazhenova, Tamara A.; Fedyanin, Ivan V.; Martynenko, Vyacheslav M.; Shestakov, Alexander F.; Petrova, Galina N.; Komarova, Natal'ya S.
Tri-, tetra-, and hexanuclear mixed-valence molybdenum clusters: structural diversity and catalysis of acetylene hydrogenation.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 16309-16316
4003235 CIFC10 H36 I10 N4 Pb3C 2 e b8.9275; 51.959; 8.8777
90; 90; 90
4118Stoumpos, Constantinos C.; Cao, Duyen H.; Clark, Daniel J.; Young, Joshua; Rondinelli, James M.; Jang, Joon I.; Hupp, Joseph T.; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.
Ruddlesden‒Popper Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskite 2D Homologous Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 2852
7040373 CIFC10 H37 B19 Ni P2P -19.0457; 12.1143; 13.0918
112.101; 97.903; 99.226
1280.96Mandal, Dipendu; Man, Wing Y.; Rosair, Georgina M.; Welch, Alan J.
Steric versus electronic factors in metallacarborane isomerisation: nickelacarboranes with 3,1,2-, 4,1,2- and 2,1,8-NiC2B9 architectures and pendant carborane groups, derived from 1,1'-bis(o-carborane).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15013-15025
7040375 CIFC10 H38 B19 Cl Ni P2P 1 21/n 111.2413; 13.8817; 18.1169
90; 97.664; 90
2801.9Mandal, Dipendu; Man, Wing Y.; Rosair, Georgina M.; Welch, Alan J.
Steric versus electronic factors in metallacarborane isomerisation: nickelacarboranes with 3,1,2-, 4,1,2- and 2,1,8-NiC2B9 architectures and pendant carborane groups, derived from 1,1'-bis(o-carborane).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15013-15025
7040378 CIFC10 H39 B19 Ni O6 P2P -111.0321; 11.6703; 11.8503
109.302; 95.518; 93.573
1426.1Mandal, Dipendu; Man, Wing Y.; Rosair, Georgina M.; Welch, Alan J.
Steric versus electronic factors in metallacarborane isomerisation: nickelacarboranes with 3,1,2-, 4,1,2- and 2,1,8-NiC2B9 architectures and pendant carborane groups, derived from 1,1'-bis(o-carborane).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15013-15025
7040379 CIFC10 H39 B19 Ni O6 P2P -110.2399; 10.9998; 13.102
78.502; 89.803; 78.7
1417.1Mandal, Dipendu; Man, Wing Y.; Rosair, Georgina M.; Welch, Alan J.
Steric versus electronic factors in metallacarborane isomerisation: nickelacarboranes with 3,1,2-, 4,1,2- and 2,1,8-NiC2B9 architectures and pendant carborane groups, derived from 1,1'-bis(o-carborane).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15013-15025
1542650 CIFC10 H4 Br F8 N O2P -16.1276; 8.3737; 12.5585
108.992; 90.118; 90.223
609.3Kaplan, Peter T.; Vicic, David A.
Versatile Route to Arylated Fluoroalkyl Bromide Building Blocks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 884-886
1542611 CIFC10 H4 Br I O2P 21 21 215.0752; 6.1752; 30.9217
90; 90; 90
969.1Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.; Bower, John F.
Overcoming naphthoquinone deactivation: rhodium-catalyzed C-5 selective C‒H iodination as a gateway to functionalized derivatives
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3780
7235039 CIFC10 H4 Br2 O2 S2P 21 21 215.7908; 11.3325; 17.388
90; 90; 90
1141.1Weifeng Zhang; Zupan Mao; Naihang Zheng; Jiabin Zou; Liping Wang; Congyuan Wei; Jianyao Huang; Dong Gao; Gui Yu
Highly planar cross-conjugated alternating polymers with multiple conformational locks: synthesis, characterization and their field-effect properties
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 9266-9275
7040221 CIFC10 H4 Cl N O2 S2P n m a19.62; 5.8942; 8.422
90; 90; 90
974Smithson, Chad S.; MacDonald, Daniel J.; Matt Letvenuk, T.; Carello, Christian E.; Jennings, Michael; Lough, Alan J.; Britten, James; Decken, Andreas; Preuss, Kathryn E.
A 1,2,3-dithiazolyl-o-naphthoquinone: a neutral radical with isolable cation and anion oxidation states.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9608-9620
7040218 CIFC10 H4 Cl4 Fe N O2 S2P 1 21/n 110.3004; 11.1497; 13.8083
90; 110.605; 90
1484.39Smithson, Chad S.; MacDonald, Daniel J.; Matt Letvenuk, T.; Carello, Christian E.; Jennings, Michael; Lough, Alan J.; Britten, James; Decken, Andreas; Preuss, Kathryn E.
A 1,2,3-dithiazolyl-o-naphthoquinone: a neutral radical with isolable cation and anion oxidation states.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9608-9620
7040222 CIFC10 H4 Cl4 Ga N O2 S2P 1 21/n 18.0862; 9.4172; 19.659
90; 90.079; 90
1497Smithson, Chad S.; MacDonald, Daniel J.; Matt Letvenuk, T.; Carello, Christian E.; Jennings, Michael; Lough, Alan J.; Britten, James; Decken, Andreas; Preuss, Kathryn E.
A 1,2,3-dithiazolyl-o-naphthoquinone: a neutral radical with isolable cation and anion oxidation states.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9608-9620
1542610 CIFC10 H4 I N O4P 1 21/c 17.7794; 9.0897; 13.9834
90; 99.5625; 90
975.06Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.; Bower, John F.
Overcoming naphthoquinone deactivation: rhodium-catalyzed C-5 selective C‒H iodination as a gateway to functionalized derivatives
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3780
1542614 CIFC10 H4 I2 O2P 1 21/n 113.9652; 4.4527; 16.4351
90; 102.327; 90
998.42Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.; Bower, John F.
Overcoming naphthoquinone deactivation: rhodium-catalyzed C-5 selective C‒H iodination as a gateway to functionalized derivatives
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3780
7040225 CIFC10 H4 N O2 S2P -18.3156; 10.872; 10.992
61.995; 86.869; 85.509
874.5Smithson, Chad S.; MacDonald, Daniel J.; Matt Letvenuk, T.; Carello, Christian E.; Jennings, Michael; Lough, Alan J.; Britten, James; Decken, Andreas; Preuss, Kathryn E.
A 1,2,3-dithiazolyl-o-naphthoquinone: a neutral radical with isolable cation and anion oxidation states.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9608-9620
7225119 CIFC10 H42 Cu5 N13 Nd O30P -110.7503; 11.5848; 16.9532
72.702; 87.426; 74.978
1945.8Meng, Yanxia; Yang, Hua; Li, DaCheng; Zeng, Suyuan; Chen, Guifang; Li, Shengli; Dou, Jianmin
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, DNA-Binding and Magnetism of Copper 15-Metallacrown-5 Complexes Based on Glycinehydroxamic Acid Ligand
RSC Adv., 2016
7225118 CIFC10 H42 Cu5 N13 O30 PrP -110.7585; 11.4924; 16.85
72.44; 87.722; 73.844
1905.6Meng, Yanxia; Yang, Hua; Li, DaCheng; Zeng, Suyuan; Chen, Guifang; Li, Shengli; Dou, Jianmin
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, DNA-Binding and Magnetism of Copper 15-Metallacrown-5 Complexes Based on Glycinehydroxamic Acid Ligand
RSC Adv., 2016
7225120 CIFC10 H42 Cu5 N13 O30 SmP -110.71; 11.5449; 16.8941
72.927; 87.173; 74.987
1927.9Meng, Yanxia; Yang, Hua; Li, DaCheng; Zeng, Suyuan; Chen, Guifang; Li, Shengli; Dou, Jianmin
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, DNA-Binding and Magnetism of Copper 15-Metallacrown-5 Complexes Based on Glycinehydroxamic Acid Ligand
RSC Adv., 2016
4036895 CIFC10 H5 Br F6 O3 SP -17.8097; 8.4203; 10.7272
98.112; 95.627; 98.351
685.88Zhao, Yilong; Zhou, Yuhan; Liu, Juan; Yang, Dongmei; Tao, Liang; Liu, Yang; Dong, Xiaoliang; Liu, Jianhui; Qu, Jingping
Synthesis of (Z)-α-Trifluoromethyl Alkenyl Triflate: A Scaffold for Diverse Trifluoromethylated Species.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 4797-4806
1542615 CIFC10 H5 Br O2P 1 21/c 17.7808; 8.1027; 12.8379
90; 94.413; 90
806.97Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.; Bower, John F.
Overcoming naphthoquinone deactivation: rhodium-catalyzed C-5 selective C‒H iodination as a gateway to functionalized derivatives
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3780
7038180 CIFC10 H5 Cu N O5R -3 m :H18.657; 18.657; 38.0533
90; 90; 120
11471.1Song, Chengling; Jiao, Jingjing; Lin, Qiyi; Liu, Huimin; He, Yabing
C2H2 adsorption in three isostructural metal-organic frameworks: boosting C2H2 uptake by rational arrangement of nitrogen sites.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 4563-4569
1542607 CIFC10 H5 I O2P -17.7536; 8.2731; 14.2858
73.2168; 78.223; 85.339
858.63Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.; Bower, John F.
Overcoming naphthoquinone deactivation: rhodium-catalyzed C-5 selective C‒H iodination as a gateway to functionalized derivatives
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3780
1542613 CIFC10 H5 I O2P 1 21/c 114.1706; 4.1298; 15.9165
90; 106.661; 90
892.36Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.; Bower, John F.
Overcoming naphthoquinone deactivation: rhodium-catalyzed C-5 selective C‒H iodination as a gateway to functionalized derivatives
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3780
2241919 CIF
C10 H5 I O3P 1 21/n 19.572; 7.533; 13.095
90; 103.06; 90
919.8Ishikawa, Yoshinobu
Crystal structure of 7-iodo-4-oxo-4<i>H</i>-chromene-3-carbaldehyde
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1724-1727
7040220 CIFC10 H5 N O2 S2P 1 21/n 115.2462; 3.8351; 16.5627
90; 110.361; 90
907.92Smithson, Chad S.; MacDonald, Daniel J.; Matt Letvenuk, T.; Carello, Christian E.; Jennings, Michael; Lough, Alan J.; Britten, James; Decken, Andreas; Preuss, Kathryn E.
A 1,2,3-dithiazolyl-o-naphthoquinone: a neutral radical with isolable cation and anion oxidation states.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9608-9620
1561601 CIFC10 H50 N6 O44 V10 Zn2P -18.871; 10.213; 15.85
74.234; 86.443; 66.979
1270.3Wang, Mo; Sun, Wenlong; Pang, Haijun; Ma, Huiyuan; Yu, Jia; Zhang, Zhuanfang; Niu, Ying; Yin, Mingming
Tuning the microstructures of decavanadate-based supramolecular hybrids via regularly changing the spacers of bis(triazole) ligands
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 235, 175-182
7225178 CIFC10 H53 Ce Fe2 N6 O87 P2 W20P b c a24.5009; 21.006; 35.5102
90; 90; 90
18275.9Xue, Han; Zhang, Zhong; Pan, Rui; Yang, Bai-Feng; Liu, Hong-Sheng; Yang, Guo-Yu
Supramolecular nanotubes constructed from 3d‒4f heterometallic sandwiched polyoxotungstate dimers
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4643
2020490 CIF
C10 H54 Co3 N4 O36 S4P -16.64; 11.71; 14.294
67.97; 81.57; 85.39
1018.8Bednarchuk, Tamara J.; Kinzhybalo, Vasyl; Pietraszko, Adam
Synthesis, structure and characterization of five new organically templated metal sulfates with 2-aminopyridinium
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 432-441
2020491 CIF
C10 H54 Mg3 N4 O36 S4P -16.682; 11.807; 14.309
68.23; 82.13; 84.76
1037.5Bednarchuk, Tamara J.; Kinzhybalo, Vasyl; Pietraszko, Adam
Synthesis, structure and characterization of five new organically templated metal sulfates with 2-aminopyridinium
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 432-441
7225179 CIFC10 H57 Fe2 La N6 O89 P2 W20P b c a24.4846; 21.2236; 35.6854
90; 90; 90
18544Xue, Han; Zhang, Zhong; Pan, Rui; Yang, Bai-Feng; Liu, Hong-Sheng; Yang, Guo-Yu
Supramolecular nanotubes constructed from 3d‒4f heterometallic sandwiched polyoxotungstate dimers
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4643
7226666 CIFC10 H6 Ag F18 N2 PP 1 21/n 19.6624; 14.99; 12.85
90; 93.695; 90
1857.3Pliquett, Daniel; Schulz, Peter S.; Heinemann, Frank W.; Bause, Angela; Wasserscheid, Peter
Liquid silver tris(perfluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate salts as new media for propene/propane separation.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28242-28253
7040751 CIFC10 H6 Br2 N2P 1 21/n 13.9238; 15.66; 7.824
90; 93.273; 90
480Suhr, Kristin J.; Bastatas, Lyndon D.; Shen, Yulong; Mitchell, Lauren A.; Frazier, Gary A.; Taylor, David W.; Slinker, Jason D.; Holliday, Bradley J.
Phenyl substitution of cationic bis-cyclometalated iridium(iii) complexes for iTMC-LEECs.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 17807-17823
7038687 CIFC10 H6 Br2 N4P 1 21/n 13.9747; 9.2426; 14.931
90; 95.821; 90
545.69Kottelat, E.; Ruggi, A.; Zobi, F.
Red-light activated photoCORMs of Mn(i) species bearing electron deficient 2,2'-azopyridines.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 6920-6927
7124836 CIFC10 H6 Cd N4 O4I m -3 m30.1172; 30.1172; 30.1172
90; 90; 90
27317.7Frost, Jamie M.; Kobera, Libor; Pialat, Amélie; Zhang, Yixin; Southern, Scott A.; Gabidullin, Bulat; Bryce, David L.; Murugesu, Muralee
From discrete molecule, to polymer, to MOF: mapping the coordination chemistry of Cd(II) using (113)Cd solid-state NMR.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 10680-10683
1543532 CIF
C10 H6 Cl N O2 SP 1 21/n 13.9098; 40.7555; 6.0917
90; 93.748; 90
968.61Mohamed, Shaaban K.; Mague, Joel T.; Akkurt, Mehmet; Younes, Sabry H. H.; Albayati, Mustafa R.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160988
7055683 CIFC10 H6 Cu N6 O8P -17.9317; 8.7062; 11.2388
100.563; 107.502; 104.506
687.88Yang, Qi; Ge, Jing; Gong, Qibing; Song, Xiaxia; Zhao, Jinwen; Wei, Qing; Xie, Gang; Chen, Sanping; Gao, Shengli
Two energetic complexes incorporating 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid and azole ligands: microwave-assisted synthesis, favorable detonation properties, insensitivity and effects on the thermal decomposition of RDX
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 7779
4516827 CIFC10 H6 Dy N O8P 1 21/c 112.921; 11.018; 8.199
90; 93.83; 90
1164.6Liu, Cai-Ming; Zhang, Deqing; Hao, Xiang; Zhu, Dao-Ben
Field-Induced Relaxation of Magnetization in a Three-Dimensional LnMOF with the Second Bridging Ligand Squarate.
ACS omega, 2016, 1, 286-292
1542702 CIFC10 H6 F3 N3 OP -17.0244; 7.2782; 10.394
99.34; 92.323; 91.732
523.55Pieber, Bartholomäus; Kappe, C. Oliver
Generation and Synthetic Application of Trifluoromethyl Diazomethane Utilizing Continuous Flow Technologies.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1076
7236370 CIFC10 H6 N12 O8P 1 21/n 19.2994; 8.8927; 9.8472
90; 100.317; 90
801.17Zhang, Jiaheng; Dharavath, Srinivas; Mitchell, Lauren A.; Parrish, Damon A.; Shreeve, Jean'ne M.
Bridged bisnitramide-substituted furazan-based energetic materials
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 16961
1543333 CIF
C10 H6 N2 O SP 1 21/c 15.6514; 21.22; 7.381
90; 96.473; 90
879.5Yallur, Basappa; Krishna, P. Murali; Hosamani, Amar A.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160778
7227278 CIFC10 H6 N3 O4 Zn1.5C 1 2/m 111.9442; 19.1318; 9.2109
90; 109.821; 90
1980.1Ye, Yingxiang; Wu, Xiuzhen; Yao, Zizhu; Wu, Ling; Cai, Zetao; Wang, Lihua; Ma, Xiuling; Chen, Qian-Huo; Zhang, Zhangjing; Xiang, Shengchang
Metal‒organic frameworks with a large breathing effect to host hydroxyl compounds for high anhydrous proton conductivity over a wide temperature range from subzero to 125 °C
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 4062-4070
7227280 CIFC10 H6 N3 O4 Zn1.5P -19.2142; 11.1531; 11.3582
112.294; 99.494; 99.046
1033.8Ye, Yingxiang; Wu, Xiuzhen; Yao, Zizhu; Wu, Ling; Cai, Zetao; Wang, Lihua; Ma, Xiuling; Chen, Qian-Huo; Zhang, Zhangjing; Xiang, Shengchang
Metal‒organic frameworks with a large breathing effect to host hydroxyl compounds for high anhydrous proton conductivity over a wide temperature range from subzero to 125 °C
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 4062-4070
7227283 CIFC10 H6 N3 O4 Zn1.5P 1 21/c 18.6854; 19.7877; 7.9849
90; 113.775; 90
1255.86Ye, Yingxiang; Wu, Xiuzhen; Yao, Zizhu; Wu, Ling; Cai, Zetao; Wang, Lihua; Ma, Xiuling; Chen, Qian-Huo; Zhang, Zhangjing; Xiang, Shengchang
Metal‒organic frameworks with a large breathing effect to host hydroxyl compounds for high anhydrous proton conductivity over a wide temperature range from subzero to 125 °C
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 4062-4070
1544071 CIFC10 H7 Ag2 Fe N7C 1 m 16.734; 12.536; 9.12
90; 118.622; 90
675.8Gural'skiy, Il'ya A.; Shylin, Sergii I.; Golub, Bohdan O.; Ksenofontov, Vadim; Fritsky, Igor O.; Tremel, Wolfgang
High temperature spin crossover in [Fe(pyrazine){Ag(CN)2}2] and its solvate
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 9012
1555648 CIFC10 H7 B F2 N2 OC 1 c 114.246; 9.001; 14.506
90; 89.933; 90
1860Miura, Wataru; Hirano, Koji; Miura, Masahiro
Rhodium-Catalyzed C6-Selective C-H Borylation of 2-Pyridones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3742-3745
3500029 CIF
C10 H7 Cl O2 SP -15.0373; 8.7819; 11.2288
73.632; 85.635; 82.993
472.58Thierry Maris
2-Naphthylsulfonyl chloride
Personal communication to COD, 2016
1543683 CIF
C10 H7 Cl3 N4 O S2P 1 21/c 112.4679; 11.9467; 9.5278
90; 95.701; 90
1412.1Madan Kumar, S.; Madhu Kumar, D. J.; Shivakumar, H. P.; Jagadeesha Prasad, D.; Byrappa, K.; Abdoh, M. M. M.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161123
4347133 CIFC10 H7 Cu N7 OP -17.3941; 7.5001; 11.5087
78.637; 89.655; 72.761
596.68Zhang, Xiaoying; Li, Bo; Zhang, Jingping
An Efficient Strategy for Self-Assembly of DNA-Mimic Homochiral 1D Helical Cu(II) Chain from Achiral Flexible Ligand by Spontaneous Resolution.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3378-3383
4347134 CIFC10 H7 Cu N7 OP 1 21/c 111.6206; 11.655; 9.089
90; 90.768; 90
1230.89Zhang, Xiaoying; Li, Bo; Zhang, Jingping
An Efficient Strategy for Self-Assembly of DNA-Mimic Homochiral 1D Helical Cu(II) Chain from Achiral Flexible Ligand by Spontaneous Resolution.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3378-3383
7224641 CIFC10 H7 F3 N2 O2P 1 21 18.085; 6.71; 10.341
90; 93.418; 90
560Jakhar, Ajay; Kumari, Prathibha; Nazish, Mohd; Khan, Noor-ul Hasan; Kureshy, Rukhsana Ilyas; Abdi, Sayed H. R.; Eringathodi, Suresh
Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of enantioenriched β-nitronitrile bearing a C-CF3 stereogenic center
RSC Adv., 2016
4130943 CIFC10 H7 F4 I O4P -14.1971; 10.0492; 14.9871
108.6; 93.4806; 93.8251
595.52Izquierdo, Susana; Essafi, Stéphanie; Del Rosal, Iker; Vidossich, Pietro; Pleixats, Roser; Vallribera, Adelina; Ujaque, Gregori; Lledós, Agustí; Shafir, Alexandr
Acid Activation in Phenyliodine Dicarboxylates: Direct Observation, Structures, and Implications.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12747-12750
3000040 CIFC10 H7 K N8 O6P 1 21/c 13.60504; 19.9293; 18.4841
90; 100.503; 90
1305.76Dominique Bazin; Michel Daudon; Erik Elkaim; Armel Le Bail; Lubomir Smrcok
Ab <i>initio</i> structure determination of kidney stone potassium quadriurate from synchrotron powder diffraction data, a 150 years problem solved
Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2016, 19, 1535-1541
7226927 CIFC10 H7 N3C 1 2/c 110.9465; 8.6731; 50.527
90; 93.861; 90
4786.2Perera, M. D.; Desper, J.; Sinha, A. S.; Aakeröy, C. B.
Impact and importance of electrostatic potential calculations for predicting structural patterns of hydrogen and halogen bonding
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8631
1542936 CIF
C10 H7 N3 O2P 1 21/n 14.0105; 21.0705; 10.7451
90; 96.323; 90
902.47Boulhaoua, Mohammed; El Hafi, Mohamed; Benchidmi, Mohammed; Essassi, El Mokhtar; Mague, Joel T.
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160480
1544354 CIF
C10 H7 N3 O4P 1 21/c 111.701; 10.947; 7.4253
90; 107.68; 90
906.2Zhang, Kanglong; Qi, Xiaojin; Yuan, Bingnian
Zwitterionic 4-carboxy-2-(pyridinium-2-yl)-1<i>H</i>-imidazole-5-carboxylate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161641
2241740 CIF
C10 H7 N3 O4 SI 41 c d17.4072; 17.4072; 14.4881
90; 90; 90
4390Cardoso, Laura N. F.; Nogueira, Thais C. M.; Wardell, James L.; Wardell, Solange M. S. V.; de Souza, Marcus V. N.; Jotani, Mukesh M.; Tiekink, Edward R. T.
<i>N</i>'-[(1<i>E</i>)-(5-Nitrofuran-2-yl)methylidene]thiophene-2-carbohydrazide: crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1025-1031
7118955 CIFC10 H8 Au2 Cl6 N2C 1 2/c 116.2461; 7.5152; 14.1846
90; 97.938; 90
1715.24Glišić, Biljana Đ.; Savić, Nada D.; Warżajtis, Beata; Djokic, Lidija; Ilic-Tomic, Tatjana; Antić, Marija; Radenković, Slavko; Nikodinovic-Runic, Jasmina; Rychlewska, Urszula; Djuran, Miloš I.
Synthesis, structural characterization and biological evaluation of dinuclear gold(iii) complexes with aromatic nitrogen-containing ligands: antimicrobial activity in relation to the complex nuclearity
Med. Chem. Commun., 2016, 7, 1356
2241876 CIF
C10 H8 Br N O2P 21 21 214.6834; 12.9567; 16.113
90; 90; 90
977.76Sharmila, N.; Sundar, T. V.; Sathish, G.; Venkatesan, P.
Crystal and geometry-optimized structure, and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 1-(2-bromoethyl)indoline-2,3-dione
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1569-1573
7225154 CIFC10 H8 Br0.19 Cl1.81 N2 ZnP -17.5668; 8.8117; 9.083
113.005; 94.6504; 95.787
549.79Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225155 CIFC10 H8 Br0.62 Cl1.38 N2 ZnP -17.6518; 8.8233; 9.1333
113.523; 95.1819; 95.9954
556.37Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225156 CIFC10 H8 Br0.88 Cl1.12 N2 ZnP -17.6883; 8.8529; 9.1701
113.7; 95.3265; 95.9991
562.12Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225160 CIFC10 H8 Br0.9 Cl1.1 N2 ZnC 1 2/c 110.6281; 14.7546; 7.6742
90; 97.2146; 90
1193.9Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225150 CIFC10 H8 Br1.35 Cl0.65 N2 ZnC 1 2/c 110.6574; 14.801; 7.7136
90; 97.635; 90
1206Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225161 CIFC10 H8 Br1.36 Cl0.64 N2 ZnC 1 2/c 110.7082; 14.7769; 7.7285
90; 97.3492; 90
1212.87Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225157 CIFC10 H8 Br1.37 Cl0.64 N2 ZnP -17.7335; 8.9213; 9.2304
114.064; 95.245; 96.005
571.96Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225151 CIFC10 H8 Br1.51 Cl0.49 N2 ZnC 1 2/c 110.7037; 14.806; 7.7392
90; 97.673; 90
1215.5Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225158 CIFC10 H8 Br1.71 Cl0.29 N2 ZnP -17.785; 8.976; 9.255
114.285; 95.568; 95.95
579.3Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225152 CIFC10 H8 Br1.75 Cl0.25 N2 ZnC 1 2/c 110.755; 14.818; 7.775
90; 97.568; 90
1228.3Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225162 CIFC10 H8 Br1.77 Cl0.23 N2 ZnC 1 2/c 110.826; 14.85; 7.813
90; 97.435; 90
1245.5Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
1543454 CIF
C10 H8 Br2 N2 PbC 1 2/c 116.249; 9.878; 8.2425
90; 104.79; 90
1279.2Zhang, Bi-Song; Wu, Chang-Sheng
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160782
7225159 CIFC10 H8 Br2 N2 ZnP -17.882; 9.046; 9.355
114.689; 95.786; 95.861
595.2Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7225163 CIFC10 H8 Br2 N2 ZnC 1 2/c 110.8238; 14.807; 7.8103
90; 97.425; 90
1241.2Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
1543827 CIFC10 H8 Cl N O3P 1 21/c 19.2286; 12.6651; 8.3177
90; 96.24; 90
966.42Phatake, Ravindra S.; Patel, Pitambar; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Ir(III)-Catalyzed Carbenoid Functionalization of Benzamides: Synthesis of N-Methoxyisoquinolinediones and N-Methoxyisoquinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2828-2831
7055215 CIFC10 H8 Cl N3 O2P 1 21/c 112.577; 8.509; 20.565
90; 102.9; 90
2145Bustos, Carlos; Molins, Elies; Cárcamo, Juan-Guillermo; Aguilar, Marcelo N.; Sánchez, Christian; Moreno-Villoslada, Ignacio; Nishide, Hiroyuki; Zarate, Ximena; Schott, Eduardo
A family of substituted hydrazonoisoxazolones with potential biological properties
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2156
7055216 CIFC10 H8 Cl N3 O2P -17.642; 7.933; 9.511
98.77; 104.53; 98.06
541.945Bustos, Carlos; Molins, Elies; Cárcamo, Juan-Guillermo; Aguilar, Marcelo N.; Sánchez, Christian; Moreno-Villoslada, Ignacio; Nishide, Hiroyuki; Zarate, Ximena; Schott, Eduardo
A family of substituted hydrazonoisoxazolones with potential biological properties
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2156
7040308 CIFC10 H8 Cl2 Fe O4 S2P 1 21/c 17.9181; 7.7541; 10.724
90; 99.015; 90
650.3Chanawanno, Kullapa; Holstrom, Cole; Crandall, Laura A.; Dodge, Henry; Nemykin, Victor N.; Herrick, Richard S.; Ziegler, Christopher J.
The synthesis and structures of 1,1'-bis(sulfonyl)ferrocene derivatives.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14320-14326
7038862 CIFC10 H8 Cl2 N2 O3 S2 Sb2P -19.4585; 10.3141; 10.6648
82.554; 64.039; 63.591
835.1Karwasara, Surendar; Jha, Chandan Kumar; Sinhababu, Soumen; Nagendran, Selvarajan
O,S-Heterocyclic stannylenes: synthesis and reactivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7200-7204
7225153 CIFC10 H8 Cl2 N2 ZnP -17.5299; 8.7931; 9.0498
112.835; 94.457; 95.707
545.06Nauha, Elisa; Naumov, Panče; Lusi, Matteo
Fine-tuning of a thermosalient phase transition by solid solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4699
7039197 CIFC10 H8 Co N14C 1 2/c 114.747; 8.8586; 13.4233
90; 119.302; 90
1529.2Switlicka-Olszewska, Anna; Palion-Gazda, Joanna; Klemens, Tomasz; Machura, Barbara; Vallejo, Julia; Cano, Joan; Lloret, Francesc; Julve, Miguel
Single-ion magnet behaviour in mononuclear and two-dimensional dicyanamide-containing cobalt(ii) complexes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10181-10193
1551608 CIFC10 H8 F N O4P -16.716; 8.323; 9.453
82.75; 86.17; 68.75
488.41GUILLON, Jean; RONGA, Luisa; MARCHIVIE, Mathieu; MOREAU, Stéphane
Crystal Structure of (<i>E</i>)-1-(3,4-Methylenedioxy-6-fluorophenyl)-2-nitropropene
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2016, 32, 23
4130314 CIFC10 H8 F2 O2P 15.4814; 8.5363; 10.1397
71.243; 75.321; 76.523
428.59Borrajo-Calleja, Gustavo M; Bizet, Vincent; Mazet, Clément
Palladium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Intermolecular Carboetherification of Dihydrofurans.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4014-4017
1542344 CIFC10 H8 F4 N2 O2P 42/n20.0066; 20.0066; 5.3686
90; 90; 90
2148.86Charpentier, Julie; Früh, Natalja; Foser, Simon; Togni, Antonio
Tandem Radical Fluoroalkylation-Cyclization: Synthesis of Tetrafluoro Imidazopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 756-759
7225039 CIFC10 H8 Fe S Se2P c a 2111.705; 9.7452; 9.1003
90; 90; 90
1038Karjalainen, Minna M.; Sanchez-Perez, Clara; Rautiainen, J. Mikko; Oilunkaniemi, Raija; Laitinen, Risto S.
Chalcogen‒chalcogen secondary bonding interactions in trichalcogenaferrocenophanes
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4538
7225041 CIFC10 H8 Fe S Te2P b c a13.514; 10.494; 16.226
90; 90; 90
2301.1Karjalainen, Minna M.; Sanchez-Perez, Clara; Rautiainen, J. Mikko; Oilunkaniemi, Raija; Laitinen, Risto S.
Chalcogen‒chalcogen secondary bonding interactions in trichalcogenaferrocenophanes
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4538
7225038 CIFC10 H8 Fe S2 TeP 1 21/c 113.883; 5.6927; 13.226
90; 90.43; 90
1045.2Karjalainen, Minna M.; Sanchez-Perez, Clara; Rautiainen, J. Mikko; Oilunkaniemi, Raija; Laitinen, Risto S.
Chalcogen‒chalcogen secondary bonding interactions in trichalcogenaferrocenophanes
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4538
7225040 CIFC10 H8 Fe Se2 TeP 1 21/c 114.174; 5.798; 13.574
90; 90.19; 90
1115.5Karjalainen, Minna M.; Sanchez-Perez, Clara; Rautiainen, J. Mikko; Oilunkaniemi, Raija; Laitinen, Risto S.
Chalcogen‒chalcogen secondary bonding interactions in trichalcogenaferrocenophanes
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4538
4513954 CIFC10 H8 N O2P 1 21/c 14.5967; 12.2704; 15.393
90; 94.473; 90
865.6Hu, Yue; Shen, Zhiqiang; Huang, Hanmin
Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Hydroaminocarbonylation to Lactams: Additive-Free Protocol Initiated by Palladium Hydride
ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 6785
7039248 CIFC10 H8 N11 Nb OC 1 c 110.2393; 9.872; 14.4784
90; 98.46; 90
1447.59Haiges, Ralf; Vasiliu, Monica; Dixon, David A.; Christe, Karl O.
The niobium oxoazides [NbO(N3)3], [NbO(N3)3·2CH3CN], [(bipy)NbO(N3)3], Cs2[NbO(N3)5] and [PPh4]2[NbO(N3)5].
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10523-10529
1555776 CIFC10 H8 N2 O2 SP 21 21 216.758; 8.245; 18.741
90; 90; 90
1044.2Gao, Mingchun; Xu, Bin
Copper Nitrate Mediated Regio- and Stereoselective Difunctionalization of Alkynes: A Direct Approach to α-Chloro-β-nitroolefins.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4746-4749
8107002 CIFC10 H8 N2 O2 SC 1 2/c 17.2964; 13.1899; 10.6087
90; 94.763; 90
1017.44Chen, Hui; Liu, Rui-Heng; Guo, Hui
Crystal structure of 4,4′-sulfonyldipyridine, C10H8N2O2S
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 775-776
7038861 CIFC10 H8 N2 O2 S2 SnP -17.4019; 7.5564; 11.4734
88.006; 74.539; 79.608
608.3Karwasara, Surendar; Jha, Chandan Kumar; Sinhababu, Soumen; Nagendran, Selvarajan
O,S-Heterocyclic stannylenes: synthesis and reactivity.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7200-7204
7226342 CIFC10 H8 N4P -13.7762; 5.8688; 10.3157
90.165; 95.411; 99.256
224.59Hutchins, Kristin M.; Kummer, Katherine A.; Groeneman, Ryan H.; Reinheimer, Eric W.; Sinnwell, Michael A.; Swenson, Dale C.; MacGillivray, Leonard R.
Thermal expansion properties of three isostructural co-crystals composed of isosteric components: interplay between halogen and hydrogen bonds
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8354
7226343 CIFC10 H8 N4P -13.8373; 5.9282; 10.3247
90.671; 95.227; 100.693
229.73Hutchins, Kristin M.; Kummer, Katherine A.; Groeneman, Ryan H.; Reinheimer, Eric W.; Sinnwell, Michael A.; Swenson, Dale C.; MacGillivray, Leonard R.
Thermal expansion properties of three isostructural co-crystals composed of isosteric components: interplay between halogen and hydrogen bonds
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8354
4031898 CIFC10 H8 N4 O0P n a 219.1089; 9.794; 10.309
90; 90; 90
919.7Sun, Kai; Zhu, Zhonghong; Sun, Jingjing; Liu, Lulu; Wang, Xin
Copper-Catalyzed N-Arylation of Azoles and Mannich-Type Coupling of Ketones and Azoles under Metal-Free Conditions.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 1476-1483
4037236 CIFC10 H8 O S3P 1 21/n 17.5233; 13.4451; 10.8452
90; 104.929; 90
1060Koley, Suvajit; Chanda, Tanmoy; Samai, Subhasis; Singh, Maya Shankar
Switching Selectivity of α-Enolic Dithioesters: One Pot Access to Functionalized 1,2- and 1,3-Dithioles.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 11594-11602
2241839 CIF
C10 H8 O2P -16.9725; 7.3174; 8.9189
69.241; 79.975; 70.127
399.422Hübscher, Jörg; Rosin, Robert; Seichter, Wilhelm; Weber, Edwin
Crystal structures of 2-acetyl-4-ethynylphenol and 2-acetyl-4-(3-hydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-propynyl)phenol
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1370-1373
8107068 CIFC10 H8 O2P 1 21/c 16.524; 17.561; 6.989
90; 100.058; 90
788.4Fan-Xin, Zeng; Xu-Liang, Nie; Xin-Chen, Shang-guan; Zhong-Ping, Yin; Da-Yong, Peng
Crystal structure of 3-methyl-2H-chromen-2-one, C10H8O2
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 975-976
1543125 CIF
C10 H8 O4P b c a13.217; 9.831; 13.627
90; 90; 90
1771Bai, Jun-Hua; Dong, Jin-Long
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160598
1548018 CIFC10 H8.5 N O2P 42/n b c17.856; 17.856; 12.787
90; 90; 90
4077You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato
Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework
Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 11564
1548019 CIFC10 H8.5 N O2P 42/n b c17.491; 17.491; 12.915
90; 90; 90
3951You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato
Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework
Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 11564
1548020 CIFC10 H8.5 N O2P 42/n b c17.289; 17.289; 12.957
90; 90; 90
3873You-Gui Huang; Yoshihito Shiota; Ming-Yan Wu; Sheng-Qun Su; Zi-Shuo Yao; Soonchul Kang; Shinji Kanegawa; Guo-Ling Li; Shu-Qi Wu; Takashi Kamachi; Kazunari Yoshizawa; Katsuhiko Ariga; Mao-Chun Hong; Osamu Sato
Superior thermoelasticity and shape-memory nanopores in a porous supramolecular organic framework
Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 11564
7224534 CIFC10 H80 Co6 N10 O84 Si2 W18P -111.9641; 12.0257; 16.0944
102.457; 96.489; 113.464
2022.34Zhu, Yu; Fang, Wei-Hui; Wei, Qi; Yang, Guo-Yu
Extended hybrid architectures based on tetra-CoIIsandwiched polyoxotungstates
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2712
4130944 CIFC10 H9 B F5 I O4P -15.4807; 9.086; 14.021
78.903; 81.424; 89.698
677.3Izquierdo, Susana; Essafi, Stéphanie; Del Rosal, Iker; Vidossich, Pietro; Pleixats, Roser; Vallribera, Adelina; Ujaque, Gregori; Lledós, Agustí; Shafir, Alexandr
Acid Activation in Phenyliodine Dicarboxylates: Direct Observation, Structures, and Implications.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12747-12750
2241812 CIF
C10 H9 B O2P n a 219.6655; 6.2286; 29.1778
90; 90; 90
1756.58Bemisderfer, Kayleigh; Nazarenko, Alexander Y.
Two forms of (naphthalen-1-yl)boronic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1285-1289
2241813 CIF
C10 H9 B O2P 1 21/c 114.8469; 6.1023; 9.6797
90; 93.978; 90
874.87Bemisderfer, Kayleigh; Nazarenko, Alexander Y.
Two forms of (naphthalen-1-yl)boronic acid
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 1285-1289
4036698 CIFC10 H9 Br Cl N3 O2P 21 21 218.477; 10.9753; 25.6472
90; 90; 90
2386.15Joshi-Pangu, Amruta; Cohen, Ryan D.; Tudge, Matthew T.; Chen, Yonggang
Dearomatization of Electron-Deficient Nitrogen Heterocycles via Cobalt-Catalyzed Asymmetric Cyclopropanation.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 3070-3075
4086543 CIFC10 H9 Br Co F6 PP b c a12.8061; 11.8486; 16.9221
90; 90; 90
2567.7Vanicek, Stefan; Kopacka, Holger; Wurst, Klaus; Müller, Thomas; Hassenrück, Christopher; Winter, Rainer F.; Bildstein, Benno
Monofunctionalized Cobaltocenium Compounds by Dediazoniation Reactions of Cobaltoceniumdiazonium Bis(hexafluorophosphate)
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2101
1551599 CIFC10 H9 Br N4 OP b c a23.6829; 7.5558; 24.1777
90; 90; 90
4326.4HWANG, Long-Chih; CHUANG, Chung-Lin; SU, Chun-Wei; LEE, Gene-Hsiang
Packing of Two Independent Molecules: 3-Amino-2-benzyl-6-bromo-1,2,4-triazin-5(2<i>H</i>)-one
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2016, 32, 33
7225194 CIFC10 H9 Br O3P 1 21/n 115.7172; 4.0206; 17.5023
90; 114.595; 90
1005.67Veerakanellore, Giri Babu; Captain, Burjor; Ramamurthy, V.
Solid-state photochemistry of cis-cinnamic acids: a competition between [2 + 2] addition and cis‒trans isomerization
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4708
7225197 CIFC10 H9 Br O3C 1 2/c 118.77; 4.742; 23.122
90; 90.86; 90
2057.8Veerakanellore, Giri Babu; Captain, Burjor; Ramamurthy, V.
Solid-state photochemistry of cis-cinnamic acids: a competition between [2 + 2] addition and cis‒trans isomerization
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4708
4036513 CIFC10 H9 Cl O3P -15.1208; 7.8498; 11.9863
99.256; 91.114; 100.217
467.43Olomola, Temitope O.; Klein, Rosalyn; Caira, Mino R.; Kaye, Perry T.
Elucidating Latent Mechanistic Complexity in Competing Acid-Catalyzed Reactions of Salicylaldehyde-Derived Baylis-Hillman Adducts.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 109-120
7223821 CIFC10 H9 Cl2 Fe PP 1 21/n 112.9787; 13.2924; 13.6674
90; 110.613; 90
2206.9Surgenor, Brian; Taylor, Laurence J.; Nordheider, Andreas; Slawin, Alexandra; Arachchige, Kasun; Woollins, J. D.; Kilian, Petr
An efficient, scalable synthesis of ferrocenylphosphine and dichloroferrocenylphosphine
RSC Adv., 2016
4086541 CIFC10 H9 Co F6 N3 PP -16.3656; 8.237; 12.7564
105.592; 98.174; 93.475
634.27Vanicek, Stefan; Kopacka, Holger; Wurst, Klaus; Müller, Thomas; Hassenrück, Christopher; Winter, Rainer F.; Bildstein, Benno
Monofunctionalized Cobaltocenium Compounds by Dediazoniation Reactions of Cobaltoceniumdiazonium Bis(hexafluorophosphate)
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2101
4086542 CIFC10 H9 Co I2P n m a11.4449; 8.934; 11.4723
90; 90; 90
1173.03Vanicek, Stefan; Kopacka, Holger; Wurst, Klaus; Müller, Thomas; Hassenrück, Christopher; Winter, Rainer F.; Bildstein, Benno
Monofunctionalized Cobaltocenium Compounds by Dediazoniation Reactions of Cobaltoceniumdiazonium Bis(hexafluorophosphate)
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2101
4347930 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.42006; 9.9972; 11.37
87.979; 81.364; 80.105
489.31Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347931 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.4163; 9.983; 11.376
87.95; 81.4; 80.17
488.6Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347932 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.4014; 9.918; 11.177
88.16; 82.21; 80.18
476.3Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347933 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.3745; 9.863; 10.963
88.206; 83.14; 80.11
462.61Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347934 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.3661; 9.84; 10.923
88.206; 83.346; 80.104
459.15Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347935 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.3399; 9.782; 10.7842
88.265; 84.017; 80.082
448.49Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347936 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.3221; 9.7472; 10.683
88.353; 84.421; 80.102
441.23Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347937 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.3086; 9.7205; 10.6226
88.411; 84.745; 80.039
436.31Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347938 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.3025; 9.705; 10.594
88.464; 84.857; 80.103
433.99Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347939 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.2816; 9.6687; 10.5131
88.493; 85.206; 80.047
427.14Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347940 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.2509; 9.6194; 10.3932
88.661; 85.739; 80.044
417.41Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347941 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.237; 9.592; 10.329
88.78; 86.13; 80.001
412.45Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347942 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.2218; 9.5636; 10.291
88.815; 86.218; 80.014
408.3Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347943 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.2128; 9.5476; 10.2634
88.839; 86.36; 80.045
405.76Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347944 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.2027; 9.5344; 10.2292
88.945; 86.478; 80.055
402.95Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347945 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.1925; 9.515; 10.199
89.023; 86.675; 80.109
400.12Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347946 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.1769; 9.4845; 10.1521
89.116; 86.774; 80.153
395.62Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347947 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.1662; 9.4691; 10.1154
89.167; 87.104; 79.977
392.46Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347948 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.1523; 9.453; 10.086
89.285; 87.14; 80.077
389.48Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347949 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.1436; 9.432; 10.0405
89.342; 87.41; 80.047
386.1Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347950 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.1322; 9.4165; 10.0257
89.417; 87.462; 80.013
383.82Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
4347951 CIFC10 H9 Cu I NP -14.1218; 9.405; 10.003
89.531; 87.567; 80.085
381.64Aguirrechu-Comerón, Amagoia; Hernández-Molina, Rita; Rodríguez-Hernández, Plácida; Muñoz, Alfonso; Rodríguez-Mendoza, Ulises R; Lavín, V\?íctor; Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier
Experimental and ab Initio Study of Catena(bis(μ2-iodo)-6-methylquinoline-copper(I)) under Pressure: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Electronic, and Luminescence Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7476-7484
1561468 CIFC10 H9 Cu N2 O10.5 Se2 V2P -19.0239; 10.6596; 11.0608
62.134; 69.284; 89.034
865.47Qian, Cheng; Kong, Fang; Mao, Jiang-Gao
Syntheses, structures and characterizations of three novel vanadium selenites with organically bonded copper/nickel complex
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 1-8
7223745 CIFC10 H9 Cu N9 O SP 1 21/n 17.061; 19.716; 10.302
90; 106.146; 90
1377.6Qiu, Yan-Xuan; Miao, Yu; Wang, Zi-Zhou; Li, Zhi-Xin; Ouyang, Zhi-Jian; Yang, Liu; Lin, Wen-Ning; Feng, Wei-Jin; Dong, Wen
Syntheses, structures, electrochemical and optical properties of four transition metal complexes based on the 1-triazolyl-3-benzimidazolyltriazene ligand
RSC Adv., 2016
1543230 CIF
C10 H9 F N4 O SP 21 21 215.7058; 10.6201; 18.8688
90; 90; 90
1143.38Ali, Amna Qasem; Eltayeb, Naser Eltaher; Teoh, Siang Guan
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160659
4131120 CIFC10 H9 F O2P 21 21 214.486; 6.8678; 27.2439
90; 90; 90
839.36Woerly, Eric M.; Banik, Steven M.; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Enantioselective, Catalytic Fluorolactonization Reactions with a Nucleophilic Fluoride Source.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 13858-13861
4130945 CIFC10 H9 F2 I O4P 1 21/n 14.7135; 14.0456; 17.2837
90; 97.432; 90
1134.64Izquierdo, Susana; Essafi, Stéphanie; Del Rosal, Iker; Vidossich, Pietro; Pleixats, Roser; Vallribera, Adelina; Ujaque, Gregori; Lledós, Agustí; Shafir, Alexandr
Acid Activation in Phenyliodine Dicarboxylates: Direct Observation, Structures, and Implications.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12747-12750
4348323 CIFC10 H9 F9 N2 S2P 21 21 217.339; 10.783; 18.641
90; 90; 90
1475Goettel, James T.; Kostiuk, Nathan; Gerken, Michael
Interactions between SF4 and Fluoride: A Crystallographic Study of Solvolysis Products of SF4·Nitrogen-Base Adducts by HF.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7126-7134
2020485 CIF
C10 H9 N O S2P 1 21/n 18.4228; 7.9082; 16.2102
90; 97.152; 90
1071.35Balti, Monaem; Norberg, Bernadette; Efrit, Mohamed Lotfi; Lanners, Steve; Wouters, Johan
Conformation and tautomerism of methoxy-substituted 4-phenyl-4-thiazoline-2-thiones: a combined crystallographic and <i>ab initio</i> investigation
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 421-425
2020486 CIF
C10 H9 N O S2P 1 21/n 14.7187; 12.0438; 17.8972
90; 93.752; 90
1014.94Balti, Monaem; Norberg, Bernadette; Efrit, Mohamed Lotfi; Lanners, Steve; Wouters, Johan
Conformation and tautomerism of methoxy-substituted 4-phenyl-4-thiazoline-2-thiones: a combined crystallographic and <i>ab initio</i> investigation
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2016, 72, 421-425
1542759 CIFC10 H9 N O2P 1 21/n 17.498; 5.69208; 19.4188
90; 90.668; 90
828.72García-Domínguez, Patricia; Fehr, Lorenz; Rusconi, Giulia; Nevado, Cristina
Palladium-catalyzed incorporation of atmospheric CO2: efficient synthesis of functionalized oxazolidinones
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 3914
7119200 CIFC10 H9 N O2P 1 21/n 17.4444; 8.2789; 13.8475
90; 93.494; 90
851.86Patel, Pitambar; Borah, Gongutri
Synthesis of oxindole from acetanilide via Ir(iii)-catalyzed C-H carbenoid functionalization.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 53, 443-446
1543531 CIF
C10 H9 N O4P 1 2/n 120.7884; 3.7215; 23.8849
90; 98.582; 90
1827.14Filali Baba, Yassir; Mague, Joel T.; Kandri Rodi, Youssef; Ouzidan, Younes; Essassi, El Mokhtar; Zouihri, Hafid
2-Oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-4-carboxylic acid monohydrate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160997
7224060 CIFC10 H9 N O6P 1 21/c 111.277; 8.788; 9.851
90; 96.003; 90
970.9Singh, Shiv Shankar; Vasantha, K. Y.; Sattur, A. P.; Thakur, Tejender S.
Experimental and computational crystal structure landscape study of nigerloxin: a fungal metabolite from Aspergillus niger
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1740
7234637 CIFC10 H9 N3I 41/a :223.5825; 23.5825; 6.2166
90; 90; 90
3457.3Ajith R. Mallia; Ramarani Sethy; Vinayak Bhat; Mahesh Hariharan
Crystallization induced enhanced emission in conformational polymorphs of a rotationally flexible molecule
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2931-2935
7234638 CIFC10 H9 N3P c c n15.2009; 9.7035; 12.0827
90; 90; 90
1782.2Ajith R. Mallia; Ramarani Sethy; Vinayak Bhat; Mahesh Hariharan
Crystallization induced enhanced emission in conformational polymorphs of a rotationally flexible molecule
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2931-2935
7234639 CIFC10 H9 N3P 6518.26; 18.26; 5.0477
90; 90; 120
1457.6Ajith R. Mallia; Ramarani Sethy; Vinayak Bhat; Mahesh Hariharan
Crystallization induced enhanced emission in conformational polymorphs of a rotationally flexible molecule
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 2931-2935
4037462 CIFC10 H9 N3 OP 1 21/c 16.8354; 11.3494; 12.139
90; 104.352; 90
912.33Castillo, Juan-Carlos; Estupiñan, Diego; Nogueras, Manuel; Cobo, Justo; Portilla, Jaime
6-(Aryldiazenyl)pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines as Strategic Intermediates for the Synthesis of Pyrazolo[5,1-b]purines.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 12364-12373
7223345 CIFC10 H9 N3 O4P -17.9402; 8.1717; 8.8975
70.343; 89.333; 72.343
515.42Tarai, Arup; Baruah, Jubaraj B.
Oxime synthons in the salts and cocrystals of quinoline-4-carbaldoxime for non-covalent synthesis
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 298
2020500 CIF
C10 H9 N5 O7P 1 21/c 19.3079; 9.4339; 15.195
90; 107.835; 90
1270.1Song, Xue-gang; Su, Ping; Xu, Xing-man
Hydrogen-bonded network in the salt 4-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium picrate
Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 2016, 72, 772
4349286 CIFC10 N4 Ni2 S8P -13.95; 10.125; 13.144
101.311; 90.999; 94.437
513.6Hayashi, Mikihiro; Otsubo, Kazuya; Maesato, Mitsuhiko; Komatsu, Tokutaro; Sugimoto, Kunihisa; Fujiwara, Akihiko; Kitagawa, Hiroshi
An Electrically Conductive Single-Component Donor-Acceptor-Donor Aggregate with Hydrogen-Bonding Lattice.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 13027-13034
4130224 CIFC10.09 H4 D8.36 In O5I 41 2 215.43745; 15.43745; 12.2848
90; 90; 90
2927.65Savage, Mathew; da Silva, Ivan; Johnson, Mark; Carter, Joseph H.; Newby, Ruth; Suyetin, Mikhail; Besley, Elena; Manuel, Pascal; Rudić, Svemir; Fitch, Andrew N.; Murray, Claire; David, William I. F.; Yang, Sihai; Schröder, Martin
Observation of Binding and Rotation of Methane and Hydrogen within a Functional Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 9119-9127
4036574 CIFC10.15 H7.69 Cl1.54 N0.62P -110.5292; 11.7378; 25.986
81.345; 85.62; 68.07
2944.6Zhang, Yu-Fei; Tian, Wan-Fa; Cao, Xiao-Ping; Kuck, Dietmar; Chow, Hak-Fun
o-Quinones Derived from Tribenzotriquinacenes: Functionalization of Inner Bay Positions and Use for Single-Wing Extensions.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 2308-2319
7125143 CIFC10.5 H6 Br0.5 Mn0.5 N2 O2C 1 2/m 123.4756; 12.4761; 7.29758
90; 97.067; 90
2121.11Coogan, M. P.; Platts, J. A.
Blue rhenium tricarbonyl DPPZ complexes - low energy charge-transfer absorption at tissue-penetrating wavelengths.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 12498-12501
4347665 CIFC10.75 H10.1 Fe N6.7 O PtP -17.6058; 9.1866; 14.0502
71.954; 87.867; 86.289
931.31Kucheriv, Olesia I.; Shylin, Sergii I.; Ksenofontov, Vadim; Dechert, Sebastian; Haukka, Matti; Fritsky, Igor O.; Gural'skiy, Il'ya A.
Spin Crossover in Fe(II)-M(II) Cyanoheterobimetallic Frameworks (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) with 2-Substituted Pyrazines.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 4906-4914
7040374 CIFC10.75 H40.5 B19 Cl1.5 Ni P2P 1 21/n 110.3294; 29.295; 10.5038
90; 116.545; 90
2843.4Mandal, Dipendu; Man, Wing Y.; Rosair, Georgina M.; Welch, Alan J.
Steric versus electronic factors in metallacarborane isomerisation: nickelacarboranes with 3,1,2-, 4,1,2- and 2,1,8-NiC2B9 architectures and pendant carborane groups, derived from 1,1'-bis(o-carborane).
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 15013-15025
7224734 CIFC100 H100 Br4 Cu2 N16 O2I 4/m15.3248; 15.3248; 23.354
90; 90; 90
5484.7Sone, Eriko; Sato, Moeko; Mochizuki, Masaru; Kamio, Chihiro; Yamanishi, Katsunori; Kondo, Mitsuru
Cationic M2L4cages for perchlorate removal from aqueous solutions and preferential perchlorate incorporation in hydrophilic solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5004
7224735 CIFC100 H100 Cl4 Cu2 N16 O2I 4/m15.2312; 15.2312; 23.338
90; 90; 90
5414.2Sone, Eriko; Sato, Moeko; Mochizuki, Masaru; Kamio, Chihiro; Yamanishi, Katsunori; Kondo, Mitsuru
Cationic M2L4cages for perchlorate removal from aqueous solutions and preferential perchlorate incorporation in hydrophilic solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5004
7038175 CIFC100 H100 F12 Ir4 N12 O12 S4P 42/n18.9052; 18.9052; 16.5315
90; 90; 90
5908.5Fan, Qi-Jia; Zhang, Wen-Ying; Lin, Yue-Jian; Jin, Guo-Xin
Construction of tetranuclear metallacycles based on half-sandwich Ir, Rh fragments and pyridyl-substituted ligands with different coordinate vectors.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 4534-4540
4130572 CIFC100 H104 F28 N12 O4 S4P -113.1841; 20.3186; 20.8594
104.092; 101.305; 100.497
5156.93Ford, David D.; Lehnherr, Dan; Kennedy, C. Rose; Jacobsen, Eric N.
On- and Off-Cycle Catalyst Cooperativity in Anion-Binding Catalysis.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 7860-7863
7038770 CIFC100 H105 Cl3 N8 O4P 1 21/n 123.826; 14.975; 26.604
90; 111.883; 90
8808Zhao, Jie; Yang, Dong; Zhao, Yanxia; Cao, Liping; Zhang, Zhibin; Yang, Xiao-Juan; Wu, Biao
Phosphate-induced fluorescence of a tetraphenylethene-substituted tripodal tris(urea) receptor.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7360-7365
4349034 CIFC100 H110 Cd3 N16 O26P -18.945; 14.856; 19.861
91.644; 101.974; 93.755
2573.9Li, Yu-Ling; Zhao, Yue; Wang, Peng; Kang, Yan-Shang; Liu, Qing; Zhang, Xiu-Du; Sun, Wei-Yin
Multifunctional Metal-Organic Frameworks with Fluorescent Sensing and Selective Adsorption Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 11821-11830
4349283 CIFC100 H111 Mn2 N3 O7P 1 21/c 125.964; 11.7576; 29.248
90; 90.045; 90
8928.7Agnew, Douglas W.; Sampson, Matthew D.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Kubiak, Clifford P.; Figueroa, Joshua S.
Electrochemical Properties and CO<sub>2</sub>-Reduction Ability of m-Terphenyl Isocyanide Supported Manganese Tricarbonyl Complexes.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12400-12408
4086503 CIFC100 H140 N4 O4 Ti4P b c 2115.1911; 16.9206; 17.1163
90; 90; 90
4399.62Nguyen, Trang T.; Kortman, Gregory D.; Hull, Kami L.
Synthesis, Cycloaddition, and Cycloreversion Reactions of Mononuclear Titanocene‒oxo Complexes
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 1713
7041066 CIFC100 H144 Cu5 Mn10 N12 O60I 41/a27.5814; 27.5814; 18.4546
90; 90; 90
14039Frost, Jamie M.; Kettles, Fraser J.; Wilson, Claire; Murrie, Mark
Rational serendipity: "undirected" synthesis of a large {MnCu} complex from pre-formed Mn(II) building blocks.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 18094-18097
7039139 CIFC100 H178 B2 N20 S4 Yb2C 1 2 121.7535; 17.0849; 16.4796
90; 112.597; 90
5654.6Kühling, Marcel; McDonald, Robert; Liebing, Phil; Hilfert, Liane; Ferguson, Michael J.; Takats, Josef; Edelmann, Frank T.
Stabilization of molecular lanthanide polysulfides by bulky scorpionate ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10118-10121
4349333 CIFC100 H194 Al3 Mg3 N15P -115.5162; 17.9072; 21.091
74.887; 76.28; 87.935
5494Schnitzler, Silvia; Spaniol, Thomas P.; Okuda, Jun
Reactivity of a Molecular Magnesium Hydride Featuring a Terminal Magnesium-Hydrogen Bond.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12997-13006
4347672 CIFC100 H226 Al8 O52 Si8P 1 21/n 113.8417; 26.294; 21.221
90; 100.622; 90
7591.1Stelzer, Adrian C.; Hrobárik, Peter; Braun, Thomas; Kaupp, Martin; Braun-Cula, Beatrice
Completing the Heterocubane Family [Cp*AlE]4 (E = O, S, Se, and Te) by Selective Oxygenation and Sulfuration of [Cp*Al]4: Density Functional Theory Calculations of [Cp*AlE]4 and Reactivity of [Cp*AlO]4 toward Hydrolysis.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 4915-4923
4130653 CIFC100 H52 Cl Fe In2 N4 O16P n n m23.412; 23.428; 32.108
90; 90; 90
17611Johnson, Jacob A.; Petersen, Brenna M.; Kormos, Attila; Echeverría, Elena; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Zhang, Jian
A New Approach to Non-Coordinating Anions: Lewis Acid Enhancement of Porphyrin Metal Centers in a Zwitterionic Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10293-10298
4130651 CIFC100 H52 Cl In2 Mn N4 O16P n n m23.767; 23.767; 29.459
90; 90; 90
16641Johnson, Jacob A.; Petersen, Brenna M.; Kormos, Attila; Echeverría, Elena; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Zhang, Jian
A New Approach to Non-Coordinating Anions: Lewis Acid Enhancement of Porphyrin Metal Centers in a Zwitterionic Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10293-10298
4130649 CIFC100 H52 Fe In2 N4 O17P n n m23.4897; 23.4895; 31.9645
90; 90; 90
17636.8Johnson, Jacob A.; Petersen, Brenna M.; Kormos, Attila; Echeverría, Elena; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Zhang, Jian
A New Approach to Non-Coordinating Anions: Lewis Acid Enhancement of Porphyrin Metal Centers in a Zwitterionic Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10293-10298
4130648 CIFC100 H52 In2 Mn N4 O17P n n m23.4939; 23.4954; 31.9724
90; 90; 90
17648.7Johnson, Jacob A.; Petersen, Brenna M.; Kormos, Attila; Echeverría, Elena; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Zhang, Jian
A New Approach to Non-Coordinating Anions: Lewis Acid Enhancement of Porphyrin Metal Centers in a Zwitterionic Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10293-10298
4130872 CIFC100 H64P -116.5652; 17.2511; 19.2794
68.221; 79.126; 74.271
4900.6Huang, Ze-Ao; Chen, Chen; Yang, Xiao-Di; Fan, Xiang-Bing; Zhou, Wen; Tung, Chen-Ho; Wu, Li-Zhu; Cong, Huan
Synthesis of Oligoparaphenylene-Derived Nanohoops Employing an Anthracene Photodimerization-Cycloreversion Strategy.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 11144-11147
4348633 CIFC100 H68 N8 TbF d d d :221.889; 21.89; 30.55
90; 90; 90
14638Yamashita, Ken-Ichi; Sakata, Naoya; Ogawa, Takuji
Systematic Structural Elucidation for the Protonated Form of Rare Earth Bis(porphyrinato) Double-Decker Complexes: Direct Structural Evidence of the Location of the Attached Proton.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8935-8942
1555664 CIFC100 H72.78 Br8 Cl10.5 O15.5P -119.082; 19.769; 29.22
90.481; 100.258; 92.601
10834Hillyer, Matthew B.; Gibb, Corinne L. D.; Sokkalingam, Punidha; Jordan, Jacobs H.; Ioup, Sarah E.; Mague, Joel T.; Gibb, Bruce C.
Synthesis of Water-Soluble Deep-Cavity Cavitands.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4048-4051
7039049 CIFC100 H74 Cl6 Dy2 N4 O12P 1 21/c 120.8489; 19.5533; 22.3388
90; 98.1311; 90
9015.2Sun, Wen-Bin; Yan, Bing; Jia, Li-Hui; Wang, Bing-Wu; Yang, Qian; Cheng, Xin; Li, Hong-Feng; Chen, Peng; Wang, Zhe-Ming; Gao, Song
Dinuclear dysprosium SMMs bridged by a neutral bipyrimidine ligand: two crystal systems that depend on different lattice solvents lead to a distinct slow relaxation behaviour.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8790-8794
4130449 CIFC100 H76 Cl3 Co13.5 N80 O12P m -3 m18.7059; 18.7059; 18.7059
90; 90; 90
6545.4Xiao, Dianne J.; Gonzalez, Miguel I.; Darago, Lucy E.; Vogiatzis, Konstantinos D.; Haldoupis, Emmanuel; Gagliardi, Laura; Long, Jeffrey R.
Selective, Tunable O2 Binding in Cobalt(II)-Triazolate/Pyrazolate Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 7161-7170
4131011 CIFC100 H88 Ag4 P4P -118.753; 22.105; 22.412
83.449; 81.184; 74.146
8806Hau, Sam C. K.; Yeung, Margaret C.-L.; Yam, Vivian W.-W.; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Assembly of Heterometallic Silver(I)-Copper(I) Alkyl-1,3-diynyl Clusters via Inner-Core Expansion.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 13732-13739
4347916 CIFC100 H88 F24 N32 P4 Ru2P -112.3371; 21.0567; 21.0921
94.42; 90.87; 100.753
5364.6Scattergood, Paul A.; Khushnood, Usman; Tariq, Amina; Cooke, David J.; Rice, Craig R.; Elliott, Paul I. P.
Photochemistry of [Ru(pytz)(btz)2](2+) and Characterization of a κ(1)-btz Ligand-Loss Intermediate.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7787-7796
7039191 CIFC100 H92 Cl12 N8 O28 Ti10P -115.6659; 18.9579; 23.2236
100.258; 103.693; 106.655
6191.9Chaumont, Clément; Chaumont, Alain; Kyritsakas, Nathalie; Mobian, Pierre; Henry, Marc
Titanium oxo-clusters derivatized from the Ti10O12(cat)8(py)8 complex: structural investigation and spectroscopic studies of light absorption.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8760-8769
7224736 CIFC100 H98 Br2 Cu2 N16 O5 SP 4/n c c16.918; 16.918; 32.534
90; 90; 90
9312Sone, Eriko; Sato, Moeko; Mochizuki, Masaru; Kamio, Chihiro; Yamanishi, Katsunori; Kondo, Mitsuru
Cationic M2L4cages for perchlorate removal from aqueous solutions and preferential perchlorate incorporation in hydrophilic solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5004
7224737 CIFC100 H98 Cl2 Cu2 N16 O5 SP 4/n c c16.689; 16.689; 32.737
90; 90; 90
9118Sone, Eriko; Sato, Moeko; Mochizuki, Masaru; Kamio, Chihiro; Yamanishi, Katsunori; Kondo, Mitsuru
Cationic M2L4cages for perchlorate removal from aqueous solutions and preferential perchlorate incorporation in hydrophilic solutions
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5004
7040082 CIFC100.3 H133.2 N14 Zn2P -114.5172; 18.2605; 19.9983
90.575; 109.886; 97.8222
4929.9Chu, Terry; Belding, Lee; Poddutoori, Prashanth K.; van der Est, Art; Dudding, Travis; Korobkov, Ilia; Nikonov, Georgii I.
Unique molecular geometries of reduced 4- and 5-coordinate zinc complexes stabilised by diiminopyridine ligand.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13440-13448
7225115 CIFC100.5 H91 Cl3 N5 O0 P5 Ru2P 1 21/n 112.4725; 44.037; 16.4716
90; 94.598; 90
9017.9Fang, Xiaolong; Zhang, Chunyan; Chen, Jin; Zhu, Hongping; Yuan, Youzhu
Synthesis and catalytic performance of ruthenium complexes ligated with rigid o-(diphenylphosphino)aniline for chemoselective hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate
RSC Adv., 2016
4031770 CIFC101 H57 B2 F40 N2 O4P b c a22.6937; 25.4639; 31.677
90; 90; 90
18305Kurata, Ryohei; Tanaka, Kazuyoshi; Ito, Akihiro
Isolation and Characterization of Persistent Radical Cation and Dication of 2,7-Bis(dianisylamino)pyrene.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 137-145
7226684 CIFC101 H61.01 N7 O27 Zn6C 1 2/c 151.107; 9.448; 18.492
90; 102.189; 90
8728Walton, Ian M.; Cox, Jordan M.; Mitchell, Travis B.; Bizier, Nicholas P.; Benedict, Jason B.
Structural response to desolvation in a pyridyl-phenanthrene diarylethene-based metal‒organic framework
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 7972
4086531 CIFC101 H74 Br3 N9 O16 Re3 SP 3 2 131.4303; 31.4303; 9.5684
90; 90; 120
8185.9Thorp-Greenwood, Flora L.; Pritchard, Victoria E.; Coogan, Michael P.; Hardie, Michaele J.
Tris(rheniumfac-tricarbonyl) Polypyridine Functionalized Cyclotriguaiacylene Ligands with Rich and Varied Emission
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 1632
4089101 CIFC101 H76 Ag2 Au F3 O5 P6 SP -113.2595; 13.7412; 14.1665
100.574; 107.445; 100.046
2347.05Belyaev, Andrey; Dau, Thuy Minh; Jänis, Janne; Grachova, Elena V.; Tunik, Sergey P.; Koshevoy, Igor O.
Low-Nuclearity Alkynyl d10Clusters Supported by Chelating Multidentate Phosphines
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 3763
4346864 CIFC101.15 O48.63 Zr6F m -3 m26.869; 26.869; 26.869
90; 90; 90
19397.9Øien-Ødegaard, Sigurd; Bouchevreau, Boris; Hylland, Knut; Wu, Lianpao; Blom, Richard; Grande, Carlos; Olsbye, Unni; Tilset, Mats; Lillerud, Karl P.
UiO-67-type Metal-Organic Frameworks with Enhanced Water Stability and Methane Adsorption Capacity.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1986-1991
4346722 CIFC101.53 H116.06 Cl5.06 F9 Mn N7 O11 S3P -118.3393; 18.9149; 21.2275
91.1721; 114.727; 118.837
5625.8Jung, Jieun; Neu, Heather M.; Leeladee, Pannee; Siegler, Maxime A.; Ohkubo, Kei; Goldberg, David P.; Fukuzumi, Shunichi
Photocatalytic Oxygenation of Substrates by Dioxygen with Protonated Manganese(III) Corrolazine.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3218-3228
4129988 CIFC102 H108 O6P -110.948; 12.0802; 16.2323
69.553; 76.264; 79.814
1943.58Hu, Pan; Lee, Sangsu; Herng, Tun Seng; Aratani, Naoki; Gonçalves, Théo P; Qi, Qingbiao; Shi, Xueliang; Yamada, Hiroko; Huang, Kuo-Wei; Ding, Jun; Kim, Dongho; Wu, Jishan
Toward Tetraradicaloid: The Effect of Fusion Mode on Radical Character and Chemical Reactivity.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 1065-1077
7223523 CIFC102 H110 Cl2 Dy2 N10 Ni2 O26P 1 21/n 115.8855; 17.2105; 20.5903
90; 96.747; 90
5590.3Griffiths, Kieran; Dokorou, Vassiliki N.; Spencer, John; Abdul-Sada, Alaa; Vargas, Alfredo; Kostakis, George E.
Isoskeletal Schiff base polynuclear coordination clusters: synthetic and theoretical aspects
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 704
4086426 CIFC102 H112 Fe2 N10 O13 P2 Ru S2P 1 21/c 116.5432; 32.515; 20.7429
90; 111.01; 90
10415.9Song, Li-Cheng; Luo, Fei-Xian; Liu, Bei-Bei; Gu, Zhen-Chao; Tan, Hao
Novel Ruthenium Phthalocyanine-Containing Model Complex for the Active Site of [FeFe]-Hydrogenases: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Catalytic H2Evolution
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 1399
1534133 CIFC102 H130 B2 K3 N6 O18P 1 21/n 115.4324; 29.3994; 21.2075
90; 97.632; 90
9536.7Osumi, Shinichiro; Saito, Shohei; Dou, Chuandong; Matsuo, Kyohei; Kume, Keita; Yoshikawa, Hirofumi; Awaga, Kunio; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro
Boron-doped nanographene: Lewis acidity, redox properties, and battery electrode performance
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 219
1553424 CIFC102 H130 F12 N10 O26 S4 Zn2P -111.0301; 12.3939; 21.8715
76.878; 78.788; 87.305
2856.3Klosterman, Jeremy K.; Veliks, Janis; Frantz, Derik K.; Yasui, Yoshizumi; Loepfe, Michael; Zysman-Colman, Eli; Linden, Anthony; Siegel, Jay S.
Conformations of large macrocycles and ring-in-ring complexes
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3, 661
1540193 CIFC102 H132 B Mg2 N6 O2C 1 c 112.3279; 30.1877; 26.5175
90; 102.622; 90
9630Weetman, Catherine; Anker, Mathew D.; Arrowsmith, Merle; Hill, Michael S.; Kociok-Köhn, Gabriele; Liptrot, David J.; Mahon, Mary F.
Magnesium-catalysed nitrile hydroboration
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 628
4129949 CIFC102 H164 Cu18 F6 O12 S2P 1 21/c 114.6845; 19.5028; 21.5607
90; 91.957; 90
6171.1Zhang, Li-Min; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Comproportionation Synthesis of Copper(I) Alkynyl Complexes Encapsulating Polyoxomolybdate Templates: Bowl-Shaped Cu33 and Peanut-Shaped Cu62 Nanoclusters.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 2909-2912
4348602 CIFC102 H182 Co2 Gd9 N4 O50 P4P -118.9986; 20.974; 22.6
65.179; 87.688; 73.197
7790.6Sheikh, Javeed Ahmad; Clearfield, Abraham
Heterometallic Co(III)-Gd(III) Clusters as Magnetic Refrigerants.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8254-8256
4348120 CIFC102 H217 I4.05 O69 Ti22P 1 21/n 118.3241; 30.6429; 30.9343
90; 95.403; 90
17292.5Hou, Jie; Hu, Junyi; Sun, Qing; Zhang, Guanyun; Tung, Chen-Ho; Wang, Yifeng
A Post-Functionalizable Iso-Polyoxotitanate Cage Cluster.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7075-7078
4348178 CIFC102 H238 Co2 N2 O68 Ti22P 1 c 126.935; 13.625; 26.06
90; 112.47; 90
8838Hu, Junyi; Zhan, Lijie; Zhang, Guanyun; Zhang, Qun; Du, Lin; Tung, Chen-Ho; Wang, Yifeng
Effects of Substitutional Dopants on the Photoresponse of a Polyoxotitanate Cluster.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8493-8501
4130530 CIFC102 H30 F42 N6 O12C 1 2/c 129.2365; 33.0466; 32.1833
90; 91.677; 90
31081Meng, Dong; Fu, Huiting; Xiao, Chengyi; Meng, Xiangyi; Winands, Thorsten; Ma, Wei; Wei, Wei; Fan, Bingbing; Huo, Lijun; Doltsinis, Nikos L.; Li, Yan; Sun, Yanming; Wang, Zhaohui
Three-Bladed Rylene Propellers with Three-Dimensional Network Assembly for Organic Electronics.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10184-10190
4348072 CIFC102 H54 N12 O16 Zn7R -3 c :H34.705; 34.705; 37.9023
90; 90; 120
39534.9Gao, Wen-Yang; Tsai, Chen-Yen; Wojtas, Lukasz; Thiounn, Timmy; Lin, Chu-Chieh; Ma, Shengqian
Interpenetrating Metal-Metalloporphyrin Framework for Selective CO2 Uptake and Chemical Transformation of CO2.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 7291-7294
4125090 CIFC102 H54 N4 Ni O32 Zr6P 6/m m m20.069; 20.069; 18.917
90; 90; 120
6598.3Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Jun-Sheng; Zou, Lanfang; Chen, Ying-Pin; Wang, Xuan; Zhang, Qiang; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Thermodynamically Guided Synthesis of Mixed-Linker Zr-MOFs with Enhanced Tunability.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016
4347532 CIFC102 H72 N10 Ni5 O24P -110.1116; 16.0288; 17.8163
92.999; 102.94; 101.055
2748.3Deenadayalan, M. S.; Sharma, Nayuesh; Verma, Praveen Kumar; Nagaraja, C. M.
Visible-Light-Assisted Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitroaromatics by Recyclable Ni(II)-Porphyrin Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) at RT.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5320-5327
7039050 CIFC102 H75 Dy2 N6 O12P -113.3403; 13.7896; 15.0024
63.104; 69.918; 64.26
2179.67Sun, Wen-Bin; Yan, Bing; Jia, Li-Hui; Wang, Bing-Wu; Yang, Qian; Cheng, Xin; Li, Hong-Feng; Chen, Peng; Wang, Zhe-Ming; Gao, Song
Dinuclear dysprosium SMMs bridged by a neutral bipyrimidine ligand: two crystal systems that depend on different lattice solvents lead to a distinct slow relaxation behaviour.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8790-8794
7227056 CIFC102 H87 Br4 Co5 N26 O11.5C 1 2/c 141.0956; 24.8982; 28.2361
90; 104.629; 90
27954.7Feng, S. S.; Zheng, J. F.; Lu, L. P.; Lu, H. G.; Gao, Z. Q.; Dong, Y. H.
Metal-responsive activation of C‒O and C‒C bonds of an aromatic vicinal diol in hydrothermal conditions: synthesis, structure, mechanism and magnetic properties
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 9077
7125063 CIFC102 H88 Cl0 Cu4 F12 N2 P10P 1 21/n 113.802; 20.7715; 18.8547
90; 100.48; 90
5315.3El Sayed Moussa, M.; Evariste, S.; Wong, H.-L.; Le Bras, L.; Roiland, C.; Le Polles, L.; Le Guennic, B.; Costuas, K.; Yam, V. W.-W.; Lescop, C.
A solid state highly emissive Cu(i) metallacycle: promotion of cuprophilic interactions at the excited states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 11370-11373
7125064 CIFC102 H88 Cl0 Cu4 F12 N2 P10P 1 21/n 113.869; 20.739; 18.963
90; 100.223; 90
5368El Sayed Moussa, M.; Evariste, S.; Wong, H.-L.; Le Bras, L.; Roiland, C.; Le Polles, L.; Le Guennic, B.; Costuas, K.; Yam, V. W.-W.; Lescop, C.
A solid state highly emissive Cu(i) metallacycle: promotion of cuprophilic interactions at the excited states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 11370-11373
7125065 CIFC102 H88 Cl0 Cu4 F12 N2 P10P 1 21/n 113.935; 20.745; 19.086
90; 100.55; 90
5424El Sayed Moussa, M.; Evariste, S.; Wong, H.-L.; Le Bras, L.; Roiland, C.; Le Polles, L.; Le Guennic, B.; Costuas, K.; Yam, V. W.-W.; Lescop, C.
A solid state highly emissive Cu(i) metallacycle: promotion of cuprophilic interactions at the excited states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 11370-11373
7125066 CIFC102 H88 Cl0 Cu4 F12 N2 P10P 1 21/n 114.023; 20.778; 19.191
90; 100.733; 90
5494El Sayed Moussa, M.; Evariste, S.; Wong, H.-L.; Le Bras, L.; Roiland, C.; Le Polles, L.; Le Guennic, B.; Costuas, K.; Yam, V. W.-W.; Lescop, C.
A solid state highly emissive Cu(i) metallacycle: promotion of cuprophilic interactions at the excited states.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 11370-11373
4130964 CIFC102 H96C 1 2/c 153.095; 10.224; 35.66
90; 109.528; 90
18244Lu, Xuefeng; Lee, Sangsu; Kim, Jun Oh; Gopalakrishna, Tullimilli Y.; Phan, Hoa; Herng, Tun Seng; Lim, Zhenglong; Zeng, Zebing; Ding, Jun; Kim, Dongho; Wu, Jishan
Stable 3,6-Linked Fluorenyl Radical Oligomers with Intramolecular Antiferromagnetic Coupling and Polyradical Characters.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 13048-13058
4348153 CIFC102 H96 Mo4 N12 O12 S4P -19.6079; 12.7804; 20.3393
92.208; 99.738; 100.073
2417.61Zhu, Guang Yuan; Meng, Miao; Tan, Ying Ning; Xiao, Xuan; Liu, Chun Y.
Electronic Coupling between Two Covalently Bonded Dimolybdenum Units Bridged by a Naphthalene Group.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6315-6322
4347384 CIFC102 H97.5 N12 Na2 Ni8 O33 P3P -6 2 c18.6908; 18.6908; 22.3049
90; 90; 120
6748.2Escuer, Albert; Mayans, Júlia; Font-Bardia, Mercè
Linked Nickel Metallacrowns from a Phosphonate/2-Pyridyloximate Blend of Ligands: Structure and Magnetic Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3161-3168
7037482 CIFC102 H98 Au2 B2 N10P 1 21/c 113.4178; 17.8673; 17.5027
90; 100.73; 90
4122.73Vaughan, Jamila; Carter, Damien J.; Rohl, Andrew L.; Ogden, Mark I.; Skelton, Brian W.; Simpson, Peter V.; Brown, David H.
Silver(i), gold(i) and palladium(ii) complexes of a NHC-pincer ligand with an aminotriazine core: a comparison with pyridyl analogues.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1484-1495
4131204 CIFC102.2 H17.68 Cl1.84 S1.32 Sc2P -111.2973; 14.9219; 16.4784
89.057; 76.546; 74.112
2595.13Yamada, Michio; Tanabe, Yukiko; Dang, Jing-Shuang; Sato, Satoru; Mizorogi, Naomi; Hachiya, Makoto; Suzuki, Mitsuaki; Abe, Tsuneyuki; Kurihara, Hiroki; Maeda, Yutaka; Zhao, Xiang; Lian, Yongfu; Nagase, Shigeru; Akasaka, Takeshi
D<sub>2d</sub>(23)-C<sub>84</sub> versus Sc<sub>2</sub>C<sub>2</sub>@D<sub>2d</sub>(23)-C<sub>84</sub>: Impact of Endohedral Sc<sub>2</sub>C<sub>2</sub> Doping on Chemical Reactivity in the Photolysis of Diazirine.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 16523-16532
7040492 CIFC102.5 H193.5 N4.5 O100.5 V28I -4 3 m21.911; 21.911; 21.911
90; 90; 90
10519Zhang, Yu-Teng; Li, Shuang-Bao; Wang, Xin-Long; Gong, Ya-Ru; Shao, Kui-Zhan; Su, Zhong-Min
Synthesis, structures, and magnetic properties of metal-organic polyhedra based on unprecedented {V7} isopolyoxometalate clusters.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14898-14901
1543265 CIFC102.5 H38 O4 S7P -112.422; 16.732; 18.496
106.88; 94.237; 108.521
3429Xiao, Zuo; Geng, Xinjian; He, Dan; Jia, Xue; Ding, Liming
Development of isomer-free fullerene bisadducts for efficient polymer solar cells
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 2114
4347383 CIFC103 H109 Cl5 Cs N24 Ni8 O42 P3P 21 323.042; 23.042; 23.042
90; 90; 90
12233.8Escuer, Albert; Mayans, Júlia; Font-Bardia, Mercè
Linked Nickel Metallacrowns from a Phosphonate/2-Pyridyloximate Blend of Ligands: Structure and Magnetic Properties.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3161-3168
4349142 CIFC103 H115 Cl3 N12 O31.5 P Zn4C 1 2/c 140.815; 16.493; 33.646
90; 108.862; 90
21433Mikata, Yuji; Ohnishi, Risa; Nishijima, Risa; Konno, Hideo
Fluorescent Detection of Phosphate Ion via a Tetranuclear Zinc Complex Supported by a Tetrakisquinoline Ligand and μ<sub>4</sub>-PO<sub>4</sub> Core.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 11440-11446
7040493 CIFC103 H201.5 N10.5 O101 V28I -4 3 m21.9542; 21.9542; 21.9542
90; 90; 90
10581.6Zhang, Yu-Teng; Li, Shuang-Bao; Wang, Xin-Long; Gong, Ya-Ru; Shao, Kui-Zhan; Su, Zhong-Min
Synthesis, structures, and magnetic properties of metal-organic polyhedra based on unprecedented {V7} isopolyoxometalate clusters.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14898-14901
4347077 CIFC103 H75 Ba5 O26P -110.8177; 19.8483; 25.8687
101.117; 101.108; 94.827
5305.4Wang, Rongming; Liu, Xiaobin; Huang, Ao; Wang, Wen; Xiao, Zhenyu; Zhang, Liangliang; Dai, Fangna; Sun, Daofeng
Unprecedented Solvent-Dependent Sensitivities in Highly Efficient Detection of Metal Ions and Nitroaromatic Compounds by a Fluorescent Barium Metal-Organic Framework.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1782-1787
4347343 CIFC103 H76 Ag9 N8 O22 S9 Zn3P -119.2601; 19.7648; 21.6077
78.141; 82.001; 79.392
7868.3Wang, Zhi; Zhuang, Gui-Lin; Deng, Yong-Kai; Feng, Zhen-Yu; Cao, Zhao-Zhen; Kurmoo, Mohamedally; Tung, Chen-Ho; Sun, Di
Near-Infrared Emitters: Stepwise Assembly of Two Heteropolynuclear Clusters with Tunable Ag(I):Zn(II) Ratio.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 4757-4763
7039712 CIFC103 H83 F8 Ir2 N23 O7F d d d25.9203; 31.5176; 46.0262
90; 90; 90
37600.9Saad, Suad T.; Metherell, Alexander J.; Baggaley, Elizabeth; Ward, Michael D.
Synthesis and photophysical properties of Ir(iii)/Re(i) dyads: control of Ir→Re photoinduced energy transfer.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11568-11579
4349342 CIFC103.1 H1.4 Cl0.7 F54 N YC m c e24.052; 33.256; 23.779
90; 90; 90
19020Jin, Fei; Wang, Song; Yang, Shangfeng; Tamm, Nadezhda B.; Ioffe, Ilya N.; Troyanov, Sergey I.
Trifluoromethyl Derivatives of a Monometallic Cyanide Cluster Fullerene, YCN@C<sub>82</sub>(6)(CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>16/18</sub>.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12523-12526
7118465 CIFC104 H100 Cd2 N8 O13.63 V2P 2 2 2117.046; 24.0462; 28.8442
90; 90; 90
11823Bhunia, Asamanjoy; Dey, Subarna; Moreno, José María; Diaz, Urbano; Concepcion, Patricia; Van Hecke, Kristof; Janiak, Christoph; Van Der Voort, Pascal
A homochiral vanadium-salen based cadmium bpdc MOF with permanent porosity as an asymmetric catalyst in solvent-free cyanosilylation.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1401-1404
4348151 CIFC104 H100 Cl4 Mo4 N12 O16P -112.0793; 13.574; 15.0188
83.485; 84.65; 86.793
2433.42Zhu, Guang Yuan; Meng, Miao; Tan, Ying Ning; Xiao, Xuan; Liu, Chun Y.
Electronic Coupling between Two Covalently Bonded Dimolybdenum Units Bridged by a Naphthalene Group.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6315-6322
7055279 CIFC104 H100 F12 Ir4 N12 O16 S4P 1 21/n 114.964; 24.495; 15.987
90; 109.982; 90
5507Yu, Wei-Bin; He, Qing-Ya; Shi, Hua-Tian; Wei, Xianwen
Heterogeneous catalysis of water oxidation supported by a novel metallamacrocycle
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2354
7055280 CIFC104 H100 F12 N12 O16 Rh4 S4P 1 21/n 114.94; 24.403; 15.917
90; 109.611; 90
5466Yu, Wei-Bin; He, Qing-Ya; Shi, Hua-Tian; Wei, Xianwen
Heterogeneous catalysis of water oxidation supported by a novel metallamacrocycle
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2354
4348152 CIFC104 H102 Cl4 Mo4 N12 O14 S2P -112.4999; 14.1504; 15.5088
105.374; 98.551; 96.329
2583.19Zhu, Guang Yuan; Meng, Miao; Tan, Ying Ning; Xiao, Xuan; Liu, Chun Y.
Electronic Coupling between Two Covalently Bonded Dimolybdenum Units Bridged by a Naphthalene Group.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6315-6322
4349482 CIFC104 H104 Cl8 Lu N16 O8C 1 2/c 136.9471; 18.5389; 14.4165
90; 97.532; 90
9789.5Cao, Wei; Wang, Kang; Ledoux-Rak, Isabelle; Jiang, Jianzhuang
ABAB-type phthalocyanines simultaneously bearing electron donating and electron accepting groups. Synthesis, spectroscopy, and structure
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3, 1146
4347789 CIFC104 H109 N9 O40 Pt40P -115.778; 16.481; 28.555
81.061; 81.175; 89.248
7247.9Cattabriga, Enrico; Ciabatti, Iacopo; Femoni, Cristina; Funaioli, Tiziana; Iapalucci, Maria Carmela; Zacchini, Stefano
Syntheses, Structures, and Electrochemistry of the Defective ccp [Pt33(CO)38](2-) and the bcc [Pt40(CO)40](6-) Molecular Nanoclusters.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6068-6079
7040358 CIFC104 H110 Cu4 O S8P -113.6538; 15.0404; 24.7778
87.064; 82.366; 66.76
4634.02Rungthanaphatsophon, Pokpong; Barnes, Charles L.; Walensky, Justin R.
Copper(i) clusters with bulky dithiocarboxylate, thiolate, and selenolate ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 14265-14276
4513729 CIFC104 H132 Cl2 Cr4 Li8 Ni O28P -114.41; 15.24; 17.062
65.919; 76.997; 72.015
3232.5Crochet, Aurélien; Brog, Jean-Pierre; Fromm, Katharina M.
Mixed Metal Multinuclear Cr(III) Cage Compounds and Coordination Polymers Based on Unsubstituted Phenolate: Design, Synthesis, Mechanism, and Properties
Crystal Growth & Design, 2016, 16, 189
1547986 CIFC104 H148 Mo2 N8 O17 SP 1 21 19.9398; 30.471; 17.5604
90; 97.837; 90
5268.9Lili Zong; Chao Wang; Adhitya Mangala Putra Moeljadi; Xinyi Ye; Rakesh Ganguly; Yongxin Li; Hajime Hirao; Choon-Hong Tan
Bisguanidinium dinuclear oxodiperoxomolybdosulfate ion pair-catalyzed enantioselective sulfoxidation
Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 13455
4088928 CIFC104 H150 Ca2 N6 Si4P -116.3967; 16.426; 21.1559
110.503; 102.618; 100.022
5008.65Causero, Andrea; Ballmann, Gerd; Pahl, Jürgen; Zijlstra, Harmen; Färber, Christian; Harder, Sjoerd
Stabilization of Calcium Hydride Complexes by Fine Tuning of Amidinate Ligands
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 3350
4348360 CIFC104 H228 N16 O54 P12 Y4P -114.29; 16.5673; 18.7158
116.106; 94.895; 104.175
3761.66Le Fur, Mariane; Beyler, Maryline; Lepareur, Nicolas; Fougère, Olivier; Platas-Iglesias, Carlos; Rousseaux, Olivier; Tripier, Raphaël
Pyclen Tri-n-butylphosphonate Ester as Potential Chelator for Targeted Radiotherapy: From Yttrium(III) Complexation to (90)Y Radiolabeling.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 8003-8012
7226629 CIFC104 H66 Cd6 Mg6 N2 O57C 1 2/c 118.5166; 29.4652; 16.385
90; 119.388; 90
7789.2Wang, Kangcai; Liu, Tianlin; Liu, Yuji; Tian, Xin; Sun, Jie; Zhang, Qinghua
Fluorescent heterometallic MOFs: tunable framework charges and application for explosives detection
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8301
7226626 CIFC104 H66 Cd6 N2 Na6 O51C 1 2/c 118.4148; 29.5574; 16.3155
90; 119.269; 90
7746.7Wang, Kangcai; Liu, Tianlin; Liu, Yuji; Tian, Xin; Sun, Jie; Zhang, Qinghua
Fluorescent heterometallic MOFs: tunable framework charges and application for explosives detection
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 8301
7055205 CIFC104 H68 N16 O20 Zn4C 1 2/c 123.2393; 25.042; 53.544
90; 94.148; 90
31079Yao, Wan-Ting; Luo, Ming-Biao; Feng, Xue-Feng; Meng, Pan-Pan; Gong, Le-Le; Luo, Feng
Construction of structural diversity and fine-tuned porosity in acylamide MOFs by a synthetic approach
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 2021
1561456 CIFC104 H76 N12 O22 Zn4P 1 2/n 114.585; 12.639; 26.214
90; 104.592; 90
4676Cheng, Yue; Yang, Meng-Lin; Hu, Huai-Ming; Xu, Bing; Wang, Xiaofang; Xue, Ganglin
Syntheses, structures and luminescence for zinc coordination polymers based on a multifunctional 4′-(3-carboxyphenyl)- 3,2′:6′,3″-terpyridine ligand
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 239, 121-130
7225099 CIFC104 H80 Dy2 N4 O14P -113.192; 13.5237; 14.1426
85.88; 89.094; 63.263
2247.1Sun, Ou; Chen, Peng; Li, Hong-Feng; Gao, Ting; Sun, Wen-Bin; Li, Guang-Ming; Yan, Peng-Fei
A series of dinuclear lanthanide(iii) complexes constructed from Schiff base and β-diketonate ligands: synthesis, structure, luminescence and SMM behavior
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4627
7225097 CIFC104 H80 Eu2 N4 O14P -113.2476; 13.6218; 14.1692
85.747; 88.605; 63.083
2273.51Sun, Ou; Chen, Peng; Li, Hong-Feng; Gao, Ting; Sun, Wen-Bin; Li, Guang-Ming; Yan, Peng-Fei
A series of dinuclear lanthanide(iii) complexes constructed from Schiff base and β-diketonate ligands: synthesis, structure, luminescence and SMM behavior
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4627
7225100 CIFC104 H80 Gd2 N4 O14P -113.2572; 13.5997; 14.1795
85.809; 88.882; 63.111
2273.7Sun, Ou; Chen, Peng; Li, Hong-Feng; Gao, Ting; Sun, Wen-Bin; Li, Guang-Ming; Yan, Peng-Fei
A series of dinuclear lanthanide(iii) complexes constructed from Schiff base and β-diketonate ligands: synthesis, structure, luminescence and SMM behavior
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4627
7225098 CIFC104 H80 N4 O14 Sm2P -113.2798; 13.6291; 14.1655
85.823; 88.506; 63.048
2279.23Sun, Ou; Chen, Peng; Li, Hong-Feng; Gao, Ting; Sun, Wen-Bin; Li, Guang-Ming; Yan, Peng-Fei
A series of dinuclear lanthanide(iii) complexes constructed from Schiff base and β-diketonate ligands: synthesis, structure, luminescence and SMM behavior
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4627
7225096 CIFC104 H80 N4 O14 Yb2P -113.1709; 13.5041; 14.1929
85.631; 89.267; 63.403
2250.03Sun, Ou; Chen, Peng; Li, Hong-Feng; Gao, Ting; Sun, Wen-Bin; Li, Guang-Ming; Yan, Peng-Fei
A series of dinuclear lanthanide(iii) complexes constructed from Schiff base and β-diketonate ligands: synthesis, structure, luminescence and SMM behavior
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4627
4347551 CIFC104 H81.4 N8 Ni4 O14.43 S8P -114.0785; 14.2423; 27.2243
76.5; 88.452; 74.831
5119.6Raj, Pushap; Singh, Amanpreet; Kaur, Kamalpreet; Aree, Thammarat; Singh, Ajnesh; Singh, Narinder
Fluorescent Chemosensors for Selective and Sensitive Detection of Phosmet/Chlorpyrifos with Octahedral Ni(2+) Complexes.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 4874-4883
4347123 CIFC104 H84 Br4 F24 Fe4 N28 O4 P4P 1 21 114.1679; 27.6422; 28.2611
90; 90.295; 90
11067.8Steinert, Markus; Schneider, Benjamin; Dechert, Sebastian; Demeshko, Serhiy; Meyer, Franc
Spin-State Versatility in a Series of Fe4 [2 ×2] Grid Complexes: Effects of Counteranions, Lattice Solvent, and Intramolecular Cooperativity.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 2363-2373
4347126 CIFC104 H84 Br8 Fe4 N28 O6I -420.1962; 20.1962; 25.0077
90; 90; 90
10200.3Steinert, Markus; Schneider, Benjamin; Dechert, Sebastian; Demeshko, Serhiy; Meyer, Franc
Spin-State Versatility in a Series of Fe4 [2 ×2] Grid Complexes: Effects of Counteranions, Lattice Solvent, and Intramolecular Cooperativity.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 2363-2373
7236339 CIFC104 H88 N24 O20 Zn4P -115.014; 18.539; 19.763
89.57; 78.43; 70.48
5069Jeoung, Sungeun; Sahgong, Sun Hye; Kim, Jae Hyung; Hwang, Soo Min; Kim, Youngsik; Moon, Hoi Ri
Upcycling of nonporous coordination polymers: controllable-conversion toward porosity-tuned N-doped carbons and their electrocatalytic activity in seawater batteries
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 13468
7039713 CIFC104 H89 F8 Ir2 N20 O7.5P -111.7521; 12.3798; 34.4727
86.249; 85.957; 71.791
4747.4Saad, Suad T.; Metherell, Alexander J.; Baggaley, Elizabeth; Ward, Michael D.
Synthesis and photophysical properties of Ir(iii)/Re(i) dyads: control of Ir→Re photoinduced energy transfer.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11568-11579
1555865 CIFC104 H92 B4 F8 N8 O4I -422.2417; 22.2417; 12.1892
90; 90; 90
6029.9Uchida, Junji; Nakamura, Takashi; Yamamura, Masaki; Yamaguchi, Gento; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
m-Phenylene-Linked Dipyrrins and Their Boron-Difluoride Complexes as Variously Shaped Macrocyclic Oligomers.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5380-5383
7124961 CIFC104 H92 Br8 Cl2 N4 OP -110.9254; 13.4449; 15.8457
95.9; 100.524; 95.947
2258.4Krzeszewski, Maciej; Swider, Paweł; Dobrzycki, Łukasz; Cyrański, Michał K; Danikiewicz, Witold; Gryko, Daniel T.
The role of steric hindrance in the intramolecular oxidative aromatic coupling of pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrroles.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 11539-11542
7039387 CIFC104 H96 Ag4 Fe4 I4 N4 O6 P4C 1 2/c 132.5006; 12.0171; 26.2756
90; 97.249; 90
10180.3Škoch, Karel; Uhlík, Filip; Císařová, Ivana; Štěpnička, Petr
Silver(i) complexes with 1'-(diphenylphosphino)-1-cyanoferrocene: the art of improvisation in coordination.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10655-10671
1555862 CIFC104 H96 N8 O4C 1 2/c 150.36; 16.491; 26.798
90; 119.019; 90
19461Uchida, Junji; Nakamura, Takashi; Yamamura, Masaki; Yamaguchi, Gento; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
m-Phenylene-Linked Dipyrrins and Their Boron-Difluoride Complexes as Variously Shaped Macrocyclic Oligomers.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5380-5383
1540659 CIFC104.2 H58 F20 N8 O1.45 S4C 1 2/c 156.36; 9.525; 42.145
90; 119.716; 90
19649Oh, Juwon; Mori, Hirotaka; Sung, Young Mo; Kim, Woojae; Osuka, Atsuhiro; Kim, Dongho
Switchable π-electronic network of bis(α-oligothienyl)-substituted hexaphyrins between helical versus rectangular circuit
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 2239
4347967 CIFC104.46 Cl24C 1 2/c 123.306; 12.322; 27.987
90; 113.423; 90
7374.9Wang, Song; Yang, Shangfeng; Kemnitz, Erhard; Troyanov, Sergey I.
New Giant Fullerenes Identified as Chloro Derivatives: Isolated-Pentagon-Rule C108(1771)Cl12 and C106(1155)Cl24 as well as Nonclassical C104Cl24.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5741-5743
7225524 CIFC105 H103 Gd6 N5 O68P -110.9788; 15.8121; 20.9085
108.914; 91.05; 106.141
3274.8Tan, Qinghua; wang, yan-qin; Guo, Xiao Yu; Liu, Hou-Ting; Liu, Zhiliang
A gadolinium MOF acting as a multi-responsive and highly selective luminescent sensor for detecting o-, m- , p-nitrophenol and Fe3+ ions in aqueous phase
RSC Adv., 2016
7124673 CIFC105 H105 N5P b c a32.7165; 16.1948; 39.103
90; 90; 90
20718.2Qiao, Bo; Anderson, Joseph R.; Pink, Maren; Flood, Amar H.
Size-matched recognition of large anions by cyanostar macrocycles is saved when solvent-bias is avoided.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 8683-8686
7118719 CIFC105 H109.5 N21 O21 S0.5P 1 21/c 134.596; 23.529; 32.903
90; 113.63; 90
24538Chandramouli, Nagula; Ferrand, Yann; Kauffmann, Brice; Huc, Ivan
Citric acid encapsulation by a double helical foldamer in competitive solvents.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 3939-3942
7038677 CIFC105 H136 N7 Y3C 1 2/c 159.812; 15.628; 23.955
90; 106.042; 90
21520Hong, Jianquan; Li, Zhenhua; Chen, Zhening; Weng, Linhong; Zhou, Xigeng; Zhang, Lixin
Small molecule activation by mixed methyl/methylidene rare earth metal complexes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 6641-6649
4125204 CIFC105 H141 Fe3 K N10 O6P -113.9066; 18.4465; 20.5506
89.068; 71.963; 81.667
4957.5MacLeod, K. Cory; Menges, Fabian S.; McWilliams, Sean F.; Craig, Stephanie M.; Mercado, Brandon Q.; Johnson, Mark A.; Holland, Patrick L.
Alkali-Controlled C-H Cleavage or N-C Bond Formation by N2-Derived Iron Nitrides and Imides.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 11185-11191
7118990 CIFC105 H143 K2 N12 O37 PP -116.775; 19.152; 20.418
93.782; 113.688; 106.847
5623.4Liguo Ji; Zaiwen Yang; Yanxia Zhao; Meng Sun; Liping Cao; Xiao-Juan Yang; Yao-Yu Wang; Biao Wu
Sandwich phosphate complexes of macrocyclic tris(urea) ligands and their rotation around the anion
Chem.Commun., 2016, 52, 7310
7119172 CIFC105 H69 Cd3 F9 N15 O24 Re3R 3 c :H18.6042; 18.6042; 51.5285
90; 90; 120
15445.4Thirumurugan Prakasam; Rana A. Bilbeisi; Matteo Lusi; John-Carl Olsen; Carlos Platas-Iglesias; Ali Trabolsi
Post-synthetic modifications of cadmium-based knots and links
Chem.Commun., 2016, 52, 7398
4347855 CIFC105 H90 N8 Ni5 O28 Sm2P 1 21/c 117.327; 14.386; 47.92
90; 97.977; 90
11829Griffiths, Kieran; Kumar, Prashant; Mattock, James D.; Abdul-Sada, Alaa; Pitak, Mateusz B.; Coles, Simon J.; Navarro, Oscar; Vargas, Alfredo; Kostakis, George E.
Efficient Ni(II)2Ln(III)2 Electrocyclization Catalysts for the Synthesis of trans-4,5-Diaminocyclopent-2-enones from 2-Furaldehyde and Primary or Secondary Amines.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6988-6994
4347411 CIFC105 H96 B6 Br2 N12 O4 Ru2P -112.1544; 12.3906; 15.7667
96.766; 94.743; 94.685
2339.81Jeong, So Yi; Lalancette, Roger A.; Lin, Huina; Lupinska, Patrycja; Shipman, Patrick O.; John, Alexandra; Sheridan, John B.; Jäkle, Frieder
"Third-Generation"-Type Functional Tris(2-pyridyl)borate Ligands and Their Transition-Metal Complexes.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3605-3615
7038795 CIFC106 H108 Li N5 O4 P5 Pt YC 1 c 123.628; 14.886; 28.196
90; 107.47; 90
9460Völcker, Franziska; Roesky, Peter W.
Bimetallic rare-earth/platinum complexes ligated by phosphinoamides.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9429-9435
4088814 CIFC106 H112 N2 O4 P4 RuP -112.3676; 12.9676; 13.9333
83.888; 83.489; 80.585
2181.4Al-Owaedi, Oday A.; Milan, David C.; Oerthel, Marie-Christine; Bock, Sören; Yufit, Dmitry S.; Howard, Judith A. K.; Higgins, Simon J.; Nichols, Richard J.; Lambert, Colin J.; Bryce, Martin R.; Low, Paul J.
Experimental and Computational Studies of the Single-Molecule Conductance of Ru(II) and Pt(II) trans-Bis(acetylide) Complexes
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2944
7055859 CIFC106 H114 Cu6 N24 O29P 1 21/c 112.4393; 20.3403; 22.337
90; 102.641; 90
5514.7Cheng, Meiling; Sun, Lin; Han, Wei; Wang, Shen; Liu, Qi; Sun, Xiaoqiang; Xi, Haitao
Effect of N ancillary ligands on the structure, nuclearity and magnetic behavior of Cu(ii)‒pyrazolecarboxylate complexes
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 10504
4088780 CIFC106 H118 O8 Yb2P -114.3236; 14.5716; 21.9673
94.204; 106.481; 90.454
4382.8Selikhov, Alexander N.; Mahrova, Tatyana V.; Cherkasov, Anton V.; Fukin, Georgy K.; Kirillov, Evgueni; Alvarez Lamsfus, Carlos; Maron, Laurent; Trifonov, Alexander A.
Yb(II) Triple-Decker Complex with the μ-Bridging Naphthalene Dianion [CpBn5Yb(DME)]2(μ-η4:η4-C10H8). Oxidative Substitution of [C10H8]2‒ by 1,4-Diphenylbuta-1,3-diene and P4 and Protonolysis of the Yb‒C10H8 Bond by PhPH2
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2401
7223509 CIFC106 H122 Cl2 Dy2 N10 Ni2 O28P 1 21/c 115.0768; 20.6499; 17.8256
90; 103.01; 90
5407.3Griffiths, Kieran; Dokorou, Vassiliki N.; Spencer, John; Abdul-Sada, Alaa; Vargas, Alfredo; Kostakis, George E.
Isoskeletal Schiff base polynuclear coordination clusters: synthetic and theoretical aspects
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 704
7118295 CIFC106 H135 Fe6 N6 O50 Tb3C 1 2/c 129.189; 26.117; 20.479
90; 124.572; 90
12855Kühne, Irina A; Mereacre, Valeriu; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Nine members of a family of nine-membered cyclic coordination clusters; Fe6Ln3 wheels (Ln = Gd to Lu and Y).
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1021-1024
7038680 CIFC106 H137 Lu3 N6P -118.234; 18.459; 22.201
78.852; 81.612; 60.927
6396Hong, Jianquan; Li, Zhenhua; Chen, Zhening; Weng, Linhong; Zhou, Xigeng; Zhang, Lixin
Small molecule activation by mixed methyl/methylidene rare earth metal complexes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 6641-6649
4348858 CIFC106 H152 K2 N6 O8P n a 2131.969; 10.512; 29.754
90; 90; 90
9999Zhong, Fei; Yang, Xiaodong; Shen, Lingyi; Zhao, Yanxia; Ma, Hongwei; Wu, Biao; Yang, Xiao-Juan
Multinuclear Alkali Metal Complexes of a Triphenylene-Based Hexamine and the Transmetalation to Tris(N-heterocyclic tetrylenes) (Ge, Sn, Pb).
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 9112-9120
1543194 CIFC106 H210 Gd7 N8 O45P -6 2 c16.9152; 16.9152; 31.3646
90; 90; 120
7771.9Pineda, Eufemio Moreno; Lorusso, Giulia; Zangana, Karzan H.; Palacios, Elias; Schnack, Jürgen; Evangelisti, Marco; Winpenny, Richard E. P.; McInnes, Eric J. L.
Observation of the influence of dipolar and spin frustration effects on the magnetocaloric properties of a trigonal prismatic {Gd7} molecular nanomagnet
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 4891
4131203 CIFC106 H22 Cl4C 1 2/c 144.997; 11.379; 22.258
90; 95.284; 90
11348Yamada, Michio; Tanabe, Yukiko; Dang, Jing-Shuang; Sato, Satoru; Mizorogi, Naomi; Hachiya, Makoto; Suzuki, Mitsuaki; Abe, Tsuneyuki; Kurihara, Hiroki; Maeda, Yutaka; Zhao, Xiang; Lian, Yongfu; Nagase, Shigeru; Akasaka, Takeshi
D<sub>2d</sub>(23)-C<sub>84</sub> versus Sc<sub>2</sub>C<sub>2</sub>@D<sub>2d</sub>(23)-C<sub>84</sub>: Impact of Endohedral Sc<sub>2</sub>C<sub>2</sub> Doping on Chemical Reactivity in the Photolysis of Diazirine.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 16523-16532
7124758 CIFC106 H56 N6 O2P -116.792; 19.978; 23.171
102.93; 101.11; 112.55
6654Burgun, Alexandre; Valente, Peter; Evans, Jack D.; Huang, David M.; Sumby, Christopher J.; Doonan, Christian J.
Endohedrally functionalised porous organic cages.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 8850-8853
7224357 CIFC106 H60 Cl12 N16 O16P c c n13.8337; 19.0181; 19.0737
90; 90; 90
5018.11Mocilac, P.; Gallagher, J. F.
Halogenated tennimides and trezimides: impact of halogen bonding and solvent role on porous network formation and inclusion
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2375
4130177 CIFC106 H70 N26 O24 S3 Zn9.5C m c e26.0154; 70.791; 43.7088
90; 90; 90
80497Qin, Jun-Sheng; Du, Dong-Ying; Li, Mian; Lian, Xi-Zhen; Dong, Long-Zhang; Bosch, Mathieu; Su, Zhong-Min; Zhang, Qiang; Li, Shun-Li; Lan, Ya-Qian; Yuan, Shuai; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Derivation and Decoration of Nets with Trigonal-Prismatic Nodes: A Unique Route to Reticular Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 5299-5307
7124756 CIFC106 H74.5 B3.5 F13.88 I0.5 N21 O4 Pd2C 1 2/c 142.9184; 20.7337; 28.9827
90; 125.086; 90
21104.1Li, Yu-Hao; Jiang, Ji-Jun; Fan, Yan-Zhong; Wei, Zhang-Wen; Chen, Cheng-Xia; Yu, Hui-Juan; Zheng, Shao-Ping; Fenske, Dieter; Su, Cheng-Yong; Barboiu, Mihail
Solvent- and anion-induced interconversions of metal-organic cages.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 8745-8748
7041068 CIFC106 H94 B2 Ce2 K2 N20 O2P -111.1309; 13.3627; 19.9803
107.04; 103.868; 97.317
2695.3Armstrong, Keith C.; Hohloch, Stephan; Lohrey, Trevor D.; Zarkesh, Ryan A.; Arnold, John; Anstey, Mitchell R.
Control of clustering behavior in anionic cerium(iii) corrole complexes: from oligomers to monomers.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 18653-18660
1534394 CIFC106 H97 Cl21 F12 N6 O6 P2P -111.354; 17.925; 30.835
103.44; 93.42; 103.76
5884Wang, Han-Xiao; Meng, Zheng; Xiang, Jun-Feng; Xia, Yu-Xiang; Sun, Yihua; Hu, Shu-Zhen; Chen, Hui; Yao, Jiannian; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Guest-dependent directional complexation based on triptycene derived oxacalixarene: formation of oriented rotaxanes
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 469
4032069 CIFC106.5 H214.5 N4.5 O91.5P 115.3495; 15.391; 17.9894
113.338; 99.5367; 102.721
3651.5Koyanagi, Kohei; Takashima, Yoshinori; Nakamura, Takashi; Yamaguchi, Hiroyasu; Harada, Akira
Radical polymerization by a supramolecular catalyst: cyclodextrin with a RAFT reagent
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, 12, 2495
7124777 CIFC106.5 H221.5 N8.5 O100.5 S4 V24I -421.848; 21.848; 19.081
90; 90; 90
9108Zhang, Yu-Teng; Wang, Xin-Long; Li, Shuang-Bao; Gong, Ya-Ru; Song, Bai-Qiao; Shao, Kui-Zhan; Su, Zhong-Min
Anderson-like alkoxo-polyoxovanadate clusters serving as unprecedented second building units to construct metal-organic polyhedra.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 9632-9635
7118302 CIFC107 H125 Cl6 Fe6 Gd3 N6 O47P 1 21/n 123.721; 20.6579; 26.078
90; 100.61; 90
12560.4Kühne, Irina A; Mereacre, Valeriu; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Nine members of a family of nine-membered cyclic coordination clusters; Fe6Ln3 wheels (Ln = Gd to Lu and Y).
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1021-1024
7223617 CIFC107 H135 N4 O23P -111.929; 12.698; 17.705
76.17; 75.84; 84.38
2522.8Puttreddy, Rakesh; Beyeh, Ngong Kodiah; Rissanen, Kari
Inclusion complexes of Cethyl-2-methylresorcinarene and pyridine N-oxides: breaking the C‒I⋯−O‒N+halogen bond by host‒guest complexation
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 793
4349208 CIFC107 H78 Au8 N8 OI 1 2/a 114.2069; 22.8755; 14.8349
90; 95.445; 90
4799.4Seki, Tomohiro; Jin, Mingoo; Ito, Hajime
Introduction of a Biphenyl Moiety for a Solvent-Responsive Aryl Gold(I) Isocyanide Complex with Mechanical Reactivation.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 12309-12320
7040688 CIFC107 H85 F6 Ir N10 P ZnP -110.986; 20.26; 22.532
90.852; 95.52; 90.267
4991Rota Martir, Diego; Hedley, Gordon J.; Cordes, David B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Escudero, Daniel; Jacquemin, Denis; Kosikova, Tamara; Philp, Douglas; Dawson, Daniel M.; Ashbrook, Sharon E.; Samuel, Ifor D. W.; Zysman-Colman, Eli
Exploring the self-assembly and energy transfer of dynamic supramolecular iridium-porphyrin systems.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 17195-17205
4347582 CIFC107 H86 Cl8 F12 N10 O P4 Ru2P -113.9152; 14.757; 15.9237
116.342; 94.334; 105.274
2755.9Chang, Stephanie W.; Lewis, Andrew R.; Prosser, Kathleen E.; Thompson, John R.; Gladkikh, Margarita; Bally, Marcel B.; Warren, Jeffrey J.; Walsby, Charles J.
CF3 Derivatives of the Anticancer Ru(III) Complexes KP1019, NKP-1339, and Their Imidazole and Pyridine Analogues Show Enhanced Lipophilicity, Albumin Interactions, and Cytotoxicity.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 4850-4863
7234876 CIFC107 H88 Au2 Cl8 N2 O8 P6 Pt S2P -112.7978; 14.9854; 16.8833
84.385; 74.318; 70.229
2933.52Xian-Chong Zeng; Jin-Yun Wang; Liang-Jin Xu; Hui-Min Wen; Zhong-Ning Chen
Solution-processed OLEDs based on phosphorescent PtAu2 complexes with phenothiazine-functionalized acetylides
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 6096-6103
4130477 CIFC107 La2 S6P 1 21/n 112.3918; 23.9814; 18.4258
90; 95.529; 90
5450.2Cai, Wenting; Li, Fang-Fang; Bao, Lipiao; Xie, Yunpeng; Lu, Xing
Isolation and Crystallographic Characterization of La2C2@Cs(574)-C102 and La2C2@C2(816)-C104: Evidence for the Top-Down Formation Mechanism of Fullerenes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 6670-6675
7224460 CIFC107.5 H109 Cu F12 N8 O10.5 P2P -120.1608; 22.3481; 25.738
71.678; 67.478; 86.691
10142.9Meyer, Andreas; Abdullin, Dinar; Schnakenburg, Gregor; Schiemann, Olav
Single and double nitroxide labeled bis(terpyridine)-copper(ii): influence of orientation selectivity and multispin effects on PELDOR and RIDME.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 9262-9271
7039383 CIFC107.5 H129 Ba2 Cl7 Mn4 N30 O26 S12P -117.382; 22.19; 22.462
108.26; 97.94; 93.57
8097.1Nguyen, H. H.; Jegathesh, J. J.; Takiden, A.; Hauenstein, D.; Pham, C. T.; Le, C. D.; Abram, U.
2,6-Dipicolinoylbis(N,N-dialkylthioureas) as versatile building blocks for oligo- and polynuclear architectures.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 10771-10779
4347966 CIFC108 Cl12P -111.381; 14.734; 20.5
71.256; 74.043; 70.057
3006.8Wang, Song; Yang, Shangfeng; Kemnitz, Erhard; Troyanov, Sergey I.
New Giant Fullerenes Identified as Chloro Derivatives: Isolated-Pentagon-Rule C108(1771)Cl12 and C106(1155)Cl24 as well as Nonclassical C104Cl24.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 5741-5743
4131012 CIFC108 H102 Ag4 N2 P4P b c a19.6169; 27.203; 37.155
90; 90; 90
19827Hau, Sam C. K.; Yeung, Margaret C.-L.; Yam, Vivian W.-W.; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Assembly of Heterometallic Silver(I)-Copper(I) Alkyl-1,3-diynyl Clusters via Inner-Core Expansion.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 13732-13739
1555713 CIFC108 H103 N9 O6 SP 1 21/c 120.026; 36.681; 14.516
90; 110.35; 90
9998Jeon, Hae-Geun; Jang, Han Bit; Kang, Philjae; Choi, Ye Rin; Kim, Junyoung; Lee, Ji Hyun; Choi, Moon-Gun; Jeong, Kyu-Sung
Helical Aromatic Foldamers Functioning as a Fluorescence Turn-on Probe for Anions.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4404-4407
4129991 CIFC108 H112 Cl6 O6P -115.7254; 16.3; 19.7644
88.0843; 73.1877; 70.5165
4560.7Hu, Pan; Lee, Sangsu; Herng, Tun Seng; Aratani, Naoki; Gonçalves, Théo P; Qi, Qingbiao; Shi, Xueliang; Yamada, Hiroko; Huang, Kuo-Wei; Ding, Jun; Kim, Dongho; Wu, Jishan
Toward Tetraradicaloid: The Effect of Fusion Mode on Radical Character and Chemical Reactivity.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 1065-1077
4130141 CIFC108 H122 B2 N4 O14C 1 2/c 114.485; 32.392; 20.582
90; 103.16; 90
9403Suzuki, Yoshimasa; Nakamura, Taiki; Iida, Hiroki; Ousaka, Naoki; Yashima, Eiji
Allosteric Regulation of Unidirectional Spring-like Motion of Double-Stranded Helicates.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4852-4859
4130214 CIFC108 H126 Al2 O4.5 P4 Pt2P -112.5062; 18.9753; 21.519
97.69; 92.244; 108.259
4788Devillard, Marc; Declercq, Richard; Nicolas, Emmanuel; Ehlers, Andreas W.; Backs, Jana; Saffon-Merceron, Nathalie; Bouhadir, Ghenwa; Slootweg, J. Chris; Uhl, Werner; Bourissou, Didier
A Significant but Constrained Geometry Pt→Al Interaction: Fixation of CO2 and CS2, Activation of H2 and PhCONH2.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4917-4926
7226375 CIFC108 H128 Dy4 N24 O41P -113.6605; 15.0103; 18.5345
69.051; 71.145; 65.014
3149.9Xiao, Peng; Wang, Ping; Fan, Ruiqing; Du, Xi; Chen, Wei; Zhang, Huijie; Song, Yang; Yang, Yulin
Lanthanide MOFs Constructed Based on a Difunctional Ligand with Bimodal Emission and Eu3+ doped Dy3+ Materials: White Emission and Color Tuning.
RSC Adv., 2016
4344685 CIFC108 H136 B4 Co5 N42P -4 21 c17.4852; 17.4852; 19.1052
90; 90; 90
5841.1Werner, Tamas W.; Reschke, Stephan; Bunzen, Hana; von Nidda, Hans-Albrecht Krug; Deisenhofer, Joachim; Loidl, Alois; Volkmer, Dirk
[Co5Tp*4(Me2bta)6]: A Highly Symmetrical Pentanuclear Kuratowski Complex Featuring Tris(pyrazolyl)borate and Benzotriazolate Ligands.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1053-1060
7038903 CIFC108 H136 Dy6 N18 O58 Zn6P n m a26.6656; 19.1031; 31.7191
90; 90; 90
16157.6Song, Xue-Qin; Liu, Pan-Pan; Liu, Yuan-Ang; Zhou, Jing-Jing; Wang, Xiao-Long
Two dodecanuclear heterometallic [Zn6Ln6] clusters constructed by a multidentate salicylamide salen-like ligand: synthesis, structure, luminescence and magnetic properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8154-8163
7038902 CIFC108 H136 Eu6 N18 O58 Zn6P n m a26.7651; 19.1607; 31.6947
90; 90; 90
16254.2Song, Xue-Qin; Liu, Pan-Pan; Liu, Yuan-Ang; Zhou, Jing-Jing; Wang, Xiao-Long
Two dodecanuclear heterometallic [Zn6Ln6] clusters constructed by a multidentate salicylamide salen-like ligand: synthesis, structure, luminescence and magnetic properties.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8154-8163
4349058 CIFC108 H138 Co4 N16 O27 S12 Sr2P 1 21/c 129.583; 16.185; 25.822
90; 95.585; 90
12305Wallen, Christian M.; Wielizcko, Marika; Bacsa, John; Scarborough, Christopher C.
Heterotrimetallic sandwich complexes supported by sulfonamido ligands
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3, 142
7118298 CIFC108 H139 Fe6 N6 O50 Tm3C 1 2/c 129.069; 25.935; 20.683
90; 124.822; 90
12801Kühne, Irina A; Mereacre, Valeriu; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Nine members of a family of nine-membered cyclic coordination clusters; Fe6Ln3 wheels (Ln = Gd to Lu and Y).
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1021-1024
7118301 CIFC108 H139 Fe6 N6 O50 Y3C 1 2/c 129.172; 25.835; 20.884
90; 125.552; 90
12805Kühne, Irina A; Mereacre, Valeriu; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Nine members of a family of nine-membered cyclic coordination clusters; Fe6Ln3 wheels (Ln = Gd to Lu and Y).
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1021-1024
4125011 CIFC108 H144 N8 Sn10.81P 1 21/c 124.6958; 14.9348; 33.1882
90; 94.4855; 90
12203.2Protchenko, Andrey V.; Bates, Joshua I.; Saleh, Liban M. A.; Blake, Matthew P.; Schwarz, Andrew D.; Kolychev, Eugene L.; Thompson, Amber L.; Jones, Cameron; Mountford, Philip; Aldridge, Simon
Enabling and Probing Oxidative Addition and Reductive Elimination at a Group 14 Metal Center: Cleavage and Functionalization of E-H Bonds by a Bis(boryl)stannylene.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 4555-4564
7224120 CIFC108 H150 Ag6 N30 O21I 4124.5154; 24.5154; 76.118
90; 90; 90
45747Abu-Youssef, M. A. M.; Soliman, S. M.; Sharaf, M. M.; Albering, J. H.; Öhrström, L.
Topology analysis reveals supramolecular organisation of 96 large complex ions into one geometrical object
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1883
4130902 CIFC108 H156 K2 O16 Si2P 1 21/c 114.2971; 31.786; 13.0756
90; 94.512; 90
5923.8Rudebusch, Gabriel E.; Espejo, Guzmán L; Zafra, José L; Peña-Alvarez, Miriam; Spisak, Sarah N.; Fukuda, Kotaro; Wei, Zheng; Nakano, Masayoshi; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Casado, Juan; Haley, Michael M.
A Biradical Balancing Act: Redox Amphoterism in a Diindenoanthracene Derivative Results from Quinoidal Acceptor and Aromatic Donor Motifs.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12648-12654
7125060 CIFC108 H166 N55 O59.5 Pd8 Si4P 1 21/n 124.8071; 18.2127; 40.556
90; 96.472; 90
18207Wang, Shitao; Sawada, Tomohisa; Fujita, Makoto
Capsule-bowl conversion triggered by a guest reaction.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 11653-11656
4347469 CIFC108 H231 Cu28 F6 N12 P S24P -115.3196; 15.5413; 20.7294
106.163; 107.877; 94.706
4435.1Kishore, Pilli V. V. N.; Liao, Jian-Hong; Hou, Hsing-Nan; Lin, Yan-Ru; Liu, C. W.
Ferrocene-Functionalized Cu(I)/Ag(I) Dithiocarbamate Clusters.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3663-3673
4347328 CIFC108 H34 Cd7 N24 O52P -4 21 c32.9676; 32.9676; 26.6956
90; 90; 90
29014.5Wang, Xu-Sheng; Liang, Jun; Li, Lan; Lin, Zu-Jin; Bag, Partha Pratim; Gao, Shui-Ying; Huang, Yuan-Biao; Cao, Rong
An Anion Metal-Organic Framework with Lewis Basic Sites-Rich toward Charge-Exclusive Cationic Dyes Separation and Size-Selective Catalytic Reaction.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 2641-2649
7118595 CIFC108 H48 In3 N12 O24F m -3 m43.645; 43.645; 43.645
90; 90; 90
83139Wang, Xuan; Lu, Weigang; Gu, Zhi-Yuan; Wei, Zhangwen; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Topology-guided design of an anionic bor-network for photocatalytic [Ru(bpy)3](2+) encapsulation.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1926-1929
7040047 CIFC108 H72 Au6 Cl18 F12 O2 P8P -115.019; 15.422; 15.667
74.16; 64.13; 64.2
2924.2Nagashima, Eri; Yoshida, Takuya; Matsunaga, Satoshi; Nomiya, Kenji
The effect of counteranions on the molecular structures of phosphanegold(i) cluster cations formed by polyoxometalate (POM)-mediated clusterization.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 13565-13575
7225057 CIFC108 H80 Er4 N12 O24P 43 21 28.2486; 8.2486; 65.782
90; 90; 90
4475.8Xu, Bing; Cheng, Yue; Hu, Huai-Ming; Bai, Chao; Wang, Xiaofang; Yang, Meng-Lin; Xue, Ganglin
Syntheses, crystal structures and luminescence properties of lanthanide-based coordination polymers constructed from a functionalized terpyridyl carboxylate ligand
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 4613
7039840 CIFC108 H81 Al Cl4 N8 O8P -113.8593; 14.7463; 23.7238
95.508; 101.879; 109.459
4401.9Yang, Wenxue; Zhao, Ke-Qing; Prior, Timothy J.; Hughes, David L.; Arbaoui, Abdessamad; Elsegood, Mark R. J.; Redshaw, Carl
Structural studies of Schiff-base [2 + 2] macrocycles derived from 2,2'-oxydianiline and the ROP capability of their organoaluminium complexes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 11990-12005
4130745 CIFC108 H82 B Cl F24 N2 P2 Pd S2P 1 21/c 114.621; 18.621; 35.518
90; 94.254; 90
9643Davydenko, Iryna; Barlow, Stephen; Sharma, Rajesh; Benis, Sepehr; Simon, Janos; Allen, Taylor G.; Cooper, Matthew W.; Khrustalev, Victor; Jucov, Evgheni V.; Castañeda, Raúl; Ordonez, Carlos; Li, Zhong'an; Chi, San-Hui; Jang, Sei-Hum; Parker, Timothy C.; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.; Perry, Joseph W.; Jen, Alex K.-Y.; Hagan, David J.; Van Stryland, Eric W.; Marder, Seth R.
Facile Incorporation of Pd(PPh3)2Hal Substituents into Polymethines, Merocyanines, and Perylene Diimides as a Means of Suppressing Intermolecular Interactions.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10112-10115
4130454 CIFC108 H84 Cl3 Co13.5 N72 O12P m -3 m18.794; 18.794; 18.794
90; 90; 90
6638.3Xiao, Dianne J.; Gonzalez, Miguel I.; Darago, Lucy E.; Vogiatzis, Konstantinos D.; Haldoupis, Emmanuel; Gagliardi, Laura; Long, Jeffrey R.
Selective, Tunable O2 Binding in Cobalt(II)-Triazolate/Pyrazolate Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 7161-7170
7236126 CIFC108 H88 Mo24 N24 O82 P2 Zn3I a -3 d31.535; 31.535; 31.535
90; 90; 90
31360.2Yang, Xiaojian; Feng, Xiaojia; Tan, Huaqiao; Zang, Hongying; Wang, Xinlong; Wang, Yonghui; Wang, Enbo; Li, Yangguang
N-Doped graphene-coated molybdenum carbide nanoparticles as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 3947
4513929 CIFC108 H92 Au2 Cl2 N2 O9 P6 PtP -112.401; 14.396; 15.709
116.697; 98.59; 94.41
2444Xu, Liang-Jin; Zeng, Xian-Chong; Wang, Jin-Yun; Zhang, Li-Yi; Chi, Yun; Chen, Zhong-Ning
Phosphorescent PtAu2 Complexes with Differently Positioned Carbazole-Acetylide Ligands for Solution-Processed Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with External Quantum Efficiencies of over 20.
ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2016
4347885 CIFC108 H93 N3 O18 P12P -113.1896; 17.231; 24.24
87.387; 75.19; 72.054
5063.6Chakarawet, Khetpakorn; Knopf, Ioana; Nava, Matthew; Jiang, Yanfeng; Stauber, Julia M.; Cummins, Christopher C.
Crystalline Metaphosphate Acid Salts: Synthesis in Organic Media, Structures, Hydrogen-Bonding Capability, and Implication of Superacidity.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 6178-6185
7039224 CIFC108 H96 Br12 N24 O12 Pd6P 1 21/c 131.96; 17.64; 36.606
90; 92.087; 90
20624Noh, Tae Hwan; Lee, Haeri; Kim, Doeon; Moon, Dohyun; Lee, Young-A; Jung, Ok-Sang
Photoreaction of adsorbed diiodomethane: halide effects of a series of neutral palladium(ii) coordination cages.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9574-9581
7039225 CIFC108 H96 I12 N24 O12 Pd6P 1 21/c 131.977; 17.382; 35.886
90; 92.14; 90
19932Noh, Tae Hwan; Lee, Haeri; Kim, Doeon; Moon, Dohyun; Lee, Young-A; Jung, Ok-Sang
Photoreaction of adsorbed diiodomethane: halide effects of a series of neutral palladium(ii) coordination cages.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 9574-9581
4349134 CIFC108.67 H86 Fe Hf2 N14 O6P 1 21/c 122.6505; 17.5395; 39.0049
90; 139.903; 90
9980.6Dudkin, Semyon V.; Erickson, Nathan R.; Vologzhanina, Anna V.; Novikov, Valentin V.; Rhoda, Hannah M.; Holstrom, Cole D.; Zatsikha, Yuriy V.; Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Voloshin, Yan Z.; Nemykin, Victor N.
Preparation, X-ray Structures, Spectroscopic, and Redox Properties of Di- and Trinuclear Iron-Zirconium and Iron-Hafnium Porphyrinoclathrochelates.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 11867-11882
4130478 CIFC109 H0 La2 N0 Ni0 S6P n m a24.2162; 18.0709; 12.735
90; 90; 90
5572.9Cai, Wenting; Li, Fang-Fang; Bao, Lipiao; Xie, Yunpeng; Lu, Xing
Isolation and Crystallographic Characterization of La2C2@Cs(574)-C102 and La2C2@C2(816)-C104: Evidence for the Top-Down Formation Mechanism of Fullerenes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 6670-6675
7226106 CIFC109 H127 Cl6 N19 O13 Re3P b c n16.838; 20.449; 31.77
90; 90; 90
10939Zhang, Yingjie; Fanna, Daniel; Shepherd, Nicholas D.; Karatchevtseva, Inna; Lu, Kim; Kong, Linggen; Price, Jason R.
Dioxo-vanadium(V), oxo-rhenium(V) and dioxo-uranium(VI) complexes with a tridentate Schiff base ligand
RSC Adv., 2016
7118296 CIFC109 H143 Dy3 Fe6 N6 O51C 1 2/c 129.2726; 26.0163; 20.8386
90; 125.139; 90
12977.8Kühne, Irina A; Mereacre, Valeriu; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Nine members of a family of nine-membered cyclic coordination clusters; Fe6Ln3 wheels (Ln = Gd to Lu and Y).
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1021-1024
7118297 CIFC109 H143 Fe6 Ho3 N6 O51C 1 2/c 129.211; 25.894; 20.7929
90; 124.97; 90
12888Kühne, Irina A; Mereacre, Valeriu; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Nine members of a family of nine-membered cyclic coordination clusters; Fe6Ln3 wheels (Ln = Gd to Lu and Y).
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1021-1024
7118300 CIFC109 H143 Fe6 Lu3 N6 O51C 1 2/c 129.1226; 25.811; 20.8572
90; 125.126; 90
12822.9Kühne, Irina A; Mereacre, Valeriu; Anson, Christopher E.; Powell, Annie K.
Nine members of a family of nine-membered cyclic coordination clusters; Fe6Ln3 wheels (Ln = Gd to Lu and Y).
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 1021-1024
7038678 CIFC109 H145 N6 Si Y3P -118.25; 18.607; 22.153
78.152; 79.357; 62
6467Hong, Jianquan; Li, Zhenhua; Chen, Zhening; Weng, Linhong; Zhou, Xigeng; Zhang, Lixin
Small molecule activation by mixed methyl/methylidene rare earth metal complexes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 6641-6649
7039064 CIFC109 H90 N23 O32 Zn3P 1 21/c 112.115; 25.751; 35.588
90; 90.639; 90
11101.8Li, Yu-Ling; Zhao, Dan; Zhao, Yue; Wang, Peng; Wang, Huai-Wei; Sun, Wei-Yin
Synthesis, structure, and magnetic and catalytic properties of metal frameworks with 2,2'-dinitro-4,4'-biphenyldicarboxylate and imidazole-containing tripodal ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 8816-8823
4347467 CIFC109 H95 Cl9 Cu3 F6 Fe4 N2 P5 S4P 1 21/n 115.708; 34.184; 22.178
90; 110.188; 90
11177Kishore, Pilli V. V. N.; Liao, Jian-Hong; Hou, Hsing-Nan; Lin, Yan-Ru; Liu, C. W.
Ferrocene-Functionalized Cu(I)/Ag(I) Dithiocarbamate Clusters.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 3663-3673
4130450 CIFC109.02 H71.02 Cl3 Co13.44 N63.98 O5.04P m -3 m18.6522; 18.6522; 18.6522
90; 90; 90
6489.2Xiao, Dianne J.; Gonzalez, Miguel I.; Darago, Lucy E.; Vogiatzis, Konstantinos D.; Haldoupis, Emmanuel; Gagliardi, Laura; Long, Jeffrey R.
Selective, Tunable O2 Binding in Cobalt(II)-Triazolate/Pyrazolate Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 7161-7170
7038145 CIFC109.5 H119 Ag Cl2 F10 O5 P6 Pt3P -114.1168; 19.324; 19.3754
81.887; 73.116; 82.839
4987.5Ara, Irene; Forniés, Juan; Ibáñez, Susana; Mastrorilli, Piero; Todisco, Stefano; Gallo, Vito
Polynuclear platinum phosphanido/phosphinito complexes: formation of P-O and P-O-P bonds through reductive coupling processes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 2156-2171
7225554 CIFC109.5 H131 Cl15 N20 Pt4P -110.7179; 13.6861; 20.5784
84.512; 87.526; 85.48
2993.46Ivanov, Daniil M.; Novikov, Alexander S.; Starova, Galina L.; Haukka, Matti; Kukushkin, Vadim Yu.
A family of heterotetrameric clusters of chloride species and halomethanes held by two halogen and two hydrogen bonds
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5278
1540585 CIFC109.5 H36 N3 S5 Sc3P -110.9903; 17.558; 19.758
99.562; 105.779; 107.217
3376.1Chen, Muqing; Bao, Lipiao; Ai, Min; Shen, Wangqiang; Lu, Xing
Sc3N@Ih-C80as a novel Lewis acid to trap abnormal N-heterocyclic carbenes: the unprecedented formation of a singly bonded [6,6,6]-adduct
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 2331
7225552 CIFC109.6 H131.2 Br11.2 Cl4 N20 Pt4P -110.7918; 13.7957; 20.5392
83.691; 87.739; 86.459
3031.92Ivanov, Daniil M.; Novikov, Alexander S.; Starova, Galina L.; Haukka, Matti; Kukushkin, Vadim Yu.
A family of heterotetrameric clusters of chloride species and halomethanes held by two halogen and two hydrogen bonds
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5278
4036529 CIFC11 H10 Br F3 O6 SP 1 21/c 117.8748; 7.8647; 10.3954
90; 105.882; 90
1405.6Horn, Evan J.; Silverston, Joel S.; Vanderwal, Christopher D.
A Failed Late-Stage Epimerization Thwarts an Approach to Ineleganolide.
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2016, 81, 1819-1838
1543132 CIF
C11 H10 Br N O2P 1 21/c 17.7113; 8.1375; 17.8089
90; 93.83; 90
1115.03Qachchachi, Fatima Zahrae; Kandri Rodi, Youssef; Haoudi, Amal; Essassi, El Mokhtar; Capet, Frédéric; Zouihri, Hafid
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160593
4088290 CIFC11 H10 Br N S2P 21 21 216.298; 8.218; 23.779
90; 90; 90
1230.7Leopold, Hendrik; Tronnier, Alexander; Wagenblast, Gerhard; Münster, Ingo; Strassner, Thomas
Photoluminescence of a New Material: Cyclometalated C∧C* Thiazole-2-ylidene Platinum(II) Complexes
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 959
7227011 CIFC11 H10 Br2 F3 N3 O2P 1 21/c 19.4108; 7.9826; 19.9558
90; 97.418; 90
1486.59Nicolas, Irène; Jeannin, Olivier; Pichon, Delphine; Fourmigué, Marc
Dibromohydantoins as halogen bond (XB) donors: a route toward the introduction of chirality in halogen bonded systems
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 9325
7119105 CIFC11 H10 Cl I2 N O2 Pt SP b c a12.2175; 11.5867; 45.0661
90; 90; 90
6379.6Meng, Ting; Tang, Shang-Feng; Qin, Qi-Pin; Liang, Yue-Lan; Wu, Chen-Xuan; Wang, Chen-Yu; Yan, Hou-Tian; Dong, Jia-Xin; Liu, Yan-Cheng
Evaluation of the effect of iodine substitution of 8-hydroxyquinoline on its platinum(ii)complex: cytotoxicity, cell apoptosis and telomerase inhibition
Med. Chem. Commun., 2016, 7, 1802
7038594 CIFC11 H10 Cl N OP 1 21/n 19.037; 9.87; 11.84
90; 111.558; 90
982.2Singh, Mahabir P.; Saleem, Fariha; Rao, Gyandshwar K.; Kumar, S.; Joshi, Hemant; Singh, Ajai K.
Palladacycles of unsymmetrical (N,C(-),E) (E = S/Se) pincers based on indole: their synthesis, structure and application in the catalysis of Heck coupling and allylation of aldehydes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 6718-6725
2241722 CIF
C11 H10 Cl N O2P 1 21/n 113.7168; 4.5783; 16.5929
90; 97.464; 90
1033.2Kerr, Jamie R.; Trembleau, Laurent; Storey, John M. D.; Wardell, James L.; Harrison, William T. A.
Weak interactions in the crystal structures of two indole derivatives
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 964-968
7037666 CIFC11 H10 Cl2 N2 S2 ZnP -15.9374; 10.3678; 12.6958
72.367; 77.524; 89.593
725.79Lago, Ana Belén; Pino-Cuevas, Arantxa; Carballo, Rosa; Vázquez-López, Ezequiel M
A new metal-organic polymeric system capable of stimuli-responsive controlled release of the drug ibuprofen.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 1614-1621
1532464 CIFC11 H10 Co N O4P 6/m m m21.5645; 21.5645; 9.4379
90; 90; 120
3800.9Tu, Thach N.; Nguyen, Khoa D.; Nguyen, Truong N.; Truong, Thanh; Phan, Nam T. S.
New topological Co2(BDC)2(DABCO) as a highly active heterogeneous catalyst for the amination of oxazoles via oxidative C‒H/N‒H couplings
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 1384
7055522 CIFC11 H10 Cu N4 S2P 1 21/c 110.8207; 12.6826; 9.658
90; 108.391; 90
1257.72Xu, Man-Man; Li, Yao; Zheng, Lin-Jie; Niu, Yun-Yin; Hou, Hong-Wei
Three cation-templated Cu(i) self-assemblies: synthesis, structures, and photocatalytic properties
New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 6086
7039019 CIFC11 H10 Cu O7P -3 m 118.4978; 18.4978; 6.7746
90; 90; 120
2007.5Sha, Yunfei; Bai, Shizhe; Lou, Jiaying; Wu, Da; Liu, Baizhan; Ling, Yun
Tuning the adsorption behaviors of water, methanol, and ethanol in a porous material by varying the flexibility of substituted groups.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2016, 45, 7235-7239
7155207 CIFC11 H10 F N O2P 1 21/n 17.106; 6.266; 22.6
90; 96.873; 90
999.1Zhu, Guohao; Qiu, Shineng; Xi, Yang; Ding, Yao; Zhang, Dongming; Zhang, Rong; He, Guangke; Zhu, Hongjun
(IPr)CuF-catalyzed α-site regiocontrolled trans-hydrofluorination of ynamides.
Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 2016, 14, 7746-7753
1542535 CIFC11 H10 F N O3 SP 1 21/c 15.1196; 11.2852; 18.9656
90; 97.224; 90
1087.05Lorion, Mélanie M; Duarte, Filipe J. S.; Calhorda, Maria José; Oble, Julie; Poli, Giovanni
Opening the Way to Catalytic Aminopalladation/Proxicyclic Dehydropalladation: Access to Methylidene γ-Lactams.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1020
1553240 CIFC11 H10 F3 N3P 1 21/c 112.275; 7.265; 12.6939
90; 107.016; 90
1082.46Poh, Jian-Siang; Browne, Duncan L.; Ley, Steven V.
A multistep continuous flow synthesis machine for the preparation of pyrazoles <i>via</i> a metal-free amine-redox process.
Reaction chemistry & engineering, 2016, 1, 101-105
4344703 CIFC11 H10 Fe I N O5P b c a12.149; 13.696; 16.327
90; 90; 90
2716.7Song, Li-Cheng; Xu, Kai-Kai; Han, Xiao-Feng; Zhang, Ji-Wei
Synthetic and Structural Studies of 2-Acylmethyl-6-R-Difunctionalized Pyridine Ligand-Containing Iron Complexes Related to [Fe]-Hydrogenase.
Inorganic chemistry, 2016, 55, 1258-1269
8106781 CIFC11 H10 N2 O SP 1 c 112.05; 5.5218; 8.1813
90; 107.934; 90
517.9Yan, Hao-Jie; Wang, Zhi-Peng; Zhang, Qi-Qi; Chen, Wen-Hua
Crystal structure of 4-((pyridin-4-ylmethyl)sulfinyl)pyridine, C11H10N2OS
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 47-48
8107006 CIFC11 H10 N2 O2 SP 1 c 112.0784; 5.3304; 8.937
90; 108.263; 90
546.4Liu, Rui-Heng; Qin, Zhao-Xian; Guo, Hui
Crystal structure of 4-(pyridin-4-ylmethylsulfonyl)pyridine, C11H10N2O2S
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2016, 231, 789-790
1542504 CIF
C11 H10 N2 O3P 21 21 215.1565; 12.4881; 15.1083
90; 90; 90
972.9Limbach, Daniel; Stengelin, Elena; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Detert, Heiner
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x160125
7118655 CIFC11 H10 N2 O3 SP 1 21/c 18.1628; 8.1111; 17.0276
90; 90.533; 90
1127.34Son, Se-Mi; Seo, Yeon Ji; Lee, Hyeon-Kyu
Stereoselective synthesis of 1,3-disubstituted isoindolines via Rh(iii)-catalyzed tandem oxidative olefination-cyclization of 4-aryl cyclic sulfamidates.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2016, 52, 4286-4289
1543661 CIF
C11 H10 N2 O4P 1 21/n 112.8062; 5.4759; 15.84
90; 92.709; 90
1109.5Amudha, M.; Gunasekaran, B.; Kumar, P. Praveen; Chakkaravarthi, G.
1<i>H</i>-Benzo[<i>d</i>]imidazol-3-ium (<i>Z</i>)-3-carboxyprop-2-enoate
IUCrData, 2016, 1, x161025

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