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1000041 CIFCl NaF m -3 m5.62; 5.62; 5.62
90; 90; 90
177.5Abrahams, S C; Bernstein, J L
Accuracy of an automatic diffractometer. measurement of the sodium chloride structure factors
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1965, 18, 926-932
1000200 CIFAl F5 H2 O Rb2C m c m9.604; 8.379; 7.542
90; 90; 90
606.9Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; de Pape, R
La structure cristalline de Rb~2~ Al F~5~, H~2~ O. Retour critique sur le type structural Tl~2~ Al F~5~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 19-26
1000201 CIFBa2 Co F9 FeP 1 21/n 17.486; 17.757; 5.687
90; 90.87; 90
755.9de Kozak, A; Leblanc, M; Samouel, M; Ferey, G; de Pape, R
Structure Crystalline de Ba~2~ Co Fe F~9~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 659-666
1001235 CIFK Nb5 O25 Ti6C m c m6.611; 8.88; 30.154
90; 90; 90
1770.2Groult, D; Raveau, B
K Ti~6~ Nb~5~ O~25~: A member of a series of chemically twinned Rutile oxides (A M~3~ O~9~)(M~2~ O~4~)~n~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 141-146
1001238 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7523; 7.7523; 5.6198
90; 90; 120
292.5Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001239 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.766; 7.766; 5.6297
90; 90; 120
294Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001240 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7696; 7.7696; 5.6318
90; 90; 120
294.4Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001241 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7809; 7.7809; 5.6407
90; 90; 120
295.7Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001242 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7853; 7.7853; 5.6431
90; 90; 120
296.2Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001243 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.791; 7.791; 5.6492
90; 90; 120
297Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001244 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6018; 7.6018; 2.9066
90; 90; 120
145.5Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001245 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.614; 7.614; 2.9123
90; 90; 120
146.2Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001246 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.617; 7.617; 2.9134
90; 90; 120
146.4Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001247 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6272; 7.6272; 2.9182
90; 90; 120
147Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001248 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6322; 7.6322; 2.9191
90; 90; 120
147.3Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001249 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6374; 7.6374; 2.922
90; 90; 120
147.6Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001251 CIFBa O4 Sc2C 1 2/c 19.84; 5.81; 20.65
90; 90; 90
1180.6Agafonov, V; Kahn, A; Michel, D; Guymont, M
Crystal structure of Ba Sc~2~ O~4~; its relation with Perovskite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 975-981
1001320 CIFAs1.5 Cd4 I3 P0.5P a -312.955; 12.955; 12.955
90; 90; 90
2174.3Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001321 CIFAs Cd4 I3 PP a -312.884; 12.884; 12.884
90; 90; 90
2138.7Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001322 CIFAs0.5 Cd4 I3 P1.5P a -312.843; 12.843; 12.843
90; 90; 90
2118.4Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001626 CIFCd3 Cl3 PP -37.633; 7.633; 7.133
90; 90; 120
359.9Rebbah, A; Yazbeck, J; Deschanvres, A
Etude structurale des composes Cd3 Y X3 (Y=As, P, X=Cl, Br, I)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 43-53
1007246 CIFAs5 Fe12R 3 :H6.7855; 6.7855; 16.30099
90; 90; 120
650Maaref, S; Maddar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude de la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1007265 CIFAs5 Fe10.77 Ru1.23R 3 :H6.8234; 6.8234; 16.364
90; 90; 120
659.8Maaref, S; Madar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude des la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1008070 CIFFe0.75 O4 V1.25P -14.49; 5.55; 4.88
90; 90; 90
121.6Muller, J; Joubert, J C; Marezio, M
Etude des phases du systeme Fe V O~4~ - V O~2~, obtenues par synthese hydrothermale a 70 kbar et 1273k
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 18, 357-362
1008087 CIFF6 Xe2P 1 21/c 16.64; 7.33; 6.4
90; 92.67; 90
311.2Burns, J. H.; Ellison, R. D.; Levy, H. A.
The crystal structure of the molecular addition compound xenon difluoride - xenon tetrafluoride
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1965, 18, 11-16
1008092 CIFCr O4 TbI 41/a m d :17.166; 7.166; 6.281
90; 90; 90
322.5Buisson, G; Tcheou, F; Sayetat, F; Scheunemann, K
Crystallographic and magnetic properties of Tb Cr O~4~ at low temperature (X-Ray and neutron experiments)
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 871-875
1008203 CIFMn6 Ni16 P7F m -3 m11.031; 11.031; 11.031
90; 90; 90
1342.3Chaudouet, P; Madar, R; Fruchart, R
Etude de nouveaux pnictures ternaires de metaux de transition isostructuraux des phases G, Ni~16~ Mn~6~ P~7~, Ni~16~ Mn~6~ As~7~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 713-719
1008210 CIFBa Fe4 O11 Ti2P 63/m m c5.843; 5.843; 13.608
90; 90; 120
402.3Obradors, X; Collomb, A; Pannetier, J; Isalgue, A; Tejada, J; Joubert, J C
Crystal structure and cationic distribution of Ba Fe~4~ Ti~2~ O~11~ R- type hexagonal ferrite
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1543-1553
1008782 CIFP0.2 S2 VP -3 m 13.27; 3.27; 5.956
90; 90; 120
55.2Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008783 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.939
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008784 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.936
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1010303 CIFCs2 O6 S2P -6 2 c6.326; 6.326; 11.535
90; 90; 120
399.8Haegg, G.
Die Kristallstruktur von Caesiumdithionat, Cs~2~S~2~O~6~
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1932, 18, 327-342
1010825 CIFCl Co5 H17 O133.15; 3.15; 24.4
90; 90; 120
209.7Feitknecht, W; Fischer, G
Zur Chemie und Morphologie der basischen Salze zweiwertiger Metalle. III. Ueber basische Kobaltchloride.
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1935, 18, 555-569
1010858 CIFB Na O26.85; 6.85; 10.95
90; 90; 120
445Cole, S S; Scholes, S R; Amberg, C R
The System R~2~ O - B~2~ O~3~, II. Properties of Anhydrous and Hydrated Metaborates of Sodium and Potassium
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1935, 18, 58-61
1010897 CIFLi2.666 O3.999 Ti1.333F m -3 m4.1; 4.1; 4.1
90; 90; 90
68.9Kordes, E
Ueber die Steinsalzstruktur der Verbindung Li~2~ Ti O~3~ und ihre Mischkristallbildung mit Mg O
Fortschritte der Mineralogie, 1933, 18, 27-28
1011111 CIFPtF m -3 m4.028; 4.028; 4.028
90; 90; 90
65.4Kahler, H
The crystalline structures of sputtered and evaporated metallic films
Physical Review (1,1893-132,1963/141,1966-188,1969), 1921, 18, 210-217
1100525 CIFC10 H10 As2 TiP 1 21/n 16.555; 7.984; 9.859
90; 97.15; 90
511.96Elschenbroich, Christoph; Kroker, Jörg; Nowotny, Mathias; Behrendt, Andreas; Metz, Bernhard; Harms, Klaus
η^6^-Coordination of Arsenine to Titanium, Vanadium, and Chromium
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 1495-1503
1100526 CIFC10 H10 As2 TiP -112.2612; 12.8839; 13.2646
102.19; 103.921; 91.472
1981.56Elschenbroich, Christoph; Kroker, Jörg; Nowotny, Mathias; Behrendt, Andreas; Metz, Bernhard; Harms, Klaus
η^6^-Coordination of Arsenine to Titanium, Vanadium, and Chromium
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 1495-1503
1100595 CIFC24 H22 V2P 1 21/n 110.447; 8.089; 10.911
90; 102.25; 90
901.05Elschenbroich, Christoph; Schiemann, Olav; Burghaus, Olaf; Harms, Klaus; Pebler, Jürgen
[5-5]Bitrovacene, (μ-η^5^:η^5^-Fulvalenediyl)bis[(η^7^-cycloheptatrienyl)vanadium]: Synthesis, Structure, and Intermetallic Communication
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 3273-3277
1100596 CIFC18 H16 VP 1 21 110.768; 7.851; 16.189
90; 97.53; 90
1356.81Elschenbroich, Christoph; Schiemann, Olav; Burghaus, Olaf; Harms, Klaus; Pebler, Jürgen
[5-5]Bitrovacene, (μ-η^5^:η^5^-Fulvalenediyl)bis[(η^7^-cycloheptatrienyl)vanadium]: Synthesis, Structure, and Intermetallic Communication
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 3273-3277
1101095 CIFC8 H11 Cu N7 O5P 1 21/c 16.9193; 11.8361; 15.259
90; 97.482; 90
1239Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Antonio L. Peñas-Chamorro; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis, spectral and XRD studies on three O-nitrito-complexes with new N,N,O-tridentate Schiff bases derived from 6-amino-5-formyl-1,3-dimethyluracil and semicarbazide, acetylhydrazine and benzoylhydrazine
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 351-360
1101096 CIFC9 H14 Cu N6 O6P 1 21/c 15.291; 12.0171; 21.792
90; 93.981; 90
1382.2Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Antonio L. Peñas-Chamorro; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis, spectral and XRD studies on three O-nitrito-complexes with new N,N,O-tridentate Schiff bases derived from 6-amino-5-formyl-1,3-dimethyluracil and semicarbazide, acetylhydrazine and benzoylhydrazine
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 351-360
1101097 CIFC16 H20 Cl2 Cu N8 O6P -17.783; 8.0754; 10.252
99.326; 103.785; 118.47
520.67Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Sonia B. Jiménez-Pulido; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis and structural studies on new M^II^X~2~L~2~ dihalocomplexes of 1,3-dimethyllumazine and 1,3,6,7-tetramethyllumazine. Crystal structure of the monodimensionally hydrogen-bonded dichloro-bis(1,3-dimethylpteridine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione-O^4^,N^5^) copper(II) dihydrate
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 85-91
1101106 CIFC14 H16 N6 O6 ZnP 1 21/c 17.3518; 21.308; 11.0976
90; 99.245; 90
1715.9Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Antonio L. Peñas-Chamorro; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis, spectral and XRD studies on three O-nitrito-complexes with new N,N,O-tridentate Schiff bases derived from 6-amino-5-formyl-1,3-dimethyluracil and semicarbazide, acetylhydrazine and benzoylhydrazine
Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 351-360
1101142 CIFF2 Li5 O8 P2 VP 1 21/c 16.3589; 10.7795; 10.3836
90; 90.019; 90
711.75Yin, S.-C.; Herle, P. Subramanya; Higgins, A.; Taylor, N. J.; Makimura, Y.; Nazar, L. F.
Dimensional Reduction: Synthesis and Structure of Layered Li~5~M(PO~4~)~2~F~2~ (M = V, Cr)
Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 1745-1752
1101224 CIFMo3 Na2 O16 Te3I 1 2 17.3373; 11.2668; 8.2369
90; 97.387; 90
675.3Chi, Eun Ok; Ok, Kang Min; Porter, Yetta; Halasyamani, P. Shiv
Na~2~Te~3~Mo~3~O~16~: A New Molybdenum Tellurite with Second-Harmonic Generating and Pyroelectric Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 2070-2074
1506791 CIFC21 H19 Cl2 N O3P 21 21 216.1214; 10.1587; 31.893
90; 90; 90
1983.3Huang, Huazhang; Stok, Jeanette E.; Stoutamire, Donald W.; Gee, Shirley J.; Hammock, Bruce D.
Development of optically pure pyrethroid-like fluorescent substrates for carboxylesterases.
Chemical research in toxicology, 2005, 18, 516-527
1506792 CIFC21 H19 Cl2 N O3P 21 21 216.1223; 10.1589; 31.893
90; 90; 90
1983.6Huang, Huazhang; Stok, Jeanette E.; Stoutamire, Donald W.; Gee, Shirley J.; Hammock, Bruce D.
Development of optically pure pyrethroid-like fluorescent substrates for carboxylesterases.
Chemical research in toxicology, 2005, 18, 516-527
1506793 CIFC24 H22 Cl N O3P 21 21 215.7009; 18.4406; 19.793
90; 90; 90
2080.8Huang, Huazhang; Stok, Jeanette E.; Stoutamire, Donald W.; Gee, Shirley J.; Hammock, Bruce D.
Development of optically pure pyrethroid-like fluorescent substrates for carboxylesterases.
Chemical research in toxicology, 2005, 18, 516-527
1507762 CIFF14 Ga3 Na5P 1 21/n 110.4052; 7.2251; 7.2689
90; 90.664; 90
546.429Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Distorted chiolite crystal structures of alpha-Na5M3F14 (M=Cr,Fe,Ga) studied by X-ray powder diffraction
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 128-134
1507763 CIFCr3 F14 Na5P 1 21/n 110.5096; 7.2253; 7.2713
90; 90.6753; 90
552.11Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Distorted chiolite crystal structures of alpha-Na5M3F14 (M=Cr,Fe,Ga) studied by X-ray powder diffraction
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 128-134
1507764 CIFF14 Fe3 Na5P 1 21/n 110.4342; 7.3418; 7.4023
90; 90.799; 90
567Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Distorted chiolite crystal structures of alpha-Na5M3F14 (M=Cr,Fe,Ga) studied by X-ray powder diffraction
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 128-134
1509095 CIFAg0.32 Bi8.55 Pb5.09 S11.97 Se6.03P n m a53.68; 4.11; 15.4
90; 90; 90
3397.62Mumme, W.G.
Weibullite Ag0.32 Pb5.09 Bi8.55 Se6.08 S11.92: A higher homologue of galenobismutite
Canadian Mineralogist, 1980, 18, 1-12
1509291 CIFAg Cu O4 PP b c a7.5; 15.751; 5.702
90; 90; 90
673.592Oumba, M.T.; Quarton, M.
Proprietes de l'ion Cu2+ dans la structure de Ag Cu P O4 - beta
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 967-974
1509418 CIFAg In5 Se8P -4 2 m5.7934; 5.7934; 11.6223
90; 90; 90
390.085Benoit, P.; Charpin, P.; Djega-Mariadassou, C.
Composes definis dans le systeme Ag-In-Se. Structure cristalline de ()2 Ag In5 Se8
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1047-1057
1509591 CIFAg1.4 Cu10.6 S13 Sb4I -4 3 m10.503; 10.503; 10.503
90; 90; 90
1158.62Kalbskopf, R.
Strukturverfeinerung des Freibergits
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1972, 18, 147-155
1509649 CIFAg2 In Sb Se4F m -3 m5.71; 5.71; 5.71
90; 90; 90
186.169Schanow, W.; Range, K.J.
Homogene abschreckbare Hochdruckphasen in den Systemen Ag Sb Se2 - Ag In Se2 und Ag Bi Se2 - Ag In Se2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 39-44
1510321 CIFAu Yb2P n m a7.808; 4.57; 9.409
90; 90; 90
335.737Palenzona, A.; Iandelli, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510515 CIFAu3 TmP m m n :16.03; 5.068; 4.93
90; 90; 90
150.661Steeb, S.; Donolato, C.
Structure of the compounds Au3 Eu, Au3 Tb, Au3 Tm and also of Ag3 Tb and Ag3 Tm
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 442-442
1510516 CIFAu3 YbP m m n :15.98; 4.928; 5.077
90; 90; 90
149.616Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510517 CIFAu3 Yb5I 4/m c m7.793; 7.793; 14.26
90; 90; 90
866.022Palenzona, A.; Iandelli, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510518 CIFAu3 Yb7P 63 m c10.372; 10.372; 6.514
90; 90; 120
606.881Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510541 CIFAu4 YbI 4/m6.628; 6.628; 4.128
90; 90; 90
181.345Iandelli, A.; Palenzona, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510542 CIFAu4 Yb5P n m a7.752; 15.029; 7.88
90; 90; 90
918.058Palenzona, A.; Iandelli, A.
The yttrium-gold system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 221-227
1510656 CIFB2 Ba2 Ca O6C 1 2/m 19.636; 5.432; 6.635
90; 119.38; 90
302.627Akella, A.; Keszler, D.A.
Crystal structure of the borate Ba2 Ca (B O3)2
Main Group Met. Chem., 1995, 18, 35-41
1510930 CIFB3 Li3 O9 Pr2P 1 21/n 18.816; 14.127; 5.812
90; 103.72; 90
703.194Mamedov, Kh.S.; Amikaslanov, I.K.; Magerramov, A.I.; Abdullaev, G.K.
The crystal structure of lithium praseodymium orthoborate, 3 Li3 Pr2 (B O3)3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 410-413
1511023 CIFB Ce Co4P 6/m m m5.005; 5.005; 6.932
90; 90; 120
150.383Bilonizhko, N.S.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
New boride structural types in the homologous series based on the Ca Cu5 and Ce Co3 B2 types
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 710-714
1511266 CIFB Ni4 TmP 6/m m m4.96; 4.96; 6.917
90; 90; 120
147.371Chernyak, G.V.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Chaban, N.F.
New borides of the rare earth metals and nickel
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1982, 18, 590-592
1511501 CIFB4 O7 SrP m n 2110.711; 4.427; 4.235
90; 90; 90
200.814Krogh-Moe, J.
The Crystal Structure of Strontium Diborate, Sr O (B2 O3)2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 2055-2060
1511758 CIFB4 La2 O12 Sr3P c 21 n8.78; 16.54; 7.42
90; 90; 90
1077.54Mamedov, Kh.S.; Abdullaev, G.K.; Amirov, S.T.
Crystal structure of La2 Sr3 (B O3)4
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 1075-1077
1513961 CIFLi0.03 Mn2 O4F d -3 m :28.029; 8.029; 8.029
90; 90; 90
517.6Mosbah, A.; Verbaere, A.; Tournoux, M.
Phases Lix Mn O2 lambda rattachees au type spinelle
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1375-1381
1513963 CIFLi Mn O2I 41/a m d :25.6504; 5.6504; 9.242
90; 90; 90
295.07Mosbah, A.; Verbaere, A.; Tournoux, M.
Phases Lix Mn O2 lambda rattachees au type spinelle
Materials Research Bulletin, 1938, 18, 1375-1381
1514039 CIFLi Mn3 O4I 41/a m d :26.022; 6.022; 9.011
90; 90; 90
326.8Thackeray, M. M.; David, W. I. F.; Bruce, P. G.; Goodenough, J. B.
Lithium insertion into manganese spinels
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 461-472
1514040 CIFLi2 Mn2 O4I 41/a m d :25.662; 5.662; 9.274
90; 90; 90
297.3Thackeray, M. M.; David, W. I. F.; Bruce, P. G.; Goodenough, J. B.
Lithium insertion into manganese spinels
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 461-472
1521738 CIFH14 K7 Na3 O48 W12P -111.755; 13.0493; 16.289
77.13; 82.92; 89.65
2416.71Peng, J.; Liu, J.; Wang, E.-B.; Jia, H.-Q.; Xin, M.-H.; Lin, Y.-H.; Xing, Y.
Crystal structure of mixed sodium-potassium paradodecatungstate 6-hydrate
Jiegon Huaxue, 1999, 18, 239-244
1522348 CIFGd1.954 Mo3 Nd0.046 O12P -4 21 m7.3556; 7.3556; 10.685
90; 90; 90
578.11Zou, Y.-Q.; Chen, L.; Gao, X.-Y.; Tang, D.-Y.; Luo, Z.-D.
Crystal structure of P4-21m phase Nd(3+): Gd2 (Mo O4)3
Jiegon Huaxue, 1999, 18, 447-450
1522572 CIFLa0.7 Mn2 Y0.3F d -3 m :17.71; 7.71; 7.71
90; 90; 90
458.314Nakamura, H.; Wada, H.; Nakamura, Y.; Shiga, M.; Yoshimura, K.; Sakurai, J.; Komura, Y.
Effect of chemical pressure on the magnetism of Y Mn2: Magnetic properties of Y1-x Scx Mn2 and Y1-x Lax Mn2
Journal of Physics F, 1988, 18, 981-991
1522599 CIFPd0.845 Zr0.155F m -3 m3.9457; 3.9457; 3.9457
90; 90; 90
61.429Norman, M.; Harris, I.R.
A study of some alpha Pd-Sc, Pd-Zr and Pd-Gd alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 333-345
1522664 CIFPd13 Tl9P -3 m 18.958; 8.958; 5.623
90; 90; 120
390.77Panday, P.K.; Schubert, K.
Strukturuntersuchungen in einigen Mischungen T-B3-B4 (T= Mn, Fe, Co, Ir, Ni, Pd; B3= Al, Ga, Tl; B4= Si, Ge)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 175-202
1522721 CIFGa2 OsF d d d :18.242; 4.74; 8.747
90; 90; 90
341.72Popova, S.V.; Fomicheva, L.N.
New phases in the Re-Ga and Os-Ga syastems, obtained at high pressure
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1982, 18, 205-208
1522972 CIFNi Rh2 SnF m -3 m6.136; 6.136; 6.136
90; 90; 90
231.023Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler compounds
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1522973 CIFRh2 Sn VF m -3 m6.192; 6.192; 6.192
90; 90; 90
237.407Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler compounds
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1522974 CIFRh2 Sn VP 42/n c m :15.745; 5.745; 7.291
90; 90; 90
240.64Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler compounds
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1523043 CIFNd2 Ni17P 63/m m c8.402; 8.402; 8.048
90; 90; 120
492.021Virkar, A.V.; Raman, A.
Crystal structures of A B3 and A2 B7 rare earth-nickel phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 59-66
1523044 CIFLa2 Ni7P 63/m m c5.053; 5.053; 24.62
90; 90; 120
544.399Virkar, A.V.; Raman, A.
Crystal structures of A B2 and A2 B7 rare earth-nickel phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 59-66
1523074 CIFMn2 TmP 63/m m c5.241; 5.241; 8.565
90; 90; 120
203.745Wernick, J.H.; Haszko, S.E.
Manganese rare earth compounds with the Mg Zn2 structure
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1961, 18, 207-209
1523075 CIFHf Mn2P 63/m m c4.995; 4.995; 8.213
90; 90; 120
177.461Wernick, J.H.; Haszko, S.E.
Manganese-rare earth compounds with the Mg Zn2 structure
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1961, 18, 207-209
1523103 CIFAl2 Dy3 Ni6I m -3 m8.918; 8.918; 8.918
90; 90; 90
709.255Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523104 CIFAl2 Gd3 Ni6I m -3 m8.974; 8.974; 8.974
90; 90; 90
722.7Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare earth nickel aluminium R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523105 CIFAl2 Ho3 Ni6I m -3 m8.888; 8.888; 8.888
90; 90; 90
702.121Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare earth nickel aluminium R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523106 CIFAl2 Ni6 Sm3I m -3 m9.006; 9.006; 9.006
90; 90; 90
730.459Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523107 CIFAl2 Ni6 Y3I m -3 m8.915; 8.915; 8.915
90; 90; 90
708.539Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523153 CIFNb TcI m -3 m3.17; 3.17; 3.17
90; 90; 90
31.855van Ostenburg, D.O.; Lam, D.J.; Katsuki, A.; Shimizu, M.
NMR, magnetic susceptibility and electronic specific heat of Nb and Mo metals and Nb-Tc and Nb-Mo alloys
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1963, 18, 1744-1754
1523412 CIFGd Pt3P m -3 m4.091; 4.091; 4.091
90; 90; 90
68.468Colinet, C.; Pasturel, A.; Buschow, K.H.J.
Study of the enthalpies of formation in the Gd - (Fe, Co, Pd, Pt) systems
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1987, 18, 903-907
1523432 CIFNi2 ZrF d -3 m :16.9155; 6.9155; 6.9155
90; 90; 90
330.728Da, J.M.; Brochado Oliveira, C.; Harris, I.R.
Valency compensation in the Laves system, Ce (Co1-x Nix)2
Journal of Materials Science, 1983, 18, 3649-3660
1523715 CIFNb Sn2F d d d :19.86; 5.6477; 19.127
90; 90; 90
1065.11Gomes de Mesquita, A.H.; Langereis, C.; Leenhouts, J.L.
The structure of Nb Sn2
Philips Research Reports, 1963, 18, 377-382
1524033 CIFCl3 D4 Fe O2 RbP c c a8.876; 6.8724; 11.1807
90; 90; 90
682.016Basten, J.A.J.; de Jonge, W.J.M.; van Vlimmeren, Q.A.G.
Crystallographic and magnetic structure of rubidium iron trichloride dideuterate and cesium iron trichloride dideuterate
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1978, 18, 2179-2184
1524034 CIFCl3 Cs D4 Fe O2P c c a8.9809; 7.2132; 11.3867
90; 90; 90
737.642Basten, J.A.J.; van Vlimmeren, Q.A.G.; de Jonge, W.J.M.
Crystallographic and magnetic structure of rubidium iron trichloride dideuterate and cesium iron trichloride dideuterate
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1978, 18, 2179-2184
1524121 CIFF2 H8 O4 ZnP c a 2112.63; 5.288; 7.54
90; 90; 90
503.577Bukvetskii, B.V.; Polishchuk, S.A.; Simonov, V.I.
Crystal structure of zinc fluoride tetrahydrate, Zn F2 (H2 O)4
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 956-960
1524134 CIFCo Ho3P n m a6.92; 9.293; 6.213
90; 90; 90
399.543Buschow, K.H.J.; van der Goot, A.S.
The crystal structure of rare-earth cobalt compounds of the type R3 Co
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 309-311
1524242 CIFCo Ni ZrF d -3 m :16.9495; 6.9495; 6.9495
90; 90; 90
335.63Da, J.M.; Brochado Oliveira, C.; Harris, I.R.
Valency compensation in the Laves system Ce (Co1-x Nix)2
Journal of Materials Science, 1983, 18, 3649-3660
1524408 CIFCe PuF m -3 m4.77; 4.77; 4.77
90; 90; 90
108.531Giessen, B.C.; Struebing, V.O.; Elliott, R.O.
Metastable f.c.c. Pu-Ce solid solutions
Materials Science and Engineering, 1975, 18, 239-243
1524602 CIFEu H8 O7 P3P -19.07; 8.3; 7.34
115.5; 94.2; 111.8
444.792Ionov, V.M.; Aslanov, L.A.; Rybakov, V.B.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.
Crystal structure of europium hypophosphite monohydrate
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 405-406
1524657 CIFCs Nb O9 S2P n a m17.55; 8.82; 5.17
90; 90; 90
800.269Kashaev, A.A.; Sokolova, G.V.
Crystal structure of Cs Nb O (S O4)2
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 620-621
1524658 CIFNb O9 Rb S2P n a m16.95999; 8.76; 5.16
90; 90; 90
766.619Kashaev, A.A.; Postoenko, G.E.; Zel'bst, E.A.
Crystal structures of Rb Nb O (S O4)2 and N H4 Nb O (S O4)2
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 1278-1280
1524659 CIFH4 N Nb O9 S2P n a m17.01; 8.69; 5.13
90; 90; 90
758.301Kashaev, A.A.; Postoenko, G.E.; Zel'bst, E.A.
Crystal structures of Rb Nb O (S O4)2 and N H4 Nb O (S O4)2
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 1278-1280
1524808 CIFCo0.5 Pt0.5F m -3 m3.835; 3.835; 3.835
90; 90; 90
56.402Leroux, C.; Cadeville, M.C.; Pierron-Bohnes, V.; Inden, G.; Hinz, F.
Comparative investigation of structural transport properties of L10 Ni Pt and Co Pt phases; the role of magnetism
Journal of Physics F, 1988, 18, 2033-2051
1525190 CIFCd3 YF m -3 m7.412; 7.412; 7.412
90; 90; 90
407.199Ryba, E.; Kejriwal, P.K.; Elmendorf, R.
The partial Y-Cd phase diagram
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 419-422
1525246 CIFMo O8 U2P b a m6.734; 23.24; 4.115
90; 90; 90
643.99Serezhkin, V.N.; Kovba, L.M.; Trunov, V.K.
Crystal structure of U2 Mo O8
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 514-517
1525247 CIFMo20 O64 U3C c c m8.246; 28.76; 19.78
90; 90; 90
4690.92Serezhkin, V.N.; Kovba, L.M.; Trunov, V.K.
Structure of the double oxide alpha-U3 Mo20 O64
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 961-965
1525259 CIFI2C m c e5.779; 3.943; 9.076
90; 90; 90
206.811Shimomura, O.; Takemura, K.; Fujii, Y.; Minomura, S.
Structure analysis of high pressure metallic state of iodine
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1978, 18, 715-719
1525290 CIFB12 Co H20 K2 O30P -110.86; 7.78; 7.42
91; 95.4; 108.43
591.388Silin', E.Ya.; Ozols, J.; Levin'sh, A.F.
Structure of calcium-cobalt hexaborate K2 Co (B6 O7 (O H)6)2 (H2 O)4
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 503-507
1525353 CIFCu Rh2 SnF m -3 m6.146; 6.146; 6.146
90; 90; 90
232.155Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler alloys
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1525385 CIFCu4 Sn4 Tm3C 1 2/m 116.119; 4.3935; 6.896
90; 115.88; 90
439.388Thirion, F.; Steinmetz, J.; Malaman, B.
Structures cristalline de Sc3 Cu4 Ge4, TR3 Cu4 Sn4 (TR= Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er), isotypes de Gd3 Cu4 Ge4, et de la phase apparentee Tm3 Cu4 Sn4
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1537-1542
1526095 CIFBa Cl0.15 Fe3.8 H Mg0.48 O11 S0.85 Si2.72P n m n5.468; 9.489; 19.963
90; 90; 90
1035.8Giuseppetti, G.; Tadini, C.
The Crystal Structure of 2 O Brittle Mica. Anandite
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1972, 18, 169-184
1526308 CIFCd0.5 Ce0.6 Cu2 Ho1.6 O9 Pb0.5 Sr1.8I 4/m m m3.817; 3.817; 29.32999
90; 90; 90
427.323Qu, B.; Qian, Y.-T.; Chen, Z.-Y.; Luo, H.-M.; Han, Y.
Synthesis, structure and electric properties of (Pb, Cd)-1222 phase
Diwen Wuli Xuebao, 1996, 18, 432-437
1527158 CIFTi Zn8 Zr3F d -3 m :17.345; 7.345; 7.345
90; 90; 90
396.256Blythe, H.J.; Crangle, J.
Magnetization, ferromagnetic Curie-temperature and lattice parameter (Zr1-x Tix) Zn2 compounds
Philosophical Magazine, Serie 8(1956-), 1968, 18, 1143-1148
1527335 CIFFe2 Na O3R -3 m :H3.047; 3.047; 31.04
90; 90; 120
249.573El Balkhi, A.M.; Zanne, M.; Gleitzer, C.; Courtois, A.
Preparation et proprietes d'un oxyde de sodium-fer(II, III): Na Fe2 O3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 18, 293-297
1527378 CIFTb5 Tl3P 63/m c m8.978; 8.978; 6.596
90; 90; 120
460.437Franceschi, E.; Palenzona, A.
The crystal structure of RE5 Tl3 and Y5 Tl3 compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 93-98
1527516 CIFSn3 Y5P 63/m c m8.902; 8.902; 6.536
90; 90; 120
448.557Holmen, S.
A D8(8)-type phase in the yttrium-tin system
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 2394-2394
1528197 CIFEr Mn2P 63/m m c5.281; 5.281; 8.621
90; 90; 120
208.219Wernick, J.H.; Haszko, S.E.
Manganese rare earth compounds with the Mg Zn2 structure
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1961, 18, 207-209
1528586 CIFNb5 Si Sn2I 4/m c m10.541; 10.541; 5.138
90; 90; 90
570.897Horyn, R.; Lukaszewicz, K.
The Crystal Structure of Nb5 Sn2 Si
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1970, 18, 59-64
1529578 CIFCr Cs2 F6 NaR -3 m :H6.243; 6.243; 30
90; 90; 120
1012.6Babel, D.; Haegele, R.
Strukturen caesiumhaltiger Fluoride, III. Die Kristallstrukturen der hexagonalen Elpasolithe: 12L-Cs2 Na Cr F6, 12L-Cs2 Na Fe F6 und 2L-Cs2 Li Ga F6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 18, 39-50
1529579 CIFCs2 F6 Ga LiP -3 m 16.249; 6.249; 5.086
90; 90; 120
172Babel, D.; Haegele, R.
Strukturen caesiumhaltiger fluoride, III. Die kristallstrukturen der hexagonalen Elpasolithe: 12l-Cs2 Na Cr F6, 12L-Cs2 Na Fe F6 und 2L-Cs2 Li Ga F6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 18, 39-50
1529580 CIFCs2 F6 Fe NaR -3 m :H6.267; 6.267; 30.48
90; 90; 120
1036.73Babel, D.; Haegele, R.
Strukturen caesiumhaltiger fluoride, III. Die Kristallstrukturen der hexagonalen Elpasolithe: 12L-Cs2 Na Cr F6, 12L-Cs2 Na Fe F6 und 2L-Cs2 Li Ga F6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 18, 39-50
1529626 CIFH8 N2 O9 Te4P 1 21/c 17.98; 18.45; 7.926
90; 117.3; 90
1036.97Benmiloud, L.; Moret, J.; Maurin, M.; Philippot, E.
Etude cristallographique d'un tellurite d'ammonium: (N H4)2 Te4 O9
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 190-198
1529775 CIFCa2 S5 Sb2P 1 21/c 115.074; 5.694; 11.378
90; 110.99; 90
911.786Cordier, G.; Schaefer, H.
Ca2 Sb2 S5 - ein neues erdalkalithioantimonat(III) mit Sb2 S4-vierringen
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 218-223
1529793 CIFCl9 Cs3 Ru2P 63/m m c7.221; 7.221; 17.556
90; 90; 120
792.777Darriet, J.
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the (Ru2 Cl9)3(-)-ion in Cs3 Ru2 Cl9
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 27-32
1529798 CIFK Nd O8 S2P -16.91; 5.3; 9.05
92.03; 96.87; 90.8
328.797Degtyarev, P.A.; Korytnaya, F.M.; Kovba, L.M.; Pokrovskii, A.N.
Crystal structure of the anhydrous double sulfate of potassium and neodymium K Nd (S O4)2
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Khimiya, 1977, 18, 705-708
1529844 CIFS3 Sn Tl4P 4/n c c :28.305; 8.305; 12.647
90; 90; 90
872.302del Bucchia, S.; Jumas, J.C.; Philippot, E.; Maurin, M.
Etude dans le systeme (Sn S)-(Tl2 S). Structure cristalline de Tl4 Sn S3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 224-234
1529895 CIFCe Li Mo2 O8I 41/a :25.284; 5.284; 11.563
90; 90; 90
322.847Egorova, A.N.; Maier, A.A.; Nevskii, N.N.; Provotorov, M.V.
The crystal structure of Li Ce (Mo O4)2
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1982, 18, 2036-2038
1530127 CIFRb S2 SbP 16.473; 6.473; 12.439
103.58; 101.77; 104.04
472.293Kanishcheva, A.S.; Kuznetsov, V.G.; Lazarev, V.B.; Tarasova, T.G.
Crystal structure of Rb Sb S2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 1069-1072
1530326 CIFCu0.6 F0.4 Nb O2.6P n a m17.694; 3.944; 3.801
90; 90; 90
265.253Lundberg, M.; Ndalamba Wa Ilunga, P.
The crystal structure of Cu0.6 Nb O2.6 F0.4 and its relation to the Mo O3 structure type
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 118-124
1530425 CIFCa3 Ge3 O12 Sc2I a -3 d12.512; 12.512; 12.512
90; 90; 90
1958.76Mill', B.V.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Simonov, M.A.; Belov, N.V.
Refined crystal structures of the scandium garnets Ca3 Sc Si3 O12, Ca3 Sc2 Ge3 O12 and Cd3 Sc2 Ge3 O12
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 399-402
1530426 CIFCd3 Ge3 O12 Sc2I a -3 d12.458; 12.458; 12.458
90; 90; 90
1933.5Mill', B.V.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Belov, N.V.; Simonov, M.A.
Refined crystal structures of the scandium garnets Ca3 Sc Si3 O12, Ca3 Sc2 Ge3 O12 and Cd3 Sc2 Ge3 O12
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 399-402
1530611 CIFI O PrP 4/n m m :14.086; 4.086; 9.162
90; 90; 90
152.963Potapova, O.G.; Vasil'eva, I.G.; Borisov, S.V.
Crystal Structure of Praseodymium oxide iodide
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 573-577
1530631 CIFH Li O3 P TlC 1 2 114.284; 5.091; 5.329
90; 89.19; 90
387.485Rafiq, M.; Durand, J.; Cot, L.
Sur quelques phosphites doubles de cations monovalents de la serie Li M P O3 H, (H2 O)x. Etude structurale de Li Tl P O3 H
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 1-18
1530705 CIFSi2 UI 41/a m d :13.922; 3.922; 14.154
90; 90; 90
217.718Sasa, Y.; Uda, M.
Structure of stoichiometric U Si2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 18, 63-68
1530761 CIFCd Nd4 O13 Si3P 63/m9.562; 9.562; 7.075
90; 90; 120
560.215Sidorov, P.M.; Fwedokov, N.F.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Simonov, H.A.; Belov, N.V.; Tunik, T.A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Cd Nd4 (Si O4)3 O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 397-399
1530995 CIFK6 O9 Si3P 1 21/c 16.27; 12.808; 16.96
90; 117.38; 90
1209.42Werthmann, R.; Hoppe, R.
Ueber K2 Si O3 - das erste Cyclotrisilicat eines Alkalimetalls - sowie Rb2 Si O3, Cs2 Si O3, Rb2 Ge O3 und Cs2 Ge O3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 593-607
1531303 CIFBa H2 O4 SiP -17.079; 7.362; 7.5824
89.64; 88.785; 88.23
394.878Chen, Q.-W.; Wong, K.H.; Mak, C.L.; Zhou, Z.-Y.; Tang, S.-Y.; Zhu, T.
Properties and crystal structure of a novel silicate single crystal: Ba H2 Si O4
Wuji Huaxue Xuebao, 2002, 18, 45-50
1531792 CIFB4 Be H2 O8P 1 21/n 117.7564; 4.2948; 7.1532
90; 96.8797; 90
541.577Li Hongmei; Lin Jianhua; Ju Jing
Synthesis and crystal structure of layered beryllium polyborate H2 Be B4 O8
Wuji Huaxue Xuebao, 2002, 18, 764-768
1532082 CIFCa0.5 Fe0.5 Mn12.5 O22 Sb0.5 Si2P -3 m 16.77; 6.77; 11.12
90; 90; 120
441.38Rau, V.G.; Kurkutova, E.N.
Crystal structure of langbanite
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 508-513
1532688 CIFC2 Cl2 O4 Pb2C 1 2/m 15.9411; 5.8714; 9.4212
90; 95.232; 90
327.266Boudaren, C.; Auffredic, J.P.; Louer, M.; Louer, D.
A powder X-ray diffraction study of lead chloride oxalate Pb2 Cl2 (C2 O4): ab initio structure determination and thermal behaviour
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 205-213
1532761 CIFCo Sb2.997 Te0.003I m -39.0339; 9.0339; 9.0339
90; 90; 90
737.269Wojciechowski, K.T.; Wegrzyn, Z.; Bucko, M.; Malecki, A.
Rietveld refinement studies of Te-doped Co Sb3
Applied Crystallography: Proceedings of the XVII International Conference Wisla, Poland 31 August-4 September, 1997, 2001, 18, 46-49
1532764 CIFCo Sb2.91 Te0.09I m -39.0419; 9.0419; 9.0419
90; 90; 90
739.229Wojciechowski, K.T.; Bucko, M.; Wegrzyn, Z.; Malecki, A.
Rietveld refinement studies of Te-doped Co Sb3
Applied Crystallography: Proceedings of the XVII International Conference Wisla, Poland 31 August-4 September, 1997, 2001, 18, 46-49
1532766 CIFCo Sb2.7 Te0.3I m -39.0487; 9.0487; 9.0487
90; 90; 90
740.898Wojciechowski, K.T.; Bucko, M.; Wegrzyn, Z.; Malecki, A.
Rietveld refinement studies of Te-doped Co Sb3
Applied Crystallography: Proceedings of the XVII International Conference Wisla, Poland 31 August-4 September, 1997, 2001, 18, 46-49
1532804 CIFCo0.2 Cr2 Cu0.8 Se4F d -3 m :210.3151; 10.3151; 10.3151
90; 90; 90
1097.54Okonska-Kozlowska, I.; Maciazek, E.; Ratuszna, A.
Crystal structure of Cu Cr2 Se4, Cu0.8 Co0.2 Cr2 Se4 and Cu0.4 Co0.6 Cr2 Se4
Applied Crystallography: Proceedings of the XVII International Conference Wisla, Poland 31 August-4 September, 1997, 2001, 18, 54-57
1532808 CIFCo0.6 Cr2 Cu0.4 Se4I 1 2/m 16.288; 3.608; 11.728
90; 91.304; 90
266.005Okonska-Kozlowska, I.; Maciazek, E.; Ratuszna, A.
Crystal structure of Cu Cr2 Se4, Cu0.8 Co0.2 Cr2 Se4 and Cu0.4 Co0.6 Cr2 Se4
Applied Crystallography: Proceedings of the XVII International Conference Wisla, Poland 31 August-4 September, 1997, 2001, 18, 54-57
1532850 CIFMo14.41 O42.82 PP n -3 m :211.795; 11.795; 11.795
90; 90; 90
1640.94Marosi, L.; Cifre, J.; Otero Arean, C.
X-ray powder diffraction analysis of the heteropoly-molybdate (Mo O2)0.5 P Mo14 O42
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 236-239
1533137 CIFBa0.3 Mn O3 Pr0.7P n m a5.49; 7.7578; 5.5227
90; 90; 90
235.214Ellouze, M.; Boujelben, W.; Fuess, H.
Rietveld refinement X-ray powder data of Pr0.7 Ba0.3 Mn O3
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 29-31
1533311 CIFCa0.9 O3 Pb0.1 TiP b n m5.403; 5.442; 7.693
90; 90; 90
226.198Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533313 CIFCa0.8 O3 Pb0.2 TiP b n m5.433; 5.459; 7.693
90; 90; 90
228.165Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533315 CIFCa0.7 O3 Pb0.3 TiP b n m5.489; 5.46; 7.723
90; 90; 90
231.458Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533317 CIFCa0.6 O3 Pb0.4 TiP b n m5.491; 5.482; 7.739
90; 90; 90
232.957Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533319 CIFCa0.566 O3 Pb0.434 TiP b n m5.515; 5.48; 7.75
90; 90; 90
234.222Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533321 CIFCa0.42 O3 Pb0.58 TiP 4 m m3.88; 3.88; 3.95
90; 90; 90
59.465Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533323 CIFCa0.422 O3 Pb0.578 TiP b n m5.523; 5.515; 7.76
90; 90; 90
236.365Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533325 CIFCa0.39 O3 Pb0.61 TiP 4 m m3.88; 3.88; 3.97
90; 90; 90
59.766Chandra, A.; Pandey, D.
Evolution of crystallographic phases in the system (Pb1-x Cax) Ti O3: a Rietveld study
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 407-414
1533574 CIFH2 K4 O12 V2P 1 21/c 16.7097; 9.9574; 15.825
90; 93.69; 90
1055.09Grzywa, M.; Rafalska-Lasocha, A.; Lasocha, W.
X-ray powder diffraction data of potassium mue-oxo-bis(oxodiperoxovanadate)(4-) hydrate K4 (O (V O (O2)2)2) (H2 O)
Powder Diffraction, 2003, 18, 248-251
1533965 CIFBa0.1 La0.9 Mg0.633 Nb0.367 O3F m -3 m7.9855; 7.9855; 7.9855
90; 90; 90
509.221Park Hyun Min; Lee Hwack Joo; Cho Yang Koo
Crystal structuures of (Ba1-x Lax) (Mg1/3+x/3 Nb2/3-x/3) O3 with 0.9 <= x <= 1.0
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 1003-1010
1533967 CIFBa0.1 La0.9 Mg0.633 Nb0.367 O3P 1 21/n 15.6415; 5.6606; 7.9825
90; 89.92; 90
254.915Park Hyun Min; Lee Hwack Joo; Cho Yang Koo
Crystal structuures of (Ba1-x Lax) (Mg1/3+x/3 Nb2/3-x/3) O3 with 0.9 <= x <= 1.0
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 1003-1010
1533969 CIFLa Mg0.667 Nb0.333 O3F m -3 m7.9855; 7.9855; 7.9855
90; 90; 90
509.221Park Hyun Min; Lee Hwack Joo; Cho Yang Koo
Crystal structuures of (Ba1-x Lax) (Mg1/3+x/3 Nb2/3-x/3) O3 with 0.9 <= x <= 1.0
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 1003-1010
1533974 CIFLa Mg0.667 Nb0.333 O3P 1 21/n 15.6133; 5.6585; 7.9529
90; 89.96; 90
252.607Park Hyun Min; Cho Yang Koo; Lee Hwack Joo
Crystal structuures of (Ba1-x Lax) (Mg1/3+x/3 Nb2/3-x/3) O3 with 0.9 <= x <= 1.0
Journal of Materials Research, 2003, 18, 1003-1010
1534144 CIFAl2 Ca1.16 H12 O24 Si6.95C 1 2/m 117.718; 17.897; 7.428
90; 116.42; 90
2109.4Alberti, A.
On the crystal structure of the zeolite heulandite
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1972, 18, 129-146
1534270 CIFH0.6 Ni O2.2R -3 m :H2.82; 2.82; 19.9
90; 90; 120
137.051Bityutskii, P.N.; Khitrova, V.I.; Pinsker, Z.G.
Structure of nickel hydroxide containing potassium ions
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 978-983
1534437 CIFBr6 K2 TeP 4/m n c7.572; 7.572; 10.8
90; 90; 90
619.22Abriel, W.
Polymorphism and phase transitions of K2 Te Br6 (293-473 K)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1419-1423
1534502 CIFF6 K Na SnP n a 2111.8; 6; 8.125
90; 90; 90
575.25Gerasimenko, A.V.; Sergienko, V.I.; Ivanov, S.B.; Antokhina, T.F.
Crystal structure of NaKSnF6
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 129-132
1534505 CIFF6 Na Rb SnP b c n8.156; 13.129; 10.958
90; 90; 90
1173.38Gerasimenko, A.V.; Ivanov, S.B.; Sergienko, V.I.; Antokhina, T.F.
Crystal structures of Na Rb Sn F6 and Na Cs Sn F6.
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 1139-1143
1534509 CIFCs F6 Na SnP b c n8.352; 13.389; 11.206
90; 90; 90
1253.11Gerasimenko, A.V.; Ivanov, S.B.; Antokhina, T.F.; Sergienko, V.I.
Crystal structures of NaRbSnF6 and NaCsSnF6.
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 1139-1143
1534749 CIFAl1.7 F1.62 H0.38 K Li1.48 Mg0.39 O10.38 Si3.43C 1 2 15.216; 9.005; 10.084
90; 100.72; 90
465.38Backhaus, K.O.
Structure refinement of an 1 M-Lepidolite
Crystal Research and Technology, 1983, 18, 1253-1260
1535014 CIFCs2 OP 21 21 219.816; 10.33; 15.161
90; 90; 90
1537.31Solntsev, K.A.; Mebel, A.M.; Votinova, N.A.; Kuznetsov, N.T.; Charkin, O.P.
Polyhedral anion (B12 H12)2- as a space-aromatic system.
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 340-364
1535016 CIFB12 Cs2 F7.09 H7 OP 21 21 219.338; 10.298; 14.943
90; 90; 90
1436.96Solntsev, K.A.; Charkin, O.P.; Mebel, A.M.; Kuznetsov, N.T.; Votinova, N.A.
Polyhedral anion (B12 H12)2- as a space-aromatic system.
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 340-364
1535405 CIFSe8 Ti6 Tl0.76P 63/m9.882; 9.882; 3.59
90; 90; 120
303.609Boller, H.; Klepp, K.O.
Tlx Ti6 Se8 and Tlx Nb6 Se8, two phases with filled up Nb3 Te4 type of structure showing pronounced disorder
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 437-442
1535406 CIFNb6 Se8 Tl0.7P 63/m10.033; 10.033; 3.475
90; 90; 120
302.933Boller, H.; Klepp, K.O.
Tlx Ti6 Se8 and Tlx Nb6 Se8, two phases with filled up Nb3Te4-type of structure showing pronounced disorder
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 437-442
1535494 CIFCs F5 H2 O ZrP -17.181; 8.796; 5.211
94.04; 85.27; 58.61
277.519Tkachev, V.V.; Davidovich, R.L.; Atovmyan, L.O.
Crystal structure of cesium pentafluorozirconate hydrate
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 38-41
1535498 CIFCs5 F21 H6 O3 Zr4P 1 1 21/m15.088; 12.614; 6.798
90; 90; 108.08
1229.91Tkachev, V.V.; Davidovich, R.L.; Atovmyan, L.O.
Crystal structure of new cesium fluorozirconate Cs5Zr4F21(H2O)3
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 42-47
1535612 CIFCe1.02 Os2.04 Si2I 4/m m m4.1617; 4.1617; 9.8481
90; 90; 90
170.567Horvath, C.E.; Rogl, P.
Refinement of the crystal structure of Ce Os2 Si2 (Th Cr2 Si2 Type)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 443-448
1535714 CIFBi7 Cu Pb3 S10 Se4P 1 21/m 117.97; 4.11; 17.62
90; 94.3; 90
1297.69Mumme, W.G.
The crystal structure of nordstroemite Cu Pb3 Bi7 (S, Se)14, from Falun, Sweden: A member of the junoite homologous series
Canadian Mineralogist, 1980, 18, 343-352
1536092 CIFCo Ni O12 P4C 1 2/c 111.718; 8.267; 9.871
90; 118.55; 90
839.953Nord, A.G.
Neutron diffraction studies of Ni Co P4 O12 and Ni Zn P4 O12
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 765-773
1536094 CIFNi O12 P4 ZnC 1 2/c 111.689; 8.277; 9.87
90; 118.55; 90
838.803Nord, A.G.
Neutron diffraction studies of Ni Co P4 O12 and Ni Zn P4 O12
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 765-773
1536266 CIFLa Nb O4I 41/a :15.4001; 5.4001; 11.6661
90; 90; 90
340.196David, W.I.F.
The high-temperature paraelastic structure of La Nb O4
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 749-756
1536268 CIFNb Nd O4C 1 2/c 1 (c,a+c,b)5.4722; 5.1491; 11.2857
90; 90; 85.458
316.997David, W.I.F.
Transition temperature -spontaneous strain- atomic displacement relationships in ferroelectrics
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 809-816
1536650 CIFIn P3R -3 m :H7.449; 7.449; 9.885
90; 90; 120
475.011Kinomura, N.; Terao, K.; Kikkawa, S.; Koizumi, M.; Horiuchi, H.
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of In P3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 53-57
1536821 CIFAl2 D0.3 Ni6 Tb3I m -3 m8.93; 8.93; 8.93
90; 90; 90
712.122Yartys', V.A.; Khidirov, I.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Crystal structure of deuterides Tb3Ni6Al2Dx (x=0.3,0.5) based on intermetallic Tb3Ni6Al2 with Ca3Ag8 structural type
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 428-435
1536824 CIFAl2 D0.5 Ni6 Tb3I m -3 m9.841; 9.841; 9.841
90; 90; 90
953.054Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.; Khidirov, I.
Crystal structure of deuterides Tb3Ni6Al2Dx (x=0.3,0.5) based on intermetallic Tb3Ni6Al2 with Ca3Ag8 structural type
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 428-435
1536831 CIFNa4 O12 Si3 Zr2R -3 c :H9.193; 9.193; 22.289
90; 90; 120
1631.31Kohler, H.; Schulz, H.; Mel'nikov, O.K.
Structural Investigations of Nasicon (Na1+x Zr2 Six P3-x O12; x=3) with X-Ray Diffraction at 298 K and 403K
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 589-592
1537039 CIFEu Ga2 Se4F d d d :221.579; 21.336; 12.736
90; 90; 90
5863.78Rimet, R.; Roques, R.; Declercq, J.P.; Zanchetta, J.V.; Germain, G.
Structure cristalline et proprietes magnetiques de Eu Ga2 Se4
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 277-285
1537117 CIFLi2 O3 TeC 1 2/m 15.06; 9.56; 13.72
90; 95.5; 90
660.63Kuban, R.J.
OD interpretation of the crystal structure of lithium tellurite, Li2 Te O3
Crystal Research and Technology, 1983, 18, 85-90
1537513 CIFMo O8 P2P b c m7.683; 7.426; 4.889
90; 90; 90
278.937Kierkegaard, P.
On the crystal structure of Mo O2 (P O3)2
Arkiv foer Kemi, 1961, 18, 521-532
1537515 CIFNa O6 P WP 1 21/n 112.1; 11.96; 6.364
90; 90.75; 90
920.894Kierkegaard, P.
The crystal structure of Na W O2 P O4 and Na Mo O2 P O4
Arkiv foer Kemi, 1962, 18, 553-575
1537516 CIFMo Na O6 PP 1 21/n 112.08; 11.96; 6.359
90; 91.19; 90
918.53Kierkegaard, P.
The crystal structure of Na W O2 P O4 and Na Mo O2 P O4
Arkiv foer Kemi, 1962, 18, 553-575
1537525 CIFS Si UP 4/n m m :13.767; 3.767; 8.285
90; 90; 90
117.567Klein Haneveld, A.J.; Jellinek, F.
Some ternary uranium chalcogenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 123-129
1537526 CIFGe S UP 4/n m m :13.8112; 3.8112; 8.3054
90; 90; 90
120.638Klein Haneveld, A.J.; Jellinek, F.
Some ternary uranium chalkogenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 123-129
1537527 CIFSn Te UP 4/n m m :14.2596; 4.2596; 9.1313
90; 90; 90
165.68Klein Haneveld, A.J.; Jellinek, F.
Some ternary uranium chalcogenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 123-129
1537528 CIFSb Te UP 4/n m m :14.3185; 4.3185; 9.057
90; 90; 90
168.908Klein Haneveld, A.J.; Jellinek, F.
Some ternary uranium chalcogenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 123-129
1537529 CIFTe1.87 UP 4/n m m :14.243; 4.243; 8.946
90; 90; 90
161.055Klein Haneveld, A.J.; Jellinek, F.
Some ternary uranium chalcogenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 123-129
1537530 CIFGe Se UI 4/m m m3.9323; 3.9323; 16.969
90; 90; 90
262.391Klein Haneveld, A.J.; Jellinek, F.
Some ternary uranium chalcogenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 123-129
1537531 CIFGe Te UI 4/m m m4.1058; 4.1058; 17.6014
90; 90; 90
296.717Klein Haneveld, A.J.; Jellinek, F.
Some ternary uranium chalcogenides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 123-129
1537624 CIFAl2 Ca1.23 H12 O24 Si7C 1 m 117.718; 17.897; 7.428
90; 116.42; 90
2109.4Alberti, A.
On the crystal structure of the zeolite heulandite
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1972, 18, 129-146
1537693 CIFMo4 O11P n 21 a24.4; 5.45; 6.7
90; 90; 90
890.966Asbrink, S.; Kihlborg, L.
A study of the crystal symmetry and structure of orthorhombic Mo4 O11 by least-squares techniques
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 1571-1573
1537987 CIFMo6 Pb S8R -3 :H9.198; 9.198; 11.442
90; 90; 120
838.338Fedorov, V.E.; Mishchenko, A.V.; Kirik, S.D.; Logvinenko, Z.M.
Stoichiometry of ternary molybdenum sulfide Pb Mo6 S8
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1982, 18, 17-22
1538064 CIFO2 SiP 32 2 14.91304; 4.91304; 5.40463
90; 90; 120
112.979Hanic, F.; Sumichrast, L.
Alpha-beta phase transition in quartz
Silikaty, 1974, 18, 1-9
1538075 CIFNb3 SbP m -3 n5.2643; 5.2643; 5.2643
90; 90; 90
145.889Furuseth, S.; Kjekshus, A.
On the arsenides and antimonides of niobium
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 1180-1195
1538078 CIFNb5 Sb4I 4/m10.314; 10.314; 3.5566
90; 90; 90
378.346Furuseth, S.; Kjekshus, A.
On the arsenides and antimonides of niobium
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 1180-1195
1538155 CIFH17.68 K4.61 Na2.736 O65.84 Si16 Ti8.72B 1 1 2/m14.18; 15.48; 13.7
90; 90; 117
2679.47Golovastikov, N.I.
Crystal structure of the alkali titanosilicate labuntsovite
Kristallografiya, 1973, 18, 950-955
1538466 CIFFe2 O11 Te4P 1 21/c 111.88; 6.95; 14.13
90; 123.73; 90
970.267Pertlik, F.
Die Kristallstruktur von Fe2 Te4 O11
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (-1978), 1972, 18, 39-55
1538610 CIFNi PtF m -3 m3.785; 3.785; 3.785
90; 90; 90
54.225Leroux, C.; Cadeville, M.C.; Inden, G.; Pierron-Bohnes, V.; Hinz, F.
Comparative investigation of structural transport properties of L10 Ni Pt and Co Pt phases; the role of magnetism
Journal of Physics F, 1988, 18, 2033-2051
1538767 CIFPd3 ScP m -3 m3.9579; 3.9579; 3.9579
90; 90; 90
62Norman, M.; Harris, I.R.
A study of some palladium-scandium, -zirconium and -gadolinium alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 333-345
1539220 CIFLa Ni3R -3 m :H5.086; 5.086; 25.01
90; 90; 120
560.27Virkar, A.V.; Raman, A.
Crystal structures of AB3 and A2B7 rare earth-nickel phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 59-66
1539222 CIFNd Ni5P 6/m m m4.926; 4.926; 3.957
90; 90; 120
83.154Virkar, A.V.; Raman, A.
Crystal structures of AB3 and A2B7 rare earth-nickel phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 18, 59-66
1539286 CIFAs5 Pb S9 TlP b c a10.86; 35.45; 8.16
90; 90; 90
3141.49Takeuchi, Y.; Nowacki, W.; Ghose, S.
The crystal structure of the thallium-lead sulfosalt hutchinsonite
Chimia, 1964, 18, 215-217
1539310 CIFNb Se2P 63/m m c3.442; 3.442; 12.54
90; 90; 120
128.662Selte, K.; Kjekshus, A.
On the structural properties of the Nb1+x Se2 phase
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 697-706
1539312 CIFNb Te4P 4 c c6.499; 6.499; 6.837
90; 90; 90
288.774Selte, K.; Kjekshus, A.
On the crystal structure of Nb Te4
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 690-696
1539469 CIFIn S2 TlP -6 m 23.81; 3.81; 14.91
90; 90; 120
187.438Agaev, K.A.; Gasymov, V.A.; Chiragov, M.I.
Electron-diffraction investigation of the structure of thin Tl In S2 films
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1973, 18, 226-227
1539535 CIFMn Rh2 SnF m -3 m6.242; 6.242; 6.242
90; 90; 90
243.204Suits, J.C.
Structural instability in new magnetic Heusler compounds
Solid State Communications, 1976, 18, 423-425
1539607 CIFMo4 O11P n a 2124.49; 6.752; 5.457
90; 90; 90
902.35Asbrink, S.; Kihlborg, L.
A study of the crystal symmetry and structure of orthorhombic Mo4 O11 by least-squares techniques
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 1571-1573
1539714 CIFTe ThP m -3 m3.838; 3.838; 3.838
90; 90; 90
56.535Ferro, R.
Thorium monotelluride and thorium mono-oxytelluride
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1955, 18, 641-644
1540034 CIFC32 H28 F6 N8 O4 ZnP -18.8018; 9.2775; 11.3673
82.433; 68.031; 67.635
796Nakatake, Daiki; Yokote, Yuki; Matsushima, Yoshimasa; Yazaki, Ryo; Ohshima, Takashi
A highly stable but highly reactive zinc catalyst for transesterification supported by a bis(imidazole) ligand
Green Chem., 2016, 18, 1524
1540035 CIFC40 H44 F6 N8 O4 ZnP 1 21/n 114.5768; 8.9341; 15.9047
90; 103.294; 90
2015.8Nakatake, Daiki; Yokote, Yuki; Matsushima, Yoshimasa; Yazaki, Ryo; Ohshima, Takashi
A highly stable but highly reactive zinc catalyst for transesterification supported by a bis(imidazole) ligand
Green Chem., 2016, 18, 1524
1540036 CIFC18 H14 F6 N4 O4 ZnP -19.7675; 11.262; 11.576
98.815; 107.953; 112.944
1059.8Nakatake, Daiki; Yokote, Yuki; Matsushima, Yoshimasa; Yazaki, Ryo; Ohshima, Takashi
A highly stable but highly reactive zinc catalyst for transesterification supported by a bis(imidazole) ligand
Green Chem., 2016, 18, 1524
1540663 CIFC44 H40 N8 O8 Zn2C 1 2/c 112.0935; 34.0051; 31.9458
90; 93.564; 90
13112Ju, Huiyeong; Park, In-Hyeok; Lee, Eunji; Kim, Seulgi; Jung, Jong Hwa; Ikeda, Mari; Habata, Yoichi; Lee, Shim Sung
Guest-triggered assembly of zinc(ii) supramolecular isomers with accompanying dimensional change and reversible single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1600
1540664 CIFC60 H88 N12 O18 Zn2P 1 21/c 119.5006; 20.5981; 18.7188
90; 116.064; 90
6754.2Ju, Huiyeong; Park, In-Hyeok; Lee, Eunji; Kim, Seulgi; Jung, Jong Hwa; Ikeda, Mari; Habata, Yoichi; Lee, Shim Sung
Guest-triggered assembly of zinc(ii) supramolecular isomers with accompanying dimensional change and reversible single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1600
1540665 CIFC22 H20 N4 O4 ZnP b c a18.6866; 15.8553; 22.302
90; 90; 90
6607.7Ju, Huiyeong; Park, In-Hyeok; Lee, Eunji; Kim, Seulgi; Jung, Jong Hwa; Ikeda, Mari; Habata, Yoichi; Lee, Shim Sung
Guest-triggered assembly of zinc(ii) supramolecular isomers with accompanying dimensional change and reversible single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1600
1540666 CIFC37 H35 N4 O4 ZnP 1 21/c 19.987; 22.605; 17.815
90; 121.513; 90
3429Ju, Huiyeong; Park, In-Hyeok; Lee, Eunji; Kim, Seulgi; Jung, Jong Hwa; Ikeda, Mari; Habata, Yoichi; Lee, Shim Sung
Guest-triggered assembly of zinc(ii) supramolecular isomers with accompanying dimensional change and reversible single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1600
1540667 CIFC60 H81 N9 O13 Zn2P 1 21/n 110.3361; 20.4349; 16.2418
90; 91.807; 90
3428.8Ju, Huiyeong; Park, In-Hyeok; Lee, Eunji; Kim, Seulgi; Jung, Jong Hwa; Ikeda, Mari; Habata, Yoichi; Lee, Shim Sung
Guest-triggered assembly of zinc(ii) supramolecular isomers with accompanying dimensional change and reversible single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1600
1540687 CIFC41 H34 Fe O4 SP -19.5101; 12.7112; 15.1706
111.283; 95.486; 107.579
1584.95Del Hoyo, Ana M.; Urbano, Antonio; Carreño, M Carmen
Enantioselective Synthesis of Four Stereoisomers of Sulfinyl Ferrocenyl Quinones with Central, Planar, and Helical Chirality.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 20-23
1540692 CIFC12 H13 N O4P 1 21 17.72422; 8.94615; 17.2197
90; 101.049; 90
1167.86Xiao, Wei; Yin, Xiang; Zhou, Zhi; Du, Wei; Chen, Ying-Chun
Asymmetric α,γ-Regioselective [3 + 3] Formal Cycloadditions of α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes via Cascade Dienamine-Dienamine Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 116-119
1540693 CIFC39 H45 Cl9 N6 O6C 1 2 119.477; 24.208; 13.2882
90; 131.418; 90
4698.4Kieryk, Przemysław; Janczak, Jan; Panek, Jarosław; Miklitz, Marcin; Lisowski, Jerzy
Chiral 2 + 3 Keto-Enamine Pseudocyclophanes Derived from 1,3,5-Triformylphloroglucinol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 12-15
1540694 CIFC39 H45 Cl9 N6 O6C 1 2 119.47; 24.1563; 13.2943
90; 131.46; 90
4685.8Kieryk, Przemysław; Janczak, Jan; Panek, Jarosław; Miklitz, Marcin; Lisowski, Jerzy
Chiral 2 + 3 Keto-Enamine Pseudocyclophanes Derived from 1,3,5-Triformylphloroglucinol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 12-15
1540737 CIFC10 H17 Br O4P 21 21 218.8043; 11.5507; 24.957
90; 90; 90
2538Shim, Su Yong; Kim, Jae Yeon; Nam, Miso; Hwang, Geum-Sook; Ryu, Do Hyun
Enantioselective Cyclopropanation with α-Alkyl-α-diazoesters Catalyzed by Chiral Oxazaborolidinium Ion: Total Synthesis of (+)-Hamavellone B.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 160-163
1540738 CIFC33 H24 Br N3 OP 1 21/c 111.0816; 26.6736; 9.2178
90; 107.909; 90
2592.6Mazaheripour, Amir; Dibble, David J.; Umerani, Mehran J.; Park, Young S.; Lopez, Robert; Laidlaw, Dylan; Vargas, Eriberto; Ziller, Joseph W.; Gorodetsky, Alon A.
An Aza-Diels-Alder Approach to Crowded Benzoquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 156-159
1540739 CIFC25 H28 Br NP -17.8355; 11.0538; 12.4164
101.799; 91.9711; 102.741
1023.2Mazaheripour, Amir; Dibble, David J.; Umerani, Mehran J.; Park, Young S.; Lopez, Robert; Laidlaw, Dylan; Vargas, Eriberto; Ziller, Joseph W.; Gorodetsky, Alon A.
An Aza-Diels-Alder Approach to Crowded Benzoquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 156-159
1540740 CIFC32 H27 N2 O2 PP 1 21/c 114.031; 8.951; 20.9862
90; 106.794; 90
2523.3Hua, Hui-Liang; Zhang, Bo-Sheng; He, Yu-Tao; Qiu, Yi-Feng; Wu, Xin-Xing; Xu, Peng-Fei; Liang, Yong-Min
Silver-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization of Propargylamide-Substituted Indoles: Synthesis of Phosphorated Indoloazepinones Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 216-219
1540741 CIFC14 H10 N2P 1 21/c 16.163; 13.541; 12.998
90; 101.222; 90
1064Shu, Wen-Ming; Ma, Jun-Rui; Zheng, Kai-Lu; Wu, An-Xin
Multicomponent Coupling Cyclization Access to Cinnolines via in Situ Generated Diazene with Arynes, and α-Bromo Ketones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 196-199
1540742 CIFC24 H22 N2 O5P 1 21/c 18.322; 21.996; 11.667
90; 107.208; 90
2040Chen, Xun; Hu, Xinwei; Bai, Siyi; Deng, Yuanfu; Jiang, Huanfeng; Zeng, Wei
Rh(III)-Catalyzed [4 + 2] Annulation of Indoles with Diazo Compounds: Access to Pyrimido[1,6-a]indole-1(2H)-ones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 192-195
1540743 CIFC15 H20 N O5 PP 1 21/c 19.3895; 11.8119; 16.7592
90; 119.122; 90
1623.76Phatake, Ravindra S.; Patel, Pitambar; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Ir(III)-Catalyzed Synthesis of Isoquinoline N-Oxides from Aryloxime and α-Diazocarbonyl Compounds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 292-295
1540744 CIFC44 H46 Ag2 F12 Ir2 N2 O10P 1 21/c 113.0925; 11.3675; 17.0939
90; 90.408; 90
2544Phatake, Ravindra S.; Patel, Pitambar; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Ir(III)-Catalyzed Synthesis of Isoquinoline N-Oxides from Aryloxime and α-Diazocarbonyl Compounds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 292-295
1540745 CIFC15 H20 N O7 PP -17.016; 11.027; 11.187
107.843; 94.401; 92.67
819.2Phatake, Ravindra S.; Patel, Pitambar; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Ir(III)-Catalyzed Synthesis of Isoquinoline N-Oxides from Aryloxime and α-Diazocarbonyl Compounds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 292-295
1540746 CIFC19 H14 F2 N2 O3P 1 21/n 114.3558; 4.7227; 24.973
90; 105.882; 90
1628.5Padala, Anil K.; Kumar, Raju Ranjith; Athimoolam, S.; Ahmed, Qazi Naveed
Divergent Reactivity of Amino Acid Alkyl Ester Hydrochlorides with 2-Oxoaldehydes: Role of Selenium Dioxide To Promote Regioselective Synthesis of Imidazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 96-99
1540819 CIFC5 V6P 315.09; 5.09; 14.4
90; 90; 120
323.094Venables, J.D.; Kahn, D.; Lye, R.G.
Structure of the ordered compound V6 C5
Philosophical Magazine, Serie 6 (1901-1925), 1968, 18, 177-192
1541079 CIFEr H O12 P4P 1 21/a 19.574; 7.096; 13.637
90; 100.95; 90
909.591Palkina, K.K.; Chudinova, N.N.; Balagina, G.M.; Maksimova, S.I.; Chibiskova, N.T.
Synthesis of acid polyphosphates of rare-earth metals and the structure of Er H (P O3)4
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1982, 18, 1561-1566
1541599 CIFFe2.5 Li0.5 O4F d -3 m :18.39; 8.39; 8.39
90; 90; 90
590.59de Boer, F.; van Santen, J.H.; Verwey, E.J.W.
The Electrostatic Contribution to the Lattice Energy of Some Ordered Spinels
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1950, 18, 1032-1034
1541912 CIFC20 H18 N2 O4P -17.852; 8.191; 15.597
92.81; 103.81; 116.1
861Jeong, Taejoo; Han, Sang Hoon; Han, Sangil; Sharma, Satyasheel; Park, Jihye; Lee, Jong Suk; Kwak, Jong Hwan; Jung, Young Hoon; Kim, In Su
Access to 3-Acyl-(2H)-indazoles via Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-H Addition and Cyclization of Azobenzenes with α-Keto Aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 232-235
1541913 CIFC14 H25 N O5 S SiP c a 2116.204; 10.0147; 11.186
90; 90; 90
1815.2Gerstner, Nels C.; Adams, Christopher S.; Grigg, R. David; Tretbar, Maik; Rigoli, Jared W.; Schomaker, Jennifer M.
Diastereoselective Synthesis of the Aminocyclitol Core of Jogyamycin via an Allene Aziridination Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 284-287
1541914 CIFC11 H21 N O5 SP 21 21 217.4335; 12.118; 14.438
90; 90; 90
1300.6Gerstner, Nels C.; Adams, Christopher S.; Grigg, R. David; Tretbar, Maik; Rigoli, Jared W.; Schomaker, Jennifer M.
Diastereoselective Synthesis of the Aminocyclitol Core of Jogyamycin via an Allene Aziridination Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 284-287
1541918 CIFC25 H26 O2P 1 21/c 110.2155; 18.822; 10.6623
90; 110.299; 90
1922.8Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541919 CIFC26 H28 O4 SP 1 21/c 123.259; 5.6619; 17.6922
90; 112.341; 90
2155Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541920 CIFC25 H31 F O3 SP 1 21/n 115.2927; 18.9203; 22.9664
90; 90.775; 90
6644.5Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541921 CIFC18 H19 N O5 SP 1 21/n 111.85; 10.4794; 13.4988
90; 91.813; 90
1675.5Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541922 CIFC32 H32 O4 SP 1 21/c 112.1307; 11.0079; 20.033
90; 104.538; 90
2589.42Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541923 CIFC28 H32 O4 SP 21 21 219.4078; 9.4698; 26.64
90; 90; 90
2373.4Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541924 CIFC25 H24 O4 SP 1 21/c 110.8495; 9.9471; 19.6318
90; 94.688; 90
2111.6Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541925 CIFC25 H32 O3 SP b c a16.05; 11.2326; 24.8893
90; 90; 90
4487.1Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541926 CIFC20 H24 O3 SP 1 21/c 16.019; 22.9167; 13.0996
90; 101.525; 90
1770.47Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541927 CIFC19 H19 F3 O3 SP 21 21 215.6186; 8.359; 37.132
90; 90; 90
1743.9Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541928 CIFC34 H44 O5 SP 1 21/n 110.3966; 11.0245; 26.053
90; 91.85; 90
2984.6Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541929 CIFC25 H25 F O2P 1 21/c 110.3721; 18.7809; 10.7938
90; 110.397; 90
1970.8Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of Substituted Tetralins and Benzosuberans via BF3·OEt2-Mediated Formal (4 + 2) and (5 + 2) Stereocontrolled Cycloaddition of 4-Alkenols with Veratrol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 608-611
1541939 CIFF Nb3 O7C m m m20.67; 3.833; 3.927
90; 90; 90
311.129Andersson, S.
The Crystal Structure of Nb3 O7 F
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 2339-2344
1541947 CIFBi Cr H O5P b c a11.311; 9.728; 7.314
90; 90; 90
804.784Aurivillius, B.; Loewenhielm, A.
The crystal structure of the orthorhombic modification of Bi O H Cr O4. A refinement of the structure of monoclinic Bi O H Cr O4
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 1937-1957
1542103 CIFBi Cr H O5P 1 21/c 15.625; 9.592; 7.476
90; 93.12; 90
402.77Aurivillius, B.; Loewenhielm, A.
The crystal structure of the orthorhombic modification of Bi O H Cr O4. A refinement of the structure of monoclinic Bi O H Cr O4
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1964, 18, 1937-1957
1542267 CIFC15 H11 N O4 SP 21 21 216.9902; 10.327; 18.799
90; 90; 90
1357.1Lai, Bo-Nan; Qiu, Jian-Feng; Zhang, Heng-Xia; Nie, Jing; Ma, Jun-An
Stereoselective Synthesis of Fused Aziridines via One-Pot Sequential Decarboxylative Mannich Reaction and Oxidative C-H Amination of Cyclic Imines with β-Ketoacids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 520-523
1542268 CIFC29 H40 O10P 1 21 18.3056; 28.5217; 12.1649
90; 90.909; 90
2881.38Yu, Jin-Hai; Liu, Qun-Fang; Sheng, Li; Wang, Guo-Cai; Li, Jia; Yue, Jian-Min
Cipacinoids A-D, Four Limonoids with Spirocyclic Skeletons from Cipadessa cinerascens.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 444-447
1542269 CIFC29 H40 O11P 1 21 18.7852; 14.5469; 11.599
90; 110.9; 90
1384.79Yu, Jin-Hai; Liu, Qun-Fang; Sheng, Li; Wang, Guo-Cai; Li, Jia; Yue, Jian-Min
Cipacinoids A-D, Four Limonoids with Spirocyclic Skeletons from Cipadessa cinerascens.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 444-447
1542286 CIFC27 H40 N4 O7P 21 21 219.9794; 14.104; 19.268
90; 90; 90
2712Almeida, Celso; Maddah, Fayrouz El; Kehraus, Stefan; Schnakenburg, Gregor; König, Gabriele M
Endolides A and B, Vasopressin and Serotonin-Receptor Interacting N-Methylated Peptides from the Sponge-Derived Fungus Stachylidium sp.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 528-531
1542292 CIFC28 H28 N2 O4P 1 21 19.0877; 15.0437; 9.2994
90; 111.757; 90
1180.78Garve, Lennart K. B.; Petzold, Martin; Jones, Peter G.; Werz, Daniel B.
[3 + 3]-Cycloaddition of Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes with Nitrile Imines Generated in Situ: Access to Tetrahydropyridazines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 564-567
1542293 CIFC24 H30 N2 O2P -18.721; 11.0214; 11.5267
101.563; 96.6362; 110.424
996.22Zhu, Zhengbo; Seidel, Daniel
An Ugi Reaction Incorporating a Redox-Neutral Amine C-H Functionalization Step.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 631-633
1542304 CIFC19 H24 N2 OP 21 21 216.955; 10.6206; 23.9572
90; 90; 90
1769.63Pan, Zhiqiang; Qin, Xu-Jie; Liu, Ya-Ping; Wu, Ting; Luo, Xiao-Dong; Xia, Chengfeng
Alstoscholarisines H-J, Indole Alkaloids from Alstonia scholaris: Structural Evaluation and Bioinspired Synthesis of Alstoscholarisine H.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 654-657
1542305 CIFC19 H24 N2 OP 21 21 218.0376; 12.1437; 32.747
90; 90; 90
3196.3Pan, Zhiqiang; Qin, Xu-Jie; Liu, Ya-Ping; Wu, Ting; Luo, Xiao-Dong; Xia, Chengfeng
Alstoscholarisines H-J, Indole Alkaloids from Alstonia scholaris: Structural Evaluation and Bioinspired Synthesis of Alstoscholarisine H.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 654-657
1542306 CIFC31 H30 O9 SeP 21 21 216.22509; 17.41592; 26.9154
90; 90; 90
2918.05McDonagh, Anthony W.; Mahon, Mary F.; Murphy, Paul V.
Lewis Acid Induced Anomerization of Se-Glycosides. Application to Synthesis of α-Se-GalCer.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 552-555
1542317 CIFC18 H18 Cl N O SP -16.3258; 8.2673; 16.726
78.52; 85.68; 79.53
842.3Wan, Jie-Ping; Zhong, Shanshan; Xie, Lili; Cao, Xiaoji; Liu, Yunyun; Wei, Li
KIO3-Catalyzed Aerobic Cross-Coupling Reactions of Enaminones and Thiophenols: Synthesis of Polyfunctionalized Alkenes by Metal-Free C-H Sulfenylation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 584-587
1542341 CIFC19 H16 F4 N2P 1 21/n 112.3203; 6.9979; 19.3532
90; 102.017; 90
1632Charpentier, Julie; Früh, Natalja; Foser, Simon; Togni, Antonio
Tandem Radical Fluoroalkylation-Cyclization: Synthesis of Tetrafluoro Imidazopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 756-759
1542342 CIFC10 H12 F4 N2 OP b c a7.1579; 12.4992; 24.3054
90; 90; 90
2174.6Charpentier, Julie; Früh, Natalja; Foser, Simon; Togni, Antonio
Tandem Radical Fluoroalkylation-Cyclization: Synthesis of Tetrafluoro Imidazopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 756-759
1542343 CIFC14 H10 F4 N2P 1 21/n 110.869; 18.902; 12.575
90; 108.712; 90
2446.9Charpentier, Julie; Früh, Natalja; Foser, Simon; Togni, Antonio
Tandem Radical Fluoroalkylation-Cyclization: Synthesis of Tetrafluoro Imidazopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 756-759
1542344 CIFC10 H8 F4 N2 O2P 42/n20.0066; 20.0066; 5.3686
90; 90; 90
2148.86Charpentier, Julie; Früh, Natalja; Foser, Simon; Togni, Antonio
Tandem Radical Fluoroalkylation-Cyclization: Synthesis of Tetrafluoro Imidazopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 756-759
1542347 CIFC22 H23 B F3 NP -110.2818; 13.605; 14.1948
75.66; 74.772; 86.297
1856.21Yuan, Kang; Suzuki, Naoya; Mellerup, Soren K.; Wang, Xiang; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro; Wang, Suning
Pyridyl Directed Catalyst-Free trans-Hydroboration of Internal Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 720-723
1542348 CIFC25 H28 B Fe NP 1 21/c 117.9223; 15.0483; 14.7492
90; 103.949; 90
3860.6Yuan, Kang; Suzuki, Naoya; Mellerup, Soren K.; Wang, Xiang; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro; Wang, Suning
Pyridyl Directed Catalyst-Free trans-Hydroboration of Internal Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 720-723
1542349 CIFC22 H26 B NP -18.7114; 9.6629; 10.9661
107.461; 90.795; 100.807
862.52Yuan, Kang; Suzuki, Naoya; Mellerup, Soren K.; Wang, Xiang; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro; Wang, Suning
Pyridyl Directed Catalyst-Free trans-Hydroboration of Internal Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 720-723
1542350 CIFC21 H24 B NP 1 21/c 17.5492; 15.7188; 13.8319
90; 95.749; 90
1633.1Yuan, Kang; Suzuki, Naoya; Mellerup, Soren K.; Wang, Xiang; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro; Wang, Suning
Pyridyl Directed Catalyst-Free trans-Hydroboration of Internal Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 720-723
1542351 CIFC18 H28 B N SiP 21 21 216.6373; 9.5044; 27.3003
90; 90; 90
1722.2Yuan, Kang; Suzuki, Naoya; Mellerup, Soren K.; Wang, Xiang; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro; Wang, Suning
Pyridyl Directed Catalyst-Free trans-Hydroboration of Internal Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 720-723
1542361 CIFC23 H15 N S2P 1 21/n 114.4216; 5.8914; 20.5783
90; 100.344; 90
1719.99Irgashev, Roman A.; Karmatsky, Arseny A.; Rusinov, Gennady L.; Charushin, Valery N.
Construction of Heteroacenes with Fused Thiophene and Pyrrole Rings via the Fischer Indolization Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 804-807
1542362 CIFC25 H18 Br N O4P 1 21 110.4822; 5.9694; 17.3911
90; 106.202; 90
1044.98Möhlmann, Lennart; Chang, Geng-Hua; Madhusudhan Reddy, G.; Lee, Chia-Jui; Lin, Wenwei
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of Tetrahydrofluoren-9-ones via Vinylogous Michael Addition/Henry Reaction Cascade of 1,3-Indandione-Derived Pronucleophiles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 688-691
1542363 CIFC26 H20 Br N O4P 1 21 110.763; 20.038; 11.832
90; 117.008; 90
2274Möhlmann, Lennart; Chang, Geng-Hua; Madhusudhan Reddy, G.; Lee, Chia-Jui; Lin, Wenwei
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of Tetrahydrofluoren-9-ones via Vinylogous Michael Addition/Henry Reaction Cascade of 1,3-Indandione-Derived Pronucleophiles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 688-691
1542364 CIFC33 H33 N O8 SP -19.1909; 11.4084; 14.6334
86.77; 83.447; 87.553
1520.9Möhlmann, Lennart; Chang, Geng-Hua; Madhusudhan Reddy, G.; Lee, Chia-Jui; Lin, Wenwei
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of Tetrahydrofluoren-9-ones via Vinylogous Michael Addition/Henry Reaction Cascade of 1,3-Indandione-Derived Pronucleophiles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 688-691
1542368 CIFC19 H12 N2 O4P -17.1803; 8.0598; 13.9214
98.659; 92.733; 108.798
750Manjappa, Kiran B.; Syu, Jia-Ru; Yang, Ding-Yah
Visible-Light-Promoted and Yb(OTf)3-Catalyzed Constructions of Coumarin-Pyrrole-(Iso)quinoline-Fused Pentacycles: Synthesis of Lamellarin Core, Lamellarin D Trimethyl Ether, and Lamellarin H.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 332-335
1542369 CIFC25 H15 N O2P n m a23.3899; 6.7857; 11.147
90; 90; 90
1769.22Manjappa, Kiran B.; Syu, Jia-Ru; Yang, Ding-Yah
Visible-Light-Promoted and Yb(OTf)3-Catalyzed Constructions of Coumarin-Pyrrole-(Iso)quinoline-Fused Pentacycles: Synthesis of Lamellarin Core, Lamellarin D Trimethyl Ether, and Lamellarin H.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 332-335
1542370 CIFC19 H11 N O2P 21 21 214.5729; 14.7748; 19.072
90; 90; 90
1288.6Manjappa, Kiran B.; Syu, Jia-Ru; Yang, Ding-Yah
Visible-Light-Promoted and Yb(OTf)3-Catalyzed Constructions of Coumarin-Pyrrole-(Iso)quinoline-Fused Pentacycles: Synthesis of Lamellarin Core, Lamellarin D Trimethyl Ether, and Lamellarin H.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 332-335
1542371 CIFC25.5 H16 Cl N O2C 1 2/c 124.07; 7.6955; 22.2172
90; 117.372; 90
3654.6Manjappa, Kiran B.; Syu, Jia-Ru; Yang, Ding-Yah
Visible-Light-Promoted and Yb(OTf)3-Catalyzed Constructions of Coumarin-Pyrrole-(Iso)quinoline-Fused Pentacycles: Synthesis of Lamellarin Core, Lamellarin D Trimethyl Ether, and Lamellarin H.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 332-335
1542372 CIFC25 H19 N3 O2P 1 21/n 110.3444; 7.3472; 25.724
90; 97.771; 90
1937.1Thikekar, Tushar Ulhas; Selvaraju, Manikandan; Sun, Chung-Ming
Skeletally Diverse Synthesis of Indole-Fused Diazocine and Diazepine Frameworks by One-Pot, Two-Component Cascade Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 316-319
1542373 CIFC24 H18 N2 O3P n a 2110.8282; 8.7931; 19.9988
90; 90; 90
1904.15Thikekar, Tushar Ulhas; Selvaraju, Manikandan; Sun, Chung-Ming
Skeletally Diverse Synthesis of Indole-Fused Diazocine and Diazepine Frameworks by One-Pot, Two-Component Cascade Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 316-319
1542374 CIFC23 H14 Br N3P 1 21/n 113.9894; 9.1257; 15.099
90; 108.295; 90
1830.2Thikekar, Tushar Ulhas; Selvaraju, Manikandan; Sun, Chung-Ming
Skeletally Diverse Synthesis of Indole-Fused Diazocine and Diazepine Frameworks by One-Pot, Two-Component Cascade Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 316-319
1542375 CIFC11 H19 N O SP 1 21/c 119.131; 6.3759; 9.3218
90; 90.05; 90
1137Wei, Jianpeng; Li, Yiming; Jiang, Xuefeng
Aqueous Compatible Protocol to Both Alkyl and Aryl Thioamide Synthesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 340-343
1542376 CIFC9 H8 Br N SP n m a12.7114; 7.4836; 10.6854
90; 90; 90
1016.47Wei, Jianpeng; Li, Yiming; Jiang, Xuefeng
Aqueous Compatible Protocol to Both Alkyl and Aryl Thioamide Synthesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 340-343
1542377 CIFC28 H31 N5 O5P 21 21 2112.6023; 13.271; 15.6239
90; 90; 90
2613.02Yu, Guihong; Zhou, Guoliang; Zhu, Meilin; Wang, Wei; Zhu, Tianjiao; Gu, Qianqun; Li, Dehai
Neosartoryadins A and B, Fumiquinazoline Alkaloids from a Mangrove-Derived Fungus Neosartorya udagawae HDN13-313.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 244-247
1542378 CIFC19 H18 Cl2 N2 O3 SP 1 21/c 115.0536; 11.1765; 11.8469
90; 107.065; 90
1905.44He, Qun; Wu, Liang; Kou, Xuezhen; Butt, Nicholas; Yang, Guoqiang; Zhang, Wanbin
Pd(II)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Addition of Arylboronic Acids to Isatin-Derived Ketimines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 288-291
1542379 CIFC25.5 H25 Cl3 N2 O3 SP 21 21 219.4307; 15.3888; 35.4348
90; 90; 90
5142.6He, Qun; Wu, Liang; Kou, Xuezhen; Butt, Nicholas; Yang, Guoqiang; Zhang, Wanbin
Pd(II)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Addition of Arylboronic Acids to Isatin-Derived Ketimines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 288-291
1542380 CIFC16 H20 O8C 1 2/c 118.5685; 6.67667; 13.82
90; 108.928; 90
1620.7Tortoreto, Cecilia; Achard, Thierry; Egger, Léo; Guénée, Laure; Lacour, Jérôme
Synthesis of Spiro Ketals, Orthoesters, and Orthocarbonates by CpRu-Catalyzed Decomposition of α-Diazo-β-ketoesters.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 240-243
1542381 CIFC16 H20 O8P 1 21/n 19.60173; 12.9474; 13.2032
90; 97.478; 90
1627.43Tortoreto, Cecilia; Achard, Thierry; Egger, Léo; Guénée, Laure; Lacour, Jérôme
Synthesis of Spiro Ketals, Orthoesters, and Orthocarbonates by CpRu-Catalyzed Decomposition of α-Diazo-β-ketoesters.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 240-243
1542382 CIFC31 H27 N O3 SeP -16.8204; 13.7059; 14.4554
72.804; 87.405; 88.793
1289.5Tang, E.; Wang, Weilin; Zhao, Yinjiao; Zhang, Meng; Dai, Xin
Catalytic and Atom-Economic Intermolecular Amidoselenenylation of Alkenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 176-179
1542383 CIFC62 H71 Cl3 O8P 21 21 2110.3434; 17.047; 30.5673
90; 90; 90
5389.7Li, Chuang-Jun; Ma, Jie; Sun, Hua; Zhang, Dan; Zhang, Dong-Ming
Guajavadimer A, a Dimeric Caryophyllene-Derived Meroterpenoid with a New Carbon Skeleton from the Leaves of Psidium guajava.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 168-171
1542384 CIFC35 H46 O6P 1 1 219.7832; 24.3518; 27.7523
90; 90; 90
6611.7Cao, Jia-Qing; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Li, Yu-Ting; Wang, Ying; Wang, Lei; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Ye, Wen-Cai
Callistrilones A and B, Triketone-Phloroglucinol-Monoterpene Hybrids with a New Skeleton from Callistemon rigidus.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 120-123
1542385 CIFC34 H44 O7P 21 21 216.4131; 14.8983; 32.7256
90; 90; 90
3126.7Cao, Jia-Qing; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Li, Yu-Ting; Wang, Ying; Wang, Lei; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Ye, Wen-Cai
Callistrilones A and B, Triketone-Phloroglucinol-Monoterpene Hybrids with a New Skeleton from Callistemon rigidus.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 120-123
1542386 CIFC21 H28 O4P 1 21 18.8562; 9.9924; 11.4351
90; 105.077; 90
977.11Cao, Jia-Qing; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Li, Yu-Ting; Wang, Ying; Wang, Lei; Jiang, Ren-Wang; Ye, Wen-Cai
Callistrilones A and B, Triketone-Phloroglucinol-Monoterpene Hybrids with a New Skeleton from Callistemon rigidus.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 120-123
1542387 CIFC10 H16 N4 O5P b c n14.614; 12.706; 13.842
90; 90; 90
2570.3Zheng, Jing; Qi, Jifeng; Cui, Sunliang
Fe-Catalyzed Olefin Hydroamination with Diazo Compounds for Hydrazone Synthesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 128-131
1542388 CIFC12 H14 N2 O2P 1 21/c 122.2134; 5.773; 19.6734
90; 115.56; 90
2276Zheng, Jing; Qi, Jifeng; Cui, Sunliang
Fe-Catalyzed Olefin Hydroamination with Diazo Compounds for Hydrazone Synthesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 128-131
1542389 CIFC27 H21 NP 1 21/n 19.829; 17.878; 11.147
90; 102.8; 90
1910.1Xiang, Jia-Chen; Wang, Miao; Cheng, Yan; Wu, An-Xin
Molecular Iodine-Mediated Chemoselective Synthesis of Multisubstituted Pyridines through Catabolism and Reconstruction Behavior of Natural Amino Acids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 24-27
1542390 CIFC29 H38 O13P 1 21 19.4429; 7.8615; 37.294
90; 97.23; 90
2746.5Shi, Yi-Ming; Cai, Song-Liang; Li, Xiao-Nian; Liu, Miao; Shang, Shan-Zhai; Du, Xue; Xiao, Wei-Lie; Pu, Jian-Xin; Sun, Han-Dong
LC-UV-Guided Isolation and Structure Determination of Lancolide E: A Nortriterpenoid with a Tetracyclo[,4).0(3,7)]undecane-Bridged System from a "Talented" Schisandra Plant.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 100-103
1542391 CIFC18 H17 N O5P 1 21/c 121.3292; 8.2239; 18.2075
90; 91.151; 90
3193.1Dateer, Ramesh B.; Chang, Sukbok
Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-H Cyclization of Arylnitrones with Diazo Compounds: Access to N-Hydroxyindolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 68-71
1542392 CIFC20 H17 N O5 SP 1 21/n 18.6285; 12.7114; 16.784
90; 101.358; 90
1804.8Dateer, Ramesh B.; Chang, Sukbok
Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-H Cyclization of Arylnitrones with Diazo Compounds: Access to N-Hydroxyindolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 68-71
1542393 CIFC20 H22 Br O7 PP 1 21 15.575; 7.9619; 23.2886
90; 90.492; 90
1033.69Horwitz, Matthew A.; Zavesky, Blane P.; Martinez-Alvarado, Jesus I; Johnson, Jeffrey S.
Asymmetric Organocatalytic Reductive Coupling Reactions between Benzylidene Pyruvates and Aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 36-39
1542394 CIFC22 H27 N3 O SP 21 21 216.2177; 16.6885; 41.8862
90; 90; 90
4346.3Izquierdo, Cristina; Esteban, Francisco; Ruano, José Luis García; Fraile, Alberto; Alemán, José
Asymmetric Synthesis of 1,2-Diamines bearing Tetrasubstituted Centers from Nonstabilized Azomethine Ylides and N-Sulfinylketimines under Brønsted Acid Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 92-95
1542395 CIFC21 H25 N3 O SP 21 21 216.1444; 12.3333; 26.7768
90; 90; 90
2029.17Izquierdo, Cristina; Esteban, Francisco; Ruano, José Luis García; Fraile, Alberto; Alemán, José
Asymmetric Synthesis of 1,2-Diamines bearing Tetrasubstituted Centers from Nonstabilized Azomethine Ylides and N-Sulfinylketimines under Brønsted Acid Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 92-95
1542396 CIFC21 H16 O3P n a 218.233; 5.5792; 34.637
90; 90; 90
1591Laha, Radha M.; Khamarui, Saikat; Manna, Saikat K.; Maiti, Dilip K.
In Situ Generated Ag(II)-Catalyzed Selective Oxo-Esterification of Alkyne with Alcohol to α-Ketoester: Photophysical Study.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 144-147
1542403 CIFC31 H28 Cl N5 O6 S2P 21 21 215.9591; 9.2931; 55.53
90; 90; 90
3075.2Zhang, Dan-Jie; Xie, Ming-Sheng; Qu, Gui-Rong; Gao, Yao-Wei; Guo, Hai-Ming
Synthesis of Azacyclic Nucleoside Analogues via Asymmetric [3 + 2] Cycloaddition of 9-(2-Tosylvinyl)-9H-purines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 820-823
1542409 CIFC13 H7 F3 N2 OP 1 21/c 116.4147; 4.7888; 14.7033
90; 109.132; 90
1091.9Liu, Meilin; Shu, Miaomiao; Yao, Chaochao; Yin, Guodong; Wang, Dunjia; Huang, Jinkun
Synthesis of Pyrido-Fused Quinazolinone Derivatives via Copper-Catalyzed Domino Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 824-827
1542410 CIFC21 H15 N O6P 1 21 18.0698; 6.5112; 35.008
90; 92.98; 90
1837Joshi, Prabhakar Ramchandra; Nanubolu, Jagadeesh Babu; Menon, Rajeev S.
Oxygenative and Dehydrogenative [3 + 3] Benzannulation Reactions of α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes and γ-Phosphonyl Crotonates Mediated by Air: Regioselective Synthesis of 4-Hydroxybiaryl-2-carboxylates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 752-755
1542412 CIFC32 H25 N2P 21 21 2110.6146; 13.7299; 16.5455
90; 90; 90
2411.3Han, Ya-Ping; Song, Xian-Rong; Qiu, Yi-Feng; Zhang, Heng-Rui; Li, Lian-Hua; Jin, Dong-Po; Sun, Xiao-Qing; Liu, Xue-Yuan; Liang, Yong-Min
Lewis Acid Catalyzed [4 + 3] Cycloaddition of Propargylic Alcohols with Azides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 940
1542413 CIFC26 H44 O2 Si2C 1 2/c 130.17; 6.495; 13.388
90; 92.76; 90
2620Lim, Hee Nam; Dong, Guangbin
Catalytic Cage Formation via Controlled Dimerization of Norbornadienes: An Entry to Functionalized HCTDs (Heptacyclo[,6).0(3,13).0(4,11).0(5,9).0(10,14)]tetradecanes).
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1104
1542414 CIFC32 H36P 1 21/n 115.6222; 8.3147; 19.4923
90; 111.898; 90
2349.25Lim, Hee Nam; Dong, Guangbin
Catalytic Cage Formation via Controlled Dimerization of Norbornadienes: An Entry to Functionalized HCTDs (Heptacyclo[,6).0(3,13).0(4,11).0(5,9).0(10,14)]tetradecanes).
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1104
1542418 CIFC24 H33 N O2 SiP 1 21/n 17.0784; 8.053; 38.854
90; 91.395; 90
2214.1Ayala, Caitlan E.; Dange, Nitin S.; Stepherson, Jacob R.; Henry, Jeffrey L.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Kartika, Rendy
Functionalization of Silyldienol Ethers at the γ-Position via 2-Silyloxypentadienyl Cations.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1084
1542419 CIFC24 H35 N O2 SiP 1 21/c 117.0398; 9.1263; 15.8008
90; 112.88; 90
2263.9Ayala, Caitlan E.; Dange, Nitin S.; Stepherson, Jacob R.; Henry, Jeffrey L.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Kartika, Rendy
Functionalization of Silyldienol Ethers at the γ-Position via 2-Silyloxypentadienyl Cations.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1084
1542420 CIFC32 H25 NP -19.465; 9.827; 14.255
98.362; 100.338; 113.651
1159.5Chand, S. Sarath; Gopalan, Greeshma; Santhini, P. V.; Preethanuj, P.; John, Jubi; Harakat, Dominique; Jaroschik, Florian; Radhakrishnan, K. V.
Lewis Acid Catalyzed Regioselective Hydroheteroarylation of Pentafulvenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 964
1542421 CIFC64 H42 N12P 1 21/n 115.1361; 14.6365; 22.0466
90; 98.281; 90
4833.27Zissimou, Georgia A.; Constantinides, Christos P.; Manoli, Maria; Pieridou, Galatia K.; Hayes, Sophia C.; Koutentis, Panayiotis A.
Oxidation of Tetraphenylhexaazaanthracene: Accessing a Scissor Dimer of a 16π Biscyanine.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1116
1542441 CIFC21 H26 O3 SeP 1 21/c 17.494; 15.0837; 17.3328
90; 100.884; 90
1924Tang, E.; Zhao, Yinjiao; Li, Wen; Wang, Weilin; Zhang, Meng; Dai, Xin
Catalytic Selenium-Promoted Intermolecular Friedel-Crafts Alkylation with Simple Alkenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 912
1542442 CIFC18 H20 OP -17.3183; 10.0305; 10.947
69.766; 77.72; 85.037
736.66Tang, E.; Zhao, Yinjiao; Li, Wen; Wang, Weilin; Zhang, Meng; Dai, Xin
Catalytic Selenium-Promoted Intermolecular Friedel-Crafts Alkylation with Simple Alkenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 912
1542443 CIFC19 H11 F3 N2 O2P -17.5256; 7.9629; 13.641
103.84; 91.68; 98.51
783.2Li, Ting; Wang, Zhiqiang; Xu, Kun; Liu, Wenmin; Zhang, Xu; Mao, Wutao; Guo, Yongming; Ge, Xiaolin; Pan, Fei
Rhodium-Catalyzed/Copper-Mediated Tandem C(sp(2))-H Alkynylation and Annulation: Synthesis of 11-Acylated Imidazo[1,2-a:3,4-a']dipyridin-5-ium-4-olates from 2H-[1,2'-Bipyridin]-2-ones and Propargyl Alcohols.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1064
1542444 CIFC18 H12 N2 O2P b c a16.336; 7.549; 21.555
90; 90; 90
2658Li, Ting; Wang, Zhiqiang; Xu, Kun; Liu, Wenmin; Zhang, Xu; Mao, Wutao; Guo, Yongming; Ge, Xiaolin; Pan, Fei
Rhodium-Catalyzed/Copper-Mediated Tandem C(sp(2))-H Alkynylation and Annulation: Synthesis of 11-Acylated Imidazo[1,2-a:3,4-a']dipyridin-5-ium-4-olates from 2H-[1,2'-Bipyridin]-2-ones and Propargyl Alcohols.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1064
1542445 CIFC28 H37.68 N O4.34P 21 21 218.823; 9.7832; 28.016
90; 90; 90
2418.3Yan, Bing-Chao; Wang, Wei-Guang; Hu, Dong-Bao; Sun, Xiang; Kong, Ling-Mei; Li, Xiao-Nian; Du, Xue; Luo, Shi-Hong; Liu, Yan; Li, Yan; Sun, Han-Dong; Pu, Jian-Xin
Phomopchalasins A and B, Two Cytochalasans with Polycyclic-Fused Skeletons from the Endophytic Fungus Phomopsis sp. shj2.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1108
1542446 CIFC31 H43 N O7P 1 21 19.7486; 14.4556; 10.3782
90; 102.099; 90
1430.03Yan, Bing-Chao; Wang, Wei-Guang; Hu, Dong-Bao; Sun, Xiang; Kong, Ling-Mei; Li, Xiao-Nian; Du, Xue; Luo, Shi-Hong; Liu, Yan; Li, Yan; Sun, Han-Dong; Pu, Jian-Xin
Phomopchalasins A and B, Two Cytochalasans with Polycyclic-Fused Skeletons from the Endophytic Fungus Phomopsis sp. shj2.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1108
1542498 CIFC24 H33 N O SiP 1 21/c 17.1879; 34.402; 17.855
90; 91.042; 90
4414.4Shaikh, Aslam C.; Shinde, Dinesh R.; Patil, Nitin T.
Gold vs Rhodium Catalysis: Tuning Reactivity through Catalyst Control in the C-H Alkynylation of Isoquinolones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1056
1542499 CIFC21 H27 Br N O SiP -18.162; 11.461; 12.471
82.763; 71.881; 79.447
1087Shaikh, Aslam C.; Shinde, Dinesh R.; Patil, Nitin T.
Gold vs Rhodium Catalysis: Tuning Reactivity through Catalyst Control in the C-H Alkynylation of Isoquinolones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1056
1542500 CIFC16 H14 Br NC 1 2/c 116.1198; 12.3819; 15.1359
90; 116.573; 90
2701.9Jhang, Yuan-Ye; Fan-Chiang, Tai-Ting; Huang, Jun-Min; Hsieh, Jen-Chieh
Copper-Catalyzed Annulation: A Method for the Systematic Synthesis of Phenanthridinium Bromide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1154
1542501 CIFC17 H20 Br N OP 21 21 217.4548; 10.863; 19.6508
90; 90; 90
1591.35Jhang, Yuan-Ye; Fan-Chiang, Tai-Ting; Huang, Jun-Min; Hsieh, Jen-Chieh
Copper-Catalyzed Annulation: A Method for the Systematic Synthesis of Phenanthridinium Bromide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1154
1542534 CIFC19 H18 N2 O3P c a 2118.7959; 22.7469; 8.0182
90; 90; 90
3428.17Kischkewitz, Marvin; Daniliuc, Constantin-Gabriel; Studer, Armido
3-Alkylperoxy-3-cyano-oxindoles from 2-Cyano-2-diazo-N-phenyl-acetamides via Cyclizing Carbene Insertion and Subsequent Radical Oxidation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1206
1542535 CIFC11 H10 F N O3 SP 1 21/c 15.1196; 11.2852; 18.9656
90; 97.224; 90
1087.05Lorion, Mélanie M; Duarte, Filipe J. S.; Calhorda, Maria José; Oble, Julie; Poli, Giovanni
Opening the Way to Catalytic Aminopalladation/Proxicyclic Dehydropalladation: Access to Methylidene γ-Lactams.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1020
1542567 CIFC21 H17 N3 OC 1 2/c 117.9422; 9.9101; 19.1301
90; 99.879; 90
3351.1Chen, Zhengkai; Li, Hongli; Dong, Weipeng; Miao, Maozhong; Ren, Hongjun
I2-Catalyzed Oxidative Coupling Reactions of Hydrazones and Amines and the Application in the Synthesis of 1,3,5-Trisubstituted 1,2,4-Triazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1334-1337
1542570 CIFC13 H10 Cl N O2P 17.02512; 8.17982; 10.0807
104.135; 104.019; 91.6954
542.58Sanchez-Diez, Eduardo; Vesga, Diana L.; Reyes, Efraim; Uria, Uxue; Carrillo, Luisa; Vicario, Jose L.
Organocatalytically Generated Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes in Domino Reactions. One-Step Enantioselective Synthesis of Pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1270-1273
1542573 CIFC26 H19 N3 O2P 1 21/c 110.0072; 23.043; 9.4047
90; 110.772; 90
2027.7Cai, Qun; Li, Deng-Kui; Zhou, Rong-Rong; Shu, Wen-Ming; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, An-Xin
Acid-Catalyzed Multicomponent Tandem Cyclizations: Access to Polyfunctional Dihydroindolizino[8,7-b]indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1342-1345
1542574 CIFC28 H22 Cl3 N3 O3P 1 21/c 112.2576; 19.07; 11.4688
90; 97.837; 90
2655.8Cai, Qun; Li, Deng-Kui; Zhou, Rong-Rong; Shu, Wen-Ming; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, An-Xin
Acid-Catalyzed Multicomponent Tandem Cyclizations: Access to Polyfunctional Dihydroindolizino[8,7-b]indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1342-1345
1542575 CIFC21 H15 Br N4P b c a13.3161; 7.7509; 33.992
90; 90; 90
3508.4Cai, Qun; Li, Deng-Kui; Zhou, Rong-Rong; Shu, Wen-Ming; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, An-Xin
Acid-Catalyzed Multicomponent Tandem Cyclizations: Access to Polyfunctional Dihydroindolizino[8,7-b]indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1342-1345
1542576 CIFC14 H16 O4P 21 21 217.2935; 8.8494; 19.329
90; 90; 90
1247.55Sun, Wang-Bin; Wang, Xuan; Sun, Bing-Feng; Zou, Jian-Ping; Lin, Guo-Qiang
Catalytic Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Hedyosumins A, B, and C.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1219-1221
1542577 CIFC14 H16 O4P 21 21 215.5435; 7.7426; 27.879
90; 90; 90
1196.6Sun, Wang-Bin; Wang, Xuan; Sun, Bing-Feng; Zou, Jian-Ping; Lin, Guo-Qiang
Catalytic Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Hedyosumins A, B, and C.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1219-1221
1542589 CIFC25 H25 N OP 1 21/c 111.1357; 10.6585; 17.1362
90; 90.608; 90
2033.8Wang, Nan-Nan; Huang, Lei-Rong; Hao, Wen-Juan; Zhang, Tian-Shu; Li, Guigen; Tu, Shu-Jiang; Jiang, Bo
Synergistic Rhodium/Copper Catalysis: Synthesis of 1,3-Enynes and N-Aryl Enaminones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1298-1301
1542590 CIFC26 H21 Cl OP 1 21 113.2144; 5.6194; 14.8801
90; 111.914; 90
1025.11Wang, Nan-Nan; Huang, Lei-Rong; Hao, Wen-Juan; Zhang, Tian-Shu; Li, Guigen; Tu, Shu-Jiang; Jiang, Bo
Synergistic Rhodium/Copper Catalysis: Synthesis of 1,3-Enynes and N-Aryl Enaminones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1298-1301
1542596 CIFC18 H27 Cl N2 O12 SP 1 21 17.2371; 9.8802; 15.9674
90; 97.002; 90
1133.2Liang, Yong; Suzol, Sazzad H.; Wen, Zhiwei; Artiles, Alain G.; Mathivathanan, Logesh; Raptis, Raphael G.; Wnuk, Stanislaw F.
Uracil Nucleosides with Reactive Group at C5 Position: 5-(1-Halo-2-sulfonylvinyl)uridine Analogues.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1418-1421
1542597 CIFC23 H24 N2 O4 S2P 1 21/n 18.2793; 22.107; 12.8092
90; 105.304; 90
2261.3Liang, Yong; Suzol, Sazzad H.; Wen, Zhiwei; Artiles, Alain G.; Mathivathanan, Logesh; Raptis, Raphael G.; Wnuk, Stanislaw F.
Uracil Nucleosides with Reactive Group at C5 Position: 5-(1-Halo-2-sulfonylvinyl)uridine Analogues.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1418-1421
1542598 CIFC41 H32 N2 OP 1 21/c 117.751; 6.9635; 26.097
90; 107.904; 90
3069.6Jiang, Pingping; Xu, Yongbao; Sun, Fuxing; Liu, Xufei; Li, Feng; Yu, Renfu; Li, Yang; Wang, Qifeng
Pd(II)-Catalyzed ortho-C-H Olefination/Dearomatization of N-Aryl Ureas: An Approach to Imine Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1426-1429
1542599 CIFC37 H30 N2 OP 1 21/n 120.5458; 14.0737; 20.9813
90; 108.671; 90
5747.6Jiang, Pingping; Xu, Yongbao; Sun, Fuxing; Liu, Xufei; Li, Feng; Yu, Renfu; Li, Yang; Wang, Qifeng
Pd(II)-Catalyzed ortho-C-H Olefination/Dearomatization of N-Aryl Ureas: An Approach to Imine Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1426-1429
1542600 CIFC41 H32 N2 OP 1 21/c 119.0371; 9.7457; 18.7726
90; 114.993; 90
3156.7Jiang, Pingping; Xu, Yongbao; Sun, Fuxing; Liu, Xufei; Li, Feng; Yu, Renfu; Li, Yang; Wang, Qifeng
Pd(II)-Catalyzed ortho-C-H Olefination/Dearomatization of N-Aryl Ureas: An Approach to Imine Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1426-1429
1542620 CIFC27 H43 O5.5C 1 2 111.4484; 18.1806; 25.8417
90; 98.082; 90
5325.2Liu, Zhaoming; Chen, Yan; Chen, Senhua; Liu, Yayue; Lu, Yongjun; Chen, Dongni; Lin, Yongcheng; Huang, Xishan; She, Zhigang
Aspterpenacids A and B, Two Sesterterpenoids from a Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus terreus H010.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1406-1409
1542621 CIFC26 H28 N3 O7.5P -110.42; 11.567; 12.233
60.629; 74.155; 87.858
1227.9Yang, Changjiang; Chen, Xiangyu; Tang, Tong; He, Zhengjie
Annulation Reaction of 3-Acylmethylidene Oxindoles with Huisgen Zwitterions and Its Applications in the Syntheses of Pyrrolo[4,3,2-de]quinolinones and Marine Alkaloids Ammosamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1486-1489
1542622 CIFC14 H9 Cl N4 O7P 1 21/n 18.8587; 18.447; 9.759
90; 110.87; 90
1490.1Yang, Changjiang; Chen, Xiangyu; Tang, Tong; He, Zhengjie
Annulation Reaction of 3-Acylmethylidene Oxindoles with Huisgen Zwitterions and Its Applications in the Syntheses of Pyrrolo[4,3,2-de]quinolinones and Marine Alkaloids Ammosamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1486-1489
1542623 CIFC33 H34 F N3 O7P -18.201; 11.187; 17.705
91.352; 103.004; 105.472
1519.3Yang, Changjiang; Chen, Xiangyu; Tang, Tong; He, Zhengjie
Annulation Reaction of 3-Acylmethylidene Oxindoles with Huisgen Zwitterions and Its Applications in the Syntheses of Pyrrolo[4,3,2-de]quinolinones and Marine Alkaloids Ammosamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1486-1489
1542624 CIFC30 H29 N3 O5P -110.485; 10.4852; 13.306
79.14; 67.26; 76.51
1304Yang, Changjiang; Chen, Xiangyu; Tang, Tong; He, Zhengjie
Annulation Reaction of 3-Acylmethylidene Oxindoles with Huisgen Zwitterions and Its Applications in the Syntheses of Pyrrolo[4,3,2-de]quinolinones and Marine Alkaloids Ammosamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1486-1489
1542625 CIFC23 H16 N2 OC 1 c 15.5058; 26.046; 11.867
90; 97.83; 90
1685.9Yang, Changjiang; Chen, Xiangyu; Tang, Tong; He, Zhengjie
Annulation Reaction of 3-Acylmethylidene Oxindoles with Huisgen Zwitterions and Its Applications in the Syntheses of Pyrrolo[4,3,2-de]quinolinones and Marine Alkaloids Ammosamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1486-1489
1542626 CIFC29 H27 N3 O5P 1 21/c 113.4022; 10.939; 16.5069
90; 91.481; 90
2419.2Yang, Changjiang; Chen, Xiangyu; Tang, Tong; He, Zhengjie
Annulation Reaction of 3-Acylmethylidene Oxindoles with Huisgen Zwitterions and Its Applications in the Syntheses of Pyrrolo[4,3,2-de]quinolinones and Marine Alkaloids Ammosamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1486-1489
1542629 CIFC16 H12 N2 O2P 1 21/c 19.0373; 6.9446; 20.7426
90; 100.138; 90
1281.49Dhanasekaran, Sivasankaran; Suneja, Arun; Bisai, Vishnumaya; Singh, Vinod K.
Approach to Isoindolinones, Isoquinolinones, and THIQs via Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Domino Strecker-Lactamization/Alkylations.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 634-637
1542630 CIFC19 H20 N2 O3P 1 21/n 18.4076; 9.6355; 20.2875
90; 98.838; 90
1624.01Dhanasekaran, Sivasankaran; Suneja, Arun; Bisai, Vishnumaya; Singh, Vinod K.
Approach to Isoindolinones, Isoquinolinones, and THIQs via Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Domino Strecker-Lactamization/Alkylations.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 634-637
1542631 CIFC17 H22 N2 O5P b c a8.5688; 19.141; 21.222
90; 90; 90
3480.7Izumi, Sanae; Kobayashi, Yusuke; Takemoto, Yoshiji
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of anti-α,β-Diamino Acid Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 696-699
1542632 CIFC19 H15 Br O4P 1 21 110.8044; 6.7767; 12.3031
90; 113.354; 90
827Sun, Xue-Li; Chen, Ying-Han; Zhu, Dan-Yang; Zhang, Yan; Liu, Yan-Kai
Substrate-Controlled, One-Pot Synthesis: Access to Chiral Chroman-2-one and Polycyclic Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 864-867
1542633 CIFC23 H28 O5P 1 21 17.1955; 19.2595; 7.6395
90; 101.353; 90
1037.98Wang, Peng; Li, Rui-Jun; Liu, Rui-Huan; Jian, Kai-Li; Yang, Ming-Hua; Yang, Lei; Kong, Ling-Yi; Luo, Jun
Sarglaperoxides A and B, Sesquiterpene-Normonoterpene Conjugates with a Peroxide Bridge from the Seeds of Sarcandra glabra.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 832-835
1542634 CIFC15 H25 N O2P 1 21/c 110.6087; 12.4575; 10.8471
90; 104.219; 90
1389.6Song, Dengpeng; Wang, Zhengshen; Mei, Ruoming; Zhang, Weiwei; Ma, Donghui; Xu, Dengyu; Xie, Xingang; She, Xuegong
Short and Scalable Total Synthesis of Myrioneuron Alkaloids (±)-α,β-Myrifabral A and B.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 669-671
1542635 CIFC31 H31 N3 O3P -110.139; 11.268; 11.71
92.64; 97.053; 92.437
1324.7Tian, Yaming; Tian, Lumin; Li, Chunju; Jia, Xueshun; Li, Jian
Temperature-Dependent Double Isocyanide Insertion Reaction To Construct a Polycyclic Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 840-843
1542636 CIFC30 H29 N3 O3P 1 21/c 111.499; 25.987; 18.929
90; 115.027; 90
5125Tian, Yaming; Tian, Lumin; Li, Chunju; Jia, Xueshun; Li, Jian
Temperature-Dependent Double Isocyanide Insertion Reaction To Construct a Polycyclic Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 840-843
1542637 CIFC33 H26 Br N3 OP -17.873; 11.346; 15.84
80.449; 77.035; 74.443
1319.9Tian, Yaming; Tian, Lumin; Li, Chunju; Jia, Xueshun; Li, Jian
Temperature-Dependent Double Isocyanide Insertion Reaction To Construct a Polycyclic Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 840-843
1542638 CIFC16 H11 N OP 1 21/c 19.9587; 12.7222; 9.7025
90; 94.493; 90
1225.5Zhang, Lianpeng; Peng, Zhixing; Wen, Qiaodong; Li, Xihui; Lu, Ping; Wang, Yanguang
Copper-Catalyzed Preparation of 2-Aryl-3-cyanobenzofurans with Bright Blue Photoluminescence.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 728-731
1542639 CIFC16 H28 F N O5P 21 21 2132.528; 6.026; 9.305
90; 90; 90
1823.9Hu, Xiang-Guo; Lawer, Aggie; Peterson, Matthew B.; Iranmanesh, Hasti; Ball, Graham E.; Hunter, Luke
Diastereoselective Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of (2R)- and (2S)-Fluorostatines: An Approach Based on Organocatalytic Fluorination of a Chiral Aldehyde.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 662-665
1542640 CIFC28 H22 N2 O5 SP -18.28533; 11.53237; 14.1641
111.2; 94.4487; 93.4599
1252.27Wang, Kai-Kai; Jin, Tian; Huang, Xin; Ouyang, Qin; Du, Wei; Chen, Ying-Chun
α-Regioselective Asymmetric [3 + 2] Annulations of Morita-Baylis-Hillman Carbonates with Cyclic 1-Azadienes and Mechanism Elucidation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 872-875
1542641 CIFC26 H21 N O4 SP 1 21/n 115.5173; 9.24556; 15.6647
90; 90.404; 90
2247.3Wang, Kai-Kai; Jin, Tian; Huang, Xin; Ouyang, Qin; Du, Wei; Chen, Ying-Chun
α-Regioselective Asymmetric [3 + 2] Annulations of Morita-Baylis-Hillman Carbonates with Cyclic 1-Azadienes and Mechanism Elucidation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 872-875
1542642 CIFC28 H24 N2 O5 SP 21 21 218.797; 12.2522; 22.914
90; 90; 90
2469.7Wang, Kai-Kai; Jin, Tian; Huang, Xin; Ouyang, Qin; Du, Wei; Chen, Ying-Chun
α-Regioselective Asymmetric [3 + 2] Annulations of Morita-Baylis-Hillman Carbonates with Cyclic 1-Azadienes and Mechanism Elucidation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 872-875
1542643 CIFC24 H21 B F2 N2P n a 2116.262; 8.2789; 15.194
90; 90; 90
2045.6Zhou, Xin; Wu, Qinghua; Yu, Yang; Yu, Changjiang; Hao, Erhong; Wei, Yun; Mu, Xiaolong; Jiao, Lijuan
Metal-Free Direct α-Selective Arylation of Boron Dipyrromethenes via Base-Mediated C-H Functionalization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 736-739
1542644 CIFC25 H23 B F2 N2 OP n a 2117.9538; 8.2467; 14.4494
90; 90; 90
2139.4Zhou, Xin; Wu, Qinghua; Yu, Yang; Yu, Changjiang; Hao, Erhong; Wei, Yun; Mu, Xiaolong; Jiao, Lijuan
Metal-Free Direct α-Selective Arylation of Boron Dipyrromethenes via Base-Mediated C-H Functionalization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 736-739
1542645 CIFC30 H25 B F2 N2P -113.143; 13.3965; 15.473
67.831; 78.64; 87.648
2471.8Zhou, Xin; Wu, Qinghua; Yu, Yang; Yu, Changjiang; Hao, Erhong; Wei, Yun; Mu, Xiaolong; Jiao, Lijuan
Metal-Free Direct α-Selective Arylation of Boron Dipyrromethenes via Base-Mediated C-H Functionalization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 736-739
1542646 CIFC43 H28 N4P 1 21/n 111.523; 16.7116; 17.0577
90; 106.759; 90
3145.2Huang, Jau-Jiun; Hung, Yu-Hsiang; Ting, Pei-Ling; Tsai, Yu-Ning; Gao, Huan-Jie; Chiu, Tien-Lung; Lee, Jiun-Haw; Chen, Chi-Lin; Chou, Pi-Tai; Leung, Man-Kit
Orthogonally Substituted Benzimidazole-Carbazole Benzene As Universal Hosts for Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 672-675
1542647 CIFC31 H23 N3 O0.5P 1 21/n 19.8285; 13.81; 17.3341
90; 91.02; 90
2352.41Huang, Jau-Jiun; Hung, Yu-Hsiang; Ting, Pei-Ling; Tsai, Yu-Ning; Gao, Huan-Jie; Chiu, Tien-Lung; Lee, Jiun-Haw; Chen, Chi-Lin; Chou, Pi-Tai; Leung, Man-Kit
Orthogonally Substituted Benzimidazole-Carbazole Benzene As Universal Hosts for Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 672-675
1542648 CIFC16 H8 Ag Br F8 N2P 1 21/n 16.8291; 15.1012; 16.8892
90; 100.705; 90
1711.4Kaplan, Peter T.; Vicic, David A.
Versatile Route to Arylated Fluoroalkyl Bromide Building Blocks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 884-886
1542649 CIFC16 H8 Br Cu F8 N2P 1 21/c 16.598; 17.1674; 14.6901
90; 95.676; 90
1655.8Kaplan, Peter T.; Vicic, David A.
Versatile Route to Arylated Fluoroalkyl Bromide Building Blocks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 884-886
1542650 CIFC10 H4 Br F8 N O2P -16.1276; 8.3737; 12.5585
108.992; 90.118; 90.223
609.3Kaplan, Peter T.; Vicic, David A.
Versatile Route to Arylated Fluoroalkyl Bromide Building Blocks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 884-886
1542651 CIFC11 H4 Br F8 NP 1 21/c 15.9092; 15.55; 13.5414
90; 91.044; 90
1244.09Kaplan, Peter T.; Vicic, David A.
Versatile Route to Arylated Fluoroalkyl Bromide Building Blocks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 884-886
1542652 CIFC12 H4 Br F12 N O2P -16.0576; 8.4076; 15.1254
73.883; 89.304; 89.536
739.99Kaplan, Peter T.; Vicic, David A.
Versatile Route to Arylated Fluoroalkyl Bromide Building Blocks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 884-886
1542653 CIFC13 H4 Br F12 NP -15.9088; 8.397; 15.6935
105.477; 90.42; 91.565
750.05Kaplan, Peter T.; Vicic, David A.
Versatile Route to Arylated Fluoroalkyl Bromide Building Blocks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 884-886
1542654 CIFC17 H15 N O4P 21 21 215.9263; 14.358; 17.7263
90; 90; 90
1508.33Sekikawa, Tohru; Kitaguchi, Takayuki; Kitaura, Hayato; Minami, Tatsuya; Hatanaka, Yasuo
Anti-Selective Asymmetric Nitro-Michael Reaction of Furanones: Diastereocontrol by Catalyst.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 646-649
1542655 CIFC24 H26 N4 O4P -19.715; 10.003; 13.038
105.483; 98.771; 111.44
1091.5Zhao, Hong-Wu; Li, Bo; Pang, Hai-Liang; Tian, Ting; Chen, Xiao-Qin; Song, Xiu-Qing; Meng, Wei; Yang, Zhao; Zhao, Yu-Di; Liu, Yue-Yang
Diastereoselective 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of N,N'-Cyclic Azomethine Imines with Iminooxindoles for Access to Oxindole Spiro-N,N-bicyclic Heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 848-851
1542656 CIFC20 H11 Cl6 O2 P S2P 1 21/n 111.338; 11.077; 18.981
90; 106.186; 90
2289.4Yamamura, Masaki; Hasegawa, Toru; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis of Phosphorus-Centered and Chalcogen-Bridged Concave Molecules: Modulation of Bowl Geometries and Packing Structures by Changing Bridging Atoms.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 816-819
1542657 CIFC18 H9 O3 P SP 1 21/n 18.3936; 15.6127; 10.697
90; 100.496; 90
1378.35Yamamura, Masaki; Hasegawa, Toru; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis of Phosphorus-Centered and Chalcogen-Bridged Concave Molecules: Modulation of Bowl Geometries and Packing Structures by Changing Bridging Atoms.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 816-819
1542658 CIFC18 H9 P S3P -13.9829; 10.6559; 17.2702
86.043; 89.121; 81.767
723.68Yamamura, Masaki; Hasegawa, Toru; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis of Phosphorus-Centered and Chalcogen-Bridged Concave Molecules: Modulation of Bowl Geometries and Packing Structures by Changing Bridging Atoms.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 816-819
1542659 CIFC18 H9 O2 P SP c c n16.762; 22.071; 7.4782
90; 90; 90
2766.6Yamamura, Masaki; Hasegawa, Toru; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis of Phosphorus-Centered and Chalcogen-Bridged Concave Molecules: Modulation of Bowl Geometries and Packing Structures by Changing Bridging Atoms.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 816-819
1542660 CIFC21 H16 F2 N O4 P SP 1 21/c 111.099; 11.479; 14.854
90; 95.89; 90
1882.5Yamamura, Masaki; Hasegawa, Toru; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis of Phosphorus-Centered and Chalcogen-Bridged Concave Molecules: Modulation of Bowl Geometries and Packing Structures by Changing Bridging Atoms.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 816-819
1542661 CIFC18 H9 O P S3P 1 21/n 19.166; 10.699; 15.212
90; 101.527; 90
1461.7Yamamura, Masaki; Hasegawa, Toru; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis of Phosphorus-Centered and Chalcogen-Bridged Concave Molecules: Modulation of Bowl Geometries and Packing Structures by Changing Bridging Atoms.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 816-819
1542662 CIFC18 H9 O P S2P b c a8.0119; 20.775; 34.265
90; 90; 90
5703.3Yamamura, Masaki; Hasegawa, Toru; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis of Phosphorus-Centered and Chalcogen-Bridged Concave Molecules: Modulation of Bowl Geometries and Packing Structures by Changing Bridging Atoms.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 816-819
1542663 CIFC30 H28 N O3 PP 1 21/c 18.675; 19.74; 15.454
90; 106.49; 90
2538Jiang, Jin; Liu, Hui; Lu, Chong-Dao; Xu, Yan-Jun
Diethyl Phosphite Initiated Coupling of α-Ketoesters with Imines for Synthesis of α-Phosphonyloxy-β-amino Acid Derivatives and Aziridine-2-carboxylates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 880-883
1542664 CIFC29 H36 N O9 P SP 1 21/a 116.58; 10.731; 17.82
90; 104.369; 90
3071Jiang, Jin; Liu, Hui; Lu, Chong-Dao; Xu, Yan-Jun
Diethyl Phosphite Initiated Coupling of α-Ketoesters with Imines for Synthesis of α-Phosphonyloxy-β-amino Acid Derivatives and Aziridine-2-carboxylates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 880-883
1542665 CIFC19 H26 Cl3 N2 RhP 1 21/c 111.0944; 14.838; 13.848
90; 105.603; 90
2195.6Qi, Zisong; Yu, Songjie; Li, Xingwei
Rh(III)-Catalyzed Synthesis of N-Unprotected Indoles from Imidamides and Diazo Ketoesters via C-H Activation and C-C/C-N Bond Cleavage.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 700-703
1542666 CIFC17 H13 Br N2 O2P 1 21/c 14.4677; 16.8234; 20.1968
90; 92.566; 90
1516.51Ma, Haichao; Li, Dianjun; Yu, Wei
Synthesis of Quinoxaline Derivatives via Tandem Oxidative Azidation/Cyclization Reaction of N-Arylenamines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 868-871
1542667 CIFC26 H34 O8P 21 21 217.8754; 9.4243; 32.1424
90; 90; 90
2385.61Wan, Luo-Sheng; Shao, Li-Dong; Fu, Liangbing; Xu, Jun; Zhu, Guo-Lei; Peng, Xing-Rong; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Yan; Qiu, Ming-Hua
One-Step Semisynthesis of a Segetane Diterpenoid from a Jatrophane Precursor via a Diels-Alder Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 496-499
1542668 CIFC42 H32 SP -18.317; 16.04; 23.373
108.62; 98.945; 90.295
2913.9Bhanuchandra, M.; Yorimitsu, Hideki; Osuka, Atsuhiro
Synthesis of Spirocyclic Diarylfluorenes by One-Pot Twofold SNAr Reactions of Diaryl Sulfones with Diarylmethanes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 384-387
1542669 CIFC26 H15 F3 SP -17.4947; 10.4244; 12.3741
83; 82.694; 81.603
943.36Bhanuchandra, M.; Yorimitsu, Hideki; Osuka, Atsuhiro
Synthesis of Spirocyclic Diarylfluorenes by One-Pot Twofold SNAr Reactions of Diaryl Sulfones with Diarylmethanes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 384-387
1542670 CIFC24 H32 N2 O3 SP 1 21 116.9083; 5.97938; 23.1232
90; 103.885; 90
2269.47Yoshizaki, Soichi; Nakamura, Yu; Masutomi, Koji; Yoshida, Tomoka; Noguchi, Keiichi; Shibata, Yu; Tanaka, Ken
Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric [2 + 2 + 2] Cycloaddition of 1,6-Enynes with Cyclopropylideneacetamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 388-391
1542671 CIFC28 H20 N2 O6 SP b c a13.7519; 14.9993; 22.6562
90; 90; 90
4673.27Kumar, N. N. Bhuvan; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Photoassisted Diversity-Oriented Synthesis: Intramolecular Cycloadditions of Photogenerated Azaxylylenes with Oxazole Pendants, and Subsequent Postphotochemical Multicomponent Modifications.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 460-463
1542672 CIFC17 H14 N2 O4P 1 21/n 19.1645; 8.7385; 18.3694
90; 104.426; 90
1424.71Kumar, N. N. Bhuvan; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Photoassisted Diversity-Oriented Synthesis: Intramolecular Cycloadditions of Photogenerated Azaxylylenes with Oxazole Pendants, and Subsequent Postphotochemical Multicomponent Modifications.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 460-463
1542673 CIFC19 H13 Cl N2 O3C 1 2/c 117.6228; 12.8352; 14.1014
90; 91.786; 90
3188.08Kumar, N. N. Bhuvan; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Photoassisted Diversity-Oriented Synthesis: Intramolecular Cycloadditions of Photogenerated Azaxylylenes with Oxazole Pendants, and Subsequent Postphotochemical Multicomponent Modifications.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 460-463
1542674 CIFC36 H50 S4 Si2P -112.2329; 17.7221; 19.3408
69.034; 72.015; 72.867
3643.1Chang, Shao-Ling; Lu, Chih-Wen; Lai, Yu-Ying; Hsu, Jhih-Yang; Cheng, Yen-Ju
Synthesis and Molecular Properties of Two Isomeric Dialkylated Tetrathienonaphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 368-371
1542675 CIFC34 H44 S4 Si2P -111.715; 12.209; 15.564
76.856; 75.796; 79.474
2082.4Chang, Shao-Ling; Lu, Chih-Wen; Lai, Yu-Ying; Hsu, Jhih-Yang; Cheng, Yen-Ju
Synthesis and Molecular Properties of Two Isomeric Dialkylated Tetrathienonaphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 368-371
1542676 CIFC24 H18 O3P 1 21/n 19.9595; 12.5319; 14.6208
90; 97.484; 90
1809.3More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
o-Quinone Methides via Oxone-Mediated Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization and Their Intramolecular Cycloaddition with Carbonyl Groups: An Expeditious Construction of the Central Tetracyclic Core of Integrastatins, Epicoccolide A, and Epicocconigrone A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 612-615
1542677 CIFC16 H12 O3P -17.6359; 8.6199; 10.087
80.935; 79.666; 69.242
607.6More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
o-Quinone Methides via Oxone-Mediated Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization and Their Intramolecular Cycloaddition with Carbonyl Groups: An Expeditious Construction of the Central Tetracyclic Core of Integrastatins, Epicoccolide A, and Epicocconigrone A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 612-615
1542678 CIFC19 H18 O4P 1 21/c 19.4895; 8.7747; 19.062
90; 101.174; 90
1557.2More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
o-Quinone Methides via Oxone-Mediated Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization and Their Intramolecular Cycloaddition with Carbonyl Groups: An Expeditious Construction of the Central Tetracyclic Core of Integrastatins, Epicoccolide A, and Epicocconigrone A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 612-615
1542679 CIFC17 H14 O3P 1 21/n 19.3485; 13.5764; 10.5947
90; 101.444; 90
1317.94More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
o-Quinone Methides via Oxone-Mediated Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization and Their Intramolecular Cycloaddition with Carbonyl Groups: An Expeditious Construction of the Central Tetracyclic Core of Integrastatins, Epicoccolide A, and Epicocconigrone A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 612-615
1542680 CIFC16 H12 O3P b c a10.0417; 18.527; 26.755
90; 90; 90
4977.6More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
o-Quinone Methides via Oxone-Mediated Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization and Their Intramolecular Cycloaddition with Carbonyl Groups: An Expeditious Construction of the Central Tetracyclic Core of Integrastatins, Epicoccolide A, and Epicocconigrone A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 612-615
1542681 CIFC22 H22 O5P -19.3342; 10.9832; 19.0771
103.527; 91.081; 99.292
1873.3More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
o-Quinone Methides via Oxone-Mediated Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization and Their Intramolecular Cycloaddition with Carbonyl Groups: An Expeditious Construction of the Central Tetracyclic Core of Integrastatins, Epicoccolide A, and Epicocconigrone A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 612-615
1542682 CIFC12 H11 Cl F3 N OP 1 21/n 110.761; 5.854; 19.673
90; 102.693; 90
1209Fu, Mingyang; Chen, Long; Jiang, Yongpeng; Jiang, Zhong-Xing; Yang, Zhigang
Copper-Catalyzed Intermolecular Chloro- and Bromotrifluoromethylation of Alkenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 348-351
1542683 CIFC36 H36 Br N2 O4.5 SC 1 2 127.2716; 10.7113; 11.2422
90; 90.5644; 90
3283.85Wang, Shoulei; Rodriguez-Escrich, Carles; Pericàs, Miquel A
H-Bond-Directing Organocatalyst for Enantioselective [4 + 2] Cycloadditions via Dienamine Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 556-559
1542684 CIFC13 H10 N2 SP -13.9105; 10.8964; 12.403
97.328; 94.957; 92.265
521.54Sharma, Shivani; Pathare, Ramdas S.; Maurya, Antim K.; Gopal, Kandasamy; Roy, Tapta Kanchan; Sawant, Devesh M.; Pardasani, Ram T.
Ruthenium Catalyzed Intramolecular C-S Coupling Reactions: Synthetic Scope and Mechanistic Insight.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 356-359
1542685 CIFC14 H12 N2 O SP 1 21/c 113.1514; 12.8014; 7.2224
90; 105.094; 90
1173.99Sharma, Shivani; Pathare, Ramdas S.; Maurya, Antim K.; Gopal, Kandasamy; Roy, Tapta Kanchan; Sawant, Devesh M.; Pardasani, Ram T.
Ruthenium Catalyzed Intramolecular C-S Coupling Reactions: Synthetic Scope and Mechanistic Insight.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 356-359
1542686 CIFC26 H22 Cl2 N2 O4P 1 21/c 19.921; 17.9238; 12.9555
90; 90.022; 90
2303.8Zhou, Yunfei; Zhu, Jianming; Li, Bo; Zhang, Yong; Feng, Jia; Hall, Adrian; Shi, Jiye; Zhu, Weiliang
Access to Different Isomeric Dibenzoxazepinones through Copper-Catalyzed C-H Etherification and C-N Bond Construction with Controllable Smiles Rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 380-383
1542687 CIFC24 H17 Cl N2 O3P 1 21/c 114.8316; 16.4395; 7.8011
90; 93.277; 90
1898.99Zhou, Yunfei; Zhu, Jianming; Li, Bo; Zhang, Yong; Feng, Jia; Hall, Adrian; Shi, Jiye; Zhu, Weiliang
Access to Different Isomeric Dibenzoxazepinones through Copper-Catalyzed C-H Etherification and C-N Bond Construction with Controllable Smiles Rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 380-383
1542688 CIFC32 H16 Br8 O8C 1 2/c 121.0972; 15.0686; 14.2085
90; 128.249; 90
3547.3Kumar, Yogendra; Kumar, Sharvan; Kumar Keshri, Sudhir; Shukla, Jyoti; Singh, Shiv Shankar; Thakur, Tejender S.; Denti, Mitchell; Facchetti, Antonio; Mukhopadhyay, Pritam
Synthesis of Octabromoperylene Dianhydride and Diimides: Evidence of Halogen Bonding and Semiconducting Properties.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 472-475
1542689 CIFC11 H10 N4 O3P b c a10.487; 13.0919; 16.145
90; 90; 90
2216.6Pawar, Govind Goroba; Brahmanandan, Abhilashamole; Kapur, Manmohan
Palladium(II)-Catalyzed, Heteroatom-Directed, Regioselective C-H Nitration of Anilines Using Pyrimidine as a Removable Directing Group.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 448-451
1542690 CIFC34 H35 Br N2 OP 21 21 2110.839; 23.282; 24.36
90; 90; 90
6147Li, Xuanyi; Xu, Xiuyan; Wei, Weiwei; Lin, Aijun; Yao, Hequan
Organocatalyzed Asymmetric 1,6-Conjugate Addition of para-Quinone Methides with Dicyanoolefins.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 428-431
1542691 CIFC14 H17 F N2 O2 SP 1 21 15.8834; 11.064; 11.101
90; 102.611; 90
705.2Hajra, Saumen; Aziz, Sk Mohammad; Jana, Bibekananda; Mahish, Prosenjit; Das, Dhiraj
Synthesis of Chiral Spiro-Aziridine Oxindoles via Aza-Corey-Chaykovsky Reaction of Isatin Derived N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Ketimines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 532-535
1542692 CIFC32 H31 N O5P 1 21/c 110.3073; 11.8581; 21.8138
90; 94.816; 90
2656.8Gao, Fei; Yang, Chao; Ma, Na; Gao, Guo-Lin; Li, Dazhi; Xia, Wujiong
Visible-Light-Mediated 1,7-Enyne Bicyclizations for Synthesis of Cyclopenta[c]quinolines and Benzo[j]phenanthridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 600-603
1542693 CIFC26 H20 F3 N OI 1 2/a 118.3718; 5.6809; 40.089
90; 100.975; 90
4107.5Gao, Fei; Yang, Chao; Ma, Na; Gao, Guo-Lin; Li, Dazhi; Xia, Wujiong
Visible-Light-Mediated 1,7-Enyne Bicyclizations for Synthesis of Cyclopenta[c]quinolines and Benzo[j]phenanthridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 600-603
1542694 CIFC29 H25 F2 N O3P -110.2357; 10.5168; 12.7893
71.454; 71.195; 73.002
1207.61Gao, Fei; Yang, Chao; Ma, Na; Gao, Guo-Lin; Li, Dazhi; Xia, Wujiong
Visible-Light-Mediated 1,7-Enyne Bicyclizations for Synthesis of Cyclopenta[c]quinolines and Benzo[j]phenanthridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 600-603
1542695 CIFC18 H24 O3P 21 21 217.8269; 8.7254; 23.407
90; 90; 90
1598.5Liu, Chenguang; Zeng, Zhixiong; Chen, Renzhi; Jiang, Xunjin; Wang, Yinglu; Zhang, Yandong
Total Synthesis of (+)-Fusarisetin A Driven by a One-Pot Four-Reaction Process.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 624-627
1542696 CIFC18 H12 Br2 O2 SP -17.9582; 8.0654; 13.665
82.257; 84.908; 72.622
828.3Wang, Miao; Xiang, Jia-Chen; Cheng, Yan; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, An-Xin
Synthesis of 2,4,5-Trisubstituted Furans via a Triple C(sp(3))-H Functionalization Reaction Using Rongalite as the C1 Unit.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 524-527
1542697 CIFC19 H16 O4 S2P -17.573; 8.012; 15.475
77.359; 78.217; 86.315
896.7Wang, Miao; Xiang, Jia-Chen; Cheng, Yan; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, An-Xin
Synthesis of 2,4,5-Trisubstituted Furans via a Triple C(sp(3))-H Functionalization Reaction Using Rongalite as the C1 Unit.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 524-527
1542698 CIFC23.5 H14.5 Cl4.5 N3 O8P -19.645; 11.531; 23.18
92.059; 90.249; 95.534
2564.25Yoon, Ina; Suh, Sung-Eun; Barros, Stephanie A.; Chenoweth, David M.
Synthesis of 9-Substituted Triptycene Building Blocks for Solid-Phase Diversification and Nucleic Acid Junction Targeting.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1096
1542699 CIFC17 H16 F N OP -15.5492; 10.9097; 11.6094
102.644; 93.799; 96.078
679.03Wang, Yi-Feng; Hu, Ming; Hayashi, Hirohito; Xing, Bengang; Chiba, Shunsuke
Linking of Alcohols with Vinyl Azides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 992
1542700 CIFC22 H17 Cl2 F3 N2 O3P 21 21 217.6378; 15.9147; 18.2712
90; 90; 90
2220.9Li, Xiaoyuan; Su, Jinhuan; Liu, Zhourujun; Zhu, Yuanyuan; Dong, Zhenghao; Qiu, Shuai; Wang, Jiayi; Lin, Li; Shen, Zhiqiang; Yan, Wenjin; Wang, Kairong; Wang, Rui
Synthesis of Chiral α-Trifluoromethylamines with 2,2,2-Trifluoroethylamine as a "Building Block".
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 956
1542701 CIFC26 H20 Cl F3 N2 O3P 1 21 110.2811; 11.149; 11.3115
90; 115.56; 90
1169.7Li, Xiaoyuan; Su, Jinhuan; Liu, Zhourujun; Zhu, Yuanyuan; Dong, Zhenghao; Qiu, Shuai; Wang, Jiayi; Lin, Li; Shen, Zhiqiang; Yan, Wenjin; Wang, Kairong; Wang, Rui
Synthesis of Chiral α-Trifluoromethylamines with 2,2,2-Trifluoroethylamine as a "Building Block".
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 956
1542702 CIFC10 H6 F3 N3 OP -17.0244; 7.2782; 10.394
99.34; 92.323; 91.732
523.55Pieber, Bartholomäus; Kappe, C. Oliver
Generation and Synthetic Application of Trifluoromethyl Diazomethane Utilizing Continuous Flow Technologies.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1076
1542703 CIFC16 H15 F5 O3 SP -15.584; 11.7071; 12.0947
85.184; 83.294; 87.881
782.18Friese, Florian W.; Dreier, Anna-Lena; Matsnev, Andrej V.; Daniliuc, Constantin G.; Thrasher, Joseph S.; Haufe, Günter
Anti-Selective Aldol Reactions of Pentafluorosulfanylacetic Acid Esters with Aldehydes Mediated by Dicyclohexylchloroborane.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1012
1542704 CIFC17 H23 Cl2 F5 O3 SP -110.0879; 13.4704; 16.5159
66.318; 85.001; 89.698
2046.4Friese, Florian W.; Dreier, Anna-Lena; Matsnev, Andrej V.; Daniliuc, Constantin G.; Thrasher, Joseph S.; Haufe, Günter
Anti-Selective Aldol Reactions of Pentafluorosulfanylacetic Acid Esters with Aldehydes Mediated by Dicyclohexylchloroborane.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1012
1542705 CIFC19 H19 N O3P 1 21 19.2196; 6.1859; 14.23
90; 94.59; 90
809Wang, Jie; Wang, Mingyang; Chen, Kehao; Zha, Shanke; Song, Chao; Zhu, Jin
C-H Activation-Based Traceless Synthesis via Electrophilic Removal of a Directing Group. Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Entry into Indoles from N-Nitroso and α-Diazo-β-keto Compounds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1178
1542706 CIFC12 H14 N2 O5P 1 21/c 18.922; 19.474; 8.18
90; 111.49; 90
1322.4Wang, Jie; Wang, Mingyang; Chen, Kehao; Zha, Shanke; Song, Chao; Zhu, Jin
C-H Activation-Based Traceless Synthesis via Electrophilic Removal of a Directing Group. Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Entry into Indoles from N-Nitroso and α-Diazo-β-keto Compounds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1178
1542707 CIFC21 H29 N O6P 1 21/n 115.7725; 9.1679; 16.4313
90; 115.84; 90
2138.41Shen, Xin-Yue; Peng, Xiao-Shui; Wong, Henry N. C.
Total Synthesis of (±)-Gracilioether F.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1032
1542708 CIFC14 H18 F N O4 SP 21 21 217.0953; 12.6329; 16.757
90; 90; 90
1502Wu, Liang; Chen, Pinhong; Liu, Guosheng
Pd(II)-Catalyzed Aminofluorination of Alkenes in Total Synthesis 6-(R)-Fluoroswainsonine and 5-(R)-Fluorofebrifugine.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 960
1542709 CIFC22 H17 N3 O2P -13.8508; 12.3597; 18.3893
82.341; 88.727; 87.157
866.25Kumar, Gangam Srikanth; Kapur, Manmohan
Ruthenium-Catalyzed, Site-Selective C-H Allylation of Indoles with Allyl Alcohols as Coupling Partners.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1112
1542710 CIFC22 H18 Br N OP 21 21 219.7821; 10.3912; 35.968
90; 90; 90
3656.1Liu, Zhen-Ting; Wang, Ya-Hui; Zhu, Fu-Lin; Hu, Xiang-Ping
Enantioselective Copper-Catalyzed Formal [4 + 2] Cycloaddition of o-Aminophenol Derivatives with Propargylic Esters for Synthesis of Optically Active 3,4-Dihydro-2H-1,4-benzoxazines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1190
1542711 CIFC15 H10 Br I OP 1 21/n 17.603; 10.723; 16.702
90; 91.919; 90
1360.9Sasaki, Teppei; Miyagi, Kotaro; Moriyama, Katsuhiko; Togo, Hideo
Direct Preparation of 3-Iodochromenes from 3-Aryl- and 3-Alkyl-2-propyn-1-ols with Diaryliodonium Salts and NIS.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 944
1542712 CIFC18 H16 F N O4P 1 21/n 111.161; 9.295; 15.244
90; 94.06; 90
1577.5Yang, Chen; Liu, Yang; Yang, Jin-Dong; Li, Yi-He; Li, Xin; Cheng, Jin-Pei
Amination of 3-Substituted Benzofuran-2(3H)-ones Triggered by Single-Electron Transfer.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1036
1542713 CIFC79 H72 N6 O10C 1 2/c 138.088; 12.3446; 34.909
90; 107.222; 90
15678Bi, Jiahai; Zeng, Xiangfei; Tian, Demei; Li, Haibing
Temperature-Responsive Switch Constructed from an Anthracene-Functionalized Pillar[5]arene-Based Host-Guest System.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1092
1542714 CIFC30 H44 O4P 21 21 218.0564; 12.2225; 28.0933
90; 90; 90
2766.33Coffinier, Romain; Assal, Mourad El; Peixoto, Philippe A.; Bosset, Cyril; Miqueu, Karinne; Sotiropoulos, Jean-Marc; Pouységu, Laurent; Quideau, Stéphane
Total Synthesis of (-)-Bacchopetiolone via an Asymmetric Hydroxylative Phenol Dearomatization/[4+2]-Dimerization Cascade Promoted by a Novel Salen-Type Chiral Iodane.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1120
1542715 CIFC14 H10 N2 O2P 1 21/c 115.2095; 5.9093; 12.9247
90; 102.997; 90
1131.88Bhat, Shreesha V.; Robinson, David; Moses, John E.; Sharma, Pallavi
Synthesis of Oxadiazol-5-imines via the Cyclizative Capture of in Situ Generated Cyanamide Ions and Nitrile Oxides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1100
1542716 CIFC114 H105 Br7 Cl9 N16 O19P 1 21/n 119.423; 23.548; 30.226
90; 98.09; 90
13687Li, Xuesong; Qi, Ting; Srinivas, Kolupula; Massip, Stéphane; Maurizot, Victor; Huc, Ivan
Synthesis and Multibromination of Nanosized Helical Aromatic Amide Foldamers via Segment-Doubling Condensation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1044
1542717 CIFC699.6 H691.6 Br14 Cl64.8 N96 O101P 1 21/c 159.25; 37.63; 38.83
90; 104.6; 90
83779Li, Xuesong; Qi, Ting; Srinivas, Kolupula; Massip, Stéphane; Maurizot, Victor; Huc, Ivan
Synthesis and Multibromination of Nanosized Helical Aromatic Amide Foldamers via Segment-Doubling Condensation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1044
1542718 CIFC19 H23 N O3 SP 21 21 216.101; 15.371; 19.086
90; 90; 90
1789.9Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542719 CIFC16 H19 N O3 SP 1 21 15.804; 22.592; 6.639
90; 115.905; 90
783.1Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542720 CIFC18 H18 Br N O5 SP 21 21 218.115; 11.495; 19.441
90; 90; 90
1813.5Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542721 CIFC16 H19 N O4 SP 21 21 217.758; 10.373; 19.137
90; 90; 90
1540Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542722 CIFC17 H13 Br F3 N O4 SP 21 21 2114.6; 14.941; 16.318
90; 90; 90
3559.6Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542723 CIFC16 H18 Br N O3 SP 1 21 15.9781; 19.198; 7.657
90; 108.46; 90
833.6Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542724 CIFC16 H18 N4 O3 SP 21 21 215.4849; 12.639; 24.563
90; 90; 90
1702.8Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542725 CIFC17 H16 Br N O4 SP 1 21 17.819; 11.246; 9.64
90; 94.539; 90
845Pan, Hongjie; Huang, Hu; Liu, Weigang; Tian, Hua; Shi, Yian
Phosphine Oxide-Sc(OTf)3 Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Bromoaminocyclization of (E)-Cinnamyl Tosylcarbamates. An Approach to a Class of Synthetically Versatile Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 896
1542736 CIFC22 H19 F6 N4 O8 Os S2P 1 21/n 114.8667; 23.2445; 16.5946
90; 91.203; 90
5733.31Sugimoto, Hideki; Kanetake, Takayuki; Maeda, Kazuki; Itoh, Shinobu
Oxidative Cyclization of 1,5-Dienes with Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyzed by an Osmium(III) Complex: Synthesis of cis-Tetrahydrofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1246-1249
1542741 CIFC27 H19 N3 OP 1 21/c 14.832; 30.042; 13.79
90; 90.81; 90
2001.6Wang, Fen; Wang, He; Wang, Qiang; Yu, Songjie; Li, Xingwei
Co(III)-Catalyzed Synthesis of Quinazolines via C-H Activation of N-Sulfinylimines and Benzimidates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1306-1309
1542743 CIFC22 H16 Cl N O2 SP 1 21/c 110.375; 16.767; 10.757
90; 97.534; 90
1855.1Zhang, Liangliang; Chen, Su; Gao, Yuzhen; Zhang, Pengbo; Wu, Yile; Tang, Guo; Zhao, Yufen
tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide Mediated Cascade Synthesis of 3-Arylsulfonylquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1286-1289
1542744 CIFC14 H17 N O3P b c a9.1055; 9.4967; 30.8939
90; 90; 90
2671.46Zhu, Chuanle; Li, Jiawei; Chen, Pengquan; Wu, Wanqing; Ren, Yanwei; Jiang, Huanfeng
Transition-Metal-Free Cyclopropanation of 2-Aminoacrylates with N-Tosylhydrazones: A General Route to Cyclopropane α-Amino Acid with Contiguous Quaternary Carbon Centers.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1470-1473
1542745 CIFC16 H19 N O5P 1 21/c 18.8082; 19.624; 9.7487
90; 95.42; 90
1677.5Zhu, Chuanle; Li, Jiawei; Chen, Pengquan; Wu, Wanqing; Ren, Yanwei; Jiang, Huanfeng
Transition-Metal-Free Cyclopropanation of 2-Aminoacrylates with N-Tosylhydrazones: A General Route to Cyclopropane α-Amino Acid with Contiguous Quaternary Carbon Centers.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1470-1473
1542888 CIFC31 H34 N2 O4 P2 RuI -419.4893; 19.4893; 21.1331
90; 90; 90
8027Tan, Xuefeng; Wang, Guozhen; Zhu, Ziyue; Ren, Conghui; Zhou, Jinping; Lv, Hui; Zhang, Xiaoyong; Chung, Lung Wa; Zhang, Lina; Zhang, Xumu
Hydrogenation of Aldehydes Catalyzed by an Available Ruthenium Complex.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1518-1521
1542889 CIFC14 H18 O6P 1 21/c 16.2663; 14.1771; 16.226
90; 97.633; 90
1428.7Cao, Tao; Ma, Shengming
Highly Stereo- and Regioselective Hydrocarboxylation of Diynes with Carbon Dioxide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1510-1513
1542890 CIFC14 H18 O6P -17.9442; 9.3857; 10.6485
68.342; 77.473; 84.276
720.18Cao, Tao; Ma, Shengming
Highly Stereo- and Regioselective Hydrocarboxylation of Diynes with Carbon Dioxide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1510-1513
1542891 CIFC23 H18 N2 OP -19.556; 10.061; 10.958
73.61; 65.525; 68.71
882.6Zhang, Jingjing; Gao, Qinghe; Wu, Xia; Geng, Xiao; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, Anxin
Dual Roles of Methyl Ketones in Radziszewski-Type Reaction: Formal [2 + 1 + 1 + 1] Synthesis of 1,2,5-Trisubstituted Imidazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1686-1689
1542909 CIFC17 H19 N3 O2 S3P 21 21 216.088; 12.5452; 23.207
90; 90; 90
1772.4Igarashi, Yasuhiro; Asano, Daisuke; Sawamura, Masashi; In, Yasuko; Ishida, Toshimasa; Imoto, Masaya
Ulbactins F and G, Polycyclic Thiazoline Derivatives with Tumor Cell Migration Inhibitory Activity from Brevibacillus sp.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1658-1661
1542910 CIFC17 H19 N3 O2 S3P 21 21 219.8806; 10.4876; 17.144
90; 90; 90
1776.5Igarashi, Yasuhiro; Asano, Daisuke; Sawamura, Masashi; In, Yasuko; Ishida, Toshimasa; Imoto, Masaya
Ulbactins F and G, Polycyclic Thiazoline Derivatives with Tumor Cell Migration Inhibitory Activity from Brevibacillus sp.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1658-1661
1542923 CIFC17 H26 O SiP 1 21/c 18.7087; 31.9349; 14.3643
90; 123.574; 90
3328.42Kanno, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Kyosuke; Noguchi, Keiichi; Shibata, Yu; Tanaka, Ken
Rhodium-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of 2-Silylethynyl Phenols and Anilines via 1,2-Silicon Migration.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1654-1657
1542924 CIFC18 H20 N2 O4P 1 21/c 116.557; 10.8619; 9.5381
90; 99.792; 90
1690.3Hu, Zhiyong; Tong, Xiaofeng; Liu, Guixia
Rhodium(III) Catalyzed Carboamination of Alkenes Triggered by C-H Activation of N-Phenoxyacetamides under Redox-Neutral Conditions.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1702-1705
1542925 CIFC32 H32 B N SP 1 21/n 19.841; 15.741; 17.1529
90; 104.041; 90
2577.72Shi, Yong-Gang; Yang, Deng-Tao; Mellerup, Soren K.; Wang, Nan; Peng, Tai; Wang, Suning
1,1-Hydroboration of Fused Azole-Isoindole Analogues as an Approach for Construction of B,N-Heterocycles and Azole-Fused B,N-Naphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1626-1629
1542926 CIFC34 H36 B N3P 1 21/c 121.303; 13.582; 9.6038
90; 95.171; 90
2767.4Shi, Yong-Gang; Yang, Deng-Tao; Mellerup, Soren K.; Wang, Nan; Peng, Tai; Wang, Suning
1,1-Hydroboration of Fused Azole-Isoindole Analogues as an Approach for Construction of B,N-Heterocycles and Azole-Fused B,N-Naphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1626-1629
1542930 CIFC18 H15 N O3 SP -18.0503; 8.2338; 12.787
78.396; 73.972; 85.069
797.6Murayama, Hiroaki; Nagao, Kazunori; Ohmiya, Hirohisa; Sawamura, Masaya
Phosphine-Catalyzed Vicinal Acylcyanation of Alkynoates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1706-1709
1542943 CIFC23 H17 F4 N OP 1 2/c 113.0334; 8.6509; 17.4221
90; 101.862; 90
1922.41Wu, Xin-Xing; Chen, Wen-Long; Shen, Yi; Chen, Si; Xu, Peng-Fei; Liang, Yong-Min
Palladium-Catalyzed Domino Heck/Intermolecular C-H Bond Functionalization: Efficient Synthesis of Alkylated Polyfluoroarene Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1784-1787
1542944 CIFC16 H11 F5 OP b c a22.905; 7.8263; 15.601
90; 90; 90
2796.7Wu, Xin-Xing; Chen, Wen-Long; Shen, Yi; Chen, Si; Xu, Peng-Fei; Liang, Yong-Min
Palladium-Catalyzed Domino Heck/Intermolecular C-H Bond Functionalization: Efficient Synthesis of Alkylated Polyfluoroarene Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1784-1787
1542945 CIFC28 H40 O4P 1 21/n 111.2485; 11.2825; 20.3694
90; 100.559; 90
2541.33Yang, Xing-Wei; Li, Yan-Ping; Su, Jia; Ma, Wei-Guang; Xu, Gang
Hyperjapones A-E, Terpenoid Polymethylated Acylphloroglucinols from Hypericum japonicum.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1876-1879
1542946 CIFC29 H42 O4P 1 21 110.7495; 10.9897; 11.3193
90; 106.928; 90
1279.25Yang, Xing-Wei; Li, Yan-Ping; Su, Jia; Ma, Wei-Guang; Xu, Gang
Hyperjapones A-E, Terpenoid Polymethylated Acylphloroglucinols from Hypericum japonicum.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1876-1879
1542947 CIFC29 H42 O4P 1 21 111.0867; 10.5463; 11.7485
90; 109.197; 90
1297.29Yang, Xing-Wei; Li, Yan-Ping; Su, Jia; Ma, Wei-Guang; Xu, Gang
Hyperjapones A-E, Terpenoid Polymethylated Acylphloroglucinols from Hypericum japonicum.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1876-1879
1542948 CIFC28 H40 O4P 21 21 218.6184; 16.3163; 17.7667
90; 90; 90
2498.36Yang, Xing-Wei; Li, Yan-Ping; Su, Jia; Ma, Wei-Guang; Xu, Gang
Hyperjapones A-E, Terpenoid Polymethylated Acylphloroglucinols from Hypericum japonicum.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1876-1879
1542949 CIFC29 H44 O4P 1 21 113.38314; 6.24052; 16.58575
90; 105.584; 90
1334.28Hilario-Martínez, J Ciciolil; Zeferino-Díaz, Reyna; Muñoz-Hernández, Miguel A; Hernández-Linares, Ma Guadalupe; Cabellos, José Luis; Merino, Gabriel; Sandoval-Ramírez, Jesús; Jin, Zhendong; Fernández-Herrera, María A
Regioselective Spirostan E-Ring Opening for the Synthesis of Dihydropyran Steroidal Frameworks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1772-1775
1542950 CIFC22 H22 F6 I N3 O8 S2P -111.2415; 12.0721; 12.4456
71.657; 70.424; 72.905
1476.55Kelley, Brandon T.; Walters, Jennifer C.; Wengryniuk, Sarah E.
Access to Diverse Oxygen Heterocycles via Oxidative Rearrangement of Benzylic Tertiary Alcohols.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1896-1899
1542951 CIFC20 H18 F6 O2P -19.2002; 9.5076; 11.4762
101.253; 101.453; 103.53
925.3Kelley, Brandon T.; Walters, Jennifer C.; Wengryniuk, Sarah E.
Access to Diverse Oxygen Heterocycles via Oxidative Rearrangement of Benzylic Tertiary Alcohols.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1896-1899
1542952 CIFC20 H22 N2 O3 SP 1 21/c 113.5634; 9.094; 15.4845
90; 100.494; 90
1878Kim, Youyoung; Park, Juhyeon; Chang, Sukbok
A Direct Access to 7-Aminoindoles via Iridium-Catalyzed Mild C-H Amidation of N-Pivaloylindoles with Organic Azides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1892-1895
1542953 CIFC22 H15 Br N2 OP -17.9172; 9.9111; 12.2268
71.212; 89.404; 76.745
882Martinez-Ariza, Guillermo; McConnell, Nicholas; Hulme, Christopher
One-Pot Two-Step Multicomponent Process of Indole and Other Nitrogenous Heterocycles or Amines toward α-Oxo-acetamidines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1864-1867
1542954 CIFC22 H18 N2 OP -19.2118; 9.4709; 10.8004
84.286; 77.568; 64.183
828.32Martinez-Ariza, Guillermo; McConnell, Nicholas; Hulme, Christopher
One-Pot Two-Step Multicomponent Process of Indole and Other Nitrogenous Heterocycles or Amines toward α-Oxo-acetamidines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1864-1867
1542971 CIFC14 H14 Br N O2P 1 21/n 111.2913; 9.9716; 12.7496
90; 115.977; 90
1290.5Gade, Amol B.; Patil, Nitin T.
Gold(I)-Catalyzed Hydroaminaloxylation and Petasis-Ferrier Rearrangement Cascade of Aminaloalkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1844-1847
1542972 CIFC17 H20 Cl N O2P 21 21 216.2853; 10.2495; 23.3386
90; 90; 90
1503.5Gade, Amol B.; Patil, Nitin T.
Gold(I)-Catalyzed Hydroaminaloxylation and Petasis-Ferrier Rearrangement Cascade of Aminaloalkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1844-1847
1542973 CIFC22 H16 N2 O2 SP 1 21/c 111.8546; 8.9058; 17.5841
90; 92.201; 90
1855.1Hao, Wen-Juan; Du, Yan; Wang, Dan; Jiang, Bo; Gao, Qian; Tu, Shu-Jiang; Li, Guigen
Catalytic Diazosulfonylation of Enynals toward Diazoindenes via Oxidative Radical-Triggered 5-exo-trig Carbocyclizations.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1884-1887
1542974 CIFC44 H32 N2 O5 SP -111.2207; 11.9968; 14.8113
69.493; 75.67; 69.385
1730.2Hao, Wen-Juan; Du, Yan; Wang, Dan; Jiang, Bo; Gao, Qian; Tu, Shu-Jiang; Li, Guigen
Catalytic Diazosulfonylation of Enynals toward Diazoindenes via Oxidative Radical-Triggered 5-exo-trig Carbocyclizations.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1884-1887
1542990 CIFC14 H9 F3 O SP 1 21/c 15.701; 14.172; 16.101
90; 96.143; 90
1293.4Qiao, Zongjun; Jiang, Xuefeng
Ligand-Controlled Divergent Cross-Coupling Involving Organosilicon Compounds for Thioether and Thioester Synthesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1550-1553
1542991 CIFC39 H35 N O9P 1 21/n 111.535; 12.207; 24.328
90; 97.723; 90
3394.5Chen, Gang-Gang; Wei, Jun-Qiang; Yang, Xiaoliang; Yao, Zhu-Jun
Convenient One-Step Synthesis of Benzo[c]phenanthridines by Three-Component Reactions of Isochromenylium Tetrafluoroborates and Stilbenes in Acetonitrile.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1502-1505
1542992 CIFC19 H18 N2 O7P -18.1304; 10.1754; 12.5578
68.602; 84.781; 69.582
905.74Grélaud, Simon; Desvergnes, Valérie; Landais, Yannick
Stereocontrolled (Me3Si)3SiH-Mediated Radical and Ionic Hydride Transfer in Synthesis of 2,3,5-Trisubstituted THF.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1542-1545
1542993 CIFC28 H40 O4 SiP 1 21/c 19.8904; 32.7758; 18.3035
90; 95.879; 90
5902.2Grélaud, Simon; Desvergnes, Valérie; Landais, Yannick
Stereocontrolled (Me3Si)3SiH-Mediated Radical and Ionic Hydride Transfer in Synthesis of 2,3,5-Trisubstituted THF.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1542-1545
1542994 CIFC15 H9 N3 SP -19.1174; 11.1302; 12.8185
102.653; 96.246; 95.869
1250.97Baert, François; Cabanetos, Clément; Allain, Magali; Silvestre, Virginie; Leriche, Philippe; Blanchard, Philippe
Thieno[2,3-b]indole-Based Small Push-Pull Chromophores: Synthesis, Structure, and Electronic Properties.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1582-1585
1542995 CIFC24 H17 Br I N2P 1 21/n 112.496; 11.563; 13.831
90; 92.488; 90
1996.6Li, Ren-Hao; Ding, Cheng-Ke; Jiang, Ya-Nan; Ding, Zong-Cang; An, Xiao-Ming; Tang, Hai-Tao; Jing, Qi-Wei; Zhan, Zhuang-Ping
Synthesis of 5,6-Dihydropyrazolo[5,1-a]isoquinolines through Indium(III)-Promoted Halocyclizations of N-Propargylic Sulfonylhydrazones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1666-1669
1542996 CIFC17 H13 F N2 O3P b c a7.3389; 15.6186; 23.534
90; 90; 90
2697.5Duret, Guillaume; Quinlan, Robert; Martin, Rainer E.; Bisseret, Philippe; Neuburger, Markus; Gandon, Vincent; Blanchard, Nicolas
Inverse Electron-Demand [4 + 2]-Cycloadditions of Ynamides: Access to Novel Pyridine Scaffolds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1610-1613
1542997 CIFC21 H17 F3 N2 O3P 1 21/n 111.2431; 11.648; 28.604
90; 92.21; 90
3743.2Duret, Guillaume; Quinlan, Robert; Martin, Rainer E.; Bisseret, Philippe; Neuburger, Markus; Gandon, Vincent; Blanchard, Nicolas
Inverse Electron-Demand [4 + 2]-Cycloadditions of Ynamides: Access to Novel Pyridine Scaffolds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1610-1613
1542998 CIFC22 H19 N O5P -19.534; 12.529; 17.309
85.64; 85.998; 68.912
1922Rao, Bin; Tang, Jinghua; Zeng, Xiaoming
Synthesis of 2-Benzylphenyl Ketones by Aryne Insertion into Unactivated C-C Bonds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1678-1681
1542999 CIFC15 H15 ClP 21 21 217.122; 12.4596; 29.1959
90; 90; 90
2590.8Chen, Jianhui; Chen, Chenhui; Ji, Chonglei; Lu, Zhan
Cobalt-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of 1,1-Diarylethenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1594-1597
1543000 CIFC21 H15 N S2P -19.1755; 10.6216; 10.7652
116.93; 104.318; 98.249
865.79Iwasaki, Masayuki; Topolovčan, Nikola; Hu, Hao; Nishimura, Yugo; Gagnot, Glwadys; Na Nakorn, Rungsaeng; Yuvacharaskul, Ramida; Nakajima, Kiyohiko; Nishihara, Yasushi
Palladium-Catalyzed Regio- and Stereoselective Carbothiolation of Terminal Alkynes with Azolyl Sulfides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1642-1645
1543001 CIFC16 H13 N O S2P 1 21/c 111.33; 7.224; 17.293
90; 98.28; 90
1400.6Iwasaki, Masayuki; Topolovčan, Nikola; Hu, Hao; Nishimura, Yugo; Gagnot, Glwadys; Na Nakorn, Rungsaeng; Yuvacharaskul, Ramida; Nakajima, Kiyohiko; Nishihara, Yasushi
Palladium-Catalyzed Regio- and Stereoselective Carbothiolation of Terminal Alkynes with Azolyl Sulfides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1642-1645
1543002 CIFC25 H23 Br O4 SP -18.5565; 10.4912; 13.4305
103.093; 97.701; 100.077
1137.06Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of 1-Aryltetralins and 1-Arylnaphthalenes via (4 + 2) Annulation of β-Ketosulfones with Styryl Bromides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1682-1685
1543003 CIFC24 H21 Cl O3 SC 1 2/c 117.1277; 11.8028; 22.7698
90; 108.933; 90
4354Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of 1-Aryltetralins and 1-Arylnaphthalenes via (4 + 2) Annulation of β-Ketosulfones with Styryl Bromides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1682-1685
1543004 CIFC25 H23 Br O2 SP 1 21/c 116.3404; 12.2597; 11.1997
90; 106.631; 90
2149.76Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of 1-Aryltetralins and 1-Arylnaphthalenes via (4 + 2) Annulation of β-Ketosulfones with Styryl Bromides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1682-1685
1543005 CIFC23 H18 Br F O2 SP 1 21/n 19.6011; 21.5757; 10.0691
90; 109.771; 90
1962.86Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of 1-Aryltetralins and 1-Arylnaphthalenes via (4 + 2) Annulation of β-Ketosulfones with Styryl Bromides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1682-1685
1543006 CIFC34 H24 Br2 F2P b c a8.29; 16.342; 39.875
90; 90; 90
5402Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of 1-Aryltetralins and 1-Arylnaphthalenes via (4 + 2) Annulation of β-Ketosulfones with Styryl Bromides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1682-1685
1543007 CIFC28 H23 Br O2 SP 1 21/n 111.5248; 26.0897; 15.4151
90; 93.083; 90
4628.3Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of 1-Aryltetralins and 1-Arylnaphthalenes via (4 + 2) Annulation of β-Ketosulfones with Styryl Bromides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1682-1685
1543008 CIFC24 H21 Br O2 SP -19.812; 10.5329; 11.5586
97.807; 101.735; 116.313
1013.06Chang, Meng-Yang; Cheng, Yu-Chieh
Synthesis of 1-Aryltetralins and 1-Arylnaphthalenes via (4 + 2) Annulation of β-Ketosulfones with Styryl Bromides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1682-1685
1543009 CIFC17 H16 Br N O2P 1 21 110.1594; 11.9897; 12.8474
90; 107.684; 90
1490.97Zhao, Feng; Li, Nan; Zhu, Yi-Fan; Han, Zhi-Yong
Enantioselective Construction of Functionalized Tetrahydrocarbazoles Enabled by Asymmetric Relay Catalysis of Gold Complex and Chiral Brønsted Acid.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1506-1509
1543010 CIFC14 H29 N O2 SiP -17.852; 8.477; 14.445
89.89; 75.96; 65.051
840.2Sasaki, Michiko; Ando, Masafumi; Kawahata, Masatoshi; Yamaguchi, Kentaro; Takeda, Kei
Spontaneous Oxygenation of Siloxy-N-silylketenimines to α-Ketoamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1598-1601
1543011 CIFC22 H15 F3 O SP 1 21/n 113.2577; 12.2802; 22.5646
90; 94.431; 90
3662.7Qiu, Yi-Feng; Song, Xian-Rong; Li, Ming; Zhu, Xin-Yu; Wang, An-Qi; Yang, Fang; Han, Ya-Ping; Zhang, Heng-Rui; Jin, Dong-Po; Li, Ying-Xiu; Liang, Yong-Min
BF3·OEt2-AgSCF3 Mediated Trifluoromethylthiolation/Cascade Cyclization of Propynols: Synthesis of 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-2H-chromene and 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-1,2-dihydroquinoline Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1514-1517
1543012 CIFC29 H20 F5 N O2 S2P b c a19.4188; 11.5902; 22.8272
90; 90; 90
5137.7Qiu, Yi-Feng; Song, Xian-Rong; Li, Ming; Zhu, Xin-Yu; Wang, An-Qi; Yang, Fang; Han, Ya-Ping; Zhang, Heng-Rui; Jin, Dong-Po; Li, Ying-Xiu; Liang, Yong-Min
BF3·OEt2-AgSCF3 Mediated Trifluoromethylthiolation/Cascade Cyclization of Propynols: Synthesis of 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-2H-chromene and 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-1,2-dihydroquinoline Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1514-1517
1543013 CIFC26 H17 F3 O SP 1 21/n 110.9922; 34.479; 11.1612
90; 94.851; 90
4214.9Qiu, Yi-Feng; Song, Xian-Rong; Li, Ming; Zhu, Xin-Yu; Wang, An-Qi; Yang, Fang; Han, Ya-Ping; Zhang, Heng-Rui; Jin, Dong-Po; Li, Ying-Xiu; Liang, Yong-Min
BF3·OEt2-AgSCF3 Mediated Trifluoromethylthiolation/Cascade Cyclization of Propynols: Synthesis of 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-2H-chromene and 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-1,2-dihydroquinoline Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1514-1517
1543014 CIFC25 H20 Cl3 F3 O3 SP 1 21/n 19.3849; 19.4808; 14.2431
90; 93.135; 90
2600.1Qiu, Yi-Feng; Song, Xian-Rong; Li, Ming; Zhu, Xin-Yu; Wang, An-Qi; Yang, Fang; Han, Ya-Ping; Zhang, Heng-Rui; Jin, Dong-Po; Li, Ying-Xiu; Liang, Yong-Min
BF3·OEt2-AgSCF3 Mediated Trifluoromethylthiolation/Cascade Cyclization of Propynols: Synthesis of 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-2H-chromene and 4-((Trifluoromethyl)thio)-1,2-dihydroquinoline Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1514-1517
1543015 CIFC67 H86 Cl2 N4 O6P -110.6524; 11.9315; 23.654
96.938; 95.935; 92.1575
2964.6Zahim, Sara; Wickramasinghe, Lasantha A.; Evano, Gwilherm; Jabin, Ivan; Schrock, Richard R.; Müller, Peter
Calix[6]azacryptand Ligand with a Sterically Protected Tren-Based Coordination Site for Metal Ions.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1570-1573
1543016 CIFC68 H89.2 F6 N4 O14.6 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 117.5923; 26.1314; 19.613
90; 109.576; 90
8495.1Zahim, Sara; Wickramasinghe, Lasantha A.; Evano, Gwilherm; Jabin, Ivan; Schrock, Richard R.; Müller, Peter
Calix[6]azacryptand Ligand with a Sterically Protected Tren-Based Coordination Site for Metal Ions.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1570-1573
1543017 CIFC24 H7 B F15 NP n a 2113.7574; 8.8592; 18.0333
90; 90; 90
2197.89Zhang, Zhenbei; Miao, Chengxia; Xia, Chungu; Sun, Wei
Synergistic Acid-Catalyzed Synthesis of N-Aryl-Substituted Azacycles from Anilines and Cyclic Ethers.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1522-1525
1543021 CIFC19 H18 O5P 41 21 28.2087; 8.2087; 44.2189
90; 90; 90
2979.59Ni, Gang; Zhang, Hua; Fan, Yao-Yue; Liu, Hong-Chun; Ding, Jian; Yue, Jian-Min
Mannolides A-C with an Intact Diterpenoid Skeleton Providing Insights on the Biosynthesis of Antitumor Cephalotaxus Troponoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1880-1883
1543022 CIFC20 H24 O4P 21 21 217.1625; 7.788; 28.9103
90; 90; 90
1612.66Ni, Gang; Zhang, Hua; Fan, Yao-Yue; Liu, Hong-Chun; Ding, Jian; Yue, Jian-Min
Mannolides A-C with an Intact Diterpenoid Skeleton Providing Insights on the Biosynthesis of Antitumor Cephalotaxus Troponoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1880-1883
1543023 CIFC20 H24 O5P 21 21 216.8416; 7.8031; 30.6323
90; 90; 90
1635.33Ni, Gang; Zhang, Hua; Fan, Yao-Yue; Liu, Hong-Chun; Ding, Jian; Yue, Jian-Min
Mannolides A-C with an Intact Diterpenoid Skeleton Providing Insights on the Biosynthesis of Antitumor Cephalotaxus Troponoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1880-1883
1543024 CIFC20 H24 O5P 21 21 218.2506; 11.8258; 16.5504
90; 90; 90
1614.82Ni, Gang; Zhang, Hua; Fan, Yao-Yue; Liu, Hong-Chun; Ding, Jian; Yue, Jian-Min
Mannolides A-C with an Intact Diterpenoid Skeleton Providing Insights on the Biosynthesis of Antitumor Cephalotaxus Troponoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1880-1883
1543025 CIFC19 H16 O4C 1 2 113.4613; 9.1617; 23.4678
90; 93.249; 90
2889.6Ni, Gang; Zhang, Hua; Fan, Yao-Yue; Liu, Hong-Chun; Ding, Jian; Yue, Jian-Min
Mannolides A-C with an Intact Diterpenoid Skeleton Providing Insights on the Biosynthesis of Antitumor Cephalotaxus Troponoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1880-1883
1543034 CIFC24 H49 N O2 SiP 1 21 19.6625; 21.1407; 13.3829
90; 95.786; 90
2719.82Guignard, Guillaume; Llor, Núria; Molins, Elies; Bosch, Joan; Amat, Mercedes
Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Fluvirucinin B1.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1788-1791
1543035 CIFC30 H35 N3 O2P 1 21 17.2253; 13.6771; 12.9015
90; 103.485; 90
1239.79Han, Wen Bo; Zhang, Ai Hua; Deng, Xin Zhao; Lei, Xinxiang; Tan, Ren Xiang
Curindolizine, an Anti-Inflammatory Agent Assembled via Michael Addition of Pyrrole Alkaloids Inside Fungal Cells.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1816-1819
1543036 CIFC10 H14 N O2.5P 1 21 17.9708; 10.4075; 11.9312
90; 95.083; 90
985.87Han, Wen Bo; Zhang, Ai Hua; Deng, Xin Zhao; Lei, Xinxiang; Tan, Ren Xiang
Curindolizine, an Anti-Inflammatory Agent Assembled via Michael Addition of Pyrrole Alkaloids Inside Fungal Cells.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1816-1819
1543048 CIFC23 H24 N4 O3P 1 21/n 18.725; 21.909; 11.242
90; 97.7; 90
2129.6Ievlev, Mikhail Yu; Ershov, Oleg V.; Tafeenko, Viktor A.
Diastereoselective Cascade Assembly of Functionalized Pyrano[3,4-c]pyrrole Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1940-1943
1543049 CIFC22 H26 N4 O4 SP -19.0546; 11.0539; 12.5393
82.698; 74.104; 71.775
1145.32Ievlev, Mikhail Yu; Ershov, Oleg V.; Tafeenko, Viktor A.
Diastereoselective Cascade Assembly of Functionalized Pyrano[3,4-c]pyrrole Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1940-1943
1543050 CIFC17 H20 N4 O2P -111.3656; 11.969; 13.0198
80.827; 85.462; 76.099
1695.75Ievlev, Mikhail Yu; Ershov, Oleg V.; Tafeenko, Viktor A.
Diastereoselective Cascade Assembly of Functionalized Pyrano[3,4-c]pyrrole Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1940-1943
1543112 CIFC31 H36 Cl N O10P 1 21 18.8859; 26.1897; 13.3329
90; 91.416; 90
3101.87Kashima, Kenichi; Teraoka, Kota; Uekusa, Hidehiro; Shibata, Yu; Tanaka, Ken
Rhodium-Catalyzed Atroposelective [2 + 2 + 2] Cycloaddition of Ortho-Substituted Phenyl Diynes with Nitriles: Effect of Ortho Substituents on Regio- and Enantioselectivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2170-2173
1543115 CIFC8 H9 N O4P 1 21/c 18.814; 10.352; 8.529
90; 97.784; 90
771Shi, Shan; Shi, HongWei; Li, JianLong; Li, Fei; Chen, Lei; Zhang, Chao; Huang, ZhiYan; Zhao, Na; Li, Nan; Yang, Jun
Synthesis of the BCD Tricyclic Core of Densanins A and B.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1949-1951
1543116 CIFC23 H33 Br2 N O6 SP 21 21 219.6422; 12.8786; 22.6372
90; 90; 90
2811.04Cai, Sen-Lin; Song, Ran; Dong, Han-Qing; Lin, Guo-Qiang; Sun, Xing-Wen
Practical Asymmetric Synthesis of Amathaspiramides B, D, and F.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1996-1999
1543117 CIFC23 H33 Br2 N O6 SP 1 21 111.7774; 14.2384; 16.4779
90; 93.145; 90
2759Cai, Sen-Lin; Song, Ran; Dong, Han-Qing; Lin, Guo-Qiang; Sun, Xing-Wen
Practical Asymmetric Synthesis of Amathaspiramides B, D, and F.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1996-1999
1543118 CIFC16 H19 Br2 Cl3 N2 O3P 21 21 218.689; 13.353; 18.075
90; 90; 90
2097.1Cai, Sen-Lin; Song, Ran; Dong, Han-Qing; Lin, Guo-Qiang; Sun, Xing-Wen
Practical Asymmetric Synthesis of Amathaspiramides B, D, and F.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1996-1999
1543119 CIFC34 H36 N2 O9C 1 2/c 123.88; 7.0491; 16.984
90; 91.271; 90
2858.3Gouthami, Pashikanti; Chegondi, Rambabu; Chandrasekhar, Srivari
Formal Total Synthesis of (±)-Cephalotaxine and Congeners via Aryne Insertion Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2044-2046
1543124 CIFC29 H21 Br N2 O3 SP 19.8056; 10.1342; 13.2604
106.4; 94.409; 93.758
1255.1Hu, Zhiyong; Tong, Xiaofeng; Liu, Guixia
Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Cascade Cyclization/Electrophilic Amidation for the Synthesis of 3-Amidoindoles and 3-Amidofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2058-2061
1543141 CIFC52 H38 Cl2 F3 N2 O7 P SP -113.4369; 13.7007; 15.474
71.074; 67.743; 66.374
2364.9Nishikawa, Yasuhiro; Nakano, Saki; Tahira, Yuu; Terazawa, Kanako; Yamazaki, Ken; Kitamura, Chitoshi; Hara, Osamu
Chiral Pyridinium Phosphoramide as a Dual Brønsted Acid Catalyst for Enantioselective Diels-Alder Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2004-2007
1543142 CIFC90 H21 Cl F5 NP -113.9563; 14.4188; 15.4405
91.044; 108.456; 109.296
2755.5Lou, Ning; Li, Yanbang; Cui, Chengxing; Liu, Yajun; Gan, Liangbing
Preparation of Azafullerene C59NR5 and Fullerene Derivative C60NAr5 with a Pyridine Moiety on the Cage Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2236-2239
1543151 CIFC19 H30 O2C 1 2/c 126.8752; 11.059; 12.0165
90; 111.962; 90
3312.28Parthasarathy, Gowrisankar; Eggert, Ulrike; Kalesse, Markus
Synthesis of (+)-Omphadiol and (+)-Pyxidatol C.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2320-2322
1543156 CIFC20 H24 N4 O4P -17.8318; 10.2287; 13.5191
108.782; 106.051; 94.161
969.7Reekie, Tristan A.; Donckele, Etienne J.; Manenti, Giorgio; Püntener, Salome; Trapp, Nils; Diederich, François
A Three-Step Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted NH-Pyrroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2252-2255
1543157 CIFC22 H28 N4 O4P 1 21/c 115.0264; 19.058; 15.9395
90; 112.057; 90
4230.6Reekie, Tristan A.; Donckele, Etienne J.; Manenti, Giorgio; Püntener, Salome; Trapp, Nils; Diederich, François
A Three-Step Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted NH-Pyrroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2252-2255
1543158 CIFC20 H23 N3 O4 SP 1 21 18.514; 22.5; 11.0395
90; 107.154; 90
2020.71Reekie, Tristan A.; Donckele, Etienne J.; Manenti, Giorgio; Püntener, Salome; Trapp, Nils; Diederich, François
A Three-Step Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted NH-Pyrroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2252-2255
1543159 CIFC20 H22 N4 O6P 1 21/c 19.5426; 13.1663; 16.2954
90; 101.215; 90
2008.3Reekie, Tristan A.; Donckele, Etienne J.; Manenti, Giorgio; Püntener, Salome; Trapp, Nils; Diederich, François
A Three-Step Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted NH-Pyrroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2252-2255
1543160 CIFC26 H20 OP -18.8; 10.295; 21.034
90.156; 93.24; 91.754
1902Luo, Lei; Zheng, Huayu; Liu, Jingjing; Wang, Hui; Wang, Yaoyu; Luan, Xinjun
Highly Chemo- and Regioselective Construction of Spirocarbocycles by a Pd(0)-Catalyzed Dearomatization of Phenol-Based Biaryls with 1,3-Dienes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2082-2085
1543161 CIFC28 H40 O5P 21 21 218.7878; 20.2223; 29.819
90; 90; 90
5299.1Hu, Linzhen; Zhang, Yu; Zhu, Hucheng; Liu, Junjun; Li, Hua; Li, Xiao-Nian; Sun, Weiguang; Zeng, Junfen; Xue, Yongbo; Zhang, Yonghui
Filicinic Acid Based Meroterpenoids with Anti-Epstein-Barr Virus Activities from Hypericum japonicum.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2272-2275
1543162 CIFC17 H13 N O3 SP 1 21/c 121.2968; 7.11439; 21.9163
90; 108.646; 90
3146.32Chen, Ming; Yang, Chao; Wang, Yanpei; Li, Dazhi; Xia, Wujiong
UV Light Induced Direct Synthesis of Phenanthrene Derivatives from a Linear 3-Aryl-N-(arylsulfonyl) Propiolamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2280-2283
1543163 CIFC16 H10 F N O3 SP 1 21 16.8436; 10.3886; 9.9058
90; 104.893; 90
680.6Chen, Ming; Yang, Chao; Wang, Yanpei; Li, Dazhi; Xia, Wujiong
UV Light Induced Direct Synthesis of Phenanthrene Derivatives from a Linear 3-Aryl-N-(arylsulfonyl) Propiolamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2280-2283
1543164 CIFC71 H66P -111.5438; 13.25; 19.248
84.314; 82.576; 64.917
2640.9Uchida, Yosuke; Hirose, Takashi; Nakashima, Takuya; Kawai, Tsuyoshi; Matsuda, Kenji
Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of a 13,13'-Bibenzo[b]perylenyl Derivative as a π-Extended 1,1'-Binaphthyl Analog.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2118-2121
1543214 CIFC25 H21 N O4P 1 21/c 16.1861; 14.2021; 22.962
90; 94.024; 90
2012.37El Bouakher, Abderrahman; Le Goff, Ronan; Tasserie, Jordan; Lhoste, Jérôme; Martel, Arnaud; Comesse, Sébastien
Synthesis of Oxazolidin-4-ones: Domino O-Alkylation/Aza-Michael/Intramolecular Retro-Claisen Condensation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2383-2386
1543215 CIFC17 H21 N O5P 1 21/c 17.8917; 22.2343; 9.4685
90; 91.94; 90
1660.5El Bouakher, Abderrahman; Le Goff, Ronan; Tasserie, Jordan; Lhoste, Jérôme; Martel, Arnaud; Comesse, Sébastien
Synthesis of Oxazolidin-4-ones: Domino O-Alkylation/Aza-Michael/Intramolecular Retro-Claisen Condensation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2383-2386
1543216 CIFC24 H27 N O7P c a 2122.7748; 6.0842; 16.1449
90; 90; 90
2237.1El Bouakher, Abderrahman; Le Goff, Ronan; Tasserie, Jordan; Lhoste, Jérôme; Martel, Arnaud; Comesse, Sébastien
Synthesis of Oxazolidin-4-ones: Domino O-Alkylation/Aza-Michael/Intramolecular Retro-Claisen Condensation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2383-2386
1543217 CIFC20 H21 N O5 SP 1 21/n 17.795; 21.513; 11.4883
90; 95.42; 90
1917.9El Bouakher, Abderrahman; Le Goff, Ronan; Tasserie, Jordan; Lhoste, Jérôme; Martel, Arnaud; Comesse, Sébastien
Synthesis of Oxazolidin-4-ones: Domino O-Alkylation/Aza-Michael/Intramolecular Retro-Claisen Condensation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2383-2386
1543218 CIFC22 H23 N O5P 17.8503; 11.0271; 17.767
75.302; 81.673; 89.125
1471.6El Bouakher, Abderrahman; Le Goff, Ronan; Tasserie, Jordan; Lhoste, Jérôme; Martel, Arnaud; Comesse, Sébastien
Synthesis of Oxazolidin-4-ones: Domino O-Alkylation/Aza-Michael/Intramolecular Retro-Claisen Condensation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2383-2386
1543219 CIFC36 H44 Cl2 N4 O2 RuP 1 21/n 111.9275; 15.7557; 18.3669
90; 97.6486; 90
3420.9Williams, Michael J.; Kong, Jongrock; Chung, Cheol K.; Brunskill, Andrew; Campeau, Louis-Charles; McLaughlin, Mark
The Discovery of Quinoxaline-Based Metathesis Catalysts from Synthesis of Grazoprevir (MK-5172).
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1952-1955
1543235 CIFC22 H19 N OP b c a14.2222; 12.0292; 19.1416
90; 90; 90
3274.8Gu, Zheng-Yang; Liu, Cheng-Guo; Wang, Shun-Yi; Ji, Shun-Jun
Pd-Catalyzed Intramolecular Heck Reaction, C(sp(2))-H Activation, 1,4-Pd Migration, and Aminopalladation: Chemoselective Synthesis of Dihydroindeno[1,2,3-kl]acridines and 3-Arylindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2379-2382
1543236 CIFC20 H14 F NP 1 21/c 18.9782; 18.2579; 17.6665
90; 101.906; 90
2833.6Gu, Zheng-Yang; Liu, Cheng-Guo; Wang, Shun-Yi; Ji, Shun-Jun
Pd-Catalyzed Intramolecular Heck Reaction, C(sp(2))-H Activation, 1,4-Pd Migration, and Aminopalladation: Chemoselective Synthesis of Dihydroindeno[1,2,3-kl]acridines and 3-Arylindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2379-2382
1543237 CIFC40 H26 F3 N O3 SC 1 2/c 126.374; 7.9979; 15.0584
90; 99.855; 90
3129.5Ge, Qingmei; Hu, Yang; Li, Bin; Wang, Baiquan
Synthesis of Conjugated Polycyclic Quinoliniums by Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Multiple C-H Activation and Annulation of Arylpyridiniums with Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2483-2486
1543260 CIFC12 H11 N O2 S2P -16.6545; 7.7124; 12.1476
87.201; 88.293; 71.09
589.03Shukla, Gaurav; Srivastava, Abhijeet; Singh, Maya Shankar
Metal- and Catalyst-Free, Formal [4 + 1] Annulation via Tandem C═O/C═S Functionalization: One-Pot Access to 3,5-Disubstituted/Annulated Isothiazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2451-2454
1543261 CIFC26 H21 F N2 O4 SP -19.8714; 11.0898; 12.4017
75.477; 84.873; 77.924
1284.2Cheng, Dong; Ling, Fei; Zheng, Chenguang; Ma, Cheng
Tuning of Copper-Catalyzed Multicomponent Reactions toward 3-Functionalized Oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2435-2438
1543262 CIFC26 H24 N2 O5 SP 1 21/n 112.8999; 8.74; 20.7336
90; 92.1223; 90
2336.01Cheng, Dong; Ling, Fei; Zheng, Chenguang; Ma, Cheng
Tuning of Copper-Catalyzed Multicomponent Reactions toward 3-Functionalized Oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2435-2438
1543263 CIFC28 H22 N2 O4 SP -19.8063; 11.6743; 12.6069
117.544; 101.784; 99.146
1198.13Cheng, Dong; Ling, Fei; Zheng, Chenguang; Ma, Cheng
Tuning of Copper-Catalyzed Multicomponent Reactions toward 3-Functionalized Oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2435-2438
1543264 CIFC28 H21 F N2 O4 SP 1 21/c 110.3056; 14.0546; 17.9127
90; 106.449; 90
2488.3Cheng, Dong; Ling, Fei; Zheng, Chenguang; Ma, Cheng
Tuning of Copper-Catalyzed Multicomponent Reactions toward 3-Functionalized Oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2435-2438
1543269 CIFC23 H16 Br N O2C 1 2/c 117.9232; 12.4144; 19.2095
90; 116.795; 90
3815.3Xu, Ning; Gu, Da-Wei; Zi, Jing; Wu, Xin-Yan; Guo, Xun-Xiang
Enantioselective Synthesis of 3-Alkynyl-3-hydroxyindolin-2-ones by Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Addition of Terminal Alkynes to Isatins.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2439-2442
1543270 CIFC16 H14 N2P 1 21/a 113.8715; 5.5938; 17.2693
90; 113.43; 90
1229.51Ho, Hon Eong; Oniwa, Kazuaki; Yamamoto, Yoshinori; Jin, Tienan
N-Methyl Transfer Induced Copper-Mediated Oxidative Diamination of Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2487-2490
1543303 CIFC25 H18 Cl3 N3 O8C 1 2/c 129.8039; 9.4923; 22.1375
90; 120.796; 90
5379.8Barros, Stephanie A.; Yoon, Ina; Suh, Sung-Eun; Chenoweth, David M.
Bridgehead-Substituted Triptycenes for Discovery of Nucleic Acid Junction Binders.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2423-2426
1543304 CIFC10 H12 N2 OP b c a13.6534; 6.92272; 18.544
90; 90; 90
1752.75Arteaga, Fernando Arteaga; Liu, Zijian; Brewitz, Lennart; Chen, Jianyang; Sun, Bo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reaction of Alkylamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2391-2394
1543305 CIFC12 H16 N2 OP 1 21/c 16.3014; 11.7426; 15.4771
90; 100.561; 90
1125.82Arteaga, Fernando Arteaga; Liu, Zijian; Brewitz, Lennart; Chen, Jianyang; Sun, Bo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reaction of Alkylamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2391-2394
1543306 CIFC22 H27 N3 O3P 21 21 219.3255; 10.2652; 20.1671
90; 90; 90
1930.56Arteaga, Fernando Arteaga; Liu, Zijian; Brewitz, Lennart; Chen, Jianyang; Sun, Bo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reaction of Alkylamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2391-2394
1543307 CIFC9 H10 N2 OP 1 21/n 17.0381; 13.3229; 8.7353
90; 112.215; 90
758.29Arteaga, Fernando Arteaga; Liu, Zijian; Brewitz, Lennart; Chen, Jianyang; Sun, Bo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reaction of Alkylamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2391-2394
1543308 CIFC61 H58 Cu F6 N2 O P3P 1 21 112.8125; 15.5638; 16.7344
90; 110.994; 90
3115.51Arteaga, Fernando Arteaga; Liu, Zijian; Brewitz, Lennart; Chen, Jianyang; Sun, Bo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reaction of Alkylamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2391-2394
1543309 CIFC22 H26 F N3 O3P 21 21 219.11599; 13.3173; 34.5039
90; 90; 90
4188.79Arteaga, Fernando Arteaga; Liu, Zijian; Brewitz, Lennart; Chen, Jianyang; Sun, Bo; Kumagai, Naoya; Shibasaki, Masakatsu
Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reaction of Alkylamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2391-2394
1543317 CIFC24 H19 Br N2 O2 SP 111.3141; 13.0066; 13.3059
107.027; 97.7315; 113.173
1650.25Kikuchi, Jun; Momiyama, Norie; Terada, Masahiro
Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalyzed Diastereo- and Enantioselective Mannich-Type Reaction between Enamides and Thiazolones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2521-2523
1543332 CIFC29 H27 N O4 SP 21 21 218.3536; 13.8716; 21.444
90; 90; 90
2484.9Zhang, Yu-Fang; Chen, Diao; Chen, Wen-Wen; Xu, Ming-Hua
Construction of Cyclic Sulfamidates Bearing Two gem-Diaryl Stereocenters through a Rhodium-Catalyzed Stepwise Asymmetric Arylation Protocol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2726-2729
1543337 CIFC9 H6 F2 I N OP 1 21/n 15.9943; 8.2991; 20.452
90; 97.16; 90
1009.5Miao, Wenjun; Ni, Chuanfa; Zhao, Yanchuan; Hu, Jinbo
Nucleophilic Iododifluoromethylation of Carbonyl Compounds Using Difluoromethyl 2-Pyridyl Sulfone.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2766-2769
1543338 CIFC23 H17 Br O3P 1 21 15.4774; 14.656; 11.788
90; 103.09; 90
921.7Zhou, Yong; Zhu, Fu-Lin; Liu, Zhen-Ting; Zhou, Xiao-Mao; Hu, Xiang-Ping
Chiral Ferrocenyl P,N-Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Formal [3 + 2] Cycloaddition of Propargylic Esters with β-Ketoesters: Access to Functionalized Chiral 2,3-Dihydrofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2734-2737
1543339 CIFC35 H38 Fe N3 O PP 21 21 2110.678; 10.701; 27.346
90; 90; 90
3124.7Zhou, Yong; Zhu, Fu-Lin; Liu, Zhen-Ting; Zhou, Xiao-Mao; Hu, Xiang-Ping
Chiral Ferrocenyl P,N-Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Formal [3 + 2] Cycloaddition of Propargylic Esters with β-Ketoesters: Access to Functionalized Chiral 2,3-Dihydrofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2734-2737
1543356 CIFC29 H22 O4P 15.105; 9.985; 11.8359
65.909; 85.15; 82.591
545.829Aida, Yukimasa; Sugiyama, Haruki; Uekusa, Hidehiro; Shibata, Yu; Tanaka, Ken
Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric [2 + 2 + 2] Cycloaddition of α,ω-Diynes with Unsymmetrical 1,2-Disubstituted Alkenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2672-2675
1543357 CIFC18 H14 I N3 SP -18.0454; 9.1035; 11.6624
91.647; 96.901; 93.582
845.76Yamamoto, Kosuke; Bruun, Theodora; Kim, Jung Yun; Zhang, Lei; Lautens, Mark
A New Multicomponent Multicatalyst Reaction (MC)(2)R: Chemoselective Cycloaddition and Latent Catalyst Activation for the Synthesis of Fully Substituted 1,2,3-Triazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2644-2647
1543359 CIFC20 H25 N O2P 1 21 19.3889; 11.6277; 16.0269
90; 96.069; 90
1739.9Fernández-Pérez, Héctor; Lao, Joan R.; Vidal-Ferran, Anton
Stereoselective Rh-Catalyzed Hydrogenative Desymmetrization of Achiral Substituted 1,4-Dienes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2836-2839
1543360 CIFC21 H24 O4P 21 21 215.87215; 17.2976; 17.9057
90; 90; 90
1818.76Manaviazar, Soraya; Nockemann, Peter; Hale, Karl J.
Total Synthesis of the GRP78-Downregulatory Macrolide (+)-Prunustatin A, the Immunosuppressant (+)-SW-163A, and a JBIR-04 Diastereoisomer That Confirms JBIR-04 Has Nonidentical Stereochemistry to (+)-Prunustatin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2902-2905
1543361 CIFC13 H16 O3P 1 21 18.246; 6.3133; 11.1291
90; 97.945; 90
573.81Manaviazar, Soraya; Nockemann, Peter; Hale, Karl J.
Total Synthesis of the GRP78-Downregulatory Macrolide (+)-Prunustatin A, the Immunosuppressant (+)-SW-163A, and a JBIR-04 Diastereoisomer That Confirms JBIR-04 Has Nonidentical Stereochemistry to (+)-Prunustatin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2902-2905
1543362 CIFC33 H43 N O12P 21 21 227.6917; 14.8522; 8.87923
90; 90; 90
3651.87Manaviazar, Soraya; Nockemann, Peter; Hale, Karl J.
Total Synthesis of the GRP78-Downregulatory Macrolide (+)-Prunustatin A, the Immunosuppressant (+)-SW-163A, and a JBIR-04 Diastereoisomer That Confirms JBIR-04 Has Nonidentical Stereochemistry to (+)-Prunustatin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2902-2905
1543363 CIFC31 H43 N O11P 21 21 227.6917; 14.8522; 8.87923
90; 90; 90
3651.87Manaviazar, Soraya; Nockemann, Peter; Hale, Karl J.
Total Synthesis of the GRP78-Downregulatory Macrolide (+)-Prunustatin A, the Immunosuppressant (+)-SW-163A, and a JBIR-04 Diastereoisomer That Confirms JBIR-04 Has Nonidentical Stereochemistry to (+)-Prunustatin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2902-2905
1543364 CIFC28 H48 O3 Si2C 1 2/c 148.523; 6.2947; 20.561
90; 107.18; 90
6000Rullière, Pauline; Grisel, Julien; Poittevin, Clément; Cividino, Pascale; Carret, Sébastien; Poisson, Jean-François
Thermal [2 + 2]-Cycloaddition of Ketenes with Chiral Enol Ethers: Route to Densely Substituted Cyclobutanones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2824-2827
1543365 CIFC20 H26 O3P 21 21 216.66247; 16.2362; 16.4824
90; 90; 90
1782.95Fei, Dong-Qing; Dong, Le-Le; Qi, Feng-Ming; Fan, Gai-Xia; Li, Hui-Hong; Li, Zheng-Yu; Zhang, Zhan-Xin
Euphorikanin A, a Diterpenoid Lactone with a Fused 5/6/7/3 Ring System from Euphorbia kansui.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2844-2847
1543366 CIFC18.5 H22 Cl N O8P b c a7.5805; 17.2484; 32.295
90; 90; 90
4222.62Zhou, Qing-Fa; Zhang, Kui; Cai, Lingchao; Kwon, Ohyun
Phosphine-Catalyzed Intramolecular Cyclizations of α-Nitroethylallenoates Forming (Z)-Furanone Oximes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2954-2957
1543389 CIFC9 H11 N O5P 1 21 18.0163; 5.9409; 10.63
90; 108.56; 90
479.91Gutiérrez-Jiménez, Marta I; Aydillo, Carlos; Navo, Claudio D.; Avenoza, Alberto; Corzana, Francisco; Jiménez-Osés, Gonzalo; Zurbano, María M; Busto, Jesús H; Peregrina, Jesús M
Bifunctional Chiral Dehydroalanines for Peptide Coupling and Stereoselective S-Michael Addition.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2796-2799
1543390 CIFC25 H36 Cl4 N2 O13 SP 21 21 2110.6272; 12.262; 25.592
90; 90; 90
3334.9Gutiérrez-Jiménez, Marta I; Aydillo, Carlos; Navo, Claudio D.; Avenoza, Alberto; Corzana, Francisco; Jiménez-Osés, Gonzalo; Zurbano, María M; Busto, Jesús H; Peregrina, Jesús M
Bifunctional Chiral Dehydroalanines for Peptide Coupling and Stereoselective S-Michael Addition.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2796-2799
1543395 CIFC17 H20 F3 N O3P 1 21/c 110.019; 9.396; 19.802
90; 112.805; 90
1718.4Cheng, Cungui; Liu, Shuiyou; Lu, Danyang; Zhu, Gangguo
Copper-Catalyzed Trifluoromethylation of Alkenes with Redox-Neutral Remote Amidation of Aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2852-2855
1543396 CIFC26 H21 N3P 1 21/n 112.52; 11.4587; 13.5749
90; 93.825; 90
1943.16Mikshiev, Vladimir Y.; Antonov, Alexander S.; Pozharskii, Alexander F.
Tandem Synthesis of 10-Dimethylaminobenzo[h]quinazolines from 2-Ketimino-1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalenes via Nucleophilic Replacement of the Unactivated Aromatic NMe2 Group.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2872-2875
1543397 CIFC26 H20 Br N3C 1 2/c 120.8133; 12.4608; 16.5347
90; 106.576; 90
4110.1Mikshiev, Vladimir Y.; Antonov, Alexander S.; Pozharskii, Alexander F.
Tandem Synthesis of 10-Dimethylaminobenzo[h]quinazolines from 2-Ketimino-1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalenes via Nucleophilic Replacement of the Unactivated Aromatic NMe2 Group.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2872-2875
1543398 CIFC16 H13 N3 OP c a 2119.0121; 4.9106; 14.288
90; 90; 90
1333.94Senadi, Gopal Chandru; Gore, Babasaheb Sopan; Hu, Wan-Ping; Wang, Jeh-Jeng
BF3-Etherate-Promoted Cascade Reaction of 2-Alkynylanilines with Nitriles: One-Pot Assembly of 4-Amido-Cinnolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2890-2893
1543399 CIFC18 H19 N O3P 1 21/c 112.0363; 17.5689; 14.3807
90; 99.574; 90
2998.7Pusch, Stefan; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Opatz, Till
A Light-Induced Vinylogous Nazarov-Type Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3043-3045
1543400 CIFC15 H15 N OP b c a9.7259; 12.0868; 19.6834
90; 90; 90
2313.9Pusch, Stefan; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Opatz, Till
A Light-Induced Vinylogous Nazarov-Type Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3043-3045
1543401 CIFC18 H19 N O3P b c a13.6505; 13.7482; 15.8641
90; 90; 90
2977.2Pusch, Stefan; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Opatz, Till
A Light-Induced Vinylogous Nazarov-Type Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3043-3045
1543402 CIFC20 H21 N O2P -19.9913; 11.2227; 14.6382
84.38; 84.025; 81.612
1609.27Pusch, Stefan; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Opatz, Till
A Light-Induced Vinylogous Nazarov-Type Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3043-3045
1543403 CIFC20 H21 N O2P -110.1906; 12.049; 14.4573
110.513; 90.495; 93.15
1659.4Pusch, Stefan; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Opatz, Till
A Light-Induced Vinylogous Nazarov-Type Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3043-3045
1543404 CIFC15 H15 N OP 1 21/c 110.7025; 5.6536; 19.5304
90; 96.79; 90
1173.45Pusch, Stefan; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Opatz, Till
A Light-Induced Vinylogous Nazarov-Type Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3043-3045
1543405 CIFC18 H19 NP b c a15.415; 8.1212; 21.625
90; 90; 90
2707.2Stepherson, Jacob R.; Ayala, Caitlan E.; Tugwell, Thomas H.; Henry, Jeffrey L.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Kartika, Rendy
Carbazole Annulation via Cascade Nucleophilic Addition-Cyclization Involving 2-(Silyloxy)pentadienyl Cation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3002-3005
1543406 CIFC17 H17 NI b a 215.4841; 20.8131; 7.9546
90; 90; 90
2563.5Stepherson, Jacob R.; Ayala, Caitlan E.; Tugwell, Thomas H.; Henry, Jeffrey L.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Kartika, Rendy
Carbazole Annulation via Cascade Nucleophilic Addition-Cyclization Involving 2-(Silyloxy)pentadienyl Cation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3002-3005
1543407 CIFC15 H17 Br N2 O4 SP 1 21/n 115.0538; 6.7288; 16.4896
90; 97.322; 90
1656.68Seitz, Tobias; Fu, Peng; Haut, Franz-Lucas; Adam, Lutz; Habicht, Marija; Lentz, Dieter; MacMillan, John B.; Christmann, Mathias
One-Pot Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-4H-1,3-thiazin-4-ones: Structure Revision, Synthesis, and NMR Shift Dependence of Thiasporine A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3070-3073
1543408 CIFC15 H17 Br N2 O4 SP 1 21/n 16.2837; 19.6717; 13.8626
90; 95.1; 90
1706.8Seitz, Tobias; Fu, Peng; Haut, Franz-Lucas; Adam, Lutz; Habicht, Marija; Lentz, Dieter; MacMillan, John B.; Christmann, Mathias
One-Pot Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-4H-1,3-thiazin-4-ones: Structure Revision, Synthesis, and NMR Shift Dependence of Thiasporine A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3070-3073
1543409 CIFC24 H22 N6 O3 PdP 1 21 110.222; 20.4529; 11.0286
90; 102.19; 90
2253.76Ye, Xiaohan; Xu, Chang; Wojtas, Lukasz; Akhmedov, Novruz G.; Chen, Hao; Shi, Xiaodong
Silver-Free Palladium-Catalyzed sp(3) and sp(2) C-H Alkynylation Promoted by a 1,2,3-Triazole Amine Directing Group.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2970-2973
1543410 CIFC20 H20 N2 O7 S2P -18.1204; 11.3745; 11.7323
79.619; 85.682; 81.305
1052.38Martínez, Claudio; Pérez, Edwin G; Iglesias, Álvaro; Escudero-Adán, Eduardo C; Muñiz, Kilian
Regioselective Intermolecular Diamination and Aminooxygenation of Alkenes with Saccharin.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2998-3001
1543411 CIFC47 H34 Cl2 N6 O20 Pd3 S6P -111.6132; 11.8042; 22.2493
86.411; 75.439; 84.592
2936.5Martínez, Claudio; Pérez, Edwin G; Iglesias, Álvaro; Escudero-Adán, Eduardo C; Muñiz, Kilian
Regioselective Intermolecular Diamination and Aminooxygenation of Alkenes with Saccharin.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2998-3001
1543437 CIFC21 H23 F4 N2 O2 SP 1 21 114.501; 8.8433; 17.883
90; 107.206; 90
2190.6Xie, Chen; Zhang, Lijun; Sha, Wanxing; Soloshonok, Vadim A.; Han, Jianlin; Pan, Yi
Detrifluoroacetylative in Situ Generation of Free 3-Fluoroindolin-2-one-Derived Tertiary Enolates: Design, Synthesis, and Assessment of Reactivity toward Asymmetric Mannich Reactions.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3270-3273
1543438 CIFC19 H19 N O2P 21 21 215.9339; 12.3047; 21.7128
90; 90; 90
1585.36Jiang, Xiaojian; Yang, Junjie; Zhang, Feng; Yu, Pei; Yi, Peng; Sun, Yewei; Wang, Yuqiang
Synthesis of Quaternary 3,3-Disubstituted 2-Oxindoles from 2-Substituted Indole Using Selectfluor.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3154-3157
1543496 CIFC58 H56 O20P 1 n 17.7437; 24.157; 14.585
90; 91.656; 90
2727.2Ren, Wen-Sheng; Zhao, Liang; Wang, Mei-Xiang
Functionalized O6-Corona[6]arenes: Synthesis, Structure, and Fullerene Complexation Property.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3126-3129
1543502 CIFC12 H11 Br O4P 21 21 214.435; 5.4251; 48.735
90; 90; 90
1172.58Ghosh, Arun K.; Nyalapatla, Prasanth R.
Correction to Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Amphirionin-4.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3509
1543526 CIFC35 H38 O15 SP 21 21 2113.5014; 15.6835; 16.226
90; 90; 90
3435.8Che, Qian; Tan, Hongsheng; Han, Xiaoning; Zhang, Xiaomin; Gu, Qianqun; Zhu, Tianjiao; Li, Dehai
Naquihexcin A, a S-Bridged Pyranonaphthoquinone Dimer Bearing an Unsaturated Hexuronic Acid Moiety from a Sponge-Derived Streptomyces sp. HDN-10-293.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3358-3361
1543527 CIFC20 H15 N O2 SP b c a10.7582; 15.1305; 20.2832
90; 90; 90
3301.64Chen, Fei; Meng, Qiang; Han, Shang-Qing; Han, Bing
tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide (TBHP)-Initiated Vicinal Sulfonamination of Alkynes: A Radical Annulation toward 3-Sulfonylindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3330-3333
1543570 CIFC19 H31 N OP 1 21/c 19.3417; 19.5128; 9.2588
90; 99.685; 90
1663.7Kaga, Atsushi; Tnay, Ya Lin; Chiba, Shunsuke
Synthesis of Fasicularin.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3506-3508
1543571 CIFC20 H26 N2 O2P -17.5726; 10.186; 12.215
100.996; 93.41; 103.373
894.5Kaga, Atsushi; Tnay, Ya Lin; Chiba, Shunsuke
Synthesis of Fasicularin.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3506-3508
1543572 CIFC22 H24 F3 N O3 SP 1 21/n 112.2909; 12.7985; 14.5821
90; 101.076; 90
2251.1Jin, Dong-Po; Gao, Pin; Chen, Dao-Qian; Chen, Si; Wang, Jia; Liu, Xue-Yuan; Liang, Yong-Min
AgSCF3-Mediated Oxidative Trifluoromethythiolation of Alkynes with Dearomatization to Synthesize SCF3-Substituted Spiro[4,5]trienones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3486-3489
1543598 CIFC13 H11 F3 O SP 1 21/c 112.939; 8.252; 11.878
90; 102.167; 90
1239.76Song, Xiaoning; Tian, Shuangquan; Zhao, Ziming; Zhu, Dongsheng; Wang, Mang
Controlled Ring-Opening of Siloxydifluorocyclopropanes for Carbocyclization: Synthesis of Difluorocyclopentenones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3414-3417
1543599 CIFC28 H20 Br Cl N2 O4 S2P 1 21/n 15.4375; 10.0119; 22.541
90; 94.174; 90
1223.9Yu, Junchao; Zhang-Negrerie, Daisy; Du, Yunfei
Cu(OAc)2-Mediated Cascade Annulation of Diarylalkyne Sulfonamides through Dual C-N Bond Formation: Synthesis of 5,10-Dihydroindolo[3,2-b]indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3322-3325
1543628 CIFC24 H22 O5 SP -110.091; 10.4061; 11.4027
67.445; 72.988; 70.32
1022.65Xu, Lun; Liu, Fengyi; Xu, Li-Wen; Gao, Ziwei; Zhao, Yu-Ming
A Total Synthesis of Paeoveitol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3698-3701
1543629 CIFC19 H20 O5C 1 2/c 119.3064; 8.9818; 18.1833
90; 95.154; 90
3140.3Xu, Lun; Liu, Fengyi; Xu, Li-Wen; Gao, Ziwei; Zhao, Yu-Ming
A Total Synthesis of Paeoveitol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3698-3701
1543630 CIFC47 H42 Br N3 O6P 21 21 2114.3087; 15.226; 18.5087
90; 90; 90
4032.4Xu, Jianfeng; Yuan, Shiru; Miao, Maozhong
N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyzed [4 + 2] Annulation Reactions with in Situ Generated Heterocyclic ortho-Quinodimethanes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3822-3825
1543642 CIFC27 H26 N O6P 1 21 17.7825; 33.713; 9.4309
90; 108.491; 90
2346.7Zheng, Kai-Lu; Shu, Wen-Ming; Ma, Jun-Rui; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, An-Xin
Acid-Mediated N-H/α,β-C(sp(3))-H Trifunctionalization of Pyrrolidine: Intermolecular [3 + 2] Cycloaddition for the Construction of 2,3-Dihydro-1H-Pyrrolizine Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3526-3529
1543653 CIFC18 H19 Au Cl N3 O SP 21 21 217.5537; 14.124; 18.002
90; 90; 90
1920.61Frutos, María; Avello, Marta G.; Viso, Alma; Fernández de la Pradilla, Roberto; de la Torre, María C; Sierra, Miguel A.; Gornitzka, Heinz; Hemmert, Catherine
Gold Sulfinyl Mesoionic Carbenes: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Activity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3570-3573
1543654 CIFC18 H19 Au Cl N3 O SP 21 21 2110.9737; 17.4658; 19.9371
90; 90; 90
3821.2Frutos, María; Avello, Marta G.; Viso, Alma; Fernández de la Pradilla, Roberto; de la Torre, María C; Sierra, Miguel A.; Gornitzka, Heinz; Hemmert, Catherine
Gold Sulfinyl Mesoionic Carbenes: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Activity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3570-3573
1543655 CIFC21 H19 Au Cl N3 O2 SP 21 21 217.2343; 11.0385; 26.4489
90; 90; 90
2112.1Frutos, María; Avello, Marta G.; Viso, Alma; Fernández de la Pradilla, Roberto; de la Torre, María C; Sierra, Miguel A.; Gornitzka, Heinz; Hemmert, Catherine
Gold Sulfinyl Mesoionic Carbenes: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Activity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3570-3573
1543668 CIFC38 H42 B2 N2 S2C 1 2/c 121.953; 19.09; 8.7353
90; 108.626; 90
3469.1Zhang, Wanzheng; Zhang, Fan; Tang, Ruizhi; Fu, Yubin; Wang, Xinyang; Zhuang, Xiaodong; He, Gufeng; Feng, Xinliang
Angular BN-Heteroacenes with syn-Structure-Induced Promising Properties as Host Materials of Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3618-3621
1543669 CIFC30 H22 B2 N2P b c n28.5686; 10.069; 7.7705
90; 90; 90
2235.24Zhang, Wanzheng; Zhang, Fan; Tang, Ruizhi; Fu, Yubin; Wang, Xinyang; Zhuang, Xiaodong; He, Gufeng; Feng, Xinliang
Angular BN-Heteroacenes with syn-Structure-Induced Promising Properties as Host Materials of Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3618-3621
1543677 CIFC23 H25 Cl2 N3 O4 SP 1 21/n 112.078; 10.4524; 18.2579
90; 93.831; 90
2299.8Dalvi, Prashant B.; Lin, Kuang-Ling; Kulkarni, Manohar V.; Sun, Chung-Ming
Rhodium-Catalyzed Regioselective Synthesis of Isocoumarins through Benzothiadiazine-Fused Frameworks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3706-3709
1543678 CIFC19 H18 Cl N3 O5 SP 1 21/c 110.4885; 12.1708; 14.9547
90; 97.746; 90
1891.6Dalvi, Prashant B.; Lin, Kuang-Ling; Kulkarni, Manohar V.; Sun, Chung-Ming
Rhodium-Catalyzed Regioselective Synthesis of Isocoumarins through Benzothiadiazine-Fused Frameworks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3706-3709
1543679 CIFC32 H25 N3 O5 SP -110.3849; 11.4904; 12.6969
91.474; 97.59; 115.976
1344.14Dalvi, Prashant B.; Lin, Kuang-Ling; Kulkarni, Manohar V.; Sun, Chung-Ming
Rhodium-Catalyzed Regioselective Synthesis of Isocoumarins through Benzothiadiazine-Fused Frameworks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3706-3709
1543680 CIFC19 H18 Cl N3 O5 SP 1 21/n 15.2273; 23.0379; 15.5364
90; 95.558; 90
1862.19Dalvi, Prashant B.; Lin, Kuang-Ling; Kulkarni, Manohar V.; Sun, Chung-Ming
Rhodium-Catalyzed Regioselective Synthesis of Isocoumarins through Benzothiadiazine-Fused Frameworks.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3706-3709
1543703 CIFC20 H14 N2 O2P 1 21/n 114.1952; 10.5165; 22.0684
90; 108.529; 90
3123.7Hao, Xin-Qi; Du, Cong; Zhu, Xinju; Li, Peng-Xiang; Zhang, Jia-Heng; Niu, Jun-Long; Song, Mao-Ping
Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed Decarboxylative C-H Activation/Annulation Cascades: Regioselective Access to Isoquinolones and Isoindolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3610-3613
1543722 CIFC30 H38 N2 O6 SP 1 21/n 112.6105; 14.074; 17.2452
90; 104.291; 90
2966Potter, Tyler J.; Ellman, Jonathan A.
Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-H Bond Addition/Amine-Mediated Cyclization of Bis-Michael Acceptors.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3838-3841
1543735 CIFC26 H18 O2P 1 21/c 110.5123; 6.9425; 26.301
90; 98.712; 90
1897.3Zheng, Min; Wu, Feng; Chen, Kai; Zhu, Shifa
Styrene as 4π-Component in Zn(II)-Catalyzed Intermolecular Diels-Alder/Ene Tandem Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3554-3557
1543749 CIFC29 H44 O3P 1 21 112.1091; 8.3218; 12.7681
90; 93.387; 90
1284.39Liu, Chao; Ang, Song; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Tian, Hai-Yan; Deng, Yuan-Yuan; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Wang, Ying; Ye, Wen-Cai; Wang, Lei
Meroterpenoids with New Skeletons from Myrtus communis and Structure Revision of Myrtucommulone K.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4004-4007
1543750 CIFC29 H44 O3P 1 21 110.7392; 9.6056; 12.9349
90; 91.623; 90
1333.78Liu, Chao; Ang, Song; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Tian, Hai-Yan; Deng, Yuan-Yuan; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Wang, Ying; Ye, Wen-Cai; Wang, Lei
Meroterpenoids with New Skeletons from Myrtus communis and Structure Revision of Myrtucommulone K.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4004-4007
1543751 CIFC29 H44 O3P 21 21 218.35689; 16.2511; 19.1684
90; 90; 90
2603.23Liu, Chao; Ang, Song; Huang, Xiao-Jun; Tian, Hai-Yan; Deng, Yuan-Yuan; Zhang, Dong-Mei; Wang, Ying; Ye, Wen-Cai; Wang, Lei
Meroterpenoids with New Skeletons from Myrtus communis and Structure Revision of Myrtucommulone K.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4004-4007
1543765 CIFC20 H21 N3P 1 21 17.1149; 26.5631; 8.515
90; 90.955; 90
1609.06Suh, Sung-Eun; Chenoweth, David M.
Aryne Compatible Solvents are not Always Innocent.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4080-4083
1543766 CIFC19 H20 Cl2 N2P 21 21 218.5618; 8.6657; 22.783
90; 90; 90
1690.4Suh, Sung-Eun; Chenoweth, David M.
Aryne Compatible Solvents are not Always Innocent.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4080-4083
1543767 CIFC21 H14 N2 O2 SP 1 21/c 113.5638; 6.3615; 20.0924
90; 101.767; 90
1697.26Kalogirou, Andreas S.; Kourtellaris, Andreas; Koutentis, Panayiotis A.
The Acid and/or Thermal Mediated Ring Contraction of 4H-1,2,6-Thiadiazines To Afford 1,2,5-Thiadiazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4056-4059
1543768 CIFC21 H12 N4 O6 SP 1 21 17.9088; 13.4071; 9.205
90; 93.738; 90
973.97Kalogirou, Andreas S.; Kourtellaris, Andreas; Koutentis, Panayiotis A.
The Acid and/or Thermal Mediated Ring Contraction of 4H-1,2,6-Thiadiazines To Afford 1,2,5-Thiadiazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4056-4059
1543769 CIFC22 H15 N3 O5 SP 1 21/c 17.5707; 6.8326; 37.456
90; 94.606; 90
1931.3Kalogirou, Andreas S.; Kourtellaris, Andreas; Koutentis, Panayiotis A.
The Acid and/or Thermal Mediated Ring Contraction of 4H-1,2,6-Thiadiazines To Afford 1,2,5-Thiadiazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4056-4059
1543779 CIFC15 H16 N2 O4 SP -19.9165; 12.3529; 13.2009
106.393; 94.388; 95.96
1533.4Seitz, Tobias; Fu, Peng; Haut, Franz-Lucas; Adam, Lutz; Habicht, Marija; Lentz, Dieter; MacMillan, John B.; Christmann, Mathias
One-Pot Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-4H-1,3-thiazin-4-ones: Structure Revision, Synthesis, and NMR Shift Dependence of Thiasporine A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3070-3073
1543780 CIFC16 H17 N2 O1.5C 1 2/c 112.441; 8.216; 26.04
90; 93.756; 90
2656Hati, Santanu; Kumar Dutta, Pratip; Dutta, Sanjay; Munshi, Parthapratim; Sen, Subhabrata
Accessing Benzimidazoles via a Ring Distortion Strategy: An Oxone Mediated Tandem Reaction of 2-Aminobenzylamines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3090-3093
1543781 CIFC23 H19 Cl2 N O3C 1 2/c 132.758; 9.5956; 14.9338
90; 116.53; 90
4199.9Zhang, Tian-Shu; Hao, Wen-Juan; Wang, Nan-Nan; Li, Guigen; Jiang, Dong-Fang; Tu, Shu-Jiang; Jiang, Bo
Catalytic Oxidative Carbene Coupling of α-Diazo Carbonyls for the Synthesis of β-Amino Ketones via C(sp(3))-H Functionalization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3078-3081
1543782 CIFC20 H40 Cl N5 Ni O2 P2P 1 21/n 117.951; 14.649; 22.079
90; 113.927; 90
5307Mastalir, Matthias; Stöger, Berthold; Pittenauer, Ernst; Allmaier, Günter; Kirchner, Karl
Air-Stable Triazine-Based Ni(II) PNP Pincer Complexes As Catalysts for the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3186-3189
1543783 CIFC17 H36 Cl2 N6 Ni P2P b c n18.1927; 14.0509; 21.446
90; 90; 90
5482.1Mastalir, Matthias; Stöger, Berthold; Pittenauer, Ernst; Allmaier, Günter; Kirchner, Karl
Air-Stable Triazine-Based Ni(II) PNP Pincer Complexes As Catalysts for the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3186-3189
1543784 CIFC20 H14 F6 N2 O4 S2P -19.2794; 11.1179; 12.038
84.916; 69.397; 79.875
1143.91Qiu, Dachuan; He, Jia; Yue, Xiao; Shi, Jiarong; Li, Yang
Diamination of Domino Aryne Precursor with Sulfonamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3130-3133
1543785 CIFC50 H22 O2P 1 21/n 111.0215; 13.1109; 15.1972
90; 111.193; 90
2047.5Kumarasinghe, K G Upul R; Fronczek, Frank R.; Valle, Henry U.; Sygula, Andrzej
Bis-corannulenoanthracene: An Angularly Fused Pentacene as a Precursor for Barrelene-Tethered Receptors for Fullerenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3054-3057
1543786 CIFC61 H32 O3P 1 21/m 110.889; 13.3104; 13.9583
90; 106.526; 90
1939.5Kumarasinghe, K G Upul R; Fronczek, Frank R.; Valle, Henry U.; Sygula, Andrzej
Bis-corannulenoanthracene: An Angularly Fused Pentacene as a Precursor for Barrelene-Tethered Receptors for Fullerenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3054-3057
1543787 CIFC26.25 H28.5 Cl0.5 F7 N3 O SC 1 2 119.7969; 12.4055; 14.0366
90; 122.117; 90
2919.7Lehnherr, Dan; Ford, David D.; Bendelsmith, Andrew J.; Kennedy, C. Rose; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Conformational Control of Chiral Amido-Thiourea Catalysts Enables Improved Activity and Enantioselectivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3214-3217
1543788 CIFC16 H22 F N O2P 21 21 216.3738; 10.3067; 22.7482
90; 90; 90
1494.39Lehnherr, Dan; Ford, David D.; Bendelsmith, Andrew J.; Kennedy, C. Rose; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Conformational Control of Chiral Amido-Thiourea Catalysts Enables Improved Activity and Enantioselectivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3214-3217
1543789 CIFC29 H36 F6 N3 O SC 1 2 119.631; 12.4696; 14.2862
90; 122.586; 90
2946.6Lehnherr, Dan; Ford, David D.; Bendelsmith, Andrew J.; Kennedy, C. Rose; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Conformational Control of Chiral Amido-Thiourea Catalysts Enables Improved Activity and Enantioselectivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3214-3217
1543790 CIFC56.5 H68.5 Cl2.5 F14 N7 O4P 21 21 2114.092; 18.525; 46.955
90; 90; 90
12258Lehnherr, Dan; Ford, David D.; Bendelsmith, Andrew J.; Kennedy, C. Rose; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Conformational Control of Chiral Amido-Thiourea Catalysts Enables Improved Activity and Enantioselectivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3214-3217
1543791 CIFC56 H68 Cl F14 N7 O2 S2P 19.7657; 12.7259; 26.975
86.183; 83.556; 70.327
3135.3Lehnherr, Dan; Ford, David D.; Bendelsmith, Andrew J.; Kennedy, C. Rose; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Conformational Control of Chiral Amido-Thiourea Catalysts Enables Improved Activity and Enantioselectivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3214-3217
1543792 CIFC31 H41 Cl4 F7 N4 O2P 21 21 219.2304; 13.9651; 28.899
90; 90; 90
3725.2Lehnherr, Dan; Ford, David D.; Bendelsmith, Andrew J.; Kennedy, C. Rose; Jacobsen, Eric N.
Conformational Control of Chiral Amido-Thiourea Catalysts Enables Improved Activity and Enantioselectivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3214-3217
1543793 CIFC20 H14 N2 O S SeP 1 21/c 115.14; 7.9011; 14.1502
90; 91.3074; 90
1692.24Mandal, Anup; Sahoo, Harekrishna; Baidya, Mahiuddin
Copper-Catalyzed 8-Aminoquinoline-Directed Selenylation of Arene and Heteroarene C-H Bonds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3202-3205
1543794 CIFC27 H19 Cl2 N3 O2 Se2P -17.5562; 13.4128; 14.1944
64.824; 85.1858; 88.7061
1297.21Mandal, Anup; Sahoo, Harekrishna; Baidya, Mahiuddin
Copper-Catalyzed 8-Aminoquinoline-Directed Selenylation of Arene and Heteroarene C-H Bonds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3202-3205
1543795 CIFC20 H14 N2 O3 S SeP 1 21/c 114.7324; 8.1294; 15.0674
90; 91.7272; 90
1803.74Mandal, Anup; Sahoo, Harekrishna; Baidya, Mahiuddin
Copper-Catalyzed 8-Aminoquinoline-Directed Selenylation of Arene and Heteroarene C-H Bonds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3202-3205
1543796 CIFC12 H18 O2P 21 21 216.431; 8.943; 18.239
90; 90; 90
1049Barthel, André; Kaden, Felix; Jäger, Anne; Metz, Peter
Enantioselective Synthesis of Guaianolides in the Osmitopsin Family by Domino Metathesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3298-3301
1543797 CIFC14 H20 O3P 21 21 216.223; 7.076; 28.09
90; 90; 90
1236.9Barthel, André; Kaden, Felix; Jäger, Anne; Metz, Peter
Enantioselective Synthesis of Guaianolides in the Osmitopsin Family by Domino Metathesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3298-3301
1543798 CIFC14 H20 O3P 1 21 110.523; 9.378; 12.89
90; 91.59; 90
1271.6Barthel, André; Kaden, Felix; Jäger, Anne; Metz, Peter
Enantioselective Synthesis of Guaianolides in the Osmitopsin Family by Domino Metathesis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3298-3301
1543799 CIFC26 H28 N4 O6C 1 2 121.15; 4.978; 24.55
90; 104.86; 90
2498Kashinath, K.; Jachak, Gorakhnath R.; Athawale, Paresh R.; Marelli, Udaya Kiran; Gonnade, Rajesh G.; Reddy, D. Srinivasa
Total Synthesis of the Marine Natural Product Solomonamide B Necessitates Stereochemical Revision.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3178-3181
1543800 CIFC30 H38 N4 O7C 1 2 128.205; 5.7857; 17.974
90; 91.077; 90
2932.6Kashinath, K.; Jachak, Gorakhnath R.; Athawale, Paresh R.; Marelli, Udaya Kiran; Gonnade, Rajesh G.; Reddy, D. Srinivasa
Total Synthesis of the Marine Natural Product Solomonamide B Necessitates Stereochemical Revision.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3178-3181
1543801 CIFC24 H21 Br N2 O2 SP -19.0001; 9.6916; 13.9766
90.203; 105.459; 116.432
1041.58Shu, Chao; Wang, Yong-Heng; Shen, Cang-Hai; Ruan, Peng-Peng; Lu, Xin; Ye, Long-Wu
Gold-Catalyzed Intermolecular Ynamide Amination-Initiated Aza-Nazarov Cyclization: Access to Functionalized 2-Aminopyrroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3254-3257
1543802 CIFC15 H13 Br O6P 1 21/c 114.5589; 5.345; 18.6931
90; 98.725; 90
1437.81Alamillo-Ferrer, Carla; Karabourniotis-Sotti, Marianna; Kennedy, Alan R.; Campbell, Matthew; Tomkinson, Nicholas C. O.
Alkene Dioxygenation with Malonoyl Peroxides: Synthesis of γ-Lactones, Isobenzofuranones, and Tetrahydrofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3102-3105
1543803 CIFC14 H12 O6P -17.9639; 8.2187; 9.601
92.174; 109.731; 92.209
590.21Alamillo-Ferrer, Carla; Karabourniotis-Sotti, Marianna; Kennedy, Alan R.; Campbell, Matthew; Tomkinson, Nicholas C. O.
Alkene Dioxygenation with Malonoyl Peroxides: Synthesis of γ-Lactones, Isobenzofuranones, and Tetrahydrofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3102-3105
1543804 CIFC17 H20 O5P 1 21/c 110.6142; 6.9676; 21.0046
90; 97.064; 90
1541.61Alamillo-Ferrer, Carla; Karabourniotis-Sotti, Marianna; Kennedy, Alan R.; Campbell, Matthew; Tomkinson, Nicholas C. O.
Alkene Dioxygenation with Malonoyl Peroxides: Synthesis of γ-Lactones, Isobenzofuranones, and Tetrahydrofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3102-3105
1543805 CIFC30 H23 N O4 SP n a 2118.3425; 10.4967; 52.3489
90; 90; 90
10079Prabagar, B.; Nayak, Sanatan; Prasad, Rangu; Sahoo, Akhila K.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide and N-Iodosuccinimide Promoted 5-exo-dig Oxidative Cyclization of Yne-Tethered Ynamide: Access to Pyrrolidones and Spiro-pyrrolidones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3066-3069
1543806 CIFC23 H17 N O2P n a 2111.9577; 33.256; 8.9182
90; 90; 90
3546.5Prabagar, B.; Nayak, Sanatan; Prasad, Rangu; Sahoo, Akhila K.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide and N-Iodosuccinimide Promoted 5-exo-dig Oxidative Cyclization of Yne-Tethered Ynamide: Access to Pyrrolidones and Spiro-pyrrolidones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3066-3069
1543807 CIFC21 H19 Br O2P 1 21 111.911; 5.8447; 12.531
90; 103.47; 90
848.4Ahlin, Joachim S. E.; Cramer, Nicolai
Chiral N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligand Enabled Nickel(0)-Catalyzed Enantioselective Three-Component Couplings as Direct Access to Silylated Indanols.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3242-3245
1543808 CIFC18 H15 Cl4 N O3P -17.9118; 11.5272; 11.8921
68.353; 88.982; 82.872
999.83Bai, Peng; Huang, Xing-Fen; Xu, Guo-Dong; Huang, Zhi-Zhen
Cascade C-H Functionalization/Amidation Reaction for Synthesis of Azepinone Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3058-3061
1543809 CIFC40 H42 O2 S8P b c n4.4192; 33.029; 27.3541
90; 90; 90
3992.7Khadem, Mohammadreza; Walsh, Joshua C.; Bodwell, Graham J.; Zhao, Yuming
A Macrocyclization of 1,8-Bis(dithiafulvenyl)pyrenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2403-2406
1543810 CIFC16 H11 N O2P n a 2117.8024; 7.7552; 17.7401
90; 90; 90
2449.2Chen, Xiaopei; Cui, Xiuling; Wu, Yangjie
"One-Pot" Approach to 8-Acylated 2-Quinolinones via Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Acylation of Quinoline N-Oxides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2411-2414
1543811 CIFC16 H11 N O2P n a 217.0519; 23.5069; 7.5339
90; 90; 90
1248.88Chen, Xiaopei; Cui, Xiuling; Wu, Yangjie
"One-Pot" Approach to 8-Acylated 2-Quinolinones via Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Acylation of Quinoline N-Oxides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2411-2414
1543812 CIFC28 H23 Cl3 N O P PdP 1 21/n 110.2608; 16.6441; 15.6634
90; 92.089; 90
2673.2Chen, Xiaopei; Cui, Xiuling; Wu, Yangjie
"One-Pot" Approach to 8-Acylated 2-Quinolinones via Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Acylation of Quinoline N-Oxides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2411-2414
1543813 CIFC31 H29 N2P -110.116; 10.554; 11.501
105.31; 93.11; 96.37
1172.5Wang, Hongkai; Wang, Chan; Huang, Kaimeng; Liu, Lingyan; Chang, Weixing; Li, Jing
Copper-Catalyzed Cascade Reaction via Intramolecular Hydroamination Cyclization of Homopropargylic Amines and Intermolecular Povarov Reaction with Imines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2367-2370
1543814 CIFC23 H26 Cl N O3 SP 1 21 18.1254; 14.0815; 10.0099
90; 110.328; 90
1073.98Yeh, Ming-Chang P; Shiue, Yuan-Shin; Lin, Hsin-Hui; Yu, Tzu-Yu; Hu, Ting-Chia; Hong, Jia-Jyun
Iron(II) Halide Promoted Cyclization of Cyclic 2-Enynamides: Stereoselective Synthesis of Halogenated Bicyclic γ-Lactams.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2407-2410
1543815 CIFC19 H20 Cl N O3 S2C 1 2/c 112.314; 16.902; 19.984
90; 107.769; 90
3961Yeh, Ming-Chang P; Shiue, Yuan-Shin; Lin, Hsin-Hui; Yu, Tzu-Yu; Hu, Ting-Chia; Hong, Jia-Jyun
Iron(II) Halide Promoted Cyclization of Cyclic 2-Enynamides: Stereoselective Synthesis of Halogenated Bicyclic γ-Lactams.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2407-2410
1543816 CIFC24 H28 Cl N O3 SP -111.767; 12.4537; 15.7544
80.281; 88.759; 84.902
2266.5Yeh, Ming-Chang P; Shiue, Yuan-Shin; Lin, Hsin-Hui; Yu, Tzu-Yu; Hu, Ting-Chia; Hong, Jia-Jyun
Iron(II) Halide Promoted Cyclization of Cyclic 2-Enynamides: Stereoselective Synthesis of Halogenated Bicyclic γ-Lactams.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2407-2410
1543817 CIFC21 H22 Br N O3 SP n a 2123.544; 6.96; 24.234
90; 90; 90
3971.1Yeh, Ming-Chang P; Shiue, Yuan-Shin; Lin, Hsin-Hui; Yu, Tzu-Yu; Hu, Ting-Chia; Hong, Jia-Jyun
Iron(II) Halide Promoted Cyclization of Cyclic 2-Enynamides: Stereoselective Synthesis of Halogenated Bicyclic γ-Lactams.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2407-2410
1543818 CIFC38 H48 O6 SiP -111.2348; 11.3819; 14.1336
87.511; 81.82; 82.982
1774.9Zhou, Jia-Hui; Cai, Sai-Hu; Xu, Yun-He; Loh, Teck-Peng
Anomalous Reactivity and Selectivity in the Intermolecular Diels-Alder Reactions of Multisubstituted Acyclic Dienes with Geometrical Isomers of Enals.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2355-2358
1543819 CIFC30 H39 N3 O10 SP -112.1373; 12.1458; 12.5058
95.4973; 105.159; 113.259
1593.08Yamaguchi, Mami; Hayashi, Minami; Hamada, Yasumasa; Nemoto, Tetsuhiro
Synthetic Study of Pactamycin: Enantioselective Construction of the Pactamycin Core with Five Contiguous Stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2347-2350
1543820 CIFC18 H17 NF d d 230.399; 12.677; 14.356
90; 90; 90
5532Zhou, Shuguang; Wang, Jinhu; Zhang, Feifei; Song, Chao; Zhu, Jin
A Versatile, Traceless C-H Activation-Based Approach for the Synthesis of Heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2427-2430
1543821 CIFC12 H15 N O3P 1 21/c 114.736; 5.881; 14.065
90; 107.9; 90
1159.9Zhou, Shuguang; Wang, Jinhu; Zhang, Feifei; Song, Chao; Zhu, Jin
A Versatile, Traceless C-H Activation-Based Approach for the Synthesis of Heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2427-2430
1543822 CIFC16 H15 NP 1 21/n 112.08; 8.276; 12.564
90; 90.03; 90
1256.1Zhou, Shuguang; Wang, Jinhu; Zhang, Feifei; Song, Chao; Zhu, Jin
A Versatile, Traceless C-H Activation-Based Approach for the Synthesis of Heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2427-2430
1543823 CIFC17 H22 Cl N2 RhP -18.3882; 14.1471; 14.5826
84.405; 81.153; 84.229
1695.31Zhou, Shuguang; Wang, Jinhu; Zhang, Feifei; Song, Chao; Zhu, Jin
A Versatile, Traceless C-H Activation-Based Approach for the Synthesis of Heterocycles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2427-2430
1543824 CIFC14 H9 Br I N O2P 1 21/n 18.4169; 13.403; 13.054
90; 107.974; 90
1400.8Wu, Xia; Gao, Qinghe; Geng, Xiao; Zhang, Jingjing; Wu, Yan-Dong; Wu, An-Xin
Iodine-Promoted Oxidative Cross-Coupling of Unprotected Anilines with Methyl Ketones: A Site-Selective Direct C-H Bond Functionalization to C4-Dicarbonylation of Anilines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2507-2510
1543825 CIFC19 H22 N2 O2P -17.1942; 10.7514; 13.461
106.944; 95.85; 98.867
972.1Zhao, Gaoyuan; Xie, Xingang; Sun, Haiyu; Yuan, Ziyun; Zhong, Zhuliang; Tang, Shouchu; She, Xuegong
Bioinspired Collective Syntheses of Iboga-Type Indole Alkaloids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2447-2450
1543826 CIFC14 H18 N O5 PP -18.0151; 9.9592; 10.3467
69.516; 72.945; 89.454
735.66Phatake, Ravindra S.; Patel, Pitambar; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Ir(III)-Catalyzed Carbenoid Functionalization of Benzamides: Synthesis of N-Methoxyisoquinolinediones and N-Methoxyisoquinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2828-2831
1543827 CIFC10 H8 Cl N O3P 1 21/c 19.2286; 12.6651; 8.3177
90; 96.24; 90
966.42Phatake, Ravindra S.; Patel, Pitambar; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Ir(III)-Catalyzed Carbenoid Functionalization of Benzamides: Synthesis of N-Methoxyisoquinolinediones and N-Methoxyisoquinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2828-2831
1543828 CIFC26 H22 N2 O2P c a 2119.3078; 10.3786; 20.7335
90; 90; 90
4154.7Zhang, Jianbo; Han, Xiuling; Lu, Xiyan
Synthesis of Indole-Substituted Indanones via Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Tandem Reaction of ortho-Electron-Deficient Alkynyl-Substituted Aryl Aldehydes with Indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2898-2901
1543829 CIFC26 H32 O5P 17.2748; 12.323; 13.1676
114.212; 90.277; 91.395
1076.14Liu, Cui-Ping; Wang, Guo-Cai; Gan, Li-She; Xu, Cheng-Hui; Liu, Qun-Fang; Ding, Jian; Yue, Jian-Min
Ciliatonoids A and B, Two Limonoids from Toona ciliata.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2894-2897
1543830 CIFC30 H22 F3 N O2P -18.959; 10.483; 13.867
77.615; 85.443; 71.589
1206.8He, Ke-Han; Zhang, Wei-Dong; Yang, Ming-Yu; Tang, Kai-Li; Qu, Mengnan; Ding, You-Song; Li, Yang
Redox-Divergent Hydrogen-Retentive or Hydrogen-Releasing Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydroisoquinolines or Isoquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2840-2843
1543831 CIFC36 H24 Cl4 N O0P -19.2698; 12.7098; 14.3453
74.173; 75.883; 79.171
1563.5He, Ke-Han; Zhang, Wei-Dong; Yang, Ming-Yu; Tang, Kai-Li; Qu, Mengnan; Ding, You-Song; Li, Yang
Redox-Divergent Hydrogen-Retentive or Hydrogen-Releasing Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydroisoquinolines or Isoquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2840-2843
1543832 CIFC31 H37 O SiC 1 2/c 136.1249; 17.0168; 8.3417
90; 93.726; 90
5117.1Yadav, Priya; Das, Soumyajit; Phan, Hoa; Herng, Tun Seng; Ding, Jun; Wu, Jishan
Kinetically Blocked Stable 5,6:12,13-Dibenzozethrene: A Laterally π-Extended Zethrene with Enhanced Diradical Character.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2886-2889
1543833 CIFC39 H42 O18C 1 2/c 139.372; 8.0823; 27.4716
90; 121.374; 90
7463.7Xia, Danyu; Li, Yang; Jie, Kecheng; Shi, Bingbing; Yao, Yong
A Water-Soluble Cyclotriveratrylene-Based Supra-amphiphile: Synthesis, pH-Responsive Self-Assembly in Water, and Its Application in Controlled Drug Release.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2910-2913
1543834 CIFC46 H14 F20 N4P 4/n c c20.2347; 20.2347; 9.6664
90; 90; 90
3957.8Naito, Wakana; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Morimoto, Tatsuki; Shigeta, Yasuteru; Takaya, Hikaru; Hisaki, Ichiro; Maeda, Hiromitsu
Doubly N-Methylated Porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3006-3009
1543835 CIFC31 H11 F15 N2 O2P 1 21/c 129.637; 11.513; 36.067
90; 116.512; 90
11012Naito, Wakana; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Morimoto, Tatsuki; Shigeta, Yasuteru; Takaya, Hikaru; Hisaki, Ichiro; Maeda, Hiromitsu
Doubly N-Methylated Porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3006-3009
1543836 CIFC17 H13 F5 N2P 21 21 216.934; 11.235; 19.486
90; 90; 90
1518Naito, Wakana; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Morimoto, Tatsuki; Shigeta, Yasuteru; Takaya, Hikaru; Hisaki, Ichiro; Maeda, Hiromitsu
Doubly N-Methylated Porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3006-3009
1543837 CIFC31 H11 F15 N2 O2P 1 21/n 110.44; 21.459; 13.031
90; 107.973; 90
2776.9Naito, Wakana; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Morimoto, Tatsuki; Shigeta, Yasuteru; Takaya, Hikaru; Hisaki, Ichiro; Maeda, Hiromitsu
Doubly N-Methylated Porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3006-3009
1543838 CIFC39 H15 F15 N4F d d 229.84; 85.63; 5.44
90; 90; 90
13900Naito, Wakana; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Morimoto, Tatsuki; Shigeta, Yasuteru; Takaya, Hikaru; Hisaki, Ichiro; Maeda, Hiromitsu
Doubly N-Methylated Porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3006-3009
1543839 CIFC45.2 H30.81 F12 N4 O3.2P 1 21/a 111.642; 30.056; 11.989
90; 105.322; 90
4046Naito, Wakana; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Morimoto, Tatsuki; Shigeta, Yasuteru; Takaya, Hikaru; Hisaki, Ichiro; Maeda, Hiromitsu
Doubly N-Methylated Porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3006-3009
1543840 CIFC47.5 H17 Cl3 F20 N4 OP -110.2204; 14.8005; 15.9075
65.355; 88.006; 86.758
2183.4Naito, Wakana; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Morimoto, Tatsuki; Shigeta, Yasuteru; Takaya, Hikaru; Hisaki, Ichiro; Maeda, Hiromitsu
Doubly N-Methylated Porphyrinoids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3006-3009
1543841 CIFC18 H15 Br N2 OP -18.184; 9.7886; 10.6117
107.346; 97.071; 111.202
730.6Wang, He; Li, Lei; Yu, Songjie; Li, Yunyun; Li, Xingwei
Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-C/C-N Coupling of Imidates with α-Diazo Imidamide: Synthesis of Isoquinoline-Fused Indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2914-2917
1543842 CIFC45 H45 N5 O2 ZnP 1 21/c 119.5138; 7.8297; 25.5113
90; 105.181; 90
3761.77Omori, Hiroto; Hiroto, Satoru; Shinokubo, Hiroshi
Synthesis of Free-Base 10-Azacorroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2978-2981
1543843 CIFC45 H40.84 Br0.16 Cl2 N5 PdP 1 21/c 116.4227; 20.557; 12.5961
90; 112.282; 90
3934.9Omori, Hiroto; Hiroto, Satoru; Shinokubo, Hiroshi
Synthesis of Free-Base 10-Azacorroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2978-2981
1543844 CIFC19 H17 Br N2 O4P 21 21 217.3051; 11.626; 20.629
90; 90; 90
1752Cayuelas, Alberto; Ortiz, Ricardo; Nájera, Carmen; Sansano, José M; Larrañaga, Olatz; de Cózar, Abel; Cossío, Fernando P
Enantioselective Synthesis of Polysubstituted Spiro-nitroprolinates Mediated by a (R,R)-Me-DuPhos·AgF-Catalyzed 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2926-2929
1543852 CIFC16 H13 Cl O3P 21 21 2111.829; 12.023; 19.877
90; 90; 90
2826.9Wen, Genfa; Su, Yingpeng; Zhang, Guoxiang; Lin, Qiqiao; Zhu, Yujin; Zhang, Qianqian; Fang, Xinqiang
Stereodivergent Synthesis of Chromanones and Flavanones via Intramolecular Benzoin Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3980-3983
1543936 CIFC11 H11 Cl F3 N5P 1 21/c 14.737; 17.24; 16.17
90; 96.201; 90
1312.8Guo, Ran; Zheng, Yan; Ma, Jun-An
Electrophilic Reaction of 2,2,2-Trifluorodiazoethane with the in Situ Generated N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Access to N-Aminoguanidines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4170-4173
1543937 CIFC23 H25 F3 N4P 1 21/c 18.1397; 21.9119; 12.7475
90; 95.889; 90
2261.6Guo, Ran; Zheng, Yan; Ma, Jun-An
Electrophilic Reaction of 2,2,2-Trifluorodiazoethane with the in Situ Generated N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Access to N-Aminoguanidines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4170-4173
1543938 CIFC32 H27 F3 N6 O2 SP 1 21 19.6443; 11.0756; 28.466
90; 94.032; 90
3033.1Guo, Ran; Zheng, Yan; Ma, Jun-An
Electrophilic Reaction of 2,2,2-Trifluorodiazoethane with the in Situ Generated N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Access to N-Aminoguanidines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4170-4173
1543939 CIFC23 H29 F O2P -16.027; 8.625; 20.271
80.818; 84.718; 80.883
1024.7Dai, Wenpeng; Shi, Hongyan; Zhao, Xianghu; Cao, Song
Sterically Controlled Cu-Catalyzed or Transition-Metal-Free Cross-Coupling of gem-Difluoroalkenes with Tertiary, Secondary, and Primary Alkyl Grignard Reagents.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4284-4287
1543962 CIFC17 H23 N4 O6 PP 21 21 219.73106; 10.22183; 19.6704
90; 90; 90
1956.6Chen, Jing; Wen, Xiaojing; Wang, Yan; Du, Fei; Cai, Liu; Peng, Yungui
Asymmetric Mannich Reaction of Isatin-Based Ketimines with α-Diazomethylphosphonates Catalyzed by Chiral Silver Phosphate.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4336-4339
1543963 CIFC18 H11 N SP 1 21/c 16.9955; 14.118; 12.822
90; 98.536; 90
1252.3Hagui, Wided; Besbes, Néji; Srasra, Ezzeddine; Roisnel, Thierry; Soulé, Jean-François; Doucet, Henri
Short Synthesis of Sulfur Analogues of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons through Three Palladium-Catalyzed C-H Bond Arylations.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4182-4185
1543990 CIFC19 H22 Br N O2C 1 2/c 118.966; 12.681; 16.462
90; 116.614; 90
3539.7Cheng, Jie; Deng, Xia; Wang, Guoqiang; Li, Ying; Cheng, Xu; Li, Guigen
Intermolecular C-H Quaternary Alkylation of Aniline Derivatives Induced by Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4538-4541
1543991 CIFC44 H28 O4P b c n7.9399; 20.8101; 19.6719
90; 90; 90
3250.4Zhu, Hai-Tao; Ke, Sen; Zhou, Ni-Ni; Fan, Ming-Jin; Yang, De-Suo
Regioselective Intermolecular [2 + 2]-Cycloaddition of α-Iodo-Unsaturated Ketones Promoted by Diisobutylaluminum Hydride.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4554-4557
1544024 CIFC20 H21 N3 O4 SP -19.4679; 10.2537; 10.3314
95.058; 91.227; 99.386
985.05Zhang, Ziqian; Li, Yi; He, Haihong; Qian, Xuhong; Yang, Youjun
Mild Chemotriggered Generation of a Fluorophore-Tethered Diazoalkane Species via Smiles Rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4674-4677
1544033 CIFC27 H22 Cl N3 O2C 1 2/c 122.5227; 13.0043; 16.6637
90; 105.449; 90
4704.3Zhou, Xiaorong; Fan, Zili; Zhang, Zhiyin; Lu, Ping; Wang, Yanguang
Construction of Pyrrolo[1,2-a]indoles via Cobalt(III)-Catalyzed Enaminylation of 1-(Pyrimidin-2-yl)-1H-indoles with Ketenimines and Subsequent Base-Promoted Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4706-4709
1544034 CIFC27 H17 Cl N4 OP 1 21/n 17.9757; 11.0702; 25.2461
90; 90.966; 90
2228.73Zhou, Xiaorong; Fan, Zili; Zhang, Zhiyin; Lu, Ping; Wang, Yanguang
Construction of Pyrrolo[1,2-a]indoles via Cobalt(III)-Catalyzed Enaminylation of 1-(Pyrimidin-2-yl)-1H-indoles with Ketenimines and Subsequent Base-Promoted Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4706-4709
1544036 CIFC34 H29 N O4P 21 21 219.6012; 14.683; 38.686
90; 90; 90
5453.7Han, Dandan; Chen, Jinjin; He, Qiuqin; Fan, Renhua
Dearomatization-Induced Cycloaddition and Aromatization-Triggered Rearrangement: Synthesis of Vertically Expanded Five-Ring Fused Benzofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4690-4693
1544066 CIFC19 H22 Br N O4P 21 21 218.5367; 15.0339; 14.7258
90; 90; 90
1889.9Zhou, Fengtao; Yamamoto, Hisashi
A Disulfonimide Catalyst for Highly Enantioselective Mukaiyama-Mannich Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4974-4977
1544067 CIFC16 H20 N6P 1 21/a 112.3916; 9.7149; 13.2453
90; 94.592; 90
1589.39Kroon, Edwin; Kurpiewska, Katarzyna; Kalinowska-Tłuścik, Justyna; Dömling, Alexander
Cleavable β-Cyanoethyl Isocyanide in the Ugi Tetrazole Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4762-4765
1544075 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1215; 14.5537; 17.0259
90; 92.957; 90
3742Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544076 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1192; 14.5268; 17.0178
90; 93.017; 90
3732.5Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544077 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.007; 14.3798; 16.6543
90; 92.812; 90
3589.6Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544078 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.0917; 14.196; 17.1443
90; 94.31; 90
3662.6Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544079 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.092; 14.1832; 17.1387
90; 94.321; 90
3658.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544080 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1117; 14.5148; 17.011
90; 93.032; 90
3726Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544081 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.0934; 14.2495; 17.147
90; 94.234; 90
3677.8Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544082 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1103; 14.4939; 17.0017
90; 93.063; 90
3718.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544083 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1196; 14.5444; 17.023
90; 92.966; 90
3738.4Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544084 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.0918; 14.2146; 17.1441
90; 94.286; 90
3667.5Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544085 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.097; 14.3013; 17.1496
90; 94.136; 90
3693.1Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544086 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.094; 14.2636; 17.1499
90; 94.206; 90
3682.3Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544087 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.0958; 14.2842; 17.1476
90; 94.159; 90
3687.8Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544088 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1034; 14.3594; 17.1456
90; 94.006; 90
3709.4Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544089 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.0995; 14.3215; 17.1475
90; 94.087; 90
3698.7Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544090 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1239; 14.5665; 17.0273
90; 92.929; 90
3746.3Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544091 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1158; 14.507; 17.0102
90; 93.051; 90
3724.8Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544092 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1104; 14.4217; 17.1457
90; 93.883; 90
3727.8Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544093 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1213; 14.5553; 17.0282
90; 92.945; 90
3742.9Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544094 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1221; 14.5091; 17.1448
90; 93.707; 90
3753.8Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544095 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1005; 14.3391; 17.147
90; 94.05; 90
3703.5Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544096 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.117; 14.4666; 17.1452
90; 93.793; 90
3741.3Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544097 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1281; 14.555; 17.1464
90; 93.621; 90
3767.9Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544098 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1251; 14.5335; 17.1467
90; 93.657; 90
3761.5Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544099 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.092; 14.2288; 17.1508
90; 94.277; 90
3672.7Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544100 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1195; 14.4879; 17.1458
90; 93.756; 90
3747.7Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544101 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.13; 14.5806; 17.1485
90; 93.558; 90
3775.7Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544102 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1135; 14.4437; 17.1447
90; 93.836; 90
3734.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544103 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1082; 14.4006; 17.1451
90; 93.924; 90
3721.5Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544104 CIFC38 H28 N10 S2 ZnP 1 21/c 115.1058; 14.379; 17.1457
90; 93.973; 90
3715.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544105 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0064; 14.3397; 16.6293
90; 92.918; 90
3573.8Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544106 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 114.9984; 14.3524; 16.635
90; 92.822; 90
3576.6Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544107 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0133; 14.3893; 16.6664
90; 92.825; 90
3596.1Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544108 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0068; 14.35; 16.6364
90; 92.859; 90
3578.1Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544109 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.007; 14.3657; 16.6511
90; 92.856; 90
3585.3Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544110 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0091; 14.3725; 16.6495
90; 92.839; 90
3587.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544111 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0119; 14.3903; 16.6678
90; 92.793; 90
3596.4Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544112 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0171; 14.3939; 16.6705
90; 92.807; 90
3599.1Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544113 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.009; 14.3641; 16.6475
90; 92.803; 90
3584.8Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544114 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0178; 14.4001; 16.6809
90; 92.794; 90
3603.1Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544115 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0534; 14.4184; 16.7682
90; 92.865; 90
3634.9Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544116 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.08; 14.4253; 16.8673
90; 92.994; 90
3664.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544117 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0821; 14.4302; 16.8916
90; 93.026; 90
3671.1Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544118 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0294; 14.4106; 16.7098
90; 92.796; 90
3614.7Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544119 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0368; 14.4119; 16.7208
90; 92.815; 90
3619.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544120 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0266; 14.4078; 16.6985
90; 92.813; 90
3610.9Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544121 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0861; 14.4369; 16.927
90; 93.073; 90
3681.3Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544122 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0406; 14.4132; 16.7432
90; 92.832; 90
3625.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544123 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1046; 14.4631; 16.9754
90; 93.103; 90
3703Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544124 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0984; 14.4452; 16.9444
90; 93.086; 90
3690.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544125 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0676; 14.4217; 16.8187
90; 92.929; 90
3649.9Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544126 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1045; 14.4584; 16.9678
90; 93.103; 90
3700.1Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544127 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1063; 14.4809; 16.9914
90; 93.085; 90
3711.5Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544128 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0902; 14.4342; 16.9112
90; 93.056; 90
3678.3Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544129 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1127; 14.4897; 16.9969
90; 93.083; 90
3716.6Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544130 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0573; 14.42; 16.7947
90; 92.889; 90
3641.9Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544131 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0961; 14.4493; 16.955
90; 93.099; 90
3693Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544132 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1081; 14.4721; 16.9844
90; 93.095; 90
3708.2Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544133 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.0713; 14.4223; 16.8453
90; 92.962; 90
3656.7Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544134 CIFC38 H28 Fe N10 S2P 1 21/c 115.1186; 14.5293; 17.0171
90; 93.012; 90
3732.9Lakhloufi, S.; Lemée-Cailleau, M H; Chastanet, G.; Rosa, P.; Daro, N.; Guionneau, P.
Structural movies of the gradual spin-crossover in a molecular complex at various physical scales.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2016, 18, 28307-28315
1544143 CIFC24 H21 N OP 1 21 18.9816; 29.4224; 13.9309
90; 90.128; 90
3681.4Yamamoto, Kosuke; Qureshi, Zafar; Tsoung, Jennifer; Pisella, Guillaume; Lautens, Mark
Combining Ru-Catalyzed C-H Functionalization with Pd-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation: Synthesis of 3-Allyl-3-aryl Oxindole Derivatives from Aryl α-Diazoamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4954-4957
1544163 CIFC16 H18 O6P c a 2111.97; 16; 8.19
90; 90; 90
1568.5Ren, Zhiqiang; Hao, Yu; Hu, Xiangdong
Total Synthesis and Structural Reassignment of (±)-Cereoanhydride.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4958-4961
1544164 CIFC32 H38 B N3 OP 1 21/n 117.022; 8.362; 19.77
90; 95.585; 90
2801Nishikawa, Daiki; Hirano, Koji; Miura, Masahiro
Copper-Catalyzed Regio- and Stereoselective Aminoboration of Alkenylboronates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4856-4859
1544165 CIFC32 H39 B2 N5 OP 1 21/c 111.904; 10.2654; 23.98
90; 100.941; 90
2877Nishikawa, Daiki; Hirano, Koji; Miura, Masahiro
Copper-Catalyzed Regio- and Stereoselective Aminoboration of Alkenylboronates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4856-4859
1544166 CIFC32 H38 O3P 1 21/n 110.361; 25.338; 11.4215
90; 114.89; 90
2719.9Huang, Bo; Shen, Yangyong; Mao, Zhenjun; Liu, Yu; Cui, Sunliang
Metathesis Reaction of Diazo Compounds and para-Quinone Methides for C-C Double Bond Formation: Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes and Quinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4888-4891
1544167 CIFC22 H16 Cl N O2P 1 21/n 113.002; 10.771; 13.596
90; 109.47; 90
1795.2Huang, Bo; Shen, Yangyong; Mao, Zhenjun; Liu, Yu; Cui, Sunliang
Metathesis Reaction of Diazo Compounds and para-Quinone Methides for C-C Double Bond Formation: Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes and Quinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4888-4891
1544168 CIFC30 H34 N0 O3P 1 21/c 110.472; 26.208; 11.754
90; 100.641; 90
3170Huang, Bo; Shen, Yangyong; Mao, Zhenjun; Liu, Yu; Cui, Sunliang
Metathesis Reaction of Diazo Compounds and para-Quinone Methides for C-C Double Bond Formation: Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes and Quinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4888-4891
1544169 CIFC31 H36 O3P -19.6348; 11.1945; 13.2323
107.248; 100.253; 93.543
1331.24Huang, Bo; Shen, Yangyong; Mao, Zhenjun; Liu, Yu; Cui, Sunliang
Metathesis Reaction of Diazo Compounds and para-Quinone Methides for C-C Double Bond Formation: Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes and Quinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4888-4891
1544170 CIFC30 H34 Cl N O2P 1 21/c 114.1486; 11.072; 17.2118
90; 92.697; 90
2693.3Huang, Bo; Shen, Yangyong; Mao, Zhenjun; Liu, Yu; Cui, Sunliang
Metathesis Reaction of Diazo Compounds and para-Quinone Methides for C-C Double Bond Formation: Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes and Quinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4888-4891
1544189 CIFC24 H27 Br N2 O2P b c a13.636; 10.254; 30.557
90; 90; 90
4272.6Lu, Kui; Ma, Yantao; Gao, Meile; Liu, Yan; Li, Ming; Xu, Chuanming; Zhao, Xia; Yu, Peng
1,4-Addition Ugi Reaction Using Cyclic α,β-Unsaturated Ketone as Substrate.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5038-5041
1544222 CIFC25 H17 Cl N O PP 1 21/c 113.831; 16.046; 9.43
90; 105.784; 90
2013.9Li, Chun-Xiao; Tu, De-Shuang; Yao, Rui; Yan, Hong; Lu, Chang-Sheng
Visible-Light-Induced Cascade Reaction of Isocyanides and N-Arylacrylamides with Diphenylphosphine Oxide via Radical C-P and C-C Bond Formation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4928-4931
1544264 CIFC21 H23 N O5P -19.996; 10.556; 11.033
69.226; 73.09; 65.04
973Han, Jing-Qiang; Zhang, Huan-Huan; Xu, Peng-Fei; Luo, Yong-Chun
Lewis Acid and (Hypo)iodite Relay Catalysis Allows a Strategy for the Synthesis of Polysubstituted Azetidines and Tetrahydroquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5212
1544265 CIFC20 H21 N O4P 1 21/n 19.7358; 9.6518; 19.991
90; 98.694; 90
1856.93Han, Jing-Qiang; Zhang, Huan-Huan; Xu, Peng-Fei; Luo, Yong-Chun
Lewis Acid and (Hypo)iodite Relay Catalysis Allows a Strategy for the Synthesis of Polysubstituted Azetidines and Tetrahydroquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5212
1544286 CIFC23 H21 N OP -110.2062; 13.2507; 13.9258
91.429; 104.805; 98.033
1799.3Roy, Tony; Thangaraj, Manikandan; Kaicharla, Trinadh; Kamath, Rupa V.; Gonnade, Rajesh G.; Biju, Akkattu T.
The Aryne [2,3] Stevens Rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5428
1544319 CIFC40 H76 N10 O20 S4P 1 21/n 17.7136; 12.8367; 26.8813
90; 92.503; 90
2659.2Feng, Wei-Xu; van der Lee, Arie; Legrand, Yves-Marie; Petit, Eddy; Dumitrescu, Dan; Su, Cheng-Yong; Barboiu, Mihail
Adaptive Encapsulation of ω-Amino Acids and Their Guanidinium-Amide Congeners.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5556-5559
1544320 CIFC30 H54 N10 O17 S4P b c a18.5465; 16.3492; 28.7869
90; 90; 90
8728.8Feng, Wei-Xu; van der Lee, Arie; Legrand, Yves-Marie; Petit, Eddy; Dumitrescu, Dan; Su, Cheng-Yong; Barboiu, Mihail
Adaptive Encapsulation of ω-Amino Acids and Their Guanidinium-Amide Congeners.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5556-5559
1544321 CIFC28 H53 N2 Na2 O25.5 S4P -19.572; 19.0529; 22.861
89.387; 85.105; 89.819
4153.81Feng, Wei-Xu; van der Lee, Arie; Legrand, Yves-Marie; Petit, Eddy; Dumitrescu, Dan; Su, Cheng-Yong; Barboiu, Mihail
Adaptive Encapsulation of ω-Amino Acids and Their Guanidinium-Amide Congeners.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5556-5559
1544322 CIFC60 H102 N4 O20 S4P -112.658; 14.765; 19.6938
102.257; 99.362; 103.809
3403.4Feng, Wei-Xu; van der Lee, Arie; Legrand, Yves-Marie; Petit, Eddy; Dumitrescu, Dan; Su, Cheng-Yong; Barboiu, Mihail
Adaptive Encapsulation of ω-Amino Acids and Their Guanidinium-Amide Congeners.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5556-5559
1544323 CIFC30 H48 N10 O16 S4P -17.6006; 10.2393; 12.7741
96.042; 101.703; 91.37
967.02Feng, Wei-Xu; van der Lee, Arie; Legrand, Yves-Marie; Petit, Eddy; Dumitrescu, Dan; Su, Cheng-Yong; Barboiu, Mihail
Adaptive Encapsulation of ω-Amino Acids and Their Guanidinium-Amide Congeners.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5556-5559
1544337 CIFC26 H36 B F2 N3 OP -17.5729; 10.5422; 16.273
91.813; 99.198; 102.19
1250.7Li, Jin; Zhang, Qian; Yin, Jian; Yu, Changjiang; Cheng, Kai; Wei, Yun; Hao, Erhong; Jiao, Lijuan
Metal-Free and Versatile Synthetic Routes to Natural and Synthetic Prodiginines from Boron Dipyrrin.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5696-5699
1544338 CIFC11 H9 B Br2 F2 N2 O2P 1 21/n 17.1123; 13.579; 13.939
90; 100.474; 90
1323.8Li, Jin; Zhang, Qian; Yin, Jian; Yu, Changjiang; Cheng, Kai; Wei, Yun; Hao, Erhong; Jiao, Lijuan
Metal-Free and Versatile Synthetic Routes to Natural and Synthetic Prodiginines from Boron Dipyrrin.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5696-5699
1544342 CIFC38 H26 F10 O6P 1 21/n 18.1826; 25.666; 31.715
90; 95.407; 90
6631Grigalunas, Michael; Wiest, Olaf; Helquist, Paul
Single-Flask Multicomponent Synthesis of Highly Substituted α-Pyrones via a Sequential Enolate Arylation and Alkenylation Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5724-5727
1544343 CIFC28 H26.5 Cl2 O9.25P 1 21/c 127.9493; 14.6228; 26.5088
90; 105.098; 90
10460.1Grigalunas, Michael; Wiest, Olaf; Helquist, Paul
Single-Flask Multicomponent Synthesis of Highly Substituted α-Pyrones via a Sequential Enolate Arylation and Alkenylation Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5724-5727
1544348 CIFC11 H17 N O SiP 1 c 110.178; 10.104; 12.72
90; 108.216; 90
1242.5Liu, Pei; Tang, Jinghua; Zeng, Xiaoming
Site-Selective Silylation of Aliphatic C-H Bonds Mediated by [1,5]-Hydrogen Transfer: Synthesis of α-Sila Benzamides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5536-5539
1544365 CIFC13 H10 O SP 1 21/c 113.6637; 5.6795; 13.4061
90; 96.068; 90
1034.52Wang, Ming; Fan, Qiaoling; Jiang, Xuefeng
Transition-Metal-Free Diarylannulated Sulfide and Selenide Construction via Radical/Anion-Mediated Sulfur-Iodine and Selenium-Iodine Exchange.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5756-5759
1544366 CIFC26 H19 IP b c a16.0575; 11.4137; 21.6746
90; 90; 90
3972.4Wang, Ming; Fan, Qiaoling; Jiang, Xuefeng
Transition-Metal-Free Diarylannulated Sulfide and Selenide Construction via Radical/Anion-Mediated Sulfur-Iodine and Selenium-Iodine Exchange.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5756-5759
1544383 CIFC32 H31 N3 O2 SP 1 21/n 116.708; 10.3275; 17.209
90; 110.656; 90
2778.6Li, Lixin; Liu, Peipei; Su, Yijin; Huang, Hanmin
Palladium-Catalyzed Aminomethylamination and Aromatization of Aminoalkenes with Aminals via C-N Bond Activation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5736-5739
1544384 CIFC18 H17 F3 N2 O2 SP 1 21/c 113.134; 9.8729; 29.105
90; 93.355; 90
3767.6Li, Lixin; Liu, Peipei; Su, Yijin; Huang, Hanmin
Palladium-Catalyzed Aminomethylamination and Aromatization of Aminoalkenes with Aminals via C-N Bond Activation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5736-5739
1544394 CIFC23 H22 OP -17.6465; 11.1436; 11.8808
116.215; 94.594; 107.174
841.15Chen, Xiaoyu; Day, David Philip; Teo, Wan Teng; Chan, Philip Wai Hong
Gold- and Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of 1,8-Diynyl Vinyl Acetates to Bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-en-7-ones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5936
1544423 CIFC12 H12 F N O3P 21 21 215.6649; 19.698; 20.708
90; 90; 90
2310.7Wu, Hongmiao; Yang, Bin; Zhu, Lin; Lu, Ronghua; Li, Guigen; Lu, Hongjian
High-Valent Palladium-Promoted Formal Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5804
1544424 CIFC16 H12 F N O3P 1 c 18.5173; 5.5799; 28.549
90; 95.813; 90
1349.8Wu, Hongmiao; Yang, Bin; Zhu, Lin; Lu, Ronghua; Li, Guigen; Lu, Hongjian
High-Valent Palladium-Promoted Formal Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5804
1544476 CIFC29 H20 Br N O2P 21 21 219.7525; 12.6566; 18.224
90; 90; 90
2249.5Shen, Hong-Qiang; Gao, Xiang; Liu, Cong; Hu, Shu-Bo; Zhou, Yong-Gui
A Hydrogenation/Oxidative Fragmentation Cascade for Synthesis of Chiral 4,5-Dihydro-1H-benzo[d]azepin-1-ones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5920-5923
1544477 CIFC22 H17 N O2P 21 21 219.2696; 12.0477; 15.0296
90; 90; 90
1678.47Shen, Hong-Qiang; Gao, Xiang; Liu, Cong; Hu, Shu-Bo; Zhou, Yong-Gui
A Hydrogenation/Oxidative Fragmentation Cascade for Synthesis of Chiral 4,5-Dihydro-1H-benzo[d]azepin-1-ones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5920-5923
1544508 CIFC29 H23 Cl N4 O2P -111.0894; 11.1837; 11.8059
63.655; 83.383; 68.088
1215.08Zhou, Xiaorong; Fan, Zili; Zhang, Zhiyin; Lu, Ping; Wang, Yanguang
Construction of Pyrrolo[1,2-a]indoles via Cobalt(III)-Catalyzed Enaminylation of 1-(Pyrimidin-2-yl)-1H-indoles with Ketenimines and Subsequent Base-Promoted Cyclization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4706-4709
1544521 CIFC26 H32 N2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 111.118; 19.642; 12.625
90; 110.85; 90
2576.5Deng, Yongming; Pei, Chao; Arman, Hadi; Dong, Kuiyong; Xu, Xinfang; Doyle, Michael P.
Syntheses of Tetrahydropyridazine and Tetrahydro-1,2-diazepine Scaffolds through Cycloaddition Reactions of Azoalkenes with Enol Diazoacetates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5884-5887
1544522 CIFC20 H18 N2 O4C 1 2/c 135.35; 5.606; 21.4
90; 124.417; 90
3498Deng, Yongming; Pei, Chao; Arman, Hadi; Dong, Kuiyong; Xu, Xinfang; Doyle, Michael P.
Syntheses of Tetrahydropyridazine and Tetrahydro-1,2-diazepine Scaffolds through Cycloaddition Reactions of Azoalkenes with Enol Diazoacetates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5884-5887
1544523 CIFC26 H32 N4 O4 SiP -111.071; 13.272; 18.896
78.005; 87.787; 84.779
2704Deng, Yongming; Pei, Chao; Arman, Hadi; Dong, Kuiyong; Xu, Xinfang; Doyle, Michael P.
Syntheses of Tetrahydropyridazine and Tetrahydro-1,2-diazepine Scaffolds through Cycloaddition Reactions of Azoalkenes with Enol Diazoacetates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5884-5887
1544524 CIFC17 H18 B Br F4 N4P 1 21/n 19.3019; 20.691; 10.107
90; 96.604; 90
1932.3Joshi, Madhur S.; Pigge, F. Christopher
Construction of 1,2,4-Triazole Derivatives via Cyclocondensation of Alkylidene Dihydropyridines and Aryldiazonium Salts.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5916-5919
1544537 CIFC49 H10 Au F15 I4 N4P 1 21/c 17.33; 22.65; 28.2
90; 101.877; 90
4582Soll, Matan; Sudhakar, Kolanu; Fridman, Natalia; Müller, Alexander; Röder, Beate; Gross, Zeev
One-Pot Conversion of Fluorophores to Phosphorophores.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5840-5843
1544538 CIFC37.66667 H8.66667 Au Cl2 F15 N4I 41/a :221.092; 21.092; 45.876
90; 90; 90
20409Soll, Matan; Sudhakar, Kolanu; Fridman, Natalia; Müller, Alexander; Röder, Beate; Gross, Zeev
One-Pot Conversion of Fluorophores to Phosphorophores.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5840-5843
1544539 CIFC38 H6 Cl2 Cu F15 I4 N4P 1 21/c 120.019; 13.865; 15.727
90; 111.499; 90
4061.5Soll, Matan; Sudhakar, Kolanu; Fridman, Natalia; Müller, Alexander; Röder, Beate; Gross, Zeev
One-Pot Conversion of Fluorophores to Phosphorophores.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 5840-5843
1544670 CIFCa0.8 F0.89 H0.36 Mn0.01 Na O6.15 Sb2F d -3 m10.265; 10.265; 10.265
90; 90; 90
1081.6Matsubara, S.; Kato, A.; Shimizu, M.; Sekiuchi, K.; Suzuki, Y.
Romeite from the Gozaisho mine, Iwaki, Japan
Mineralogical Journal, 1996, 18, 155-160
1544698 CIFC23 H26 N2 O4 SP 1 21/c 18.7498; 12.278; 20.161
90; 100.27; 90
2131.2Zheng, Jia; Li, Zun; Wu, Wanqing; Jiang, Huanfeng
Controllable O-Nucleometalation Cyclization Strategy: Access to Divergent Ring-Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 6232-6235
1544699 CIFC15 H18 N2 O4 SP -18.239; 9.8871; 10.5292
95.163; 109.34; 104.536
769.2Zheng, Jia; Li, Zun; Wu, Wanqing; Jiang, Huanfeng
Controllable O-Nucleometalation Cyclization Strategy: Access to Divergent Ring-Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 6232-6235
1544700 CIFC21 H22 N2 O4 SP -18.3281; 10.784; 12.649
70.74; 73.72; 67.38
974.5Zheng, Jia; Li, Zun; Wu, Wanqing; Jiang, Huanfeng
Controllable O-Nucleometalation Cyclization Strategy: Access to Divergent Ring-Functionalized Molecules.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 6232-6235
1545170 CIFCa O3 SiP m -3 m3.564; 3.564; 3.564
90; 90; 90
45.27Kanzaki, M.; Stebbins, J.F.; Xue, X.
Characterization of quenched high pressure phases in CaSiO3 system by XRD and 29Si NMR Note: only lattice parameter was given in this paper
Geophysical Research Letters, 1991, 18, 463-466
1548526 CIFC78 H102 Fe2 N9P 1 21/n 113.9256; 13.8434; 35.2
90; 96.614; 90
6740.6Ming Li; W. Robert Scheidt
Structural characterization of the mu-Nitrido Complex {[Fe(OEP)]2N}
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2014, 18, 380-384
1549447 CIFC9 H11 N5 O S2C 1 2/c 126.673; 5.3966; 16.522
90; 95.49; 90
2367.3Illán-Cabeza, Nuria A; Peña-Ruiz, Tomás; Moreno-Carretero, Miguel N
XRD and DFT-modelized structures of a pteridine-2,4(1H,3H)-dithione/N,N'-dimethylformamide H-bonded cluster (2:2). MO study of the coordination ability.
Journal of molecular modeling, 2012, 18, 815-824
1550095 CIFC22 H14 N2 OP b c a8.23403; 10.88902; 34.457
90; 90; 90
3089.43Sirbu, Dumitru; Wales, Rebecca; Geary, David R.; Waddell, Paul G.; Benniston, Andrew C.
Rosindone revisited: a computational and photophysical study of 7-phenylbenzo[a]phenazine-5(7H)-one (PBP).
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 140-147
1550174 CIFC33 H33 N3 O2P -19.0397; 12.5823; 12.8196
86.214; 73.428; 72.357
1331.5Das, Dipankar; Alam, Rabiul; Katarkar, Atul; Ali, Mahammad
A differentially selective probe for trivalent chemosensor upon single excitation with cell imaging application: potential applications in combinatorial logic circuit and memory devices.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 242-252
1550267 CIFC11 H16 Br2 Cu2 N4P n n 217.5605; 9.4899; 9.611
90; 90; 90
1601.6Wang, Rong-Yan; Zhang, Xiao; Yu, Jie-Hui; Xu, Ji-Qing
Copper(i)-polymers and their photoluminescence thermochromism properties.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 477-486
1550268 CIFC4 H5 Cu I NP b c n4.2749; 16.1161; 17.0121
90; 90; 90
1172.04Wang, Rong-Yan; Zhang, Xiao; Yu, Jie-Hui; Xu, Ji-Qing
Copper(i)-polymers and their photoluminescence thermochromism properties.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 477-486
1550269 CIFC18 H14 Cu I N4P 1 21/n 110.0197; 7.6791; 22.4578
90; 101.735; 90
1691.8Wang, Rong-Yan; Zhang, Xiao; Yu, Jie-Hui; Xu, Ji-Qing
Copper(i)-polymers and their photoluminescence thermochromism properties.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 477-486
1550270 CIFC11 H16 Br2 Cu2 N4P n n 217.6696; 9.5533; 9.5747
90; 90; 90
1616.24Wang, Rong-Yan; Zhang, Xiao; Yu, Jie-Hui; Xu, Ji-Qing
Copper(i)-polymers and their photoluminescence thermochromism properties.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 477-486
1550660 CIFC32 H26 Br1.25 Cl0.75 N2 O2P -110.912; 10.9997; 11.6021
91.68; 97.459; 91.733
1379.4Grobelny, Anna L.; Rath, Nigam P.; Groeneman, Ryan H.
Regioselective photoreactions within a series of mixed co-crystals containing isosteric dihalogenated resorcinols with 4-stilbazole.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 989-992
1550661 CIFC32 H26 Br0.8 Cl1.2 N2 O2P n a 2118.9449; 9.4629; 14.4914
90; 90; 90
2597.93Grobelny, Anna L.; Rath, Nigam P.; Groeneman, Ryan H.
Regioselective photoreactions within a series of mixed co-crystals containing isosteric dihalogenated resorcinols with 4-stilbazole.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 989-992
1550662 CIFC32 H26 Br0.65 Cl1.35 N2 O2P -110.9822; 10.9866; 11.604
98.151; 90.796; 91.779
1385.1Grobelny, Anna L.; Rath, Nigam P.; Groeneman, Ryan H.
Regioselective photoreactions within a series of mixed co-crystals containing isosteric dihalogenated resorcinols with 4-stilbazole.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 989-992
1550663 CIFC32 H26 Br Cl N2 O2P -110.9647; 11.016; 11.6107
91.273; 97.696; 91.769
1388.64Grobelny, Anna L.; Rath, Nigam P.; Groeneman, Ryan H.
Regioselective photoreactions within a series of mixed co-crystals containing isosteric dihalogenated resorcinols with 4-stilbazole.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 989-992
1550738 CIFC41 H26 N13 O5P -112.53; 13.3747; 13.8179
62.734; 68.276; 76.955
1907.76Kumar, Girijesh; Guda, Ramu; Husain, Ahmad; Patra, Ranjan; Kirandeep, ?; Kasula, Mamatha
Synthesis and photophysical properties of pyridyl conjugated triazole appended naphthalenediimide derivatives.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 1333-1341
1550778 CIFC20 H14 F N5 SP 1 21/c 110.0319; 8.6937; 20.5271
90; 95.512; 90
1781.98Schehr, Miriam; Ianes, Chiara; Weisner, Jörn; Heintze, Linda; Müller, Matthias P; Pichlo, Christian; Charl, Julia; Brunstein, Elena; Ewert, Julia; Lehr, Marc; Baumann, Ulrich; Rauh, Daniel; Knippschild, Uwe; Peifer, Christian; Herges, Rainer
2-Azo-, 2-diazocine-thiazols and 2-azo-imidazoles as photoswitchable kinase inhibitors: limitations and pitfalls of the photoswitchable inhibitor approach.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 1398-1407
1550824 CIFC22 H19 N3 O4P 1 n 18.559; 24.701; 17.801
90; 90; 90
3763Manna, Amit Kumar; Rout, Kalyani; Chowdhury, Shubhamoy; Patra, Goutam K.
A dual-mode highly selective and sensitive Schiff base chemosensor for fluorescent colorimetric detection of Ni<sup>2+</sup> and colorimetric detection of Cu<sup>2</sup>.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 1512-1525
1550825 CIFC3.54 H3.69 Cu0.15 N0.46 O0.92C 1 2/c 126.093; 11.611; 14.522
90; 106.229; 90
4224Manna, Amit Kumar; Rout, Kalyani; Chowdhury, Shubhamoy; Patra, Goutam K.
A dual-mode highly selective and sensitive Schiff base chemosensor for fluorescent colorimetric detection of Ni<sup>2+</sup> and colorimetric detection of Cu<sup>2</sup>.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 1512-1525
1551917 CIFC33 H27 B F2 N2 OC 1 2/c 126.758; 9.137; 22.861
90; 109.102; 90
5281Aksakal, Nuray Esra; Tanrıverdi Eçik, Esra; Kazan, Hasan Hüseyin; Yenilmez Çiftçi, Gönül; Yuksel, Fatma
Novel ruthenium(ii) and iridium(iii) BODIPY dyes: insights into their application in photodynamic therapy in vitro.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 2012-2022
1551918 CIFC32 H22 Cl2 F12 N6 P2 RuP 1 21/n 111.1241; 20.936; 14.7692
90; 94.332; 90
3429.8Aksakal, Nuray Esra; Tanrıverdi Eçik, Esra; Kazan, Hasan Hüseyin; Yenilmez Çiftçi, Gönül; Yuksel, Fatma
Novel ruthenium(ii) and iridium(iii) BODIPY dyes: insights into their application in photodynamic therapy in vitro.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 2012-2022
1552223 CIFC24 H18 N2 O2P 1 21/n 17.4331; 8.9471; 26.8786
90; 94.896; 90
1781.03Skiba, Joanna; Kowalczyk, Aleksandra; Fik, Marta A.; Gapińska, Magdalena; Trzybiński, Damian; Woźniak, Krzysztof; Vrček, Valerije; Czerwieniec, Rafał; Kowalski, Konrad
Luminescent pyrenyl-GNA nucleosides: synthesis, photophysics and confocal microscopy studies in cancer HeLa cells.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2019, 18, 2449-2460
1554183 CIFC28 H20 I2P 1 21/c 133.802; 7.3184; 33.855
90; 100.321; 90
8239.4Simonov, Sergey; Zorina, Leokadiya; Wzietek, Pawel; Rodríguez-Fortea, Antonio; Canadell, Enric; Mézière, Cécile; Bastien, Guillaume; Lemouchi, Cyprien; Garcia-Garibay, Miguel A; Batail, Patrick
Static Modulation Wave of Arrays of Halogen Interactions Transduced to a Hierarchy of Nanoscale Change Stimuli of Crystalline Rotors Dynamics.
Nano letters, 2018, 18, 3780-3784
1554184 CIFC28 H20 I2P 1 21/n 110.0535; 7.3424; 16.0744
90; 91.669; 90
1186.06Simonov, Sergey; Zorina, Leokadiya; Wzietek, Pawel; Rodríguez-Fortea, Antonio; Canadell, Enric; Mézière, Cécile; Bastien, Guillaume; Lemouchi, Cyprien; Garcia-Garibay, Miguel A; Batail, Patrick
Static Modulation Wave of Arrays of Halogen Interactions Transduced to a Hierarchy of Nanoscale Change Stimuli of Crystalline Rotors Dynamics.
Nano letters, 2018, 18, 3780-3784
1555479 CIFC24 H8 Br2 N2P 1 21/n 111.5512; 7.5173; 22.879
90; 91.554; 90
1985.9Min, Lijun; Pan, Bin; Gu, Yanlong
Synthesis of Quinoline-Fused 1-Benzazepines through a Mannich-Type Reaction of a C,N-Bisnucleophile Generated from 2-Aminobenzaldehyde and 2-Methylindole.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 364-367
1555484 CIFC16 H24 N3 O3 PP b c a28.26; 11.505; 11.128
90; 90; 90
3618Ahamad, Shakir; Kant, Ruchir; Mohanan, Kishor
Metal-Free Three-Component Domino Approach to Phosphonylated Triazolines and Triazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 280-283
1555485 CIFC22 H13 Cl F N3 O SP n a 2117.7894; 18.2676; 5.7336
90; 90; 90
1863.2Fan, Wei; Li, Qun; Li, Yanrong; Sun, Hao; Jiang, Bo; Li, Guigen
I2/O2-Enabled N-S Bond Formation to Access Functionalized 1,2,3-Thiadiazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1258-1261
1555486 CIFC25 H19.78 N3 O2.39 PdP -18.4976; 11.7441; 20.5928
80.687; 83.765; 78.031
1977.91Wiest, Johannes M.; Pöthig, Alexander; Bach, Thorsten
Pyrrole as a Directing Group: Regioselective Pd(II)-Catalyzed Alkylation and Benzylation at the Benzene Core of 2-Phenylpyrroles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 852-855
1555487 CIFC20 H21 N O2P b c a14.6593; 7.8044; 27.406
90; 90; 90
3135.4Nandi, Raj Kumar; Guillot, Régis; Kouklovsky, Cyrille; Vincent, Guillaume
Synthesis of 3,3-Spiroindolines via FeCl3-Mediated Cyclization of Aryl- or Alkene-Containing 3-Substituted N-Ac Indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1716-1719
1555488 CIFC17 H17 N O SP 1 21/c 18.6142; 9.0565; 18.42
90; 103.352; 90
1398.18Nandi, Raj Kumar; Guillot, Régis; Kouklovsky, Cyrille; Vincent, Guillaume
Synthesis of 3,3-Spiroindolines via FeCl3-Mediated Cyclization of Aryl- or Alkene-Containing 3-Substituted N-Ac Indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1716-1719
1555489 CIFC15 H17 N OP 1 21/n 114.5023; 8.2306; 20.0369
90; 98.744; 90
2363.9Nandi, Raj Kumar; Guillot, Régis; Kouklovsky, Cyrille; Vincent, Guillaume
Synthesis of 3,3-Spiroindolines via FeCl3-Mediated Cyclization of Aryl- or Alkene-Containing 3-Substituted N-Ac Indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1716-1719
1555490 CIFC19 H19 N OP b c a13.21; 7.8624; 27.4014
90; 90; 90
2846Nandi, Raj Kumar; Guillot, Régis; Kouklovsky, Cyrille; Vincent, Guillaume
Synthesis of 3,3-Spiroindolines via FeCl3-Mediated Cyclization of Aryl- or Alkene-Containing 3-Substituted N-Ac Indoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1716-1719
1555491 CIFC23 H29 N O4 SP -19.523; 9.6405; 11.7824
83.18; 76.85; 71.05
995.1Murai, Kenichi; Matsuura, Kei; Aoyama, Hiroshi; Fujioka, Hiromichi
Oxidative Rearrangement via in Situ Generated N-Chloroamine: Synthesis of Fused Tetrahydroisoquinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1314-1317
1555492 CIFC16 H17 N3 O3P -18.6512; 13.1178; 13.2085
94.755; 97.921; 102.375
1440.34Zhang, Lin-Bao; Zhang, Shou-Kun; Wei, Donghui; Zhu, Xinju; Hao, Xin-Qi; Su, Jian-Hang; Niu, Jun-Long; Song, Mao-Ping
Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed C-H Amination of Arenes with Simple Alkylamines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1318-1321
1555493 CIFC17 H21 NP -16.0723; 8.6709; 14.006
75.45; 78.72; 70.16
666.5Schweighauser, Luca; Bodoky, Ina; Kessler, Simon N.; Häussinger, Daniel; Donsbach, Carsten; Wegner, Hermann A.
Bidentate Lewis Acid Catalyzed Domino Diels-Alder Reaction of Phthalazine for the Synthesis of Bridged Oligocyclic Tetrahydronaphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1330-1333
1555494 CIFC19 H33 N O6P 1 21/c 119.714; 6.3466; 16.045
90; 90.8; 90
2007.3Schweighauser, Luca; Bodoky, Ina; Kessler, Simon N.; Häussinger, Daniel; Donsbach, Carsten; Wegner, Hermann A.
Bidentate Lewis Acid Catalyzed Domino Diels-Alder Reaction of Phthalazine for the Synthesis of Bridged Oligocyclic Tetrahydronaphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1330-1333
1555495 CIFC24 H22 Br N3 O5.5P 21 21 2112.8376; 12.9227; 14.0967
90; 90; 90
2338.59Kumarswamyreddy, Nandarapu; Kesavan, Venkitasamy
Enantioselective Synthesis of Dihydrospiro[indoline-3,4'-pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole] Derivatives via Michael/Hemiketalization Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1354-1357
1555496 CIFC25 H22 F N O2P 21 21 219.56524; 18.64102; 22.57118
90; 90; 90
4024.57Ošeka, Maksim; Kimm, Mariliis; Kaabel, Sandra; Järving, Ivar; Rissanen, Kari; Kanger, Tõnis
Asymmetric Organocatalytic Wittig [2,3]-Rearrangement of Oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1358-1361
1555497 CIFC25 H22 Cl N O2P 1 21 110.8203; 8.0501; 11.8593
90; 90.3984; 90
1032.97Ošeka, Maksim; Kimm, Mariliis; Kaabel, Sandra; Järving, Ivar; Rissanen, Kari; Kanger, Tõnis
Asymmetric Organocatalytic Wittig [2,3]-Rearrangement of Oxindoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1358-1361
1555498 CIFC88 H89 B3 N6P 1 21/n 19.8983; 28.293; 24.5786
90; 96.552; 90
6838.3Qiu, Feng; Zhang, Fan; Tang, Ruizhi; Fu, Yubin; Wang, Xinyang; Han, Sheng; Zhuang, Xiaodong; Feng, Xinliang
Triple Boron-Cored Chromophores Bearing Discotic 5,11,17-Triazatrinaphthylene-Based Ligands.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1398-1401
1555499 CIFC45 H51 B3 F6 N6P 1 21/n 116.672; 6.7638; 37.518
90; 99.692; 90
4170.4Qiu, Feng; Zhang, Fan; Tang, Ruizhi; Fu, Yubin; Wang, Xinyang; Han, Sheng; Zhuang, Xiaodong; Feng, Xinliang
Triple Boron-Cored Chromophores Bearing Discotic 5,11,17-Triazatrinaphthylene-Based Ligands.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1398-1401
1555500 CIFC19 H26 O3P 21 21 216.43415; 13.9695; 18.8234
90; 90; 90
1691.88Lin, Han; Xiao, Li-Jun; Zhou, Min-Jie; Yu, Hong-Ming; Xie, Jian-Hua; Zhou, Qi-Lin
Enantioselective Approach to (-)-Hamigeran B and (-)-4-Bromohamigeran B via Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Racemic Ketone To Assemble the Chiral Core Framework.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1434-1437
1555501 CIFC20 H20 O7P 1 21/c 113.364; 7.917; 21.513
90; 127.54; 90
1804.8More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Total Synthesis of Integrastatin B Enabled by a Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization Cascade.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1458-1461
1555502 CIFC21 H24 O6P 1 21/c 111.9383; 10.2634; 15.2907
90; 97.621; 90
1857More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Total Synthesis of Integrastatin B Enabled by a Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization Cascade.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1458-1461
1555503 CIFC11 H12 O3P -17.2646; 8.0955; 8.184
90.831; 97.639; 93.425
476.06More, Atul A.; Ramana, Chepuri V.
Total Synthesis of Integrastatin B Enabled by a Benzofuran Oxidative Dearomatization Cascade.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1458-1461
1555504 CIFC33 H37 Cl N2 O6C 1 2/c 125.162; 15.406; 16.174
90; 109.269; 90
5919Di Maso, Michael J.; Nepomuceno, Gabriella M.; St Peter, Michael A.; Gitre, Haley H.; Martin, Kevin S.; Shaw, Jared T.
Synthesis of (±)-Bisavenanthramide B-6 by an Anionic Anhydride Mannich Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1740-1743
1555505 CIFC164 H260 N4 O75 S3P 21 21 2118.0825; 18.5554; 56.7015
90; 90; 90
19024.9Inouye, Masahiko; Yoshizawa, Atsushi; Shibata, Mari; Yonenaga, Yuki; Fujimoto, Kazuhisa; Sakata, Takuma; Matsumoto, Shinya; Shiro, Motoo
Cyclodextrin-Isolated Alkynylpyrenes as UV-Stable and Blue-Light-Emitting Molecules Even in Condensed States.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1960-1963
1555506 CIFC13 H18 O1.5P 1 21 110.2913; 7.9908; 13.7239
90; 97.986; 90
1117.65Kakde, Badrinath N.; Kumar, Nivesh; Mondal, Pradip Kumar; Bisai, Alakesh
Approach to Merosesquiterpenes via Lewis Acid Catalyzed Nazarov-Type Cyclization: Total Synthesis of Akaol A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1752-1755
1555507 CIFC26 H38 O3P 1 21 110.3364; 8.2959; 12.9455
90; 96.995; 90
1101.81Kakde, Badrinath N.; Kumar, Nivesh; Mondal, Pradip Kumar; Bisai, Alakesh
Approach to Merosesquiterpenes via Lewis Acid Catalyzed Nazarov-Type Cyclization: Total Synthesis of Akaol A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1752-1755
1555508 CIFC18 H21 N O5P 1 21/n 112.4616; 7.5556; 17.8282
90; 109.236; 90
1584.9Raja, Arun; Hong, Bor-Cherng; Liao, Ju-Hsiou; Lee, Gene-Hsiang
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Michael-Michael-Henry Reaction Cascade. An Entry to Highly Functionalized Hajos-Parrish-Type Ketones with Five to Six Contiguous Stereogenic Centers and Two Quaternary Carbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1760-1763
1555509 CIFC17 H18 Cl N O5P 21 21 216.891; 11.883; 20.413
90; 90; 90
1671.5Raja, Arun; Hong, Bor-Cherng; Liao, Ju-Hsiou; Lee, Gene-Hsiang
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Michael-Michael-Henry Reaction Cascade. An Entry to Highly Functionalized Hajos-Parrish-Type Ketones with Five to Six Contiguous Stereogenic Centers and Two Quaternary Carbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1760-1763
1555510 CIFC23 H23 N O5P 1 21/n 116.5186; 6.7973; 17.4934
90; 97.222; 90
1948.6Raja, Arun; Hong, Bor-Cherng; Liao, Ju-Hsiou; Lee, Gene-Hsiang
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Michael-Michael-Henry Reaction Cascade. An Entry to Highly Functionalized Hajos-Parrish-Type Ketones with Five to Six Contiguous Stereogenic Centers and Two Quaternary Carbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1760-1763
1555511 CIFC17 H19 N O5P 21 21 217.7825; 12.1682; 16.9656
90; 90; 90
1606.63Raja, Arun; Hong, Bor-Cherng; Liao, Ju-Hsiou; Lee, Gene-Hsiang
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Michael-Michael-Henry Reaction Cascade. An Entry to Highly Functionalized Hajos-Parrish-Type Ketones with Five to Six Contiguous Stereogenic Centers and Two Quaternary Carbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1760-1763
1555512 CIFC26 H22 N3 O2 PP 1 21/c 111.3945; 16.435; 12.4553
90; 107.236; 90
2227.7Zheng, Jing; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Dahai; Cui, Sunliang
Silver(I)-Mediated Phosphorylation/Cyclization Cascade of N-Cyanamide Alkenes for Divergent Access to Quinazolinones and Dihydroisoquinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1768-1771
1555513 CIFC26 H22 N3 O2 PP 1 21/c 110.704; 21.3272; 11.2625
90; 120.672; 90
2211.4Zheng, Jing; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Dahai; Cui, Sunliang
Silver(I)-Mediated Phosphorylation/Cyclization Cascade of N-Cyanamide Alkenes for Divergent Access to Quinazolinones and Dihydroisoquinolinones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1768-1771
1555514 CIFC21 H28 O4P 1 21/c 115.5552; 15.6415; 8.1031
90; 94.596; 90
1965.2Elliott, Daniel C.; Ma, Tsz-Kan; Selmani, Aymane; Cookson, Rosa; Parsons, Philip J.; Barrett, Anthony G. M.
Sequential Ketene Generation from Dioxane-4,6-dione-keto-dioxinones for the Synthesis of Terpenoid Resorcylates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1800-1803
1555515 CIFC19 H16 Cl N O2P 1 21/c 112.568; 7.479; 17.461
90; 108.353; 90
1557.8Kotha, Sambasivarao; Aswar, Vikas R.
Target Specific Tactics in Olefin Metathesis: Synthetic Approach to cis-syn-cis-Triquinanes and -Propellanes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1808-1811
1555516 CIFC19 H17 N O2P -18.206; 8.581; 10.584
90.785; 100.066; 104.431
709.4Kotha, Sambasivarao; Aswar, Vikas R.
Target Specific Tactics in Olefin Metathesis: Synthetic Approach to cis-syn-cis-Triquinanes and -Propellanes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1808-1811
1555517 CIFC15 H16 O3R -3 :H29.475; 29.475; 7.245
90; 90; 120
5451Li, Xiaoyu; Liu, Xiaoyu; Jiao, Xiaozhen; Yang, Hongguang; Yao, Yangyang; Xie, Ping
An approach to (±)-Lingzhiol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1944-1946
1555518 CIFC18 H22 O5P 1 21/n 16.613; 28.29; 8.886
90; 103.404; 90
1617.1Li, Xiaoyu; Liu, Xiaoyu; Jiao, Xiaozhen; Yang, Hongguang; Yao, Yangyang; Xie, Ping
An approach to (±)-Lingzhiol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1944-1946
1555519 CIFC13 H15 Br Cl N O2P 1 21/c 110.4382; 24.2507; 10.9589
90; 95.0262; 90
2763.4Wang, Mengzhou; Zhang, Yanyan; Wang, Tao; Wang, Chao; Xue, Dong; Xiao, Jianliang
Story of an Age-Old Reagent: An Electrophilic Chlorination of Arenes and Heterocycles by 1-Chloro-1,2-benziodoxol-3-one.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1976-1979
1555520 CIFC9 H7 Cl N2P 1 21/c 19.8146; 3.9248; 20.553
90; 103.021; 90
771.35Wang, Mengzhou; Zhang, Yanyan; Wang, Tao; Wang, Chao; Xue, Dong; Xiao, Jianliang
Story of an Age-Old Reagent: An Electrophilic Chlorination of Arenes and Heterocycles by 1-Chloro-1,2-benziodoxol-3-one.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1976-1979
1555521 CIFC23 H16 F2 N4 O2P 1 21 17.8577; 14.9042; 9.3787
90; 113.529; 90
1007.05Qiao, Jin-Bao; Zhao, Yu-Ming; Gu, Peiming
Asymmetric Intramolecular Desymmetrization of meso-α,α'-Diazido Alcohols with Aryldiazoacetates: Assembly of Chiral C3 Fragments with Three Continuous Stereocenters.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1984-1987
1555522 CIFC15 H21 N3 O3P -16.433; 7.542; 15.771
90.874; 95.675; 109.593
716.4Mehr, S Hessam M; Patrick, Brian O.; MacLachlan, Mark J.
Stabilization of a Strained Heteroradialene by Peripheral Electron Delocalization.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1840-1843
1555523 CIFC17 H25 Cl F N OP 1 21/c 113.3762; 9.6596; 13.4588
90; 93.8818; 90
1735.01Hamel, Jean-Denys; Cloutier, Mélissa; Paquin, Jean-François
Exploiting a Difference in Leaving Group Ability: An Approach to β-Substituted Monofluoroalkenes Using gem-Chlorofluoropropenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1852-1855
1555524 CIFC20 H14P 1 21 16.4855; 7.5481; 13.9074
90; 95.824; 90
677.3Zhou, Yujing; Ye, Fei; Zhou, Qi; Zhang, Yan; Wang, Jianbo
Cu(I)-Catalyzed Tandem Reaction of Carbene Coupling and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Type Olefination: Access toward Enynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2024-2027
1555525 CIFC23 H39 N O3 S SiP 21 21 2111.2183; 17.958; 25.733
90; 90; 90
5184.1Xu, Bing; Li, Guang; Li, Jing; Shi, Yian
Total Synthesis of the Proposed Structure of Marineosin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2028-2031
1555526 CIFC25 H37 N3 O3P 21 21 218.174; 12.797; 21.823
90; 90; 90
2282.7Xu, Bing; Li, Guang; Li, Jing; Shi, Yian
Total Synthesis of the Proposed Structure of Marineosin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2028-2031
1555527 CIFC21 H33 N O5P 21 21 211.42; 19.1624; 9.3685
90; 90; 90
2050.2Xu, Bing; Li, Guang; Li, Jing; Shi, Yian
Total Synthesis of the Proposed Structure of Marineosin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2028-2031
1555528 CIFC18 H31 N O5P 21 21 217.71375; 8.88494; 28.0459
90; 90; 90
1922.16Xu, Bing; Li, Guang; Li, Jing; Shi, Yian
Total Synthesis of the Proposed Structure of Marineosin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2028-2031
1555529 CIFC21 H31 N O5P 1 21 111.5555; 6.7668; 12.9264
90; 98.846; 90
998.74Xu, Bing; Li, Guang; Li, Jing; Shi, Yian
Total Synthesis of the Proposed Structure of Marineosin A.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2028-2031
1555530 CIFC38 H22P 1 21/n 117.4392; 7.3355; 17.5242
90; 94.296; 90
2235.49Hsieh, Ya-Chu; Wu, Tsun-Cheng; Li, Jen-Yi; Chen, Yi-Ting; Kuo, Ming-Yu; Chou, Pi-Tai; Wu, Yao-Ting
Dinaphthozethrene and Diindenozethrene: Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Properties.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1868-1871
1555531 CIFC36 H18P 1 21/c 112.7866; 3.9237; 42.438
90; 95.156; 90
2120.53Hsieh, Ya-Chu; Wu, Tsun-Cheng; Li, Jen-Yi; Chen, Yi-Ting; Kuo, Ming-Yu; Chou, Pi-Tai; Wu, Yao-Ting
Dinaphthozethrene and Diindenozethrene: Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Properties.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 1868-1871
1555532 CIFC15 H11 Br N2 OP 1 21/c 17.5865; 11.136; 15.609
90; 96.63; 90
1309.9Wang, Jie; Zha, Shanke; Chen, Kehao; Zhang, Feifei; Song, Chao; Zhu, Jin
Quinazoline Synthesis via Rh(III)-Catalyzed Intermolecular C-H Functionalization of Benzimidates with Dioxazolones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2062-2065
1555533 CIFC20 H20 O2 S2P 1 21/n 110.3493; 16.6118; 11.4274
90; 116.111; 90
1764.1Lai, Junshan; Liang, Yongping; Liu, Teng; Tang, Shouchu
Dithiane Induced Cycloaddition/Aromatization Tactic for the Synthesis of Multisubstituted Furans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2066-2069
1555534 CIFC20 H28 N2 O3P 1 21 19.7442; 6.1717; 14.9524
90; 90.609; 90
899.16Hsieh, Sheng-Ying; Bode, Jeffrey W.
Silicon Amine Reagents for the Photocatalytic Synthesis of Piperazines from Aldehydes and Ketones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2098-2101
1555535 CIFC19 H25 Cl N O RhP 1 21/c 113.0578; 15.8566; 18.5108
90; 91.055; 90
3832.1Wang, Qiang; Li, Xingwei
Synthesis of 1H-Indazoles from Imidates and Nitrosobenzenes via Synergistic Rhodium/Copper Catalysis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2102-2105
1555536 CIFC15 H15 Br O3 SP 1 21 15.92604; 12.2676; 9.9444
90; 103.755; 90
702.21Pagire, Santosh K.; Paria, Suva; Reiser, Oliver
Synthesis of β-Hydroxysulfones from Sulfonyl Chlorides and Alkenes Utilizing Visible Light Photocatalytic Sequences.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2106-2109
1555537 CIFC46 H39 Au2 F6 N O5 P2 S3P 1 c 114.011; 16.7528; 20.7802
90; 105.001; 90
4711.4Tamai, Taichi; Fujiwara, Keiko; Higashimae, Shinya; Nomoto, Akihiro; Ogawa, Akiya
Gold-Catalyzed Anti-Markovnikov Selective Hydrothiolation of Unactivated Alkenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2114-2117
1555538 CIFC12 H13 N O2P 1 21/n 19.8079; 8.8394; 12.567
90; 99.596; 90
1074.3Fraboni, Americo J.; Brenner-Moyer, Stacey E
Dienamine-Catalyzed Nitrone Formation via Redox Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2146-2149
1555539 CIFC16 H15 Br Cl3 N O2P -17.5091; 10.1225; 12.5419
76.957; 81.066; 75.302
893.46García-García, Carolina; Ortiz-Rojano, Laura; Álvarez, Susana; Álvarez, Rosana; Ribagorda, María; Carreño, M Carmen
Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Indoles with p-Quinols: The Role of Hydrogen Bonding of Water for the Desymmetrization of the Cyclohexadienone System.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2224-2227
1555540 CIFC17 H11 N OP -13.991; 10.967; 15.118
73.536; 86.417; 81.507
627.5Wang, Lianjie; Liu, Xiaocui; Wang, Mang; Liu, Jun
Copper(I)-Catalyzed Heterocyclization of α-Acyl-α-alkynyl Ketene Dithioacetals: Synthesis of 3-Cyanofurans.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2162-2165
1555541 CIFC20 H27 O3.5I 4119.7536; 19.7536; 9.0366
90; 90; 90
3526.1Wan, Luo-Sheng; Nian, Yin; Ye, Chen-Jun; Shao, Li-Dong; Peng, Xing-Rong; Geng, Chang-An; Zuo, Zhi-Li; Li, Xiao-Nian; Yang, Jian; Zhou, Ming; Qiu, Ming-Hua
Three Minor Diterpenoids with Three Carbon Skeletons from Euphorbia peplus.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2166-2169
1555542 CIFC20 H26 O3P 21 21 219.7169; 10.1381; 17.5286
90; 90; 90
1726.76Wan, Luo-Sheng; Nian, Yin; Ye, Chen-Jun; Shao, Li-Dong; Peng, Xing-Rong; Geng, Chang-An; Zuo, Zhi-Li; Li, Xiao-Nian; Yang, Jian; Zhou, Ming; Qiu, Ming-Hua
Three Minor Diterpenoids with Three Carbon Skeletons from Euphorbia peplus.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2166-2169
1555543 CIFC22 H32 O4C 1 2 118.2916; 8.7712; 12.993
90; 103.232; 90
2029.24Wan, Luo-Sheng; Nian, Yin; Ye, Chen-Jun; Shao, Li-Dong; Peng, Xing-Rong; Geng, Chang-An; Zuo, Zhi-Li; Li, Xiao-Nian; Yang, Jian; Zhou, Ming; Qiu, Ming-Hua
Three Minor Diterpenoids with Three Carbon Skeletons from Euphorbia peplus.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2166-2169
1555544 CIFC22 H20 Br N O2P 1 21 18.6651; 5.8524; 18.9495
90; 93.712; 90
958.94Ruchti, Jonathan; Carreira, Erick M.
Rh-Catalyzed Stereospecific Synthesis of Allenes from Propargylic Benzoates and Arylboronic Acids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2174-2176
1555545 CIFC24 H25 N O4P 112.7971; 12.8656; 14.0933
88.968; 86.108; 66.582
2124.21Ruchti, Jonathan; Carreira, Erick M.
Rh-Catalyzed Stereospecific Synthesis of Allenes from Propargylic Benzoates and Arylboronic Acids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2174-2176
1555546 CIFC28 H25 N O2P 21 21 215.9977; 8.669; 42.0392
90; 90; 90
2185.79Ruchti, Jonathan; Carreira, Erick M.
Rh-Catalyzed Stereospecific Synthesis of Allenes from Propargylic Benzoates and Arylboronic Acids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2174-2176
1555547 CIFC40 H40 N2 O SP -110.2707; 12.5581; 14.2615
78.265; 69.761; 81.577
1684Makarov, Anton S.; Merkushev, Anton A.; Uchuskin, Maxim G.; Trushkov, Igor V.
Oxidative Furan-to-Indole Rearrangement. Synthesis of 2-(2-Acylvinyl)indoles and Flinderole C Analogues.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2192-2195
1555548 CIFC26 H25 Cl2 N O4 SP -19.9795; 10.2314; 12.8722
92.489; 106.194; 96.538
1250.1Makarov, Anton S.; Merkushev, Anton A.; Uchuskin, Maxim G.; Trushkov, Igor V.
Oxidative Furan-to-Indole Rearrangement. Synthesis of 2-(2-Acylvinyl)indoles and Flinderole C Analogues.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2192-2195
1555549 CIFC21 H15 NP -110.3062; 11.6276; 13.2088
75.92; 88.72; 87.09
1533.28Saunthwal, Rakesh K.; Patel, Monika; Verma, Akhilesh K.
Metal- and Protection-Free [4 + 2] Cycloadditions of Alkynes with Azadienes: Assembly of Functionalized Quinolines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2200-2203
1555550 CIFC12 H9 F3 N2 OP 1 21/c 19.3458; 13.3878; 9.015
90; 104.592; 90
1091.57Nguyen, Thanh Binh; Ermolenko, Ludmila; Retailleau, Pascal; Al-Mourabit, Ali
Molecular Iodine-Catalyzed Aerobic α,β-Diamination of Cyclohexanones with 2-Aminopyrimidine and 2-Aminopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2177-2179
1555551 CIFC16 H18 N2 O2P 1 21 18.94706; 11.2291; 14.9983
90; 102.552; 90
1470.83Halskov, Kim Søholm; Næsborg, Line; Tur, Fernando; Jørgensen, Karl Anker
Asymmetric [3 + 2] Cycloaddition of Vinylcyclopropanes and α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes by Synergistic Palladium and Organocatalysis.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2220-2223
1555552 CIFC8 H9 Cl N4 OP 21 21 215.3345; 17.4841; 6.9026
90; 90; 90
1850.7Sun, Huan-Li; Chen, Fei; Xie, Ming-Sheng; Guo, Hai-Ming; Qu, Gui-Rong; He, Yan-Mei; Fan, Qing-Hua
Asymmetric Hydrogenation of α-Purine Nucleobase-Substituted Acrylates with Rhodium Diphosphine Complexes: Access to Tenofovir Analogues.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2260-2263
1555553 CIFC18 H22 F N O4P 21 21 219.7821; 11.5835; 14.8591
90; 90; 90
1683.7Zhu, Luyi; Chen, Qiliang; Shen, Dan; Zhang, Weihao; Shen, Cong; Zeng, Xiaofei; Zhong, Guofu
Enantioselective Construction of Spirocyclic Oxindole Derivatives with Multiple Stereocenters via an Organocatalytic Michael/Aldol/Hemiacetalization Cascade Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2387-2390
1555554 CIFC28 H24 O6 S2P 1 21/c 116.268; 7.4469; 22.374
90; 110.413; 90
2540.3Ni, Chunjie; Wang, MingLi; Tong, Xiaofeng
Access to Thiophene and 1H-Pyrrole via Amine-Initiated (3 + 2) Annulation and Aromatization Cascade Reaction of β'-Acetoxy Allenoate and 1,2-Bisnucleophile.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2240-2243
1555555 CIFC33 H26 Cl N O5 SP 1 21/c 110.2049; 23.693; 12.5597
90; 107.704; 90
2892.9Lv, Leiyang; Li, Zhiping
Iron-Catalyzed Radical [2 + 2 + 2] Annulation of Benzene-Linked 1,7-Enynes with Aldehydes: Fused Pyran Compounds.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2264-2267
1555556 CIFC22 H18 Br2 O4P 1 21/n 18.4295; 10.9126; 22.07
90; 90.7067; 90
2030.02Li, Shuangjiang; Huang, Changfeng; Thakellapalli, Haresh; Farajidizaji, Behzad; Popp, Brian V.; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Wang, Kung K.
Syntheses and Structures of Functionalized [9]Cycloparaphenylenes as Carbon Nanohoops Bearing Carbomethoxy and N-Phenylphthalimido Groups.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2268-2271
1555557 CIFC91 H80 Cl2 O12P -114.0233; 16.2794; 19.2082
66.9176; 72.0505; 77.5633
3815.2Li, Shuangjiang; Huang, Changfeng; Thakellapalli, Haresh; Farajidizaji, Behzad; Popp, Brian V.; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Wang, Kung K.
Syntheses and Structures of Functionalized [9]Cycloparaphenylenes as Carbon Nanohoops Bearing Carbomethoxy and N-Phenylphthalimido Groups.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2268-2271
1555558 CIFC24 H20 O2P 1 21/c 111.2926; 12.6823; 13.3977
90; 112.956; 90
1766.8Siyang, Hai Xiao; Ji, Xiao Yue; Wu, Xu Rui; Wu, Xin Yan; Liu, Pei Nian
Correction to "Lewis Acid Catalyzed Tandem Polycyclization of Internal Alkynols and Vinyl Azides".
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2323-2324
1555559 CIFC29 H24 O3P 1 21/c 113.3405; 7.7448; 22.406
90; 104.615; 90
2240.1Siyang, Hai Xiao; Ji, Xiao Yue; Wu, Xu Rui; Wu, Xin Yan; Liu, Pei Nian
Correction to "Lewis Acid Catalyzed Tandem Polycyclization of Internal Alkynols and Vinyl Azides".
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2323-2324
1555560 CIFC14 H8 F2 N2 O SP -15.737; 7.6865; 13.5874
88.575; 86.523; 88.004
597.55Castanheiro, Thomas; Suffert, Jean; Gulea, Mihaela; Donnard, Morgan
Aerobic Copper-Mediated Domino Three-Component Approach to 2-Aminobenzothiazole Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2588-2591
1555561 CIFC20 H17 Br N2 O2P -17.7454; 10.3627; 11.1019
107.48; 90.474; 97.723
841.1Liang, Ling; Huang, You
Phosphine-Catalyzed [3 + 3]-Domino Cycloaddition of Ynones and Azomethine Imines To Construct Functionalized Hydropyridazine Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2604-2607
1555562 CIFC23 H30 F2 N2 O2P 1 21/n 113.5393; 9.9243; 17.0947
90; 103.566; 90
2232.9Wang, Qiang; He, Yu-Tao; Zhao, Jia-Hui; Qiu, Yi-Feng; Zheng, Lan; Hu, Jing-Yuan; Yang, Yu-Chen; Liu, Xue-Yuan; Liang, Yong-Min
Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Difluoroalkylation and Carbonylation of Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2664-2667
1555563 CIFC20 H15 Cl2 N O4 SP 1 21/c 115.368; 8.0607; 16.717
90; 114.31; 90
1887.2Jia, Penghao; Huang, You
Sequential Annulation Domino Reaction of Sulfur Ylides and α,β-Unsaturated Cyclic Ketimines: Synthesis of Cyclic 2-Alkenyl Aziridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2475-2478
1555564 CIFC16 H24 N2 O3 SP 21 21 218.6938; 9.8115; 18.943
90; 90; 90
1615.8Crossley, Steven W. M.; Martinez, Ruben M.; Guevara-Zuluaga, Sebastián; Shenvi, Ryan A.
Synthesis of the Privileged 8-Arylmenthol Class by Radical Arylation of Isopulegol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2620-2623
1555565 CIFC21 H22 N2 O6P -17.7666; 15.5767; 16.2634
91.394; 99.881; 90.214
1937.69Crossley, Steven W. M.; Martinez, Ruben M.; Guevara-Zuluaga, Sebastián; Shenvi, Ryan A.
Synthesis of the Privileged 8-Arylmenthol Class by Radical Arylation of Isopulegol.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2620-2623
1555566 CIFC37 H36 F N O5 S2P -18.6308; 13.95; 15.866
102.47; 103.64; 105.496
1707.7Guang, Jie; Rout, Saroj; Bihani, Manisha; Larson, Ariel J.; Arman, Hadi D.; Zhao, John C.-G.
Organocatalyzed Enantioselective Direct Mannich Reaction of α-Styrylacetates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2648-2651
1555567 CIFC20 H17 F5 N2 O5P 1 21/c 15.76; 42.882; 8.034
90; 94.022; 90
1979.5Luescher, Michael U.; Bode, Jeffrey W.
SnAP-eX Reagents for the Synthesis of Exocyclic 3-Amino- and 3-Alkoxypyrrolidines and Piperidines from Aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2652-2655
1555568 CIFC17 H26 N2 O2P 1 21/n 113.2033; 7.3109; 17.144
90; 97.707; 90
1639.9Luescher, Michael U.; Bode, Jeffrey W.
SnAP-eX Reagents for the Synthesis of Exocyclic 3-Amino- and 3-Alkoxypyrrolidines and Piperidines from Aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2652-2655
1555569 CIFC13 H15 Cl F5 N O2P 1 21/n 114.84; 6.9273; 15.2459
90; 109.128; 90
1480.8Luescher, Michael U.; Bode, Jeffrey W.
SnAP-eX Reagents for the Synthesis of Exocyclic 3-Amino- and 3-Alkoxypyrrolidines and Piperidines from Aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2652-2655
1555570 CIFC24 H19 Br N2 O2P 1 21 111.311; 5.661; 16.455
90; 108.595; 90
998.6Winterton, Sarah E.; Ready, Joseph M.
[3 + 2]-Cycloadditions of Azomethine Imines and Ynolates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2608-2611
1555571 CIFC24 H35 N O5P 15.9846; 7.913; 12.691
99.814; 95.953; 107.509
557Nagaraju, Karre; Chegondi, Rambabu; Chandrasekhar, Srivari
Expanding Diversity without Protecting Groups: (+)-Sclareolide to Indolosesquiterpene Alkaloid Mycoleptodiscin A and Analogues.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2684-2687
1555572 CIFC25 H34 N2 O4P 21 21 216.0956; 15.5691; 24.6358
90; 90; 90
2338.01Nagaraju, Karre; Chegondi, Rambabu; Chandrasekhar, Srivari
Expanding Diversity without Protecting Groups: (+)-Sclareolide to Indolosesquiterpene Alkaloid Mycoleptodiscin A and Analogues.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2684-2687
1555573 CIFC23 H21 B N2 O2P 1 21/n 111.7488; 11.331; 16.0382
90; 110.789; 90
1996.09Mazzanti, Andrea; Mercanti, Elia; Mancinelli, Michele
Axial Chirality about Boron-Carbon Bond: Atropisomeric Azaborines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2692-2695
1555574 CIFC27 H38 O3P -110.004; 10.563; 12.631
94.414; 111.883; 93.763
1228.5Shen, Yangyong; Qi, Jifeng; Mao, Zhenjun; Cui, Sunliang
Fe-Catalyzed Hydroalkylation of Olefins with para-Quinone Methides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2722-2725
1555575 CIFC16 H15 F3 N2P 21 21 216.37164; 8.13751; 26.6535
90; 90; 90
1381.96Ma, Wenpeng; Chen, Fei; Liu, Youran; He, Yan-Mei; Fan, Qing-Hua
Ruthenium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Hydrogenation of 1,8-Naphthyridine Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2730-2733
1555576 CIFC27 H24 N2 O2 SP 1 21 110.581; 9.532; 11.106
90; 90.577; 90
1120.1Ma, Wenpeng; Chen, Fei; Liu, Youran; He, Yan-Mei; Fan, Qing-Hua
Ruthenium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Hydrogenation of 1,8-Naphthyridine Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2730-2733
1555577 CIFC18 H17 N O3P -19.2442; 9.4365; 10.1285
109.029; 92.163; 110.061
773.37Li, Chao; Jiang, Kun; Ouyang, Qin; Liu, Tian-Yu; Chen, Ying-Chun
[3 + 1]- and [3 + 2]-Cycloadditions of Azaoxyallyl Cations and Sulfur Ylides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2738-2741
1555578 CIFC24 H19 N0.25 O3P c a 2120.6513; 5.9284; 14.7885
90; 90; 90
1810.5Li, Chao; Jiang, Kun; Ouyang, Qin; Liu, Tian-Yu; Chen, Ying-Chun
[3 + 1]- and [3 + 2]-Cycloadditions of Azaoxyallyl Cations and Sulfur Ylides.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2738-2741
1555579 CIFC49 H42 B Cl3 F2 N2 O4P -111.661; 12.035; 17.572
102.313; 101.456; 102.201
2276.9Gobo, Yuki; Yamamura, Masaki; Nakamura, Takashi; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis and Chiroptical Properties of a Ring-Fused BODIPY with a Skewed Chiral π Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2719-2721
1555580 CIFC48 H41 B F2 N2 O4C 1 2/c 119.489; 25.41; 16.809
90; 100.702; 90
8179Gobo, Yuki; Yamamura, Masaki; Nakamura, Takashi; Nabeshima, Tatsuya
Synthesis and Chiroptical Properties of a Ring-Fused BODIPY with a Skewed Chiral π Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2719-2721
1555581 CIFC21 H33 N O2 SiP 1 21/n 116.5088; 8.4395; 16.9774
90; 109.4; 90
2231.1Boobalan, Ramadoss; Gandeepan, Parthasarathy; Cheng, Chien-Hong
Ruthenium-Catalyzed C-H Alkynylation of Aromatic Amides with Hypervalent Iodine-Alkyne Reagents.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3314-3317
1555582 CIFC19 H28 Cl N O2 SiP 1 21/c 118.781; 13.854; 8.134
90; 93.886; 90
2111.5Boobalan, Ramadoss; Gandeepan, Parthasarathy; Cheng, Chien-Hong
Ruthenium-Catalyzed C-H Alkynylation of Aromatic Amides with Hypervalent Iodine-Alkyne Reagents.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3314-3317
1555583 CIFC43 H47 N3 O5P 1 21 18.9792; 16.193; 13.2363
90; 106.625; 90
1844.1Gorske, Benjamin C.; Mumford, Emily M.; Conry, Rebecca R.
Tandem Incorporation of Enantiomeric Residues Engenders Discrete Peptoid Structures.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2780-2783
1555584 CIFC49 H55 N3 O6P 1 21 112.9668; 13.1573; 13.5181
90; 109.297; 90
2176.7Gorske, Benjamin C.; Mumford, Emily M.; Conry, Rebecca R.
Tandem Incorporation of Enantiomeric Residues Engenders Discrete Peptoid Structures.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2780-2783
1555585 CIFC15 H23 N O2 SP 21 21 216.5067; 10.2546; 22.3875
90; 90; 90
1493.77Kubiak, 2nd, Robert W; Mighion, Jeffrey D.; Wilkerson-Hill, Sidney M; Alford, Joshua S.; Yoshidomi, Tetsushi; Davies, Huw M. L.
Enantioselective Intermolecular C-H Functionalization of Allylic and Benzylic sp(3) C-H Bonds Using N-Sulfonyl-1,2,3-triazoles.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3118-3121
1555586 CIFC26 H26 Br N O5P -19.8599; 11.9104; 11.9139
61.836; 72.739; 86.003
1173.79Das, Saikat; Chakrabarty, Shyamal; Daniliuc, Constantin G.; Studer, Armido
Tetrahydroquinolines via Stereospecific [3 + 3]-Annulation of Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes with Nitrosoarenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2784-2787
1555587 CIFC22 H24 Br N O5P 21 21 218.662; 9.2342; 26.0487
90; 90; 90
2083.55Das, Saikat; Chakrabarty, Shyamal; Daniliuc, Constantin G.; Studer, Armido
Tetrahydroquinolines via Stereospecific [3 + 3]-Annulation of Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes with Nitrosoarenes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 2784-2787
1555588 CIFC53.59 H49.59 Cl1.77 Cu N6 O2P -18.0804; 16.5626; 17.4337
82.85; 78.821; 77.371
2225.3Berionni Berna, Beatrice; Nardis, Sara; Galloni, Pierluca; Savoldelli, Andrea; Stefanelli, Manuela; Fronczek, Frank R.; Smith, Kevin M.; Paolesse, Roberto
β-Pyrrolopyrazino Annulated Corroles via a Pictet-Spengler Approach.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3318-3321
1555589 CIFC54 H52 Cl3 Cu N6P 1 21/c 112.031; 30.509; 13.9111
90; 113.596; 90
4679.2Berionni Berna, Beatrice; Nardis, Sara; Galloni, Pierluca; Savoldelli, Andrea; Stefanelli, Manuela; Fronczek, Frank R.; Smith, Kevin M.; Paolesse, Roberto
β-Pyrrolopyrazino Annulated Corroles via a Pictet-Spengler Approach.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3318-3321
1555590 CIFC55.5 H50.5 Cl4.5 Cu N6C 1 2/c 125.4929; 11.6131; 33.0447
90; 98.807; 90
9667.6Berionni Berna, Beatrice; Nardis, Sara; Galloni, Pierluca; Savoldelli, Andrea; Stefanelli, Manuela; Fronczek, Frank R.; Smith, Kevin M.; Paolesse, Roberto
β-Pyrrolopyrazino Annulated Corroles via a Pictet-Spengler Approach.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3318-3321
1555591 CIFC45 H52 Cl2 O12 P2P 1 21 113.3931; 9.5262; 17.8614
90; 101.589; 90
2232.4Durantie, Estelle; Huwiler, Samuel; Leroux, Jean-Christophe; Castagner, Bastien
A Chiral Phosphoramidite Reagent for the Synthesis of Inositol Phosphates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3162-3165
1555592 CIFC66 H66 O12 P2P 111.2057; 15.2204; 18.506
71.165; 81.596; 89.993
2951.5Durantie, Estelle; Huwiler, Samuel; Leroux, Jean-Christophe; Castagner, Bastien
A Chiral Phosphoramidite Reagent for the Synthesis of Inositol Phosphates.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3162-3165
1555593 CIFC27 H36 F3 N O3 S2 SiP -17.1867; 11.58; 17.91
87.008; 85.211; 87.346
1482Karmakar, Rajdip; Mamidipalli, Phani; Salzman, Ryan M.; Hong, Seongwon; Yun, Sang Young; Guo, Wei; Xia, Yuanzhi; Lee, Daesung
Benzannulation of Triynes Initiated by an Alder-Ene Reaction and Subsequent Trifluoromethylthiolate Addition.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3530-3533
1555594 CIFC27 H21 N OP 1 21 110.7656; 8.6732; 11.0548
90; 95.097; 90
1028.13Cioc, Răzvan C; Schuckman, Peter; Preschel, Hans D.; Vlaar, Tjøstil; Ruijter, Eelco; Orru, Romano V. A.
Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed Cyanotritylation of Aldehydes by Trityl Isocyanide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3562-3565
1555595 CIFC24 H21 Cl F3 N O4C 1 2/c 126.236; 8.1806; 21.79
90; 100.102; 90
4604.2Zhu, Yuanyuan; Dong, Zhenghao; Cheng, Xin; Zhong, Xiaoling; Liu, Xiaolin; Lin, Li; Shen, Zhiqiang; Yang, Peiju; Li, Yuan; Wang, Hailin; Yan, Wenjin; Wang, Kairong; Wang, Rui
Asymmetric Synthesis of CF3- and Indole-Containing Thiochromanes via a Squaramide-Catalyzed Michael-Aldol Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3546-3549
1555596 CIFC31 H27 Cl F3 N O5 SP 1 21 110.4656; 10.4575; 26.8799
90; 89.999; 90
2941.84Zhu, Yuanyuan; Dong, Zhenghao; Cheng, Xin; Zhong, Xiaoling; Liu, Xiaolin; Lin, Li; Shen, Zhiqiang; Yang, Peiju; Li, Yuan; Wang, Hailin; Yan, Wenjin; Wang, Kairong; Wang, Rui
Asymmetric Synthesis of CF3- and Indole-Containing Thiochromanes via a Squaramide-Catalyzed Michael-Aldol Reaction.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3546-3549
1555597 CIFC30 H38 O5P 1 21/n 123.324; 9.264; 26.981
90; 105.014; 90
5631Yuan, Zhenbo; Wei, Weiwei; Lin, Aijun; Yao, Hequan
Bifunctional Organo/Metal Cooperatively Catalyzed [3 + 2] Annulation of para-Quinone Methides with Vinylcyclopropanes: Approach to Spiro[4.5]deca-6,9-diene-8-ones.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3370-3373
1555598 CIFC19 H20 N2 O1.76R 3 :H24.3768; 24.3768; 7.2197
90; 90; 120
3715.4Rahman, M. Toufiqur; Deschamps, Jeffrey R.; Imler, Gregory H.; Schwabacher, Alan W.; Cook, James M.
Total Synthesis of Macrocarpines D and E via an Enolate-Driven Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Process: Replacement of Catalytic Palladium with Copper Iodide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4174-4177
1555599 CIFC19 H20 N2 OP 21 21 216.8328; 11.6515; 19.2975
90; 90; 90
1536.32Rahman, M. Toufiqur; Deschamps, Jeffrey R.; Imler, Gregory H.; Schwabacher, Alan W.; Cook, James M.
Total Synthesis of Macrocarpines D and E via an Enolate-Driven Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Process: Replacement of Catalytic Palladium with Copper Iodide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4174-4177
1555600 CIFC19 H21 I N2 OP 1 21 17.272; 9.1963; 13.4788
90; 101.735; 90
882.6Rahman, M. Toufiqur; Deschamps, Jeffrey R.; Imler, Gregory H.; Schwabacher, Alan W.; Cook, James M.
Total Synthesis of Macrocarpines D and E via an Enolate-Driven Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Process: Replacement of Catalytic Palladium with Copper Iodide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4174-4177
1555601 CIFC19 H20 N2 OP 1 21 110.3077; 7.8255; 10.6948
90; 117.859; 90
762.69Rahman, M. Toufiqur; Deschamps, Jeffrey R.; Imler, Gregory H.; Schwabacher, Alan W.; Cook, James M.
Total Synthesis of Macrocarpines D and E via an Enolate-Driven Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Process: Replacement of Catalytic Palladium with Copper Iodide.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4174-4177
1555602 CIFC41 H39 N3 O4 S2C 1 2/c 138.8089; 9.9944; 20.8313
90; 111.915; 90
7496Zhang, Jingyi; Zhang, Qingshuang; Xia, Biao; Wu, Jie; Wang, Xiao-Na; Chang, Junbiao
Metal-Free [2 + 2 + 2] Cycloaddition of Ynamides with Nitriles to Construct 2,4-Diaminopyridines.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3390-3393
1555603 CIFC20 H16 N4 O2P 1 21/c 16.1927; 35.576; 8.386
90; 106.723; 90
1769.4Shelke, Anil M.; Suryavanshi, Gurunath
Fluoride-Assisted Synthesis of 1,4,5,6-Tetrahydropyridazines via [4 + 2] Cyclodimerization of in Situ-Generated Azoalkenes Followed by a C-N Bond Cleavage.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3968-3971
1555604 CIFC82 H63 Cl6 N15 O3P 1 21/n 116.103; 13.8295; 31.954
90; 92.721; 90
7108Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555605 CIFC76 H59 Cl4 N15 O3P 1 21/n 117.7889; 21.013; 37.032
90; 102.091; 90
13535Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555606 CIFC61.5 H54 Cl7.5 N15 O3P 1 21/c 110.7001; 20.2403; 29.729
90; 91.17; 90
6437.2Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555607 CIFC73 H52 Cl9.01 N15 O3P 1 21/n 116.133; 13.761; 32.115
90; 92.117; 90
7125Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555608 CIFC74 H55 Cl2 N15 O3P 1 21/c 121.861; 15.4737; 18.6
90; 98.075; 90
6229.4Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555609 CIFC75.47 H59 Cl2.36 N15 O3P 1 21/c 110.7998; 20.2414; 29.845
90; 91.909; 90
6520.6Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555610 CIFC74 H61 Cl6 N15 O3P 1 21/n 116.154; 13.571; 31.638
90; 90.061; 90
6936Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555611 CIFC80 H63 Cl6 N15 O3P 1 21/n 116.218; 13.8125; 31.653
90; 92.288; 90
7085Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555612 CIFC80 H63 Cl6 N15 O3P 1 21/n 116.1736; 13.7072; 31.887
90; 92.389; 90
7063Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555613 CIFC56.75 H41.75 Cl8.25 N15 O3P -110.11; 21.965; 27.902
99.418; 94.933; 90.93
6087Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555614 CIFC75 H54 Cl9 N15 O3P 1 21/n 116.056; 13.8514; 32.082
90; 91.878; 90
7131.1Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555615 CIFC71.5 H52.5 Cl10.5 N15 O3P 1 21/n 116.42; 13.581; 32.38
90; 92.96; 90
7211Samanta, Jayanta; Natarajan, Ramalingam
Cofacial Organic Click Cage to Intercalate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3394-3397
1555616 CIFC49 H25 F9P 21 21 219.7462; 17.2319; 23.8323
90; 90; 90
4002.5Rao, M. Rajeswara; Johnson, Shea; Perepichka, Dmitrii F.
Aromatization of Benzannulated Perylene-3,9-diones: Unexpected Photophysical Properties and Reactivity.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3574-3577
1555617 CIFC26 H30 N4 O5P 21 21 219.7084; 15.1043; 16.6406
90; 90; 90
2440.2Wang, Kai-Bo; Li, Da-Hong; Hu, Ping; Wang, Wen-Jing; Lin, Clement; Wang, Jian; Lin, Bin; Bai, Jiao; Pei, Yue-Hu; Jing, Yong-Kui; Li, Zhan-Lin; Yang, Danzhou; Hua, Hui-Ming
A Series of β-Carboline Alkaloids from the Seeds of Peganum harmala Show G-Quadruplex Interactions.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3398-3401
1555618 CIFC6 H3 I O2P 1 21/n 19.7136; 8.3719; 16.672
90; 97.5683; 90
1343.98Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; Bower, John F.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N
Rh-Catalyzed Reactions of 1,4-Benzoquinones with Electrophiles: C-H Iodination, Bromination, and Phenylselenation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4454-4457
1555619 CIFC7 H5 I O3P n a 218.0841; 14.9751; 6.2629
90; 90; 90
758.19Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; Bower, John F.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N
Rh-Catalyzed Reactions of 1,4-Benzoquinones with Electrophiles: C-H Iodination, Bromination, and Phenylselenation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4454-4457
1555620 CIFC16 H10 O2 SeP 1 21/c 17.8829; 8.6055; 18.1935
90; 96.7142; 90
1225.72Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; Bower, John F.; da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N
Rh-Catalyzed Reactions of 1,4-Benzoquinones with Electrophiles: C-H Iodination, Bromination, and Phenylselenation.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4454-4457
1555621 CIFC26 H23 NP b c a17.814; 9.6903; 23.0455
90; 90; 90
3978.18Li, Nan; Lian, Xiao-Lei; Li, Yu-Hui; Wang, Tian-Yi; Han, Zhi-Yong; Zhang, Liming; Gong, Liu-Zhu
Gold-Catalyzed Direct Assembly of Aryl-Annulated Carbazoles from 2-Alkynyl Arylazides and Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4178-4181
1555622 CIFC19 H15 N O SP 21 21 215.5711; 6.5999; 40.0657
90; 90; 90
1473.16Ahlemeyer, Nicholas A.; Birman, Vladimir B.
Asymmetric Catalytic Synthesis of Thiochromenes via an Acyl Transfer-Initiated Cascade.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3454-3457
1555623 CIFC24 H32 O3P 21 21 217.9418; 9.0278; 28.012
90; 90; 90
2008.4Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555624 CIFC26 H34 O4P 1 21 19.4038; 23.797; 9.9633
90; 90.656; 90
2229.5Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555625 CIFC28 H38 O8P 21 21 218.352; 14.9946; 40.87
90; 90; 90
5118.4Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555626 CIFC31 H46 O8P 21 21 217.4728; 11.6974; 33.552
90; 90; 90
2932.9Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555627 CIFC29 H40 Cl2 O8P 1 21 17.6253; 11.8707; 16.229
90; 90.932; 90
1468.8Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555628 CIFC28 H40 O7P 21 21 2113.3481; 15.278; 36.973
90; 90; 90
7540Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555629 CIFC28 H44 O9P 21 21 219.3211; 11.4032; 26.089
90; 90; 90
2773Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555630 CIFC28 H40 O9C 1 2 126.073; 7.8003; 29.094
90; 91.171; 90
5916Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555631 CIFC24 H30 O3P 1 21 16.2298; 12.745; 12.605
90; 99.799; 90
986.2Ren, Jian; Shi, Xin; Li, Xiao-Nian; Li, Lai-Wei; Su, Jia; Shao, Li-Dong; Zhao, Qin-Shi
Synthesis of a Small-Molecule Library with Skeletal Diversity from Hemslecin A via the Reaction-Discovery Strategy.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3948-3951
1555632 CIFC12 H13 N O3P b c a12.5299; 11.0917; 15.3671
90; 90; 90
2135.69Patzelt, Christoph; Pöthig, Alexander; Gulder, Tanja
Iodine(III)-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions Enabling a Direct Access to β-Lactams and α-Hydroxy-β-amino Acids.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3466-3469
1555633 CIFC33 H32 N2 O2 PtC 1 c 15.767; 26.604; 17.464
90; 96.051; 90
2664.5Saris, Patrick J. G.; Thompson, Mark E.
Gram Scale Synthesis of Benzophenanthroline and Its Blue Phosphorescent Platinum Complex.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3960-3963
1555634 CIFC22 H14 N2P 1 21/c 19.5057; 14.8773; 11.4295
90; 110.562; 90
1513.38Saris, Patrick J. G.; Thompson, Mark E.
Gram Scale Synthesis of Benzophenanthroline and Its Blue Phosphorescent Platinum Complex.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3960-3963
1555635 CIFC20 H26 N2 O2P 21 21 219.01057; 10.9727; 17.5326
90; 90; 90
1733.45Tokuda, Ryoko; Okamoto, Yoshiki; Koyama, Tetsuya; Kogure, Noriyuki; Kitajima, Mariko; Takayama, Hiromitsu
Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Kopsiyunnanine K, a Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloid with a Rearranged Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3490-3493
1555636 CIFC35 H22P 1 21/c 112.558; 14.18; 26.385
90; 102.72; 90
4583Oyama, Hiromi; Akiyama, Midori; Nakano, Koji; Naito, Masanobu; Nobusawa, Kazuyuki; Nozaki, Kyoko
Synthesis and Properties of [7]Helicene-like Compounds Fused with a Fluorene Unit.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3654-3657
1555637 CIFC29 H16 OP b c a13.816; 13.862; 19.248
90; 90; 90
3686.3Oyama, Hiromi; Akiyama, Midori; Nakano, Koji; Naito, Masanobu; Nobusawa, Kazuyuki; Nozaki, Kyoko
Synthesis and Properties of [7]Helicene-like Compounds Fused with a Fluorene Unit.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3654-3657
1555638 CIFC41 H26P 21 21 219.8499; 11.1882; 24.6237
90; 90; 90
2713.6Oyama, Hiromi; Akiyama, Midori; Nakano, Koji; Naito, Masanobu; Nobusawa, Kazuyuki; Nozaki, Kyoko
Synthesis and Properties of [7]Helicene-like Compounds Fused with a Fluorene Unit.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 3654-3657
1555639 CIFC24 H17 N OP n a 2115.3059; 12.1881; 9.628
90; 90; 90
1796.1Chen, Si; Wu, Xin-Xing; Wang, Jia; Hao, Xin-Hua; Xia, Yu; Shen, Yi; Jing, Huanwang; Liang, Yong-Min
Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Dearomatization of Indoles via Decarboxylative Alkynyl Termination.
Organic letters, 2016, 18, 4016-4019

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