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1000105 CIFF24 Fe2 Mn Pb8P 1 21/a 120.181; 5.625; 9.438
90; 105; 90
1034.9Le Bail, A; Mercier, A M
Crystal structure of Pb~8~MnFe~2~F~24~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 183-190
1000106 CIFAl Cs F4I -4 c 211.8101; 11.8101; 13.3741
90; 90; 90
1865.4Bentrup, U; Le Bail, A; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Polymorphism of CsAlF~4~.Synthesis and structure of two new crystalline forms
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 371-381
1000107 CIFAl Cs F4P n m a10.5576; 6.75; 17.5954
90; 90; 90
1253.9Bentrup, U; Le Bail, A; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Polymorphism of CsAlF~4~.Synthesis and structure of two new crystalline forms
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 371-381
1000162 CIFF3 Fe K0.6P b a 212.75; 12.637; 3.986
90; 90; 90
642.2Hardy, A.-M.; Hardy, A.; Ferey, G.
Structure cristalline du bronze pseudo-quadratique K~0.6~ Fe F~3~: Transition pyrochlore-quadratique pour les composes K M M'~6~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1654-1658
1000305 CIFCr F6 Na SrP 1 21/c 15.5676; 9.2937; 9.5858
90; 93.201; 90
495.2Hemon, A.; Courbion, G.
Synthesis and crystal structures of β-NaSrCrF~6~ and NaSrFeF~6~. Structural correlations with A~2~MF~6~ compounds
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 519-531
1000306 CIFF6 Fe Na SrP 21 21 215.4053; 9.3103; 10.3823
90; 90; 90
522.5Hemon, A.; Courbion, G.
Synthesis and crystal structures of β-NaSrCrF~6~ and NaSrFeF~6~. Structural correlations with A~2~MF~6~ compounds
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 519-531
1000332 CIFBa F4 O TiP b c m5.1719; 13.7555; 5.5178
90; 90; 90
392.5Crosnier, M P; Fourquet, J L
Synthesis and crystal structure of BaTiOF~4~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 199-206
1000333 CIFLi2 O7 P2 PdI m m a12.5858; 7.4955; 5.8116
90; 90; 90
548.2Laligant, Y
Crystal structure of Li~2~PdP~2~O~7~ solved from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 239-247
1000337 CIFNa2 O7 P2 PdC 1 2/c 114.693; 5.8551; 7.922
90; 114.11; 90
622.1Laligant, Y
Structure determination of Na~2~PdP~2~O~7~ from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 83-94
1000365 CIFF7 Li3 ThP 4/n c c :26.2096; 6.2096; 12.9628
90; 90; 90
499.8Laligant, Y; Ferey, G; El Ghozzi, M; Avignant, D
Thermal study of Li3 Th F7 ionic conductor by neutron diffraction: conduction pathways
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 497-504
1000366 CIFF7 Li3 ThP 4/n c c :26.21785; 6.21785; 12.9836
90; 90; 90
502Laligant, Y; Ferey, G; El Ghozzi, M; Avignant, D
Thermal study of Li3 Th F7 ionic conductor by neutron diffraction: conduction pathways
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 497-504
1000367 CIFF7 Li3 ThP 4/n c c :26.2301; 6.2301; 13.0153
90; 90; 90
505.2Laligant, Y; Ferey, G; El Ghozzi, M; Avignant, D
Thermal study of Li3 Th F7 ionic conductor by neutron diffraction: conduction pathways
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 497-504
1000368 CIFF7 Li3 ThP 4/n c c :26.24774; 6.24774; 13.0604
90; 90; 90
509.8Laligant, Y; Ferey, G; El Ghozzi, M; Avignant, D
Thermal study of Li3 Th F7 ionic conductor by neutron diffraction: conduction pathways
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 497-504
1001032 CIFNb2 O6 PbC m 2 m17.65; 17.92; 3.87
90; 90; 90
1224Labbe, P; Frey, M; Allais, G
Nouvelles donnes structurales sur la variete ferroelectrique du metaniobate de plomb Pb Nb~2~ O~6~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2204-2210
1001506 CIFCu2 O5.667 Pr Sr2I m m m3.7626; 11.5157; 20.1199
90; 90; 90
871.8Lucas, S; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
The layered cuprates Sr~2-x~Ln~1+x~Cu~2~O~6-d~: a structure built up from the two limit structures Sr~2~LnCu~2~O~6~ and Sr~6~Ln~3~Cu~6~O~17~ (Ln=Pr,Y)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 399-409
1001507 CIFAl0.8 K5 Nb7.2 O34 P5P 1 2/c 113.747; 6.446; 20.588
90; 124.94; 90
1495.5Leclaire, A.; Guerioune, M.; Borel, M. M.; Grandin, A.; Raveau, B.
Insertion of potassium in the α-K~4~Nb~8~P~5~O~34~ structure: the niobium phosphates α-K~5~Nb~8-x~M~x~P~5~O~34~
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 473-483
1001536 CIFK3 Na3 Nb8 O35 P5R 3 2 :H8.961; 8.961; 30.204
90; 90; 120
2100.4Gueho, C; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
A new series of phosphates with the Na~6~Nb~8~P~5~O~35~ structure
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1253-1261
1001841 CIFLa3 O8 ReP 1 21 1 (c,2*a+c,b)17.53499; 11.889; 12.816
90; 90; 90
2671.8Baud, G; Besse, J; Chevalier, R; Gasperin, M
Structure cristalline de La3 Re O8
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 267-272
1004046 CIFBa2 Fe6 O11P n n m23.024; 5.181; 8.9
90; 90; 90
1061.7Boivin, J C; Thomas, D; Pouillard, G; Perrot, P
Determination de la structure cristalline du ferrite de baryium Ba Fe~6~ O~11~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 101-108
1004047 CIFLa3 O10 Os2C 1 2/m 17.911; 7.963; 6.966
90; 115.76; 90
395.2Abraham, F; Trehoux, J; Thomas, D
L A Os~2~ O~10~, a new compound containing isolated clusters Os~2~ O~10~ with metal-metal bonds
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 73-79
1004057 CIFO3 WP 6/m m m7.298; 7.298; 3.899
90; 90; 120
179.8Gerand, B; Nowogrocki, G; Guenot, J; Figlarz, M
Structural study of a new hexagonal form of tungsten trioxide
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 429-434
1005045 CIFCa3 Cr N3C m c m8.503; 10.284; 5.032
90; 90; 90
440Vennos, D A; Badding, M E; Disalvo, F J
Synthesis, structure, and properties of a new ternary metal Ca3 Cr N3
Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 29, 4059-4062
1005046 CIFSi Ta4 Te4P b a m10.536; 18.27499; 4.799
90; 90; 90
924Badding, M E; Disalvo, F J
Synthesis and structure of Ta4 Si Te4, a new low-dimensional material
Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 29, 3952-3954
1006117 CIFCu0.96 La2 O6 Ti1.04P n m a5.575; 7.866; 5.579
90; 90; 90
244.7Palacin, M R; Bassas, J; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Fuertes, A; Casan-Pastor, N; Gomez-Romero, P
Studies of the formation and reduction of a mixed three-dimensional perovskite of copper and titanium
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 973-980
1007205 CIFH10 N2 O7 P2P 1 21/a 19.058; 11.199; 7.764
90; 108.4; 90
747.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structure of diammonium-dihydrogeno-diphosphate: (NH~4~)~2~H~2~P~2~O~7~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 191-198
1007207 CIFAg2 H2 O7 P2F d d d :227.779; 12.385; 7.026
90; 90; 90
2417.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structure of silver-dihydrogeno-diphospate: Ag~2~H~2~P~2~O~7~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 993-999
1007208 CIFH2 K7 N O22 P6P 19.7; 9.749; 6.543
107.23; 106.37; 75.88
558.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structural characterization of a series of cyclohexaphosphate nitrates: M~6~P~6~O~18~.MNO~3~.H~2~O. (M=K, NH~4~ and Rb)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1161-1172
1008033 CIFCo3 O8 U2P n n m5.11; 10.3; 6.15
90; 90; 90
323.7Bacmann, M
Structure cristalline du nouveau compose Co U~2~ O~8~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1570-1572
1008048 CIFO7 Ti4A -15.5942; 7.1216; 12.46
95.05; 95.19; 108.76
464.5Hodeau, J L; Marezio, M
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in (Ti~0.9975~ V~0.0025~)~4~ O~7~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 47-62
1008049 CIFO7 Ti4A -15.5943; 7.1297; 12.484
95; 95.426; 109.023
464.9Hodeau, J L; Marezio, M
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in (Ti~0.9975~ V~0.0025~)~4~ O~7~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 47-62
1008050 CIFO7 Ti4A -15.6235; 7.1984; 12.4018
95.056; 95.55; 109.676
466.6Hodeau, J L; Marezio, M
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in (Ti~0.9975~ V~0.0025~)~4~ O~7~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 47-62
1008154 CIFCr Dy O3P b n m5.263; 5.52; 7.552
90; 90; 90
219.4Bertaut, E F; Mareschal, J
Structure Magnetique de Dy Cr O~3~
Journal de Physique (Paris), 1968, 29, 67-73
1008180 CIFCa Cu3 O12 Ti4I m -37.391; 7.391; 7.391
90; 90; 90
403.7Bochu, B; Deschizeaux, M N; Joubert, J C; Collomb, A; Chenavas, J; Marezio, M
Synthese et caracterisation d'une serie de titanates Perowskites isotypes de (Ca Cu~3~) (Mn~4~) O~12~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 291-298
1008181 CIFCu3 O12 Tb0.71 Ti4I m -37.383; 7.383; 7.383
90; 90; 90
402.4Bochu, B; Deschizeaux, M N; Joubert, J C; Collomb, A; Chenavas, J; Marezio, M
Synthese et caracterisation d'une serie de titanates Perowskites isotypes de (Ca Cu~3~) (Mn~4~) O~12~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 291-298
1008450 CIFAl6 O18 Sr9P a -315.8476; 15.8476; 15.8476
90; 90; 90
3980.1Alonso, J A; Rasines, I; Soubeyroux, J L
Tristrontium dialuminium hexaoxide: An intricate superstructure of perovskite
Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 29, 4768-4771
1008953 CIFLa2 O9 Si Ti2C 1 2/m 117.02899; 5.7415; 7.631
90; 111.221; 90
695.5Benbertal, D; Mosset, A; Trombe, J C
Synthese et structure cristalline d'un nouveau silicate de lanthane et de titane
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 47-54
1010062 CIFI2 PbP -3 m 14.59; 4.59; 6.78
90; 90; 120
123.7Terpstra, P; Westenbrink, H G K
On the crystal-structure of lead-iodide
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, 1926, 29, 431-442
1010063 CIFHg I2P 42/n m c :14.357; 4.357; 12.36
90; 90; 90
234.6Bijvoet, J M; Claassen, A; Karssen, A
The crystal structure of red mercuric iodide
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, 1926, 29, 529-546
1010064 CIFLi2 OF m -3 m4.61; 4.61; 4.61
90; 90; 90
98Bijvoet, J M; Claassen, A; Karssen, A
The scattering power of lithium and oxygen, determined from the diffraction-intensities of powdered lithiumoxide.
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, 1926, 29, 1286-1292
1010840 CIFCo2 Si7.095; 4.908; 3.73
90; 90; 90
129.9Boren, B; Stahl, S; Westgren, A
Kristallstruktur und Zusammensetzung des rhombischen Kobaltsilicides.
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1935, 29, 231-235
1010857 CIFC W2; ;
; ;
Andrews, M R; Dushman, S
Diffusion of Carbon Thru Tungsten and Tungsten Carbide
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1925, 29, 462-472
1100039 CIFN Ti0.76F m -3 m4.235; 4.235; 4.235
90; 90; 90
76Christensen, A. N.
A Neutron Diffraction Investigation on Single Crystals of Titanium Carbide, Titanium Nitride, and Zirconium Nitride
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1975, 29, 563-564
1100103 CIFH12 Mg O9 SR 3 :H8.83; 8.83; 9.075
90; 90; 120
612.8Flack, H
Etude de la structure cristalline du sulfite de magnesium hexahydrate, Mg S O3 (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 656-658
1100297 CIFC24 H24 N2 OP -18.225; 10.598; 12.754
96.3; 105.52; 106.17
1008.23Reetz, M. T.; Drewes, M. W.; Harms, K.; Reif, W.
Stereoselective cyanohydrin-forming reactions of chiral α-amino aldehydes
Tetrahedron Letters, 1988, 29, 3295-3298
1100315 CIFC32 H72 Li8 O4P 1 21/n 111.024; 23.659; 16.377
90; 101.83; 90
4180.67Marsch, Michael; Harms, Klaus; Lochmann, Lubomir; Boche, Gernot
[nBuLi · LiOtBu]~4~, Solid-State Structure of an n-Butyllithium‒Lithiumtert-Butoxide Complex
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1990, 29, 308-309
1100317 CIFC16 H15 Cr N O4P 1 21/c 18.854; 13.399; 25.919
90; 95.38; 90
3061.35Dötz, Karl Heinz; Schäfer, Thomas; Harms, Klaus
Synthesis of Nitrogen Heterocycles by Diastereoselective Intramolecular Aminocarbene Annelation
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1990, 29, 176-177
1100319 CIFC12 H16 Cl4 O2 SnP 21 21 219.695; 12.819; 13.696
90; 90; 90
1702.14Reetz, M. T.; Harms, K.; Reif, W.
An X-ray structural analysis of a chiral α-alkoxy-ketone/SnCl~4~ chelate
Tetrahedron Letters, 1988, 29, 5881-5884
1100320 CIFC9 H10 Cl4 O2 SnP 1 21/c 114.876; 13.72; 14.101
90; 99.43; 90
2839.1Reetz, M. T.; Harms, K.; Reif, W.
An X-ray structural analysis of a chiral α-alkoxy-ketone/SnCl~4~ chelate
Tetrahedron Letters, 1988, 29, 5881-5884
1101093 CIFC34 H42 Co N12 O8P -19.7368; 12.3461; 17.1837
78.372; 74.585; 71.113
1869Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Antonio L. Peñas-Chamorro; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
A cobalt(II) complex with the N,N,O-tridentate ligand 6-amino-5-formyl-1,3-dimethyluracilato-benzoyl-hydrazone
Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 1999, 29, 283-286
1101105 CIFC20 H42 N8 Ni O22P 17.152; 8.83; 13.783
82.024; 86.155; 70.9
814.3Francisca Barrios; Juan M. Salas; M. Purificación Sánchez; Miguel Quirós; René Faure
X-ray crystal structure of tetraaquabis(xanthosinato) nickel(II) hexahydrate
Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 1999, 29, 1009-1013
1101107 CIFC16 H22 Cl2 Cu N8 O15P 21 21 218.749; 14.213; 21.2
90; 90; 90
2636.2Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Sonia B. Jiménez-Pulido; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Crystal structure of the Λ-[4M] enantiomer of cis-diaqua-bis(1,3-dimethylpteridine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione-N^5^,O^4^) copper(II) perchlorate monohydrate
Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 1999, 29, 571-574
1500028 CIFC18 H29 Cu N13 O4P 1 21/c 18.4355; 40.985; 7.1685
90; 113.298; 90
2276.3Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 372-378
1500029 CIFC16 H32 Cu N14 O6P -17.5499; 8.1885; 10.9247
108.819; 96.302; 97.634
625.18Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 372-378
1500038 CIFC16 H34 N14 Ni O7P -18.1905; 8.2396; 10.8651
95.215; 95.77; 117.933
636.5Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 372-378
1501553 CIFC10 H24 Ag Cl O4 S4P 1 21/c 18.0656; 21.8175; 10.5558
90; 93.691; 90
1853.66Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501554 CIFC10 H24 Ag B F4 S4P 1 21/c 18.0371; 21.6514; 10.4766
90; 92.324; 90
1821.58Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501555 CIFC9 H18 Ag F3 O4 S3P 21 21 218.0541; 9.6501; 21.099
90; 90; 90
1639.87Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501556 CIFC5 H12 Ag F6 S2 SbC 1 2/c 118.1075; 7.9194; 18.0488
90; 100.504; 90
2544.83Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501557 CIFC19 H22 Ag2 O4 S2C 1 2/c 125.716; 7.8986; 9.9444
90; 94.775; 90
2012.9Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501558 CIFC7 H12 Ag F3 O2 S2P b c a7.6138; 16.0573; 19.894
90; 90; 90
2432.2Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501559 CIFC9 H12 Ag F7 O2 S2P -17.8429; 8.186; 12.5548
78.115; 74.271; 77.759
748.72Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501560 CIFC7 H12 Ag F2 O2 S2P -17.6593; 8.315; 10
112.09; 107.066; 94.179
551.93Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1509359 CIFAg GdP m -3 m3.653; 3.653; 3.653
90; 90; 90
48.747Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolonio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1960, 29, 62-69
1509480 CIFAg NdP m -3 m3.711; 3.711; 3.711
90; 90; 90
51.106Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1960, 29, 62-69
1509512 CIFAg PrP m -3 m3.735; 3.735; 3.735
90; 90; 90
52.104Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1960, 29, 62-69
1509600 CIFAg1.5 In1.5 Mo3 O12I 414.998; 4.998; 36.725
90; 90; 90
917.391Solodovnikov, S.F.; Klevtsov, P.V.; Perepelitsa, A.P.; Klevtsova, R.F.
The crystal structure and thermal stability of Ag In (Mo O4)2
Kristallografiya, 1984, 29, 701-707
1510254 CIFAu Nb3P m -3 n5.208; 5.208; 5.208
90; 90; 90
141.258Muller, J.; Flukiger, R.; Spitzli, P.; Heiniger, F.
Annealing conditions and superconducting behaviour of Nb-based A15-type compounds
Physics Letters A, 1969, 29, 407-408
1510277 CIFAu0.5 Nb3 Pt0.5P m -3 n5.182; 5.182; 5.182
90; 90; 90
139.153Fluekiger, R.; Heiniger, F.; Muller, J.; Spitzli, P.
Annealing conditions and superconductiong behaviour od Nb-based A15-type compounds
Physics Letters A, 1969, 29, 407-408
1510380 CIFAu2 Ce Si2I 4/m m m4.3005; 4.3005; 10.2116
90; 90; 90
188.856Parks, R.D.; Murgai, V.; Lawrence, J.M.; Grier, B.H.
Magnetic ordering in Ce M2 Si2 (M= Ag, Au, Pd, Rh) compounds as studied by neutron diffraction
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 2664-2672
1510695 CIFB2 Ba2 O6 ZnP c a 2115.068; 8.72; 10.128
90; 90; 90
1330.75Smith, R.W.; Koliha, L.J.
A new noncentrosymmetric orthoborate (Ba2 Zn (B O3)2)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 1203-1210
1511242 CIFB NF m m m2.5; 4.34; 3.35
90; 90; 90
36.347Kurdyumov, A.V.; Oleinik, G.S.
Metastable structures of graphite-like boron nitride
Kristallografiya, 1984, 29, 792-793
1511456 CIFB Be2 F2 Na O3C 1 2 112.643; 8.729; 7.591
90; 113.6; 90
767.681Chen, C.-T.; Mei, L.-F.; Wang, Y.-B.
Crystal structure of sodium beryllium borate fluoride
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 81-87
1511557 CIFB5 Sm2P 1 21/c 17.18; 7.205; 7.179
90; 102.02; 90
363.241Mikhalenko, S.I.; Zavalii, L.V.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
Sm2 B5 boride and ist structure
Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 1990, 29, 471-473
1511651 CIFB68 Fe68 Ho20P -4 c 26.983; 6.983; 66.67
90; 90; 90
3250.98Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Zavalii, P.Yu.; Gubich, I.B.
Boride Ho20 (Fe4 B4)17 - a new member of incommensurate structures
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 289-290
1511732 CIFB4 Er NiI 4/m m m7.505; 7.505; 8.496
90; 90; 90
478.537Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Bilonizhko, N.S.; Pecharskii, V.K.; Aksel'rud, L.G.
The crystal structure of Er Ni B4 and its analogs
Kristallografiya, 1984, 29, 431-434
1512924 CIFC2 H22 Br3 La O9P b c a12.654; 12.9686; 19.864
90; 90; 90
3259.8Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512925 CIFC6 H24 Br2 Ca O6P -38.386; 8.386; 6.8655
90; 90; 120
418.13Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512926 CIFC5 H20 Br3 La O5P 1 c 110.1803; 14.794; 10.6387
90; 106.532; 90
1536Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512927 CIFC5 H15 Br3 La O5P n a 2112.3556; 9.9655; 12.5633
90; 90; 90
1546.9Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512928 CIFC8 H32 Cl6 La2 O8P 1 21/c 18.75; 18.635; 8.278
90; 108.958; 90
1276.6Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512929 CIFC10 H40 I3 La O10P 1 21/c 115.941; 8.5737; 20.14
90; 93.625; 90
2747.1Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512930 CIFC12 H24 Br3 O3 ScP b c n8.783; 13.884; 14.54
90; 90; 90
1773.1Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512931 CIFC16 H32 Br3 Nd O4P -18.2662; 9.3601; 15.485
79.185; 87.106; 74.956
1136.5Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512932 CIFC20 H20 Br3 N4 NdP b c a16.998; 17.515; 32.617
90; 90; 90
9711Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512982 CIFC13 H15 Cu N3 O6 SP -17.0926; 9.5222; 11.4002
80.361; 81.178; 85.604
749.06Amal Cherian Kathalikkattil; Kamal Kumar Bisht; P.S. Subramanian; Eringathodi Suresh
Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystallographic investigation of 2-D hybrid hydrogen bonded and rectangular grid networks in Cu(II) and Co(II) metal complexes
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1801-1809
1512983 CIFC13 H15 Co N3 O7 SP 1 21/c 111.53; 13.921; 10.17
90; 95.452; 90
1625Amal Cherian Kathalikkattil; Kamal Kumar Bisht; P.S. Subramanian; Eringathodi Suresh
Synthesis, characterization and X-ray crystallographic investigation of 2-D hybrid hydrogen bonded and rectangular grid networks in Cu(II) and Co(II) metal complexes
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1801-1809
1513092 CIFC20 H31 N O7P 1 21/c 135.507; 4.9795; 12.075
90; 97.548; 90
2116.4Janni, D. Sirisha; K. Manheri, Muraleedharan
Hierarchical Preferences of Hydroxylated Oxanorbornane-Based Achiral Amphiphiles
Langmuir, 2013, 29, 15182
1513881 CIFF5 Fe K2P n m a7.3964; 5.6779; 11.5445
90; 90; 90
484.82Le Bail, Armel
On two new K~2~FeF~5~ forms
Powder Diffraction, 2014, 29, 33-41
1513882 CIFF5 Fe K2C 1 2/m 113.0919; 5.7311; 7.3114
90; 118.241; 90
483.281Le Bail, Armel
On two new K~2~FeF~5~ forms
Powder Diffraction, 2014, 29, 33-41
1516772 CIFC12 H23 Cl O11P 1 21 18.048; 8.682; 12.059
90; 107.03; 90
805.6Takashi Fujimoto; Daisuke Miura; Akari Iwamoto; Tomoya Machinami; Mitsuru Tashiro
Crystal Structure of β-D-Fructofuranosyl 4-chloro-4-deoxy-α-D-galactopyranoside
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 43-44
1520819 CIFH19.72 Li6 O27.86 P6C 1 2/c 115.113; 12.006; 15.892
90; 122.85; 90
2422.45Chaabane, T. Ben; Smiri-Dogguy, L.
Synthesis and crystal structure of a new lithium cyclohexaphosphate hydrate: Li~6~P~6~O~18~ * 10(H~2~O)
Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 1999, 29, 323-327
1521099 CIFAg N3I b a m5.6; 5.98; 5.998
90; 90; 90
200.861Guo, G.-C.; Wang, Q.-M.; Mak, T. C. W.
Structure refinement and Raman spectrum of silver azide
Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 1999, 29, 561-564
1521969 CIFC5 H2 Fe N6 O2 Rb2C 1 2/c 113.987; 10.241; 18.151
90; 110.94; 90
2428.25Soria, D. B.; Piro, O. E.; Castellano, E. E.; Aymonino, P. J.
Crystal and molecular structure determination, TGA, DTA, and infrared and Raman spectra of rubidium nitroprusside monohydrate, Rb~2~[Fe(CN)~5~NO] . (H~2~O)
Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 1999, 29, 75-80
1522896 CIFLu6 Ni2 SnI m m m9.141; 9.279; 9.71
90; 90; 90
823.596Sichevich, O.M.; Grin', Yu.; Komarovskaya, L.P.; Skolozdra, R.V.; Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.
Magnetic properties and crystal structure of R6 Ga (Co, Ni)2 and R6 Sn Ni2 compounds
Ukrains'kii Fizichnii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition), 1984, 29, 1342-1345
1523024 CIFO9 Pr5P 1 21/c 16.728; 19.319; 15.48
90; 125.46; 90
1638.87Tuenge, R.T.; Eyring, L.
On the structure of the intermediate phases in the praseodymium oxide system
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 165-179
1523532 CIFFe2 Ni3 ThP 6/m m m5.0052; 5.0052; 4.0582
90; 90; 120
88.045Elemans, J.B.A.A.; Buschow, K.H.J.; Zandbergen, H.W.; de Jong, J.P.
Magnetic order in the pseudo-binary system Th (Fe1-x Nix)5
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1975, 29, 595-600
1523539 CIFNd0.75 Pu0.25P 63/m m c3.597; 3.597; 11.612
90; 90; 120
130.112Ellinger, F.H.; Land, C.C.; Johnson, K.A.
Binary systems of plutonium with Pr, Nd and Sm
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1969, 29, 178-183
1523540 CIFPu0.25 Sm0.75P 63/m m c3.565; 3.565; 11.51
90; 90; 120
126.685Ellinger, F.H.; Johnson, K.A.; Land, C.C.
Binary systems of plutonium with Pr, Nd and Sm
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1969, 29, 178-183
1523602 CIFMg5 Pd2P 63/m m c8.644; 8.644; 8.16
90; 90; 120
528.02Ferro, R.
Ricerche sulle leghe dei metalli nobili con gli elementi piu electropositivi. IV. Le fasi gamma dei sistemi Mg-Rh e Mg-Pd
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 8 (1, 1946-), 1960, 29, 70-73
1523603 CIFMg5 Rh2P 63/m m c8.536; 8.536; 8.025
90; 90; 120
506.389Ferro, R.
Ricerche sulle leghe dei metalli nobili con gli elementi piu electropositivi. IV. Le fasi gamma dei sistemi Mg-Rh e Mg-Pd
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 8 (1, 1946-), 1960, 29, 70-73
1523707 CIFNi17.33925 Th1.83P 63/m m c8.36; 8.36; 8.16
90; 90; 120
493.894Givord, D.; James, W.J.; Lemaire, R.; Givord, F.; Shah, J.S.
Evidence of disordered substitution in the Th2 Ni17-type structure. Exact structure determination of the Th-Ni, Y-Ni and Er-Co compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 389-396
1523708 CIFNi17.3 Y1.85P 63/m m c8.3; 8.3; 8.04
90; 90; 120
479.67Givord, D.; Givord, F.; Lemaire, R.; Shah, J.S.; James, W.J.
Evidence of disordered substitutions in the "Th2 Ni17-type" structure. Exact structure determination of the Th-Ni, Y-Ni and Er-Co compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 389-396
1523855 CIFGd HgP m -3 m3.719; 3.719; 3.719
90; 90; 90
51.437Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 8 (1, 1946-), 1960, 29, 62-69
1523856 CIFGd Pb3P m -3 m4.828; 4.828; 4.828
90; 90; 90
112.539Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 8 (1, 1946-), 1960, 29, 62-69
1523857 CIFGd Tl3P m -3 m4.69; 4.69; 4.69
90; 90; 90
103.162Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 8 (1, 1946-), 1960, 29, 62-69
1524065 CIFCu Th2P 6/m m m4.3789; 4.3789; 3.4877
90; 90; 120
57.916Berlin, B.
Formationn of the intermediate phases of the system thorium-copper in liquid sodium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 337-348
1524099 CIFO8.85 Te3 U0.91P a -311.335; 11.335; 11.335
90; 90; 90
1456.35Brandstaetter, F.
Non-stoichiometric, hydrothermally synthesized cliffordite
TMPM. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (1979-), 1981, 29, 1-8
1524125 CIFCr0.5 Cu1.5 La Ni3P 6/m m m5.052; 5.052; 4.025
90; 90; 120
88.966Burnasheva, V.V.; Pertrova, L.A.; Semenenko, K.N.
The reaction of hydrogen with the compounds La Ni5-x (T1, T2)x, where T1, T2= Al, Cr, Fe, Cu
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1984, 29, 500-504
1524126 CIFCu Fe La Ni3P 6/m m m5.072; 5.072; 4.035
90; 90; 120
89.894Burnasheva, V.V.; Petrova, L.A.; Semenenko, K.N.
The reaction of hydrogern with the compounds La Ni5-x (T1, T2)x, where T1,T2= Al, Cr, Fe, Cu
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1984, 29, 869-874
1524182 CIFCe Os2F d -3 m :17.576; 7.576; 7.576
90; 90; 90
434.83Cannon, F.C.; Robertson, D.L.; Hall, H.T.
The effect of high-pressure on the formation of L Ru2 and L Os2 (L= lanthanide) compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 141-146
1524307 CIFFe0.5 Ni0.5 ThP -3 m 14.9789; 4.9789; 4.0336
90; 90; 120
86.594Elemans, J.B.A.A.; Buschow, K.H.J.; Zandbergen, H.W.; de Jong, J.P.
Magnetic order in the pseudo-binary system Th (Fe1-x Nix)5
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1975, 29, 595-600
1524319 CIFCo FeI m -3 m2.8486; 2.8486; 2.8486
90; 90; 90
23.115Ellis, W.C.; Greiner, E.S.
Equilibrium relations in the solid state of the iron- cobalt system
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1941, 29, 415-432
1524392 CIFCa2 O15 Ta5 TlP m m 210.495; 7.607; 3.868
90; 90; 90
308.804Ganne, M.; Dion, M.; Tournoux, M.; Verbaere, A.
Sur une nouvelle famille structurale M2(II) M(I) Ta5 O15 structure cristalline de Ca Tl Ta5 O15
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 9-13
1524424 CIFFe17.36 Lu1.83P 63/m m c8.387; 8.387; 8.292
90; 90; 120
505.13Givord, D.; Lemaire, R.; Moreau, J.M.; Roudaut, E.
X-ray and neutron determination of a so-called Th2 Ni17-type structure in the lutetium-iron system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 361-369
1524425 CIFCo17.2 Er1.9P 63/m m c8.32; 8.32; 8.12
90; 90; 120
486.781Givord, D.; Givord, F.; Lemaire, R.; Shah, J.S.; James, W.J.
Evidence of disordered substitution in the "Th2 Ni17-type" structure. Exact structure determination of the Th-Ni, Y-Ni and Er-Co compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 389-396
1524480 CIFBr Cu Se3P m n a14.363; 4.488; 7.696
90; 90; 90
496.093Haendler, H.M.; Carkner, P.M.; Boudreau, S.M.; Boudreau, R.A.
The crystal structure of copper bromide triselenide, Cu Br Se
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 35-39
1524496 CIFCe0.11 Pd0.89F m -3 m3.98; 3.98; 3.98
90; 90; 90
63.045Harris, I.R.; Norman, M.; Gardner, W.E.
The electronic state of cerium in some Ce Rh3-x Pdx alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 299-309
1524497 CIFCe Rh3P m -3 m4.0228; 4.0228; 4.0228
90; 90; 90
65.101Harris, I.R.; Norman, M.; Gardner, W.E.
The electronic state of cerium in some Ce Rh3-x Pdx alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 299-309
1524567 CIFCd SmP m -3 m3.771; 3.771; 3.771
90; 90; 90
53.625Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 8 (1, 1946-), 1960, 29, 62-69
1525095 CIFB18 N2P 42/n n m :18.646; 8.646; 5.127
90; 90; 90
383.26Ploog, K.; Kossobutzki, K.H.; Amberger, E.; Schmidt, H.; Will, G.
B48 B2 C2 und B48 B2 N2, zwei Nichtmetaalboride mit der Struktur des sog. I Tetragonalen Bors
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 161-169
1525100 CIFCe Cu2.5 Ni2.5P 6/m m m5.014; 5.014; 4.029
90; 90; 120
87.72Pop, I.; Pop, R.; Coldea, M.N.
The crystalline structure of the intermetallic compounds Ce Cu5-x Nix
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolayi, Physica, 1984, 29, 27-30
1525164 CIFLa2.1108 Nb9.8488 S11.96P 21 21 219.995; 5.8265; 23.817
90; 90; 90
1387Roesky, R.; Meerschaut, A.; van der Lee, A.; Rouxel, J.
Structural study of a niobium-lanthanum sulfide compound [(Nb1-x Lax S) Nb S2, x~0.3; the first 'self-misfit'compound]
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 1149-1155
1525275 CIFCo2 Ga Gd6I m m m9.4; 9.552; 9.872
90; 90; 90
886.395Sichevich, O.M.; Komarovskaya, L.P.; Grin', Yu.; Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.; Skolozdra, R.V.
Magnetic properties and crystal structure of R6 Ga (Co, Ni)2 and R6 Ni Sn6 (R= rare earth elements)
Ukrains'kii Fizichnii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition), 1984, 29, 1342-1345
1525306 CIFCo3 Ho0.33 Sn3P 6/m m m5.364; 5.364; 4.26
90; 90; 120
106.149Skolozdra, R.V.; Koretskaya, O.E.
Magnetic properties and crystal structure of R Co6 Sn6 compounds (R= Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu)
Ukrains'kii Fizichnii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition), 1984, 29, 877-879
1525307 CIFCu8 Gd6 Sn8I m m m14.737; 6.946; 4.474
90; 90; 90
457.973Skolozdra, R.V.; Aksel'rud, L.G.; Komarovskaya, L.P.
Crystal structures and magnetic properties of R6 Cu8 Sn8 compounds (R= Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm)
Ukrains'kii Fizichnii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition), 1984, 29, 1395-1398
1527207 CIFCu0.5 Fe0.5 PtP 4/m m m2.759; 2.759; 3.5845
90; 90; 90
27.286Cabri, L.J.; Genkin, A.D.
Re-examinaion of Pt alloys from lode and placer deposites, Urals
Canadian Mineralogist, 1991, 29, 419-425
1527550 CIFSm ZnP m -3 m3.622; 3.622; 3.622
90; 90; 90
47.517Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolonio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, Serie 8 (1, 1946-), 1960, 29, 62-69
1527778 CIFFe Zr3C m c m3.321; 10.966; 8.825
90; 90; 90
321.39Matkovic, P.; Matkovic, T.; Vickovic, I.
Crystal structure of the compound Fe Zr3
Metalurgija, Croatia, 1990, 29, 3-6
1527832 CIFTi0.89 V0.11P 63/m m c2.923; 2.923; 4.775
90; 90; 120
35.331Ming, L.-C.; Maghnani, M.H.; Katahara, K.W.
Phase transformations in the Ti-V system under high pressure up to 25 GPa
Acta Metallurgica, 1981, 29, 479-485
1528385 CIFCa0.89 Mg1.11 O6 Si1.98C 1 2/c 19.738; 8.918; 5.248
90; 106.08; 90
437.924Bruno, E.; Carbonin, S.; Molin, G.
Crystal structures of Ca-rich Clinopyroxenes on the Ca Mg Si2 O6 - Mg2 Si2 O6 join
TMPM. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (1979-), 1982, 29, 223-240
1528639 CIFBa H12 O18 P2 U2P 1 1 21/a9.789; 9.882; 16.868
90; 90; 89.95
1631.72Khosrawan-Sazedj, F.
The crystal structure of meta-uranocircite II, Ba (U O2)2 (P O4)2 (H2 O)6
TMPM. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen (1979-), 1982, 29, 193-204
1530059 CIFD22.6 Mn23 Y6F m -3 m12.805; 12.805; 12.805
90; 90; 90
2099.61Hardman-Rhyne, K.; Rhyne, J.J.; Prince, E.; Crowder, C.; James, W.J.
Magnetic and crystallographic structure of Y6 Mn23 D23
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 416-422
1530060 CIFD23 Mn23 Y6P 4/m m m9.031; 9.031; 12.723
90; 90; 90
1037.68Hardman-Rhyne, K.; Rhyne, J.J.; Prince, E.; Crowder, C.; James, W.J.
Magnetic and crystallographic structure of Y6 Mn23 D23
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 416-422
1530299 CIFNa2 O9 P2 UP n a 2113.259; 8.127; 6.973
90; 90; 90
751.382Linde, S.A.; Gorbunova, Yu.E.; Pobedina, A.B.; Lavrov, A.V.
The synthesis and structure of crystals of sodium uranyl pyrophosphate Na2 U O2 P2 O7
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1984, 29, 1533-1537
1530371 CIFBa3.75 O54 Pr9.5 Ti18P b a 222.36; 12.181; 3.832
90; 90; 90
1043.71Matveeva, R.G.; Ilyushchenko, L.S.; Varfolomeev, M.B.
Refinement of the composition and crystal structure of Ba3.75 Pr9.5 Ti18 O54
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1984, 29, 31-34
1530655 CIFC N RbC 1 c 17.8; 4.876; 9.527
90; 122.25; 90
306.44Rowe, J.M.; Rush, J.J.; Luty, F.
Crystal structure of rubidium cyanide at 4 K determined by neutron powder diffraction
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 2168-2170
1530718 CIFO3 ReI m -37.41; 7.41; 7.41
90; 90; 90
406.869Schirber, J.E.; Morosin, B.; Alkire, R.W.; Vergamini, P.J.; Larson, A.C.
Structure of Re O3 above the "compressibility collapse" transition
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 4150-4151
1531010 CIFD3.6 Fe V ZrP 63/m m c5.431; 5.431; 8.863
90; 90; 120
226.397Yartys', V.A.; Semenenko, K.N.; Burnasheva, V.V.
Crystal structures of hydrides (deuterides) based on intermetallic compounds Zr V T (T= Fe, Cu, Nb) with structures of Mg Zn2 type
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1984, 29, 615-621
1531011 CIFCu D4 V ZrP 63/m m c5.468; 5.468; 8.94
90; 90; 120
231.486Yartys', V.A.; Semenenko, K.N.; Burnasheva, V.V.
Crystal structures of hydrides (deuterides) based on intermetallic compounds Zr V T (T= Fe, Cu, Nb) with structures of Mg Zn2 type
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1984, 29, 615-621
1531012 CIFD5.7 Nb V ZrP 63/m m c5.69; 5.69; 9.288
90; 90; 120
260.422Yartys', V.A.; Burnasheva, V.V.; Semenenko, K.N.
Crystal structures of hydrides (deuterides) based on intermetallic compounds Zr V T (T=Fe,Cu,Nb) with structures of Mg Zn2 type
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1984, 29, 615-621
1531874 CIFAl2 Fe H44 O38 S4P 1 21/c 16.1954; 24.262; 21.262
90; 100.3; 90
3144.45Lovas, G.A.
Structural study of halotrichite from Recsk (Matra Mts, N.Hungary)
Acta Geologica Hungarica, 1986, 29, 389-398
1532332 CIFAl2 O5 SiP b n m7.588; 7.688; 5.777
90; 90; 90
337.01Wondraczek, L.; Borchardt, G.; Kilo, M.; Heide, G.; Nedeljkovic, N.; Jackson, R.A.
Computer simulation of defect structure in sillimanite and mullites
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (Germany), 2002, 29, 341-345
1534026 CIFC2 B18P 42/n n m :18.722; 8.722; 5.08
90; 90; 90
386.452Ploog, K.; Kossobutzki, K.H.; Amberger, E.; Schmidt, H.; Will, G.
B48 B2 C2 und B48 B2 N2, zwei Nichtmetallboride mit der Struktur des sog. I Tetragonalen Bors
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 161-169
1534298 CIFAg Cr S2R 3 m :H3.496; 3.496; 20.53
90; 90; 120
217.301Bongers, P.F.; van Bruggen, C.F.; Koopstra, J.; Omloo, W.P.F.A.M.; Wiegers, G.A.; Jellinek, F.
Structures and magnetic properties of some metal(I) chromium(III) sulfides and selenides
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 977-984
1534299 CIFCr Cu Se2R 3 m :H3.676; 3.676; 19.37
90; 90; 120
226.679Bongers, P.F.; Jellinek, F.; van Bruggen, C.F.; Koopstra, J.; Omloo, W.P.F.A.M.; Wiegers, G.A.
Structures and Magnetic Properties of Some Metal(I) Chromium(III) Sulfides and Selenides
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 977-984
1534300 CIFAg Cr Se2R 3 m :H3.682; 3.682; 21.23
90; 90; 120
249.257Bongers, P.F.; Omloo, W.P.F.A.M.; van Bruggen, C.F.; Koopstra, J.; Wiegers, G.A.; Jellinek, F.
Structures and Magnetic Properties of Some Metal(I) Chromium(III) Sulfides and Selenides
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 977-984
1534571 CIFI4 Tl2 ZnP 1 21 17.661; 7.971; 10.074
90; 118.39; 90
541.191Ammlung, R.L.; Scaringe, R.P.; Whitmore, D.H.; Ibers, J.A.; Shriver, D.F.
Trends in heavy-metal solid state ionic conductors: a comparison of Cu+, Ag+, IN+, and Tl+ transport
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1979, 29, 401-415
1535213 CIFH15 Mo12 O46 PI 41/a m d :216.473; 16.473; 23.336
90; 90; 90
6332.45Strandberg, R.
Multicomponent polyanions. 13. The crystal structure of a hydrated dodecamolybdophosphoric acid, H3 Mo12 P O40 (H2 O)31
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1975, 29, 359-364
1535382 CIFCd Cl3 TlP n m a8.922; 3.997; 14.828
90; 90; 90
528.785Bogdanova, A.V.; Sinichka, E.V.; Zaslavskaya, N.P.; Fedyna, M.F.; Gasinets, S.M.; Mokra, I.R.
Synthesis and crystal structures of TlCdCl3 and TlCdBr3 compounds
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 589-590
1535385 CIFBr3 Cd TlP n m a9.379; 4.13; 15.419
90; 90; 90
597.259Bogdanova, A.V.; Fedyna, M.F.; Sinichka, E.V.; Zaslavskaya, N.P.; Gasinets, S.M.; Mokra, I.R.
Synthesis and crystal structures of TlCdCl3 and TlCdBr3 compounds
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 589-590
1535816 CIFK2 O10 Si3 Zr0.86P 21 21 2110.207; 13.241; 7.174
90; 90; 90
969.572Ilyushin, G.D.
New data on the crystal structure of umbite K2 Zr Si3 O9 * H2 O
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 971-975
1535842 CIFD2 K NP -44.282; 4.282; 6.182
90; 90; 90
113.35Nagib, M.; von Osten, E.; Jacobs, H.
Neutronenbeugung an drei Modifikationen des Kaliumdeuteroamids K N D2
Atomkernenergie, 1977, 29, 41-47
1535843 CIFAs2 SiP a -36.0232; 6.0232; 6.0232
90; 90; 90
218.515Donohue, P.C.; Siemons, W.J.; Gillson, J.L.
Preparation and Properties of Pyrite - Type Si P2 and Si As2
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 807-813
1535846 CIFD2 K NP 1 21/m 14.55; 3.76; 6.2
90; 95.1; 90
105.65Nagib, M.; von Osten, E.; Jacobs, H.
Neutronenbeugung an drei Modifikationen des Kaliumdeuteroamids K N D2
Atomkernenergie, 1977, 29, 303-304
1536415 CIFAl Na3 O23 P8P 41 3 211.87; 11.87; 11.87
90; 90; 90
1672.45Palkina, K.K.; Maksimova, S.I.; Chudinova, N.N.; Chibiskova, N.T.; Karmanovskaya, N.B.
Double ultraphosphates Na3 M(III) P8 O23 (M(III)= Ga, Al)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 119-120
1536417 CIFGa Na3 O23 P8P 41 3 211.884; 11.884; 11.884
90; 90; 90
1678.37Palkina, K.K.; Maksimova, S.I.; Chibiskova, N.T.; Karmanovskaya, N.B.; Chudinova, N.N.
Double ultraphosphates Na3 M(III) P8 O23 (M(III) = Ga, Al)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 119-120
1537132 CIFCs3 I9 Sb2P -3 m 18.46; 8.46; 10.398
90; 90; 120
644.497Kun, S.V.; Lazarev, V.B.; Peresh, E.Yu.; Voroshilov, Yu.V.; Kun, A.V.
Phase equilibria in RbBr-Sb(Bi)Br3 systems and crystal structures of compounds of the type A3B2C9 (A(I)-Rb,Cs;B(V)-Sb,Bi; C(VII)-Br,I)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 410-413
1537135 CIFBr9 Rb3 Sb2P -3 m 17.939; 7.939; 9.718
90; 90; 120
530.443Kun, S.V.; Lazarev, V.B.; Voroshilov, Yu.V.; Peresh, E.Yu.; Kun, A.V.
Phase equilibria in RbBr-Sb(Bi)Br3 systems and crystal structures of compounds of the type A3B2C9 (A(I)-Rb,Cs;B(V)-Sb,Bi; C(VII)-Br,I)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 410-413
1537138 CIFBr9 Cs3 Sb2P -3 m 17.93; 7.93; 9.716
90; 90; 120
529.133Kun, S.V.; Lazarev, V.B.; Voroshilov, Yu.V.; Peresh, E.Yu.; Kun, A.V.
Phase equilibria in Rb Br - Sb (Bi) Br3 systems and crystal structures of compounds of the type A3 B2 C9 (AI-Rb, Cs; BV-Sb, Bi; CVII-Br, I)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1993, 29, 410-413
1537541 CIFCo H6 K N6 O8P 21 21 2111.38; 12.95; 6.76
90; 90; 90
996.228Komiyama, Yoshimichi
The crystal structure of potassium tetranitro-diammine-cobaltate(III), K[Co(NH~3~)~2~(NO~2~)~4~]
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1956, 29, 300-304
1537559 CIFCr2 O6 WP 42/m n m4.582; 4.582; 8.87
90; 90; 90
186.223Kunnmann, W.; la Placa, S.J.; Corliss, L.M.; Hastings, J.M.; Banks, E.
Magnetic Structures of the Ordered Trirutiles Cr2 W O6, Cr2 Te O6 and Fe2 Te O6
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 1359-1364
1537560 CIFCr2 O6 TeP 42/m n m4.546; 4.546; 9.014
90; 90; 90
186.284Kunnmann, W.; Corliss, L.M.; la Placa, S.J.; Hastings, J.M.; Banks, E.
Magnetic structures of the ordered trirutiles Cr2 W O6, Cr2 Te O6 and Fe2 Te O6
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 1359-1364
1537561 CIFFe2 O6 TeP 42/m n m4.601; 4.601; 9.087
90; 90; 90
192.365Kunnmann, W.; Corliss, L.M.; la Placa, S.J.; Hastings, J.M.; Banks, E.
Magnetic Structures of the Ordered Trirutiles Cr2 W O6, Cr2 Te O6 and Fe2 Te O6
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 1359-1364
1537655 CIFPr Ru2F d -3 m :17.623; 7.623; 7.623
90; 90; 90
442.974Cannon, J.F.; Robertson, D.L.; Hall, H.T.
The effect of high pressure on the formation of L Ru2 and L Os2 (L=Lanthanide) compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 141-146
1537782 CIFPaI 4/m m m3.94; 3.94; 3.244
90; 90; 90
50.359Benedict, U.; Spirlet, J.C.; Dufour, C.; Peterson, J.R.; Birkel, I.; Holzapfel, W.B.
X-ray diffraction study of protactinium metal to 53 GPa
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1982, 29, 287-290
1537952 CIFMn0.4 Pb3.6 Te4F m -3 m6.406; 6.406; 6.406
90; 90; 90
262.882Escorne, M.; Mauger, A.; Triboulet, R.; Tholence, J.L.
Magnetic and transport properties of Pb1-x Mnx Te spin-glass
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 6306-6318
1537960 CIFLa Ni2F d -3 m :17.387; 7.387; 7.387
90; 90; 90
403.092Buschow, K.H.J.; van Mal, H.H.
Phase relations and hydrogen absorption in the lanthanum-nickel system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 203-210
1538015 CIFNb3 PtP m -3 n5.156; 5.156; 5.156
90; 90; 90
137.069Flukiger, R.; Spitzli, P.; Heiniger, F.; Muller, J.
Annealing conditions and superconducting behaviour of Nb-based A15-type compounds
Physics Letters A, 1969, 29, 407-408
1538073 CIFSe3 ZrP 1 21/m 15.4109; 3.7488; 9.444
90; 97.48; 90
189.936Furuseth, S.; Brattas, L.; Kjekshus, A.
On the crystal structures of Ti S3, Zr S3, Zr Se3, Zr Te3, Hf S3, and Hf Se3
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1975, 29, 623-631
1538165 CIFMg SmP m -3 m3.81; 3.81; 3.81
90; 90; 90
55.306Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1960, 29, 62-69
1538168 CIFNd ZnP m -3 m3.657; 3.657; 3.657
90; 90; 90
48.907Iandelli, A.
Su alcuni composti intermetallici e semimetallici del gadolinio
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti, 1960, 29, 62-69
1538594 CIFIr2 NdF d -3 m :17.605; 7.605; 7.605
90; 90; 90
439.843Lawrence, J.M.; den Boer, M.L.; Parks, R.D.; Smith, J.L.
X-ray absorption spectra in rare-earth and uranium intermetallics: Localized versus itinerant final states
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 568-575
1538673 CIFPd SbP 63/m m c4.0753; 4.0753; 5.591
90; 90; 120
80.415Kim, W.-S.; Chao, G.Y.
Phase relations in the system Pd-Sb-Te.
Canadian Mineralogist, 1991, 29, 401-409
1538814 CIFLa Ni0.5 Si1.5P 6/m m m4.045; 4.045; 4.381
90; 90; 120
62.078Mayer, I.; Felner, I.
High-temperature X-ray study of rare-earth silicides
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 29, 25-31
1539128 CIFC O3 SrR -3 m :H5.092; 5.092; 9.53
90; 90; 120
213.993Stromme, K.O.
On the crystal structures of the high-temperature forms of strontium and barium carbonate and structurally related compounds
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1975, 29, 105-110
1539129 CIFC Ba O3R -3 m :H5.205; 5.205; 10.55
90; 90; 120
247.528Stromme, K.O.
On the crystal structures of the high-temperature forms of strontium and barium carbonate and structurally related compounds
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1975, 29, 105-110
1539130 CIFC Ba O3F m -3 m6.96; 6.96; 6.96
90; 90; 90
337.154Stromme, K.O.
On the crystal structures of the high-temperature forms of strontium and barium carbonate and structurally related compounds
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1975, 29, 105-110
1539143 CIFMo6.8 Pt1.2P m -3 n4.989; 4.989; 4.989
90; 90; 90
124.177Sadagopan, V.; Gatos, H.C.; Giessen, B.C.
Stability and superconducting transition temperature of the A15-type phase in the Mo-Pt system: Mo3 (Mo0.4 Pt0.6)
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1968, 29, 1687-1687
1539260 CIFRe24 Ti5I -4 3 m9.606; 9.606; 9.606
90; 90; 90
886.396Trzebiatowski, W.; Niemiec, J.
Struktura Re24 Ti5
Roczniki Chemii, 1955, 29, 277-283
1539678 CIFFe2 Ge2 PrI 4/m m m4.055; 4.055; 10.54
90; 90; 90
173.309Fedyna, M.F.; Bodak, O.I.; Pecharskii, V.K.
Isothermal section of the Pr-Fe-Ge phase diagram at 870 K
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1993, 29, 72-74
1539752 CIFGe2 O7 Yb2F d -3 m :29.827; 9.827; 9.827
90; 90; 90
948.993Dem'yanets, L.N.; Radaev, S.F.; Mamin, B.F.; Maksimov, B.A.
Synthesis and atomic structure of pyrochlore-type Yb2 Ge2 O7 crystals
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1988, 29, 150-152
1539908 CIFGe5 La8 NiP m m n :115.586; 18.384; 11.351
90; 90; 90
3252.44Bruskov, V.A.; Pecharskii, V.K.; Bodak, O.I.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.
The crystal structure of the new ternary germanide La8 Ni Ge5
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1984, 29, 628-630
1540077 CIFB Fe14 Nd2P 42/m n m8.8; 8.8; 12.19
90; 90; 90
943.994Herbst, J.F.; Pinkerton, F.E.; Croat, J.J.; Yelon, W.B.
Relationships between crystal structure and magnetic properties in Nd2 Fe14 B
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 4176-4178
1540153 CIFK Nd O8 S2P 1 21/c 18.551; 7.159; 10.679
90; 92.42; 90
653.149Iskhakova, L.D.; Gasanov, Yu.M.; Trunov, V.K.
Crystal structure of the monoclinic modification of K Nd (S O4)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1988, 29, 95-99
1540234 CIFIn3 UP m -3 m4.601; 4.601; 4.601
90; 90; 90
97.399Lawrence, J.M.; den Boer, M.L.; Parks, R.D.; Smith, J.L.
X-ray absorption spectra in rare-earth and uranium intermetallics: Localized versus itinerant final states
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 29, 568-575
1540782 CIFMo15.39 O47P b a 221.615; 19.632; 3.9515
90; 90; 90
1676.8Yamazoe, N.; Ekstroem, T.; Kihlborg, L.
Structural effects of vanadium substitution in Mo17 O47
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1975, 29, 404-408
1541237 CIFTi VI m -3 m3.165; 3.165; 3.165
90; 90; 90
31.705Ming, L.-C.; Manghnani, M.H.; Katahara, K.W.
Phase transformations in the Ti - V system under high pressure up to 25 GPa
Acta Metallurgica, 1981, 29, 479-485
1541272 CIFCu Fe K Se2I 4/m m m3.979; 3.979; 13.787
90; 90; 90
218.282Mujica, C.; Llanos, J.; Paez, J.
Synthesis and crystal structure of layered chalcogenides [K Cu Fe S2 and K Cu Fe Se2]
Materials Research Bulletin, 1994, 29, 263-268
1541282 CIFMg4 Na O12 V3I -4 2 d6.89; 6.89; 19.292
90; 90; 90
915.832Murashova, E.V.; Velikodnyi, Yu.A.; Trunov, V.K.
Crystal structure of Na Mg4 (V O4)3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1988, 29, 182-184
1545098 CIFC17 H14 S2C 1 c 115.2642; 15.1883; 6.0321
90; 96.7418; 90
1388.8Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
1545099 CIFC16 H12 S2P 1 21 19.1532; 6.0178; 11.7576
90; 94.1913; 90
645.9Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
1549441 CIFC14 H14 Mn N4 O7P 1 21/n 17.5244; 10.5204; 20.806
90; 95.374; 90
1639.8El-Azzouzi, Nabila; Hueso-Ureña, Francisco; Illán-Cabeza, Nuria A.; Moreno-Carretero, Miguel N.
XRD structure of two heptacoordinated Mn(II) complexes containing 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (phen), nitrato and nicotinato bidentate anions: [Mn(phen)(nicot)(NO3)(H2O)]·EtOH·H2O and [Mn(phen)(NO3)2(H2O)]
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1405
1549442 CIFC22 H26 Mn N4 O8P 1 21/c 116.5442; 9.2953; 16.9886
90; 114.337; 90
2380.4El-Azzouzi, Nabila; Hueso-Ureña, Francisco; Illán-Cabeza, Nuria A.; Moreno-Carretero, Miguel N.
XRD structure of two heptacoordinated Mn(II) complexes containing 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (phen), nitrato and nicotinato bidentate anions: [Mn(phen)(nicot)(NO3)(H2O)]·EtOH·H2O and [Mn(phen)(NO3)2(H2O)]
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1405
1551676 CIFC58 H41 N7 Ni O2P 1 21/n 117.002; 11.984; 24.361
90; 92.289; 90
4960ISHIMARU, Yoshihiro; YOKOMIZO, Kunihiko; FUJIHARA, Takashi
Crystal Structure of Nickel(II) 5,10,15,20-Tetraphenyl[1,2-c](4′,5′-dimethyl)imidazolylpyrrolo-21-ethylcarboxylporphyrin
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 39
1551677 CIFC20 H22 Mo2 N2 O8P -17.6144; 8.48; 9.714
99.026; 112.749; 103.21
541.72MIKURIYA, Masahiro; TAKADA, Shohei; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; TANAKA, Hidekazu; HANDA, Makoto
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Chain Complex of Molybdenum(II) Acetate and trans-1,2-Bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene in Relation to the N2-Adsorption Property
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 33
1551678 CIFC20 H24 Mo2 N2 O8P -17.8313; 8.5393; 9.9498
73.412; 68.894; 73.198
581.86MIKURIYA, Masahiro; KAIHARA, Noriaki; YAMAMOTO, Junya; TAKADA, Shohei; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; TANAKA, Hidekazu; HANDA, Makoto
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Chain Complex of Molybdenum(II) Acetate and 1,2-Bis(4-pyridyl)ethane Aiming at N2-Adsorption Property
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 31
1551679 CIFC13 H8 Cl4 N2P -17.9265; 9.3588; 10.4003
76.579; 72.529; 74.249
698.7HANDA, Makoto; IKEUE, Takahisa; HARADA, Yasuko; KIMURA, Yuko; NISHIMURA, Takuya; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; MIKURIYA, Masahiro
Crystal Structure of N,N^|^prime;-Bis(3,5-dichlorophenyl)formamidine
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 25
1551680 CIFC24 H20 Cu2 N4 O13 SC m c 2116.0463; 12.8608; 12.8905
90; 90; 90
2660.2YOKOYAMA, Takashi; SHIBA, Takuya; YOSHISE, Masakazu; TODA, Masanori; AKASHI, Haruo; ZENKI, Michio
Crystal Structure of a Copper(II)-2-pyridinecarboxylic Acid Anhydride Complex
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 27
1551681 CIFC14 H24 N2 O8 Rh2C 1 2/c 110.274; 15.689; 11.547
90; 97.202; 90
1847MIKURIYA, Masahiro; YAMAMOTO, Junya; OUCHI, Kazuya; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; TANAKA, Hidekazu; HANDA, Makoto
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and N2-Adsorption Property of a Chain Complex of Rhodium(II) Acetate and 1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 7
1551682 CIFC54 H44.68 Cu I N2 O6.34 P2 S2P 1 21/c 116.7521; 13.8506; 22.607
90; 97.146; 90
5204.7AKUTSU, Hiroki; YAMADA, Jun-ichi; NAKATSUJI, Shin'ichi; TURNER, Scott S.
One-Dimensional Anionic Metal-Organic Chain Generated from (Tetraphenylphosphonium)2benzoquinonediiminedisulfonate and CuI
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 41
1551683 CIFC15 H13 N O3 S2P -18.20888; 11.6639; 16.3107
96.5985; 93.8393; 104.678
1493.22IGARASHI, Ryota; NAGASE, Hiromasa; FURUISHI, Takayuki; ENDO, Tomohiro; TOMONO, Kazuo; UEDA, Haruhisa
Crystal Structure of Epalrestat Non-Solvate
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 23
1551684 CIFC11 H17 N5 O2P 1 21/c 112.68; 8.173; 12.949
90; 93.602; 90
1339.3MARFO-OWUSU, Emmanuel; YABUUCHI, Kazuhiro; KATO, Takashi; WATKIN, David J.
Crystal Structure of a Short Alkyl Chain Pyridine-Based Bisurea Compound: The Effects of Alkyl Chain Length in a Supramolecule Module
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 49
1551685 CIFC4 H3 I3 N2C 1 2/c 116.762; 14.8566; 22.35
90; 101.238; 90
5459MUKAI, Tomohiro; NISHIKAWA, Keiko
Crystal Structure of 1-Methyl-2,4,5-triiodoimidazole: Formation of a Triangular Trimer through Halogen Bonding
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 13
1551686 CIFC58 H41 N7 Ni O2P 1 21/n 117.002; 11.984; 24.361
90; 92.289; 90
4960ISHIMARU, Yoshihiro; KOBAYASHI, Yuta; FUJIHARA, Takashi
Preparation of Nickel(II) 5,10,15,20-Tetraphenyl[1,2-c]pyrrolo-21-ethylcarboxyl-22-dipyrrylmethylporphyrin
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 37
1551687 CIFC66 H82 B2 Mn N6 O6P -110.0628; 12.1027; 14.881
112.191; 93.081; 108.055
1565.1SUZUKI, Ryo; CHIBA, Yukako; YAMAGUCHI, Ryo; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; MIKURIYA, Masahiro; SAKIYAMA, Hiroshi
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Trigonally Compressed Hexakis-DMF Manganese(II) Complex
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 11
1551688 CIFC11 H11 F3 N2 O4P 1 21/c 14.9578; 12.2784; 21.4038
90; 93.308; 90
1300.8WATANABE, Yurie; FUKUYOSHI, Shuichi; ODA, Akifumi; NAKAGAKI, Ryoichi
Crystal Structure of N-[4-Hydroxy-3-nitro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-2-methylpropaneamide
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 35
1551689 CIFC60 H76 B2 Ni O6 S6P -112.4224; 12.5588; 12.9099
61.745; 89.999; 63.942
1537.8SUDO, Reiji; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; MIKURIYA, Masahiro; SAKIYAMA, Hiroshi
Structural Features of Hexakis-DMSO Nickel(II) Complex Cations: Pseudo-S6- and Pseudo-S4-Propeller-Like Structures
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 17
1551690 CIFC20 H15 N O3P 1 21/c 17.4641; 12.1483; 17.1084
90; 99.667; 90
1529.3REVANKAR, Hrishikesh; KULKARNI, Manohar V; KUMAR, G N Anil
Crystal Structure of 6-Methyl-4-[(quinolin-8-yloxy)methyl]-2H-chromen-2-one
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 5
1551691 CIFC22 H32 N2 Ni O2 S4P -17.008; 9.546; 10.621
87.484; 72.927; 75.686
657.8SHARMA, Neerupama; SINGH, Kuldeep; SACHAR, Renu; GUPTA, Vivek K.; Rajnikant,
Crystal Structure of Bis(O-propyldithiocarbonato-^|^kappa;2S,S^|^prime;)(3,5-lutidine-^|^kappa;N)nickel(II)
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 19
1551692 CIFC54.5 H71 B3 F6 Mo3 N18 O3.5 P2 Pd S13P -114.8578; 14.9415; 20.3082
109.806; 96.546; 101.774
4069.5YOSHIDA, Ryouichi; SATO, Hiroyasu; AKASHI, Haruo
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Sulfur-bridged Cubane-type Molybdenum-Palladium Cluster with a Hydrotris(methimazolyl)borate Ligand
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 3
1551693 CIFC42 H44 N6 O8 Rh2P 4/n :221.3695; 21.3695; 9.6278
90; 90; 90
4396.6MIKURIYA, Masahiro; YAMAMOTO, Junya; OUCHI, Kazuya; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; TANAKA, Hidekazu; HANDA, Makoto
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Chain Complex of Rhodium(II) Benzoate and 1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane Having an N2-Adsorption Property
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 45
1551694 CIFC20 H28 N2 O10 Rh2C 1 2/c 124.937; 13.211; 8.848
90; 94.189; 90
2907.1MIKURIYA, Masahiro; YAMAMOTO, Junya; OUCHI, Kazuya; TAKADA, Shohei; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; TANAKA, Hidekazu; HANDA, Makoto
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Chain Complex of Rhodium(II) Acetate and 1,2-Bis(4-pyridyl)ethane having an N2-Adsorption Property
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 29
1551695 CIFC36 H36 N4 O8 Rh2P -110.812; 11.393; 15.331
71.014; 87.963; 76.451
1734.4MIKURIYA, Masahiro; OUCHI, Kazuya; NAKANISHI, Yasutaka; YOSHIOKA, Daisuke; TANAKA, Hidekazu; HANDA, Makoto
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and N2-Adsorption Property of a Chain Complex of Rhodium(II) Benzoate and Piperazine
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 21
1551696 CIFC14 H15 N5 O3P 1 21/n 110.8689; 10.5644; 12.9608
90; 94.606; 90
1483.4VINUTHA, N.; FRANK, Priya V.; KALLURAYA, Balakrishna; ANTHAL, Sumati; Rajnikant,; GUPTA, Vivek K.; REVANNASIDDAIAH, D.
Crystal Structure of 2-(2-Methyl-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-N^|^prime;-[(1E)-1-phenylethylidene]acetohydrazide
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 9
1551697 CIFC18 H22 Cl2 N2 Ni O2 S4P 1 21/n 19.4079; 10.7323; 11.7498
90; 96.443; 90
1178.87SINGH, Kuldeep; KOUR, Inderjeet; KOUR, Gurpreet; SACHAR, Renu; GUPTA, Vivek K.; Rajnikant,
Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structure of Bis(O-propylxanthato)-bis(3-chloropyridine)nickel(II)
X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2013, 29, 15
1565717 CIF
C36 H30 P2 S2P 1 21/n 114.5406; 13.2405; 17.1497
90; 108.962; 90
3122.6Zhang, Yusheng; Duan, Wuhua; Wang, Qiang; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Jianchen; Chen, Jing; Sun, Taoxiang
Covalency between the uranyl ion and dithiophosphinate by sulfur <i>K</i>-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 11-20
1565718 CIF
C38 H28 F6 P2 S2P -18.7782; 13.264; 15.3166
87.778; 88.384; 75.173
1722.39Zhang, Yusheng; Duan, Wuhua; Wang, Qiang; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Jianchen; Chen, Jing; Sun, Taoxiang
Covalency between the uranyl ion and dithiophosphinate by sulfur <i>K</i>-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 11-20
1565719 CIF
C26 H26 O3 P2 S4 UP -111.5443; 11.6402; 13.0973
113.227; 110.729; 92.865
1475.39Zhang, Yusheng; Duan, Wuhua; Wang, Qiang; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Jianchen; Chen, Jing; Sun, Taoxiang
Covalency between the uranyl ion and dithiophosphinate by sulfur <i>K</i>-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 11-20
1565720 CIF
C32 H28 F12 O4 P2 S4 UP c a 2116.5607; 8.1303; 59.7044
90; 90; 90
8038.8Zhang, Yusheng; Duan, Wuhua; Wang, Qiang; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Jianchen; Chen, Jing; Sun, Taoxiang
Covalency between the uranyl ion and dithiophosphinate by sulfur <i>K</i>-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 11-20
1566757 CIF
Al0.067 Fe0.067 Mg1.94 O6 Si1.93P b c a5.1815; 18.2321; 8.8085
90; 90; 90
832.14Glazyrin, K.; Khandarkhaeva, S.; Fedotenko, T.; Dong, W.; Laniel, D.; Seiboth, F.; Schropp, A.; Garrevoet, J.; Brückner, D.; Falkenberg, G.; Kubec, A.; David, C.; Wendt, M.; Wenz, S.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Dubrovinskaia, N.; Liermann, H.-P.
Sub-micrometer focusing setup for high-pressure crystallography at the Extreme Conditions beamline at PETRAIII
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 654-663
1566758 CIFFe0.091 Mg0.909 O3 SiP b n m4.194; 4.525; 6.191
90; 90; 90
117.49Glazyrin, K.; Khandarkhaeva, S.; Fedotenko, T.; Dong, W.; Laniel, D.; Seiboth, F.; Schropp, A.; Garrevoet, J.; Brückner, D.; Falkenberg, G.; Kubec, A.; David, C.; Wendt, M.; Wenz, S.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Dubrovinskaia, N.; Liermann, H.-P.
Sub-micrometer focusing setup for high-pressure crystallography at the Extreme Conditions beamline at PETRAIII
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 654-663
1566759 CIFCo Sb3I m -39.036; 9.036; 9.036
90; 90; 90
737.783Glazyrin, K.; Khandarkhaeva, S.; Fedotenko, T.; Dong, W.; Laniel, D.; Seiboth, F.; Schropp, A.; Garrevoet, J.; Brückner, D.; Falkenberg, G.; Kubec, A.; David, C.; Wendt, M.; Wenz, S.; Dubrovinsky, L.; Dubrovinskaia, N.; Liermann, H.-P.
Sub-micrometer focusing setup for high-pressure crystallography at the Extreme Conditions beamline at PETRAIII
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 654-663
1567215 CIFFe O4 WP 1 2/c 14.73523; 5.74138; 4.99198
90; 90.0801; 90
135.716Patil, Amitkumar R.; Dongale, Tukaram D.; Kamat, Rajanish K.; Rajpure, Keshav Y.
Spray pyrolysis deposited iron tungstate memristive device for artificial synapse application
Materials Today Communications, 2021, 29, 102900
1567506 CIF
B Fe O3R -3 c :H4.251; 4.251; 11.772
90; 90; 120
184.23Dong, Weiwei; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Khandarkhaeva, Saiana; Fedotenko, Timofey; Bednarčík, Jozef; Greenberg, Eran; Dubrovinsky, Leonid; Dubrovinskaia, Natalia; Liermann, Hanns-Peter
Fe~0.79~Si~0.07~B~0.14~ metallic glass gaskets for high-pressure research beyond 1Mbar
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29, 1167-1179
1567893 CIFCs H4 Mo Na O6P 21 21 216.379; 8.631; 13.67
90; 90; 90
752.6Makitova, D. D.; Tkachev, V. V.; Chekhlov, A. N.
Crystal Structure of Cesium-Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2003, 29, 163-165
1567934 CIFF13 Sb4 TlI -49.634; 9.634; 6.59
90; 90; 90
611.6Udovenko, A. A.
Crystal Structure of Thallium Tridecafluorotetraantimonate(III) TlSb4F13
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2003, 29, 310-311
1570717 CIFC30 H22 N O2 PC 1 2/c 136.7954; 6.4842; 19.5726
90; 102.487; 90
4559.34Truong, Minh Anh; Morishita, Suzuho; Noguchi, Keiichi; Nakano, Koji
The Synthesis and Properties of Ladder-Type π-Conjugated Compounds with Pyrrole and Phosphole Rings
Molecules, 2023, 29, 38
1570718 CIFC26 H18 N O PP 1 21/c 19.0262; 10.954; 20.2813
90; 100.093; 90
1974.24Truong, Minh Anh; Morishita, Suzuho; Noguchi, Keiichi; Nakano, Koji
The Synthesis and Properties of Ladder-Type π-Conjugated Compounds with Pyrrole and Phosphole Rings
Molecules, 2023, 29, 38
1570899 CIFC26 H17 O3 PP 21 21 2110.1725; 10.5825; 18.4246
90; 90; 90
1983.42Ferraro, Valentina; Castro, Jesús; Bortoluzzi, Marco
Luminescent Behavior of Zn(II) and Mn(II) Halide Derivatives of 4-Phenyldinaphtho[2,1-d:1',2'-f][1,3,2]dioxaphosphepine 4-Oxide and Single-Crystal X-ray Structure Determination of the Ligand.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 239
1570900 CIFC41 H43 Cl N O7 P PdP -112.091; 12.295; 12.729
82.9; 82.85; 89.24
1863.2Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570901 CIFC34 H33 Cl N O4 P PdP 1 21/c 114.982; 13.237; 16.829
90; 112.78; 90
3077.1Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570902 CIFC34 H30 Cl F3 N O4 P PdP 1 21/c 115.295; 10.691; 19.12
90; 99.74; 90
3081.4Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570903 CIFC35 H37 Cl N O7 P PdP c a 2119.569; 9.821; 17.575
90; 90; 90
3377.7Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570904 CIFC33 H32 Cl4 N O4 P PdP 1 21 19.905; 34.151; 9.978
90; 90.58; 90
3375Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570905 CIFC32 H28 Cl F3 N O4 P PdP 1 21/c 115.006; 10.701; 18.944
90; 95.65; 90
3027.2Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570906 CIFC32 H28 Cl4 N O4 P PdP 1 21/n 110.17; 18.904; 17.274
90; 90.09; 90
3321Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570907 CIFC41 H43 Cl N O7 P PdP -112.186; 12.335; 13.003
83.54; 81.05; 88.43
1918.4Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570908 CIFC35 H37 Cl N O7 P PdP c a 2119.544; 9.842; 17.561
90; 90; 90
3377.9Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570909 CIFC34 H33 Cl N O4 P PdP 1 21/c 115.157; 13.336; 17.127
90; 112.74; 90
3192.8Bortolamiol, Enrica; Botter, Eleonora; Cavarzerani, Enrico; Mauceri, Matteo; Demitri, Nicola; Rizzolio, Flavio; Visentin, Fabiano; Scattolin, Thomas
Rational Design of Palladium(II) Indenyl and Allyl Complexes Bearing Phosphine and Isocyanide Ancillary Ligands with Promising Antitumor Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 345
1570910 CIFC23 H20 Cu N4 O9P -110.1482; 11.1855; 11.7055
111.285; 97.429; 108.425
1128.98Lin, Shu-Yu; Shen, Yi-Lin; Chen, Wei-Hao; Govindaraj, Manivannan; Chen, Jhy-Der
Cu(II) Coordination Polymers Containing Mixed Ligands with Different Flexibilities: Structural Diversity and Iodine Adsorption.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 311
1570911 CIFC36 H53 Cu1.5 N6 O17.5P -18.9062; 11.2565; 22.7418
99.7718; 94.3827; 105.873
2142.95Lin, Shu-Yu; Shen, Yi-Lin; Chen, Wei-Hao; Govindaraj, Manivannan; Chen, Jhy-Der
Cu(II) Coordination Polymers Containing Mixed Ligands with Different Flexibilities: Structural Diversity and Iodine Adsorption.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 311
1570912 CIFC36 H27 Cu N2 O7C 1 2/c 118.8531; 25.8032; 17.4503
90; 99.4362; 90
8374.2Lin, Shu-Yu; Shen, Yi-Lin; Chen, Wei-Hao; Govindaraj, Manivannan; Chen, Jhy-Der
Cu(II) Coordination Polymers Containing Mixed Ligands with Different Flexibilities: Structural Diversity and Iodine Adsorption.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 311
1570913 CIFC40 H38 Cu4 N4 O16C 1 2/c 116.5969; 13.9067; 17.611
90; 90.2248; 90
4064.73Lin, Shu-Yu; Shen, Yi-Lin; Chen, Wei-Hao; Govindaraj, Manivannan; Chen, Jhy-Der
Cu(II) Coordination Polymers Containing Mixed Ligands with Different Flexibilities: Structural Diversity and Iodine Adsorption.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 311
1570914 CIFC100.5 H104 Cu3 N8 O20.5P n a 2120.9682; 25.3489; 18.1699
90; 90; 90
9657.7Lin, Shu-Yu; Shen, Yi-Lin; Chen, Wei-Hao; Govindaraj, Manivannan; Chen, Jhy-Der
Cu(II) Coordination Polymers Containing Mixed Ligands with Different Flexibilities: Structural Diversity and Iodine Adsorption.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 311
1570915 CIFC101 H101 Cu3 N9 O19P n a 2122.0739; 24.3392; 17.9481
90; 90; 90
9642.8Lin, Shu-Yu; Shen, Yi-Lin; Chen, Wei-Hao; Govindaraj, Manivannan; Chen, Jhy-Der
Cu(II) Coordination Polymers Containing Mixed Ligands with Different Flexibilities: Structural Diversity and Iodine Adsorption.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 311
1570916 CIFC56 H51 Cl2 N8 O4.5P b c n13.644; 25.64; 29.54
90; 90; 90
10334Li, Yong; He, Liujun; Qin, Hongxia; Liu, Yao; Yang, Binxin; Xu, Zhigang; Yang, Donglin
A Facile Ugi/Ullmann Cascade Reaction to Access Fused Indazolo-Quinoxaline Derivatives with Potent Anticancer Activity.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 464
1570917 CIFC45.5 H25 Al Eu F18 N3 O12P 1 2/c 120.3737; 12.9319; 20.6857
90; 106.129; 90
5235.6Gallo, Elisa; Bellucci, Luca; Carlotto, Silvia; Bottaro, Gregorio; Babetto, Luca; Giordano, Luca; Marchetti, Fabio; Samaritani, Simona; Armelao, Lidia; Labella, Luca
Aluminium 8-Hydroxyquinolinate <i>N</i>-Oxide as a Precursor to Heterometallic Aluminium-Lanthanide Complexes.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 451
1570918 CIFC19 H18 O8P n a 218.2312; 16.306; 12.099
90; 90; 90
1623.9Kamma, Koteswara Rao; Cho, Joungmo; Won, Hyo Jun; Nam, So-Yeon; Le, Ngan Hong; Jung, Je Hyeong; Lee, Kee-In
Synthetic Studies toward 5,6,7,3',4'-Monomethoxytetrahydroxyflavones: Synthesis of Pedalitin.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 513
1570919 CIFC24 H20 O11P -18.9444; 10.971; 13.8699
108.253; 93.627; 112.862
1164.11Kamma, Koteswara Rao; Cho, Joungmo; Won, Hyo Jun; Nam, So-Yeon; Le, Ngan Hong; Jung, Je Hyeong; Lee, Kee-In
Synthetic Studies toward 5,6,7,3',4'-Monomethoxytetrahydroxyflavones: Synthesis of Pedalitin.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 513
1571121 CIFC27 H35 Cu F6 N9 P3P 1 21/n 110.4364; 13.7629; 21.5413
90; 98.343; 90
3061.34Smoleński, Piotr; Śliwińska-Hill, Urszula; Kwiecień, Anna; Wolińska, Joanna; Poradowski, Dominik
Design, Synthesis, and Anti-Cancer Evaluation of Novel Water-Soluble Copper(I) Complexes Bearing Terpyridine and PTA Ligands
Molecules, 2024, 29, 945
1571122 CIFC14 H10 O2 SeP 1 21/n 112.249; 7.5386; 12.9332
90; 102.563; 90
1165.66Dumitraș, Darius; Gal, Emese; Silvestru, Cristian; Pop, Alexandra
Metal Complexes Containing Homoleptic Diorganoselenium(II) Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization and Investigation of Optical Properties.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 792
1571123 CIFC32 H20 N2 O4 SeP 21 21 213.7518; 19.5095; 4.7253
90; 90; 90
1267.75Dumitraș, Darius; Gal, Emese; Silvestru, Cristian; Pop, Alexandra
Metal Complexes Containing Homoleptic Diorganoselenium(II) Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization and Investigation of Optical Properties.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 792
1571124 CIFC56 H64 Cl4 O10P -114.54; 15.25; 15.42
114.04; 99.38; 112.59
2668Li, Zunhua; Tan, Yingzi; Ding, Manhua; Tang, Linli; Zeng, Fei
Keto-Adamantane-Based Macrocycle Crystalline Supramolecular Assemblies Showing Selective Vapochromism to Tetrahydrofuran.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 719
1571125 CIFC126 H124 Cl8 N4 O24C 1 2/c 118.227; 18.218; 19.01
90; 111.022; 90
5892Li, Zunhua; Tan, Yingzi; Ding, Manhua; Tang, Linli; Zeng, Fei
Keto-Adamantane-Based Macrocycle Crystalline Supramolecular Assemblies Showing Selective Vapochromism to Tetrahydrofuran.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 719
1571126 CIFC54 H64 O8P 31 2 121.174; 21.174; 13.5099
90; 90; 120
5245.5Li, Zunhua; Tan, Yingzi; Ding, Manhua; Tang, Linli; Zeng, Fei
Keto-Adamantane-Based Macrocycle Crystalline Supramolecular Assemblies Showing Selective Vapochromism to Tetrahydrofuran.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 719
1571555 CIFC13 H14 Cl N3 O2P 1 21/c 114.8687; 7.2434; 12.5592
90; 107.559; 90
1289.6Bruni, Giovanna; Capsoni, Doretta; Pellegrini, Anna; Altomare, Angela; Coduri, Mauro; Ferrara, Chiara; Galinetto, Pietro; Molteni, Renato
New Findings on the Crystal Polymorphism of Imepitoin.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1724
1571556 CIFC29 H32 Co N4 O12 SP -112.0281; 12.3628; 12.5821
110.49; 99.692; 108.754
1574.1Lee, Chia-Yi; Ye, Yu-Hui; Wang, Song-Wei; Chen, Jhy-Der
Diverse Co(II) Coordination Polymers with the Same Mixed Ligands: Evaluation of Chemical Stability and Structural Transformation.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1748
1571557 CIFC28 H26 Co N4 O10 SP -110.537; 12.378; 12.849
61.476; 72.697; 85.374
1402Lee, Chia-Yi; Ye, Yu-Hui; Wang, Song-Wei; Chen, Jhy-Der
Diverse Co(II) Coordination Polymers with the Same Mixed Ligands: Evaluation of Chemical Stability and Structural Transformation.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1748
1571558 CIFC35 H33 Co N6 O11 SP -111.6913; 12.5564; 13.2862
105.716; 105.604; 91.3885
1798.4Lee, Chia-Yi; Ye, Yu-Hui; Wang, Song-Wei; Chen, Jhy-Der
Diverse Co(II) Coordination Polymers with the Same Mixed Ligands: Evaluation of Chemical Stability and Structural Transformation.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1748
1571559 CIFC49 H49 Co2 N6 O21 S2P -113.9967; 14.4949; 14.9094
104.089; 93.162; 114.136
2636.1Lee, Chia-Yi; Ye, Yu-Hui; Wang, Song-Wei; Chen, Jhy-Der
Diverse Co(II) Coordination Polymers with the Same Mixed Ligands: Evaluation of Chemical Stability and Structural Transformation.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1748
1571560 CIFC26 H28 N3 O6 VP 1 21/n 111.978; 7.588; 28.042
90; 101.705; 90
2495.7Hasegawa, Kyoko; Muto, Masahiro; Hamada, Masanobu; Yamada, Yasunori; Tokii, Tadashi; Koikawa, Masayuki
Syntheses, Structures, and Electrochemical Properties of Metallacyclic Oxidovanadium(V) Complexes with Asymmetric Multidentate Linking Ligands.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1700
1571561 CIFC60 H33 N6 O15 V3P -112.465; 16.244; 18.285
102.99; 98.16; 108.59
3327Hasegawa, Kyoko; Muto, Masahiro; Hamada, Masanobu; Yamada, Yasunori; Tokii, Tadashi; Koikawa, Masayuki
Syntheses, Structures, and Electrochemical Properties of Metallacyclic Oxidovanadium(V) Complexes with Asymmetric Multidentate Linking Ligands.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1700
1571562 CIFC70 H48 N8 O19 V3P -115.307; 15.582; 18.458
87.11; 69.06; 79.74
4046Hasegawa, Kyoko; Muto, Masahiro; Hamada, Masanobu; Yamada, Yasunori; Tokii, Tadashi; Koikawa, Masayuki
Syntheses, Structures, and Electrochemical Properties of Metallacyclic Oxidovanadium(V) Complexes with Asymmetric Multidentate Linking Ligands.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024, 29, 1700
1573848 CIFC40 H36 Co N2 O4P 1 21/n 112.5799; 19.2608; 13.4268
90; 91.048; 90
3252.76Maximilian H. Pohle; Michael Böhme; Thomas Lohmiller; Sven Ziegenbalg; Louis Blechschmidt; Helmar Görls; Alexander Schnegg; Winfried Plass
Magnetic Anisotropy and Relaxation of Pseudotetrahedral [N~2~O~2~] Bis-Chelate Cobalt(II) Single-Ion Magnets Controlled by Dihedral Twist Through Solvomorphism
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2023, 29, e202202966(1)-e202202966(7)
2000067 CIFC4 H18 N2 O9 P2P -19.003; 8.772; 8.151
107.82; 93.16; 94.14
609.212Averbuch-Pouchot, M. T.; Durif, A.
Crystal structure of bis(ethanolammonium)-dihydrogeno-diphosphate: (NH~3^-^~C~2~H~4^-^~OH)~2~H~2~P~2~O~7~
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 411-418
2000121 CIFC12 H12 Co2 N4 O12P c c a8.037; 13.977; 15.478
90; 90; 90
1738.69Richard, P.; Qui, D. T.; Bertaut, E. F.
Structure cristalline du polychélate Co-2,3-PYD.3H2O
Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973, 29, 1111-1115
2002201 CIFGa2 O5 TiB b m m9.792; 9.966; 3.597
90; 90; 90
351Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Freund, R
Zur kristallchemie von Ga2 Ti O5
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (2,1947-32,1977), 1974, 29, 590-593
2002202 CIFCu0.64 O5 V2P m n m :111.313; 4.804; 3.613
90; 90; 90
196.4Christian, H P; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Untersuchung einer kupfereichen Phase Cu0.64 V2 O5
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (2,1947-32,1977), 1974, 29, 713-715
2105388 CIFAu Cl4 KP 1 c 18.671; 6.386; 12.243
90; 95.37; 90
674.956Bonamico, M.; Dessy, G.
The crystal structure of anhydrous potassium tetrachloroaurate(III)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1735-1736
2105419 CIFB10 O21 Pb6P -16.833; 7.01; 11.125
85.89; 102; 119.56
453.092Krogh-Moe, J.; Wold-Hansen, P.S.
The crystal structure of hexalead pentaborate, (Pb O)6 (B2 O3)5
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2242-2246
2106153 CIFCo5.661 Sm0.666P 6/m m m4.8562; 4.8562; 4.0813
90; 90; 120
83.353Khan, Y.
The crystal structure of R2 Co17 intermetallic compounds
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2502-2507
2106164 CIFCo In3P 4/m b m6.83; 6.83; 3.547
90; 90; 90
165.464Stadelmaier, H.H.; Schoebel, J.D.; Jones, R.A.; Shumaker, C.A.
The crystal structure of stoichiometric Co In3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2926-2929
2106234 CIFBe F4 H5 Li N2P n a 219.811; 8.88; 5.139
90; 90; 90
447.718Anderson, M.R.; Brown, I.D.; Vilminot, S.
Crystal data for Li (N2 H5) Be F4 and Li (N2 H5) S O4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2625-2628
2106292 CIFBe F4 Na2P 1 21/n 15.559; 8.0703; 7.9098
90; 99.35; 90
350.141Deganello, S.
The crystal structure of - gamma-sodium beryllium tetrafluoride, Na2 Be F4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2593-2598
2106311 CIFC H15 Cl2 Ir N6 SF m -3 m10.314; 10.314; 10.314
90; 90; 90
1097.19Flack, H.D.
Les Structures Cristallines et Moleculaires des Complexes Thiocyanato et Isothiocyanato d'Iridium ou de Rhodium(III). II. Isothiocyanatopenta-ammine iridium(III) dichloride
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2610-2611
2106336 CIFCl6 H6 N O SbI m m m7.113; 9.049; 8.049
90; 90; 90
518.078Henke, H.; Buschmann, E.; Baernighausen, H.
The Crystal Structure of Ammonium Hexachloroantimonate(V) Monohydrate and the Crystal Data of the Anhydrous Compound
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2622-2624
2106339 CIFIn4 Te3P n n m15.63; 12.756; 4.441
90; 90; 90
885.43Hogg, J.H.C.; Sutherland, H.H.
The crystal structure of tetraindium tritelluride
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2483-2488
2106370 CIFAs2 Mg3 O8I -4 2 d6.783; 6.783; 18.963
90; 90; 90
872.47Krishnamachari, N.; Calvo, C.
Magnesium Arsenate, Mg3 As2 O8
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2611-2613
2106402 CIFLa2 O2 SP -3 m 14.049; 4.049; 6.939
90; 90; 120
98.52Morosin, B.; Newman, D.J.
La2 O2 S structure refinement and crystal field
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2647-2648
2106438 CIFBr2 H2 I K OP n n m12.183; 13.046; 4.39
90; 90; 90
697.744Soled, S.; Carpenter, G.B.
The Crystal Structure of K I Br2 (H2 O)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2556-2559
2106457 CIFH4 Li N O5 SP b c a18.46; 7.28; 6.712
90; 90; 90
902.018Vilminot, S.; Anderson, M.R.; Brown, I.D.
The Crystal Structure of Lithium Hydroxylammonium Sulphate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2628-2630
2106471 CIFCl2 Cs IR -3 m :R5.469; 5.469; 5.469
70.67; 70.67; 70.67
141.079van Bolhuis, F.; Tucker, P.A.
Refinement of the crystal structure of cesium dichloroiodide
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2613-2614
2106472 CIFBi2 Mo O6P c a 215.487; 16.226; 5.506
90; 90; 90
490.211van den Elzen, A.F.; Rieck, G.D.
Redetermination of the structure of Bi2 Mo O6, koechlinite
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2436-2438
2106814 CIFAl2 Ba H2 O5P m -3 m9.638; 9.638; 9.638
90; 90; 90
895.284Ahmed, A.H.M.; Dent Glasser, L.S.; King, M.G.
Barium aluminate hydrates. VI. The crystal structure of Ba O Al2 O3 H2 O
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1166-1167
2106816 CIFLi2 O4 SP 1 21/c 18.45; 4.95; 8.21
90; 107.5; 90
327.51Alcock, N.W.; Evans, D.A.; Jenkins, H.D.B.
Lithium sulfate - a redetermination
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 360-361
2106817 CIFC F O3 Tl3P 1 1 21/m7.51; 7.407; 6.069
90; 90; 120
292.368Alcock, N.W.
The crystal structure of thallous fluoride carbonate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 498-502
2106830 CIFC6 H10 Fe La N6 O5P 63/m7.554; 7.554; 14.452
90; 90; 120
714.188Bailey, W.E.; Williams, R.J.; Milligan, W.O.
The crystal structure of La Fe (C N)6 (H2 O)5
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1365-1368
2106841 CIFF3 H4 N SnB 1 1 211.66; 6.507; 6.859
90; 90; 125
426.29Bergerhoff, G.; Goost, L.
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 632-633
2106842 CIFLa10 O0.5 S14.5I 41/a c d :215.49; 15.49; 20.52
90; 90; 90
4923.57Besancon, P.; Carre, D.; Laruelle, P.
Mecanisme de la solution solide des oxysulfures de terres rares L10 S15-x Ox
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1064-1066
2106843 CIFCr I2C m c 213.915; 7.56; 13.553
90; 90; 90
401.134Besrest, F.; Jaulmes, S.
Structure cristalline de l'iodure de chrome: Cr I2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1560-1563
2106844 CIFAu Cl4 H5.3334 N O0.6667C 1 2/c 114.054; 11.519; 14.496
90; 102.58; 90
2290.39Bonamico, M.; Dessy, G.; Furlani, C.; Capece, F.M.
The crystal and molecular structure of ammonium tetrachloro aurate(III) 2/3 hydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1737-1739
2106845 CIFCa O9 V4P 4/n :28.333; 8.333; 5.008
90; 90; 90
347.75Bouloux, J.C.; Galy, J.
Structure cristalline de l'hypovanadate Ca V4 O9
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1335-1338
2106851 CIFF6 Li2 ZrP -3 1 m4.9733; 4.9733; 4.658
90; 90; 120
99.774Brunton, G.
Li2 Zr F6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2294-2296
2106852 CIFGa P S4P 1 21/c 18.603; 7.778; 11.858
90; 135.46; 90
556.544Buck, P.; Carpentier, C.D.
The crystal structure of gallium thiophosphate, Ga P S4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1864-1868
2106853 CIFEr9 La10 S27B 1 1 2/m29.71; 21.83; 3.941
90; 90; 122
2167.62Carre, D.; Laruelle, P.
Structure cristalline du sulfure d'erbium et de lanthanum, Er9 La10 S27
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 70-73
2106855 CIFAs Ca H7 O7P b c a11.195; 10.713; 11.179
90; 90; 90
1340.72Catti, M.; Ferraris, G.
Hydrogen bonding in the crystalline state. Crystal structure of Ca H As O4 (H2 O)3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 90-96
2106861 CIFBr8 Cs3 Mo2P 63/m m c7.757; 7.757; 17.804
90; 90; 120
927.76Cotton, F.A.; Frenz, B.A.; Mester, Z.C.
The structure of tricesium octabromodimolybdate, an example of a space group ambiguity
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1515-1519
2106867 CIFC2 D5 N3 O2.77P 1 21/c 13.6518; 17.767; 9.048
90; 118.91; 90
513.89Craven, B.M.
Perdeuterated biuret hydrate C2 D5 N3 O2 (D2 O)0.77
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1525-1528
2106870 CIFPd4 Pu3R -3 :H13.344; 13.344; 5.744
90; 90; 120
885.762Cromer, D.T.; Larson, A.C.; Roof, R.B.jr.
The crystal structure of Pu Pd4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 564-567
2106902 CIFCa H4 O8 P2P -17.5577; 8.2531; 5.5504
109.87; 93.68; 109.15
301.502Dickens, B.; Prince, E.; Schroeder, L.W.; Brown, W.E.
Ca (H2 P O4)2, a crystal structure containing unusual hydrogen bonding
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2057-2070
2106911 CIFH7 K3 O10 P2P 1 21/c 16.114; 10.354; 16.97
90; 90.1; 90
1074.27Dumas, Y.; Galigne, J.L.; Falgueirettes, J.
Structure cristalline de l'hydrogeno-pyrophosphate tripotassique trihydrate, K3 H P2 O7 (H2 O)3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1623-1630
2106920 CIFGe Pt SeP c a 216.015; 6.072; 5.992
90; 90; 90
218.846Entner, P.; Parthe, E.
Pt Ge Se with cobaltite structure, a ternary variant of the pyrite structure
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1557-1560
2106948 CIFCu F6 H8 O4 ZrP 1 21/c 15.691; 10.03; 7.592
90; 103.53; 90
421.33Fischer, J.; Weiss, R.
Stereochimies du zirconium et du cuivre dans les fluorozirconates de cuivre hydrates. I. Structure cristalline de Cu Zr F6 (H2 O)4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1955-1957
2106949 CIFCu F12 H12 K2 O6 Zr2P 1 21/c 16.631; 9.981; 12.921
90; 114.2; 90
780.012Fischer, J.; Weiss, R.
Stereochimies du zirconium et du cuivre dans les fluorozirconates de cuivre hydrates. II. Etude de l'ion complexe binucleaire ((Zr F6)2)(4-) dans K2 Cu (Zr F6)2 (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1958-1962
2106950 CIFCu2 F8 H24 O12 ZrC 1 2/c 115.924; 9.625; 12.153
90; 121.69; 90
1584.95Fischer, J.; Elchinger, R.; Weiss, R.
Stereochimies du zirconium et du cuivre dans les fluorozirconates de cuivre hydrates. IV. Etude de l'ion complexe (Zr F8)4- dans Cu Zr F8 (H2 O)1/2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1967-1971
2106952 CIFC H15 Cl2 Ir N6 O8 SP 1 21/c 17.506; 15.744; 14.108
90; 121.75; 90
1417.71Flack, H. D.; Parthe, E.
The crystal and molecular structure of thiocyanato and isothyocyanato Ir and Rh complexes. I. Thiocyanatopenta-ammineiridium(III) diperchlorate, Ir S C N (N H3)5 (Cl O4)2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1099-1102
2106957 CIFH16 Mg O10 P2I 41/a c d :210.33; 10.33; 20.38
90; 90; 90
2174.73Galigne, J.L.; Dumas, Y.
Nouvelle determination de la structure cristalline de l'hypophosphite de magnesium hexahydrate Mg (P O2 H2)2 (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1115-1119
2106968 CIFCl3 Cs MnR 3 m :H7.29; 7.29; 27.48
90; 90; 120
1264.74Goodyear, J.; Kennedy, D.J.
The crystal structure of Cs Mn Cl3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 744-748
2106969 CIFPt SiP b n m5.916; 5.577; 3.587
90; 90; 90
118.348Graeber, E.J.; Baughman, R.J.; Morosin, B.
Crystal structure and linear thermal expansivities of platinum silicide and platinum germanide
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1991-1994
2106986 CIFBa S2 SnP 1 21/c 16.0848; 12.1396; 6.2356
90; 97.058; 90
457.115Iglesias, J.E.; Steinfink, H.
A variant of the Na Cl structure type: Ba Sn S2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1480-1483
2106993 CIFC6 H18 Co2 N12R -3 :H10.921; 10.921; 10.765
90; 90; 120
1111.91Iwata, M.; Saito, Y.
The crystal structure of hexamminecobalt(III) hexacyanocobaltate(III): an accurate determination
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 822-832
2107000 CIFEr3 Ga S6C m c 2110.36; 13.12; 6.4
90; 90; 90
869.908Jaulmes, S.; Laruelle, P.
Structure cristalline du sulfure d'erbium-gallium, Er3 Ga S6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 352-354
2107003 CIFLa2 Mo3 O12C 1 2/c 117.006; 11.952; 16.093
90; 108.44; 90
3103.05Jeitschko, W.
Crystal structure of La (Mo O4)3, a new ordered defect Scheelite type
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2074-2081
2107004 CIFCr P2C 1 2/m 18.213; 3.034; 7.098
90; 119.47; 90
153.985Jeitschko, W.; Donohue, P.C.
High-pressure Cr P2 and Cr As2 with Os Ge2-type structures and crystal chemistry of transition-metal dipnictides
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 783-789
2107005 CIFHg Mo O4C 1 2/c 111.282; 6.055; 5.154
90; 112.27; 90
325.82Jeitschko, W.; Sleight, A.W.
The crystal structure of Hg Mo O4 and related compounds
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 869-875
2107017 CIFC4 H8 Cs Nb O13P 1 21/m 16.464; 11.8697; 7.9518
90; 98.911; 90
602.744Kojic-Prodic, B.; Liminga, R.; Scavnicar, S.
The crystal structure of cesium oxobisoxalatobisaquoniobate(V) dihydrate, Cs Nb O (C2 O4)2 (H2 O)2 (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 864-869
2107028 CIFC2 H6 N O4.5P n m a11.228; 12.329; 6.898
90; 90; 90
954.89Kueppers, H.
The crystal structure of ammonium hydrogen oxalate hemihydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 318-327
2107029 CIFC5 H4 Ba Fe N6 O3P c a 2119.471; 7.631; 8.609
90; 90; 90
1279.15Lanfranconi, A.H.; Alvarez, A.G.; Castellano, E.E.
The crystal and molecular structure of barium nitroprusside dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1733-1734
2107039 CIFBr3 Cr CsP 63 m c7.588; 7.588; 6.506
90; 90; 120
324.414Li, T.I.; Stucky, G.D.
The effect of exchange coupling on the spectra of transition metal ions. The crystal structure and optical spectrum of Cs Cr Br3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1529-1532
2107040 CIFCl3 Cs MnR -3 m :H7.29; 7.29; 27.317
90; 90; 120
1257.24Li, T.I.; Stucky, G.D.; McPherson, G.L.
The crystal structure of Cs Mn Cl3 and a summary of the structures of R M X3 compounds
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1330-1335
2107043 CIFC1.896 Al11.448 Ca7.32 Cl0.054 K0.192 Na0.392 O53.904 S0.054 Si12.552P 42/n :112.194; 12.194; 7.557
90; 90; 90
1123.68Lin, S.B.; Burley, B.J.
The crystal structure of meionite
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2024-2026
2107044 CIFO5 Te2P 1 21 15.368; 4.696; 7.955
90; 104.82; 90
193.86Lindqvist, O.; Moret, J.
The crystal structure of ditellurium pentoxide, Te2 O5
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 643-650
2107050 CIFH4 N2 O10 Zn3P 1 21/c 17.038; 9.658; 11.182
90; 100.96; 90
746.21Louer, M.; Grandjean, D.; Weigel, D.
Etude structurale des hydroxynitrates de nickel et de zinc. II. Structure cristalline du nitrate basique de zinc (Zn (O H)2)2 Zn (N O3)2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1703-1706
2107053 CIFFe2 O7 Sr3P 4/m m m3.874; 3.874; 40.314
90; 90; 90
605.028Lucchini, E.; Minichelli, D.; Sloccari, G.
The crystal structure of alpha-Sr3 Fe2 O7-x
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2356-2357
2107054 CIFBa Fe4 O8 SrP -6 m 25.448; 5.448; 8.091
90; 90; 120
207.973Lucchini, E.; Minichelli, D.; Meriani, S.
The crystal structure of beta-Ba Sr Fe4 O8
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 919-920
2107055 CIFBa Fe O2.67P 63/m m c5.683; 5.683; 13.916
90; 90; 120
389.225Lucchini, E.; Meriani, S.; Minichelli, D.
An X-ray study of two phases of Ba Fe O3-x
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1217-1219
2107071 CIFGe PtP n m a5.719; 3.697; 6.084
90; 90; 90
128.635Graeber, E.J.; Morosin, B.; Baughman, R.J.
Crystal structure and linear thermal expansitivities of platinum silicide and platinum germanide
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1991-1994
2107080 CIFCa H12 I2 O12F d d 214.829; 22.98; 6.383
90; 90; 90
2175.14Morosin, B.; Bergman, J.G.; Crane, G.R.
Crystal structure, linear and nonlinear optical properties of Ca (I O3)2 (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1067-1072
2107093 CIFH K0.55 O4 Rb0.45 SP 1 21/c 17.07; 14.1; 8.17
90; 103.9; 90
790.593Mumme, W.G.
Alkali metal ordering and hydrogen bonding in the system K H S O4 - Rb H S O4: The crystal structures of Kx Rb1-x H S O4 (x=0.3-0.55) and Rb H S O4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1076-1083
2107094 CIFH O4 Rb SP 1 21/c 114.29; 4.61; 14.76
90; 120.4; 90
838.659Mumme, W.G.
Alkali metal ordering and hydrogen bonding in the system K H S O4 - Rb H S O4: The crystal structures of Kx Rb1-x H S O4 (x=0.3-0.55) and Rb H S O4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1076-1083
2107095 CIFF6 H4 Li2 O2 TiC 1 2/m 110.294; 5.934; 4.8032
90; 90.13; 90
293.401Marseglia, E. A.; Brown, I. D.
Lithium hexafluorotitanate dihydrate and lithium hexafluorostannate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973, 29, 1352-1354
2107096 CIFF6 H4 Li2 O2 SnC 1 2/m 19.818; 6.101; 4.727
90; 90.96; 90
283.106Marseglia, E. A.; Brown, I. D.
Lithium hexafluorotitanate dihydrate and lithium hexafluorostannate dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1973, 29, 1352-1354
2107098 CIFGe La2 S5P 1 1 21/a7.893; 7.641; 12.702
90; 90; 101.39
750.976Mazurier, A.; Etienne, J.
Structure cristalline de La Ge S5
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 817-821
2107099 CIFF Se YP n a m9.912; 6.314; 4.08
90; 90; 90
255.344Nguyen, H.D.
Structure cristalline du fluoroseleniure d'yttrium orthorhombique Y Se F1O
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2095-2097
2107100 CIFAg H4 Na O5 SP -15.949; 9.277; 5.465
101.06; 90.65; 117.29
261.349Niinisto, L.; Larsson, L.O.
The crystal structure of silver sodium sulphite dihydrate Ag Na S O3 (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 623-626
2107111 CIFAl Cs H8 N4P 4/n :27.579; 7.579; 5.375
90; 90; 90
308.747Molinie, P.; Brec, R.; Rouxel, J.; Herpin, P.
Structures des amidoaluminates alcalins M Al (N H2)4, (M=Na,K,Cs). Structure de l'amidogallate de sodium Na Ga (N H2)4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 925-934
2107112 CIFAl H8 K N4C 2 2 2110; 5.8; 10.14
90; 90; 90
588.12Molinie, P.; Brec, R.; Rouxel, J.; Herpin, P.
Structures des amidoaluminates alcalins M Al (N H2)4, (M= Na, K, Cs). Structure de l'amidogallate de sodium Na Ga (N H2)4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 925-934
2107113 CIFAl H8 N4 NaP 1 21/c 17.324; 6.05; 13.18
90; 94.25; 90
582.403Molinie, P.; Brec, R.; Herpin, P.; Rouxel, J.
Structures des amidoaluminates alcalins M Al (N H2)4, (M= Na, K, Cs). Structure de l'amidogallate de sodium Na Ga (N H2)4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 925-934
2107114 CIFGa H8 N4 NaP 1 21/c 17.423; 6.107; 12.85
90; 90.25; 90
582.514Molinie, P.; Herpin, P.; Brec, R.; Rouxel, J.
Structures des amidoaluminates alcalins M Al (N H2)4, (M=Na,K,Cs). Structure de l'amidogallate de sodium Na Ga (N H2)4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 925-934
2107115 CIFBa Fe4 O7P 63/m5.16; 5.16; 13.811
90; 90; 120
318.46Okamoto, S.; Okamoto, S.I.; Ito, T.
The crystal structure of barium diferrite
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 832-838
2107118 CIFCr2 Na2 O7A -17.82; 10.36; 9.54
89.5; 110.1; 113.4
658.758Panagiotopoulos, N.C.; Brown, I.D.
The crystal structure of alpha Na Cr2 O7 and the alpha-beta phase transition
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 890-894
2107122 CIFH17.2 Na4.26 Nb3.94 O36.12 Si8P b a m7.408; 14.198; 7.148
90; 90; 90
751.818Perrault, G.; Boucher, C.; Rossi, G.; Vicat, J.; Cannillo, E.
Structure cristalline du Nenadkevichite (Na,K)2-x (Nb,Ti) (O, O H) Su2 O6 (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1432-1438
2107129 CIFC H4 Ca7 O23 Si6I 1 2/m 110.118; 15.187; 6.626
90; 100.4; 90
1001.44Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.
The crystal structure of scawtite, Ca7 Si6 O18 C O3 (H2 O)2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 73-80
2107131 CIFH2 N2 S6P n m a7.873; 12.858; 7.39
90; 90; 90
748.097Postma, H.J.; van Bolhuis, F.; Vos, A.
The N-S bond lengths in the isomers S6 (N H)2. Refinement of the crystal structure of S6 (N H)2 -II
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 915-917
2107133 CIFHg2 O7 V2P n m a7.156; 3.636; 21.52
90; 90; 90
559.934Quarton, M.; Angenault, J.; Rimsky, A.
Structure cristalline de alpha-Hg2 V2 O7
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 567-573
2107134 CIFAs4 Se4P 1 21/c 16.69; 13.86; 10
90; 113.2; 90
852.254Renninger, A.L.; Averbach, B.L.
Crystalline structures of As2 Se and As4 Se4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1583-1589
2107135 CIFAs2 Se3P 1 21/c 14.3; 9.94; 12.84
90; 109.1; 90
518.595Renninger, A.L.; Averbach, B.L.
Crystalline structures of As2 Se and As4 Se4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1583-1589
2107141 CIFCs F9 U2C 1 2/c 115.649; 7.087; 8.689
90; 118.11; 90
849.981Rosenzweig, A.; Cromer, D.T.; Ryan, R.R.
The crystal structure of cesium nonafluorodiuranate(IV), Cs U2 F9
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 460-462
2107145 CIFF S YP 63/m m c4.062; 4.062; 16.693
90; 90; 120
238.531Rysanek, N.; Loye, O.
Structure cristalline de Y S F (beta)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1567-1569
2107147 CIFAl2 Br7 KP 1 21/c 112.373; 10.822; 14.444
90; 133.87; 90
1394.29Rytter, E.D.; Krogh-Moe, J.; Oye, H.A.
Potassium heptabromodialuminate, K Al2 Br7
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1541-1543
2107151 CIFCo3 O8 V2C m c a6.03; 11.486; 8.312
90; 90; 90
575.694Sauerbrei, E.E.; Calvo, C.; Faggiani, R.
Refinement of the crystal structures of Co V2 O8 and Ni V2 O8
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2304-2306
2107152 CIFNi3 O8 V2C m c a5.936; 11.42; 8.24
90; 90; 90
558.582Sauerbrei, E.E.; Calvo, C.; Faggiani, R.
Refinement of the crystal structures of Co V2 O8 and Ni V2 O8
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2304-2306
2107153 CIFBr Nd SP 1 1 21/b6.94; 6.91; 7.05
90; 90; 99.28
333.661Savigny, N.; Adolphe, C.; Zalkin, A.; Templeton, D.H.
Structure de Nd S Br et des sulfobromures de terres rares isotypes
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1532-1535
2107154 CIFI S SmR -3 m :H4.54; 4.54; 32.69
90; 90; 120
583.522Savigny, N.; Laruelle, P.; Flahaut, J.
Structure cristalline du sulfoiodure de samarium, Sm S I
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 345-347
2107163 CIFS3 Tl4P 1 21/a 17.972; 13.03; 7.757
90; 103.99; 90
781.859Leclerc, B.; Bailly, M.
Structure cristalline du sulfure de thallium: Tl4 S3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2334-2334
2107173 CIFI Li O3P 42/n :29.7329; 9.7329; 6.1566
90; 90; 90
583.211Schulz, H.
The structure of beta-Li I O3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2285-2289
2107174 CIFB3 H3 S6P 1 21/c 113.949; 4.133; 17.532
90; 114.763; 90
917.802Schwarz, W.; Hausen, H.D.; Krebs, B.; Mandt, J.; Hess, H.; Schmelzer, W.
Trimere Metathioborsaeure
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2029-2031
2107179 CIFCl2 I KP 1 21/c 18.507; 10.907; 12.126
90; 107.82; 90
1071.14Soled, S.; Carpenter, G.B.
The crystal structures of K I Cl2 and K I Cl2 H2 O
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2104-2109
2107180 CIFCl2 H2 I K OP 1 21/m 18.022; 9.611; 4.354
90; 97.03; 90
333.167Soled, S.; Carpenter, G.B.
The crystal structure of K I Cl2 and K I Cl2 H2 O
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2104-2109
2107181 CIFC H3 F3 O4 SP 1 21/c 15.9634; 9.975; 9.708
90; 98.661; 90
570.894Spencer, J.B.; Lundgren, J.O.
Hydrogen-bond studies. LXXIII. The crystal structure of trifluoromethanesulphonic acid monohydrate, (H3 O)(+) (C F3 S O3)(-), at 298 and 83K
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1923-1928
2107192 CIFCl2 O2 UP n m a5.725; 8.409; 8.72
90; 90; 90
419.794Taylor, J.C.; Wilson, P.W.
The structure of anhydrous uranyl chloride by powder neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1073-1076
2107193 CIFNa2 S4I -4 2 d9.5965; 9.5965; 11.7885
90; 90; 90
1085.64Tegman, R.
The crystal structure of sodium tetrasulfide, Na2 S4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1463-1469
2107196 CIFBr3 GdC 1 2/m 17.224; 12.512; 6.84
90; 110.6; 90
578.714Thomas, H.H.; Baker, W.A.
The crystal structure and X-ray diffraction data for anhydrous gadolinium bromide
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1740-1743
2107197 CIFC2 H6 N2 O4P 1 21/m 13.5792; 13.3228; 5.0965
90; 102.6; 90
237.174Thomas, J.O.
Hydrogen-bond studies. LXXV. An X-ray diffraction study of normal and deuterated hydrazinium hydrogen oxalate, N2 H5 H C2 O4 and N2 D5 D C2 O4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1767-1776
2107198 CIFC2 D6 N2 O4P 1 21 13.5858; 13.3085; 5.1001
90; 102.488; 90
237.627Thomas, J.O.
Hydrogen-bond studies. LXXV. An X-ray diffraction study of normal and deuterated hydrazinium hydrogen oxalate, N2 H5 H C2 O4 and N2 D5 D C2 O4
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1767-1776
2107211 CIFF In OF d d d :28.356; 10.186; 7.039
90; 90; 90
599.119Vlasse, M.; Chamberland, B.L.; Massies, J.C.
Etude structurale de l'oxyfluorure d'indium
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 627-631
2107213 CIFCl3 Mn NaR -3 :H6.591; 6.591; 18.627
90; 90; 120
700.771van Loon, C.J.J.; Verschoor, G.C.
The crystal structure of Na Mn Cl3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1224-1228
2107214 CIFBi2 Mo3 O12P 1 21/c 17.685; 11.491; 11.929
90; 115.4; 90
951.601van den Elzen, A.F.; Rieck, G.D.
The crystal structure of Bi2 (Mo O4)3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2433-2436
2107222 CIFEr9 La10 S27C 1 2/m 129.71; 3.941; 25.92
90; 134.4; 90
2168.35Carre, D.; Laruelle, P.
Structure cristalline du sulfure d'erbium et de lanthane, Er9 La10 S27
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 70-73
2107241 CIFAl14 Ca12 F2 O32I -4 3 d11.97; 11.97; 11.97
90; 90; 90
1715.07Williams, P.P.
Refinement of the structure of (Ca O)11 (Al2 O3)7 Ca F2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1550-1551
2107242 CIFBa2 O4 TiP 1 21/n 16.096; 7.681; 10.545
90; 92.99; 90
493.08Wu, K.K.; Brown, I.D.
The crystal structure of beta-barium orthotitanate, beta-Ba Ti O4, and the bond strength-bond length curve of Ti-O
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2009-2012
2107333 CIFC SiR 3 m :H3.079; 3.079; 475.9778
90; 90; 120
3907.84Dubey, M.; Ram, U.S.; Singh, G.
A new polytype of silicon carbide, 189R
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 1548-1550
2107341 CIFCl17 Co4 Cu5 H72 N24F d -3 :221.8; 21.8; 21.8
90; 90; 90
10360.2Murray-Rust, P.
The Crystal Structure of (Co (N H3)6)4 Cu5 Cl17: A Twinned Cubic Crystal
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2559-2566
2107349 CIFBe F45 Na3 Th10P 42/n c m :211.803; 11.803; 23.42
90; 90; 90
3262.66Brunton, G.
The crystal Structure of Na3 Be Th10 F45
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2976-2978
4002699 CIFNa2 Sn5 ZnI -4 2 d6.341; 6.341; 22.3947
90; 90; 90
900.45Kanno, Masahiro; Yamada, Takahiro; Ikeda, Takuji; Nagai, Hideaki; Yamane, Hisanori
Thermoelectric Properties of Na2ZnSn5 Dimorphs with Na Atoms Disordered in Tunnels
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 859
4002702 CIFCl Ge4 Na O16 Sr2 V3P 63 m c10.4084; 10.4084; 7.2791
90; 90; 120
682.93Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McGuire, Michael A.; McMillen, Colin D.; Garlea, Vasile O.; Kolis, Joseph W.
Polar Materials with Isolated V4+ S = 1/2 Triangles: NaSr2V3O3(Ge4O13)Cl and KSr2V3O3(Ge4O13)Cl
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1404
4002703 CIFCl Ge4 K O16 Sr2 V3P 63 m c10.4679; 10.4679; 7.2427
90; 90; 120
687.31Sanjeewa, Liurukara D.; McGuire, Michael A.; McMillen, Colin D.; Garlea, Vasile O.; Kolis, Joseph W.
Polar Materials with Isolated V4+ S = 1/2 Triangles: NaSr2V3O3(Ge4O13)Cl and KSr2V3O3(Ge4O13)Cl
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1404
4002704 CIFBi3 F3 I4 O13P 63 m c10.8797; 10.8797; 6.9926
90; 90; 120
716.81Zhang, Min; Su, Xin; Mutailipu, Miriding; Yang, Zhihua; Pan, Shilie
Bi3OF3(IO3)4: Metal Oxyiodate Fluoride Featuring a Carbon-Nanotube-like Topological Structure with Large Second Harmonic Generation Response
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 945
4002705 CIFCa1.88 Li2 Mg2 N6 Si2 Sr0.12C 1 2/m 15.5744; 9.8439; 6.017
90; 97.252; 90
327.535Strobel, Philipp; Weiler, Volker; Hecht, Cora; Schmidt, Peter J.; Schnick, Wolfgang
Luminescence of the Narrow-Band Red Emitting Nitridomagnesosilicate Li2(Ca1‒xSrx)2[Mg2Si2N6]:Eu2+ (x = 0‒0.06)
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1377
4002706 CIFCs Ga Se6 Sn2R 3 :H10.518; 10.518; 9.5385
90; 90; 120
913.85Lin, Hua; Chen, Ling; Yu, Ju-Song; Chen, Hong; Wu, Li-Ming
Infrared SHG Materials CsM3Se6 (M = Ga/Sn, In/Sn): Phase Matchability Controlled by Dipole Moment of the Asymmetric Building Unit
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 499
4002707 CIFCs In Se6 Sn2R 3 :H10.652; 10.652; 9.6882
90; 90; 120
952Lin, Hua; Chen, Ling; Yu, Ju-Song; Chen, Hong; Wu, Li-Ming
Infrared SHG Materials CsM3Se6 (M = Ga/Sn, In/Sn): Phase Matchability Controlled by Dipole Moment of the Asymmetric Building Unit
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 499
4002708 CIFC48 H59 Ag B9 N2 O0.5 P2P 1 21/c 118.24578; 23.5847; 23.608
90; 99.6853; 90
10014.2Shafikov, Marsel Z.; Suleymanova, Alfiya F.; Czerwieniec, Rafał; Yersin, Hartmut
Design Strategy for Ag(I)-Based Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Reaching an Efficiency Breakthrough
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1708
4002709 CIFMg4 O21 P6 Rb4A m m 25.2878; 21.1901; 9.6973
90; 90; 90
1086.57Yu, Hongwei; Young, Joshua; Wu, Hongping; Zhang, Weiguo; Rondinelli, James M.; Halasyamani, P. Shiv
M4Mg4(P2O7)3 (M = K, Rb): Structural Engineering of Pyrophosphates for Nonlinear Optical Applications
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1845
4002713 CIFC26 H36 Cu2 N12 O9P 21 21 218.71; 7.807; 10.452
90; 90; 90
1526.7Li, Rong; Wang, Shuai-Hua; Chen, Xu-Xing; Lu, Jian; Fu, Zhi-Hua; Li, Yan; Xu, Gang; Zheng, Fa-Kun; Guo, Guo-Cong
Highly Anisotropic and Water Molecule-Dependent Proton Conductivity in a 2D Homochiral Copper(II) Metal‒Organic Framework
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2321
4002714 CIFC26 H30 Cu2 N12 O6P 21 21 218.7672; 7.6504; 10.1885
90; 90; 90
1462.83Li, Rong; Wang, Shuai-Hua; Chen, Xu-Xing; Lu, Jian; Fu, Zhi-Hua; Li, Yan; Xu, Gang; Zheng, Fa-Kun; Guo, Guo-Cong
Highly Anisotropic and Water Molecule-Dependent Proton Conductivity in a 2D Homochiral Copper(II) Metal‒Organic Framework
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2321
4002715 CIFC4 H10 N2 O6 ZnR -3 c :H8.0919; 8.0919; 22.4
90; 90; 120
1270.2Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002716 CIFC4 H10 N2 O6 ZnR 3 c :H8.0764; 8.0764; 22.3715
90; 90; 120
1263.75Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002717 CIFC4 H10 N2 O6 ZnR 3 c :H8.0633; 8.0633; 22.2638
90; 90; 120
1253.59Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002718 CIFC4 H10 Mg N2 O6R -3 c :H8.0356; 8.0356; 22.7207
90; 90; 120
1270.54Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002719 CIFC4 H10 Mg N2 O6R 3 c :H8.0379; 8.0379; 22.6907
90; 90; 120
1269.59Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002720 CIFC4 H10 Mg N2 O6R 3 c :H8.0249; 8.0249; 22.6361
90; 90; 120
1262.44Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002721 CIFC8 H20 Mn2 N4 O12P 18.198; 8.2; 8.933
63.28; 63.31; 60.06
444.8Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002722 CIFC4 H10 Mn N2 O6R -3 c :H8.216; 8.216; 23.0005
90; 90; 120
1344.59Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002723 CIFC4 H10 Mn N2 O6R 3 c :H8.2117; 8.2117; 22.9478
90; 90; 120
1340.1Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002724 CIFC4 H10 Mn N2 O6R 3 c :H8.2091; 8.2091; 22.8761
90; 90; 120
1335.07Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002725 CIFC4 H10 Fe N2 O6R -3 c :H8.1338; 8.1338; 22.6559
90; 90; 120
1298.07Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002726 CIFC4 H10 Fe N2 O6R 3 c :H8.1171; 8.1171; 22.5999
90; 90; 120
1289.55Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002727 CIFC4 H10 Fe N2 O6R 3 c :H8.112; 8.112; 22.5371
90; 90; 120
1284.35Mączka, Mirosław; Gągor, Anna; Ptak, Maciej; Paraguassu, Waldeci; da Silva, Tercio Almeida; Sieradzki, Adam; Pikul, Adam
Phase Transitions and Coexistence of Magnetic and Electric Orders in the Methylhydrazinium Metal Formate Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2264
4002728 CIFC2 F2 Fe Na2 O4C 1 2/c 115.8349; 5.962; 12.2784
90; 111.968; 90
1075.01Yao, Wenjiao; Sougrati, Moulay-Tahar; Hoang, Khang; Hui, Jianing; Lightfoot, Philip; Armstrong, A. Robert
Na2Fe(C2O4)F2: A New Iron-Based Polyoxyanion Cathode for Li/Na Ion Batteries
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2167
4002729 CIFIn8 Na4 S2 Se12P c a 2114.8082; 15.8608; 12.5156
90; 90; 90
2939.54Li, Shu-Fang; Jiang, Xiao-Ming; Liu, Bin-Wen; Yan, Dong; Lin, Chen-Sheng; Zeng, Hui-Yi; Guo, Guo-Cong
Superpolyhedron-Built Second Harmonic Generation Materials Exhibit Large Mid-Infrared Conversion Efficiencies and High Laser-Induced Damage Thresholds
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1796
4002730 CIFGa2 In4 Na2 Se10R 3 2 :H14.1; 14.1; 17.01
90; 90; 120
2929Li, Shu-Fang; Jiang, Xiao-Ming; Liu, Bin-Wen; Yan, Dong; Lin, Chen-Sheng; Zeng, Hui-Yi; Guo, Guo-Cong
Superpolyhedron-Built Second Harmonic Generation Materials Exhibit Large Mid-Infrared Conversion Efficiencies and High Laser-Induced Damage Thresholds
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1796
4002731 CIFIn3 Na Se5P 3224.5815; 24.5815; 17.4269
90; 90; 120
9119.4Li, Shu-Fang; Jiang, Xiao-Ming; Liu, Bin-Wen; Yan, Dong; Lin, Chen-Sheng; Zeng, Hui-Yi; Guo, Guo-Cong
Superpolyhedron-Built Second Harmonic Generation Materials Exhibit Large Mid-Infrared Conversion Efficiencies and High Laser-Induced Damage Thresholds
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1796
4002734 CIFC18 H16 S2P 1 21/a 18.191; 5.8764; 32.111
90; 92.698; 90
1543.9Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
4002735 CIFC22 H24 S2P -14.6426; 7.6517; 13.444
86.187; 82.177; 84.247
470.08Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
4002736 CIFC24 H28 S2P -14.7594; 8.6807; 13.1142
89.7304; 80.9378; 77.6887
522.511Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
4002737 CIFC18 H16 S2P 1 21/a 17.8271; 8.3402; 12.3259
90; 108.838; 90
761.53Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
4002738 CIFC46 H52 S4P -15.97616; 7.9219; 43.227
88.0866; 87.4616; 89.8239
2043.33Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
4002739 CIFC20 H20 S2P -14.6827; 7.453; 12.48
76.954; 85.196; 84.362
421.4Minemawari, Hiromi; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Inoue, Satoru; Yamada, Toshikazu; Kumai, Reiji; Shimoi, Yukihiro; Hasegawa, Tatsuo
Enhanced Layered-Herringbone Packing due to Long Alkyl Chain Substitution in Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductors
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1245
4002740 CIFMn1.67 Mo3 Na2.67 O12C 1 2/c 112.7445; 13.6694; 7.1892
90; 112.459; 90
1157.4Gao, Jianhua; Zhao, Pan; Feng, Kai
Na2.67Mn1.67(MoO4)3: A 3.45 V Alluaudite-Type Cathode Candidate for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 940
4002741 CIFAl2 Ca3.6 Sb6 Yb1.4P b a m11.962; 13.929; 4.427
90; 90; 90
737.6Nam, Gnu; Choi, Woongjin; Jo, Hongil; Ok, Kang Min; Ahn, Kyunghan; You, Tae-Soo
Influence of Thermally Activated Solid-State Crystal-to-Crystal Structural Transformation on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Ca5‒xYbxAl2Sb6 (1.0 ≤ x ≤ 5.0) System
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1384
4002742 CIFAl2 Ca1.55 Sb6 Yb3.45P b a m12.0006; 13.9925; 4.4457
90; 90; 90
746.51Nam, Gnu; Choi, Woongjin; Jo, Hongil; Ok, Kang Min; Ahn, Kyunghan; You, Tae-Soo
Influence of Thermally Activated Solid-State Crystal-to-Crystal Structural Transformation on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Ca5‒xYbxAl2Sb6 (1.0 ≤ x ≤ 5.0) System
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1384
4002743 CIFAl2 Ca2.79 Sb6 Yb2.22P b a m12.0321; 14.023; 4.4532
90; 90; 90
751.37Nam, Gnu; Choi, Woongjin; Jo, Hongil; Ok, Kang Min; Ahn, Kyunghan; You, Tae-Soo
Influence of Thermally Activated Solid-State Crystal-to-Crystal Structural Transformation on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Ca5‒xYbxAl2Sb6 (1.0 ≤ x ≤ 5.0) System
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1384
4002744 CIFAl2 Ca1.58 Sb6 Yb3.42P b a m7.3254; 22.9041; 4.4094
90; 90; 90
739.82Nam, Gnu; Choi, Woongjin; Jo, Hongil; Ok, Kang Min; Ahn, Kyunghan; You, Tae-Soo
Influence of Thermally Activated Solid-State Crystal-to-Crystal Structural Transformation on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Ca5‒xYbxAl2Sb6 (1.0 ≤ x ≤ 5.0) System
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 1384
4002747 CIFC57 H36 N12 Ni3 O18C 1 m 116.384; 28.376; 13.079
90; 95.57; 90
6052Jeong, Seok; Kim, Dongwook; Park, Jeongin; Shin, Sunyoung; Kim, Hyehyun; Jeong, Gyoung Hwa; Moon, Dohyun; Moon, Hoi Ri; Lah, Myoung Soo
Topology Conversions of Non-Interpenetrated Metal‒Organic Frameworks to Doubly Interpenetrated Metal‒Organic Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3899
4002748 CIFC19 H12 N4 Ni O6P -316.657; 16.657; 13.173
90; 90; 120
3165.3Jeong, Seok; Kim, Dongwook; Park, Jeongin; Shin, Sunyoung; Kim, Hyehyun; Jeong, Gyoung Hwa; Moon, Dohyun; Moon, Hoi Ri; Lah, Myoung Soo
Topology Conversions of Non-Interpenetrated Metal‒Organic Frameworks to Doubly Interpenetrated Metal‒Organic Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3899
4002751 CIFC32 H22P -19.602; 10.452; 11.076
93.925; 109.054; 97.992
1032.8Ju, Huajun; Wang, Kang; Zhang, Jing; Geng, Hua; Liu, Zitong; Zhang, Guanxin; Zhao, Yongsheng; Zhang, Deqing
1,6- and 2,7-trans-β-Styryl Substituted Pyrenes Exhibiting Both Emissive and Semiconducting Properties in the Solid State
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3580
4002752 CIFC8 H16 Cl3 N O2P 21 21 218.6082; 16.554; 17.9068
90; 90; 90
2551.72Ji, Chengmin; Wang, Sasa; Liu, Sijie; Sun, Zhihua; Zhang, Jing; Li, Lina; Luo, Junhua
Exceptional Three-Level Switching Behaviors of Quadratic Nonlinear Optical Properties in a Tristable Molecule-Based Dielectric
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3251
4002753 CIFC8 H16 Cl3 N O2P n m a17.9259; 8.5845; 17.7048
90; 90; 90
2724.5Ji, Chengmin; Wang, Sasa; Liu, Sijie; Sun, Zhihua; Zhang, Jing; Li, Lina; Luo, Junhua
Exceptional Three-Level Switching Behaviors of Quadratic Nonlinear Optical Properties in a Tristable Molecule-Based Dielectric
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3251
4002754 CIFC38 H56 N2 O6 S2P -15.3533; 8.4519; 20.8245
99.5419; 90.1363; 94.5565
926.13Fu, Chaoying; Beldon, Patrick J.; Perepichka, Dmitrii F.
H-Bonding Control of Supramolecular Ordering of Diketopyrrolopyrroles
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2979
4002755 CIFC32 H44 N2 O8P -15.2636; 8.2569; 18.3521
78.975; 85.35; 85.965
779.08Fu, Chaoying; Beldon, Patrick J.; Perepichka, Dmitrii F.
H-Bonding Control of Supramolecular Ordering of Diketopyrrolopyrroles
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2979
4002756 CIFB2 Mg0.66 Mn1.33 O5P -13.23914; 6.2347; 9.4884
104.736; 90.6239; 91.943
185.172Glass, Hugh F. J.; Liu, Zigeng; Bayley, Paul M.; Suard, Emmanuelle; Bo, Shou-Hang; Khalifah, Peter G.; Grey, Clare P.; Dutton, Siân E.
MgxMn2‒xB2O5 Pyroborates (2/3 ≤ x ≤ 4/3): High Capacity and High Rate Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3118
4002757 CIFB2 Mg1.33 Mn0.66 O5P -13.18809; 6.2021; 9.36747
104.556; 90.5538; 92.0289
179.131Glass, Hugh F. J.; Liu, Zigeng; Bayley, Paul M.; Suard, Emmanuelle; Bo, Shou-Hang; Khalifah, Peter G.; Grey, Clare P.; Dutton, Siân E.
MgxMn2‒xB2O5 Pyroborates (2/3 ≤ x ≤ 4/3): High Capacity and High Rate Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3118
4002758 CIFB2 Mg Mn O5P -13.20758; 6.2134; 9.4127
104.623; 90.511; 92.012
181.376Glass, Hugh F. J.; Liu, Zigeng; Bayley, Paul M.; Suard, Emmanuelle; Bo, Shou-Hang; Khalifah, Peter G.; Grey, Clare P.; Dutton, Siân E.
MgxMn2‒xB2O5 Pyroborates (2/3 ≤ x ≤ 4/3): High Capacity and High Rate Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 3118
4002759 CIFBa Fe4 O7P -3 1 c5.1503; 5.1503; 13.8069
90; 90; 120
317.17Ferreira, Timothy; Morrison, Gregory; Chance, W. Michael; Calder, Stuart; Smith, Mark D.; zur Loye, Hans-Conrad
BaFe4O7 and K0.22Ba0.89Fe4O7: Canted Antiferromagnetic Diferrites with Exceptionally High Magnetic Ordering Temperatures
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2689
4002817 CIFBi CuP m m a5.188995; 4.230802; 7.86657
90; 90; 90
172.7Clarke, Samantha M.; Amsler, Maximilian; Walsh, James P. S.; Yu, Tony; Wang, Yanbin; Meng, Yue; Jacobsen, Steven D.; Wolverton, Chris; Freedman, Danna E.
Creating Binary Cu‒Bi Compounds via High-Pressure Synthesis: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5276
4002818 CIFC120 H120 N80 O69P 21/m 1 139.1; 16.748; 16.501
90; 90.01; 90
10806Yao, Yu-Qing; Zhang, Ying-Jie; Huang, Chao; Zhu, Qian-Jiang; Tao, Zhu; Ni, Xin-Long; Wei, Gang
Cucurbit[10]uril-Based Smart Supramolecular Organic Frameworks in Selective Isolation of Metal Cations
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5468
4002819 CIFC90 H98 Ba2 Cl4 N60 O40.5P -120.918; 21.165; 23.176
71.16; 67.42; 75.08
8861Yao, Yu-Qing; Zhang, Ying-Jie; Huang, Chao; Zhu, Qian-Jiang; Tao, Zhu; Ni, Xin-Long; Wei, Gang
Cucurbit[10]uril-Based Smart Supramolecular Organic Frameworks in Selective Isolation of Metal Cations
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5468
4002820 CIFC90 H110.5 Cl4.05 Gd2 N60 O45.25P -121.596; 22.162; 22.803
63.31; 85.66; 63.71
8638Yao, Yu-Qing; Zhang, Ying-Jie; Huang, Chao; Zhu, Qian-Jiang; Tao, Zhu; Ni, Xin-Long; Wei, Gang
Cucurbit[10]uril-Based Smart Supramolecular Organic Frameworks in Selective Isolation of Metal Cations
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5468
4002821 CIFC16 H40 Bi2 I10 N4 O0P -19.4725; 9.9447; 21.4361
91.872; 92.148; 95.903
2005.83Li, Mu-Qing; Hu, Yue-Qiao; Bi, Le-Yu; Zhang, Hao-Lan; Wang, Yanyan; Zheng, Yan-Zhen
Structure Tunable Organic‒Inorganic Bismuth Halides for an Enhanced Two-Dimensional Lead-Free Light-Harvesting Material
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5463
4002822 CIFC8 H20 Bi Br5 N2 O0C 1 2/c 119.724; 11.129; 16.62
90; 107.465; 90
3480Li, Mu-Qing; Hu, Yue-Qiao; Bi, Le-Yu; Zhang, Hao-Lan; Wang, Yanyan; Zheng, Yan-Zhen
Structure Tunable Organic‒Inorganic Bismuth Halides for an Enhanced Two-Dimensional Lead-Free Light-Harvesting Material
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5463
4002823 CIFC8 H20 Bi Cl5 N2 O0C 1 2/c 119.0664; 10.6827; 16.0947
90; 108.666; 90
3105.75Li, Mu-Qing; Hu, Yue-Qiao; Bi, Le-Yu; Zhang, Hao-Lan; Wang, Yanyan; Zheng, Yan-Zhen
Structure Tunable Organic‒Inorganic Bismuth Halides for an Enhanced Two-Dimensional Lead-Free Light-Harvesting Material
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5463
4002824 CIFC12 H30 Bi2 Cl2 I7 N3 O0P 1 21/n 118.086; 9.287; 20.238
90; 112.631; 90
3137.5Li, Mu-Qing; Hu, Yue-Qiao; Bi, Le-Yu; Zhang, Hao-Lan; Wang, Yanyan; Zheng, Yan-Zhen
Structure Tunable Organic‒Inorganic Bismuth Halides for an Enhanced Two-Dimensional Lead-Free Light-Harvesting Material
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5463
4002825 CIFSb2 Zn2.91R -3 :H15.122; 15.122; 74.834
90; 90; 120
14820Lo, Chun-Wan Timothy; Ortiz, Brenden R.; Toberer, Eric S.; He, Allan; Svitlyk, Volodymyr; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Kolodiazhnyi, Taras; Lidin, Sven; Mozharivskyj, Yurij
Synthesis, Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties of α-Zn3Sb2 and Comparison to β-Zn13Sb10
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5249
4002826 CIFBa6 Ga2 S16 Zn7R 3 :H9.7723; 9.7723; 27.006
90; 90; 120
2233.5Li, Yan-Yan; Liu, Peng-Fei; Wu, Li-Ming
Ba6Zn7Ga2S16: A Wide Band Gap Sulfide with Phase-Matchable Infrared NLO Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5259
4002829 CIFAl3 Na3 O12 Si3P 325.108967; 5.108967; 12.48752
90; 90; 120
282.275Zhao, Ming; Xia, Zhiguo; Molokeev, Maxim S.; Ning, Lixin; Liu, Quanlin
Temperature and Eu2±Doping Induced Phase Selection in NaAlSiO4 Polymorphs and the Controlled Yellow/Blue Emission
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6552
4002830 CIFBa0.89 Fe4 K0.21 O7P -3 1 c5.1532; 5.1532; 13.8134
90; 90; 120
317.68Ferreira, Timothy; Morrison, Gregory; Chance, W. Michael; Calder, Stuart; Smith, Mark D.; zur Loye, Hans-Conrad
BaFe4O7 and K0.22Ba0.89Fe4O7: Canted Antiferromagnetic Diferrites with Exceptionally High Magnetic Ordering Temperatures
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2689
4002833 CIFC90 H104 Ce2 Cl4 N60 O57.5P -120.852; 21.303; 22.769
71.45; 66.73; 74.75
8699Yao, Yu-Qing; Zhang, Ying-Jie; Huang, Chao; Zhu, Qian-Jiang; Tao, Zhu; Ni, Xin-Long; Wei, Gang
Cucurbit[10]uril-Based Smart Supramolecular Organic Frameworks in Selective Isolation of Metal Cations
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 5468
4002834 CIFAl2 Na2.28 O8 Si2F -4 3 m7.332028; 7.332028; 7.332028
90; 90; 90
394.16Ming Zhao; Zhiguo Xia; Maxim S. Molokeev; Lixin Ning; Quanlin Liu
Temperature and Eu2+ Doping induced Phase Selection in NaAlSiO4 Polymorphs and the Controlled Yellow/Blue Emission
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6552-6559
4002835 CIFAl4 Na3.49 O16 Si4P 639.9762; 9.9762; 8.34957
90; 90; 120
719.66Ming Zhao; Zhiguo Xia; Maxim S. Molokeev; Lixin Ning; Quanlin Liu
Temperature and Eu2+ Doping induced Phase Selection in NaAlSiO4 Polymorphs and the Controlled Yellow/Blue Emission
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6552-6559
4002837 CIFAg6 Ge10 P12I -4 3 m10.2959; 10.2959; 10.2959
90; 90; 90
1091.4Nuss, Jürgen; Wedig, Ulrich; Xie, Wenjie; Yordanov, Petar; Bruin, Jan; Hübner, Ralph; Weidenkaff, Anke; Takagi, Hidenori
Phosphide‒Tetrahedrite Ag6Ge10P12: Thermoelectric Performance of a Long-Forgotten Silver-Cluster Compound
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6956
4002838 CIFAg6 Ge10 P12I -4 3 m10.32; 10.32; 10.32
90; 90; 90
1099.1Nuss, Jürgen; Wedig, Ulrich; Xie, Wenjie; Yordanov, Petar; Bruin, Jan; Hübner, Ralph; Weidenkaff, Anke; Takagi, Hidenori
Phosphide‒Tetrahedrite Ag6Ge10P12: Thermoelectric Performance of a Long-Forgotten Silver-Cluster Compound
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6956
4002839 CIFAg6 Ge10 P12I -4 3 m10.3111; 10.3111; 10.3111
90; 90; 90
1096.26Nuss, Jürgen; Wedig, Ulrich; Xie, Wenjie; Yordanov, Petar; Bruin, Jan; Hübner, Ralph; Weidenkaff, Anke; Takagi, Hidenori
Phosphide‒Tetrahedrite Ag6Ge10P12: Thermoelectric Performance of a Long-Forgotten Silver-Cluster Compound
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6956
4002840 CIFAg6 Ge10 P12I -4 3 m10.3004; 10.3004; 10.3004
90; 90; 90
1092.9Nuss, Jürgen; Wedig, Ulrich; Xie, Wenjie; Yordanov, Petar; Bruin, Jan; Hübner, Ralph; Weidenkaff, Anke; Takagi, Hidenori
Phosphide‒Tetrahedrite Ag6Ge10P12: Thermoelectric Performance of a Long-Forgotten Silver-Cluster Compound
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6956
4002841 CIFC4 H8 Cl2 Fe2 Li2 O12P c a 2111.449; 11.435; 10.144
90; 90; 90
1328Yao, Wenjiao; Clark, Lucy; Xia, Mingjun; Li, Teng; Lee, Stephen L.; Lightfoot, Philip
Diverse Family of Layered Frustrated Magnets with Tailorable Interlayer Interactions
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6616
4002842 CIFC16 H20 N S2P -16.213; 9.183; 14.383
94.287; 100.125; 106.893
766Zhang, Siyuan; Zhang, Junxiang; Abdelsamie, Maged; Shi, Qinqin; Zhang, Yadong; Parker, Timothy C.; Jucov, Evgheni V.; Timofeeva, Tatiana V.; Amassian, Aram; Bazan, Guillermo C.; Blakey, Simon B.; Barlow, Stephen; Marder, Seth R.
Intermediate-Sized Conjugated Donor Molecules for Organic Solar Cells: Comparison of Benzodithiophene and Benzobisthiazole-Based Cores
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7880
4002843 CIFC144 H157.5 N6 S9C 1 2/c 123.7318; 27.7793; 38.156
90; 100.061; 90
24767.6Abe, Yuichiro; Savikhin, Victoria; Yin, Jun; Grimsdale, Andrew C.; Soci, Cesare; Toney, Michael F.; Lam, Yeng Ming
Unique Reversible Crystal-to-Crystal Phase Transition—Structural and Functional Properties of Fused Ladder Thienoarenes
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7686
4002844 CIFGa5 Hg4 K Se12R 3 :H14.3203; 14.3203; 9.7057
90; 90; 120
1723.7Zhou, Molin; Yang, Yi; Guo, Yangwu; Lin, Zheshuai; Yao, Jiyong; Wu, Yicheng; Chen, Chuangtian
Hg-Based Infrared Nonlinear Optical Material KHg4Ga5Se12 Exhibits Good Phase-Matchability and Exceptional Second Harmonic Generation Response
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7993
4002845 CIFC5 H7 Cl Co3 O11P 3112.0903; 12.0903; 7.5333
90; 90; 120
953.65Greenfield, Joshua T.; Unger, Colin D.; Chen, Michael; Izquierdo, Nezhueyotl; Woo, Katherine E.; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Kamali, Saeed; Kovnir, Kirill
A Series of Chiral, Polar, Homospin Topological Ferrimagnets: M3(OOCH)5Cl(OH2) (M = Fe, Co, Ni)
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7716
4002846 CIFC5 H7 Cl Ni3 O11P 3111.9286; 11.9286; 7.3887
90; 90; 120
910.5Greenfield, Joshua T.; Unger, Colin D.; Chen, Michael; Izquierdo, Nezhueyotl; Woo, Katherine E.; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Kamali, Saeed; Kovnir, Kirill
A Series of Chiral, Polar, Homospin Topological Ferrimagnets: M3(OOCH)5Cl(OH2) (M = Fe, Co, Ni)
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7716
4002847 CIFC5 H7 Cl Fe3 O11P 3112.2116; 12.2116; 7.5739
90; 90; 120
978.13Greenfield, Joshua T.; Unger, Colin D.; Chen, Michael; Izquierdo, Nezhueyotl; Woo, Katherine E.; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Kamali, Saeed; Kovnir, Kirill
A Series of Chiral, Polar, Homospin Topological Ferrimagnets: M3(OOCH)5Cl(OH2) (M = Fe, Co, Ni)
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7716
4002848 CIFC144 H106 N2 O4P -19.5089; 16.5114; 18.4177
96.813; 99.765; 93.246
2820.9Zhang, Bolong; Soleimaninejad, Hamid; Jones, David J.; White, Jonathan M.; Ghiggino, Kenneth P.; Smith, Trevor A.; Wong, Wallace W. H.
Highly Fluorescent Molecularly Insulated Perylene Diimides: Effect of Concentration on Photophysical Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8395
4002849 CIFC136 H100 N4 O8P -116.945; 17.24; 20.307
81.27; 73.96; 64.79
5154Zhang, Bolong; Soleimaninejad, Hamid; Jones, David J.; White, Jonathan M.; Ghiggino, Kenneth P.; Smith, Trevor A.; Wong, Wallace W. H.
Highly Fluorescent Molecularly Insulated Perylene Diimides: Effect of Concentration on Photophysical Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8395
4002850 CIFC189 H176 N8 O6 S8P -113.969; 17.144; 17.97
104.668; 109.998; 96.169
3822Shi, Xueliang; Zuo, Lijian; Jo, Sae Byeok; Gao, Ke; Lin, Francis; Liu, Feng; Jen, Alex K.-Y.
Design of a Highly Crystalline Low-Band Gap Fused-Ring Electron Acceptor for High-Efficiency Solar Cells with Low Energy Loss
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8369
4002852 CIFBi4 Cd Se8 SnC 1 2/m 113.679; 4.153; 15.127
90; 115.51; 90
775.57Zhao, Jing; Islam, Saiful M.; Hao, Shiqiang; Tan, Gangjian; Su, Xianli; Chen, Haijie; Lin, Wenwen; Li, Rukang; Wolverton, Chris; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.
Semiconducting Pavonites CdMBi4Se8 (M = Sn and Pb) and Their Thermoelectric Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8494
4002853 CIFBi4.04 Cd0.99 Pb0.96 Se8C 1 2/m 113.713; 4.1665; 15.228
90; 115.56; 90
784.9Zhao, Jing; Islam, Saiful M.; Hao, Shiqiang; Tan, Gangjian; Su, Xianli; Chen, Haijie; Lin, Wenwen; Li, Rukang; Wolverton, Chris; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.
Semiconducting Pavonites CdMBi4Se8 (M = Sn and Pb) and Their Thermoelectric Properties
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8494
4002854 CIFC36.71 H92.71 Br18 N0.71 O2 Pb5 S9.29P -110.5009; 11.9576; 17.2362
80.684; 76.252; 88.259
2074.47Smith, Matthew D.; Watson, Brian L.; Dauskardt, Reinhold H.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I.
Broadband Emission with a Massive Stokes Shift from Sulfonium Pb‒Br Hybrids
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7083
4002855 CIFC12 H36 Br10 Pb3 S4P 1 21/n 111.4104; 9.2728; 18.5164
90; 97.622; 90
1941.84Smith, Matthew D.; Watson, Brian L.; Dauskardt, Reinhold H.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I.
Broadband Emission with a Massive Stokes Shift from Sulfonium Pb‒Br Hybrids
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7083
4002856 CIFC24 H60 Br12 Pb3 S6P c a 2122.1968; 11.207; 21.0031
90; 90; 90
5224.7Smith, Matthew D.; Watson, Brian L.; Dauskardt, Reinhold H.; Karunadasa, Hemamala I.
Broadband Emission with a Massive Stokes Shift from Sulfonium Pb‒Br Hybrids
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7083
4002857 CIFBr6 Cs4 PbR -3 c :H13.7222; 13.7222; 17.299
90; 90; 120
2820.97De Bastiani, Michele; Dursun, Ibrahim; Zhang, Yuhai; Alshankiti, Buthainah A.; Miao, Xiao-He; Yin, Jun; Yengel, Emre; Alarousu, Erkki; Turedi, Bekir; Almutlaq, Jawaher M.; Saidaminov, Makhsud I.; Mitra, Somak; Gereige, Issam; AlSaggaf, Ahmed; Zhu, Yihan; Han, Yu; Roqan, Iman S.; Bredas, Jean-Luc; Mohammed, Omar F.; Bakr, Osman M.
Inside Perovskites: Quantum Luminescence from Bulk Cs4PbBr6 Single Crystals
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7108
4002858 CIFC43 H50 F6 O2 S2P -16.193; 17.569; 19.605
107.797; 90.469; 100.043
1996Kitagawa, Daichi; Kawasaki, Kaito; Tanaka, Rika; Kobatake, Seiya
Mechanical Behavior of Molecular Crystals Induced by Combination of Photochromic Reaction and Reversible Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Phase Transition
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7524
4002859 CIFC43 H50 F6 O2 S2P -16.389; 17.125; 20.105
108.813; 90.502; 102.091
2029Kitagawa, Daichi; Kawasaki, Kaito; Tanaka, Rika; Kobatake, Seiya
Mechanical Behavior of Molecular Crystals Induced by Combination of Photochromic Reaction and Reversible Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Phase Transition
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 7524
4002860 CIFC15 H15 Cu I N6 O PP -19.0437; 10.8072; 10.8381
116.35; 102.549; 96.607
899.05Yu, Muxin; Chen, Lian; Jiang, Feilong; Zhou, Kang; Liu, Caiping; Sun, Cai; Li, Xingjun; Yang, Yan; Hong, Maochun
Cation-Induced Strategy toward an Hourglass-Shaped Cu6I7‒ Cluster and Its Color-Tunable Luminescence
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8093
4002861 CIFC30 H30 Cu6 I7 Li N12 O8 P2R -3 c :H14.4114; 14.4114; 46.858
90; 90; 120
8428Yu, Muxin; Chen, Lian; Jiang, Feilong; Zhou, Kang; Liu, Caiping; Sun, Cai; Li, Xingjun; Yang, Yan; Hong, Maochun
Cation-Induced Strategy toward an Hourglass-Shaped Cu6I7‒ Cluster and Its Color-Tunable Luminescence
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8093
4002862 CIFC30 H30 Cu6 I7 N12 Na O5 P2R -3 c :H14.364; 14.364; 47.9353
90; 90; 120
8565.2Yu, Muxin; Chen, Lian; Jiang, Feilong; Zhou, Kang; Liu, Caiping; Sun, Cai; Li, Xingjun; Yang, Yan; Hong, Maochun
Cation-Induced Strategy toward an Hourglass-Shaped Cu6I7‒ Cluster and Its Color-Tunable Luminescence
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8093
4002863 CIFC30 H30 Cu6 I7 N12 O2 P2R -3 c :H14.343; 14.343; 48.4451
90; 90; 120
8631Yu, Muxin; Chen, Lian; Jiang, Feilong; Zhou, Kang; Liu, Caiping; Sun, Cai; Li, Xingjun; Yang, Yan; Hong, Maochun
Cation-Induced Strategy toward an Hourglass-Shaped Cu6I7‒ Cluster and Its Color-Tunable Luminescence
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8093
4002864 CIFC30 H30 Cu6 I7 K N12 O2 P2R -3 c :H14.3646; 14.3646; 49.201
90; 90; 120
8792.1Yu, Muxin; Chen, Lian; Jiang, Feilong; Zhou, Kang; Liu, Caiping; Sun, Cai; Li, Xingjun; Yang, Yan; Hong, Maochun
Cation-Induced Strategy toward an Hourglass-Shaped Cu6I7‒ Cluster and Its Color-Tunable Luminescence
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8093
4002865 CIFC38 H30 Cu6 I7 N13 O2 P2R -3 c :H14.2783; 14.2783; 49.8573
90; 90; 120
8802.6Yu, Muxin; Chen, Lian; Jiang, Feilong; Zhou, Kang; Liu, Caiping; Sun, Cai; Li, Xingjun; Yang, Yan; Hong, Maochun
Cation-Induced Strategy toward an Hourglass-Shaped Cu6I7‒ Cluster and Its Color-Tunable Luminescence
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8093
4002866 CIFAl Mo6 Na9 O24C 1 2/c 115.4067; 14.6428; 10.625
90; 93.991; 90
2391.16Savina, Aleksandra A.; Morozov, Vladimir A.; Buzlukov, Anton L.; Arapova, Irina Yu.; Stefanovich, Sergey Yu.; Baklanova, Yana V.; Denisova, Tatiana A.; Medvedeva, Nadezhda I.; Bardet, Michel; Hadermann, Joke; Lazoryak, Bogdan I.; Khaikina, Elena G.
New Solid Electrolyte Na9Al(MoO4)6: Structure and Na+ Ion Conductivity
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 8901
4002867 CIFGe4 Rb4 Se12P n a 2114.87; 13.8; 12.445
90; 90; 90
2554Liu, Bin-Wen; Zhang, Min-Yi; Jiang, Xiao-Ming; Li, Shu-Fang; Zeng, Hui-Yi; Wang, Guo-Qiang; Fan, Yu-Hang; Su, Yong-Fei; Li, Chunsen; Guo, Guo-Cong; Huang, Jin-Shun
Large Second-Harmonic Generation Responses Achieved by the Dimeric [Ge2Se4(μ-Se2)]4‒ Functional Motif in Polar Polyselenides A4Ge4Se12 (A = Rb, Cs)
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9200
4002868 CIFCs4 Ge4 Se12P n a 2115.193; 13.944; 12.845
90; 90; 90
2721.2Liu, Bin-Wen; Zhang, Min-Yi; Jiang, Xiao-Ming; Li, Shu-Fang; Zeng, Hui-Yi; Wang, Guo-Qiang; Fan, Yu-Hang; Su, Yong-Fei; Li, Chunsen; Guo, Guo-Cong; Huang, Jin-Shun
Large Second-Harmonic Generation Responses Achieved by the Dimeric [Ge2Se4(μ-Se2)]4‒ Functional Motif in Polar Polyselenides A4Ge4Se12 (A = Rb, Cs)
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9200
4002869 CIFAg11.86 Se7 Tl2P -318.9153; 18.9153; 4.3783
90; 90; 120
1356.6Shi, Yixuan; Assoud, Abdeljalil; Sankar, Cheriyedath Raj; Kleinke, Holger
Tl2Ag12Se7: A New pnp Conduction Switching Material with Extraordinarily Low Thermal Conductivity
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9565
4002870 CIFC36 H23 Cu3 N3 O18I m m m18.7055; 39.8841; 27.8207
90; 90; 90
20755.7Li, Pei-Zhou; Wang, Xiao-Jun; Liu, Jia; Phang, Hui Shi; Li, Yongxin; Zhao, Yanli
Highly Effective Carbon Fixation via Catalytic Conversion of CO2 by an Acylamide-Containing Metal‒Organic Framework
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9256
4002871 CIFC4 H4 Cd N14P -15.3664; 6.2313; 8.7401
70.5; 73.152; 79.38
262.43Xu, Jian-Gang; Sun, Cai; Zhang, Ming-Jian; Liu, Bin-Wen; Li, Xiao-Zhen; Lu, Jian; Wang, Shuai-Hua; Zheng, Fa-Kun; Guo, Guo-Cong
Coordination Polymerization of Metal Azides and Powerful Nitrogen-Rich Ligand toward Primary Explosives with Excellent Energetic Performances
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9725
4002872 CIFC4 H4 Co N14P -15.2315; 6.0448; 8.497
71.411; 74.31; 79.01
243.58Xu, Jian-Gang; Sun, Cai; Zhang, Ming-Jian; Liu, Bin-Wen; Li, Xiao-Zhen; Lu, Jian; Wang, Shuai-Hua; Zheng, Fa-Kun; Guo, Guo-Cong
Coordination Polymerization of Metal Azides and Powerful Nitrogen-Rich Ligand toward Primary Explosives with Excellent Energetic Performances
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9725
4002873 CIFC2 H12 Br4 N2 PdC 1 2/m 19.9491; 10.5856; 10.6882
90; 102.604; 90
1098.52Wong, Man Kwong; Liu, Fangzhou; Kam, Chun Sing; Leung, Tik Lun; Tam, Ho Won; Djurišić, Aleksandra B.; Popović, Jasminka; Li, Hangkong; Shih, Kaimin; Low, Kam-Hung; Chan, Wai Kin; Chen, Wei; He, Zhubing; Ng, Annie; Surya, Charles
Synthesis of Lead-Free Perovskite Films by Combinatorial Evaporation: Fast Processes for Screening Different Precursor Combinations
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9946
4002874 CIFC8 H24 I4 N2 SnP b c a8.4218; 8.9253; 26.11
90; 90; 90
1962.6Wong, Man Kwong; Liu, Fangzhou; Kam, Chun Sing; Leung, Tik Lun; Tam, Ho Won; Djurišić, Aleksandra B.; Popović, Jasminka; Li, Hangkong; Shih, Kaimin; Low, Kam-Hung; Chan, Wai Kin; Chen, Wei; He, Zhubing; Ng, Annie; Surya, Charles
Synthesis of Lead-Free Perovskite Films by Combinatorial Evaporation: Fast Processes for Screening Different Precursor Combinations
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9946
4002875 CIFC6 H20 Br4 N2 PdP 1 21/c 111.7344; 8.5264; 7.5155
90; 102.089; 90
735.27Wong, Man Kwong; Liu, Fangzhou; Kam, Chun Sing; Leung, Tik Lun; Tam, Ho Won; Djurišić, Aleksandra B.; Popović, Jasminka; Li, Hangkong; Shih, Kaimin; Low, Kam-Hung; Chan, Wai Kin; Chen, Wei; He, Zhubing; Ng, Annie; Surya, Charles
Synthesis of Lead-Free Perovskite Films by Combinatorial Evaporation: Fast Processes for Screening Different Precursor Combinations
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9946
4002876 CIFFe2 Ge3P -4 c 25.5848; 5.5848; 8.94
90; 90; 90
278.84Verchenko, Valeriy Yu.; Wei, Zheng; Tsirlin, Alexander A.; Callaert, Carolien; Jesche, Anton; Hadermann, Joke; Dikarev, Evgeny V.; Shevelkov, Andrei V.
Crystal Growth of the Nowotny Chimney Ladder Phase Fe2Ge3: Exploring New Fe-Based Narrow-Gap Semiconductor with Promising Thermoelectric Performance
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9954
4002877 CIFC54 H18 Al12 O73.5P 63/m m c14.29; 14.29; 31.3
90; 90; 120
5535.3Benzaqui, Marvin; Pillai, Renjith S.; Sabetghadam, Anahid; Benoit, Virginie; Normand, Perine; Marrot, Jérôme; Menguy, Nicolas; Montero, David; Shepard, William; Tissot, Antoine; Martineau-Corcos, Charlotte; Sicard, Clémence; Mihaylov, Mihail; Carn, Florent; Beurroies, Isabelle; Llewellyn, Philip L.; De Weireld, Guy; Hadjiivanov, Konstantin; Gascon, Jorge; Kapteijn, Freek; Maurin, Guillaume; Steunou, Nathalie; Serre, Christian
Revisiting the Aluminum Trimesate-Based MOF (MIL-96): From Structure Determination to the Processing of Mixed Matrix Membranes for CO2 Capture
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 10326
4002878 CIFC56 H52 Cu3 O18 P6P -15.0813; 15.1585; 29.3246
83.882; 85.728; 82.705
2223.42Gelfand, Benjamin S.; Huynh, Racheal P. S.; Collins, Sean P.; Woo, Tom K.; Shimizu, George K. H.
Computational and Experimental Assessment of CO2 Uptake in Phosphonate Monoester Metal‒Organic Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 10469
4002879 CIFC60 H60 Cu3 O18 P6P 1 21/n 15.039; 27.642; 23.662
90; 94.95; 90
3283.5Gelfand, Benjamin S.; Huynh, Racheal P. S.; Collins, Sean P.; Woo, Tom K.; Shimizu, George K. H.
Computational and Experimental Assessment of CO2 Uptake in Phosphonate Monoester Metal‒Organic Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 10469
4002880 CIFC76 H70 B2 F8 N6 O P2 Pd S2P 1 21/c 19.5073; 35.1644; 21.6818
90; 92.515; 90
7241.6d’Aquino, Andrea I.; Kean, Zachary S.; Mirkin, Chad A.
Infinite Coordination Polymer Particles Composed of Stimuli-Responsive Coordination Complex Subunits
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 10284
4003331 CIFC1.29 H3.01 Al N0.33 O4.09 P0.95 Si0.05P -3 1 c13.17398; 13.17398; 30.0925
90; 90; 120
4522.96Turrina, Alessandro; Garcia, Raquel; Watts, Abigail E.; Greer, Heather F.; Bradley, Jonathan; Zhou, Wuzong; Cox, Paul A.; Shannon, Mervyn D.; Mayoral, Alvaro; Casci, John L.; Wright, Paul A.
STA-20: An ABC-6 Zeotype Structure Prepared by Co-Templating and Solved via a Hypothetical Structure Database and STEM-ADF Imaging
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2180
4003332 CIFAl O4 P0.95 Si0.05P -3 1 c13.15497; 13.15497; 30.5833
90; 90; 120
4583.47Turrina, Alessandro; Garcia, Raquel; Watts, Abigail E.; Greer, Heather F.; Bradley, Jonathan; Zhou, Wuzong; Cox, Paul A.; Shannon, Mervyn D.; Mayoral, Alvaro; Casci, John L.; Wright, Paul A.
STA-20: An ABC-6 Zeotype Structure Prepared by Co-Templating and Solved via a Hypothetical Structure Database and STEM-ADF Imaging
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2180
4003333 CIFC54 H44 N2 O24 P2 Ti6P b c a14.739; 20.9507; 23.2253
90; 90; 90
7171.8Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003334 CIFC52 H88 N2 O26 P2 S2 Ti6P 1 21/c 114.4746; 14.8614; 20.4638
90; 124.016; 90
3648.8Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003335 CIFC52 H86 N4 O24 P2 Ti6P 1 21/n 112.414; 15.182; 19.227
90; 93.528; 90
3616.8Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003336 CIFC54 H88 Cl2 Cu N2 O24 P2 Ti6P -112.751; 14.762; 21.641
96.651; 94.063; 110.713
3757Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003337 CIFC54 H88 Br2 Cu N2 O24 P2 Ti6P -112.8145; 14.7882; 21.93
97.346; 94.755; 109.668
3845.8Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003338 CIFC45 H59 Cl Cu N O12 P2 Ti3P -112.349; 12.877; 18.344
91.107; 107.211; 105.799
2665.3Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003339 CIFC45 H59 Br Cu N O12 P2 Ti3P -112.1894; 12.9651; 18.4828
91.798; 106.513; 106.143
2670.7Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003340 CIFC45 H56 Cu I N O12 P2 Ti3P -111.9007; 13.1334; 18.7685
93.366; 105.25; 106.592
2683.8Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003341 CIFC53 H88 Cl Cu N2 O24 P2 Ti6P -114.756; 14.8185; 20.8524
72.098; 79.337; 78.319
4212Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003342 CIFC54 H88 Br Cu N2 O24 P2 Ti6P -114.802; 14.9813; 20.8176
72.442; 80.29; 79.364
4294.1Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003343 CIFC53 H79 Cu I N2 O24 P2 Ti6P -114.814; 14.9378; 20.7492
71.798; 81.023; 79.495
4264.5Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003344 CIFC52 H88 Cl2 Cu N2 O26 P2 S2 Ti6P 1 21/c 119.8913; 21.1284; 19.7411
90; 95.314; 90
8261Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003345 CIFC52 H88 Br2 Cu2 N2 O26 P2 S2 Ti6P 21 21 224.2854; 26.7805; 12.2991
90; 90; 90
7999Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003346 CIFC108 H176 Br4 Cu4 N4 O48 P4 Ti12P -113.56; 25.683; 26.59
99.185; 104.314; 104.895
8421Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003347 CIFC108 H176 Cu4 I4 N4 O48 P4 Ti12P -113.543; 25.778; 26.753
98.786; 103.609; 103.991
8588Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003348 CIFC104 H172 Cu4 I4 N8 O48 P4 Ti12P -113.527; 25.847; 26.657
98.87; 103.892; 103.725
8566Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003349 CIFC168 H276 Cu8 I8 N8 O72 P6 Ti18R -3 c :H26.733; 26.733; 65.261
90; 90; 120
40391Fang, Wei-Hui; Wang, Jian-Fang; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jian
Titanium‒Oxo Cluster Based Precise Assembly for Multidimensional Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 2681
4003350 CIFC72 H52 Cu4 I4 O2 P4P -111.2695; 13.9591; 21.6342
93.356; 94.042; 101.66
3315.6Xie, Mingchen; Han, Chunmiao; Zhang, Jing; Xie, Guohua; Xu, Hui
White Electroluminescent Phosphine-Chelated Copper Iodide Nanoclusters
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 6606
4027828 CIFB2 S4 SrP 1 21/c 16.476; 14.147; 6.092
90; 110.54; 90
522.643Hamann, W.; Krebs, B.; Puettmann, C.
Preparation and crystal structures of Tl B S2 and Sr B2 S4. Four membered B2 S2 rings in thioborates
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 857-872
4027829 CIFB S2 TlR -3 m :H9.891; 9.891; 17.412
90; 90; 120
1475.23Puettmann, C.; Hamann, W.; Krebs, B.
Preparation and crystal structures of TlBS2 and SrB2S4. Four membered B2S2 rings in thioborates
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 857-872
4030419 CIFBa0.84 F12 Fe3.16 Na4I m -38.075; 8.075; 8.075
90; 90; 90
526.5Darriet, J.; Ducau, M.; Tressaud, A.
On the crystal structure of the new perovskite Na4BaxFe4-xF12 (x=0.84(1))
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 395-398
4030420 CIFAs2 H4 O9 VP 4/n c c :29.1363; 9.1363; 8.1492
90; 90; 90
680.23Amoros, P.; Beltran-Porter, A.; Villeneuve, G.; Beltran-Porter, D.
Vanadyl dihydrogenoarsenate, VO(H2AsO4)2 : crystal structure and superexchange pathways
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 257-272
4030421 CIFC14 H20 Cu N2 O12 S2P 1 21/c 18.208; 16.146; 7.161
90; 101.19; 90
931Cotton, F.A.; Falvello, L.R.; Murillo, C.A.; Schultz, A.J.
The neutron crystal structure of the saccharinate complex [Cu(C7H4NO3S)2(H2O)4].2H2O
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 311-320
4030422 CIFGa67 Li38 Zn34P 6/m m m14.174; 14.174; 13.535
90; 90; 120
2354.9Tillard-Charbonnel, M.; Chouaibi, N.; Belin, C.; Lapasset, J.
Synthesis of the new ternary intermetallic phase Li38(GaxZn1-x)101 x=0.663, displaying a hexagonal crystal superstucture. Structural approach in the subcell unit
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 347-359
4030423 CIFC18 H12 Cu N2 O2P 1 21/c 110.213; 5.075; 15.325
90; 120.48; 90
684.5Ammor, S.; Coquerel, G.; Perez, G.; Robert, F.
Structure of the gamma' form of copper (II) quinolinolate and structural filiations to related M2+ complexes
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 445-453
4030424 CIFBa O2.9 Pb0.8 Tl0.2I m m a6.0406; 8.5449; 6.0558
90; 90; 90
312.6Greedan, J.E.; Willmer, K.L.; Gibbs, H.F.
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in BaPb(1-x)TlxO(3-x/2) by neutron diffraction
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 505-518
4030425 CIFBa O2.65 Pb0.3 Tl0.7P n m a6.0871; 17.2719; 6.1285
90; 90; 90
644.3Greedan, J.E.; Willmer, K.L.; Gibbs, H.F.
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in BaPb(1-x)TlxO(3-x/2) by neutron diffraction
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 505-518
4030426 CIFBa O2.6 Pb0.2 Tl0.8P n m a6.0896; 17.2726; 6.1463
90; 90; 90
646.5Greedan, J.E.; Willmer, K.L.; Gibbs, H.F.
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in BaPb(1-x)TlxO(3-x/2) by neutron diffraction
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 505-518
4030427 CIFBa O2.55 Pb0.1 Tl0.9P n m a6.0873; 17.2696; 6.2372
90; 90; 90
655.7Greedan, J.E.; Willmer, K.L.; Gibbs, H.F.
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in BaPb(1-x)TlxO(3-x/2) by neutron diffraction
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 505-518
4030428 CIFNa Nb4 O17 P2 Tl3C 2 c m9.891; 21.298; 7.346
90; 90; 90
1547.5Fakhfakh, M.; Verbaere, A.; Jouini, N.
Preparation and crystal structure of the phosphato-niobate Tl3NaNb4O9(PO4)2
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 563-572
4030429 CIFC24 H72 Cu4 N4 Si8I 1 2/m 19.3805; 13.561; 17.799
90; 90.065; 90
2264.2Miele, P.; Foulon, J.D.; Hovnanian, N.; Durand, J.; Cot, L.
Synthesis and crystal structure of a volatile molecular precursor of copper: [CuN(SiMe3)2]4
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 573-583
4030430 CIFF4 PtF d d 29.59; 9.284; 5.712
90; 90; 90
508.6Muller, B.G.; Serafin, M.
Single-crystal investigations on PtF4 and PtF5
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 625-633
4030431 CIFF5 PtP 1 21/c 15.523; 9.942; 12.43
90; 99.98; 90
672.2Muller, B.G.; Serafin, M.
Single-crystal investigations on PtF4 and PtF5
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 625-633
4030432 CIFCs F7 H IP -15.303; 8.163; 8.437
109.25; 106.81; 92.15
326.5Mahjoub, A.R.; Leopold, D.; Seppelt, K.
Iodine pentafluoride-hydrogen fluoride co-crystallisates, directed weak interactions
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 635-647
4030433 CIFF7 H I N OP -14.942; 7.923; 8.163
112.34; 94.56; 102.76
283.56Mahjoub, A.R.; Leopold, D.; Seppelt, K.
Iodine pentafluoride-hydrogen fluoride co-crystallisates, directed weak interactions
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 635-647
4030434 CIFF12 H I2 KI 4/m c m9.706; 9.706; 10.548
90; 90; 90
993.7Mahjoub, A.R.; Leopold, D.; Seppelt, K.
Iodine pentafluoride-hydrogen fluoride co-crystallisates, directed weak interactions
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 635-647
4030435 CIFCs F19 H13 I3P m c n7.276; 22.114; 9.404
90; 90; 90
1513.1Mahjoub, A.R.; Leopold, D.; Seppelt, K.
Iodine pentafluoride-hydrogen fluoride co-crystallisates, directed weak interactions
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 635-647
4030437 CIFEu F7 SnP 1 21 16.056; 5.628; 8.175
90; 103.09; 90
271.39Benner, G.; Hoppe, R.
Two new compounds of the SmZrF7-type: EuSnF7 and YSnF7
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 659-677
4030438 CIFF7 Sn YP 1 21 15.954; 5.5646; 8.057
90; 103.32; 90
259.76Benner, G.; Hoppe, R.
Two new compounds of the SmZrF7-type: EuSnF7 and YSnF7
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 659-677
4030439 CIFCs4 F10 Mg3C m c a6.143; 14.576; 13.65
90; 90; 90
1222.2Schmidt, R.E.; Pebler, J.; Babel, D.
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, X : crystal structure refinements of the ternary fluorides Cs4M3F10 (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Zn= and magnetism of Cs4Ni3F10
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 679-690
4030440 CIFCs4 F10 Ni3C m c a6.158; 14.514; 13.736
90; 90; 90
1227.7Schmidt, R.E.; Pebler, J.; Babel, D.
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, X : crystal structure refinements of the ternary fluorides Cs4M3F10 (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Zn= and magnetism of Cs4Ni3F10
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 679-690
4030441 CIFCs4 F10 Zn3C m c a6.205; 14.547; 13.827
90; 90; 90
1248.1Schmidt, R.E.; Pebler, J.; Babel, D.
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, X : crystal structure refinements of the ternary fluorides Cs4M3F10 (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Zn= and magnetism of Cs4Ni3F10
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 679-690
4030442 CIFCo3 Cs4 F10C m c a6.214; 14.513; 13.892
90; 90; 90
1252.8Schmidt, R.E.; Pebler, J.; Babel, D.
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, X : crystal structure refinements of the ternary fluorides Cs4M3F10 (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Zn= and magnetism of Cs4Ni3F10
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 679-690
4030443 CIFCr F6 XeP 1 21/n 17.666; 7.268; 9.901
90; 91.25; 90
551.5Lutar, K.; Leban, I.; Ogrin, T.; Zemva, B.
XeF2.CrF4 and (XeF5+CrF5-)4.XeF4: Syntheses, crystal structures and some properties
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 713-727
4030444 CIFCr4 F44 Xe5P b c a11.988; 15.862; 16.538
90; 90; 90
3144.8Lutar, K.; Leban, I.; Ogrin, T.; Zemva, B.
XeF2.CrF4 and (XeF5+CrF5-)4.XeF4: Syntheses, crystal structures and some properties
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 713-727
4030445 CIFC14 H36 N2 Se Si2P b c a14.488; 12.504; 22.131
90; 90; 90
4009.2Bjorgvinsson, M.; Roesky, H.W.; Pauer, F.; Stalke, D.; Sheldrick, G.M.
Preparation and structure characterization of the bis[tertbutyl(trimethylsilyl)amino]chalcogenides of selenium and tellurium
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 759-776
4030446 CIFC14 H36 N2 Si2 TeP 1 21/c 113.161; 10.56; 15.961
90; 111.89; 90
2058.3Bjorgvinsson, M.; Roesky, H.W.; Pauer, F.; Stalke, D.; Sheldrick, G.M.
Preparation and structure characterization of the bis[tertbutyl(trimethylsilyl)amino]chalcogenides of selenium and tellurium
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 759-776
4030447 CIFC3 H2 Ag F6 N O5 S2P 1 21/m 110.904; 8.489; 5.56
90; 94.06; 90
513.4Desmarteau, D. D.; Zuberi, S. S.; Pennington, W. T.; Randolph, B. B.
Structural studies of silver (I) salts of the cyclic sulfonimides (CF2)n(SO2)2NH (n = 3, 4)
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 777-789
4030448 CIFC4 H2 Ag F6 N O5 S2P 1 21/c 112.651; 7.453; 12.682
90; 103.13; 90
1164.5Desmarteau, D. D.; Zuberi, S. S.; Pennington, W. T.; Randolph, B. B.
Structural studies of silver (I) salts of the cyclic sulfonimides (CF2)n(SO2)2NH (n = 3, 4)
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 777-789
4030474 CIFC24 H48 Cs F5 O12 SP 4/n :213.503; 13.503; 19.471
90; 90; 90
3550.2Clark, M.; Kellen-Yuen, C. J.; Robinson, K. D.; Zhang, H.; Yang, Z.-Y.; Madappat, K. V.; Fuller, J. W.; Atwood, J. L.; Thrasher, J. S.
"Naked" SF5- anion: The crystal and molecular structure of [Cs+.(18-crown-6)2][SF5-]
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 809-833
4030475 CIFC6 H11 F6 N O3 S2P 1 21/a 110.945; 8.932; 12.564
90; 102.404; 90
1199.6Keszler, D. A.; Winter, B.; Gard, G. L.
The crystal structure of (pentafluoro-lamda6-sulfanyl)(fluorosulfonyl) diethylacetamide
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 835-855
4030476 CIFC2 H6 Au Cl F2 N PC 1 2/c 119.575; 6.278; 11.608
90; 98.51; 90
1410.8Lin, Y.; Jones, P. G.; Schmutzler, R.; Sheldrick, G. M.
Preparation and X-ray structures of gold(I) complexes with some fluoro-phosphorus(III) ligands
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 887-898
4030477 CIFC8 H9 Au Cl F2 PC m c a6.62; 28.35; 11.343
90; 90; 90
2128.8Lin, Y.; Jones, P.G.; Schmutzler, R.; Sheldrick, G. M.
Preparation and X-ray structures of gold(I) complexes with some fluoro-phosphorus(III) ligands
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 887-898
4030478 CIFF8 Li4 TbP n m a9.6582; 9.7411; 5.7155
90; 90; 90
537.72El-Ghozzi, M.; Avignant, D.; Cousseins, J. C.
X-ray powder diffraction study of Li4TbF8
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 981-992
4030479 CIFS3 Y2P 1 21/m 117.5234; 4.0107; 10.1736
90; 98.601; 90
706.97Schleid, Thomas
Crystal structures of D-Y2S3 and Y2OS2
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1015-1028
4030480 CIFO S2 Y2P 1 21/c 18.2554; 6.8852; 6.8533
90; 99.629; 90
384.05Schleid, Thomas
Crystal structures of D-Y2S3 and Y2OS2
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1015-1028
4030481 CIFCu Ga La O5 SrI 2 c m16.5216; 5.5205; 5.3515
90; 90; 90
488.097Kharlanov, A. L.; Antipov, E. V.; Bryntse, I.; Luzikova, A. V.; Kovba, L. M.
Structure, properties and substitutional chemistry of LaSrCuGaO5
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1041-1054
4030482 CIFLi Sb Te2F m -3 m6.10906; 6.10906; 6.10906
90; 90; 90
227.994Evain, M.; Boucher, F.; Brec, R.; Rouxel, J.; Jung, J.-S.; O-Connor, C. J.
Synthesis and crystal structure of the zintl phase LiSbTe2
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1055-1063
4030483 CIFFe4 Ni3 O24 P6P -16.351; 7.951; 9.508
67.86; 68.51; 78.88
413El Kira, A.; Gerardin, R.; Malaman, B.; Gleitzer, C.
Five-coordinated Ni2+ in Ni3Fe4(PO4)6
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1119-1131
4030484 CIFC5 H9 B F11 P SP 21 21 217.282; 12.23; 14.226
90; 90; 90
1267Wessolowski, H.; Roschenthaler, G.-V.; Winter, R.; Gard, G. L.; Pon, G.; Willett, R.
The improved preparation of (E)-SF5CF=CFI and the crystal structure of [SF5CF=CFP(CH3)3]+BF4-
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1173-1187
4030485 CIFBa2 H NR -3 m :H4.026; 4.026; 20.493
90; 90; 120
287.7Wegner, B.; Essmann, R.; Bock, J.; Jacobs, H.; Fischer, P.
Structure of H- -ionic-conductivity of barium hydride nitrid, Ba2H(D)N
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1217-1227
4030486 CIFBa2 D0.93 NR -3 m :H4.008; 4.008; 20.282
90; 90; 120
282.2Wegner, B.; Essmann, R.; Bock, J.; Jacobs, H.; Fischer, P.
Structure of H- -ionic-conductivity of barium hydride nitrid, Ba2H(D)N
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1217-1227
4030487 CIFBa F11 Li Zr2I 4/m8.1837; 8.1837; 11.2772
90; 90; 90
755.27Gao, Y.; Guery, J.; Jacoboni, C.
Crystal structure determination of LiBaZr2F11
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1243-1252
4030488 CIFFe7 O28 P8C 2 2 218.4327; 9.695; 23.663
90; 90; 90
1934.6Malaman, B.; Ijjaali, M.; Gerardin, R.; Venturini, G.; Gleitzer, C.
Fe7(P2O7)4, a mixed-valence iron diphosphate, the missing link between Fe2P2O7 and Fe3(P2O7)2
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1269-1284
4030489 CIFBa F7 Na ZrP n m a9.118; 5.5563; 11.236
90; 90; 90
569.24Gao, Y.; Guery, J.; Jacoboni, C.
X-ray powder dtructure determination of NaBaZrF7'
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 1285-1293
4030490 CIFC24 H60 Co2 N4 O2 Si4P -18.926; 11.556; 18.677
89.2; 87.34; 67.43
1777Anil J. Elias; Hans-Georg Schmidt; Mathias Noltemeyer; Herbert W. Roesky
Synthesis and X-Ray structural characterization of novel twelve-membered cyclometallasilazoxanes containing Cobalt and Zinc
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 23-42
4030491 CIFC24 H60 N4 O2 Si4 Zn2C 1 2/c 120.407; 9.826; 19.925
90; 109.52; 90
3765.7Anil J. Elias; Hans-Georg Schmidt; Mathias Noltemeyer; Herbert W. Roesky
Synthesis and X-Ray structural characterization of novel twelve-membered cyclometallasilazoxanes containing Cobalt and Zinc
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 23-42
4030492 CIFC28 H72 Al2 As2 Si4C 1 2/c 119.202; 12.601; 19.278
90; 106.86; 90
4464.1Richard L. Wells; Andrew T. McPhail; Timothy M. Speer
Synthesis and characterization of novel aluminium-arsenic compounds. II. Crystal structures of [R2AlAs(SiMe3)2]2(R=i-Bu, Me) and i-Bu2(Cl)Al.As(SiMe3)3
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 63-79
4030493 CIFC16 H48 Al2 As2 Si4P -19.723; 9.968; 9.246
99.18; 115.7; 77.13
785.16Richard L. Wells; Andrew T. McPhail; Timothy M. Speer
Synthesis and characterization of novel aluminium-arsenic compounds. II. Crystal structures of [R2AlAs(SiMe3)2]2(R=i-Bu, Me) and i-Bu2(Cl)Al.As(SiMe3)3
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 63-79
4030494 CIFC17 H45 Al As Cl Si3P 1 21/c 115.105; 11.574; 18.655
90; 119.25; 90
2845.5Richard L. Wells; Andrew T. McPhail; Timothy M. Speer
Synthesis and characterization of novel aluminium-arsenic compounds. II. Crystal structures of [R2AlAs(SiMe3)2]2(R=i-Bu, Me) and i-Bu2(Cl)Al.As(SiMe3)3
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 63-79
4030495 CIFC27 H36 In N3P -19.319; 9.363; 14.72
93.94; 96.83; 98.03
1258Schumann, H.; Seuss, Th. D.; Hemling, H.
Homoleptic intramolecularly stabilized organoindium compounds
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 81-92
4030496 CIFC2 H4 Ag2 O6 SP 1 21/c 112.093; 8.835; 6.245
90; 96.94; 90
662.3Charbonnier, F.; Faure, R.; Prtit-Ravel, M.
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 93-100
4030497 CIFC12 H30 B20P c 21 n6.7064; 11.229; 30.71
90; 90; 90
2312.7Johnson, S. E.; Gomez, F. A.; Hawthorne, M. F.; Thorne, K. J.; Mackenzie, J. D.
organofunctionalized derivatives of alpha-carborane as molecular precursors to non-oxide ceramics of boron
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 113-125
4030498 CIFC6 H11 S TlP 1 21/n 19.104; 28.309; 11.968
90; 92.13; 90
3082.3Krebs, B.; Brommelhaus, A.; Kersting, B.; Nienhaus, M.
Novel main group thiolates as possible sulfide precursors in CVD. Preparation, structures, and properties of Tl(SC6H11) and Pb(Sc6H4-p-CH3)2
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 167-170
4030499 CIFC14 H14 Pb S2P 1 21/c 131.929; 5.966; 7.178
90; 94.6; 90
1363Krebs, B.; Brommelhaus, A.; Kersting, B.; Nienhaus, M.
Novel main group thiolates as possible sulfide precursors in CVD. Preparation, structures, and properties of Tl(SC6H11) and Pb(Sc6H4-p-CH3)2
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 167-170
4031248 CIFGa67.00278 Li38 Zn34.05722P 6/m m m14.174; 14.174; 13.535
90; 90; 120
2354.91Tillard-Charbonnel, M.; Chouaibi, N.; Belin, C.; Lapasset, J.
Synthesis of the new ternary intermetallic phase Li38 (Gax Zn1-x)101, x=0.663. displaying a hexagonal crystal superstructure. Structural approach in the subcell unit
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 347-359
4031653 CIFLa Ni5P 6/m m m5.008; 5.008; 3.983
90; 90; 120
86.511Burnasheva, V.V.; Petrova, L.A.; Semenenko, K.N.
The reaction of hydrogen with the compounds La Ni5-x (T1, T2)x, where T1, T2= Al, Cr, Fe, Cu
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 500-504
4031666 CIFH2 TiF m -3 m4.465; 4.465; 4.465
90; 90; 90
89.015Nersesyan, M.D.
The synthesis of titanium and zirconium nitride hydrides under combustion conditions
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 495-497
4031667 CIFH2 ZrI 4/m m m3.527; 3.527; 4.46
90; 90; 90
55.481Nersesyan, M.D.
The synthesis of titanium and zirconium nitride hydrides under combustion conditions
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 495-497
4031673 CIFSe4 Sm3I -4 3 d8.848; 8.848; 8.848
90; 90; 90
692.684Pribyl'skaya, N.Yu.; Eliseev, A.A.; Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.; Gamidov, R.S.
Homogeneity regions of lanthanide selenides with a Th3P4 structure
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 451-452
4031674 CIFSe4 Tb3I -4 3 d8.71; 8.71; 8.71
90; 90; 90
660.776Pribyl'skaya, N.Yu.; Eliseev, A.A.; Gamidov, R.S.; Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.
Homogeneity regions of lanthanide selenides with a Th3P4 structure
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 451-452
4031675 CIFPr2.667 Se4I -4 3 d8.902; 8.902; 8.902
90; 90; 90
705.444Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.; Gamidov, R.S.
The Cu2 Se - Pr2 Se3 system
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 1707-1708
4031688 CIFNb SP -6 m 23.35; 3.35; 3.2
90; 90; 120
31.101Slovyanskikh, V.K.; Kuznetsov, N.T.
The mixed sulphides NbUS3 and TaUS3
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 1088-1089
4031776 CIFGa1.931 Li0.873 Zn0.982P 6/m m m42.522; 42.522; 27.07
90; 90; 120
42388.3Tillard-Charbonnel, M.; Chouaibi, N.; Belin, C.; Lapasset, J.
Synthesis of the new ternary intermetallic phase Li38 (Gax Zn1-x)101, x= 0.663. displaying a hexagonal crystal superstructure. Structural approach in the subcell unit
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 347-359
4031780 CIFCu0.3 Pr2.58 Se4I -4 3 d8.921; 8.921; 8.921
90; 90; 90
709.971Pribyl'skii, N.Yu.; Gamidov, R.S.
The Cu2 Se - Pr2 Se3 system
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 1707-1708
4031783 CIFSn TeF m -3 m6.3017; 6.3017; 6.3017
90; 90; 90
250.249Movsum-Zade, S.A.; Guseinova, E.S.; Allasov, M.R.; Movsum-Zade, A.A.
The reaction of Sn Te with Ni3 Te4
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (= Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1984, 29, 1194-1196
4032447 CIFF4 K ScC 1 2/m 115.696; 4.044; 13.273
90; 107.81; 90
802.1Champarnaud-Mesjard, J. C.; Frit, B.
KScF4 : a new ABX4 octahedral cis-trans layered structure
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 161-170
4063337 CIFC22 H54 Mg O2 Si4C 1 2/c 118.1694; 9.5586; 18.669
90; 109.452; 90
3057.25Merle Arrowsmith; Michael S. Hill; Gabriele Kociok-Kḧon
Dearomatization and C‒H Deprotonation with Heavier Group 2 Alkyls: Does Size Matter?
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4203-4206
4063338 CIFC41 H57 Mg N3 O2P 1 21/n 111.3851; 17.0663; 19.7459
90; 101.907; 90
3754.11Merle Arrowsmith; Michael S. Hill; Gabriele Kociok-Kḧon
Dearomatization and C‒H Deprotonation with Heavier Group 2 Alkyls: Does Size Matter?
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4203-4206
4063339 CIFC41 H57 Ca N3 O2P 1 21/n 111.5654; 17.1777; 19.9552
90; 102.483; 90
3870.72Merle Arrowsmith; Michael S. Hill; Gabriele Kociok-Kḧon
Dearomatization and C‒H Deprotonation with Heavier Group 2 Alkyls: Does Size Matter?
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4203-4206
4063340 CIFC258 H330 N18 O6 Sr6P a -328.6787; 28.6787; 28.6787
90; 90; 90
23587.3Merle Arrowsmith; Michael S. Hill; Gabriele Kociok-Kḧon
Dearomatization and C‒H Deprotonation with Heavier Group 2 Alkyls: Does Size Matter?
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4203-4206
4063341 CIFC43 H55 Ba N3 OP a -328.7452; 28.7452; 28.7452
90; 90; 90
23751.8Merle Arrowsmith; Michael S. Hill; Gabriele Kociok-Kḧon
Dearomatization and C–H Deprotonation with Heavier Group 2 Alkyls: Does Size Matter?
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4203-4206
4063342 CIFC70 H46 Cl4 N8 O20 Re4P 1 21/c 118.0124; 13.2976; 15.5995
90; 101.928; 90
3655.7Chuan-Hung Chuang; Malaichamy Sathiyendiran; Yi-Hsiu Tseng; Jing-Yun Wu; Kung-Chung Hsu; Chen-Hsiung Hung; Yuh-Sheng Wen; Kuang-Lieh Lu
A Rigidity-Modulated Approach toward the Construction of Metallacycles from a Flexible Tetratopic Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 283
4063343 CIFC100 H78 N16 O12 Re4P 1 21/c 112.13; 17.621; 22.118
90; 102.221; 90
4620Chuan-Hung Chuang; Malaichamy Sathiyendiran; Yi-Hsiu Tseng; Jing-Yun Wu; Kung-Chung Hsu; Chen-Hsiung Hung; Yuh-Sheng Wen; Kuang-Lieh Lu
A Rigidity-Modulated Approach toward the Construction of Metallacycles from a Flexible Tetratopic Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 283
4063344 CIFC19 H25 Cl2 N5 PtP -110.3263; 11.8733; 12.352
62.968; 67.171; 72.603
1229.37Lee, Chen-Shiang; Sabiah, Shahulhameed; Wang, Ju-Chun; Hwang, Wen-Shu; Lin, Ivan J. B.
Water-Induced Changes of Photoluminescence of a Pincer-Type N-Heterocyclic Carbene Platinum(II) Complex
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 286
4063345 CIFC19 H25 Cl2 N5 PtP -110.502; 10.504; 12.428
103.212; 114.349; 102.06
1142.7Lee, Chen-Shiang; Sabiah, Shahulhameed; Wang, Ju-Chun; Hwang, Wen-Shu; Lin, Ivan J. B.
Water-Induced Changes of Photoluminescence of a Pincer-Type N-Heterocyclic Carbene Platinum(II) Complex
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 286
4063346 CIFC16 H20 Cl4 Cu2 N8C 1 2/c 116.0805; 10.8127; 14.4679
90; 113.338; 90
2309.77Sabiah, Shahulhameed; Lee, Chen-Shiang; Hwang, Wen-Shu; Lin, Ivan J. B.
Facile C—N Bond Cleavage Promoted by Cuprous Oxide: Formation of C—C-Coupled Biimidazole from Its Methylene-Bridged Congener
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 290-293
4063347 CIFC18 H24 Cu2 F12 N8 P2P n m a17.292; 13.006; 12.943
90; 90; 90
2910.9Sabiah, Shahulhameed; Lee, Chen-Shiang; Hwang, Wen-Shu; Lin, Ivan J. B.
Facile C—N Bond Cleavage Promoted by Cuprous Oxide: Formation of C—C-Coupled Biimidazole from Its Methylene-Bridged Congener
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 290-293
4063348 CIFC56 H87 Cl8 Cu4 N16P 1 21/n 117.6928; 12.9477; 17.7616
90; 119.511; 90
3541Sabiah, Shahulhameed; Lee, Chen-Shiang; Hwang, Wen-Shu; Lin, Ivan J. B.
Facile C—N Bond Cleavage Promoted by Cuprous Oxide: Formation of C—C-Coupled Biimidazole from Its Methylene-Bridged Congener
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 290-293
4063423 CIFC27 H20 F3 O P TeP 1 21/n 113.39; 6.393; 29.221
90; 93.13; 90
2498Kawaguchi, Shin-ichi; Ohe, Takashi; Shirai, Takamune; Nomoto, Akihiro; Sonoda, Motohiro; Ogawa, Akiya
Highly Selective Phosphinotelluration of Terminal Alkynes Using a (Ph2P)2‒(PhTe)2Mixed System upon Visible Light Irradiation: Straightforward Access to 1-Phosphino-2-telluro-alkenes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 312-316
4063424 CIFC32.34 H33.68 B Cl2.68 Ir N6 O P S3C 1 2/c 139.7468; 9.6094; 20.3913
90; 99.9747; 90
7670.6Crossley, Ian R.; Hill, Anthony F.; Willis, Anthony C.
Metallaboratranes: Bis- and Tris(methimazolyl)borane Complexes of Group 9 Metal Carbonyls and Thiocarbonyls
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 326
4063425 CIFC28 H28 B Cl3 Ir N4 O P S2P -19.3509; 9.7847; 19.1038
92.7592; 99.6612; 110.926
1598.35Crossley, Ian R.; Hill, Anthony F.; Willis, Anthony C.
Metallaboratranes: Bis- and Tris(methimazolyl)borane Complexes of Group 9 Metal Carbonyls and Thiocarbonyls
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 326
4063426 CIFC9 H26 F6 N3 P RuP 1 21/n 112.6272; 9.7739; 14.2836
90; 117.046; 90
1570.06Shima, Takanori; Namura, Kyo; Kameo, Hajime; Kakuta, Satoshi; Suzuki, Hiroharu
Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Ruthenium Hydrido Bis(dihydrogen) Complex with 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane Ligand: A Useful Precursor for Synthesis of Heterometallic Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 337
4063427 CIFC47 H67 B Ir N3 O RuP -113.6186; 15.153; 11.441
94.572; 107.21; 89.502
2247.8Shima, Takanori; Namura, Kyo; Kameo, Hajime; Kakuta, Satoshi; Suzuki, Hiroharu
Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Ruthenium Hydrido Bis(dihydrogen) Complex with 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane Ligand: A Useful Precursor for Synthesis of Heterometallic Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 337
4063428 CIFC43 H60 B N3 Os RuP -111.1261; 11.2942; 16.5755
91.561; 93.371; 100.85
2040.55Shima, Takanori; Namura, Kyo; Kameo, Hajime; Kakuta, Satoshi; Suzuki, Hiroharu
Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Ruthenium Hydrido Bis(dihydrogen) Complex with 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane Ligand: A Useful Precursor for Synthesis of Heterometallic Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 337
4063429 CIFC61 H73 B Ir N3 P RuP -114.1656; 14.5411; 15.094
114.322; 92.068; 99.075
2780Shima, Takanori; Namura, Kyo; Kameo, Hajime; Kakuta, Satoshi; Suzuki, Hiroharu
Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Ruthenium Hydrido Bis(dihydrogen) Complex with 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane Ligand: A Useful Precursor for Synthesis of Heterometallic Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 337
4063430 CIFC23 H43 F6 Ir N3 P RuP 1 21/n 18.6647; 15.1351; 21.3172
90; 92.483; 90
2792.94Shima, Takanori; Namura, Kyo; Kameo, Hajime; Kakuta, Satoshi; Suzuki, Hiroharu
Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Ruthenium Hydrido Bis(dihydrogen) Complex with 1,4,7-Trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane Ligand: A Useful Precursor for Synthesis of Heterometallic Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 337
4063431 CIFC50 H61 Al N6 O3P -111.2879; 12.6897; 17.3676
102.212; 104.375; 93.132
2340.18Lee, Junseong; Kim, So Han; Lee, Kang Mun; Hwang, Kyu Young; Kim, Hyoseok; Huh, Jung Oh; Kim, Da Jung; Lee, Yoon Sup; Do, Youngkyu; Kim, Youngjo
Synthesis, Structures, Photoluminescent Behaviors, and DFT Studies of Novel Aluminum Complexes Containing Phenoxybenzotriazole Derivatives
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 347
4063432 CIFC40 H38 Al Cl2 N6 O3P 1 21/c 115.6237; 20.907; 15.0343
90; 114.863; 90
4455.7Lee, Junseong; Kim, So Han; Lee, Kang Mun; Hwang, Kyu Young; Kim, Hyoseok; Huh, Jung Oh; Kim, Da Jung; Lee, Yoon Sup; Do, Youngkyu; Kim, Youngjo
Synthesis, Structures, Photoluminescent Behaviors, and DFT Studies of Novel Aluminum Complexes Containing Phenoxybenzotriazole Derivatives
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 347
4063433 CIFC45.5 H61 Al Cl3 N6 O3.5C c c 217.8534; 21.9402; 24.7375
90; 90; 90
9689.9Lee, Junseong; Kim, So Han; Lee, Kang Mun; Hwang, Kyu Young; Kim, Hyoseok; Huh, Jung Oh; Kim, Da Jung; Lee, Yoon Sup; Do, Youngkyu; Kim, Youngjo
Synthesis, Structures, Photoluminescent Behaviors, and DFT Studies of Novel Aluminum Complexes Containing Phenoxybenzotriazole Derivatives
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 347
4063434 CIFC28 H48 F3 Fe N2 O3 P3 SP -19.1821; 13.7066; 14.5326
97.486; 105.873; 102.504
1682.2Volpe, Emily C.; Wolczanski, Peter T.; Lobkovsky, Emil B.
Aryl-Containing Pyridine-Imine and Azaallyl Chelates of Iron toward Strong Field Coordination Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 364
4063435 CIFC27 H47 Fe N2 P3P 1 21/c 116.9889; 9.3446; 19.4216
90; 105.431; 90
2972.12Volpe, Emily C.; Wolczanski, Peter T.; Lobkovsky, Emil B.
Aryl-Containing Pyridine-Imine and Azaallyl Chelates of Iron toward Strong Field Coordination Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 364
4063436 CIFC24 H38 F3 Fe N O3 P3 SP 1 21/c 124.159; 12.6587; 18.8974
90; 93.255; 90
5769.9Volpe, Emily C.; Wolczanski, Peter T.; Lobkovsky, Emil B.
Aryl-Containing Pyridine-Imine and Azaallyl Chelates of Iron toward Strong Field Coordination Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 364
4063437 CIFC32 H52 P2C 1 2/c 134.14; 5.9658; 16.029
90; 107.001; 90
3122Chapp, Timothy W.; Glueck, David S.; Golen, James A.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Platinum-Catalyzed Asymmetric Alkylation of Bis(isitylphosphino)ethane: Stereoselectivity Reversal in Successive Formation of Two P−C Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 378
4063438 CIFC54 H72 B2 P2P b c n30.6779; 18.9288; 16.8358
90; 90; 90
9776.5Chapp, Timothy W.; Glueck, David S.; Golen, James A.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Platinum-Catalyzed Asymmetric Alkylation of Bis(isitylphosphino)ethane: Stereoselectivity Reversal in Successive Formation of Two P−C Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 378
4063439 CIFC54 H68 P2P -19.5176; 10.9546; 12.5468
64.477; 80.391; 73.59
1130.86Chapp, Timothy W.; Glueck, David S.; Golen, James A.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Platinum-Catalyzed Asymmetric Alkylation of Bis(isitylphosphino)ethane: Stereoselectivity Reversal in Successive Formation of Two P−C Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 378
4063440 CIFC57 H76 O3 P2C 1 2/c 122.621; 11.064; 21.618
90; 111.474; 90
5035Chapp, Timothy W.; Glueck, David S.; Golen, James A.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Platinum-Catalyzed Asymmetric Alkylation of Bis(isitylphosphino)ethane: Stereoselectivity Reversal in Successive Formation of Two P−C Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 378
4063441 CIFC17 H29 O PP 42/n :223.7985; 23.7985; 5.9808
90; 90; 90
3387.3Chapp, Timothy W.; Glueck, David S.; Golen, James A.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Platinum-Catalyzed Asymmetric Alkylation of Bis(isitylphosphino)ethane: Stereoselectivity Reversal in Successive Formation of Two P−C Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 378
4063442 CIFC29 H36 Ag Cl9 N2C 1 2/c 121.232; 10.757; 16.9
90; 100.89; 90
3790.3Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063443 CIFC27 H34 Au Cl3 N2C 1 2 120.894; 14.139; 22.956
90; 113.173; 90
6235Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063444 CIFC46 H64 Au2 Cl4 N4P -112.378; 13.778; 14.681
108.709; 104.723; 97.566
2230.6Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063445 CIFC15.5 H25 Au Cl4 N2P 1 21/c 115.1152; 17.8557; 15.9701
90; 108.417; 90
4089.5Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063446 CIFC21 H24 Au Cl3 N2P 21 21 2110.635; 13.808; 15.447
90; 90; 90
2268.4Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063447 CIFC27.5 H37 Au Cl4 N2P -110.553; 16.412; 19.067
91.649; 105.992; 107.01
3014.1Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063448 CIFC28 H36 Au Cl7 N2C m c a17.02; 18.662; 21.278
90; 90; 90
6758Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063449 CIFC30 H41 Au Cl6 N2P 1 21/c 110.8366; 18.42; 17.432
90; 90.283; 90
3479.6Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063450 CIFC11 H20 Au Cl3 N2P 1 21/c 19.091; 15.134; 11.724
90; 96.69; 90
1602Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063451 CIFC21.73 H27.45 Au Cl4.45 N2P 1 21/c 18.419; 15.8293; 19.2834
90; 94.75; 90
2561.01Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063452 CIFC27.5 H39 Au Cl4 N2P 1 21/c 110.624; 16.102; 19.124
90; 99.749; 90
3224.3Gaillard, Sylvain; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Bonura, Allen T.; Stevens, Edwin D.; Nolan, Steven P.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of [AuCl3(NHC)] Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 394
4063453 CIFC19 H29 F3 N2 O8 Pd SP 1 21/c 115.6847; 10.1913; 15.3249
90; 94.045; 90
2443.5Vicente, José; Abad, José Antonio; López-Sáez, María-José; Jones, Peter G.
Carbopalladation of Maleate and Fumarate Esters and 1,1-Dimethylallene with Ortho-Substituted Aryl Palladium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 409
4063454 CIFC27.5 H28 F3 N2 O8.5 Pd SP -19.362; 11.3529; 14.6379
99.933; 90.461; 109.265
1443.1Vicente, José; Abad, José Antonio; López-Sáez, María-José; Jones, Peter G.
Carbopalladation of Maleate and Fumarate Esters and 1,1-Dimethylallene with Ortho-Substituted Aryl Palladium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 409
4063455 CIFC42 H42 Cl2 F3 N3 O8 Pd SP -111.2675; 11.842; 17.0352
81.832; 87.873; 76.607
2188.7Vicente, José; Abad, José Antonio; López-Sáez, María-José; Jones, Peter G.
Carbopalladation of Maleate and Fumarate Esters and 1,1-Dimethylallene with Ortho-Substituted Aryl Palladium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 409
4063456 CIFC18 H29 F3 N2 O4 Pd SP 1 21/c 18.4184; 17.7346; 15.4582
90; 105.713; 90
2221.6Vicente, José; Abad, José Antonio; López-Sáez, María-José; Jones, Peter G.
Carbopalladation of Maleate and Fumarate Esters and 1,1-Dimethylallene with Ortho-Substituted Aryl Palladium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 409
4063457 CIFC27 H19 Cl F12 N2 RuP 1 21/c 112.9439; 16.1117; 13.2348
90; 92.751; 90
2756.9Phillips, Andrew D.; Zava, Olivier; Scopelitti, Rosario; Nazarov, Alexey A.; Dyson, Paul J.
Rational Design of Highly Cytotoxic η6-Arene β-Diketiminato−Ruthenium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 417
4063458 CIFC28 H27 Cl3 F6 N2 RuP -17.9718; 10.1896; 18.2714
91.374; 95.367; 106.896
1411.84Phillips, Andrew D.; Zava, Olivier; Scopelitti, Rosario; Nazarov, Alexey A.; Dyson, Paul J.
Rational Design of Highly Cytotoxic η6-Arene β-Diketiminato−Ruthenium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 417
4063459 CIFC49 H55 F3 N4 RuP 1 21/n 111.6301; 24.343; 15.567
90; 102.348; 90
4305.2Phillips, Andrew D.; Zava, Olivier; Scopelitti, Rosario; Nazarov, Alexey A.; Dyson, Paul J.
Rational Design of Highly Cytotoxic η6-Arene β-Diketiminato−Ruthenium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 417
4063460 CIFC27 H13 Cl F18 N2 RuP 1 21/c 113.2799; 12.6155; 17.3582
90; 99.075; 90
2871.66Phillips, Andrew D.; Zava, Olivier; Scopelitti, Rosario; Nazarov, Alexey A.; Dyson, Paul J.
Rational Design of Highly Cytotoxic η6-Arene β-Diketiminato−Ruthenium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 417
4063461 CIFC23 H23 Cl N2 RuP b c a12.0093; 17.815; 18.282
90; 90; 90
3911.4Phillips, Andrew D.; Zava, Olivier; Scopelitti, Rosario; Nazarov, Alexey A.; Dyson, Paul J.
Rational Design of Highly Cytotoxic η6-Arene β-Diketiminato−Ruthenium Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 417
4063462 CIFC31 H29 I P2 RuP 1 21/n 115.9366; 11.0595; 17.0208
90; 111.178; 90
2797.32Brunner, Henri; Muschiol, Manfred; Tsuno, Takashi; Takahashi, Takemoto; Zabel, Manfred
Pyramidal Stability of 16-Electron Half-Sandwich Intermediates [CpRu(P−P)]+with P−P Ligands Forming Four- to Six-Membered Chelate Rings
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 428
4063463 CIFC31 H29 I P2 RuP -19.4185; 9.525; 15.8005
78.325; 88.954; 76.134
1347.02Brunner, Henri; Muschiol, Manfred; Tsuno, Takashi; Takahashi, Takemoto; Zabel, Manfred
Pyramidal Stability of 16-Electron Half-Sandwich Intermediates [CpRu(P−P)]+with P−P Ligands Forming Four- to Six-Membered Chelate Rings
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 428
4063464 CIFC31 H29 Cl P2 RuP 1 21 19.8103; 14.133; 10.4642
90; 114.253; 90
1322.8Brunner, Henri; Muschiol, Manfred; Tsuno, Takashi; Takahashi, Takemoto; Zabel, Manfred
Pyramidal Stability of 16-Electron Half-Sandwich Intermediates [CpRu(P−P)]+with P−P Ligands Forming Four- to Six-Membered Chelate Rings
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 428
4063465 CIFC33 H33 I P2 RuP 1 21 119.9397; 15.6337; 9.4492
90; 100.283; 90
2898.3Brunner, Henri; Muschiol, Manfred; Tsuno, Takashi; Takahashi, Takemoto; Zabel, Manfred
Pyramidal Stability of 16-Electron Half-Sandwich Intermediates [CpRu(P−P)]+with P−P Ligands Forming Four- to Six-Membered Chelate Rings
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 428
4063466 CIFC66 H66 I2 P4 Ru2P 1 21 19.4481; 15.6928; 20.0147
90; 100.282; 90
2919.87Brunner, Henri; Muschiol, Manfred; Tsuno, Takashi; Takahashi, Takemoto; Zabel, Manfred
Pyramidal Stability of 16-Electron Half-Sandwich Intermediates [CpRu(P−P)]+ with P−P Ligands Forming Four- to Six-Membered Chelate Rings
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 428
4063467 CIFC66 H66 Cl2 P4 Ru2P 1 21 19.4176; 15.3229; 19.8384
90; 99.227; 90
2825.74Brunner, Henri; Muschiol, Manfred; Tsuno, Takashi; Takahashi, Takemoto; Zabel, Manfred
Pyramidal Stability of 16-Electron Half-Sandwich Intermediates [CpRu(P−P)]+ with P−P Ligands Forming Four- to Six-Membered Chelate Rings
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 428
4063468 CIFC15 H24 Cl F6 Mo2 P S4P 21 21 2112.7338; 13.393; 13.9952
90; 90; 90
2386.79Ojo, Wilfried-Solo; Pétillon, François Y.; Schollhammer, P.; Talarmin, Jean
Carbon‒Sulfur and Carbon‒Halogen Bond Cleavage of Acyclic or Cyclic Thioethers, Thiophenes, and Dihaloalkanes with the Trithiolato-Bridged Cation [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(MeCN)2]+
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 448-462
4063469 CIFC37 H39 B Mo2 S4P -4 21 m14.6955; 14.6955; 7.7749
90; 90; 90
1679.05Ojo, Wilfried-Solo; Pétillon, François Y.; Schollhammer, P.; Talarmin, Jean
Carbon‒Sulfur and Carbon‒Halogen Bond Cleavage of Acyclic or Cyclic Thioethers, Thiophenes, and Dihaloalkanes with the Trithiolato-Bridged Cation [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(MeCN)2]+
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 448-462
4063470 CIFC40 H47 B Mo2 O S4P 1 21/c 117.8598; 10.0786; 22.2717
90; 107.308; 90
3827.4Ojo, Wilfried-Solo; Pétillon, François Y.; Schollhammer, P.; Talarmin, Jean
Carbon‒Sulfur and Carbon‒Halogen Bond Cleavage of Acyclic or Cyclic Thioethers, Thiophenes, and Dihaloalkanes with the Trithiolato-Bridged Cation [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(MeCN)2]+
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 448-462
4063471 CIFC16 H24 Cl F6 Mo2 P S3P -110.8501; 13.5873; 17.1418
68.456; 89.075; 81.857
2325.1Ojo, Wilfried-Solo; Pétillon, François Y.; Schollhammer, P.; Talarmin, Jean
Carbon‒Sulfur and Carbon‒Halogen Bond Cleavage of Acyclic or Cyclic Thioethers, Thiophenes, and Dihaloalkanes with the Trithiolato-Bridged Cation [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(MeCN)2]+
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 448-462
4063472 CIFC40 H44 B Cl Mo2 S4P 1 21/n 19.4536; 30.7462; 12.7894
90; 90.258; 90
3717.4Ojo, Wilfried-Solo; Pétillon, François Y.; Schollhammer, P.; Talarmin, Jean
Carbon‒Sulfur and Carbon‒Halogen Bond Cleavage of Acyclic or Cyclic Thioethers, Thiophenes, and Dihaloalkanes with the Trithiolato-Bridged Cation [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(MeCN)2]+
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 448-462
4063473 CIFC35 H33 Cl2 N2 P PdP b c a15.7; 18.927; 21.459
90; 90; 90
6377Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063474 CIFC38 H40 Br2 N3 O P PdP 1 21/n 111.5499; 16.3133; 19.19
90; 96.712; 90
3590.9Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063475 CIFC35 H31 Cl2 N2 P PdP 1 21/c 115.6908; 11.1879; 17.9775
90; 96.9448; 90
3132.74Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063476 CIFC74 H106 Cl4 N4 O P2 Pd2P 1 21/c 116.8134; 16.3899; 27.0373
90; 103.143; 90
7255.5Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063477 CIFC22 H23 Cl2 N3 PdP 1 21/c 119.941; 10.116; 22.057
90; 93.222; 90
4442Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063478 CIFC22 H21 Cl2 N3 PdP 1 21/n 19.0547; 25.3595; 9.7807
90; 111.778; 90
2085.6Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063479 CIFC34 H32 Cl2 N4 PdC 1 2/c 115.823; 14.132; 15.342
90; 114.275; 90
3127.3Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063480 CIFC34 H32 Cl2 N4 PdP 1 21/c 17.5602; 33.767; 12.2325
90; 95.88; 90
3106.3Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063481 CIFC20 H14C 1 2/c 123.555; 7.215; 19.145
90; 119.881; 90
2821Chan, Kai-Ting; Tsai, Yi-Hua; Lin, Wu-Shien; Wu, Jia-Rong; Chen, Shih-Jung; Liao, Fu-Xing; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Hon Man
Palladium Complexes with Carbene and Phosphine Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Direct Arylation Reactions between Aryl Halides and Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 463-472
4063482 CIFC14 H27 Au B N4 P S2P n a 217.712; 24.039; 11.097
90; 90; 90
2057.3Hill, Anthony F.; Smith, Matthew K.; Tshabang, Never; Willis, Anthony C.
Bimetallic Dihydrobis(methimazolyl)borate Coordination: Structure [Mo2{μ2-H2B(mt)2}(CO)7][Au2(μ2-H2B(mt)2}](PEt3)2] (mt = methimazolyl)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 473-477
4063483 CIFC36 H56 Au2 B2 Cl2 Mo2 N8 O7 P2 S4P -114.9617; 15.0139; 15.7497
70.5816; 64.4391; 62.1557
2783.84Hill, Anthony F.; Smith, Matthew K.; Tshabang, Never; Willis, Anthony C.
Bimetallic Dihydrobis(methimazolyl)borate Coordination: Structure [Mo2{μ2-H2B(mt)2}(CO)7][Au2(μ2-H2B(mt)2}](PEt3)2] (mt = methimazolyl)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 473-477
4063484 CIFC53 H47 Cl11 O5 P2 PdP 21 21 2111.1298; 18.3889; 27.0464
90; 90; 90
5535.4Robert, Tobias; Abiri, Zohar; Wassenaar, Jeroen; Sandee, Albertus J.; Romanski, Steffen; Neudörfl, Jörg-Martin; Schmalz, Hans-Günther; Reek, Joost N. H.
Asymmetric Hydroformylation Using Taddol-Based Chiral Phosphine−Phosphite Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 478-483
4063485 CIFC55 H52 Cl8 O5 P2 PdP 1 21 111.7707; 14.8558; 15.7168
90; 99.1439; 90
2713.4Robert, Tobias; Abiri, Zohar; Wassenaar, Jeroen; Sandee, Albertus J.; Romanski, Steffen; Neudörfl, Jörg-Martin; Schmalz, Hans-Günther; Reek, Joost N. H.
Asymmetric Hydroformylation Using Taddol-Based Chiral Phosphine−Phosphite Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 478-483
4063486 CIFC25 H31 Al Cl4 Fe N O2 P SiP n a 2124.434; 10.1909; 12.7949
90; 90; 90
3186Vaheesar, Kandasamy; Bolton, Timothy M.; East, Allan L. L.; Sterenberg, Brian T.
Si‒H Bond Activation by Electrophilic Phosphinidene Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 484-490
4063487 CIFC19 H25 Al Cl4 Fe2 N O3 PP 1 21 110.3218; 12.557; 10.3342
90; 98.259; 90
1325.5Vaheesar, Kandasamy; Bolton, Timothy M.; East, Allan L. L.; Sterenberg, Brian T.
Si‒H Bond Activation by Electrophilic Phosphinidene Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 484-490
4063488 CIFC15 H3 Al F18 O6P -3 c 117.7778; 17.7778; 12.1417
90; 90; 120
3323.3Bouyahyi, Miloud; Roisnel, Thierry; Carpentier, Jean-François
Aluminum Complexes of Fluorinated β-Diketonate Ligands: Syntheses, Structures, Intramolecular Reduction, and Use in Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactide
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 491-500
4063489 CIFC26 H18 Al2 F24 O10P -19.455; 12.262; 17.853
73.155; 85.258; 73.524
1899.7Bouyahyi, Miloud; Roisnel, Thierry; Carpentier, Jean-François
Aluminum Complexes of Fluorinated β-Diketonate Ligands: Syntheses, Structures, Intramolecular Reduction, and Use in Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactide
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 491-500
4063490 CIFC37 H33 Al3 F30 O14P -110.3008; 15.9639; 16.4759
79.265; 87.784; 89.005
2659.8Bouyahyi, Miloud; Roisnel, Thierry; Carpentier, Jean-François
Aluminum Complexes of Fluorinated β-Diketonate Ligands: Syntheses, Structures, Intramolecular Reduction, and Use in Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactide
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 491-500
4063491 CIFC28 H22 Al2 F24 O10P 1 21/c 19.741; 18.539; 10.909
90; 107.676; 90
1877Bouyahyi, Miloud; Roisnel, Thierry; Carpentier, Jean-François
Aluminum Complexes of Fluorinated β-Diketonate Ligands: Syntheses, Structures, Intramolecular Reduction, and Use in Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactide
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 491-500
4063492 CIFC28 H22 Al2 F24 O12P 1 21/n 19.0798; 12.2806; 18.0264
90; 97.954; 90
1990.7Bouyahyi, Miloud; Roisnel, Thierry; Carpentier, Jean-François
Aluminum Complexes of Fluorinated β-Diketonate Ligands: Syntheses, Structures, Intramolecular Reduction, and Use in Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactide
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 491-500
4063493 CIFC10 H24 Cl2 Ge N6P 1 21/n 110.0347; 11.4752; 14.8505
90; 97.796; 90
1694.2Chen, Tianniu; Hunks, William; Chen, Philip S.; Xu, Chongying; DiPasquale, Antonio G.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Thermal Properties of the First Germanium N,N,N',N'-Tetraalkylguanidinates
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 501-504
4063494 CIFC14 H36 Ge N8P 1 21/n 18.6692; 15.743; 14.9497
90; 100.319; 90
2007.32Chen, Tianniu; Hunks, William; Chen, Philip S.; Xu, Chongying; DiPasquale, Antonio G.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Thermal Properties of the First Germanium N,N,N',N'-Tetraalkylguanidinates
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 501-504
4063495 CIFC26 H44 O4 Si2P -17.9041; 12.4809; 16.3912
111.863; 90.997; 99.96
1472.1Chen, Jingjin; Liu, Yuanhong
Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of Trisubstituted cis-[3]Cumulenols from Alkynylated Oxatitanacycles in the Presence of Lewis acids
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 505-508
4063496 CIFC29 H42 O Si2P -111.753; 11.987; 12.419
93.71; 107.894; 116.474
1448Chen, Jingjin; Liu, Yuanhong
Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of Trisubstituted cis-[3]Cumulenols from Alkynylated Oxatitanacycles in the Presence of Lewis acids
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 505-508
4065555 CIFC28 H66 Ni2 P4C 1 2/c 110.7217; 15.767; 20.716
90; 91.007; 90
3501.5Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065556 CIFC68.5 H116 N4 Ni3 P6P -114.82; 15.643; 18.3
99.453; 100.468; 116.199
3596.7Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065557 CIFC22 H36 N2 Ni P2P 1 21/n 18.9798; 13.987; 18.626
90; 94.019; 90
2333.7Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065558 CIFC25 H39 N Ni P2C 1 c 18.5271; 18.755; 15.7321
90; 103.621; 90
2445.2Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065559 CIFC25 H39 N Ni P2P -18.2245; 10.6224; 14.7022
91.606; 106.009; 95.109
1227.87Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065560 CIFC30 H49 N Ni O P2P -18.482; 8.847; 20.004
101.472; 95.752; 91.942
1461.5Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065561 CIFC26 H38 N2 Ni P2P 1 21/c 116.819; 10.654; 15.636
90; 111.709; 90
2603.1Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065562 CIFC26 H38 N2 Ni P2P -110.3484; 16.1122; 16.7162
71.985; 81.383; 77.661
2578.8Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065563 CIFC29 H41 N Ni P2P 1 21/c 110.4467; 15.224; 17.21
90; 94.607; 90
2728.2Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065564 CIFC29 H41 N Ni P2P 1 21/c 110.4043; 16.1151; 17.189
90; 107.045; 90
2755.4Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065565 CIFC22 H36 N2 Ni P2P 1 21/n 18.5767; 18.769; 14.628
90; 97.356; 90
2335.4Li, Ting; García, Juventino J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
C−CN Bond Activation of Aromatic Nitriles and Fluxionality of the η2-Arene Intermediates: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2430
4065566 CIFC96 H96 F12 Fe4 P6C 1 2/c 135.8439; 14.0561; 18.9557
90; 99.404; 90
9422Lohan, Manja; Justaud, Frédéric; Roisnel, Thierry; Ecorchard, Petra; Lang, Heinrich; Lapinte, Claude
1′,1′′′-Bis(ethynyl)biferrocenyl-Bridged Fe(dppe)Cp* Units: Synthesis, Solid-State Structures, and Electronic Couplings§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4804
4065567 CIFC114 H100 Fe4 N6 P4P -116.035; 18.1012; 18.2591
97.839; 104.244; 96.104
5034.5Lohan, Manja; Justaud, Frédéric; Roisnel, Thierry; Ecorchard, Petra; Lang, Heinrich; Lapinte, Claude
1′,1′′′-Bis(ethynyl)biferrocenyl-Bridged Fe(dppe)Cp* Units: Synthesis, Solid-State Structures, and Electronic Couplings§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4804
4065568 CIFC108 H106 Fe4 P4P 1 21/c 112.1381; 10.5715; 34.004
90; 97.06; 90
4330.2Lohan, Manja; Justaud, Frédéric; Roisnel, Thierry; Ecorchard, Petra; Lang, Heinrich; Lapinte, Claude
1′,1′′′-Bis(ethynyl)biferrocenyl-Bridged Fe(dppe)Cp* Units: Synthesis, Solid-State Structures, and Electronic Couplings§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4804
4065569 CIFC66 H52 B F24 Rh SP -113.2119; 14.4067; 17.253
89.116; 87.236; 75.225
3171.6Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065570 CIFC66 H52 B F24 Ir SP -113.265; 14.381; 17.235
89.267; 87.527; 75.296
3177.2Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065571 CIFC76 H60 B F24 N2 Rh SP -114.345; 15.473; 17.581
102.956; 110.459; 91.609
3538.8Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065572 CIFC76 H60 B F24 Ir N2 SP -114.362; 15.485; 17.547
103.168; 110.426; 91.387
3537.8Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065573 CIFC78 H60 B F24 N2 Rh SP -114.0447; 16.641; 17.788
70.042; 67.269; 77.022
3583.5Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065574 CIFC81 H67 B F24 Ir N2 SP -112.803; 14.759; 21.882
75.953; 82.947; 72.827
3826.5Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065575 CIFC76 H74 B F24 Ir N2 SP -114.072; 14.753; 20.935
98.802; 100.479; 113.803
3784.3Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065576 CIFC75 H60 B F24 Ir O2 SP -112.391; 14.593; 20.903
92.797; 102.433; 97.229
3650.5Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065577 CIFC76 H68 B F24 Rh SP -112.497; 15.449; 20.125
81.748; 77.176; 86.299
3747.2Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065578 CIFC76 H68 B F24 Ir SP -112.5495; 15.48; 20.139
81.869; 77.328; 86.001
3775.6Sakamoto, Mayumi; Ohki, Yasuhiro; Tatsumi, Kazuyuki
Synthesis and Reactions of Coordinatively Unsaturated Half-Sandwich Rhodium and Iridium Complexes Having a 2,6-Dimesitylbenzenethiolate Ligand
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1761
4065579 CIFC116 H124 Ag12 F48 N44 O2 P8P -113.943; 14.111; 23.283
84.22; 89.721; 89.16
4557Liu, Bo; Liu, Bin; Zhou, Yongbo; Chen, Wanzhi
Copper(II) Hydroxide Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Catalytic Oxidative Amination of Arylboronic Acids
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1457
4065580 CIFC50 H52 Cu4 F24 N18 O3 P4P 1 21/n 117.29; 12.5344; 17.477
90; 119.072; 90
3310.4Liu, Bo; Liu, Bin; Zhou, Yongbo; Chen, Wanzhi
Copper(II) Hydroxide Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Catalytic Oxidative Amination of Arylboronic Acids
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1457
4065581 CIFC50 H48 Cu4 F24 N20 O2 P4P -112.1951; 12.2169; 12.7873
78.2; 81.688; 64.546
1680.4Liu, Bo; Liu, Bin; Zhou, Yongbo; Chen, Wanzhi
Copper(II) Hydroxide Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Catalytic Oxidative Amination of Arylboronic Acids
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1457
4065582 CIFC46 H44 Cu4 F24 N24 O2 P4P 1 21/c 110.9972; 24.11; 13.0681
90; 105.312; 90
3341.9Liu, Bo; Liu, Bin; Zhou, Yongbo; Chen, Wanzhi
Copper(II) Hydroxide Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Catalytic Oxidative Amination of Arylboronic Acids
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1457
4065583 CIFC42 H36 Cu2 F12 N14 P2 S4P -18.3049; 12.396; 12.9733
84.336; 87.281; 87.637
1326.7Liu, Bo; Liu, Bin; Zhou, Yongbo; Chen, Wanzhi
Copper(II) Hydroxide Complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Catalytic Oxidative Amination of Arylboronic Acids
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1457
4065584 CIFC36 H43 F5 N2 O SnP -112.074; 12.398; 12.821
82.25; 72.91; 71.68
1739.6Jana, Anukul; Roesky, Herbert W.; Schulzke, Carola; Samuel, Prinson P.
Reaction of Tin(II) Hydride with Compounds Containing Aromatic C−F Bonds†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4837
4065585 CIFC35 H41 F5 N2 SnP 1 21/n 113.351; 18.698; 13.566
90; 102.84; 90
3301.9Jana, Anukul; Roesky, Herbert W.; Schulzke, Carola; Samuel, Prinson P.
Reaction of Tin(II) Hydride with Compounds Containing Aromatic C−F Bonds†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4837
4065586 CIFC24 H24 Bi ReP 1 21/c 113.6349; 16.8562; 17.6871
90; 89.964; 90
4065.07Schiwon, Rafael; Knispel, Christina; Limberg, Christian
Heterometallic Complexes with Re−Bi Metal Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1670
4065587 CIFC16 H12 Bi F12 O2 ReP b c a14.6191; 17.5119; 15.7302
90; 90; 90
4027.06Schiwon, Rafael; Knispel, Christina; Limberg, Christian
Heterometallic Complexes with Re−Bi Metal Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1670
4065588 CIFC20 H19 Bi Re2P 1 21/c 120.054; 7.6906; 10.8238
90; 92.596; 90
1667.61Schiwon, Rafael; Knispel, Christina; Limberg, Christian
Heterometallic Complexes with Re−Bi Metal Bonds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1670
4065589 CIFC42 H32 O4 RuC 1 2/c 129.292; 13.557; 23.2094
90; 125.489; 90
7504.5Casey, Charles P.; Jiao, Xiangdong; Guzei, Ilia. A.
Formation of β-Ruthenium-Substituted Enones from Propargyl Alcohols†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4829
4065590 CIFC41 H38 O4 RuP 21 21 2110.0471; 17.474; 19.4109
90; 90; 90
3407.8Casey, Charles P.; Jiao, Xiangdong; Guzei, Ilia. A.
Formation of β-Ruthenium-Substituted Enones from Propargyl Alcohols†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4829
4065591 CIFC38 H32 O4 RuP 1 21/c 112.3887; 7.5387; 33.963
90; 93.802; 90
3165Casey, Charles P.; Jiao, Xiangdong; Guzei, Ilia. A.
Formation of β-Ruthenium-Substituted Enones from Propargyl Alcohols†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4829
4065592 CIFC41 H40 O4 RuP 1 21/n 114.3325; 13.4732; 18.2546
90; 101.331; 90
3456.3Casey, Charles P.; Jiao, Xiangdong; Guzei, Ilia. A.
Formation of β-Ruthenium-Substituted Enones from Propargyl Alcohols†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4829
4065593 CIFC13 H11 O4 RhP 1 21/n 110.408; 7.836; 15.9878
90; 103.213; 90
1269.4Hopmann, Kathrin H.; Stuurman, Nomampondomise F.; Muller, Alfred; Conradie, Jeanet
Substitution and Isomerization of Asymmetric β-Diketonato Rhodium(I) Complexes: A Crystallographic and Computational Study
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2446
4065594 CIFC30 H26 O3 P RhP -18.9967; 15.7725; 19.3044
90.051; 94.536; 104.963
2637.49Hopmann, Kathrin H.; Stuurman, Nomampondomise F.; Muller, Alfred; Conradie, Jeanet
Substitution and Isomerization of Asymmetric β-Diketonato Rhodium(I) Complexes: A Crystallographic and Computational Study
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2446
4065595 CIFC36 H26 Cl6 F6 P2 PdP 21 21 2111.4764; 13.7904; 23.9828
90; 90; 90
3795.6Armanino, Nicolas; Koller, Raffael; Togni, Antonio
Electrophilic Trifluoromethylation of Primary Phosphines: Synthesis of aP-Bis(trifluoromethyl) Derivative of BINAP
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1771
4065596 CIFC18 H29 Cl2 Ir N2 O4 SP 1 21/c 18.6416; 24.5383; 11.1459
90; 112.212; 90
2188.1Feng, Yuee; Jiang, Bi; Boyle, Paul A.; Ison, Elon A.
Effect of Ancillary Ligands and Solvents on H/D Exchange Reactions Catalyzed by Cp*Ir Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2857
4065597 CIFC19 H33 F6 Ir N2 O9 S2P -112.4934; 14.2746; 16.3037
89.626; 88.616; 80.801
2869.3Feng, Yuee; Jiang, Bi; Boyle, Paul A.; Ison, Elon A.
Effect of Ancillary Ligands and Solvents on H/D Exchange Reactions Catalyzed by Cp*Ir Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2857
4065598 CIFC17 H27 Ir N4 O6P 1 21/c 116.2935; 8.2233; 16.1922
90; 115.223; 90
1962.68Feng, Yuee; Jiang, Bi; Boyle, Paul A.; Ison, Elon A.
Effect of Ancillary Ligands and Solvents on H/D Exchange Reactions Catalyzed by Cp*Ir Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2857
4065599 CIFC21 H31 F6 Ir N2 O6P -18.7435; 11.7537; 13.1222
74.617; 84.887; 82.879
1287.98Feng, Yuee; Jiang, Bi; Boyle, Paul A.; Ison, Elon A.
Effect of Ancillary Ligands and Solvents on H/D Exchange Reactions Catalyzed by Cp*Ir Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2857
4065600 CIFC36 H58 Cl2 F6 Ir2 N4 O8 S2P -18.9165; 11.6008; 12.286
65.6497; 74.3021; 81.5126
1113.67Feng, Yuee; Jiang, Bi; Boyle, Paul A.; Ison, Elon A.
Effect of Ancillary Ligands and Solvents on H/D Exchange Reactions Catalyzed by Cp*Ir Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2857
4065601 CIFC33 H39 Li O2 P2 S2P -110.4369; 10.6649; 17.073
81.831; 73.596; 69.205
1702.4Leung, Wing-Por; Wan, Chi-Ling; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis and Structure of Magnesium and Group 13 Metal Bis(thiophosphinoyl)methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1622
4065602 CIFC66 H72 Mg2 O4 P4 S4P 1 21/c 110.42; 13.181; 23.464
90; 96.986; 90
3199Leung, Wing-Por; Wan, Chi-Ling; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis and Structure of Magnesium and Group 13 Metal Bis(thiophosphinoyl)methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1622
4065603 CIFC25 H20 Al Cl P2 S2P 1 21/c 111.5467; 19.957; 12.4806
90; 105.873; 90
2766.3Leung, Wing-Por; Wan, Chi-Ling; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis and Structure of Magnesium and Group 13 Metal Bis(thiophosphinoyl)methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1622
4065604 CIFC50 H40 Cl2 Ga2 P4 S4P 1 21/c 111.557; 19.892; 12.418
90; 106.293; 90
2740Leung, Wing-Por; Wan, Chi-Ling; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis and Structure of Magnesium and Group 13 Metal Bis(thiophosphinoyl)methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1622
4065605 CIFC25 H20 Cl In P2 S2P 1 21/c 111.6775; 20.458; 12.5404
90; 108.184; 90
2846.3Leung, Wing-Por; Wan, Chi-Ling; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis and Structure of Magnesium and Group 13 Metal Bis(thiophosphinoyl)methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1622
4065606 CIFC43.4 H45.5 I N2 O4.85 P2 PdP 1 21 113.5613; 9.568; 17.556
90; 108.878; 90
2155.44Li, Jie; Lutz, Martin; Spek, Anthony L.; van Klink, Gerard P. M.; van Koten, Gerard; Klein Gebbink, Robertus J. M.
Chiral Amino Alcohol Derived Bis-phosphoramidite Pincer Palladium Complexes and Their Applications in Asymmetric Allylation of Aldimines
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1379
4065607 CIFC28 H31 I N2 O5 P2 PdP 110.3714; 11.8544; 13.054
89.198; 84.462; 68.804
1489.01Li, Jie; Lutz, Martin; Spek, Anthony L.; van Klink, Gerard P. M.; van Koten, Gerard; Klein Gebbink, Robertus J. M.
Chiral Amino Alcohol Derived Bis-phosphoramidite Pincer Palladium Complexes and Their Applications in Asymmetric Allylation of Aldimines
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1379
4065608 CIFC42 H12 F24 O16 Rh4P -19.3332; 13.0562; 21.4259
88.15; 77.64; 73.326
2441.94Filatov, Alexander S.; Rogachev, Andrey Yu.; Jackson, Edward A.; Scott, Lawrence T.; Petrukhina, Marina A.
Increasing the Curvature of a Bowl-Shaped Polyarene by Fullerene-like η2-Complexation of a Transition Metal at the Interior of the Convex Surface
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1231
4065609 CIFC29 H45 N2 O Sc Si2P -19.5815; 11.3419; 16.1671
78.288; 73.593; 68.657
1559.9Liu, Dongtao; Luo, Yunjie; Gao, Wei; Cui, Dongmei
Stereoselective Polymerization of Styrene with Cationic Scandium Precursors Bearing Quinolyl Aniline Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1916
4065610 CIFC33 H54 N2 O Sc Si2P 1 21/n 115.3408; 15.1041; 33.801
90; 95.307; 90
7798.4Liu, Dongtao; Luo, Yunjie; Gao, Wei; Cui, Dongmei
Stereoselective Polymerization of Styrene with Cationic Scandium Precursors Bearing Quinolyl Aniline Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1916
4065611 CIFC27 H41 N2 O Sc Si2P -110.8063; 10.9221; 14.216
96.066; 106.887; 109.362
1476.33Liu, Dongtao; Luo, Yunjie; Gao, Wei; Cui, Dongmei
Stereoselective Polymerization of Styrene with Cationic Scandium Precursors Bearing Quinolyl Aniline Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1916
4065612 CIFC59 H51 B Cl F20 N2 O4 Sc SiP -111.4122; 12.4172; 21.491
90.382; 103.852; 94.011
2948.8Liu, Dongtao; Luo, Yunjie; Gao, Wei; Cui, Dongmei
Stereoselective Polymerization of Styrene with Cationic Scandium Precursors Bearing Quinolyl Aniline Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1916
4065613 CIFC32 H33 B Cl2 F4 N2P 1 21/n 112.2656; 9.7269; 25.0605
90; 93.1091; 90
2985.47Dastgir, Sarim; Coleman, Karl S.; Cowley, Andrew R.; Green, Malcolm L. H.
Synthesis, Structure, and Temperature-Dependent Dynamics of Neutral Palladium Allyl Complexes of Annulated Diaminocarbenes and Their Catalytic Application for C−C and C−N Bond Formation Reactions†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4858
4065614 CIFC37 H43 B F4 N2P 1 21/c 18.7832; 17.7852; 21.1308
90; 97.2605; 90
3274.4Dastgir, Sarim; Coleman, Karl S.; Cowley, Andrew R.; Green, Malcolm L. H.
Synthesis, Structure, and Temperature-Dependent Dynamics of Neutral Palladium Allyl Complexes of Annulated Diaminocarbenes and Their Catalytic Application for C−C and C−N Bond Formation Reactions†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4858
4065615 CIFC40 H47 Cl N2 PdP 21 21 2110.7787; 14.8681; 21.6983
90; 90; 90
3477.34Dastgir, Sarim; Coleman, Karl S.; Cowley, Andrew R.; Green, Malcolm L. H.
Synthesis, Structure, and Temperature-Dependent Dynamics of Neutral Palladium Allyl Complexes of Annulated Diaminocarbenes and Their Catalytic Application for C−C and C−N Bond Formation Reactions†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4858
4065616 CIFC35 H30 F8 O5 P2 Pt SP 1 21/n 110.655; 21.419; 17.001
90; 106.36; 90
3722.9Scarso, Alessandro; Colladon, Marco; Sgarbossa, Paolo; Santo, Claudio; Michelin, Rino A.; Strukul, Giorgio
Highly Active and Selective Platinum(II)-Catalyzed Isomerization of Allylbenzenes: Efficient Access to (E)-Anethole and Other Fragrances via Unusual Agostic Intermediates
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1487
4065617 CIFC24 H30 F10 I2 Ir2P b c a12.8514; 13.9753; 16.3838
90; 90; 90
2942.6Yuan, Jian; Hughes, Russell P.; Golen, James A.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural and Computational Studies of a Conformationally Locked (η1-Perfluoroalkylidene)(η2-alkene) Transition Metal Complex: Ir(Cp*)(CFCF3)(C2H4)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1942
4065618 CIFC14 H19 F4 IrC 1 c 123.741; 8.6351; 13.9713
90; 92.813; 90
2860.7Yuan, Jian; Hughes, Russell P.; Golen, James A.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural and Computational Studies of a Conformationally Locked (η1-Perfluoroalkylidene)(η2-alkene) Transition Metal Complex: Ir(Cp*)(CFCF3)(C2H4)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1942
4065619 CIFC18 H39 Li N2P 21 21 2114.264; 16.541; 16.7437
90; 90; 90
3950.5Gessner, Viktoria H.; Strohmann, Carsten
Lithiation of Diamine Ligands to Chiral Building Blocks: Syntheses, Selectivities, and Lithiated Intermediates
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1858
4065620 CIFC36 H75 Li3 N6R 3 :H19.546; 19.546; 8.9796
90; 90; 120
2971Gessner, Viktoria H.; Strohmann, Carsten
Lithiation of Diamine Ligands to Chiral Building Blocks: Syntheses, Selectivities, and Lithiated Intermediates
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1858
4065621 CIFC25 H27 Cl2 Fe2 N O6 SeP 1 21/n 18.8137; 24.972; 12.8501
90; 104.709; 90
2735.6Busetto, Luigi; Marchetti, Fabio; Renili, Filippo; Zacchini, Stefano; Zanotti, Valerio
Addition of Alkynes to Zwitterionic μ-Vinyliminium Diiron Complexes: New Selenophene (Thiophene) and Vinyl Chalcogenide Functionalized Bridging Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1797
4065622 CIFC33 H33 Fe2 N O6 SP 1 21 18.4169; 27.247; 13.4895
90; 90.015; 90
3093.6Busetto, Luigi; Marchetti, Fabio; Renili, Filippo; Zacchini, Stefano; Zanotti, Valerio
Addition of Alkynes to Zwitterionic μ-Vinyliminium Diiron Complexes: New Selenophene (Thiophene) and Vinyl Chalcogenide Functionalized Bridging Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1797
4065623 CIFC29 H34 Fe2 N2 O6 SeP 21 21 219.3836; 17.76; 18.128
90; 90; 90
3021.1Busetto, Luigi; Marchetti, Fabio; Renili, Filippo; Zacchini, Stefano; Zanotti, Valerio
Addition of Alkynes to Zwitterionic μ-Vinyliminium Diiron Complexes: New Selenophene (Thiophene) and Vinyl Chalcogenide Functionalized Bridging Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1797
4065624 CIFC23 H31 Au N2P 1 21/n 113.358; 13.1952; 13.4743
90; 116.401; 90
2127.3Venugopal, Ajay; Ghosh, Manik Kumer; Jürgens, Hannes; Törnroos, Karl W.; Swang, Ole; Tilset, Mats; Heyn, Richard H.
(β-Diketiminato)dimethylgold(III): Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2248
4065625 CIFC24 H31 Au F3 I N2 O3 SP 21 21 2111.1621; 12.896; 19.3602
90; 90; 90
2786.8Venugopal, Ajay; Ghosh, Manik Kumer; Jürgens, Hannes; Törnroos, Karl W.; Swang, Ole; Tilset, Mats; Heyn, Richard H.
(β-Diketiminato)dimethylgold(III): Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2248
4065626 CIFC43 H48 Au2 Cl2 F3 N2 O3 P SP -110.4621; 13.3464; 15.9891
92.5015; 92.2262; 101.441
2183.56Venugopal, Ajay; Ghosh, Manik Kumer; Jürgens, Hannes; Törnroos, Karl W.; Swang, Ole; Tilset, Mats; Heyn, Richard H.
(β-Diketiminato)dimethylgold(III): Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2248
4065627 CIFC H1.5 Cl2.5 SiP -16.1896; 8.3969; 9.0412
89.363; 80.569; 78.809
454.63Hong, Soon Hyun; Hyun, Sang Il; Jung, Il Nam; Han, Won-Sik; Kim, Min-Hye; Yun, Hoseop; Nam, Suk-Woo; Kang, Sang Ook
[Bu4P]+Cl−-Catalyzed Reactions of Trichlorosilane and Dichloromethylsilane with Vinyltrichlorosilane: New Synthetic Method for 1,1,4,4-Tetrachloro-2,5-bis(trichlorosilyl)-1,4-disilacyclohexane Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3054
4065628 CIFC6 H12 Cl8 Si4P -16.7991; 8.6802; 9.2531
84.1808; 67.1898; 71.4251
477.01Hong, Soon Hyun; Hyun, Sang Il; Jung, Il Nam; Han, Won-Sik; Kim, Min-Hye; Yun, Hoseop; Nam, Suk-Woo; Kang, Sang Ook
[Bu4P]+Cl−-Catalyzed Reactions of Trichlorosilane and Dichloromethylsilane with Vinyltrichlorosilane: New Synthetic Method for 1,1,4,4-Tetrachloro-2,5-bis(trichlorosilyl)-1,4-disilacyclohexane Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3054
4065629 CIFC17 H21 F6 N7 O6 Pd S2P n m a13.423; 10.167; 19.551
90; 90; 90
2668Xiao, Xu-Qiong; Jia, Ai-Quan; Lin, Yue-Jian; Jin, Guo-Xin
Self-Assembly of Palladium-Based Macrocycles with N-Heterocyclic Carbene as the “Corner” Ligand†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4842
4065630 CIFC25 H28 Br2 N4 PdP 1 21 17.832; 16.907; 11.731
90; 92.313; 90
1552.1Xiao, Xu-Qiong; Jia, Ai-Quan; Lin, Yue-Jian; Jin, Guo-Xin
Self-Assembly of Palladium-Based Macrocycles with N-Heterocyclic Carbene as the “Corner” Ligand†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4842
4065631 CIFC35 H36 F6 N8 O6 Pd S2P n n m19.935; 12.762; 19.086
90; 90; 90
4856Xiao, Xu-Qiong; Jia, Ai-Quan; Lin, Yue-Jian; Jin, Guo-Xin
Self-Assembly of Palladium-Based Macrocycles with N-Heterocyclic Carbene as the “Corner” Ligand†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4842
4065632 CIFC74 H72 F12 N12 O12 Pd2 S8C 1 2/c 132.318; 16.429; 24.148
90; 131.085; 90
9664Xiao, Xu-Qiong; Jia, Ai-Quan; Lin, Yue-Jian; Jin, Guo-Xin
Self-Assembly of Palladium-Based Macrocycles with N-Heterocyclic Carbene as the “Corner” Ligand†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4842
4065633 CIFC78 H80 F12 N12 O12 Pd2 S8P 21 21 2113.167; 20.65; 38.82
90; 90; 90
10555Xiao, Xu-Qiong; Jia, Ai-Quan; Lin, Yue-Jian; Jin, Guo-Xin
Self-Assembly of Palladium-Based Macrocycles with N-Heterocyclic Carbene as the “Corner” Ligand†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4842
4065634 CIFC24 H36 Cl3 O Si TaP 1 21/n 19.6996; 15.375; 17.381
90; 96.316; 90
2576.3Senda, Taichi; Hanaoka, Hidenori; Oda, Yoshiaki; Tsurugi, Hayato; Mashima, Kazushi
Silicon-Bridged Tetramethylcyclopentadienyl−Phenoxy Complexes of Tantalum: Preparation and Alkylation of Et2Si(η5-C5Me4)(3-tBu-5-Me-2-C6H2O)TaCl3and Generation of Its Cationic Complex
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2080
4065635 CIFC23 H32 O9 Ru Si2P 21 21 217.3911; 17.4; 22.35
90; 90; 90
2874.3Yamamoto, Yoshihiko; Yamashita, Ken; Nakamura, Mitsutaka
Synthesis of Organometallic Analogues of SpirocyclicC-Arylribosides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1472
4065636 CIFC27 H30 Cl2 O9 Ru SiP 21 21 2110.9899; 12.6076; 21.938
90; 90; 90
3039.6Yamamoto, Yoshihiko; Yamashita, Ken; Nakamura, Mitsutaka
Synthesis of Organometallic Analogues of SpirocyclicC-Arylribosides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1472
4065637 CIFC23 H32 O9 Ru Si2P 21 21 217.775; 18.5454; 20.0881
90; 90; 90
2896.5Yamamoto, Yoshihiko; Yamashita, Ken; Nakamura, Mitsutaka
Synthesis of Organometallic Analogues of SpirocyclicC-Arylribosides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1472
4065638 CIFC34 H42 O11 Ru2 Si2P 21 21 2110.2145; 13.1978; 29.3781
90; 90; 90
3960.4Yamamoto, Yoshihiko; Yamashita, Ken; Nakamura, Mitsutaka
Synthesis of Organometallic Analogues of SpirocyclicC-Arylribosides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1472
4065639 CIFC26 H28 O9 Ru SiP 418.3891; 8.3891; 39.28
90; 90; 90
2764.4Yamamoto, Yoshihiko; Yamashita, Ken; Nakamura, Mitsutaka
Synthesis of Organometallic Analogues of SpirocyclicC-Arylribosides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1472
4065640 CIFC24 H19 Br FeP 1 21 16.0896; 7.8142; 18.7986
90; 95.268; 90
890.76McAdam, C. John; Robinson, Brian H.; Simpson, Jim; Tagg, Tei
Ferrocenyl−Naphthalimide Donor−Acceptor Dyads with Aromatic Spacer Groups
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2474
4065641 CIFC29 H17 N O2P b c a9.5527; 18.179; 23.3617
90; 90; 90
4056.96McAdam, C. John; Robinson, Brian H.; Simpson, Jim; Tagg, Tei
Ferrocenyl−Naphthalimide Donor−Acceptor Dyads with Aromatic Spacer Groups
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2474
4065642 CIFC39 H29 Fe N O2P 1 21/n 116.275; 9.665; 18.385
90; 99.922; 90
2848.7McAdam, C. John; Robinson, Brian H.; Simpson, Jim; Tagg, Tei
Ferrocenyl−Naphthalimide Donor−Acceptor Dyads with Aromatic Spacer Groups
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2474
4065643 CIFC39 H32 Au O PP b c a7.6562; 21.018; 37.5754
90; 90; 90
6046.6Nguyen, Minh-Hai; Yip, John H. K.
Gold(I) and Platinum(II) Tetracenes and Tetracenyldiacetylides: Structural and Fluorescence Color Changes Induced by σ-Metalation
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2422
4065644 CIFC30 H41 Br P2 PtP -18.8662; 10.2157; 17.3034
73.448; 87.757; 80.25
1480.5Nguyen, Minh-Hai; Yip, John H. K.
Gold(I) and Platinum(II) Tetracenes and Tetracenyldiacetylides: Structural and Fluorescence Color Changes Induced by σ-Metalation
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2422
4065645 CIFC61.5 H43.5 Au2 Cl10.5 P2P -113.1311; 14.635; 16.498
89.38; 86.435; 70.71
2986.5Nguyen, Minh-Hai; Yip, John H. K.
Gold(I) and Platinum(II) Tetracenes and Tetracenyldiacetylides: Structural and Fluorescence Color Changes Induced by σ-Metalation
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2422
4065646 CIFC28 H28 Au2 P2R 3 m :H32.5214; 32.5214; 8.7601
90; 90; 120
8023.8Nguyen, Minh-Hai; Yip, John H. K.
Gold(I) and Platinum(II) Tetracenes and Tetracenyldiacetylides: Structural and Fluorescence Color Changes Induced by σ-Metalation
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2422
4065647 CIFC14 H14 Au Cl N2 O4P 1 21/n 17.1495; 18.0815; 12.6678
90; 96.71; 90
1626.4Cocco, Fabio; Cinellu, Maria A.; Minghetti, Giovanni; Zucca, Antonio; Stoccoro, Sergio; Maiore, Laura; Manassero, Mario
Intramolecular C(sp2)−H Bond Activation in 6,6′-Dimethoxy-2,2′-Bipyridine with Gold(III). Crystal and Molecular Structure of the First N′,C(3) “Rollover” Cycloaurated Derivative
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1064
4065648 CIFC27 H32 N6 Ni O4C 1 2/c 114.7743; 16.0012; 12.3916
90; 112.797; 90
2700.6Jean-Baptiste dit Dominique, François; Gornitzka, Heinz; Hemmert, Catherine
Chiral Variation of a Hybrid Bis(carbene-amido) Ligand System
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2868
4065649 CIFC28 H31 Cl3 N6 Ni O3P 1 21/c 110.5437; 14.9883; 19.1501
90; 100.537; 90
2975.3Jean-Baptiste dit Dominique, François; Gornitzka, Heinz; Hemmert, Catherine
Chiral Variation of a Hybrid Bis(carbene-amido) Ligand System
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2868
4065650 CIFC29 H36 N6 Ni O4C 1 2/c 115.4796; 18.1846; 10.6625
90; 104.303; 90
2908.36Jean-Baptiste dit Dominique, François; Gornitzka, Heinz; Hemmert, Catherine
Chiral Variation of a Hybrid Bis(carbene-amido) Ligand System
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2868
4065651 CIFC37.75 H51.75 Cl1.75 N6 Ni O3.25P 21 21 2114.9787; 19.8518; 28.4798
90; 90; 90
8468.6Jean-Baptiste dit Dominique, François; Gornitzka, Heinz; Hemmert, Catherine
Chiral Variation of a Hybrid Bis(carbene-amido) Ligand System
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2868
4065652 CIFC29 H38 Cl4 P2 PtP 1 21 110.45; 14.957; 10.8664
90; 118.458; 90
1493.2Fanjul, Tamara; Eastham, Graham; Fey, Natalie; Hamilton, Alex; Orpen, A. Guy; Pringle, Paul G.; Waugh, Mark
Palladium Complexes of the Heterodiphosphineo-C6H4(CH2PtBu2)(CH2PPh2) Are Highly Selective and Robust Catalysts for the Hydromethoxycarbonylation of Ethene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2292
4065653 CIFC29 H39 Cl P2 PdP 1 21/c 112.777; 12.854; 17.241
90; 105.25; 90
2731.9Fanjul, Tamara; Eastham, Graham; Fey, Natalie; Hamilton, Alex; Orpen, A. Guy; Pringle, Paul G.; Waugh, Mark
Palladium Complexes of the Heterodiphosphineo-C6H4(CH2PtBu2)(CH2PPh2) Are Highly Selective and Robust Catalysts for the Hydromethoxycarbonylation of Ethene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2292
4065654 CIFC46 H70 B F4 P3 PdP -111.6758; 12.964; 15.5027
88.784; 88.417; 76.879
2284.16Fanjul, Tamara; Eastham, Graham; Fey, Natalie; Hamilton, Alex; Orpen, A. Guy; Pringle, Paul G.; Waugh, Mark
Palladium Complexes of the Heterodiphosphineo-C6H4(CH2PtBu2)(CH2PPh2) Are Highly Selective and Robust Catalysts for the Hydromethoxycarbonylation of Ethene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2292
4065655 CIFC29 H37 Cl4 P2 PtP 1 21/c 125.8721; 14.8743; 17.4941
90; 100.803; 90
6612.9Fanjul, Tamara; Eastham, Graham; Fey, Natalie; Hamilton, Alex; Orpen, A. Guy; Pringle, Paul G.; Waugh, Mark
Palladium Complexes of the Heterodiphosphineo-C6H4(CH2PtBu2)(CH2PPh2) Are Highly Selective and Robust Catalysts for the Hydromethoxycarbonylation of Ethene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2292
4065656 CIFC60 H84 Mn2 N4P b c a17.7138; 16.2752; 19.9105
90; 90; 90
5740.1Ni, Chengbao; Lei, Hao; Power, Philip P.
Reaction of M(II) Diaryls (M = Mn or Fe) with Ammonia to Afford Parent Amido Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1988
4065657 CIFC66 H92 Fe2 N2I 1 2/m 111.963; 20.35; 12.583
90; 99.002; 90
3025.6Ni, Chengbao; Lei, Hao; Power, Philip P.
Reaction of M(II) Diaryls (M = Mn or Fe) with Ammonia to Afford Parent Amido Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1988
4065658 CIFC25 H40 B F4 O P RuP -112.2618; 14.8597; 15.2625
110.465; 97.596; 92.709
2569.4Yi, Chae S.; Lee, Do W.
Intermolecular Dehydrative Coupling Reaction of Arylketones with Cyclic Alkenes Catalyzed by a Well-Defined Cationic Ruthenium-Hydride Complex: A Novel Ketone Olefination Method via Vinyl C-H Bond Activation.
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1883-1885
4065659 CIFC24 H23 F3 N O5 P SP 1 c 17.6328; 7.6138; 21.2288
90; 93.837; 90
1230.94Tian, Rongqiang; Mathey, François
7-Phosphanorbornenium Borohydrides: A Powerful Route to Functional Secondary Phosphine−Borane Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1873
4065660 CIFC49 H84 N O P3 Ru S2P 1 21/n 118.3351; 14.4241; 19.9515
90; 109.697; 90
4967.8Cheung, Wai-Man; Chiu, Wai-Hang; Yi, Xiao-Yi; Zhang, Qian-Feng; Williams, Ian D.; Leung, Wa-Hung
Formation of a Ruthenium(II) Dicyclohexyl(η2-cyclohex-3-enyl)phosphine Hydride Complex from an Alkylidene Precursor
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1981
4065661 CIFC30 H60 N P3 Ru S2P -19.6266; 11.5208; 16.9307
95.784; 102.749; 108.077
1711.8Cheung, Wai-Man; Chiu, Wai-Hang; Yi, Xiao-Yi; Zhang, Qian-Feng; Williams, Ian D.; Leung, Wa-Hung
Formation of a Ruthenium(II) Dicyclohexyl(η2-cyclohex-3-enyl)phosphine Hydride Complex from an Alkylidene Precursor
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1981
4065662 CIFC44 H54 N2 TiP 1 21/n 111.797; 13.6327; 22.8239
90; 97.93; 90
3635.6Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065663 CIFC60 H68 N2 TiP 1 21/c 114.3597; 20.5396; 17.2165
90; 97.327; 90
5036.4Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065664 CIFC66 H68 N2 TiP 1 21/c 133.399; 18.5238; 17.2508
90; 90.453; 90
10672.3Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065665 CIFC50 H54 N2 TiP b c n27.621; 8.5889; 16.1
90; 90; 90
3819.5Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065666 CIFC47 H55 N TiP -110.3527; 12.7086; 15.6582
73.898; 82.947; 66.625
1816.67Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065667 CIFC59 H65 N2 TiP 1 21/c 112.2434; 34.6448; 11.689
90; 105.166; 90
4785.4Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065668 CIFC66 H58 N2 TiP -19.5871; 12.7235; 21.3444
84.73; 85.758; 78.816
2539.2Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065669 CIFC47 H53 N3 TiP 1 21/n 112.2755; 13.1717; 23.3612
90; 99.8; 90
3722.1Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065670 CIFC58 H58 N5 TiP -112.8359; 12.9203; 15.443
93.945; 103.945; 103.321
2397.7Janssen, Thomas; Severin, René; Diekmann, Mira; Friedemann, Marion; Haase, Detlev; Saak, Wolfgang; Doye, Sven; Beckhaus, Rüdiger
Bis(η5:η1-pentafulvene)titanium Complexes: Catalysts for Intramolecular Alkene Hydroamination and Reagents for Selective Reactions with N−H Acidic Substrates†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1806
4065671 CIFC30 H45 Ge I N2P 1 21 111.251; 18.19; 15.163
90; 107.22; 90
2964.1Rupar, Paul A.; Staroverov, Viktor N.; Baines, Kim M.
Reactivity Studies of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Germanium(II)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4871
4065672 CIFC25 H40 Cl2 Ge N2 O2P -18.5449; 8.8873; 18.88
78.89; 79.44; 81.13
1372.5Rupar, Paul A.; Staroverov, Viktor N.; Baines, Kim M.
Reactivity Studies of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Germanium(II)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4871
4065673 CIFC20 H41 Ge I N2 O2P 1 21/c 111.821; 13.765; 15.378
90; 92.14; 90
2500.5Rupar, Paul A.; Staroverov, Viktor N.; Baines, Kim M.
Reactivity Studies of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Germanium(II)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4871
4065674 CIFC12 H23 Ge I3 N2P 21 21 2110.246; 12.522; 14.85
90; 90; 90
1905.3Rupar, Paul A.; Staroverov, Viktor N.; Baines, Kim M.
Reactivity Studies of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Germanium(II)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4871
4065675 CIFC17 H30 Cl2 Ge N2P 1 21/c 115.9298; 8.353; 16.5558
90; 115.812; 90
1983.15Rupar, Paul A.; Staroverov, Viktor N.; Baines, Kim M.
Reactivity Studies of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Germanium(II)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4871
4065676 CIFC19 H15 Mn O5 S2P -19.0856; 10.5404; 11.8873
101.426; 103.627; 113.916
954.53Cetiner, Derya; Norel, Lucie; Tranchier, Jean-Philippe; Rose-Munch, Françoise; Rose, Eric; Herson, Patrick
Synthesis and Reactivity of (η5-Hydroxyalkylcyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1778
4065677 CIFC18 H13 F3 O2 S2P -18.2373; 8.4549; 12.193
79.27; 83.503; 87.168
828.63Cetiner, Derya; Norel, Lucie; Tranchier, Jean-Philippe; Rose-Munch, Françoise; Rose, Eric; Herson, Patrick
Synthesis and Reactivity of (η5-Hydroxyalkylcyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1778
4065678 CIFC21 H16 B F4 Mn O5 SP 1 21/c 110.583; 39.81; 10.614
90; 97.09; 90
4438Cetiner, Derya; Norel, Lucie; Tranchier, Jean-Philippe; Rose-Munch, Françoise; Rose, Eric; Herson, Patrick
Synthesis and Reactivity of (η5-Hydroxyalkylcyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1778
4065679 CIFC49 H72 Cl4 N8 Zn4P 31 2 111.8438; 11.8438; 34.4247
90; 90; 120
4182Gutschank, Benjamin; Schulz, Stephan; Westphal, Ulrich; Bläser, Dieter; Boese, Roland
Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structures of Tetranuclear Zincamidinate Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2093
4065680 CIFC50 H72 Br4 N8 Zn4P 31 2 111.969; 11.969; 34.481
90; 90; 120
4277.9Gutschank, Benjamin; Schulz, Stephan; Westphal, Ulrich; Bläser, Dieter; Boese, Roland
Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structures of Tetranuclear Zincamidinate Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2093
4065681 CIFC50 H72 I4 N8 Zn4P 32 2 112.208; 12.208; 34.722
90; 90; 120
4481.5Gutschank, Benjamin; Schulz, Stephan; Westphal, Ulrich; Bläser, Dieter; Boese, Roland
Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structures of Tetranuclear Zincamidinate Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2093
4065682 CIFC50 H53 Cl7 O5 P2 Rh2P -113.389; 13.783; 14.458
79.908; 79.935; 80.945
2564.2Zhu, Chuan; Yukimura, Noriaki; Yamane, Motoki
Synthesis of Oxygen- and Sulfur-Bridged Dirhodium Complexes and Their Use As Catalysts in the Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Alkenes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2098
4065683 CIFC49 H53 Cl3 O4 P2 Rh2 SP 1 21/n 113.427; 24.331; 14.036
90; 99.584; 90
4521Zhu, Chuan; Yukimura, Noriaki; Yamane, Motoki
Synthesis of Oxygen- and Sulfur-Bridged Dirhodium Complexes and Their Use As Catalysts in the Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Alkenes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2098
4065684 CIFBr12 Si6C 1 2/c 118.324; 10.0813; 14.2797
90; 110.015; 90
2478.6Dai, Xuliang; Schulz, Douglas L.; Braun, Christopher W.; Ugrinov, Angel; Boudjouk, Philip
“Inverse Sandwich” Complexes of Perhalogenated Cyclohexasilane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2203
4065685 CIFC16 H14 Br12 N2 Si6P 1 21/c 110.6; 10.905; 15.979
90; 101.058; 90
1812.8Dai, Xuliang; Schulz, Douglas L.; Braun, Christopher W.; Ugrinov, Angel; Boudjouk, Philip
“Inverse Sandwich” Complexes of Perhalogenated Cyclohexasilane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2203
4065686 CIFC38 H26 F8 P2 PtP -110.2255; 15.0723; 21.8862
75.815; 82.332; 87.809
3241Korenaga, Toshinobu; Abe, Kayoko; Ko, Aram; Maenishi, Ryota; Sakai, Takashi
Ligand Electronic Effect on Reductive Elimination of Biphenyl fromcis-[Pt(Ph)2(diphosphine)] Complexes Bearing Electron-Poor Diphosphine: Correlation Study between Experimental and Theoretical Results
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4025
4065687 CIFC23 H20 Cl2 N2 O TiP -19.2588; 11.149; 12.038
98.33; 92.77; 100.39
1205.8Liu, Shaofeng; Sun, Wen-Hua; Zeng, Yanning; Wang, Deligeer; Zhang, Wenjuan; Li, Yan
Syntheses, Characterization, and Ethylene (Co-)Polymerization Screening of Amidate Half-Titanocene Dichlorides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2459
4065688 CIFC22 H17 Cl2 F N2 O TiP -19.3284; 10.682; 12.068
97.12; 94.93; 96.97
1178.2Liu, Shaofeng; Sun, Wen-Hua; Zeng, Yanning; Wang, Deligeer; Zhang, Wenjuan; Li, Yan
Syntheses, Characterization, and Ethylene (Co-)Polymerization Screening of Amidate Half-Titanocene Dichlorides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2459
4065689 CIFC42 H55 N3 UP 1 21/n 110.4092; 10.3444; 34.255
90; 91.4437; 90
3687.3Montalvo, Elizabeth; Ziller, Joseph W.; DiPasquale, Antonio G.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Evans, William J.
Utility of the 1,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]pyrimidinato Ligand, (hpp)−, in Stabilizing Uranium Metallocene Mono-Alkyl and “Tuck-in” Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2104
4065690 CIFC37 H55 N3 O UP 1 21/c 110.9515; 14.5882; 20.7117
90; 90.4525; 90
3308.9Montalvo, Elizabeth; Ziller, Joseph W.; DiPasquale, Antonio G.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Evans, William J.
Utility of the 1,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]pyrimidinato Ligand, (hpp)−, in Stabilizing Uranium Metallocene Mono-Alkyl and “Tuck-in” Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2104
4065691 CIFC27 H42 I N3 UP 1 21/n 18.9362; 18.274; 16.592
90; 93.455; 90
2704.6Montalvo, Elizabeth; Ziller, Joseph W.; DiPasquale, Antonio G.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Evans, William J.
Utility of the 1,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]pyrimidinato Ligand, (hpp)−, in Stabilizing Uranium Metallocene Mono-Alkyl and “Tuck-in” Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2104
4065692 CIFC27 H41 N3 UP -18.6188; 9.2322; 17.4294
82.0205; 84.9103; 67.1607
1264.8Montalvo, Elizabeth; Ziller, Joseph W.; DiPasquale, Antonio G.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Evans, William J.
Utility of the 1,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]pyrimidinato Ligand, (hpp)−, in Stabilizing Uranium Metallocene Mono-Alkyl and “Tuck-in” Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2104
4065693 CIFC11 H14 Cl N O3 PdP 1 21/c 19.6781; 9.8431; 13.617
90; 107.968; 90
1233.92Vicente, José; Arcas, Aurelia; Juliá-Hernández, Francisco; Bautista, Delia; Jones, Peter G.
Organometallic Complexes of Palladium(II) Derived from 2,6-Diacetylpyridine Dimethylketal
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3066
4065694 CIFC13 H22 Cl3 N O4 PdP -19.6256; 9.9998; 11.0056
101.138; 99.345; 115.648
900Vicente, José; Arcas, Aurelia; Juliá-Hernández, Francisco; Bautista, Delia; Jones, Peter G.
Organometallic Complexes of Palladium(II) Derived from 2,6-Diacetylpyridine Dimethylketal
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3066
4065695 CIFC21 H32 Cl N3 O3 PdP c a 2117.7339; 16.8224; 16.5342
90; 90; 90
4932.6Vicente, José; Arcas, Aurelia; Juliá-Hernández, Francisco; Bautista, Delia; Jones, Peter G.
Organometallic Complexes of Palladium(II) Derived from 2,6-Diacetylpyridine Dimethylketal
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3066
4065696 CIFC20 H23 Cl N2 O3 PdP 1 21/n 18.9235; 13.3711; 17.1832
90; 104.841; 90
1981.9Vicente, José; Arcas, Aurelia; Juliá-Hernández, Francisco; Bautista, Delia; Jones, Peter G.
Organometallic Complexes of Palladium(II) Derived from 2,6-Diacetylpyridine Dimethylketal
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3066
4065697 CIFC20 H23 Cl N2 O3 PdP -19.5126; 9.9473; 11.0615
66.547; 85.846; 84.091
954.55Vicente, José; Arcas, Aurelia; Juliá-Hernández, Francisco; Bautista, Delia; Jones, Peter G.
Organometallic Complexes of Palladium(II) Derived from 2,6-Diacetylpyridine Dimethylketal
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3066
4065698 CIFC22 H19 O5 P Si WP 1 21 19.5783; 9.7533; 12.4712
90; 90.589; 90
1165Panichakul, Duanghathai; Lim, Yi Wee; Mathey, François
Reactivity of 2-Silyl- and 2-Stannyl-Substituted Phosphirenes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1985
4065699 CIFC71 H57 B2 F25 N7 O P RuP -112.659; 16.205; 19.6
108.86; 105.85; 93.6
3609.4de los Ríos, Isaac; Bustelo, Emilio; Puerta, M. Carmen; Valerga, Pedro
Isomerization of Internal Alkynones to Vinylidenes in Tris(pyrazolyl)borate Ruthenium Complexes. Solution and Solid-State Kinetics
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1740
4065700 CIFC29 H32 N YP 1 21/n 120.75; 10.82; 23.573
90; 112.204; 90
4900Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065701 CIFC29 H32 Er NP 1 21/n 120.675; 10.789; 23.493
90; 112.187; 90
4852Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065702 CIFC29 H32 N YbP 1 21/n 120.688; 10.76; 23.461
90; 112.248; 90
4834Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065703 CIFC34 H34 N YP b c a25.255; 9.392; 26.426
90; 90; 90
6268Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065704 CIFC34 H34 N YbP b c a25.065; 9.369; 26.26
90; 90; 90
6167Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065705 CIFC38 H42 N O YP 1 21/n 113.637; 9.134; 25.475
90; 98.862; 90
3135.3Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065706 CIFC38 H42 Er N OP 1 21/n 113.628; 9.119; 25.399
90; 98.926; 90
3118.2Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065707 CIFC38 H42 N O YbP 1 21/n 113.603; 9.132; 25.305
90; 99.003; 90
3105Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065708 CIFC23 H28 Er NP b c a27.581; 8.893; 33.879
90; 90; 90
8310Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065709 CIFC23 H28 N YbP -4 21 c22.078; 22.078; 8.932
90; 90; 90
4354Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065710 CIFC27 H36 N O YP 1 21/n 113.126; 8.896; 20.839
90; 96.019; 90
2419.9Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065711 CIFC28 H30 N YbP 1 21/n 110.039; 18.244; 13.75
90; 110.457; 90
2359.5Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065712 CIFC32 H38 N O YP -110.576; 11.59; 12.272
109.547; 96.541; 97.659
1384.5Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065713 CIFC18 H19 NP 1 21/n 18.5; 10.082; 17.82
90; 94.548; 90
1522.3Zhang, Zhengxing; Bu, Xiuli; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Ruiting; Zhou, Xigeng; Weng, Linhong
Insertion of Ketenimines into the Ln−C σ-Bond of Organolanthanides: A New Strategy for Synthesis of Lanthanide 1-Azaallyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2111
4065714 CIFC42 H68 Au2 P2P -19.4064; 9.9279; 12.4727
109.607; 103.149; 100.197
1026.9Lin, Yan; Yin, Jun; Yuan, Jingjing; Hu, Ming; Li, Ziyong; Yu, Guang-Ao; Liu, Sheng Hua
Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Binuclear Gold(I) Phosphine Alkynyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2808
4065715 CIFC37 H27 Al B F27 N2 O3P -110.2322; 12.3745; 17.5889
99.809; 94.231; 103.523
2118.62Dagorne, Samuel; Bouyahyi, Miloud; Vergnaud, Jérôme; Carpentier, Jean-François
A Discrete Five-Coordinated Cationic Aluminum Complex Supported by a Fluorinated Dialkoxy-Diimino Salen-like Ligand: Synthesis, Structure, and Use in Polymerization Catalysis
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1865
4065716 CIFC35 H50 O2 ZrP n a 2115.8788; 20.8366; 8.9281
90; 90; 90
2954Pun, Doris; Lobkovsky, Emil; Keresztes, Ivan; Chirik, Paul J.
Cyclopentanone Insertion into η9-Indenyl Rings of Zirconium Sandwich Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1789
4065717 CIFC40 H54 O2 ZrP -19.7071; 12.0378; 16.4659
86.7; 88.621; 85.072
1913.4Pun, Doris; Lobkovsky, Emil; Keresztes, Ivan; Chirik, Paul J.
Cyclopentanone Insertion into η9-Indenyl Rings of Zirconium Sandwich Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1789
4065718 CIFC19 H13 Br OP 1 21 113.393; 5.7699; 20.266
90; 107.784; 90
1491.2Kanao, Keiichiro; Miyake, Yoshihiro; Nishibayashi, Yoshiaki
Ruthenium-Catalyzed Enantioselective [3+3] Cycloaddition of Propargylic Alcohols with 2-Naphthols
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2126
4065719 CIFC31 H21 Br OP 21 21 216.1089; 13.4009; 27.796
90; 90; 90
2275.5Kanao, Keiichiro; Miyake, Yoshihiro; Nishibayashi, Yoshiaki
Ruthenium-Catalyzed Enantioselective [3+3] Cycloaddition of Propargylic Alcohols with 2-Naphthols
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2126
4065720 CIFC36 H50 Mo P2 Pt SiP 1 21/c 111.8115; 17.6336; 19.7795
90; 122.142; 90
3488.25Lund, Clinton L.; Bagh, Bidraha; Quail, J. Wilson; Müller, Jens
Insertion of [Pt(PEt3)2] into a Strained Si−C Bond of Diphenylsila[1]molybdarenophane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1977
4065721 CIFC58 H66.67 Cl4 Gd2 N4 O4C 1 2/c 135.463; 15; 19.8185
90; 122.9; 90
8851.6Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065722 CIFC33 H49 Cl2 Gd N2 O2C 1 2/c 112.7752; 13.1869; 20.5994
90; 107.258; 90
3314Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065723 CIFC29 H41 Cl2 N2 O2 Si0 YP b c a18.9721; 14.9681; 21.0475
90; 90; 90
5977Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065724 CIFC33 H55 N2 O Si2 YC 1 c 19.8549; 22.1703; 17.7192
90; 105.54; 90
3729.9Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065725 CIFC25 H41 B2 N2 O YP 1 21/n 112.6209; 16.4405; 13.805
90; 109.947; 90
2692.6Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065726 CIFC87 H129 Al2 Cl6 N6 O0 Y3P 1 21 113.5041; 26.7484; 13.9587
90; 94.773; 90
5024.6Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065727 CIFC106 H108 Al0 B Cl5 F20 Gd3 N6P -114.875; 15.109; 24.265
90.985; 98.54; 92.317
5387Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065728 CIFC82 H77 Al0 B Cl3 F20 Gd2 N4 O2P 1 21/c 113.5728; 19.1365; 32.79
90; 90.794; 90
8515.9Li, Danfeng; Li, Shihui; Cui, Dongmei; Zhang, Xuequan
β-Diketiminato Rare-Earth Metal Complexes. Structures, Catalysis, and Active Species for Highlycis-1,4-Selective Polymerization of Isoprene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2186
4065729 CIFC41 H46 Cl2 N7 Ni2 O13C 1 2/c 130.6691; 9.5065; 18.3372
90; 114.566; 90
4862.38Lee, Way-Zen; Tseng, Huan-Sheng; Wang, Tzu-Li; Tsai, Hui-Lien; Kuo, Ting-Shen
Bioinspired Catalytic Conjugate Additions of Thiophenols to α,β-Enones by a Disubstituted Benzoate-Bridged Nickel Mimic for the Active Site of Urease
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2874
4065730 CIFC74 H84 Cl4 N12 Ni4 O31C 1 2/c 121.007; 34.181; 16.925
90; 112.191; 90
11252.7Lee, Way-Zen; Tseng, Huan-Sheng; Wang, Tzu-Li; Tsai, Hui-Lien; Kuo, Ting-Shen
Bioinspired Catalytic Conjugate Additions of Thiophenols to α,β-Enones by a Disubstituted Benzoate-Bridged Nickel Mimic for the Active Site of Urease
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2874
4065731 CIFC116 H123 Cl4 N17 Ni4 O30P 1 21/c 123.8448; 20.2926; 24.8296
90; 96.57; 90
11935.5Lee, Way-Zen; Tseng, Huan-Sheng; Wang, Tzu-Li; Tsai, Hui-Lien; Kuo, Ting-Shen
Bioinspired Catalytic Conjugate Additions of Thiophenols to α,β-Enones by a Disubstituted Benzoate-Bridged Nickel Mimic for the Active Site of Urease
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2874
4065732 CIFC41 H49 Cl3 N12 Ni2 O18C 1 2/c 126.8326; 26.1759; 17.307
90; 119.091; 90
10622.4Lee, Way-Zen; Tseng, Huan-Sheng; Wang, Tzu-Li; Tsai, Hui-Lien; Kuo, Ting-Shen
Bioinspired Catalytic Conjugate Additions of Thiophenols to α,β-Enones by a Disubstituted Benzoate-Bridged Nickel Mimic for the Active Site of Urease
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2874
4065733 CIFC39 H55 Dy I2 N2 O2 P2 Si2P 1 21/c 116.1968; 19.5258; 14.2928
90; 99.386; 90
4459.7Wooles, Ashley J.; Cooper, Oliver J.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.
Synthesis and Characterization of Dysprosium and Lanthanum Bis(iminophosphorano)methanide and -methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2315
4065734 CIFC90 H110 Dy2 I2 N4 O P4 Si4P -112.181; 13.0289; 15.692
97.652; 92.036; 105.32
2374Wooles, Ashley J.; Cooper, Oliver J.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.
Synthesis and Characterization of Dysprosium and Lanthanum Bis(iminophosphorano)methanide and -methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2315
4065735 CIFC47 H70 I6 La2 Li2 N2 O4 P2 Si2P 1 21/n 112.0621; 41.979; 12.7432
90; 94.174; 90
6435.5Wooles, Ashley J.; Cooper, Oliver J.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.
Synthesis and Characterization of Dysprosium and Lanthanum Bis(iminophosphorano)methanide and -methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2315
4065736 CIFC68.5 H79 I2 La N2 O2 P2P -112.7996; 15.2231; 17.2763
84.621; 77.039; 87.585
3265.3Wooles, Ashley J.; Cooper, Oliver J.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.
Synthesis and Characterization of Dysprosium and Lanthanum Bis(iminophosphorano)methanide and -methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2315
4065737 CIFC55 H66 I La N2 O3 P2P c a 2118.903; 12.1036; 22.446
90; 90; 90
5135.5Wooles, Ashley J.; Cooper, Oliver J.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.
Synthesis and Characterization of Dysprosium and Lanthanum Bis(iminophosphorano)methanide and -methanediide Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2315
4065738 CIFC48 H100 Cl4 P4 Rh4P 1 21/n 124.6572; 11.8047; 25.5355
90; 117.458; 90
6595.36Chaplin, Adrian B.; Weller, Andrew S.
C−C Bond Activation of a Cyclopropyl Phosphine: Isolation and Reactivity of a Tetrameric Rhodacyclobutane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2332
4065739 CIFC17 H30 P RhP -18.8535; 10.5003; 12.5616
66.733; 77.5152; 89.7025
1043.25Chaplin, Adrian B.; Weller, Andrew S.
C−C Bond Activation of a Cyclopropyl Phosphine: Isolation and Reactivity of a Tetrameric Rhodacyclobutane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2332
4065740 CIFC56 H47 B F26 P RhP -113.826; 13.8699; 15.2739
76.802; 88.5491; 79.7626
2805.88Chaplin, Adrian B.; Weller, Andrew S.
C−C Bond Activation of a Cyclopropyl Phosphine: Isolation and Reactivity of a Tetrameric Rhodacyclobutane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2332
4065741 CIFC53 H49 B F24 P RhP -113.0562; 14.1458; 16.835
71.5803; 67.3737; 83.7345
2722.65Chaplin, Adrian B.; Weller, Andrew S.
C−C Bond Activation of a Cyclopropyl Phosphine: Isolation and Reactivity of a Tetrameric Rhodacyclobutane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2332
4065742 CIFC33 H60 Cl F P2 RhC 1 2/c 120.1059; 13.0009; 26.4447
90; 92.2748; 90
6907.06Chaplin, Adrian B.; Weller, Andrew S.
C−C Bond Activation of a Cyclopropyl Phosphine: Isolation and Reactivity of a Tetrameric Rhodacyclobutane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2332
4065743 CIFC14 H25 Cl O2 P RhP 1 21/c 130.0493; 8.1298; 14.4869
90; 101.648; 90
3466.19Chaplin, Adrian B.; Weller, Andrew S.
C−C Bond Activation of a Cyclopropyl Phosphine: Isolation and Reactivity of a Tetrameric Rhodacyclobutane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2332
4065744 CIFC56 H64 B F24 P2 RhP 1 21/n 112.6604; 24.8159; 19.6362
90; 95.2368; 90
6143.54Chaplin, Adrian B.; Weller, Andrew S.
C−C Bond Activation of a Cyclopropyl Phosphine: Isolation and Reactivity of a Tetrameric Rhodacyclobutane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2332
4065745 CIFC24 H24 Co2 O7P 19.4908; 10.492; 12.481
81.668; 80.035; 79.356
1194.8Moore, Angela; Ortin, Yannick; Müller-Bunz, Helge; McGlinchey, Michael J.
Alkynyl-Dicobalt Hexacarbonyl Complexes of Menthyl Cations: Isolobal Substitution of [Co(CO)3]+by Fe(CO)3as a Structural Model†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4882
4065746 CIFC21 H28 Co2 O7 SiP 1 21 112.7295; 10.6561; 17.9422
90; 90.754; 90
2433.6Moore, Angela; Ortin, Yannick; Müller-Bunz, Helge; McGlinchey, Michael J.
Alkynyl-Dicobalt Hexacarbonyl Complexes of Menthyl Cations: Isolobal Substitution of [Co(CO)3]+by Fe(CO)3as a Structural Model†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4882
4065747 CIFC41 H38 Co Fe O5 PP 19.4743; 11.2694; 17.422
80.733; 88.724; 77.161
1789.8Moore, Angela; Ortin, Yannick; Müller-Bunz, Helge; McGlinchey, Michael J.
Alkynyl-Dicobalt Hexacarbonyl Complexes of Menthyl Cations: Isolobal Substitution of [Co(CO)3]+by Fe(CO)3as a Structural Model†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4882
4065748 CIFC53 H60 Co2 O5 P2P 111.3946; 11.8811; 20.021
76.722; 76.484; 64.331
2349.7Moore, Angela; Ortin, Yannick; Müller-Bunz, Helge; McGlinchey, Michael J.
Alkynyl-Dicobalt Hexacarbonyl Complexes of Menthyl Cations: Isolobal Substitution of [Co(CO)3]+by Fe(CO)3as a Structural Model†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4882
4065749 CIFC41 H38 Co Fe O5 PP 19.6326; 13.7749; 13.8541
92.937; 95.426; 95.175
1819.3Moore, Angela; Ortin, Yannick; Müller-Bunz, Helge; McGlinchey, Michael J.
Alkynyl-Dicobalt Hexacarbonyl Complexes of Menthyl Cations: Isolobal Substitution of [Co(CO)3]+by Fe(CO)3as a Structural Model†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4882
4065750 CIFC44 H36 Fe4 SP -15.915; 11.5618; 23.429
83.285; 88.602; 84.694
1584.3Hildebrandt, Alexander; Rüffer, Tobias; Erasmus, Elizabeth; Swarts, Jannie C.; Lang, Heinrich
A Star-Shaped Supercrowded 2,3,4,5-Tetraferrocenylthiophene: Synthesis, Solid-State Structure, and Electrochemistry†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4900
4065751 CIFC12 H26 Ga2 O6P 1 21 17.16603; 16.0451; 7.92429
90; 91.443; 90
910.84Horeglad, Paweł; Kruk, Przemysław; Pécaut, Jacques
Heteroselective Polymerization ofrac-Lactide in the Presence of Dialkylgallium Alkoxides: The Effect of Lewis Base on Polymerization Stereoselectivity
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3729
4065752 CIFC78 H70 Cl6 Ge2 O2P -111.0136; 16.376; 20.416
67.051; 89.171; 85.84
3381.4Ghereg, Dumitru; André, Erwan; Ech-Cherif El Kettani, Sakina; Saffon, Nathalie; Lazraq, Mohamed; Ranaivonjatovo, Henri; Gornitzka, Heinz; Miqueu, Karinne; Sotiropoulos, Jean-Marc; Escudié, Jean
Reactions of Germenes with Somepara-Quinones: Formation of a Tricyclic Compound from 1,4-Benzoquinone Undergoing an Unexpected Rearrangement†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4849
4065753 CIFC78 H88 Ge2 O2P -19.1256; 13.234; 15.561
113.855; 90.973; 107.554
1617.8Ghereg, Dumitru; André, Erwan; Ech-Cherif El Kettani, Sakina; Saffon, Nathalie; Lazraq, Mohamed; Ranaivonjatovo, Henri; Gornitzka, Heinz; Miqueu, Karinne; Sotiropoulos, Jean-Marc; Escudié, Jean
Reactions of Germenes with Somepara-Quinones: Formation of a Tricyclic Compound from 1,4-Benzoquinone Undergoing an Unexpected Rearrangement†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4849
4065754 CIFC88 H104 Ge2 O3P -111.1419; 13.497; 14.854
100.188; 110.955; 107.521
1885Ghereg, Dumitru; André, Erwan; Ech-Cherif El Kettani, Sakina; Saffon, Nathalie; Lazraq, Mohamed; Ranaivonjatovo, Henri; Gornitzka, Heinz; Miqueu, Karinne; Sotiropoulos, Jean-Marc; Escudié, Jean
Reactions of Germenes with Somepara-Quinones: Formation of a Tricyclic Compound from 1,4-Benzoquinone Undergoing an Unexpected Rearrangement†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4849
4065755 CIFC70 H66 Cl6 Ge2 O2P -18.8606; 10.974; 16.164
91.254; 101.916; 97.471
1522.9Ghereg, Dumitru; André, Erwan; Ech-Cherif El Kettani, Sakina; Saffon, Nathalie; Lazraq, Mohamed; Ranaivonjatovo, Henri; Gornitzka, Heinz; Miqueu, Karinne; Sotiropoulos, Jean-Marc; Escudié, Jean
Reactions of Germenes with Somepara-Quinones: Formation of a Tricyclic Compound from 1,4-Benzoquinone Undergoing an Unexpected Rearrangement†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4849
4065756 CIFC73 H74 Cl2 Ge2 O2P -111.9661; 14.425; 17.8089
86.197; 85.504; 87.695
3055.91Ghereg, Dumitru; André, Erwan; Ech-Cherif El Kettani, Sakina; Saffon, Nathalie; Lazraq, Mohamed; Ranaivonjatovo, Henri; Gornitzka, Heinz; Miqueu, Karinne; Sotiropoulos, Jean-Marc; Escudié, Jean
Reactions of Germenes with Somepara-Quinones: Formation of a Tricyclic Compound from 1,4-Benzoquinone Undergoing an Unexpected Rearrangement†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4849
4065757 CIFC128 H112 Cl12 N2 O4 Os2 P6P -113.2136; 13.7646; 18.1729
103.599; 99.835; 95.375
3134.35Huang, Jinbo; Lin, Ran; Wu, Liqiong; Zhao, Qianyi; Zhu, Congqing; Wen, Ting Bin; Xia, Haiping
Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Properties of Bisosmabenzenes Bridged by Diisocyanides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2916
4065758 CIFC23 H44 Li N O P2 S2P 21 21 2111.834; 14.601; 16.589
90; 90; 90
2866.4Leung, Wing-Por; Kan, Kwok-Wai; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis of Heavier Group 14 Metal Compounds from 2,6-Lutidylbis(phosphoranosulfide)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1890
4065759 CIFC42 H74 N2 O P4 S4 Sn2C 1 2/c 121.031; 15.0474; 16.758
90; 91.251; 90
5302Leung, Wing-Por; Kan, Kwok-Wai; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis of Heavier Group 14 Metal Compounds from 2,6-Lutidylbis(phosphoranosulfide)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1890
4065760 CIFC38 H68 Cl4 Ge3 N2 P4 S4P -19.0484; 13.2864; 22.754
95.876; 92.024; 93.584
2713.4Leung, Wing-Por; Kan, Kwok-Wai; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis of Heavier Group 14 Metal Compounds from 2,6-Lutidylbis(phosphoranosulfide)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1890
4065761 CIFC42 H74 N2 O P4 Pb2 S4P -110.533; 15.395; 16.602
78.485; 85.666; 85.908
2626Leung, Wing-Por; Kan, Kwok-Wai; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis of Heavier Group 14 Metal Compounds from 2,6-Lutidylbis(phosphoranosulfide)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1890
4065762 CIFC19 H34 Cl3 N P2 S2 Sn2P 1 21/c 128.75; 7.821; 28.33
90; 109.53; 90
6004Leung, Wing-Por; Kan, Kwok-Wai; Mak, Thomas C. W.
Synthesis of Heavier Group 14 Metal Compounds from 2,6-Lutidylbis(phosphoranosulfide)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1890
4065763 CIFC43 H49 Mo2 O2 P SiP -111.313; 12.471; 17.09
68.836; 84.285; 81.815
2222.6Esther García, M.; García-Vivó, Daniel; Ruiz, Miguel A.
Chemistry of Unsaturated Group 6 Metal Complexes with Bridging Hydroxy and Methoxycarbyne Ligands. 6. C−E Bond Formation and C−O Bond Cleavage Processes in the Reactions of [Mo2(η5-C5H5)2(μ-COMe)(μ-PCy2)(μ-CO)] with Severalp-Block Elements (E) and Their Hydride Derivatives
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2157
4065764 CIFC25 H35 Mo2 O2 P Se3P -323.367; 23.367; 9.183
90; 90; 120
4342.3Esther García, M.; García-Vivó, Daniel; Ruiz, Miguel A.
Chemistry of Unsaturated Group 6 Metal Complexes with Bridging Hydroxy and Methoxycarbyne Ligands. 6. C−E Bond Formation and C−O Bond Cleavage Processes in the Reactions of [Mo2(η5-C5H5)2(μ-COMe)(μ-PCy2)(μ-CO)] with Severalp-Block Elements (E) and Their Hydride Derivatives
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2157
4065765 CIFC17 H15 F7 Mo O4P 1 21/n 18.76; 16.094; 13.782
90; 93.123; 90
1940.1Huang, Hui; Hughes, Russell P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Perfluoroacyl and Perfluoroalkyl Group 6 Transition Metal Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1948-1955
4065766 CIFC15 H15 F5 Mo O3P 1 21/c 114.6162; 8.4293; 15.0114
90; 118.161; 90
1630.54Huang, Hui; Hughes, Russell P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Perfluoroacyl and Perfluoroalkyl Group 6 Transition Metal Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1948
4065768 CIFC15 H15 Cr F3 O4P 1 21/c 114.438; 8.2587; 14.853
90; 115.79; 90
1594.7Huang, Hui; Hughes, Russell P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Perfluoroacyl and Perfluoroalkyl Group 6 Transition Metal Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1948
4065769 CIFC15 H15 F3 O4 WP m c 2111.4088; 8.4128; 16.984
90; 90; 90
1630.1Huang, Hui; Hughes, Russell P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Perfluoroacyl and Perfluoroalkyl Group 6 Transition Metal Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1948
4065771 CIFC16 H15 F7 Mo O3P 1 21/n 18.575; 16.7549; 12.8756
90; 96.355; 90
1838.5Huang, Hui; Hughes, Russell P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Perfluoroacyl and Perfluoroalkyl Group 6 Transition Metal Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1948
4065772 CIFC14 H15 Cr F3 O3P n a 2116.457; 9.668; 8.982
90; 90; 90
1429.1Huang, Hui; Hughes, Russell P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Perfluoroacyl and Perfluoroalkyl Group 6 Transition Metal Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1948
4065773 CIFC14 H15 F3 O3 WP n a 2116.913; 9.751; 9.135
90; 90; 90
1506.5Huang, Hui; Hughes, Russell P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Perfluoroacyl and Perfluoroalkyl Group 6 Transition Metal Compounds
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1948
4065774 CIFC33 H46 Al N O4 TiP 1 21/c 112.0736; 12.1902; 22.0576
90; 102.601; 90
3168.2Gurubasavaraj, Prabhuodeyara M.; Nomura, Kotohiro
Hetero-bimetallic Complexes of Titanatranes with Aluminum Alkyls: Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Their Use in Catalysis for Ethylene Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3500
4065775 CIFC36 H52 Al N O4 TiP -19.5016; 10.2879; 18.176
93.673; 92.039; 102.274
1730.3Gurubasavaraj, Prabhuodeyara M.; Nomura, Kotohiro
Hetero-bimetallic Complexes of Titanatranes with Aluminum Alkyls: Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Their Use in Catalysis for Ethylene Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3500
4065776 CIFC123 H172 Al2 N2 O8 Ti2P -114.8862; 19.019; 21.2587
78.8979; 81.5674; 89.0994
5841.8Gurubasavaraj, Prabhuodeyara M.; Nomura, Kotohiro
Hetero-bimetallic Complexes of Titanatranes with Aluminum Alkyls: Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Their Use in Catalysis for Ethylene Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3500
4065777 CIFC32 H40 Cl2 P3 ReP 1 21/n 18.403; 23.344; 16.545
90; 96.283; 90
3226Chen, Jiangxi; He, Guomei; Sung, Herman Ho-Yung; Williams, Ian Duncan; Lin, Zhenyang; Jia, Guochen
Rhenium Carbyne and η2-Vinyl Complexes from One-Pot Reactions of ReH5(PMe2Ph)3with Terminal Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2693
4065778 CIFC33 H42 Cl4 P3 ReP n m a23.7835; 13.8111; 11.2713
90; 90; 90
3702.4Chen, Jiangxi; He, Guomei; Sung, Herman Ho-Yung; Williams, Ian Duncan; Lin, Zhenyang; Jia, Guochen
Rhenium Carbyne and η2-Vinyl Complexes from One-Pot Reactions of ReH5(PMe2Ph)3with Terminal Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2693
4065779 CIFC40 H45 Cl5 P3 ReP 1 21/c 110.1416; 19.4068; 20.957
90; 94.468; 90
4112.1Chen, Jiangxi; He, Guomei; Sung, Herman Ho-Yung; Williams, Ian Duncan; Lin, Zhenyang; Jia, Guochen
Rhenium Carbyne and η2-Vinyl Complexes from One-Pot Reactions of ReH5(PMe2Ph)3with Terminal Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2693
4065780 CIFC39 H46 Cl2 O P3 ReP -18.1451; 12.1004; 21.0248
102.461; 97.347; 104.028
1927.2Chen, Jiangxi; He, Guomei; Sung, Herman Ho-Yung; Williams, Ian Duncan; Lin, Zhenyang; Jia, Guochen
Rhenium Carbyne and η2-Vinyl Complexes from One-Pot Reactions of ReH5(PMe2Ph)3with Terminal Alkynes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2693
4065781 CIFC43 H61 I2 N2 Nd O3 P2P 1 21/c 118.696; 12.777; 21.151
90; 110.361; 90
4736.8Buchard, Antoine; Platel, Rachel H.; Auffrant, Audrey; Le Goff, Xavier F.; Le Floch, Pascal; Williams, Charlotte K.
Iminophosphorane Neodymium(III) Complexes As Efficient Initiators for Lactide Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2892
4065782 CIFC53 H63 I2 N2 Nd O4 P2P 1 21/c 120.311; 19.827; 13.395
90; 101.168; 90
5292.1Buchard, Antoine; Platel, Rachel H.; Auffrant, Audrey; Le Goff, Xavier F.; Le Floch, Pascal; Williams, Charlotte K.
Iminophosphorane Neodymium(III) Complexes As Efficient Initiators for Lactide Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2892
4065783 CIFC74 H94 I N4 Nd O3 P4P 112.329; 12.667; 13.149
98.762; 104.806; 114.341
1729.7Buchard, Antoine; Platel, Rachel H.; Auffrant, Audrey; Le Goff, Xavier F.; Le Floch, Pascal; Williams, Charlotte K.
Iminophosphorane Neodymium(III) Complexes As Efficient Initiators for Lactide Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2892
4065784 CIFC43 H71 N4 Nd P2 Si4P 1 21/c 118.447; 12.027; 22.105
90; 92.899; 90
4898Buchard, Antoine; Platel, Rachel H.; Auffrant, Audrey; Le Goff, Xavier F.; Le Floch, Pascal; Williams, Charlotte K.
Iminophosphorane Neodymium(III) Complexes As Efficient Initiators for Lactide Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2892
4065785 CIFC49 H67 N4 Nd P2 Si4P 1 21/c 123.759; 18.718; 39.345
90; 113.887; 90
15998.8Buchard, Antoine; Platel, Rachel H.; Auffrant, Audrey; Le Goff, Xavier F.; Le Floch, Pascal; Williams, Charlotte K.
Iminophosphorane Neodymium(III) Complexes As Efficient Initiators for Lactide Polymerization
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2892
4065786 CIFC28 H27 Cl4 Fe N2 P PdP -19.8781; 10.7098; 14.9399
81.134; 71.512; 73
1430.17Debono, Nathalie; Labande, Agnès; Manoury, Eric; Daran, Jean-Claude; Poli, Rinaldo
Palladium Complexes of Planar Chiral Ferrocenyl Phosphine-NHC Ligands: New Catalysts for the Asymmetric Suzuki−Miyaura Reaction
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1879
4065787 CIFC27 H25 Cl2 Fe N2 P PdP 21 21 2110.5341; 13.8362; 17.5315
90; 90; 90
2555.2Debono, Nathalie; Labande, Agnès; Manoury, Eric; Daran, Jean-Claude; Poli, Rinaldo
Palladium Complexes of Planar Chiral Ferrocenyl Phosphine-NHC Ligands: New Catalysts for the Asymmetric Suzuki−Miyaura Reaction
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1879
4065788 CIFC30 H30 B F4 Fe N2 P PdP -110.8197; 10.8701; 14.5015
69.759; 68.98; 88.366
1484.81Debono, Nathalie; Labande, Agnès; Manoury, Eric; Daran, Jean-Claude; Poli, Rinaldo
Palladium Complexes of Planar Chiral Ferrocenyl Phosphine-NHC Ligands: New Catalysts for the Asymmetric Suzuki−Miyaura Reaction
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1879
4065789 CIFC38 H37 B F4 Fe N2 P PdP -111.6933; 12.4778; 13.7751
99.552; 100.366; 114.617
1730.94Debono, Nathalie; Labande, Agnès; Manoury, Eric; Daran, Jean-Claude; Poli, Rinaldo
Palladium Complexes of Planar Chiral Ferrocenyl Phosphine-NHC Ligands: New Catalysts for the Asymmetric Suzuki−Miyaura Reaction
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1879
4065790 CIFC12 H18 F6 N3 Os PP b c m7.2245; 13.747; 16.602
90; 90; 90
1648.8Batuecas, María; Esteruelas, Miguel A.; García-Yebra, Cristina; Oñate, Enrique
Redox Isomerization of Allylic Alcohols Catalyzed by Osmium and Ruthenium Complexes Containing a Cyclopentadienyl Ligand with a Pendant Amine or Phosphoramidite Group: X-ray Structure of an η3-1-Hydroxyallyl-Metal-Hydride Intermediate
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2166
4065791 CIFC16 H28 F6 N O2 Os PP n a 2112.497; 19.794; 8.1791
90; 90; 90
2023.2Batuecas, María; Esteruelas, Miguel A.; García-Yebra, Cristina; Oñate, Enrique
Redox Isomerization of Allylic Alcohols Catalyzed by Osmium and Ruthenium Complexes Containing a Cyclopentadienyl Ligand with a Pendant Amine or Phosphoramidite Group: X-ray Structure of an η3-1-Hydroxyallyl-Metal-Hydride Intermediate
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2166
4065792 CIFC20 H23 Cl F6 N3 P RuP 1 21 17.9159; 13.188; 10.8503
90; 110.163; 90
1063.3Romain, Charles; Gaillard, Sylvain; Elmkaddem, Mohammed K.; Toupet, Loïc; Fischmeister, Cédric; Thomas, Christophe M.; Renaud, Jean-Luc
New Dipyridylamine Ruthenium Complexes for Transfer Hydrogenation of Aryl Ketones in Water
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1992
4065793 CIFC14 H28 Ag N4 Na3 O16 S4P -15.6376; 9.6811; 13.497
104.309; 96.955; 96.131
701.34Almássy, Ambroz; Nagy, Csilla E.; Bényei, Attila C.; Joó, Ferenc
Novel Sulfonated N-Heterocyclic Carbene Gold(I) Complexes: Homogeneous Gold Catalysis for the Hydration of Terminal Alkynes in Aqueous Media
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2484
4065794 CIFC14 H28 Au N4 Na3 O16 S4P -15.5943; 9.6469; 13.5881
105.027; 97.045; 95.592
696.47Almássy, Ambroz; Nagy, Csilla E.; Bényei, Attila C.; Joó, Ferenc
Novel Sulfonated N-Heterocyclic Carbene Gold(I) Complexes: Homogeneous Gold Catalysis for the Hydration of Terminal Alkynes in Aqueous Media
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2484
4065795 CIFC56 H132 Mg2 N18 O2 P6P -113.088; 13.533; 13.655
100.74; 111.112; 115.064
1872.2Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy; Richards, Philip I.; Gupta, Arvind K.; Steiner, Alexander
Magnesium and Titanium Complexes of Polyanionic Phosphazenate Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2515
4065796 CIFC88 H180 Mg8 N18 O6 P6P 1 21/n 113.52; 23.536; 17.87
90; 99.452; 90
5609.2Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy; Richards, Philip I.; Gupta, Arvind K.; Steiner, Alexander
Magnesium and Titanium Complexes of Polyanionic Phosphazenate Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2515
4065797 CIFC47.5 H96 N13 P3 Ti2P -113.139; 13.201; 19.796
75.875; 75.918; 61.319
2889Boomishankar, Ramamoorthy; Richards, Philip I.; Gupta, Arvind K.; Steiner, Alexander
Magnesium and Titanium Complexes of Polyanionic Phosphazenate Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2515
4065798 CIFC43 H41 Cl2 N2 O2 P2 RhP 1 21/n 111.5843; 20.4005; 16.7757
90; 99.8347; 90
3906.3Beierlein, Christian H.; Breit, Bernhard; Paz Schmidt, Roberto A.; Plattner, Dietmar A.
Online Monitoring of Hydroformylation Intermediates by ESI-MS
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2521
4065799 CIFC31 H39 Fe2 O3 PP -19.7459; 11.482; 13.4931
73.027; 85.188; 76.05
1401.4Alvarez, M. Angeles; García, M. Esther; González, Rocío; Ramos, Alberto; Ruiz, Miguel A.
Chemical and Structural Effects of Bulkness on Bent-Phosphinidene Bridges: Synthesis and Reactivity of the Diiron Complex [Fe2Cp2{μ-P(2,4,6-C6H2tBu3)}(μ-CO)(CO)2]
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1875
4065800 CIFC31 H39 Fe2 O4 PP 1 21/c 110.8126; 13.0255; 20.5208
90; 91.402; 90
2889.3Alvarez, M. Angeles; García, M. Esther; González, Rocío; Ramos, Alberto; Ruiz, Miguel A.
Chemical and Structural Effects of Bulkness on Bent-Phosphinidene Bridges: Synthesis and Reactivity of the Diiron Complex [Fe2Cp2{μ-P(2,4,6-C6H2tBu3)}(μ-CO)(CO)2]
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1875
4065801 CIFC28 H52 N2 O8 Se5 WP b c a12.903; 18.625; 31.683
90; 90; 90
7614Chiu, Wai-Hang; Zhang, Qian-Feng; Williams, Ian D.; Leung, Wa-Hung
Addition of Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate to the [WSe4]2−Anion
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2631
4065802 CIFC34 H59 N2 O12.5 Se4 WP b c a14.7872; 17.6187; 34.699
90; 90; 90
9040.2Chiu, Wai-Hang; Zhang, Qian-Feng; Williams, Ian D.; Leung, Wa-Hung
Addition of Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate to the [WSe4]2−Anion
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2631
4065803 CIFC57 H63 Cr N6P 1 21/c 111.0625; 23.6978; 21.5716
90; 92.399; 90
5650.2Latreche, Saïda; Schaper, Frank
Chromium(III) Bis(diketiminate) Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2180
4065804 CIFC64 H71 Cr N6C 1 2/c 111.0133; 18.4416; 26.4697
90; 97.403; 90
5331.3Latreche, Saïda; Schaper, Frank
Chromium(III) Bis(diketiminate) Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2180
4065805 CIFC38 H42 Cr N4P -19.2442; 9.3053; 9.8732
103.695; 98.265; 101.495
792.17Latreche, Saïda; Schaper, Frank
Chromium(III) Bis(diketiminate) Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2180
4065806 CIFC96 H107 Cl2 Cr2 N10 O0.5P -111.2893; 17.8181; 22.393
86.836; 80.564; 81.874
4396.5Latreche, Saïda; Schaper, Frank
Chromium(III) Bis(diketiminate) Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2180
4065807 CIFC46 H58 Cl2 Cr Li N4 O2P 1 21/c 113.928; 29.976; 11.3571
90; 110.141; 90
4451.7Latreche, Saïda; Schaper, Frank
Chromium(III) Bis(diketiminate) Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2180
4065808 CIFC57 H89 Br0.3 Cl0.7 Ir P2P 1 21/n 112.0661; 16.1554; 26.1451
90; 98.454; 90
5041.2Punji, Benudhar; Emge, Thomas J.; Goldman, Alan S.
A Highly Stable Adamantyl-Substituted Pincer-Ligated Iridium Catalyst for Alkane Dehydrogenation
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2702
4065809 CIFC26 H48.667 Cl Ir P2P 6516.316; 16.316; 19.1731
90; 90; 120
4420.3Punji, Benudhar; Emge, Thomas J.; Goldman, Alan S.
A Highly Stable Adamantyl-Substituted Pincer-Ligated Iridium Catalyst for Alkane Dehydrogenation
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2702
4065810 CIFC61 H102 Cl N2 P2 Ru SiP -110.5987; 14.3344; 20.7699
94.7153; 100.634; 101.96
3010.07Cade, Ian A.; Hill, Anthony F.; Kämpfe, Alexander; Wagler, Jörg
Five-Coordinate Hydrido−Ruthenium(II) Complexes Featuring N-Heterocyclic Silylene and Carbene Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4012
4065811 CIFC46.5 H86 Cl4 N2 P2 RuP -110.1582; 13.6688; 18.9367
96.311; 90.1073; 105.557
2516.34Cade, Ian A.; Hill, Anthony F.; Kämpfe, Alexander; Wagler, Jörg
Five-Coordinate Hydrido−Ruthenium(II) Complexes Featuring N-Heterocyclic Silylene and Carbene Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4012
4065812 CIFC15 H16 N2 O8 Ru3P 21 21 219.4617; 13.8364; 15.833
90; 90; 90
2072.79Cabeza, Javier A.; del Río, Ignacio; Fernández-Colinas, José M.; Pérez-Carreño, Enrique; Vázquez-García, Digna
From Allenes to Edge-Bridging Allyl Ligands or Face-Capping Alkenyl Ligands on a Triruthenium Hydrido Carbonyl Cluster: An Experimental and DFT Computational Study†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4818
4065813 CIFC17 H22 N2 O8 Ru3 SiP 1 21/c 19.5519; 9.4221; 26.6438
90; 95.45; 90
2387.07Cabeza, Javier A.; del Río, Ignacio; Fernández-Colinas, José M.; Pérez-Carreño, Enrique; Vázquez-García, Digna
From Allenes to Edge-Bridging Allyl Ligands or Face-Capping Alkenyl Ligands on a Triruthenium Hydrido Carbonyl Cluster: An Experimental and DFT Computational Study†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4818
4065814 CIFC34 H36 Cl2 N4 O20 Ru6C 1 2/c 133.4604; 12.8129; 27.9386
90; 122.358; 90
10118Cabeza, Javier A.; del Río, Ignacio; Fernández-Colinas, José M.; Pérez-Carreño, Enrique; Vázquez-García, Digna
From Allenes to Edge-Bridging Allyl Ligands or Face-Capping Alkenyl Ligands on a Triruthenium Hydrido Carbonyl Cluster: An Experimental and DFT Computational Study†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4818
4065815 CIFC33 H32 Cl2 N4 O20 Ru6C 1 2/c 121.0688; 15.2472; 17.7538
90; 123.904; 90
4733.5Cabeza, Javier A.; del Río, Ignacio; Fernández-Colinas, José M.; Pérez-Carreño, Enrique; Vázquez-García, Digna
From Allenes to Edge-Bridging Allyl Ligands or Face-Capping Alkenyl Ligands on a Triruthenium Hydrido Carbonyl Cluster: An Experimental and DFT Computational Study†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4818
4065816 CIFC19 H21 N2 O8 Ru3P b c a11.2152; 12.4955; 34.8874
90; 90; 90
4889.1Cabeza, Javier A.; del Río, Ignacio; Fernández-Colinas, José M.; Pérez-Carreño, Enrique; Vázquez-García, Digna
From Allenes to Edge-Bridging Allyl Ligands or Face-Capping Alkenyl Ligands on a Triruthenium Hydrido Carbonyl Cluster: An Experimental and DFT Computational Study†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4818
4065817 CIFC62 H62 B F24 P2 RhP 1 21/c 120.4586; 12.6672; 24.9881
90; 99.6886; 90
6383.38Chaplin, Adrian B.; Tonner, Ralf; Weller, Andrew S.
Isolation of a Low-Coordinate Rhodium Phosphine Complex Formed by C−C Bond Activation of Biphenylene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2710
4065818 CIFC62 H62 B F24 P2 RhP 1 21/c 119.0227; 17.9881; 37.6171
90; 95.2976; 90
12816.9Chaplin, Adrian B.; Tonner, Ralf; Weller, Andrew S.
Isolation of a Low-Coordinate Rhodium Phosphine Complex Formed by C−C Bond Activation of Biphenylene
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2710
4065819 CIFC13 H22 Cl2 N RhP b c a16.2809; 14.3063; 25.6018
90; 90; 90
5963.2Ito, Masato; Tejima, Noriko; Yamamura, Masahiro; Endo, Yoshinori; Ikariya, Takao
Synthesis and Structure of Protic Amine Tethered Rhodium(III) Peralkylcyclopentadienyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1886
4065820 CIFC12 H20 Cl2 N RhP 1 21/n 18.258; 9.123; 18.596
90; 99.194; 90
1383Ito, Masato; Tejima, Noriko; Yamamura, Masahiro; Endo, Yoshinori; Ikariya, Takao
Synthesis and Structure of Protic Amine Tethered Rhodium(III) Peralkylcyclopentadienyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1886
4065821 CIFC14 H22 Cl2 N RhP 1 21 18.303; 15.3941; 11.5884
90; 103.892; 90
1437.9Ito, Masato; Tejima, Noriko; Yamamura, Masahiro; Endo, Yoshinori; Ikariya, Takao
Synthesis and Structure of Protic Amine Tethered Rhodium(III) Peralkylcyclopentadienyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1886
4065822 CIFC19.5 H23 Cl F6 N3 O4 Rh S2P 1 21/a 116.135; 17.906; 17.808
90; 104.503; 90
4981Ito, Masato; Tejima, Noriko; Yamamura, Masahiro; Endo, Yoshinori; Ikariya, Takao
Synthesis and Structure of Protic Amine Tethered Rhodium(III) Peralkylcyclopentadienyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1886
4065823 CIFC20 H24 F6 N3 O4 Rh S2P 1 21/c 115.097; 9.169; 18.188
90; 99.961; 90
2479.7Ito, Masato; Tejima, Noriko; Yamamura, Masahiro; Endo, Yoshinori; Ikariya, Takao
Synthesis and Structure of Protic Amine Tethered Rhodium(III) Peralkylcyclopentadienyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1886
4065824 CIFC20 H26 F6 N3 O5 Rh S2P 1 21/n 110.416; 13.126; 19.447
90; 91.56; 90
2658Ito, Masato; Tejima, Noriko; Yamamura, Masahiro; Endo, Yoshinori; Ikariya, Takao
Synthesis and Structure of Protic Amine Tethered Rhodium(III) Peralkylcyclopentadienyl Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1886
4065825 CIFC14 H7 B F10 SP 1 21/n 110.257; 13.0169; 12.2595
90; 109.639; 90
1541.6Fuller, Anna-Marie; Hughes, David L.; Lancaster, Simon J.; White, Callum M.
Synthesis and Structure of the Dimethyl Sulfide Adducts of Mono- and Bis(pentafluorophenyl)borane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2194
4065826 CIFC8 H8 B F5 SP 1 21/n 112.1602; 6.0157; 13.4785
90; 99.859; 90
971.42Fuller, Anna-Marie; Hughes, David L.; Lancaster, Simon J.; White, Callum M.
Synthesis and Structure of the Dimethyl Sulfide Adducts of Mono- and Bis(pentafluorophenyl)borane
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2194
4065827 CIFC17 H25 N3 O Zn2P c c a26.6205; 8.4091; 16.9137
90; 90; 90
3786.21Kahnes, Marcel; Görls, Helmar; González, Leticia; Westerhausen, Matthias
Synthesis and Catalytic Reactivity of Bis(alkylzinc)-hydride-di(2-pyridylmethyl)amides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3098
4065828 CIFC24 H43 N3 O Si2 Zn2P -110.1235; 10.4059; 14.147
89.213; 88.402; 84.352
1482.4Kahnes, Marcel; Görls, Helmar; González, Leticia; Westerhausen, Matthias
Synthesis and Catalytic Reactivity of Bis(alkylzinc)-hydride-di(2-pyridylmethyl)amides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3098
4065829 CIFC40 H72 N6 Si4 Zn5P -114.332; 17.8121; 22.8966
110.741; 92.335; 103.802
5257.8Kahnes, Marcel; Görls, Helmar; González, Leticia; Westerhausen, Matthias
Synthesis and Catalytic Reactivity of Bis(alkylzinc)-hydride-di(2-pyridylmethyl)amides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3098
4065830 CIFC26 H51 N3 Si4 Zn2P -19.1445; 13.1954; 16.4616
71.47; 75.791; 70.081
1749.6Kahnes, Marcel; Görls, Helmar; González, Leticia; Westerhausen, Matthias
Synthesis and Catalytic Reactivity of Bis(alkylzinc)-hydride-di(2-pyridylmethyl)amides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3098
4065831 CIFC21 H26 N2 ZnP -19.4077; 9.4416; 21.4629
92.702; 93.216; 98.523
1879.4Drouin, Frédéric; Oguadinma, Paul O.; Whitehorne, Todd J. J.; Prud’homme, Robert E.; Schaper, Frank
Lactide Polymerization with Chiral β-Diketiminate Zinc Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2139
4065832 CIFC38 H42 N4 ZnC 1 2/c 114.821; 15.1994; 14.2091
90; 90.01; 90
3200.89Drouin, Frédéric; Oguadinma, Paul O.; Whitehorne, Todd J. J.; Prud’homme, Robert E.; Schaper, Frank
Lactide Polymerization with Chiral β-Diketiminate Zinc Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2139
4065833 CIFC25 H39 N3 Si2 ZnP -18.1588; 11.0074; 15.8174
90.658; 98.133; 102.576
1371.18Drouin, Frédéric; Oguadinma, Paul O.; Whitehorne, Todd J. J.; Prud’homme, Robert E.; Schaper, Frank
Lactide Polymerization with Chiral β-Diketiminate Zinc Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2139
4065834 CIFC48 H64 N4 O2 Zn2P 21 21 2112.9219; 18.4221; 18.6609
90; 90; 90
4442.2Drouin, Frédéric; Oguadinma, Paul O.; Whitehorne, Todd J. J.; Prud’homme, Robert E.; Schaper, Frank
Lactide Polymerization with Chiral β-Diketiminate Zinc Complexes
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2139
4065835 CIFC30 H31 Cl2 O P TiP -114.517; 15.48; 17.133
88.518; 73.931; 63.486
3289Liu, Nazhen; Wang, Aichen; Sun, Hongjian; Li, Xiaoyan
Simple Synthesis of (Triphenylphosphoniomethylidene)(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) titanium(IV) Dichloride and Its Reaction with Carbon Monoxide
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1996
4065836 CIFC64 H104 Ca Ga2 N8P 1 21/c 121.835; 14.049; 21.549
90; 95.48; 90
6580Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065837 CIFC64 H104 Ga2 N8 SrC 1 2/c 129.407; 14.031; 21.729
90; 131.56; 90
6709Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065838 CIFC68 H114 Ba Ga2 N8 OP 21 21 2118.122; 18.522; 21.842
90; 90; 90
7331Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065839 CIFC61 H93 Ga Mg N6C 1 c 122.756; 14.259; 21.172
90; 120.91; 90
5894Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065840 CIFC32 H52 Br Ga N4 ZnP 1 21/c 112.837; 13.316; 20.512
90; 92.83; 90
3502Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065841 CIFC33.5 H55.5 Cd Ga I N4P -111.673; 17.925; 19.481
104.83; 98.02; 91.53
3893.6Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065842 CIFC32 H52 Cd Ga I N4P 1 21/n 111.368; 14.249; 21.409
90; 95.88; 90
3449.6Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065843 CIFC55 H77 Ga N4 ZnP 1 21/n 111.971; 21.713; 20.586
90; 100.64; 90
5258.8Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065844 CIFC66 H108 Ba Ga2 N6 O2P b c a19.341; 18.414; 39.322
90; 90; 90
14004Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065845 CIFC41 H71 Cd2 I4 Li N2 O3P 1 21/n 112.198; 31.144; 14.723
90; 114.25; 90
5100Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065846 CIFC37 H61 Ga Li N2 O2P 1 21/n 119.219; 10.009; 21.274
90; 113.13; 90
3763.4Bonello, Owen; Jones, Cameron; Stasch, Andreas; Woodul, William D.
Group 2 and 12 Metal Gallyl Complexes Containing Unsupported Ga−M Covalent Bonds (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd)†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4914
4065847 CIFC16 H20 Cl3 N3 RuP 1 21/c 17.5561; 15.3044; 15.2179
90; 104.439; 90
1704.24Fukui, Sohei; Suzuki, Noriyuki; Wada, Tohru; Tanaka, Koji; Nagao, Hirotaka
Formation and Structure of an (Iminium ion)ruthenium Complex and Reaction of the Iminium Ion Moiety with Alcohols
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1534
4065848 CIFC16 H21 Cl3 N3 RuP 1 21/n 17.7766; 14.6864; 15.2361
90; 100.205; 90
1712.59Fukui, Sohei; Suzuki, Noriyuki; Wada, Tohru; Tanaka, Koji; Nagao, Hirotaka
Formation and Structure of an (Iminium ion)ruthenium Complex and Reaction of the Iminium Ion Moiety with Alcohols
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 1534
4065849 CIFC26 H30 Mn O2P -19.094; 9.775; 13.066
80.539; 72.62; 71.148
1046Crisp, Jeffrey A.; Meier, Ryan M.; Overby, Jason S.; Hanusa, Timothy P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Brennessel, William W.
Indenyl Complexes of Manganese(II). Conformational Flexibility of the Manganese(II)−(RnC9H7−n) Bond
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2322
4065850 CIFC24 H30 Mn Si2P 1 21/c 111.826; 8.128; 12.663
90; 113.469; 90
1116.5Crisp, Jeffrey A.; Meier, Ryan M.; Overby, Jason S.; Hanusa, Timothy P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Brennessel, William W.
Indenyl Complexes of Manganese(II). Conformational Flexibility of the Manganese(II)−(RnC9H7−n) Bond
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2322
4065851 CIFC30 H46 Mn Si4P n a 2111.315; 16.399; 38.383
90; 90; 90
7122Crisp, Jeffrey A.; Meier, Ryan M.; Overby, Jason S.; Hanusa, Timothy P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Brennessel, William W.
Indenyl Complexes of Manganese(II). Conformational Flexibility of the Manganese(II)−(RnC9H7−n) Bond
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2322
4065852 CIFC234 H270 K6 Mn6 O18P 6319.125; 19.125; 32.076
90; 90; 120
10160Crisp, Jeffrey A.; Meier, Ryan M.; Overby, Jason S.; Hanusa, Timothy P.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Brennessel, William W.
Indenyl Complexes of Manganese(II). Conformational Flexibility of the Manganese(II)−(RnC9H7−n) Bond
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2322
4065853 CIFC19 H33 B Cl F4 Fe N3 O2 P2P 1 21 18.0019; 29.868; 11.398
90; 107.434; 90
2599Benito-Garagorri, David; Alves, Luis Gonçalo; Veiros, Luis F.; Standfest-Hauser, Christina M.; Tanaka, Shinji; Mereiter, Kurt; Kirchner, Karl
Kinetically Controlled Formation of Octahedraltrans-Dicarbonyl Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes: The Decisive Role of Spin-State Changes§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4932
4065854 CIFC20 H33 Cl F3 Fe N3 O5 P2 SP 1 21 111.3222; 10.2793; 12.6768
90; 111.342; 90
1374.21Benito-Garagorri, David; Alves, Luis Gonçalo; Veiros, Luis F.; Standfest-Hauser, Christina M.; Tanaka, Shinji; Mereiter, Kurt; Kirchner, Karl
Kinetically Controlled Formation of Octahedraltrans-Dicarbonyl Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes: The Decisive Role of Spin-State Changes§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4932
4065855 CIFC23 H43 B Br F4 Fe N3 O3 P2F d d d :211.5251; 24.5644; 42.952
90; 90; 90
12160Benito-Garagorri, David; Alves, Luis Gonçalo; Veiros, Luis F.; Standfest-Hauser, Christina M.; Tanaka, Shinji; Mereiter, Kurt; Kirchner, Karl
Kinetically Controlled Formation of Octahedraltrans-Dicarbonyl Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes: The Decisive Role of Spin-State Changes§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4932
4065856 CIFC35 H69 B2 F8 Fe N9 O6 P2P 1 21/c 111.3009; 43.262; 10.4947
90; 104.11; 90
4976.1Benito-Garagorri, David; Alves, Luis Gonçalo; Veiros, Luis F.; Standfest-Hauser, Christina M.; Tanaka, Shinji; Mereiter, Kurt; Kirchner, Karl
Kinetically Controlled Formation of Octahedraltrans-Dicarbonyl Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes: The Decisive Role of Spin-State Changes§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4932
4065857 CIFC17 H33 Cl2 Fe N3 P2F d d 226.6478; 43.3956; 9.4129
90; 90; 90
10885.1Benito-Garagorri, David; Alves, Luis Gonçalo; Veiros, Luis F.; Standfest-Hauser, Christina M.; Tanaka, Shinji; Mereiter, Kurt; Kirchner, Karl
Kinetically Controlled Formation of Octahedraltrans-Dicarbonyl Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes: The Decisive Role of Spin-State Changes§
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4932
4065858 CIFC67 H100 N8 O6 Si4P 1 21/n 110.7264; 28.415; 23.012
90; 101.979; 90
6861.1Sen, Sakya S.; Tavčar, Gašper; Roesky, Herbert W.; Kratzert, Daniel; Hey, Jakob; Stalke, Dietmar
Synthesis of a Stable Four-Membered Si2O2Ring and a Dimer with Two Four-Membered Si2O2Rings Bridged by Two Oxygen Atoms, with Five-Coordinate Silicon Atoms in Both Ring Systems
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2343
4065859 CIFC70 H84 N4 O2 Si2P 1 21/n 112.484; 11.4379; 21.383
90; 100.954; 90
2997.7Sen, Sakya S.; Tavčar, Gašper; Roesky, Herbert W.; Kratzert, Daniel; Hey, Jakob; Stalke, Dietmar
Synthesis of a Stable Four-Membered Si2O2Ring and a Dimer with Two Four-Membered Si2O2Rings Bridged by Two Oxygen Atoms, with Five-Coordinate Silicon Atoms in Both Ring Systems
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2343
4065860 CIFC62 H102 Ca3 I4 N8P 1 2/c 115.55; 16.668; 14.904
90; 116.273; 90
3464Sarish, Sankaranarayana Pillai; Jana, Anukul; Roesky, Herbert W.; Schulz, Thomas; Stalke, Dietmar
A [I−Ca−I−Ca−I−Ca−I]2+Chain Stabilized by Two Chelating β-Diketiminate Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2901
4065861 CIFC58.33 H82.66 Cl0.66 Hg N4R -3 :H33.4216; 33.4216; 12.6432
90; 90; 120
12230.4Ferro, Lorenzo; Coles, Martyn P.; Day, Iain J.; Fulton, J. Robin
Taking Advantage of Hg−C Bonds: Synthesis of the First Homoleptic Bis-β-diketiminate Complex Bound through the γ-Carbons
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2911
4065862 CIFC36 H41 O2 P2 RhP -16.8633; 11.6332; 20.9725
104.909; 98.667; 90.515
1597.64Christiansen, Andrea; Selent, Detlef; Spannenberg, Anke; Baumann, Wolfgang; Franke, Robert; Börner, Armin
Reaction of Secondary Phosphine Oxides with Rhodium(I)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3139
4065863 CIFC31.5 H17 F16 N4 O2 P2 RhP 1 21/n 113.8014; 15.818; 15.8529
90; 90.31; 90
3460.8Christiansen, Andrea; Selent, Detlef; Spannenberg, Anke; Baumann, Wolfgang; Franke, Robert; Börner, Armin
Reaction of Secondary Phosphine Oxides with Rhodium(I)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3139
4065864 CIFC32 H32 B F2 O2 P2 RhP 1 21/n 112.546; 17.317; 13.706
90; 100.84; 90
2924.6Christiansen, Andrea; Selent, Detlef; Spannenberg, Anke; Baumann, Wolfgang; Franke, Robert; Börner, Armin
Reaction of Secondary Phosphine Oxides with Rhodium(I)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3139
4065865 CIFC28 H12 B F18 N4 O2 P2 RhP 1 21/n 111.8043; 17.4829; 16.1498
90; 106.718; 90
3192.02Christiansen, Andrea; Selent, Detlef; Spannenberg, Anke; Baumann, Wolfgang; Franke, Robert; Börner, Armin
Reaction of Secondary Phosphine Oxides with Rhodium(I)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3139
4065866 CIFC50 H47 O4 P4 RhP -110.924; 11.766; 19.58
106.88; 91.35; 111.89
2209.8Christiansen, Andrea; Selent, Detlef; Spannenberg, Anke; Baumann, Wolfgang; Franke, Robert; Börner, Armin
Reaction of Secondary Phosphine Oxides with Rhodium(I)
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 3139
4065867 CIFC27 H40 B N7 PtP -110.9293; 11.9574; 22.0161
78.747; 83.337; 78.822
2759.19Engelman, Kristi L.; White, Peter S.; Templeton, Joseph L.
Synthesis of Isonitrile, Iminoacyl, and Aminocarbene Tp′Pt Complexes†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4943
4065868 CIFC25 H34 B N7 PtP 1 21/n 110.9517; 19.4849; 12.2946
90; 93.826; 90
2617.73Engelman, Kristi L.; White, Peter S.; Templeton, Joseph L.
Synthesis of Isonitrile, Iminoacyl, and Aminocarbene Tp′Pt Complexes†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4943
4065869 CIFC27 H39 B Cl2 I N7 PtP -111.0982; 11.9831; 12.536
86.822; 75.098; 76.798
1568.5Engelman, Kristi L.; White, Peter S.; Templeton, Joseph L.
Synthesis of Isonitrile, Iminoacyl, and Aminocarbene Tp′Pt Complexes†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4943
4065870 CIFC25 H34 B Cl N7 PtC 1 c 112.6745; 24.5151; 9.8781
90; 119.46; 90
2672.4Engelman, Kristi L.; White, Peter S.; Templeton, Joseph L.
Synthesis of Isonitrile, Iminoacyl, and Aminocarbene Tp′Pt Complexes†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4943
4065871 CIFC43 H42 Cl F6 Fe N P3P 1 21/c 117.3677; 12.6604; 18.3312
90; 93.827; 90
4021.71Paul, Frédéric; Malvolti, Floriane; da Costa, Grégory; Le Stang, Sylvie; Justaud, Frédéric; Argouarch, Gilles; Bondon, Arnaud; Sinbandhit, Sourisak; Costuas, Karine; Toupet, Loic; Lapinte, Claude
Spin Distribution in Electron-Rich Piano-Stool Iron(III) Pyridylalkynyl Radical Cations Containing [(η2-dppe)(η5-C5Me5)FeC≡C]+End Groups
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2491
4065872 CIFC43 H42 Br F6 Fe N P3P 1 21/c 117.5014; 12.8073; 18.3184
90; 94.169; 90
4095.1Paul, Frédéric; Malvolti, Floriane; da Costa, Grégory; Le Stang, Sylvie; Justaud, Frédéric; Argouarch, Gilles; Bondon, Arnaud; Sinbandhit, Sourisak; Costuas, Karine; Toupet, Loic; Lapinte, Claude
Spin Distribution in Electron-Rich Piano-Stool Iron(III) Pyridylalkynyl Radical Cations Containing [(η2-dppe)(η5-C5Me5)FeC≡C]+End Groups
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2491
4065873 CIFC30 H48 Cl4 F6 N2 O6 Rh2 S2P b c a13.85; 11.311; 26.322
90; 90; 90
4124Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065874 CIFC14 H19 Cl F3 N2 O2 Rh SP -19.455; 14.086; 14.423
76.758; 87.957; 85.835
1864.5Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065875 CIFC15 H21 Cl F3 N2 O2 Rh SP 21 21 219.7944; 12.732; 14.907
90; 90; 90
1858.9Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065876 CIFC16 H23 Cl F3 N2 O2 Rh SP 1 21/c 111.1322; 8.5738; 20.592
90; 97.201; 90
1949.9Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065877 CIFC14 H19 Cl F3 Ir N2 O2 SP -19.413; 14.029; 14.353
76.665; 87.742; 85.661
1838.5Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065878 CIFC15 H21 Cl F3 Ir N2 O2 SP 21 21 219.804; 12.7434; 14.8864
90; 90; 90
1859.9Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065879 CIFC16 H23 Cl F3 Ir N2 O2 SP 1 21/c 111.16; 8.6411; 20.518
90; 97.199; 90
1963Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065880 CIFC28 H36 F3 Ir N3 O5 S2P 1 21 19.5809; 16.3451; 10.2339
90; 104.031; 90
1554.8Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065881 CIFC29 H37 Cl2 F3 Ir N3 O4 S2P 1 21 117.713; 15.819; 18.844
90; 105.997; 90
5076Ito, Masato; Endo, Yoshinori; Tejima, Noriko; Ikariya, Takao
Bifunctional Triflylamide-Tethered Cp′Rh and Cp′Ir Complexes: A New Entry for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalysts
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2397
4065882 CIFC41 H76 P4 Rh2 SP 1 21/n 18.8482; 24.78; 20.581
90; 95.548; 90
4491.4Oster, Stephen S.; Grochowski, Matthew R.; Lachicotte, Rene J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
Carbon−Sulfur Bond Activation of Dibenzothiophenes and Phenoxythiin by [Rh(dippe)(μ-H)]2and [Rh2(dippe)2(μ-Cl)(μ-H)]†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4923
4065883 CIFC54 H86 P4 Rh2 S2P 1 21/c 120.2048; 15.6941; 16.7713
90; 96.491; 90
5284Oster, Stephen S.; Grochowski, Matthew R.; Lachicotte, Rene J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
Carbon−Sulfur Bond Activation of Dibenzothiophenes and Phenoxythiin by [Rh(dippe)(μ-H)]2and [Rh2(dippe)2(μ-Cl)(μ-H)]†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4923
4065884 CIFC42 H78 P4 Rh2 SP 1 21 18.9137; 24.81; 20.927
90; 100.589; 90
4549.2Oster, Stephen S.; Grochowski, Matthew R.; Lachicotte, Rene J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
Carbon−Sulfur Bond Activation of Dibenzothiophenes and Phenoxythiin by [Rh(dippe)(μ-H)]2and [Rh2(dippe)2(μ-Cl)(μ-H)]†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4923
4065885 CIFC28 H66 P4 Rh2 S0.5P 1 21/n 110.059; 21.923; 16.31
90; 102.755; 90
3508Oster, Stephen S.; Grochowski, Matthew R.; Lachicotte, Rene J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
Carbon−Sulfur Bond Activation of Dibenzothiophenes and Phenoxythiin by [Rh(dippe)(μ-H)]2and [Rh2(dippe)2(μ-Cl)(μ-H)]†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4923
4065886 CIFC40 H74 O P4 Rh2 SC 1 2/c 119.6405; 15.3752; 29.8693
90; 93.909; 90
8998.8Oster, Stephen S.; Grochowski, Matthew R.; Lachicotte, Rene J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
Carbon−Sulfur Bond Activation of Dibenzothiophenes and Phenoxythiin by [Rh(dippe)(μ-H)]2and [Rh2(dippe)2(μ-Cl)(μ-H)]†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4923
4065887 CIFC40 H73 Cl P4 Rh2 SP 21 21 2110.6487; 16.7577; 25.3727
90; 90; 90
4527.7Oster, Stephen S.; Grochowski, Matthew R.; Lachicotte, Rene J.; Brennessel, William W.; Jones, William D.
Carbon−Sulfur Bond Activation of Dibenzothiophenes and Phenoxythiin by [Rh(dippe)(μ-H)]2and [Rh2(dippe)2(μ-Cl)(μ-H)]†
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 4923
4065888 CIFC38 H55 Cl2 N4 NbP 1 21/c 18.8653; 17.9863; 24.392
90; 99.792; 90
3832.7Tomson, Neil C.; Arnold, John; Bergman, Robert G.
Halo, Alkyl, Aryl, and Bis(imido) Complexes of Niobium Supported by the beta-Diketiminato Ligand.
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2926-2942
4065889 CIFC41 H58 Cl2 N3 NbP b c a17.84; 21.065; 21.778
90; 90; 90
8184Tomson, Neil C.; Arnold, John; Bergman, Robert G.
Halo, Alkyl, Aryl, and Bis(imido) Complexes of Niobium Supported by the beta-Diketiminato Ligand.
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2926-2942
4065890 CIFC40 H57 Cl N3 NbP 21 21 2113.757; 16.524; 17.039
90; 90; 90
3873.3Tomson, Neil C.; Arnold, John; Bergman, Robert G.
Halo, Alkyl, Aryl, and Bis(imido) Complexes of Niobium Supported by the beta-Diketiminato Ligand.
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2926-2942
4065891 CIFC42 H64 N5 NbP b c a19.6487; 18.8868; 22.3644
90; 90; 90
8299.5Tomson, Neil C.; Arnold, John; Bergman, Robert G.
Halo, Alkyl, Aryl, and Bis(imido) Complexes of Niobium Supported by the beta-Diketiminato Ligand.
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2926-2942
4065892 CIFC44 H69 N6 NbP 1 21/n 115.53; 12.284; 23.724
90; 107.887; 90
4307.1Tomson, Neil C.; Arnold, John; Bergman, Robert G.
Halo, Alkyl, Aryl, and Bis(imido) Complexes of Niobium Supported by the beta-Diketiminato Ligand.
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2926-2942
4065893 CIFC23 H21 Cl F6 N7 Os PP 1 21/n 114.7557; 13.193; 14.9139
90; 93.475; 90
2897.98Wong, Chun-Yuen; Lai, Lo-Ming; Pat, Pak-Kei; Chung, Lai-Hon
Osmium Complexes Containing N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Based C,N,C-Pincer Ligands
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2533
4065894 CIFC10 H23 B2 Cl ZrP 1 21/n 17.2274; 14.5425; 13.4015
90; 93.176; 90
1406.4Liu, Fu-Chen; Chu, Yong-Jui; Yang, Chien-Chan; Lee, Gene-Hsian; Peng, Shie-Ming
Syntheses and Structures of Zirconium Tetranuclear Polyhydrides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2685
4065895 CIFC47 H76 Cl4 Zr4P -4 21 m21.7273; 21.7273; 10.5748
90; 90; 90
4992.1Liu, Fu-Chen; Chu, Yong-Jui; Yang, Chien-Chan; Lee, Gene-Hsian; Peng, Shie-Ming
Syntheses and Structures of Zirconium Tetranuclear Polyhydrides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2685
4065896 CIFC46 H74 Cl4 Zr4P -4 21 m21.62; 21.62; 10.6009
90; 90; 90
4955.1Liu, Fu-Chen; Chu, Yong-Jui; Yang, Chien-Chan; Lee, Gene-Hsian; Peng, Shie-Ming
Syntheses and Structures of Zirconium Tetranuclear Polyhydrides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2685
4065897 CIFC22 H39 Cl2 O0.5 Zr2P -4 21 m16.0703; 16.0703; 9.6812
90; 90; 90
2500.2Liu, Fu-Chen; Chu, Yong-Jui; Yang, Chien-Chan; Lee, Gene-Hsian; Peng, Shie-Ming
Syntheses and Structures of Zirconium Tetranuclear Polyhydrides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2685
4065898 CIFC40 H90 B6 Zr4P 1 2/n 116.4209; 9.4093; 16.7948
90; 102.662; 90
2531.8Liu, Fu-Chen; Chu, Yong-Jui; Yang, Chien-Chan; Lee, Gene-Hsian; Peng, Shie-Ming
Syntheses and Structures of Zirconium Tetranuclear Polyhydrides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2685
4065899 CIFC47 H92 B4 Zr4P -115.967; 16.757; 22.094
108.383; 106.342; 90.385
5353.5Liu, Fu-Chen; Chu, Yong-Jui; Yang, Chien-Chan; Lee, Gene-Hsian; Peng, Shie-Ming
Syntheses and Structures of Zirconium Tetranuclear Polyhydrides
Organometallics, 2010, 29, 2685

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